HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1888-10-12, Page 1AL aptig W 4 The watchiiisk 'Knotted' or 'crochet� Mellis, sen, 6ii'for ro, ers SUN- -:80 years ­ M Porneroys Josep r- G-ulnes: ensoull One. year a geldt- John Reid, or. Are Y. Caraf hp psi D te -89 -I-Misi MoDonall '.'87 ears ; pecting thatall was not rights kept the '1wroie re Fa, Show.- h Cowan.. P-si rohu Steph Id J Id. filly' I Miss Elliotto -the result t WX W -fowls,, John B&y,-,N1rs. G.eoi He Moff&tt.' ing, Ale c. Granger. One- year:6 Me - . ohirto'lot aiid- gridt A. Jo riston. ':86 E NNE FALL A Johnston. , Gent years. it? slier, 'watch a &V ;ad its With Th4 annual fall sho ` of. the Wr 37 h . vorti, oxeter P&ir'Boff C Wini..Owens9i years y, Mr� Gillespie.- Pair John Salkolds Jobil Stephenson. pan it r Kitely; and Davi f§ultural SodieiyvVa ochins,.Jno. wan'. art rox- Ott, d, that is, agek in ponsession, I irt, Geoe; N $0 ydaro.;.- puningtol �n Mokizil�y. Gen ?Isbcy flannel rib Pas towing. � Mrs. Goo. ON, Moffatt. Hugh MaGragor. Jol AMR C d CARRIAAH� HORSM A . . . . . "Mr. wat; Hay,. -of McGillivray lair, Aged 77 and 74, ativelyj *-are of it, oteir, ch Tuesday and, Wednioday, 2nd 011ection of' Robt.' ;-w; Brood' in are, noton. Plain band:gewimig, Geoe 11 , Tospe pigeons, Barnar. wr -.L-1� im-A w,4.4.. -uhim WAY fruit Goo. still strong-labid from vreaent�appesf- dindSid*f, otobbr.- The show�outhe, Y 41� %v assortmei d k1iflineri' 'ge - a a.nd r xOID&Y "Goodg, �S- Corsets, �* I L I- lefss: Emb "all. Bork on all the P' !Dhd - - I eld 9 .0 t�'hose who v v, Trivett A14a �rd 6, T-0fodato, FiO ,�aok- tyj - )holdi Lud was bu the aecond 4s fall, The MS. - -Aition Ande next year * � 'in laxy being lift" ifi, tew ttj as Artiistrongi. on Thurstib ,,6ara. Her ]k &L assela cemei 0ald McLew:i� t the - Sick Ik ,ert Agh W . Wfarton, -the lumbei atin WaS held Ire LL d, $rd pac cors are I eie fa an ab �On mog it pursuant prqse The minut, read and concessi r - repair a en - lots 25�' ed --out. 31r. 6�d to, havoA 4th abnae I ropair r�lf ane wit Jas. Nesbitt I in refe ilgh, 'ievdaj- 7 - giated 01 five, OWCU-Inner t. ey -and h " h �eui he'reAq ,r brought 1* if`the sahoirI It, Of Xr- X1 AllaCIDUUtS h4o Aourned tod-k.. . L 0; �;S;Cih 0 0 1 0 If, 3 M �aileatines,, is peolple 4' �ef the ;f thia colintr) 4 � e,5 with hi. 4 e .E dress WOrn, , ,jr;lie pr-oceeftj 'o ta replen, I 1k lecture last C ''. i.,0,.VF,-ClDuriA f the boys A hX cor to,,, Indianat - t lit for son"e' ,O,Dk in the a�inpbell L jFahu live. 90 .1we' so ixeshi�g ra IlUnl0p, OV.t �Widk US, VerSQ21S -to ti rag delayed . �vhera, the, SA&I L id -d Qhn asituelson. - Nair ; vaull Ian prou rMkgr. UAIDPINAlt 0 OUP. A V eicided successi many a.- or -her 10 or 15 .,y -ears. -while attending s, threshing on the larm zerl -L 0 rhole was a d d One year Nott .-WAX Blow' arm,, . George- Nott, ainces gOOCL I anot NVIn JNN OCIN r TM.-Wmi-Ii ession 8o'M1cGillivr*y9 canaries, John Bray, John Beethaurf Do. Statibe Vrtnrats being bettir filled than for Geiw Notts Mrs. A thred year ..old f Mr. Glen, cone Mo. child of Mr. o, Sparkb, ae'..Woode, 'Feat] ler, flowers, --RooTs. —,Peck seed onions, Jno Broth- old Olt o I -,I � of the othor day, left- his vest,,ia theyooket 0 Alex yes 0 villef secured a bottle ouion a yeateold n(litay., 5POC1 THE—. OXI irsTasto and with- 6'higher blaw of 0. Veal. P6ok.potath Ic ON' On ;elding, . Wm.Blair. Span,- a men darning, A. -John.;. Shisa*, Br -and. wallowed a mouthfaI of which he had $35 banging in the tiblits. The cattlo, horses and- sheep VeAlf Ed.- James.- -, Gallon -. Dutch� � sett J. He $Wai-rto, Virath Hill.� lgagjy, horsi stort 'Miss Elliott. - Berlin -wool work, +,oarboli6 acid' 4 -m while -he'vent, to dinner.. .0a.bis ice- eo,,' Johnston, JAo. Brethiur ow witi. Sp f Eiliott,+Xjgs'�.wsllaaes Bar- 1of theliqui4 A yticlau. was do, were* particialarly noti G John Spirr lith, J`Oh11 Tor- flito was.atill there, -but the U lu 0,12*"flua -Johnstor 161 U 01 A; _it once ba ter return the vest StOre. ablq for the an, a onione Chen dsh mber of entries: and th work raised t Goo. 4ei considerable work tion arly Rose Potatoes, u... O%ro 1, rauce; 0 U 0!9! aoney bad been 4tolei aved. po Tes; oboyi, Isime 8 A. thei.ch aqualfly of the: animals colfipetifig.' In -other kin J. S.' Joilmston, --We Elliott. Lady NOV alkaldi Geo. Hislop. Bushel any d -seyenty-four -,entries - e. ­Dn.Usggarty,� of Portage In Pral hor there were Crayon d 6wing, lit- &ad —A chii4vari - -1?srty at Ocharldvill- tatQes, John. Brethaur,.'L. Lo've'll. . Ox -D tt, Mjis'.,Swarts), ohr etch. re river, MreN lio 140-.acies 15miles northwest cow riii Sonia fine animals, whi wo house flowers in Grey County, n 'getting 'neither rie, sold 1, "a Swe&� tut Robt., - Gibs6n; Be Miss Ellioito, V 2nd i James Burke. T, were in suce 111. other kind :turnips,. Yiss. in to, Mis's 'VV -MO13 0 nik Mrs. '66& 0--' We I to,their o -of the Portage, not,far from -31cDons1d, & ell .2, equally Laing., Six tiny CA�TLE -�-Milch cow, *y� norid r-ep: sea bit the ManitobA nd ort -Vestern man so - Be sente 1, the fine- herd *of Darh t fire'td- the young In LENZ sing- Mrs. Robt. Gibson,- L. Ldveill.' Six W- Code, W., He- ��ds.l Two year -olil NTS —Lumber wagon,patent d -bu Ono tTho A. Kirkbride.- fathers honie.ah. 9 rn roes. a cat by blood beet, Robt Miller;'C6si Bikbr. hieffer Wi I ound, wi all. its contentai de dealer few -Dress owne by ]are 0e. onge-iNicholsoa; Turn- d it wa W21W4, for S23,5W to Mr. Storkes, a Woods 91coat B er ed.to-the- from Guelph� Good floost Dov berry and the Hol4teins shown :Sti in Wurtzel,' Nicholacill %year.old heifer, Ist mpoghoraf U Geo And grid, 11a buggy, Lealie. Single the land airound herd cannot be touclied for ji& uggyi —Andre Dennis, a brakeman,011 Elliott' and John Gemmill an o t and BitgJy,. John Leslie-. Covered b .. 4 1 1 1 Chas. Bros, Fit a or *9 eeri from the less the Nei Y, Dress -Trimmings, Bake'!. giai4 6aiTcAg.`J7ohn. - -ow heifer t u twent�, dollars an acre, being -hilled -plow- with Gfaud Tru Rallway", felt' of Tt(ruberryt kind- '2nd W'.H. Woo si ealib; - both" very a HaifOr- calf-, John -Jobti I B686 < N, miles an —Halifax has never'been so short of �Knoxj /Johii Braye, 'Six suy� �.,othtr beam train. whila was run 1ron prominent. If is evident thit-the. latter wi& year cad skWineril lildhn.� Pollock. ning 30 New Droiss -But to tof carrotei John 6illespiej' J., Be V t Reid,- We- He Woods.� 'Tair SvIlle; He waipicked.up, flour as it is at present. All the imports Manners. Jacob i hourat Stev; -Fla air p ovi nneb . breedjrom ife milk producing. qualities,. wiihout is are! e have been inticip%ted -and in most cases -New is attracting theinoticia of: those iarmers it parani�i,, K. -9: Hazl viood J?ogu- 'atearti Goo. Bates, We He oods P Gang "unconscious nd iubtequently conveyed Of lr,&!, Threi bunchea, coleiy;- let Bud ome,you;rold steers,1ef'siad 2ad,,Elcoat ?air iron harrows, A. Kirkbifide. &Chad Niagara Falls.- placed before the freight notices re d. district- L. Beattie. Seed drill, L.�'Boattie- to is home New Minde dot who, in this age an of cheeso n 01 oso Bull calf, thorouibbrea,'lat and Plom Quite a er of -or j hs, - Veal. theconpigne 8 tiumb W. Key. 4. -toJiea,, wish t6 get hold.- of co�ws. w hich Palf three year -old Set horse aboes, A.­Kik- —Aman Amed Allan Ryin, aged 35, e I * G*RDW VEGE.TAiMES. --01116 ddieti '2ad, Eldoa,t Brps. data for shipment have had to be our - New Ulster 016ths, Will fill the Pail." Mr. J.I*L.* WilSOD,'. Joseph 'afe 2ad,-W`J He Woods,-- brid D PunW, We Iang.. Faiiiiing., 16--eattle matt. while engaged in loading on, ers, 10'an& C 10 hie,& company. cattle into a riihip. on, the *Wf -at Mou- r large'tomatoes, John Sanders tailed, oulyi;uffidient flour being avad was atsidi a strong exhibitor of owan no dozen.- small,10matoeis 0. LEICESTER S11MEP. L�aui Are 1q, Mounioil no of orders. in I byWn ox� The. Able to ship portio C.� tiesi Fridaylp -was gorei Dnkh sandtheir giidea.' 0thetout.; Ste ram, WRY air of. ducks, ts of -flour are at -Thomeon. -Three-hea4o at wam. Nearling 8 "Best p ma ak SiAA buts. Such: as Digif imple- id over". J., roe. W1. Penl'ale: Bestpliir.of Qebse, infuriated int I gaolia his cheek' e Veal,.Mfo. Alex. 10k ide cabbage, John-Brethaur, oseph Cowin.-. 1. 0. Stewart. Ram� h -nib.-Elcoat B present being made 'from Galts the Ne*Ribbonisi Vt Bay B t knocked. a* his tooth outi me &00 Were- wiall fil, aid, whlle.poul� -uliflowerie Joseph Cowatis J. Oe-Rew&rt.'P.4lr.-e*.ia,j. 0. Stow& rk, Van pairBrahmse, twice it ea - has so Edwards, Jar was re ved to th Geu ospi F, _JIM try an Tinusnal,ly fine show 0 Stewidjes 'eWlac Best He -n'llo being worked to their.fullef I gso ',"side Be Al. H -squash pacity New. Three heads ca nes oral A atle*ood. Two as Pair shearling owes, The flour is being sentto tbe tll�e I the groat display of fruit, voge-; ith, . 'Maritimp Provinces and oNawfound- Janies.- -Two a� -b'.' -list and 2nd,- pal Black Spanish James 'Wallace.. 'tal. Xew Glovesf. Baker d. pumpkins Salkeld. P k -ots and grairi was the. Wading W. Of le� %o 8, S. Burke- �Wotnan named Maggio But 0 Beg, Paik Brown L Considerable ftieo,tif Stat,05' tabl ro Ha'zlewood,. Mrs. Alex. Thomson: !J..O. Stewart& Pair abee0i., J. - - s anti 1, o.6gght and landi -.qu feau Apoles particularly. Were rium- -Claiming th -, be. marrioi $-fiwait, --John Duncan TiGES. ­HoRs McIntosh and d in bonds heat being groun Also7'all kint] aof New Millinefy. Twoitrons, Urge. Oto. He Moffatttj6ha uge Also Dixon, Brucefle1c"j: Ott and good, and he same may. bi tri We -,Wn. D. Donovan, found a ho a durifig lier trouble in the W Customers can -be accommoda HIREDO.W*ss; -Age ka &­ ider- ted . at Bell. Two watermelons, Joseph CoWan,. 'Sguors the product being aiiat to the Eastern 11iott. .0nequirt beans,. Ge'orgw Cooper., - Shesrling- r tii; Jai. MpFar- Seal rth. said Upotatoes. It -is doubtful- if- finer Jae F house 6f.Th dlits- Midway, of London. ao Millinery am with any*ing in th potatoes an john Q jwLEN-4ames. Hearne, Clinton One day lai t week the woman left the States, L4u, Yspectio: t so6itea at66 am am -he ount of sawn lumber shl imens of d mangele have o- Xicholsbn,:Rdbt,.-'LaAg. - Six eartcorns. -J. Dunkin. I i b --T am 'ti Ling 0 n -1. . . A . I at any show, lar Salkeld, Jae. McFarlane. -,Pidf�,itwes tn. $t Robert Cole-'. 'houseand, -b - 6t since returned. She Ottawa'' this seano ge or. �R 01111. 0 .. - I �xhibited h i Broifikur. 'Grabs ey, in sinal ;-fii the Provindi,� this year. - A ith. left bo'hindi:.her a three eeki olol glyl ed fro intor. pears, Mrs. Jae. MC-Farlaae, u triars Tuckeram' : estimated s'follows: 'J. He Boothp ab -ling ewes, Jas. 'M6F&rl a, -Dankin- SHEEP -LqD Cby onloon. a d Diown, Of 30,000"000 feet -8 to r' ek- d* idiniing feature as -the smillnes John Dauki FiGs- n�-Gieorge Stanbariy b 0 h e"'d P, 1.ash F-- Th F 11 earn, Ltionar an J. ee P6rley & Battee, 10,1 displiy in the ments D t 0 ladies' depart' d W. Picki 8 anley; C. Simonds' harind-* Walker, in employ the Duridas' factoryp- he OIF—..:-- hn illespi Crb -apples, a IA. an in .000,000 eet - Be Be Ed 00 -- owns. ip. a,000 J 6 Hugh Ewe lambs Jas..MoFarlifie, J hi' 9 recovered from dy 20 OKO a well filled, The articles show Sou=Dowxg. —SheArling- rain, 0. Go 6riol'i -Patrick Y'ollow Bellflowers'. John Bray. - jiN,.'RooTs,-- ETC. r $5.50, damages for injuries feet; Hamilton Brothers: Fitntouse, . Stewart­� Rim -lamb Isaac —Wmi,'-Duncau,, the cbrupaA5. JL Werevery metitorious, but the, ladies of Btu Da'tvi Geo.' Johnston. Salkeld, r feet, and other firms about �8,000,000 OF & 81 this fection Will have ;to -take care lest rC' V)ar ui,'; Roary Roead' Blake. to her.". bead and brainsugitained bf All - Mrs. -Ale: Thomson. King Tdkiris, 0., Stewart; Pair ew eso Jae. Stowa I here Several millioxis of feet -will be feet. H FRO. CO gh � a � hole in th floor 11 theilThusbandi-and brothers leave them If Knox. h ing thron out yet be ""Out c6untyli Jo Northern' Spies, Issio Salkeld.:. Pair. . a ear qug, ewes, the flociftfgI badbedit torn up. fore the amid of the m K �eh' & in the'. race --6r 'show. honors., Bray Newton Pi r owe lamba, Jae, —A �devu St. Catharines ing, William Jae., Stenvart. about 7. 30 o'clock uWati f to f OARDN 'S BLOC John 06nadElee The woither'was unPropitlottes -b6i —The oiher, ght -Stewart. ?,.Wild. l5th Novemb I -bl 'ru and''Thorold waited on the overnment Ing Dougla 'L. Wilson. b6oi belonging- to mt. 9. 'Pornme Gris, ii, -Thursdays erf, his been a , arge �tik' 3 urged hat insnuffic- at iln4 -Bold, which probably accounts Duchesi Of Oldoinburg,­John Davidson. SUFFOI�X PIGS.—ScIg Joseph. eP a few dar ago AM R T HIS fixed a� -Tharikegivig D Joe a on, a lei residing about of Of for I he smallness of: the attendance. I . i - ay. ilege Rhode and DAIgy -um . --Tub -salt..: buttery : � Of: m6unt Forest, -Was turers llowe.. the riv Ram�bof John Bray.'�. :PRoD "th le out f a a if it were more. generally uu- �The population R Kingston, has Ad ree;, leasing the Water vileges vf this new reenings Golden a, asHdust9n,Wm.'Swaffield. 25ft.-salt. in . W It and butter, George. N6t i m The origin :got$, Robert -Gibe 'Canal. ;h -this year's an aid from 11466 in 1870 to, 17 900 in onou; a t).gether wil 6y A, -Huroni. s, Opi-nion of d&s 0 that . the Wroxeter show -]IS Ro oro -'swiffield.. Val, 1. f I . . I � Well is estimated. that 188 tire crop.. No insurinced, u ly,far ab�e lad'of many niore preten- utup useets, Win. -Douglas.- 61verts; - A. �Tablebu er,--Wm.,'Town9eud,R. Me- neariv 1,000,000 horse rower is running. tt P'tci the failure of We'fisheries of 'th oil f !to i ! a ry.. or tt Nurt- -october 5th, 2W. affairs I r this 'Sections the atteri� Owing to wastd and which 'tie manufacturers, - H Tilman' Swas Le LovelL' !at sv& L Gibson. Allister.- Home mWae cheeses .'drops 'the inhabitilrte -Of Moisiat - —The gi.spe. yield. in- Essex county, A. Johns. a wine, Of'Any wish tout W clvantagp- dan Would be larger than it in. Fol'� Miller ton. Home mad an Twent Qd edare stai this. year is -far gieAth DUB EXINO y "Oun6a Pippin-, J Be A saw 501eet in length �wi 'th 480 Abolit three, tons ta the tember 28tb, on 'her. of the excursion to, Manitoba, myao�lf ow Is fl� Eag g'- .'Joseph. Wild 'A J Dlinitollt, Baker's on the Fall me W tesomi. Ws revious ye sr. —Tho Steamer Ontario left -Sarnia tee h- is being put. 'Into 11 t a. . Average Or ra 'He . - . -C Delaware. will, 9. - Chenam� at Ponetanguishenie foticordi niade a trip to that PRIM. Lt8T. 'T'Wilson. Al�x4ndar Win- Ana 2; The Princips the westh i sobeavy and S.,B. Hume t6n per, f - , read, lst :1, King, Home the new Kee a a6re � it- I - I Friday night, Be the J�%�$Jzs— RA,UdHT.-8P&11 0 , brry, Robt,- D and Ve a Provluee,�Iandh vingspent some seven HEAvy D' go tiadi bteiad',. Miss. Sterling,*. Mrs in kinds r �&Aeei6"he was unable -to- enter AV g OY ar art ar ave i er the vast pi and Maiden's In Win. , -i - . MO- pi''. mill mont. weeks in tr airii, hories, Matthew S, argon, Jag. BelL r d". om Honey in R6b ,To. j. J., as Keir's planil ht &let I t S let fro lk . - .. St4 Lawren McTAv1 h, ohnitoe.: etkole& was totally destroye y Billamityne OIL. a are -I thought a let m iiia might� be tn- Bro of "mare, Matthew Sanderson, Jas- eroy. and' wiff who Goderich harbor and had to return to. T h is _enes J at' db fire --�Mlf AN 'WAS off Kinoardina wh ­ . ; ­.. , , . I � . . keeper and -ma 0 to yo numerous readers, and Robert radon; L. Lovoll...-..- GtA1T 8 t have been,. tron of the Sarnia. 'She. teresting Two-year-old t eld '(Howick.) HawthP i—White win er _Old filly, Jae, Bell. Johl Red she ecountered the heairy,L blow of Moil - as hi sex, O0fSaLdf'ROfmge_regPj L those. of Manitoba, best colleotion of �"FurgiE7 nstoft more clil to Miller. Two-year apples, J. Be Miller. whest,. $. , & Orman- Middle --Prominent to igan L ppkper was Anxiously -Mare nit, John' B ;er k tho was first- .,opened, as we found Raise colt, Andrew Montgomery, Collection! 6anfitd,: fri ray,'. ur as JOB; wil4t, n day -and had to, ran for Goded,.h fai witil are exploring the- timber itaits t6 sincethat -Inatitutio looked for a ,hly prized. We left colt� Joe. Bell. H631eat John" colt, shelter, Alex� Thoihson. Grapes, Be.- Wild -of LC New -variety *iwteir heat;. Jose James 96dgine W Willits. oith algtry,- Northwest Territory. have. resi'%'�nedi Mr. Large. ­ ess, have b -don Or nud the excursioubeingso Puuposx.: rood mare,:An- LADIE-Syt WoRic.*-w-Tstting, Verit. 8 Fursiiif� -33 Ilis- igagid o fill their places. Od the Lorning of Ax L L — .. .. I ­ 1 9 eldo. dHayo-of Winnipeg, nd Wife, former resideni -Ro* Toronto. o igust 7th, schn . salk a saw burst In Rich A Vogt. Spring Whesto S; Fast )f tribolivintir �i of Blddulph, low and, on account.. B ON ',-,oberb MCA ardsonfahingle mill -fit w- , can 41ji,tej rits celebrity, fearing extraditioris lag. terrible injuries to a t*rteen year er mall. Pass, er croilw.ded, we We e invited -to take a beat dreW Montgomery, Win. Willits. Span;- Crochet - vo�oflkf Wm.' Pomeroy, Gborge.. Mo ­Aotioxi ie btought"in the Exchequer WAS M -'for Wibul V 9- f, perjury' brough 'of Customs against old son of the prq0rietor, who Mt. the regilar peg.and Aordw Montgomery, 1:4 WO'. Moffatt,. (Turnberry.) . -Embroidery n,� - F06. Barley, McOlinchey,Issao a . Charge- a Court by the Minister -he' at the time. The poor �Clat fortunate we ire a in 00 doingi. -for� we yeqIold gelding, �Johri dung, Leonard - . Wnr.'--Robibson,. deo,: MofffittlSilkeld. -Whito­.Oi,te,-A..:.Jdhnstou,. Methodist min-, jh wOrkin t saw silk, agi Rev. T. McKee a Montreal Cottot Company -for -the boy 12 one arm taken:off- 4 the shoul- there ei a hours in a* -yeeir-614 Ally, John John.' (Turnberry.) Embroidery, 'in muslin' John Silkeld. A. Johnston. ow an. ;arrived ..bas been'Aismis covery, -�-* so dvauce Brqwii. Two r sed. re If ' metbing­ over $9, Oar iswi, of. Beaverton, dneleg badly brok His re - of. the OXCUrfii work George- Moffatt Timothy, s-9ed,'A.-'J �hustou, John Sal. cheries In Ottawa lilty inflicted aOf trip throidgh to sto I T Jenkins. 'Oo� ear-oldgelding, 0. Veal.' Dead on hiii-.6duipa an �-The now fish bat Pei -the saw P. K. at y k6ld. Oorn, Alex. ranger, Alie red, free of duty, Winnipeg -was o great'laterest. to us, E James, Alex. Tho' sou (Groiy.) One- n ion. - 'Fane 'knit! cover in T.. Sander. wi I have -a I d to be ente )ieoding vapacitJr Of about- goods t attempt to 0 J. R. Miller. Johnston, I will d isdrib6e ye --.old fillyi T. Jankina ON, Veal.. Panay knitting.. Large eaij I Went through the roof of Us Mille tint -.in *6 gone. -0 - - . r' mis m though Ishall n -fifi o6n. million fish.per unde presentation Grant, ifidiated ist —Cbm. Iiiid Minnie I of.carrying W ile6n Fine —Theii, bushel; of ks and rivers. v4qirfice fie colt, Alex, Thojiison (Grey.) Marie inott qif ce nt. lidles Edwi sentenced the motmtainsof r6c u ce Ott Vealo rds b!�p been JL entworthAisizes for -C it to 'in the Scenery col is, Jai.— At fro Chicago to Naw'.York-in. -the W )f theio- ohn Gallagher. 'Buggy horse, L. offatt'(7urlerryt) 8,'�Veal' FRUIT tolthe Do y wheat fro, at bing at th a is Shire, -,a, M —Cdlleot on of grape,,., nitentiary. or n ears for er, were, discharged, 'there n Ai� .'wild aid beautf- Lo ell, C. Willits. "i Honest John iaisid an&beaded,'S. Be. Wild, Gad. Watson.. Fall apples; Peter buns -.of sit Ancaster"larmer y lake andbanal,17. 10 cental much that, is r 4 ol Aring the7 Milo was: -the judis os. Wil 1. D-., Canipbellt J -county.' by lake an *1 22 n g 6nFrj­ poll, Model horse, Poter'Mi t4(Turnberry.)' Winter - qples, sufficient evidence to warri bWe arriv 'The M& in Ged.Moffat ln� war Conti; 33. Ago fuL Out" th d# ilid 887 d- E ea. Beiliii wool work, i laaaeSalkeldt C... W arrested in conn r 'd takeii 0 raised, J. Brethauer� , b7,lske "itid'. the 10bh A after we Collaotic6n, of. has in -sending thea 3 to the ju assed a cents. action I& Roper Wi -Fears' --The G It School Board hasty les,'Joe.. Wi Id rap of: tbo th ATTLr�DuptgAm. —Cow, list Bad 2nd John Gillespie. Berlin W661; flat A% 12 cents ill dediendauts were 9 . . i- , . . - , 'to by- mdeath of Mrs. Maris rurt­ thr the city.we again eon CL. rel ditition. that,benceforth no.agid shall can C611100tion of Here we 1:8 h bc6rded, the- caroulor Carberry; situated Gab. Nicholson. ,two year.blid--heifers rd B. - San-ders Cretonne. pears, )Olfj ail,. 1piSfe entse; a _,�ith th niontho Brown) T. Wld. sing. Niefi6loon.' Yeailhig Wth,'Rbbinson. - Fatic be allowed to attend, the public scho: 00411itui; Gr6miger, of Hamilton some at the loot of th and 2 itobie, --,.Tl1A a tnily.of Mrr" Ali i:,M, of th Big PI work, y adfixil coin -L. Wilson- Davi son Ist ind1nd'V.Boethl� asnot been.vi sted., ahad a usiroVr- age, ago. whinoti U - Idi . Patch work werq ,'of friendst who beffero Goo. Nicholson, J. 'Crab ipplesf,. Co.. of the sessionat- Of'HamiW �pe from 'lonesome. Metby's umber .ty WaIL The cps Goo. Nichol a, Richardfou, Joe. -V age C4 so� J. L.,-wIls 7- : ibig lecture Highwaymen infest the come. Among. thi f, On- pillowi T -B Satiders, Wme. Roblinsom SUffoq&tiQM L gao:last Sunday .9. a, hear 'Colle&` � by coa, 31 roads. lyi�tt north of Kingsville) In the o at was do- a V riting. -gave it BrowurJoseph.Co thb, rontio Bapti at 66 cL and -his Hi(rd, Gear. Nicholson. Braidin' jMES."Eaft potat6so,T. wag Mr. Johi Humestoi g, Leonard W� ZQEtIA -San. -A little girl awoke about -two ely pli&d. .1h area Friday n!ght by- Prof. Newman 'no ounty of Essex. The other night onm-� - aersou'46 ate potatoes, Me. 06mPla[alug of $I'd This ar.- Who, immediat OVADS.—COW,. J. -L.' WilSO11, John an Robert - Gib Wild. L. Jai. knee good ladyj Peneft drawing, M so s. a of a larg6. audience� youngmen,imi &buggy, baVigLionsider. Long red. in-preseric No" by soa ispossal span of bronolics, as Kliox.- ' Yearli J. L. Wilson,. son. Oil -Painting, Win MoDonaldi ChAs. � Tippett. of the'Otheref BsViiRg the ible money wiftlithem, -were we t our d W601 prayo. 1. -�-The office of Mr. Mu it Undar- ouse.- son a ivr. goo they are, -with horness and N-1cholsou. Two year old heifer, are. called th Goo. a, Leonard rown. - -Cotton i'inaiiijolds, We H.'Woods R.'McIlw 0# si a do'- Bruce a tuty, was enteied th whole fam� three ran ooking'men, one of wh6lit as wo, taw- and J. JL.: � Wilson, �Geo.L Nicholson. Veal W661 gloves, Goo. 'Yellow Globe mang0lids We 1T.Wobdo, W4 to to WO Stockings,. 0. pbst -offices at'Suiidridge and carriag , 16i day, Zhureh to, stop the $U0,1ertisby-terianj attempted good ise we ma m. But before John Kn , Mrs. Rom., Wool Books, Oeo'- ot And horse, while the a of the ye4i,old steers ox Chas. Wild. Beeitso, John Salkeld,! W*L Moffatt (Tuunberryj ad few'itights ago. ery robb a erry-,). Will in awrie. fu -carried off by a burgla Orono w remaining two attacked -the occupants of starting on our ravels allow! "'me to, Bay Gibson. One year old steer, John 'Gal- Moffalt (Turn is' L y 011aral wdrth of ta Was b Woods. Cabbage, T. Sain4or aged Thir. r Joselih Cowan Kelly.'. Cflwe hnit6u, JOB.. 7 -Duncan McIntyre, of Lobbi the, vehlele. A orAckof the whip rindo ttec -had big ohe6k bone - fractured wings, flourishing lailier, TohnL Knox.. Fat cow o'. heifer, ni I quih,,. taken at ti and thoiit Carberry lga.gra 1ie former &O's, -the horse jump from the gras of �he Vat ox rrots W - We 20 -yoars,jL tiown,:Whiah at � nor distant day Will be let and 2ad. John Gall4gher. or Crochet quilt, Mrs. Geo�'H-. Moffatt, 0. Ci Towns ad, a unknown value an L -0. Ve Jade 'W L e r.place.* -danger. - insensible by a kick cash witli notes of ill A the frightened young men ich a, Parsnipi;j We Swqflield, An 4 was rend red robbers the county to -wt. of the county t4er,,. John Nnox. Vepl, Xuotted quilt d at th 1* tte ofthe in wh Win as secure from s ­horse At Strathroy fsir-� n were soon convieved beyond d.- he am, ilkeld. amp lag# aRobfillo, extensive Elliotts John Robinson'. 1 R mat, Robe t Bar k We -H. Woodol-. - James .. argu- Ad heifer, en lAde shes -John F e fi-is sitliate 3unt of grain de- 11&mEik. n Bona street ­r4bout two oclock Monday me=- G4mmil. ' ag kold. --coagregattV 0 tl* ilvered and haw ed the dlevator was Two- year 1 Mrs. Geo. H;L Moff tt. Specim 'Jeaso Sal ar McDonald, Manitobi, have Thedford. -a lawner named elordife 4. -last Sabbath celebrated farmer me million G74iorgeMiofflitt (Turibeftyj Ed. James. John- 8 obur6h; Toronto, bushels of 61 very large, am mating - to a Elliott. Bull calf, John Gernmille, alkeld. -English. -ouione� Me wheat for Or smjtwo�eh n a work, th 8' eighth - anuiviersafy -of r8010,000�, disor-was 4truck by o.- 3 passeng that Thid is but -going eAst, which killed Qne.,Of 118 tubushels. the flouring. .13E =;I-"LEICZ5TZR. ears', Shell work, T. Be Ssuiderse, Co dake., Co'aa'dio�'n onions,,C. W id a.partof their'orop an is and fifty thong r onions, T. San- I a. -settlement. as -pastor of n mill, which is 4 GOO. Hislo . -Shearling. tam; William We Swaffi id 11, Frost. tre Dne of the betiathe Prov-:. aidd Vver,' --Spatter Work, a, VVi d or I' 4lightly touched. -Wit T urch. the ahorses wagon iti, J. Bretbauer. and broke his utiriips, S. Filrie. Euro- hav 'bone Vr6karto Jam* yoftwoltundre(dbar- JAn -.J61inston,'Don I Fishait Shear- Lawrie. Table' -drape, Win. Robinson, .6b inag havingacca, mcit ditrou, J p T nine hundred acris 11 . . � .1 -he oliIiiiment. of eals. to' The Mr. Addison bad his dollar t rae_, 'hourg lit g owe. Dons Arasen embroid X-odoillod -his right arm f Id Fish' ei.y,, Goo. rots;.� Isaac he.. suager of.th rela in four is ran drJohnohnstou.. J Knutson..- Field, ask f Brunswick, during the first FDA d no, of the bones in R f ew urdy, the fore- RAm, lamb,'John Jolifiston, Donald Fish' Woo Be' Peleryt K6 sy. Moffatt.(Turuber, Davidion. Out -T, 11y. idisheol pithe of the year am6unted to rr to- offers -to ;enter into night and a Citiclagq.-. W,, sc n mo ho a T tured, two ribs- cillicked. And an ugly er Ewes Jobn Johnston D nald Fish-' Wil through. the millp ex on d Joseph ild. . W man-, showed embroidery, Robt. Miller, William ith the city to'SUPP Y & goal �e was taken home and 1. , : -82,000,090 1 -wound. H Ewe.. two shears or o - 'Townsend John To' 000.000 Joets. against. contract cecur pr ess through, Which the er, Vers John. Robinson. , painting on silk orvelvet, -vgh ..Musk -;Melons, I -the 9 ever I plaining date last ye lo: dibig and breakfast t Dr. Mu�uo, who . attended him-, so r ed Mir rie-'Itobt' Miller. 1W. H- Wi sedi Water- Dr.. grain, Passed in it suit prepar- Jd1linstiorif Donald Fisher i�. Law d W said �S-hsiled. bit tr %nop i -it - tei -here in �u Internal Imiju!rrli -7,Alfre eligh 2 ents r has that if. t -a i Cents will recover. d meat for five ing -the I The flour turned, h J a Wild. Larg -8 hital who sul it for PoWN8 AND ilimm OiADES.-m-R GRAIN. �Lpe,ll WhoXf; any kind-, J. MO- Mleloni,'John T k, was arrested, in: Lon - togive-amecon am' )ii I ew YQr 'George Be Laing. inSeneds beani. Joi. Wild Wild. Si out 'is Of a ve#y superior quality. Et- J' a. Young. -Shea - rling ra oufl' Cie fr, !night. extr —The eitizansof, Galt have been at. T&vish (Flowl6k.) for begging on i Saturday ating, a lar a livery of - grain,. Mr. lop. - Ewe, two- shears or over, John I all wheat, Ed. ames,- J. Knox. 8 "D A- JA n�sibu W.T witsend. Large to. 'amed 11arn6d' 'udon pn I of Lo ma cast . Mrs. Johnston. on -searched -at the . 0olide7sistion the, —A $roit cited Over A fiendish -attempt at whole - Ar 1�g . ewe;'J.. t Wq hu P LogAu is u IdIng.;: large addition to oxtz Go- Hyslop. Shear -(Turnberry-,) -do, Ae; h pie�ile atteti)ptinig h aischute I isioning which #has: caused the wheat, George Moffatt 111 him. South Small: tomatoes; AN 0.1 m Of $82-w"fidund..upo. 'the ohnatqfi.'1 an I Any persouiewing K am amb, John Knox. Barley, Ge6.1 11A a 1po elevitor G Hyslop... Ram doffitt (TurnberrYJ the other d&v;:fr6m,tha, roof his Slu 9 —Mr. George Johnson, Dominion d. f death of one Actim and is likely to, re- MANUFACTUR4.' Home ma& gan- it -fpirma for miles around. E*4 amb - John Movatt is. father: a house Connected with terra ault fatally in anotheiln.stance.0 By the loirgo� ana ford polf, Elyslop.' L. Brown. - Black oats, George 4-cCllchiy.. 8 atintician, -former. Tory journalists h Carberry- wilj say thap Mr. L025 hox G. Hyslop. Fit sheep, an. 1. . 'nel,*hitN Mrs. We 9 n Is Y �Turnberry.). ' White ats, George -Kof r. -Erabtas -Wiman finns mQra opqe4ilr� than hii,-bad:z- antlei. mail of � Wednesday night last *Oak irmloy. defends M , 0' re d. - a eo rge - annels c6lqrid; Ai Johnitou. ord pated, slid a eprainea a W, The quite right in I ki6d.176 -Hyalop,4ohn. Johnsto*.- fatt(TurfiberryJi-jinox; Largo.pesso made fl -on nkl ' suite there arp*ved -at the Glt -post office three si a man who has n6 r said More next wee k. est W6 Op.- Wni.'Pomerby. 'Ho '' made - full clotho G�oe Ni6iii A. in d Be RON; of oleasheep,.G,. Hisl L. own, Small pess, me ir disparageinent-of Cidafi` -.;-A yofin an name Wkagdi bearing. the Toronto postmoar� not blankets, -hen J. H. BECK. tipide wepl6h deathe 'gas t postage Amp Was upon OXCh TIGS.—Berkshire—Aged. boari,.. John Wimi., P oy -James. F our. Be Job on.. Ho off rid t Ed n a U -&r: - . .. A, six cT --J-w�lhdMeafordcou cithasent.reds 'figg House, -d packages -were -.addrissad to Nott. Home ro a Bj&y1,John Gillespie.: p ge e elwood. M Geo again in -bis r a r boa a.' Dudley- War- rin pi of the late 01 0. ni at the G And th madeii'--carpetj 'Naii, A. Johnston, tion ajainst the, Motion Fortli . Jhn Cherfy. neti-the W, I hn Reid, A asurer -of the tow -$25001 fAndons iss May Lowell distii guished litterateu and od'�iidered,, John Gillespie. . too sow, 1 n to recover, Woolen yar to the and Mrs; John Ridley, respectively, the a at, pres- Jtihn 6illespies We Poiieroy. OW. n I, ovt 6i the 3-s..�m.sudruhnagedtos ggerin. Monthly, I The Bsy go John. t- thi editor of Hari We e1d.8h Sto king- rn,_lst an 3 corporation & in study through' y7a dimig a i recoveted.--. letter lady beiin hurch. Mrs. d -2ndl a amoun d - inseniible � �by wife Incum ant oi "P b -Canada-) 13uFrom,­4ged Boars John Brayll all, here he iiras faun W the �of the' a a tn The Sb4milejBramich Agricultural'- So. stono .. I VVOO n at ki A Johnston-, f that- geutlar6W: bent of eat material JJhu. Gilleatie. Syriug Pit age can- is held: at field a . -6 A i and 2nd he night wa�chman- H. � thoO tiglish, C Goo. Nott' -'Wd . f . - 'a'On olm -On lieri-y was the first to gett for a. �iun&r 4 f sketches showing Can 8C? om- '��4 03 env of. Brockville, w it being his, int�ntioii to Coll 'dietk's show 41 Bay ­-Amoug the appeals against ecisionis t hil Gi osple. and Tuesday last; OnTuesday, A. Johnston. Home made sorsis one gi WA#_ . Mon4y obtton:stook- a the'Toroutdi -city seats T which PMRY -FRODU ounde fresh way ome the other- evenin from the pas the pdricipal. day, the weather, was bit. Mist'. A., - in life 0 aneref abou ds. m-Fbie - p ingeii'Mrs. Tough, GrA ger. &inimg that his' assessid frontage fa his h MaltrieAted_ t office ,Thursday morning, -and there is- yet a T4ttor tortable uses Mrs. Robert -Gibson, owl too the - taxes 'on ho and taidd- b by men.w upon jetting home opened t o"iderable misundei Cold a -itiff breeze bi ing from k A' Johnoton, Wrie inches - tdrll Homemade cottori ooc a, d bi of some $7 All the too just done'the E, James,, Firkin butter, not less tliin seven dents'. hlm� and iobbe M found that the steboard box Insids,6f -in the unpleasant' GoOe'.- N6ti Woollo in 9 I Stale He I lihis�mide it^-ver.y Itives-11. John-! hich would beles -than 0: e0 oneyh�. had inhis Po ton -at the 'the wrapp- r. contained ' ix -oboololate gh Geo'.-��Nci he -'was confined . th bin -bed for drops which ihe give to her three qh ild. regard to the- Western 4( ' ti d' J hn BrAy. - � a forull a, for thp' speatators, althou ' WWAS�210t ti. Woolen mitts', Urn 5hell" River.Colonizaiion Com- inth' ktokii, nd th& - Th boots -has settled 'Its business, with'' the ime,. Pleasant, fine- LEXEIfTS. �AXI� qXAXU arner is. FACTURES MCClincfiey,..C1 d' -*tne estil Iran 110r. .:' L' b ,on, John: Davidscib..: Vl;w) io bad as if it, had been wet; d r t ofthfa'rou2hhand to eat. ShoWy 'afterwards Stat looking man, nd an agreeable converea, �qkrri er wag Was U t tend do 0 so large -'as set year,-, -James Castle.' . Bu �gy lxarneii, G'... A. ositment of the having sc� - 801110" as" vb I -before 1p in ling a recielvec. them showed signs ofloicknessand wt ut t 11 there was a . fair crowde The Sharman. Double iarnessi,"G Shsrw tool something- over $15,60.04 It IS;eport 'udt� tick of the dO0tOf.&rtijLed a* In oonvuldons. Jdhn Dividsoni-Johii Bone. Gang plo b ear 0 AM war ws,. on was ver.yi goo ameror wo P in icin t of the ngre- 14 Ana 2nd John D , 'dson. Pair Iran idat ad that" —At a lar oho th-,wholi, Inani Te: C C opt of the claims, to e, r main's ung6l4-:in the Th"14ext child, about 6 yeariold, Is n%sptintchurch a -h department there,*as a oplen- Jamoff Armstrong; -square i roismster!t rows, John'Davide�nv gation Of JS ttaWs, lumber . yards are over LADOS, P,110 all(l the. mills -I, ter, but th ' a yungept onao, h tbv ZS me a - Iiiebec, Camades, �getting bet tioll'of, tax- er- 6' STIC MANUPAPTUR omtle m000r rill probabll att . law nighte* the ques oti,'a- �ery nice 9.90 dihpliy of fruit and ro, W .0 owded Y .1 of -this -year - n. Ten yards all'ibat JoJn port-and4l ibout-two and a -half years oldi never W SarAh Jane Rol muc a ter ht The HOdgi iLS; bavinipassed in r Ili and died bo name nig of lidiW ork And good Sha h-- arli w ully discussed- and tho fol- de yarn, A. I;.- Gibso emption wi 00,11 d. h! vj.-tio cesse operations a detion S) Mrs' _Ut fhSt do' NO an sual ow condition of other -Child was ado�ted arge 01 A. L.. Gibson.. 'Seven. yards flaur w- I )ssibility of to -a ad to*ingresolution. dairy- products. 'the mpetition in Braided pillo ih, aris, Goo. tto miss -t 'ing to the imp� A. the hin b is . is. 'usual tof shippar;s�& is of the opin L. Gibson. Ten -yarcis his chute We in was somewhat lighter thin' M.� Elliott., b Mato J timg jb�fps t ex lumbei to Great known at that market be* and not likely to recover. The sexeral should bear its j;. dibson. Calf boots, pegied, Fra thijgj Yer ssii - Outside, the - diiplay was. Salkeid,., Mrs. -W9OdS' Tollet o po ion that chur46h property, A -tan -0 L mun . Ab -the Usual Horgan an mats, octorsin, attendance -give It s their 0 in,this aim d f idipil burdens Haziewdod.. Coakse b ote We �C. aue proportion d 'Miss M Gei� - Xotte ra&ot Bari,- "of -the Lindsoij fOre ,gvl& L Finef �o4i John. Knutson. out oting to' tbe dismix- dies 'Cointalined. -at sa instruction it) OUT del- a very -gow We Sterling. 'd ' ­Whie cause opinion tbsb,-'1be be and th , jt� b 1, bt-'str6mige -to 'drape Table t,,has advertised his nowspaper An S. -Cox:,� 149�.' Ftiday in TO- strychnine. Thenewsof the shocking proachino conventiou'st e-maolt breadi 'Robert �.Lakigj J.- shoiep War Geo. N - 1 t Is unde - Bill of. H e ates to th in say there wae, a olitary pig OAL eor 0 John'salkeld; -00fal ing busifi6si for ;r douft '41- thus proventfug _g btA on a aid spr6ad-r -par, 8t; Catharin intriod -othoure. rainea honey- J. Bret ..',John Salkeld. o d 'Mr. --Barr 'ho d- -a Xcinto, Mr. Ogler :b affeir exhibiti 'There -was a good'ohow'of o -that h va pecepto the bank's Miss Low, co the question B, Caharin on, P ow� e atiTie,position- on t a -L 'don wbare. all lkolMrs. Ridley from Cro - kn6i of tke duty Baptist churches in the. lit �ur, J. Be V themw6re. soarcel chat I nei Swaffield on. Ad PY tskinglo I , Miss: I and, it Wdly, )f trer� cattle but Y� n. mono Df any Of the bontafits -i FLOWERs.—Baskot larits, Jade BfAy. 16 Notot a --con an.. Hooke& matso. Goori 40-hich also pre'uniebat a convention.N!" iti Win. dition. Thefollowing is the Morg �Erm 'Oid Ik _ as rtiser.- contained CAndl 10roilto T%wrie. Flowev: in snow. tin _An a ister, 'Rev.. 1:JSmMy, of the ToiffueMp that otio.;third �of thid pw�ages, —Ff a I F� , , PRIZM LIST Midi �Erm -on ged Baptist m.in iutoCoi!o:hsnds, simi liage flo ery at GUtL wittell 0 Lawrie:. were, the Cent 41 Bank Went lar to that ;eceivad, by Mrs. ebe0y,;L Ilivr. was- captfil I ntSL ii�uel Taps Brampton on ad at Sarnia 0 Veal, 'Dri ares- or *Qlvet, lot a ISS Nott of MaGAlivr A.72d' :M' Cott, -died s t V1 aver Veal AGRI —Brood w et of, floweri, large D.' He: - Bit-, ln a ting � to le the ad flowerni 0. CrMURAL Hom�Es. A" - a out of them." Yeirtrj- The -different boxe were a - idently sent *.Ott charge attemp * istry' extefided neve cam Wi�`e Lawrie. - Alex. Sparks. - Foal, AlekS Arks.' One� Bou 9-Cox.b a; as beeP.q&e by the xAmq party. The bandvAiting in with mitent to defraud creditors-� F werimig geraniumo" obigo Miss Wodds, Bouquet of 'flow;- -over a, period of near] �w coun 60 years; -.'A fle was ble boqueti John Soindersn. Flower- year old colt, Alex.* Spirks. Two year East isguised and -the same style farm and, CEWX of 'a a P4, �i he was -In. charge- of,sBaptist —Wh Mr."Dan M 0 Job 'Teetwater, William Heh dl ft 'TaUtOd Job Sparrow. mall; let am d-. 2nd Miss 'Wood Ago ilism 'h and Promissory on est to ClaWa dook On I Dahlia, 0 Veal. rnameintal graSe-L ;old filly, Levi -Trick 'Ore-, a -.had his watip 1, but thqoxes* are of different ting his. goods on rc*a Geo, Nott, A. Johnstom, congregation at until Veal'. ear -,61d geldin R tAllister. 'rho death,of Mr' --of V000 stolen a kizes and coarsely put u arrested. The claim Tw broideq kv. George Notts. A. Allin 'of, Men-' notei. to 1the.Stactint mmy 0 W" a ran an bin lot �' d 0 y old filify-, hhn k�h,'Johti Era 7 certably not Seat -out by- 'an *as not due 0. p. They ev 'r -e tly PouLTRY.—Pair One Wn 3. nay raidinjo A. John- at Such- A. ripe aid a je his - called 8 ortti!�e ago y busition ctober. Salk y d Vien Indiips'; who- were. -we 2#df Mrs. Moff at 4 ainaid Span, 1. Mellihey, Gio." Johnstoi 9 as there the sharp euo.ug k he coaffstot be - Geo. He att. Pair gray itoaj GOO", ratedi f oirth th atl an -warrautfor firmo advertise tbeirgood - the Account was, due. He age John Gallagligy!, Wine. Pomeroy. Bates. U. Knitting, in wol - a fact th lanall -camp not . k s. - marks uporihent to indicate who is me score engagoido.olunkfiax and!, had a taken until —Brood, V. WildOMI 21liDtt. Fancy, ni J by bae a number of per offour Thesesich unoucconsfull sanders were. - Th "a ib beiag Be %ir:�Wte ducks, C age: Baker, T. Me- GENERAL Yuliposk HoRsm. a motive thit. led to got &4"Oro in . tiftf Xsi�n sL adviee� Plymo, ut om do: Geoo Nott, air$ and upwards, aildom found isus traded, -the pierpetraiticA h -rooks, mai M- Raid' it 41kely to be ries4totiait '- cAllistar, J It worated, inTavish (Howick)*:, tar-, The near the Erato' L&MMY WA Wor, Miss Elliott"Johli , h plilaticin but sinoO iien onio 6f the' Ind. I L . sc4l ofa muc. gar )b 14b . I . it itfitit after that Mrs. Geo. t. Barnard. Pair FosioJohn Tough was St on.' Two Qui.1t in P-6 negro Bear Chatham; amid who the Bond isromains 4 compW kepi, in- - durance Vile nes Tough.. Fan, y a I 141t, Geo. Notts Miss, llowing list has. published the, 0: year,.--. 91d -,,-gad' in. Stirling, - Jai v hite legho -a si 2nd,'Mra. Ge 11,1' Settled- and lib te. 6 of or in Q61P. inyatarl`- &te`� the c AIM W-04 *44bilask -o4b a ilto, who took it dL filly 1h E1119"; Elliott. Moffitt. Ir 1* it'Brahmas�, Win Burk, TWO 0 0. - N006 W toad'a'd for U Wle saws country - i b r#ap ttL VIP #n in U u r WSJ,; f thb usu d � R b"ou r tious SIT6 ahi it w j go M etl f W1 Th 0 o