HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1888-10-26, Page 4A,
NO'! A ON kqm-h *914 wa- -.01044000irf, 0 P-4 4 00 !0! "i 1
4- SlTORIF OB31B, 26, IT
sw A TISEMENTS al" an -length,.'
.14 on thel' ncreasi -of their -�opulatlon� n proper.
land e4ch -fro m�, the - Cau�dian�'-: Paoiflo i1nd all th Diatt thAt---go:to make's driven The young W thrown
the_ top of
o �Qonslderabl Railway: hei Mt.. jpod a the bu 0 Awn
romises of the Dominion Governmeti,,- Von. to their -size. is als' not,far. from-; Deloral
10 iiioi-f put Virden � at d bi Ise somewhat, The foijiWing is & cout
ggy an, r
r says bad beell, Provi
he orne - as p4op .
ATIThefigurab an the 'parenthedis after 4tba� sup d' 't -Taylo that,,good.,wheOwas bellino the prov.1haii.:. Thai -ve,..1. presume,. but; recovered herself 'm�n4 returned'to. the report 9f` the Ina voll
sch line denot�wt a of thi paper, on which. 1141 Posed purchase' of the. mono. Isrger-Ju the perio g van. Thisj *6
for 98- cents to'$Ifet bushel: when ch w k� st: h business at the
he advertisement, MUM. so inu or le also' jblintou.� We.iro glad -to The -
pol' "lito froni the' Canadian PAdfio thinlit is the fair way o .0 �Iesrn that she on Assizes not reported last.w
T rig f Maki ired fro
Saw Mill and Farm rsale�-Wrn. 3fachan. (6) ng- th6l was.there, bat the frbit- liad-damiged ref but they hustled round and got, has recoV in her! Injuries.' T120 Darling'vs. eek. left for
dentist. have: cornpa�rison a Hafternan, aw Action
-W. J. Railway, ille people of 'Sfar�itoba nd t6 011e whiahmill dom-. the drop. 0 nbide bly'. The fa�merajn A lively. Show, With the, village band :btg Was. somewhat, broken.
Cad off;Th�= son Bros. (6) -sponding-. to are rf no did the groujad, and a lot bf breach of a farm,.-Ie4je, The far for .46 expr"s-
rnade great. meh 'I elf to those who Some idiiiiO
efforts, and 'corre lallisdek not think the whiiist entries '200 John Tedford; 74 Clinton 'has usted near Ron rb
Sa16 of Chattel Pr Sobnoton., (5,,) ter truthi-sk after Mr. is His Lordshipat
a -,the cattl and So forth acted farin at Sinftikyj- Michig, #
ly v4r.t*.h cattin frost and i horses 90 in 0 itr
Estray Sfeer-3fem, eat sacrific a, to have' their, rb a log af thoughit may be`:d1se soevtoPg' 'In an judg -t-
ir re to ilk., we -Mr. McDougall, - for the arlb'of Mr.-PGied reated ment o be entered for
We of IPA' Mr!,
rmm Stock Forest. (5y I sy or wi L go., ob. ** der- is
completed this. novi at as they tasteful to', those A ' like, Mr. 0 preoident,'and rp Graharn, in tiff on du
)We Teacher W. ant .'J-. Johnston, (5) fall, and JU nexts Gddeiic towghip,.�,gjvirig.�. -..$I, 00o to d aftertheftha
Plitt& a cretaryi and' as, Sotne.of.. yonkno y of Noveth. WAL
- m 4h W, -,Court for..
i,eep they' -have an- object: in vi keeping 'I a. . . - -- -a . . ber sittings- of the Division n
Y- Sh W PoIlard. (6) are about 'to::., realize the t th sib pretty live mail, as
T �0 ew in
To Schoo -- Teachers —Wm. W. Scott. (6). - :-7 — I . This a cc'! 00t., ter Fez
h6pad for, the Canadian lVacifi MI.: real facts hid-* Wt LET r the Success of the 'sho* swif with fall costsof Suit, .n-git their bi
Howe for We --S,6 omon McDonald. (6) ..No What; is the rea- " OUR— TE They'are Wh a Mk� John McMahon, of HaTo Duff vs. Duff -Action for deals oxk t* nds - DWI
lion. Pws�
B ln.House--J& nos Pickard. (8), W. oncern
laces further th4t 'these States are so much em har -day, arition
argr more th.. old 11aroin men,' ny have be tvas- -out" hunting the �o� frie
Seriknt Girt Waiate I—Bin. J. 0. Lgftw. (8) ore step in- and p t ine of interest In lands. Consent minutu M, At,-pred
ih a -'-good schooli'sud besides Iouild' fine specime�" of deer horn dt in and a!
Fall Qlothing—H.-I 1. Edwards, (8) b4liers in their way, sad To compa 0 -t 'the' iize th (From-ouro,', 6birres
ny popul us in comparison 0 ir an:
t ils they are backed tip -by Many. other 'm&suri gned by, counsel. for 21tuial Coll
a n. ove V a eo is? The�Can-;
WINNIVId,.0othber 20th, roamferepda.it the b
Aimee Armitage -G rbT 6asur, g 4, feet* i I iuch' long 'tiff and defendant, His L
-.io.b oked. up by th Dominic' the Pro !no o Qd6b,
a airdy Huronites of who ' th I odshp diroo. at
in ore a a inches It el ase,With� rted hurah I
Stdc a oil Tbe ofinbs 5, general interestj ast' Urge settlement hisvicin4y.�E=ou fiv * * - �t* judgmeiit in wordance with the
rritory- lie. e.proj 30, ing prongs I
eo to fine' atste Of ant minutes filed.
we of Farm I air. mer..t. It a an gh to goid -Any people, adian and -the American te. J2 . . - andal. Th I XPOSITOR. t
Furniture, Wareroo S. Porter. (5 OW. is new I a0ific. so ethto aprei dons
os Mao Cxi& 00,ornia, to, seek.
holding O.Qriebi of #a
Star Theatre Com 1 .(5). no r, iatter'llow, peaceable slid loyal th &long side each other,.. with only - an - im. Pr'be Press has beer "Pegging i*sy'-At.the Furthee'wa�t* they have been ierva�i6n. !-Action -to d the 4th 6th
sale 0 ane = i4o ey MCCAnn: t Carlin 'Of
r Lo .8 ding. (5) the
Sep t" the
at$ lag in, . while: G aside the will of the late The
open r�Wlldn. It. IS;: ot Aginary line the 4th don
oveinmen alm, i every ra -good shows this Hayt hair pd chasedthe ad- in ace
Fairley. anA inLone �6#8'ic Ordanda *1th
B�owo Iton Brot a .0) th *1 p ny the Of net; - 1: last few,m6liths, it a erfat Ou i re j-piniag y _00
a almay edit a a. moll 'and other. are, - a wond o'an hidihn came � t on. -top to rdftt 00"
A Bill Zrot era. (6) however, - that is M te, d d, flft r acrial- ficlin Mr, Daniel Me.
them su
line of Morris
8 W �T -,Ind4 eausel for
thin n -feat of editorial ski I.. and -iersaversnoe-� heat. hese luns� od by- a
Pet a4vantages nearly as possible ..do minutes fiffied-ad sign
lame So MUCh,L as' the 'Canadian ;�ote 8olIJortb;rsum.6f$2;60q-- --Mr.'O'Brie;2* p1sintiff and dif
en ant,'
y toL. h the whitesi. in some produats,'. L in wi, his ol,
re a L to, b able day af a d
Company," like all. other 'si, 14r: equail. --The.only-a-i h farm c6mpr16ihg'6ne. hundred Whitefield th-
or,* L. .1 1 . 1 pI onlyarriong thim'� owiw4eu vs. -White at al-Aition '01
nower we can give is h a regu ar.caunmada, the -time 0 ers they.o6iftpete t W invented a 1
Bud . 1. - - I . . a9p d ty'. five. iiires 04�,*.zas fine land as to et said 'OL .
.81 Vag ce ulexhibitors b f I d in. the - to 'ship.. -fraudulen
0 oples.
I u get, that those in- American "territodry:16've ringing the -chirges--on one or tw Aniongtlie sue 4sf ep a ovili
co'r ratio a, will talk a I ihe as wu a & Conveyance t. which he
Judgment in--terMs-'.of 6onsent minutes Mo throitiv
-The* chief blame rests. upou.the.Dominion heriefit of free' access to -the larger. Bat. the: climax as'; * adhed whe i'they b.-sidds..More ordinar�,Ibakibg names', Mr., X. Fid6dk, , �f Clin-ton one
p4blishedLa the fileda�bdlgned- by cou. troaL 'Je -of Mae
tatement th itlelfitirrip-armish,eds- Ot er day received a a pie -of articles and defendant.
at,sftek.be rgaiii. are Carry, the Ket h
Goy rnm.ent puld be the guairs. tharket. ..'But it is not-onty between -the, nsel for plefutiff
w4p sli
di t who, insteadof EasternPiovinces au'fl States tb yMementoes,
11AFORTH. I . �4IDAY,, Oct. 26,L 1888. an -of the people, bu tg with. the.Manilig"ba -,Centr -Cliting-las sent him'tas*
al rail b a; Mrs. Non at aril d ion is -1 gooci One 2
at th ear to w.n
a's a n* el setion ii go'B Id.; Rabbit Skin 'Big Dark- the hieiakt", of every Or gaman Shea, at al vs. O Rai
for $12,500 .. to bd� �-aied ship of Me
Bdtey ML 'of 0
-theif favor,: have once n Ontario, the fun , and'pa, iog of their SUP-', 31 uff&Big Sky. Mrs' One -Action for breapfi contraef-
more M & I -and s tea
deci ing. fir desparity.e3rists. Even I d is 't)ie'pr n4 Uddy :-11 1% bottle lof water fr6om her" beeneugaged
arges mos mier- %�4 -- hi vall iida4 co 13111 came. out on top . s.s U, arise
Ag'ain.: w . Iver Boine legal distress. This a i
Manitoba. )/he6ked .11 Drt�tha�-Pra* :stoeking and -the p-ther a of 't a 8 Ifo. 3J abefore the blandishments of the. t I - t) .. ealthiest t pro sperous p a in con. korris, for I
a Of King'. nectioli-with the collection of: tax 1 kfiow .
r If legal point raised by in the mom
The people of. qsinitob anothe-' co"lly, Province ominio'll, -a $I I" miWonergotit 'the -Nbrtheiki Vaoific ii-ttei iLiment. es for is we,
ind the CqiAral,- Professor' - Wh prolised''-fts a "-�Mf-.John Prout-li�s' b - townslif man, the- pri hi ggins Separate. School in th
class rail mpany rented YO. McKillo. JurydispensedvAth. .1. 9.
9xCito ihe �O is decided more pro birgain- u-tbe 6tb: with its Pincomb.6's farm, on* thq 4th Colic f
nient. on hand, _Y he doutts in.. comparison may'. be -drawn.' The State andmada fitable etty livel 7 storm 6 r taught, kere
te( the of st -df
I with t us, It 4ohn son
As soon as: the reement between th arty f ession ment reserved. boving
a theftlavor, Manitoba- and. thel North: of New� Yoiltl for "Instance has ne L, a Thii,accompari n-trea,tR;gi -dld'ed*e on' Porie, and hat.comifienoed,work
or themse a
L 0 lobister `Vs. -Lang-Action, for breach
Government -9f hat Province and the west will be rmly boind and 6 challeinge to the'a0aused, daring1theM thi and'smashed1beir-toboggain. slide n. Ar.'Prout'has o 'of
er the ten times As, niAny inhabitants to the
Rai Br�ind`ou, : it; but i *a is considei . ffered.'O,OW for non apples.7
c on to taki the 'Press- Wit6 �,court lor libel, I al - imashod-La'good:dbal the, contract for e.0 completed. --ir ieeIDfraorlopolyas-they.everw mil- as has the f' rid 4r. t6o small a Judgment res9fted. 09,6 day last *aek,
qua avolred. Provin eaul esh sensatiiii, -ind' fa.r held the. same dai., � the -last of the ou th -He
/081- made tip iarly
for the work and a fifteen million dollars guarantee of Ontari6.* as: th Q place is coins! er'ed cheap lit OEM the bush.
in are the- wis, Of Course,. e. e.-ly, Jaid' bord Of by Be tso 'a fairs. 'A 'regal "d is- $5,000,' -There.
-I fact if- --.we: co Grant vs. Jeirikins.-This
i- fir -ML t P n -ar rainy . ay commenced ;�about 4 p in. Friday,
Raftsy froin t -ary� la, -of Parliament 16r. L -t Or .;no' is -Mesoi. Colquhod,fi Dow,'of Exe. The plaintiff 'is the 'Brus
American bound at sess on one country 'with. he Cill isenway has w tiaken lit � wonder, with �.ou, but th" L time.
-be, other -!*a, And. t ba's'been
ioua� numberof au
their release will'have gone. for nothing, similar stite',of ifrilrs.; According. n Iry' welcome here.- --It'looki'qaeer to ter, have sold. a hilf hite at- fly two.,of aieels postmaster but Owing to the z
to Winnipeg an from thence to Portage action �agal at t1li Riess to S -,V
-in a field not is of the. G vernmiilt sef; o -work Attorney-Gbnerail, rtin.' had done 8 plowmeh a hundred' th' re -y oung- the publihher 0f stock is -101
ore millions will- have to. d imported C &sdale stal. Brussels Budget. For some
afid. be pai the census of -1881. the United States bad, week.earlidr a4ainit W �. C
done r rep. 31r. drienw-001 Colloid some.
..n.thialfhaste 0 tru6t the Port' 4� Ali fo, p rds apairt, with the black dust fly�ing Ii lis. -to f Douglas, able time th i defendant er years.---mTj.
.6 were a ippe gon amoligat thi
'times. 0 lirilainaij�Prooeedihg� are new list week4 g aeriously it. q aar. apple busine . as.
age in OrA er to secure their freedom. . It. a opulation, of , fourteen persons t t. Affig the offensive editoriii, and pro- sc:that they cannot see as h other. Last Mt The h' d there tidles, callin
Is Prairie exteris oil. The dellre was. to- p iftoba; Y piblishe
doee-leally loo -k as if the �authoritles at Square mile-prileirly-.felt as much going on W nt6r � this 'dust -Would fly eveh When' uestion tlie
]have it, corn I end. in runtilngL nd'Mr. Cdlqul,bab went With Conduct of r;, iia the the
And he
pl�te urder Ot in the city c6urt.i�, Mr.. Ieiist *" six f perform -
In proportion to lts� Size ag,the populs- this fall'sqaa . ts*6 had madly and- wick dly odn, OL eat in the ground, *and I them
anda that. -their %n action for libel -and $5,OW dmr-.
of us ieen buildings. -,It may interest some of out -readers ad i o, while
-to dord the peo�le of that Colossal,, t!Qn of 'Ci6ada.. It is populatio L Acton Barrows' retained for" his' de'. he vef d vin� south a of his vffioi�l duties. Grant elite
spirem to rain C 6 A that feno�s: Me
S.. -Biggs; Q. C.', who' 51130ed a in thia'way with black I I -that -Mr.'James - Me- a Uken but were to]
section additiona railway, facilitleaL for PjUlL P earn, in lHull.ett to know *- t, gee,
rival a fortunes -in bidIt, b 'Makes ifide and creates a -market. - How has returned -from,'$ --and Hagel-, bI6wn.ofF-newly-se9ded. grain -fields in' Michael, �4ow livii and the Court issued-. an in
p a- be 'UP
Y, y pg. a ir �elv their money:
the removal of their'crops. --In Ord r ll Ss&fOrth, tion restraining the defibdait from pubo*
er to here are Ot er such' ap 1ng., I know- a very'extensive far was
wa a then t t be. expected that Can
every one in, any y onAeoted with. Ca ads, .o oth fir-! -the first tax gat4erar -In the tow Wei% jakell, The'
a po illation of 'abo ard threhed all ship - -of laullett, � the total* amount of jam tilave boug
T n off ti g taxes,therl -amounting did not tkej k -
t, ti _OL c�nteml�t
to �he�sum of obey, -slid was now what to
re d- as of tea three and Courbin Canada, hi -this !a a With Weit ia the, ;Ay last 'Week,, *4ili - pay no money Ad
overnment"L has way company. omplaine4 of. 'Re, it eei&,
this oT Torhaps an %tbar. lif ie stock �'oihy once bein
11' L the, 0 knadian, Pic - e rt '! I andliag Ali adv'erser er whd'heia for' lishing 'further ifticles of 4he
reach the Per this line, being co adept4 in thj�4rt Of- - seven. ye n
structed by the oil G iflo Rail at five inifficifis, witness,
p a ov r. an ar
the Canadian el 1� me.:' This is Ile d'
to cross a, brano line- of rl tied
L threshing of cojitt.' He conducted
-d d -fa AlcKague, lsb Mr; Oiler iak6 or leave thi
half million onati mile whA our Attoipp-0en�ial
L Can. has. not. op'e -I � ly suited to our conditions So 'on' the rm., of Mi. A.�
Pacific RAilway-dompaty. !Khis Creiff- cuii.ing Miqepresentations.
ey rn
very aiinniDg manner- I bin th at Our threshers will --have . to - stand. Pdrier"Lih utting on s 1 got V If some hatter a in wealth and �rospqrity, so long -yet w�n his likely -'to have fs bat "too much of a'-- good' thin ' collcessiob� of � Tu- Mr. . John re din of the xtracti
irig point is Th -as th �. sparst.-wo are .90 for thepliintIfr, The
More- . - -season. �ovar the complained
three or-foar miles in which are forced to t U wini6r
Fade with -themselves, in' I &Y 0j, t t belt�', is grriv�d at ithe al
from'Plinnipeg 4t seema-1hai the re - 1 11 1, fight, -than could we band and those 0ohnectid with them occapied
the itri'041nists misrepregent.,jacts in -�e got'at efther, a id I t'h' e 'field's - 9, -d cau t, d -it - -11 Isf
lie sam.6 proportiore'as th' Unite4 n &wine aiptifid the pu. ey several ours, -and -the witticisms there. goinitobeasati.
When dries off the staicks a; a but and, rea, g middle',4bger on -
oil -of if Jakes tliapL reated "pile
Doinintofi diseugaingthe question.'of Unrestricted t&teg . a boxing', Mach, citcus. SI t 8
RailW4 Act, when one ratl- Witlx a po�ulati X, . n Stoo the in :Contained, a
Rold, he a. y drop of rain aid Bleat h6w a of fie
me4bs. ight hall.
Of Lt
Reoi wasl� manifested. a fi. W "Illons, -covering aout the same extent Will:hae Messrs, E li6well, I It will stay and 1help r-7 r. H. Dead for. the, large audien
1;�&y line requiresilto �cross another, per�- p citt
and w at next year. Ce in attendpee
as. iL a bh 4conces- The th d' nh -10
-a a aging has -l[e, M. P, Pi's.;- as his counOel,: - both in' 4hek ;t ut the soil in the -most-. perfe 8 on many df whota were case unde]7#1911-
,mission to make io be ietterublished by- Mr. !H'
ro L )f teritoiy ? The- *tRina is absurd of Bait Wiwanos Tam
N this season, rais-
re "' c Cl Wa3 n: 'n for seeding with a
ceive 1from the fiwaY Committee Of A. Cl in So o o r, v6ry ablemeni. scarce Y. 1 d 0 being of :considorAble led I intereab t peo& of Hensall. and s
ct, it is e; Wonder thait-Canada has held thef the Certainty edissun wer�which measured 44 foe
t -has court room was crowded. rwentAy *nUn
the Priv Cc -rontor spers. Mr. C Jame Style. as the other two,. ho in- th, our seed -,vii germina e. &ornpbly, -in." nif , ce. and 14 allowed considerable I Jenkin war - , - or in- other words laike' is lairgel , Wh, L eirou erpn che. I reakly to his
,Y an- a silltheir former ei A" 9
11 y I atituae by the
-the anufactu ' --of t 9 ic - in many.placis ..ditineter. There:,sbould 15.e a good deal ad. 110MA
L t Sh rive, one 'the' of is customary where parties ap. as wj;hbg
On r.e ruriks. and' Is andopp nts�, h4 not do lat year )urt
Proportion as Well:& Whas. Seeing aftwbiin Sown, h**
from t hho DoMin n Govern gaged hive beeii keen
h' eF tag'! accouipliish6d: undersuch J iw.' inueli, it � ould j owJng to hen feod; behalf of the Man toba, O'chern mY. that. the. parilculai or littlo foupdation, t�orii is for the main drc fith in seedtime, 6n till the first week let opm at 2
e the Rail- it'is ui eless to. r ldverse circull ts thit sun pear. iii person. It resulted -hi a verd' ftd the rl.we -
0 The " r -)U*Dixaum-
ibtrediet�- for.1 if she. had. fre t Sol und; and &rise will -00me.,earlier and .4eor er ]U ld
- i , �ebces,. what might we charge'nobody,seerho-to parevelly tch
r of .-that -Province kdust k -in which he is into wr the pl
way Com�dsslon !risied is r tiff for,01. -d
0. us*rov te th , .4
-e interestin' de4el "bet t th 1 5, �ra n.1t -agree until midnighf. His Lor7dihi a access ba are eivime feason'... school
see ion, rry., has de. ip was held in
00 Jamy�.ohanco trips. overL We line. I- aided to a au&on teach &ur& Mqnda3 I
necessary application fo y I 2to the. larger marke I ked for. 9 OPM-1168 IrAuted.al�erp-etualinjunetion.r-v MOE
made the r this ell p otected b the X., - P. but r
merit. L 1. 1 . . : , to and' was: thus. ingL is
to the Go. -ern mpetition. stralulpj
crom ing When the side C( As -we arei'll more or v6ry about thePdefenda
I tit op an equs�l footing in Itais " somt ing- urt6uii that fini Fthat We here have uch o be giate'-- 'to beein t a. study of dentis. 7,Win a
-the race fdr hi 0 t from furtherllbelling
afier he his 6 erpis-tent asoaul for. Fancy a PaShing farmer'ob, the hs�r ISO ry ra
.Clirke is bitterl,�Oppo a wl Bal to o the nof.-thobe4t; tescherSLin he subject of a further' krgument. &veses were give
gard to Unre'stridied - ' ' li* .'of :Casselto'n, biko6,
less se,'flsh,, it is not -surprising that Mr' La �cces stirring
e lip for consider ion the The 4nestion' 6f �costa Will be
matter cam *th h neighbot, Yp He Plaintiff. n
.0liditor bi.the Q madian Pacific- �ppoa- 't ' his Torloo -as the tembod ment f -'pol tical n with 1,200 the'count . and his ietire�tnt will be a 3vermil goptlenien
. I I -'at what Mii. lirke and t -lamp-."w V
ng of! tha� RecipiD' tr , I O"heri of,his borru tion and ero 11 *a e* an exit-berint Oowth; and ]*list IO#s to ilie'grilfiesio b James Lennon, -j Re;is. 'As
Bd City. The amusing part of' Corruption and perso onesty aid,-. In the Queen vs.' named:
ttili r, Gree way against L. Dgnioxtd
the grknti consent by the it ilk'do not want.' So long as they callv ed -very Mach in..pu' bal ght in bloom,- ULy, the froit 'A -.for perjury, slid Big
R�ilwiiy Committ 40. 'On some legal'tee - h'owevfr,, is thai. Mr. 'Clarke �ro tl�e -;Mr. JAn 4'rrot, of ills GreeW, has 0 uccoy"Of I
h p fesseaL I
� L h themselves hedied-4round into! pow6r, Mi. Lqx on' dri p in hi �t �reseht pride's of sold his f4rin-�'acintiining a00 acres, to minat
-eat ebacern with sh is Qne� Dancey, after the exa ion f one M&ttly, -of &Afortl
himself attdiriptill This 'crop lil -son Wlil. -J. -for tile - aul* Of
Ould find
-,nloal ground, t e 'Committee there-- 91 or the, welfare of Ithe catchinj -in the bfoom� is -witness, be Crown consented W:Ls
s- idolal pr1tvilleges and advanta es -Which ji- to torna-hawk; his $, 0 87t000s derso r, occl
liv e peop e. .,sp
I a. r iakL. -has puichase'd Nir.-
arme and his lett rd all. desi I n, puto
.0 are 0 Y a SOM diet of not Ul Y, upon refused its a iseirt to, the Manitoba f h b in alth and position, they Are. Old J $11 lit as thev cause -0 deiftuction.' in� Anson's fa�m,- contaja-ing 40 acres directed
t . shoi thij' gne 9 them We .9 wn.old,allie b petition of i6mil of d Mr. �irro W. L h all His Lord
Government to- in& ce the dressing,- and 0 class ow. injuriously Un- ohn. Norquay Must feel a to a entered. . �
roadst was very 90c
WAS no in
Wtead decided to submit a ity Would affect the6 -iteoatiefle the as where the're froaf, to in-. .'Which'he jiid ihe neat adm- of "I In 'the dictments sqsinat �4[
a io. remain
a y: are,. considerable degree �6f satisfaction ap iiiii Plat healthy wheat -40 rem� ve there U 10
case, for the �estrici od Recipro� 100r. in aid -of the
in -of andh i�ter In. the bloom it: is He.intin or Perjury., His'Lordship,,aftif
itthoare iven will* g �o givi alittI6 prospect jar
in redit. All thist of coui0e; is no eiti�g revelations fA r "ost tender, and the itip, acbemes., liberAt
docinion of the: Sa nellie Cbur to of thb pastlhistoryag �11 as the prisbut n. I'biv re -.venient oon sicon. bearing the eviden of ne wifnesir - -
legal p d' eip advic'ey'Weli spiced y -mierepre- thL' Ce
ointeraised, y the Canadian Ps-� Oubt ery specious on his parL b b r fo., jig directed the jury -to ietur, a vnrdict.-of
#cheirnei f his'sdoces ul, rivals, io rfer d -to h d ab6ut red o . ur bushels --Wha vdtii -fire
utation, to those who. --are less fortun-- t a nedr be! i6rious -"st Home dinnr
cifiAm Solicitor., T is, df wa under 1 6 circumstances his disi promised xt ew mob -the.. of 25 dent 'Wheat off the abre on the per- -hapflene&ou-the dvehiing of" 6,9 L, inSt.2 not guilty.
who are not o well ad enway all eih,ioe main 001111
just'�; at the Cana ddness b�L And. save soniethirig" in the -residence of, - Mi. vs- Weil Muftay and Chas.
h 4, a and, flois be Cati. to L try n ectici
al saiisfi, hat Gre d �Tfio tQueen
�erest wit�in the
than Paoifia w4ritedi, may well doubted, While hi -out the wreck.'. -Wo hikya 4 i such 6x- 10th CODC sion Of, TU ut 4wab in this villai
fourths of the present overnme ton,
'With their T66 truth -2 howdvei lit -every 0 leyers-Two indictmenti each for aall
b9cause bef6i sincer'i berr Some Jut week. proved of
a -all t circumlocutio, Y inthe, dpat diffloult scons a
he rine he promulgates body setims to. -take" r grantectt'. the ten ve are" Under wheat- as th Sault'
eery to tMly.
C 'witness L had been successful one
ee are never- eard of by'either ath of 'is ave other crops and the fire which *As shut up, 1 n'the parloi, terin, '45 unotl(
-get viewed im corae�outp: and the remady,"Will be oy, have, as experienced; in locating A ble at Bayfield. After
decision from the a equa, ly open- to quidstion thi nd h ' D&
nqces a, .. -the eviden'd 'of - one
-a 4 plied-.� i1r. Clarke his frii do friend or fee except, en: the P Stodkto fall back,�ob. No w'on'der end befor.6 it taken, the defendants withdrew their
.ourt-could be got. thr ogh� -." ith thil th� lig t cf 'the -information en WOOS' pa'' Out,
I�e gives, he arpets served fi�tho new a
h v -e had 'their innings -and the tiin"e in hf4il. a66ut. tba ',,Ile. U" plea of not guilty,
W roa&. can n t and th, mi it. inething- n ce. to. gal. p L rely wheat men there -have and furnitiirb:� Were' consid* ind plaided S tge, which is at, t
wrill have, se in, the 0 sliading way he pl�ts ailt
ably _y
For b w rapidly pher Smir -got. 0itraged of vomin
ge n
'he- cornpleted.for th season and t t wur*e of rection, I
f approsiching when, theyill, YE d on assault, a da, pepalty76f $5
he Can- nitanc)i in the It ter in quettionlMr. h lew of th -take 'was lipposed in each indict
The v a a yLTany, -Mn IV C1, -the woll.'known
�ve to* take, their, cha'aces wit re - cas Bi-, b p!ty--
adiall Rlaoific, R affir 4A to afford,soidown
rain buyer of ingham a month r in defaitlt 30 d
fa thought he **wn, and it woA
will have an6 ther Clarke �ries to she* that the farmeis of W iot alj�ough. leso'clamoroue, ar equal- moderate rnebL'is -the t though -6u' the-. Iiuroli Notes.* able In on aye
�-be wit iih thq knowled ad In 3161.b
at th States a L _of evening. -"He W a rm6r foua The
pros orous than i ar 9 of onsiderait go r. John -day hichthe led
year,,'s undisturbed -Monopoly 0 the Cariadl Are - more p a' ly deservin ots alleg6d to n Satur st
Manikpbaside, _a teion-' of the Free Prose, th -'h_ t Ethel Queen vs. Wri. Wat- ation might ve
WE a!iued th far�ners of the L United 0 a s a a reng pre Robselaer Van Worm _got, V
nd hav: boug on a acci
f sumpitioh-pf Some impT9:&r. &6cii�di* -general -,store, in' load. -of gra an, John op ind- which stampod
Mont should g ve its that - 4 a acci ntally�gave per,
nsequently free i be-' 0 u -r Relatio s1W yet inferen not, f Bro a e, Oxford .'County re oved the far a' too_. Ma L J. Nichols
permis ion
Goveini ntercou�l- In eorge Hanna and W.
ient cocks analibe
t not a beneficialto Country. ju e d ley left to onto . t eLnoug .:come. into I a iiisses, His
risk -a the crossin tween-lhe-�wo Would Uht go I o - o except fill, the i -was r h 70 all he agrica.l. 0 ag 6.88
,the in -of'min blincle sa, 7 . intent to
w eantime, b' hegot4er eyes. the o With his- &MIly Week. turist h Suit With *-
ho.0 d h ion : or, mant;
and th eigal could be sto' rthb.facts'. Ugly'Ahen the. r. and, Mrs..' Th'6p. Air, Wil itgailf on on -day's, Crown'Wit walters also were ir
at the I lanS. Iflot erwordshetrie* d. -Br urnthe heating the L
iet Ile d the ft
.'now isels for L o
a w miss rced the
.4towei'le, t. ee Mr. in#,� silh to Mr.,, Cleg to acquit the
folight- oat 'afterw4 te of the Union, Ecot .,Ain bEes! ta 9. prisoners, ry
show t st the Sti Wright, who a. two. leading membera' V the' G rn- -u' in
. Sir Richard �art rds. in the. courts. U da of all
in Ile' -:-StirIlug vil's, Lake, atglance that t]
e Yken a pool ion
th, eserve'no ifuith r' afidence f om Bkothe
presents'Sow xford has beeu cairy. merit d awhich they,
This.the- Dominion a t6rities re withat u4iog th 6p so of
ure factory inListo*,el Dakota,: gone of Mt. After receiving. the presentment of'
larger oil a a. 6 Fe Hill, thegrabd 3ury, the ..butn the �dn
. t ed the Fre as t U fitsed a advdhf;4tgos of theitri- ibe te lo. -If - not a p
t his old- line pr atice, has
r. t6W�41p,- recently- - U, t d
f to- do., ana to the preme Courit the arket, havd not prospered,at-the must cease to b et th� gan of John Stewart and wife, of Bra'' t -court close about'
mustgo, be re tirvy 0 i6is intend to al me ad- 1
of the - Do- ng his: �nnual visit to his con- Aent. Liberaliim a;i-d. Und be d iend the wintetiri'Cali-. t with a,"very IW- were -flied froma
�t!O-ds'tbe Pr Andes ii orb ad 680'.- ;Their �wheat noo, o
niatter �u glyle -same bein payi ndel en' a; ur the A ht Place, aw
)Th6y g *te
t SL givin -an account 6 for - the' of Mr. ma'&atroy�d
inati nents Of hi" as.thto tbouth6�piece o a, clique' fdra be'befit
cision. -with their restricted market
by the frostl'.i4fid hey, evening until qid
eases will nOw lbe other looked ornegleeto(
it "ening.mie-efinig was go on .4 614st'- both -the I I
and cor e6qugntly he OP to rt a health. thejref6re,. did not out it and'
,In the alltinii argues. that free' ad- %Vlfi. Honoring -F�astor."
ba Gov- Call and thei ProW tirling, -of doderiall day a- running fire,which -a
mission t add sied ended a move was
othi a hold at Ingersol, to- 1p, rti'd froin Rev. R. Y. Thompson, former!
-a 4rger American in Theun, whiell hai,'c6i�trlvd sit .6 miles away, d stroyed" all t y pas- where a, second feal
went on'twith the building sr. whee he has Sold- during fhei ajitson thresher tw
.6 f eggs, for which She xe. barl or of Carmel Church,
the _0i a very' large ..audie ed the: st-4es the- 16ndo is
let zens o
farmer, Till- uYer,
and wss�
-!N subs 't,ime that thby;
0 tty Much on both the "oats and., YL A out, 200 bushe the past. summer in Value,
ciQheir ioad. On Saturday last it. was 8 wc uld� efit n pre .0 IV Hensill, spent literary and music
xpectid the, gradin; and - iracklayin te* his ositio,
a pol a-.�f -the Ref rm, party lb'relatio�: comppIled,'.toa 4he autbf $90. bls-togithdj� with'. thek -o Blinish
. dmit th�i I i
.9 n, f4.�tha - r. Johiv-MoTaggart, of the 15th-. -the seebud- istedith Rev.
I tomatters. Of. na�ionaf. concern. Hisre. "The safeguard of th -Jay _ - i have bee --columbiso aid sassoal
would reach the Can Mr. Ch Irke- takeg a 0 0 oil a in of Groyi has - a well on . his. burned out ' T. LG� Thomson, formerly f
the H do 'Presided over by,
ernment demmding�.sul�& guun ee! iroidthe me, Brucefield,
e. cross- -W States of Maine, a a company I f farm: abid I lett�y hard of St. FAIWB
to b4 pr ezpar , ire and Vermont, rates, fid has Over begibners, J, I �:_t 0 followi
'jug. That compan ad be,- Ne Hampshi m4ks on the tiona of Canada to the Northern Paclfi on in the :wOrk`there, h
the 64tte� d r which is 62 feet deep "a V g,
ve practical: good fo awouldlike:
d, appli6d, 'hat Wat Two w anco
an the province, no oUfd er
D46the,r Country very pert' as wddl4:ha 'becuredgreat 50 M it: 6f er in it. which. We take fom the
'foreh and' with them. the inent That'-wellsh oe a ago,.-lkst Wednesday Zinill likie x,
matter Jy
the Manitob. Sp* ially- ments the. railroado traffic -briange. stao�l good drought, 88, atialps, yol Dalli Orldt of the, 10th inst.31
d a ec hippilis mi lit 66ter. into. 'Mi L ingest daU - W Iftenin
-Population -la bter of will be
cqre. f - bas# line, Hui d' pleasurer
courts for an injunct 'On restraimin a L ray an -g a enterw
Ose d�aYs 9f vain blqster about .9, o the ':by the Content ourselves
t � 1 .1 t�r�e h' very Succes u ftiinds of the reverend gentlemarl
sed up after' a -`Iett, went with her: many
Ing.the per one. hundred pounds -,on the grain se 8 The sf �l mother the houser.. in jhis tion of the ahort,'l
Ac !g -revenge.upoti our neighbo*rS slid tariff.
g the I , This agrednient. wo submitysh6lid ha4 d Morks cheeke faCt6ty. read with interest all
ProVinT of n h I Be d .David tan
e o of ten t Us somethingbetterthin' a i-keductioh
Manitol eriod-
ba, Governtriei t fro a
in, mak
'088 Tho iss in H70- the popa. maker,. Mr. J.. S., -Ed 'of Mri, Elkin, neai co
or years.. I he hows, k n CeT9; ualiqeof this Injunction; oth�r. -lq"c r, - and" unty addrassft-�cif the fA
MJ r na iven a: Most universal sotisfac- *bile try' -'-t t 11 A very enjoyable social Valli
�6 the-lbuggy the. a
atibn of thes WA llonsensWal talk. of a siffijig has lieste
This is W -view in tlemen nd as in i
howevert. eduld not be 'got for. some a States, 9 1 i275,000 and of the of uatio that could t10 n. pent iii the'First Pre b t
ca-rr*e Anmahageablo nd )aUL I y er*n o Utah,
ten 0 -i
-880 �the pqpulati which. soxne of- the resfric -bein seen b T nd ant Beittie ayo 8 0 Ise t
.days, and .�the. clocisbu of the in I on Was 1,328,000- hive y tbb hors he a �Pmely'-. Rev. Me
ight Of he. in -69m. Hnfer a' heimer Street 'fisda
i d./w
-or not it ��uld - is�ae W owl ore -age during, the ten. years, Mob Bras �Ok- aw 'sly injuitiog -both,' M' ing, . he entertain I matt -be tendered to Whether -court as . I I. jou 8 S Aeft' P -on TU y even. Hensalfi Edi
as to Sh nE an in rn4l 0 g4t, tai mi'dulg in, He aiiyme theA6. three- the t- iols, ware, admitted to onUm.:` Lansipg- 'a her mother..
of 53,00 ). The Provincie of -said ever -be the issue'of-theelib I . I . day'4 f last'Week. Th recolvere motheir a 'Rev. ii uped 10
have. been given on e -SUIP8, a seaferewell to -th
aThe Quebec a the: trial iOill take 06M. her -but
Wedik.day. I'speak *,I true Condemnation or. approval�( of t I bfDre Judge T the other he n sha, a populatio 'Of I some regre he p ace sonf w ii9toz. Mr. M
d d orns,- at. Go,dirich daughter Continue 1 about . to return to 111T made a few rew
a, couple, of ol n it ind unOr ili�isioni- of'tht dreem way. in I nt d to sluffe 1) botwith. is Win goveirn 1�4! thit -everything.- p Bible was peg-1,toresurnehis duties aslecturer-in
Company &1136 �a� d -�n- �200,090' a sense of gr&Ae -responsibility, but on es"dayl 36th stand
ginoo durn in 1871 While 1 init. thrug�hottheeve
pqd on. the, aide of th6ii'traok A will 'A'S* th6y odil: t. to 'do,,�Oa r.Alton- -Anderson, h n. re- done- for'h�r'rahef and',a a died on theology in the Manitoba College. -Most
_I it had ris6n, ' to, must Bay that ille.4irrie lids bome�ind as bee:
a., owing an in.crea-sie duir- se gen re okon ng' 611ga, as- .aae n
juaacross th.6. Path 'oftbe'Red' l2360 0 -thus -,h the fruit they, beir, The-diiy"of'-re' d t hiri L Batton'S -school, W e'duesiday, i6min *Ith chotw select
r ing7 - ave compelled US to 9, of last i reek.
I facei the siut-for's - little will -do aa k . rt or another kepte. at -estimable I "I . -1 t b Bethesda
-the vl: f the -leading niemberi Of the P -'and 18
-on yoors of 16%000-.� From M4, and the ocit r.thehette do - She terlau Chfirche
plain ifpeak.- anadvanced was a- vorY and a 0 � his ii as.,
Valley road, and in: 9 ddition', to this. the the "Y wirrer;r 1dr.-Cook, "tor;
ntry.' 0. young gir
thig'slib, ring Mr 'ing las to -the Po4ition, which we vi' ton. salarii r- He is a.',,goo(i tea-dher --and 'I seed entinspite-OfIlitifs at of
i'k a pa the laLgt entrance--' ottha e,aspe
big. wo'Ork well., - to . b . 100 . lie, exatpi ke rainy weath
intendebtL hd' i train Of Clarke draws the co.n,- coupy from' the moat4 of Rail vvimy cornmigal, oln in don to
Supo-r t 1oad the .CIUSIOU ihat w- tow4rd Englabd ib - this- atter." 'It is Clin InsCitute. the �louds.�-begpd tth or. At Auch
Co4any!s emplo ith u er Martin is-thi t th - a. �Tkxi4uinyate for r. Roberb..Ellioij, son Of Mr. �gfikte the appoin'ted, hour the R thb te&L ail
yee 1. 8 ationect at ihe nrestriated recipro kn#n id Qvery Mali Who has played- any crossing L to by fe L 01 Y an a market. of si3qy,millions of important par 1ifheattoDahtth* is lyth Standard has been- she' ev, T. G. d social,
Will -rhomwn took the chair, tive, a
preventJ roe"Af neces- bin - Canadiah polhice-it- u said-- to be kept a Jame Elliott of Turnberry, !has- g6neto the- plans'of*,,, the pr, oposed" vaning's
cret. - at it is no segret Mission of - 25 oei
Die the States'' n:amed 'ha is k well that before Con,. -that we -4re" Briti, I C61umbia. newetho. programme opening with musical 'nuni- -
peol L town perfeetlyL cclun� dist-ch -be or' n 1pectively. and *1
sary, the 11 If he'Iflip's the� summer bers, chiefly C�ufined f6the Chu 01
ayipg of the rails h ve only In- d - d 4Y a -.rate acted
creW- d, w- p6pulatio, 1, ished) '&Ad since - -remain there.,
the op, t the aid as 'fore for. freight try ho will urdh to
4, �wfbh a chance- - -1 'r, Charles Knight, of Giey. w fund.0 an passer r) mpany Berl) tr cli. An 11 n ten years 53,000i* Confederation ha, in Blyth. rehich
A.P a a COOd-.ols, .-Mind' las.-bpon derinked for s -me ti will ha$ Wall
have in the , df - Z I ment to the toWn' Rev.. 7he church, no
posing -'Co at the' s, been' - accmnplished,. pe h a liars to St. hose - - When. the churoh'is built it and a reading by Miss McInt6sh The
while th, be an orAa'
ipating that 'the Red River Valley Province of Quebec with none the: English Government* e, farei At T. Go Thomson thpli gave
vantages, has increasocl a a - fashi t has b to 0 me L redib Io most
men would reach thfi of, thesq ad most'unmist kabl" On' .'-giveft th L U on Wheat rates., stated by -the (entiketi' the. London Asylum';. congreiition. . The interesting an favorable state
point on Satutdiy ilistalin g to church
d friends of the U'ew" road is th --'to criptions ecdoto relitin Tftdarg was jorolL
are discipline as exercised in the Highlands
n ree d it, is ficpe�f the� treatment, he wi due atout the .-of nextbionth and
verriment, If WOhave ho led' for yi4a,,. theta- r1ceive W-iff'. list of Scotland,
04 ineinbers, of tlfW-ljoal G6 Uring the same time 160io0o and asks Government -Canada, to uifdersta&, b a. anvery,trii that from that time - forth we soon restore m- t and at it
raelves 0, When 43
-they 'Are.paid: in th' RiV.L.R. Y. T'homsel t. -oldse callodthe
mpliantly 1, Whses not Bud loaded -`ioix 'Wfth heavy addi- reC AMMON"
accompanied b FrPtincial and city the.mat- expect. tha.t the English people or.the., a committee Come to
ter with Unrestricted fetal bard e -us- to- secure these Vill at -oncei.-gWertise, for,tendets ano when e.M
rolfo&x and sevieril, hundred cirl2feris Reciprocity ili or it shLo� fi. -1 he fify gore far rd con- let - the: c ad the Babb ath c
nkner. ld be. called. upon to t m on t , he ayr McLe re
.take any Val appear to essi :-of
to wing The Stanley!` I
the Stat -y-active"pirt I the de ;11US a ullett,'- belonging Nirs.
.of Winn' to the 31� of'Ximine, -NeWL Hampahliw n address
ceiat advantigeg, *a ontrack- : -This will --give the fol
!peg, well -disputed- fence contraotor'all'opportunity -of, t,' ail - 4
h the mat4r the grour r , We
tht View of forcing a, crossing. arke had told strOE g we -appear, in our-'dwil eyei:q PeMipb Ja h, L t
�Olatwlt outsiders consummate I 'Is, Eme on,, has been pfirchaud. by Mr. et, Ing �
iont." - If Mr. Cl Or pl OteCti011 Of daniclat th4t we, ffeke Oo wh%tevir' I To the Rev. r., Y, ThOmSM,-Dear 1 %bbath School A
enough and po"pular'enoug- h tOlrely. id- t 'is winter the members of the First Presbte Aeld n Tu -
the wholi I L - . f. rian burc of eaday,
a a an earlystart itthe'lluild Vancouver.,BritishColumblaj, take this o
dds.have a methinal lag
hat if we *our new,frie r. J
ve r,. -owing td an well have L: on Our'own reso'urcez;, -t nsdo4,* r of the UnfAVDIrAil
Fortunately, howe -truth he might Cop�t of Clinton, -for-$2,660;
U0. car ia-go -mak. It is proposecl'to- Jay, tire oUr Oepart from our midst of in
asked-thi 3 81 QuId better in -store for us -b er, of L u 66-sprilig. tunity, before por
W 0 t it we U -1-d be' - I - to, lik 1 0
accident,- the trAck layers n t question, and it ou,,1 -hav" unhappilycOul 11itO 'collision -with any. oudesbo P, more red one c u t a 24th, of Af d: the some "3', 1 SlAtef the roadi
had. 0 a., a: take' Ili' ving
corner'si ex
led b 3t hut yo a . 'at the fa, ay an goression to 110t aw-large as' ui
kind to iell a s` " - "i I ti kei . our 111gh Ap.
-reaalledth6, p?i ter Meii than either Goldwia power, ind especially with the -peol le',pf ur eyes, fairs this ear,' than Preclation df your Is, rs amongst
ournwh r i e county., Oct'ber
sn&. could not pose S it� or Brastus. t WD assure You that we ha 10nal exerobev)- 1
n . 'i building to bo fin shed- by. th 'Att of Past live months -usduring the -
a;S Boo as e1pectid Puzz the. United Sta*, it was to and open your triouthi a d see--wh4 the' nyio he' manufacture n 'tli i
reach it th m you) e 0 a .1
o. ans Rhig-will s6d sgood advree in )WIted alike by,yourpilpit, pfi-stoiul and
war armeafid to ut. hearts . that Sab-
ourwn sto -work,., -The Brus'Oels P69t" of ; Is to nbath.whool *work, and Personal Influence.' we ommitt
,day, and 'he WE gge;s it saktisfac torily. B the nurgery� very g- OOd;' R. Mao6ll, eroa;d T at W also most highly appreciate the ha
had to. re- ut, unfortunately f we must took for' �roteation- Ihave'-no Blueval )YY the Presideill
rmonfous and
p urni, ref6reh..op to 6 deith of the te, Christ -like feelings whichhave ever been mani.
quar el with th� dr ew Currie, says He had been-- bothn- festoedibetwee you
hisargunent he ;jth , The.Cana�di4b Pacifli. x berry; ha hauvesting, turiL home wibhout-* oldi a�:very im, kift I ing 'b passage. of out - lo been' IThe'value -sua
I W _g their otor in the Cal for t Fngliih Obverlime-nt. r y. Ane c n If nd u loved. pastor
But..for �his acciden, culation. - He h depti abbah School
-ered forointW *it in ypui united fforts to pr
adkover 0 rop, of Potatb�li.'ihis be
no portarvkt, I say -frank On t - he conrary, its trickei -.but his no ch year. li'llis stomaebi but, Mote the glory,.Of
OAbt. a conflie't., neglect ly- that, it, would . have', be -'to 'gain' any of -th God in our midsti - We ask you to. *bducied ttly R-ev,.
wouh h q -t Y tell his r ern WO&d 21 lbe.1 4nd, being ai main of irot �onsi
aver occurred be,.: ea.ders that�'the area no ki tid ness Qn biha�s, byt'his- policy* he did accept this After a aliort aa
-but rather it cruel *mockery chequeof $116ass,84,ght r000gnitfon ot your
U Intual Wei -
previous to hiS deeease. was. a 9611- 1
Of school, section NO. until good services in o -and 10119 the R�;v. D.
tween the two faction; of the evince of Q debee is nearly three to lia re ollo�ed as tosup, Oar fill, fair's -have be -'sirely up., to -T .trustees not take to -Weeks . r Interisb
,Pr it4tiou;
and bloodwbuld a 'fav
and a hall tf pose' that they hemark bf-recerit-yo He- fare. Amurid9youtbatwe"-lio owyouW1t
In, all -probability hay 3 been s . d and it is a. So Hi llett L6ndesboro, h e' ' * Va
Mae -as la req av - see 'red our �rayere, praying that the blessi!*,
rge as: - the area of 9r.us any co6siderable aid or u vroUs, honept-kolvir -man 'd 16 Lthe
new that, it- a -McFadzen- to. o ha God of our Fathe ROW iea�n eon
latest accounts rhatt !ra reated' a't this the three i itates he has selwited V. AssisAncei *-hen' they k roblem 6. �ay hol* 'they can'be tbe'sei vide of Mr.* wh RIP
romay, ever be wlth� you and -gr4
r we oil cess, . -84 th or 1& 9-; they have also fe-ongaged Mi Thomson I that y0il may bi
0 nd general I 'as -eased was b restored hea� blessed. -with school -w
Padific, rai for - big I in all prob4bility be boyond their as - progressiv f t0a0h 'good will Of ill wl�o knew'him. The de- mrs.
lway: cOmPa ISO a.-- The Provihce -of 4a .01.
point: The Called ebee. . PO to aff6rditi right to b�. The increiiiii Dew oin iii th, and be long
Bit thatbe-Ing ad, it ar which speaks well f6rer abi spared -with race, ih-e aftetn
men WoM 0 e horse lassed, a, .1824 aidd
an over 188,000 'square follows necessary consequence ihat all owe as te icher.. litT shir Scbtlan�, iu the. �ear AbilitY to mould the bbaraefeir and
still gualffix gtl�ecrossini,, a, has a&, of.. pr voment-in''th wisdom and
thought -of those studying un e.ryo mith view - vObnal axe
came gantry in 1864. - `In 1849 to the h 'Ifts I -
thev local a thorities i rere: a ate has Ceased to. th -M, W. gfewart, of Tilriaberri, has d,thlB c 01Y�m-lnistr u wi% miles, kind in 18s' when a p- a coutitry is a marked &remount St eature, and o
U ing the. it had seven inhabi. bei he was, unite y. given gn -the
arrlage-,.t6� Mary' EDWIN SAND9ii
#e to: protect's dep rea6ph &I i -pointed principal of. Blyth. pi6- to -the
nts to the-squa end6ndy, it. is Sion les,
deciCionjor- the. Miait us a- niat gratifying bu. - The bee in - in Elder, represeriting the ,,,S
caurten, the'in- te, r'd Miles while the throb not a position why -other sto Rutherford, third da ighter of the let ROBERT -POILO.CK oI ok is rn llc'.'school for J t a
I -to;�ei ore,limitoti,ead * next year ata,salary*of representing I
junction asse. If th cQurt.-rqfusw St*terhavaas-corribin x&ot ini-egitlar-in is 4 4T . 'M; - � he
to ed an area of abou bedience.1kc) ' bhhRu hefford, bf Crailing-Wo Itox. Sundity School; D. G1 k� 2�Alsl), regwnt- of Hexisall.
that epefict an'y' -bur how_ .$450. iDnek -at ppearan on The Blyth
0 people will find! Mr. boro"shire. Their Ing the Young People's society; IrAm tion of
'fir as qbut I id is at -4t - timeto wax Y -CO] BROWN,
rate ai
osts xcelleni teacher. representing the Managers; i. yeu was ne
ro me with nether State fro I -All ihe parties'w ra),:5. of #FUNDEift-Nrepresenting the Ch@r,
ne Population of 25 persons to - in which"the Super n he -were airested *homi 'are dead. ftd arr.auaerrient
;0 sons are
101 not - undertake to. defend it. ng ppun-
ry in %�ith'utteri
1'eV6ry hour of''eve on"'ilidje, at Olin b chaiged The survivigg The reverend gentlemen in his X-eeting of the Ai�
sit any costbat if the * . ItDba.-au thorities will ble, es�eciill grant the injunction t ell lik*IY the, Mtn '52,092- 6 are, -miles, and- at.the date 'rega a the'dealiogs of that dependency h -Stewax famil asists of 9
na d hj( 6. most a ohifdre�, (6 soni and 3 So athe drossi t Unctiolt h grant. �he square ile
Trai es 0:8eaforth, Andrew, of referred in a!very feeling mauner to the 41l"ry next,:
ey w :'be gligh, is theprecise 4, tooi. ng:. teffeib nonty there n
- This. additional. infer- Is pfecious. I Johni Who liv reply
ad t1fi MI the order of mation pu ap, n plain En is !not. be!' 0 , slfow'dakf have Biassel . a, who -succeeds his fa
and in a been di srni�s'd frcuh dust dy the- 6h jutima4y, friendship -and harm
anad. quite -a different. phaser,on. t" w.hic-ll-we now-.-' thie'shed pi4ce;:Wfiere�;'thi e 0 ther- it very
their own -,court occupy twards I . onious Te. ale. au�
..Arge business, George" and Will- in th est, 111114nd and t a United State quartiiri of A., million 6gainst the -'not beiti I la n - Man!- lations alvv n.
dome o er the qd Ing 11 4, if,": *he0'. W, W. in g proven t the the 5*1
r( ore ear a C
mar ete Is, -y is a 0 0 -toba le
Means of redress. On- -It shows Ihat these a* li iBy existing between himself
rr 'tot aid returned ion to the 0hu,
dozen bags indo �WIile Miss Swartsi the Many! Courtesies -And the
Thasituationig, an.thred a or &,,year ..ory coming an And thanks fo
at a isfa(tio .' f the judge' Udthe worthy pas
St&t�8 in W I,
thi a half at
C 0 f
c 0
t 'a
f Ia
a t
intimes Meier#. Dougald Tayloi -�and S.'Cald. Den' --oi'C11ntdn'and afe"Frwairils Mide their* home �st St. 9 -ft he bad received. 'Before
�to, the -Mani as, OPulons Phe. Provill uls, bounty -has. two.. Ws, at Oak is 1riew Were -dispeirsill
tobsn&ta Zduco theni to go ce: Of' be6k,oi ereturr he av
Quebec is rea coiWdero&, a ha v�e' arrived home from Lake'aii ting from ille -Blyth. - Marys, Sesfortlh- and Brussols� `ooming the in ery
nd that the Man d Virden, Virdeu!jhoing-thii'Ve t OmberS of the aongr�igaticn
ba. z show Is st-vieek, the horees became 'un. - heril,about te spholars",
li and 'got. a v!it, f to 111 �jh'
t4d competition Wallap ab n-YeSIT449% 'Ms"Currie- ad round the
"Trihies took �60 actagf
of the and for Spit! will departing -pastoi to bid Of 011111
continue t0yeside 0
him good byend God speed. �tsheuld,