HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1888-09-28, Page 6,
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SEPTEMBER 281 1888.
The Glattart, Show.
The lc:doting is a list of the success-
ful competitors at the Clinton Show;
held on Wednesday, Thursday and Fri-
day of lest Week. -
i -
Honsss.--tIraported—fleavy draught
team, Robb. Martin'. ,Brood mare, C-.
• _Dale. Spring foal, C. Dale. One year
old filly, R. Martin, J. McMillan. Two
year .old filly, R. Martin. Three_ year
old filly, R. Martin. .
'draught teatn, B. Butt. Brood mare,J.
• McMillan, A. Innes. Spring. • colt or
-." • filly, J. McMillan; A. Lines. One year
old filly, John Stanbury, Jas. Reynoldi..
Three year old filly, A. Monteith. :
AGnicur.iunar.. -- Brood mare, : A.
• Innes, . R. f McLaren, J. McCartney.
„ Spring foal; R. McLaren'R. • Mason.
One year old gelding, R Mason. Two
year old gelding, J -W.. Taylor, James
Broadfoot.year old filly, W.
Grieve, He ook. .: One year old
filly, R. M son, T. F. Dale. Three ,
year old filly,notknown; Agricultural
or general purpose team Jas. Reynolds'
W. H. Lobb, A. Monteith. Entire cell t
one-year old, John Avery, J. Lindsay,
• Entire coit,itwo years or under,C. Dale,
W. Dale. L • - -
Rams on.pAnarAGE.—Brood mare, 1.
Johniton,4„ Gardiner, a. Avery.Car-
riage team, J. Beattie. Roadsterteam,
A. Forbes, W. Grieve. Two year old
gelding or 'filly, J. Rattenbury, W. •
Somerville. Three year old filly, J.
Gardiner, 1. Tippling. ' Buggy horse,
•.W. Smith, J. Beattie, P. . McGregor.
Saddle horse, Peter Cook, - A. Cook:
Spring colt Or filly, John Churchill, R;
Pierson., One year old colt or filly,D.
McTavish, T. Tippling. Single carriage
horse, W. -White, A. Forbes. Year old
road or carriage,colt, W. G. McLean,
A. Gordon. I Lay rider, Miss Baker,
Mise Okes. Lady driver, Miss , Swartz,
MistBay, Mrs. IMO, •
= Milch cow, Ist and 2nd W. J. Biggins.
Aged bun, V. J. Biggins, T. Carbert.
Two -yea -01d heifer, W. J. Biggins, El-
liott Bea& 0. Avery. i One -year-old
heifer; W. j. Biggins, l Elliott Bros.
• Buil calf, . Snell and Sons, A. Innes.
Heifer, let and 2nd H. Snell and Sons.
Two-year-old bull, H. SnelLand Sons,
A.' Weir. i Thorobrecl female animal,
- W. J, Biggins,IL Snell and Sons.
Herd of any bred, W. J. Biggins, -El-
coat Bro.
NaTiviK , On GRADE, —Two -year -Old
heifer, J. Hunter, John Stanbury.
Milch cow1 . James Walkinsha' w - W
,• '
Dale. ',Pair of two -year -old -steers, C.
Dale, John Stanbury. Pair of: yearling
steers, John Stanbury, Elcoat Bros..
, Yearling heifer, W. Dale, R. -Pierson.
Three -year -hid steer, C. Dale, J.. F.
Dale. Twb-year-old Steer, j. ',Stan -
berry, T. Cole. Heifer calf, lit and
2nd, James Walkinshaw. Fat, cow or
heifer, '1st and 2nd J. Stanbury. Herd -
of steers, CI Dale, J. Stanbury.
—Aged ram, H. Snell and Sons. Shear,
ling ' ram, lst and 2nd H. Snell and
• Sone. . Rain Iamb, Ist and 2nd H. Snell
and Sons. !Pair of aged ewes, 1st and
• - 2nd IL Snell and Sons. Pair of shear -
ling ewes, let and 2nd H. Snell & Sons:
• Pair of ewe lambs, 1st and 2nd. H. Snell
and Sons.• . .
Aged ram, E. Snell & Sons. *Shearling.
ram, James McFarlane, H. Snell &
Sons. Rani Iamb,. James McFarlane,
,11. Snell & 'Sons. Pair aged ewes„.•;lst
and 2nd James McFarlane; Pair evie,
lambs, H. &cell & Sons. John 'Duncan.
Pair*.She-arling ewes, H. Snell & Sons, .
James McFarlane. Southdown sheep,.
Glen Brothers., Oxfords or Cotswolds,
J. -Ctimniing
Ples,•-,-Large breed -,-Aged boar,Peter
- DcCoarsey, Geo. PIewes. Brood sow,
. Peter Deco rsey, John -Stanbury. Boar,
, Peter Deco rsey, John Stanbury. So*,
John Stanbury, Peter Decoursey.
BAUM BREED!,— Berkshire, Aged
hoar, Peter' Decoursey, -Joseph Gray.
• Brood sow, R. Fitzsimmons. Boar, T.
Wallace, 1. Oarbert. . Sew, C. Spooner.
Berkshire- stow, J. Gray.. Berkship
boar, J. Gray, John Stanbory. '-
SMALL Btigiths.—Suffolks, Aged boar,
,slet and 2nd, John Leinhardt. Brood
sow, let and 2nd; John Leinhardt.
Boar, Ist and 2nd, - John- Leinhardt.
• Sow, 1st and 2nd, John Leinhardt.
• PatrimaY.-Black.Spanish, -F.Beattie.
Light Brahmas; F. Beattie. -Dark
..- Brahma, F. Beattie. Grey Dorkings,
W. Govier. Golden Polands,F.Beattie.
Spangled Hisinburgs, F. Beattie. •Hen- -
- -Anne, F. Beattie. Plymouth` Reeks,
John Wurzel. White Leghorns, F.
Beattie, Brown Leghorns, F. -Beattie.
Langshans, 1F., Beattie. Game Fowls,F.
Beattie. Bantams, F. Beattie. 'Pekin
Ducks J. Erwin. Rouin. Ducks, P.
Beattie„ T.' Fear. Turkeys, A. Wynn,
T. Fear. • Spring Chickens,' John
Wurzel. Rabbits, Thos. Holloway, C.
• Spooner. arrot, John Ross.Collec-
tion of Singing Birds, ,Mrs: Murray, J.
- Johnston. Collection of Pigeons, J.
- Gray, F. Beate. Geese, of.
and -2nd,
W. Grieve /- .
Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, , Sleighs
and Cutters, John Brunsden„ Two -
' horse open buggy,John Bruniien. Two-
' horse covered buggy, J. Leslie, J.
trunsden. One-horse covered buggy,
.T:Brisesde J. Leslie. One-horse open
buggy, Ca, Lion. Bros., J. Leslie. Dem-
ocrat waggon, J. Ledie. Lumber wag-
-on, JyBru sden. .
- IMPLEMENTS. — Fanning mill, Mo -
Murchie & Company. r Gang plow, J.
ntley. One pair iron harrows, T.
Tippling. i Weoden pump, J. Ross.
- Turnip cutter, J. B. . Wynn, Wilson
Manufacturing Company. Set of horse
shoes, Geo. Brownley, T. Tippling..
, Wrought i on and steel beam plow, '1'.
Tippling, . Brunsden. Horse shoe or
' seuffier, T. Tippling.
. wo bushels white _winter
wheat, J. Wilkinson, T. Corbert, T.
Fear. Two bushels red winter wheat,
J. Hudson; Jas Broadfoot, j. South-
combe. Spring wheat, J. Salkeld, Jab.
Broadfoot„ Jas. Lindsay. White oats,
A; Johnston, Thos: Cole, Jas: Lindsay.
Black oats, J Hudson, A. Johnston.
Six-rowedibarley, R. Pierson, James
Lindsay. Two -rowed barley, J. Sal-
keld, Jas. Lindsay. Small peas, G.
._ 'Cooper, Geo, PIewes. Large peas, Geo.
Piewes, Ai Johnston. White Beans, A.
- Johnston.: Timothy seed, A. Johnston,
A. Salkeld. • . ,
•---Fnun...4-Winter apples, George Coop-
er. • Golden Russets, S. Crich. North-
ernVries.'H. Elford. . Pipping, H.
Elford. ;Snow apples, 8. Crich,
Rhode Island (reenings, G. Shipley,
- Spitzenburgs, George Cooper, Bald -
wine, SA Crich. Fall pippins, G.
Children Cry for
,Gooper. ', Strawberry apples, H. Elford.
King,. of .Tompkins, T. G. Shipley.
Ribston, Pippins, T. Iziard. . Alexan-
ders, J. Southcombe. St. Lawrence, R.
Irwin. Clinton grapes, T. Fear, J.
Southcombe. Concord grapes, It, Gov-
enlock, H. Elford. Rogers NO. 19,
siapes, IL. Govenlock. Rogers NO. f..
grapes, R. Govenlock. Three s
• plums Thomas Holloway A M Fo -
ler. Collection of Plums, Thomas Ho -
loway, A. -Johnston. Fall pears, ,j.
Salkeld, R. Govenlock. Bartlett Pears
j. Salkeld, G, Shipley. Fleinisfi Beau
ties, J. Swaffield, H. Walker. Best col
lection, three varieties, of apples,- J
Salkeld. Collection of fruit, R. Goven
look. - . - ., : _ '. ' .
, MANUFACTURES. — Homemade cloth
Ist- and,2nd A. Johnston. Homemade
flannel, George Nott, A. -Johnston.
Factory made cloth, John Scott. , Fac-
tory Made flannel, John Scott. Home
made blankets, George Nott, A. John-
. ston, Farm harness, G. A. Sharman.
Single harness, .0; A. Sharman. !Parlor
set, Colbeck & Ruth, J. C. -Stephenson -
Specimen of marble work, W. H. Coos.
er. Three bottles Of Grape wine J.
Warsell, A. Johnston. Stuffed Birds)
John Ross, John Hunter.
VEGETABLES. --Collection ,, of -
vegetables, 1st ° and 2nd 1. '
Two varieties of potatoes, J. Wig
and wehad over two hundred copies of
it, not one of which was ever in. The
order -book was filled with calls for it,
and as fast as a copy came in it WAS
Sent out again. One day, when- I had
been about a veek in the library, a lady
came in, whose face I liked very much,
and asked me for something 'delight-
fully funny and nice "to read. By the
niere chance Iliad in my- hand a copy
of Little Women that had just been re-
turned to the library, ;and that I was
,i about to do up to send out again. With
- a sudden impulse I handed it to the
- lady, saying "I'm sure this will please
• you." .
She took it, looked at it a moment
inside and out, then threw :it aside.
I was astonished to see the cherished
book treated with disdain, but I man-
aged t� ask, "Have you read it ?"
"I've seen it," Was the Mut reply.
"Don't -You like it ?" I again ventur-
"It's a ridiculous thing," was the ang-
swer, • -
This WAS too much for me, and I pro-
ceeded then and there to give a most
eloquent defence of the ',book, mingled
with a little satire at the taste- that
could find nothing but what was ridicu-
lous in' it. -
.• The lady listened to me without ye-
t• plying, then turned away and sought
, the proprietor of the library, and was
• SOOn engaged in earnest conversation
- with him. I saw her _glance around at
me, and his eyes Ifollowed her glance.
She was no doubt -complaining of my
impertinence, and, 1 was sure of reproof,
possibly dismissal. Suddenly the pro-
prietor burst into a heartyyeal of
laughter, in which- the lady joined. -. I
don't know why it was, but I felt :a
'inlet-eau:I-wed, and just -then' I was
called 'to the receiving -desk. ,
"Do you know who the lady is whom
you were just serving ?" asked the girl
in charge there.
' "What, the one talking with Mr.
Loring ?"
f fyes.ff
" No . I'm sure I don't," I answer-
"Well, it was the mother of Little
Women." - ,
"What I not Miss -Alcott ?" ,
"Yes, certainly, Mimi Alcott."
"0, dear! and I've just been abusing
her because she wouldn't take her own
book." -
And that was -just what I had been
doing"; but it was such an unconscious
tribute to her story that Miss •Alcott
regarded it as a compliment, and, it is
perhape needless to say, neither of us
ever forgot our first meeting.—Sallie
Joy White, in September Wide Awake.
S. Cook. Early Rose, J. Rattenberry
J. Salkeld. Beauty of Hebron,, 1
Johnston, A. , McKenzie. White Ele
pliant J. -Wigginton, T. Fear. iron
Mangold Wurtzels, J. Salkeld, J.
Southcoinbe. Yellow Globe Mangold
Wurtzels, J. Salkeld, J. Snell. Al-
trifigham, carrots, T. Holloway, J.
Salkeld. Long orange carrots,: T. Hol-
loway, J. Salkeld. Early Horn car-
rots, 8. Cook, J. O. Elliott. White
Belgian carrots, J. Salkeld, J. Allison.
Swede Turnips,: J. Snell, A. ' Weir.
Greystone Turnips, J. Allison. White
Globe Turnips, J. Allison. Shed gar-
den - carrots, ' T. Holloway, T. Fear.
Long blood beets,T. Holloway, S. Cook,
Blood Turnip beets, H. Walker, T.
-Fear. Parsnips, , J. Allison, S. Cook.
Winter cabbage, J. Allison, J.. 0. El-
liott. Pickling _cabbage, J. 0. Elliott,
S. 'Cook. Cauliflower, J. Allison, -S.
and A. Johnston. Onions, grown from
seed, , J. Allison, S. Cook. Potato
onions'S. Cook, J. Ross. . Corn; J. O.
Elliott, ,J. Snell. Water Melons, A.
Johnston, J. Allison. Musk 'Melons,
J. Allison T. Fear. Citrons, J. Al-
lison; T. Fear. Red Tomatoes,
J. Al-
lison,. A. M. - Fowler. ' Pumpkin, J.
Snell, J. Allison. Squash, J. Salkeld,
J. Allison. Celery, .J. O. Elliott, J.
Allison. Hea-vies.ppotatoes,any variety,
T. Fear,. J. Wigginton. '
DAIRY .Pnpnuos.--Tub bitter, James
Pallier, James Lindsay. Crock butter,
T. Cole, W. H. Scott. Creamery
butter, George Watt. Butter in rolls
�r prints,. D. Shipley, W. Robinson.
Crock Butter, M. Schwanz Mrs.
White. Honey, A-johnson, H. Walk-
er. Factory made -cheese; H. Walker.
Home made cheese A. 'Johnston
. mei made bread,J.R'ess - M.:Schwanz.
ekes bread., 1st .anci 2nd J.' W.
King. Maple Molasses, Mrs. White,
. Johnston.
FLOWERS. -4-- Foliage plants,- W.
oates. Geraniums, single, W. H.
ooper, Mts. Murray. ' ;Geraniums,
onhle, W. Robinson. • Fuchsias, .Mrs.
urray, A. M. Fowler. China, Asters,
W. Coates'Mrs.' Campbell. • Double
inneas W. Taylor, W. Coates. _Glad -
Ins, W. -Coates. Terbenas; W. -Rob-
son,. T. Fear. Single Petunias,- T.
°noway, W.Coates.. Double Petunias,
W. J. Biggins, W. Coates. Pansies, C.
oare, T. Fear. Begonias, Mis. Mur -
y, A. M. Foilder, Spikes Balsam, T.
Holloway. Stocks, S. Davis, W.Taylor.
Dahlias, A. McKenzie, T. Fear.: Mari -
Ids, W. Taylor C. Hoare. Hanging
-basket, •John Niurzell, - Mrs. Murray.
Roquet Of Natural Flowers,- A. McKen-
zie, W. Robinson. Collection of house.
Plants. Mrs. Murray.'
LADIES' :WORK. -- Collection Ladies',
Work, Mrs. George Nott, Miss Hamilton.
Fancy Braiding, Geo. Nott, A.Johnstmi,
l'4ting, Geci. Nott. Crochet work,wool,
J. Salkeld, ,S. Crich. . Crochet work,
cotton, Geo. Nott, . A. Johnston.- Lice
work,- A. _Johnston, T. Tay*. . Em-
broidery. in cotton or muslin, lat. and
2nd Miss McMichael. Embroidery; in
silk, Miss Ford, Geo. Nott. 'Bead work,
rs. Nott. Knitting, fancy, Geo.Nott,
Crich. Knitting, cotton stook-
gs, __A. Johnston, Miss McMichael.
etch work in silk or velvet; W. Rob-
son, J. Ross. Patchwork quilt, other
than log cabin, Miss Campbell, Mimi
Ford. Gent's linen shirt, hand made,
6. Nott. ,Gent's &Atm' shirt, linen
osom, ist and 2nd A. Johnson.: Gents'
fancy flannel shirt, G. Nat, A. John-.
on. Plain hand sewing, cr. Nott, Miss
°Michael. Wax Flowers, lst and 2nd
G. Nott. ' Berlin wool work, raised, J.
Salkeld, J. Gardner. Berlin wool work,
fiat, J. Ross, Mrs. Campbell. Braiding
On silk, G. Nott. Twine work; S. G.
J. Salkeld. . Flowers, silver
Wire, J. Ross. Fancy chair in . wool
work, M: MoTaggart. Pair Woolen
tockings, G. Nott, A. Johnson. Pair
oolen. socks, G. Nod, A. Johnson. -
air woolen gloves, 1st and 2nd A..John-.
en: Rag mat, J. R-oss, R.Mason. , Rag
carpet, Gt. Nott, Mrs. Campbell. Hand
Painting On silk or velvet, Mrs. Camp -
Pell, ' A. M. Fowler. . Pencil drawing,.
Miss Stevenson, Mrs. Campbell. Water
olor painting, -. S: G. Plummer, ----Mrs.
ainpbell, Painting in oil, Miss Wil -
•on, Mrs. Campbell. Crayon sketch,
Miss Carson,. Miss Wilson. _ Penman-
ship by ,girl - under 14, ..A. Johnson, J.
alkeld. .
JUDGES. —Fruit, Alex. Watson, T. H.
Williams. Grain -and Vegetables; Thos.
Watson, Clinton; Thos. Truck, James.
Johnston: ' Ladies' Work, Mrs. M. M.
Hays, Wt. Reynolds', Mrs. K. Moore.
Poultry, Walter Coates, Clinton; Dr.
Young, Londesboro. i Heawy -Horses; R. --
McKee, Leadbury ; George Meicensie,
Winghant ; James Reynolds, HuIlett. -
Light lieirses, James Chidley, Clinton;
John Dorsey, W. Walsh, Seaforth. Cat-
tle, Chas.Girvin, West Wawanoshi Jos.:
Hearne,Clinton ; John Morrish,Hulleu.
An Alcott Anecdote.
My acquaintance with the late Miss.
iLouisa Alcott was begun in BO novel a
ifashion that I feel impelled to tell about
!it for the amusement ot the Wide
'Awake readers. I had come from
. pretty Vermont town to Boston, just as
„Little Women was published, and hav-
ing its first wonderful success. I was
in one Of Boston's largest circulating
libraries beginning to earn my own
bread. and butter. The furor for the
new book was :entirely unprecedented,
pitcher's Catterlae
Catarrh. ;
The microscope has proved that these diseases
are contagious; . and that they are due to the
presence °Hiving parasites in the interlining
membrane of upper air passages and meta,
chian tubes. The eminent scientists, Tyndall].
Huxley and 'Beale endorse this, and these.
authorities Oannot be disputed. : The regular
method of treating these diseases has,: been. to
apply an irritant , remedy Weekly, and even
daily, thus keeping the delicate membrane in a
constant state of irritation, allowing it no chance
to heal, and as a natural consequence of such
reatment not one permanent mire has ever been
recorded. It is an absolute fact that these dis-
eases cannot be cured by any application made
oftener than once in two -weeks, for the mem-
brane must gat a chance to heal before an appli.:
cation is repeated. It is now seven•years since
Mr. Dixon discovered the para.sitedn catarrh and.
formulated his new treatment, and since then
his remedy has become a household word. in
every cpuntry where the English language is
spoken. Cures effected by him seven years ago
are cures still, there having been no return of the
disease. ' ,
So highly- are these remedies 'valued, that
ignorant imitators have started up 'everywhere; .
pretending t� destrey - a parasite of Which they
know nothing, by remedies, the results of the,
application of which they are equally ignorant.
Mr. Dixon's -remedy is applied only once in two
weeks, and from one to three 'applications effeet
a permanent euro in the most aggravated cases.
Mr. Dixon sena a pamphlet describing . his
new treatment on the receipt of stamp to pay
• postage. - The. addresslis A. H. Dixon & Son, 303
_King street .west, -Toronto, Canada.—Scientific
Amerman: 1083-52 •
Combination !
COnsequently, greater- reduction in
, .
Funerals furnished on the shortest
notice, and satisfaction guaranteed.
. . • .
Caskets,-qoffins and Shrouds
on hand, and one of the -finest
Embalming Fluid free of charge.
S. T. HOLMES, Funeral -Director.
Residence—At Mr. James Kyle's, Mar-
ket Street, Seaforth.:
Whensay cuim ido •net mean merely to stop then them for a time, and en have them return
again. I mean A• RADICAL CURE I . have
made the disease of •
. .
life-long study. I WAIMANT ray remedy to
cum the worst :eases. Because others have
failed is _no reason for not now receiving a cure.
Send at once •for a treatise and. a Fans Boma:
of my INVALLIDLE REMEDY. Give express and
post office. It costs yon nothing for a trial, and
it will Mao on Address—M. H. G. BOOT,
37 Yonge Street Toronto, Ont; ,1078-52
Engineer. Orders, by Dian promptly
leaded to. D,„ 8. CAMPBEIx sitobell
Q *
or Wilke
nd Chlldren.
. • -
ollasteris ISO won adaptedtoehildrenthrat
recommeeci it as superior to any prescdption
lotown to me." IL A. latonnit, M. D.,
00.Ozord8t, 1311004$31, N. T.
ICattotia-onres Collo, Constipation, .
Sour Stomach, Diarrhcea, Eructation,
SOS Worms, gives sleep, and :prosnOtel dj
Without injurlotut medication.
Tun CENTAUR *COMPANY, 97 Murray Street, N.
' Has
gmovED HIS
To the Campbell . Block, corner Main
; and Goder cliStreets, Seaforth, -
Where he keepi a ergo stock of GoId nd Silver
Watches, Fine 4. *elry, Cloeks, & A fine.
'stook of Heavy Pain Gold:Wedding Inge, &e.,
- -
cheap as the eh pest. Watches, ilocks and
Jewelry repaired Oh -despatch. .
tarChatges Reesonable.
J. Nortligrave's,
Campbell's Block, Seeforth.
H .1
Paid up.Capitai, . - $6,000,000,.
Rest, • - • - 1 500,00o.
. -
The Seaforth Branch of this Bank oointinues a
eoeive deposidte, on which interest is allowed at
current rates. -I •
'Drafts on all the:principal towns itnd cities In
*Canada; • on Great .Britain, and On the -United
States, bought and sold. . •
-0flice=First door SOUTH: of the Commercial
Hotel. - • •
A. H. IRELAND, Manager
F. HOLMESTElis, Solicitor
New Naning
The undersigned would announce to the Pub-
lic that they have, their New Planing Mill in
full blast, where they will do Custoni Planing,
_Matching, Scroll Sawing -rand Wood Turning.
They.svial keep on hand Dressed Lumber, Floor-
ing and Siding. Doors, Sash and Fraines made to
order. • • . -
'attended aa formerly. Shingles always on hand.
By strict attention to business and lair dealing:
we hope to gain Public patreliage.• •
Monument Co.
The Foundryin
ITO Dominion.
Our Material is endorsed by leading Opientist
as being practically. he -perishable: It cannot
iliorb moisture, and consequently is not idea -
ed by the'frost.
Send for Desights and Torma to '
The underslgnedis navy.. prepared to receive
orders for. any num er of firity'elasa
• ,
:Apple Bar els and euttet,
Alsoany'other work in his line. Apply itt the
works, old Baptist Ohurch, Seaforth.
Dealers- and Packers taking large- numbers
will be very reasonably dealt with. •
. -
While this is now the Great direstion
in the Political Area of Wadi, the inhabitants
Of Londesborough and surrounding ;country are
--asking- Where can I get the best value for my
Adam's. E m poi.' Lim
Vfhich is well supplied With
Some extraordinary values in TWEEDS,..beauti-
ftil and cheap DRE8S-400DS; reat Variety of
Winter use. .. • I •
Special values in ;Ill kinds of Groceries.
Highest Price,for Butter and Eggs
-LendesbOrough. .
. Mee
ATTHEW MORRISON, Walton, Insurance
Agent, Commissioner for taking affidavits,
Conveyances, &e. Money to loan at the lowest -
rates. M. MORRISON., Walton. '
-firm HASTINGS,Solicitor,ete. Office—Cady's
. Block, opposite.Commercial Hotel, Sea -
forth, • 974
EAGER - & LEWIS,. Barristers, Goderieli.—.
Office, opposite the Colbornellotel. '976
T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, &O. Office—
r) . ROOMS One Door North of the Commercial
Hotel, ground floor next door to Beams butcher
shop. Agent8-41*mm*, Hour&Camseos. 870 ;.
ri ARROW & PROULiFOOT,• Barristers, Solid-
kjr •tors, &c., Gedericli, Ontarid. J. T. Gsesow,
Q. Q.; Wm. PROUDF0.0T. 686
(lAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON,' Barristers,
Solioitors in Chancery,- &c.-, • G‘oderich, Ont.
•M. 0. Osuisos, Q: O., Prom Emir, M. G.
flAnsium.• ' • 506
LOFTUS E. DANCEY, late with Cameron,
-• Holt & Cameron, Goderich, Barrister,. So.
lioitor, Conveyancer; &c.. Money to loan. Ben
• son's Old Office, Cardno's Block,Seaforth. 786
D J. Downy/ Solicitor (.1011VOyincer Sre
Late of Victoria, B. C. Office—Over
B&W; of Commerce, Main street, Seaforth. Psi-
'vate funds to loan at 5i and, 6 per cent 1035 -
I -
/rANN1NG & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors,
In Conveyancers, &c. Solicitors for the Bank
01 Johnston, Tisdale 4 Gale. " Money to loan.
Office—, B.eaver Mock; Clinton, Ontario. AH.
Mannino•- JAMSO Sem%• 781
MI-IIOLMESTED, Successor to the late firth of
X • MeCaughey & Hohnested, Barrister, So
Bettor, Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for
the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend.
Farms for sale. Office- in Scott's Block, Main
Street. SeafOrth.
1C1DWARD NORMAN LEWIS, _ Barrister, So
J4 Bolter in High Court, Conveyancer, etc.,
Goderich and Bayfield. Money to Loan at five
and one-half per cent on two third rargin.
Bayfield office _open every Thursday. from 930
to 430, in SWartz' Hotel Block, opposite Division
•Court office. ' 1083tf
1t/fONEr TO LOAN.—Straight loans at 6 per
uyi'cent with the :privilege to borrotver
of repaying part of the principal money at any
time. Apply to F. 110LMESTED, Barrister
Seaforth; • 850
L. BALL, L. D; S. Honor Graduate, and
lir M. R. C. D. S. of Toronto. Vitalized Air
given. Latest improvements in Dentistry- ob-
served. Office in Meyer's Bleck, Seaforth, hours
9 a. ns.' to 5 p. in. Fees reasonable. B. B.
MORIES, D. D. S., of Philadelphia, AssisMt.
TjD. S., R. R. C. and. 10, S., of
Ontario. Latest Improve-
ments in every. line. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Office,—In Cady's
Block, opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth.
Residence,—The Poplars, John Street. 941
. tists, of Exeter, Ont. One
of the above will visit Blyth the •
last Thursday, and following Fri-
day of each month, at Milne's Hotel, will visit
Zurich the first Wednesday of every month at
Peine's Hotel, and Mensal the following Thurs-
day of every month at ReYnold's Hotel, whets he
will porforin all -dental operations.. Teeth ex-
tracted with a new Japan anesthetic, which re-
eves nearly all pain. Parties desiring new
teeth will please call early in the morning -Of the
first day, Charges moderate. Torres cash. 934
TT• KINSMAN; Dentist; L. D.
_Lai S., Exeter, Ont..Will be at
Zurich; at the Huron Hotel, en the.
eeth extracted with the least painpossible. All
work first-class at liberal rates. 971
A. MARTIN,,L. D.- S., Honor graduate of.
• the Royal College of Dental Surgeons
of Ontario. All . the anesthetics used for the
'painless extraction of teeth. Office—Garfield
Block, BR a SE 100041,-:
M. HANOVER(M. 1) 0 31., Graduate Of
. McGill University Physician, Surgeon
an Accoucheur, Seaforth, Office snot re-
idence--North side Godench street, first brick
ouse east of the Methodist church. 981
. ELLIOTT & GUNN, Brumfield, Limn-
tiatee Royal -College of Physicians and
Surgeons, Edinburgh. Brumfield; Ont. 930
T G. SCOTT, M. D., &o.,l'hysician, Surgeon,
. and .Acconcher, Seaforth, Ont. , Office and
residence Southside of Goderich street, Second
Door east of the Presbyterian Chiiroh.. 842
BRUCE SMITH, N. ],0.31., Member
jti. of the College of Physicians and Surgeons,
0., Seaforth, Ontario. Odle* and residenoe
ame as occupied by Dr. "%retools. 148
DPA4MACICID, Licentiate of Edinburgh and
Glasgow, Office, Meyer's Block,. Main
Street, Seaforth. Residence, John street Call
at night at either the Office or Residence. 894
EaFonTair- onst INFIRMARY. --Corner of
Jarvis IIIIIIIIoderich Streets, next door to the
PresbyterianChurch, Seafetth, Ont. All dis-
eases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the do-
esticated animals, successfully treated at the
Infirmary, or elsewhere, on the shortest notice.
• rgesmederate. JAMES W. ELDER, Voter -
nary Surgeon. P. 8,, A large stook of Veterin
ry _Medicines kept constantly on handj•
l• • ,
. Of the-Ontakio Veterinary College, Tor-
nto Registered Member of the Ontario Veter-
nary Medical Association also Honorary .Mem-
er of the Veterinary bledlcal Society. Treats
11 ,Diseases of 'Domesticated_ -Animals. Also
articular attention given to Veterinary. Dent's,
ry. Horses carefully examined for Soundness,
nd Certificates given. All calls promptly attend -
d to by Mail or Othertvise. GFPIOE at Resi-
ence, Staffa, Ont. - , 1048
Wykeham • Hall College • avenue, Toronto. 'Re-
opens WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 5. "
As vacancies for new resident pupiltfare lim-
ted, 'smuts are requested, before the opening
ay, to arrange for admission (by letter Or other-
ise) with Miss _GRIER, the Lady Principal,
who will be at home after 81st August.
Ciroulars are sent at once on appliOation.
- • • 1032
Gelieral Insurance Agent
Dealer in Sewing Machines,
Allkindsig..propertrinsurecl at lowest rates
in Brokaw., reliable companies end losses set'
tle4 promptly, .• ' -
Special low rates on R.A.uss PROPERTY in
the Gc"re and Waterloo, from 75o to $1 (cash
plan) for three 'year& ,Mills and factories in-
sured in these Companies et a saving of 20 per
cent. op Stook 001110ADICII.
Sole dealer In the WHITE and RAYMOND
SEWING luegnas.(impily and manufactur-
ing). : prices ranging from $25 to $75. All ma-
chines Warranted•for five Years onevery kind of
work: Needles, .oil • and repairrfor sale.- Ma-
chines repairea. • '
. -
•CD °
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tlig 9 Or"." r g . • 'ilV: 1 0) : C .
P Z 0 +all ';•74 re. 5. 'AZ . . Vij— 'CI
1)121-54;I:g511. ''' .:g": 1:1: -. .2
sailing weekly from ,Ielaonnt:0078ecaue:aQuehiccazt
the Company's steamers on .appliff:tion.
Trains and river steamers duet - Quebec en
"opanrAnpog .ortef iella,iwlinhgo'dtraatlisfaerre tmheetbag*gagihe3freeevnloi
epl.full rmation -regarding ratek4e4
Telegraph and rpress Agent, Main Streetbit,
• '1.081
Loan and Intiestment.
This Company is ]caning Money on
Farm Security at lowest Bates
of Itterest.
Mortgages Puchased.
-3,4 and 5 per Cent.Interest Allowed oa
Deposits, according to amount and
time left.
• OFFICE.—Corner of Market Square
and North Street, Goderich,
Goderich, August 5th,11385. 981
Division OoLirt Notice,
The Office of the Second
Division Court, County of Iiiron,volil be found
open every lawful day at the residenoe of John
Beattie, Goderich Street West, from 10 O'clocka.
m. until 4 o'clock p. in., and ever'ything will be
done that is possible in the InterestOf &MOM
Telephone communication in the office.
Any amount of Money to,Loan on good- prop.
erty, farm or town, at the very loweet, rater of
interest, and terms of payment made to smit
:.What a Time
People formerly had, trying to swallow
the old-fashioned pill with its film' of
magnesia vainly disguising its, bitter-
ness ; and what a contrast to Ayer's
Pills that have been well called "med.
mated sugar -plums" -- the only fear be.
Ing that patients may be tempted into
• taking too niany at a dose. But the
, directions are plain and should 1)0.
strictly -followed.
j. T. Teller, M. D., of Chittenango, _
R. Y., expresses exactly' what hundreds
have written at greator length. -
says: "Ayer's Cathartic Pills are highly
appreciated. They are perfect in form
and coalting, and their effects are all
that the most careful physician could
desire. They have supplanted all thti
Pills formerly popular here, and I think -
it must be long before any other eau ,
be made that -will at all compare with
them. Those who buy your pills get
full value for their money."
• "Safe, pleasant, and aka!' in
their action,". is the concise testimony
of Di. George E. Walker; of Martins-
ville, Virginia.
"Ayer's Pills outsell all similar prep-
arations. - The public having imee used
them, will have no others."—Berry,
Venable &Collier, Atlanta, Ga.
: •
Ayer's 'Pills,.
Prepared byDr. AT, C. Ayer &Co., Lowell,Xass.
Sold by all Dealers In 3fedicities
• .INT3ErY"
i\:diunbus Watch
The Main Spring barrel is completely coierd;
making the Watch perfectly dust -proof.
There can be no interference betrreen the .
balance and the barrel.
The Regulator Is ,nesily double the lengths
others, rendering accurate regulation * very .
simple matter.
.. To replace a broken Main Spring, the Barrel
• can be removed without disturbing the Balance
or interfering with the regulation.
The pine of the Regulator are so formed_ and -
located, that two or more coils of the Heir
i3pring cannot catch between the pins and tame
the Watch to stop or gain time at an unusual
Sate- •
The Balance oomes under the round, or edge,
the strongest part -of the case, not as au
others, under the centre and weakest
The Main Spring Power_is the Ugh Media
American Watches. •
The calculation of the train is such 'Matti% ,
Watch runs 8 to 10. hours /onger then others,
with one winding, giving -raore 11/1/107111 pQIYet -
and rate.
These are improveinents that oannot be clabm.
ed by any other manufacturers Mid OnOe Vis
all must agree with us. ID 'saying' that this hi
strongest and best Watch made; and with all
the above improvements; the CfolutnbusWat.ohelL
aostmo More than ,others.
- Elgin, Waltham, ,Springfield Mom- •
ments of all grades in stock. Aliso an, kinds of
Sings, Chains, Brooches and Ear -rings; Lockets;
and Optical goods. .
'Give me lb call.
A. D. YOUNG Jeweler,
SCOTT stillsells two 3 113. cans, toma-
toes, for 25e, 1087
Prescription of a physician who
has hada life long experience in
, treating female diseases. Is used
monthly with perfect mom by
over 10,000 ladies. Pleasanksale
effectual. Ladies ask your &fig -
gists for Pennyroyal Wen, sod
take. no substitute, or inclose
postage for sealed particukts.
Sold by all druggisti, $1 pm box.
trolt, Mich.- 443" Sold in Seaforth by liumsden
& Wilson, and by druggistsgenerally 1034-52
poll ,P19ty, Shop.
.1YIET,1416, ;
The Plowman's friend, always, marching for-
ward tn he plow trade, is now busy supplying
the farineri with those gland two furrow gang
plows, which sell so rapidly. A large stock Of
PlOWS of -all -kinclb, plow catitings,-‘ gang plow
castings, mould boanlik to fit all plows, plow
handles; low bolts; &c. . , 1
Of all kinds done with -nestneeo and dispatch
No trouble to supply an in need.1
• . ' T. MELLIS, Pppen.,
1 . -
T P. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for the
-County of Huron. Sales attended al
,rtss of the County. All orders Iefi at lin
EntSITOR Office will be promptly attended So.
• •••
/13110MAS BROWN, Licensed Am:0°,47111(i
the Counties of Huron and Perth.
conducted on the most reasonable tetras.
left at the Queen's Hotel, or liyMail
Sox Slr,_13esfortb P.O,be PrINn
.dt1 THOMAS BROwN Licensed A
Good -lookb3
but wh
Virorit is I' .9
kat alien it be „
tbe - modern reb
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tiVali,WhiCh eXal
A it the MOSt
I/ISttii2Fd by the
and careless as t
world for girls t
ber in which thl.
tiwdnueriedd' 4414ow°rtithl
tine Work, if tht
cannot keep the
have been alba
, thing which inay
his after Antreer.
Girls can do t
liners, dressmak
' t°flalerh"
women are not
like the major
less exacting,pr
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/ma bring quid
,workers, t°rs, arshd II]
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&nee. The
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11:ma88silb ellktirere1•3'
given a rex
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- roesseswowli wIlop
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,. .To.be dies
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