The Huron Expositor, 1888-11-16, Page 6N ZP% Nkpl 'N __4 f .a J IqOVBMBFA he Bra] 00, XP M� J&elns, Stai ems. 9 neral pr6,judice. I: gegAn.by or( shall jo-me into operation, on the, W, -We sa*the Above I R 'A on'' )ABin5l. 64 BYJU,� N WATSON, armer erance out, s, tte. ti day, - VIII.:Tbat tb 6d nati�e cows with a thoroughbie first day., of Jai Ary, Im. iho-other ohol -is a Ta in$ says: Afe _6 votss of the electors shall bb SUPI)OSe of the4 drlvtz in co the- wrniture in e rsey buil. I have now"reachid the takeh on t.he,-P D 1WI 8. afi� Surislic W gerous, i ement in 1he -bands of Ath day- of NoVember A. .1 R th erosij' and have- . not h -ad a; -poor mmenolnP ' the hour of nine 6'Wook in, A90t Jx t its nietaphprb wiae. and- P. murderous mornia 'jr,1611 theptrong an that Icould liot sell from 50 d from thence contipitipa till- ftie i As thesoason is ,now OU w or one man. -pei cen Fortl Nift thef0olish-and 0 ofolook r , An about Zver for plementilval hands of -the price of le itheafter on, at the following places -i t 1W t, abo"Ve com- no young Ala 4, 1 o Watch ing W_ a wt&rd, polling subdivision No. Seeds, I purpose- MY Attentio -Briaki givi 'cows, I bave�nOW a ismall--herd at X a a -the 6� Let ftle I you how mach, i- gallon Is a rae on, Godeiridh street ;tfor 6 C1 the ialeof not -only the Vftrd 11 ,subdivision No. 2, a a twill milk eleven- months in a year� IF ip Hi _particularly to You have bO- rerooms .1, & . to stop go of *hilsky cdstr"said 50' - AN Hall a 'h Wo IM Wa W power , . 5 a jndge,,after try- make at.� the lb'viest calaul&604.. d, for the Bout ird, polling But U4de`taki­ in 'I Cake oated life; as a "One gill.06 of whia�y attheTownllall; aniLthat E eal idg a D erin.: Xach` es. Mhnitoba,,O h t r -dent thore butter than the =4 Sewjhg, - � I . A. If, Y61 n murderers, -it made two co iy-returkiing officer for polling'sZ, d want-6od' Mud for your mopey,, Inaze tw( ber of natb�e 'cows such as -I 'U141 C*gh a defui returning wheel. 'The., division No. ; S.. Stark bo�dejoati don't forget. to,. -906 M. Roboftson a call the 0 Linseed Meal, ],is car at wives . wido and made eight dhildren ling bijbilivision a. 2, and -,that 6. You will;find &,c stfy� tbiiigt)) y in the _neighb�rh6od, - I think officer for. before Puyin or phans. 0 Lsiderably le w 91116 t -be d' ' t returning officer for d varied,and poces t 0 ws have, cost w e to]: so m his, sto It very Iv;rg in �elplessas thi eo okindi(q.'propertiinsured aflowest temperance' .tb suI4 the ti rates Flax Seedf A practi al sermon is n&vj.cowswould for$1 for th, I falon Zu z jj*rthis horses. :A I li.ans pap& wh se r- "IX. at t e Mayor of the s4id Mufficipal-C ThilUndertakingDepartwent, is-repleto. in fird-olass roliable companies, and losses met- .4ed by Now Or ich -extra e A 'Council Room on� ith* every sanits - Wei r� conve r preac bo;wben his fellow- A'cd of the sire is all, the .00st, and a 9 so attend at the wx ice, a;* re tied poi-uptly. ,one of the mox Ili of a Pr r w to ri 6onimende§ by the Un4ertakers' Associa-. te food e rd day of November.: A� D. .1" 3"atsof . ii certainly takes, less Corn Meal hii life was v ing arow and I . 's istaimL an 8 pr th onfln t. We pay 00 -pound cow t' tions of the contin a very long,. saving- the Gore and- Waterloo, from' 01 t,,-kmoenklw' V -75 out -to drink beer 44'ri at 0 'a io bight oIclook in the even I f particular Special low rates on FAR - PROPERTY in wor in! hours, -put' in the� dan it won �d the purpose f appointing persons . attenid' atteintionto -the s6i im of . embalming, as gAdovy lie weighing 1,000 or 1,21' Oatm o olling places aforesaid, and A i -a eal. a;m6unt he would have i0 pounds. the Vanous demonstrated by em rtt professors st the Mte'Wasno, bush or bank the -ex at 7 -beh to 0 00 Jof �plan) for thr#e,yeArs. NIP . bnd factories In- -nd down. whi Ut to.drink. He summi.nk up. ofthe votes respectively. on Voron dibihe, and are bet -theso companiesi it, affavin,g ot.20 per nt it he d eonb; o of persons interested in and. promoting or -4D ter" r are 3 e to furnish and �aon- sTred in spe du f nirals on a reasonableterms.0 n B Law respectively. a : I : 11 : with eviRr i thus -kept h re�ooluti011 for five Years,, Jiturch veitry; Jbl n posing the cent. o' stock companies,.. 6chbd the f 9 X..That t Clerk of 'the- Mui Corpo led - 11 rdf6rm f) listil he ;!as e -church. officer, d Ii hili t aicipal our b a nn a go -Cal FLOUR AND -FEE i he h6ur of twelv advertising Clap.. He then exaqain6d hia bank acount, AU4 is discovered lighti e o'clock noon, atrons t [es mi�� i I -posit $52i 'e -fire. Enter rtLbbi g tionIshall, at ndeftakersillw#4 .elr laintly vpifl e ),mberI A. D. 1888 8016 dealer In the WHITE'aud RAY-NONDO, found.that. had onde .85, t the minister, -Tuesday, th 7th day of Novc rap, —OF— tm luori down grak from, b si hands.) "It In SEWING -CHINES, (family. and manu the haA uotf lost a -day dinister— do d- -at the. Towh' the said Town of Spafoitwl MA Warerooms—One doqr's6uth of' -the- -'a, n e, Mi in Strbetj Seaforth . . . . . . -1 $25. 0.170. AUL =-r� orning _�thV 41 Who� -and against the B - Ing). ces, ran ng rom, 'ALL- DESCRIPTIQN9, tral of the brakiB. 4i ill -health. i (John -subi tup, the votes given for 2-d Telegraph Offic .91 v; -and grant the reqpielte certi4cates th .7 Hold. Tight Ribit donaludq that h �rdly be' �Oe his ears, remains silent La, . � - 1. . - I chines rra 'for fiv@,yearo on RTSO 'RO few on.p -It, k easy' for -men to idently thinking that 0 :unde I r. M.- rk everyliind of' kinisi�r (.v E N. wo lisirs for sale. Ka. what they -wij ih is what. is best for them. eedles, oi abd r xtraA - 1 1 . I -------- . I . q. .. . 1 4 ifion, on e fac i-thgasana dem-� �h x1s r dt hearid)—' I said it was -a dam hines repai urchaslug. flre� Thos f p, red. e. desirous o And so, in t:L 6of NOT10t. They-areallgoc xe nor John—,.So itis, sir _ 0 OfL prices Onstrations, U. the coAtr�ryo the are c, opy a By -Law wiii h class goods- at the lowest. here they tIn titUdeS *110 s eAe& them- is bat dinna sweeri it's. God's will.' Th'O above: ration by the Mu�i- would kap themV ul have per U has beefi.tskeh into, c6nside W do well to call oil ja in su a, en d Chris s to his r -be:flnaII3 said an emu del to, se, ze much for an opinion a, eeidigg which w0l selves thatth4 em the e n CoundilL EA in the assent of ilie,,elbetors' if they is good fort well SM TH9-' S____F0RTH -` - I use of, �Ich6lie stimulants' A clerical fri di urged- Whately, cip Ccsuncil of the Town'of Seaforth, and bjection to r Iiassid-by'the �ye bej� -n- of f ervice�, -and he said at OneL t g 0 t church a STREFIT, ZEAFORTH. at the tbe. I . . ROBERT SOOTT, javery passing.eve b n her to, after month from the A t. I �St L W6]'1 -th d get b( mo WillSonS Mt - 0. which tends to dissipate this 441usion, to publleatioeb. said By -Law in thb.newspap r en, if you really wish nth an and press it u0n. public attention. The. I nowL w1at I think, of your readifig I called TnBH oN.FmO&TOA, the date of b J first pubicaton WaSL Friday, the_2nd-day Slow. say ther6 are only -two partsf One'.. 0or.`,North­_.0f .id'& Wfton.,s Seaforth. yellow-feveir-jopidemid it Jacksonville, a iould`�' Rei 4;. Novembe b-, T, galjop is not nly io service you hing another xes of �9WGoods delivered -thi Florida t read Well, and'these YOU day and in any.p&rt 1 .1 A is furnis seir* la es'nientioned therein Axed . d fe4iittlessly.'. e. - the�,V 1�akingthri esofthoeleotoral epiblls . il b—atitshakes up fact& goiDg t6 show ihe'damade to lid-alth r �Which/ ar e vo h w I be. f e. ill jolt D. +1888, and 'that at the hey ar . e. Hereendeth.thefir\st lessbn held. the town fre likely wi done by even the moderate use,of int6xiw 1000-3 WILLIAM ELLIOTT, Clerk. I's 'o r .1 n g s"p- e. ial bargains .. in -yiz.: Tweeds, Troux:w There laz time; canto. We" 6aw a pressr dispatch th& (I Here'e6deth the' -second- lesson *#Oak. f the foute At *o end d that, f thoie are the only parts which you Drawers and*Dres -S irts -4hi it was affirmed -that, f rste, The North. Am Z her day in fbr elaan d schedule# with,few- ex e _!,ons, me t�lha -to r erings, Wo gting, H�ts and 10aps, s h There i n addicted your natural voice afid manker .0 shoul, start in life; ore r vaI2 of 1 h egatt BAN six serVan n Icating liquors. hich ve y good i;L the rest is T I -the excessi tox� .0 KING no tart- in this had all died y mena . nd bois'- Top R' a: Shirts,, T!eSiL+ - , I t -a' WA Shirts, W146 Dr0s 8 irts, Y. with v4en atfadked b the fever (NOT INCORPORATED. tbit'moderso drinkers haT fared but JS and. BI'S Overcoal `Pants'�inid C o�ts, Over- 1eiiian Wen .;mdanot be -living in little better, 1while t9tal. Astaiiiers had S Mo reason wh YOU A �General Banking business trans. a 11g, P iirch In flee for. cash., -end -bf suffered leastl of all. The result is no T.HIAOUGH 'T� I + I am.. �Y' LAW NO-. 10� alls, +, &c. H ased all v stock stoo.000 at the an r we. lioted the facta of manVa As acted, d. ali- thos "'.Wh --fai& Ifte With cal gep�uine baigains. e 11, any averag, ecommunity, —OF THE— dMate knows to prepare to e o -D g you wan g C Paper ..discounted. We s oul ob ekve.the same result but' 1, And see if tl ie e is anythin t f6ir your-- is bmin." oftAn kills -J it 'or in e'ct n -for a Xmas, New Years'- or we Drafts bought an gy pres attention to d o U r ons' d old. OF SEAFORT# self Ora frie rev'Cottons,. Whi to dir 1, 0- W1 N 'Ce� Oott 01 ift, if so tow is the time 0 buy ve ..als the matter w ile e publ ie mind 1& di- Ing p chased Special. 'liue G Interest allowed, 2U one I who starts l CD Vein after he t f N 0 out. at, slight'l 0 rected to the 9 in thebeiutiful" ovember it will be 'too late . , ., ; : �vill o. 1,696 them rge 4ity I ff 1. Towbls H Table Lino. La: 44 Iffat6h the Brai JF0M:z jet thp good -at near - the- pneesnoW a ere OFFICE—In the. Commerolial Hoter on the St. Joh .7 : . . . I � I am offering fie whole of my large end ob 1, EING A BY 4 Raw.. StS4 JSI0w*.11__-G -LA W TO. RAIM BY WAY or plete'stock of a CD. _6ilding*, adv nce'dii coft*, bout Qu 'A eties. LOA:� THE SLUM OF TWO THOUSAND 10CL er. FIVW HUNDRED DOLLARS FOR; THE 10. RKIT11 HEREINAFTER MENTIONED h r ar ot, -s of making PURPOSE three way WAtChes,_0 k1s F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. 1068 two�to earn And '.For- longt wear and hi one re but C peciAlity. j—ler_ ereasthe Municipal Council of the To Suits to order a s wn: V an iron-friiihe Brussels 'gear oIu such A -i loan. the ium ive hundred 1W of personal influence over of � Seaforth has resolved to raiise by way elry, 8 iTV r of two thousand A HURON A" 13RUCE place—One' df or NORTH .,of Reid , & wilson!s ire,darriled to the back H is. e conAdence: they havein lars for thetVirpope of granting aid, by wa Rem6 i be r: the Ukg small th ' thrftdg Ives y. e at tore S6.af6r a bonus to amount to Thomas Hendry, CD ---(D the t;6wn of Selforth,.machiplet, to en- PlatedL� Wares Hard*are t makin thus g the .Xapd, n character is `U* Loan. afid- lnYestm'ent Yo—The io'teA of e the said Thomas Hexidiy to estab,, Itis Well to remember, vs toruseels az AP success. and final test of succeis, is I h . a foundry -and machine.'sho.p "in t�e And F ncy GbodO PeTmanencer. of Sbaforth, and to raise 'the said sum. iot *o wa. will be necessary for theMunici VATIRRIN her a ne I 00M 'b& Just t —Everybody inlis� -out one pair ).dx 711 A"-% ear finell of the town. of SeMorth to issfie e. ATTgE RRISON Walton, Insufance should alsi�qa b-6 inn peg + two th6usand fiVe At mboi�it cos as I am eaving, for Wi I f fooPssho&�-.if lid;welirs no more. ntures :for the sum of SEAFORTR 10 E INIPIRMARY.—Corner of 6mi�issiouer Yor taking affidayi ent, C too'. e -ded by next door to the, -1s,brushed with th -4t,h% a 8# pity ttiat lundreddollarspayable with Interest as heie. I will ba stioce . Stfeets < people, how. Copve inces, &a. 'Money'to loan at the' lowest Inplay, ils g Money o torlan . 0 Seaferth, On, rates. QRi 1 illfter provided Preiby b All- Walton. z This -go eVer pioui Shee or tiny of the doo Farm, Securify at lowest RaWe i, but who aft siffected with _pt against the pile J'And whereas it will requir6- t hot�uzn of 6 a eases 6 . orses fid sonitched.. � dr jaundi6e.., sh�uld -ever atteinpt.'to.de. esslu lly 1reated at the -10 - Utindred and seventeen, dollars be aised meitle d an" 'Is H. HASTINGS,Solicitoietc;'OZce—CL&dy �rest. -ruse an - ordinary plot relijign, oun ri -on. the shortest -a quall by §pecial rate for the payment of the Nkli - M 146 11 lifirmary, r et n6tide.. 'Blo6k, .oposit6-Commerclal Hotel,,Saa* , 0 atpet-sweeper, aud 10 -de tasboreinafter knpntioned. Charges M Ora —Xot -the a flight of a wild+ a 1 Ire& M ES W. ELDER Voter. bat the 974. Inary Surgeon; arge stock of �Oterin -forth. E�glsu� duckp Says, 4 Ohinese autho leads the i�=-'nater mrp-et is rari ad whereas it will requireL tk uni- of one will b�rry out. Constantly z ton, onMqt on hand] rich.- gages Puch ed. all. guarintees EAGER,. LEWIS, Barristers, Godoi 11ock to- fly an follow. - Office, opposite the=Volbon; 'n 0 w 0 -my cusionion, by 'housimaid. elther brus) h adred and -twenty-five'dollars to be raised- Of Si H..976 a fOr the payment of the and airceom'bi3s made to. 0 Dually by special rat t10 0 8- graduate to Mis ions. i terest as also hereinafter men ned. r r ment will be dirriod orl!ja 1 AI�TER S4ILLINGLAW, T' je goes owt The question . And whe 0 W: � e - Tor- offioe­� - ore f at his- d ath, did he ?11 ve�An iddo, Of of the Ontario Veterinary Colleg, TN- BEST, barrister, dolidtor, &a.. reas th6 amount of the Whole rateable 110 a4l 0 n wAs askedf i k city pastor the other dq. �p opertylof the t - said no ',ohn�ange qTu0b FO - A t 0 w of e onto Re staied. K6mbfir of the 02t=6 Voter. ty, Rooms One DoorNorth Of the Commercial' ad washes it r b, MOM said corporation,. irreopuulvw cal Aijoef ation -e &I ' Honorary dooi to Beam butcher -and 5 per Cent. Literest Allowed on Aid the re es so 'hewVi�lices the -goods re P,4 [to Hotel, ground -floor -next a St 4 --vWdspongeavoatj , 16nqu er was, I did not say. he o any income 1n the nature of tdlls, interests, oolety. Treat 0 --:CKzaox, How CAMSELON. 870 end iden at, rents or fees. from the said'poperty 'bf the Veter�nary. Medical 8 It d DO bein BPI t ber shQpr. Agents mount and e iti- but t iwt. he left it perhaps I all.-Disdases of Domestidatod AnIniali; Also Depositst, a9cording to A three 1;fiakel gav -04 -n� �Mtalnlug warm soaps a d algo irrespective'et any -income to -be do, ofilgiven to Veterinary Dentis. PARROW 10, PRO Barristers, Sdilcl.. time left.. '-rae a I Goderloh, Ontario. J. T. GAzzow, clean lukew-orm N m, the temporary Investment of + the �EL bryv,.' Horses'd f all e I kam. dnen 'OT13 particiftir atti. _UDFOOT should bave more explicitly said thathe A ed fro O..PLAT9- Ined. for Soun tors ft r-0 rel �Si king.Fund or iany part thereof,. according to- -CD linqUislied � 500, becaiuse 'he, could no d-Cortificate III calls promptlyattend. 0. 686 M hn C.411 ve i. A , W � Pi UDFQOT.�� pO U longer hold*; i �." The distinction needs: _t last !reviied Assessment Roll of the sbd REG-uLAR PRICE. PRESIM PRICE. ed to-by'Mail. or etwiso. OFFICE at Red. OFFICECornerof Market Square ith. th 0- C r oratfon, beink, for the year one thousand- Tea Spoons, '0,60 to 7.00 $2,25: to$ 6 00, debee- Stafta On 1048. (D 4:::� ift SOAP the to b. kept n mind ; one- only 'gives . Napkin ri ' 20 to' 4.00 10 to 250 PAMIXRON� :HOLT 6- CAMERON, Barristert, and.Worth Street, Goderich _g. " ei t IhuDdred and the BUM of ngs Solicitors �n Chancer' I ft. �e*et, then dipped m e -thousand, n 0: 75 CD' HORACE ]KORTON, 69�wrpet rinsed there 'linquishes a � 1.00 to M 0 y Goderich Out. when living h - re t death. hundred and. ninety Qiglit huh- Cruet. Sta 25.00 CA141W)f a., Piamip'lloza 'G dr and �eighty dQllap. There is plerr, y of Scripture commends kets, -6.00'to. -17400 3.00 to 1100 606 -loth Stands, C ishes, onus E. DANCEY, WItbL Camer—on oiatioi of Seaf D 2.50 to A.`00 1,50 to '00%, 0 at eieas, the existing debt of th aid, LOD.to T bdefinitely the a ing what the dtiffene'd .00 921 after each applicat for orth is as follows Six thou Ho Goderich, August AhJW. a dollars, boirrowed under tke authority of. t, P --d - I . '� �R 0 V.- A .1.60 to 610.00 tion fok givinj but n ne that w recall nd besseirt, TA ie, gugak,� and S I E M L It C eron, Goderich, Barrister, Be. 71he waterlmugod. 1 3 A of the said town of Se7afoi fingqs of ilea h cap no ouger hold. aw No. th,- .-Spoons; Dinn r, DesgrbiButbir Knivds Pic of Convey:nce 6. Monoy.to loani Ben Pi D L -The Ind ndent publishibs a care* anlinter0stthereon ithe rate of seven er 'Dinner, e, all essert Knives; Berry Dis 9 no's Block, Somforth. -Division 0ount Notice.' d son 61d OffloOCarO 780 r+ fully�prepare exhibit of the- -sta;ti -ties of ce t. pdrzannuln, e ts, 'Cups e 101 vearing 'parable half -yearly from celery'. Stands,. Sardi' The po'elfic dV of July, - Dessert S verS, Or& J DOWNEY"Solicitol ir"ke (D. C. D Amninstorarpets are all the Chris n churches of the United. fir A. D. 1888, and eleven thOus- castors, PitoPirs, Card-Recel r, Convo La�to.of Victoria, B. 0. Offlce--�Over' y ple 04W12es -be found States. The esult, it reaches is, Chur. -saidtown of Seaforth Hold rs,&c., in proportion. on, of Commerce, a ri th. Fri. A I n i 41614P, borrowed under the authority� a Lunch Dishes, Waltersi,2p, W I., ves, The Office of the Second f Bowls,. Call Be] is, Bake. ofthg'ra.' M I i street, Seafdr w No. .6 A of the ., . ;_ - blAsion Court, County of Hu ilk which falls upon il r1cent. `vatb funds to lban, at Oj and 0 per cent. 1085-' open every Is residence of John iviful C ches; 128,885 minister. 94�459 hiew- an interest thereoa at the rate of sK pe Jay sit the ran, will as t qd Sol Beattie, Goderldh Street West, from 10 *160Y ao powerle . o dbl ge SCOTT, Barristers,, 10hors, bes, 19,790, The increase. durinj*- pe annum, payable hall -yearly, from the 26th ANNING' aTe unsifitit d of 04tober, A. D. 18W; also five thous4fid AS-�R MOVED HIS' in. until 4 o'clock V. m verything will be the past year was, Churches,- 6,07 Cofivey4ncefs,.kc; SolicitorsfortheBank do lois, I borfov�6d under the authority of* By-, .50 to $19, T m mopieces ft'$2 -of Johnston, Tisdale. & Gale. Monoy to loan. done that is possible the: interest of Suitan. Ti am iow,icid at fir �.min . . of f amily sitting-roon iiters, 4,5 )5 members 774,861. Of LA No,04B,ofthi.gaidtow Nr of Seaforth, 4nd $1.126 fd 158.00. Offlop—Beaver:.Blook, Clinton, Ontario. A. H. Telephone communication Ih the office. ANW0,4ABOCS, SCOTT. Jow Iry Edablishmett Any am -rop IM prove a more astU ;i the total mei abdrship,, 19,790,322, �he -inqerest �hereon - at. the rate of six percqnt. fi 0 D, $"is able to - affoid th StAking.01006"80 hour, 053 -to $8, now sol annUm, payable half e 0, ount of None.* to Loan on good p now erty, farm or towu,.a ld' t HOLM Iff Roman, Cathoie quota is 7,200,WO %II yearly; from the first. train 92 to $5. t thevery lo*eat rates f of Augmt, A. �D. 1M also - five - thousand 'Bin so 1&- 4 Ali the mor4 expe�siv,4 'king Clocks, 8 day, $6 to. $25 lw� to. interest, and terms of payment -made to zmccaughey Holmested, 0 no JOHN SEATTI INtis th a ons] -thereoii7.at the the Canadian Bank of -Comm i erce. Mbney to land w -C 6rner AlLaIn lidit4r, Conveyancer an 'borrowers. T others'. 12,690,324. Thes6 figures Are hu' STED, sucedsook to the late firm of CD ndred dollars, borrowed' under the -to $17 B Veoi 0 By - 11 A, of the P.own of ijom..$3.50 S it I n Wilton -or-Axminster, only an appre iimation to accuracy but' aii hdrit A 41 Bloc�, a r 9 A good.WaInbt loik for $3. ..S4,fo 96 and'ipteieat T the� Caffipb4 d Notary. for P. theyar6 -t. i -value.' r - rth for 1& aud"Goderi+�Streeis, Seaf6rth Ft C- ferk. r annum, 6w sold: at fr)M 50 cents to $7, n -day of J Of Ye -per cent. pe Payable half Albums fro In. Sc6tVa tife first une, A.JD. -1888i, Farms for sale xpetinj ia the b�s "ye fly, f - for b n thousand d koeps'a� %rg 8, ifid ingrain an. -also e ollays, borrow 20 cents to �4 Where he' e stock of Gold:and Silver S*eetj Soxforth. for the Gander ty of By -Law Own -of -*OR N LEWIS, Barr! . ster, So.' thpr puder A fin e Knisington spare �or i th au No. 2, of the Tatehes, Fine JOi relry, Clocks, &a. i DWAIkD MA licitor in,.High Court,'I eto an4s, aWned floor ve or He. WaSs v practical, and in order to So d - i6terest thereol at the y t Absurd'--' forth, f r 1887,ad if have-everyth g fair and square before- �:of -Gold; Silve4 Filled Gold, and Wicket Op Wit hes, lo'cki Goder.�ch and Bayfield., Money -to Loan - at A ft1n, Tapest carpel cent. per annum, payable half - * . - .1 . I * - -. stock of, Heav a n Gold -Wedding Rings, �C., Donvejancir, i s In en - as th6 ab . est.: a and ve co t Casesi Stem and -Key Wipd, Cheap & -haud he said 10Z rlyv, f m the firdt day of Ka3, A. D. 3888 un and on6-half per cent. on t*o.third 'magib. For -people -to expect a cure for. ludigeb, -in arrear, either for print Face and H e repairod-�Vfth despatch. Bayfield offic4 Thuisday. an(, ther is nothln& You kn �._4arling,-'I piomised my ip il or i, I whereas, it about on -gular prices. J wOrY open ever fr6m 9:80 posite Division nterest. And, is: made Ot r esq.ihan r4 i 0 "Uettid sud Gobelin AVCharges Re4sii nable. to:4:30, In Swartz'. Hotel Oak, ey OP tion,� Unless th ",refraiu fronf eating sekee r and a domestic� woman; . :.- XWOlosely.thaxi the I hou ce. but if an -jW JJM WM3 Tim ZJ what is unwholesome mother th-sit i wife should -be k good no( assarj-� to appoint the thne and placel for e6urt-bAl - ; - I - . - , : . . . I '1083tf .2" 4;�k ng the -votes of the duly qualified electors -qualities keep thet U Bri lit ivetono Can you. 01 auc for appointinir Deputy Returning Offi6ers'to rala YthWg co will o4haipe the appetite iind g vou even modeii6t tah 3 the lVotes of the said Olectors at the nie6t- Colored Gok Brdocheg' nd Earrings MONEY TO LOAZT. O� 'to -the digestWe -organs Vith I catk-% a 16'said, swallowing w reat 11110 Gold do.'Rolb d Pfate db., Coin silver do., et it is Apes Bw-' All 6 LOAN.—Stialght. loa�o tit 6 per.. big lunp in I throat. it e it 1 therefore- enacted by the, Munic !pal and Giltft; L)ckets,. NN edding and. Gem Rit gs, ,.Ca- bol!o glock',.Se rt T thelaid N9. 1 afo h �ONEY AaparUls; T4ousandsallover . *Mee I egri t - Co ncil ot the town of Seaforth. Chatus,"Charnis,. Seals, Cuff Buttons, . Co lar -cent. !wlth the privilege to Aborrowel. ire 9 t ine, Can -y -good bread ? Tha m il That it shall be lawful- for the Mayor of the Jpttons.Searf Pins, -Lace PI re OF at any. 1. ou, make ps,_Wacelets, B.6by a ng irt of the principal man eftifk to the merits 6f this medial eath, and zot tl e.-fanda"extal prina 6 of alL house- ipi 41 corporation to raise by way - of. loan I rorn ins,!Necklets &C., &C. Ji e App y; to r.-- HOLMESTED Barrister Mrs. SaTah 33urrdughs; of 248 Z 1911th ae et that mears an pers�ri or persons, body or bodies co e t n:r;yl ;,I ent -inta.a bakery anil Boston. writes: -"MY husI, be willing to advance. the same. I pow street, South _. - . , _ FA 40Y GOODS...' a most ouble th 'Iearnod- havi to make all :kinds of. th credit of. the ddb6ntures. hereinafter i jen. .'DENTISTRY. band hasi taken Ayer's SaTsap�fllias for d,a"Aum of Money not exceedin in the f any ra�*eto spepsia and tor�pld Uv_ - a bread." She bdded unddk her breath, a rega6 the 9nni of two thbusana, five: iun, Vase ies r. and has, s,-Ladim' Dressing and Jewel Ca ?MM cannot 13; ffordo( rdl( m . - . I .- . - greatly benefited," dr d altars and cause the same to be paid nfo Gi % -and I elti, Walking Sticks, -Tobacco, ay -th Treaiurei of the said town fol -fhe� pu o46 Setts Pocket Bo oks Weershaum,' d" Amw -of newspapers 13� dress - Wood n akes a -g& cl*& in the- -co t A IST, - - ftrpet In d-cai! you do your own ail I with� the object above.recited. Qlay Xhpes, ver P large stock. DENT mi6kin I comparatively a poor aiid &M t shall be lawful for the gEif or :`Tftelargest-,s� oak of Specta Conflimed' Dy�peptic ;4uy 6 own st uld to, -se 4ny pair upward . s, and a'host loyf Nlg* Roms�� Over Daley's storej. 'Put wo ade � from' .10 cents er are, man,, love, aud:dre"Maker's hill& an number of DebenturQs to be 'other things'to numerous to men ion. Q Cant-Ozbury, ,of 141 FraukRu st-o fa such sums as may be requiredi not less han t, next door, south of Robb's.grocery., Using the stair im soon baukru t me." t -941-- -red dollars each- and n eedh -Main- streo0as 'iide)..Seaforth.-.. .7 dl� kr the edies of thetep thaet S'afferin hun4 a t ex c g in nit Yo s, A a aid fran kly,, 'I can make 0" d 33qston, Mass., writes, r' Graduate, and 'for eais Iron' Indigestion, he was ftg* Where econom th aggiegate the suin of two tho sand, �flve WMand make the can h dudtdollars and-thatthe said debenlurls L L; M S Hono erything I wear; -eppe6ially. pattern h TE IVIS—CASH. I M. -R. S -al 4 F�rofito, Vitalized. Air M V bOnneto..". - a t be iesled with the seal of the- c6rpori tion. 1ast in�d=04 %jeweb," he cried with en- sign d b hi Yon am - : served. . Office inMeyer's Block, Seaforth, hours ted, the fashion -Of I e blayor and Treasurer -the,-eof. giyen. Latw b impioverr ents in Dentistry - ob- ,Vtry *de use., was 1. �atft e said Debentures shall bear in. and, by Its entirely cured, WOr the -aentre of th t thngiasih aome to my arms 'a. m. to'S p. m;- Fees reasonaible. B. B. to at a.q and fter the rate of. five'per ent.. MORIES, D. D. $.,.bf Thiladiel�hla�-Assilstant. *dej of Mrs. Joseph Aubin, of Iligh street, tained floori annfi 'fronithe.daymebtionedfor Wait finut6—ther'e"s -'no thil � By- n'Whe a, b t r ss. , 7suffered for over a y092 - turn to. 14 - � I . - i�� - . I M o n Holyoke, 31a a take effeGt, which interest shall be pay from Dyspepsiap to a squareof she said cool y. IVs, my ask a e dn the -first days of Jim: I do not mean fheeely.to stop CARTWRIGHT'& SON, -Don- d not a nuary add Jul y in When I oak Cuar., o that she coul 4"d e them for --a time, tiots,.of Exeter, Out. One ui er of SEA1 ONT' n. -1 m e and tfien have them retuirii few questioa.' Canyon saw wood and h an every ear, at the office of the T,-eas- C -weak Okir_iard bofdet abo carry in coal . t e sai u cipality at, the Tbwn of Sea. MRTH, ein jAIRADI Al; CURB,." I have eat substantial food,WAane very J 4tBlyth the pare, evi -h6 disease f; ofthe Above Will vif Va - fftt z h. made t .-P . -to qare for her,famil. Why, in. love,! should hire that I and, was uuai)le last Thursday,, and following Fri- cr__01 0, 91 0) 0 CS is -day of each cp�w. . 11 fif teen 'I ie's Hotel, will isit $oos . =. FITS9 EPHLEPS 'Neither the medicines scribe b work, done.�` T44t the said debentures shall be �i tent Use J. 20nth, at i I pre d 011010th be placed date rom OR a first Wednesday of -every month at .0 W. 0-� -04siclans, nor any f the To Caii you make your coats, vest mentioned lor this By -Law to take iERIF� MI: a le it the expiration of years. 0. medieg t r t 0- tFALLIN'0­6110- K N E.- S 9 Zurickth' in ru trousers- and other wqaring apparel e Ct" atth&�ffice of the Mid Treasuireral Sea. PeineIs Hoteti and Hensall the following Thuri-' advertised for the cuTe of etisn't to the purpose." A shhll have r t dy. wA-uptANT my remedy to Z's ft h an, attached to them coupons As of evbry &dnth at Reynold's Hotel, Where. hd Cr Because -others *have e But. tha -.FUrnlbre Warerooms OUR he, worst i oases wirl perforM. all- dental operationsi Teeth'ex.* 0. n nrgz rA -until sb ended thk ftforis&fe, ynient of bitgrest. -no -receiving a -cure. helped her,. Comm V. Thgt for the py4rpose of forming king-.�7 failedis. rbasonlorhotnw# -tracted with 4 --new Japan anesthetic, which re-, ..Z7 can YO i build a house,.d�g ditches,. f( r the p� —AND Send at once'for tise -And - -'FRzz r a 81 "Three, ebentures.;L ring new use lot yer's sarsaparl 1� J)i.. _a� 'The of my Rmmy.. Give'exl -the city I 'ZI Jr.ad P" bottlep !of -this medicine)" she wit"p iannualsumof one hundred and-sisven--' 'trial, and ..t:tdoy.Uhargesmoderat6.Te.nudLe'ashI 984, N vy,eave carpe yment. of the sild d moveir'rearly -all* 4, and h md, foe the pa. rin. Parties ded 1INFAtLIBL irea pr6es and Yam n4 a profes�fona... 6st'office. t co�t? you nothing for a teeth will please ca , I early in the. Morning of -3 shall, intaddition to. all i ates, U a cured me." lie ame on am cure i ow. Address -n -DR -.11i G. ROOT, will t10 Neither I. It has taken, the -b ralsoO, 16vied and collected by al Re.- - PT". a Str 0 luoall a r s en special rate.fau''ne It e e a, n.. of tho KINS L.* D. PC r W. z ation'during the currency of the 9 ESI AfMISHIVI JL A ali Of U se io Inoit of-),�y ife'to acquire the education 13 on aflthe rateable property 'in the gaid -cora 31 Von ot,T-dront 0 t MANj benifut, > m A S �mari afid acconip ishments that atfiched you aid d on L., Exeter, Ont. ill be wt. res, or -any Zurich, at the Huron Hotel, on the . the luldale and doe -h- PREPARED BY ssions you 76'b 2 %;. ' THURSDAY IN EACH MONTH 5;ing the ihte LAR M - ONM N rff e speak of I will d debentut the SEA 0.11TZ &C; to me. B11 as soon as I have learned" t )f themiand for. the purp o of' all the prof, est of the said debentine F -ex -0. Ayer Co., Mee istesw .971 S-05 10 a bottl -- 0. %rdly N3 I -6%ss at liberal in of one hundred And twenty� five dollar sha1L -TeetlT tracted with the least pain po Bible. - All ti Lowell, MaSS, tWeen the e h ,a nd you m 'card. An revoir," and she i -addition to all other rates - be raised, Ip'vied. work.first n IV rrICc.$I; isbc bottlo ,e 6�1 typir Being at to be undersold by'an 9 1 8Ter as d coll4cied from all the rateable proper -deteriiiined n RKS P the diff-ev 0; the, other establishbleiit, I am selling furniturp E[onor: graduite of ow aw t e said , borpbration during -the currency _000.01CH BOILER WO I at -only 10 per detit. a Would also sa' A. MARTIN, L. D. -S., 1 0 y- the Royal 0011-3ge a] B'Utter Alid 'd deb�nibiiires or any of them. 0 'Atu that it takes :901&tive cost ,of boveicswt E Don�tal-'Surgedbi VI.;7-ThXt it shdll b6-lawf al for the Mu al eaforth: air respectfully to he peoplb of S )4 -sur- of. Ontario. All the i4asth6tics used for tt.e. ounoil of- the Town of soaf -Beef. nZAIfy rouinidin4 co� ry, that'I -keep no othek than h RENNYH"YAL WAH At %twwd %8,though-i orth to grant C t e—Garf1eld*. painless extraction of teeth; Offic -said s' of first -class in all the branches of the .'under� B %yofbonustothedinount of the stock look, OR S9 LaSo" soon and shrii ought 2 the -beet #rmg 4,M Prescrip ion 0 a, AVriting the Philadelphi;atPres's on has bad a life long oxperience 10 .t No, thousand five li�ndred dollars to L th , said taking departi ont, b fron anufanturers or'41111ndo of Stationery, -Marl I 'is hi6t look -prep sts less t6� I 'hQjhas Hendryi to- enable the ion,� ,,that it do him to-estab'*-h a and on siach b iness principles that enables me Upright .4. d'T-_ 0ulir BQ6rs. MEDICAL. reating female diseases 1811M 'dtiee a undry. andr ipachiqe sl1bp in the To "n a( tosell at much.lower ratet.than - Air. -Roboits6n erff, b r than a. pound Reaforth. monthly.vit" -ot success. bkrrdls but it so ro, quotOq. I e aocuses e o - p Nih9t he ;SALT IPANS 'SMOKE STACKS BaYA ver 10i000 lad frul Inelting.8il P ublishing les. Pleasant'iye Of. a Grrespondent 'ThAt VIL—That it shiall b6 ow -:the - wide--aWake 1, for the ayor term!W " cla -tr p " I - M, HANOVER, M. D. C.: M.; Graduate of and all k%& -.of Sliget Iron Work. sk your drug,. money in butter tha h said pe le, will 11 d u at be effectual. LadieSS hit PaUnt-leath( U 1R ofthe Said iiiiihiciVality to pay over to'th t -be 4W. to define wh McGill' University,� Physician, -Surgeon W WHITE BRONZE gists for Peftny�qy�xl WaleyssAnd QfL 6f rdL-n -k ndt needs irs, part take no substitute, or -and the id(wL is absurd that a mant 6ght 0 a orves. the! -sidence�North:ide Odderldh street first - briv *stage for sealtA paric'ulxrs- which was o -is c h -:961. q be erected. by the said, Thonins Hendry, for. .(r to'cut dc prices, or' 'constantly on hand. h xeih-6dlet curo l mawwho )bli(re house east of t. Eold by a r box 04� nervous for f to kee� ii. 1 A0 pound cow in his, dairy.' -me 0. 11 ru gists, 01 'Do- be no argument, ..Thomas Hendry 61elve--hundred- and fifty -dol- ine 9 1 this to and come -to, a Sensible L'On. PIPF -ccoudbeui,Seaf6Jrth, Ont.. Office and re. I - Seemed to� - % - 8TEA4f AND, ATEff FITTING8 and A of the seidbonus, upon the bu�ldlrjgs olusi n of %' e r p ronage : -the n he purpo5oof suclifofindry and machin hop n who'Eas. been the in so eaki 110n.0 C a tho di a I Address THE EUREKA 0 MIQ e, bem U��ae Fth will mae a greater vviij�t �eing- co upleted, and to pdv the balame f Ssaid up ihis mono�Loly dnd startin an hone 'and On' hand, ready for, delivAry: . . . . . I i ' ar RS. EftIOTr & GUNN Brucefield, Llcen* troit, Mich. AW Sold in Seafortt V r a eqxa- hos have * b. .y Lumoden of old cow-bg6f when"unfit tOL' onus w ien the shops shall have been If W 0 -4"d Wit milk long: I o era- much needed.teform. If-thos bolleg h -fe week. p 4L - tiates, ftoyal and st generally `Dn at I ast oi ealinY6 with! this"sciontific underbaker! il One 50 horseIpower New Steel B.oller D 0 t Wilson, and by druggi er,. when hia cau gef-- an 800 surgeons; EAlnburgfi- JBrac�field, n 936. The-;0n.1y_ L Bron,�7e Foundrg in -pound cow f JE Provk ed, novorthelees,that the. said pir en io. I pr t� old homas' con-tpare - his -previous chares -Nvi.th his dompletei TT '31. D.,. &a. e poer seco ba AUCTIONEERS. ev Will, average 0 per --cent wh more, 'Ilend,y phail'huve first made a pernian nt in- quotatio0, I am suire theiT eyes will be, op the'Vdiffinio' 'butter. I dodbtf there: is a armet in festment in connection with -s to gross injustice in the t e., _Dne 35 hors nd- "fidboil T. 0. SCO Physician, Surgeon, f , I hue of theIr'tro* I ; V`Oro� a habil china shaps. WtFv, n d here say that I - only intend L to cond e Abc6�chei, Seafortb,-IOnt. Office and S-7 Our dountrY tha_.� has produced a beef in. of not less tha " 500 lusive- r4oul er in. goo4 or er.. 14'46d th dde of. Goderich street, Second P. BRINZ, Licensed 'tiozi lot ago --of the .141,500 ito 1--o granted'to hh d 'with" '12, horse-j�ower E#,gine aud residence South i Aue oer -0 five", Yeara that has paid shd11 all funerals.* thit. 1. n1my be favbre* Our matirial Is endorsed by leading scientist - f r tilt lav Door east of the Pr4sbyterlan, Church. 842 lee ittended In efly honor ble principles. .13, Ftincrat I ocu d to-thd dou cil of spil County of Huron. 'a rW con 96od.'6ondition.. as -bei' rlshabl It cano, at r !.to food, and yet ni 1pal Boiler, Be . dwhand; in- radically Impe 0. if the "County.. All order joul his is otor, Mr. Ho mos'Vill rive - 139 P a Pr �ua% to ne, he said inunici lity a gatd h�nd',VuMoleiit bond re very satisfacti , ntly 18 notAffeet xPeorroR prompqyattendod -out of ten of them Njill tell Yon thr had I FOE SMITH, M. D C. M.', Member. *ffice will f4l *-ftttd Vt the o be approved of by the- Counc 0 e SaI4 bavinghad bo Cli� 4nAown experi6noo foi a 11' f th 0 miplete 2nd hand Ain V '-W. B1111 rbinAtfire and coftsequ, be and othei nicipality in the i Th -re a of the Jerseyi has been a�' $UM ea 114'will attend all night calls. Ono, of onethousand oollarsL h L Of. ce—No th nearg, MOB- =us curse to the. ltd Bollerk-En a., 'a. _Od by t e fros intr6ductio iumberoit' 9 .o fit, R. of the Colleje of Phybiciani and Surge onditioned th6t the said foundry,� and machine- Ifesiden Kiln Street,. I One, Separator, &a.,' all in joba,wo-tk. Seafotth, Ontan O.Mee and residence wis BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer, btit it CoMmunit sim9y ba-' hops shall be kept running and in ope.ratiod-for o sold cheap, ail orders mil same as occupied by -Dr. Vercoo. M "of Salvation Arn - arracks'. - Joini - PORTNR.. jug order. Will b lend r &.91e. and T`Che Counties of Hui-o� And PertlL 'the . cat his receive. prompt. attention. Works Qppoilto G.T fo TOi*8 tO' -j;nctli�jed on the most reasonable terms. Or&rs cause, the. ize of' een re- 'term of ten years, and shall -not be used for P. S.,_I -beg. 0 a plogisd to the �ublic for � .. I R. MACKID, -I ta duced. I intr'o ducia je blood -on - nyothoypurj)�sbthan a foundry and mach' wersy on such a delicate ubjbot,.but- as R,Stati Licentiate of Edinburgh and left at the,Qgeen's Hotel, or byNall AddroWd ine ntr( on. din Meyer's Block, Main t aptlownd. cohaveto defend mpkelf against;t combination O)w, Office, W* BOX SIT, Seaforth P. 0,, will be pr*13 my farm hops, and that the buildinga will be Insurod to: D GlaBgo ye4ri ago with conider-�_ 0. WX gralt" L -Sea o,John street. Call e alliount of �s%500, and such b2su --ombine, I feel 4011 Street, rth. Ueoldenc ed to; I to. a non -L ROXASBROWN L1oeusedAtkt!QUOOf rance P and do justice t at C, W �_Ood al�e I give M L .Joe hei 0 r �nte rati n h day, th th _h u Olt" �t 0 t 0 nil ne C f de a ep hall e er u 10 C in e y n h ' 1 1 h tj h 2 kirl r t D . 01 f r able misli�Ving!', for 1 0 able to the: Town, of Seafortl� and -at aORTE elloh, K*y.26Lth,-_188_60 shared in, the ae 'P -night either the Office �Reeldenee. $94 polled to do w.. JouN'S. G" - . - - - - - . . . . . N ZP% Nkpl 'N __4 f .a J IqOVBMBFA he Bra] 00, XP M� J&elns, Stai ems. 9 neral pr6,judice. I: gegAn.by or( shall jo-me into operation, on the, W, -We sa*the Above I R 'A on'' )ABin5l. 64 BYJU,� N WATSON, armer erance out, s, tte. ti day, - VIII.:Tbat tb 6d nati�e cows with a thoroughbie first day., of Jai Ary, Im. iho-other ohol -is a Ta in$ says: Afe _6 votss of the electors shall bb SUPI)OSe of the4 drlvtz in co the- wrniture in e rsey buil. I have now"reachid the takeh on t.he,-P D 1WI 8. afi� Surislic W gerous, i ement in 1he -bands of Ath day- of NoVember A. .1 R th erosij' and have- . not h -ad a; -poor mmenolnP ' the hour of nine 6'Wook in, A90t Jx t its nietaphprb wiae. and- P. murderous mornia 'jr,1611 theptrong an that Icould liot sell from 50 d from thence contipitipa till- ftie i As thesoason is ,now OU w or one man. -pei cen Fortl Nift thef0olish-and 0 ofolook r , An about Zver for plementilval hands of -the price of le itheafter on, at the following places -i t 1W t, abo"Ve com- no young Ala 4, 1 o Watch ing W_ a wt&rd, polling subdivision No. Seeds, I purpose- MY Attentio -Briaki givi 'cows, I bave�nOW a ismall--herd at X a a -the 6� Let ftle I you how mach, i- gallon Is a rae on, Godeiridh street ;tfor 6 C1 the ialeof not -only the Vftrd 11 ,subdivision No. 2, a a twill milk eleven- months in a year� IF ip Hi _particularly to You have bO- rerooms .1, & . to stop go of *hilsky cdstr"said 50' - AN Hall a 'h Wo IM Wa W power , . 5 a jndge,,after try- make at.� the lb'viest calaul&604.. d, for the Bout ird, polling But U4de`taki­ in 'I Cake oated life; as a "One gill.06 of whia�y attheTownllall; aniLthat E eal idg a D erin.: Xach` es. Mhnitoba,,O h t r -dent thore butter than the =4 Sewjhg, - � I . A. If, Y61 n murderers, -it made two co iy-returkiing officer for polling'sZ, d want-6od' Mud for your mopey,, Inaze tw( ber of natb�e 'cows such as -I 'U141 C*gh a defui returning wheel. 'The., division No. ; S.. Stark bo�dejoati don't forget. to,. -906 M. Roboftson a call the 0 Linseed Meal, ],is car at wives . wido and made eight dhildren ling bijbilivision a. 2, and -,that 6. You will;find &,c stfy� tbiiigt)) y in the _neighb�rh6od, - I think officer for. before Puyin or phans. 0 Lsiderably le w 91116 t -be d' ' t returning officer for d varied,and poces t 0 ws have, cost w e to]: so m his, sto It very Iv;rg in �elplessas thi eo okindi(q.'propertiinsured aflowest temperance' .tb suI4 the ti rates Flax Seedf A practi al sermon is n&vj.cowswould for$1 for th, I falon Zu z jj*rthis horses. :A I li.ans pap& wh se r- "IX. at t e Mayor of the s4id Mufficipal-C ThilUndertakingDepartwent, is-repleto. in fird-olass roliable companies, and losses met- .4ed by Now Or ich -extra e A 'Council Room on� ith* every sanits - Wei r� conve r preac bo;wben his fellow- A'cd of the sire is all, the .00st, and a 9 so attend at the wx ice, a;* re tied poi-uptly. ,one of the mox Ili of a Pr r w to ri 6onimende§ by the Un4ertakers' Associa-. te food e rd day of November.: A� D. .1" 3"atsof . ii certainly takes, less Corn Meal hii life was v ing arow and I . 's istaimL an 8 pr th onfln t. We pay 00 -pound cow t' tions of the contin a very long,. saving- the Gore and- Waterloo, from' 01 t,,-kmoenklw' V -75 out -to drink beer 44'ri at 0 'a io bight oIclook in the even I f particular Special low rates on FAR - PROPERTY in wor in! hours, -put' in the� dan it won �d the purpose f appointing persons . attenid' atteintionto -the s6i im of . embalming, as gAdovy lie weighing 1,000 or 1,21' Oatm o olling places aforesaid, and A i -a eal. a;m6unt he would have i0 pounds. the Vanous demonstrated by em rtt professors st the Mte'Wasno, bush or bank the -ex at 7 -beh to 0 00 Jof �plan) for thr#e,yeArs. NIP . bnd factories In- -nd down. whi Ut to.drink. He summi.nk up. ofthe votes respectively. on Voron dibihe, and are bet -theso companiesi it, affavin,g ot.20 per nt it he d eonb; o of persons interested in and. promoting or -4D ter" r are 3 e to furnish and �aon- sTred in spe du f nirals on a reasonableterms.0 n B Law respectively. a : I : 11 : with eviRr i thus -kept h re�ooluti011 for five Years,, Jiturch veitry; Jbl n posing the cent. o' stock companies,.. 6chbd the f 9 X..That t Clerk of 'the- Mui Corpo led - 11 rdf6rm f) listil he ;!as e -church. officer, d Ii hili t aicipal our b a nn a go -Cal FLOUR AND -FEE i he h6ur of twelv advertising Clap.. He then exaqain6d hia bank acount, AU4 is discovered lighti e o'clock noon, atrons t [es mi�� i I -posit $52i 'e -fire. Enter rtLbbi g tionIshall, at ndeftakersillw#4 .elr laintly vpifl e ),mberI A. D. 1888 8016 dealer In the WHITE'aud RAY-NONDO, found.that. had onde .85, t the minister, -Tuesday, th 7th day of Novc rap, —OF— tm luori down grak from, b si hands.) "It In SEWING -CHINES, (family. and manu the haA uotf lost a -day dinister— do d- -at the. Towh' the said Town of Spafoitwl MA Warerooms—One doqr's6uth of' -the- -'a, n e, Mi in Strbetj Seaforth . . . . . . -1 $25. 0.170. AUL =-r� orning _�thV 41 Who� -and against the B - Ing). ces, ran ng rom, 'ALL- DESCRIPTIQN9, tral of the brakiB. 4i ill -health. i (John -subi tup, the votes given for 2-d Telegraph Offic .91 v; -and grant the reqpielte certi4cates th .7 Hold. Tight Ribit donaludq that h �rdly be' �Oe his ears, remains silent La, . � - 1. . - I chines rra 'for fiv@,yearo on RTSO 'RO few on.p -It, k easy' for -men to idently thinking that 0 :unde I r. M.- rk everyliind of' kinisi�r (.v E N. wo lisirs for sale. Ka. what they -wij ih is what. is best for them. eedles, oi abd r xtraA - 1 1 . I -------- . I . q. .. . 1 4 ifion, on e fac i-thgasana dem-� �h x1s r dt hearid)—' I said it was -a dam hines repai urchaslug. flre� Thos f p, red. e. desirous o And so, in t:L 6of NOT10t. They-areallgoc xe nor John—,.So itis, sir _ 0 OfL prices Onstrations, U. the coAtr�ryo the are c, opy a By -Law wiii h class goods- at the lowest. here they tIn titUdeS *110 s eAe& them- is bat dinna sweeri it's. God's will.' Th'O above: ration by the Mu�i- would kap themV ul have per U has beefi.tskeh into, c6nside W do well to call oil ja in su a, en d Chris s to his r -be:flnaII3 said an emu del to, se, ze much for an opinion a, eeidigg which w0l selves thatth4 em the e n CoundilL EA in the assent of ilie,,elbetors' if they is good fort well SM TH9-' S____F0RTH -` - I use of, �Ich6lie stimulants' A clerical fri di urged- Whately, cip Ccsuncil of the Town'of Seaforth, and bjection to r Iiassid-by'the �ye bej� -n- of f ervice�, -and he said at OneL t g 0 t church a STREFIT, ZEAFORTH. at the tbe. I . . ROBERT SOOTT, javery passing.eve b n her to, after month from the A t. I �St L W6]'1 -th d get b( mo WillSonS Mt - 0. which tends to dissipate this 441usion, to publleatioeb. said By -Law in thb.newspap r en, if you really wish nth an and press it u0n. public attention. The. I nowL w1at I think, of your readifig I called TnBH oN.FmO&TOA, the date of b J first pubicaton WaSL Friday, the_2nd-day Slow. say ther6 are only -two partsf One'.. 0or.`,North­_.0f .id'& Wfton.,s Seaforth. yellow-feveir-jopidemid it Jacksonville, a iould`�' Rei 4;. Novembe b-, T, galjop is not nly io service you hing another xes of �9WGoods delivered -thi Florida t read Well, and'these YOU day and in any.p&rt 1 .1 A is furnis seir* la es'nientioned therein Axed . d fe4iittlessly.'. e. - the�,V 1�akingthri esofthoeleotoral epiblls . il b—atitshakes up fact& goiDg t6 show ihe'damade to lid-alth r �Which/ ar e vo h w I be. f e. ill jolt D. +1888, and 'that at the hey ar . e. Hereendeth.thefir\st lessbn held. the town fre likely wi done by even the moderate use,of int6xiw 1000-3 WILLIAM ELLIOTT, Clerk. I's 'o r .1 n g s"p- e. ial bargains .. in -yiz.: Tweeds, Troux:w There laz time; canto. We" 6aw a pressr dispatch th& (I Here'e6deth the' -second- lesson *#Oak. f the foute At *o end d that, f thoie are the only parts which you Drawers and*Dres -S irts -4hi it was affirmed -that, f rste, The North. Am Z her day in fbr elaan d schedule# with,few- ex e _!,ons, me t�lha -to r erings, Wo gting, H�ts and 10aps, s h There i n addicted your natural voice afid manker .0 shoul, start in life; ore r vaI2 of 1 h egatt BAN six serVan n Icating liquors. hich ve y good i;L the rest is T I -the excessi tox� .0 KING no tart- in this had all died y mena . nd bois'- Top R' a: Shirts,, T!eSiL+ - , I t -a' WA Shirts, W146 Dr0s 8 irts, Y. with v4en atfadked b the fever (NOT INCORPORATED. tbit'moderso drinkers haT fared but JS and. BI'S Overcoal `Pants'�inid C o�ts, Over- 1eiiian Wen .;mdanot be -living in little better, 1while t9tal. Astaiiiers had S Mo reason wh YOU A �General Banking business trans. a 11g, P iirch In flee for. cash., -end -bf suffered leastl of all. The result is no T.HIAOUGH 'T� I + I am.. �Y' LAW NO-. 10� alls, +, &c. H ased all v stock stoo.000 at the an r we. lioted the facta of manVa As acted, d. ali- thos "'.Wh --fai& Ifte With cal gep�uine baigains. e 11, any averag, ecommunity, —OF THE— dMate knows to prepare to e o -D g you wan g C Paper ..discounted. We s oul ob ekve.the same result but' 1, And see if tl ie e is anythin t f6ir your-- is bmin." oftAn kills -J it 'or in e'ct n -for a Xmas, New Years'- or we Drafts bought an gy pres attention to d o U r ons' d old. OF SEAFORT# self Ora frie rev'Cottons,. Whi to dir 1, 0- W1 N 'Ce� Oott 01 ift, if so tow is the time 0 buy ve ..als the matter w ile e publ ie mind 1& di- Ing p chased Special. 'liue G Interest allowed, 2U one I who starts l CD Vein after he t f N 0 out. at, slight'l 0 rected to the 9 in thebeiutiful" ovember it will be 'too late . , ., ; : �vill o. 1,696 them rge 4ity I ff 1. Towbls H Table Lino. La: 44 Iffat6h the Brai JF0M:z jet thp good -at near - the- pneesnoW a ere OFFICE—In the. Commerolial Hoter on the St. Joh .7 : . . . I � I am offering fie whole of my large end ob 1, EING A BY 4 Raw.. StS4 JSI0w*.11__-G -LA W TO. RAIM BY WAY or plete'stock of a CD. _6ilding*, adv nce'dii coft*, bout Qu 'A eties. LOA:� THE SLUM OF TWO THOUSAND 10CL er. FIVW HUNDRED DOLLARS FOR; THE 10. RKIT11 HEREINAFTER MENTIONED h r ar ot, -s of making PURPOSE three way WAtChes,_0 k1s F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. 1068 two�to earn And '.For- longt wear and hi one re but C peciAlity. j—ler_ ereasthe Municipal Council of the To Suits to order a s wn: V an iron-friiihe Brussels 'gear oIu such A -i loan. the ium ive hundred 1W of personal influence over of � Seaforth has resolved to raiise by way elry, 8 iTV r of two thousand A HURON A" 13RUCE place—One' df or NORTH .,of Reid , & wilson!s ire,darriled to the back H is. e conAdence: they havein lars for thetVirpope of granting aid, by wa Rem6 i be r: the Ukg small th ' thrftdg Ives y. e at tore S6.af6r a bonus to amount to Thomas Hendry, CD ---(D the t;6wn of Selforth,.machiplet, to en- PlatedL� Wares Hard*are t makin thus g the .Xapd, n character is `U* Loan. afid- lnYestm'ent Yo—The io'teA of e the said Thomas Hexidiy to estab,, Itis Well to remember, vs toruseels az AP success. and final test of succeis, is I h . a foundry -and machine.'sho.p "in t�e And F ncy GbodO PeTmanencer. of Sbaforth, and to raise 'the said sum. iot *o wa. will be necessary for theMunici VATIRRIN her a ne I 00M 'b& Just t —Everybody inlis� -out one pair ).dx 711 A"-% ear finell of the town. of SeMorth to issfie e. ATTgE RRISON Walton, Insufance should alsi�qa b-6 inn peg + two th6usand fiVe At mboi�it cos as I am eaving, for Wi I f fooPssho&�-.if lid;welirs no more. ntures :for the sum of SEAFORTR 10 E INIPIRMARY.—Corner of 6mi�issiouer Yor taking affidayi ent, C too'. e -ded by next door to the, -1s,brushed with th -4t,h% a 8# pity ttiat lundreddollarspayable with Interest as heie. I will ba stioce . Stfeets < people, how. Copve inces, &a. 'Money'to loan at the' lowest Inplay, ils g Money o torlan . 0 Seaferth, On, rates. QRi 1 illfter provided Preiby b All- Walton. z This -go eVer pioui Shee or tiny of the doo Farm, Securify at lowest RaWe i, but who aft siffected with _pt against the pile J'And whereas it will requir6- t hot�uzn of 6 a eases 6 . orses fid sonitched.. � dr jaundi6e.., sh�uld -ever atteinpt.'to.de. esslu lly 1reated at the -10 - Utindred and seventeen, dollars be aised meitle d an" 'Is H. HASTINGS,Solicitoietc;'OZce—CL&dy �rest. -ruse an - ordinary plot relijign, oun ri -on. the shortest -a quall by §pecial rate for the payment of the Nkli - M 146 11 lifirmary, r et n6tide.. 'Blo6k, .oposit6-Commerclal Hotel,,Saa* , 0 atpet-sweeper, aud 10 -de tasboreinafter knpntioned. Charges M Ora —Xot -the a flight of a wild+ a 1 Ire& M ES W. ELDER Voter. bat the 974. Inary Surgeon; arge stock of �Oterin -forth. E�glsu� duckp Says, 4 Ohinese autho leads the i�=-'nater mrp-et is rari ad whereas it will requireL tk uni- of one will b�rry out. Constantly z ton, onMqt on hand] rich.- gages Puch ed. all. guarintees EAGER,. LEWIS, Barristers, Godoi 11ock to- fly an follow. - Office, opposite the=Volbon; 'n 0 w 0 -my cusionion, by 'housimaid. elther brus) h adred and -twenty-five'dollars to be raised- Of Si H..976 a fOr the payment of the and airceom'bi3s made to. 0 Dually by special rat t10 0 8- graduate to Mis ions. i terest as also hereinafter men ned. r r ment will be dirriod orl!ja 1 AI�TER S4ILLINGLAW, T' je goes owt The question . And whe 0 W: � e - Tor- offioe­� - ore f at his- d ath, did he ?11 ve�An iddo, Of of the Ontario Veterinary Colleg, TN- BEST, barrister, dolidtor, &a.. reas th6 amount of the Whole rateable 110 a4l 0 n wAs askedf i k city pastor the other dq. �p opertylof the t - said no ',ohn�ange qTu0b FO - A t 0 w of e onto Re staied. K6mbfir of the 02t=6 Voter. ty, Rooms One DoorNorth Of the Commercial' ad washes it r b, MOM said corporation,. irreopuulvw cal Aijoef ation -e &I ' Honorary dooi to Beam butcher -and 5 per Cent. Literest Allowed on Aid the re es so 'hewVi�lices the -goods re P,4 [to Hotel, ground -floor -next a St 4 --vWdspongeavoatj , 16nqu er was, I did not say. he o any income 1n the nature of tdlls, interests, oolety. Treat 0 --:CKzaox, How CAMSELON. 870 end iden at, rents or fees. from the said'poperty 'bf the Veter�nary. Medical 8 It d DO bein BPI t ber shQpr. Agents mount and e iti- but t iwt. he left it perhaps I all.-Disdases of Domestidatod AnIniali; Also Depositst, a9cording to A three 1;fiakel gav -04 -n� �Mtalnlug warm soaps a d algo irrespective'et any -income to -be do, ofilgiven to Veterinary Dentis. PARROW 10, PRO Barristers, Sdilcl.. time left.. '-rae a I Goderloh, Ontario. J. T. GAzzow, clean lukew-orm N m, the temporary Investment of + the �EL bryv,.' Horses'd f all e I kam. dnen 'OT13 particiftir atti. _UDFOOT should bave more explicitly said thathe A ed fro O..PLAT9- Ined. for Soun tors ft r-0 rel �Si king.Fund or iany part thereof,. according to- -CD linqUislied � 500, becaiuse 'he, could no d-Cortificate III calls promptlyattend. 0. 686 M hn C.411 ve i. A , W � Pi UDFQOT.�� pO U longer hold*; i �." The distinction needs: _t last !reviied Assessment Roll of the sbd REG-uLAR PRICE. PRESIM PRICE. ed to-by'Mail. or etwiso. OFFICE at Red. OFFICECornerof Market Square ith. th 0- C r oratfon, beink, for the year one thousand- Tea Spoons, '0,60 to 7.00 $2,25: to$ 6 00, debee- Stafta On 1048. (D 4:::� ift SOAP the to b. kept n mind ; one- only 'gives . Napkin ri ' 20 to' 4.00 10 to 250 PAMIXRON� :HOLT 6- CAMERON, Barristert, and.Worth Street, Goderich _g. " ei t IhuDdred and the BUM of ngs Solicitors �n Chancer' I ft. �e*et, then dipped m e -thousand, n 0: 75 CD' HORACE ]KORTON, 69�wrpet rinsed there 'linquishes a � 1.00 to M 0 y Goderich Out. when living h - re t death. hundred and. ninety Qiglit huh- Cruet. Sta 25.00 CA141W)f a., Piamip'lloza 'G dr and �eighty dQllap. There is plerr, y of Scripture commends kets, -6.00'to. -17400 3.00 to 1100 606 -loth Stands, C ishes, onus E. DANCEY, WItbL Camer—on oiatioi of Seaf D 2.50 to A.`00 1,50 to '00%, 0 at eieas, the existing debt of th aid, LOD.to T bdefinitely the a ing what the dtiffene'd .00 921 after each applicat for orth is as follows Six thou Ho Goderich, August AhJW. a dollars, boirrowed under tke authority of. t, P --d - I . '� �R 0 V.- A .1.60 to 610.00 tion fok givinj but n ne that w recall nd besseirt, TA ie, gugak,� and S I E M L It C eron, Goderich, Barrister, Be. 71he waterlmugod. 1 3 A of the said town of Se7afoi fingqs of ilea h cap no ouger hold. aw No. th,- .-Spoons; Dinn r, DesgrbiButbir Knivds Pic of Convey:nce 6. Monoy.to loani Ben Pi D L -The Ind ndent publishibs a care* anlinter0stthereon ithe rate of seven er 'Dinner, e, all essert Knives; Berry Dis 9 no's Block, Somforth. -Division 0ount Notice.' d son 61d OffloOCarO 780 r+ fully�prepare exhibit of the- -sta;ti -ties of ce t. pdrzannuln, e ts, 'Cups e 101 vearing 'parable half -yearly from celery'. Stands,. Sardi' The po'elfic dV of July, - Dessert S verS, Or& J DOWNEY"Solicitol ir"ke (D. C. D Amninstorarpets are all the Chris n churches of the United. fir A. D. 1888, and eleven thOus- castors, PitoPirs, Card-Recel r, Convo La�to.of Victoria, B. 0. Offlce--�Over' y ple 04W12es -be found States. The esult, it reaches is, Chur. -saidtown of Seaforth Hold rs,&c., in proportion. on, of Commerce, a ri th. Fri. A I n i 41614P, borrowed under the authority� a Lunch Dishes, Waltersi,2p, W I., ves, The Office of the Second f Bowls,. Call Be] is, Bake. ofthg'ra.' M I i street, Seafdr w No. .6 A of the ., . ;_ - blAsion Court, County of Hu ilk which falls upon il r1cent. `vatb funds to lban, at Oj and 0 per cent. 1085-' open every Is residence of John iviful C ches; 128,885 minister. 94�459 hiew- an interest thereoa at the rate of sK pe Jay sit the ran, will as t qd Sol Beattie, Goderldh Street West, from 10 *160Y ao powerle . o dbl ge SCOTT, Barristers,, 10hors, bes, 19,790, The increase. durinj*- pe annum, payable hall -yearly, from the 26th ANNING' aTe unsifitit d of 04tober, A. D. 18W; also five thous4fid AS-�R MOVED HIS' in. until 4 o'clock V. m verything will be the past year was, Churches,- 6,07 Cofivey4ncefs,.kc; SolicitorsfortheBank do lois, I borfov�6d under the authority of* By-, .50 to $19, T m mopieces ft'$2 -of Johnston, Tisdale. & Gale. Monoy to loan. done that is possible the: interest of Suitan. Ti am iow,icid at fir �.min . . of f amily sitting-roon iiters, 4,5 )5 members 774,861. Of LA No,04B,ofthi.gaidtow Nr of Seaforth, 4nd $1.126 fd 158.00. Offlop—Beaver:.Blook, Clinton, Ontario. A. H. Telephone communication Ih the office. ANW0,4ABOCS, SCOTT. Jow Iry Edablishmett Any am -rop IM prove a more astU ;i the total mei abdrship,, 19,790,322, �he -inqerest �hereon - at. the rate of six percqnt. fi 0 D, $"is able to - affoid th StAking.01006"80 hour, 053 -to $8, now sol annUm, payable half e 0, ount of None.* to Loan on good p now erty, farm or towu,.a ld' t HOLM Iff Roman, Cathoie quota is 7,200,WO %II yearly; from the first. train 92 to $5. t thevery lo*eat rates f of Augmt, A. �D. 1M also - five - thousand 'Bin so 1&- 4 Ali the mor4 expe�siv,4 'king Clocks, 8 day, $6 to. $25 lw� to. interest, and terms of payment -made to zmccaughey Holmested, 0 no JOHN SEATTI INtis th a ons] -thereoii7.at the the Canadian Bank of -Comm i erce. Mbney to land w -C 6rner AlLaIn lidit4r, Conveyancer an 'borrowers. T others'. 12,690,324. Thes6 figures Are hu' STED, sucedsook to the late firm of CD ndred dollars, borrowed' under the -to $17 B Veoi 0 By - 11 A, of the P.own of ijom..$3.50 S it I n Wilton -or-Axminster, only an appre iimation to accuracy but' aii hdrit A 41 Bloc�, a r 9 A good.WaInbt loik for $3. ..S4,fo 96 and'ipteieat T the� Caffipb4 d Notary. for P. theyar6 -t. i -value.' r - rth for 1& aud"Goderi+�Streeis, Seaf6rth Ft C- ferk. r annum, 6w sold: at fr)M 50 cents to $7, n -day of J Of Ye -per cent. pe Payable half Albums fro In. Sc6tVa tife first une, A.JD. -1888i, Farms for sale xpetinj ia the b�s "ye fly, f - for b n thousand d koeps'a� %rg 8, ifid ingrain an. -also e ollays, borrow 20 cents to �4 Where he' e stock of Gold:and Silver S*eetj Soxforth. for the Gander ty of By -Law Own -of -*OR N LEWIS, Barr! . ster, So.' thpr puder A fin e Knisington spare �or i th au No. 2, of the Tatehes, Fine JOi relry, Clocks, &a. i DWAIkD MA licitor in,.High Court,'I eto an4s, aWned floor ve or He. WaSs v practical, and in order to So d - i6terest thereol at the y t Absurd'--' forth, f r 1887,ad if have-everyth g fair and square before- �:of -Gold; Silve4 Filled Gold, and Wicket Op Wit hes, lo'cki Goder.�ch and Bayfield., Money -to Loan - at A ft1n, Tapest carpel cent. per annum, payable half - * . - .1 . I * - -. stock of, Heav a n Gold -Wedding Rings, �C., Donvejancir, i s In en - as th6 ab . est.: a and ve co t Casesi Stem and -Key Wipd, Cheap & -haud he said 10Z rlyv, f m the firdt day of Ka3, A. D. 3888 un and on6-half per cent. on t*o.third 'magib. For -people -to expect a cure for. ludigeb, -in arrear, either for print Face and H e repairod-�Vfth despatch. Bayfield offic4 Thuisday. an(, ther is nothln& You kn �._4arling,-'I piomised my ip il or i, I whereas, it about on -gular prices. J wOrY open ever fr6m 9:80 posite Division nterest. And, is: made Ot r esq.ihan r4 i 0 "Uettid sud Gobelin AVCharges Re4sii nable. to:4:30, In Swartz'. Hotel Oak, ey OP tion,� Unless th ",refraiu fronf eating sekee r and a domestic� woman; . :.- XWOlosely.thaxi the I hou ce. but if an -jW JJM WM3 Tim ZJ what is unwholesome mother th-sit i wife should -be k good no( assarj-� to appoint the thne and placel for e6urt-bAl - ; - I - . - , : . . . I '1083tf .2" 4;�k ng the -votes of the duly qualified electors -qualities keep thet U Bri lit ivetono Can you. 01 auc for appointinir Deputy Returning Offi6ers'to rala YthWg co will o4haipe the appetite iind g vou even modeii6t tah 3 the lVotes of the said Olectors at the nie6t- Colored Gok Brdocheg' nd Earrings MONEY TO LOAZT. O� 'to -the digestWe -organs Vith I catk-% a 16'said, swallowing w reat 11110 Gold do.'Rolb d Pfate db., Coin silver do., et it is Apes Bw-' All 6 LOAN.—Stialght. loa�o tit 6 per.. big lunp in I throat. it e it 1 therefore- enacted by the, Munic !pal and Giltft; L)ckets,. NN edding and. Gem Rit gs, ,.Ca- bol!o glock',.Se rt T thelaid N9. 1 afo h �ONEY AaparUls; T4ousandsallover . *Mee I egri t - Co ncil ot the town of Seaforth. Chatus,"Charnis,. Seals, Cuff Buttons, . Co lar -cent. !wlth the privilege to Aborrowel. ire 9 t ine, Can -y -good bread ? Tha m il That it shall be lawful- for the Mayor of the Jpttons.Searf Pins, -Lace PI re OF at any. 1. ou, make ps,_Wacelets, B.6by a ng irt of the principal man eftifk to the merits 6f this medial eath, and zot tl e.-fanda"extal prina 6 of alL house- ipi 41 corporation to raise by way - of. loan I rorn ins,!Necklets &C., &C. Ji e App y; to r.-- HOLMESTED Barrister Mrs. SaTah 33urrdughs; of 248 Z 1911th ae et that mears an pers�ri or persons, body or bodies co e t n:r;yl ;,I ent -inta.a bakery anil Boston. writes: -"MY husI, be willing to advance. the same. I pow street, South _. - . , _ FA 40Y GOODS...' a most ouble th 'Iearnod- havi to make all :kinds of. th credit of. the ddb6ntures. hereinafter i jen. .'DENTISTRY. band hasi taken Ayer's SaTsap�fllias for d,a"Aum of Money not exceedin in the f any ra�*eto spepsia and tor�pld Uv_ - a bread." She bdded unddk her breath, a rega6 the 9nni of two thbusana, five: iun, Vase ies r. and has, s,-Ladim' Dressing and Jewel Ca ?MM cannot 13; ffordo( rdl( m . - . I .- . - greatly benefited," dr d altars and cause the same to be paid nfo Gi % -and I elti, Walking Sticks, -Tobacco, ay -th Treaiurei of the said town fol -fhe� pu o46 Setts Pocket Bo oks Weershaum,' d" Amw -of newspapers 13� dress - Wood n akes a -g& cl*& in the- -co t A IST, - - ftrpet In d-cai! you do your own ail I with� the object above.recited. Qlay Xhpes, ver P large stock. DENT mi6kin I comparatively a poor aiid &M t shall be lawful for the gEif or :`Tftelargest-,s� oak of Specta Conflimed' Dy�peptic ;4uy 6 own st uld to, -se 4ny pair upward . s, and a'host loyf Nlg* Roms�� Over Daley's storej. 'Put wo ade � from' .10 cents er are, man,, love, aud:dre"Maker's hill& an number of DebenturQs to be 'other things'to numerous to men ion. Q Cant-Ozbury, ,of 141 FraukRu st-o fa such sums as may be requiredi not less han t, next door, south of Robb's.grocery., Using the stair im soon baukru t me." t -941-- -red dollars each- and n eedh -Main- streo0as 'iide)..Seaforth.-.. .7 dl� kr the edies of thetep thaet S'afferin hun4 a t ex c g in nit Yo s, A a aid fran kly,, 'I can make 0" d 33qston, Mass., writes, r' Graduate, and 'for eais Iron' Indigestion, he was ftg* Where econom th aggiegate the suin of two tho sand, �flve WMand make the can h dudtdollars and-thatthe said debenlurls L L; M S Hono erything I wear; -eppe6ially. pattern h TE IVIS—CASH. I M. -R. S -al 4 F�rofito, Vitalized. Air M V bOnneto..". - a t be iesled with the seal of the- c6rpori tion. 1ast in�d=04 %jeweb," he cried with en- sign d b hi Yon am - : served. . Office inMeyer's Block, Seaforth, hours ted, the fashion -Of I e blayor and Treasurer -the,-eof. giyen. Latw b impioverr ents in Dentistry - ob- ,Vtry *de use., was 1. �atft e said Debentures shall bear in. and, by Its entirely cured, WOr the -aentre of th t thngiasih aome to my arms 'a. m. to'S p. m;- Fees reasonaible. B. B. to at a.q and fter the rate of. five'per ent.. MORIES, D. D. $.,.bf Thiladiel�hla�-Assilstant. *dej of Mrs. Joseph Aubin, of Iligh street, tained floori annfi 'fronithe.daymebtionedfor Wait finut6—ther'e"s -'no thil � By- n'Whe a, b t r ss. , 7suffered for over a y092 - turn to. 14 - � I . - i�� - . I M o n Holyoke, 31a a take effeGt, which interest shall be pay from Dyspepsiap to a squareof she said cool y. IVs, my ask a e dn the -first days of Jim: I do not mean fheeely.to stop CARTWRIGHT'& SON, -Don- d not a nuary add Jul y in When I oak Cuar., o that she coul 4"d e them for --a time, tiots,.of Exeter, Out. One ui er of SEA1 ONT' n. -1 m e and tfien have them retuirii few questioa.' Canyon saw wood and h an every ear, at the office of the T,-eas- C -weak Okir_iard bofdet abo carry in coal . t e sai u cipality at, the Tbwn of Sea. MRTH, ein jAIRADI Al; CURB,." I have eat substantial food,WAane very J 4tBlyth the pare, evi -h6 disease f; ofthe Above Will vif Va - fftt z h. made t .-P . -to qare for her,famil. Why, in. love,! should hire that I and, was uuai)le last Thursday,, and following Fri- cr__01 0, 91 0) 0 CS is -day of each cp�w. . 11 fif teen 'I ie's Hotel, will isit $oos . =. FITS9 EPHLEPS 'Neither the medicines scribe b work, done.�` T44t the said debentures shall be �i tent Use J. 20nth, at i I pre d 011010th be placed date rom OR a first Wednesday of -every month at .0 W. 0-� -04siclans, nor any f the To Caii you make your coats, vest mentioned lor this By -Law to take iERIF� MI: a le it the expiration of years. 0. medieg t r t 0- tFALLIN'0­6110- K N E.- S 9 Zurickth' in ru trousers- and other wqaring apparel e Ct" atth&�ffice of the Mid Treasuireral Sea. PeineIs Hoteti and Hensall the following Thuri-' advertised for the cuTe of etisn't to the purpose." A shhll have r t dy. wA-uptANT my remedy to Z's ft h an, attached to them coupons As of evbry &dnth at Reynold's Hotel, Where. hd Cr Because -others *have e But. tha -.FUrnlbre Warerooms OUR he, worst i oases wirl perforM. all- dental operationsi Teeth'ex.* 0. n nrgz rA -until sb ended thk ftforis&fe, ynient of bitgrest. -no -receiving a -cure. helped her,. Comm V. Thgt for the py4rpose of forming king-.�7 failedis. rbasonlorhotnw# -tracted with 4 --new Japan anesthetic, which re-, ..Z7 can YO i build a house,.d�g ditches,. f( r the p� —AND Send at once'for tise -And - -'FRzz r a 81 "Three, ebentures.;L ring new use lot yer's sarsaparl 1� J)i.. _a� 'The of my Rmmy.. Give'exl -the city I 'ZI Jr.ad P" bottlep !of -this medicine)" she wit"p iannualsumof one hundred and-sisven--' 'trial, and ..t:tdoy.Uhargesmoderat6.Te.nudLe'ashI 984, N vy,eave carpe yment. of the sild d moveir'rearly -all* 4, and h md, foe the pa. rin. Parties ded 1INFAtLIBL irea pr6es and Yam n4 a profes�fona... 6st'office. t co�t? you nothing for a teeth will please ca , I early in the. Morning of -3 shall, intaddition to. all i ates, U a cured me." lie ame on am cure i ow. Address -n -DR -.11i G. ROOT, will t10 Neither I. It has taken, the -b ralsoO, 16vied and collected by al Re.- - PT". a Str 0 luoall a r s en special rate.fau''ne It e e a, n.. of tho KINS L.* D. PC r W. z ation'during the currency of the 9 ESI AfMISHIVI JL A ali Of U se io Inoit of-),�y ife'to acquire the education 13 on aflthe rateable property 'in the gaid -cora 31 Von ot,T-dront 0 t MANj benifut, > m A S �mari afid acconip ishments that atfiched you aid d on L., Exeter, Ont. ill be wt. res, or -any Zurich, at the Huron Hotel, on the . the luldale and doe -h- PREPARED BY ssions you 76'b 2 %;. ' THURSDAY IN EACH MONTH 5;ing the ihte LAR M - ONM N rff e speak of I will d debentut the SEA 0.11TZ &C; to me. B11 as soon as I have learned" t )f themiand for. the purp o of' all the prof, est of the said debentine F -ex -0. Ayer Co., Mee istesw .971 S-05 10 a bottl -- 0. %rdly N3 I -6%ss at liberal in of one hundred And twenty� five dollar sha1L -TeetlT tracted with the least pain po Bible. - All ti Lowell, MaSS, tWeen the e h ,a nd you m 'card. An revoir," and she i -addition to all other rates - be raised, Ip'vied. work.first n IV rrICc.$I; isbc bottlo ,e 6�1 typir Being at to be undersold by'an 9 1 8Ter as d coll4cied from all the rateable proper -deteriiiined n RKS P the diff-ev 0; the, other establishbleiit, I am selling furniturp E[onor: graduite of ow aw t e said , borpbration during -the currency _000.01CH BOILER WO I at -only 10 per detit. a Would also sa' A. MARTIN, L. D. -S., 1 0 y- the Royal 0011-3ge a] B'Utter Alid 'd deb�nibiiires or any of them. 0 'Atu that it takes :901&tive cost ,of boveicswt E Don�tal-'Surgedbi VI.;7-ThXt it shdll b6-lawf al for the Mu al eaforth: air respectfully to he peoplb of S )4 -sur- of. Ontario. All the i4asth6tics used for tt.e. ounoil of- the Town of soaf -Beef. nZAIfy rouinidin4 co� ry, that'I -keep no othek than h RENNYH"YAL WAH At %twwd %8,though-i orth to grant C t e—Garf1eld*. painless extraction of teeth; Offic -said s' of first -class in all the branches of the .'under� B %yofbonustothedinount of the stock look, OR S9 LaSo" soon and shrii ought 2 the -beet #rmg 4,M Prescrip ion 0 a, AVriting the Philadelphi;atPres's on has bad a life long oxperience 10 .t No, thousand five li�ndred dollars to L th , said taking departi ont, b fron anufanturers or'41111ndo of Stationery, -Marl I 'is hi6t look -prep sts less t6� I 'hQjhas Hendryi to- enable the ion,� ,,that it do him to-estab'*-h a and on siach b iness principles that enables me Upright .4. d'T-_ 0ulir BQ6rs. MEDICAL. reating female diseases 1811M 'dtiee a undry. andr ipachiqe sl1bp in the To "n a( tosell at much.lower ratet.than - Air. -Roboits6n erff, b r than a. pound Reaforth. monthly.vit" -ot success. bkrrdls but it so ro, quotOq. I e aocuses e o - p Nih9t he ;SALT IPANS 'SMOKE STACKS BaYA ver 10i000 lad frul Inelting.8il P ublishing les. Pleasant'iye Of. a Grrespondent 'ThAt VIL—That it shiall b6 ow -:the - wide--aWake 1, for the ayor term!W " cla -tr p " I - M, HANOVER, M. D. C.: M.; Graduate of and all k%& -.of Sliget Iron Work. sk your drug,. money in butter tha h said pe le, will 11 d u at be effectual. LadieSS hit PaUnt-leath( U 1R ofthe Said iiiiihiciVality to pay over to'th t -be 4W. to define wh McGill' University,� Physician, -Surgeon W WHITE BRONZE gists for Peftny�qy�xl WaleyssAnd QfL 6f rdL-n -k ndt needs irs, part take no substitute, or -and the id(wL is absurd that a mant 6ght 0 a orves. the! -sidence�North:ide Odderldh street first - briv *stage for sealtA paric'ulxrs- which was o -is c h -:961. q be erected. by the said, Thonins Hendry, for. .(r to'cut dc prices, or' 'constantly on hand. h xeih-6dlet curo l mawwho )bli(re house east of t. Eold by a r box 04� nervous for f to kee� ii. 1 A0 pound cow in his, dairy.' -me 0. 11 ru gists, 01 'Do- be no argument, ..Thomas Hendry 61elve--hundred- and fifty -dol- ine 9 1 this to and come -to, a Sensible L'On. PIPF -ccoudbeui,Seaf6Jrth, Ont.. Office and re. I - Seemed to� - % - 8TEA4f AND, ATEff FITTING8 and A of the seidbonus, upon the bu�ldlrjgs olusi n of %' e r p ronage : -the n he purpo5oof suclifofindry and machin hop n who'Eas. been the in so eaki 110n.0 C a tho di a I Address THE EUREKA 0 MIQ e, bem U��ae Fth will mae a greater vviij�t �eing- co upleted, and to pdv the balame f Ssaid up ihis mono�Loly dnd startin an hone 'and On' hand, ready for, delivAry: . . . . . I i ' ar RS. EftIOTr & GUNN Brucefield, Llcen* troit, Mich. AW Sold in Seafortt V r a eqxa- hos have * b. .y Lumoden of old cow-bg6f when"unfit tOL' onus w ien the shops shall have been If W 0 -4"d Wit milk long: I o era- much needed.teform. If-thos bolleg h -fe week. p 4L - tiates, ftoyal and st generally `Dn at I ast oi ealinY6 with! this"sciontific underbaker! il One 50 horseIpower New Steel B.oller D 0 t Wilson, and by druggi er,. when hia cau gef-- an 800 surgeons; EAlnburgfi- JBrac�field, n 936. The-;0n.1y_ L Bron,�7e Foundrg in -pound cow f JE Provk ed, novorthelees,that the. said pir en io. I pr t� old homas' con-tpare - his -previous chares -Nvi.th his dompletei TT '31. D.,. &a. e poer seco ba AUCTIONEERS. ev Will, average 0 per --cent wh more, 'Ilend,y phail'huve first made a pernian nt in- quotatio0, I am suire theiT eyes will be, op the'Vdiffinio' 'butter. I dodbtf there: is a armet in festment in connection with -s to gross injustice in the t e., _Dne 35 hors nd- "fidboil T. 0. SCO Physician, Surgeon, f , I hue of theIr'tro* I ; V`Oro� a habil china shaps. WtFv, n d here say that I - only intend L to cond e Abc6�chei, Seafortb,-IOnt. Office and S-7 Our dountrY tha_.� has produced a beef in. of not less tha " 500 lusive- r4oul er in. goo4 or er.. 14'46d th dde of. Goderich street, Second P. BRINZ, Licensed 'tiozi lot ago --of the .141,500 ito 1--o granted'to hh d 'with" '12, horse-j�ower E#,gine aud residence South i Aue oer -0 five", Yeara that has paid shd11 all funerals.* thit. 1. n1my be favbre* Our matirial Is endorsed by leading scientist - f r tilt lav Door east of the Pr4sbyterlan, Church. 842 lee ittended In efly honor ble principles. .13, Ftincrat I ocu d to-thd dou cil of spil County of Huron. 'a rW con 96od.'6ondition.. as -bei' rlshabl It cano, at r !.to food, and yet ni 1pal Boiler, Be . dwhand; in- radically Impe 0. if the "County.. All order joul his is otor, Mr. Ho mos'Vill rive - 139 P a Pr �ua% to ne, he said inunici lity a gatd h�nd',VuMoleiit bond re very satisfacti , ntly 18 notAffeet xPeorroR prompqyattendod -out of ten of them Njill tell Yon thr had I FOE SMITH, M. D C. M.', Member. *ffice will f4l *-ftttd Vt the o be approved of by the- Counc 0 e SaI4 bavinghad bo Cli� 4nAown experi6noo foi a 11' f th 0 miplete 2nd hand Ain V '-W. B1111 rbinAtfire and coftsequ, be and othei nicipality in the i Th -re a of the Jerseyi has been a�' $UM ea 114'will attend all night calls. Ono, of onethousand oollarsL h L Of. ce—No th nearg, MOB- =us curse to the. ltd Bollerk-En a., 'a. _Od by t e fros intr6ductio iumberoit' 9 .o fit, R. of the Colleje of Phybiciani and Surge onditioned th6t the said foundry,� and machine- Ifesiden Kiln Street,. I One, Separator, &a.,' all in joba,wo-tk. Seafotth, Ontan O.Mee and residence wis BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer, btit it CoMmunit sim9y ba-' hops shall be kept running and in ope.ratiod-for o sold cheap, ail orders mil same as occupied by -Dr. Vercoo. M "of Salvation Arn - arracks'. - Joini - PORTNR.. jug order. Will b lend r &.91e. and T`Che Counties of Hui-o� And PertlL 'the . cat his receive. prompt. attention. Works Qppoilto G.T fo TOi*8 tO' -j;nctli�jed on the most reasonable terms. Or&rs cause, the. ize of' een re- 'term of ten years, and shall -not be used for P. S.,_I -beg. 0 a plogisd to the �ublic for � .. I R. MACKID, -I ta duced. I intr'o ducia je blood -on - nyothoypurj)�sbthan a foundry and mach' wersy on such a delicate ubjbot,.but- as R,Stati Licentiate of Edinburgh and left at the,Qgeen's Hotel, or byNall AddroWd ine ntr( on. din Meyer's Block, Main t aptlownd. cohaveto defend mpkelf against;t combination O)w, Office, W* BOX SIT, Seaforth P. 0,, will be pr*13 my farm hops, and that the buildinga will be Insurod to: D GlaBgo ye4ri ago with conider-�_ 0. WX gralt" L -Sea o,John street. Call e alliount of �s%500, and such b2su --ombine, I feel 4011 Street, rth. Ueoldenc ed to; I to. a non -L ROXASBROWN L1oeusedAtkt!QUOOf rance P and do justice t at C, W �_Ood al�e I give M L .Joe hei 0 r �nte rati n h day, th th _h u Olt" �t 0 t 0 nil ne C f de a ep hall e er u 10 C in e y n h ' 1 1 h tj h 2 kirl r t D . 01 f r able misli�Ving!', for 1 0 able to the: Town, of Seafortl� and -at aORTE elloh, K*y.26Lth,-_188_60 shared in, the ae 'P -night either the Office �Reeldenee. $94 polled to do w.. JouN'S. G"