HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1888-10-05, Page 5last week ott milt hag b3"' Ifeeark . been •ther- t- fa e 004„. of werke revival Of Y long co2. Yduess.It tl for cask 4a,see ni r., of of the reY almost . He coni - r well and ad dead in ert of Mr. es a wife, nieurn his t week has• we heartil ate that resident of is leaving tepted a re, ht,as of dry ra. Boon ad assets fora, Ehight traightfor f intim* for some Woodstock jert of that reoovery. toed herself• kitetey, who and advised , formed on. of Seaforth, Lk.. Elliott, MeNitught- lassady and pletteed to Dr.Mac- • ilia is new :most 41141 last week a and friends able • brick tson„ the tying - - between tse Jeannie, et. ' Rev.& • aorty. min - 1, .. was the ickson . Jr. was last:- iotored tray-. . gifts were IL After a partaken of .' night train on , a wed - Amite* with lug them. a ;future. if lust week ; it. was` &- Welt 'Huron - fall meeting rciat Union.„ d to _ask any ed, and the xaservativet. . P.,`,- and Dr. .ted to speak itiOrif but •so„.. ,ve been INS, itteu to, but ned to speek .tted .to.visit r• and' hilf-a t date fixed anon, is Fti- to commace tY. the Gode- r expectsito enta on tbat ' Conch/de& to the meeting 101(416d, and expected:: to - g Goderielt on • two= Wm. d Geo. W. 54) a side was ne,attlioigh item Watt in to row from - . 's. boat. 1;nd ten later i by he storm had ao.fwith s :a„. Mr. Ri.' S. offieNted t. iiacCorrea ed the duties . buoys. flI� owing' eide lake, Alia turns. A.:tithe I-4 the water onnor,if Soy: dvan a,ei - ead .unti he ri front o ,' his . was. net Ma- t half Mile, ork,osVla head :win lead 84034 Minute,rend in a vailit ef', At theiturn - 41 his leadiand ' for thd. Te- lling a VI° ,..te. Tim. ; Is - 1 done blr :the_ oed,. evr to o very buitay_ 1 "rt prequel% whenWro. to -d�. farina, the townehiP t_uining kora° titer „rig 4 for his icteflark telt-about two, as- thiovni I 50;44ing - lyingiher° invetlP^ ian af notincedt. the e, - tion of the :OM _ sr re --4, , irliE HURON EXPOSIT° Goderloh. 8movre—Thoiforms1 opening 'of lb. Weston lab took plum st Mai& on Tossday, and linos, that theelliotWithstanding the cooltufat ef eat Wsethet aud etthreatening clouds, wee fitutibers lutve knead through the jtt The shoet of horses,- oaths, 014101 farm eteek far °needs that bus year, and many visitors rote outsid counties have ex- it tonishme t at the magififieent y. The judgi g in the Inside de. ts was oonclnded . Monday, and ,Tery general satisfaction appears to toe been the result. Grain is not so burly shown, as in previous years, but *Gish:Ties exhibited are excellent in • quality. The horticultural display is - }hip and varied, -aryl the fruit ' exhibit ismarsrellous in quantity and quality, pears, and grapes being partica- cowipicuons. Vegetables of all area good average, and will bear fatorabIe comparison with those shown cosily previous oc idle eXtenoiVely s Iota good display 1st ion. Fine arts are. own as last year, is inade. Ladies' wort is well up to the standard, and ` =any excellent ex fancy needlework" lady visitors. We vile a number of in the horse ring, speeding, with bo horse walking match. An additional: attraction was also presented by the rope -walking and gymnastic - perform - noes of Professor Donaldson and wife. 'In the evening the Exhibition hall and grounds were brilliantly illuminated by the Reliance EleeOic Light Company, • end the attendanceat the show was -phenomenally large. The directorate me supine of far _overtopping the re- ceipts of all pre ous faits, nOtwith- standing the fears that previously ex; Med on account of the inclement Weather. Goderiolf. Township. SUDDEN' • DEATHp.—A terribly sudden diath occurred in' Goderich Townehip on Friday _morning last. Mr. Henry Ford, an old_ and, well known resident was suddenly calledhence with scarcely a moment's warning. Mr. Ford, at- tailIpted-te rise from Ili bed at about the usual time inmorning, butjast as be bad reached a sitting posture he fell tack and at once became unconscious. • His wife,who had not yet got up,at once called the other merabers of the house- hold, but before i they had reached the bed -side of their father, the 'spirit had departed. . Mr. Ford had, to all appear- ance, been in his usual state of health. „ On the, previous day he was in Clinton transacting business and in conversation with several people lie seemed to be cheerful as usual,although to . some he complained o feeling an unpleaaant and unusual fullness across the breast. Be made no complaint at; home, retired at the usual hour and seemed to rest well until the us al hour for getting up in the morning. He was a man of about sixty years of age, and was a robust, hearty -looking person. He was quite a prominent man in the township and -lied a large acqu intones throughout the county. • He hp.d frequently been a member of the t several years ha ship as Reeve a County Coned death he was a .„ Fire Insurance supposed to b disease. ibits of plain and hidden the eyes of nesday • there ,were interesting features notably the pony drivers and the T. Dm U, fledier, H. A, L. White M. S. artin, I, M. Levan, G, Moir, !knitter ..fy, G. Stewart, a. maim naut.j. D, Monteith, W. IL Shaw, 0, A. Mayhem, W. It Knox, 3, Mt MOM, J, It Witeoff, P, E. Goodwin, Tho Neon etpod fit, Meryl, 291 Stratford, 24, I - —On* Wittig front the Mother. well salmi Mr, win, Raw, who for a. number of pushed been a faithfal and. sueoessfil teacher there, was presented with A tiSlIdSollifigOld wateh, —The annual Convention of the Sun- day School teachers and ' workers ofthe Methodist chef& in the Listowel Dis- trict wi I be held at Trowbridge, on Wedne day, October 17th. - • A swell wedding Was held at Mill- bank oii the 196h ult., when Mr. A. bi: York, Veterinary Surgeon, of Detroit, Michigan, uua Miss Emma,third daugh- ter of Mr John Ritter, of Millbank, _united their lives and fortunes. —W. G. McLaren, formerly of Mit; °hell, is conducting a general store at Boisseciaine, in South Western Mani- toba.. fairly are lo He says crops are turning out sit around there, and merchants king for a large fall trade. —Through the advice of an eminent specialist, Mr. Alex. Ferguson,of Avon - bank, has given up his studies for the present to allow his eyesight to regain strength. He has secured a situation in • THE MARKETS. Natrort, Ootob.v4, ISM 11 07 to 11 10 tiprineigheetpsrluiehslii,, 1 Orte 101 eats per ,,,, , 0 81 tO 0_81 Woo per O. 02 to 061 Bsrlsy per bath*. 80814184,14 If 0 60 tO 006 Butter, Ne. 1, ft ft fIre. 0 16 to 016 Dian. tub, ,, , 04-tesiti es: et 44 0 10 0 17- riggi 1411114 sass Ai 84 lift fete, 0 16 14 0 16 Drelasti HOW t*, 7 00 to 700 2 00 to 800, 14 00 to 16 O Ilidss psr , , 6 00 tO 600 Sheepskins each - 0 40 to 0'70 E. a, el Sid, 444414 0 2/ te 0-22 Potatoee per bushel, (new)0 30 So 0 30 . Salt (retail). per barrel.. .... 0 76 to 0 /I Wood per cord . 2 504o 3 50 • Apples, . ..... 0 25 to- p 30 _ . • Staffs —A suit has been entered 'against Joseph Brydon, J. P., of Milverton, and - reasurer of Burns' church for twenty-five years, to recover money belonging to the church and and unac- coun d for hy Mr. Brydon. There is said to be a shortage of $3,000. —Mr. Jetties Manna, of the Station Rote, Listowel, who shortly goes to. Toro to to take charge of the BayHorse -Hotel there, was the other evening pre- entedavith a gold headed cane by a umber of his friends and 'admirers in List Wel. —The new Salvation Army barraoks ii" Stratford was opened last Sabbath. All the °services were well attended. The flindoos excited a good deal of curiosity, one of them, Musa Bhai,being an intelligent and interesting 'speaker, He pleaded very earnestly that the gos- pel Might be sent to his benighted coun- trynled. The Woodstock band was in attendance during the day, —While Rev. VV. Smyth, pastor of the Waterloo street Methodist church, ford, was moving to a new resi- e on Monday last week, a young accompanied by a comely young an and abput a baker's dozen of ds, gave him a call. The house was • CLurroN, Octob er 4, 1888. . Fall Wheat Per bushel. 07 to a 10 Spring Wheat per .... 05 to 1 08 Oats per bushel. 0 81 to 0 32 Barley per bushel...—. 59 to .0 65 Peas per bUshel..;... . . . 0 62 to 0-68 Butter. . • 0 15 to .0 17 Eggs.............' -0 18 to 0 15 Hay peton. • 14 00 to 15.00 Potatoes per bushel, (new); 0 30 to , 0 30 Hides per 100 -lbs........-- . 6 50 to 700 Cordwood-- --2 60 to- 360 .Dressed Hogs, per I00 -lbs . . . . 700 to 760 Wool per lb. . 0 21 to 022 11 wnship council and for represented his town - .d Deputy Reeve in the At the time of his irector in the MoKillop- ompany. His death is the result of heart LiviarboL, Oct. ' wheat, 8s 00;Jed winter, 8s 00d; California No. _1, 6s 05d; California No. 2, Os 00d ; oats, Os 00d; barley, Os Od ; peas;\61 7d ; pork, 761 6c11 cheese, 4514)0d.. .• ToriosTO, Oct. 4.—Fall wheat, $1.08 to $1.10 spring, $1.07 to $1.07 ; oats, 38o to 4003_ipeas, 660 to 67o- barley, 65 to 790 ; hay-, per ton, $18.00 to , irappen. BRIEF NOTESi—MisS Wilson an& Miss ewitt, who have been visiting friends . this vicinity, returned to their hOme 'in Bright- on Friday ' last. —Mr. Wm. - !vim/ left- on I:Friday for Toronto to further pursue his studies. We hope soon to see Wil - a " fun fledged drug- gist."—Rev. Mr. McDonald, of Sea - forth, preached a very able sermon in the Presbyterin bhuroli here on Sabbath last.—Mr. and Mrs.' Miller are at pre- sent visiting friends in St. Louis. - - - swoolsemewaewomeg Wiiii Items. —Mr. Wm. Coleman, of St. Marys,* is takinitreatment at the • Port Huron mineral baths, —A stove pipe on Strike caused tears • .and chokings in a St. Marys _telegraph • office the other morning. .. • —Mr. Buerts,. of St. Marys hisa , squash ofthe mammoth varlet; that 'weighs over 1 _pounds, .., • —Six of th patrons ' of the Kintore cheese .faotory have been fined heavily' • for watering their milk. t - • . • —Cottage. rayer meetings which - • were suspended during summer. even- ings have been resumed in Stratford. • —Woods' livery stable in Listowel was burned down with a large quantity of hay. ' NO insurance. Supposed. in- • cendiarism. ..i—Ben-Bird, of Millbank, has ' been arrested and sent for trial to Stratford en a ' charge of threatening his wife's life. - ', . —nisi Agnes Knox, the famous St. Mary's elocutionist, elocuttonist, is winning an en- viable name add fame by her recitals in Scotland. . —A heavy hanimer fell 60 ,feet from a Grand Trun1 Railway smokestack in Stratford and tknocked Chas. gamy in- sensible. . ' —Last week's Recorder says: Miss Moscrip, the artist and 'art arida of St. i Marys, s in town judging the fine arts and ladies' department in the exhibition hall, ' t —Mr..Rob ; Tucker, an , old resident ; -of Mitchell, died at the residence -of his son, Mr. johi° Tucker, at Moosomin, Manitoba, on 15th. ult. -% —John Welsh. a Stratford horticul- turist, carrie4 off ten prizes at the Lon- don exhibitioe—sii firsts, two seconds: and two third prizes. —A very f successful entertainment , was given one evening lately, in con- nection with Avonbank- Temperance • . _Division. The hall was crowded to the door. —The nevr Salvation Army Barracks in Stratford, is about completed.• e interior is painted in brilliant colors andfew churches in the city present a more inviti g appearance. ' —A very interesting game of base ball was played betWeen the teachers and ex -teachers of St. Marys: and those of Stratford, at the latter place on Sat- urday, the 22nd ult. The teams were - Pretty well matched and some very , ".&00a playing was done by both sides. . The -best of good' ,feeling prevailed throughout no " kickirg " whatever being indu ed in. The following are the names of the players: St, Marys -- W„ Shaw, Dr. W. D. Gunn, P. Riddle,. Stra den man woir frie tops -turvey, while the reverend dis- penser of matrimonial bliss was up to his eyes in business. The young man, with a tremor on, his lip and & smile on hs brow, asked if he had the pleas- ure of addressing Rev. Mr. Smyth. Receiving an affirmative answer, he stated that he desired "to get spliced." " We cannot do it •here very well," Mr.' Smyth remarked. "Oh yes," re- plied the young man "anywhere will do, o that Inlay be eased of the sus - pen e." The reverend gentleman then invited the wedding party down to his new 'place of residence, where, on a Wiag ih box, and packing boxes to the right of them and packing boxesto the left of them, and_by the fliekering glare of a kerosene lamp. and 'the struggling moonbeams misty light, the happy couple were ushered into the . blissful state q matrimony. And so they go. `eta. ,,. Wotil 4 :Call spieial: attention le their .arrang . paign.; -This old :and poplar - establishm van as heretofore, and have: taken time by pared to show one Of the finest. assortmenta offer 4 for inspection to the ;-people of S sto , this:season is. heavier:than ever, Q Soig d cheaper than ever. , Our Stack this than ever. 1 All -We 'vi .is fq inspectio themselves. . I i z catio IJRNISHING Onto bribe coming-cam- t- determined • to lead the the forelookand are Pre. ,of general dry goods ever afOrth and vicinity. Our ✓ stock this season will be aim' for ',quality is better s.our goods will si,dvertise Is firm equipped. Our importations in tweeds from Scothi,nd, England and Ir .dian factories. Our ailoring department MOO ; butter, 20o to 28o otatoes, er ag • and we can turn out suit of clothes on 45c to 50o.; egg., per oz.'70 , dressed hogs,.pe 1001bs., $7.25 to 87.76. . • • Live B • ok Markets. . 165NTRAAD, Oct. few head of the best .cattle were sold at 4o. per lb;, but not many brought over 80 and much the larger number sold at about Soper lb., while some of the leaner ones were sold down to less than two cents- per lb. live weight. A lot Of fine cattle -brought 'from Manitoba (not wild ranchers,' but raised and fed by common ,farmers)- were offered for sale at the O. P. R. yards, the price asked being no per lb.,but the butchers seemedunwilling to pay more than 4ic for them.There WU an active demand for mutton critters, good lambs sold for nearly 50 cents per. head- more than they did last week. Sheep sold at front 83.5040 66 each,. and lambs at from $2,50 to $4 each, andyery fine lambs would bring more, Hogs :are . not nearly so Plentiful sathoy were last week. Prices are from 5i te'sloverib. The horse trade continues rather dull, and during the last week the ship- ments of horses from here to the United states 'numbered 29 horses, costing $2,866,or an average • of $08.82 each. somessemmemmumml • FARMERS' ATTENTION. —1 have on hand and will continue to keep repairs for: the following Plows,: Nos. -4, 9 and 10 of my own make; Nos. 8, 13, 15, 16 and 18, Munroe & Ho- gan make; also Nos. 4 and 13 Massey make, and Nos. 10, 15 and 40 South Band. I have also all 'other Points for Gang and other Flows ,formerly made by me. As I have all the original patterns my points will fit better than those made from imperfect Patterns. Tiforias HENDRY, BeatOrthsi Local Notices. 'FAT °HoGs.—Any number of good ogs wanted Bo , , for which the highest marke price in i will be paid. . - 1073 tOOM.s'TO RENTea-RooMs, suitable for tivate residence, over Gunn's !store, to rent. ly to A. G. AULT, Seaforth. 108141 . EAS, TEAS.—Another lot of New on's Teas just arrived and will be sold cheap. yr Japan's from 25o. per lb, upwards, or '5 no,. si, choice May Pickings, Japan Tea from upwards. Black and Green Tea from Com - to Choice. Inspection invited. - S. FAIR. ono door South of Post Office, Seaforth. s .1- 1085 _ 4IRI. WANTED.—Wanted immediatea good servant Girl to do the work of a small ily. Apply to Mas. AULT, GOdOliCh Street, forth, • 1085 REMOVAL.—PEAR'S Dental Rooms.- 40statethat I have moved into my New Ste of Rooms over T. Daly's Store, one door th of loblis Grocery, Main street, Seaforth. e J. FEAR, Seaforth. . 1088x4 : . OAT LOST.—Lost on -Main Street, forth, between the. railway station and Mr. „Smith's residence, on Monday, September th, a gent's brown coat. The finder would eatly oblige the owner by leaving,. the garment fTII8 EXPOSITOR Office, Seaforth. 1085 2at bbs' P AO lang ho fat fort CRS 1 p Ap Se Ne for 500 nio liET 13r• fam Sea I) Su SOU Se 24 gr at fioj CO nee Sea- to suit all classes. Our stock of Gent's complete.. Give us a call- and be cony quality and bargains is - uncan .A.INTEe DEPARTMENT embrace the latest patterns land and also from Cana - fig Under able management he shortest notice, at prices u nishings was never more. n d that the spot for good • MOST POPULA °cause the Quickest MIT Most Effective • 4 11 12MILEIji • 84 WILSON 8 oer4tod ,B41sain .,prtflf • - • Cough's, 6olds; -Sore Throat, Asthma, Whooping Cough and in- cipient -Consmnption, quickly give way to its wonderful healing and soothing properties. Wherever introduced it at once takes the lead. 'Why Because every one who has used it speaks well of it. Orders - from all parts' of the Province coming to hand, and even from the United States, where it costs them nearly double the price to get it: Try it. For sale by druggists ;"price 50e a bottle, or wholesale and retail by the Manufacturers, REMEMBER TH:g 8p.eciflc a WISE.—In Tuckersmith, on the 16th ult.;the' - wife of Mr. john Wise of a son. • ROBERTSON. -4n Grey, on the 16th ult., the - wife of *Mr. -Dekl Robertson of a son. • CLENNAN.—In Ms, on, the. 28rd ult., the wife of Mr. John Clennan of a son. MQUARRIE.--In Grey, on the 17th rilt., the wife of Mr. Hector McQuarrie of a MoCRACKEN. VA,'Brussers; on the 22nd ult.,. daugh- ter. - - . • the wife of oeve McCracken of a dough- • ter. ° :GIRLS WANTED.—Wanted, three or r Girls to learn Dressmaking. Apply at the tage on John. Street, first door west of St. .oraas'iChurbh, Seaforth. 1085x4 INEw Labrador Herrings for .sale at ISLET% Seaforth. - 1085 t. 1• SALE REGISTER. -On Wednesday, October 10th, . at. 12 I o.,olock, noon. sharp, on Lot 29, Conces-- On 8, bloKillop, Farm Stook. 'George Henderson, Proprietor ; George Kirkby, Auctioneer. - , Marriages. MARTIN—OKE.I—On the- 26th ult., by Rev. . Rogers, at the residence of the brides fath- • er, Mr. James G. Martin, of Tuckersmith„ to Miss Mary A. Oke, daughter of Mr. Hugh ' Oke, of Kinburn, Mullett township. KELLY-=-DICKSON,—In Brussels, on the 25th ult.,' by 'Rev; fic, Jones, Mr. W. F..Kelly to Miss Jennie, youngest daughter of Mr. Robt.. ' Dickson. . .GIRVIN-- FERGERSON.—At the residenee of the bride's father, Cartwright township, on the 184h ult.., by Rev. James Fergerso ,n as- sisted. by - Mr. Hazzard,. Mr. Charles Girvin, jr.; of West Wawanosh, to AIM, • second daughter of Mr. Joshua Ferg0T0011. Which is .asure cure for al Coughs and all Lung Affections, aud- ecific, EPSIA, . . .Deaths. DEADMAN'.In- Brussels on the 24th ult.; Georgie,'only son of A. Deadpan, aged 8 -years and 2 menthe. • OmiLBY.---in Grey, on the 24th ult., Georgina, relict of the; late Thomas Oakley, aged 14. years. ' • • PASSEHL.—At Elkton, Michigan:, on the. Oth ult., Robert Passehl, stepson of Mr. Wm. Knechtel, „Billssels, aged 27 years and 8 - • • " months. • s, We °ate them so quickly you. can have them • MIDDLETON.—In *-Goderich Township, on the laughing.' or crying, -as you choose. W also 26th tilt, Emma M. A., daughter of George have the finest assortment of Picture Frames • iliddieton_,_aged 18 years and 1 month. •and Mouldings- in .toivri.i. Also. Uhromos, Arti. MoVITTIE.,-In Mullett, on the 22nd ult., Simon types, etc., for sale cheap, . • ' Mantle, Jr., aged 58 years ands) months. .Give Us. a call. - .."-m-""'""4"1""1""q""rwsawl LEIA LISLA UGH,- IMPuRTANT NOTIOES1,. CHOOL TEACHER WANTED. — Teacher • wanted "for Union School Section NO. f's Mullett,- a male -teacher holding a second class certificate. Must have had experience. Duties to commence /st of January, 1889. Address, stating salary, W. D. WILSON, Secretary of School Board, Auburn P. O. . 1086x4 RUG 'STORE; SEAFORTH. BAUSLApGH'S PhOtogivp -Gallery 1' \ pa. put CD Oa et' P -r 11 CDC*0 0 scp. 1.1 t.„— P 11514 PI 6;4 F.1.1" 01:81‘)*.rs ota.t cco 1:$ .0', 02 VA: CD. cm 0 CD Wist- CD .0 . -.4 a) P.1 Is, --the -Place to get Your- work •done. , . We make rill kinds and SIM ii0111 the sznall Minnuette or sunbe s to! Life Size wor15. - All work make by the I stantaneous process. . NJ trouble .with the • . • M 1 On. Saturday, October 13, at 1 o'clock- . M., at Kinburn, Wagons, Buggies,: umber and other articles for the estate f Hall Brothers. M. Pillman, As- ignee;_ J. I'. Brine, Auctioneer. • On Friday, October 12, at one o'clock, o oLLarp;'en Lot 19, North Thames' Road, Osborne, Farms, Feria Stock and Im- leinents, two impotted.' Clydesdale Stallions and. two Young Breeding Mares,- registered. Robert and Win: Gardiner, ProprietPrs ; A. Bishop, Auc- tioneer: .. On Wednesday. October 17, - at one 'clock P. M., on Lot 11, Conceasion 8? ullett, Farm Stock. BensonTyer- man, Proprietor; Thomas Brown, Auc- tioneer. . . On Monday, October 8, at 1 o'clock, . m. sharp, on 'Lot -4, Concession 13, ullett,.Ferra Stock. Alex. Robinson, Proprietor;. Charles Hamilton, Auc- tioneer.-- , - 4 ' * i . On Wedesday, October 10, .. at 12 'clock, noon, on Lot 29, Concession 8, r McKillop; Farm Stock and Implements. George Henderson, Proprietor; George Kirkby, Auctioneer. i On Thursday, October 11, at 12 !o'clock, noon, On Lot .12, Concession 2, 1Stanley, Farm Stock, Implements and ' Household,Ferniture. • Henry Penfound, Proprietor; J. P. Brine, Auctioneer,. On Wednesday, October 10th, at . 12 o'clock, noon, on Lot 43, Concession 8, - Stanley; Valuable Farms. David Arm- strong and John MeAsh, Adminstra- tors ; Wm. Harrison, Auctioneer, - On Monday, October 8, at 1 o'clock P. M., sharp, on . tot 7, Concession 12, Tuckersmith, Farm. Stoat_ Implement and Household Furniture. P. Cooper, Proprietor; A. Bishop, Auctioneer. - - - STRAY ED ises of the Undersigned, on south half of lot STEERS.—Strayed into the prem No. -6, Concession 9,- Babylon Line,. township, of Stanley, since the last of June, 2 yearling steers. One is ofred and white color, the other a gray oolorwith a small piece cut out of the left ear of each. The (Avner can have the property on pay- meht of expense incurred. WM. MeCLINCHEY. - 10850 filEACHER WANTED. -Wanted, for Union I, School Section, No 16, Howiek and Grey, a teacher holding a second or third class certificate, Cervices' to commence on January 1st, 1839. ApplicatiOns stating salary desired, accompanied . by testinionials, andgiving experience of appli. cant will -be received until the 20th of October.. - Address the undersigned, Secretary School ..-Board. JOSEPH ARMSTRONG, Molesworth *- Post Office. 1085-3 MSIDENCE,IX SEAFORTM FOR SALE.— For sale, cheap, the comfortable and pleas- antly situated residence, fomerly occupied by th,e late Mrs. R. Fisher. The house is in . first- class repair, having been newly roofed this sum- mer and containsa Parlor, Dining Room, Kit- chen and four Bedrooms, besides Closets and wood -shed., There is hard and soft water in the Kitchen. Also a nice garden web planted with Various kinds of Fruit trees. It is pleasantly situated near the business part of tho town. For further particulars . apply at Tim .. EXPOSITOR Office, Seaforth. 108541 ! :eticeesfsor to Wade in. the Whitney Block, 'S'eaforth. - 1078 T E CANADIAN BANK_OF COMMERCE, HEAD OFFICE? TORONTO. Paid up Capital $6,000,000. Rest, 600,000. .1) gRESIDENT._, —BLS _ ESQ. GENERAL MANAGER B. E; WALIERR: AS* MANA. P7:471)120384 E.AFORTH :BRANCH... Seaforth Branch Of this Bank continues to _ . , repeive 'deposits in.: . •• SAVINGS BANK, 4 on- .whtob interest is :allowed at ourreet rates: - - • Draft. on:1111 the:principal:towns and oitiei In Canada on Great :Britain, and en the United States, Wight. and sold; , • - - - ' 061oe.`--First- door scum of the Ceinmeroisl : Hotel. .. - - - °I. .• • J MNs AIR% Manager. F. HOLMESTED, So leiter:, . c40.1 -1.0E TO D:E:BTORS . All parlous iridehtod to the Estate of the lat Mrs. John Kidd; by either note or book account, . are requested WW1 at 0e. store and settle the .same at_once. by so 4oing Will avoid further . costs for collection.. 11-aecmmte MDSt be PAID In order to settle t e affairs Of the . Estate. . . , . ..•. . ' *ANDRE KIDD, -SeafOrth. i670tt. EN & WILSON, SCOTTS.BLOCK, SEAFORTH. RE WE ARE AGAIN! AT THE CONMENCEMENT OF On WINTER TRADE. s We ag m address the readers of TBE ExPosrron in reference to our great itOck Of .Clothing, .During the past two months we ye personally ,vlsited the—Topnto, and Montreal markets, and we have been enabled "to- secure some Wonderful bargains in Tweeds, which we have had minnfactured-, during, the dull season. Our Men's Twee- (1. . Snit sat $7, $9 and $10 stand to -day as the greatest 'bargains in the _ County. for reliable goodS,, an& when we make these assertions we are • • - • confident they are cared. In the first place, we Manufacture all our own C1othixg, the 'cut, Make? and finish, beingentirely different from ordinary readyme,des.- Again, we are -enabled to buy in such large quantities, that we can efleet quite a saving in purchasing our Tweeds. But,. ,Iter all, it .makes- no .difference to the public how it can be done. All they want isgood,- reliable goods at low prices, and shrewd buyers will inipec our assortment; OOD STOCK FOR SALE.—The subscriber \offers the following animals. for sale on reasonable terms:'One Span of mules,- one 4 and ' the other 3 years old past, well "broke, good to • work and perfectly- quiet; one heavy draught supposed to" be in foal, color black, all sound, true to work; one heavy draught colt, 2 yOars old; color bay, all sound; one yearling grade,bull and one yearling bull calf, both red-, good animals; two 2 -year-old heifers in calf. JOMN KNECHTEL, Brussels. . 1085d To ti/e Farmers .of 'the Sau..b.le and . . Bronson Ames, Stanley : - The Undersigned, have recently . purchased the whole and sole tight to erect the Russel Patent Fence of the late proprietors, by agree- ment, having had a deal of. experience we will do our best to give our employers the greated satisfaction possible. ' N. B. the uhdersigned holdi the sole right of -selling Farm Bights, and any other offering the same will be considered a fraud. - ' NEWCOMBE & ROLLAND. : All Orders. promptly attended to by addressing DRYS0/1!.LE P. 0. - loots . _ Farm fo Au Sale by tion. There will be sold by Public, Auction .on the premises by Alex. Dalgetty, Auctioneer, .ON FRIDAY OCTOBER 12 1888 , • $ • A first-class farm -of 100 acres, bding Lot' 6, Con. - cession 10, Grey, well improved- and in a good state of cultivation. Is; within one mile of the Village, of Brussels on a leading gravel road. Ten acres of fall .wheat. Terms made known on day of sale, or apply to ROBERT MaNAUGH- TON, Proprietor, or ALEX. DELGATTY, Auc- tioneer. t 1084 -td / , 00,ER 1 0113R 1. wish to announce to the surrounding _Public at -large that I have started making Cider, and I intend running my Cider Mill three days In each week all through the season, namely Monday, Wednesday ancl'Friday. And as I have got a good Cider Pross.I Will try. and give good satisfaction. 1084x4 •WM..C.AIG, Boundary Line Usborne: . _ rmers Attention. THE BBPTHERS, AlktOUS4 PLOTMERS, °LINTON, ONT. the season is no about over ar e 4s, I purpose givin'g my attention cularly to the sale of .nitoba Oil inseed Meal, Flak- Seed, Corn Meal, Oatmeal. GRE s OUR AND FE, ,ALL DESCRIPTIONS. These' desirous'of purchasing first - c ass goods at the ilowest prices, would. d to call on... 'ROBERT SCOTT • O. Willson's Block, Main Street, 'Seaforth. IterGoeds delivered in any part of towa free. &HER WANTED.—A Teacher, holding s ' second or third class certificate, for school "on, No. 2, Usborne. A.pplications, stating alary, will be reeelved.upto October I5th.Du les to commence after Christn3as holidays An- liCations addressed to ROBERT PRINGLE, ecretary-Treaeurcr, Farquhar E 0, 041086x4 OTS NilitUPT SALE ••••••••••. SIKOMS CONTINUES—TO BOOM AT Lattime s- Old Stand, Seaforth. Prices are tumbling down lower' every week, and you can Mike . - 131c4/1 y by calling and.inspecting our stock, whether you -buy or not. Solid Goods at LowPricesOur Mao. . Goods bought' at 60 cents on the dollar are cheap/ We do not want the stock. Come along and take them away, as we are certain' thatthe 1,rices will satisfy everybody. - . , Long Boots for•lien, Boy's and Youth's IN PIDLESS TARIETYI AT WHOLESALE PRICES. bers of all Kinds Very:pheap, . . • . it Cardigan Overshoes for Women, Xisses and Ohildren just arrived. The mos b complete Overshoe in the trade. IsTOTE,We have the sole _ , 'control of those pods for Seaforth, and no other shoe dealer cai. get , . them. — ••s Fe1 Boot'aitY to Own Price. LJ Having botiglit about 2,000 pair of Felt Boots for our wholesale' trade, we are able to Sell 'them. retail less *1-.1i any of our shoe friends -- in Seafdrtlican buy them. - O' a -large stock of Trunks and Vaa.es to be sold very -cheap. • 4, ember the'place,—the old shoe 1-,tand. HAMILTON * BROTHERS, Wholesale and lytail Dealers, Headquarters, Stratford: s