HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1888-10-05, Page 3L
- ----- MEW
Ott, 61
no 8 it sible. They "stand oir! of the. da It V
ohn Sliell'. a of hab' ation vi' K [8 oz
Lines 011tho deathof Mrs. their o Iginal destination. There were. easy that -allow, t�dni A6 XUPORTANT
k E AS Whi -11.81.
LOAN. -t, n am -r or to: ONEYTO Ount of poney
were taways with no immediate Sleep that at calling time- seems
it we all do fadli LeatV'—TSAuir. f. 6&n,, on- lid a es a' lovre
t 0 fol st rates o
prospe 6 of hearing from home* unless - , a the one tbinj worth onjop
ttent to'bi
rin Wit.. Bit- Mo -
OUR X THER. interest.: y t6
-coming ing. Ibillevo that M117 Mau who rage LEAN, 10074,ft
by'the )hance, of paoidug vessels ANI
Ofit. lookout STOVE
0i then'emst
at th a -hotel clorks 0, out, not - bolig- $at
$#A and loriely is our that W ky. So it continued for y'eari mths,oar "buyerS. Ave bi 'an on a;
Vh4p ,Att. -. h the.to three m.6i
ror mother d w, we 9 -us
CORE. ANIS-It DWELLING TO RENT. -TO Those (tithe isliwd, intermarried until 'Called, wre 8 -place before -our bustotners i for, elill t SbeN go"- to a gelle throng honest in too notibfi that rent the store and dwelling on Main Street and t co, a to
Above, aavwg de It' -we -more -select
'inally themselVes ri'afficletitly-'to may' "Yeso Pciosessibn Immediately. ARp y W L tt V t in guyravlot
Alme d I to X LIANSp 410 as ban
-9 as foun . au the Wand. I forth, at present ocoupls4, by, us season and -we
atially look forward H IN
the. population reached, 54.- Plenty of they �.Wpre . ua called, b 'Itiltusid Mrs, Moment. entail suits, are' onabled this scaou to show larger,�
'an or F U111 I
Tohersulour sba. has tistened-1P. 0 a Whal ng Vassal -came th4t ways and then. alp pi againg forgetting the: call as. Dublin, or 31. Joitil)AITI.seal 1070
some f n a for good goods -at
they wOuld the udistinct paAs of,& 6 of -take secom
the .survivors went on board tgage as se ami 0 sys tablintabd drivifig shed;Also ri Call
'Northern Gravel
Road,'with a elu OTEL FOR SALE,04 �he g line gooqs we
d amen. The original dre Th tem. of having gongs In
U o the island finally dwindled the r cims. of the g as a do in, use in some a lirst-class well. The HoniO is, Li4rised un -4 a
knoir nished 00.
face p o. AM
on 6 an shom; W� �out it is'harsh) and drives guests 0, -p y
is wtc p P,,�O 208SX4 tf
.,and yeir b Y. a arit - died, 5r artloWaps 'I t J
a til mo, hotel% ipo&stnd�
9 ritfrdm PIRO only it -nine Woman - re. U BLA D`� COLORED;
rea-men with. sinsitiVe. nirves nearly aistitacted, e-- vtn, -Ojitafio,
While the
so: st ot gone before.", mathed�. The: writerpext said 7that for T rapping on the RENT. -4 large d0elifug I J! sto
here -is no system like With.bric"aspinent full size � nn '-,JA ets, 'Glove Hoder
f 01* 0 fo, re. ha&-, not - beeo a.-vegsel doors� glad if TO k and. �itift Bab Mantlingsj Flo els,
ur ye�ra the 41guelit does not come out 7h large orchard and good stable on Oft
V.rs mim thy smiles and ader looks,
i4 sight.' The letter had, baeh written: of hii'room in a reasonable itime the be n
insuoureveoing;, eful talks, it is situate in'. the village 1 oil Eg Tw d CoOpne.-"...
chsome time, b t'be -dated, as it boy should, thamly on his. - door ag -i. ' itioat., Possession given A ce I rr I ug Machine, go,30
lija sadly view thy o ut could. no Can ro
-hbeftusaa art was et. month. A to: A. For an A! Washl
And d 0 il;ythere. Rent at.'$$ p pply
A ku when the next.vessel" Hotel Clark h Globe-Demodrat. a,� Seat6irth 0.4-HING itneyi4k.
no own
)old kass the islandi The riter de!-
i�dtwhlleweaigbena us YEDI SHEEZ-8trayed from Lot 90
TRA . I I C,
f ip t For SU style of Clothes WFlngerj� Men% Youth
Tosay,42M willb one-' clared kt a lone�some-spot, butniow there A Tremendous'Senzation d6nobssion'.so Hibbort,'f about let bit July
A�2mik thy pirit lead us t,"a White H The Whitney a.
outy of , I two!Ram, IAmbs,
were ows and pigs, besides. uld hive been' ape � 0.
WA an(
wo created one hundred years a
short go
narrow WAY.- gain the rown a lamp black mark -
C For a cheap and elegant
In thi other tle, Plent of game kept him by the brl ht of one of our* Mod Arains Ewo*whon. sbo-ldft home�bdi
em express )n thd. right, side. AnK.- ififorimation that will C-Arpet
I Along at, the rate of sixty miles afi hou
fo years, -to the r, L L0
We hive, parted
ROACH, Dublin Sweeper..'go to W
ocov.ery ot t jeognimals Will be suit#
nk-h6w our grandflithdrs would have lead
with stored at such a-spoticle, I U takes a good deal ably rewarded. PATR109
wo 40 hot wish
Hoow- �jaughter Infficites Char- to astonish people n6w,a4sys, but Some.' of -the P- 0 -
For the beat -Cistern Pumpsand Sinks,
Bd pray"Awt He T
marvelous -OSTRAY CATTLE
JUy keep our h atoter. ouresof consumption. wrought by Dr. -Cam� Into the premises' go -to Witney"s.
Pleroe"O Golden Medical Discovery, have created Road;
jpj' of the. undersigned, t 10
A� I# unquestionably - true thfit' the wide -spread amazement. Consumptiouls iflast -Hor, in Julylast, two head f',onjili, twb. years
'For a
Tho many different varieties'of laughter are acknowledM& curable. The " Clolden MedleAl old -past, one a heifer nearl ood Xilk'or
all white with- red
. . -: . . . . ' to Whitney"s. 'T
ht and posoo with-motheri indica4ve of particular tempers and Discovery Is the on known remedy lor it. spots and the otilers ateer early all red With
All, Is I Mine D rt on will again be -1 'n UP*
Idarkness 4meth neyer; If taken st.the right lime-whi6b, bear In mindf whN Spots and a stir eboRd, The owner 01DA In 4 , - . I
ur-ing our.
In 6ur Mi t found 88 dVACHUN
charactieristics. --An eastern authority is not. when the luagif are nearly on"t wil, can have the ga pro pro ortv nd orW d by MISS GOVULOCK)'. Who gave' �suoh - On Fo me onerovi a py, r Eavetrough
on 1 eason and _g and Spoutl0g,
-TestroaravqW, and fetters. fall', ffie!subject I" c%rehilly classified: p r -- 46119 Way
Ing charges 4rh giade. - ThOym don1isilto "CoWhi And the, UnA Is all iti all.* _kht.to ther seatof the digease and AGOOM IAMB 0. J.qbn. rill be found eqdally Anx ease thii fall a
then,4-And- a peculiar classifioazion it, IN, g.MJUS p. 0 -We 90
plish, itst Work as nothing else In the - world stoo b I anficn8 ka, cordisii� invite
-A can.- 0 Nsuppo -by,&, more
Friend. rted
-ffous F( , Is cheap, any uyers to o large stock All kinds of Jobbing and Repairls at -
too* ES )R SALE.�P r able
the i aspect
JL or. all -Of the comfo ihort notice at the Cheap Stove and
It is based upon the sound of the tbi� n#.w ftelling
Pam. House,
Chinese' Sch recent] ;the undeftIgbqd in"
vowel that prevails iti �tho laugh 0141rS. bouki,.' Ishlug
Mh I ht.-ftgridget hast Thi ho, laugh hi.& broad 13eattla's0rove, Seatortb. hey sie offiisUdIn E, E4
is.. 14persons' santestpart of 'thotown
�ithout ig It. has: been said that there aite more. the plea v6nvenlont to
hool yet Latfia 41 A" are op�a-heatrted,. honest books published in- China, and �more the business houses, and. will be so),
ohnny edme hol from so d aheagand
on, easy.- r e. three
m hxv4 wel
Th cellars.
thatif in any There ar r Yls, sorr you deen. him V peoploo. fond -of noisy dityg but people ible.to read them, to me ot payinont if
lot cletertrii and. -
how do -yoti know -perhabs. of voluble mood. Excessive other a a- and all of"the =V
ountry in the world..; �ud yet -th�� house
all necessary convenlendoo, . arid stone
Chinese languige. is such aue'xcep4inglyJ A p to, TAKES WATS N 0
hW6me?* -C 'the eaVs- hidid! un- Jarkink laughter, however, ia an vi- 81 r eaf6ith, or to
Thi 0 - s i d! -�'O 1 d: di, eafo th Ov M, WHI
�c u-lt one that it taken boy the best
dence-61 vulgarity. Those laugh' CK&E QUE11ENGEJ9 Brodhagen.
der the itoveit- swor Ing In. 'diM MAIN -ST -1 SEAFORTIL
%'�t little e -x'- part. of big sch6ol life to -le%pn"to read --Somebbdy inggesta that in a, dry., I 'All -are reipectable
Ing im
ignorant 0 every. China @Xpe
149 -
prevails there preva 1 the 15th
W V9 one wo- theLatia-l"E" of
me scholar to October I.or -Second or
aboL phlegmatic, melancholy a school 'i holding Es,
' T snseed tothe un
rty i an the famous sacred.: Books which -�ad6re
oted- E - RN S -
a e ask, all the tamper. know almost by1eart. In School Seciron: TOVE
makb* pangive; and a hard lot of people.'Wh
ques Third Class Cortifidde to t Roh
Before any man is &I wed to take u
-tions that every clod will,wisfi, to Timorto aJ unsteady people, also'those- IQ 10. 8, Morris, , for the r 18 uties to,
imbued with malignity d offlad under L he ChIneSeL Government� To to
uk but will, be LLLL to. laidgh in 'a- kin � -of Janus nders to at%
*fitot (to con -pass certain. n
im, -Vu e- eXjrnina� Wbat orleno It if any. - Lowellt,
-Served-h of swelling Laughtek M' "'0" 15 h IN obliged to e in tow
-utteran"Lo 01 or an y1nder not nimes"s r1f; accepted. JOHN
iet)-111"Whatare you in- fur�--friend I"' the f b1i Id, imperative, some- ti6ns in the books. which are - taught in WATSON, Secretary, -B4119pavio Fi 0. 108ft's" E TOLLOWING "CEIZ13RATED STOVES
"Baware -FULL or 1H
in BUZ= Sir ; four Wives. 0 what banteiing. 'people. Of - the schools and on some other subjects.
In hoioi�holaugh �o -IN SEAFO
4tYourlif ino RTH' FOR S
a heia t be sad.."; Convict t hey are If he'does: not succeed"at'on'te examina�
JL, 'For. -sale Cho%, th�� p
and corners. r6pertyat present
�R ieWt as sad as the life I led befora traitors,. hate a tion he rA&y try again and again, and it 5c6upied by, Mr.
op. t an
Hdndrj.,, heifflyi �R ANT HOME
.1 came- here.' �.0 ty Journal. is no uncommon might to see quite cold pokite the isidence oflgr.Barton. Therelog
omfolitable V
-A Limit to iotr.-;Augry Sub- - men QbiaingL lip f6r- exammatiol bide' by corner lot on . which Is --#rooted w 0. ao, h zteri,`with aud�tW#40ut 0 13-
g seven rooll
(to oditoi) —C&I'm; mata all th What the Tassel on Your TIM - me dwelling, t ifli
.Ryt. con' w -young men fresh
scriber side with. boys ad
C 61,, f 3t
way thro h an' my paper y cot a
0 ove.
std I I - Editor- ._When a man has passed the examitia-. cheap.�. Af an LION PROVIDE I=
rt I ivenlent t D UNIVE L
woodshed. 'There 14 %r and soft water. This
bielfs is Por. roni collqo. the business part -of GR RSA tsyes,, air; do you M' town and will b6 iold &1y too NT
M6 siulk u
ppec Sub- Let see a -good r I he? Stf 'hout e -so' want your bill tow ont" -An tions, tax a right 6. wat i. partion MliW�NDRY, Seatortb.
gry aid a. matte -of-fact lookivir the t;o
scribei.4" No, I 6Wt mad te�xiugh for, ori. lar kind -of utton on' of his
Fol SALE.m-For' satleo Lo Py In Ur
fo -diffferent Live 8tock 8socia
sun. Chostrifit, street store. the -Q-the a cown to tions
Yor ing. cand by- this button. h odislon .7, Euckerimith, containing 100
-691M the Old country one' eve . ry one. Who sees him a scholar 'or
-Tounst or w do
flares a I one," said the sales-. acros,iiitbout.90 Of which are cleared, well-fenood,
common, Dr va, I ties :from st M- There, 31es, f6r. coal 56o
fine specimen. -underdrained an4 F, ARCA Toronto.
of our mmon, pr rbs ii.9 If 1 rest, I man; holding p a learned man. iousevlthw ul _Pa.
shed, 4;oo a frame
barood frame b
3/1r. Tic er-� 'Well.. -we have u Th" is atx honor very:mrch
rust.k- I dont like these tassels," remarked coyeted in a
I and -1 hqd ald 6 splendid hearing. k
Bliffili3it -Lind 11 Wdod' Bermu Incorporated according td Act Of PM'1AM0ht
I 4on'b see Wo Rol
in here. 0:142 They tell of one poor boy Who 'dbalrdiof trams 9 :rs-.1s-plent Ti
pretty neafljrthe ime, th g the would-beurchaser. - . r reei T11 _ y of bar.4.. CK'S e
bust ' is urversioit. �ot hdng -this b6oks to the- horns of hu to . 'of thio ch6loost farms Purely mutual. No mmoments.
-and soft water,. It Is one;
what they're put on. for. They're n as of -ston ng arq1us 0 9
ys'(to serviCut-girl)-11"You, 12 C A l Stbe
--Miss Glad buffli that -be might. learn- while'fol- im 'Tuckeromith' and. is !within . tbr@o . Mh e Stirli
ornatnidntal, and �Frll swear theyire of no asonab I Is. and owners of valuable houn and other live *to*
on re
yolf. t o r n
hile aro. _not Coto too poof to ifford himself lights a e y terMq kw fho`pr d- aze]le e
mug a so 0 '�ito I I G 'For. of
appoared too ab ' 'y with our errand �orth. It will be sold -
m f -an tbor *ho' t,s low ralle,.and In
lowing the plow.; and o 0 9 . as r Door-bealth er �ngq can now get them insured s
use. t tilght and wants to retire. CUMMINS r, -Challenge He me of death, either frorn dissaas or iocldenfh
Oh 'but theY are useful," said the r thirds, Of fteft market VAIM.
into, thelroom whenMr. Smith- boredshole in the partition Wall ville. Uoxn4 W" dlg�n . * t a .
and dt.J30X'St0VJ oth -sold cao recove two
Salesman. - Many a: mati-hals saved his, ers, Fo&valuatfon and prompt payment. APPIY'40
eits, is spending th� evening with me.. stud d by h9lp of big neighbor's. lig4t.:
ambrella -by having tassels owit. �.Th nARRIAGE STALLION. FOR SALE. -For J. SKINNER, M tch
Brid t -It 8 dd 311 ii it suddeiik ore is..a third story of years- atdoso* -pnoes.:.
ge U so A Young V sale Carriage Stalliob, coming four DI . Strict Agent for
ye call, it,, and me it.the ka� 61; all man, who found the- work so hard that old, eirea by RyadyaWs 116oibletonlsn, qo�vned- Huron Perth BastRidingof
Why, instead of laying it down or. I -
-age, of Winkham, and out- of. a Middlesex, also South ths County. of
ur a;f JUA t)g1voup in despair -0, F, Du1M
-qua;t am h orls he was J a goill C by lowls
three era of. Standing it against a counter when he �Wjell-bred-mare. Igo-, isfa 'light bay,. stiluds. 16. Bruce@
Vrj ps Aone when he chanced. seel an bld'-ftman hands highi wel he 1,2W.lbs., and sho
sto M an 1 �y place, he simply thrust e gas p on himself a- sure - foal 4v V.
rhit, gri& i ismest have you con- rubbing a crowbar ainst a stone. -did lip eed. H or C
n beaten In the, show,.*, ylnil�akiig first priz ommer o i u nion.
ade answer
here ara,, n1l, that a a was just in want
girl, i :ftL - h stoier.*herever-he may be, a tug ;on two.years in succes
car Bm- f & Ye7W
of ihe tasseli through a, button-1ole in jp�tijr. - -H Ig a mocTdl of his elass, and has nev
tributed t& history V said the BostoA his vest.. When he starts- to gor. 'oat of asked her wh She as doing it and she
)Intodly r and diploma at Walkerl H
would rub eforn and when
of a, needle, ina tho ghtshe hown against aged- horses. - He
ersons, four LoArells, 'your 01meses,
soonrem' &him. that he is escorting am WIlile this is nov� -the Great Question
I sa g ory reasonable
Ind down the crowbar till she
iQt&) What ent eitlWa umbralla. good -customer' b YL ot
emm handli in the political Arens of r-Causils the InbabUstaid
L itox, yotL tli&tL fills the eye- ays the f N -OF
bo or has no means Address Al SE :F
your El itsmall will'ie,sold rr v I terms, so 'th
Poster Pi 0. . ''I of Londeeborough and;;�rroun@ng country we
of the world to- eudugh. The* oUing (S 1054tt; ?TH'-
explaining the utility of these t�,ssels7--a TA31ES STEWART, W
rr Night king. Where call
mr. Croirloy 11f exclaimed the stofy) was sti ad up by �tho of i. I get the bat vslue for my
or re ither his custom is not so consecutive
I 'COME to
Justly proud WewTorkgiyl, ag She look- li,bh, pqkse'veranco to try again he TiLt A14. -D BRICX�VARD -POR.
asitfiltrimerlyw". 'HeVought-s high nife to cut off the tassels When I reached the tank of the firel oc
ith 'LION fS, AFORTHR� Adami'.-Enipo
aowi upon the,, Presuming -Bostonian Out went- back- to 'his books, and at, lost SALE.---wFor sale; ;ot is, tookiceislon a
and took al, coptaining I ' L oleared� well fenced, under drM
-,-Clerk-.�-li-Aihammock,-Miii? Car- ce-istinabored,Wlth.
)ppia him. -"Don't do that,.' I said, scholars in the'empitte. strte -Of oultl�atlofi. hel)Alin
WhWh ii wn suppliedwitli
p ed silk article one- d b .00.uores, about 85;of which
ned"and In 0, gp N'
his k three
to mug- at, hardwood. 'There is a trains b
taint. Here is. �ne warranted iin and two good
Why notL
? qiked he. I always do. houses 'and d.- The Bayflild iitivsr
aweight ofl= pounds. a Aromdtip Quinine Wine fortifies the JOL no waste
well- Milbi ' through the farm.'and. there
""Yo"ng wheolgethome. Imightjustas irn a go6d orchir qD WINTER Laclk system, against attacks, of aguo, chills, bilious runs .00
(golusy-fq1two ainety-let me do it hee. They're noi land. , Thetis is also on the farlin &,well equipped d.- loori$ -Press- Goods'
a, alues in- TWEEDSO bat*.
fiver,L dunj -1/14 Blaeh an
ne si -STkAx Mis AND ftiogYAto of turl dial aluie -
see. 0. 1 � four and one twenty .�b ague atidliketroiibles4 Some extrAordin
!MEIN" I explained to him Aatlhey ere u five -five and I our's nine with, nothing ou64,000- worth of "itek!aLin -the seaso f ul and chevp D GOODS Great VaristlY Of
Use. lay. for. either tife, FLANNELS PRI and 6�RON& BOOTS
afi'ahundince of excellootio
t* carr5 y ove shi he'BAnk Of COI=6rdef b&ko. The yard IF; in fti.t class running Or or, -
two is eight 'o
r - with 4B J d he,,tha* so.. 'What To d SHOES, RUbiERS and Heavy STOMIliF66
0 one and. one is twe: -is well fitted- up with engine and bailer, tile Winterw.
nothing to a fool I've been I I have- Invariably on Grenadine
"The Tor�onto'-Woiid 6f wreoent dais and
61d brick machines; klno,--sheds iDto and;
total 289. the clerk) -11 Wellt. ff tlie tassels as 40.0, f
n as got home ch Silks, Satin, Mereilleux� B10k
AL. I I The'Canadian Ban - - , �: , , I . - Spei;41 values In,all Undo of arooefleatt
say sit
k f
but I guess it will 0 Com 0alrige business can �e doll:16. . Ale " uatOd
thaft mighty
put them away fif ink- bureau. As a con -F iLin two miles- dil Dublin',station.- This -is a;
merce directors do not* believe in put-'
for-Blitter and B99L
Soquence I have a score. or more 'tassels splbndt#-qvportufiIty lor.any person wi 1�ighelt Price
intle ting. bld. wine lnnatw-b�ottles.- Th siness -an I MR The
d so YOU are a news- e'mat go intd the bu ' ' d L- -,ke. Ooney.'..- - . , I
and: no unibrell U'.' nifi6ent-new-bifilding con Kingnd. Jor, rty will be acid qb4apilowing to the recent.
prop patper M%n#L now# mb�rel Cath of one qf the La and
cle Rastais ? Uncle That man hasn't bought an a dan Stroeitsi Toronto, IS rapidly Arriv-: - -,aim0unt of Curtain TAILORING IN CONNECTION.
RakusYesiial�; i's e, editor ob d6 riOUro.o- - Any - ,a 70 rwwe. ot ce
I& f�r over a year,, whereas he used 'to anid,.41�1 aikes,4ud. #i., less per
-6'6pit andin order - to: confor:
jo i for- a .thousand than usual price A r
'wth46-prlitine newooso-of the build.; I loes;.br to-Dublih A
Ile on, b
Vd eat,,, Gentleman-Rditor of or t W at I draini0k t 'th
come -in ever�tw& M R DAMS,
the J�eoCedelnsrtment ? Uncle Rastui now umbrella."-PhiladAphis Ne*rof Ing and its decorations.the Izentlemau at
Yes' sah, I carrir lit 004 an' -scrubs. de
_WindoW 'anj stVagbea AoWn do the head of the bank orderda a complete.
High -Prided Bal�y Pu�s- et of now notes wherewith to ornament:
iall such editin". alk. dat, sah. TEACHER$ WANED. g rin
ir 1 ati lie (it BAC XTED G w- OR
to hotel, clork) The pfettlest, 'kennela In, 'the: city arts -the coffe otes are already
ra.: The new n NuslinS,
--Guest .'Re to it HERWA ED Third. Ciao ieadh' SODERIGN BOILER not
uI Section No. 4, �Morrje.- rs of ii - - wanted, for. Ob
-1 am Editor 9 0 h Buck to N f6uud I tho'banded'me apartments in a' ation, The denom u io
- ;
W66dward avenue doctor, ereL.& the a 101i, 20's and 100's.
f a- o . I I f
wh niow bills are 5
vilie. .'Gazette,, b A lic ti tin a ryw.fll be received ek-e
havent-er--any, 0 pp a Ono
A y
"m no
,-V t1b I
Rxi L
ing eleven pounds They.46re all handsome plebes of,the an-' I Ions addressed tO-JOHN
L baggago: With In ClIerk, (hiospitablyY-r- little mother pUgWeig] to October 16. Black,
Will MOONEY, See
Glad taL see- Yro. editor-; that owt has a litter of five of the. t ki d art, -and a counterfeiter L ior,�Brusssls P. .0 puggies - in, gravers rets
ox im'
by herself a find that they aro'his. despair well as 1084-4
h difference.: kinds of Stationery, Marino
make tha sligh Guest- of 01199,tt, Upon a sofa 0 �.0
Uprightind Trbular Boilers.
ba a 69 Clark-- EA '-NVANTBD.-,-Wantek1or School
)unger and,smaller *,pugf full grown at the"artist'i del ht.� The.. back
y not- ha, C H
lot h6ldin'g -a-
the idle. ho a 'bills are covereaL with an artistic lend- Scott E.STACKS
itor, tygg nine4poundsio-was anooZingL Air I
'b et of ther SALT PANS, SMOK
0;� ur� A;
rade or
Two dollars, plme'� valued at $200, bu -that.-, ev�ry kind -of lathe syork Secon& G B 'Cortiliciu. and all Idindsof Shoot Ironwork.
. way,, She wair t ing. of alkost
a azet illla� plicatic be acconpanied by teltimon
tro hriA been ritfneed ever bioudhtinto uie. on bank b
base hin %Xo0U 11110ruLugi, L. Apply IN ISILUX24. V JDIYUUP ER PIPE FITTIN68-
a- 1 for the V J Aw STEAM. AND WAT
D 11 h !no-ytour boardingL -6'..Midg S,grandfath-er, Santa Claus*, The face's are also distinguishec
Laer rlyway ph L. � . -
1, ow'"t. ook*ttro first prizes at 1169ton.- and was.'beauty of thwengraviE EAQ ER School
e the t iz aiid the intri-: it' wANTE�.-��-Wanted Itor o0no"intly on hand.
ft were nice -
'and,. .4, It -would :%be time T No. 2, Roxboro, kepiop, -i male.'teacher
W.4, sold -to 4 Now Bedford Jor 6500,. capy of the design.
matter Inow- I I oh t yo
on hand, ready for delbrory.
got' -to
ant for the counterfeiter , attempt. h6lding a Second Clais Certificate, mustj have
ly fixed 0" 1 was; but. I,: said the doctor'. 41L The' -mother of the misr experhin6e. Dtities 0 commence' lot of Jan.
too. of tholo. ovbmher -One 50 horse.vower New steel Boller
in. arr M my board and. iny little. pugs. -I heral, But Midge' is a N -engraving. 'The danger Wry
a. -week 1889. Applicatiops reeeked to N
a also turned aside. -The yel;
ea thila Morning eVeA finer than 'Dafiiy� They -are the graphyl !it. Address, stating saldry� EDWARD $PAR
laudiorci served mecoff J!!!�. I .4. .. . - - -Complete.
in a� faney Cap W -I! Box y4, Seaforth P;. 0.
th gilt.- lettering. on it .,sim&ll. �oagaL of the famous Morrison low tint hotographs an inky blick and nt,
One 35 borse-power socon
er -in good- order.
is so --with 6h6r, S A—
Thi Lk. of Me 1'. 1 paid my bhool S
lud0nit0jr blended at the -borders. rPEA HER WANTE
thatreacl. . U 6 :D.
money �AMI N Also A 12 b f Engine
t How much for the little- w th d other colo a that it isabsolute artificaU, for S and
I an( - got out,'You, �anbet- I wouldn' Second Or Third Class Q. orae-powe
bil 1 79$ A -
ience iler, second-bauMn
base hints. for, u ones ly !m asible7idphotogiaph. The face Section No. 5, Usborne..� . one having exper -goo& eoudititon.
:pay a,
They are. going rapidly at $35. The 'of :5 shows. Literiture -reclining-. preferred. . Duties tOJCOMmehCe_ after Christ-,
�.Patu w desired b d -h d Thre8hfng Out
that wpas.i'!� Personal application' A Vo�mplete 2n
holidays. fit,
rustees. JOI 0
has theflue apn*cot, c0ior that' d000tes, leaning negligently on a booktit 10844 Engine Se
ber ar, Board. Viborhe Septqilabor 18, ISM.—
om- -M T W#0.ro ft., all in good'W.011k'
ith mas an
ffirab -one brought Here mi* one that gitacefully in flowing drapery, and wi HN HEYWOOD, Secretary
AZ6uth See. -R mee. 14 sold cheap. Mailorders vff
tho',best'breedo She has:uot the . black This & de'of.engtaVing was done by the
Attentiontt Works vppoftG. T;
-f IXHJ LHITANTS raver in
str1k. on the back defined,. as well, but oldest anA, n iost Successful eyng SERVICE.
nies of w York*
that will come� out Ister2' -the world,,. Alfrod.jc
3ook- large;L P. 0. BOX 361
'A New* York! SYS: VIWO Their sqaare� black milimles and On theppposite side;of the note the SRSEY BULL FOR ERVICEe-HATIfig. pur-
Chailea Murtagh, jr.j 16 -pr6inifient features as if I right hand sidep -is tie bank's seali, . The. chased a thotfug red Jersey bula,'coming C L 180.
a Q Well known theJy bold,been, a� year old instead' of -a �bod 16ason. 'T se -;-Two dolls
years, � cr eyeawere as 1* -9 U
yeam ofd y bf the face is a ve 0
the Ison of a f scryloo'': Fr nt. 1. Dk'Mar
'filled in with ih yes lid,ilint-en eeplughim or h`1
two re 0
r -black toe, L -tb Domin rs cash
iisuil decolaratio'J, ot sprylee, 0 %"
n, whiler lookin1j. over month. The Indther had theL I ' g. cept Jersey 1V7h
F . WX ti and-'.thta� Sgure 5, in at the time T -North Amerman
XIMS tizea,of brook�y er, h6
arge nails 4 indicative -of race, and otms, consti JOW
nimp. of the, World noticed, W., the this mark multiplied,f tutes-the,bord will be charged three dollars. GEORGE TROTT,
3r of- Islanda, Tho -w ated in her ofisp-
SoutE Sea &'alust;l ape -ring. The. chief figure on'the back is laeut.of.-- Peafdrth-
�cked bo -d to --write a letter to Such -a known: pug,. An-ancespo named Com- ant fe n provemi (NOT INCORPORATED.
and- edy- Sunior i ;d4o a one -Huron Road, Tuckerstaltbo, two �`GHT 8
atish, fartharest was [the; bland of Ojee. A 'The father -of the page is Fort, &Well- themew building. This Is- thi`piromm , 'U wl I keep BAN]
r' ature o ' the back of the 'notes 1oMthnce im, mtof Stddk1h1s.=oh
ys pri e and he ask I -,other denominations., -The face -ot- the -iborouighbretd, Dur-
plice'siized blin., Isr is. believe b of the !.big Farm' - . 0 R
ad h V ;the.
mileswgst bf Seiaorth�
?r �$10 mote. -has the. figure of Britannia. for thio -No
pe -matter. ra d fath finest pedign , England. ham Bfill, "Topetnin/P registered In w I A .0enteral 11taulghig business trans.
father about the G fa aed do
k- lace. _.L S a
had- beezi a- Seafaring Mau in 11.1io yott keep them.. for amusement, a dent6r p he i surrounded by Donanion Short 11orlij Herd Book. T8ims-4o In.
long hii. be looting Jus- -sure, $1.50; 'payable first * January, 1889i -for
#nd -am( SOM -doctor,or for revenue only- cherabolms reprem
the season $lVajablio at the time of not service. o u -ae'--.;01othJ an Furnishing' Fr,,,.re paper
aptairi Green, The htIw �i a- 6 fib a On 'the d: lGents' Iscountedit
91; -Oh I thong like-, to r 'a tie. 9 a. ce and ri ulture.
JOSEPH F0 LER. 1002.tf P
friends, had beeq ac
Ame a, many year
latter left and on the
kertoo much of toy time, left hand is the bank's seal an&
them- -ek Drafts boughts., nd gold.
but ii t
House-. pbell!s B110
mer bee heard -of afterwards* 'a
-t is bus:
onal dog faiii 4 -VA
had never be No, I am not professf clier, right hand AT W11 his brushes UCTIO ALE- Interest allowed on deposits.
f th $20 note TWE TOWNSHIP -01
told -his gradudsou --bu anid pillet. -Who face-�OL a P STAS;LRY.—The
& a freale - gul tagh t I like &gq."i—Detrolt Free Press. of "ther estate of
-I �tfer to Green OWS
OrFICE—lu th
an the Merouity tiding on a dolphin, To un ersigned administrators
to address the sh An,"
9, , - a- Commerchd Hotel
left the various kinds of :Asvigaition the'late JamQs shiw,"will- offer for sale,.by, Public
_litter daliv�,�ed, t0L the `-Osptain of a Nny Men ake. Hard to, Wake.. the
TO Auction on the prom se bulldog.
was trayiA. Ailitory pursues. her 1 9 on WEDNESDAY
are por ENTH DAY OF OCTOBER 1888
h 'evei, the
veisel bound fo� Australia. If a lady Pat r0sponds Wit L V00" 0 T
- --- I ar, The �:of 12.ofelock, by W-Vil. Harrision, J. ismiss,
L boy rbeelved a lot ti n -in; thbright hand corn
ately � �theo,; faint. SL -$ as" to the moining knock- 7
WL 0 r4 $ 0 is south halt of Lot
The edgeli; ere. badly cootre place of the, 0 note is 'a pic.,. follow.ingproportyvI41. TI
terin, answer' on S.. S n
6 torial "sketch ob ienc eL of SU a cheap or -F. HOL
of the bell boyi -she is sure to get up: auli 18, copoesel
hadL th ng Soi -a with: a; good 9
crumpled, and the filissive 'containing 50 acres me of the finest SUMMER ITINGS in the county
be.4ownatbreakfagiiatimet C%tchiin So'
appearan vation except abo our. Ae Lr, to Suit your . podki very
ed hqving been. handled L+ic fi 'r a; out her The bills: Ods. On 3ndid Notate of the
emblematic flgdres; res 0 -to -and your tastes.
ce of Oil knowledge of
L ignid'by Mt' Hefiry W. Darling fhe�ropertyisagood ck �o'Ldhoome'from. I _ THE SEAFORT
-her train later inT the day is another' ang ouse - an kitchen, A op,
over and over. The letter Was opeved are a bear-. C,2 oicest Clotho of - all kinds' I H-Svil g a. pried
iont matteri L but of that I an fir L Shed, also -a goo
a Well.
quite diffe untaraijilea' me barn and fran
_but no. at in. Further I d 11 to co f ting I guarantee satisfaction
CE astifound there 14ay not Speak. �e - -of -my :a y the President, and w! I a rted 1rult trees and a th 3'b nJes, and doih, all: my own out can 068 to
is L Assistant -ing orchard 6
Clow' se I to have bilenw.ritted Smith- and h a.- The v.— en
a was" riendb always gosons0619he next tTs.in." by 3�r good spring well, TX T i per cent of The
!he, letter yo ng f .76 a thousand., 'Pure ase monie� pap Me -on the dak - of s4fk
new Isgue, cost $28 h
On -
for A bell boy never lets up on a. m 'Tern!s for the b stodk of GentOr OT I I t A 0XIE
in Sury, 1887 0. alati6iwill"be made known� '_ Fir and wok-limanshl -We h a a Col- E
mily. reached a man ed L ad .60 nice a
It h wl' I - to either; 6f'the undoisip
SeV`ejal ap tion
I bavo b pllei L
Green, an inhabitant on the! guest"i �door until h0o gets a response, yet find.itad. ministratorso Varn#, in TV FURN18
%kefi, within the past eari
ae - - ]�.- O.L, JOHN: McASHF be found -in the county.
lipite. of this about .10 per cent. Of bottles of - Ayees Sarsaparilli, anx Flo r ow
Thounderstpedis n prepared to receive
and atut -n
island. The Lrnber of DAVID ARMSTRONG, - .-There- -Will also be offe
the men Oomi� down Stairs behind. timet 'mirably adapted to the heeds of an impoverish.. 'f*e,.ad. orders -for any number
A and
system. A
other white, 1v were 9,10tis on the ed I am convinced that this preparR.. ed for oile.at the"same'time and place ; 0
100 acreei LND ur Hats Caps shOw for theniselves
e()oIIyL deny- that they heard or-.- tog bein of the late CAPS
of H al tteUti
island. 4nd -is unehualed.11--C -0- 101111 stook: on tq th4 department,
. I . : ion, as's blood purifier, - trthe faft 4y- ..4, Barrels. dbid: Buttet
answered.the - knopk .-Dame Pa#orCongregatiptial church, Andover,,, J'00ph Templeton, toge ' her to.tirmaotl Ar Apple
gor 8, vessel
plements;. � For paftitaularas
More -than turty YearS, 01 - In - comparing a drowsiness. of *men :e.
91 7PI1
od the to -JQHN� GALBRAITH, Varna.. It WcA!t cost:any" And.
this faim, apply Ar,G
left -New York: br St. Heleniii, it" With the morning efulness of Women, 10824d is it call;. whethalr yog buy or not,..
join. - G - 1. '-
I ml monay- Alsosnyother work In his liba. Apply sit fto
commandeit-watf Cap roan _of by it
ht it .80me
have thoug , t4e-reas- ,-Whilo picking apples th�.other dayp oy �msk
men 'iff L
was a IL I a
er ce might W. the high- Ali Whiles, of.80.: Marys,- fell from Z
old Zspft CburdhSWorM,
-the Works,
MA�RRIAGELI -$taud1.Oppo$1t0o
-.1antil C SES Block, dampbell &.Brisfivi
c as two : T
besid ltnal for the diff
to ell 10IN imber Campbell's old
nee and-brok rei. or
womez, Everithing wou Wome that tree across a fe t, Dssoleys�aod rwken ftVng Urge aunibm
the vessel" aim t rilaehe4 the Canary er�uerv6u& organization -of ni a'
malies; them more. &IiV&-. when arou ad four of'his ribs, . - I
1EX -OFFICE' will he very roisonabl. doslt�*ft&
aprang� Upk� Th
rag ICTM
soundly' w—heiI _th i and
ret tirn(L and hours to sleep than train In ZZA04 Lo�' "'100 P.- KLINKRAMER,
rAandsi When tt. L m6re irre 'St. Marys peopoleare: agit%tini INEAVROW
re gulu about their ��Tho�
Jpl- POSIT01
"ship f oun ore took -to- the th men a
mouth*' ret - g, to the owners id cows - fro :)A1FLT;.H9
110161 n after many eni and Keep eY using the.strdets and private I%wu,. )B
-di land on the coral --reefs of w V UT Al DA X1
of f g startod, aind lastly that, men have ens as cow pastures. R190untigo
the of Ojeej,1tOW MO" rO