The Huron Expositor, 1888-11-30, Page 44
NOV21MAR 80t
-qEIWADVERTISEMENT license platfokm thq. Prohibitionists atatesminlike manner in which this o
ne 1hilso have been 66rupleted frol of. hard wheat, while- fields within a,-" the iod-not bein'well, tip off the groa4d 'the go -die'
'Mad Canada of ours is bei 'ngshan r were *219 he
e little if iny ga a, bui it is also Tiet-46in -to Lutai in did p of wheat - his brains -would most certainly have, penditures $195,40.54
ng governed.:. -One d Ws and
w! mile o two have a sp fto
YrA It wa I a was an. ubscriber t� Q18-futid 0 are r
AWrThe re, between the parenthesis f n I crol
swit linrr d Be an4 bra�u The la
#ue that the high licen five miles.of eldinis
the page of the paper on cafididate iaw greedy monopoly to worked against an.- � t , ches.�' standing unout, Another will have o been dashed out. 5 b
will: -be continued to Pok in" Cub di Ron, .
h## adve entwillbefound. behind his "I friend of the saloon " com- other. ind: if:both!- can he satisfied 'by. re buy his very, seed potatoes, while I some- tireli - -stri d ot -fits clothingo 'bu6, Macdonald and fj i 01m
ppe Tailyt Toron
W A *-PTV So" body else Who w- as �up' alliAght- bWeni stratigb to is Ive JAB* Ferrier, me too $11-116;
New ArdV man & 001. (1) don and in time -also to uthern an
petitor 17,00Q �,votes. ThA -Moral 18 agrificling - and flo ecing'* the 'po ior man, set Inju ayf. racei d: not the sli&%. Ron,
310faul. (8) N rth es a- na 11treal
let-41a�mllton Brothers. (5) .9 W ter Chi smudg. Iff, Iout ry.
Diseo=4 0 es ta savp. garden ati I Dr. Aikins, Toronto, $500
-tolerably pli�ine, If Prohibition is very, well and 'And if not then the' sk 'IN. FAVOR OF CXLIDA -The Hu' tliathe had saved the and a patch vf Dilworth, 6a purih"ed We -Sanford, Hamil n
-goodt, cy, Iron. V7.,
-list in Grey, can. - Halifax, $5.0o; Wm. �G
We Take the Lead-4ackson Brothem (5) -must go, garia -.ReforMed Chukdh - Cc 'afar 'near Et
'.Slo mperande vote tide. er a 4 - less influential nventior Jaim,
Where to Eluy--J� Smith. (5) win getting a to I -
u unt or'. wheat beyond, while - every green thing- Coughlin
-a viblenteb In d,
Yohri Maloney, (6) quate to ati ' �,-hae voted in Uvro form iles'around was blackene4, I was sisting of 100 acres for the sum.of $2 ronto, $472; We eK"Ihd
r1dray Sfiebu-" aftir
Xotice�Johit 0. Mprrison.'(5), fight tho salodup Hig� denae W4110 the question- -of principle is 46ft of
tbo celibacy�of. clergymen.- with - an' Old-timer. yesterday,, ori the 500. For grazing farm'W Duudaij and Umilv
26. School Teich is not getting hat &IL- out Of t6 .6410 u-latIon'kItogother. The I�icyr FOP. EVROVE.!�-L6rd Sackvill, j. Portage PI cannotive s d fam
ert—Win. molt. $400 A. Me
us uding syste a -and Mr' ra telling; - exe Wit
remale. T*her Wantett. S.1hompson. (6) whose . story an
riv hters ains is worth - beattefi. �Halifax -$400.
Est Steor—Alex. Mex-rabb. (5) e.that,tho'bo aandt, md his: daug Ve we'n t in 1875 "with 6 xen :C.,_Maoon.'.of Brucefield, has
to what,we pben Sbelley, the unforturi4,
JOB '-�C n Wa
-Notioi to Cieditors--E. E. Wide. (6)� They Didn't Cateh the Canudk. be abolish of.,,. w6ph ha"I lberlain Ieft: is -
obInsent shin
S. Phi I Ii , gt 9 then wayback " half '.disp6s4of one of his two year old stal- man Who Was burned to death. in
t, few days a his
go.�_en route for Europe. section, where:1 -bear St;- f ew Ag
-,LHg for $eri" hom ..It will "member-edth6t one of thiD nt, is all a a sought him out to take lion '04ritire Fri sho
nee --T as, Bennett. (5) me h d-1 -put for'.1 Ix R' ance, to. Ki De- MoTav- ty
OKOR'01? THI ous,'_ stoc. of his. unprovommts-_-:�& pretty ish. - 9 .0
--John Barron. (5), is Thom.
sengationi of the Piesidential eledti Xr. McTavish intends takin him was * well known
ons,� ward ands -of peiious attended " demon'stra, team- of pODY mares -for driving, two to Maii throbghou
Farm for S� ; Aliraypts - h k'
Removed—gstate, Hugh Robb. (6) 'simply as an excuse. The System a in Goderich 01
Chrietmaa0rocerie"—J. 0. Laidlaw. (8) was1he- trick played!vu 11 a tobs.' t this: countk, -..having red
. ky, 'Dablini or 'toy- Granton Farme aed,
p6 Lord Sack tiou-in Glasne'vin cimete
of grindiffig hi'bond Was stablished brood mares' in
Mouey Fdund—J. 0. Wdlaw. (8) ni ter - at* Washing- Sunday at loose es, two pair -14T4. rS club, Stan- on the �Bayfield - road for in
Moore. ville, the British -Mi s ut tho�6nument to'the Man more'horses and i I
Senil Anfi�il Xeeting—Wm. ordern Councif And wij�o colt AYeafts
Consulting about a dozen ley,' N911 commence their Meeting'for� and at'one time figured in
ioll. He received &4etter signed Charles Parli chester martyrbi an exteud,,4
To the Ptiblic--& R�Ross. (b)- good blocky.cows, all but, twomursing, the.Wintek the first M
FAtrakSteaand-Ptaux-4.8 'Jr_(5) �Lment,_anditcanbe Withdrawn in .00THER ABSCONDEli. Walter'- 1 "Ives a-- f Cuddy in. Dec.em serlev.A0 robleries -which puzile
d tfij-
Winter Cape—H. F. FAwads. (8) their. -ca
F Murchison and. sent from some place the same way if the government like to Booth ow beefers dozen bereJ All 'Who Wish to join are cordially authorl#pB for�sorne time.
Good Pig��-G ne of the most widely now -i fat pigs afid 96 n b buildings over 100 invit6d to be present. was conVictedandentenced -to lani
eorg.e Trott. (5) - 0
- crop
almost eek a'dolt belong- for a tetm.
popu ar youn 116111 feet long by 20 Wide,, and a� -0 he night last
in California,.,. The writer professed tor have it -withdrawn. But' they gannot] nd ess men, i a:,
Art Cli 4--R.-Crockett. (8). ..1 g b
as di -of 6,000 busfiel
Serva Girl Winted7-L anadian 'who ha:d recently 'become Che onhaylvania, h all whe
Ut _Witor office_(S) be a C c`e the tax* ster count" . a. :He bas,i
Clearing AuctIcIn: Sal"Ohn.Me.Connell. (5) anir,4se on flour witlibdt the at sold. inj to Mr. Jos��h,Sfophensj of -the MAU- —The Blyth Piesbyterian'
appea.Ked leaving $1000 i6 unsecured, 1,060 busfieilsat$1.15, 'Will hold the,
- i ' eongrv.
Ome forged no eq.. o has an'active memb -
a citizen of the Unit6& State nit -of Parli u'ite ev- debts and a t rest 6 month or t' o. That farm is N&e land concession Collibrue, broke loose tinn ership of
Estmy-Hq1fer—.T,. Walker --(S) a, nd 'was cause erit `aaA it -I and
o (8) fif opneiderable distres's to1how- how io -ident W of in the.. stable and killed itself eating
that they do hot want to do the F 286. During the- �pat year, th
Oats--GrIeve, and Stewart. (8) tR_E PANIO I�T SCHPOL.-�-I_ 'da than many a garden patch. v heat..
v a the Firs weeds to- I , - re iv4ve
ote andasked';Lord Sickville -for his' raised bv an's Foroiju, 31
onp uxitil.they Cad accomplish the oth r* VV4rd -PlIblidSoh6ol., Loiig Island- City ..Exi3epting for, a summet'. —Mr. T.- O'Neil of Brussels,has dispbs, the OP1410n., e the other'' -day a 'or ow or wo, ary Sooietyt
The letter -professed to b I __ - - _ . - y I y of flids created that -farm has been cropped in 'qd of his b M a! rivingmar .8117; for -ad
e Also. erneil of
some -of d
written i -panic amonj the 9.00 childrent"aud - rown qiqla , e church,, $3.34; y Sabbath Selio0ljI&I.
ur the Strictest oonf Ulan grain since- 1872. Nevep less than- 20 to Ji ha Scott, Listo-v rel, �. for the
1 or#1 !deuce.. The. wer."eVerely but- -_n hels j'anda, fifty -acre suln Of by SabVath collections, $92.7 ; -b P 4ot' fatally� injured bus' _y
a very, courteous 'TRZ big organ in Toronto, -Called -the'- in tl' -patch more reo $180 e was a�v e beast f
Britibh Ministek seat Sh e tidy. lit
Mir wild iush.f6i'the d S.�. -ul Gleariers,,$IT; for
oor cently broken. has - borne an average of and hands ture, 111141sterli HOUL.&TR 'RATF,$,-,-THff0rbS are- he total contrilutio-
five-. yeare Ju - �-_U ffoanblkairllk� ?a Many years res -
and gave Such advice as the --RmPIr6, gi�eo ho 11itile brother in T6 '-R fully 30 bushels of wheat T 48
slap '4004 fierce -back -ba being rriade in
SEAF04TH�, FRIDAY, Xov. 30, ISO writer evidently d6sired, . It oo' ' - alo'- bring about a.. coasslou,' -, As We 4rove -around the, ideni. of Mina fister, -been thub dousiderably ovr,
WWII it but 40001 Blith,
who has
Fr04byWrians are. If
spired -blr.. Murchison wag a myth :may, Country his ponies shied at. a heap of 'living in Gailt for'no 6 time, has decide —On-Tuesd
that, U1166ting of the general *nA or@ of the, berial -gtverf
various -roads � Iii - th 1104 's 'remarked that they sy of last w6ekt
American Politi AN, ito' A
whore.he will I*- Mccul anif kill; of Exeter Ohl
-,-,-We syr wore ad to rem a
and that the letter bad been wrkWa by nPathise with the contention- ti
4001A On to devise molans and'moisdros not Used to stonos,
::Of-- the 8f; Mdryi; J -the auth- - for At, -home, His hirid ca -to d
-The -Ar�e ioan papers are Ptill busily go -ringste O"urnal -that _per frOm 10 *�oar loads
me political
r in StOPPit)gth4ex1itingdbmorilizationin mAuf &- little Englishman fr6'm Comber- —The oat Crew of Apyal Tom- the Old Country, � The PV to
order to got .orldei of Toronto University 'should os 0, _is I
engage land, do Paid Goderlob. is second ststi 00"I 'One, The
d b414110109 UP And ADSIYZIDS thO. a partizan,upinion- from'the B&I'h, in t -bound frefibt rates and to advanae, Pmi odt. look In Scene -it ths
lo* In- Canada for an-ocoupaut for for ajob in July, plar Revivalists -
age the 9 n Is having was
r rfi
vote- Cast At At Ister that -dould be- used -to dam od 1101V chair of English L16 frs!ght bousewas J81led to-overelloi
T.4cent presidont old the ratesi The present situatio, and. started on tr al. as an: English visfab the ft t- three days of last wash on �`Wfis A'i
rai �w -disastrous. offeat UP011 thO. W-86kir � tenderfoot Is In poor dqmajid here, 'Ho jn4 "is paid $W a month for the four last iful-meatings,
41M.' noun myora pro r6ads,',.
athy. of British ofH % Idg4 Yatow —The X6110''W �ter months, an enogAgo
t1oz. On 'paoullarity of the American bernocratli Turror But when -our Conte on each evenin -kold a candidates by showing th
System is that although Mr, Cleveland tohxve tb� symp* dead# to do co-Oxfordaud=m it and -piled Away up to the roof
d I d for the wint d
of the Vote# Cast -he Is The lot as Iforeigners'-wo " f or at —it fig. state that YDAWHyt of bi I 'o doubtfalt
haVi W'�soourg still lingers n i arre s p
r of L rd Satikville wa' bad, �As theyw
tte 0 ti 6 Soilth,"�r.Ogivs $16 a mon; _&,
I' Pub 'PAr ClOmptin Th' - 6' 19..T ffleind out *all that olint ' fs� negotiating for'f� thd removid In tlets I - Mf, - MoCaul V III go t
-d. candidatot -them -11shed and regulted, U. the -proof I utf-British - presi� -oral new rodmin ifid Another hfoll organ factory to See Tho
still -the defe&te 04908opeur didly at Voinandirpkj ciop himtelf, his h t to he
AJOr 4 Mao
dent,do.. n Canada in fht wait till they have suai -Jacksonville and . other 'places In Old Coantry with ..them,
he d --thord V Ont: be inuoh left of I.: Bower n. of E
Ity 'of the members elected to the elec* rhanding his recall and the,. iti' cet As Firidi, And f it Peoitu, Al stooking: behind him', It.1s. cordslike xeter re,
.13ri "sh Gov�� ided In the r agitatfon- t6sover Can&
n. a, nd the British -Empire aliams, that whidh-reconCilouis:toAtjyiug bn In_ Cli� nl-- Ived the Oth6 . r day a i
forfal council being Republica .-Op- 'ernment have from before thei'. Ong 'AND vyRsdi ce,
arranged to repla he silver medal'
Ce take to (AGY, ON T.Ht- AT- ihiis� Cold Northwest.' Life too short e entbrprising- firr Slater & a from
posed, to him. Ailother interest' ,calling the United I.Cirigd6m '-a' LANTIO, __f rdend in Londbue- Mr. Be
1119 at Vdabingt h. vqre itorin raged Monday for beginningi�t thi's Stage a!, the worl ith, e'rium re.
coun ry. er,! -a ong , ie rn Contemplate the erection doubly ead
on :by another. By' foreign t Probably Sifnat Of BI imPairted a team f
7 . r .1 ds
-feature of ibe eleation-was the unprece!- O*ev I tl 'E4 aitd.' Coast from New 'k-ork -history, with a. Wree Clyd
-cornefed harrow of 9, latie now -brick builing'next sprin g #4
go * ad natuied courtesy, th' they think* that Would -be too 10 0 on. Much damage was., -and sickle. Even in. . England, a*y which he exhibited' at the. Wait.
erefore, -which 0 ag t6 Bot mares,
dqutedly large vots'polled., The per-. for the better accommodstio of their *in- ern fair, London, and a fri
although -.welt 'meant was indiscre't'h W �n
cerit* 0 take 1our. at -five nien end-w1olwu
ae -Shipping, and manylives W06 iosf. 'farina, it J0
n,Wliod6notusethe-frau- J -hu lost a good offic h The St. M salmon h' t my creasing business, 'in att a team so mueh
e. It now a that 11orror of Orrors .1 aryS NUT SAL'MOX ;'r, 1811INGi. �LNet, with an -old-fashidned`r --Mr. Charles Lesslie,well.,know"n -in endancet admired th
paper W
-a 14]ngla:
chisi 19 us �l astonishingly large, in a similar-dodie Journal i d has been more unre- Pbrtage friend can do with bis re, ays of that hesaid they were datitled to mote
was -tried with'our own A, Tory ; of- the old school 116wi6k, -died Suddenly n Michigan 'on
son th than the $12 prize,
munerative thie sea an 'for. forty. horses, and accordingly -ant
firehison' C` 0 -the 11thinsti - Dece"ed was the YourIg. Mi.%136
xq? in ee S t�a t e amounting up� into the, hunz id -stdctoqt .,'goat, And
Sir! Charles Tupper. Mr. INI obtr 'lledi va W"
it .18 Said. Langdon friqp-d haowaked up 'es werman a medal. The "lia
see our
)t 'Owned t b thir Mrs. -James- YOU29, -Of the best ever brought into Exet�
dredo -of thousands. At t9 election, wrote him.& lette' if n
by &!;. ex -Tor 'aggin,�-but his rridmork.mlistbea-ver Gdrri
r -similar, to! that sent Y-1.0ein- TiiF,'ORAXGE ROP —The orange'erop.. rt and
hoi t* Mr- Bowerman says his next import4-
weverL percentage of non-ovotirs to -Lord Sackville bui the w didaie,* - bf - Sout'he Cal 1, orrim is reported- to'be bad 6 'no, , I. did'not,sAi1that th ple irecep ion WAS gi�ren in the base;, tion Will
ta." be - den' ' f", :_ .
il - Can&- ounced M —A
y smaller than d'verbefore0tin and mouth -piece R th arg of fro' p1l 2, 000. to about'Langdon were- ir e
`probAi Y en e�.I,g,6ua; e yeo
wair, ough io- Allow
than was. i2ot so. easily caught as - the Orga e great have Ment of riox.chu.rch- Goderichn Fel.'
590 cai- loado. being Shipped east. not yet been there, th6�gh : I ha i a ��The prisoners, Ham and
voting last t9 ReVe Dr. Ure, pas- charged ivith bein mp Ida
thehist6ryJof'thwcountr Chieftain As 11 aiiti-British.4. Surely MPS. Sio�viljg I mofe Of Dakota than for of the u asion of his
Y innocent and'good rfituied.Ruglihmanl COVERING Har. tainl -soon a dea i
y Use important than the elecF-. fgiir Charles ev. 'ji there must be -room for a libel, sa t Beec�Lei Sto� rob, on thi-occ WilaWo barn a
idently !1,smelled a mice,_ we -has almost'wh6lly 'hp."' appears to havedonef-bat I never rettirn ftornbis trip t 19ritaini burning of Mr. D.
-P thiat u
0 redo v �redl' f rom her"recM 91ne'sS and- Speak* of whM I don'tkriow. He him. e stekin ship) -P _7011114
tion, of. �epubliafi President is the and the' fall' wing',i. opy O e- Char. We al-way.8 thmight It was, only the G' Seaforth; cam IL Up before Judge
pqn. which
tran afiti-Brit sh, and tha ei r ffirb�,. elf told us whkt'* at. Godt�rlch, f6r trial on TrIday lub�
sfer of-- jpawer in the Hbuse of Rep- 'acteristia reply he a' nt: who are h � timp� jpleasantly'.at he
i a rousing. Fourth of RQV.L- I'Von
e t no g4 aid McGi I yr4y gf.Goderich,
-d haine'jii
rese r KO 1, gaged, in het usual. OCCu-. July celebration hid been hold'thero_ Sailed 1, for China, arr at Yokoh Traas - pleaded and was'
ritattivei-from the Democrats to. the :- ' ama
9 vtqoRiA cujxBxRs, 'Tory could eve merli. -such 4 Ile ns, U'
ther riats On Tu a W4
is now from so high on authority. But, IN, -E a, oir. %nm 17mwc o' %�ALE th, for
'I. horse-racirij,-firdworkajerid, a day of kit ' ok A, day Ahead of i-aned till TueelayL.
ini as It.., ONDOX,- Oct. 5t.b, 18$8
-Ropublic, L Veeerr;ber .4
certain that Dig'
SIR,—I, est per- F S., too, umorous Po men- t'ioj2-;4ttJ &ILIL a . 08ting. the a6ertise& time.' mtence, but Hodgint plea not
aus I -
opa money Id u's they had five Friday Wine Jardine,' one of was a - Ig coral aps the Empire th wasbrilliant guilty and- od u'
eem, it h' h Alment 'h ,ded,
the. R ill have a small ma, that ur letter o �The city of"Co�e
jop., yo f the 5th ulf., should have been. Oug t the 4odrnal age, He -also to d util same.
a r eve ra" five michine'hougds,and a hoaf the a
it tiddressed th me, and m y that. it -as min' ted thb othe ininj in honor elovato Henry Romp, charg#d with ate
y. in the be ct House of Representatives. 4ent. Grit. -'People Will some- imes mike is. of- ArpenterB t w6rk'rebuilding the
ontomeberebymyoni`JiyOttSWa. Xy_qffielal m 'who with her' of other public an& private" buildings.' at Goderich, fell
'In the pre ient House - the Democrats sentative of Canada in Great takes. Ontario,
position as the repre A.,mpting to wre the' Ofend..'Trunk
diughters, depaited for -England. east -of all to build a -through- the - gang way of the -scaffild- ber6th. Bail has been,refused.'
15ritain rnakes it quite Impossible, ow, � I '.. . i - Uway train, will be trip
ever, for torchlight n. -.*drkingm: h' 1.8800 on Decem.
have, a majoifty of about twenty. - For me to offer any opini, uestion you' of en 'a urch,.and if I raid- -r-Ightly that $800' -of his arms besides
raise, as i am sure, on ri Ing, and broke -one
--the first"bimp in eight ye rs, therefore, .*III inime? TH.F held aria oked: -riot 'got any bif*ger- � since' Th&t.ij Sotilbing _.Whileer
A M was diately comprehend. As you iv.111 bp aware the anitobs A�jlwdy- C uslasm, was. has other injiaflese form1ug household duties
O.0 rossing -dif- oyerkwheii (#splayed. "his -evidencei'and invited a arg e
d before the S'
AIL departmonts. of the Goyetnm6nt Will hope is- �pperrnost in everybodIVA.' Robeits, wh'
gind that the ficalty was u —Mr. X We a has%eien One eveniF9 ]&at widlio Mrs, IL Plakar
rl 9 IL . . - 1. uprerne. 'In of Eketert-left 411
be * t4eL h attersin dispute between' he wo' count e C AN�i-ftiViERY. SOOI Adif a to make -6 note. a The,peoplp_ carrying.'on th -the Children
ETr. Cardi f it,-
ngw In. ands, of and party. It. ourtat-Obtawa,lAst e blacksmithing business in another
;r -ay soon be disposed of In, a mh
oner satisfad- week-.;, r. B1 L_
ake avigbrio, has, submitted his auti-sla bo' 'a's t more -in one daii-ove d
r for some -time in Porter's Hillp has re. room, an in
Ion. in Canat es especi- 'IddNig and horse racing than' veAg Brussels. He 1� succeeded
e le I very
I .'Robins t6ok the.. He reli will now b' possib for the Repibli- tory to both and. your knowledge. of publWropin- and, X Oh ph �eme.16-th'p Pope.----: a'short time she -was
will show yon that Cuadians are. r 4sto in tartled by. the Orion of one zof the little
cant, to n tbouqh�suoh most'desirouls, that- their relations 'de of the Canadian ngland's sup'p He thby have A,, go . or a m f6r I The child bad taken the Ihm in
initiate a d carry with the: -81, ally 'on art, -a h If t f thoe
In I" year and
United States. should and Mr.' r place. by Mr. A. We Potter,
Mr' the
e-ndly ch-aracterir - be of themost, cordiii and MO, �eqds �tb forin a, Auti-81 by 0hurch, remind me of the Mghlatid tee- of HolmeiIville hand and was. proceeding upstairs, M en
legislation is th' ' -h " at-hdart, and f1i . &very Socie
py . �Vel wat'and y eq'in Wt
r edarih 111 .0 taller. 'A friend a g - hi -and weary a rather -seedy . he ipped L n
the undivided responsibility of adminia. am, yours faithfull ft. 11 d.- -
o composed exo slve�i f. n one,day ., --Footsore 8 tr a d fell, � the -oil spilliogan
y -side of the Province BI
c r turning oft his lass�,.telnmrk that� he looking tramp struck Blyth the other her cloth
,ed,). CIIARLks) TuPPER.* ke 1 4.1 oam ic. a, ies. lug and I ben
niting, and w
id, lc.hol� has been found Abeirse envel ed I
For years 'I 'Wi has. . Murchisoni. addieos� Sal HARD 7,61LL.7�mA sin thou ht he was a -teetotaller..'
tration musi-rest" upon tem.,, a Ithat while: Dominin
the So I -am, day. As',he.had heak& Wingh!kin wad OD . ri fames, The
e a w eii Covert on #-what- rush j,b,j eff
Vast -habitvf both par. tIs 9 . : � dig' 0114 St. Pa bu _T1m.h0f.& fe'rry, igoted ne- In 0 child- wa
'let authorit! is. -to free road at ul and Dulath. pts to ncrease its popu-
if has been. the ay, Sir'Charles- devis! b o wrapped in blanketst th
ug fbiMrio -e
OtL ad at- issouR Creek, ''a' ai for. " They may b e- vw . r igibuS at lation 'he, 'Was auidous to &t there, ind flames arnothered ind' she proved- tabs
e re, of Was not published It wa' -few"" Iles
ties.: to� thrdvir upba the other th a: n the. the Mij n u' to mi � I Laugd6n,bc
- s - - th f For throe weeks but lightly Injured,
4- 0 8. h'and, the so
of' 1 it. they are not ly struck thw ReOre gave hini a pass on
ed and' to par6yL other h6ind -was tha. '100C day t the
_ponslbility�f f-ailire toact impor- tyle tha thi dri�d
was wifil busily giag ore tha "to n- ch TrinkAsilway meeting f the Statiley Son
for or loads of filliog a arch building. I wa do . . spital could Mad In Sp . . wn a 3to Dakota line last week, and found- on our 7&rficles of agreeffient between Grange, on Tuesday
tant?, dievati us. Hereafter, whatever -a us- have -been- a out it. Al chal " to, bind them o'
vein more firmly aQe no Nov -ember 13th,
_fj B'idd - Wo little plicie'llvo miles there was a lively disoussi
failures opciir, the dz than bofo�e, Its more-than'00 the'track -Theisoir-and Cu'rr" for thi
one party ill be hough they found
old John Bull so wide' and apart, le anothe on on -4 a
eems that this is about- r shot put
W e sigpe
is eyes open.. the size of. -it. 6n -Saturday. 0* way of wintering stocki,
-he' ern� and' three 4ew e m-Atch,- which is for $500 a side, will he discussion w taken
held repone ble fbr them. Ira. this point, U vith L 16si than five ele b t coiteat -we
,ZI9 the wil Ciniidian had hi pe -at at vatiro most rofitabl
ak anoth.or., Op a r istance a4my is chur( n T Supreme Court h t t d -by a
)bes q
of.1joe" : L 41 e to Th part in
d iukiag* 6nt The surface of. the: the ten days 1,was out, 'I do.n't say, take 13 -at Parkhill, on Novegiber
qtzi evident Trom the milred a journedi*but.theemembers' -11 m �s
wi eat
1�rgeumbsr of those present. S
an cracked in all di. at the pioneer'who'. had. to from' f 9th. M a
-D r, A. D. tow rt
4 of' ecehiber-for"theae..; in a general way, the resultof:
vote tfiAt, t e -trade. question did not: Grinding" in Bond. swamp is. seamed! d
agaili on the.1 th been
ne k- ago I av e ming u
rtant gi.part in the can!'. we; - annou. ed -some day by livery oi judg in, li!plt that h ` e --beeii a fine farm'at short., notice,'Vecause, h the discussion maybe thus stated. The
ay so Impc point'A feiree.
P1 ments on the cases already, operied-sounding- . ines have een drop- e ood,* war, -Tlio Presbyterians of Bluevale had
Ottawa. co.rrespondent ottl d' in 'a 'bad n�fghborh feeding of �the cattle should be three
a it M as. thought it would. It of- Ithid - Em :heard,
0 in a day, dr! fug a
and it is likel e will be -feei0vithout b t accordin ificcessfulL tea - . times:
this "on p6d down. 35 bakot to a ver - eating on , Tue �ngi _'nce a day.
ire -that it: Was tha`Lintenti��-�' tFhW-,, umb Obtain and -a fflzdu'� 0 a, Ou four
day of.,.' last week.* The.. efreshmettit In feeding there -should be observed L
�s apparently true, however, ihat the among 6 numberof our" Huron 80y, Own.. Sh6
iou -specimens of fi
e -n er.. It seems to. be the sh have wing,' which.
me�nt to aban uthe e' Caug -the- far as possible regularity in - times o
4oiern do system of 'get
organized lab r'vote was largely cast.for t be nti*rely agreea, with my personal- were a6undant-ind rplishible while.
Lers Opinionamong h er-
UL �prmitting A I frat
set vationsi a goo . many-placei feeaiug- and quanti
weridan gribi to b- D6WNED�'
tariff refor -,while -the norganized e ground n T elv� d
m in intellbetual And I feast was equal- y using atall
ity that the Canadian a Pacific rail*ay tho6an 'a akoft.- not entirely'
bond -by Cin peop e as-- Opting Labgdon -go' times the
�vitnesse&a;ballo�n. '-- . 1, y- od.. Th6' probeeds, the most im-
adian millers -Thi I animals kindly and quietly,
Vote. a aa the agricultural vote By$- win the casee" Maim at Exposition Park, -.Col m- bu's, re not very bigotbd on 'behalf, of Sab- The foodco'mmonly fed is a in xturef
tern, has portan.Vpar�, amounted to $64.
6 Ither . was d vided or -went the bden, in
-Other- vo
gue-for vears, and
Georgia,, on-tbe 23rd insti, by Professor, ath observance. or 'ehdreh going.L Of strawand hay pat tog9ther.with rioo,
He week Samuel Haggard,
Vande en eaks' of the naked 'ildern.
W Thai t e manufacturing town of many of the large mills aftnow run l. F H �Wh . the ballo n, w eas between. Bruseli uret with a -misfortune w aud� after the new - year more -or a_XT said that n grifte a- blip ess
twP _vaca'cles in'the h' ' .1
a . feached an alti bad�, of - half a, mile it Orris and Gretta. L
rain, a aI IIOst_ exclusively American g Theyare 27 mjle _`h- n the next regular meeting in
Xew Jersey,, d,. a oppip$ -ear i �n - R6bbls - farih in grain.
I Senate have b eien filled by ai�
r ?,th-e 6,ppoiiit- sud enly.burat a began, a descend to part,, and the road runs �artly through Morris' December *debate will tk
he re"on given, for- abandoning Wei- on 6�e blade'bf
coptions, thos of Connecticut, gave a;n ihe' inent of Mr. C. -S.- one Of the round apidly- L A -chip a e placeon
Ing -versus Era"
Vindegrift the t lAnd owned b the subject stall- feed'
Rodieri CU Y"Spectilaf6re and at-" the axe;1. caudig It - ta glance and inflict
X that. h d. the parachute -h
De ocratio vote. S -Y" did the N wealthiest French Canadiabi and �Ior a eye- Wh i. d feeding
r ndi gin bond,system was that therels rebeutfit only for
-of the a the angly.'gash� in his. lefti-foot. gewill
it seemed. ould escape —Oi Friday night last,. the house -of
so di e A017 a Suffiiency of Canadian 0 'bim t at be w' findreds of thousands of bushels of grain -be laid -up for Some time
Mity of N Ork'; grain, to
DL 'L dia he 'Th) Pat hute fell near the 'd flax markete - t e 4wo towns Mr. We Laithwaite, Maitland �Zonces_
oW d Rhodi Is- Pr vince-of Qftebec,AudM G 0
Igepthe r. e rge A.
so alct n millsgoingand phatbonstiquently. .4 tb�6i' --MeOsrs. Veriby & -Sona of Exeter,
'on r w i I .
land, orthern part,of Illinois; ummond,,of Montr a.. .,Mr. Rodibr, tr.d.,;df the -Clii4shoochie .'River, andi7 0 f there is I" not Ihe1rst -sign of cul -
e have'let thecontract foi the, erectifon-of, sion, Goderich Town rnhip, was can
Y-ar egrift Was. -havino h- e
in�jnaing Chio ago, while thd Repu bli.; not n cessary to continuolthe privi- although 6 a dro,wned.'-jn spite of -thel ation ? I e b fire. MT. Laith
was thy, man': i's Inonens wis to depreciate their ow n wafte, was 'in tb
is of grindip -In bond. I' ge4 foundry biild-
g [Th,is
�ga*ed it -Southern .-Illinois. an iIffort bduly 06 territory'to of plic Is at. the time the fire -earn
ails , in On a of two men'in a b6at t6 save him
ust lug in At e WL -brIckWork, to.
linopirlpirit, tity politically, and is unknown outside.. He: th b nenced, aid
has had the effect of f as and -unm4 at the'soreheAds and skippers -out are Messrs the rest of the family were sit a, neighbor's
righ ears old ed.. Bawd the
j!the Other ard, in'Miunesota, where of his Own- immediate . vioini en
in the milleisi for an as eon y
Aherwi e Granger v 9 n 'the typ d,h I Cot th I'
-ote,-theL Demo.- eople who know what thiby carpenti ir *ark to Messrs. Role's TAY-. arrived at
a Alarg We Zd.' i never taken a: ny- prominent ere talking o house. When he and others
theseene-the fire- was too far ahead to
me organ, -of Tuegdaj as fol ows poli- when the'..m6rfts and Lde- lorg *ithout tender.
oratiqaia wasl2a 000 andin the wool- OBA TI!ETTER., -'of this Country are finder dis-. allow
ti H ich, howev 1 lerits of much
alu �( usgi - n. The Ias 'Farm', S*tan
eri and As hisi Mri'j -W.r j. Biggins, of Elmhurst of the contents being sav--
n millers. ii is r
-.growing state f.0 a.. the. Democratic A deputation. of wester' 0
e�lpected here in a few ty hae been- flatterek 'ho'-doubtL (From ouroWn Cor�spond t maii 'Lapoke-- to -to-' ley, -ree�fitly -refused a N;el-y ede The organ. a d a few other articles
-Was days t interview 11 ent.)
he told me t1tat on AS D�kota fa tempiri were Saved;: but -the greater parb bf th6,1-
rmt n offer' fro'm an American,, for
Wirmirm, Nov '2
thiswas in part
ug It
of,, he grindtng of wheat in 0 e fa
pin' gh _SUbj1 will be 4 good in r e,u:p ember 5th, uss... res rned. Wh -makes It
ihe�Miriistbrof Customs -on t an to call on fo i th
..inade in. the manufacturing cities of i somi hi1ndreds, of ad of -wheat his Itho itharn - ebw wbfcl� furniture wa's bui
e.tna6h,talked of 711 reen
n 'L A�- buillding:of -An election fund And as he [be! has, raised Just-eno -ndou show. The more serious 1
gfi�vthrikii Year to'- tdok2n rizreeat. 1h at that about, $280,
and, and Cin'cinnatf It: would A mpire a is )adw is
el 6unced in the E Martin'-agaihst the Frbe, Press a r his taxes
w over 70 years 0* f 'a he ng here pric. o re is Sal to have.been -.well was burned; $250 belon t
fr not -,have, as your read- r his Il Ing
am these a ong represen iving... p. -in the hundred
us ro are. a Lrea y in
facts that ilhatever iiEseve b ea ey4s go I d' a now u waite,ad 30 to -VVIM, McBrIen
lo � O� rid
C 6 Str andi 0
Beef tations Laith
and ninj Call,
et -likely to last ry * formed fizzled out.
a Hisi colleag e' f
11 a Mr. Bowill longe�
r ofthe ab. Ma _.—MrJffoseph -Montgomeryj -an.enter 0 Was1lying there. The loss of thim
n -1
hifIueuciL_th@1 de queation:had upon a' They were tob ili�pery for. ether a Hurd ote,,S, -f Wh
0 Mon of this prMle and n good luck is quite: t individ. money M
ge on t4e gro uthe ftaf reiult, it Ifas: ser"Y'led to show"- t at Canada .'prod ucea far. nibre� or a prising armer Of 11�wi&*-and who for r. Laithaite Is A particu-
wheat Ual.- Afth u .0
6�. Those
0 , gh'- equally an u9wn in us bveral 1yeari --has be It -for: larly
I h ela. salesmar keen one. at this timej as the
our O'Wa millers. - It who exo -a good dea'I of fuin'but Of. '-The balance of thiff. season had
t an -needed-by
in some. degree at least, that. the work- 'ected
politics'he has obtaified fain o E the, Eth 9, a eese priagb4uh, a his been sell
e er it, such funas it raise the
a iears,,ho*ever1 that no a n anoth got.When. two el fac 'Id f� 81 hease-factdry'. has sold ing ll they could -to
wives tory' has been' so r 'is gain i -: amount "and pay O some pressin claims
ing People. of 1e, States have at lad can di pound farm and g to remo%4 to Maul.
he: head of the gr h - other , with stinking .- fish: .11016 n&."
M&4e in ihis 'respect exce by, the itection, e. is t
onto per pou Money
'fnadethe'disco, fythat a higliprotee . and equally . nauseous re, tobi, having- purcbased�_ari and his son intended taking the
tlhOriii of Parliament a gar'combind-6f languagi, - skre-' M' , Middleton, of the.'
d. before u which- we have-heafil Pdint" at people, sore farmnear eepaw&..
tiv. thing is do e, Y-4isappointed.. sidU ba;ve.a. Eayfield, dfed-oiI 1-huraday"Of I N to London the djy
e tariff. is nt theL benefit 'a' nd 'biess- a L ne'th- .9 repr -after tfie fire, We
Will: tch dur ngL the past Year.. or ast week Mr% Matthew Ctinninglia understand there is considerable I'nour-
t t an- e 0 —A adn of m
'too, -is. rick, but -he hi �jm caught in chop- ancenn both building And contents.
e has f Morf6, goi
Ives oppoiw&ty to
to them Ifiat the manufacturers have. ample WO-- command "'of 4ving een -I I about:.t Sh
d H s1ron o w eks.
as no
96uss- the Proposal as well as the kin. made a guage. If such phrases ab ous t long after her husband.
wo4ld-have the 21 believe.. _We believe
ty A66s_ robb! Yin �bon& `etce,etc. !_Mrr J. Rit -from near Belmote per on -Monday of 'last weok,'tearing the L
d -4d one for t6 increase of the. du ng'the peopl urI
ISO, that I lure flesh from - the elbow to the- 'wrist-, in, a
same. classes in Canada on e,of Cernad Chi
parljament4iyf,-.,(I,hoard good few of celatly sold o
as we ag was a bare'.faded ..fijj me sortu,-th der --
are 'Mr. M'cIud6o, horribletma un'r.'' It Will be- aL
in to a similar -eon. i bils 1�04e'of: 04.
are rapldly� ca i?, iffhateve 0 t con!p Victoria University and
k the Intention of ihi -Tov-- Spec es -robbery splendid - Wingham, a drdesed turkey. *-eighing e e e will, have the us's Federation.
.9 e Aoor of theRbuse,) L able tim' then: we are pretty -safe. We are too' J.p.ounds, It's like isseldom'seen,
man. infiro here 64ttle our d again. —ithankyomV0
for ailsist- r north No !spates with -7Mi88 Wilson, a teacher of s6m6 _Y.
d1will be DE&R*MR. EDITOR9
;Iusion ai. the ;1bxb. 'election 'will cer- 'er ament -may be' in �*the matter, it I ru' i of It
t�iiuly show if t ie fkeb� is not made abun- quite'evident iiorri tl�e bove --that the. Mit. blialfma JV hag L b, -..T-Mri- John-_. Winchestei!, InSpeotor.of much for the ispace you gave.ine
I - .... I .� . -1. vers. No one of -these g6ritlemen' e perlence, een.-engaged to teach.- .1 1 - oifl in y4br
n on:Xr.. lacela cl
am revil
app%re before� that time. G1 )'ernm�ni doi-n-0 ega ces -for Toronto was in Oode-� valuable paper last week for's few-. re-
t want to -see the mil., bine adminise A has -yet called Othe' 9th department
ion. W r a horse thief,"so t
ny. r-inkles..- in the in the Clinton Pub- ch on '�Wodnesday jastt- iiispectiu� -the marks -on the ab questione— IV&
nsneo L . . you'are-not 9 ov
Most of 'them combine b
e Y9
attorne your kind permissiori, as Rev. Sam -P. -
-rohibitioinstsi t -progress ar a. very fast f her's - set no ounds o their angry.. fter a short illn
It rnay`a��sob � iutqresting to. Canadian li. at the' pre ent time. to a,gine that-, �hblio mein Ii 001 at. a salary of -$225.' A
a that lie don� know a offices of the sh"riffi County
ribuds, of the Gov -' ment not � ith knowin
1 . . .!I a Mr; Hug
ern wo h 01 'k - of 'the Peace, And Deputy Mas ter Jones says, "I wouldlike to a ' another
*'kao,�v the How �w I e ex
9 1 -ape -or., of the tontli--concesdou. -of in Chi XY
Ways forth. .'Plq' of 'kIkada lik6� t ba "it inay be as"w'
utiona Are al %noery ind.foiudeveiy-thingmat- tbigg."
being made ami mgour neighbors by the at thiir co6 ford,
rib 0
ve t is friend of ell to remind"', my Ilett one of the. oldest.weettlers di' ohibition serm timei!t; 'as' evidenced by east P ed my -last I Showed: (1) According-
- I '% theirs ele irfi-� Grit friends ihat� the � tactics which .0 ursday at the age of 73 yeamo
1�r cc ing at erection times, and. eon vated to th-68enate: and placed
at aff0i in -t—Farmers around Blyth. were asking to Dr. C i, General Superinteriderif
the,�ote' t cast f )r the Prohibition candi.- -qt al 4, �he as his un: uccessfully fol. arms,
ly our valiafit' a n a posit! i�hdre ere 8 I hich has be
r or can e Sabbath sihool' on ou such- high prices foi their., hay, tbat, urch, -that tbb
4owed lajhp atteffiLpt
ib e 0 m1lorL hi Id during 4he Summer in the of the Methodist ch
date. The Woh' ition yote. is n arty to, Oplit with the pie .:school in
n eir chose 'away. so,
ni.just now, L T. iih. legislatio "that th#** n represeta. Gree -,.'and� his -lieutenant, t, Alex. Smith of that place conceived thi, Federation question had originated
of. ur yeariago,,-, it -noiluicement as, fi 4 arom. ext se,. ion 1, Sta ally Closed idea, Of iiiIporting'- somej I and con-seque
nley, wai� form
double that rat made, was,- no tives en t ? church Is concern-,
may he ut- far -as the M
I . . Coss u y used in fo.-.t winter on The,
HoweVer,. perhaps act y the Sirne as Lit f ' " ' I - ethodiit
creai�d from I 0,000 W260 0; but 4y had a bar load of pressed hay- brought ed, in_ the. wrong place, ' viz., in the
Joh* A. -i--' n - ksgiviug daye�
tQ0 as: do bt, a feeler� thrown out to see h�w - even this 'appointment be ', killing. JohnLNorqiRk. I remoinber n
may resul in, McBride,. formerly �O-ver frorri Goderich, whiWEe old at General Conference rather than inthe
�st ed aggregate vo a I . _ . : I . -1 biggist steaf'
the i"t ti- We in- it ndin rightly,. ou d take and. fi a of.- -which it! p r vietor ofthe Albion
g the movew 8 good as it aliduld go a long. '%k tb.60D hotbl.-Vxoderich, fatimehi. w eri Asking fbr- UniveisitySenate, Cobourg. V) That -
e a row -among those: -most A
cr and ased ly to rais he. restaur
amed ant business in
500,000 ao -of this incre' ever scou'sed him ;viis: about one-tenth of hi 3 gone Into t
Federation was. varried by "unfair
11ceeven, the most pbtuse hat it� is. the boodle alleged to have Veeu"Pr6niised G d rich..,
�Jamee eral Conference, 7und�
long 'ion-ha's the We Bird, of We4tfieldleft -on Wed-� concesdo' .6f'Stanley, sold the 'other thea only -am 'of* L
i gi fourth has gone o the, ini pre ted.� delgv was co'nsid in the ent case. Mr.'Lax 61 the.. 4th means in the votplesi tho —Mr, 7. ereck aqvied high -time this bl t u on our institute McFarlani
i'verybest eans of knowing 'What, L by the All majority
Prohibition par �yt it looks as though it It; is -now h outp, A;A ip ffordin -his nativ
opedto'buy the ap,. w a v by iay last for
e -
g increao- home in Ebg -day a thorobred2oll6d Angue bull nd 25 votes. f 3) Th
won; andL-"tlleL H& b 9 "it' g.frieuds lo- r�' ed to Mr. ists"I (so alled) nor-- Any . r_m n at the 11-Fiderafrou-7
d still be -*�ile.befoio it can pr wal of th -the othei b d evidence that# is neither all ea a tfioleledtlop.-of Asqini la 4, -be int a visj in
-Oul long q milleraLby boia was w re
ritf e en
orna- Prison Government- f 0 heifer -,of th Sam
a coul
he: d- a IZ me n . ple Of mon'ths. k-ucefipI4.-. Hd- got a class or, b
asufficie it ptoportion, iof the 10, ut, vii. t& increase the- duty on ritak or useful appedag Alex. Ross,. of odi of men), vould pro-,
e to theCon overturned,* ut the Sort of .�ogi th t a
flo a a v Dr. audMrs. Ure,.ef Goderloh, Cod price foi thern,.' Ki. McFirlane 'claim by votd immediate and -definite.
itl ou`
!000,00,0 voters A The United States to i If the millers wille6neent to swap -stitutionai'machine. adds a joOd'dokl i6f, - hiforence to 'a Fi - -ar
r ived home fr
In am the. Old'
as a -All 'hJJL §hropshir -ram Federation of Old Y -M " with Taironto,
ISO. gold
ited am6ant;�f proof, won't tell I he Tt esdI
enact Prohib a Efay nothing of ea- thegrindingin bondprivilegefors prohib'
re as 1Y Of last. week, both --looking' University, at the' same time 1orcing it., An analyalsof the Prohi- ito -y tax a , 110 once did;. If the �proo r lied on i i6h bettbr after their Visit
f. 6 to in 0,
n ui, th*en-,tbe chan -ews f 02e we urchasi g the -last, He also sold, all harmony witk the I ` truction
ge will Paldliw, 9f Morris,
0 ek. Dndemiq GreenwaiYand.Marth h4d.b
p no a and pur-
0 eon field, got two a Coventry, of "West. �O the Caleneral
ere was n his impor Conference,
is engine. -lateiy* ro - the annual missionary i na interests,," as fi*r as the-
-The Duke of. good th reason to hool at'L -on 3 of his hands 'badly scaLlded bition increae is both. interesting and be rpade it. the next se sion of Parlis IRisir LAcsPsoM0TERe d ewes. but f a ctive. T ie - greatest gains. have me it and the poor ma Ab corn is the! loder of
a's bread will be er, movement the;Wfor months. -valve iu I eport rhal existi
hit pro9f pii�7ately bya While- o6the'UP as, - far to make frish la�e fashionable. ti � t bdist churoh.,of- Cinadithe public kno,*s, have mot been sofight
been. in the, I qutt�q -example, tix �d for the benefit of the rich miller' submitted to the..' fik'and file- 9.f -the du ng a raw,
Go Olowing ontributions i
LDI . SENT- —G -the sealn Ire Credited to and adfasted. If they- 'have -leb the
Nortfit Q%rolin from A54 to .4 000 - or, Orous but Ov=�w � old to the 106ral party,here �6a d have killed During Mr. Robert-
a aid oome'qthei clam
pow- amount of $41654 000 has boon sent fro in them more quickly then a flood'?.of ddi- g. has ibil aces in this l6cality': Wingham, Federatioxsts deelare *in unelstakable
ta, from. 168`to'2 200 - ' 3 A,
Georg Rentuck ped.fro �eter, tation. no 1176.18;Teesv4te $71-�S in, ton to
y, orf, il intero# that h a
re loa a of apples to differ-�,-
as -madeI�l thekei New York ia Lo dO'A this -week,'. torials. Their'enev r haVe -been More re. I than 3,5 car r Wroxeter, terms, that the acts, r6latt
If ei-n-tir:
1 0
presen-tatio Itably 75 rui sale, $98.68 Walton, $116 Federatio e lot all the t
froni 3,0* to But Frohibi' jiong re rea
It is; t Xetbo-
h4 old R,- OF if Ilmsu FA`R'�En. uptight" un -in our le� on
;ialatdie parts of the cont! ent.
o- ma of arge. fsrmern asals d I -ve at --- 'a &Y.1 Choy - �Oaedayrecentl 'While -engaged �ould,deire, Ur W. -Kerr
gains in the -high sto�y, tax the poor in ame'd. Daly has. been murdered' tPi M W ha oridesbotlo,0193.50j- -Blytht $182.51; diet body
If the millers 4 uburn; - 203,30 Belg�aie, $100.29 pointed out, that all the Metbodist
lidense-Stoo-S, Ishch as Minnesota, from at Tralee County Kerry. He had been nl�ea;wto be honek an - Bar.
III v r
satlafiZ b this ch Ofitz Sh Y�cy4n, iafeI be , thi tshing. on -the: fa in of - Mr. G.
an e y .
-trust6d.t 'do their uty As soon as t ey neft, a Blueyald, we ived
�g ot foUr-11mes. Listo 177-96 church rece or -would gairf if Feder -
to �4,OW Nebraska 2, ft. 46 Attwood., Hen-' ation- ever became:& Wt was a free
000 to 101 1wi h ne r Lakelet, n the; 'township of
can be mos Chins
-Wh IR s , T �, RAiLwAy XX CHJ$A, Thi are'donv Hc wicki D. Croin I et With -
41000 1-�ill -then- becc�rne a ques log Gorrie, I
t 'par .--a . afe en that the fir— Inoqd whatfthat'd ty an acci- -fryn- $41, 53 .84. derich d I lectures on'sothe of.the higher
OW and, Illi 01st 12,000 to. 22,000. It t I off' so Times states at rail. I have beo
y d9dt-the 3n 64jing inuon our: gr u kthel,_ 60 Gd Sri ree
Al t which migh, ave ended fatally. gRAr. 10. n1.* 4.^ 429MO 171% a 9- SAL
1 W'41�1 M r Uft Wu* Olucially , 0 ened on farmers n C 34 "i K ow. While-weg,ve up Q16"_
or toneAnterest. th4t�made.the ppre and here'at late.-'- clothe t ' 'the iumbun $260 .'Licknow, $93 White#n(t, Oirio power, and band vverour
long repres 'tations of as . r 9
en u
- Novembe oy Li ] 8L!e a v�sry m, rd.
-at -ran on a high at Y
`tihs P 'ub in �andid J irh ;Pi d aleer of the theres 'It b
J , I-- - tep -lie � - e ThN ii�e r, when Spe I - rlll�i . eina that QQ.0 -r-A-1 ---.--A. -_91% -.1 __S_
W_ 1,
bmabs-st WhO
save.5 orthadc
X��bla ba
,our blessed
Amwelal. bade
Wr Is it likeb
eVer-, I or th*
rather unwise.
-to add in *
411estrion of -,�
-ILethodist - r-1.
mronotmoa x
W.- -
-wrong iLeourt—
,the ethod,111 I
.0tartr2lu.'t an
, Ct ucstu
:we-tiodle I
4 part W 4alu
sit that this W
Zabiaitted ti4 -
if the whoU I
dbe paying fol
liad not the a,
ma,tter,, and.
j[ ad that
nor thi Bapu
taut deno effil
the 1, gr04_
�*b college I
'Boh6 Answel
-O=t- #81 4
.V ash
tl;s gan"Al 4
--b sinatt"ful
fin the M sth,
It didj, I
ii1tics from
ef'briad int,
f laidalifird
est V_
Isdom C
14vIlte to"
until next V.
Chu reverat I
*b1ch shall
. 1 want - I
There arA ul
arlb oryingt,
royal to the �
matter,of Fi
weri the lee
dragged int(
4edision of I
1mother ihat
the same
Burns.,' -Cf
siionnits b�l
:right than, 1
turned iron
el C
week aff,
merly of I
the editoris
*—The ar
the town ol
have fallen
_4_� H,
schooll U,
_31re W
of 10
loth linq, f
A num
including i
their pusto
—R�v. I
obliged * to
no we M
*r severs,
Vie St. MI
- S41Q ri
-.been eal
public ate
Gowan -w
of 'puttin.
_of St.
thieves -
-helped t -h
'The farm
. �Siml
wanwe I
turned w.
�Oue Sul,
them- W
Mingo t
t, 0, th
ought to.
In t-th
.. Za
au hour,
now Inv(
e imh
of r1rk
T. AGow
'NM 0 a
the Thi
AM the