The Huron Expositor, 1888-11-09, Page 44 19X00SI R T. FMEP. 9 Non SEMENTS with their wor o. 1% KBW AbVERTI k third should:be ap-�- isiwit4diawn fiom:All,'then the malt in- bi*asi c�saf�l in. m, u Sal a sub, tt0nin I imains. -Bell com- relieve Mr. coast q ime.was constructed by t tion which -was the inted so. that ur courts 'of justice y, and -is divned by- a New Ybrk' an Of he b"s we'll. able to Iold --fie to be n4il sk'41i ndertook to into the fence: PC tereot a, I . .0 aeon. Manitoba -Gavornmelit tel- 1. ewitt of,part Of the'labori or perhaps frierids to th AWThltfiguie between the. parenthesis after, -rd - a South of the our ffi n and. telegraph oo- it ted. . Morris'. seems oomi Inc. It my not be brought into disrepute hav -have :retaine 31 &.an panyi, - - 7, athe xtabl( mfilinedeno he Me. of the paper on *h1ch or oftme may other. Theii it would or Hen; Oliver- ow t d ep, o a. evoporg voul d be ruinous to Canada to be adiertise en will bAfound., h 4hat TH:K FRzE A .—Twenty-one -to a pretty paos -when. cattle help th its'c Ani -took th4rel Ave, suspicion cast upon them. We are the benefit offr6e rawin 09 Ali, Mr. ''alton., - eCarthy ND EQUAL' ateri irgue. their am Onnectrion with Great Bri Id n in - ir" and -deliberately anti* rbich 0 Pat, If I ` oj gree Readymade- Clot ng"Jok 's . J -w6me convention'i osto norni- selve 'to, Paris I Ufa or son. ros.,(Ay inclined to, the' opinion, hol wever, thii ' it ask n in t ex itself to thegrea� matiou.so f. a. Now -itis handic1mppW in'.'both "case before t a Su ieme Court w. nated Miss Alide Do Stockton -a, 'and wood puts on 1b us. Look . at th Gente Furnishin J. L Swith. (5) 1 .. -.1 - -h*.l suicie nth -of $20, T of COMM n&(8). the present siaT are abanditaily, 'AkWto w. t �y to - by having t co t. t cifio.- railway. have' se overs oes and air aitualloa ikel iesp, Woole G V i Egmond's So the danadiah Pa villi li Q so t o mpe a. in I a Wheaton, 26 years old,, as the candidate ovetcost, &ad 41 Shuffles surplus was a -curse ins guity p- tead of a b] .2-7 he Great Bar no--- Thch 0i G. Van Eguiond's Sons, (8) ��doth eadrig Publisher's Notice —Breleanarothers. (s) e work if they had the. inclinatiou own market on u haven terms with. a for. curb the.. services -of on. -Edward 'of the Equal RightLa part' 'o off. Instead of usingit for Vf t y for G Verner usef al 1-5u The The Cheav Stove, al . W competitor, and ser d. by� -.being Thig is a terrible 'mixing up The cheap Stove, ouse—C. X. Whitney. (8) little ri u from con 'Bl k' 1-� it we �iesa wasted it' .. 1 4 1 . of a' Annnal Meeting- and perhaps a stir -If , a6lusette., ek to. Shell gone, of they OrStore rpos" 46 gagicianoll co 'UP where I E ;-�Davo, Ter Hullett,sold to'.Mr. Thomas Belljbf III. �t (b) A G-AxBLzR'a.FoRTux` 0 t a& _qua 9 p .9 ows, thb� great. gulf 'thit'e' Istsbe- all WAS Of n more use th d it would bein M ClydesdalairStallio hoo. GarRiw (5) b cL' iters might. result in.giestar, 'JIaa'Vibr toiced -for its raw material.. The" and an it -gambler of Detivelo, Col owe lambs and two the mines; less so floppin ri. ,.a dfsns,�,'two palra(of- E orado, has Mxrp� tion -A. laugh indeed, for it was Vit dilig�ncv��on their part. t bases ion ta, wire ialt rhatiufacturers" ask 'for no favors, -twee btisiness and .1361itical ome . in o -P a Thanksgiving Din or. (8) of lands shearlfnjz�ewes, all of firit-classLoicester- drawn from eiroulatiou and wa itisw- ..all they desire' to Make their industry at: h6, Manitobi- Legi several millions -b 'd * - Mr. John Cum- ap to the Red Platis-w-R. ills.(8) s6ok, af good prices. mght the bea slature have been+ y a ecision of ��the cause a financial -crisis, To t 0 samd.paity & OD. (1) .10ast -wirly- prosperous, is justice;'- This spramorle o tpeet on --thi t 31rs Johii Mub VDwplete-Assorta nt-.4. meraul. (s) Th' i . 8 -1 mtary of the Interior' afli ng -,j ings Also sold to th' fouiteeri the Avert thi's --;At Avonto 6 ewt Iodustry. d. a Sth idet 6 eel - rml Finance Minister was o homestead claim..." otswolds., fine. C �Iige-d to Mugo—brrs. Pun rd, (5), Other c is now' being denie4'them, 1t Will Also. the -tail y situation, and to —There some means of throwing it - Usborne Plowing . Ballyntyne. '(Sy n an olumn we"this wee 'pub- wa —Patrick anIieway, broke 1 �ood r1g z . atch-Jas SHOT DiAD.' are. a..gobd many .-differeat Wi had no reason to env _To A( ad on -Saturday,: near' -Athletic W1 a the -coili the tillar windc Nsisb..(5) . Jish a A nopsia. Of the - evidence �coutinud -to be denied, them, ntil -the 0 -vii "i of -settling ocounts, but one Von of the United -St I �b gatif-.. u oWith Governmentlas to.66 6y. -tif - - er In a pre i ent he Was . d Au lon otice to Croditorf-F.- Holineow. - - P Ates. When it ire Otatives in Ontario do -as those beat coure to )e-pursudd u. d the dr of the: latest sj -the merchant to eleotid Sid represon -prime resulte4 fro -lea is for. erect from the s&lt manufmotu': I als Tha' a des r Prov our ser a f of tfie othei. 1 , .. .1 agrarian -troubles F ons -b visit the home- of -the purchs. rme our checked oe 'pot -the Huron district by the' members 0 incei do, y1z malib oj�wstancoso­ Whit -they Will do vilb era ave years, essioally:�y the he: eon lific Circle ning -C niission, who ik 0 ely be �'mihmdi i. .-know :"by noxf vviek wel� The drel the Ontaticl Mi, the demand upon the Goverament; And- .1 n eel over -the a . VET AS-�.ZXZRMED m rAer been irrested - for complicity -in -,t with sibb ttle- of "old -scotch :And i ex' tive�owerof theSeaste. w this: viay draw the, v to ..stick together until thtii dbmAnd-ia ao- it sselc an tibnal and con visited. this coun last wee'ko;' That evil hc wever, th Xkw YO ey Will. likely- Rlv� IRI-SHMFZT--Au addresS: We ocessionalIT -advised. the jeto. Of by I to lie suaniner, coon Ill mee dence shows the salt -industry to bet in. �eg hdiAwing'from wi adbd to'. If they do this the. 'Ontario piew I islatioii Wit number of . New York skID 110 6 in the credit bill or two, an youll asee what it cam t 04, FRIDAY a, dewutiol a8111AFORM Nov, 9, 1888. 9 re ir ig 'President Cleve. busi -The President vetoed bills by hun orseld anythini. but i'llourishillar co�ditfi`iii. I I'salt mtinfaciture will..receive. -the' Cinadian ppliperby the n -land for baviag-approved of an exfridi. i -M 8E.Huber,- who haefor number and -his despotism was d0da thfou& the tov rights -at, -the very inext session of Parlia, pFi'il ,Only � changed bher day- T1 lact it isibefng absoiutelieru�hed but of V age of *ei �emptlqu. frqm, taxa ion�- ion -treaty. the object of-' f yea!& been runningill which was4 p, sa-w and grist electing another despot f4, ,fohr d tb 'The Presidential. Eleetion, existe Mont. Londeaboro' hms--disposed of th Dr grottud i a. unless a change spqedily, which hai hithprto beeii enjoyed, and.. they Say, to crush -the menwhaare "mc- in aIn Canada. we had- a represebtative 0! �-n%ftbed up$, here is, however, a, remedy for ibe T vl Huber buy- the-- Sovereign, an impartial The great battle for supremacy was no ti I' the osusa� of Irish- libiirt' same tl� his brothers, A So providing1for, the. imposition Of suchz-a Yt was - itrbiter 'dam, a skea this important ilidustir fought by.th6 of theUnited Published on Saturday tnoriiing;- irij thel saw millf4hd lie � So Huber the The Presidgat wasfil ...serious P whi hOntario salt I* 8 HELD UP. -Both stmge4-,be--. grist -mill. - Both are good pr.actical vastl' men, augry,-feverlah cont- dring, Wid11 bee n­Tuesday- last.' Contrary to will be atirely,rui eat, d a, St which A; a time,-Proiniied-se, niudh,. n- tax- on that property a will' reimbdirse i �TAGZ- Th a on . ch Y elected after rop which would' The rem etuisltiry4idae:6 y the Provinbe fo ta C" -nd!Los:Olives, Cali- and Will �ao receives. thi people of the United Stsb;�s seemed mpgelft f, the Sons t all the extra ex ense' tween San rux-i doubt bonilnue..to generat expects one can' fornia, *ore robb6d:- a share of trade., A the. Republi in Potent than. either sturday. ev- 900 Mr. Ephrai 0 b aore those refer- ino 'd -ef - th obstructiv on for this, v rifort"ate state of aftirs are 'of 7 urre on account, a nl� tol se their heads, and when a also v -to r "rails. Fargo's er sidence, at. Bar. was thq�representatiive of a but haVe secured victory The -returns' �glv6n by the salt red This remedy is free access sid ad' '�y al:mail pac 4tib �WIII'Uke uj his re leeW he he isbt' c ery�plainly ot a . ( . d man-. )j.te a Call'adian'PAcifi,c' xpress boxes -were-brok- pan, but Ifn foribe winter.- d OW me not nation*. Our 'Governor-Ctineni the A' rican market. are ufacturer' in th'ei r6port'r ied,st not yet too plate"but, t ia*aInios thortie- cibtaiU4, I ror'ft' thoe box' McDonald, of Rullett, a* bug� n of a darted to. Oi an IDthing mra miss Mary` Polk. enqra rd ty as, was a repreventative -oftho.. Bever -Th eate d bly, the manufacturers thernfielliesi- , If -The libel * sui a -preferred, by Pkemie'r -th- --be of. October; at � the a -Britain and we w left i frie certain that G f I H son has been the one all 6 they are being driven out. liq'paseengere on 6 -stage. und for died on;'the 29th e of Great e W a yere era d -the G were.rob edqf about 0 its. Deceased' fended have been servf elected Presid-eup and - that Mr. Cleve- the Ontario salt manufa.btuv " h I - -, ants Bmibari,. f '46 yo, i a MIS- people,, If our Go of their OVII-market by the. -illegitimate reenway..iand.�.-IAttorney-G6neraI Mar- b -vernment eb lAnd has been ae esed..- - While from a - I . I .. i . . th I Iree"bonefif- of tho- American market 0. sionmry� -meeting' in 'the Presbyterian -an act unworthy of t es lit , . a bompetition, of the foreign prod note, and tin fast t1i, he�:pep­ eloce. -Hibl s VER, vlou',- -Wednesday, and torate could say, I' of he YET. the 0 publlsliers­b le -the, Canadian pl�i�t o view lbe, resu they ,Free, mtow FE church, y fire being crushed. . 0 r -as 0- 0 - Grand ourge seems be have b k with caught A lig we I beill In -on the other side th oftld'.be ite indiffe ent t '102 Press Did Call 10ame before. th' ave t onfl. paught a Kt coldo'quinsy gab in and dence inthe wisdom, inithe honesty. or -in ition. to an out i urn it no- S�rprising. S the cithci� day ana ew ener t ad to dilitheria; Sh'- -was highly, -the legislation of-th 3overnment, 1�-, regretted' i- 0 whether a duty were, im 6 posed on, Li' 0 death by the� taxes. imposed upon -the. ver Jury in Winnipeg i The past few days,report a. a 1. . I arid a 'this distance ra �:Pool quaity, an- at', a' I who k -Goo far as we can ju �e from, balt or. not. a 6noid �"of eateolnel,,'by,611 w material. Oil fair a nd even terms the qumn';, that ve apgastand' intelligent bod er norease in -the. umber new her, aid was the representative olthe Sovereigneglis '"the Democrats an I their- eandidatii owe ry. T a.nie he -Prdabyterlin c jug Medicine -salt in - ufadturers. of Ontar, 'can com- .11ty thi Canadian! salt is -unequalled.." In a as auddeathso FernmadinaJacks6li. Xiib,i of t Utah. 'on the people to elect men mord wer nthem;, findi 't no bill," tHer thy. hib-spatie- f i to., a . I �. It .1i esand Enterpiise in Florida, and De., remains, were interred BAIN We would be dnworthi their�defamt to tl�oir Own vacillation and- -othe both reap oter it is Much' superior o. t if we. "of the t chan Date :with Any rem in the world. he is said there four. joem to"ba the chief �emeteryi on the 30th of 00t6 or.. od James Kyle, 6, ourconstitution '-or -:severed the' contliquedth they have. the in artile. Jurymer lawii Of #Sul�p. of t duplicity. Had t tough. . They Yot, tiotwifthstafid. 0 bringing into'court i eatres of: itta6l. -Mro Wm.*- Laid hr .0 y twen adiin indu'- is so, Ing as s la��-. 0 h energy and enterprise,, and the v6 -be b -�n the no malice T igent for th Oh o 4rmer, this 'and the Mother C untry. 11iw1at, b "an,.the result THE : CZAR o0 ut the battle as ey eg have -the capital' in, I oppoii 'th 'who nectidn that so happily exists be g this fact, While the Can grbuud that HANKFUL1VFss. - The 'ifestoaatiiig that an agricultura -Dr. MeTs would, iti alL pro ty, ave been dif-- Y ha try�'is' languis ing an T!�,rjhas isstiad a man 1 --paper -.Pu f6hQ11 at would. we be.the gainers axe been well h d dying: theAm- by the pipers in- Pub- with the thanks Clivelkrid, Ohlo, was,- 4biy] our- slight ad ilot the.raw products to ei*ble them to iao. . f J, was displayed a area t , ferent. They stai ted out with a poli ericin industr is -and pr --their- agre . y. y rowing Vance In UpF+r Can , OsPe - -11shingithe char -qqn�ptaiped of.' God for his ent in 'Sesfortl thli.-- All that is the� It -is Q Miracqlous pried tho,oiher day to riece 6 a etter� We would wanted to Make- gas. I be. bligeq to acce rtial free trade bat before likel y� th eiaoc' se. i a from pt what. 1recupeiite his, of pa, th Ing. Take the State of: Mic igan -for oath in last Monday'fi railroad aooiv 0011taigibg -.being thb third. piizo for ever taxei Con res bter t-&Profitabli'one'to 7 ? . . . - I A niAors, in�vrdiir to a those engaged h a having dbtained the thirdlargestnui schose to put ba the In that State the out t Out. Resays: 11-maytho Pro4idende -bar people.' -':For mere coniderations Of. hact n late f aeusall, .got; far into the camps stsice.,* igu they in ib. as Well as to - the-- country, is Mir pu III* cle4r, tbomselves from suspicion will ask h.. in :to,, that' i tual. pecuniary gain should We beat retreat and even vied i r o proteleted our life& - and doxisie of .. tdrall booribers entsi 1882 was 8 037,317 -barrels, and -in -ISR7: - rated on imeriflee he Vlai This it seems from the stateme in-ts the­Le�'! ure(lo, gi a 1; to the - con One hu�-drad and seventy Was the 'hta -The new N %at 4. Roy 1 Cow ritry's welfaro itrai I than. dear to us? Why -did the A.011 WAS *panel with. 7 ng liberty an eIng. mission to enl u-ire"int t 104ies separate from P their p nents' in; - pande,,. Of -the- it had risen to- 3,9440309r.barrls,:b �c - the re has be persist- o and. ropqr. upon -t 4 to faithfully fulfil to the a ber;of nqmes he sent in. thirteen%Ol t rges, Ivill has laid upon' special meeting the directors Britain ? It was b.e Rev Bri& ist element' ently denied. them. an increase Of. "mearly a illion'liarrels.' the cha: irig to the plotecti on This statement, I east daiies.that H4 -A c W. wuse the British ad at bet preach very.thin con a- M nito- THE GAMBLER�'- 'din in 1881. the odtput in Ontarid'WAS' py ­� Xred i Cleveloild, during his officist of C�e Morris Agricultural 8 ety was Parli must. be remembered, is igade not o 472.9 oldered, ill' � A% n the g hold in -0 amentinqisted on the ighttot a gram Myth; n Saturday. last, to the without giving them represents.. hexes at and co, isE - The 000 barre'lai whil&'In,1887 it had 'falle vorp 1 10, rg *t' u in which ourred ­.*eieds upwards "Wlig a- decrease of . oug on a a in a to show.. an q. � tl batis ie lo hav� triflammable.,. material profits on the �oulotto tables a� honte ttend to some irregularities' that Go. tion.. That O's term, Won t cit suthoriti of oppou ti of the DoMmIon - f III a Is Y6 number o a very best people Go to 429-807 :b is the vernment, but on tfiat of its -fast eii h- d :k,-- th 1� Carlo have -,' falldn off. considerably sithelate fall -1ifil; we would be placed. Were we'so Sordid. irilbotlip'Arbies by 'his honest,. firm and, r-42,000 ba.rrelo,. At the sametime od aring th t covered, had. made �sev'e*rai ­Mfe, 'John, frienfte, With one exception all the - ova cat durin inter 13 pas, -year, but'. after 'Paying it -we's is thai, we should sell ur birthright expenses anioa frandulah ntr a �Of:h 9 al , � whi, a makumi he We 1,125,000.- a f , d -wets withheld., pr1irilege of free men -to ax, themselve 'd' i the American article ha's- Veen sold's n oven, althoukh''t ie d prizes a- wds,swarde' great fied adwinstr 6tion of public affs" nt to over: t el ies in 'horses, and�.the meet of pottage? It Its; Manufacturers in the Auk -on salt dia- mercury wa th eacen a I he number of odicidee is shown to Wive Daniel E[ennic e Ily kd reamed- this year from 25 to 19. 4 1av Ha I d he continued, his 'course thrqukh-" avers Price of' 69 cents while'41l Imany d6grees:-;'belo as arr was The, i d we were asked to hind thatL privilege dgie as .1riet are friends ifid supporters of the oi� L ' L -0 1 . w. -where. -it us John B i also charged Ith -I f LO out th aign is -quite, probable ' US 4 ' .:- 119 JDAMP. Government, and . , . _ nproduptcinly brought an�sver, eezes. eat victim is it young Russian lady mixed some black -o t bag of I,er to the - Government t Waillivigtou severe y crus i yet their testimony is a a into, h:e*ould.to-day b� the viotorious..in- the ageof 38�c ts. -1joww -her fortune -barley that John Potter Ad o exhibi-i with its defec thought he will an hat Oldat &If sh stro.n -is the: rem- gesb; condemnation of -the Week,. and ohn plesdedllotL -gUilt � u tive institutions. The lue, In despair.. throw. timi them. J y; dividual States, received no xtndofth-edefistod--oandidate.. But son of this progress e erself itito th but the I one case and WS of the. -Week. hil from v po Gover4ment tkt coula, director onsl4ered they -had evidence tlla L -The ifidivii ral vernment, tid anythig OXDON;-�4obn Wigh b .in -a. or tical time retrogressioii in the other? ltt L cent unfortunitelyfor h' , at Hey of that� !Go' given. Wb.hmve, a suffic, 1(ale ferit to Warrant thim -in Witholding H a p izes n in the contest he it �pp.ed down from-hio L better- and ; -a purer quality of salt than erious4lif th � he bad we -th . ey undertook had to be: bankerof Visto _In the. first pl a ery other 'they NzA HIS E9D. -ot PAID FOR By DIRECT TAXA�10,% by a bogus c a( highand dignified position to pander' to. ace, while ' v ---�Cjardinal Xewm&R, uron es. . I h -The; Blyth correspon have in Michigan,;, a 'be prq­ we would have VI r m eitrame- debilit p pay. seven cents. for a Clintoa if we -9dopted -this fad in industry fit protect it, is dy! Blyth! t6 o the fhe groundlings a anufacturing -ad: an 0. Y. _eople same, es. Winnipeg for T bummers, in ced more phesply -and' ew Bra Speaks the 6ll6wingg- should com- IOE B uxp. -�-The -maff-lo 4f from fok�iin co harbor.of St Pete: 4 bf baker's brad... joo�d'woidser an rofl-com- He is she want rs SWIUL in of offer the drill all respectable peo a d lid, failed- to gal ..a have be6n g Ing laboilt: edito die Orn ple �Idly, While gation is lclosdd. oors t back ct� 71, - Brussels Peat wf this way he: lost t con ence. of the 'market and i c verrod. with thick ice, and- nivi- he -Dominion -Government are the rocity. If , shut our d- o trade olpefition.the Salt interest L M&UdL more -read bditor: r. We If. �nercfal Union Wj?. Unregbric �y et, we burg to alo*rie is.left to stri�iggle against 'for ign k irr, r ed, -property in preached! In the Methodist church: th. another country, We mu -F ay A M I, e. competition ?f the most Aggravating de- E WON FOR.TAX'�Popio. The' Q nton for salb.. at jupply Effloemetit 161 advancing Catholic§'of Australia nInd --!.Messrs. Prhose who had a defideney of revenue by direct taxa. the. support of th 'oodlum element f6r tbe7,have been. grolving And' 4moraing.ind evenfuge ve forgetting -to t1b. sime, pr a I �, 9 WAS -got Up b thep. ad by che , di pose al aim; only, through the c�lurano on. This fad Was that they soription., Liverpool salt,, Which I ha of ',Hullett;� h rd 6f.11 is pro.. whom he had sAlor te, so much'. RA's due e ep S& aoap Europea# even more rapidl The re on' is a ented th �p6 W'ith $1,000�0.00. d of i4arly 250.barr s -6f apples _y the. old story of tJyiug to- stand, upon labor 'and in a ply- to befound i -of his loiil might har-d-bxpect- posftf a feelina 6 IED� A. Duboii founder-- . I—. - . . I I I a , , , , I ion in � -the fact, that -we are D this year. f despair. They on- had tried b -tore down- th( a maferial-le h id just dfeA id.-. era. of Grey township themost abaiid here all the a to see A Wretch bf t6 stools with th li�evitable, reaulti he conkry w of the.Childs hoo 'it -several farm Y Personal calumny and b� limited to a smalL-market,: whereas they ad type but were. agreea `appoint. - o' . post, are -a ve 'no fad after-anotheir to oust the p'res. h 'disposed of over 200.,barreIs of. ap. ad-. ;bly., dils lessnow amoutil lall to the-growid Produced- on th7e spot, is brought to thi" New -York 16 her olityifthyo young maut ernment from power, but' the A ihild bell ave rket.that a practica ly LAP GE P 'Rootiblican' -a this season- to.buyers." - to filld. him A modest, unmesuriling, h ma' ' dountry'as vessel ballast free of 'charge.; . H." IOlt, G ROCES with Virtue, honor and man. had already di llm'ited.. -Let- us have fre iourse tar�de numb passe a, gta Jeopieov --weighed themin the i.Pring 40,000 4 oig -�.-.Mr, Boyd, of Milton, lx� -the guest lfr�ass Of Mitchill, tat roadway, -New )'bik�. on-�Satufdbiy. of Mr. James McKelvey, of FAhbl.. The thi "me arkhs� and L 0 ' * ' ' into- tb an4. free access to alance And found them wanting. The A(hninistration.of ustibe in 'a a mitWd free of 'duty, muA is shipped m*d on every f oatfire, and, as a to is 'ti lie sc -hoolmates forty y" agOt in th I - - eyeS One day th weatward' through thi's province by in thoughtful and" 6untrp had prospered ore under the 'H� ron. DE RBASE.-:-It is stod that. there oa y th6 peopl�listened es brdi they were charmed by his At th, bur industry -will grow and pros -per, in�s. was a-deorbase-of aboub,-:$4,000 006 in 'Ei ii ' aid Ial earnest w coriespondent writes -to. Me COMW minimum rate of freight... The er a. resent, Government than it possibly ai�ve the parent manner, i6vdd by his 6104ilen'ce, and. --dould uWer those genflem'en w much,greater proporiion than -their haj'. - th '"debt of - the'llnitq4' uri . . . . . so Roge -0 sthe, -ineffide Canadian Mahufacturdr has to- paythe ,a-. States d ing Mr.. Isa Mon, f Myth, not ddified b� h Lentiments. � Mr. ho o �e re The chil lai�fng bitterly ney of roi-Ing -as ra to oust them. ye. 0 t6her.-,. �pidly as he wished, ha ad -the Sabbath ehool In ..the t ur -is by M CF of wages Pay fart A -of done, from the -,reason this b wr 4ying He declared his Parent to put the present CroW Att of th bJg#vr rate ;And has al%o,-to -HALL61VE�Z RA�ERS;-, utim. go e10 Los Angeles,- olicy to be the same as er-that �he vy ta:i . he moia California,, to, try afternoon i -tlw, ponhii- raw no e rent expOrm material oil Marketable prod "t of th' f coun Amgng- qt#er things he says- ch 0 -er climate. nada for the Canadiano and -a -m ;f his owA skud ty bar of Ann Arb r. iiud4its were, landed th 65act o a warm ode. as -infant " dustries. thii repult that: A -Emllow r in 'coal -and I , Which h4m, of ' -dhniBroatch of Seehurn� Manito- r4te probectio roll two. We would 1hen have. -in jail -as he re suit. 'he -Exeter' ba, "formetly a -resident of Grey town- They still :continued their, policy' f-� I was. In tdrestdd in a case: tried* be- not pQuced of their 11 ,prbphet.of to.ou industry the lik6'of- -.whielf ha :a an 'pranks. a that the 'crops n his ection hereAnd 0, He —Mr. and i beew Well nfgh` a cbmple -w how it bid Mitered fore County'Judgi Toms: a few Aiyo iii addition to this, ha' -thes a never V � iDeate relieves his mind husly ship; writ0a. *8'. and would befoolish a to Pay been heard KI G ILT.A.Gn. -Tlie, i"rillage of - abilities for' n oixt Week * er ova, abua- t In a parts before and :A Si,*i W ather prob, not to 'do so ago., in -which h 'a was, I beli he hikher rateg'of freight..on accountf have allure. �Perjy, RiI4 �!tiear Pl#koixt to When they am ce, of , evidence' to convicto­� -hunAteds- of thousands of h, Pennsyl- hipb rain And perhaps not. says t �ere Are 64 thoiasa ity and progress in all parts% f i- t Worth is. gi� PO cage 'h' 1 aving to ship Eastwird -dollars. 1ine Zorra, Iw1i he course of t iS;-,nOW,,,gOI king into,- -ibandonied 0 -g another .nds Of Acres prosper that I wasi offered a thousand dollarij t6 llI yd; & Sons are addin of wheat fil L M itobs this, � season, that t4e -country. The Oppositio 1,niine n -township wid of property1ha n to Waste coa thegreater. Volume- of btfler int natty t' c the to a of 'Win no U were settle -but, I-beliei &,.'owing to. the way 9 w have t1eerf harvested, andth Stratford, wet uld bec -SwL. y y Zh q are building a trouble pqeachillg annexation in, every, form, in Wich the Co ngled Ill the f ce of such' eirm'68tMuces it And d6cay we 8 OPT,j' A C 'd NA. -Ad. e. Lo factory ��WO. feet buined io as to get. th wpether g of I& is I M now is 0 set. it evenin were so- pot.. 1profitable. em xclusive'luarinficture of: fail PI wilig'done. " Many Of the, fir. u'derthenamefCommej6, Ujileor with a pdfWa hi's pa-0ra the aeons d parties IS it not worth while thdn vices -fro ''-India, sa- r a cyclone,',. ace Jor the a. ein its own' name oy disguised �uy wonder; thib, th" inda' panied by.- ea lal or us to try f9r -saoh -a boon ? i1ers in the tegad I stry is. h eiyp, over Nfr. James Lindsay, Of -the 15th neighb, quitted. Whatever I lj�. Lewis- hasi been vy ran.,_ has aW Imuguisihing: T4e only wonder is G qr#pod will b4ve. to. X4reatrioted Reciprocity; as a cure lor cor cession uy 't air -flour* this Winter,' whi* -is all ills by- kr94 fie* f now an in that Madras, of oderich township, has b h a and is quite incap- it has lived so 1 due farm on -the Huron of or! ong, X0wj the d6triand XrAqAi&­Huniera� in 0 bot ght the'Per He --knew the PrIncipleb of the -,Able of taking char minal bust 0160 1 , -100 p6unds, Mr.- G 4 VOW Brbat6h,. overri-qient rec ness,, -and it is conse a inter-;, -0 the, Salt manufact er rado.have disluverea a -Water:fall, which- Ito id,,- elved the appr0ation uently ur a- IS, not un.� a short distance west ol, Clinton in th The' Xknitoba'."Embroglio. ) -of course l6ifly sjeali or - is own 'On I . I - S -f Ill ' � , -neighi, of; "00 8 ice 14 this; county, reakortable. They ask, 'urp' a -for 83 506 bly- - has pffered-f ly he would only be an -outside Ad- MaKe is thought to the people, e day- It.111, olumoo borhood, which, pioba =mtnid a inof'dent in'th, that h& "should be retired and it, a *hile'not eqj v mand for houses in mor'e from! the frosts than any other h cisto of law slid ju -first,- that b Ther* )te in ANiagarain b iuby -There is great de -and in 1892, whe4 pos SOMe -a vent same protee is not much change to nc. V1 ! er, t 10 gi he.- tion. from foreig' . -A SLAVER 9".rinciple&-would be oarried M n thb, failway situatio Manitobi since', i .. - the -RED. -11� Lieuteri6rit One gentleman pa� ecloi rd Stratfor ore"competent peii on a�poih ted in his, CANTU W niharnat' present. d other ma'nu-. n.in. a Igerinei off of UknitAai The utkpree nted on by his e6fleagies. The -people were :F tZhlirb�rii-Qf the e4t. had -As many asiourteen applicatibns- in 'price., which at 'is fetching'in. the competition that is afforde n issuep 'exce rica coast, i for a . recent . I . y . vacl*ted-bouse. pa ri -that the to- Af Mg, our lasC -exe,i he- face of a, heavy twc r.'d -aye whe still 'endoQ 'with the same t , be Tian -between-" ag industriev" Second,. I ifig Mont We Aavw frequ6irt y� at diffiererit times fail one flte',* ohms Manitoba i;. markets -this- season CiPles at in 1878i *,and as 0 flli-y came toA seems to have subilded'o Ider., ad a dh6w with-. 200 -7'Mr. Robert Wigiri a,-- ould pr in ti; lar co laints 'from a slaivis- and capit n . ohe� of the also go 10%, �J way towards.- miskip''a up ye To so in 1892; they would age he 'was caught to get:1-hiev they Ask to be plic d on Areceived simi other ably The. C - am a dian �ilway. ured heir; OIA,Pfonbersi.of Ashfie.Td, died' on Tues. � r� the. de 4 oting t1i ,Sell 0 . LLED.-' A terific day of I' nearly as posiible an equal o EIGATY � MIXXR9 KI fo Duey, in the - brop. se* n dIsIoyj1ty',&uq1iod1 -and parties. From per &I knowledge we wi at or opC buffers, an ontlane to g -hard their Oro ast week. He. was much,respec-' withstandi the g1domy 6�bbrle of letters, thef.'p dreadful are notVrepaied to, their fore! ign' ad riends -have the. he1a 'not t t arty; - &I:' ilen* and, determination C out for five - years fter thit date, 0 - whether or not ompetitor, by. being.per.' with on: ­.",Saturday. iu`-� 6 -tedadd the her'eavi fi olicy. of hq Conservative p V1 ce -a in9 .: confidena in his adopted itteit to impprt their raw' mat- I ampaknaa coal Pita in the department sy%thy of tlie entire ommunity. Carried )iourx. these complaints are ell grounded. country, is he says he -While W Y. In r -We -L. Aldrich, of Aylme'r, farm im MAnitobs than in -Oil use. The Ei would rather o .a.batter as Govern.'- -of Avi 'Fran al . .1 ON. Mere ch" cosland fron,fre"o from mud Charlei is, how -ever, a seriou matter and. should, an men t are, now bu's' werekillelle wh( al o 6 time published A paper in Perth- Items. I fly engaged in track If gi -were o, t shoo be an uIrecl into at c 2ce. If M Lewis van either. of those advantages they, I ORDERED. a-rbing a pa OUT. oreign Jewish -;BIy;h,'i9. abotit at' per At'- Oil t1i o in ally causeo u hey, can hold their own market rmers. have beew -ordered, 0.; n a., Wa bnspr-Oative Poliey. to Spend thefuter -B �q- AyIng an that portion of, their -Portage. Of . Blibehell, -has larto an; V. ermuda. Thured -1-a-nd within -4 month, and the.-Jorbit'n 11. Springs Wbekly'Timbs. -,An effo ags rt -is being made to ..organize -k� althou Ih - bae.not bwa in -Southern R�as a. expect. d, a T. 6 war of the mammoth Murphies 'Hen, Jo�tn kenry Pope, Minister o -trade in Mitchell. e 4utic inst all comers. Their dernwid it XCLARE - By SIR 1OII.W. .90 erly' per- extensiQu'i�,est of theCsnad as-- Larnbton Con -to be !(no fa Sp [-to quit T form th deve. ophog upon him he silway. trac i Padfic D wilt.� be- see' gh... ey t 'should be supersedc it by a--oompatent n not unre b�ard of aort's . roll borhoodo. the� asofi*able. yet also expelledi� otil goes on and now a riner in Turn, Railways th 'Dominbin Government -+Accordiug;. to the asses succeeded in effectin w crossing. go. & in a person . if, after si investigation, he hey brily ask for -fair -pl g SMALL PDX: jX t#yrA -bert, after bout ati t io. Small :.pok Y -has bobbed -up with one weighing Was - entert Ined. at a auquet' by the the4-e Are 4-92 dogs in Stratfard.' as to get an origi". 6v -se -th -t ere It ems . a 9 ..0 as' rtA age of. peop,e of .-far, this ft' . ..... and. it'is, f ei 64 -,' I r" is deemed. co' to 't flicial an i dr play has been donfe re Una thi Z -it Towuihip§ excise collections for thi month Pherson. S. heQa mpe R ap, 0 In a publio'highway. crease . s;,.the Canadian., ths,i-.th.eniaisi-bg��f.lir-�'elea. onroi won She0ke fii'.the� Pro In of tto�er in Stratf6rd by thei- neL& ty era ce 0 -oboe eton nouricement to,,- this Jeffect would, per- r own paternal Governme . p4cifla Railway -h lfl.resuif in h ri arl the. me Inibers of $10, 76.76. lit f1 evi were -T he 4 124, reassure the pu icand li 0 * - I . . . -usheis of mangolds from halfan.: Ult. POS bfi W 0 shrrt distance t a spr�aA f Gilbert Muir,.of Hulldtb, took last week., y all Jn Id y these stead of giving every -.8 ...t fr in the Pr6posecland disputed rtilway the di 600 -the Domini Cabinet werepresefit. In r. J. Roej of the Ifth concesellollo 'Mr. -Lewis is, M eftKing STI. 'of land, nd woul -The D-orrii El cently lost two little daughters r. complaints. Altho build" up an important. Anufa LAD 6wl� AT BiRmi' r. acro, -Joseph We d.11-ke to'know if Proposing,iie toast*of This -the Canadian VA '11to inio'n rai crossing ne made -- lit is opening speech. at .'any.L'one Can give- a bett 'id.. %He ..Of Causda,"-to which Sii John wa the fro me, &sIes. day with his 'of senbift, that t barribade nor'obstruiot.-'. '.Birmingham.- 'on I hlonday� - touchin-k. on'. also. to "535- bushels of white carrots first to 'respond 'he was -asked by the r. He F . Sharpe, personally,. a, very g ial and obligingL- industry -in their, 0'wa country,- 'th6- R�Ilwsy da er kee-0 to no a Ut_ h ok offibiAll tbis, facto,. Y�hi it- may knake the overnme are. actually dol" StanaL is SOM, ng e'very- Taking advantmae f this cir' A a fisheries digput�.'the Sackville-af- fron L th a same qua outhetance ntfty -9f 'and chairmain t,'o declare his policy. The' has I b?en re-elected pres' et of 'the Id a �of Denver an At have b w spur wfte and qollQwini,i official Teport' of hiore- Governme W Ian: ooksellere Association. anthoridei: more 'di dric-lined to take- ?thing in their pow ' to inju - - ql�* er re And ruiri t fair and other topici.-� M. .-Menarey, d b - A- In. L San_ family, -has taken his departure from- hl� it. 'And *ha t1i with. Ili health t, is the reason gyen by a 'track from their t�G QTYe.'� Mr. Wine � Robinsonof Fallarton such mati6n as migI t be detrime nt, miirks - i w In 11- lini p to this Ca0fortilao buildings'Arei n : . i. 9 1 - - r Gen nfen t f o r th a in o 10 to b6 erected Mor for Michigan*, where he� Sir Job facd6nald amid he -firA met bai retired fro -in famiag, nd talien up bette Ihan to- his: . interest, should i6strously unjust ssing on 846wriship We he San( or P cond a t4re,, of g 0 highway -either -side- of the, costing $1,000;-OOOLin�jh aeir fu iig' t startfar Ing.' eoirgeLoire, -Mro O -e 4 1850i. when duce them. ..-to, cqntinuej Min, in: not? Firstothliy saylthey. da Abe.'Briiioh his i 3sidence jUL Mitchell. re not nwh 0 at hoi -P my trac They.,I,fo Call- his ther-in-law,''We" with @im- a d Ameri iet in Xingst rhe four-year-old son -6f Mr. J.. �scific Railw ich the Uh Souther and th ose 8: k. at can, ague on to Pitt aind ties 9 say I a untry, 0 t. nexation -agitation, and it Har Stratfordi the other daylell a of1i re the L.wer 0 a U rnia'is to. expand, $500 oboe. Itite at t If h lilies. tha do 'on! !?hr',s 0' ti ce after, his usefuln-eas in that capw- Imp -u.ty on Livorp9r. I ..attL beca, Be tek t ran thelt,-.oars -loaded with rails city had ceased. - :It -m sekous matt e -r 4 Will itiju iT -RomF,. �-The opealig o M t ere own the basis into cistern and was drowned-. o 'Province Figh, f he - well-known horseman e b t they laid d ato in College in MoG egor, f Brucefleld, hL in the L eral-Conservative K. Matheson is hip& g �up. this n, the one side and then the CA* man . named ow d to go unwhip- a 4pur, o nadian, Rome took Pate r if orim, Als.: -are all irmen., and second- they, da*re not admit at of P aCeL. OU Zar them b hand across th c be �, party.. ry t in .'a thoroughbred' Their poll AS to. un With he 4PPL farm in and when sb y e -Canadian. Sunday, Lin_ -the preion, 6 O -ben -with teim. pedof.justieq�, simply becausethi Pr6se. o0ai and ir on free -because it 174JUr- ArohbielropFabilifou :Canadian be I CheS - t yearling* entire, -got by�8j,L French- n -9 1 from the Matheson estate awill foils he'coal mine 9 rsk rac thern -oil r of 'Lower Canada, Lo to. -customers in. oronto c Ra wi - t' k An& load B1 aziet'- t numb cut!ng- attor4ey, lit *Incompeent op.s and ei� large er of Calmlian BI by� P 3o.y - dam by ouib r an as or on . and a frien ip iwis estAblished: then a b 1. a fact orri hand care- on'' the:;oPP6S el . I i 9 -horses, the case against their Ito ergy�. i -he p.%ye the sum, of that had go a on steadily increasing.- If a- urers of thes same Lower i sn -intelligible; m nu *de and Wil Si for whicif icking -apples 0 hile ff --Pn these,' by h' W.. a. treeA '-way befor th pros i ilig Judie. This- Proyfficeso', 'It is the drab and, mule BUS&Ess, loop. �H-x RtITI'SH 0 : cagh vefit-stumbl. same old of he a --his public career little son a d sto�y, the 6. was . o successful in: of M -k Bryce Innis, Stratford. �ertaion going NIft9n. �Thb:,mamger lDf . F� New 'hewed mu h, to - the f powarony -them- to where they are 11, to Interests of Ontario must, a a ; 1. V. of. the maln.--Wilding-of steNdfast support f4l theStound an4 broke his legAbove head aud U aw point onwhich the pu-bli "-houldbe -a drinced ,,,Way Inv�. York dim d' museum' hhs-:written a, In this, I attar the ioii� f required on their rai H 11 urnitu�e factory -in, Wing-' of John He Y. Pop%' Iii W darli'days the k ee. ay 0 !Allgi hfin - al.- 'When he Sion, HibliertL, has reatea his farm Unf*rtilum a lhave succeeded in'gettl 0 Ing M stood by.them isuct aided r John, MeTaggart, of the l4th who ran to satieflec p 0 The sodden 1 and that at co' ha, 'y 0 rnin that the Provinces' ma ;to 1:46id Sackville him as- pulled o one me: y 0 th 2`000 hain g last Mr. Pope h reaper 'tw we andan addition ey-: built up it a wise o'buns action every advantaLv �s week for h ldf- �o levees of o ' 4 n ero ready give Up Aild �ptends becoming -a -resident o,' te "th the- n of j notice in a three-., 'but--th SeArily -.very -glow TRAIN. Ro"D maklin b while was. iiscour and eighboriing� Thqre fo-ammuother' tter in donn -a -to thrive ifid P dderable portion ot their track lai& -hours` duration'dail I' his musue' and 6fed :the COM 1. ter wi administ Poor, patti'en't OntarloP She pay sa ' a da �! That is d th a w4 is nece BED, --­ An express it tiita g my an I i -in,good a uere as 'tpurtba ol'the reenue: e n _a th to btfierhinds, Mr. Pope kja 7 ealLaid. Th this county1owbich, a may -also refer -Anii still her best m�as entere on Friday osrn� ito and expenil�e, .0 said, I wil stand by y6u,si2d if you re- Robert Christie, of Mitchell, fie b in. miles. from New - . OjIomuL a by to bersj'*,ho e -Cardiff Brothers, o Grey, are .6111 Mr. Pdpe� was &-wise t hatid We mineral Industry- -,Some time. I Wh wo� havd o must be crushed In th i'unable to attend to his public du. rathe a mean. time the-logal 8 �_MeaSeng. W6 I will point raised -()verpower-ed the expres county jui es. and notwi r than that the.. interest 'of a fe er,. h in Manit0ai They did -:n6t -and discre and it- was a VAeas. ties, but is. ale t6L mit-up form while �se two' th- I . M . pm( --fro �advfiar ., i -stole- 'about 810,000o and b the Canadian JadfI6 Railway 'a be., a a 't air tak6 Scapa. .4 ao land as: the w deter ure to'see: M surroun the friends dafty�, although very weak. a this fact,. ti, ey� 'seem for Some fisherinenx miners and i . , .. - as a ded by tanding iron mongers i.of fore th n a $qpreme Court at-.Ott4w&. rant. 0 emen -as in 'of his and -his constituents, the o r Provinces, t4af con he woolen mill busineisf Mr. D. nab to.keep p with the.:sMaI16 of the*gentl sisted _jh - tribu'te "HALF1119ARTED Dim burujuig� off abo --D They have fixed thedate 'for a ut 60 acres of rpeople Of a Eastern Townsh of H; �rm�n; Mitchell, is being wound 'The damonst' '*o o theii wcrk. -It I frequently moiety to. the revenue of rgumlint rati ly 'University,stu­ ro . - heL h 4 Always beeii -the riend up a d the - trustees are asking for -a, the'Presbyt r athe case only's P the "on the 21st iZf thi' y.: There is no whom- - a month.- It. grain L 'hile he was awa ?ril Drs. -B6rgmsu'and place like 61d Ontario aflor all. and adviser an ettle entof claims.: d re; home Ot U -Only 200-sttLi "from the �Algoma Ad. the Con adL�oe'aaked for a r James Crerar, J. P.,,O.f Beech - that courts throughout the country, may :156 tridangered. And :4ake weeks 1 Ili - arliam t : and:. in 5 -various will likely .4ents ift Berlin to, Rev.. Jaltis 1 me� SYS,. if -n Gerhardt wa" fail' still Ontario is never;' heardto af ter Ike b c Sib presided on fu 0110y r by prac Ing murmur wardst for the Court'to render a decision ' dents outef a;Aota1 of. 5,009o- took part,- vocais -that. 'it . big Are Visited: declaration. c f! his �. pblicy, b ridge,- -of Inda -in the procession Thesi sleii -business already been Made, and. with. no he- o -of roots as he ha's this �qr coMpliin.' Had-t-hescal B - tlet the irm b" at that blid ri near Stratford Says he never'bad j4ty barristera instead o by the regular esr been re U a as. expeditious ANoT' ER ter. p1lices.d6stroye uAe - or- e vy a cror Of now laud beL Poo H 1ge. XOw'thi8isuoLaaibs4,ouId.be' bi d was that of We Do tain sound. .,How a British's re Off Six acre ovember I Jut Vetoed we �'would have- been 'threat . as and among.. the on can ubjeott yea uently with before &_ be reached :rible� explosion occurred at- the Stark- HIM` Mr..Hill is a on reatest advan4Zla to us no lemithan =1 Pulled results in dkIaing busi- the g It freq rebellion long are this. winter will 'fi of:. John Hill, and it was ods. ave Satin ill oal* iue' and further. er-i vi a c m si at Tiiihiclad' Colorido,- 9th-catice-esiou of Grey.-'. He �e-canneoted with! that great And ­4mong those who poised their final -suitora. BWides OtL believe in protect ad: the �t6l V6 do ness and incommodin last- Stondav . Me Two d " a - do' u�- mpire. He'*ould Speak �' for a 11 C IOU for atiolm-on the, Manitoba'GoVernme op M miners.' Most if -his goo a a ve -gloijo E -haver-tbis 0 Ill be xami stion- at the Ontario ollege of ISsake neither abroad we fid ;er in ottlie ra ie killed ;nd.the abadtj iecked. -1 Vni. Jewitt, a- well. -known. farmer himself and is dolle.agues. -They Vero Phyaklang AMiss -Mary -a barrist otices. no protectio a -do wlibelieve nW impossible Ior% this qeason. In th�io LEPHONING uselentious in snialvAd Ions, ox6eption being A Surgeons in September,' matter he* a Buffalo of Mi rris, cut anti- piled t I fles be Son, ohighly res =c 01 Tk made as. thieCana;`diau-Pa "ifio We we qge P rn Britiih 3ubjects, and the were Alexa and way ol railway illhave paper records so no interesting export. of �da o y expected ridr Hot le'. wg -Roger,, of Full - Arbon. days met So gij, -first object 'they had i its in long distance. telephoni-ti the. ffi -at itid second - ooncessioni ne 'to gain y a uging ad hamaybe,, an Ot expected to ran- is the cas in the matter of smite W( n the -side. of the ro at n to die British subjects., lVitai b one J. P. 4ys tied the n ha our -allegiance. -The other "evening some thief or r ducted the othe 0 b t ran, thst�&ty of th al- woodcut �Or'a pir� This country had no reason o suppose- thievei entered..Lm Blanshard anner's -van esewas sped do long all �Dther manufafti res' air 6 to t the- new road. and Boston, Spring el ;JW To L ty1n der j4st a, ddd for or one.' co'ni pr am lyt. Ing the fro ipeot that decision of,a, jydge tected, it Wneit pre. her just nor fair that the being. 06MPI@Ud this rk and Winaliam. Itwas already. mess.. itself 1111'any ay inferior t9; %4,y c6iintry Stable -ands6ole ai'set -of buggy harness, Preheud Who It. removed. fro the temptat alone L �season, so: they can Troy. The. wires worked'. well and con.:. fine;fellowi wh -0 ions. salt' iaiere4 Should ba eialuded, ave an u led Oihe o...perhaps in the world. us, "'11113to, other season IVe a14* abidirig In their burry they iapparlintly did -not of ever 'day busfudas life monciply.. vorasticino iiors'.carrleil. on over a.. die-. bid -nD. Wood and did- not like to see -&ny popqIatiofi­v.Xoept - sometimes In the st'kho time, examine- very closely the the diseise one I al a have, underto6k to- relieve sa a" froin'thaVoroWation. It isat4eserviggof [Their �bec'ond object will he made madi. tAnce of 800 miles with. as mil0h ease as Mr. Northwest prosperous countr - a 4 -of their When they ar- if the par ies - �v _y, jumlit�r code. is twd �' fosterlok�lland favors as rare only a .w uld be ikely to give. I th P L any Of the feat Is.ter on, w n meats few blocks. Jowi Of pirt of thO woodo Or Some-' splendid climate, wrich 'rived. -within -the limit 'of the oorpo ]it* hen Parliame t 04 iudkes *0 hrve are t n%ble- to a up teB- if this Prop of protectio distanto every WOM: uttered �,being k nd How who had not much'v'vood to -which tion they disoovere4 thatthe Aet i -cintjiecomm�lilmwi offtglando' tin next *Inter. Whei.ther o not they clearly ah d Jis heard. The- bandl and nlit- lik lid a had Wken was rather old and somewhat r ld a to sea 'othek a acme Of political wi om and 0 r x M to Y . c di b B b bl �bili a IV 'y tr J'h t en R no� 3 h a ,foe rc e� ong srn -19 P'y - los