HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1888-10-19, Page 6-I.•••••TF!
The BelgraVe- Shaw. l3eanor.—W. H. McCracken, B. Ed -
The folinwing is a full list of the wards:
prize winners at the East Wawanosh DAIRY.PRODUOE.—Keg of salt hatter. I
show held:at Belgrave last week. —A. 'Carr, Miss Pollock. Basket of i
. • , rant .
butter in rolls or prints.—T. Hi Taylor,
Musa.— Heavy Draught. — Brood G. Moffatt. Bread, home-made.—T.,
mare with foal by her side, A. Carr; A,. Anderson, Miss Pollock. Honey in
' .
- W. Sloan. Horse foal, ist and 2nd A. comb.—W. J. Martin. Maple sugar. -7
W. swami mare foal, A. cur, Tivo J. Rath-, H. Wightman. Maple syrap.1
year old filly, A.,Carr. Two year .old —A. Proctor and Sons, M. Harrison.
gelding, J. Rath. Year: old filly, N. Oat cake.'—T. Anderson, ..G. • Moffatt.
GeNenat. Penzose,--Broocl mare, T.
Forbes, T. H. Taylor, jr. Horse foal, ,
H. Ross,T.Forbes; Mare foal,T. Bieiby,
T. Forbes.' Two year old filly, T. H.
Taylor, jr.,. N. Cummings. Two year
old gelding, T.' H. Taylor, jr., A. Carr.
Year old filly, Robt. Reilly, J.Nethery.
Year old gelding, lat and 2nd Thos.
Forbes, ,Span, Thomas- Anderson,- D.
Taylor. t - .,_
VannraOz nor:sm.—Brood mare, d .
N. Perdue, V'. S., W. Geddes, Spring
foal, E. A . Chamberlain W. Wylie.
Sucking colt sired by Kentucky Star, E.
A. Chamberlain. Two year old.geIding,
H. Edwards. Year old filly, E. A.
Chamberlain', W. Wylie. Year old
gelding, J. E. Perdue, V.S. W.Geddes.
Buggy horse, E. Baines, T. Wilkinson.
Hack horse, J. N. Perdue, V: S., D:
• Geddes. /Span, T. Agnew, T. Budges.
Best brOod, mare, any class, A. Carr.
_. Team of ones in harness, .any- class, T.
JenGes. -D. McLauchlin, Grey;- T.
Todd, St, Helens; GI Cruickshank,
• •
by an artificial' one. He agreed and
went to New York, where the operation
.wa .successfully performed a few days
age and he is doing Well. Rev. Mr.
Bland is greatly beloved" in KingstOn.
. +A new industry in Cornwall will be
the: mantifacture of elastic. webbing,
.branes, tapes and. webbing. "
• . +A buyer is stationed at Oshawa,
says the Whitby Chronicle, to purohase
wild -mustard seed, out of which a valu--
Factory cheese.. -=W. H. Smith. Home- abln oilcan be ',crushed. I This, adds
made cheese.—T.. Anderson. .„'J that journal, will .help the bad farmer
poet; for he eau always depend upon a
good crop of mustard. , . -- :. .... . •
-7--.4 mob at Neuchatel., Switzerland,
the other night made savage attacks
upon -the Salvation Army, blockading
the meeting houses,pouring. petroleum
.on •the huildings, firing . pistols, etc.
Several persons were injured. ' The
authorities have forbidden% the army to
' The failure te hay crops in Ger-
ma k is attracting serious attention.
Th re is a pair crop of both -cereals and
pot toes. The, price of bread is rapidly.
fisi g. Since 1887 rye has advanced 48
ma ks and -wheat 34 marks. In ' seine
dis ricts the bakers have taised the
pri e ef bread 10 pfeanings per pound:.
fle r Richter calculates that Germany
wil require 13,000,000 hectolitres,. of
gram to meet the deficiency.
-4n the Court of Queen's Bench, at
Montreal, Saturday, Chief Justice Sir
A. A. .Dorion sentenced C. A. Piteher,,
lately teller of the Union Bank of Pro-
vidence, 'Rhode Island, to seven years
in the penitentiary :for bringing .stolen•
morley into Canada. . His Honor Bald
there was no doubt hat that Pitcher had
committed a grave crime: He had done
his best to wreck the bank by ;which he
was employed, and not only hadhe de-.
faulted in the United States,
.bat he had
triedthe same game in Montreal by pur-
chit ing .a )341 of exchange with stolen
Ross, G. 8ow1er. Heifer calf, T. H.
Taylor J. Barbour. Bull calf, G.
•Bowler, Ross.- .
NATIVE o& G1inrCITTLE..—Cow, T.
• -Ross, R. 'Milne, T. Wilkinson. Two
year old htifer,lst and 2nd H. Edwards.
Year old heifer. T. Ross,- R. McGowan.
Heifer eali, 1st and 2nd T. Wilkinson.
Three yeak old, steers, lat and 2nd T.
Ross. Two year old steers, ist and 2nd
T. Rossne year old steers, T. Ross,
R. McGo an. Steer' calves, R. Mc-
Gowan, T. Wilkinson. Beeve, lst and '
2nd T. Ro s. Yoke working oxen, R.
McGowan. Herd, T. Ross.
. Judges R. Medd, Auburn; George
Nicholson, Turnberry; J. *Cummings.,
SHREP.—Leicester and their Grades,
—Aged ram, J. Henry &Sonl W. Scott.
Ram lamb•, N. Cummings, R. Goulds.
Aged Jaw* R. Coultis, G. Sowler. Ewe
Iambs, H. eacon-, R. Coultis.
Aged. ewes W. J. Martin. 4 '
Aged ram, tH. Ross, G. Stewart Ram
• lamb, 1st ad2nd T. Anderson. Shear -
ling ewes,. ..Anderson, H. Ross. Ewe
Iambs, 1st nd 2nd, E. Ross. Fatsheep,
any class, F. Anderson, T. Wilkinson.
Pen, any kind, R. Coultis.
Judges . Govier, Auburn; S. R.
Pxc.—Jarge Breed—Aged boar, J.
Robertson.j Brood SW littered. in 1888,
IL Edwar s.
SMALL ORD. —Aged boar, H. Ed-
wards. B ood sow, J. Owens. Boar.
littered in 11888, H. Edwards. -
Junoss..j. Govier,, Auburn; 3. R.
Miller; Jamestown. ,
Pouran..—Pair geese, J. Harrison.
Pair turkeys J. Harrison, T. Wilkin-
son. Pair dLks, 3. Robinson, J. Har-
rison. Par Plymouth Rocks, let and
2nd, J. 11 rrison. Pair Leghorns, lst
and 2nd, J. Harrison. Pair Spanish,
1st and 2 d, -.1". Harrison. Pair Ham-
birgs, 1st nd 2nd,..3-. Harrison. Pair
any otherariety, 1st and 2nd, I. Har-
JunnE.-L-W. Taylor, Wingham.
- Brunsdon.
Double ca
• R. M. Ro
plow,. T.
Belk, W
GRAM. 4 -White fall wheat, J. i.Me-
Dowell, J. and J. Anderson. Red fallz,
wheat, 1 G. McGowan, J. and J.
Anderson. Spring wheat, G. Moffatt,
J. Harrisim. Barley; C. Proctor, J.
- any kind
oats, J.
oats, G. A
G. McGo
McKinno ' Belgrave. .
ND FLOWERS.—Golden. Rus -
8, J. Taylor, F. Baines.
J. Robertson, G. Bowler.
J. Robertson, A. W. Sloan.
nd Greening, M. Harrison, R.
iden's blush, E. -Robinson, H.
Northern Spy, E. Robin -
Tamlyn. Crochet work. -Mrs, Godfrey,'
Mrs. Tovell. Bead work.r-Ist and 2nd
Mrs. Twirl; Fancy knitting.—Miss
McClelland, Mrs. Moffatt. Patchwork
on quilt. —Mrs. R. Milne, Mies Pollock.
Gent's linen shirt.—Mrs. Moffett, Miss
McClelland. Gent's fancy flannel shirt.
Mrs : Tamlyn. • Braiding. Mrs. T.
Brydges, Mise ,McClellan: . Woolen
stockings.—lst and 2nd W. H. Mc-
Cracken. Socks.—Mrs, G. Moffatt,
Mei. D. Geddes. Woolen gloves.—Mrs,
G. Moffatt, W. H. McCracken. Wool-,
en-mitts.—Miss Pollock, Mrs. J. Tay-
lor. Log cabin quilt.—A. Proctor and
Sons -T. .Anderson. and sons. Knitted
quilt".—Mrs. R. Scott, Mrs. T. 'Forbes.
-Patched quilt;—Mrs.M. Cummings,
Miss Pollock.. Counterpane.—Mrs. J.
abase!, Miss Pollock. Rag mat.—lst
and 2nd A. Proctor and Son- Berlin
Wool work.—Mrs.-Tovell, Mrs:, Godfrey,
Cotton stockings. —Miss Pollock. Card
work. A. Proctor and Son. -Leather
werk.—Mrs. Godfrey, W. H. McCrack-
en. • Pencil drawing.—Mrs. Godfrey.
Hair flowers;—Miss McClellan; Em-
broidery on silk.—Miss McClellan, Mrs.
Wylie. Lace work.—Miss McClellan,
Mrs. Godfrey. Iwine lace. -.--Miss Mc-
Clellan, Mrs. Moffatt. • Rag carpet. --
Mrs. T. Anderson, Mrs. A. Proctor.
Commended.:—Pen and ink sketch:—
J. Russel. Crazy work,—Mrs. Tovell.
Drawing and batting wreath.—Mrs.
Tovell. •
Judges.—Mrs. W. Clegg, Wingharn ;
Miss Rititoul, Miss Walsh, Wawanoshi
: .
Genteel. Quackst.
Yes, it paysi," Said a big, fat physician,' with
a.name which is. known throughout the medical
world. "1 have apractice worth $40,000 a year."
.."-Weinen "Yes, you've guessed it first-time:
They pay $10 every time they come into my
office. When one gets on my list .1 tell you she
days 1" and Dr. II-- laughed long and loud.
This is quackery—gilt-edged, genteel quackery—
to keep suffering women paying tribute•year in
and year out, and doing them no, good: Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription curesthe peculiar
weaknesses and diseases of women: It does not
Ile to them nem rob them •
News Notes. -
-,-Robert Noxon, the oldest Mason in
Montreal, and possibly in Canada, died
a few days ago aged 94 years. He had
been a member of the craft for over 67
—Dan. Coughlin, a St. Thomas cat-
' -tie drover, met with a serious loss Mon-
day, a. sneak thief getting away with
his wallet, containing $375.
--.-Cross and White, the Raleigh, South
Carolina bank wreckers who . were cap-
tured tit Toronto, have been senteuced,--
one to six and the other to five Years'
hard labor on the public roads,
—.Mr. Archibald McArthur, of Car-
leton Place, has given 81;000 to Knox
Collegito establish a schdlarship.
-L.-Rev. P. R. Ross, the popular pas-
tor of St Andrew's 9hurch, Ingersoll,
has received the unanimous call of the
Central Park Presbyterian Church,
Chicago, but has .not yet decided- to ac-
.cept it. .
--Master James Bartlett; of Lambeth
school, who wrote for a third:classcer-
tificate on the midsummer. examination,
has recently received his certificate from
the Educational Department. His age
Is 13, and 70 per cent. of all who wrote
failed. Inspector Dearness visited Lath."
both and took with him a handsome di- :
ploma and bronze medal awarded the
school by the Executive 'Committee of
the International and Indian Exhibition,
London England, 1886, for specimens
of work! there exhibite1/21.
—Ninety-one bales .of wool. shipped
by Toronto firms to Thomas Lee & Co.,
of Philadelphia, have beenseized by
Customs officers at the latter city, as
each bale -contained a pair- of English'.
bleaike„ts. . •-
—A workman TePairing a -house in
Pembroke the other day found a set of
counterfeiter's tools and a lot .offeounter-
feit money between the ceiling and gar..
ret floor.
—Mr, R. Callender'organist of Zion
Church, Brantford, has left for New
York in order to place' with the menu,
lecturers two recently invented organ
actions. Patents -have been applied for
in Canada, the Unitedfitates„.England;
Germany, and France. • •
—Evangelist Crassly took part in the
revival services on Saturday evening;
at St. Thomas whieirare•being success- .
fully conducted ix, Grace' Methodist
church, in the city by the Miss :Dims
dales; At thelelose of the -Service he
fainted, and is under medical treatment
at the residence of :Rev: Mr. Hunter,
Wellington street.
- —There are several cases of small -pox
in Toronto. •
—The regular Canadian ocean steam-
ers will -for the remainder of the season
bring their passengers to Montreal .1n- -
stead of landing them at Quebec.
—All the numbers of a New York
lustrated sporting paper exposed : for
sale in Kingston were seized as immoral
bY4the customs authorities an Saturday.
—Every Catholic church in Quebec
has one or more -electric lamps before it,
whilethe Proteitant churches Are left
out in darkness. -But this is aspecifica•
tion in the contact.
Molson, of -Montreal, has
nated $3,000 to the library of the Fraser
Institnte of that city. _
—The frosts of September are're--
ported to have done a great deal of
damage to the grape crop and late gart-
den growth in South Essex..
—There are an•unusually-f large num-
ber of typhoid fever cases. In Windsor,
and the Catholic school is ijlosed on ac-
count of the principal, Mr. -D. 'Cheney,
being down, with the disease,
—The Department of Fisheries will
tranship_ a cargo of live 'lobsters from
the fishing grounds in Nova Scotia to
British Columbia for the pgrpose of
propagation in the 'Pacific Ocean.
—Rev. S. G. Bland; of Queen street
Methodist church, Kingston, has long
been crippled, but his infirmity was not
ari impediment to his enthusiasm, and
'what he lacked, in physical .force he
made up in mental Culture. He znaved-
about on a crutch, but lately physicians
noticed that he was sappipg his strength
by his constant use of .the .Wooden_
so a consultation was Called and it was
.considered advisable that his right
leg should be. ainputated and replaced
NTS. —7.• Luniber wagon, .3.
• Buggy, J. . Brunsdon.
riage, J. Brunedon. Plew,
inson, J. Brunsdon. Gangi
H. Ross. Seed drill, J.
. -
P. Scott, Brussels ; 3. W.
ingham ; William McNally,
est two bushels fent wheat
J. and J. Anderson. . White
ells, T. "Andersan. Black
offatt, J. Harrison. Peas, T.
W. -Mason. Timothy, R.
an, J. Nithery.
R. Medd, -Auburn; M. F.
FRUITsett appl
Rhode 1st
• Scott. M
son, J. Robertson. Colverts, R. Stone-
- house 4,- Harrison. Tolman Sweets,
J. Henry,. and Son, T. Wilkinson;
Three varieties of -fall apples, A; Carr,
M. frarriien. Fan pears, G. Sowler, A.
`Carr.. Winter pears, W. Scott, H.s
Wightman. Best variety of grapes, H.
Wightman, J. -Fells. Crab apples, J.
Henry and Son, M. Harrison. Two
Varieties of plums, A. Carr. Collection
fruit,- T. , Wilkinson, H. Wightman.
Bepet ofifiowers .0. Proctor and Son,
T. Anderson. Flower in Pot, T. Ander-
son, A. P odor and Son. •
MANUFACTURES.—Home. made cloth
Miss J.7*P Hock. Flannel, T. Anderson,
Miss Poll ek. Union flannel, J. Owens,
Miss Pol ock. Pair blankets, Miss
Pollock, T. Anderson. Set single hat-
ness, ist a d 2nd Homuth and_Buchanan.
Pair'coar‘ boots, Homuth and Buchan-
an. Pair!. of fine boots, Homuth an
Buchanan. Three betties home -mad
wine, 1st and 2nd, J. Owens. . •
R,OOTS AND v EGET-iBLES;—lialf-bUSh.
SowIer, J. McDow.
_ el of pota
• ell. • Fo
W. H. NI
H. MeC
ler, Lar
Henry a,nd Sons. Field turnips.—W,
H. 'aIeCriteken, J. Fells. Early horn
carrots.—J. Robertson, W. H. .Mci
Craelten. Onion's. frem seed, —A. Carr5
3 MeD well. Onions of any other'
- kinti.---k% . H. McCracken-, R. Sellers,
Indian ccrtn.—R. 0. McGowan, J. Mc-
Dowell. 11,Vatermelon.=-T. Andersen,
W. - H.. McCracken. - Muskmelon.—T.-
An.dersoni.W. H. McCracken. Pump-, -
kins.—%V IL McCracken, A. .-Procto
• and sons.
'en, A. P.
Ai Selle
r varieties of potatoes.—J4
, 3. and J. Anderson, Cab
H. Taylor, jr., _ W. H.- M
Cauliflower.—let and .2n
Cracken.. Blood, beet. ---W
eken 3. Taylor. Mangold
-W. H. McCrecken, J. Tayl
est turnip, any: kind.—T. An
'we& turnips.—W.' Scott, J
Squash.—W. H. McCrac
rooter and Sons. Citron.
W. H. McCracken. Tom
Anderson; H. Wightman.
where she left some of her valuables
,during her recent visit to London: There
'are several clews to, the chief, but the
police now are carefully watching A
young weinan hailing from rtaly, who
speriks French with a pure Parisian ac-
cent: For years past she has been ser-
ving as -Mrs. Stevens' maid. She has
many admirers. She says she is inno-
cent,. but oircumstancial evidence ,is
strongly against her.
A Boy's Queer A.p-olcigy.
An Albany lady tells of an abnormally
me an orange." - She told him that she
hadn't any oranges, to which he promptly
replied " You lie l" Frightened, to -
think how ' it 'sounded, he ran home and'
told his m '
other who immediately sent
himiback to apologize. The youug man
improved matters by Saying: "Auntie,
I am very, sorry -for what r said to you.
'bitt-Hbut, auntie, you did lie."—Albany
Mrs, Perlin Stevens, of New -York,
robbed recently of an enormous
mit of diamonds, the intrinsic value
he 'stolen jewels. being placed at
,000-. Mrs .Stevens says some of
lewels .were stolen in Germany,
rs in Italy, and others were taken
the Rotel Continental in Paris,
t boy in °Amsterdam calling at the
e of an aunt, where he felt at liberty
o about as he pleased. There were
oranges in sight. The lady had
ently forgotten that boys are alms
ry, and did not offerhim one ;
aps she had forgotten that there.
any in the house; the young visitbr
luded that something would have to
one, and said : " .Auntie, please give
' Tbe microboope'has proved that these diseases
arementagious, and that they are ,due to- the -
'preeence of living parasites in the interlining
mernbrane of the upper air passages and - custa-
ohian tubes. The eminent scientists, Tyndall,
ey and Beale endorse this, and these
rities cannot be disputed.. The -regular
Lod of treating these diseases' has. been to
an irritant remedy weekly, and even
da 1 , thus keeping the delicate membrase in a
constant state of irritation-, allowing it no °hewn
to heal, and as a naturalconsequence of such
rest lent not one permanent cure has ever been
recorded. . It is an absolute fact that these dis--
- eases cannot be cured by any application made -
oftener than once in tWo weeks, for the mem-
brane must get a chance to heal before an appli•
catkin is repeated. It is now ,seven years since
Mr. Dion discovered theparasite-in catarrh end
ulated his new treatment, and since then
medy has become a household ' word in
• country where the English language is
spoken. Cures effected by him seven years ago
-are cures still, there having been no return of the
SO highly are . these remedies' valued, -that
. ignorant imitators have started up everywhere,
pretending.to destroy a parasite of which they
know nothing, by remedies, the results of the
' application of which they are *pally ignorant.
Mr. Dixon's remedy is applied only once in two
weeks, and from one to threr applications effect
a permanent cure in the most aggravated eased.
Mr. Dixon sends a pamphlet describing his
his r
treatment on. the receipt of stamp to pay
ge. -The address re A. H. Dixon & Son, 303
street west, Toronto, Canada.Scientific
ricen. 1063-52
00TOBAR, 19, 18fis. •
'8e.afortfi Furnifure
• • ,
.• it you want good Value for your money, -
don't forget to giv bf. Robertson a 411 •
before buying °lee her& You will find
. his stook very large and vaned, and prides
to suit the times. '
The Undertaking Department is replete
• with every sanitary opnvenience, as re• •
- commended by th Undertakers' Assoc' -
• tions Of the continent. We pay particular
-attention to the scd noe Of embalming, as
demonstrated by eminant professore at the
Toronto Willed of Medicine, and are bet.
ter prepared than ver to furnish and con -
duet funerals on m • re reasonable termi to
our patrons than • ny so•ealled "reform
undertakers," wit • their-adVertising clap, '
Warerooms—On doer south of the
Telegraph Office,'• sin _Street, Seaforth.
Jarvis and God6rioh Streets next door to the
Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Ont. All dl -
!oases of 'Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the to.
mesticated animals, successfully:treated at this
Infirmary, or elsewhere, on the _shortest notice.
`Charges moderate. JAMES W. -ELDER,. Vete
inary Surgeon. P. S.—A-large stook of • Veteri
ary Medicines kept constantly on hand]
of.the'Ontario • Veterinary College, . To
•ontO; Registered Member of the- Ontario Vete
inary Medical Association; also Honorary Me
bet of the Veterinary Medical Society. Treat
all Diseases - of Domesticated Animals. Als
particular attention given to Veterinary Denti
try. Horses carefully examined for Soundnes
and Certificates Oen. Alroalls promptly atten
ed to by Mail or 'Otherwise., OFFICE at Res
dence,'Staffa, Ont. .150 1048
argains are still being offered in
ur steak is new and our prices as
o as good goods can be bought for.,'
Of very kind, all of our Curing, constantly
on hand, and. I,Vill be sold in large dr small
pie es. Our Hams are now become noted for
th r -superior flavor
Trythem.- ,
L • okfor thecorner store.
sfaite, HUGH ROi3B, -
Je*eIy Estai1isbment-
To the Campbell'. Block, corner Mai
and Gederich Streets, Seaforth,
Where he keeps a large stook of .Gold and Oily
Watches, Fine : jewelry, Creoles, '8;e. A fin
stook of Heavy itlain. Geld Wedding Rings, dre
cheap as the cheapest.' Wotan& Clocks an
Jewelry repaired withdespatch. •
- , •
learCharges,Reasonable. .
• W. J. Northgraves,
.:11 Campbell'SBlock, SeafOrth..
11 ATTHEW MORRISON, Walton, -Insurance
Agent, Commissioner for taking affidavits,
Ceriveyanees, &o.1 Money to loan at the lowest
rates M. MORRISON,.Walton.
TITO. EASTINGS,Solicitor,eto. Office—Cady's
. !Bloek; opposite -Commercial tel, Sea.
forth. 974 -
Q EAGER d; 'LEWIS‘ Barristers, Gode 'eh.—
° Office, opposite the Colborne Hotel.- 976
1" M. BEST,_Barrister, Solicitor, &o. Office—
Rooms One Door North of the,Cosnmercial
Hotel, ground Bootnett door to Beams butcher
shop. Agents—CAMBRON, How &Cameison. 870
ARROW If PROUDFOOT, Banisters, Solid.
Ur tors, &c., Goderioli' Ontario 3.T.GARR°
Q. 0 • Wic PROIIDFOOT " 68671
.1- • •
PAMERON; 110LT * CAMERON, barristers,
Solicitors in Chancery, &o., Goderich, Ont., _
O. Otameoe„ Q. 0, Pnraie How, M. G.
CAMERON. ' 506
TOMS -L DANCEY, lite with Cameron!,
1.4 Holt ts Cameron Goderloh,-- Barrister, So-
licitor, Conveyancer, -.86. Money to loan. -Ben
eon's Old Office, Cardno's Bloc*, Seaforth. 736
to 4. :DOWNEY, Solicitor,. Coveyanoer,•&O
Late of Victoria; B. 0.,` Office—Over
Bank of Commerce, Main street, Seaforth. Prl.
vats funds to.loan at ei and e per cent. 1035
lUrANNING & SCOTT, Barrister& Soliolton,
al: Conveyancers, &o. Solicitors torthe Bank
of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money ,to loan.
Officse—Beaver Block, Clinton, -Ontario. A. H.
• -
HOLMESTED, suotiessor to the late finn of
. McCaughey & Hohnested, Barrister, So.
licitor, Conveyancer and r Notary. Solicitor for
the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend.
Farms for sale: Office in Scott'e_Blook, Main
Street. Sesforth.
j4 :Bolter in High Court, Conveyancer, eto.,
Goderioh and Beyfield. Money to Loan at five
and one hall per centon two•third margin.
Bayfield office 'open 'every Thursday from 9:30 -
to 4:80, ifi Swartz' Hotel Block, opposite Division
-Court office. • 1083tf
TO -LOAN. _,.•Straight loans at a per
- Cent., with the privilegeto borrower
of repaying pert of the principal Money at any
time Appiy. to F. .HOLMFaTED, Barrister
Seaforth.-: • • 850 •
ri L. BALL, L. D. S., Honor- Graduate, and
•' If. R. C. D. S. of.Toronto. _Vitalized Air
given. Latest improvenrents -in Dentistry ob.
served.' Office in Meyer's Block, Seaforth, hours
9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Tees reasonable. B.- B.
MORIES, D. D. 8., of Philadelphia, Assistant.
, Os. and H. S., of
giants in every line. Satisfaction
D. B. 31.
• Ontarie. ' Latest improve.
•guaranteed. ' Office,—In Cady's
Blook, opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth.
Residence,—The Poplars, John Street. 941
. Cots, of Exeter, Ont. One
of the above will visit Blyth the
„Iast Thursday,
and following Fri-
day of eabh month, at Milne's Hotel, will visit
Zurich the first Wednesday of every month at.
Peine's Hotel, and Henan the 'following Thurs-
day of every month at Reynold's Hotel, where he
will perform all dental operations. Teeth ex-
tracted with a new Jaw - anesthetic,- which re-
moves nearly all pain. Parties desiring new
teeth will please call early in the -Morning of the
first day, chareeemoderate-. Terms cash.. 984 -
When I say OMNI do not mean merely to sti p
them. for - a time, and then :have them tau n
,again.' I 'mean • A RADICAL CURE. 1 ha e
made the -disease
life-long study. I *ARRANT' thy remedy o
man the worst l eases. Because others ha e
failed is no reason for not now ;receiving a cur
Skid at ence for a treatise and a FREE ,Borr
of my INFALLIBLE REMEBY. GIVO express a d
post office. It mad you noth g_ for a trial, a d'
-It . will. cure, you. <'Atddrees DR:. H. G. RO ,
37 Yonge Street, °rent& On . 1078.52
Chrystal & Blac
Manufacturersoi all kinds of Stationery., Ma
- Upright and rr.buiar Boilers.
• and all kinds of Sheet Iron work.
' Oilskintly on hand.
012 'hand, read; for --"—delivery.f.
" One 50 iioree-power New Steel lion r
complete. • . .
One 35 horse -power -hand bo
er in good order. 4
Also a 12 horse -power Epgine :a d
se.cond-handi.in goad- conditioi.
A Oompleta Thrashing Outf t
, • , _ „
-Boiler, Engine,„Eleparat.ort..860,.) all in good w° •
ing order. Will be mid cheap. . Mail °Mere il
• receive prompt attention.- opposite G. T
R. Station. , - .
• cy, Box se).
Godinich, MaY2Ettb; 1886.
.41i. I, Tfif.'
KINSMAN, Dentist, " L. D.
. S., Exeter, Ont. Will be at
,ric•-•0*4 6,0. Zurich, at the Huron Hotel, on the
..'1.46.1...3.•1 LAST TWA/WAY IN EACH MONTH.
Teeth extracted with the least pain possible. All
work first•classat liberal iates. . :971
e IE A. MARTIN, L. D. S., Honor graduate ef
- . the Royal College of Dental Surgeons
of Ontario. All the anesthetics use forthe
painless- extraction of teeth. _Office—Gerfteld
f Block, BR us sEl.s. • -1006t 1
F.OR YQ1.114-,d LADIES
. ,
•Wykeharn Hall; College avenue Toronte.
operri WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 5. , ••
• .
As Vacancies,for .new resident f upils are I en.
ited, parents are requested, before the open ng
day, to arrange for admission- (by letter or ot er•
wise) with 'Miss GRIER, the Lady Princi I,
who will be at home after 3Ist August,'
<Circulars are sent at once onlapplication., .
Paid.up Capital,
-Rest, -
• , .
The Seaforth Branch of this Bank continu
,_ • . receive deposits in
on which interest is allowed at current ra es;
Drafts on all the principal towns and on' in
Canada, on Great Britain,,,and on the Un
States,,bought and sold.
Office—First door Sown of-the.Commer lal
' Hotel...
• JOAN AIRD: Manage.
- ,
. , F. i HOLMES ED, Solicitor. .
Trrif. HANOVER, bf„. D.' 0. M., Graduate of
VY McGill Univereit3t, /Physician, Surgeon
and Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. • Office and le.
sidence•-;North side Goderieh street, first brick
house east of the Methodist church. ' 961
TIES. ELLIOTT & GUNN, Brumfield, Lioen.
.11 Mates Royal College of Physicians and
Surgeons, Edinburgh. . 13rueefield, Ont. ,980
T G. SCOTT, -31. D.; drit.,--Phylician; Surgeon,
ej• and Aocoucher, Seaforth Ont. Office and
reeldence South side of Godenchstreet, Second
Door eastof the Presbyterian Churoh. 842
11:,W. BRUCE SMITH, M. D ;C. M., Member
of the College of Physicians and Surgeons,
•&o., 'Seaforth,. Ontario. Cities and residence
same as occupied by Dr. Vercoo.
, • -
DR. MAOKID, Licentiate of Edinburgh and
Glasgow, Office, Meyer's Block, Math
Street, Seaforth. Residence, John street: Call
at night at either the Office or Residence, 894
' Stffl to the..71764
. -
D. B. MoLEAN wishes to inform -this- cue.
tomers and the publie in general that' he is pre•
pared to attend to all who favor Mtn with thbir
Gristing and Chopping, a Specialty".
The billl mill be • running two days. in the
week, namely Tuesday and Friday, until tur•
ther notice. . •
- -
D. 13 McLean,
Geiteral'Insuranc:e Agent
• 1.
Deal& in Sewing Machines.
All kinds of propertT Joined at lowest rates
In fireti•olies reliable_ ocnnp.anies, and losses set•
tled promptly. . ,
..SPeoial lovi rates on .FARM PROPERTY in
the Ors lind Waterloo,- from 750 to $1 (cash
Plan) for three years. Mille:and isotories in-
aured in these' companies et -a saving of 20- per
cent' on Stodie companies. ,
Bele dealer -In the WHITE and RAYMOND
.SEWING MACHINES .(family and taanufaotur-
liPriees rangingfroin• $25 to #75. AlI as
chine warranted for five years on every kind of
work .1 Needles, eil and -rePeira. for saleida-
chilli repaired...
a ' .
170.01 1\Tae
All persons indebted to the Estate of the late
Mri-John. Kidd, by either note or book amount,
are requestecito call at the store and settle the
•same at once, by so defog will -avoid further'
mete for collection.. All accounts must be ram
in order to settle the affairs of the Estate.
ANDREW KIDD, Seaforth...
1,07ett 1 108
n.g.s „gag
to .10145.:111:ne'70i
• N -
er .28.14.05. 1:3"1: tilu 31:4 "
C g WOWS. --a
Z. 8 WI 0 Firaa,
01,S al•go s.
-2 **5('
Farmers, Attention,
As tbe8easonfe nowabout over' for
Seeds, ± purpose giving my attention
particularly to the sale of - _
Mnitoba 011 cake;
Linseed. Meal; °
Flax Seed,
-Corn Meal,
Those .desirous of purchasing first.
class goods at the lowest prices, would
do Well to call on __ •
O. 0. -Willson's Block, Main Street,
• Seaforth. • 1
iffGoods delivered in any part of
the town free.
The Nora Ainprioan
A eneral Banking businees
Farniers' paper discounted. _
bought and sold.
est allowed on deposits.
CE—In the Commercial Hotel
0. SMITH, Manager.
F. HOTMESTED, Solicitor. leo
• -
:Lo4i7 and'Inve_stment:
'This Cen.pany is Loaning 'Money en
Rar0. Security at lowest Rates
Mortgages Puthased.,
1_11 ; •
3,4 and, 5 per Cent.Interest Allowed:Co
DepoSite, aocording to amount and
timeleft. •
OFFI E.;• --Corner of Market Square
. •
and Noth Street, ,Goderich,
- /Lewis, .
Goderio August 5th,I886. 925
.Diviiion.'0outl Notice.
The Office of the Second
Divielon urt, County of Huron, be toned
open eve lawful day at lila reSidonce Jobs
Beattie, erich Street west, from 10 o'clooka
ut: until 4O'c1ook p. m., and everything will bs
done thatis possible In the interested' Sunots.
Telepho;e oommunicetion in the office. -
Any .ant unt.of Money to Lean on gofer prop
erty, farmor town, at the very lowest Was of
interest, ahdterms ot payment made' 1o01$borrowers' _
'1,1OHN 13EATTIEI,olerk.
Until your hair becomes dry, thin, and
-gray before giving the attention needed,
to pretve its beauty and vitality.
Keep your -toilet-table a bottle of
Ayer's HaIr Vigor—theonly dressing
you requtre for the hair—and use lint -tie, -
daily, to preserve the natural color and
prevent baldness. -
. Thomas Munday, Sharon Grove,lly,
writes.: II'Several ,months ago tnyllair
commenied falling out, and ia few
weeks IF head was almost beld, 1.
tried many remedies, but they did no
good. I tinally bought a bettivf Ayer's
Hair Vigpr, and, after using ply a part
of the cOntents, my Mad wee covered -
with a I4avy growth of hair. 1 Teem -
Mend yotr preparation as the best bait:
restorer ip the world." , ,
"My hitir was faded and. dry,"7-write5
Mabel-0.111ardy, of Delavan, "bat
after usialg a bottle of Aler's HafiTigOr
It becami black and -glossy.-.”.
Ayers- Hair Vigor,
,Bold iv Druggists and Perfumers.
Pimpies and Blotches,
So disfi ring to‘the face, forehead, and •
neck, iny be: entirely relnoved bythe ,
usesc of Sarsaparilla, the bestand
safest Al rative and Blood-Parifter ever
J. Ci Ayer & Oo, Lowell, Masai
- Bold by ruggists; $1; six bottles tor145,
Prescription of a physician who
has had a life- long experienceio
treating female diseases Is 'nod
monthly with perfect success by
over 10,0001as:hes. Pleas=
effectual. Ladled ask your drug*
gists for Pennyroyal Was, And
take no substitute, or inclose
postage for sealed particulars.
.Sold by all druggists, $I per box.
troit, Mich.]] - WSW in Seaforth by Dungen
& Wilson; and by druggists generally- 103442
T' P. BRINE, Licensed -Auctioneer /Of 1111
• f)County of Huron. -Sales attended in al
. pate of -the County: All 'orders left At Tim
Euesrros 'Office will be promptly attended to.
rill:COMAS ROWN, Licensed Auctioneer for
.1 the • ties of Huron and Perth.
conducted • theraostreasonableterms.
att- * een's Hotel, or byMail addles*
.,Box 11, Seifert* P. 0, will be promptlyssiew
OttO. TEE KU BROWN Moused A:11W
ppen Flow Shop.
The: Plowman's friend; always marching for -
:ward in the plow tracle,:isnew busy supplying
the farmers with those .grand two furrow gang
plows, which sell So rapidly. A large stock of
Plows of all kinds, castings, gang plow
castings, mould boa to ilt all plows, plow
-handle& plow bolts,,&o4
01 u hiadi dOne with neatness and dispatch
No trouble to supply all in need.
De iollowing A
• ton tors at 3
y &nal
3 -Dula Bonz.
fee the heavy to
lake a fled/red
"'returned to the
said_ coin
glom the list her,
Itlater _on.
Thomas Agnew, 3
Brooa mare J. 3
Goebel. 140-yeE.
• :„Ooebei, J. N. -Per
yeavold gelding,
---due. Fos.1,
kinson, One-yes,1
„ford.;- Driving
nos, Wm. Smith,
hOr0e, J. N. Perd
„ any age or el
. biz s
ading m hem
twolear-old oa
Best' springfo
Campbells and 31g
Olen Brom, John
year old colt, h
tuoky Star.—.T.
Shane, ties.Bey
. mare, got by E
Chamberlin. Be
tuoky Star.—E.
John Cummings.
Snell t sons, J. B
V,Ross, Snell aui
heifer.—j. Potte)
year old heifer,
341cDonald. H
SonsoTas. Webs
and Sons, T. R
Mitch oow.—T.
Two year old I
3, Potter. One
Boss, Jas. W4
ring.—R. Ferri
McGowan R.
year old ateer.-1
Fat cow or heifer
T.Rcs,N MoD
Cummings. Shea
mings, J1113. POO
and 2nd J. Pott
end ad Jas. Pot
—Jobb Cumming
John McGregor.
end nd Snell an
-Snell slid Sons,
.ewea.—lat and
Shearling evies.
iambs.—Ist and
Fat theep.—R.
R. Erratt.
Glen Bros. RAM
Glen Bros. Pair
Glen • Bros. Pal
and 2n4, Glen B
1st and 2nd, Glen
BOSS, J. Dont
Snell and Sons. -
Sons, IL -Ross.,
and ;Sons, H,
ewes, Snell and
own lambs, Snell
H. Fraser. Boar
-Laidlaw; Sow
I latBERKSHIRE.icliew; M1
' Gray. - Brood
J. Clarke. Boal
Bell, H. Edwatd
J. Gray, T. Ha B. '
F. MeGowa
- McDowell, J
wheat, W. IL Vi
Best fall wheat,
Six rowed barl
Two rowed ba
white oats, T..
Black oats, • T.
Small white oat,
Jackson. Small
Large peas'0.
Timothy -seed,
Harrison. Flax
B. Laidlaw,
R. Laidlaw.. L
Pollock, S, Bar
Woes, R,Laidb
of potatoes,
Nine field earn
Nine gardeti_cer
Swede Turnips,
Collection garde
R. Selle.rs. B
Mangold. wurt
Strachan. Ptt
onions, J. Stalk
tato onions, 3.
Ow. 'King, Gor
- Sellars, H. Fri
• Riunilton, P. V
bags, T. II. TN
. other kind 40,b
Laidlaw, Yel"
All Carr. *
butter, Geo. W
" :40 pounds, T.
Crook, not less
Jas. Barr
or prints, Job
Dairy • cheese,
,Factory chees4
Young. Extra
tun; R. Mutch.
'Morton, R. My
monk, J.Hax
Home made b
Cumminge. B
E. D. •ChaDibe
Rath, A. -Pro
Cummings, J.
Potter, J. 13
Coir, 3._ Pottex
-a, Jackson, 3
sun, J.MG
Potter, S. Mu
son, 3, Potter.
- Ingo. -G.-`jacil
?Wins, G. Jai
ftzloo pipping,
Any_other vari
J- McElroy,.
j'•''Britoon), G
J. jao -n.
81'raellan. Pb
aft. Crabs,
- Colleetio
•'J. Raatison,
''''Plarries D. M