HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1888-11-23, Page 5if," tsr ee Fader- .eclare 'erai 11 0 fl bens. • eer, sis for tug of the Con: YOUr marirs ; held Han, Pirs Meta atter. tority - °salon rd ttr 41 se- uteir net 4ikett. . - 13th _ sr it, - Fame rence a7140-11 1; One at- • ittry; awed large' ner- rey eStly - !ence the Mien raids Fain- . a (of .t hod" hose totoi-!' )een f the men," :now _ in - e -t6 • look - and'. own -` reels Wil1,vis - new 1- in - and • , Mr. • fl, rail wen 0 - for day IeY, beg- t in -A 7' • rent Rree- y' of ligh iI L°ne 4,tit wItt . eerf hot M. ere to the - ing ing of he the ad! BI - One ;let ery of Foie ne 4r- • >ra. tlr4 - rins exit • an - of ' ate it - hot_ . „ ind the. - •• 4 9 . - at Bethesda.-Att Oster se- tae Main e evening was a fair mme. The pi organ dent oe- a concert was held i .‘,..t Voshodist bhurclt ou t 47iistikrg1ving day. Ther sibedenoe and a good progri are in si of a ne ---Ort Saturday .last an owed in Mr. James tiokard's store. oils one of the clerks iwas cleaning he lit one to see if t was trim - properly, and by accident knocked The oil ran out on the floor and . over the counter, and imme-7 the whole thing was in a blaze. okily one of the. clerks had: the of mind to throw i a ' blanket ocilamea and smother 'them until IOC Wit brought and the fire put out. Immediate action had not been iiksa it would ceitainly have been a sass$ diSaltrOuS fire. -On Sunday, it the anniversary of the Main street ist church, sermons.Were preach - the Rev. Mr. McDonagh, of yr both morning an evening.- ;James Pickard has purchased the bokrupt stock of Mr. JOIM Ranton at every low Flee.The stock was sold London by auction. T.73•7. ,r,r4114‘, • THE HU.R,ON EXPOSITOR :.1 " • • ,ttt, UfibcTne. „ ‘,„ SUCCESSEUL iaREEDE -4- mar. R. Depyrhige, the well kn�wr pig breeder ilfinchelsea, has made a splendid re- it/eat the fajl shows during this past Or. He has been awarded twenty. toe first prizes and eleven second prizes fcrfive of his Berkshire kigs, These are bred direct from Mr. Georgo 's first ,prize stock, [ ' His hrobct ow, eighteen • months old• has taken sine first prizes and has 'never been bestten. Mr. Delkidge.. has obi° a. *ember ofyoung sows from her which are sired by imported "Real Britton." Mr Delbridge has spared to expense to sake his herd a success and the -above 'record shows how well he has succeeded. We wish him continued success. Tax PLowncra MaTem-r-The *annual wing match of the Ushorne Plowing ,iation as held on Wednesday of lest week on the farm of Mr. George Blatchford, Exeter North. The weather mall that could be desired for both owmen and spectators. There were 16 pJowmin entered. a Anew feature of the watch this year was the Balky plows, of which three entered and plowed on atubble, and made good work. The land was in goo& condition, being a free, soil and very even for all the flat' awns getting no 'better but rather grows worse. Whoseiault is it? .„Some have broken th1r harness and some their buggies in orosslng it. -Mr. Wm. Gallaher has nearly completed his new residence and *111 soon be moving into • it. -Mr.- 0664) Currie has returned from Dakota tospend the winter at home. -Mr. W. D. Lamb, of Gorrie, spent Sunday w Whin brother here.- Rev. Mr. -Spirit g,. of Teeswater'. oc- cupied the ptilt of the Methodist church here last Sunday. 1- , -The following staff of teachers has been engaged fo St. Marys public school for 1889: Mr. J W. Laird, principal, salary, $725; Mi M. P. Barbour, $325; M. Miller and :S. Wright $300 each, (provided they get certificates); L. .F. Ingersoll, $275-, Alice Wilson, $300 ; M. L. Wilson, $250 ; E. S. Crittenden, $27-5 ; M. L. He risen, $275. k ' -A, dtayman rnamed Tremain while 'loading sand theopther darnear Listowel was completelyiburied by the bank caving in on him; His son a young lad, with great' presence of rapid managed to get his father's! head 'uncovered from sand and then *p .him oat. He w soon recovered. -Mr. Edwar ing a few miles township of E grain in the unaccountable heifer in the few days after everywhere bait was not until one ,day last week that s threihepritrhile buried' in the doced almost t� a skeleton. ; -The degree of B. A. has been con- ferred on Mr. 1W.. A. Bradley, an old pupil of the Stlatford. Collegiate Insy.- tute, by the senate of Toronto Univer- sity': ' Mr. Bradley. is now preachingat 0 1 - I owmen. There -was s large crowd in attendance, and the work done was as as at any previous Match. The fol. g is the list of prize winners: Ex- tra Class.-T-Ist, Jas. Ileggaith; - 2nd, Robert- Hoggarth ; 3rd, 4os. Connelly; 4th; WM. .Delaney; 5thThos. Welsh. First-class; -men.L---Ist Thos. Hankin; 2nd, Robert Kydd ; 3rd, Wm. -Kay. Second clue, men who have-not plowed at any previous match.-=,-Ist, E. Stone. Boys under 18 years. -l0, Robert Mc- Farlane. Boys under 16. -1st, James Ballantyne. Boys ander 165 with metal • t. -1st, David Kyrld 2nd, W. odgert. -Sulky Plows.-Ist, R.Hun- ter ; 2nd, john-McCollough ; -3rd, Louis Walper, Judges. - David McLean Itippen; V. R. Hamilton, Cromarti, and Wm. Ja.ckelI, Usborrie. -The annual meeting was held in 'the evening at Walper's hotel, Exeter North, the President, h4 Roberton, in the chair. The treasurer's look showed -*balance 01416.90 on hand; It was sledded to have a match text year. The - following officers were then elected for next year: President, Wm. Monteith; Vice President, Samuel Hunter Treas- urer, Thomas Cameron ;1: Secretary, S. Ballantyne. Directors. -John Allison, WM. Bowntlan, S. R. Hari, John Dun- can, jr.: and Abel WaIper. I °curing- a shovel dug almost exhausted but Henry, a farmer resid- est-of,Monkton, in the a, - while putting his n last harvest, in some ay, covered a young ow. She was missed a and search was made e was discovered by the hreshingeut the grain, tram, and aliye, but re - . . Dail* Markets. Tomato, November 21, -Butter -Abundant and much fie before; selection' taken at 10(1 to 20e, and medium sold occasionally in default of better 150 to 17o, but yew sparingly. Box Iota of rolls abundant and -mider at 1.6e to 170, with the tendency downwards. EggeUnoliange4 at 20o for trade lot. of fresh,. Which, *rename, -and 21e for cues, With limed- ranging from 170 to 18e, according to quantity and quality.: - - Monza:AD, November - 21. -=-Che .---Business is decidedly better to.dayt with whatii almost a lively demand, and holders have'ir ry stiff views indeed as to the value of their goods. That this improvement is based upon an iin rovement In feeling in the Old Country is said to be assured 14 the tone of a- private cable. We quote :--.. Good to fine Septembers, 100 to 100. Good to fine August, 80 to no, Fair to Medium, 70 to 70.- Good to fine July, 8o to 81.. Butter. - There is a MS, satbfaotory amount of bneiness „being done At whet is equivalent to outside , "prices. Not only are fine table and good but- 12 - tem in good :demand, but 12c• to 140 butter is both scarce and . badly wanted. The quotations are as follows today ;-September creamery, 25o to 27e; August 190 to 22o; Townships, 170 to 22c; Western, good to fine, 160 to I80 ; do., poor to medium, 12o to 140. Edmonton, No he was sent las of Knox Colleg honors in Etho his Iast year,' - Wroxeter.• • • CHURCH Nor. -At & if -meting held last Saturday the t: Presbyterian congre- gation -formally declared their readiness to proceed to call a., minister in place of their former pastor, Rev. Mr. Brown, resigned, aid decided to offer a stipend of $800 per year with Manse. Another meeting will he held on the the 27th inst., when the Congregation will name the .man of their choice. Children's Christmas festiVais are already_ in the air. . The Methodists will bring out a and children's cantata; while the glish church' Sunday: school scholars will be treated to a Xmastree and:enter- . tainment. •SARBATEC SCHOOL Sunday school workers of this place have decided to hold `a, Union. Sabbath -school convention on Friday, 30th inst. _ A morning session will be held in the English church, the afternoon Fission in the Methodist church and in the even- ing in the Presbyterian -church:, There will be a Mast meeting for -children, •parents :and the general public, when addresses will lie given by Bei'. Messrs. Smith, Brown and Wright • Papers will - be read at the varioue sessions on topics connected with. Sabbath School work, followed by discussiims on the shine, ana an interesting and profitable time may be expected. • A cordial invitation 11 extended to all engaged or interested in Sabbath school work to be present. DEATH 0111 MR. GlitoRGE hwest Territory, where -spring by the authorities In addition to gaining logy and English during won a $50 scholarship in Theology atKnox College at the end of the provinci I year there. -The 'yeti us Protestant denomin- ations in St. Marys -displayed a liberal and Christian spirit on. Thanksgiving day by unitingitogether in one vast con- gregation to offer thanks for the many mercies vouchfeckte4hem during the past year. The services were held, in the First Presbyterian church, and every available Dew -was filled. Five minis- • Zurich. Tim undersigned wishes t� announce that he has juitscceived a fresh supply of Men's and Boys' Underclothing, Men's and Boys' Over - 'coats, which he is selling at Almost -cost price. Parties wishing to secure a bargain would do well to ,call at once. He has also received a large stook of. Men's and Boyer -Caps, which he is selling as cheap as the lowest. All kinds of • general.dry goods, groceries and hardware con- stantly �n hand. All kinds of preclude taken in exchange. 'He is paying 200 per lbfor good butter, and 20c per dozen for eggs, - 11. Harem. 1093 ters of the G° and eitelt.in tU ing the pro eloquent ser pel were in attendance, n took part in conduct- eoedingt. An able and on was preached by the Rev. C. 0 ara, Episcopal who took f9ehis text the last three • verses of the tbird chapter of St. Paul's 'Epistle to the'Corinthians. The collec- tion:taken up' the close will be devoted to assisting the poor of the town. , Ii3rthet. • MUNN.-In Eby toss/1161p, on'the I6th inst., the wife of Mr.• Alex., Munn of a- son. McGREGOR.-Iii Wingharn. , on the 11th hist, the wife of Mr. Neil McGregor of a daugh- ter.• • • . • • AROBI.ANSKI.-In Clinton, on the 18th inst,„' the Wife of Mr. Semi Aroplinski of a•daugh- , ter. • Marriages. • 4 MoLEAN-BRINE. - In • Pueblo/ „Colorado, by - Rev. Mr. Hicks, on the 16th inst., Mr. Allan • McLean, of Walsenburg, Treasurer of Muer, fano County, to Kate, eldest daughter of J. P. Brine. Esq., of Seaforth., • KELLERMAN-FREIE,: --At the residence of •the bride's mother, Dashwood, by Rev. J. W. Ortwein, on the 14th Inst., Mr. Jacob " Kellerman to Mise Hannah" Maria Freid. BOYD-ADAMS.-On the 7th inst., by Rev. J. Ferguson, atthe residence of Mr.W. Humph- ries, of . Newry, brother-in-law of the' bride. Mr. George A. Boyd to Mimi, Annie E. Adams, both of Ethel, THE MARKETS' Fall Wheat per Spring Wheat pe Oats per bushe Peas per bwilsel Barley per bush Butter, No. 1, 1 Butter; tub.... Eggs • SairOgrg, Novembee22, 1888 ushel.„.....`... $1 10 to $1 13 bushel.. .... 1 10 to .1 12 ............ -.. .0 33 to 036 ...... - . -...... 0 58 to 080 1......"...:. .. .. 050 to. -066 ...6 - .. .... 0 16 to 0 17 .. .. .. . .. .. ...: 0 16 to 017 . .... .... 018 to 018. Dressed Itogs..... ., . 6 00 -to 6 50 Flour, per 100 - .- 3 25 to 8 25 Hay per ton.............. .......• 10 00 to 14 00 Hides per 100 - .:-...... . .......- 5 00 to 6 00 ilis Sheepskins eao ' . . 0 40 to 0 70 Wool - ... .."... 0 21 to 0 22 Potatees per bushel, .(new). i 0 80 to 0 30 Salt (retail) pr bend.. .... 0 75 to 0 75 Wood per oort1C......... .. .; ... 2 SO to 8 50 Apples per bag g.................-. 0 25 to 0 30 ra"--.-71,1" =row, ovember 22, 1888. 'Kali Wheat per bushel. $1 10, to $1 12 , Spring Wheat per 1 10 to 1 12 Oats per bushe . 0 83 to 0. 34 Barley per bushel .- 0 so- to 0 70 Peas per bushel-- 0 80 to 0 ee Butter . - 18 to 0 191 Eggs.... ---;..• 6... O. 17 to 0 18 Hay per ton- . 12 00 to. 14 o° Potatoes per bushel, (new') 0 30 to -0 80 _ Hides per 100 6 00 to 650 Cordwood.- 2 50 to 350 liressed Hogs,per Dos."Soto 6 70 , Wool per lb . 0 21* to 022 red-. winter, a -2-11(1 ; California No.- 1,- 8s 04d; paid for Hides • and Sheep Skini. Ltvaitioer6, Noir. 21.:-Spting wheat,Es 3d; Deaths. • DALLAS.-. In Tuckereniith, on the I5th Janet McFarlane, relict: of the late Janice . panes, aged 61 years and -1 month. PETHICK.-In Walton. on the 13th inst., Helen Methick, aged 1 year, 6 months and 17 'days. • - ROSS. -At Abilene, Kansas, on the 9th init., Margaret, wife of Mr. Donal4Ross, formerly' of Seaforth, aged' 65 years.. - 111ILLER.,-At Prince Albert,. Northwest Terri- -- Very, on the 17th inst, George, youngest eon of the: late Richard Miller formerly of • Morris, aged 88 years. • : • SALE REGISTER.' On Wednesday, November 28, at 10 o'clemk a. m, on his farm, Huron Road, Maillop,.94 miles West of Seaforth, Feria Stock, Implements and House- hold Furniture. Ralph Thompson, pro-. prietor ; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Local Notices. FAT HoGs.--Any number, of good tat hogs- wanted at Robb's Packing ham, Sea - forth, for r which the highest marke price in cash will be paid. • • • 1073 GREAT Bargains in China Tea Setts at LAWLAW'S, Seaforth - 1086 11.00Ms TO RENT. -Rooms suitable for a private residence, over GUnn's Store, to rent. Apply to A. G. Avr,T, Seaforth. - 1081tf .1'. C. Lann..aw's Teas are 'absolutely -without an equal. The very best 30e. Tea ever 'sold. Try it liefore it is all gone, 1086 POULTRY and 'first-class Butter wanted at LAnnativ'sSeafOrth. ' 1086 LABRA.DOR" Herring at LAIDLAW'S. ' : • -• 1086 Seaforth, NEW Labrador Herrings for sale at Pentusv'S, Seafortb. • • 1085 t.: ERCOATS ! OVERCOATS 4 We have a wonderful Tweed 'Overcoat at $8, manufac- tured from an all wool Tweed, _heavily lined, and cut and 'made in a style not equalled_ by ordinaly. Reailymades. - ..................- •1 . JACKSON BROS.,' . otazivorTe. -;...........,...............! Our $10 overcoat is sold in ,the usual way to .order for 4-14 and We are honest when we say that nothing in the . . , county approaches this line for value. Remember we make all our own elothing. Ordinary ready Mades can- not approach our oods... ptc T VERCOATS 1 ,tirrisONE1011111110111AMPAIMPIIrAMMIm Edward Cash Is :IOW prepared. to .buy -gins '1116.11 But- ter in tubs, Crocks or rolls. The best prices' paid for Pound .Prints or :Two Pound Rolls, catefully made up. 'Cash California No. 2, Os 00d; oats, Os 00d; barley, 0; - - • Old Stand 'Goderich Street, Seaforth. ' E•eAsH 04 ; pess,5111.14, ; pork, 824064 ; cheese, 511.3004• _ _ . • TORONro, Nev. 22. -Fall wheat; 51.1210 $1.13- 1 • spring', $Ii1.0 to ff1.12 ; oate, 390 to 40c -4,�a. 60o to 61e;.barley" 65 to 72e; hay, per ton, $19.650 to $25.90 ; butte , 200 to 220; potatoes, per bag 45e to 500. ; eggs, per dm, 203 to 22c; dressed hogs; per 100 lbs., $700. to $7.25. - • I '._:---4.- . - Live Stock Markets. ov.- 21. - Cattle:- This m ning utehers' stock were being sold. at und ; as far as came within our thing touched four cents. Among t Of .23 head, averaging 1,000 lbs, h ; alot of sixcattle, averaging1,- Id at $83 eaeh ; a lot of 22 head, lbs. each, sold at *$34.50 each ; Tenon°, picked lots of. 3i to 30 per knowledge, n the sales ene sold at $30 eai 050 lbs each, averaging I, half a dozen loxen, , averaging 950. Ihs sold at $26 each ; a let of nine, averaging 1;050 lbs. sold at sso each :i. lot of 22 head, averaging 975 lbs eaeh, sold at $25.50 each ;" eight -head ofcattle, averaging 924 lbs,. Sold at $25 each; seven at $28.50 each ;AB at $23.25 each; eight at $21 each; and many minor lots of inferior stock at round . about two bents a pound. ' Sheep: -Demand light. Export per lb, 30 to 4c : rams, 2i• to 8c; butchers, pet head, e3 to $4. Lambs -Were in sufficient butinot too large supply, and in fair demand at steady ptiees. Among the sales ono bunch of 77,1averaging 95 lbs eace, sold at $4.50. each ;*a bunch of 19, averaging 63 lbs, sold at $2-.90 each. ; 4 bunch of N, averaging_05 lhs, sold at $3,10 °edit; a bunch of 25 averaging 72110, sold at 83.50 each ; bunch -1 12 ' 8 The painful news was received here on eo , averaging. _ :Saturday Id the., unexpected death of: lbs, sold at each, and a bunch of 25, averaging Mr. George Mi , - ller late of Prince Al ' .70 113S, °sold at $3.50• each, ' Hogs -Mixed. per cwt weighed off the car, $5 to $5.50 ; light fat, tort; North West Territory, and for- _ ' per cwt, weighed off the car, $4.50 to $5 : stores, - irsterIy of. Morris. Mr. Miller was 38 cwt, wei hid off the car, $4.25 to 54.50: ;ears of•age .aid was the youngest sou .'' of the lite Richard Miller of Morris, and brcither Of -Mr. John R. Miller, license - inspector for East Huron Andrew Mil- ler, Morris, and Robert killer'Wroxe- ter. The -cause of Mr. Miller's:death Was typhoid fever from which he was a very shorttime ill. nig friends receiv- ed word -of his illness Only on Friday •night, and on Saturday forenoon a tele - Tam came to handannouncing. his eath. Mr. Miller eaves a widow, daughter of Mr. Robert Baird, Hovfick, and six children, the 'eldest of whom is !waive years of age. !Mr. Miller's fam- ily at Prince Albert, and his relatives here, have the syrephthy of this corn- numity to whom Mr.. Miller was well known as a. young Man ef vigor, integ. 'rity and inoral worth, ^ Glen Farrow. ' Bmas,-Mr. john Wylie left here Monday -last for the State of LOtliSi8nes where he intends making his future 1113.me. John takes With him the good _wishes of his Malik friends here. Messrs. John and Wm. Gemmill and Zahn McBurnie left on the same train eavy, per c stags, per lb MosTeun, together wit trade dull a p considerably higher than the week previous. Best beeves from 4e to .40 and pretty good it steers and at - coOs - 30. Good demand for mutton at f in -11c.to.- 50, the latter only for superior lent s. Warket- for fat hogs dull from 5i to Bo. ; ' " * * Burma cept in .a butchers Sheep and •, weighed off the car, $4.25 to $5, 2 to 3c: Nov. 2I. -The liberal supplies, the disagreeable weather, made Aces lower than last week, but ov: 21. -Cattle -L -Nothing doing ex- ddling Way .stockers and light ler 1,000 lbs Sold . at • $2.75 to $3.- ainbs--Offerings ; twenty-five cars, mostly stock -held over from yesterday, three cars -of freehireceipts were Canada lambs ; on the few sates made prices -were practically unchmfg: ed ; prospents here are bad. Hogs -Market ruled stead . with fair clearances at $5.50 for mediums. TRAYED EWES. -Strayed- frore the premises 0 of the undersigned, Jamestown, township of Grey, about the 14th of 'Nov.ember last, two black -faced Ewes, marked "T: W." Any in. formation that will lead to the recovery of these animals • will be liberally rewarded. THOMAS !WRIGHT, Jamestown P. O. 1093.4 R BAB AIN§. Having imported direct an enormous stock to supply Sabbath School, Public Schad, or most favorable terma. • It -will pay you to se our prices before sending to Toronto or any Bibles of all styles, Prayer and Hymn Book a very full stock, and prices low. , STRAY STEER. -Came into the premises of the undersigned, Lot 31, 'Concession 36 Mill Road, Tuekersmith, •ahout. the niiddle of _October, a spotted Yearling Steer. The owner can have the same on proving property and paying charges. -MRS. MoTAVISH; -Brucefield. 10934 USIC.-Miss Aimee'Armitage, late' of the Conservatory of•Mutic,`Toronto, has at the solicitation of a number of Music Pupils, de- cided to locate in Seritorth,-and devote her time and attention to the teaching of Instrumental bind°. - Persona desiring to secure her services will please make application as to terms and ar. rangement ahours at the residence 91 MRS. A. ARMITAGE, Ann Street; Seaforth. 1089-13 • orse Markets. . MYSTREA4, Nov. 21. -Trade continues dull. 'Ali kinds ofihorses are plentiful and cheap, but there is no *inland. Dealers who bought horses I during th , past two months for sale on this market have lost bea,vily. The dullness is not a cause of ' urprise, with the disagreeable. wea- ther andabbminable roads. • Tcnioxro,INov. 2I.-At-Blesars.-Grand's ,reposi- tory on Tuesday out of a catalogue of some forty horses su witted at auction 38 were sold at prices rapeeng from $75 to $170- each. Among the lots were some very good specimens of heavy The sale was well attended. Follow- 'culars of the lots -Pair grey mares, • Oh m: 6 yrs., 15.2 .hds., $180; draughts. ingsre pa . for &trip to. the sunny south.. We wish 16:311(15" ' th,..ens all a safe and pleasant journey.-11141Pd: Ydja 1.51 Ms"' $175; Bra- m.9 8 Yrs., ‘,. ...,..._...4 i rs '18 illits:Uti 6 years, 16 hds , 5125; 14e road over what is k as the " * hands, b. . -ears 196 rha;nBcfht,gel35" 45Y;eaBrsr'n.I.r, 'beaver meadow_ is in a very bad condi- 6 years,- I 1149, $97. ' EOPL of all kinds, are prepared vate Libraries on the\ r assortmenb. and get er. place for supplies, all denominations - es9 Dr.098 0008.1 & DINCAN Montreal. iloupe, Seaforth. HOTOGRA.P11 BUMS. Especial attention being paid to our brew- G6ods Department, We have c arefully selected from the. best markets, one of the best ' We have the largest assortment, the neat st styles,, and the low prices will surprise you. Can and •see our mg Goods and • Xmas Tree-supplie.s. 1:London; Huron and. Bruce, coma' * Passenger. • fLonden, depart: 7.56A.x. 4.85r.u. Exeter.... AA& 5.579 -liensall„. . 9.28 8.09'--- • Kippen.. 9.34 0.17 .. 9.42 6.26 .... . . 10.00 8.45 Londesboro 10.19 7.03 =Blyth„.... 10.28 7.12 .Belgrave • ; s. 10,42 7.27 -Wingham arrive..? :11.00 7.45 Genno Sovrii-- .Wingham, depart.. , Belgrave. .. Blyth Clinton , . 8.07 4.45 • Brumfield. . .. ....... .. 8.26 5.04 Kippen., - 8.33 6.12 Ronson . , 5.19 Exeter • Passenger , 7.05A.x. 8.401.1. 7.24 4.00. 7.38 4.15 7.47 4.25 Fij SCOTT'S _BLOCK, *SEAFO . , stocks. of Dress Goo.48 ever -before shown by, us, and it will afford us much pleasure in showing to all intending purchasers who will call and - inspect our goods; The holiday. season is approlachinAnd many will be. ANNUAL MEETING;-The MeetAng of the Shareholders and. Patrons of the Constance Cheese end. Butter Manufacturing Company, will be held in Constance,. on Monday, November 26th, 1888, at the hour. of 1.80 P. M. GEO. STEPHENSON, President.• 10931 „ 8.53 5.33 - PLENDID PIGS. -The Undersigned will.keep on Lot 8; Concession 8, Usborms, pear Win. chelsia, Two: Berkshire Boars, bred by George Green, Fairview, one 13 months' o14, brother to his sweepstake boar.' Be has taken four *first months' old brother tO, his first prize sow, sired - and one sdeond prize Ars aged boar; one seven by his first prize aged boar. He s direct froth Imported stock; he has taken five first prizes as pig under -ono' year, i both registered pedigree. ireatis-$1,!to be paid at time of Service, with the . privilege i•of , retbrning if necessary. R. nspainog... . t - 1098-8 . ....-- - it ifORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE REAL In - ESTATE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF TUCK- ERSMITH, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. - Under and by virtue of the respeCtive podrers of sale contained in certain mortgages (which will be produced at tine of sale) there will be sold by Public Auction, by J. P. Brine, au , , the safest at - the Commercial Hotel, in the town of Sea. i cold ever forth, on Tuesday, December 11th, 1888, at - two o'Clock R. M., the following valuable freehold . : property, viz.: -Lots. nuMbere 7E and 8 and the -...., . - , north hall . of lot iimnber 5, all in the Eighth This vai .• Concession of the said Township of Tucker- in the inctr smith, contpining two hundred ' and - fifty acres .mote or -less. Lot number'7 is all cleared And the buildings are a new brick beanie and kitchen, 89 Short a frame Woodshed, frame bank barn 48x98, frame implement house; frame stable 3.0x72, two Wells, p-roperties two and a half 'acres ef orehard. Lot number 8. is all cleared.. The buildings are a new frame house ' h good stone cellar, and a frame' barn, the. count 80(5'6 • two acres of orchard.. The soil :Oil the .., whol iii a clay -loath with good drainage. The list of tes fences - are rail and .wire and In good repair. . The north half of Lot number 5 :contains- 50 * p. s...... - acres. About - fifteen skies are cleared, - the balance is well timbered with black ash and some hard wood. - These. properties .are well sitinited on gond gravel roads. and in a good locality, being only four miles. from Kippen station, and five mho- from the town of Sea!: forth, a thriving town on the Grand Trunk Railway. There is also a Sehool House within three-quarters of -a . Mile of above property. -Terms and Conditions. -Ten per: cent. of the purchase Money down at the time of sale. The above property will be • solit-SsUbject to .A mortgage of $8,000 or thereabouts, bearing interest at 6 per cent. per annum-. _The. balance : , of the purchase Money- to he paid within thirty days from date : of sale with interest at the rate " of seven per cent. per annum.* Further particulars will be made known on day of sale orlmay be ascertained on ' applicIttion 40 J. M. _BEST, Vendor' S SolieitortSeafotth, Ont. J. P. *B INE, Auctioneer. Dated 10th • November, , 1 '; . ' ., , -. /092-4 „ . in search of .fine. seasonable goods. We woul4 invite one and ate> come and see -w124 we keep 111this line; It pay you. We offer' excellent value at "very low i?riees the following lines - Stripe arid Plaid wool Germill, Flannels. Acquired s much fame throughout the theemintr ANSWE -Because every one who uses it reco mends it to his neighbor as Virellingtou, Grey and Bruce. 'Passenger. - Mixed. .. 2.511. M. 9.81 t..x. 8.40 P.M. .. 3.06 • 9.459.80 •., 3.21 10.00 10.00 .. 8.80 10.10 - 11.10 Passenger. Mixed. ..• 6.89 A. if. 7.25 F. If .. 6.48 11.22 7.55 .. 7.02 11.45 8.55 ... 7.14 12.00 9.31 GOUie Noma-. .. ' Brussele. . ... Wingham- Goma Boum-- - Bluevale Grand Tiunk Railway. aOING WEST-- • SIAPORTIE. CITANTOX. Passenger 1.03 P.N. 1.20 r. Passenger... .. 9.10 P. X. • 9.27 P. N. ' Mixed rain.. •..• .. 9.26 A. IL 10.20A.N. Mixed Train,. ...... 8.15 P. ie. 6.40 r.n. GOING no -- Passenger. ./ 7.48 A. M. 7.30 A. x Passenger . 2A/tr. . 2.25?. s = Mixed Trait:- .. .4. 5.80r Y. 4.55 Freight Trail.: .•. t cso P. Y. 8.80 r. 11 orders fro or over, iv EAFoRTH gitia e orks, ohn_ snlith.,:84 Sons Hexing leased the commodious premises re.' cently occupied by Mr, m;,. Pillman, on Main Street, Seaforth, are now prepared to carry on the .F 4 most reliable cure for old ffered to the public.. able remedy has only been et since last Jarinary, and in fine its remarkable curative as carried its fame all, over . Call and read out long imonials at the Medical Hb,11. rice $1 per package, or on all a distance of two packages will prepay express charges. AR,Druggist 9 SEAFORTH. VE AND NISH! I* OT3SH, Seafo rth, Ontario. plain and Stripe all wool Hab# Cloths. 11. Double and ppm?: fold roules 11101 Plain and Stripe COmbinationsi • Henrietta Oloths. • , Meltons. • • A full and .complete Stook of )3101c Goods. We, have also on hand a full. Stock of ent• s' Furnishings, • iery, House Fyrnishings, Hos- 'Gloves, Flannels, Shirtings, 1Vlantle Moths &C , &c. DUNCAN. W are offering Bargains in Wagon & Carriage OoaI Wood Pcirfor Storm& • 1 • AUSi11018 in all its branches. They are getting up.a lop otneat and durable butters and Ieighs, Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton, stations aa _ figlOWO: • whionlvill be ready for use this season. Vehicles of all kinds will be kept constantly on hand. . • • Repairing Of. • every description promptly. attended to. . • 1 Having had :long experience in the business 6, . and being' themselves practical workmen, and' Great 'wel!..known to the people of this vicinity, they. hope to receive a liber,a1 share of public patron- age. desiringa " ofanykind- should "ve ;artiltet a ca ore pure asmg elsewhere. _ r JOhn, Snail 85 ,S0.11% SE4FOR.TILI MA/NAT*1 ' 1092tf IL Stoves' Guaranteed. A full ine of CL For, Limps. - E ec s ening for Oash, Only . BROTHERS,' EAFORTH .The Boot and Shoemen, are doing an imm the influence of .Selling Cheap for Cash. We have a fullline of a11 kinds of Boots s Famous Stoves, ilia we are Sole Agents, reO'dved a • rgains in Table and Library Fine Assbrtrnent o[ Rubber Both Canadian and. American. -• Felt Socks, rubber overs, Cardigans at greatly reduced pri - WHITNEY,, SEAfoRTH: TIMMT 130 nse business, all through and Shoes and have just 0- & Overshoes, flitted _Arctic Socks -with sand • At your own pries. persoh should have buy a. pair of Felt Boots for $1 .65. • As we wish to clear out the -balance of our we will offer someimmense -bargains for, the ranging frora $1.0 a pair up. ° GOAT „Rola TS cold feet when you can _ ng Boots before next two weeks. Priced' S Goat Robes in all colors and sizes very e eap. A robe $2 inches wide and 66 inches long, all nicely linea and trimmed for $6. Come and see our stock before you buy. TRUNKS AND V LISE'S 1 A nice iot a Trunks and 'Valises always on II:and which we sell very cheap. All kind fg of Boots and Shoes made to order and repairing promptly - attended to by MR E: LATIMER. Or' Itenlqtuber the place Latimer's Old Staid, Seaford' HA MILT N BROTHERS Wholesale cpz0 Betait Dealers, Heackuarters, Stratford. BAU LAUGH'S Photograph Ogilery. Is the place and now is the time to order your .PhotograpbsiOr Xmas. .No need to wait for a bright day, as wert ate all negatives instan- taneous on the dullest days. See otir life size work; nothing nlcer for a Inlets box. We guar- antee satisfaction in all Casa. Our gallery be- ing on the ground -floor,,,there :are no stairs 'to -carry the children up or tire the old people. WE SHOW NOTHING BUT OUR OWN WORK, and can make you any kind Of work You want -Bromide, Crayon rPastel, Aim; We are showing the finest lot of Picture Framesin ' town, any size and style you wish. - Also a fine 'assorted stock of • Mouldings for framing Pic- tures of all Sizes. Plush and Braes Easels from 20 cents up. Chreinos, Oleographs, Artitypes, ate. Anything you want for )Emas. Don't forget the place -I0 Whitney'A Block,' Seaforth. • BAUSLAUGH Successor to Wade, in the 'Whitney Block, Seaforth. 2078 1 1.08 N TAIL LS TAKE THE LEAD. °. Gristing anct Chopping a specialty, and will he ,done at ali times on the shortest notice. Chopphig only five cents a bag. Give us a, trial and yyonWill -be con- - vinceil that thisis therightplace to get yam- I I -sting aone,-as every one gets. thp 1 manufactured from his OW12 r and. Feed kept constantly on, 124114. D. B. McLean, KIPP= •