HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1888-11-23, Page 8F -7977 ......
SIV: lif
d. I- 10 Jq
W1 %id notices the
its COMP
A Ra leg. fail t6l. I 'A
diet to Mr, Edwai
Ifig' nds go
'ry -legal pro
re-estai-blish his onvestminster Abbey ilil the Methodif Ied7 —Mr. John Reeve Js to Me theneaOsea.
31- itobs ad this I account
Illage beforecthe he is given kid I eveiiing. There -broken and had tobe kil 9 to the.
laimsof Me w hsvo'in 8, few years a ving
Mr Martin wis requested chureh -on Thaliksgi, as R. -Murray fine beedin$i, Afteipassi
. it' air of al ounCil adjourn.
ommittee. rks' he tt nda- ep very 1 -8146072 the
wo. has purchased a
gain, At
real y ery 0 Mae Aj
i n: ouse 'next regular meetiqg. of W. d.something ovdiI350-
e no talk over municipa.. . 0 , -4-
I * - ' C, ' -. Fultoes hot"12 on
mallufactory of which we. will feel proud. was- A large' a no' the procee
1hurst till next m6eting to $19,4here - is. -not much :)Its coming' threei. for-: wilich 4mount 9
H supply;Chise b t 'We Qan not isffoild, to lbie this ooportun- am. 1 lectiono -yet and it He will ed t
t5ar 36ed -and must hpyo a fou ounty the l5th:Of-De06u1bei,,
ilYf -:a na-. iakeitbem to his farm in Oxford 6
to be beld in Carmel churcl, Heusall,' is alto ather-likely -that our old ta
v rareoi a -he w
"Over. b
oats, 0 e iid. Tuesday 'of 'January At ory lin Seafoith.' 1f we, do'nott have allo'.-Reevo t ear,. if he and we hope ill double his,01.000Y
0" u y -time next ydar:--
on 0 y wilg
its I All sit 8 th th e -ur o A ifiers,will 90 to -Mitcholiq - L be ag eit or
Ivis, so, and children!a overcoats. f -past ten, 4, me ceires to take on them bef a this'..
^10, theipgaitioh. -dislAtTA. —Me
?.e*Ayw&de,su#ff in abundance, at prices ua- Clinton. and other places for., w at they. to - come . a, d hear Mr. F 0 o sars. --obu .-Gem-
44 DO n't forget.. L
a hem ouce'g
habl b small dealers. --The r -Land roquireo andlet,.t in the" the subject "Out of the' mill, W -M, Gemmill, John, Nylie. and
ast week & oplendid Stodk of T.UE ENGLISH BAND ass Cooke on
U" f to' these places for' their Winthrop. i -Death" in 41 aeBiruey, of the 6th doncessiou
'T .' U' attached. to General Bo th's way b going the Met]
!sing Adice- wd GenVa F ir of iodist John-,
and repairs slid the 'result, Ld 41.DickibA :to At Xhis Slid -Mr. -
c6hari, Tibs.Gloves, &p 2,.E jland, d known implementb OALS Cht;roh next Sunday Welsh* and familyl of 0orrie,
Nats" CaPq, a Inue in Londoi Assortment Complete
CiTh Illose their custom'sli a singing, class' lis" been'de-
L Monday,
left ug
e Band of . the ousehold will. be we ,wi at- sent conducting thrilling gospel Address a ham - station- 013
ISO,- I' 'an Preib yter an Ure
0 1 - 'Ch hl of go.,
JAM 8 P10KARD-1 0 Ur Oug n pr,, ivei aud,delighted.q didndea- -boilhud for. Louii tia Chica,
Troops," n W- OuVa to th h On-' - - I -
gether. There is every likeliho'd,'a
p See,, asfever i I
ve itals in th6; Salvation 1 0 Silver colle'ationo:
ample MeKill this I on Thuriday veuing of each a Gemmillq ni I a n
if Soaforth seis the 'ex, emmill, Jr., Seri- of Jbhf
To Xidxs old stand, Sesfortli tariol, ga I
after-, and 't er ighboringmuni.e.ipp litie wi e arge an ttend;,
week. Th I and:'- hasbeetl teaching in Dak
Army barracks here , Ii , red t.6, large
last Pr 4Sy
ft- the aftrnoon' lend a heloing hand. We- h a ;he -anae. allows that d _work is being,- Brucefteld. intdidled to meet the pirty -,'at' Chicago
'oon and - evesing., 1, 0
LAW - el of Seaforth. will y on- Forney; our enter- 001 in the I' Mantles,- Mantle..
doneor--Mri A and go. to take' phare of a seh Inery,
aboit 200t -people. were pres lit and In ed -tors prising wagon or, has -c6 Mr. Welshlo brotherp
natructed a B6oTs, Sho.es.-s-nd-RobesBolbwCost.,, --
rrao I ks d. hat , ` innouno ple of louth.
0 X"4 the -evening the bar wa packed,to sider'this Matter, an k ;nled es to the peo Sun
rmance 0. g considerable 15d surroundlnj coantry, that he is ent o 'for
The undors*
fflarencez revent TZ a f '.Lou 6 ..some timeg
-utmost. Thomusical PORO^ low noteeling of indi cider- mill 'and Brucefield W a ires is an t
as in Bucefield, and-. 01 oths, Seal eftesplus'Ifes
a on on a -of:ihe* ely giving 11 businb a '- d Master Will. the It' at
f -this bind 'twas admW& all *ho them goin to the poll yo. grinafrig 16r th ar rs vicinity 0 ltiv r oure p.00k ion,,
o -building a- nevir- houie, will sel at and below cost fort -ca
0 y sh.
T e'nien, king. fel eter bodd'vi aydo so call -and sottlQ by
Dis hi are -fine 1 Por 80 d a silar -of $45 --per month nd prospects
-long.spaked to.eu, obted will plea
heard it, L -RE. :-- On Partlis in as tb, meet. of 9, essis Welsh and Wylie
n resigned PF.INUIT, A -L AuST&E4 "LFCT kii, Mi -Y ibe
Iowa, many bf them -bawill fe Decemberlot as khaito. heayy not -raiie.
an r, j&ANr. o,xy,1L, d PlaRn 'and Fincy Dress
comfo win' ows.
CQUNTE, est j,e*elry isle will be ricipal 'Austin, of Alma !oy d intend -s9ttling there. The others b
kood situations. for the puipo 6 of devot- Sabbath I' t Pri 0 N place
November 30. Stock to what the ObIleget St, -Thomasp preached 'in.. the 'Dor of tile Mot III. tel n t is e the country with a to
ued until - time, and talents -um SoLD, -Mr. Joseph B611. has gone to se
0411011 Ing their FA
seem o I
onsider a remo, ing I
atilt *ery co, plete in. all. departments., means- of benefi, ting their* Methodi t 'church harp morning- and t 'ndicato that the. young men do- e- 3rd'con6ession of later, shouldlj6 will limate, -Sl
j A yi -to
I b Monday, evening hdr 48. ubt want a plAce in our sold his faim on th h it thems wi Goods$ lks, '&c.,
goods go fast, the- evening u4 bn mi. Win. Grahami hit- fi sh thein -a -pros -
lout Jn'g- fello wibeings. us Stanley eIg &a
In boit fl i the sume of SMOG.- Mr. Bell- :pe on
rid' evening to -
. for
d.,come it once# a' fairly large - is exi
rch se shoul ;ered his! IeotArebntitW, "Only'-& je ivaien6e pected
frij, to 'tu )r, formerly belonged to t e QUeba's. liv midit. - ay hear r a jour
No R. Cau.-4E SeSfOrth- 1091 b6nd. - He is a fine, in - Wohlan. There wag thi church: ouz,- F -based this farm a few'yers ago
tellige t English are
lev. Mr. has
inj ctu, ar, con -
man, his. several &cTdresses 9- char - tendance. The, le r6 "was cle' O long been F71300. it is., good place and is- wit4 Clintoi4.
d o&sense., a. the
At a meeting .11 thought -out,' portraying 1pisiionary in strange. Sol in Is mile and a half -of Bruaefield-. —Mr. W. Coope. mov-
Tow.Ni CouvolL. 11 1 E. McFaul's
-o apterized. by.earnestneas And ise. and e : co w &nd-of'Indi%. Tax - LATE MRS.*. Mrsi 04 -into he Post
Wednesday woman. and e4aining --ho
quail held n -of the town hey. were greatly 'pleased ith their the ideal B.... DALLAS
-is to be i The Audi -concession: I his now- buildifig.-nea t
;jjl issjon was given the skat tt es Dallas of, the -2nd -and has now
evening I r ceptioah-ere'and left with very" fa-, this. i6a l Mns.. L
jam Oita' e oii Thanksgivinj day
Ly to tap -the d* R. Tuakeremithi s
ing' ind jurlifig- compar orth e seemed --to be deeply interested. 'XiPP Lld
v rable impressibli.of the., So pe6 eno an woed peacefully ba dsome a. bookstore as one wou
It was. also resolved; to 8,4requent bursts 'of applause vulig last. She 6
water main dist at officer -there wer W-ILKIE -9 ISITi, -T Celebrated. Millinery, Dress
advertise for offers for .1 IV06- or laug ter so a -brought A.t, wh6 U6 spirit nine, age of 61 years. Sh
Me. Adjutant Sharp, Rev., John away.. on ursday, ev NelsbriCarson return.
ha Teac with to se&
ed fr4m-flie Northwest on Monday Goods and- Mantle -House,
)Utting in an. a favo I -Seaf rth Sa h od point was hed' the
at rite with.the on
eleetria ll'ht P tt6nists, Was - v- 0 ad. bee -in failing- health 'for.. Over a. h 'Ighbor-
g lant -sufficient for the re piessent, sis we e also se out. R v. Joi- AD6.w.ell,, pastor of the Wworkin Central India,- u He has bo n in
quirem inary - irman. : After the. years in. misslo it ed to. bed gnly* - a; e ne
qnts ol: the town idd as ohs r Sb. Andrew's been ponfid
-fieighboring offio rs. -.0 ptain New church act 3h (D. V.) e but, had
a 'Mrol Austin suadeed6d in obtain- 'will preso y ar me -her
members of the etal hood,,k BBirtle -for the past -four years.
refund been in charge lectur bath. next, :She was
a short ti ': before cle
Awho are ratepayers was e i for: the pist.isiix months have To., ingi in a few minutes, a, m' . -The ;service: will no kind hearted Christian wom . an
-of taxes to the aid his *ife who have su mripao s. church, Kippou,i on gab 26th He lost: most of - his - crop - bk he frost
biigade. her, b o -to inst., at 11 and this Ust'season'. w Dr'.- Horsey - delivered
ordered. M4, Fairly. gave notice that -d willjeavo7' the a Mourit *.6f $100 -for Melauglin- ngly interesting f and .- wao-very. I
he w to farewell an h i III respefted by all who, a very. -interesting Ibetuie.to- the Young
eived orders
ill - introduce a Hall la, no 'additionlo the. college and doubt be exceed! --k
Atlle-iiia-Xt m I , .1 . ed 1g, colleaffou'will be -taken u Aheyleaves!a -large family to isociatiohf illenibirterii
f this week for a new station new her.. People's A
nr vi or t]
he regulation o 8 in thb hall, ifyiI and ever
r-I&W provii we believb One of the room aid f ForeigO issiorie.. the- lose of a kind 'evening." - Tfie Doc.
x, A by-law a Alms College jor left on. Wodhesd-& ` for Park River,
the sale 'of at in fowl giDod is to be called. Seaforth.
GmL WANtED., — Wautbd thoughtful mother The furteral,* wh ch
the. holding, of all the d hm of- AbOtIt 150
to do.,thew6 9kofavinalr bas ^ali atten An( -wa D Dr,
now i rey.. on Satura.ayt 8 akots., -a as accOlfipanlid by
providing for ions in the n6 place and 11 Apply to MRS.. - Jou , x A. WILSO'.S., Sea.) lvAi Austin "Pdots G passed through here %ins Were - V%h.
miinicipat elec boarders, and, Frino,
yk a ver f Morrisbhrg Storm
13. 1 , . 3. ' R6bert Menzies as e y large one And the L rem itney, 'o,
109 b wom, -RR1ZkS-' 9
at half.]pist, S, ew in the evening, wat th liav a much larger -num. er as g - n a 'cemetery beside
-Friday I
eaten was layed! here on
to be. 1 'farm stock slid implements On interred Baird Wedues-
d, when, he council adjourned B AFOFVTH WOOLEN MILLSI—Wia are as accomm6dation Sri )rovided.- piici those of her late- lamented husbind.
-last was,well. AtWndid -And. fair as ; evening Iry S travelling company.—
fiering great bargains it 'T redds, Plann-ols '&c.'. Alma, College is oneof the -mi
e call of the Mayor. popular again at action-, -Ilis is billed for next.
will pay you to call and see theral be-f6re pur. ODS --realized. Alex." Delgatty -was E. Bi RO
slid prosperous educational- histituti Tuokers mJith.
inx cliewhere.4 A- 0. VANEAG ND 'M MenzIes has. rented a farm. [&gji4 Doherty ughter of -
OLD 3bAs - I - -
A% m Fn 109-9.2 ofthiscouutr nd not. -4 little of its eer..
Sohn' DaiktThe entertainment in painful and. what Mt. . W4 Dohertyl, is home' from.. St.
CrIDUNT.—A very I
following ext.act. from a private letter e to th' "excellbrit Man- to
MILL prosperityla d,u. e School,- 'See a Friday even- 6ve proved a more serious AM Thomas-bu, McDonald, of
'AT'THF IKAFORTH- WOOLE to in tiorrNa. 2,01
Rev. JaMes might1i
wintly- .'rece ed, from of., its nerge 10 prin loth inst. -via]
wool tw-deds. SgolnOnt- h b* to -Vinj h 1ting'Mrs. Guun.-;MIss
'Mr. as-
erlk of Malicheiter, will. n' fail to see- our 40.,,cent a 'ing - -of last webk broug. t'- out 1% 19' d6ut. happened qu the-
a. to
ey are dandies. All o- e d e - FS Spent._ We r n daugVorZf
h a Som- in Pilbb t, a little sonof Mr. Joh Sinclair Maggie She pard,
be- read, w' Aging, interest by- is first quality. —Uro David; Hay has' crow al - of 11le. The littl led on FridA -short
LOCAL BPOFS. congratulate 0. ub. Sheppard, , after a
tiv friends a yo 1 3-2 foot ball councillor, of Tuokeismitho! The. littl
many friends - t irs county. He say ou Monday -was is
had on his rig, Which makes or- f UOW Was mueb impioved,—There i'some talk -of
n Servant. a cover put success. —Robert... G thq. fflo illness
it -We had o anniversarysamices on Good Ge era see on on their e amusing himself on un
on e
'4* ine& I
meet' wages $6 per'month.. "Apply to Ults. -PANOBY, it ve c conyiVanee, and ited -Thoold drill
th dou: and M1ii:b1ma, Dark werb- close.by the fr -Out of -the stove on. Which .-largely attended. -forming a liteearywsociety here. Tills-
ther', & a tea rictoris Square, Seaforth-. aligeri ill b - e almost -as* ;nug init. e on -Wednesday of last week. of hot p6rkj'. and, in aome ay gh d, ' a '- did at -a 0 we would like --to see ported, aiR
1093-2 Pam oti'll on'.Tuesday -sup
ag was a. pan A wa s
n -the with- its maldilig con- Mr W -]his was, t Iston, of We wish or othe -for - -th is no oubt that with the td.
Moilday eFiening 11owing. . 0 on rcasonm in he cirs.—Rev. Dr. Orm* 4 -appy couple. proaperity6 waffield p hr' based if $350 ere
niversary eve entl 1W York, Will
o most 'By' cessful. an ROOM$ TO LET. and M Jn lilding'&IOUL6 th OMC a -ch the anniversary
'th C d pre t upset an
e t - froni rooms cost $700. ent Bayfield possesses arm lug a -
y servio es
in the Presbyterian chureli in For al Hotors., Sermons' ObS r od in'thi -and fo r-. E. 0
lOck, Seaforth'L OPPOSit M erei rehead'.6f Gilb rt,-.burfi. '—M Whitmore, anized,—Mr. D.HaA
Who, 11LI L -next1—Thanksgiving Iay tei ieve 111 0
be d desodtidinifell upon W. blel' the bt
e in, the Searoith- Presbyterian C, Ilegiate - Initi-
h a seotion-b ciety could be org
was. e the brow the mail,
0 'Will deliver two lectureo o of
an c6untry'n In
9abb e amou oTpany an do
it done so h Thursday a
of i*t of gun'ning. these t -he hi i eyesight, no, doubt, would ballma, is sai& The present mail route is greatly ooln
Iling to. give her c d
ut realized at - all 11 be wi -Ilbw' d e that iVdid not fall into his e 'id a, SP e, tberresult
t largi e' b mercy tu ho h een for a long
sea widiencea in th' different!'"o urciThe village Ing him seVerely.., It was a greal to Stu house
a5t - The Re#. Mr. TibbL B D prbac, - ply to -MRs. Q,&DY on the. premisO. 1093-1 Church. oil Sibbathi'Deceinber 16, And* ned to: the, time
ad Able disco Gmt WANTFD.—W'&ntedJ a girl wh n the f.o i itods ate: having,li yes, forh with dent, fs colM carrier, removed lost week to Varna.—
_ PSL ra' ed -ankl
the sery'ices Over $127 clear-. all service night a in. iy and Tuesday evening '' 'D
This nd morning in a family,,
11-B EXPOSIT ormiston Is.many admirers will be gl lev ce th 8 fall.
'tunity,of listeninglo are
ad the congre ation-of debt. There herboird, Apply at 7 llave'beeli completely-destr6. As it that ifie principal business pla6es will plained of. The greater, part of t
um for al &. e -yedo; he
1093X hik. hted by electricity. The to
fficej Seaforft another opior is it -is paitifuV'enoui but he hA soonbe lig W11 business 'is done with London houses,
a debt o $800 bu the w,h6n probaied the
thit has i-LADDrp. -WANTED -LTheL oDorrelipe has I iian. We he a doulloil ought t& get the streets lighted Now it takes hree days tobave a Poy
!To w-n6biP his affliction like a littl-6 I P
here t 0, yjars. ago 06611 , ,
came ok a long ladder from the - ro ence -of th6 residence of Mr. .8. -Bennett-on Goder o soon see him well a Sin, up the sia -here At 10 m. iv
p gregatiou' is. hdersigned, on God-erieh street wil -'and has- removed io towh.to SoMt- i---;LnoUoe -in THE Ek-.
bealm aid off and' the con ic street,; -Lis. scattered lamps makd A sorry job of dis-
t m6way.. tpresent the few The mail leaves arr es
TS.—Ir. Wm. London about 6 p. M., is d6liver.
nd save At evoia l IKPAOVEMFN In
Idase, return itat once -and save rtroul)la, pleasant poi of the, 9th nst, * th h,
G. -1093.. v aving As 'd ing thegloohi. when them
prosperingl live. She will ha, e 'a nice, JL U Grey have Ili I bar400nl overh4ule -au, re 0013: is 'lot, ild ni morning. f they reply at
a iu th e owns Ip
an Mr. a Clintoit in the afte
—Mr. ames foni. Cl in a nest and tiaty In er. on dutTo an
T home in her new premises. t - ce it riacte Mi
The I A SPECIAL meeting of th Q tan- paire
WHAT 'Ai vERT-I§t DoEs.,- r-rols of
t aledon;' nted the Z-isposed: of les, thi with the tage.-
Iciq 7 -01. be h adoing the 'wor 'A..suffi- but too late to connect
Martin, of Tuck jniith, has re 2 ba k
Guolph'Mefo iry gives this pointed ii eld this evening, !or the election T qp Cox, -o Ged. McKay is
I - men here grest
a) 2 officers and other business.. A 11 attendance farm of Mr. Rober anso'll, on.theMill- sb"6u! to Y . r. .. - This -causes business
nt that the work will,
'towr _Mt.
Ispration ofthe vabie of advertising one t hip, has. sm Orchard o giant guara qe be
—The Avery arm
trequested. 1090-1 road, for term of years at an annual God.6rich' f M. W I ouirprilence.
A 'allufacturhig firm. in Ac- ch' he Ila, Sol p;xecuted iii the very beat sfyle,- as" f* being lot I
0 as Inc
thre d 16; Grey, was.
w&T.es John Hannah b hi
of 80.- -Mi. e. acres,.
—If yon .want -to buy rental ara-'to- boo..'ab anything be, 14 concessions 115 Ai -
a ago.. had. conq CHiAA.
torr some we iderable - 1,360 barrels `0 apples, within, the las
CHINA 1J Sto h
in& -Tev; Slpts" -the old ohn n omestead -
ything in Ch See Wilson )urcliased! In.- 1885 he Sol( -S5,400,.to.Jimes
the Cla y a perf orffl. Mv old last Saturdiy fo :
Outside paint to -do, and seeing ld take% to Sun6bine.
Ounf s stobk, of direct iihportation, the. finest w
hii own'. He.now,owns four yo rs as f, o
hich 'a A t er-
_SUP 1886,2. rec Hust Wlibb has given
erior mineral d cheapest they:,,have ever offer ed in Seaforth. di.oins 60; in. 18 7, 5od of the.4th concession) has had e' ;onforhisbroth 'in4a*,J.--DougIas, LOCAL Butun.—Mr.
iAvertiseme 1063 aking-S May. bart6ls 113 It is a'chesp farm.
the thiO a hundred; acres, In ,g
summer, a..
paint for sale by a prominent Philadel- - Sol; YOUNG. a t0#61.9if ll$& Und completed' during. the iow in Californi up blacksmithing here and -gone to work
king W. -)a. Of
nificent farm.—Mr. M. R.'Counter ex' And in 1888, 24 Ina -the --Poatl Si
E r; th tiful brick residence.. The pent few. in Brussels; R6bbie, youngest son -Of
hia* dealej, 4ecided to. secure -the re- C TTERS, AND x, I Hs. f all line of mon- a a be' — i in
avo for Winnipeg. in -abotit barrel's in fod, &IA. an und
pe a by Messrs. Do days.,last' week "reside
q u Cutters 'and at , to - e' ork was performed the country n o
alridqtiaritr y from him'. Severalbar-. o8e, 'very Superior . Ganano Mr. Will. Newcombe, has go e t
4IR 'm 0. Willson's; tw"O-weeUs. Mes`srs. 11 -ugh Grieve an deSboto. - '. ' - 1 _
bighs on hand Sproat and J6 . Wallace, `contractors, of Oiien 8ound an.d`lu theit ton- - H
e -9n
rels 'of the Osiut -were ordered, th and for isle ffal- says with his uncle in London, and attend
n-differelat'-styWs to choose rom'. Call and ippeA tolt 0, Egmi e..:' These gentlemen-- are e cliarity e
?n' James Stevart have.gh .:the Th
.1 wn is booming. school during th The
Look out for.
amine the stock before buying. -as any - BuIEFS.—Two or three falls of. Sao M theecelpts
freight and 4aty paid thereon, and this fall. over .2,500geesey and d honest workmen and. have thus concert as again a succeos, van -
their airivallthe barrels gave- the in-., advertisement 'next week. .'C.%VmL9O1. by-law. granting, a: bonus to Mr.
P1093-1 dicks and bhickla,all of.-which'were', l&i liha egivqnnitureawi4try"-Oc. goo enviable posi- being over $80, and.everyone, was 4tis-
Manufactu . - I . - enter 911 stone,. was Voted ion Sul
formation red -by James -- . 4 . ined for themseia 1 1 cariied by -the
Mr. '-,,a i paeeh sed in icinity.'.--*. 9.,B. for 'A r. WilkiLp .
Watson, Lif ehou '.e, Ont." If 'W11SbN & YouNa are -off ei SP66 this v our -ed With-tbe perf6xinalices.
d hi tion e iab ilders. '.Lolig f, tpton, last week. We
andnameasr.li lebul people of Southair
it, 9 erl s very busy and hi me i believe it is the intention of Mr. Vau-
t Ise is pair yn rea —W. are tNe favor TBR
-h* ffit, his sales 093g* includ-!.- tra;.& is inb Buch-a ll ld a voter's list . 'ourt in the. to hall
w n co # prisin a. oema And family live to -.V.o 'S LIST OURT.—Judge oms
Vankee ei 4gains in- Cr ciery and Glasswire. Prices arb. Hollis,. the ' ell-kno iv66i
Watson. had. sufficieut b 6y the good lady
a down, down See* them fore 'bu hasJokmed. a firit-class company, 119.
MD Joy. the blessings Afforded by a. in his saw
e to adv 'popular ledure stone to. move the mach' ery of
pxu rs. and-,blits Sag waltoi , and, table residefiM7. hoi t Friday, -when 5 Ref6 -mers
0e of ted' -with a'co
-mijoh, larger, 4ud the profits 111111- and furuiture factory to that village
irqurd -7 Inatilled to give entertainments in man, "th, rat on .-November 26th"- comfor -10 e
ncroas: -ca'b enplosing were addlid and u strudk off, ind 9
of- his,biisineas correspondinglyi .TDUxs, —Som e Y, this place lkie, d6livere DISGF.ACEFuL. --.;.A -black as soon as possible. ---It is t4e, intention
FROX THE. LITTLE I of tho adighboring'towurf-- -Mr. -Haiij d a good ad. iber of, black hearts and - dra*n by - a4de&'Sud 5 were stra(k offo
ur Tories were of the.you.ng pecple- of this place and
ad. Moral.- Advertise yo wafes ; if ig contributed igent, Messrs,-. ass on in. th, the oe ago a box of clothii . -- d cgs on 1183joli wor -if no
lie Stroni.- - is, traveling i of biscle., horset passed thb r0t le as
jou, have anything to sell let the,pub -ladies of; the AV -.Pres terl Jast- Weduesd Is Pal leaving both parties San vicinity to organize debating moiety
day, H d - a qenhold. T
the Woui6r.,'s'ffor6ign Robb'&Others h e leased the rge and, 4hurch tavern, on Thanksgiving - 4. b his resuE gives for the winter.nights. A meeting for
'in - ving, Service$ wer -
ncomni;dloup jjtoje inj,04diobelL's blockl., ev el Th llkag! to asbertions that the list were
its-.contefit red.
9t the cab. and a been drawn by the. that purpose will be held at -the
F R-- 'Obyter was - Set to the 10111 :1 d b Mr, J M68 Pick- a t OFre0yto an
i tlioently oc Uple Clan d MAW& -dags instead of 'twQ Maick stulted and Other alsorlon
M, Y' 11-01. 1 UnUir, In
six black deuo of Mr. Wm, Scottt -on Frlis r
ITOA, I,;10ttl -d fir two 0 oil! - Imuscowputungs, near lCeSina't A 4ei at 2,-00 and 1. 30,,ro -001 people --of t On, reference to the omioil matters', re
f your'lato h; aid, and have had -It' ttQFd UP Chural logdrs,- he seatk might
foh I under the pharge f - 'vely horses the night, the Ord Inot.—Mrs. J
I In old Rev, W, for their grocery and provision business-,. b" RRMOSY an L, Dic6insou
sues an js co at - bf whit y have. concladed that Pandemonium was -A pki. with. this one, E ot of Pirr
atarlo, we ."Itiosaidt
sonjo m.- Uldhis, one -do
ilved.noto Ro- My,-Howel
work Mobrd. the, -Mothodh
leased to lh?b A few days ago Roil A;o Do -Tfi9y*iIa6v-o -next' ok hit Uevlval rservl000 * In lot Io6oa for a - sea The inmatol'of and H, Wade. i8proiented the dilarout _y ound, was on V, dt
f 1160 bashols cDo aid', of tHis towhj ro,,, I pastor of -the Motho.. 0hurah'havo- dlosedo -A umbor hav i to, her sloterp Mrs. W
XaMely the reshing Uric n this black-o6b; who, - by the way, are parties, last wiik.—Johu Smith bPA sold h
nd Adam M W Moore, ur4 tod an invits-: boo,
of -g n Grant A Ohs 0410' -dist ch h here - US a daAdea to- fho. churoh4 a thriving town 70 Oth line of Motris to
Fafn-'by, P tot far -A Yoglo-NZW PLEA A X his
t- his box, in wbich,he says o"o Y.Oung men 'farm, on the y Now, if the g1rallu rival of t -tion from the B6rfln. Methodist,- -congro.. Of X,
as are known'- The -Rev, , -B, -H9*1ol Pastor nox
901it in 0 distant and whose nam I r. John Netherly,.who takes
word 04
%riph leo urinir on the no' ghbor$ X
Id only call t at a Wt havo,juob received the boi',bi- to become their pastor at1he We boliffi,
7 .. 1. kosion, In the -spring.
were oats, olearly ..saffidring from a severe church International
othingt- of which you -wrote., In - good Unoil, Me a lierobium- Ig fl, Sabbath -fs
Ver ar ha daylp work here" close of -this - Conference year.—The.. LocAuTiEs, .-The HSY do nitus., o they had 001-fesson.,for last -8 bath, nor -
on'. .11 .
r ra ell
y ordin, rf -Smith has lesied &Iarm In -the
d very suit4bld for our atiti, on M the lot 1cf water 6n board 11 Helping Joshua
d J, Carruth. r4 1111fe- loat-Crew left here o be old on Ond Ajiothi
Why11 A. F till, the 1.5t .6 good thern part -40bu -Cun
- : all feel grateful Top th timely as- day h longer. they Ing whidliva as pone ., h f Pply.-Of fire, i of tboltownshir.
heat for mo last f6r Goderic' , The t d
threshed, 4,84 com, or',' is' indicated -by e dalimited'nu or of
--- bushels f b cleirly okired to th mingham, -of the- jthonces6fofi of XOP
-an a Syr' tance- given us, as we are just opening remained here -tRe larger their Meetings e Zurich fire oompan a erpquiring.h6lp.aud to th still
three halt d J Decolnber.--61 . - a -proper. p rental liel; l risj met with a painful accident on 9011-
Our- - - a- 1.. d their actions a, I A ol
dinary work-, grew.an a arge so si -, to . 1,, A
cho I for the winte term oes on -the Main;" h The ayi of.. hel ho
*sdthatiwas onsid6rod have. cted a fine engine ouse, at d. parents -and guardians.- mor unliihited w, pilig t M, day, John NVhl th, end of' th. tr - He Was assisting
M the sraw vas-ve 9q go. 'noo berihip of the 46yal Templars i orkaniz
ry 104'. on A6d udance has never been a od 6' So
[on have. placiBd it in -the--soll to a - watchful -and thn instaficed as a particular case
e -have, 30 t, will' to M would. do well. exercise ee . p the: w
fart of it. F r the informWon of the e startbd -the* sahool. on lbe one qf the results- of their - , 'Alaggile Lippert, who. h 9 'evangelizing the' world. A farnier on - the Sth line, to chop Some
eye over uch individuals, , and.- k okk Of grain,,, nd while working around. the
W or 'of the* visit tq.thi e est - Home wi*htyphoid feverl'is Ale -thousaud' - 'million of 'Ou sleove qf his coat
ildren uniier bur " care his -winter. is, toWn. —Th -- Hary and
h - been, them. within iowli limits on-jiblicholir- r brethreft mac ine the got caught
iendi, in old Huron h g owheat on Tor etiviLl. . in th-e- Methodist ch r' h
tage' he Lord: seems to be ope ingup our F 'A ion Karuh r an an.
'OPM101 u '4 bi around in Mr. are olor, if not,. the probibilities -are, Sisters in heathen deirknessAw-ith in the rolleri and drew his arm in -on
wpald j st'say my on these Reserves lost wonder- Thursday g nual death rat The
2 e iiieless" I eveui g f last -week- was days' untry pe6 a of-. 30 millions.
ilaina is also took .'sic last aturd 'that the co ple will- gently show
lly,,- Theold Indiaos themse'lvetare -was very success, the rapidly'revolving shaft. The result
-Is 0 buishels Ilar -edae'ation and John, iSy w t' a proper -house -of 'Pritedl US,
*hSt -oI&.4, -at one largelyrattend d and- se rohnton, f - 1 - .. . .. being that the wh6le flesh on the lower
Same dseh such ci;ers into )yterian church in Ca; da iji hum- -
e I. ful. -h tables were bountifully pro-' li m, -no 0 'in r iting rendeivoring to decapy a
pe parents and re thu' teach". them thit, what. --bly.
r bushel. By Inserting Dakota, is. :rifuge and 8 bl sic
formerly, - an 1 tinst that east for the- minte3 deof his arm wascompletely rasped
oligiogn than th-e f'.
r hi
on ..ill oblii yo4rs.very trviy.—J. - vid6d. while Ati' Mr. 1'. W. eSs of Mitabe
W t many, 3 ill.pass uatil-i4nyof ves. they dare ndt do in town, neither dare rauj among the t6rbh bbarers, cause
n, was Jually, -Mr atson
rears w -I Ma -ei good. here to*. at for foal mouthed q d ' ed. minisfers
formerly of Zurich-, was tep th' do n the country aefitly., wl min
Ing the
earchl shirt sleeve giving wa3 AU
. w e have 30 -or ffi Ead it not been fo is coat ina
ese poor people will be ace and sewing 'Ina- r be. would 14
the Forester's concert Ohich-was.h6ld -.assistants laboring in seven have lost his arm
way topeace And has r6 oved his ofr e -evening.;-- Oa hs alid frantic gestures,accompaililed. with their probabilit
DxAmm oy DONALD Ro§s'—Many. oripture and Bud the porium to -th"e store lately 0c--, halt last -T fllowingiivilll no- different I asb The Home Mie- y
RS. chin*e em] n inea, meday t be toler -,oreign fiel d at
of bur w ve hil ren' have a b Mr.. J. L. Smith b hideous b( of Blyth, dressedthe woundi am
'Word. They y- A care
roaderi ill regret to learn of; the. E n now the , c, cupfV quai where, he ated in this iection of'6ountrk. word wn committee have under thei -he is *doing as well as can
t taste for rebding the tars until his last accounts
DSR,. fbrwerly ug; 'Should 'be s flcient e n -this Dominion, maki
death of Mrs. Donald R, will have temporary ng in
whai te Scripture f. warni %7-fi'lds I be xpected' .
is town -but latlilyf Abilene, Kansas.. e e er to know new premises -are finished! r -'Messrs. all 744 preaching stations, afid all that
ya. feelgreiatly eucouiagea by-thb Hugh' Grieve aillf James. Stewart- in* tend .'-A&X1tSG1V XG .Tlhuriday. of I OEI&VER.
qu . ire for' this w is $50,000
thse sac ei occurred at her resicience
ork. Mamoch.
-9th erali of Harm -d Feed week, - Than iv ie
in't A ilene - j4 the morning of the 2 Presby !rial Society SeeA, and Flour' -an ovem or 15, being Than -Msich 31st, 1889.'
0 opening.A- orte yearending
hd Fho we shall hsv.e thi the premis n a obs rved he e a . a, ieraskjaor expect
Reflator'" of th4 Carmichael's d4y, wo, . . S- olida 9
init. - - The - di -1y tinualice store in es I ioei was hold - Mr. Howie Said I neitl LOCALITIES. ;Mro Peter Mason had -
'he v in e P BoARD,, OF. HEArm;.-The'Board .'of
says: I -T ro ble;sing t V.
deceased has been a Of yQar pr erg for the Mas e re ntly vacated by Mr.'Wate6n. aW Divine a 50 the misfortune to get one of is arms,
at this ol njregation should raise St -
date, block ' de th
-Health, for the to'wuihip of McKilloJp,
for. many by, erian. chu! ch. The paitori Re M.
her sickness d pain trini Thursday. Ote ! n Sa from a
r W 1863i I d ivered -on the occa I n, mei Fulton's h I o turdAy last. HQ e Minion, $28,000,
groat sifrei years and bore. onour wor —Mr 'D. Do Arilson,an1d"the Misses ;vas -pick1m
el 000, for the for .,broken last Friday. He i
liphantly. Shp eft for. New York on' 'thous- pples and when coming down
'to 'Dri
Bdwus.—The, vote on All 'the metriber's were presen the Augmentation, -and. as man the
incei Christian$' 'THE HENDR morningi—Mr. John Wright'whoi wits a very. fine, al proptiate and -impressi e
a' devo d 'and, M b Load d Officer,, was e y f6r h ect. eing Hanover, Medical. Real and for the Foreign Mission, but I both tree.someho his arm caught in
r Masier's cali e by -16,.w gran I g Mr. :ThomaNT Hen- horse last. berinu',- his suW
w6iting., Pali Injured! oy a.' kick from a -d : ks eb of the tree when he wentto jump
p an cpect, for -Go as and ex- crut
o - -build his 1gypt."', The. attenda a resent and gave a statement a ask d e) -beokeit near the sho der.
f the Presby- ry. a bonus to a t him , re -be at work. Mr. Wagons from h a to; the
She has, been member o week is Again able to pects, that we should mike an ffort,':& downand
sta ish hi works here, ndi klity. work -for
M. Pillmau, of this t9wn, has been' rge sanitary co munii
teiiaIui obure fof 51 yeari, becoming aa. f undry and re -e *as tion'of - the gre t eff6itt: to raise, not as mall, ]6ut as No doubt it *illkeep him off
ilf take -place on M a nex., We - 011'."T dfiesdAy )f d i t d. A xesolutia
her 15th year. she was"born nt WEDOiNG This report WAS a op e chard Ld'shman, wbo
pointed' general agent for the con WS
Inern ionLa of our a -good whik.—Rii
ber'in lage a .131ropore 9 '-poisible
From thin the t re t 9 Sea. a 'we e k a I ib
k it will be in Kelii and'Eisex for the Outario - Ma- thi .-and intlireiktb to al ar ex
ut it must be tual"Life Insurance C ' panyo—Mr. even& -', tl ok ce *4 his bill, ij Edinburgh; Scotland, in 1822., was carried ' the effect that the Md jenditure. has been going into the cheese factory
'ith onu Realth Oflic4 be p' I amoull
Were. ah j!,imoved to Canada where she fe thi a, Om IS ' at the residence busiiess ilery strong the last two sum
en, -
In e -rge Mitchell, o Wor. Chi m H.s4.j.of the towns
-three years ago. last Feji, borne. in in d thit a v Ar 90 vote is Goo f,Paris, was.in.town Ing to $120 childr mere, made ra
Teriialliek.until for vaccinating 480 A 'slaughter of
ved tox Ablienes now requ&din favor of t by-lawi to of, H 6 have refer' aivary, when! remo' few d4a'aga. -He was the -guest- -of one ho -were id Attendance At, the *&riOUS cows last we(
k selling seventeen to
M to- H. F Edwardsk
mily- of elevein carry it. Two-thirds of 117,those e f Jabb Stacey, e piid to tb oUNG enteend0*5
Shi had a fa Mr. wm. Lo!au.—Loftus Stark-, forinerm marriage. o s hools, alad that $P. 50 b er - buyer from London, at sev
Kansas. -up.
Ir -to -Annie Mirgareee h Vaccine F coine, One Pried Store for ood 001
sas titled W vote, -including &sidefits, place mi irm,'Palmerton, for'va deroost, w is con,
children six A whom reside, in Kan avdr else ly clei no f Idest d ugliter of Mr.. Chapm Aer"ar ora f1pesuit.of clothes. per head. This tsidered
-rmy - Ttmplli Staff 'in m4n', a man issue an rice in this vicini very
She 16%. bust record the!
anA th ves be-- ii r votes in its, f. ints, and that the chair h ty as feed is
1E-rS.—M1h4-Bm9a&J r*1n, w
ree in Abilene. the' SilVation A by -: t -amounts.. Br 0 big good
and to it will not be , carried, er6mm was po Scarc. Dick is be' inning to t]
Ihose -.'*ho
hi4d her bon aved and a god husb Torout6i -was-in towli. last Friday and The c y order -on the treaiurer for these jink that
d -spent . the .past three months in. Point 9
i uiourA the -of a beloved wife alid an eglect tb irote t agai st.it." Sea, SStuid y.,' L ai, And was* witnes" 'The'Board. adjourned- to mbet againat
oun t oftus is a -Steady lad and Rev. E. A. 'et Of Lou it does ot *pAy to go too strong
a --of er. offriends of the a e chairman; w d and hei sister Anal
She had onl . forth.has never yet gran I d a bollus' -A large hurn. the wall of'th Ed ar one branch of farming.
aeotioniati (ompanion. doip . *ell..7-CAptain -and Mrs. New.
9 gi y co e, COUXC-1 -ad ho -F. any
ays when death. pixt. an - uy description tjiat it do a not receiv left th stat6n,- Strath thefast trieletthk don, return me last week.—M
roy) traptip The' happ, L DOING& od for eik -new Xf-
beeu ill twc ipientsdf a number0f doubt he: is right.
0 ear
-d- and rs. -were. ma. .=ful- p'res'e`nts,., and Ve ,the of Londoni- spe# Thanksgiving day John Be oft and
io her si ifferings'?, t1a,rettirn, from the' ente priges- Aid I Clintofi and]?' J. Conroy, no fimn
ie, yesterday morni4. — Mr-* d f the McKil-lop'-council, h ld at Lead- S vinbank, 6 Mr. Leith-
-Attended h
Kempthdrhej of Mitchell, the valuab the. 12.th - ln§p,*, at w ich 411 intend erecting large bank barns bext
doubl the amount annually whi h the
sup the.' Methodist t i0ir Vqr: S In as in - here.-7 Mra. Middleton* whohas been -the con -
w -friend burybonrs 0 pregent, the clerk summer. James Brothers h
Thaukigiving -per. in i y ln ny mem ave
PRESByTXi ty OF, Hurox.—This P onus costs. - And we-haVe no reason o unite ' it
ve that a differe t lt'will enide *I hing', theft air happiness. itructed to draft bi-laws for - the. dis- -for'some time -Very se
i regular meeting -in. Blyth l4elie c —The Se&fQrth'.- bol-- riously ill is still e framing, slid no doubt thorns
[Iu6h last week, tract of th
Tohln-- ears
'n this instance,. 'ENn' r;rsonl thei missal.and payment to dat -of Mr..
bytery bola .
liry tained for
oil. the'-13tt- of November.. The Rev. legiai6'Institate foot ball club beat the e I& w and: f are enter. s, As they are firs
account of thisMiss will be two ue bar
ecovery.. On
or to vbte br the by4aw; k, and for the.appoin. =-yr
f Hi h B1 'standing in,4is. t. -PhIllips, who eo accept bl
I -job
Messrs' V;V-.ilkie,, of Iridore, India, who refuses, Clinton, club- in match in that to*n on arn.. claim workmen. -
a rio . O'Sullivan as cler `occapied
h 'M Kellar- g% is, we think mr goals to 7 mout of Mg n 0. Morrison, as clerk,
4nd Rug : )wa 'light. Than y by f(
e o -19 ksgivifig Da
LbcALfTIE, . Mr.: so otgauist at Trinity
01- n hccQaat -of. a portion of the Story, at.&, salary of 620.0 per Sunum; the posl
e Ing. .-und 11r- ow Winghaij2-
loing ireselt we invited t, sit- as t is tiusthat- Mr. Hendry. does liot _0, Alsa a tion of
erected - spl L or
did stones abI
b -been forced to, resign, and
*6 starting a very large, es. u re.-
-The iremit on. Obatemplat U bis'b m on his. farm ni ar Y lavV reg-
i g menj ers I li,
li' a t vieek, having -been lost ulating'rdad7ences' a d' has
6orrespond" b contirk ed I a neath
till tablishmenii but.he is. a eleking on y a ete 'it and stin '&I t in nted Miss Do:rs.—Mr. John L.,. Linklater
we areunt -to compl ha'
tho ularriagd question wat laid over ble .1 par ies 'to be guided there- beeh appor
hanksgiving iore, where
-qOM e will. now ve sll Iis - que
other this week. this'plic6, . - Morr'18012. day returned from. Cren be IMF -
4mall boilus. The additicual amounf it mences an b . These by-laws-wete read and pass- Nolie T
next MeOin& The renift -on the, Book Omfortible'qui 6r- Mr.,
obk hdAsed inmost r J
ch iale-payei. be'duly at as a a. holiday. A bien for some time.
In his a W did Currie, of the' boundary, has tilmed
wa -tte(I to.& committee, will boat ea do Dr. Hanover's bill for the vaccin w observdd ere a
of Forms remi. Snellhas.t re
-young en an
f * e:it About three ceiplitz-oneach -hundred d61- hiidr lefeired to- *the minber of
to -bring in a deliverance- thereon a n 'at ation of 0 on, was -r
Healtho was I blve& o till- shooting -and- can - now tell -
son. greatly e laiged her barn . and Board of -es t1i at a me
travellinbF ek4 lSrs-jDf assessment. This is'w* very trif- -1 .1 - from Manitoba, where be bas been eu
meeting, Tie remit on n iw
meetings int e iton:6' rn but gaged in farmiV. lie
ita lit unde eath. It is
h a intei remain -
was ling amount and -there -not a rate- essrs. R bert Me- about. the. game they. Saw
going on fid
f cor L' igsionbra to asalimbly eit and most conirnodh as wire 'be f urnished M Y4
e S 0 In that woulla not he belle, re still it mef't e Ia- Ing With his parents :&I
i6t- church -a 0
from, are w
Rtte 'l more than thi so., . I t %& between lots 30 and 31, M tbodist p1l4rch when Rev.
5 Rb" Armstrong has had ere
re 'R. Barber, biaildin
'de'llayed fill i ext meei0bile sessions pay0r.in town Othe t wnsh 'Elrov and Ja.mes-Sciott, for.snow fencies' failed tog -et. Servibe was helit in the I -wintero—Pue
F he kind in 0 -pe Mr. Hill day last week Norval' L; Morrison, "n
instru ed to cousid er, it and al on afde ro, Motions were d "p.propriate dis,6ourse. of Mr. J.. Morrison, Shoemaker,
M. —Mr. pd-
ort git.n6xt eeting. The -re -concoss
mit. on va- jast such an establish nt as he rlo-. -.fqrineely a resident Of -this. villagb.but -very' ad Ad
P. -is, peat- Idition to -. his residenoe, long 3 elivered a
g that many of the best, 40 Woodstock.,:, - *isiting. friends e -d a )as.s4d.requirinj -all accounts to be - 4ent Mr. Jamieson &ISO gave an addrest, Fgly gash infficted -on his neck by
cancies was 180A.and ed ovbr to 'a com- Id*. to itstomfort and. -ap- J .
7 e,—T mp ny are. t g w ng ing on a
e6baud-sotifidest ma ufacturing her he -fire -co get in which" ill fa formerly f meeting, and request. w -at iohooly
arti Nrr, - ime at and, in cousequen
of missionary meetingi lArg at next Couniiiil ich W swell received. Several you board while playing
inittee. RE -hey had ipra.c.;
- T cl , has not b
el were given. The 7r &rts is@ilshinents in the country have sprAng. into'fil;st class, trim. pearance. -lector people spent: a most. enj Ben able
Ing all taxes to be paid to' ;. tfie col oyable ti
recently hel n6 blai -k-
d'a as all taxes remaining 'Mr, W. J. Stinson. to attend school since. The- doe
U k Thursday Afte'rnoon.- Lateljr W pthro.p, is 6, fine w toy heA
'we aril 9 and the Ir.. ry stnot a id -gloved me- e. or th6 fesid6nee'. of'
re,Ahee in their tone n lvsh4 6 the stau4 formerly Iii ed before that esulted-- in §ba ic, a practical workman Who Bomb one entered the' Presbytlarla' Af T e'evehing in playing games to
meitinp hal appareat unpaid aftlir t i date -are Subject, to be was ape4t put in some stiches,
ly church wid pilfered the c6litents of ug. n -Of
e ands' ver tbc;-. b lvi ssrs. Brotherg, where ' he 'n onto T the return trip Mr. re this week of the death
y branqh of rged'-5. P
good g- o t b1glaksmithing. er
Ible, to -payin all Baker muse
ndb Sabbath' school cbntribution 9kes. en a. cirky O's the load by. Mr. Guest In Goderich, w
dis on
ome'llission Committeg iiis. ,usiness, is caipable not only A sp reqiks ,if possi
vellors, N I I .. 'Cook is'a good.wo kinau ed
H b 't d
inuch Circulars froni-thd Qon- thotoughly tud rat cha hQ p6llector was iuil dand 0 ceived, he
a' fie na ho has been
ofth irect his bi an take do taxeratthitdwte. The clerk enclering -his pop ilar co 48"
mf,`tiou of stipenda were rea ld bc- Of all e4n.- crimes this "the In'leanest. busb4o nan, aud will, pli the was r arse Old -in poor health. -for some y-earse The
and augmi
-dame h re onl and ak ,. squa l t,
4peatlying %aurns expeate an M` th H
f . e er ubbard.' —Mii Nellie Mor- ceased w
Towle, who of NRAW
d from the re - ved 'to Bel-' do a Kbod b iness ' erei-;Mesir&: m. instructed to notify, Wm. "Scott: to 6ract as,& former iesident
llan4 in the work wh necessity d Short -time ago, has remo h
Presbytery Ifor the above finces s ri
Besidei thisi he h a establishe were in ham where, bei -carried on
tioned" it a. e farat
qu*'e' 61ong:-th front -,of big on and Mrsi
men ynn. wire
I ed'
-The Presbyterian- Sibbath R slid J nR.' Murray have sh
atter was refe -to a' a for -hone lid probity 0ave.
rbputati n .. 1 , " , to.appoiut.iinsi-bitriktor.**alsotonoVify 11salf, last wee.:;- The many friends shop.--- Mrs. Wm. Netterfieldi- Irof
he m rred fo f the
seh6mes. any. balance o In or.
-enter- their'l&mbs* "Tht, ke
-bring ir api. r sphool children A getting up an Yese -thb Kinburn . as
auce which is in itself A, fa aJames Wood W'remove big --lence'-a frofii of 14r, Robert Morrison, of - Hefis%11, so Sault Ste M arle, s visiting friends
committee to I in a deliver
the antages
at anit- man. 'amon tainment toake placelu the church - on of che factory
thereon, eixtm etiug. The con Those aie for -.1-0J. Nick' -roads lots!*5'ind .6t concessio", will and favorably known 'here: will be this localityo Mr. Netterfield 115
ds. the 28th inst.---m-Mr. A :H. M121111199 Vf be6a i-sold.lo Mr..'Ballantyne altli IS now 'jug a tour of 3Uuitoba slid M=tw*-
Rev oy anci he possissee, and the -ev able on th Mesirs. XcO tee are ve sy and if-, the -.parties iliased to learn tbs. -.his he
tons, a , ry in eidaiing lee ritaer po'u4',- -7A, good cow belo:ig- within. tw6l
A lie -gave ve
Sir. McDonaldbrought.the- We have every con en e -t ug that if - glia t ture
n a
1pp 6p
Muffs t
y M&
e I f
v f
f 0i e
cixby Flanli
Dre&- 1
ilibbons, Q
Abb New I
in the'
0 h p-
- ea'
av- r FM
-waa discovereaL
t11,6 Agricaltan
fire was well id.
*f the-larns am
all I
wilthoui injulry,
&iits, includinj
wore, destroyed.
—A market;
Hickey, wko rl
Tonto took'a"
oternoon oa
I ad tollead, off
Tbec`44%lue Str
unf ortinate U]
whoeb, - Ric
-011. the fa
in two '44
:Fth tolm
-for dinner.
in this omt
'The Brat
fe theTor(inl
-tending Gisof
W thos that
laundries, in
;4; ana a,
W in
U -At
made great '
tion. is cdlu
to hisnag'A
thi evening
iGalt was V;
Auoa himsel
.,John Shw"
thiw b4
sew. n, 'hi
f k'y 1) artit
's a v tu "ty y7pe,
sold in the'
and a -half
dudlur., th
laid ion,oi:
in acrodi
was wort-
hVA been
and kelep
Joyer, b
three. 3ro