The Huron Expositor, 1888-11-30, Page 7M� ­X� mr-mmmw 7 t J 3 Jr z 4 ? 30 'TO E H UR ZV569-1 mi .7 ever. C con About 14 Womenand ed to be' bf iemarkable ous'dill natuially, contained. in ihe seeds an REAL, E$TATE FOP. LE, E SA Wngs. therefore I it to druggists and'pe'rNm&s A TH' F ARMERS. J�T eatly prefer- an. THE -�810 gr MIL rel According t4- the'Sati A- V. 6TS FOR SAL —Me under; - signed -has 1 a number -of fine building Uw with an Goderlch and James -Streets for sale,at lot* �lrday Evening cturers and W`eXrSM pi6� 'The6 they use a6ind 61h YLILDING t Paper fat, such:as Voter during3he, smok- poor utter t iie 4asette of -Boston, the li Yuse In which UZI he lea r is -made soft by sprink- a subt., Jara's SEAFURTi4 Bankin H for johnAdsmawas bornis stillattknding. ­ 9 it a mix. in'their dhpcql&W did b3 otnpa priceo. Forpartf 3). WILSON pularsapplyto unprete tiou's w6odeii Ingo ace jt is, simple.- r repeated' iind viol- S building., '-stindin the roadside- A ent kneadin f it drying in the air, inw If d A a del' icious, pure nk of -UOUSEAND FOR SALE.—For sale or A Os bave eow �661hoyoaghly r&. 'k of Mo (In connection with tiie ran ntreal.) far fr h( I ghould only use: ound , - - - i a omathii Quin da' a stition,, It stead Of bye posing to the sun. The a aje'1W.3 .9 itill- belongiza.to th.' d $If- strength of e soluiio Ndllt upon tl�v 4omylet* a r�at,'th brick residence at Roxboro. nof saltpeter as co'6 XIL n4 not the :11 paste mix ures. receh occupied. by W. 'Maud R ph 0 -'M4,icans cook' -their cho olate Duff. ere are connection with thehouse -isa' -a is sa Mr. M qgdol f Londaii applie ft, to be kept� secret h ei eat it with -a, spoon. L� 0 0 A It 00i prentice b e 1now- like -mus'h HUNGA IAN ROLLER PROCESS., intyj Virgiuila, -Miss R -nnie-. Gordon- ein initiated to. tb, 1 110 ap bout. eight acres iof land. For further partiou- and lars apply, to EpWARD HINdUpEfseaforth RS 17lNANCIAL AGENTS. f. 0. r., DouglIMS dordofi, of Rappahan- ledge ofit-u il he has served for- threO Nati -es of gouth Arnerics 'and the West DAME ANV. hime Ire.6oi kin ' a e%iostrian, years." '. , I t: . - : I � 04f nook di, a - --arb '.very fond ofthis'harmlea� I , . - ma In- TheMill ftrehousi BufMnjit have 1�eea, In heir own preiniseL an Marli IN SEAFORTH FOR - SALR- and new macidnery. appliedo. Now e ROPERT-T, tour Of Virginia.- � h - h e visited All rod lands. r t6treet, th property at present pi . I ctioh. of tb eir sunny -For sale cheap, t Del Tnomas er .th' famouan r4i ridge cavesof A ]Tew.R C P e Ory, -nearly e#ections tbi. the Sen- -Th, cacao i i i0a,forth -opposite A.15 roul?soffi,ee, ree is now -i qultivi6ted in cupled by Xni' Gene m-1 Banktag Busineig d(�ie, drafts hmsued -posite the �-resldeoce of Xr.Bartou. Therelss th# statte; a 4%ve mea�:d their. thirty % able kai�ner. war' latitudes ofithe other continent a; and forty miles a 4 w hout fatigue. THE LAO IST IRPROVED- BOLL and, dashed. comer lot on which is erected a com and Interest all;,ked o� de , y .0ocolate. is A'%Ieveiage us'ed till over posits.;, - - fo ble Be not M wo 0 LEM And soft water. This delu ied`by the political hue the � world. . In 'Norsvity chocolate -There is hard understood that in a rd- frame -dwelling, -containing seven rooms, with ,coo ance —AND— and' ONEYJ odsbed cry. Th dfe geinerally� humbugs. parties,, -axe f, M, property o . �4g. %61[& with ths wishes of the I Rai* Dr., B. asbionable among the. e is c nvement to thp- business part,01 On good m.t 9 b mortgages, 'no th me a. little Flbtr Dre Ihe town,, and,will be soldchepp. Apply to VROMAS HENDAY, Seaforth. 1088tf &hmuoker of Potts pre If marw I - :E JOHN WEIR.- WM-. LOGAX M, wn, Penns' I- fu go bick wi althyand. A G r vania, his valuable li r the i I -, -- -SR -H. A, .8 Y n . dua&ted people# will be I on country's history I will D tell yon t6 few. ings about 1i iffs that sented to the Lutheran T ologicarsem- oussinds-if cures a -re the best advettleb- -Ha's a'world wide reputation-a's -a-h:- and Frei ff%hu1k0turIn`g Firms -have-,been, r . Its th �i 'the be It :' your stum a skers and p t f6r Dr. Sage's Catarrh J.Umcdy. p ysiclan woz, I* BE ivary inPhilad I h' where there p arty papers men author, His -kabdrike Dandelioii -and (ver ZiV& Ou ything necessary added to enslAe RE Yor sale AFORTH 2O"� SALE`-�2' re chdap, the comfortable and pleas- "rom, 1789 to 1824 may not tell fig a triumph of medical skill,lbuking ivl� diseases td turn' s ut�td residence, forn: erly, 'led b ut liour W. duplibate- copiee t�ey i re to become k kntly it u -the the country d fre' of the Kidney and Live the late Mrs. R. Fisher. The h class repair, having been n ewly -roofed this sm- Opto ins ing Room, Hit- merand conto nParlor, Do ru n an Herr-Radolph. Falb the "iversal st !Tefferso Moies'Tailor; 'with her $40-, -IDI cs�s 119 a SYMPTOMS" OP NO 'TO N014E property -of Muhlenb rg College at e wool. Thiscarried' Pickings. 0=% FXI �g Allentown. us throuch th' adeinistratioit of Wa T ingtoni.*johd. Adi h Fitst i 0woo0i rbe6ives� the - place of honor -at Madison; an&, Kidriey' Camp] ahit -cheW and� four Midrooms, besides C1080ta-and . . . �. S.. I' Of all Lung diseas, Ame", wood -sherd. Thero lownto the laet vearof , iches a*n a es are ikinch'the a'* der in the mattet c f eart skest the top of the list of w1do' In 666 DDO is hard and Aoft, wate� in the provi h4u, wal She� B pains ia the'Vack; a dull prai ives, - on. The ftellItAes for receiving. n or weight in -the !gr#An from feverishness'. -qppetite,, sore - d �et of alarm Mouroei'is­ Inistratioin. Then n:- w York -Long Branch, or'thd t)la d ar -from - ereand forelevating and shipping, liD$S Jlff Kitclieb. Also a 101cegarden wel planted �wffli Mld has issued his innuiLl bad May i Ne er and base of tho gbdome!�;Isc�ldzng- have also It is pleasantly Drsiwcaq in ah' -044 -the'�usihess part.of tho town, For do extensively improve&- nds of FMt - trees:,�-' urine 'obstructed ;' fre4uent: desire to -throat, pains tli6 bst and: b -a, 22nd, 1824, a uty of 15- per cent. was Champ Elysees, a the'' odd take' & . - nom k take from farmers' wagons,. welghedi i varloub ki a Lon�on anj e. He says a In s her Situated near exch ufin te, especially,� at night AmOng. aged particula�a -apply at Tflz ZxwsrTox per. loaded ache In: h�i fe* id and of'700 bukhels. ays you MW. we aie-. tb have. plenty imposed on.. W WOOLI, -�alue less than Mfj` NeW latO Oate-M the rati head etc y. firther )f 6rtb4uakes s'-fletty Green;.of York,, is n hot, diy sVin, pale complexion, ri&' -Office, Seaforth. 10 cents a p'Ou' d1" r OVA per hour, by the work of two men. ..-be well, or, on- other hand; y6u. may nex ich*he has -and of 20pe cent. so I ,t year, the (lays upon wh 01i another great parti wh6 can.eourit'olub wh to deposits, dittiness, -sour 'stomach, 'eon - t. Pfea, 1,Ve h-, that 1 alue;,and on February $10,000r,000' without - oppiAk, and -has 9 ipa ion, r, dro sicals*ellings &a. be dbWnL with- Fneat�6nla; ot gallppii4g all. over, i p &ys before the in- VARM FOR SALN.-The Executor@ of the fixed bein&Waxch 17, Ap il 15-, May 15, at 1; September .1. October,24,L Estate of th eS late Wzn, ire August I 11th, 1825,� a a penchant for coxistantly Wddrug- to her .SYMPTOMS - OF. - v.c- oh9umption."! Ru no risks "bat], begin Nooney, U11 nd R ely t *e es Cherry A OZ -FEED 0 t for sale, viz: The�north-half of lot 21 -ind the t - or 'A JL 'o tnd N , vember 23, suguration of !111 6 n Quincy Adam#, thh., pile in Wall street STONE 11jarnediat deceased, now off�r the following valumbNlew& Dr. -Robert Young, t4e w ell-knowo last was rais to 30. per cent. But in! -Miss Keane,,* (to handsome youhgL� Liver Cotnpki -bouldcrublade&,. the i ear iitz and 6riental sel lari died ro'- is�j 'on, ce tired -feel- Ar tor west half of the ntrt1A balf f Ut 28 both in of Mad n's:admin- physician)."-." Oh, doctor, hoW d man I eoinpjexion, aweary U ru 1816 the last! bo. d- '�S�llow ri ni aji � L Of oth Concession Of 1her towpsbip'0f­,Xoj eTp ng, nQL. th a � been a dut of 25 do county of Huron,.,contaipingm acres -.1 Alpout ! -i You il -life ' or dn6rgyo. headach dyspepsl% ino -agoJam 06th yeai- A age, it h d ookin killing this eve Se*eral -years 'es Birch'ar.& tly, inthe y -sy Yimpla &C. PO digestion, lotf?,L The, Ue teres are cli4rf d and ii2 jood ondition, the per cent. imposed u ir manufactures: Young'. Ph'- D N�asi 8 says 'the Undon Athen-' us Ponn ydre ill. Vinburgh, ysici (a uieti) 17 1., 1 ous. -M t. grerit Do er part being, in gras% The--balp6 Iswell m' "He viis the of I rge of wool an OURE &)+t wool." This. was just: youJ'but I'm t I'm off duty. don?t doctor% said. -he *as in-, Consumpi.lon, te clos -the war of 1812, and tiniberedchieflyyAlibeach and maple This you lKnow. af r the -of Hm beenpu 'and the necessaipmachine number of works of a Mandfalrd. and D .1 , ryfOr hhd. that theY co4ld. db-tiothing for him, farmis favorably ! situated within one mile -of nal 8.19 tianslic- andelforr are nature0s Liver handling a d coarse 41rood R b but advised him -resort -to tiy was a ]Us -necessarym harles Ruggabeie, aged- 16, &,clerk ouree� and when: combined with kidne7 remd-t an td the village ofBiu�9els"wbich 0... asA last ffordsan 6cellent re field of Idies, me. � in ..Dr. Chase's Liver Cure 1 it 'A tood s tion, and'resea h in the wx; 'e' tection. to ieasureof 'pro. ' - f . Sthat wagons. nanufacturing inaustri� mol biblicat literature, and s6 -ere �ss �earn ag 14 4! week i- a carpet store" in p08. -ely- make �all ton r -'s Chery POet9ral. ter of the- which were tl �m really in the'ifinfant, Ah ng. ftme an ou�' ll 1 rd of h Fruit obtained an . extens' re - iroulation, Tre tofi, New Zrsey 'has eloped. wit set& like's obaim; stiniulatin the clogged liver, in n Also -a good eI c 9 . 1. stages, and ni eded protection, Contrary. strengthening this medicinal, two or. three montlig; he. fru 'both in this country and : Lmerics."' Lul Elolz� aged 13, dAughter.of AnOn the kidn63, I in 019brAtIlOg the well and,�Vp�uTmp,a d o c be sold in ona. or el who e'body. Sold by i... dealers at -$I, with was a well man. HN.ficalth wi AX -EXOHAN urf'cb r I. be allowed to voh :Jhe'ring of to. the popular belief,,, the highest dtjty HoU, i wealthy.German n- the pr6du Professor Rudolph on wool we ave eer ha ce Rdceipv Book) Wbi h qloels.worth.the money. in -t6he �reselit day. enj purebaors. k-a�s., wrl r,ndbalveUs of OUSeLon mbes at commission business. The boy and girlL DR-. -Clust,% any - Gottingen,, satcl $o: be one, of the greatest prevailed GES avq den t tea do fal eloUgItIngL, and time alter barves an L the ea y perf0d of "the thirties rom$ly at -tended -to, and Three. winters aad took a severe cold of be given at i rst Novembe7r mi Roan law,. able- during The� c6ally. be * ; ­ , .9, 1 ko ' administra ion, when, h bi - icighborejor -several years, 1CIdney-Liver-PillaJnide 'They living authorit during acks PITTo uie the..onli fi�mtpd receintly. his -7(th birthda ere rs set gently; yet effe fullpo essiol y- =don. Sunday night. L i�vaeery it stood at- f cents's; pound and -40 ext. "'For te Thek have- bee taken duking any' -emplovrherib. rirs 4nd particulars VVI to the -Among the Marks of attention received, per abut. d a far as-Jers e -y which rUpidly d vbloPed t6.Bron6itis md-irsijud Executors, orto JOE L 0ONL?y 10 8 They-durd Kid *�-Llver'tr'oubles,' e nV! f -havei�otyet been found,, he so weak that Esquire, Brussels,!Ont. Dated, hiIII-021-that occisio, Ini 1836 it was yery.slightly Cit Pil 1FLOUR': and ijonsum tion'v- Jrtin , but n Nv are congratu- P. reduced from our.c 91fiff-'CLASS ROLLER I -got such a ihock y, e,- ft� One pill 0 ARDIF'F and W. B ents a pound and 40. 8tb, 1888. GERGE tory letteis from Prince Bismarck and eiterday,!� r dositSold by all dealers. Price h n on. 25 Ce er Icould ot sit upi W �s mu( emielated, DICKSON, Executc cent- to f 0 ir cents a pound and 32 nt#.' .107-ftf es Montgomery,, I Was *oaslir. The, laiter' informed. per cenf. and coughed ine p marked Mi Sq4ntly.. constilted Au4 in 1841, being the -first fined -to -my bed all day. Ah ye him 0; 1 . GUARANTEED, that he'had instructe a agulptor t' T. EDMAN-30­1 Coal. they wer d several doctors e power- stof th professor. year un er P esident Harrison, it was replie'd her friend, '!you were inake marble bu at ibe 1 §LLyr dhat I was ku Con— -Che'ne w, Chelsea, lowered a Manfe C'U613rrow ;F zi less,�and all agre y perceiiL. �knd aga-Iti in 1842,being It A�r For sale byall. Drugg s s. 4078 THE 85ST ro e atL war to four'7cents a pound and race� abc! must tav�e ae'n'th The house irt iend:.brou jockey killed in -the sumptiom, At 1",, 6 1i -L ght r4e w Carlyle 'lived for. the last forty 32 .2 hqe, i the third j6rl Df 'the - Harrison dynasty wa jqhqp� iatisiao't,ofily and thdiA 00 NVI delay., a bot years of his life is occupied by a spirit- sn't that, she replied.. But. when- tle of Ay r1si. Cherry' Pectoral. ...'Nirvous Complaipts,.- after.fiaving. t6stbd its. - 1� . L . . I it wast bi Acl of Juba 30th,. lowered I got home the first thing -1- saw vai a I found relief. From e Mpleteilylipsetine. . 1. - - . . . I ---- - - I 1*V ualistmedium.- It'ss intersting to. note : 'ROLLEIT F t Blackb&' Cord 0 London �Oorresppndent of �the . Man- : away to four enta a pound and 26 per. mouie.. Ib co wondertul curative -powers in thousands --of LOUR cases, has feltIf his d-uty to',make'it know- n - to Two b ttles, cliZ44 4169. wid- 'my health -Wited by this motive he. Act of -Two Sundays* Lgo, as the minite -iuffor :N9, -SHORT%91. has sh e be6ii petfect.11 cent.. And a ll again, by t 'ches A -ter Guardian writes, hat'the nied- ugust3oth r, his fellows. Ac BRA Carlyl which for d 30. 1 will. f� Jg4!0� e 'ie to )rdlieve humaij th 9 it Wa.aLchang6d -to df the Presbyt ilan church �t L�6ns, and' a de gllion portrait of r6a cents i� L I I . I ound an p6rleent. Io send freal6f cbarg6, to 411 *hd desire It, this And allkinds of For Diarrhoea, summbr Complaints - in. e past adarned a' h was was- bp1 minutes of his r e ra; 'Cbolera- Infautui recipe, iench -or Enlish, witIft full Ch6m, relaxed condition 61 the BoWels It Allas Yom. iW 6w b6ing-re- rnion'to'begin'his discourse, the Stove- directions for preparing and u4iag. Sent by', m, DyFeuteM and genemlly some, ti ouie at thc, This, is about 11 that I cah see that the :se BnIng the in deiman, A Ayer loo row fif- t of Cheyne odud election of 18 did fair the Wool inter- p ips, fell down. With.' rare presence �.of mall -,by ddressing -with stamp,- naming this 0 H PRE Iting, actsiks -an .4 moved to- the house. in 'which Car C P RED E.',E,D:' AW0 33Y stringeiiV without VX ng Ay'p MaSS. Cost'Ve'ne03mrkdI68Lb pleheant to the**�e that the war mind- he u'stepped1rqui tbe..�Al; rapet, W, A. NOYEs. 1.40 Powet's ;13166k, Roches- Co., - Low eats of -'the i ountry. ven' on hand.. - con r lly liv6d. D r ii tariffs of the sixties fail to -equal the pitan'd assisted -in be ng the pipe from -Y. '26'-e.o, itantly reS ie r,, N. w, children take it readily.. arried an Ameria i3old by all I)ruggists. Price $1 six bottless Vs M. eanubert m aJacksonian tal iff 'of the thirties.". I' tb6 rooiii.�-- A pewholder, jsb'e' ing some ghest Market Pricie Paid in -woman, w Ayer's Pills are -always ready use. They eae to the' adei to , judge. wh ch 'of paper on the fl&6r, Pat it knto the stove for. - hose, deathi sme.four y,r,- l'bl Her,roorn PRICE,- 26: nts. are sugar-6ated, easy to take. '-And sure to bring- y of i%gd-,, he is still inconab I . the parties 9 mos# bf Cash for -!any Qualitit it lefrjuat aj it he died,.. and riended the .4hereftwas burued. �:Unfortan tely� it .-Tellet and oure n - are. e e6tual In all dis. watt �Vhen _Th ff EPARED BY in the eases caused by so ers- of th' stomach and farmer, the sermon3hat went p, al Td PR -ds� her husband I& a a, bunch of ey was ery A Yhts and I will close moke e serv' lAor tlioitj ice was Consequent t o lengthy arti6le. Ap. abb visfid' 0 fiesE flowers on her-pillowl One would this�alrea 40 th ly di estive organs J. 8 ROBERTS of so much A L.E RRELS T i .1 1 . pearance rq &n deceiving. The man -Fat '*ome _,and there -are. lots'of o,you4uffer from indigestibn, or loss of ap? kently 'troubled with liver, or kidifey iment,to see -him. Heis ap a petite? AfeYou P *who b6qght',t . finer,: '�,wool of 50 years the &�6 ' bfio - i CARDNOS BLOM n PI complaint ? Take Ayer's Sirsapaijlla. ThfsTre-� S'the jobiest 0 Drtalsj short and stout�. m.�-fi no w- n the fa0hio *a ago got what e birgained fpr. He got tures, of: lritl6s and e bloo Next j)oor to X Countees Jewelry Store. vith-merryyes% and a, quLtzical expres- The '�&ures wo'men used. in. paratibn pl d has 'FI#Ep' COARSE AND, LAND ALT R. ratoring health and �tre the digestive t nest and lightest such. pidtures-.arb simplfideal, thank nort -t the mouth. abou -T wool, and and.iselwilativ n SALE - of x y at that, ar4 no� fo e orgas, -DERKSH1 -sp and dryeSLt rtube, and were not L made -to live a BE PIG FOR RVICE.-The uu. -fifteeii years fra. lfred Heme ----------- half guni dersigned. will keepon" IA.% concepsion and obURfoh-i m pt ond rease like- the wools Of - thisvorld. aS rk, of e'duca- V first- en will be ke Grey, near Walton -i during �%tbe present -BoJ - is - pit. Term 'Roberts. Pleasant.'. vay� carried. On the m I lonly first the present p od.' Dont let the rea4-- �­wTA- duty on -eggs, it is tb6tight, will Mothers to. attend mer� e flbe pa e of tic,i2 iu a kson, &'tbordug ton on it nove plan. It, farmers and eraltisde se librid berkehire re e . f era get mad. raise. and sell quite i p�o, iept American h6ne. in- -their work 'Castoilm, is recommended by'p. -for, ly 0 -51, ;'payable PA the time of ierVlee with pnyi - Mrs, Aeinewy!s idea to ducatq those p. :children . teething.- It ia�,& ptifely - vegetable ege of returning if necessary. good deal of g tML and grease myself, but aga nit the pauper hens of. Vuro BENNETT ar& top Old to go t( school --and 109OX4 .9 reparation, Its Ingredients'are pqblishe'd*aro4nd As -O-CILVIE' CO:'J hings by the' T' -ir cc ing' tb-i the RomaCat ic -so eitrly education 9 neglected WL! each bottle. It is Ideasant to th6tasteand Oad. ere are in n PROPRIETORS he 'dent, manner Of Jo In Randolph, go 40 rbdo alates.ttio-bd,%,eli;,�quietfgp4in,cur6a larrhmaand iL -keep on Lot 1, Pono ulletti neAr right names. � 'AiiAt don -t -after the rett rns for 1888 th E, -gland lutelkharinless, it f-6liev6o-.Con�tiTatio-i�-pogtt trnO PIG BREEDERS. -:--T -ORN SYRUP who then'"Lbblieve in calling t --A ord hol' W1 Thipi, school grew out of an ere acci -andJ)Fales?;3J4pri.eits, gainstl,728in ession 7, H -it bag grown w4h a ch rapidity .-Cat of you,, y'to kick a sheep-, because' chn wind colic, allays feverishness, d4stro Kinburn, a Thorou�hbied Ber Fig bAt To-Ot X P, M9nager.. 1870,�serfrhfig 1,304 kishire o Is the most effectual Remedy OUL the M44iet for ds of put)ils rchis, chip wbi a, nunib�er-of sows will bq t0ken. he- roddees-­ and- �missjo In, Sao esp. Castoria This n1jr is 10 L month& old and was bred by that uow it number�hu e than, wool. Be, St&tiofiS. L d prevents convi;1slons, ioothei- the Yeebiwido and, ch imited the expulsion.of Woms of all kiads;,And is so 2t The'lessons, are given at re grease wiry itlarId, it r6freshing And natural s�l reeders 136 pleasant. to:take thap Children Asl; for more. and teachers. er careful, ncT remember 'the -admoni- Oits,. Ppteh'echildrenel-panacia,-the, nother's friend., *t of .the. thbrb-are flve bishops and 334-pri . Green' -Sons,0the well-known b ujils' hou L crapsftw - - sea, ts'. p .35doses,85c.en 10.76-26 0z Us a ull, tegistereA. pedigree and is a f.very tho, acrifice se: 227- cho�elq' churches, knd Try I be conVii)cbd tion of the lai Farn�er. Don�t a a Bottle wic ell phlperforL.Animal. Tgirms One dollar with the e - e, - are much han, their your reas rinkly. Merinos 'for*. any rs a ayion � The estime'ted OIL pnvllege-.of returning if necessary. OBERT t is �teea;cphle 01 aven. As AWL U der the. light of He Skin diseases cannot be ;uc�es4ihlly tredted by: z .25 Cents. es is 113549- &;To 1W. 'ARMSTRONG. 1087 other sheep a latloji in England and Wal' 1 0 P z a external applications. . T e go sinesa 0!60 f and '326,000; i: gr way to cure ARE By n Sootl a Ir PREP Take my o for it, the' wool bu' elatidt- Fpcoz n sueh coniplaintsils-topurif., il od;withAyer's pZi4opw*P�3 Ta�ni n'g n 1 p it T , Vitar n -- CHESTER WHITE PIG.;.: -The undersigned ofth `o 641 O'CO. 'SarL 11 diyis better w4h the 3,961,0W total l4arills. Ui der the influence of > 160 are of 6ourse3 made, sheep of to -da and tfie prices of t6 -day ;.,this medicineall. the fulictiofis'. of. ifie body.qre A ivill keep during the present, season on Lot Thor.; Chinese shoes 21, Concession 1, L. a bMughtintobeaftyactiow a . chiefly ib Bred. Ches felt 4oles, so that than -it was vy th the sheep and prices of be of cloth, with It is anderstotd that the starch fac- ter, White Fig to which a lGited 7i -.. I �9 pi w t441 x 07,117 number of iows will & -.taken.. This as it is safe to iiie Freeman's, NV6r�n PoiWers, as May 15th� 1887, was bred by H. )rs, sll the processes a in New -Brunswick- haveiiot turn- zflo q-0 e Druggifis are eaT -on, the wor Todd, -of Wakedtan,'Rukon -co d ed oat as fiinch'thts;y only -and do not iiijure the -W ixi, a very backwar(I n ition, in thd, fem inate woo4 �-chuck sheep,* producing '4 farr6wed on of the leother industry 50 years a& Thosd,�'deIicate and 4f as usual. The �'they act ins County., Ohio, one of Obemist ffo*ery empire. Pat- -to a e bireeders from 24 Kre lbi 'of wool, were a fa t 10 Theii 4*Ang is child the most extenslW. and roliabl Stafojrt4. ory at Fort Kent did nob'gFind at I Faf il in its simpli�ity. f This accord- curse to,. Wei owilers ' then' ai -they. -all at 4%6 taken I � I I I - Fxedericton- Gleaner says th Sick headache causeds,by eXce of bile or 4 shown., riarch The in the United States." 'This 'Pfg has L oulLd be to a y reever. Terms .81, pay - breeders in the climLat.e lult Coniul Shepard of Itouk6w, Ili( 'the w". . diiorder -'j�r6niptl .relieved by first prizes whe th propdeto offered ' twtntyL,centi able at the time of �service,wfth tfie: privil�ge of My ad of Michigan t -day. vice s Let Way, they manage- - pe btishel fok, p'6tatoles, and.''the using National Fills. returning kfnecessar -GEORGEPLXWES. n cuts are crd,%.t Painf nI Burns, -bruisda, scilds fL`m' d A,vatia prepared-gtnerally. sunk well enougk one. "a--Old.Geifesee. f ty e a iners struck for twen eN J ed. by- o '0 - P =,p idthe-ground-c bli (fuiekly so6thed and heal atoila Carbo)i H locked tip whole' e8ja shment, Salve. ,apible of 1holdiLng about the �A GO. D-PIO.,-Th on. A� 0 6 undersigned will keep They are advered and left ye, staite,d f6rhis -on)ptpd entand­1 Ahirty hides., an� ding -good b e g thePeac(3., -Pi t pe�mmmnf reitilts always roug Cj4 of a a.;, called b 1 Lot 1(;, Conoessfon'2j3fqK1llo a tho h 6to soak h� oili'Newliaml,pshiie,witholfttgriiid come from the iiseof hIllburns Aromatic Quinine ica-4 bred Beftshire Boar, "Sir-Willam," lately ml -%l 04 in soluel Tee say 0 Uncle ee course ilk of limP[- ey ae a J omilYr.-LGeorFi Orqen, of Fair0ow, ... ..... W. I 00 1po Ontario. 41SIrWjllJam' neveiwaobeaten-ata Th Ddring 'th rst�z If. wine- purefias6d. fr has a Bit tiff lanj after ye!re marirrit, ing &-pound. 01 Wee -keptia thi b#.th sixteen days. 'and up- -of potato. tiff OW. U ple" -sb aeiiib4r, 160 OW barrels :0 in! Noi I as. every a on genjerally hae- Ile took- first place at the Industrial at pe 14 .60 140 w4rds. according to the, season, cold �ce Toronto, �.sptenfbir, M7 ; first, at the Pro-, ose, I, think Wfinding I 'a Jist for the -st4.rch wer6 shippred,from PrJi H W -more thue, than Warm. mar -ard Island.to Shediaci for transport&- 1887 05t � at � Sbdforth eather requiring cot wha's the first to gie in or to.,w. Staff& _I L, 1"S, b 3 Mitchell and nL His dont was. 110��Vff 0 , 91i an of erksbire,- Englandi aml -has 8 ti n e' tates and Western anam. -1 Far ber by J. Hewer re t Theha�iria*hen-loosened�and, theathe it" to th 8 3V MS aw M ingl put in W r popular style, to -see iSS ; TIL'. bides. aro taken Is: y,,spread upon a Wb lck,,�.ve,gaYe .1 Elattie Trehearne, �of Ailm 'first. prizes a - from the. JeEkling *Wa to w* he breeks. Gey stwgxn nd.Vdiplomas Lands f6f.Sale, is to top -a's 2. 0 sbowain England and -day the best Sow in 00 ma very ne r losing her life Win she Ab for CastorIA, )�eneh' and 1holroughty. P& through, al 0;afg, ca it W" xboj a Mis ' " I the Doiniftion 'of Canada. She stood at the A* a rs priz at a], folk hae ai Mug, *he -Lot 14 and a n ssidn ea f the Mrd that took t ap 'he 71 from the- f lei The tool Mr. Ed. MeAl a , n Cc 16 1 showiin CanA44 this -fall. Terms.-Fqr sedFgn baith sides, an' 'raping process -t( e ...words are ofO n. Sbe in. corriliany with' 8 Whensher.becam > iemoie th 'hair and 3h siae.. I ken wimi 7e the best o't last Fridayi !of Omei to tongues' Emily Hey and Vbm abohad Cliddrii 8�8 them Castorf '16, iunty of Perth, I res a.mag. leadi when it a peoalia�L construe pil 12 foi- -grades;. [10i if _tion. %vere boating� on 'the Sable, which is' 1horba -Al- nificen a Bank barn, a If under gbbred sows, -Ifia is 9pitoq letter H one vl6 o be.. hard on him. heath -*,' root houses,. ston fra a eep th It is Shaped like'& a ry high re, it,p�ese&,-aiid as they'we e tii;e of service, With the rivilege of If Bary;.. If' boo ed for tbree 00 t4ough he'll hat hd could ve. house.60NU, andtw6, fra 0 5 a les, turning I necqs: 94' being % steel Or iron in r of tbe r blade, aiia. the get fifty, 0, -ony day,'and gongthrgugh- the.,rapids north other the.hand1d;i .-Merely, I . D, 3, � 4 o res IAS NASH.- ! our 'k d tion Or 15 hc iges and fruit mofiths, 81.50%wi 1 be ch rgd, TOB 00 th ss -bar I . . .0 isli he! ha ue-ver see'-yer face vill&ge thd oat sWung round broadside trees, The, U all at, the.. I - *'L no. oirnamen W 0 d' I y up- C6n flon'SUrel:V Cured. 'Village of No ickton o connecting them, e is about 1W rent and wab iminediatel SUMP, r f a. flu. dinna, biffive EL 'word o't, for d6pend- on% to the our 'd fppP in leiiath, and the I andle two or set and this. occupants thrown into' the Pirdol!No.� �Saw-mlll knd flve acres Attached,. BkUe -un- Mr. INIoAlpinawas tbroun,, 'To Titi EDITOR`- In the Villa of Morickton, County' tbiee iuch�s' less. The- wdrkruanplaces he -disna bili e it himsel Show the of Perth,., Vondons. won and least sign 0�g en in, in' 4e-`11 clasp ye in aa� 60 Please inforni your4eaders' fbat I have A pool- machinexys separateh,..- r rarcel No t�e hi!ndle, against. his b�rc ast, fbr greater der the boat and as- he could ove se. By�' Passenger. .-Two mere lots, with. buildinksi GxNry No -in his arms, gLe Ya Ufa a kissin' - that tive remedy, f6i 'the Ab pained disea W A eas6 and poWer, wi i this forcible reaching ts and nine �,fl lots, all in the Villaei of Mouck-. London,'depart., -16 and '11ILmak' ye hink a quarrel is a gud� fi6e himself be' sticceeded in. flintly uic thousands. of hdp'el6g -cases. have 7.55A.M. 4.35F.3G to ton. I the lide the ei. to the -shore been.pernianently cured. I shallb6 glad to send. ). 657 applift0bil of the tool The hide is Miss #ey and brought h Ir . Parcet No. aw millat Carmurino UP thingi if t6,, a, to. The the en, cot. An twobottles-of my-remedymur, to any. of your Hensail., ..... 9.25 6109 Wr is- a -Miss Ttehearkie )edily remove z- - ar oreranner ety.- -Meanwhile- en . .. ... 9.34 6.17 r gument Ily the f 0 readers 'Who hava� if they will send d- is nora, f tW* ty of Huron;�machlnery will be sold separately. hei, turned with the fles i. aide tip. -and labs and, would undo Pardel No. i 5.-Lts 84 and 35, township -of' ubtedly me theif Expreseand Post. Office address. 9.42- 6.26 a quarrels, ; 'therefore *ye'll dae wdel Grey ,b6iInty; Huron;-: 70. acres cleared.,, three.. 10'00 0.46 by i similar manipulation Ve been -drowned but for the bmvery 11,?spectfully, D.,T. A. SLOCU.. to steer cleat' 'them. Do,7 as yr aunt, Toronto Ont. ft.ellivg honi I frame bar 1,� fr� Londesboro ........... 10.10 7.03 the hide U red iced.t& a quite of ill -M�Alpine 'who as in another, -1089,52 37 Yoqg,e Street, n 60x40, with df; moved and' does *e me wkon- there's oriyt�ing ? -tion 40x14,. t o -stables, 5Ox4O and 40x15. to 0. ..... .. 10.28 7,12 boat nen, Pa el No, .-Lot 29, -Concession 17, Nn uniform thicktiess. t0rough wash-' rL by and. who plunged in and ..... 10.42 7.27 4c?sSarsa Hia acts, directly and promptlY, ship rey 00 a6res,of whibh.50 acrei ikre the ski is cleansed of comes. up tbal we di er abo4t. 11.00 7.15 er lifeat the risk.of his own. Aay, I?nllmaybe wrang, .1 lig followsqL iind Jeims, she'll ga�vied b purifyhig an3pan ng this. blood,1inproving aid nee ash and elm. - VVIfigbam The r AXTS AT THrz, sAmE. 09111,1 Sor,T11- rassenger. 641 efuse hair hard the Appetite,, strengthen all rein -sins. of th itig the ri�rves, and Parcel NO. nd it disna -mai4ter muckle, an! wV thh� I -Lot 951 Cone(osion 17 townw. Uved fOr L arposes, a -IdL III% ship*of 01 T H E 1,1E R 'If 40% n A Invigorating the systetn. It is, in. truest 100 ackesj 15 blearedi Fo:hard!l ........ U. p; she starts-tinquer an jem -one day recently while in Gr epart, s -0 side ake boiled cry invalid wo0 -a 9 fber sdrapings, of the -flesh Ar.., G; BUr-- pense'an alterativ�. inb6cine... Ev d, JL5 9 mhd elm, el -4 ....... je reel No. 9" n T 19-1 L I V I y 4.15 t thieshing on the farm of should give it a tri -Pa 8.-�Lot -90,. Conce Bid! .16, Grey. Al ash and tlm,, down for glae. of. -0-hocolate. net t near. Lakelet, in'the 'township nd ... , ­ ce 1A7 4.26. -E re 4, Concession -17, Townsh CIfIlton., ........ 8.07 4.45 e After the- cle. r Ze Of r,.04 With tiful tree-Aboat the si Met.. of Ims, 0 nty of Perth; .166 Acres. ha Sniii,ngth h el idesar sub- �owiak, D6 6�'mvMi Met with an col- bing A very be�4 e -W�- ill be 'FU jeete.d- td a -vigorous I hich always de:bt which might have end'd fatally. 6 tree h Xfpp*Ln.. ... ... -ng i. grows in t e His clothes gdt daught - in -the tumbl ng wc:i- e F 6.12 like. article, an apol as and m oth No. 0 pirk-lot, 40, at -the. hea-my sandstd4e, or oth Indicationsof py�pepgi&, subli, assoiir Stom, arcel North part 711.,'cornbined' I gives J- ........... ughly smoc h6t countries of America 8.36 5119 --until both aid . ith. tropical and OL . - ca( 8.53 5.33 ej ai4 th rod the m4chine, the result being that. ach, Hgartburn',. Sick H ]ache Itisddg.And I n, Mitobell, County pf. Perth , one derful powcr all disL. es. is calle 01 ved with it �se veral times. Had Souring 6f -Food, Wind on or, a And a b I I es. a. Coln eted i strong d the.' ca or chocolate. tree. he rdvQl it of the TzRus.-�­Oneathird cash, balAnce on time at thisprocessi 'Choking or G sensition at the -p prinkled'over luthehistory 'of commercenothingLis Wb1HngtPn­Gri3y and Biruice. Y �Are We G' k' lid inet-by BurdclE Blood rit - fitle'perfect; cooveya;ficwto. ng per ce.j pur the green -the 'd f r,-hoc6 rains would most c�rtzduly ha leather and the�taunf gal 0 Bitters which hw1tg cases. on e Becialuse wiei, i I I the ilerves, o G6rva No aseenger. 3fixed. i -o the-grotind ffecoction bf natgall is the iod not been well -.up ff - stoaU arenaf It t6 before the -discovery of 'his b ve mus, �Ured the worst chaser free 04expenoe, The New Wo ord. A -plk 'to - the piopildtor, WK. MACHAN, or Ethel ails are'boilea the d.by Columbus. beewdasW out.' As"i.1t; was be was en remain iveakendd -nrl fimitated,�and --o -Robert-- of his''clo Zidw Ers�-,ne, at *Aonckt"on or- t 3.06 9.46 atil ihey be- -'BotanistP 0 1 this tree 'of shining day as e 6 ow fire tirely stripped thing, butp Aelial�le R Inedy f r, Rhet. these reat to.b medigeO. or to. the !�,Co r es nnd-,poi�roLs hunior� Blue-�Ale 1100 10 ater ove Xmbb e township of Grey, t- conw-livefied, 'and the. strange'to kay, rocelvedl iLot. the SL sm. . :. . arainid liquor g een leav' an& clustering white ht' ; . - S- . S. .00 lig ti de lgni4 at.otratio.fif. r torp. ;Lre Wingbam... 8.80 20,10 11.10 Th i ibr6ma,-." its urnishes- all the tanuing� sed. Ndtgalls blossoms loveli fruit eitinjury.` therefore forced inW the idon, : .. . : Procitre 4 bottle of Hag�,ard!s Velloiv Oil'from McPhei4on & D�v 13100a.1hat -GOINO SOUT11- Passenger. Mixed. year. It ig Mostly-: s wice very 7.L ie regil inS furnishing ripens: t your inedioine dealer, --and- 1 14 Wingbam.?.. 6.329 AX 11.10 A. V. 2b P. x ISO am)tding to di-- should be n-turally. jalLded fqr* t -,Irather largd sbeds it con- Bly;eYA16.. 6.48 11.22 7.65 are aburidant in tf Vendors' Solicitors*. iderable �6ctjons. Itcured-'Ida Johnston of Cornell, � N, Haiko an� cons GRATEYUL-COMFOWEING. I for W6 a quattit� of Sawn Lum- sure curer. For 26'years it1as'no,ver fail- ei of differe it kinds, includlt! P1ne, Hemlock Ethef ... ..... 7. 4 12,00 a swee -0 - . - . - wil r mixed in ' tpned PPL,87 J-nited States. tain re !as cocoa and'oh000late Ontario, 6f that complaiht'and s& recommOids 7.02 11.45 &55 t es. are ientto the -it b IV . t--' an o* from when groundr S pay. There were rec-avea, a �d to -give Eatisfdetion., ainarac.'� c nd for prices,; WM. e ich -Aa a ncTk,' or wh h may eat S COCOAO. XACHAN-t' ackto 1089 other nati�e -ports in th - t. year 713.7 dake a AZ XarfoWL n. e a, ea. entere 'foreign Ousi- scrape into, ot milk- -for a d Z. ous WILI wumms, Pnzp, G:raud Txunk R U*ay,. BREAKFA8T.' L-"� bU R E-2 of warm coun- iugh Knowledge'of th6 ni Pe CQNSTIP.&tion, xi-DWEY. Cox - sudden eliativ ople who are - e oneso 0 SibSist, L Upon hoc` :which govern- the operations of digestion and Of 0 Ifinafe. have 'littli chance of N Trainsleave Seaforth and Clinton sti.0 beverage. T 'a, people a- IsByath C tural laws, Osed to tfieL s' K 1 P PLA VT8 IMINARY DISEASES9 _V,ILLich the skins tries alm at,,, ur.L northern Td rittion, and by PENAL WEA RH=A- SUFOIZTH, 412he- nwt process., to P, careful escaping.colds, cbughs,,...sore ind,-lun nut eyplication of the, fine L properties of well- 0 *ubles, The best safi!-guar TISX, NZURAIGIA, AND ALL GOINO WZIR A sort late. subjectedL is peculiar, one select Co6 a,,-Mr.X tr to* M�ep Aag� of- fariaoer is b, Cacao, frui� looks a little like'not very :REP Passenger P. x. 1roun(L "with p VOU, 'R has 1 9.10 P. if. .27 P. z. -ly more point- which may save us many cure for sueb complohts; Llil� unde 3rovided our, breakfast tables with v; delica, PeCtoral Balsam -mtL hand. it is, a 1E 39 yards- quick T -AX THE LEAD from- which laF)ge ripe bud mbers, on ly flavored beverage ap� reliable By quie Ing and stiiengthening. hi !M�ed Train.. . 31. lappening in eiratilar for - thick, h&vy doctors' bills. - It is by- the Judicioua use lense smoke Qnd. lb -has a: is..ues wh -the fuel is 'ed at the tQVV Mixed Train.. 6,15 P. 0.40 P.m. -rosy in of such articles of diet that x constitution in4y One Go ecis n��e�,�'�nd Causir) let 4 either wheat od. Point Gristingl and -Choppi�g a--sp gfree'acdonot the, Game Emn- warty And, a; d'ii - yellaNi and fired. The fueL require . is 'gradually built up until strong enou h to ram e at all'L times is �of th many passused, by Bard6bk Blood Sud 1don on -,the 7-48A it to )ldt the twill -Q' liver, bollwelsand kidneys, andrdstor­. .a a. grass� gathered from colof. TheM side pulp that h� gtmvr sist; every - tendency to disease. 'Hun red Out of . e -theii power to throw offAisease. 143.r. X 2,25 r..V. d-. t or & spede Bitters4stbat-Winaybe'taken at--�Wlseason"sof ihortest ioticet' ing er it* iaL bV. brown seeds J not disagreeable. to the: subtle 4,55 r. &�Mountai NiDthi4g else, maladle6 are fl6ating around us ready to 6.80P X. n side the year, andby, either young or. old. in this .%rhy suffer Pilfous Pall Aches I rtT attick wherever there isa weakpolht. Wemsir- 'Ove,odnts a bag. will answer the, t required pur tasw of somebersons, although few like niany. a fatal shaft by keepi way the three busyB's are.,allkays at work and nx attid jr Wn.. lieved" Cho WU.V torni to eat it.- -Adthin -covering, calledZin escape ngL ouraelves,,- ented with Piles, Con'stipatitnI: wellfortified with. pure blood and a properly, doinggood., ppi g only Why frightened overZ4sordbredXidnejrs1 rem&ed -from the "During- s6ven d e bides are botany a a is nourished Gi , U ah&,y6n­ will be cOn` I 'why -endure sick headaclidsT call thi With boiling -water or.,milir. . Sold Prevailing Sickne . �Sq. ve aathrough - th4 seed kernel You, may a a husk.' Made simply vibeedthaf.ibUlshe right -place to get wiiy have sieelesizi 810HOP STRACHAN SCH­ -Pass-4 back and 01 s by grocers -labelled th his eason' 5 L � G L inT large, quaritites Wily . in 'packet us: Th eomplaints at -t - I L Your � griitim''g -.done, ai �,,yery one get�, D and from the furnace, and, The.baSkS. -a ..a � fL " 00 mnoke issuing., JA31ES EPPS &,00., Hom(sopatbie Chemists' are rbiuMatism, fieuralgim,sore throat', infli, gtzky CoMpou?, F 1 YOU N L AD I E SV Lo I - Ic I s� an entirely vegits. under . th ame 0 � 0 . � I , ; 1088-42.' 'these! other., the Floar in e 'n -h alth, 16 coa sheltso". blackeil, the tannin&of nddn, England. auziactuied *Qnr, his: Own re ess, it i-,. to be tions -and coagestions., For all' � . . : e Hall bl� 7 They, make ocolate-flaVoired. tea good e'best* .;Orheat. rmed harnildssi3iall-catek Coll6ze avenue. ToroAto. R& is -thus completed. 'Ifitisto almul troubles, Hagynid's Yellow Oil is th NESDAY, SEPT. t6 le . � 1. 1 opm WED2 'ather' sawy all DrIla-7*TIS sumiltion'Cured.- tdriial and, external Price $100. e blacked ' liquor of vir gar, In- w rsons re 'Con hich for invalids; n&*hich some pe 00. lid Food kept co umiesfor iiew residcnt yupilearelim- sola- fond of. B the rich7� drink from the ihysicidn, rotired from prictice, hav-, ur list corr el- -or An old j Flo ix fr -f n iron, has beentleft to Ueasol�&ble. IEIPP� e ire riqutsted, before the 4opcnbW inj f6r YdrriEsion (by lettercr otber- and do I -is based on pr WELLS, MCHUDSON & COMProlnietiiy* to am-) UDn of iintga.11a and 60P when aken a lit - and ready missionary the -formilla of' a simple ve Ikbne that evlouA6%,Ied;r� or ex tle sor nibs," as they ar ordi cocoa kerne e had placed in. lits handid by an,Eait India ,as tb6 Lady* PffndlW lan�pblkck called V.-th GRIER, Ardy use4, but itt"Incs A apl� remedy for the r:peedk and permanent- cute of plerib6ce, therefore those who bsi 13. -?B. i�aiy- after Sie. Asthma and reaso McLea oyn n t. wiiibe at h for sale, in e nably hope fora cilre, because the reviou Is used. Consumption, Bronchitis, Catairb h re Bent qt once on applicaticn.' he Manufactt rers chocolae in 41 troat'and Lung Affections, v of the dso a pbsiti,�e experience of -thousands w o ha�,e used"it, show$' 1he yellow-brown a tot to jig XI-PLPEN- s. often extract the ptente- and radical cure for -+Ncrvous Debility and all have. succooded'eyen in the orst cases )f a is how ak 01- iDg race shbpe leat6r �y'- the. 42M, 'd I hig re, to 4�,( t In j 18 IY ew f h eA ;Jh nd�d h_ t go 11 io 11 10 0i eloaded.unde on