The Huron Expositor, 1888-11-02, Page 2vi
N -
0010- ii Avis -0,
2 If
4NESOA CHMES E- wev will, and *are kindly tre bee 4leltiored- Th rder dids In flicts SALE
a 01 'EST.4mi
ore evidently iijost unwilling �hat -ar�� a.. mmedis ly after our departure,
Perm t re sent
61 � iin V V
ould know -we were in off at Ono
ends sh men BMLI)ING LO 0 F R SA
a" SA .--aTU un'der."
iviag that I hkd - thus. U Th signed* has* 'a number of 6 a building Low
Thai*& has lately beem t I ordar,tb cairy .16 out. us
old for the some hold upojithem, I persisted in, my wbi lieveVe were in. ph Godirfoh, and James r :sale at IOU
fint time tho'full story of the remark- d.eter _greater danger at prices. Foi particulars apply to D.'..WILSON AT
'd I It
able.escapeof the 106 Sir Henry Parkes I we sail I rt:. tha Moment than I thily otherperiod of
Us. lodge me in+ -a pal&cs.1 ohal. 'our captivity I Ot coarse we prote . ted
from. Pekin in'18 The: itory., an
r to reritt a T rn
in- hap to date from a. palace ; bo� su we are not in the least hun -ryj had no BIG CRAN019i.;-For
I can. only ate nee of f comulodlous� brick store. the bukn6e-
cod. Though a
related by enry to an till oivilo they Part of MAW 8treet; seafor S' Dec(jr
ly to. the public a' me ey
Enslish:16dy axtremely urient. - Th would and. comfortable' th. plendid Stand -ON- at
teri4t' As - 9 I $a
Ing and,- a thrilling one, was long I!am In a- prison. A. -
I from Prison. B R long,
and I
iva 8, rt Of Wallin Ove ad, Will -be.
'on v Jr a& t
Th wrangle about, the letter no. not Ilow the oarb tS proceedi but in- sold one. down'and
-tInu some days. Sir Henry ire' in:, sistad upon our gepti * -out and 4 A
the " Diar o L%dy.` We xridgp balance:' Iwo Utah
somewhat - ins Coming. A. STAON gap
0�y a
Ins 0 stinate until they permitted 'IM "side the hu dnt, etffo
The narrator oad 1een sent by . Lord to
Wells, now,'. said I to 'Loch-, we
Elgin to- -meet Chinese, T-TOUSE, IN EGMONDVILLE- R SALE.—
or We desconded. fro
0 tly situated
plenipotentisrie . a to 0 letter. In it he manised I to -mus run f ' -10 In XjL Tho'commodfous-and pl. Is -
Sign his -SEAFORTH Over
Mr. Lo It, and to
at Z, ugghow:,, t*elve miles from Pakin. emu Ie* -k Message in Hindustaimi. Nr - -the Dirt according -1 )parent com. cottage in EmondvillbrAt prese 6o6upled, by
Treachery �wss ineditated by ths letter,. bf.suspense there was 1120181128* or. plia as with their wishes, bdt'the mo- Solomon MoDonald,'Is now for a& 0dap. There.
and while -returning, -Sir Henry -and Th. sotiers were told that their ai Is a nice garden Well:
won our feittoichid the earth yliht6d"wi . fruit NOW TO. HAND
3(r. L40h a0tus* rode info the iaiddle, a Sped -4 good well, W, all necessary onven
was leing .111 Swept from the eart aivi� along -the r ad As hard ences. W� are. offe rdng:our- xJmmense, stock, of I o
of & battle wher �, 40,000 Chinese itoldler as-everme. Att� on the promises. or to Egr ofs and'Shoemit, y-ery low:
dville P. 0.
The camea formal evasive-. letter; in odulq go -i The Dped after S. .4ox � ONALD. trade - from' a child's eack to a m. mli -kipr b had attacked 3,0 )O -En 1, htr They Ch, aing negoti raemeu gall, D 1089J4. p aces—evervthin-a in -the
9 14 � 0 0ot.
i�� a ations, and a box" UNP, not Abs
'Were neized and utmea beforW a, Chinese of 1 9 - shout -
h, ,,a, ilutel attackin but
Long the Prisons ARM MVSALE,-�-For's 11 $6, concefir'.:
. 4 � I re. searched Ins, Jinoiitin ing to intercept .'Now is -
general, who,: as his forces- Witi1h t 'the iilzie that aim'
od, ost . everybod� eA u w �pair
&'a 401 - e, "of,
Were being �slon 1, MeRilloo, fatnt .166 requii
and dodged', fit r k house, With'
for. a ecret messilige, Aud at last on As, 'ttirn jus baok� as of
and, ellentlancy;-onew milt r S. Aid �mu all want. them as che PS
.11. o one of the shirts sent, they fo - d' as poisible, o- dome along where
worstad, aide his prisoners to If- sto te, a ran, faint, ex. 6 a conven enco';, a 0 W T78
on rad, I again faster, At last an water.; one -P
by were i f . ram a hoi a -ybu.- can uy. your ots at -rock bottomij nioe' for i
a as rea rri and out
Btkipped, in.- word 69 we - buildings; two welle, one ng.; tw
-he haunted, and I t
the battle."' -Th ,of course, they coulg- embr Mara& by Lord Xohn May, �sej With goo b
no. t do, dy to drop, ney I III t
Will attack in -three da
came upon
and ba"is 8 t. which suddenly re- good be of- 130OKSTORE
f wil olco It; two
ved all a d cou That bv as frorn Seaforth. For articularg a
sulted After some fitrth-� -Wh are you r oping ailng orbhards ' ch
er ill -usage;" saii I Sir Henry, It we were. aknow ly to the proprietot 6n -the
prem est RALP
that should, the At k It i h sitinal I Our pur-. tw"a, as a
hutily thrown linto a oart,, and driven. to Bubbers Rbbe
take lace 6ur lives:
Would be. -1: the Wiia;� Wdrue wa rein One -more burst,, and
another part of t i
e battlefiild, where, w
a i
were ag4w dragpd out and interrogat' wit in the English lines I" C) M
t possible dager.'atid two of ve- wqre saf 11ARM iNSTANLEY FOR SA 13.--eftr sale
a medcan -and Canadian, or bo
r eral who three aye *ere already kone.; Gene I It,tVrned-out at . Hung -Cheis'i -Mo. -1 Lot �8, come 'th A'
-his Hu ys Ai�d girls
ad by anothe uded ession ., 5, Stani , dontainin; menj womer,
to I , I I
M ngChee (with other funationarj tive 14 g a escape we So acres cleared azid Ine -high -at !e�tly redu�i ed
allo, in' 69 to us� 100 acres,
SUMnlary orders came ry dW " I i , ate oi al �gi prices. Rubber
W9 y to visit, i cultivation, the is ai�id fifter A . , 11 oth d
rogs Sir H wry' in ice in- Securing con. ,*ell Imbergd :6ve S. It w
that, a oul at on gheaded... -thr re jr ull 0 rshoe to be-* Id -V'ery-cheap
ell 119.4 To - him webarnestly cessio I in ragard o the co d. -There a' ngs., line fen.. so . his pay all. ittendirig- p
b t seasoii. i ndition
handa weie drawn pealed, witreating him to'sen ar 'Woo I Well n or
lit a moment o )as nd Is a. good'or'! -
in ingthe-eitrrenderbf ofieof-the-gatesOf ch plen of r t line. -sharplj.��'behind r backs and tightly tors.t d out' ad ard and fl la - r. It is con. o Bee in Y.
4) avert the 1hre Arr esigus And:
ar t a Were fo the Eng4sh,. a forn)ality that
bound together reed upon ; sty�ou atoned atta, podkin to- VenlehM schools &c7 a fw: two'milea..
Thustprevent the attac ? 1 o, four m �Brucedeld*
and a -half from Varn
ur. knees ; the a sai reetl He fail.. r colorings --in IOW'-PrIced os0 mecutions, stood by' But I- ad he Chinese ptatiom Trunk. and' ialia,
pliL w eat farm in -the wn.
�with U- fted aw, to. Strike- a- are prisoners we cin do
r h t Is,one of the b L
�rd, ready kOtiati Dn, and'Sir Henry of- ship ihd will -be sold 42 easy.termi i.- Apply t
ed: in ho lie to
Also large 1jue- of CIO
poiltirg-1ave no power!"' In -a" terwa 'do found hi hanging BORGE FOREST,44 .Brucefield, 1061 f
audi60hal2d I bade ind tha th
each other they rouldl not believe us - end t e, door o th
a very I ut where he o "aftr4y. We h ed -a large �h in
ave just r6e6iN
Farewell,- vibe 4uddonly,-L a rush of Same v rearbome altercatidn t�`ok ina �Varises, �Shv4ex and -Fixtures.
US, 01t. 4 -df Truliks
r sale
own fate.1 W 11ch-'w-
eady a exchanged for 50k holesale.
tuinbli% whirling' diah occurred, again and as -alit hn down, found Conceqpion 14,lickillop, contai tplace' met With his own hit I FARM IN op
ying men cam or Will b ei are offering cot
sa f) fig
t and. a r6turne'd life fo- Abbut 72 cleared, 66 of which VrNon' t 'ved,. *4i
Pas upsetting u 5, upsetting our axe-. The first kan,that -g
I fired aii t
er sw r rb fre6 A. fine -lot of Goat R-AeS US --arrl
I e - life' Sii t ell
bution ig everytl&g before will- be th76 signal. f6r Y?Lur he, st a: Hope 5 umps and P- ou- can Vu at y9ur
them t W161 Ho a rant, diolared'that it 1yeki indirdraindd nd all well t 1ULLS
a sLo near death that -thro*zt.over the wall.,, so ere et�' not Sir ndered It were "fenbed ; the bush is air han*46-a nd,bla 0'% itiL rices. WAOXETIOR
Qk ash.
we were almost a erved. bewildered it at nooh� the noxt day he -Thore- di I a framb'4ous
were - it' a deadlock-, a d could a -barn and stable, alod a
thb sudde and most. opl. would b -orchard inh a
y Qmbard the city. t prebisel' lar .b�arl6g
unexpected re- watch and wait. A y splind
C1ave, Once we. ereflungint6 '�Jnates to twelve a man with wit fix hifie miles from Brussels elevofi miles k Alexander L.
Oar gradually got t6 k61n Sedforth-, with good � gra 1'j oads leading o
guaids had be- white figg appeared the go, each, place. There Is a 'to Announce to the public that he has
tt which w at. jolting aid. b4mp. almo" a friendly term4 wjfhL -schd ouso opposite
8, batL�' y
-th -terrible fro jug across a can ryfoXU$ingqg ener di and the war was ended. the 'For further particulars apply dn operate the
is wn.
oreL early, e n well kno by WROXEtERi Woo'
everybody as a first-class
ventious �4 and we-'ar6 now -prepared to execute
'Who Jc4U say that the n T
looks of -all who 4pproacb"-' LEEN FA0 Offs
hind on be- battered �w - - - . -*h th Girls to
in t is -moment they became -daily see, or to "Le dbury P.. --W
saZitring, for swi - -our -hande', boui4d more and and rim THOMAS e. haV6 6 gaked'MR.' E.' LATTIMERi"who
ti bbehiWnd on at, 'the soo.�Vliu we. saw by
6tly behind on elks, d
bihisid, we were nable, � to "DARK -20 S
nry n
protect our- ad us tit our position h d chinged f the� nin R ,
1%, ALE. -For Salo .1 pokeratmithi A44 that he will be prepared to give Mvez or- guard i -t euth do, not show ui all. �inds of . Ordere(I -Work' -ana we gu*- aran t�e a fl Re-�
the ned b lite., Win, rst-class job.
affist the frequent roe.-[ One day -we were. to to- be - g)ing &head, pushi X - the firm recently ow good
conoussionSL to wh: ng onward to McConnell. - It. contaips r a � of 1whiZ pairino' D " e- and -Pi in
th 0 we were exposed- abrfipt thit the next would e. our perfeeti*7 . No About Ware cleared and, n 97J omptly Attended 1
a high attitit of-oul.
. I .'i L' . .4 1 - . �..
the'esee, th%tfon. Thdre 16 a go6d frame. b US% 4 large
s6111Y is this o
ankful, howevet to have escaped th laSt'll FULL :CL
at sdesired . to - write in scientifid matters, but in all liranches bank baffi and all -L other mee e Latti-meri -0
far from ihat de wbich we hiid*1ook. our TWEEDS
frieuds!we were at libertv to. do so..' pertaiai member the: place— ld Sta�nd
r an
ad- so, n I i h' face. -it rto houseliol work.-; In One' a a. good orcha, d lenty o he -Ufi7dx TWEEDS
oaryint d
running t0ough the It is
-agitives1r.too, as may yethe� was none there terribli. ground Qur daughters are not taught -Wn.& t
et�cr- was w6t we be howevs w4ter
Th d been expecting, part Cal, &p r losing Bayfield river, cb& owd of We are to eXC!0116nt'L farm eit ex., for
Imagined, bore� us no god will,,, and So Loch wr nearly adjoins the vingio,of Egmoi Jvllll�urtd list PL DIN&
us e,ae were on grand..
cosfantly surrou ded. the cart W
busing .10 to� his m6theri and- I�A 'the. Xi I the ifa�edl within two miles The farm w BR, INC
al Y r HAMI.L.T1. N
139.faiewe letter to my 4nd ill-treating usl as it pre Vilfe. mothers fir the good old 1imes. of long sold"dheij and on sis YSS
t For further, par.
Y. arms..
ased slo, Way failicy atio.rturs- that wa
on, -so- that every #iOM 1 5- 1 8909' did. -they fiot fashion daintj� tioulars at�ly on the 0reibiges or to JOHN �Kc- And VAi4itles id
0 iozo
an we 0 asked for a I CONNSL Jr eaforth P.- 01
Is locket -wh I garme0tail iithout the 3 TO �C:K I N
-thbectur-last, A d so slowly an Fom ich had bein beautif ' i unterous Who -Be Ma a��ei�S, -Watloted. Q YARN4
i aid of 10a nd tailDealers,
We tak f
"FOR SALE. -F 6i Bile, A 6
to -inc And they sew g maoh1n4,- with'its a
move fli of Pekin -was. not. give the.
at the ga
lit, Emit half
me back the Ocksts-and took our lette
reached Unt i , Attach tucker, X Of Lot 5, Scptb� - Boondary. ' f unley, ;on.
c�clock at -nig waqr I 'A ro to hemmer, ru
Under. the gate a d along the away. i at night we bellevddto'ba- corder d binder?. taining 50`30res, about; -46 o ogmut,
StUM rod, free . ............ �
P P -PrOmPtly Attended to.
a dwelling house -And fair bar'" -'MOST-.
rom po; we - undordralned 611 fencedJ.
treet of 'our lisi, andit was bitter indeed 6 fpef n g ndma's *Jay eve e f acres Pekimf we passed �then turned into a and in a good
that thl's was ti) be th our hem ry ocite of- cultivation., "Comfort.-
immens� caurf dod with people and, U erings end of: all med, kolled,, whipped -and, sewed -on. abi no wT- U Parties from it
fir #4
0 biwetheir WLTz HOME H ?H
by hand In ugdergarments every. -seam A �ybod- beating brobard alrid d
-'enco mrt' 0 1 f pe 6f ick
ha del, Ving-Aater. It.1swityin w2m
the-widl Next, dayg however, Hung, OheiaP. was neat, f hu bas VU %; And U
R:mll -��Meca-user the 't MW Inid
yfelledi every part. of n n� whoro-le- al QU est nd -31-oi - kfte GOW WOrkin 4Moy
&fed 8 usual, and, After 6
was not nie few rt-. wa con tive and ces. eye nons but Zmoient VArkiiiii,
P=Ish a rture); Here t-�7aft �r:- being r nir. topeilier-n- icaly WIFPebe gold vi loge
marks, "Bill *dlk-by me -as if hn. and,.vven cap. Poisegifo
war wereL Jefff0j'.So rapt- n-101! any me. App is
'Hippen, P -
is pre aPi 0.1 tf:.
V"L oidered -be! eard by th- red -
oststepped,1 and without. if _1y o the. pteinise'
fokcso, artime, till at-lasti willing a a others -he th finish - wag couside .0 -.WMi FLACK AH Work
ve I
ear, Yonmill be.xet bun ling
I entreated whispe d 3
that we might n6t sepa but I* usig"Ittly piece of work.
TAInoct duce more
a ut we understood these n, in ARM VOR- SALE IN 0 sale, Lot KXQ`WN IS ER THE WR
raed, free to.'
bade rewit cases too much time a'ad'sys. X. * No. 12 Concei5foh, 14, a OXETER MILLS.
IL words 0 ly, -in� their ve ' Worst sense, eight --and 'uts ley
It was wori foi b the, spent jnL beautifyja$ 100 acres, ab6 5'acrei ol-eared:14na.
n for me,'as he for so t4iesteping had the ostly free ALEX. L. :GIBS
a IdL
ton5tper df t4e� adorning from Stumps, and In'k good
-try And. ke 0 came near WAS t a the cas n
wh' a,. wheu
a, q OUL- an -Pro
ain; 61666r. fi ood.1be 9; -Y.6ung
aup,l�is spiritsJor I us Ujjet as fero -,,6UL days, WeGk$, IS 4 --good - Jog hougo witli r I- -A
diee'undeiwe The.balance Is hardwood bu gg6d people or.' Partioula- N W L
on uotspiak Ch 06 ; but I be 0
t . U
ScOM6 that thoSo D E
woula -do; My best indinautting', and onths- rejoin hint..' 1. were spent we barn.
age to'a Spob
a I n
I p lyin I eyater theAr6und-seemed open before' wi yokesi 'no much ','ALLAN- UNE -
me. thecouityar ad Loa V02120 required on1e Farm.* 1t Is of�
h and.' I -were twenty' ithin -In
led down &L dark p - wO as'Qn, the very first'.. day 'of ourr capture, ately' a a ohem`* d orchard.- Thbib.19a:sploraii
where Presently two carts came driving 'L �to njghtgOL toe an �ar the, libuso capablia of ti
a iles of ted' a. 8.111
it WAS, in facbs. a sc i - . tbirty.�'years ago. md Wo miles
t of 'Pit: or Mrs I brussels, a Fir
unfir; each desired to mount on Of"the Villagi Of, Cram -
ground �t - I'm afriid consider a want6w waste f brodk, and there is room, full go. it'SL all ea �
of - human bein 0 line, and oo X19M. Ste
-P, 0.
Thrust in 4ver *1th us now, said I to hlm - now the, on the'pr6mins or to Cranb,00k
to' this 11 9 laid on- a so Hamburg. :embroidery 'an 'y
let abo ngs-aresoche OL DUNCA10 but 0666 molre� I appealed to Hung Chas: Woven tri nipi
1rooden, pal 1085if
t a foot above ap �and 0, and #70, termediste
080; return, W, Steer
a -for it, R'SALE.�Fo sale L ti 000 1 n ces. to slid from Lo
the You ni ust 1'6 us� mount tb' same eart., there 15L n i a prett) Sore Throat: ,engers Are b7ooV.
Mal Wlooping 0oug1l and In, pda
Vound; my arma-were unbouh4 an- We won�t give DU 'VARM F Asth age a
_1, I xcuse of 110 coughi, 001�S,
r mn the il - P Q eenstowni, -Derry,
y -bat Neithei -do 1 co'nde C�Ufi Belfast and Glasgowlit-S&Merateg as L re
itened L Onfid My We M any trouble; a 6� in the township of Mc 6U ty
an- 1rolli band was fif �i Oi the gipi nt Consuin'ption;. quickly give way - If YOU Dii
Pody"Becur alit bo- all�wed to, be together.92. Of Huroii, �6nftfnln 100 acres: to its wondeifuj. lie are
ad by na: to a grea TO ewing-M chins, butIL. contend iliat to bf,*hich aie clea ;L Well as aling. nd sending for your friends, yro agn I
re sootl p r I nfShLyOU With or.
ch i t beam this- at langth be- agreed, and then, for. es Whe rodced it prep9d cateto bi.4
L once ikft the
is'. arr��st nee. im- a god siAte-of cuitiv -T er lead.
imniediately overh d. Heavy chains the. firnt time do gOod, ch' i�ork fenced ra ned And rope ti reverl int
filpssa-ever well' of . r era ando Pianos, Germanytswedem,,
Acres ii well timbered. Th ozo' h'! -has used 1 sp i0 6 x0mvp iw-
eseary -how� to d ore ba goo Orchard y - 0, -
Were Placed oix both h' 'by, - day(igh understand 0 - W thani Irom. En
we -turned 10916 Wh '.Because
zny arms, Were ai least, "d lilinty of Water.' The ftildings a L frame -Always aslow,as
nds a d feet, but into the streets of Pekin.� Slowl. plain Be Ves of passage
na,L' lobser y we- think all fro p ts, of the Rr-6 ce 'c Ming t -by any other line
dr mothers' Vin 0
L amid nearly new; consisting -of housim 71th 0 an even,". rom
fastened behindzne , and the -r' V8160r4�tfie outer getet the streets in bythe time their e Firi, Life and Rarime rnsu
allot to dough. chin and w' h1tal ling and ',-&States where -it 2 4 L ` T .. '. . rance done AS agual.
w unspeaka . was crowded! withi people swarming.. about ters dedshed ; also barn wit co th ou CL. P. R. -tickets Issued
bly- g�e& � that are ton years of Age teadh-,- them 0iad$, It is Within six inilbs of S the- get it. to Manitoba
to this I at- thwearti'and threateni eafo th With Try For sal Columbia, and allpoWtgeast. J3og, - Britillb,
tribIttet the Preserva ion of my life; ng every, momen�t. heradimbnts6f this -branch of house. -.10od -gravel- roads leading-t-hom 0.. - I e by uggists
I t ;, price .506 a r'gage checked
to attack. -us. be sold 01 sale 'and
cheap and OP easy terms, F6r iurther bloulars bthe
supirose, I ther became ingensibl- hold' 6ML fully aivare - of -the ip 24r, fact
aBeneath the, M.'MURDIE, Let - 'to 4 , Coeess! 7, per ce
0 Ut 12k Cc 0 ssion-, 7; 1907
foz `J remember- nothing More gate we passed','and. here, objeotioneL urged by- most mothera,main R3 I �A-.VEQUSO�-,-'
Or treat'.
0 this L5 to
Fily!tc 'Of I
at 10,'t had come that AC D Jumi N
' 9 - -'Op
aftir a. sh 0 in ter �open 'spacetthib: rumbling cart! lk, wailt time nCt *4ni 075tf
was, again Un-- stood Still.. 86 of -time
chal'ned, and Its, sure7 we're we that the on the part of the'tuother, wAnt'of Ome _UMS
uled to, ano, r, Place end 0 L
g �Oonty cha
to -be examine we rasDed'-dzithe-paritof. �R�t FARK FOR SALE.�A, at -class M dg the child) many times it 200 fa
1 6 N
bar, each others. in for 906 -In the1ownslil ot Rome;
hands and
evidengy got,up, for ba onto. a. want a:
flVa jadjej Sitting Ot eat. There- were' inclination on the par.V of in'the County of Huron, being. sout half of SCOTT'S BLOCK, SE4FO.P.1 178
high . job 9 26 and 26, -and South.. a]! of _ 26 L
surrdunded anoiber iWeinaly goodrbye Loch bad one or, bot north�half:liot Bosek
acket. Church Sery -wh D in tho-6th concession., containing 200 40j4 Si
aurds-and officia n I at yi)ur, child commence too
'Several � ex -#cu- had beefz-ihie'�gre ice, or less, .125 acqj
a ere, atest comfort to uj soon on - mostlycle4r of stump4ndih
thr their istants, st�,6, -or, decoratiW woA but A gad state �bf
ere.vs e PJL Cel
M1 ad bee# give Xoubg C L 0. U.y
d by. during out imprisonment. TO Farmeri and Buflders.'
tOrture� on the groan In Plawsswing- hile yet 155x5l3feet,iwith stone sta underneat . The i a go d-foujidation,b a thor. bearing-orchaid, a good b- a and baribi
my side. 'There instrument[ I h
in hi 'at first but strange to
oun All designed, as�l hadbeen restored almost immedil,
dg l!9h to-beguided b ur in -
resslyto of taken fr6 OUS et 'Th hhd t _C]a:E]'A'�
say, ftrm-* Situated within a ile: of theivi I pwsed,, expresslyto pre * -you S.S and terrify ately wheii he" Brusselg,-.afid A W-9
me� (for one became a IL asked for W We no struction.; Mill. this fo " -ood,farm, for grain or slock! 7-Fis ; LLY,
Under be 'a f, T M-1 S.
�harri gin'to read tbb Burital - Service to undation all rilsing,,. as it ii wa ered With the, riv - pr ' X Itland.
-fAiIfPg:sprfh9,�-.ere6k, P ls Lim KIW, ft now prepared to
the! circumstances). -hey gethg- bL rahoh6s 4 1 ornamental -work . *ill be and A never ession Of the Br6a,
U., supply any amount of -
v by er, and, 6, deeply were�- we absorbed i6* Will bo Vven -at any time. -at
examining me 14. ofS to, thd compatativ a eai�---Good ous-
unconscious' of.
strength of our for6a ' thd
a Sep-
Pronflo6s, of to A. K. R
ddenly w& experienced BLI :E
umber oVE So -Your-i ?,��-PROPEP rV
whose numbers I -wh&t-*as Passing around. I
prayer- as to be- Almost k
parpgoel USE 9 0 N Bpr'uyo stol a F 7 GOOD -F-.R-
y did not di 'in giving them
ffiew'halern a seneati Ho- R
t uropeanot Butlers, Livei 9 Ty: FOR SAL .-,For
116d us like 4e old la r Plasterin
hich thri LE .1 d
camp followersi sale, the residence at przenvoccu 1F0 Bricklaying
a touch of electri4 T who replied, when-aaked'how-her, Stone Work
SEA -or
11 el� was, ts t a. Undirafgned oi J will deliver t a lime in Se&forth
od bliss me, I never* heard that. is a -Worth Rafn-street.: ad by
heY, city. aud� seemQ to bring us back to' there. was sue 4 th &a IfOrt"bletrameresid6d6w T -cents per bushel. Ord
while, t V k
Imagining WAS` 0 heg Or viefolty 10;
Ing in thk house as noted .111, OF Zfcby mail, address re Promptly
Ing Meng, -for her amia ity., Prom "ry conveniences and a -A dd "Sable,i HE PO
bar �f #ght' 0111 Ing only.the num- life from the veiy gatea �f the; grave., ith al tieces. ONED
niaoh� d_
acres Of Is"d Which A10 al
isga g on. On to t -to A rock, might as W611 have. Pretend 1066tf "W. F.. KELLY;
are obviously very The - cart wits povin etheui, ;;3efi chained ISO it -.-OFF1
'sted 4 Seirinj t6 re. �outer wall-, on tbr6uo th ead to'be ious kinds o fited. I vari-
a outer -tate91 haPpy,'asthdiman who is Chaitied to-'adise4sed f fruit and orna 'e' I, trees. . it is Brussels Lime Workill..
liver.. For po,
Proinethau&tbore Was no'e one -of the most desiAble ra dances in tb*m.
marked -that it wou!1 be easy for at - and, with beating -hearts. nd[ bn a( PI Also -the ho
M procu of Dr. erce's- Pleasant F use. At presentped (tb Id
veryhort ndflce, t qVie
tive ellets', t y rS Mur.
isi nowe ig. re -the
a in the open country., r, consapation A zziness and, rOOWS. with wood -shed an' rLr'&lj0%A duction rcre as many 'Pulses leaping - *Vdly, we found our-� te �dishgieaable feelln the Santa street. Th� cont Ins 0
more troops, ait we. hose. , They were selve 9, tfa on
offended at: my, s k of he' with not a h d � cellar, jL � good EAS. Tenp'ounds of -:Gke CoMmercial Un
.e I ce
d aell plmte&'vi' ualIy S6
r Majesty- che w al; indigebtion, 4 en, Ion*
tL and Im �y aldise fruit; a for us
s6ii-I in eight except the dri Are ca stable aud two good ota, ld' 00 to 50
as the, Queen, or So -of the - at, promPtl r disappear.. trees. L Both properties win'be. Id cheqp a d on� eyer Round.
ign.z 6t ver
it, ca'llherL air .7 -bile this is n
Head -w' the Chinese who were Swarm' easy tFflms-� Apply W
Oman*, sa a
. _ W LE or OW the Great Qu
'ingonthewalls Sixty feet abo E,
A in 0 tp STARKj 46t �At at's shoe a I eil pun n the Politi
'pp habitentg
on ve aP for Worth 30( Londeebor 1i slid Surrounding
now that Us. call Arens of C&Iigd&
to k� 0 ber 'W afor,th; . I . . - the in
ght. ere jSL 'Only one Driyf oO( is... - -1 . - -,-se. L � .48 Of'Good J I
n. a %WV , where-4re you gohig to take, US?',. ive tf. 'r- po'Un( . L
sovereigalin the woff Nothing so:a i 101on wh
at- harming L at. ki country are
and Tea a can I get -the best vi Py
h8 inquir�dpf the driver. this,� Sea. OOD PAR) s are and ii6w. Ue for I
an- Xof Id Y? to
n MY an -A ople�014"f of: 0 �gQO. 8 in sto k
aware- � disp, choo'1440 go," eurlily answered he, ternoo drive -throl6gh khe 165 kres on the 10th. cow 'and- 'satisfaction,
theffnipero Whe- Wherever son &San all.fresh
owoods., B A trial
of the sekeepers this will be'sold n e0d -ever� tirge. 1,
ase t Ift, one: Then q aick j�o the :Eog u; to. many hou chbap guara t
lish- apd -on veri 0 .:of, as seems An I
judgie woul ign to. the, 'Adam's E
a eA, a m ossibili
ell ienckd oc!k
are-- -quick ".ever you -can go Ill. L ity, as it. is tfi tent. 'there lee a gores ple�red;-: - mporium
U,t e -sea& pay"! b6tif, 145 - -
catioilers, who there here sion for i.pre . .4JU I'St
ving fr and--- reparing,' Stumps 0 Un. of- General Groc'
And w- L er.ies. now on hit d, an. Vil
all froo from *1 'be' i6ld Which Is led with
e but`1 Nay 'the housefo winter- Prser�ing must. derdrained. There'. is a good frame hoi smill ad.vajica on cost. ive - Ourr.Antj - and ],ta i UPP1
would.beat or Lis the, driver demanded p
,maltreat m z'otloed that it Was th 1 #
w. JU
aill d an *a can of course be Lt
9 If the'
left, a n t ible buildf6qs..� There is a splendid bearing orc$iid- tif A6. at ybu ust know bette7r th bank baij with'stone stablin irid -choice lo Xalaaa fru, ND WINTER GOODS.
one On 'sbrk 0: system. 'At Wie tell you?, Ait underaat�,,to
Satended to Whan'thefruitis gother with -other..good an nedea 'ry t: ---to arrive, a
rewd4 t
and t iisI ady iti,suitabl eL
time, they would Put � out my, hair and -man hgaitation, th� -do 'as a r' the Ch"
turn whiskers, at.anothir fhey. wo sh -abruptly to -the nd I _f morn n aillydayS slid thie6hever' failing Wells. it, is a %ordinary values in TWEEDS
old rove Man h' Some extr
ake a d the road which, r do inflit .'and thiee quar6rs. (if theymperou .1 ep. gg�L D
thumbscrew in my face an inimedi- not efite we lAest pric ful and cheip DR -al dono aid for Butter, EBB GOOD$, Greit I with a, view at unde ihe citi walls. ti tuffir for the want of I& 'Arlety of
rep -atio'no nd COTTONS. Bo
ttin L OTS,
bringingthe scenetaanend, g-ro6m-, and an oil ERS and-Reavy STOCJKINGS lot
sently by, Of as 'I ha�e a Itipone..6f thebst- and. most d
t P ge OfB -on4 of -the- beat. markets lnJtvhLe' and OLANNEL9, PEINTS
intimidation. P'r Sly win rp rov n rasels Sir -
way AtIzat, our infinite relief, the cait my of able &
Ithoughb turn StdV on lit use.
as -the prop"ric tor -wishes tbi re
Daint and - wi
old', t ng-roo I L a very easy c0uhtY a . will. bb solo. Y. S
wo, ad off r!ght angles, and we weie dini washiz teril3s URLD
htof 14- tire. Appi S eci ties in Ali kindoof Grocatries.
A, h inting fit but the soon out of i
train ro remiges to the'propti -41
y on the p
result was so�o unpleasant that dist he walls. r Sdme down can: jus well bi aoneu-storink or -to Box . o tot-
giels P -.,O.- JOHN HILL; -
ti efre
11 did b:ob at rapt it- auce-wi Pursued our way,. without days when, 30, _Bru
ge U io5o.t.l.
eig] IS no temptat'OUL Highest Price for Butter d gge,,
This entn for n It bf tW English, Yet thank'-- doolre.
das, during fal at least An
VAA Folt -SAL-b.-'
*hiok 1. w t4ar every step took us so hae: a 9 oise afid." -of Sta TAM
As repeat ntle'old h ' ' ' For o4le SEAF
4. com- X 2nd Conciagiom
iorn nley,-cont - ic 0RI2TG'.I9Cb1VwEcriO,
d]y L SUbjee-ted 'to, much the farther f ORT
iatorrqkatim eai Peki t we fortable,if ;fi ove 86 - bleifed,'and in im -gog in 1� My -C BU f �AL'
t object was, to fiad still M re, Per t vory stylish Ils io ene d at,
he �nter,-'Tor. I a canopy, an �with thi biv. ig.n hechalance, is wall thnWr
press upon t m th' t I was nob�dy, X1 t
wagon with Ac ing 0'
a e of q
str a betabliAh 'me ad with hm'd.
Ouse, gt
ro )o f e,
ity d- necei
eyef's a goo orchard, and two nev� Lond'
knew ho Ong my itrength behin'du Of. be. fn rra
sound of bo gas' feet galloin a map, barns, ilieds 4nd Btable ;sary bu!Td
presently 0 ng ear. expi the-. nt.1- Theri is a large brick h
ki nq p* 9 caught the ro rest ads, takinjj�4 Wood.
ower of auti.ority whateve gL fdriously wirhome to 'INST :R UE
Or I h4rdly
-beheld P liarty coming bewi and logifig Th ithin six imil sp ad then' w the possibil
I'Or even-, my 'ht hold 0-utiQr of, h a ItiwW EX
Te"01 orsem my bear--- wel Ps -of Jim ag
jwhatl might not be a ' 39 from the di- �ingi.� rn, th! eight M-Seaf9rth;and three 60
ae-ed to Say, ei-' rection - a wa I lay in a If d:
kin, ah sto k or with 90. krA@ roads leading 'to eac ----------
ly if they w a Ontizi after us'wild- 1health'and trength. that, -lasts a
ere 9
a] ingL
mploy tdrtu for a. Schoolconvenient.
'Ap -t4
r ly, and -frantieL signals thav�jve it will be Sol o ea an On THE L P. 0 ,16,
k yeir. Far rs! Wiv iy, or to By 'OS WORTH
my' then ea an condition. At as will ternis.,
n d should sto e ply on, t onceskon,
zAgain. urged, bur 'preciate what I a1A- w:dting, until they- uceheld
ast one day they' ca we
they HA IAN
had said wretch �'r to speed but "only too I: start 4ut DU
d me to write VL
Pea. 0 op
El wit 4 their hildren, and 4
Lord gin.L UY allolved himself
An't . � 1, L These e'xc
in another m -SALE ca e 'the U
to be over-'- sibly a ifien OR order to 011.9lit initruMents n efo
rs o' he
d ior a long .X the iff ii -P f�r
ibrought paper and, nt ' a n CFOD YARM F ah v'.. be(
nd. sat'down @6s e w he children wil f -the esta A GE
'wag olily-too enchallted ! They taken: d' Ph
).ur#O I 'drive tlirgug
pei is a -the Wo te of the E R
ly I ere ittirro ded I -abaud
-by thehorsenien who the Jhst :60
ip Hingiton,�Ihe executois offer followin an-
1010sp, to iiie
-as Possiblf 3jL scarce eaviuff d- h
)f roject First-,,Xort eir durability, 'fine ton*6 'and
pow r alo
e ye having A so, Conedal
howeve'r, ac d'sted us at fi, f i , - I - a for a drive w th -valuable - lands -for sale
Pace wlierein, t(YL rs n a sort -of 'mother. -,j"-T h--flff rhe undersigned is now propared to receive
rite, so apologetic t Qrdinar po*erg u on:.5,-t towns P 'Of. 'If at lera for 407 . number of trat-eigas
. ' orris,
S_L Orbeted P. them alio
gat they e "They'. were abocke of- 0 WoOdif 'at'thjSL k of A
might IR, atel, Oery str ke that to fi att res. on this lot i
0 observ' the-' Wulng 9.0 ac have: est Wished
-ent away without 01" fraw6 b se2413 nd we� d been a ,410cd ran
a stop So" ate full�of OBS01118'- 'L A mother wilt W-011 and good orch4r, A ag hadany breakfa irn wit,stone toun r
said ourpr 4'rod, And- is, On
-to hoyL' p
;hs, letter mus ro be, bsod tb, learn how NoarJ7 AH 4e PP e, Barrels 0r., Buttei
0 be Much iWiruo.. the gravlroaZ ciosai, g4 or
longed And in
d if ma n6w, good #Ato -,:01 oultivi
re iolor abildreli 11n4
it will e 4�a it U weleqfj,� 04 b.V the ro,%d
081VOL For th rig@# and to MfO 11"yftr work I bl# ling,
YN 4pply tv T46#XXbhi(; Bru# ol
bright qes 6616' V
a Ily. got at@Jy'.Nup- t4ko-In 11110ra fatwja SqU06- 0-
fin.. War & A
for 'gilt will 110 bQ wo would 409�ep4 ruid outer %blar to rm4 it1p. fir mindil? thVy our w
buts illould be ND'. Bapmit church, 8"forth,
aFacky,; Afour," T bar#
we a pudga Kidd
to, submitp, w I w APPOArod that th@ Bill. &no is th@-�Most b WJJj bo Vary ""I
quaint poigling q#@#t1 0401f ur V�Htrfl::
asts- my letter porar, 1h Ong cannot Al ba
off I
ODUA Of Pu sh 0641 akift, inswared on R 1ALE IN TU
iitop I'll ff 100 "r,@#fof Whj@h g P, KLINK
Sh out -them Will flor litst 'roma A a .8pok tho, on, of
mba thst ho had left and has�*lkll
ThAt wouto XJ#g11111#fih th@ratwo i For "U, 14 got 006009010 -4 I -H, U, S;4 HAMMLERW
ft long gflotkh JJ3 tbi%f
affsh v;
8 andt 'on tho prifloffle !during, @4 Afl(f the ba1A6@0.W@Jl flinlyar6d 'Nith
Vd, for h 019ar'.
;0blut knoW thi%t it I L' 46 dt, MQ# fall no jalLd# 11 it)# Whim tho f y ara wo 'Thae Is'&- good baj)k bArn with
not 00& With! Artnt -STORS,
stdhed,: Ming 'twotfghf 6at 004 �tha Aii are $0 it �,06d WO-StOft- fitoft dwali,
Chto 101flahow 'NOT10F. To -tons W'@r'O t0 b@ SOMMAlly disp 'that we bright lkino httt l8ntlat's to tAlk of sw i th lags J@r@fflPt@ry OiLd or@' jivotiOd-tho StAbling 60
0) ars
SiVers th tfiogi 11119-hougo, The
r a _6Qa, 1 ul,
eve go fi ot 'Wontrarful queftions tivatioll with good feneds itid �wall uh The �Bel Ormanj -too. all.
2offif ftunttid up, Surijy dordrA W -known to re4 tro. a tod to
d.1 0an oul I i fnedi U
for 0,661 )t --wind of4
6use olisn,11jg ait flat'010'a Orchard; well "d wora n:- thellk Obit Kid by 61therAote or book
'With a in rei( ns di his- Own chose 11 -the h,
to frilin tfi� place a -ISO, 'L stora, And 'Settle
'takfl the place 'of tho l3rucelleld; 6J impos from'Seafoith', -A6 mfleSL -fib D, FOR .0 ftm4 at once, b
ab arrivb, knom ing that `9N th6
wftroeilllo arm tt e did not like th before the Ord Ud progeMi6g vifilemt, to -school
atthe or, 11116uld Possible aann
roque" t6 cill At &Z
sill, and derd Would be Im-
ir me vantages -th
lOr Collection.
Clinton, Per further partio 1-cotil 1 0 AW
Bay, that possible to ad 8 gained. -A Y so doing will Avoid -1mrt1xV
r In Omer toette -the affairs of thi Ut"e.
Merican Ago Ulars'�-appl- on the Allc6ountom ust b
We 1S after it had on, It to S
,.a icu urist
otober. LANDSBOROU H, Seaforth
ont. SCOTT� OT'�M
r d
r h,
, w O.�
M, lyto
d A
r Ion
ie4 con
a b v k
oft A d
I a .11
gap g t
by ve
1P n
or t
It U
The IAt
,at ber At the
-be IT-
bwf I
1,iijw Jim bt
ioldonof b
the �Aged�
4 4
Not so very of,
Milli to "y
.1$0 Wye the no,51
t told bar 01
ad Me to AT
10ourse, WIN
Wto 40 heritm..
vmd maakO
W Agent ft tbvo.
I uIed
rat I zotzet
its side
with mitt
*bfah ahedidw
nimble fee
oe to 1A
oat lore
ri s 766n� ws e da
Tl1en 'With
IslKyuptu ZIA:
-- - — ten?
W She
� "old$
2hou I loolted.
Texiiig, w
Left my bea-t 1
'For I &AJXtt-n
And,10be Ue"
so tb%
With 111, id
my wisdoe
For the zwwa
ft -1 Juml?.ed, Ul
!A Jt woo
yO�Mg I
'Visit his VW1
resort. whez
b . Imselfin
-Sext be Mn
is *at
-,Rep y
;ndul$ whil
460i"� to ti
'Of his depox
regretot the,
by his -wife,
g%ying the
ivideh tb
iettate 1.
The gougel
when the t
loving emt
and lier IM
the game.
-to, her =1
zisn!s, evid
'bell 014 d3
*e iDther
-ad 'thatr i�
the b6tts
W lov- al $1
A a
. -," AG I
a _4
me of iv,
tib a
glare o'.
to 1 he,
*-t tht
f ,
- . 06
be saii
first 1A
It aye