The Huron Expositor, 1888-11-30, Page 8�7 777 f _7 p t XPO NOVEmBAn A is T T HA- N SITO Sweet wig '201:11 baok*ardst and not 14. into a ------ 113, lits, es. Dn Horcey is enter t meeting' was hild. I The -ran into her and 8 spor t6e protect the partles - - the uoe'of dogs and CO fit", refreohmO seeing M�s weeli,'he- H otio artnership with Dr"Whitiloy who is in 4169 -th, b6th foll.' rX3K, N1 at arly iwthe buafaeastkoni bt�iuj entirdlyi. to "atill hunti a mays a were: such a -ladie's `of' thi's se n Miss Weeks Struck the back rag yeat. They in - ad C -h oasions, W to .-SweeVs sksteo.wb red Within the season,of the, year at naby door are neAlbstly injured -usually serv',,e on oe .6 gold ich gre P epee le snd will -by-the use raise: nee e( ter d to take *u: lalties On which of her heid bn Me r in "Ouse, fresh wire d6livered,,by Mr. 'eylisire. een w or some ty meat is plentiful of--dogsi . it inight' be well' is the highest p d I,- while suitw i d into Mr. H wb b orking f ti, ie out it 0 h B I * es is e was carrie, -for those otiour. ag, tors who interest 'Able ad arg- period, from be. A% Ar a Case, aifd 4 iloctor - sent for,',. indefinite Brow for An W� p' d themselves in the &we to consider ..Graut And. neighboring ministers,. an She rems, -on I. All sloes, I [upon by parti6swllo- five not Same t Ined une solous, foe nearly an - '0vJb no imposed. Ova Oats, oveico%ts f -several -charniing musical $elections by Aulleti. overcoats, and cibildren!9 overcOftts- ig * to the taxes 0 these Points- houi,but Is now doing as well as exti be co; tributing -anythii Injees, �autbs�� b of the' 'MO itudy-oade; on! "in' -abundance at prices -un- Who, sell fresh meat. in the church: choir. The proceeds OF CO;q1)AVxcfr,.' To Mrdi a. for TION - 1 This will be a warning 11 dealer' ih( towno and were stiofsotory expectedi habl to'All 0011- -VeVittie.and the quar- week'4 splendid Stdck of -all over the tovy u during the LOCIA Bmiv% -Mr. John Carroll has services. s those skating to be miore* careful. &bvtsma ved t opp mmed, aid creditable to the liberality 1orlyofficial board-, -of the Londesboro' B311F Cora� Vantassol, of -ur Tadfes! and, OcuVs r have What is callecl. 801VAIs rti And -buslueso in, �.t, 5, hotel prove ysi rur 0 %WW to, u a. # - . I I . I . V � ago , . - +�, 11 .4ircitit, issembleiij wish t' as been: visiting friends aloves, &c. of the cq�p !on, o-iexpress'. a Clinton, Wh h gregat T- ut T isders, By -Law to prevent- 4tils toWn to Mr. Aseph B614 of Stibleyo, ale hied our merchants vVith James '=of the loss'we hAive.susts rmer e . n'b of 19 mond- wi po e imposing on, Tor tho sum of, $6i000 hiroixeturned home 6ii-Ttiesdayeven- KARD,-- Hibbekt.. h. o depktted broth, He, of JAM -8+ PIC Dmething to the fuude -Mulcahy,- a fo resid Vurdear- iug.:.�Mii Richard -Biesett and !siting friends.;­ uLT-uu4D . Cozicrmz -The-- Hib- r, Sitaon a tie� - 'Hii -Proseno Mr; OU cpntVibating a d'f Mad . so -Of B town. - By all means let bave ville, - returpe rom. Victoria, Citiou Lo�don -kre'hepev Xldd�s old stand, rth U I . I fletian council I . T. eafo jenoo of bett Agrioqltural So6ietk will hold their and Jiberality for pi7e ent-very tick*' - — .... TWO 'd in, fresh miat'under ense Columbia;. listweek -after an abi William Drew Js at - ft trd4 here far4' 6 in -the town hall Staffi, nany �yeara have. been a great source 61 al a at of par - annual cohoor A fiveyeam He will: remain He is sudeting fro roke tdm that is a reasonable lie m ,av IF d f 7 Thursday evening,. Decom ioli and e�cduragement to us. We e y man who pays his license ab com- few mofithe.-Mr. Sciathp. one -of the -In-' on ber 43th slysis in bis acet w ich is- driwil out of P . 1 8 Wi the . pr ovis. 119-10 -law, -did prog e to convey, hdar - M I Frimnie will be pro- iii to you our tfolt Sym Eo Waii 001 when a. t pkiached the jo f '.tb a by. ipectors of High Schools abdCollesiste ' a sbapj,"Uev. B, Clethen t a on Ind' In 0 the bu ness. - "It' luodintes who, paid an official. visit 4o. vided., y a 0 - g this- b he )athy in; tbe loss of an aff6- ji te sermons. e Methodist I tt ndin oncert re �y; engage in ell 'hein the concil the Sqaforth last n - u r church- At Parkhill on Sunday Istit. -The er in lit ad be W w itute &1�w week people will enj6y, a pleasant evening And levoted-husba id a id fAlfei And in mission Apecial, Deal- New DISTRICT MATTERS. passing this by- nse "and in his report to- i4e Board- says: - 1111ho.: "Will, at the same time, be rendering aid.- hio'hour of -your sorrow cominend you ilpitwas law to li 'Jo�meastre'etMethodistChurchpt.. OV rtments one to the a ultural Soci o- the, fatherly I e; and.,touder sym- upied-in the morning of gubday last bty, MfflinO endoes of milk grio OCC ry ulate'the V t fix taff isalso in most depa t, r - an RFAuRX OF isthy of Him who caneal t b I be he wounds the evenin V11 itig gre A14*.()Lb R9$1DPNT,-Mr'. J )URTEil stje ry amoon , t to be. paid by the The, the beat in -the Peoviuce d cannot rtneV, afid in T the sweet - r C1 oul' &� to do excellent -work, "-The-recent s elob of W abousin, - is over on- hich abrrow has.made. 6 Mr. - T 011130011t 0 Mantlej� tied ito 6 harged Tstfi6k W f &ntralia,- Miss CoAtillue oUnt, that can be c y an eat'her is, sp -Mrs, Pallaghau, Susan' .. a onel 41. per. w loiling the good * roads d of. rest he has I return 0 plote, in all, a;tme 0 i- a visit to his daughterdi ed in still vory co Ot t� exces be e1torn, ies d)�ir minsUee dn who, was in -th6 -of Dublin,.and. Mrs# Mathews, of the d your loss is' his infinite and eternal . D Goods, btit g a- go g fast, and p tended o.,bring. Mr.- Hkrry J, Scott, Chicago' on Tuesday ovining,.w-Mr. J.A re,ts -and, is -simply in ooat ft by-law. grgoorybutiness. som as second conce'snion. M�. Welshwaa,one aid. On behalf b6.'Board,­�-D uig�t for ChMP Ing. to ur6h'se.: shouI4 cO t -iumn'derthepiovislons of t a time,.h o BRUNf St6war4lieft'here on �Tuesday'. ho I oe well Of the ..as of -silks,-&c. 11 Seafooh. 1091- the ft toreate.of rem'oved to Toronto.m�The entrance. 6rly. sittlori- 1his township Toronto to pFr d OGE mig a a dheide more goo. 0 -the bread inations or,' thi High Schools having., taken up vAiTER the arm on the 6th by -1 should am parties that meeting of ea bi Mr. Morris.' mm -4 -At a 0 LN ., 1611eiiati Institutes common. on the concessioni'now own arosuireotiou. see, -to have -C ce Brussels." the Seaforth-- sledbnish� Society Held oil 1069 heedld! -out, an4- rem unshine., Thi-sis a goo time1or 1964; of Peepnibere.-The 0edorth band, About Ovo4'tO ne eut'of use, CAL I eon' THE" ovzNAlqT- RHX*ZW1PD. e council. to 'm ke a MOVO in these no . w1h . the'oo eather.bas so ;n' W1 cousid. retnatkably strong. -,u his. lastFirlds ening, the following Offi- Id t .-Lo Bumrs.-The roads have b' New Arriva)s venaut Rdnewed," f tilk" CO re e ted for. the current year ore the, end -6f the ear, ivery and'healthy looking, although he must cers- we 11A ters iud Will givia musical evening once rery roukh. of late but ire beginning to - -expool 1 0 in all t Ohief,'Dr. C 'hieftain, . -pushing week in Ithe towit' hall �bst;E&4 of on be on theha y side of nty, and afternoon, C eve h morning he is active ia exception lasi , Si bat y councillor 1 1mooth down,� and ithout hieft4in, Goo. Patter- will Stan Rev. Gii`P '11owi A. Lyons ward; legislation .6 " Cod Main, street as- heretofore. They will for a, of- "thi's 'placq, said 9 vheoling, fibver was better this time nix'- f the' rge niag Departments.. 'hieftain W�M; McKay.; I byi aa I spl?bar in the- hall eacli. Frid-by eve B&Yfieldi e nee o!f being eleate( f the year. -A social will be -held in- the that 8 chem,'Which is thoScep, Fla Assistant -Secre- Socreb�ey, A Dewar E 1i in e: coun- wh-bn a ]I as tb� camping Hty I - - &II, are tordially iuvited.--�-The H. -'F. EDWARDS his. just received thodist Church for benefif of..the facts of this lea o , W *6 want live me the* Treasureri J.. ta J., Fear; Jubilee Singers who gave 0 i of anothIm h ol on-Thirsday. bvening, the ground �'of Abraham', and Jacob four f 1899.—JoHN' BmkTTrH- Fisk, no h sagply.. of Cips, The nowest 'styles Rey A' Mer, 01,0 nday.so o -th utertainm6to 1�re on RVe Jockey. Caps; &o. See them" at the ;D ctiaplxi� eir . -popu sr- e A: � h of , ext mouth.-Wril... Soott-As&s 'centurios before. Jobhs's day�, it is 35 C' ftice Store,.. n tment d armichael WeAssor Nonot.-The seml- annu%1-1. mWting Thursday evening. of' Isit. ed of this week. miles ii6ith of ', Jerusalem and now - )d bee on W need ri St�ong.; Pipers, F. BRIms. -Last -.Week aiiother partyof. ag. es, Oj the members of the meebanics'144tUtO. will greeted- by-a'good houffe;. sud'tfie enter- e saw mill and lactory 'will be remov. Called -;.fiblous, - bavi a Mahom4dau Reading'Room, on Tuaiday even -fie"herine'n- rotum; e'd home for I at �Best6ji and The, - Society' bo held Intb( taintfient gave the bestostisfaotion to all he,tOnter. to Soutfi in about S., 0101601C. - The Il- dfrwh-heie Am ton. rpoulation.of over 10,000, who lose no goo e e here haw a go d I ?pportuni 'TA in,, next, December 4th, at 0 a of has been away on 'trated And other pipe eral volumes of Ir of"Insulting Jews-atid- Chris xiemb�rihip� list 'i%ud. is heard iti'-' here - is a ;.-Mr G. H." Howson. j)r ss ondiiieu., Threef-its nrip an is I ;WO weeks. 0 prosper ev DEBA�XNG'8601ETY. The- - people of 1tians. �'The most iutei e rs' od some worn oi purchising.t d idw. rdeeiving a 6 R wiews, and M an tit 6hanieln the* perecinnel of ' t e ortmeut of Christmas goods. - as- in members, v 1. Campbellt' Bard. since their Iasi � visit here. -Mr. au E., McFa-ds. Chief: booki, will be sold as' 6ual. K. MOORE, e COMP&I I choic ARB -of 'Sh4chein are the -. Samaritais,. -Who ulm - Des d Dz Bdwie'in�ind takiii Moretary. 1094X1 Moli4ay.evehing i meeting was held his place and vi;oinity Cali no boast 9 Shaver., An old-time reSidout of Sesforth', On udividuals; who Possess M Literary and -- Debating Society.,, The ber dyoi 100 1 Andre*'e. demonAratioTi AFE* articles at LAIDLAw's-.Shred- but who � has been *bsent for several in Mar" hall, wheu.-the"young peoples? gue a relic still more later - part in the 8 clety is. known as thi Morris Centr6 �.th4li gypago B1 fl Id ' was organ- 11 h* h are written Celebrated Millinery, Dr� it Goderich is, Dr. Bowie, ed Cod Fish,con be cooked in live minutes, -,intends returnitighere again with Iiteraiy.8odii*i of 1094 itorary and Debating. Society and will estlng� it is a ro In lext meeting thibookg.of Moolenis IQ atnarit. r(quireenb soaking beforehand. Tryft!.. we believe, is the old6st aledonian in 'his family -to reside, --�-Mr. M. R. Counter- ized and bfficeri aloe _4 old meetings' IV tht on -towaship hall The S' -I ano- is. to be held A we, ram Friday.-r"Last, Goods and Mautle� House. GOOD"MliCH' COW -FO a 6-buiplimentisfy ekf' entertained at is the Kibbonf$l I& to. be very.alternatp Frid evening at 7.30 allggei that thismanuseript work od Milch about the, Ist sy In mingi, a' ter Five Cow, Calved Thured o I A. few weeks 6r. years old- rot SEAFORTH. at rican -Appl -k, sharp. 'The -'to of 'Phineas, the'Osu4son W� NFORMATIJ1iN -Supper st*Kennedy'i Hotel this evouing� illuese, Mrs.' Middletc�n pissed sway -o olo6 meeting it yto K. CALDER, WANTED. 1094x2 'S1 Worth. to- big departure for Winnipel or fi e held on Fri -day evening of this -week, Agion, 4A fewguiopean and Ame Campbelli 4f Watford; Ontario, is n 'an ove, leavi ber eternal homo. Deceased was in the to time CAp As Fruits at Lildlaw"s, 1094. . d Mrs. Counter, -we beli Obtained' STU e for. debate Resolved oo4 ififor us, hati is bitter to easigrate to -s forest - anxious to b in mation, concera- the Park 75thyear of her age *and Was very, hi h 0 ocument. In a Eight of the' 'precious d uti xander LZOATs.-artim- baving'00,to to Sell her' on Saturday. "Hodgi of one Ale Wspic. ly'respected,. The. funeral oi' Satur 6, mg the whei eatio y AA1130. N8V find- ai ready market and higheit prices at- ill barber,- Who was arrested on i ;o 'a prairie country, Theaffirms- Sh6oh#i�',. or Nablous, there- is a Pro- 6ii4ending m f, was argi Gf �t), wh6m he de cribes can e of GRI$vx &. SUWA in I ' dy attended-, service bein �tl t ne%v SOed Stori RT, Carl� ion of b6ing implicated in the bum _g 0 9 6 *111- be taken by C Agin M Black tekt4kiit -mission but the woek is of- course iu *-e a AP -as man a. ir iehael!sBlock, Main Strot Thi negat p ed -by the tinreasonable',big9try of e held in,. Trinity church Which is about -.80 years old, six Seaforth. 10" Mr. ilsoll a barn, has, been liberated on Scott Ano J. Michie. Ive 04 -hi I an feet bail and, was in town a day or- two bely- drajed.­�-Tho -present fine ogg and Turko -gh� .1 a 'frame., at ago. proprial arab a n ff in Vor3 on.. his way from, Goden re. iving he farmers gr AT L.&ID"w's. M dierel in. To�isto C. Michlo, Geb; Hoodj,' D..'H th ian a d Mahoniidans. beard, With a Sta ch. ' ro P di3if, gr Much eather is 4 an& 4 e. -Russell-. TheJolowing omee he skating on the 'mill dt the - last week in Op- chance to prepare fok 'winter.. A'good as -for the- past week each hand —We are gret Was' -felt by, the people of this town ire elected for the first mouth G 01 a " been good tober he w as the vicinity of Sesforthy SEAFORTA MILL -9- al hiire roots- out" A' d ering gr loarniog 6f the. death; of Mr.'Wni. -0. ye re taking t -an e in to his 4 iaughter in eat bargains in -Tweeds, Flannels, ko... On. od"Presiden ii d numbers of ap sud, Said will pay yoii to call and 8 0 the& befoke ou. ime. move - was e pur' Rbasi 0 Aton, -which-. took place.on. eat ; Robert Agnew, Sedretary-Tress- Inf! IS ab . tti he len e iningis known t6 adng elsa%vhere� A. G. VAM110,1fW SONS. AJohn Mich u d Wo40eSdk%y.,* T , hoid fever -was th ie a' d k. J. Russell nis'de in getting ice in the -Ank this eol good Inany n this. vicinity, and if say Capad of Ross w * to ornative OB%TtAuy. -:4t is 0 sad duty to. re appointedas managing commit- Wisthtre­H. L. Jackson is, now tabe 'read know of his present of our , read A, !r of Tuckersinith and was � well and favor- chronicle the.de'ath of Mr,. 61ift Kellyg foind in -the post 6fi ce block,- wher_e h 0 -the other iand it a 4ApLAwls Figs from' 10 cents i6 Yet 4' n is whereabouts ey -would do hie family u �pbly. kno *11 in t is tov 25 cents per. po nd, fine, new, fresh, Arst h" ' rn'. and neighbor. who died it, blieesidence4f bisfathtirMr.. has a 11, 6 stock in his new promises-� plain, dhty tomake known the existence and friends a 'great Ismor by communt- a., ass fruit. of a school o all -who natumllysua ­7Mb4Draper, oneof the teachers -Thos., Kelly,Onc� And s­.quarter.miles The fi t. monthly horse fair fo� the a thood Grey. ro with 19r. Ctimpbell, as his pro- W rsd ea eating SFRVANT AN� — Imme-. 'thin its stitnene in Mitchell public. �school, * -.Was 'visiting .'east of Dashwoodl, Mr. Kelly was a roperly. fall: wi HOFF d.debsie of' . he . son will be hold on Thursday, -becember -d h' friends -at do light ew6rk. 'Apply. at 'Miss Cha�les, at the r n and respe Pxmnz.i—The, seoon eon lo absen a is caugig 18 ffiately:.�-to -hous ge 1094 - esidei ce of Mrs., in" oted n the an. -well knon fiool in a Cal 6-th., - Several'' b4 ad* E x osiToR "tor., season was held in the. so ch y6rs,­ both Can .An were is. &uty of material to give iill;s e P 0' ion -d- American, have- promised t6 be in fair share and many who -might - -CARE on�fde able uneasiness and alarva, -­�Csptain Hoag is Communfiy.. H-6 w6i of -a 's -w -A full at, -,of Kirkman, list week a somewhat re- -Nb. I on. Monday' eveniagJaisio- n LiIDLAW assottinel M now at Is' ry tiring dispositiou.but.s M Fruit e'school room was. -Attendance do: so never tike..advint4ge of A lablis6d iliere &der of the so ed -and -re c6infortably filled attendance, And with a gop the Hfg Tim You, TG Mki CHRISTYAN C bfistie Brown?s FahOY- Biscuits 11 an appreciative and ehic ir School Ir 4ke, shlou -87alvatidii raty. for a.temi-of months. very honest, upright -and ludustriou� 3rivilegis At thdi very d �he Young ken�s Christian I e'of. ladies f farmers With horses for ale the' fa, oors. $oCUT1 MONZY f —Mrs. Hart,' W. ho. has bee, ill for dome cl�jzen qpe6t, He had reach- d gentlemen.- The Ilb These hirs will -be Others again, - trave t SE A Aseociati 'ji. Fou=�.--A sum o mone in every re subject discussed, w1i a a success. o aceon -thi toi have'inaugur- - y psl�ilysls. We the '.&S --. a"' d . - -t - - - and and incur unecessary expense he owndr'caii have weekq had' a stroke of ed "e: of � 39' jeiri 11 months n ithly during the win, I ufid in Laidlmwl's Store. T as Resolved that Annexation Y.ould held in,bi ter,* much u -SW a new d �,pmrture'with the view of othet day a t te same by. roving propert and.Vayffig for ad is utierly1elpleis and I". , 26. days � a was are e p more *beneficial to Canada than 4nde­ -pros a look as if they would -be more. thioughlimoiance of th facilideo el tere ad not Ose 'Agordin at to youn 'a tyertisemenr Apply till 1094 Mrs. Gbvis'-,. Thos. Kelly, of Stouff0illej, "County of. The affirmativ s than at -band. increased in 9 at Lai 1?iwls. sefisi�le, moit of he tinie..;­ t2l e was ups last yeir.—T. -ONeil 'men -ewh, Tuesday "CLASES.--wMr..R.,'Crobliett. will of Hallett, -who had .6 large tuinor-. to- Y, as called away On and Friday, ART. orki and,& Kelly, of Newberiyi,ldrehil, held by John Bain, iwiistbd by James w sitddenly last week to That Is palfit story" -reminded mi e of Dublin. fic ink -they have meetings largely for n -a clan f6r, instruction. �im Oil and NVifter mo Ved from her person lastweeliby Dri gan, is tended.the funeral t gentleman who put his daughter on the m ent; and differe This funeral,' be =auing A. Smuse ut kinda, of br Painting, &e., on. Tuesd�y, December 4th. Perrie Staul6y-Anderson ind J. M. the bed -side 6f his mother, 'wbo is no services were ca. Rober' a negative by m 91 r trSi117herea.-`fiw montlis ago -and sent "M Aid- of ibis town, is getting Along nduated by Rev. John 1son, Th W . -.Pbri, expe e. She re 'des - 6a uch raugfits, dominoes.. etc.,, udio.-Maln Street, Starles -Block. PartioU oted to liv s, such s games, suc SY -Ortw e -riemaiumv be had from Me orb inter- ssri� Ltimsden'& Wilw spl6didly and is advaricigg rapidly to W. -bin andth nep Asebted by Thomas: Turnbull, Alex, ^Arthur,�-The weather -hoe been -very -her to a distant Collegiati Institute, I er music are eatablishin, geth indulged , in. I rs I In recovery. Shb is staying. at Mr# D. M4 red in the Exeter -cemetery. ander Perrie R. H. cold during the past *-week which 'has ;When 'twas too I ohange his plans Thes 951, thus far, have . been D. Robertson. and I ate t e mee ford. Radoliffs '-in'-Egm'ondville. We were- d's very. goodi and business he discovered that the Seiforth CoIr —A youal Some able rgunients" were ad- - -made.t.be ros very succeed And those who attended �,­;The Auction. I -eased to 'haVe a Call' o Monday.fr Bishop kers; has ponsequeut yin -A SUCCESSFUL SALE Mo,rr2s, aproved.—R., Drake leglato Institute was billy about fifteen dthem r. Rolph Thomp- unite n agreAing that they had vanced on both. sides by t e spea other W,� C. John of the. Galt Reformer. . u- tiale on thp farm of M t meal or going over the miles from his wa homeand thatit, pent a m - enjoy4ble time. COUNCML.DOiXGS,,­At the las bing The. Chairmen, Mepers'.. David Ritchie had to' pay'$I,35 f '0 tion; on the. Huron 'road on WednbedaY He ling -a couple of days with for TatuiMa, . ' # I had ome advantages over th 'Knechtel, decided in favor of hridge faster than a walk. -this; week.— Was opew e city Th -4ferstandth& it is, itio the- desire of the- .1oginondville, and p1l.bW -of , atwhich:allthe dW _Mr an in ere school. He -found that he bad ent his m.=aA- I 7 at was one otthe',most successful held. �is,friendsn association te establish a gymnasium if mombers'were pgesent, the Reeve,rep6rt.' a dead400k or tie. A literary. entertaitif Henry James, :of Shelbourne, is III �this vicinity this year. Thiie Wis. old;friends here were pleased to' seo'him -from Monday Visiting his fathor an amber of the ed. having -e*amined the d & mothbr. d%ughter-. among strangers, where he an got a sufficUat a 04 OPPPsI e nient will-be,theld &'wde.k He is 10 @ . - - . , accompal 'Mrs. Hairy James,- ie they 0 immense'erbwd. preseiA and Mr. J Oking blind sild happy as Usual A esin'the Mr. Th6s. Garniss!,place on the 3rd eon fiixt, December, 0th, when a'good tim6 iied by could not see her 4toner thaft once dur- it young men t) interest thomselv uctioeer's rine, who wielded. the a ing. the -session, that the building was. B was re s ixpe6ted. This is�somethf new e, Harry left sine matter. . in is way a very pleasant ces4sion and'it adved ihat the- beien. 11 ddunoil'take' no action in Bruss, "ten wad a bachelor. imer, and, -rofl e , pli;e - of amuseivent *as kept. busy Irom '16bodt TucicerOmith.. - Ireference' to ..'. T-EmftAxez.�Dr. MoDonsld,.M. 918 as he t - pot, so'well heated and ventila7ted as �soljooi at IL4 even .6.61ock until �near ark. .'The 'HoOL.—What of Wiugham, e 'ours; and that the record, of -the last t . -about RF So f lit S�id road until Mr. Garnis give a pro- e and olo- pikinodied on InIght be.. es lished and - we, hope, the. �ole sale footed UP, 0 1 25y� th Ailtle 4 livered' an-. abl. The lfifa�t child of E. Tom ion my -.—That we had our act ng qupnt address on temperance in the Sunday- last i -the city and Idol. -photo- ' 'i builet foi the water. ' 'Aftei'passi wd burled on Alondax examinstipli. stood 2for young men 11 show their appreciat; R the effor . being'; 'put f 0 hen we consider that , the greatest 'That &'grand en-� p accounts foiro4d im- Methodist eburch, fthel 'on Friday at Brii eerneterjr.--:-T. O'Nbil� n -theory is Ah in their graphed last wee allarge number.of the ss6ls 19 -for Seaforth. My ow ortion. of the property copsisted'of im-. Ideuds- in- I d in Tihis - f adento arehe beat oing their shv�re' to make tertaiumeat will be. hil chool provements, &o. the couneil'idjourned last weik buildi g was crowd- has dis d, f h" team of Soi&l driv that 'efiocesafal at behalf by., s'ehold effects W6 re- n pose o is. -d to effietits and hou about Christmas. Look out. - for it. Until the 15th of. Decem ber. its'� utmost extpnt. The d6btoi ers to I-,: 84ane, of Blyth, for, a good kind of circulars -for any school to iseae. FdUarton 0 th@iaSUCces k Sled iold ultiaverygood, 'The stoo figute.',�W. I Mi.. � �. Poiffoxmi.. — �On Saturday-.- b -from a scriptural, A. Ube& and- -George —Mr.. T. - Walton- - begs4 wq at andled the subject ell. A sdrrel mar 'purchased by Mr.' Tit Yet here was an intelligent and success- btling last a b to' M nd ear- Raycroft are on the sick list those days, ful man who had never heard about our Win.' Cummings on Friday ev-- orse btlouging . stand poidt iii.his..* usust, - clear a. .—The o: owingi DIP which ought'6171: and'- her mate, a Stf Veotrl Case, br MoMlllsh, of .-Staffs, returned from a Robert Atmetrotigp,of the- 4th concession" nest The Rev... .- T oped'tha� both -will soollbe in tl ke Gfobe� 'of a few days ago, LeGear, but it is h stitate, knew nothfu of theffinh- appears, Sheep reach 9 Provided W ed' to British Cola townshipi su ei Livingetwi, ter"so visit at our, opening Ceremonies ay, was sold f6r $134. this )rinch temperance around * 12 a I M aily died. S a 11 04 and the c W -firm aid, whCuld be,of interest to paren# gener- opx, $14 to $15 per pair, attle, trip mbia.: He likes- that of us- president of 'Gray 1 11 ight, ntry%weil. �Mr. Neil Brown -lost; on, pecting y' the actions of ther thimal So who �orl -week ally hildtan aud oiety.-who-bythe ay,is -a Pr two Ago, has etc., nothing f,the advants es o oviiub The Ueaths of two 0 although the beat of them cOu A voted advocate, turned: -u in Michigan, =�--Vauotokle so d, ra ul last, a valuable miroo that poisou'liadbeen, I r e Of total bstinande, p W a citizen of the illnes seveial'others in f IK'sold well -he 6 him 6 Chicago ad been - di6pose of previously by Thu d sdm'niabered,';M' which t —Mr. Vy frim e, sal e 'ior fong'sum.ni drinary fitroduoed the speaker in A,.uiat spedch. re preparing family, a, disease Which the doo,':- This will b eavy loss to Mr. Brown Armat oned vet -brothers a to. remo,ve'thiir self had hel 'Mr. �L a ped to support. at said to on worth have be geon froniWingliatfig who by examins�: ll who heard the address' 'of Dr. - Alo mil And furniture fidtory, from. Spushins . Iniew of this case which ma Common colds as the animil mounced to, be vere _y be the:. Fanny'R Pt 200 tion found that the bei d fr6ni Donald were Shundan'ti satisfied of the.� to. -Southimp"i! -whei v. erg In the -.county, I llope It bu'6rhich tt rned *at 0 be diphtheria, siat 'had die 7e tfiey re-' case of oth ceiveds bonus of $5,000, THk ft -,;DRY, BY-LAw.—The by-law y' Truly -the 4th - evil- liwtj", bJ t of ponsid, 'ation in the A PLIZASANT-TINS.—A 'very -.enjo the effects of Paris green.. a of intei�peranc-e. will ot be cousidere'd out of place -to the a le er ating Mt. Thos. Hendry a bonuo of week. m form of eome kin&`- Tribuhq.' is of high -stand- able time Was spent ou Friday evening- concession needsa re -a few wor -th 0 ie doctor rebuild his-foun- say dsbout the Soafdr - -ol 500 to assist him to —Peter 7 I ing and- AsUeld legi%te Institute. First, to coniinit� last At the residence of. Me. Robert CHOOL ECT16N No. -&—Th'debafing caieffil, mat. He says s voted on on -Monday last. Wroxeter. it -18 gfmug ry here wa iety -section' is pT rapidly. Forhe autumn terinii f -the of the: patient those asio warm� SOC of this' fly mee a were Elgie� jri, which occ n: Was the the e are sorki twsay that there were not gressing LivE.F.ARY socinyt—The literary so- =ttlng bi -it was Cal the. ink'of his handsome now' r6sidehce� to favorably.. T" regular wee� t- an fficient- -wag well cietyj wh lkiizirs.—Quite a. number 'of -past six years the number of students k of itio, d y 811 _uuinber"d Votes polled tol ick 'was ­ go Sdoosisfill- last -young primary reg at. determined the disease The following is. a assist at whicli'lle'and his 'good. lady in- ID'g was held on Tuesday, and nip in this have . gone � to 'the ttendance was as follows 61P after ate. ary the by-law, mber of their, winter, is.to be revived t.'an early,d Code for. -the winter.—, Athe 89t to, m -in th6 several viced.a large�nu most inti. attended The sul�ject 6f debate *a be' di -membr f tb e votes vast lumber w. 14 -and f -M, the mumber now pres- herle. of 'nou aPeous Thils is o stepin the iriglit directiot So -mate married friends :and r on$. Resolved.that more knowledge-isgaium last annual meeting of Zion Sabbath ent. The staff Consists of five tesob have been many cases elitl 41 ards 11 The much, entertainment and profit, w6re.de died sell- es Ainter was Cho en -'Tdrojito where 4 :esponded to '6A by reading than by- traiell* * n -A 6f t is kind ig oetora of About, twenty: -five couples ool Mr. Jam fourof whom are honor 4—radus For the Against twere , ou four' rivedfVoihthe meetings'Of the societyi t for., the' enaftiug *year. — Torout by -the li�gosed only ton By,-Ikw the invitatioa� said; a � v il pleasant 'affirmatfte. stained o undoubte , a till have i By-law Nzws FROM Tim BouTH.—Thepayty M University and ranked -,a . - I where the , ensuing para. evening -was spent. Although 'tri apeakersi and the.negstive by- four. The r. Bowles has oreotea a - new house ad Government Inspector s first dm,- the silitis in sai 1�crth 95 1ppmg� eft this vioi�lty. on a. -prospecting reCideat 0. ly -a. shaeUdiplitheris'-was presint. Ent. Ward. ....... 47 19- the light fantastic *as the chief expo- chairman- decided in favor of the_ affirm�.. who 'the siti of the old Pue whidli. was burnt- pecialists. The Inspector's report made —Twd 15. ttio to Louisiana. have bden heard from, 1ion Sabb a w 'have allowed South ard,—: ....... 58, uent' the, the ativei ­4he Sabbath school of this see ' The agon� r f parent he of the' eveningi rogram dowii last summei.-T--The ath a weekor two Ago shows that the mater - on iii isfety immerAco; They r4olled their destinatt .1, iate tt -eir auniversarY. doseto� Waters Id, $�uaren 'to - mingle with the yifig of the -requirements lonhave decided to 'have their. --annual intend.to III h I- -school bull gined te!k etinj h of December, -w - others, - t*a,3 important e - entertainment dn the. a . a ne 'Ie the iiaki d 200 0 !UPP of.. the 't -80hoo 9 The truth. Total list of inner man forme ve Ing' of %Ved-.- Alld�port themselves highly pleased g olf the rooms, --haarli -0, L ems d a very th t great p,ra6 librall There -W6V be. inia -There are 354 names on the which Are nisday,.D mber 196ho withilie country' and believe a Quite"a GuAtitity of cider has been made, cards, beating, ventilation, �e that thefei evarious que ece 'and so- the hady in. land there.: se a a, form'of i eligible to vote ment. Th A. ose who ari 0, ed bargaine.arb to'bre . ­ * : - sous mi a -.season, apparatus,-obarts, maps, e a.) ozraulw diplithe hich n6human skill an, dis-' at presint agitating the- public, uilAd BuiEvs.--m-Ow.ing' to out nu �at Wil Steam *4 �thl t en e Ording- to -.. th d d law it least kther -the road len-, ch and Jolit Sri) e tion and discipline are all' e Messrs. A. wel -are tinguisho tialong with well- were freely disbussed, M& many -orring frbsty wet S,xrelpws Thdy, making y may-exis e nthirds of thes must vote it� favor of wbeeling� — going. to remain, there and, som, - of tha. mat will not be irrelev.. did condition for R. JU croup, and may ideas oxploded;-and.it Thateichingin English, Classless sor e by -I& the may, probably investrin -I d; dipg j rkeaLLLLL - - IeLor er to have egiried on a there an athernstics, French and-. German Is re - of its presencef ef ant for me to say by way of eficoura Elliott who -has be up -fox .6, 0 A 4aw, ther ore th have Things Pe ght aa� tward sign watchful of upon -month with "w a foit� is impro Ople ere should . goi-1. I �- CALL11q0'.A-PASTo%-�--A -very large 802ii r parents ment to those who are avering ore o ving E:noW:, first clan. The school -grounds een, 236 re.otded lin fa Miichi6ij] gW"i. Zoe ItO be )oligiegational meeting was"-fidd- on' throat, vorof it, whereas Tyj and expects to resume xy cas D no matter- holvv L the"threshoia ofmatriniony, that ItL Was nice 'work -next I&BtL -clue bat they pon- eve f sore there -were only 200 thus filling short ou' tkis C004, L Tuesday afternoon in- the fPresby-. tre placed second 6noort -11 1, ion '(Written forthe Ex"itor.). tain threeacres and will be made first sligtit it, be." the upiveial. opinion L-Idr. and, Mis. Ireland And Miss Calling -�btes. on this 'oocasiciii- there church,."for ih a* purLose o a whit. less reland'. of the 3rd � conce4slon, oge�t —On the Wei -the last ent rien m 2; In Brus- A small chin sometimes gives,one, a y 36' that to L inin'S ' A "k vlass in -the -spring. The Ughting of -the annexation � is no ri� 247 v6tes polled,. while for mister.. Rev; tilt 0 'h Uet4� .—DEAu am fiducive social enjoym totir'days of last week visiting f rooms is ranked second-olaas,., bu To�vi T:)PICS eon t eic High- Sdhoolby-lAv- there'werionl�.191 04 Soxfo -Joseph -,selo, inoderator, pio tem'; presided, Siv.;, gjtn10#e of.S, wide landscape. A little eveni f e 21st inst, I attended a than that state which oiDnfirm All and Vicinity. A& I I . 6 � . room is lighted on'two sides and tlil Votes polled, Broadfoot. & ORL . ­ a itelil :I*n -the pap"r : Jest - week'sat me 14. � �' # Jasu f 'ag. ( I -the :6th. concess -of: this h md, for -the of -erai ,candidates were, proposed,'but' ave "do abutte eyll meo+.*- wn Council of Seafbrth ast -were etingof e To' Box by -1 baohel�rs so" consolingly . den 'now tbat 'windows ifist swiliere [wore -33&polled. We- ,a Smith, !i- mijorityL of 'the Votes c' thinking, for. some time. I k myself ver� -much while, isle blessedness."' - Forsythe Bros., ownship, left on Tuesday-, �ast--we& Isig St. and efi:jic -"n,.Wil,l relish late the sup�jy­of light, The repo Aefeat 6f the by-law and wo� h h, 'Davi&on of Toronto As a na'wsp�'per arosdb listening e 0 attained arari-eminende at for a visiting tout.thridogh iaitobs.,,� u fftof it ishis.- A the othm, b Town Fathers legialati g regizet this f Rev. Thos. n ve, The dii ranks one or two items seeoid-claw &At M first e, hi at of the ton, Thfii6s, have no d6ubt th bow, famished- excellent formerly of- Luthii,sud'thel Call in favo r*. Y�' it those' -who neglected WiAding the. this before January, Ist will be mad A Rev. Mt.-. Davidson is it good pa to tecord -their votes viCill. yet have cause of that gentleman - was : at � once' made man in 0' tario - manufactures a ve wards. I usic -for ' the 'oecasiou, and' it was mot r in the manner of conduct #htdn. 'I.. LCI&W. -The gymnasium and the asam- im -no a to'regre-. Of The unexpected Unan. OU9, -do he he 1�)u 8inco- I 'was a member t their- ihdiff6rence, while we - int, but be7 ev little or Mr. U the roosts were beifig A SuD zx DzATH at I the Irds D bly young mVertiolng. Ot know of some who voted against it Are 'man of fin6abilities and' -e Hi aelghbi6r, `ten tnil�s off, om are equal to the bat in e, c heard from. that' all digperadd to th6ir; death. Of Mr. Wo'C.. R as of 011 n Ia� those -'days I do n o on W'd4"day- thristian cham ter, d- should he ac-, tised by, a firm in Philadelphia Province. The sam.of the whole inat done- so'. - --'There- is; an sees adver IN remem r Ing -tiny of the fathers now sorry for having homes feeling highly -pressed with the Afternoon d- great deal, of Isar, ders' within easy ra' Now. it L.Some talk of 'Submitting this .-by-law cause. ..s, I .. t Cept the -call, the congregation will bxv6 "Re,vi a supply -ter I$ aJac one among1l's so Ualu � 11- anin ina a e WHO WAS priav and regret -gets ally" t. eveningla-enjoy ut.— XF ,SrAnking a m Sesforth 'need hope to find better.. council box ad Ig tOL 4ee-th al. a1zlon, and some are advocating th iid- Ailtyand when'be )mmou tWh e es eftred a worithy successor. to their late for ii, piyi th' no(. so, 8 i- . I - . Cos.- He. vantage$ 7 to s6me larger town. is not an wis he 6nl son of ra. ROB' b goln honred pastor,Rev. Mr'Brown. e ba re the atute 19, , &I - . . . do so. Of course at the Mill ad Tackerimith,- ; trom the There- are Istraction law has-' vi6bility of raisi�g the required Amount Th; tifie r Is finds'that he might have taw. Whatever ':is done, formerly. of frored s $800 &L year and manse', purchased the very same paint .1 11 a f r7ora st* and iephei Moo L' J. L Miller a v of IM r. Robert C�,iiikters, of I d Lawrence Lov, manutActurer only ten milei- d. f the dangerous tempt&-- nee then.' There. WSW no bj' subscription. Bruceffeld. stipend o here, s-nd none ore n e� qhdild. be done okly.. -. z -i I - ink in that townshi e ad a out er,. those days,to'regulat q4i IV H ­h bee sick ab istant. at abound in-*jo Thomi* re g. SoLD.-.;M 0: E. -ppear b otions, t the young, th PO A 'G 'HORS ell were appointed to if 0' the Y6ur.� moral 6,411 business- men is 0 th . sale OU ciq a ei&�ette& thie . weeks bAt Was not thou Cigar and is lmported'� d, ght.:to be ..cities� Last wInt6r the boarding AC, 0 el M n has s6ld another of h 64 cont&ined - in Ong' word of three e - IiJgEF.HUNTI',qG�-�Mr.Peter-McE*,ent� 9,80 Presb at iti ineeting.to support the cours by, by-laT now av ntil the morning ytery council h in air. -in any danget, 'i &II a n . . . . commodation of the town taxed W11% elwtL U -Leadburk, Mr. Alexander Roop, of colts, a two year old, -balled call. A very hearty.'aud harmonic ' 6, syllables was aiid they have also� ..now the' power of M HIS . remains will be in- CaT Collegiste Ilisti- ..to Egmandl r. Win. �pbell, H. 6T�vish, of the Mill of his death. fe�ling was 'disple But in the case�of "A' tfle=whand two or three- students Coat' say th Such persons. shall- not sell rille., ty6d.-JITroughout the, t se 'Road, c ro4aser, terredito- ay, rid vi hunting 'Ta: kdramith was the, pu d F sy) in, Ile e no e - could not !Wlit wer he proceedingst tut at of the common' methods of ere*because they. U e age of, 14 of' flarpurheys o e Yeer. whole of t to chil r rider th 1. dvertising are open in,Muskoka durbigr the season retur4ed This colt Was Imported from Scotland Comets .7 find suitable rooms. But some writtep. per- 'b, -Mr. Maso: last. Spiing."' He I a a Is R IOUs co to serious objec- `FO I)AicOTA.-o-Uncle' am Sion bf bipme, on : I - psi en one all tiolis, 0 tu father orgaardian or em .-EXeter". o year and!WO student's osn� thout'. the* 'D- Il iappi betwe or -thirty new houffel have been ereoW Friday ilast. They were mission bf dark brown' iveiihs 1,650 pounds Snd '_Stijl cmitinues ,to cap re some of 'o'ur evening - a ;durinp, - th .-Ce too Ploy6r ib. tolerably suedeisful and killed as many Tuesday Ii ischoo and another, arg de idedly in bad uch child. I refer to a CIDBNT.j�"011 andeheaply d%$s ago. Dr. E. H. ace en to Mr.: lease -Habd­ tas socc=0- —At: f section 496 of the Municipal Mesiars. MeZweu Is 16 Most Colo ea. A few id powbeoomfortably. as the law allOWSL npletemodeloftheLgenfuAne.. Lt happene4 to and contiary to thirlopirit 6f. our dated within a few hours' drive a. their Be 0 0 d. his so -c - ll t , Clinton an. p vor of Such a by- and'Ross- were inthe vicinity U South Clydesdale orse, only --he is more om H roey bade* firew - took his ti istng his horsoca. -system, since they tim, t building u Mitch Ighte Act. li( uld be' in fa 0m L many friends b6re,-aud' oket f6rA. 'As he was eer ens eases If also notice given, -Ort deer plentiful. n om ther-- one. a e jexp' own IromeO makinghe ep el 'River. They rep, but, pactly,put t6gether than most of :tb 'street he wa thrown fr ohool at th e of another, a tliat The e was ur,ing -Wis st4y "here the - Mab ose or 4bau they are at a greater distance- iA' 61two. f law,. for Dakots. D, pur -member the season was vqry Unfavorable on so. The pric6 . �%Id for him w irehicle and severely bruised 'And out rp. which so money whher throat& said me4i�g by, iv of the board -Mrs. McTavish' as purchasod him'. for octor built tip a fine -tioe and. as Outm prat 0 erw as :t ine6tiug of th& co' oil colint,of the absence of 'snow and the d ev -brut..oth iseL bite or kIvUte* ought ever t be iYours trtily, thatatithe�210 un eitensivel irily. iticces ab the fac he ull mpossibI6 o school pape L of sporting '=!=a, dodgersi for -e t' k �7 aseq'%ent diffl6ulty of, tracking the- --her.two,. sonst� who are Y. en mpr6L -than -ordini sfal t.: Yet it is nearly I he. would troduco. a by4aw for -the Col. fe, wee S. ago L not hurt*' The -prp -huting season is gaged-in.farioink, id thb 'Turtle Moun A as' ani2nals. sent -pipfession � T11i licenses 'annually or oftener aiiAnNG AcCIDENT-4f to the 20 DistriAJ13illanitobs, a;# en aged by Mr, urphy to take charge t: t �-Henr3r Elliott, balling from Stop4en, Sib, October th of tain, d he will be etc.,- least. makinj sileii writerf. th i"O who lying --sick �il takifig id echo CI, dilated himself ina disorderly ifian- to �erv.v with youbg folki have� bee vant aMcEifl�n,. 0 'is An -out therb dox spring. comparison e sale of freih theat in from the U it t He4ill be Of ith othe'r shill by. �th,e quarter car- Novembei. Mi wh sel u that CO at�.- jgdinburgh�" Dakot of the beautiful skiting on the river t ner on the street in Stratford, thi 4her less qu r rektilating the. places Where old Muskoka,,rZg-or experienced amos't*va Ali auimali: Untry'- tyr.o�otd. a'Tweek.- Crowds visi. er both mos� ases that actually h ill' He r a nib bu 1ed the -Av" occurthere is -the look -up to er n e overstate the ad. V fore the police Stich a hort time. aft 6 advertfeed that Off. He was brdught be a the J QodL de6r hunter, says, itj wouldL be far bett and we hpe th 3 Messrs. MoTavis etur 'ed h day, and was �ut in iobor see. and. for im, t I bt a 6vere c4auge& so as to make -meet with fortune whicir their only sy fo Som emoons and. a Dig -- Oil Mbnd&Y A� cide- osing's f -0 exceed $25 for such if th LAW, it waij. thou&t that about two 'Van . ei - of the,- 01 of SU t,tD g, . 'the payment 'the seat euL took a faucy to D'a- .-C th 'L Ch wnd findid torpriad in:'ptrichasing so good a horse. reason the doo magistrate the, next morair -whole -of Novem- k L, -r a 6b Ist an adver late 0. t. The eye eal ber. 'The - on embrade the t ent of his .hunared peopleWere skitting there, A neut lisei prao -whtofi cenie, Ano for-'6nforcin r . . f thislo that deserves ts, ji�ueh td' e- leappoll) in. tised by a $5 and $4, posts, he paid. eason; given or tis of bis if said lioqnse and- for preventing the id` on - the ea. Ax EF.V10Es.---;­The anni- 6fei-`He-.'is now 1.6,0at64 L large boifire was lighte nortif. emen f fie L now, as a rule. th6. first : art of, the a few schools la the bf distribut- ­�-Mr.'Adam Ellor, of Shaktapeare In. Norther N . I -River; 1 9 moms to Undertook to jump off a train, whia sale of fie Me" in L (Juantities' less th&u p n Dakota e%st,b6ukj which ave,opleadidlight for versar �Y. sermons pieqhid in Union at Park r carcass, U: Tge Of by the qu. tv by doctor' Osbrveb S- rouss 'some'distinoe, but ast s d statements an a- ace OL - by the bounc eve can b shi) y -on f keep veni4o liberal bi coisidirably below* ilie;dignitj of a in rap to ism aless by persons son is "a warm, that it, is it�possible to -here Sabbath- before las h4' poad- is h*gl�ly colors [I , L 1, ;d n, after it is killed uJitil ! it '6hurch -at mat olding lid I-lic -Chob" to a gre ly-weia skating i the dark, _ld motion and1611 on bI h se ani In nto--each o$hei. and first class ortafn ting his forehead badly be sib an honor gra- us an( ng I vmsed In. L I becTli pped home, and "consequently Rev. -Mr.- Marys plitoi thaf he may. L 1 pehoolsud1o' d to by. crowded pongrega, Ions d I kept.runn! I f t can Ing pro use j spoiled before listene t* ut MR shingle. Hits i ' & qatku� such a is mentioned above a,'901)d deal of on iii ligis amount of conscious w; eon.. he' tradk4ail. Bleed* f I r lie walks r -accrredg inte--or less H Coll the Servlow of ])r. -and all were in medicine in:one 6f our' first ulliversi seVe al from f the In one instAl nedt home, when -o severe. t Whiteman were required to sew up he' woul ed if 'this'ohange were both inorning and evening, iceit he hat Provincial Association of Teachers -has ed d $7 i� th6 intiresti' of the rate. be us e says 50' p ersl the. town Of Seaforth made it would. be better' for Sportsmen greatly plgiied with the 'whest and tios' and a, IaQuiber as ay r Sam. S'w6st and Miss SusibWooks repeatedly bondemned-111 the severes as it w give the- � people and not more. ihjurious - for the door. el6qudnt addresses. On. - the" � following Physicians, and Saigions, cif -Outarla An M - t petItIC'Min the llospitsl-- a van IwOrsek4tingluthe.aw. -ould direc 16% Mr. J.-toinis'.theseresphes-of profe"101141 a.. ugly gash. � i - j67 V d fresh meat Ilie and,1 He also advocatii the- doiiig,aisy with 'IN16ida ery- su, ceisful'�tes besides he has hid rate y evening 00m -4 Ara 4u gr y th CL Of ale fs I veiiibe 30 S a oft 4ep Odd art me 0 Jh0i d I e a m �sd rs �tsfhey - - - - - - - - - - - - -