The Huron Expositor, 1888-10-26, Page 3r T11" VIP 3 -THE-:`.HIUR1 X- =*Os I& '0 Nil* .0 -T 8-8 N "d 9 I'-doutt washo" 'T 1i gap -a W1 OP onl� a on h Isdoln IW LTAN ever seeiii ph Song of the I laWt. -gi Whi n ey st 01 Said L was a boy FA.: L EA .01- .9. lretalki�aboatso mu&l' j but ;;7;. estimation of him LOAN ey 'MONEY To �:-Ajj a of Mon iy X C%sl 00N. an: rve felt several de lees �JA AMOU a la'a lowvat�ntee 0 WUJ. snI Says the ole m.- that,time.'. to loan.,.on a a f n ad in 'am 'an to know a man. W whe h Easy rMs. 'Pply to W: N rooh*.MA valseec X 11109`� your in U bought Is, wife was, 'Untered. r. - U. STOVE "D 7 'r kwilld.- - - I LZAN, Honsall, Ont. 1007-t.f. -left it -n oLnd no elp ould be bad for love' n tile 10 OU one. I belfi ve I nder that new. stak, and no a for the newest ­tha: I - montbo,our., buyers have been o money, too whole core of the X WrAbb past. throb Go Se- 04TORE. AND DWELLTNO -20� power a, sota last n Vt it ant- we'll or: e� iha:--- 6-inour �ririous lr�w ihe:fall andinobbielit,go.ods to-Vlace before our customeri* for k, washer -woman and dwelli Xatil Streeti solebt fib ther fkd, and toll for trt bla thing once." bousehold 145. nu #coo rent. -the store- n9yoUs. Clem par me' easonto sh w -.lot er, mqro 0#;WWk I creep, scram Del d Onto de . t pts, Reaults,'We are tbis I a i-tohrA thil table� cloth -and in'sid-of -all' rk- for. move- ral weeks, a forth, it. ores'ent occuple us -season Vi$itall6f the Possession ininvillately. td,31. NVILLIAM0, and. bettor v, On -than in any previo the 0 and.We con defitiawy look -forward F IS H :1 NG b1srOOf0;WMI12w8t8 ijb&tq=kIo,Itt the six 1* 1 &1 y ON U -R N and ant the pia man, g rinnid unaidiii- except, f the d 0 Dublin, or.M- JoRD&w- So tli -a larger ti ade, 'in- tie son -your bast cat. I* es of we take 'Second place -to none for like I went W pulled thi physickut barii for his.wife as -sho good gop4t it _goods V0;jj0,-t1s knOYM that In the foll)wing in &Vol at" Aestbt until )R SAtE.—On th aIdstsans be machine 0 fro under. the sofa, hu" went almost to of a Norihorli Or OTEL, F( also,' right pric ft4jTa�dyottdo,iib*tOoUld 79U a it 'at]"t a good el -was obtailled, and Road, with stabling- aw 0 do were it 'brought her to the Ole man. 110 flat arce ther etArkness, ere the golden AXE go crumb ntario. begutyand.y�ar brighta $a WAII an at la Ole man mother sib Seaf6rth 0 iiot for me T help Y'Ou� D I.on the tab &W sts began- to fold to the tired-hueb. wat. permitted to xest.' A first-class well.: 'The Housh is 11censed 0 p� pri throp .. 0 108SX4 tf R -DRE S 000 0 riw;an M blvUlt r WULTONO Pro efori W!n - 'BLA 0 good stand.. Pot Particulate 16 Y, to J Ef didn got it done So; -boy , ontb ashamed: to her us She AND -COW ED quiCik I Ono tho h for th' in. the'llouie if your a 0, u - knowledge you -Con- It, gill FI nili Slanke Gloves; oibe give a It d V feeble voice help to needbid. Tile -p STRAY- STiER.--came. Into Lot 16,� Satin - MintIm"', 2 an lk go rZ sa dravi n i 1W MILV argood. turn some ipu bession 8, Stanley, ln� Julie list, a roan 17U fig.room& ind. palAmi Tw 0 our, social fallacies, J *ill get may go you 'twi or tbice years old. thi owfie Odes -Lit Ong -and Cottons. - dear, ? steer, - for a mome eon-pr,v)ix wli$hten e care W"Ving 41:�baarfd WIV "Isis ki 01 wiltedt the next what you could Sof'i%7- chaigos. XO PH BEL4, Btucall6ld. �108 x4 Y M For all" A Mochinet go to Farm b C" jzuLN I Are- we lone, day, and you. can feel that you have have the sam 0 iroparty -And paying- ve heard-. the done low. the P1 that'moves the7 self denyi4gm6tfierim7­AJ3. 0 'A D, Fu L 0, T. Of 11W ut ... brough her up otgain, for another I .. . I' . :. VI old p- ow - �R�Fi AD HEIFyRi—Strayed. from Lot .-f sort.- Pali which was dead -and Holt, NTRAYEV 76i all WWU 40139 oicet the In. Men, Youths' and 'Boys' Hato -mud C ps aloom -mbold 'S Concession 2,,moKillop, on the 18th of July: style 'of -,Clothes Wringert 90 squeskeil out. - I , inlAgs of he 4 its. ThoUgh. last, a Yearling Red Helfer. shi was seen �,41. ye lyt.but now d6n't I Th an eud�oUrstrewnffof smaleatoftfuravea- 9ginondville, on the IthJuly. ''An informatioll 'S man. . el Nowly-marrie on 0 -tlist will load, to her recovery itably For! a 61 elniooreMour - 101es- to the - d I ­ OIL 0L. Q -T IRS As "'The 'Ole A on turnin' the f wil I be su. Cana -Ar leap Jand or glow Jitflaka of cluel-ere ickinest 'lot 0 gush I T0131AS XASH,'Sehforth." 1088-4 to -Whit amp t' S?reepert go ney* our flery t criCuk, aid the a time will be tre as marks ou W- y Qut 01, th. at box. One- ive of practical j burUiW, ever heard tical by their f rieftcK. At. blight salute es of flinty -fire, the at. tSTR -catUff-into- the promises voice W" city, but it Sounded. like a rec- ent Zoisto' -n wedding a, bouplp of AY HEIFER.- - I , . - _: . :, � 1- . . . . . '. * - . - POT the b t Cistern rumps and BY Ao Tucker ­ of the -undersigned, X VAthinkl' how C16"I.Y. Coupleil. in 'our varied heA ek for some time, an4 the 'Helfer;. ZA to Ituoy7si been -tw6 year ol Whi sportive ushers. isaVered the train on smith, In August last, �Zlrorkg are! we other was Just - like sial murmur when brid air' pre to- leave be sp,.6t4.­.The own r can ave For &'io6.d 2411k or CAP., 90 whiolithe ew whil ZJ1 would y6u makei wbat,96 Ldd You MAkOvanil with a f 'oh0s in thb. cellar bl they hAdir the Lima on prai win' up the cook town, -and, wi t baggage- property &nil MIS jem it. not f CARTNEY -Btucefiela 11 ighin be ound LIN (supI.- to whitneyIs. Ill The"first 8..4.- In our M linory Degrtment *1 o0d, -you, !W4. yaRr servants- all wad. youhei%r her um -stairs. D SWIM the Station., they don. chargis. ROBZRTI�. 108 during',*oiir P. 0. gave Such, entire eat efoation ices sys: 110h, come ibdkl You &U4.1 rlv jorte ;LOOK) who a fall 5 vo on," now, don't fidIntfil-siri�lpftlu o 'the baggage -master, d by�� ISS G017 and For Eavotroughing I keep; on.when others, ice says.. gllqcw,� They. will be found ious. to pl thl easp; and Soutingi "ks&ndblossoms tOillOtY 0 RENTi-A large dwelling I i1stortes h spring trad be skittishi' and Sis's vol and'With bfii'oo niviiice they affixed 'th brick basement full size a house; magnificent td4k� . We. c t Some one'll -hear yo T, ordisll� invite 6u' fail to go to Whitney's. no. to T better ablet being suppor Choll, each haudle 61 th bri ted bi a 'more In �he. trun a o eon d Repair$ In f white -on the-piOmi oti of buyi ro o our large Tor :and �lilnormouq ULZ orchard and good stabld pe Mix At most oyafty, Then th ke' t on. groom an bow 0 the village of g ondville'on the ins All kinds of J b =iulg 316 use. Neap tov Ana, satIrL ribbon. -��If­the groom did not rot w I the sharp And 99 Y on. sh' kiss 'met" �Is situate -in Ivan ee�, Ili' IMCT Aad Centre street. Possession , * burn Oh, yes I ohs , I ... . - A. 4. 1 t notice 'at loaning prox-9 : he'saw -the decorated X0y. di- month. pply g blaspheme whe Rent at, #8. p the oldp the bold that;uoves the 1061 K trunks e- site in the hall of -the hotel ST, U, 'it N I I- : RONG, sisforth., X .6w quit; screami Q- woria Along "I No youimon' tolwbi he 0 t 'h "May, th"O T7roUSES F011I ALE. -For -sal cheap, Any Of the argoolies miles of- odean sy ar driver -star ug 1- houses, recently a . rected by.the u deroignQ In 11",W`elF446u, there," and a. kina. of a with b for a ienci. ja' or all of the comfbrtAblo- ew dwelling a iwinging to Screechy noise like-% t! ai edorth Tv&do,gneverce*Ingpen4u1U*5 a situated ill' lidd's Old"St Beattie's Grove, aeafort.h. They lem WH TN his.horses a out. nient to -.00 M _A The enoral -MUS* 0, �11 yourp the pleasantest part of -the wn olive ,with op USPItO worst I ever e, Ch6llyt ours he w ea Yom -Ire and dome,, ir cities. deek2 the btsilmess houses, and eather, Thomas Ben ugh, Toronto, in an ae- at waves mad w terms,of pa3vfM There arib t ree SEAFO th -O&Voge, I � to'hes, yQu kistin' me— one of �tbe. m it picturesque spots in 9,11 be flence cells -from, my, Un is, If pa. er Ca cessary convei ATSON; Seaforth, or to 0 cealang , youvrgrandear ,at Saw, i easy 'SE' - shore to shotet a tholisand c6unt of a ripent -visii to Glbuoiai- 01 - them �.have welid, . to 9 ail PUTH. 00 traveling from Otaii. Well, '*hat dolou wiggle foillo houses, and all a 9 - and Wile Tio OVE Ontario writei asfallows o the Cana- Apply to JAMES W EER S ;Ot frm What would, happen CHA4LE L great hew S qUERENGESSER, Bt6dh.a.gen.. uld you'saill, line d'. Advance "The -op6t- where we where.. a., woulcryou, sall , I aWt afraid' 1076 whom, I-Oht oiingt I'g'neg were it not for mer I In f -out ��f the stone mill'st Stood: was Uan lughts to yoiT �r of him." - 41wk. those, gai OW*. five lia 16s nor eas WV a ,, Glenora, ih- tof Pictoll, OOD STO. ;.-The subscriber Other$ �jeld, There, Y 11 the 'shore -Bay of -'Quinte. The offers the. following - anim.410 or - sale oil CBLEBk&tE]D STOVE -1;Vfary voyages :on and THE FOLLO matter with in of biulei, one 4 ttrLL 'LINt OF rasa the Whi%t'Ohe fliatarm? WING belonged to..SIr John ressobabletorms: one'spa 'old stone in ad to. the other Rye _a ri my grim emotions, !t Oh q 'It. too warm"' Avg old -past, well �roke, g Macdoiiald!s. er ovef Tialf a century 6ugbt erfectly quiet;'one heavy rs a Qa1lantLploWnlan Of the oceans,7. it too warrmfor- in Work And pq loll of, the old- al, color black'- all jony chorus'. And w emain -work r;one W. S111g: e eu make it for-ne, I dozAbe- ago -,.,but 3lo-re auto r mare, suppoie-d to be in foi HOME Coal. Stoves d stro ail saund-4-ox Yoa. 4on't care Mille eavy 1'driughV. sound,. true.to R LD Val Joud an original . bail a. The present. ie yearling 'd I all ubl ror the old ploir.. vthst moves. of of' stone ',. ng bull valf, botil'ted, 'a hbat -h and 0.. Twbol p1a the7 lieve.' mo, ern improve. 2 years. old, color bayj without.ovens. 99 Dblin- na then 9inother -grade bull and one yearli 0 ers, vit world 4onir 1. ai,Qld 1eifers-in calf... �hen the' ment r is. -Mr j. C. good- inimals; two them noloos Qams out an' 11 a- 2 e I iroprieto 2 -ye 0, 96 1085tf i's re'sided. there: since JOHN-.KNEORTEL, Br 'UNiVE, ies, with aud. potq?itatea-of, mercbaudtg�' ye traders &Ad eet �nd Wilson; TtSAL �Coal..'.StOl needle stri6k,the end of the sh, bl' -yabankers, The ol flour.:mill and a ur me is casting Stopped. nARRIAGE!, ST barbon wdalth .-th6 w#ho. OVe1!F3-.;, 14-104hose caPAMOus &tar -wheel :actory, AV) run by ALLION 70 W4 r to, yur m four' rent: ILIONTROVIDE an- chore sis just- jumped au',`run -w riage Stallion -,,coming fdat,'years an Ita Well, say. An the W,) sale, a Chri tonilia, owned an t- to kill. in NT- LIFE aagnifieence like You" br" su!thi cid, Tpi` laughed fi Ost, wphl er war old, - sired. by ;Rysdy6ks Hsinbl( eJawals. youN bay, stands 16 GIEI� CIDuntryt—w. , urb" ille WC04' Only'.. Six by J, F. Dulmigo, of W-JUgb " 4nd out* at- A PY HOU T - RA NOR 9 --diffe, and darinir Then he says r, a pplilld from the � well,bre -� Mato, -'HO IN Aligh Maw your table luxuries, he �81bo d W0. ant, e. The !gate OUthi, bands I b,l oal Wood# u opf9oi sty thpt fool girl velghs j400 Mriati dou!t you let ske 180 feetlp�ov IN ini, show* 160 for (3 O out today. I'A be OTC re - - ox humble truth h -4 1 h1M0Q1f a RU hoo O'dong ia�yourvaulty tb U the houm did spoU. - H live 8took ut aout then - power Wheel 4 Open only half an luch,,� lotter. 'He to 4 MUCCI Of his clbp�, bull Ilse never S" meet' cholly myself .004 eimud 1 --what �ou gym, and, time; to Linde]! 6wrW, what the whole insobinery of: ciaboatouln tho show TIRI'tAWN 11rot WbM�;*uld y9q I says get that an B -OWS. -Brilliant on Wict for me? he kinder. In VV01 makes 2,409.revo" bull diplolas at walkirton. wo y0arm -In 00006. 9ue� -CIJJBF� OFFICUp AROADEj Toroutoo- tirli.q. 19arquis ma atI btl and the=1110, Iowa against 'a Cook- VeM we half �e v and food tyo b)&m# thQ� for, @ion, and -w 11, 1 glob u hought It would catch �bm at will bo i6ld on very f, joAdof Parliament, 04 you 861flict,sat Owner' has no ineang of hindlinghim. Wddr@n oam y-od"'Will flob year nge- H oper Then he went 00 er mut"ll NO "lle"Monw. 'Ownm of -volublo horses ad irlor Challe' �* of coffee an surtell . I I . . . gaep&rte" JAM199 G - ht.-, run 01"Dis I Is W oves Wm- gIs on sudden flash,-' It Is tuft-� ina. other U I 'to AMP my, 'o Matter of tho ftlarod at a low lxsdl�roii, N70, T1011 -In't dodl ofin nowid them I] ought to the opposite di lug, latb� -of - $lie own- Oak for our the shim- #11 6f is tremble, in! lot@ It* fag wourrant Mato, of Jobn Yot woof Oath tleft from duo" or All the uplottint'l-01 -0, train. 140691104, All twoftfr& of ter to � toll reation, It I to Wid p,of Tackarsadtht Ifift un rower TOJU old plbwj, the, &WiY; I kookon partee s a case Where tbtit mov" the 94d Me AW Sty`0 b - above n be Willt of thought; Orion@ blavin Fair Valuation and Gap ; I olginj# Againg, - Choll to lint, ohn youn&, @0@"6d# are re4abod on or 0 *otld ilonrj, I J, SK NNERI. Mitchelle one miss or as a Plain Staten k L96h of ovenibert 1888 6jfhJbnd to the U f the! he taln direotion,- '016h eltor-tar the X86 'tAX of - t o, lesf*tm denigned Solt Disillot Agent tor I f eri An4 o4 who V that ill$, tol abbot stra 0 �81 brIany) hold of, their claims And of the I a h p 111d, in the Ell by kiter the C1 r— wti reverse$ Ao as d doulars We - joeldistally oydrho6rd the following. g h0gror collid, Ith And will and testat Xiddlesox, allo "th ya al ,tt, tham d Kidd9 1. Inw 2of Ig nent of the d dialogue Oil the strettlostIarday r 06111d Ia t back at the speak ou uly, irorldad by affid L owt you stop d! 4*. bortowt gustinthawkQ min s n The rot P c6 of topartee 9 -slia aZeij thia.ggoeubrix will'orodeed toddle; ga.ti4z y our hero" high AY and pull th, Smit :::1fiW*-c"1T YOU nOwIsmamsityr lish lin is th,6 Instance where two. tribute the assats'of the estAt,6,ln -herl hands,* guagi 60ru -.01: brain," on ORV, affair -the diseaia, n Ho dowitta-mOrrow to catarib. Walking under the gi -ot having Vefetefice 6niv 3141mil'of -which jones.-Do as I did. I had I its Irishmen,we bb to received notice. � Ater such dig-: 'MAI S E A, 'FORT ca ye workers; in fill -St Nerpte. L6 'up at -jibbet, -tribtion. she will not -be -STREF-Ti, lokiil# the. she shall hal ruie, and, worstformbut-1 am well n6w any 'person how nem ditoil (of wildsO 0 yw. would You- rule, how Yom i -What did you do for It., one'ol_, maiked claiming to, be a are ..claim shlb Smitl Jones--: dD age a catarrh Remodi. It "Ah, Pi 0 shall not have received notice), for iny part of wester world you.. were it not for -me,'! -The monarch ofthis 9,!y Jbe if the Thist,,notiCe-W given would have curedmeanj marched behind the -AF0' r &I Annal xe aThe boyswho ye be ti a sam are in the gat" said Pat, 'x -Of willof LION Pure gibbet- had done its duty the assets of the -estate. E of and by love Xll try smith -D heartl I?X�,nt 'to the statute in - thidF a & F th, F1 d X 'STED'Soliollbor far 9 ' OutrL -GOLDEN IT'd -be, wa n 'Sonforth, October 16, 1M th.6- d John Young. rug Tones -Do so. Yoii�ll find it. at fill Ing Lo doii-,-al slous'll' -SO` bow to stores in tovi n. -a fertility. (Laughtere), 0 0 you Men Repartee often very V the great pro- tfikind -but it's IBBERT VAUD POR first slid. re ost. at tIL11 AND 13RtCK Ss va ue Ong, abIle wb red`� Dre Goo& that moves, thel X)dd . Comer. un SAM -Por salelot p, concession 8, Hlb- gressive tbr kindness excus on o. poison ' Black and' Colo Vas�ohre old; pnIO7! the Ing and.. indulging in it has been ttack led -,,Fo I'Sbouts6of ect I I . "-0 . ­ i, . th r bqrt, containing ioo iciiii which are I �s . , . I . . !catlon of e elevat , Ili 30 As an I good Iralfied And In *I I sucleared� ail fenced, under d n class Of- 'instance: ornethy., * the famous uplifting orce 02 W Otid 0 d Ut fOl ,violently at. a poor, IT! ish strto�&-dultivatian. Thebalance.litimbdred with Though'simple, my blograrh.T, 'twOuld. fill 0 .'country.- spaperst e th geont swor hardwood.- Thereris a ffxlni� barn and t Manothumordus-aitiole": pav . er who ad piled sourfe paying -stones. -houies &net A good orbliarcti. Th. BqIyfiwelod �oolr 0 thin J? ditAnt lowing, TO seud ; tree -top I orn in vary Or-4he runs tilrough - the farm and there to no * waste-, Silks 1, was wi Mau Blac7c Sa Umti sied Harts. the doe -- ir's Sidewalk.' . Cj e Is Bu farn a. the and. The 6 well eqtdpoa %a lag age$*. myinf -6'e Blood'durd- 61 Rmovo them I away witfi. them! re is also on the CA urn C+ r ileeping bill 19maRViRD able of t They dragged me in Doom of STxixTiLz:ANiD and hollos, to ling Tai Of Love, oilusy, Revellago, screamed iern6thy;with-au oath. outsi,'.000 wprth of knsu"rlalli the season, sul .0 - ever sure on my. ind where prosperit. r. was Deth and Gorgus Toilets, - written ell- 19 But wh e iliall I ta"ke the to an abundanob. of excell t al ' or eithek, tile biibks. Ifi first olaO ru S, (D follow. chi] Iran of this�)antlink ti atithoil. Miss' Juliet Sucla, Pat The yard. is nih f, order, V. CD rely by the sk-od &-englnO and lie lei, tile and C40tain j-� with them? Rich harvests were the. 'and. is well fitted up *1 range ol La0e CD of A, tre,& Kitchen, I a Y. To 1-*-'4--�� And- brick. machines, kilns, sheds, etc., And a and ;a b"fibso Oa A is, situated d th doot to, v�r r, 'ike 'them -of Dublin StMlOn ow, how ould they grow, 'hit off kind the I a be done,' Z 11ow, qr�. & L werVt no me-? oilVh h laver a dertaim n n two miles V4 ad me withthe h Hadn't -I etter, t wishing to iortunity for* Any SO they, shod we and ey rin bli spi�kiir half go welt.- as t e 0?1 on -Of the Min the fol.- he&v'e4.?!' 1; r"nd they'd be' more out splendid t and . m 0 me The iney. r ,old. boy, -of. whom a business �0 CD thefour I-- I h' go into -And my breast -with a way t pro . Pw bg t6,the'recont- __j!l said P it wi),Lbe sold dhisps V low prietori. TU in a eadote is told.) Ze was taken of your ho or a Any amount Of and $1 -lose per -1 11 t a h I Ire! 'Y COL is.. read an, say on doe ver a meet at ted to -dral, nd- all -sizes P; a 9ing 4awi shines !� - . . A - Laughteri -h - 0 0 0, sincerity which a lady as he I �reoat ofone of the pro -on- his sto6k too, a r in fin of repartee niig tild on ha hain 0 so cr md w is ittribu CD As onardh Of 3N When be. thoizean ene ev, I on a, as, 0 0-h )sperity, abalnqaud did D I mis r to Dublin 0. aX qY8 P fiimiuo, Pfewers." old: d than usual C+. got home he Was aSkod, Whit th ori �kqrsj And;othe isev Wr011 epliedg 91 a- lad J talk- 6698 4 on seeu -juy Descent into he r 41plow, th lbWv)old that moves the there. ho rui thii of e paper, Hell ?". ii aired, thor w had &A au 'to her S FOR world- alongi. edto her �Lil.-The"ftb- r dale eplied Do g14 'ev r0read. foliawing valumble an L a ad a No the- hors0s: One- heavy Ix Ina* 1111 y to. writte a. ook A Geor wa with.& filary4itle. ---VALIVAOLE HORit gold his fa m, offers to wido;W-took,a queer 9 Jorroldt �"but- se%nee get. ell Sh h over it'sud.kill-, I sho"u1bi e to&II (Laughter draught mare- iUx#orted'byiJohn MoX01 CD a the 6flidi.TSOYP and on iu� ran* t irs oil. oiert" chirpe liogo 81 �o sue the r 0 -id for 'dim P., aged 8 �eaye, in fdali t0ok first PlUb room the other as he swung into the, ed it t T' ISPUPe.- the PrSvincial in Guelph ; sWeepstaUes, so a f 'beA a she.- E16p�' Ian C+- morulngt S MOTIOW 3 reading'an lodor 0 dlg� and lost -her case Where* three year old, for the best mate on, the ground 0. bad ieddereg t 411 -the thepartment. ia'rd which shi V 4-A thellesh-of thealail101Ophalit in London -and prizes'S r o uiga h o took the We trio one eavy - driught- maie.. d the exhibited. %#eried his from the: killed hogt and, grease where CD 0 91; a 0, was; 0, prw tr - cooked inf rarlous ways, roast, Wiled ` imported about, nine month glaring. from tr&c f6i quarter of -a mile and am ried, but with- i6difibient Won& the book k - .0 . -. . I stowedg Our taker in the old country,.and n y shoyiin -6ce ot stallede bough our I a cook, no in-Canida' taking first vlz% -ged 6 years. -IOU his, desk., after r -he -has succe"J.6 dadr� at f, nn 'Anugunods -th ut in' the. culinary - art in ioale': Bne three-year-old filly, breliftom, 1M that fetter 04 )PDT Va ry, (D. swedtness On- mean To Ole y pe taker at a to t toil. h tied 'put h hi Plow, and -will not t , nil 9 townsht lb It ske the dbbes ported stobk has been a A is boy.o- as 8 tried h i - know to!; m 0 a* wberb fthibl' State Arbeti replied th )red and 00 F3 O��TH 's rlilito Dr. McGlynn. from -imported rn 0 UP. Paper* In appearance. -stock i AnclVicked a, mo That' -001( 0 himself into 'a, -knob Vacant chair* -turn, bac palatable# The'llish is black no wa!n�eivold, :61 bra go. If this es"Id jii%lfrom imported -0 SON EMA nd Henry''Goorge O.Pifte *Inner -itall -the lodil Shows - That is V1111t 'YOU A coarse# sc not inviting let., age, took also 6 have, -done Ong N. 1, at and: most spi -matte ought to� pitizinj dish. of one orsoc can be, loss MJLMJ MVhfit 9 ths- The. lze winn don't kno fty I ad more gooa plowmang there' ip made out- of the runk,*, "yo fi'me at the arm of the subscriber, one . mile look here W` AS coun all was so ; Clintob.: The will be Sia don!t care f6r autl-povertY aspondent FrM* south 'of the town Of tor.1i �-Of would Ili less dlemalili gia) News. a Burmahl6orr of the Stan- mable terms, An, ft any our busine i. tilho, van V011118011; (Gebr 'P�rtions of the trunk sold on reas( b ibout it before goolet"i -1 . o a e- talM 0 roll" mo OKI you careful: very -rospe G ME� jw N ATT: uch: to, have me portion -of ths'pu ting the best of etoo this Is a 1V C wised that You have d Jentl NTIO7 I am surl all: plebes an ot. LBut say, I'll tell I out into im ste*ec ivin for. hourifs exuding their in pe illrivir 04 caflavilr. gimmi away." become oh* a &TO =rtunity.,.attAesa-aro`:ln- yowif you dolitt m the abeipi of �ROBEAT: .,AW, u, at Out the 6arryin, t- youuse4 tobe the most reckless teo` Ing bein addOd in nto half- 1 7 tf -0 Well. I told y6 streets. 'You, ran I m� Ia h i grbwii3g on the spot -"all 'about tin* ster On M ou - out -our housi 1 1!4 to my cer� t2liefferent carriagess up- Was slinply deli0iou 76f a CD le. sofa and *Y. in# it On- i dozdn The ivint urtlei nce- it. mo no of.- It ww storyt r embl -A hird-Oass To'. 'es Canister "Lam, n- U 11C. btlaskin"down t1 Its TED. to nie—dldll�It I? 'Well the Ole man tain knowledgo."- T unique.. or. and rich gummy 0011211 TEA0AERS Q k. arc he. wagn1, sattlef a & on n6wt 1if it's mi ed thick t XAdH9R WANTED, [Cd wit*1 SIB but c1r righb w k te 0;hr Fro t just thv ame, Owns soup ths any !Dthiir I d TDIO our �ffiaha;vcolrld. partmbntof L n, Y - nutrition wanted for the sew he warped ne thought any- 8, sister to b a and strength- g@ibbl Section No. 4, Nue ale.- Application* an-, - . - She he promi tj luded me, of The, sofa coldly,. but' Said, *Ithout me of c sed to be i�] Wouldn't pay. to him.- Rig thinked. her also7- muell rem -'stating galary, SCO07pnied wy testimoni,�19,.will: Dir si he wanted & now Mr, 5 SOni" a hich how, m I ".sisters. Why, -0 W to eras .. 0 t' 1888. WK. style iready five, soupy te made be -received- Up ftee years back, an 45 4; ening-s richo thicks o. it o.. Mon � vollenvs P. 0 fixx it, besid for he. hadla aid the girl,,, I thought: delic I had MESSER, peoretary, Qnly child." he of mods inuloples" W :W I Papt made sintance wibh while out moose- h JL '02 C1 so the Ole: I w We a acqu R WANTED.--.-- Is or fema i man he buys a EACHE huntl one suviiam '66 1 mean t . . 'of "d for School I cciiered- With velVef You a hat I have, nir 'in. Eastern Canada. The feet alaii gertifir, SOO— t ,respon n� third ather, w onet al 1 btau'lle on of rer. to bet" an4,6,110' elephants - also were - k Ales . to �;'h;m w, and brings it Y the iAller tion Noi3Oroy; ill ait, you kv.0, sister bef0e. Noveili- word roasted slowly in woo srd, 1889. A ly, stating rn (D red,:. 0 lothing a em off and bar 15th. arm - P C like a c4t 84 Ili the parlori tot the door d. ThiY,, )nal.. profer nd G u shih out b6in Thjy -a Sol men isid -e tough skin peeled -N, S, retary-Treasurer'.. w --Put h t go" ll.th P reproa Mt Iiiight sual. rore punp but it Ch011 I comes, ra u t HARTWELL. spz= red ai. ditring the- ------------------- met ynith varied succep then we. . Answers -the purpose. ny we Ina a or flimale pa to th r or a ACHI fit' Sectidii� No.-. 7, of - p: 1111dJU2 004hgO heard JAhUXry 91104.1b one, ra4 n M - I bod. They all- a You 0 for U h '14 it Him novieff P. 0. -se, and I h7rrI self - 6chfully, p e me. an! I Wentz Out the I U kept John ' served au nqtural Hou Am' b it tb- h Itty long session from -raiming on the . streets iii hunting expedition, k IR WANTED; six weeks of ru rippli the boy did you Not I h was considerable . 8 'didn't b Ing 804l eleplislits ili- Allt whic] Turnbnrry and -)FAst WawAnosh., Duties to. 0 that night an' I- air for him. t Th! 01-a- ma ot1ior out his hi rfe0tI* satisfactory., commdnee. arm bail his. OHN Pel A desgi 1W ale -somia laul bo Chi in the y rOckst' ceived up to-, ist Novem.bo he eletl?s ..Ou o -U hi to sed, the Poor Y One sy, on croeiing some 87 we camq W back oe? Ousei' ish at tor yi7 edg�, qui - to * D.- Drices choap,o Wi P. 01 silo )noy', an Au was -1 ider a pr6jectizig r "cause boa. -Con taryt. &d couldialt he stric;o ..,PELON, Secre YOU OU, poll an enormous .4 F, an. sleeps cago Tr One. P adaressli;g hi like a m that's erance) eas. - C-4 CHOOL 'T1 t Iffbil rd gere in, a state of 'apparlini lifel wanted for union- School Sectlon;Nor 5, t k d bits m4 I -he of intemp rF A CH5 8 li� W1 X T 9 1 - 1-3 A splem, flock ol the Supine nd of the finest SUMME1 -i the very IWO% Ing a .8 :),i of Wharangui with these &at ill this. conlat ale '',condition, secohd elm' tl�S. w after a 0 and 'Con uded 0 Ruilett; a male teacher,bolil to auto, the o li deal o' fussiu at 6ye J2ad (jeart suit your pockets. and yoiar tas lost Ocholly go, bed. W cis Drink, pariah luties 9 leertificater.' -Must- 118 choose from. come Upr-to. or 1 9. Address on as .7to OR e the Aaoor,. an' th iVesi'starve el 0 some p� *pommende Itt- of .91 ry,o -h stmidnigh stating I salary, - W. my childrenj makes harmless, wi -hanaled all kinds to . your, fjig_ the palike I Cho Clofhi,of CD you b fie6y. We could fe . the �boh 49:�f 61 * . as, and doing all llly� bwu cuttin Ica �gu gues es your,w ay, and f the It. was, mo landlords,, IS -School Board. ura� a shoot your .1211h$i, beneitlithe distended 'skin. 6X4 PIT. workms�nshipf reoikfast early an' lie come� down to -shekarries had out. off the 0 - f rew minute th mi -too.') v ULLS, [n 0, miss After our -ripped the bot FU RMsHING h . av of Gents' -84 slie -come, down I and ' - head thCy 6 a stock Wrer si�eu her Oslo:. 17 open Fop, s9RVIbE'S., N1 I lookin' as cross as do �ioubework- Inside.' ..B . . . I . .1. . . ­ e. � - - U f it t the Boy.a ad foond a mo %i Le unt In ahe4 can be found in the'.co lity p3ir. themsel'ir W. a n( 'L FOR SERVICE. ENGLISH PRESCRIPTIONS 9 ERSEY B I T t th Ja nothin do- Itwa' '')t* on� nviting spectable""the., U -GREA It came in,, e :0,6 �-Our Hit 0 show t2seiplau'yittlixieit 'Witl but limi 'In m opinion 'there d roughbred Jersey bull,; coming -- i the oeep wao.- 'MY an pre 0. and %ps ig4t. till Sis, began to..d.on &big body - of chased-a'tho: ce TS 'AND CAI A oucceillefil medicine testall meal went sto din for a moiv� or boy flattined appearancel two years Old,, 1 intend keeping him fori lorvl ng, all I �i" 16 -a.tte sentea. a hoirfdi over So yea= In thousands at especially On gra g1l -Atrong arm assiat -the -.T.wo dolli, cash, We Ar ntion to.this deps� cOming season., -Terms e man Workea� wi e or at the time air service, bxcept Jorge often over �j� �Fry carea Nor d '�n anythipg' Wes&WWd -kickial an everythini, 9pion, nd.w bones were ciushod.. the Nfell-the 01 If stiowins that Its co*.g which ntt, * up so earl irlosi how0rer thought..'dif- AGE1TROTT or not.[ It w kFe in Y.- lired GEOME1TROTT, and Gm- -Oa C juay I aske money y ersexIBmissim aidet. stand it long. Ile look of the house _�iir eks will -be obarged three Miami .0,1060 ive no 'calltwhethaf -you buy uPP the heavier work us b ik an says mot 96'were &It 'Jerently from ifor' they, cut the. sheep bhe tabl6; mOthOr's girls 'braced hlS. elbows 01111 f - a'd go hold@ MY w often 11up si*' carried it to call4p to cook for Ininscration or ova exertion SK BULL.,The underdined,will keep avdto; e ugest, we JRHAX StAncit ;,ut yol dI thO You ateed to d kind. o! grolin' it night boys,'Ip Th - also ;utillzed thelos s season 014 lects cure when an 1, r .. suffe ey for the improvementlof Stock tM Campbell1q-. Blocks -Campw ri - I ili� up -hel e housework 401P Ono to bqd instead 0 8 Alle& to p �y -its fiesh-lu the still. on Road, -TUdketsmith,' two to, on- big Farm am e- tbeilhoroug)ibred Dur- gotel, edorth. mileswest of S"forlb your temper C' her,for the instruc.- fo Ing I Hur with that infe I'lloe-lived to New $5'b 0446 byl y=ML in that lilies and I know Istered in WO D in �Buil., �T ims.--r o1n. might be -better i�n tion she gave 11116 DOMWO] I sure al for loiet mind6 remem- yo.';want-to get the dYNOMN i Shb'rot =a :-k; To T 9Rcbert-'Sx7 er, my witil Is of ithful to know 91 "T. fc1low Moo, ble tor e SEPIX 7049. you will" -ipeed- :the- -daj when ping the: down every 1111013 po IG is �6i;g lat We tin recf%i me Such langua ber oef whetit semn man kind 0 610sr d iook Tory. 1002-S it = real int our call e. work I gy, find out,;. 40 the to mot.sAym P me for ad up, and he "don IATO , to IWM -YOU Pug" for him or Te 0 a OA -�Iea d ho 0 0 Cat' an C S ter ICIB41*1011 .1 com, kes Ch Y d ch Jo u' d 0 to 1 Ilb �Jl'eod ant 01i