The Huron Expositor, 1888-11-09, Page 6J
4;1i. A�
4100 wlwftl-- WPM, OR iv w A w �V I
in X
'o BR
b -
come Into o oration I on the WATSON11
wat to be'sold. and'the p W N'
llrduse4ee�ers that. i� proceedo this unary' 1880. ntlo%
some first day-of;ra' Far Atte
d Know- appli d at the voG Of -the electors sbAll- be
As � the leading actresses vvho:'hsve takiln
in the 81
itheWthdsy�'& November A D
larver nd expensive wardrobes, they .'do commencing at. the hour of nine o'of;o Seaforth Favituir Agett
trazg6i; uch common wor. in' and from
It U k thence'ooritinued Ailt 'five
a much vlorn As th6sesion is no
not'n ed, t6 give away or -sell w about over for
0 clockfal the afternoon, it the folldi� Ing p
as the boiling of a piece of ' mestawwa —AND":
clothipg. The exigendies of their pro xbdivielon No. 1, rp- offe,
For the. North Ward, polling in
1y done in i majority —AA Seed I pu gMug 6y, Attention,
be bad of -cas
eo' fession require large qua#ities of ma- at E. daihIs store n Godaii1oh, street;- for, the
0 T
This is (4ing pso tly to iporame and I --Particularly to,the sale of.
teriaVto protide costumes' 1 for' various Past Ward, polling subdivision, No. 2, at' Cathp.
-A beirs -Hall, and for the South Wardi polling sub. F Vndeitaking - War'erooms
earelema Less,
iaeat �sb Mirchines.
partly to, piece of fresh loir good� dre4es, are made. hit. t.
'boiling partN and,t] ng.sub. Manitoba: Oil z0ake,
division, No. 3, it the Town Hall; and t
uldbe �overed with, ver' And � over again � and, respoear � in Cash bd deputy-returnin; offiger for polli if you want'gc our mone edi. i eipig
id jlsmd--�ver the fire where the iod viluerfor y
reban -S uty returning don't forget to live. M. no mrtion a cW1
varioiio format hre inte Sedj, mixed divislohNo.l,' - Starklie.,dog
officer4or polling -subdivision 0. %.and that
water wilt boil �apidly for twelve ori pe a Linste
and i�ihgled so that the original'sha before buying sewheri,,'You ill find d Mek],
;fifteen iuiuutea.- -During this- time the Wtl�q.l Elliott �be deputy returning officer fqr'. life stockvery large and "a led and prices
jainiecopilzable. Thereia.. no.end polling subdivision No t6 suit the times. All kinds proPerwasiftrodat flowest rates
etully skim In #tst.olass rAllable basis set, :Flax'Seed,
water skould b4 ca; med. Oxe uiba tl�st expert costumers.can make IX. That, the Mayor of the said Municipal Coe- ifTheUndertakin De axt, ant Is wplate- the U r hour has. passed poistidneballatteild i4t.tho'Counoil Rbrn 0 -ft. every'.sanit r coav nience, as'.re- Friday the 23rd day of
D. 1889 -tied prom�*J,
Wilda of golpd mliterial, whichi whether the with
November, A. -As
Pr nded:..,
tdove- the kettle- ek where the water commended n a Airs' Corn Mdal,
or -pitoPEI&TY. in
ble a begging. Much 'of tAe. t
operty cifthe rich or the 'iofessio�al, I I , f, lionsof the a - a lcular
will only ub Cover --closely; and : - - p at the hour of eight o7�lock "in thq even jog, cog no 10 rates on 1%UX
need bever.90, he -purpose. of AF attend at.
,pointing persons to attention to the belence of aiming aterlop fk0gi -766. to $1084
the Gore and
000k unill the me 6t is tender. diScstded clothing of rich ladies does the various pol. Ing, places aforesaid,. and -final deinqnatrated-,by-grgin Ut too ra at '%e" Oatin,eit..
surnm ng up fat the votes; r. , ih tot -thr Years. millaand, factories In-.
I res
Bat. n lictively ori. baalf
when wi. it be tender'O the plan),
fi * d its way to the stage coiWiner, and of persobi interested- in an promotipg,orpp-, TorontoSchodl 6f Medic a,. and are bet A I - - 20
k. legof mutton. t iiepared thin ever to -f rnish and aorr- 4ving.of - per
h-ousek r may reappears in the court trains, the ball- ured In thlzfp companies A
poelotthe By -Law respectively. neral0- On more re liable terms to oent. on stock companies, r%
welglil I twelve unds Can. be cooked room:robee 'and other ..wonders of . the x � bat the Clark of th6 Municipal, Corpora- duef fu 0 led U AND
Vh : our patrono3,,1,,, 00. Fi.%j R
higIft en it will be toiletithat $race.the fair forms- of walk. IZ�4611,.at the hour of twelve O'clock noon, on Viindertakero,!i w I 00
our* a fowl unless very esdi , ther.27th ft og, November, A. D. .1888, ir. I varblilng
medluntare." A -trap. gladies and attound'the unthinking. Vs . mil and'rusnufsetu r-.
inj Wlwn Hall, In t 0 said Town of SdAfolth —OF—
tought an be c ed !a the same time, Warerooms-, Pno 40oi outli of the
foinzlo� in'the audience at the Is ex,. iugi up the'vota givon,fora;hd. against the BY: Telptraph Offick Main Ott at, Sdaforth,
-the ftoes ranging froin 05 to' $76 All Ina
and wig. be well done. Aturkey weigh. ALL MoRipmoxs,,
pendiWre which the ma;na ;er hats. made. IAW, and giant the xrulatte cartificated.
,_n at.�eight [pouids-'should. Much bf -the best Material of 4he die. obines
g sboi warranW for five years an every udof
if it wei
ioe� hours o6ok' ighs Moro work
var&4 dresses'of rich ladies 166da-:*its Niewleo, oil *nd ripalig at sale Ms -
thin eight.. poundso 'allow -ten 5 NOTICFE.
m"ut' to the dye house, and-1briassime's! obines replied h
ose dosir6us of purohasin
for eacli addit Ifil pound. I A I fresh The above to a true do -OVA By-lAw whick
some more - inarketable or fishionable' class goods at'tl;e lowest prico, would
tonglie needs be boiled lo' has boon'taken: into- c - sUration by.tbe Muni -
color. or gets done in black, which- is
fuls of saltbliould 01gal Council of the. Towu bf Aoxforth" and VETERIb. ARY* . LEGAL -d6 well to call on
hours. Two tablei poon rAve.
equally the"taste of the g gsYP w bih will: be finally pused. by- the said Council
ZAPORTH HORSE IN] on, linurance
yal -ham or. after one month from the Brat m, - AT , i ,
A ir at the outset, th6 �ioly and siefere., Afid IRMARY.--Corher of' ISON, wait
be put in the wi%t thus 'ih hithavventoftheassentof the electors being
If i are joi 3g. to boil a n. ways -the old dresses of rich ladies obtained thereto Jarvis And GodavicliSt sets, next door to the efit, ml �sloner MAIN -OTREETI, SEAFORTH. ROBERT OTT.,
f s' -Law.ln the -newspaper orth, Ofit. 'All, dim- Conv nee Money'to loin at the lowes
smokid tongue, Oak it 'in cold water -mite -publication o aid By resbiterian Churali , - . :: I . z
ave 0 served and contribute th6ir of which I She 3s), or any, of the do.;. rates. T Walton.. O, -C. Willsontp Block; Main Stre�t,
ng to il called Tnz HURON ZXV0g1TOR, -the date - sibes of Hotais; Cattlk
*.vor� night, if posai'ble. In the morni trate'that triumphbf eivIlization Arst publication was Frlday� the 2nd da- -of masticated animals; * succes Mlly 4reated at the
cc,vei it' witle fro cold water and ser, th t )shing when ' nothing -:goes November A D -INS- and" that at - the hour,, I the shortest notice. HASTING5,86licit
0 ` * ry or a sewhere - on I oretc. Yp
thefire'. W en the water begina� day and places vaedioned, therein -fixed for Vetor-
aver, The refuge of the gas house.18 JAVE1 � W.- ZTDERp - W look, oppo toiCommeretal Hotel, as.
to wa :Ppr( 8
votei of the elebtolis, the polls will be ArOooids delivered in any part of
plao taking the;A Is r&, stock of Voteflu forth. .-974
to boil, move, the ettle. back to� a I I
made'into the most. orgeous aniline hold..
-handj the town free.
Inly sufficiin. constan IV on'
where the, hea"t is P t td make Ayes, "d applied to faded rich Materr, 1090-3 W41LLIAK ELLIOTT, Clark
& LEWIS, Barristers, GSderloh.�
the water bubble for three hourst.if for agai appear in those delight.. ALTER SHILUNOL V. S,, . gra . duate S - (Moe, oppoplike the Colborne Hotel, 976
a tonghe, or for fi e hours, if 'for a ham. I , Ary COII:Fe, Tora"':
fu fo�ms that -ever faiscinate the gSze of W. of-theontarlo Viet
Registered a. Onta o Veter- T, B rrister, Solicitor dr� Office.-
ime -a On DoorNoith of tN Fommercial
or pachadditional pound. 0, IK 0 The Nopth'Am-81110-n-
pounds. Allow ten onto, Membpr
manj 4-iid abiorb so much of the ti -T—J''O Inary Medical Aisociation Hi6horari'Zom. loom
xiintites. more I b
and't oughts of worden. Thus ever the efof'06 Viterinaaryir. Xedi ociety. Treats' Hotel round -floor next do BANKING. COKPANY,
or to Beams butcher
When corned Neel is to be cooked, if -it ol� ra sf� HoLT.&OAmBRoN. 870
n the All 016ease's of omedid, Animals. - Also shop, gen tuoN
n rmedinto the new I f, t
in a kettle of (NOT INCORPORATED.
LAV Doubts-
-fa -thoroughly salt d, put it emb4o of thne a articular attention, given rina
al 11 _pd thought the g6niu Horses carif jci I a for So 11 as
ealcl waiir - but i it is: not Viry Salt,. �nd. in INA OW PROUDF0QT Barristers, Sollol.
k Alls prbm &o., Godarl J. T. GARILOW,
'Ventionof man shd *omay. :1 an� certificates givIiely. "All - ch, &t;Ao
%X, of
6d,to, by Mail or Othowlie,, _0 -0ovelp it wat& and, coo for: THROUGH THIS 41 Q. C.; X.PROVD7002—.- A General Bank' business trans.
t 686
flie-hours; never the water.1o, enco, Staffa, On
it is put so
'HOLT-h CfAMERON, Barristers,
zmore thaii bubble Whether Y -LAW NO. 1 0 r,�- ted.
—OFTHF And sea if there Is anything you wsint for your- -in Chaneer,4c.-, Goderich, Out' r2UOrS pVkl)
tI req�irefive. ERO
I cold or hot watar , wil to, Fa er discounted
licn it ID
self or a; friend f=i-xins Now, Years or wed. M. C;1CAXX$PX, Q. C., ftMiP"_XOLTj.. M., 0. Drafts bought -and sold.
hours'o unting, of course
9 the time- to buy, as
d' CAUN owe o bpos
Ai�wcold"tir,is used,from.the time rpn 'in 6, if go -nowl RE M.0 V11,4�V- L' us
aftegr ?hrqfte7th olNove - it*illbe'.too latelh to, bubbil t.. A piec o giber PANCEY, late With CD it, begins k. f corned 0
fet thw go.pds at near the pricoonow.offired. Cameron, dodftldh -Barrister, go.
_Ud - weighing. t Vo pounds shQuld be am offorinj A of - Our'
the whold my large and c. e...MonWitaloan. Ban OFFICE—b the Commerei How
Ir long as t piece. J�"C:)M -1888 liditor conveyancer,
ODOked a' elve-�ouzd plate stook.,6f
son's dld'Office Cardnos.-Blook -.786 Seaforth
tially to cool in tb L water in which they LO -A W North
All-ineats'are letter Wallowed par- BE12�4, A,4iYoLAW TO RAIS buildin
N THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND gravels., 'NEY, Solialt6r, C64vgyag6er,,*o 0. 13MITAXanner.
been boiled. Slow cookink adftens.
mercei Main strootleaforth.
Ba6i of Coni t Pit imvi FIV E: HUNDRED DOLLARS FOR THE Watchek 010c" `4aate of Victoris,l B,,iC. Offlee--Ovet
dent' 035 F, HOLMESTED, $oll
whereas rapid citor. low
the fibres of the most, Ve j_ . ; vate ftride to. loan. at 51 qnd� 6 per
boiling haidens hem,' ma heieas the tfulfielpal Couinell of e r -Y bcotT
kWg -them W the. Town
I �f Seaforth has resolved to raise by -way 1�1%rrlstero, 'Sollotion rather tasteless.
H nveyancers, Solicitors for the Bank URON AND BRUCE
of loan'the -sum of two thousand live hundred 0
-Clihtqp, 9zfailO.
dollam for the ston Tisdale & Gale. Mdne$, -to: losin�,
t Idied W "r'e of JO
nse of way _P 116hinen Offic eav'er Block, t#e WayZ in W11iCh �f bo ' to m franting aid A A.
Of Ong to -Thomas'Hindry,
olej%*n of Beaforth, machinist, to an..* Loan and Inye8timent
the, Castoo Ef Clottling. of able'Ithe * sa
ld Thomas endry t6 estab. And fancy.Qoods�,.m* be 1" 'Oundry and machine, shop In the' To -the C Block,- comek, man the late firm�of
t�q 0 M&
.11 o0aughey H r
-Streeti, Seaforth, ribber, am
RioliLadies is Used lfsh7'11" I
-town- of!Seaforth, and to raise.- the said sum of
and Godepr h
FROX THR YORK slurx, money it will be necessary
1: eg. lan
th '0 Adl Bank of Com
for the Municipal licitori Convoyancef and Notaryo. Solicitor for Council: of the town of Beaforth to. issue do- At,abou t Itaving -for WinniP or imle. 0 toroo. Money to lend.
nture* 00 "daA c',i`What do the fashionable and I will -be sir3e by Where he kdevs a lar'gesto.ek Ot .0614 �fid'. A livir, be IF for the sum of "two thousand live oe in. ScOtVs I�
Watcheg' Fine Jewelry, 'Clocks, ko. �'A.fine Ioaning Money ou
*oalthy'women �f Now York d ' .1 qbreoi.�; - %
0 'With hundred dollars payable with interest as hero. Seaforth. z This Coniparty is
DA R I D-NO13 B lot s Ratev
Z% me
g A - . CA
disoaid(A' 1% uts T *to Heavy Mitzi Go ke
their his ques- inafter Provided.. Id WWdinj Bin west
a sys. -as the. cheapest. host CiOdke �and ll,"Itor In High -"C'
hundred and seventeen 4-ollare to be raised: r, a
e ies must- Goderiffiand Bayfleld. Money�to Loan five
And Wherewilt will -requlid the sum of on lVarin spourity. at 10
-Of Imterest.'
u0n is -suggeste by one wh r
-Vo R ounter
4 To, be im th these lad* Jewelry ridosilredith deap
annually -1sy spedial rate for'the payment of the 0
have a and cc rds of. And 06 -half �por.oent. on twootbird n..
cord clothda to ast said-debtas biiielnaf�er mentioned. A*ff.Chaiges Remdnible.
open ev( from 9
too suy� I And whereas'.. it will, tequire'the sum of one -of 81iiicobi who will carry out all guarantees office )ry Thursday lo!
olf,,- entirely hund ad -and twenty to raised W Divial Noftg�
�Qr supply of es. ftchased.
tkoir poor r jDo they Sell. them 1. -Avb dollars. and agreem6as inside to my.- oustorriers by m,i T to,4:81 In SwA rtz, Hotel Block, opposite
%yes, annally-by 9 )ayment of' tbO -(the work department. ill be carried on as M
pecial rate for the
ijiter�st as also hereinafter in -change. Tog PBRAWCH,
D ow-mau to their onlioned, Ivo, wt Idea of 0, SAVINGS BAWX
.a thav ih
th � I usual without any
0 y
ousei ? Th -give 'em to their Andhareas the-amolout of Ihe whole rateable 1he silo now goin 0111.1 wi I quotV saW of the No. 1, 'Campbell's
Q 11 h
servahts. with Ism?" spe tive ces 0 goods are
Vfiat they do pro&rty of the said cprporation, Itre to ar prices sito the pri EY TO
o any -to
ome a of tolls, interests, -Cent. lziterestllowed. on -
f In the" natur being sola at: 10AN.--.4traight loans at 6 001 S, 4 and 5 1jer
Looking this, is eat up,_ a reporter -divide rents -,or fees from, the said propeity t Depositsfaccord' amomaitaud,
too borrower
out., with thlb privilege n4 .0. f - art of the grinli I -m ney at any
learned thist"tbe ies of' New . Y6rk sitict eipectivi of iny in,conie,to -be de. t ft
the.temporary investfiient of the
varniotuwIrwa of disposing of their rived tim P -to F., 0
lave ELECTRO* PLATE wo ng 01
and instead ol being Slnking�Fund brny orb thereof according to discakded'gairmen
the last revised Assesspient. Roil of the: said REGULAR PRIcl. PRESEN PRIOR. Of
at'all, embarra"Ase to do go,.they could CorToration, being for 'the Lnud. Tea Spoons, to 8 .5i 00 ?ICE;,_C0Mer.of Mar Square
83 0 to 7.00 02. 04
Year one thov to 2.50 DENTISTRY. 0 aji4lNorth Street, Godedch.
dispose of Many ore It is certain thit V. -eight, is the s1dm of
eig Vhundred and eighty Napkiii, rin 8, -to 4.00 1 0
Cruet Stangs, 1.00 to 26.00 6 to 18.00
none of them is th wn into the Street, five hundred and ninety thousand eight hun.
8-.00. to 11.00 'HORACE HORTON,,
dred and eighty, dollars. Cake Baskets,. 5.00 to ..17.00
magy of th rware�sold is VIOUS' the said neklo Stands, 1.50'to 010-00 4 0
T t. ob And, Wheiei�, the. eiisting debt of 00 to 7100
fro" Care''.
n% the -fact that in second-hand cloth- corporation of Seatorth is as follows : six thous. Butter Dishesi 2.50to.12.0.0 1.50 -to 8.00 DNAugust Stb;1885. 922
Ing stores of the I otter class there -are and dollars, boyrdWed under. tto authority of. Dessert, !rable,-'Sugar, - Mustard and salt- C
alwayi to bo: found rich. garments that �By law No. a A of the said own of Seaforth Dinn6r, Dessert,gutter Knives;' Pickle'g, w ROOMS-6vor Dalay's store$ COD
van- per next door southof.obWi -grocery L rt
e rate of 11�� - Divi ion Oou Notice.
90 th Pia..andbeeert Knives;.Berry. Dishest-
a -9 root to
een bat - li le worn.. num, payable half- CelerS, Stands, Sardino Main east elde),'Bea tth. -,941
have b There is cent. 1n.r an yearly from Dessert Be )I
much dil rierene' see.'. f trot &my quite as- e bpt.ween of July, A.. D. 1W, and eleven'thous. Lune Pi era Car' . Receivers, Orange,
t - ishes, Wait
and do�lai, borrowed under the: authority of Bowls C T
It- Is, Bake 'D ers, Spoon iiadusti, and
end-haud'storea-as there is between all BALL, L. D. S Honor Gi The -Olftce of the ecoud-
By-Law,- NO;. 6 A of the said town of Sea Holaers ft -
storailiere only new'. goods -'are sold... and in"rest thqreQn at the rate of six percent. U.-R.C.-D.S.6f-ioronto. Vitalized.Ait
.-)w;dx Division Court, Count
Latest improvements in Dentistry, ob. oi Huron will ba� found
Ther e aret plent� f Second-hand stores. per, apum, payable half yearly, from the 15th open eve ;konoe of John
y of 01
'a Office in Rejet's, Blobli, Seaforth, Beattie erich Street west,- from 10 � ock a.
-I say CuRz.I do not'Xii'e'sn' ;merely. to stop, 9 -Fees 're i6nabli. � B; B. wher6 only goo of first quality -are. da ctober,.A.D.18n; also Avg thousand axjoc When t6 m. -hours alawful, day i6t the to
w1i very, dollars,, borrowed under thek authority' of. By. knepiices from $2.50 to 812, now. i . old -at froth' them for a time' ORI m. un@ 4 o'bloi p. m., and everything will be
mold icesilks, satins, lace, Law. and tlieii have theiFa return ESP V..'D!.'S.,offP-hiladelphia,-Assist4it..
No, 24 B, of the said town of Seaforth, and $1.26 to 08-00.' again.' I mew I RADICAL'OURE. I have. done that Is possible in he'Interest of Sultom
'brac cam-'. aiways laterqat thereon 'at. thei rate of six,percent. d at a ase of
Upholster d Sbrikingooeki, -30 hour, 83 to $8., now 601 mad theAlse
ailf yearly, from the first CARTWRIGHT SON Den.
t A.D. 1888 ; also five theusand,.� f roin j2 too $5. $25, now� gold at VITS: EPILEPSY'OR. Anyamount.of MoneytoLoqiAon good, prop
ger payable h Telephone communication Iwtheffloq-
bi found, Wh e the prices -are kept I* of
city, firm or town; t the very ]*wait rates of
w first-hand rices author! of - By -Law, No.. 11 A, of the town of from $3,50, to 817.. 3.. IN04ICKNESS. ove Gerest, and. terms of ayment made to za#
quite above the re ch'of ordinary peo. ftcve r dollars, borrowed uniler- the' StrikWd Clocks, a day, 66 to r'Ont one � :
plot alth�ough far.* I elo *ALL' of the hb ' -w1I visit Blyth the 0
good Walnut Clock -for A lif, last Thursday, and following Fri. )Ndx :borrowers.
for such goods. - I need not beinfer-red Seafor for 18K and interest thereon at- -the Wong study. - 1. *1 "n'dy. to-
CURH the -worst cases. BOaus each month, at Milno's Hotel, will visit .0
'eyobers havei' d 'of JOHN BEATTM4, 'Clerk.,
-t6t all'these go9c a are bought directly "rate'' fiTe a per annum, payable half Albutpolrom 50 centso-,$7, now' sold -at from.- no reason - or n 'Vinga-cure.z u ch the -first Wed iesday 'of every. month at
_p e,,A. D. I f recolvin ero.' n many i cases they art rom, the. cllz� day ol Jun failed Is Ex BOT7Li:
from first own Sdnd at once for a fre se+ fid 4 VR Paine's Hotel, and � Hensall thd following Thurs- X
4 ten thousand d6ilars, borrowed
XF!ALL11101 AEA16Y. . Give ex'presp.and Sy Of M tel- Where be -
are b6ujht ofse, ad. ownere, who have the aut oylty of By -Law No. 2, of the town, of of My I d )ryinionth at ReynoldsZo
F_ f
eived. them as s and interest thereon at thel will& form &It dental operatlobs.� With ex. from; the first, Seato , forl�87,i ostoflloe. It costs m no hin or a trial, and
H; G. ROOT trac d te of ive per eent.-per - annumipayable, half': will � cura you. res with& newJe;pan anesthetio,whichri
.10�wner 'ho 'discird every thing the ra 0 -37 Yongo Sbreetj Toronto, 0 t. 1078,62 ca
wh yearly, the first day of I/lay, In GoIA'911ver,.Fillid Oold,. and,$iekol moves nearly all y I P rtiesi desiring now, To Save Lif 6
A. D.- 1888 pa n teeth *111 ple a aily I,
and Key W?ned.
-moment that it goes. mt-of fashion. and the a ja nothing in arrear, eith6f, for. prin tmlig Cues stern me 0 n the morning -of the
Yet there Are Tich ladies %whor tell Opal 0 Interest.. And, whereas, it Is made'! ataboutone. low 4�nxegular'prldev. ;first da, r. Charges m6derate. Terms cash. 984 Frequently requires prompt action. - An
neces to a0po ,a.., for!
.everythinj of this, Ind, not so.' mucil lor int the time, and plac CD hourlis delay walfin forthedoctor'
'IT_ KINSMAN, Dentist L D 9
,kni,r a- votes'o". he dbly qualified eldetors 1 1-T -wim
S., E ter, Ont. Will lous conseqneucg�
themoneyas-foithe comvenience of it; tain 0 poinfing Deputy Retu I . i I .. _. - I be -attended with se
ruing Officers td, Ju. xe be at
They'do not ike the-- bother of -doling take th4 votes of the said electors at the me 'Colored Gold Broochei and Earrings, Bri Zurloh,-at the Huron Hotel, on the. especially in -cases of CroupPneumohi4
out gifts., Of douise,'th�y 4 not cal Gold. 0a Rolled Plate do. Coin Silver do - Jet LAsf TAuRsDAY -iN zAcu xonn.. 0 -and other throat and lung troubles,
le, -ii� therefore enacted by do - Lockets WedIng andGe in Rings,- Tooth, i xt with the least pain possible. All
the Munlef siod Gilt work A =t liberal -rates,
Hence, no family abould be without A
itL the ordinary clo' man. -They forth. e,, Cuff Buttons, Collar Council: of the town of Sea c6rmo, S66 ir r
�Would for th -world exchange a 1. That it shall be lawful for the Xay6ir 6f the Bfittons. -Scaif Pifts,1ace Pins, Bracele g, BAby C cy-S is k
jo bottI6 Cherry - Feetor&4
ration to raise b -We letit An., Aw. of 4yees
worit,with the con entidus junimen who said c y wak. of loan iro�n', -.Pins,. ok �ARTINi t. b. S., Honor graduate. Of
0 'hich bas proved Itself, in tboussuds,of
11 anj per n,� Orporat Idanufaoturers-0. all kinds Stqt1ofiery, a �0141 College of, Dental Surgeons
pon; Upright and Trbu at Bollerf.. -]of n o,: 11. the'khasthetios used- for-tbe
bowillingto Fidyagoe the same.;u PAJqCY GOOD&
10 9 31C
are, so anx"' ' to hange orockeiy- for . w 0. nw: I or persons, body or bodies e
-cases, the est Emergeneyp* Medicine
old garmente, TNV deal- with quiet, 'the e
'the or t of the debentures hereinafter men.' I I extraction of 'teeth. Office --Garfield'
ever covered. It gives -prompt. relief
nice peoplef who ake a- business of go- tioned, sum of money not. exceedin I in the 'i Vice t RUSSELS. -1006-to fe.
ing t6 dwelling ho et . by appointme t aggregate the, inim of two thousand, Ave hun. Vases, WI D saing and Jewel Cues,. and all kkide.of She it It work. aTid prepares �tlie way for a thorough
to be paid into, -.-alrdles and. Walking Stick#,, Tobiobo
dred dollars and cause the same MEDIC AL. cure, wlAch is certain to be effected by
to appraise and urchasef such goods, the Treasurer of the said town foi the -purpose; Setts, Pocket Books; Meershaum,Wood- and*..8TEA#40., WATER p1m. Flrrmas.-
Thi� "vertiseme of 4hese 19upper- and with blue object above recited, Pipesi very large stock. its continued use.
lere -_ alwa " be to nd -*in 11. Toat it�shnll be lawful foF the said Mayor. a largest stock of S"pectacles'In
cl"a;y des Clh thecounty onstantly 'on WN1. HANOVER, M.� Di 0. M.� Graduate f
8i H, Lathner,'M. Dq Mt. Vernonf,
the newpapm-ers. number of Debentures to bp made. from 20 tents, pet pair u ards, and a host of
e hotthatthe busi T McGill Univeral Physician, Surgeon any On hand, -ready for deliver y-.
suing as may be required, not less than :other tbings toq numerous gmention t
a n ouchour, Soxforti, Ont. - Office and rev Ga,i I'liolve fonnd Ayer% Ch
neos Is profitable appare sJ xceeding-i 'k Pectoil a.perf eqt ewe for I
lit from the o n a7shuu dred dollars each, and not a n .01 h aide Goderich treet, Brit brid Oroup In aA
f&t that.suoh- ertisements- do con- the ag*relate the isum - of,two tliqdeand, -five One 50, horse- ow*er-- New Steel- Bqil
p I . . . -or house set of-theMethodistoburch. eases- I 11ave known tile 'worst cases c
ahundred ollars and that the -said debentatte
stantly appeari such. jarments
shillbe[sevJed with 'the seal of TERM&�OA - R. relioi�etliifavery.,;Iiorttlineb itsuge;
the -,cor %e 95 horse-powei.' ond-hand- boil. -use
1 secon, sto poration, and I advise all fam
a und hand ec RS ELLIOTr GUITN,'Bruoafield, Lloen' Wes to t In SU&
-and signed by the Mayor and Treaslirer -therbou
Iways . - , I .. - -
er-- in good-raer,. ates. Royal College of-Physiclans and I for vouglis, c
Do P rqup,
One very es lictas 'butlet . for such that. the said b6ntures shall beat In -1 den rg a, Edinburgh. 0
goo�*,ia.founddnl4lhe aid societies of 'the terest at and , after the rate of- five per cont., 'Also. @6 2 horie-pa ver Engine and "Su a Dru afield, ont.
Tanowk chuiche per Anqum from the day mentioned for tbis.By.; Tenn., sa
a, 4'tba dipabious, do, B61lert se d -hand, in good conditift,�.. a SCOTT, M. F I 1mve used Ayer's
Odu t -D.,. &o., Physician, Burgeon, Ai J. Eidson, 31, D.,' Middletownji
'fO'tAke effect, which interest. shall be,,pay. M R n e . r 60D. T' 0 Qo and rpy-Notoral
manc o 1AW I I � . I wit the best effect In,
Is _f ladiis irS. Much rich. cloth -1 ble-onthefirst days of January and Julkl-in Accoucher) Seaforth, Ont. OM
-ing,'gotS Cut-up too makerazyquilts, pin' h d ever A. Comiletei2ndaihapd. hre hino 01itfiti Thh 11 PrApsr9ow
reside a South tilde -- of Goderioh street, Second my bractice. 4 wonderf I'
a ,r yeary I at ther Office of the.Tr6aal ORTHI ONT .-�Boller, Engine, S�para r,, o., a I In good.woik. n '842 tion � oncesaved iny life. lliada�eon-
-Town o -Seai SW 11 1 Door -s it of the Prosbyteria Ch
,duihions, and the millio urer of the said rutin olpality it the _f to
was greatl
foith. Ant order. - WI a on ap. � Ma I ordirs -wil tant co�);b, nlgli�
11 b ffol� I swea
that,gp: to fill a, Is lies.'fair. Tb:6 under receive promplA OIL Works oppe ID BRUCE SMITH, M. D t C.: M 'Member
INr. Thatft-said debentures shall be niadq isite Gi T. reduced in jand given up by m
the Collegei of Physic wo an
'ble at the'expiration of fifteen ye P 1%. Station. - . . . I pbysicfan.. One b�,ttle a7ill a balf of the clptE a easily ieiz�d. by the lbenevol- lei; I d 119 hya sks frdm T i urgeons,
&a.$ forth, Ontario., Offies and roblildnee. O'X so, Sam occupied- Pectoral * , 0.
r. VerobL
cannot. say 1 enough n pralse of
ent 1adies for distribution' smoug,,the date nibritioned for this By -Law to takid orter 'by D
c; ohn .'-.S S, P 0 �B I 0�
poort in whom rich outer garmentk. effect isit the o a of the said Treasureiat Sea.! 01
forth, ind shall have attached to them Godorloh, May 26th.- 1M. �. C -
for the� payment of Interest. coupons. 28 Am�
R. UACKID, Licentiate- of Edinburgh'and CL 4Lyer's (1herry Piniotoral," writes. X.
would lbe an insp�ropriste - gift. - FuMiture Wareroomis
IASXOW, 'Office, Moyees Block Bragdon, ine, Texas, "belie -
Some rich ladies do not Scruple'to, use V. That for the purpose of D 0
I . . .4 —AND—
fund, for the payment of the said, ebentures, Residence 'John streei. :Call -4
At nigi t -at 'either the idence.- t for its iise, 1�shot4d
an eaual annua
ew si an
ing fily n 'gar ments, T hese� I k d U N -G- L-4
teen Tdollars shall, in additia;f-to all other: FO R, -Y XD I g $q N. m Lvenue, --.Tor ohl
in �o a
e ourferi'a), of -the said deben.
is A' a f I L L.
stylish, but the .31 the,ratdable property In the said eor-
EPT. 6.
tion during th 'all Cc" 'Ki'"DE.N. M'
y are very comfortable upon i - . - openikEDYFIDAY, S
STABLI1 9torals
satin linings- a;re not only eleg�ut and' be7ralsed levied and collected by special I R Offi;7e* -Res
up all their old sflk or satin dressei THE BISHOP, STRACHAN SCHOOL street, sesifr Ing as I fl .0' P4 (4"
o tb
I sum of onb hundred long oince llaj� Ifni Funera e rm- wyke'ha C, die
and convenient.. They.. are' ighter 'thau por, E AYer's- C her-fY Fe
tures, 1s vacancies for new resident I 're int
bir any of them, and for the purpose 0
ininge, pu iordindry fi debentut as, the Ited, grents'ire requested,, before t opening PREARED 131C
paying the interest of. the said 44
But the- poor r( latios arei not red and twenty-five dbIlaughall -admisslob (by letter or .6 forgot �iim o6ne hund day, . (o arrange for - ther.
to ten There are i iany of them' in gew in addition es be raised, levied wlee) with Miss GRIER, the Lady.:Prinolpal,' to- the Frot' N Dr. 4. 0, Ayer, &, Co., 'Lowell,
and -collected -from all the raiteable propert h ill be -at. homeafterSIst August. C
Yoik. Slost of he y of Delnx- determined not to be undersold by any- w Ow .0 rA n w selling furni 0
OurSe said d
entiiires or any of the 0. b in.- at only 10 par cant. abov& cost. Would -also gay rich famillei have, thi sala corporation during the ourre ey of the qthe��stablishwigt, I *atA no ication.* -
ture Circulars are sent at once on Appl
erty* by a long c a W 1� o n orm 0
c 0 "al e U?w opmroor T a active business. Very V1.4TIfAt it shall lawful toe- the Municipal reipectfulTy to the'peoplo//of Seaforth ind sur- .1082...
of ha MCLEAN. wishe's- I f
'HE: In general that lie is-'
Counc� iQf the Town of,.Seaforth to grant aid. by /I 'keep no ir
4ombr and t.#6 public pro. PYAL WAFEISSIo
fevi hwv'o-been.'a e to bring' up all their rounding country, that -other than
way onus to the.di nt of the said sun! of first clais stock In 411 the branches of the, under. P EN N Y R
relstions,with th m. - The ppor, relations- ired o b In-wah their
wo, t usand live hundred dollars to the gaid ta P -attend to all, w o f�vor hl.
Icisiff who
hav Ring department, -bought froin the. best A
-e'daught�rs, li&.must,be made pre. Tho' patio Prescription of pbys
H�vdry, to enable him to- eat -on.such business prinolple8 that enables CANADIANIANK- OF-COMMERCEV r-r=0zd:_&8
fou and machine shop in Wish a and me arm has had a life lonj experience In,
;segtablei when they visit the 'rich fOu -the Town, of t sell. at muil�lo*wee rates than Mr. -Robertson 7-
treatingforrisladisit;ases loused
monthly with -perfact succesib
sea r h., qnotes, Up it' i'aie of 'publishing he HEAD. OFFICHf folkdido. ritst i g- and Chopping, -a -Specialty�
_,-houses, and till �y are. not only not I w1fat n
T1111. hafit sliall, be. lawful for the Mayor tOrms I' claptrivio. Now, the w do-aWake
over 20;0W ladies.
people, will n-0,4,6ubt be Able to doflnd;-what be.
are very glad ton, et'it. There are Also Tl�om4a Ilendrk twelve hundred and fifty dol- means by this t0riiiand tiome to a sonAble-cow. Paid up -Capital $60000,000. B offoctual, Lsdies ask your
ashazuedto secel of oldfhing, but ot thfa hid municipality to pay -over to the said, Plemnt 1476
; I
viviny lara, p;trt of the- said bonus, -up Mill will be r glets for Ponnyrbyl W-4fers,- an
The UlDning two -days In the
wom in New- York who on the. buildifigs elusion of Wh6"d4erves their patronage the' Rest, 00t(�O,. Veek,� namely Tuesda� an, Friday; un abitftiite, or inclose
to �e 4rected, by. the said Thomas HendM for ces, or til. fur-
mawwho is obliged to out dwn. his pri IN take no
apostaige for seakd particulars.
&Vd once been ch, whosi "husbahU, the pu*pe of such'foundry And machin th n h i has, Won' the means df breaking th�r nc' tic
th ho, bonus When the shops shall have een In a shop o Id st'll boy-
nir Oompieted', and to pa -v the of adid PLY W. DAULIN onumen C dress BURFA(A 91
bir fEL ers, ave led in business oi died: I- bei " t7, o4oly and starting an"hanest and PRESID3914T.- HEN
balance up hied =, Ew by all dru to 01
�witli embarrassi estate$, :an opera- much a id� I reform. If. those wbo have bad, &IC 11 ro.,
d who re-- tion a least one week. kXzRAL MANAGER, B. F1 -WAtxy traft Mich. Ar gold in Seaforth by Lurngden
as come charges with h1i 'Br dru in
deal, �h this sciontific undertaker will B McLe
iupon 0 goo AssT GFN!L. M�&XAGZR, J, H. ?,LUMNER.
Id as a among the'rich for an
Pro$ ided, nevertheless, that the said Thorn : a P - The 41yr ohz� Fbah. & Wigon, and by druggistogenerally
!table clothing.... f- present* KIPPEW
t ma a a- -in Ct is previous u
t� Vf
su keep. up a respect Hend all have *6 permanent tw�, I ath sure their cyrrir will -be
nOn with such.fdundry -and the DoWnion."'.
able &Dppesranco. vest ' nt, _cAnnecti - to , ;s I justice In' the time- of theirtrouble 8 E� AT'OlVf 11 BRA AUC
inachi shopa of not less thali. $5,500 inclusive
big'On t C The Seaforth'Branefi.d this B%Vk -dontin
sUbject' with be- buld h re�say that I-on)y intend to
.$peak is
'BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for fts�
of -the 2 600 to b4- gianted: to him, and sliall -al funorhls�i use to
nevalcut lady, o exceli rofut 'that 11 m4 be.fivowd with on'
Funeral DI
ent family and have uted- aj' it Iverad'to, the' receive depoAts in: MARRIAGE LIO
0 de id ol Councif"of X I Oui materfal'Is eudorsod.b� lead ng scientist T P
�rlctly honqiable'princi�les.- My V - - - . I
one who spends ma h of her ti he � 0 . County of. Huron. ftUo attended In al
ime in t said municipality od and sufficient bond I rectoil, r_. liolines, every atisfactionj It t
-BANK as being pra4lbally iniperishable. oanuo
Wo to be 9 pproved of j byathgo S-AVIN-GS .1 piarts f'the. County. An Orders Idi A*' TIM
looking ' nfortfinate. - Council of the gaidi having, had b t
men 211 munie pality-In th6 gum of onotlidusand dolla o,h, city qndtown:expariehce for a on which . ifiterest Is-'curre-vtAteii. _ISOU%3D AT - 6894 moisturot and consequently Iq not sowt. rmogrIORffice w1if be pro%gpgy attended
prison,,the repoi ter asked what was. her- numberf -eaks. He Nvillattend all night'calfg. -Drafts on till -the prine a nd cities in
ed'by the frost.-
condifionid,that the sard-foundry and ma=. 'Resid9fice—North Main Street, nbarl opposite 611g, ond-on..the United.
4xperiencei'and she said she: believed' -shops hall be kept r
unhing aud, in operation for THE HRON
thit ver f 'Wealth sell -theii a term 6f ten yes Salvat;6n Arm� - Barracks, - Join; . PoRTM bHo , - . . I .� I -EXPOSITORIFFI.ClE MHOMAS BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer ft
y few iqs o ra and shall not be tates, ukbt and sold. . - . . . . �; - .� I .
used -for _'Pi S.�-I'begtoapolokiie to th4pubII6 for this Office--Fint d SOUTA:4f. the Comma 8end fir 04 ne, ounties of Huron nd -Perth,
any other purpose and Term to.- X 4ho.0
Oct 1han a foundry and machine controversy delicate subject'but'as oondueW on thernostremousbIeterms. I
I that Ahe knew tha sh9petand that the buildings will be insured Hotel.
to �Lha�ve to defend my-silf agilhat a cot Air 83DAPOAT33-9 many a d' ve heir clot nbination Q24"TAS101 . Jett at -the Que"sHotel, -orb
JOHN to 9 3unagtr M Box U1 Seikforth P 0 *M be proipptly
Oi ti, WAGO made jayAble t . 9 - the Town'Of sesito 40 to. Joux 0 PORTZR. 0,
tore with theknowledge 1�� d6 justice 4o a boniwcomblue, I feel cora,
evo g& hing to, the Amotint of $2,5W, and such insurance policy
ith, and that P81164 tc 60H 'lot. NO.WITNE"911
y Tv le 3"
y the U do �k, 1 ro'-
ti nt W E�yb ll�
p p
iterar 4t ofesso
a and "I
r '
Ve _pO "a
00k �to 'o
r let,
yi, JAg Comi
If%f -th
11 P,
n d u
612'6m tly
E v r
I le
- - - - - - - - - - - -
UU010 FA
ss Ef thors b
Wild Uncle V,�
I don ift refdr P
another f
I porlitene" Of
Then I'm
Vho, i&lio dot
ziad when yot
ber nose At, V0
-never read 2�1
the society vol
ed -if you WY- I
stauditig the h
wit so 1OV7
fauts in the so
periliteneso th
'jarrylpig it toc
ths, tired -look
uskets simpb
.bis social st&u
44 1 Aoit Ili
-thai he has �
tablet or wh
UMO 110- 11%ke,
of everything,
but it ort to b
&me men rui
2in` genl;l li .
I -dislike V
In his Hamilti
like wit, that'
3Xogewri wA
jnp of big
1�u_abj , and e-
,could.sting III
Adear triej
mean W1 A
been your fat.
Wheh - Abui,
brialld comp
Talleyraud "r,
,deif becatioe]
talked DLP�
A, Nell k
44During my I
of one mm*fak
,11),Vhera v
A fdehd 4
for a in.
cant . t 0 12 J1
haver.etired, I
Mr. Blaine
for this by t
Mendi, the
asked, &._4
the two g—ros
ever prodjwv
sil shoild a
"I should s,
Avvery true
don't "a Wb,
name of W�:sf
Virginian mai
the side -walk
ing up, szd�
walk said -
litely st4l
'Randolph wLj
The M,
skilled wort
gque tfirqugb
are so'cheAp.
into longtht �,
mys tho Jv
these wires
and liested i
-are taken au
rolled wi -%
file, the *or]
�of ihi V L
eyesi and It
by ,maodhim
needles are -
thousands ei
leaves * Wit
be, - remova
thin steel
faarly L 11taigi;
- eate�;Aud it
obinery get
keepi�g iki
busy- iepwr
`sia� pin
h" hel
cleaning al�,
needles are I
erate hextilp
noodle M%�
u th
and dried I
step is. -to
sq"I leng
work i's Pl-
Ten -in flar
during thit
from , deca
a4dden -iche
produce se
little 6hild
one of the
year. - It
'Woolen util
and *11 --
the cola d
sets -in.
1auto Are
" quentiv k
ently k
t6 :St fi
It will b�e
inen sua
la A
ind. bouu_