HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1888-09-28, Page 5ala
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BRIzes.-Mr. john White, who has
, been home for some time, returned . to
lee work in Windsor on Saturday -Mr.
Teel MeDoneliewho Works in Chicago,
hu been sick for some time; he return.
ea. home on Friday -Master -Garnet
es (Iranian, who has been visiting in Tor-
. alto, returned home on Saturds.y.-Mr. -
Te B. Carling and wjfe spent Sunday
sed Monday in Lo desboro visiting
oder- brother-in-law, B.ev. D. A. Ram-
, B. A. -Mr. H. Kin5man spent a
few days in Hamilton last week visiting
*Mend of his and an old resident
of tehi place, Mr. Tames W. Bell.
The Hon. John Carling was in Exeter
en Wednesday, visitin his brother Mr.
Isaac- Carling. -On Tu.esday Mr. Green
,e, photographer from Parkhilli, visited
Reeder and got perra ion of the trus-
tees- to take a picture of. the pupils of
the publie school. The children of the
set departments and the teachers were
taken in-group. Me. Green intends to
'present each teacher with a photo. --Ty.
Fla fever ie quite a' common sickness
about here. A g few are getting
better but. those who ave lately taken
it are Mrs. George Bissett, Mr. Richard
Pincombe, Frank Handcock, Mrs- Dap
Davis, and _others might be added,-
ff, meeting, of the Band of Hope was
held in the Janice, street Methcidist
church on Tuesday evening. The attend.
sece walevery large and programme good,
-Large crowds lea* here every morn-
ing for the London fair.-Amongthe at-
tractions that will be here -at our fair on
Tueeday next will he a game of base
bill in the morning at 0.30, between -the
he Irish nine of
ing game is expect -
a foot ball match
30; The name of ,
t exactly known AS
h.WA8 played here
tween the Exeter
r - Exeter -. Stars • and
'Aeon. A very exci
ed. There will also
inthe afternoon at 4
the visiting club is n
yets-A baseball ma
on Friday.afternoon
brass bend and a club who • call them-
selves the." Unknown." The game Was
very amusing awing, to so many scrub
players. .One man; or the ninth part of
*man, would always call for &kw, slow
MIL The," unknown" were victorious.
. --Mr. Wm. Perlin, an old resident of
Exeter apd who- has been away some
eight years,. is hothe - here visiting bis
mother; Mrs. Tait. 1
day evening a concert was held inDrew's
Opera. Han under the • auspices of the
Exeter root Ball Chita.' As -far as at-
tendance was concerned the concert was
a failure, but ;the programme was very
good and by no in ns the Worst ever
• given in the bath 1r. David johnswas
chairman of.the me ting. . Among those
who took part in
Mr. Cosgrove, of S
ered good music o
trates could scarcely avoid committing
hini. Th 6 offence seems a Vemy trivial
one and it is 'doubtful if it was really
committed with evil intent. In the
meantimeithe man is in jail and a wife
.and large family - of small children are
'kit at home very poorly provided for, if
not in destitute circumstances.
PERSONAL. -RSV. S. ArCarriere and
family have returned from their trip to
the Northwest, feeling well pleased with
the way they spent their holidays.
liAlg/13 .POTATOSS.1-4, farmer near
here brou
the stor
and a hal
Len Iis BEARINGS. -An oldsettler
who has llved- here for many years; start.
ed.one evening to hunt thiecows. Some
• time aftet night came on andleft him in
the wood and in the Morning he start-
• ed_for bo
he 'found
miles fro
• ditch to
place. .t
raise fro
doing so
prise, bu
the same, i• t
HART ST HOME. -The Presbyterians
ht three late eose potatoes to -
that. weighed together four
pounds.. Who can beat that2
he programme was .
. Marys, who rend -
the mouth .organ,
guitar and- other instruments. . The
tableaux of the -athletic sports was aloe
very good. The most aransing_part of,
the programme was the .play " Brudder
Gardner at Home" by a company of
&pitied negroes. This company, who
` have called themselves the Nigger
• Minstrels,' were so :successful Friday
evening that they have received a call to
go to -Zurich to Jact, which they will
likely do. In thQ course of the play_
songs, stump speee
given to- the grea
Audience, and last
es and jokes were
amusement of the
y a hoe -dawn or clog
dance in which our big Devonshire
friend in disguise of a negro fairly made
the hall tremble. '4.A.• -presentation was
made to Brudder ardiner in the form_
-• of a big water mel n. ]he Italian Harp-,
ers, of London, wlio were hired for the
occasion failed to get here, to the disap-
pointment of many. The concert was
• devised to pay some debts owed by the
club, but instead the committee had to
pay expenses of the eoricert out of their
own pockets, which amounted to about
two dollars eabh: It appears that the
people of Egeter do not encourage the.
athletic sports.
e as he thought, and when
out where he was he was eight
Diecsr.-The engnieers halve
ork taking levels for a 'large
ross several farms north of this
few farmers who prefer to
0 and toads to good crops, are
e k1ck2n4 against theenter-
the ditch us going through all
LOCAL Dorgas,f-Messra, R. and W.
• Walker- leave here this week for Chi-
• cago. -4 Great preparations are being
made for the 4104 to be -held here on
Wednesday and Thursday, October IOth
• and 11th. it promises to be the best of
the many good agricultural shows held
hem, and if the Weather is favorable,
there will be a large Crowd of people. -
Mr. Win.,Drumnionk one of the oldest
residents of Blyth left here this week to
take up his residence in Toronto.- His
, family will follow him so soon as he gets.
a.pla.ce •prepared; for them. We hope
• they will enjoy health and • comfort in.
their new 'home. The by-law to raise -
money for the purchase of a fire engine
and other fire protection ,appliances was
carried by a majority of 63. The Conn,-
' cil should now 1 purchase a first-claief
. eteamer, providei an abundant supply of
water, and get a strident brigade or
ganized,-The oungest child of Mr.
Jernes bicGee, i „died on Sunday morn!
Ing Isst,siter A Ong ilinesserAt A 'ugli-
ly attended meeting held on - Monday
evening * Fi4 Drip& composed of
*bout• thirty mbers, wee organized
and the followi g officers were appoiet-
ed i Chief, John. Einigh ; Captain, Jo-
seph Carter; 14it Lieutenant, SAM Old
ley; 2nd Lieutant„ Robert Jones; ltt
Engineer, John &Kelly ; 2nd Engineer,
= John %tricks Fireman, Robert Max-
weit-Mr. Ronald, of Brussels, had one
of his steam fire engines here this week
showing theeeit iens what it would do.
It worked splendidly, and seemed to
give the very best satisfaction to allwho
witnessed its peiformances. With one
of these engines, a sufficient :supply of
• water pt,na an efficient company, -
Blyth w�u14 be amply peo-
vide& with a 1 the fire protection'
required and five times the, cost of
the entire outfit might very easily be
saved at one fi ,e.--Sttme of the "bohoys"
of the town got on the rampage on Sat-
urday night laSt and committed sundry
depredations i the *ay of removing
signs and otherfoolish and annoying
capers of whic they should be ashamed,
I l they have not sense enough to behave
• themselves they should be taught a
lesson by the village "beek."-One even-
ing lately is Mrs. Brice, a respectable
eldertylady of this village, was return-
ing home in the evening she was follow-
ed and instated. by. SOInf.- unknown man
who was supposed to .have imbibed too
. freely. A couple of gentlemen came
eking at the t me and, being appealed to
• by Mrs. Brice, they took her under
their protection and the rascal made
himself scaret but unfortunately his
of Corbe
vest Ho
The chif
to 8. T
really g
t held a very successful Har-
e gathering about a week ago.'
ch was crowded. Dinner was
the new sheds from 6 o'clock
e tables were covered with rich
ill:Avis and vegetables being
• After. dinner, Mr. Bishop,
, was called t� the chair. The
f the choir of the church was
od. Speeches were listened to
with mu h pleasure and profit. It was
also a' financial success, the amount
raised " ing
.• A BA WrISTAKE.-About a week ago
a man, ha has lived here for a long
time, st ate& with his horse and buggy
to hunt oine young cattle he had on the
common in.the Bend. He drove as far
as he could get with - his -buggy and tied
his hors to' a tree and started on foot.
After a while he came back • to Where he
thought he had left his horse, and itwas
not there. Then he tramped home and
eild his i horse was stolen. The next
day be hunted all (ley for his horse and
buggy, but could net find, them. The
third day his boys and: he tried again,
and found the -horse in the same place
he had left it. The horse had not been
May/ea and had a long fast.,
Ins t mid for . very prime; 210 for
Med UM, and and over 2o per pound for in-
ferior. Amo the sales one load of 22 head,
',morning 1, lbe., sold at $31, each ; another
let of 21 head, averaging 1,060 lbs., told at $35
each; a lot of 20, averaging 1400 lbs., sold at
$30.60 each; a lot of 20, averaging 050 lbs., sold
at $26.50 each, and a lot of 20 head, averaging
925 the., sold at $25' each. Sheep -Are weak.
'Export sheep were fetching &situ& as $4.25 as
:a outside price, but St to 4o a pound was the
ranger very good to chOloesheep, One bunch
of 1 0 rime export sheep sold at $4.80 per owt.
Lambs -One bunch of 200, averaging 81 lbsgeold
418:15 ; bunohef 100 (mixed with TrieW
eheeg averaging close on to 100 lbs. sold at
$3.60 r bunch Of 19 liffinilarlk mixed?: sold at
$3.15, they averaged 78 lbs.; a buno of • 71,.
averaging 70 lbs., sold it, $3 'each ; a bunch of
146, averaging 70 lbs. sold at $8,25 each; and a
mixed lot of 40; averaging 68 lbs., sold at $8-16
each. Calves. -Mostly .selling at ifrom $3 ,to $6
!mob. Oink Cows-Quotatiens from $80 to $50
each...Hogs-Good ftit hew' are going at 35 to
36.50 ;as quite an outside figure; but may be
taken as running at 5c a pound.
'What Seott S4s.
Sco,twr's for EverYthing. ' .1085
. •
000TT'S tArrants, yaws;
Figs, &o. - 1085
ScOW's for Boot* and Shoes. .' 1085
2 •
Scere's for Fresh -Canned Peas. .1085
Score's for Fresh Canned • Tematods.
SCOTT'S for Prize Baking Powder.1085
'Soon's-for Teas. ' 1085_
SOores for Fish. .1085
. .
Soorr's for Fresh Cenned Duck,
Chicken and Turkey. . 1085
Scori's for Groceries. .1085t.
SCOTT'S for Baking Powder, 25o. per
pound.• • 1085.
Soorr's for Soap, 10 bars for 25c. 1085
Score's for John McPherson 'et Co/ys
Boots and Shoes. 1036 •
DAVIS.-4rigitehell, on the 113th iffet„ the wife
Of W. R. Davis, proprietor Of the Advocate,
of & daughter:- . • -
:CURR1E.-In Morris, on the 17th inst, the wife
.of Mr. Nelson,Jurrie, a a eon- •
PURVIS.-In East Wawanosh, on the 15th inst.,
the wife of Mr. James Purvis of aim;
BENNETT.-In Blyth, on the 12th inst., the
wife et J. Bennett, of a daughter.
• of Mr. Wm.= Hil s of & daughter. •.
HILES.,-In Hulleton the 12th inst., the wife
FRASER.-In Stanley, on the 3rd Ind:, the wife
of Mr. W311145 Fraser of a son. •
THOMSON.-At Bewail, on the 16th inst., the
wife 91 Mr. Beniard Thompson of a daugh-
ter. •
• SNATORTII, teepteteber 27, 1888
Fall Wheat -per buehel.... ,, . . CIO to $1 03,
Spring per'bushef....'•';... 00to1 00
Oats per ........ e.80 to 0 31
Peas per bushel.. . 0 62 to 063 '
Barley per bushel:. . .; . 0 48 to 0 60
Butter, No. 1, Ioose.... ...„ c-15 to • 0 16
Butter, 0 16 to.: 017
Eggs • .. . 0 15 015
.Dressed liege •................7 00 to -7 60
Flour, per 100 2 50 to 2' 75
Hay per ton....... . . . 14 00 to 15 80
Midas per lee Zs 5 00 to 0 00
Sheepskins each...-. 0 40 to 0-70
Wool ".... . . . ;- 0 21 to 022
Potaities per bushel; 0 35 to 0 85
Salt- (retail) per barrel..0 75 to 0 75
Wood per . 2 60 to 50 •
Apples per bag. .. . ............. 0 2,5 to 030
'CLINTON, September 27, -1888.
Fall Wheat per bushel. .. CO to $1 03
Spring Wheat per .... 1 00 -to 1 00
Oats per bushel, . 0 30 to '0 31,
Barley per bushel. 0 43 to 0.60
Peas per bushel_ ... 0 82 to 063
Butter, . O. 15 to 0 17
Eggs... - ........ 0 13 to 015
Hay per tob.... ........ 14 00 to 15 0.0.
Potatoes per bushel, (new),.*: 35- to 0 35
Hides per 100,1bs. ... 6_50 to 7 00
'Cordwood.. . : ...... . 2 60 to 8 60
Dressed Hogs, .. 7 00 to 7 60-'
'Wool perlh. . 0 21 to 0 22
- •
LIVITRPOOlt, Sept, 28,—Spring wheat. 78 9dr
red *inter, 7s 11d; California No. 1,78 100;
California No. 2, Os 004 ; oats,,Oe 00d ; barley, Os
; peas, 68 lad; pork, 76s 311.; cheese,_44a 00d.
• .
27. -Fall wheat, $1.06 to 81.68
Tose:aro, Sept..
spring, $1.00 to 81.02; oats, 36e to 38e ; peas,,66e
to 67e; barley, 65 tol5ct ; hay, per ten, 818.00 to
322.80; butter, 20e to 23o; potatoes, per bag
45a to 50c.; per doz. ne- to 18c;
dreesed hogs, per 100 lbs., $7.50 tic' 18.00.
• The TorontoHorse Market.
Trade this week bas been slow, very few -horses
being wanted and these at low prices. Those
sold are delivered in fair condition. October is
generally * good month for horses) so dealers
say, and trade may be expected to pick up then,
if at all. At Grand's to -day about -23 horses
were. sold. The prices realized ranged from $75
to $125.
MEACHEE WANTED. -4, Teacher, holding a
second or third. elan 'certificate, for school
section No. 2, Usborne, Applications, stating.
eatery; will be received up kJ -October 15th. Du'
ties to 001111110h08 after Christmas holidays. Ap-
plica,tions addressed to .ROBERT PRINGL,E,
ffecretary-Treaturer, Farquhar P. ant.1085x4
§T-ItYg)tbSeTigirlii-P1 edietig ttlflfelgi
1 Oh
• d, 6, Concession 0, Ba yl Line, township of
Stanley, sineetheisat of Juno, 2 -yearling steers.
One is of red and white color, the othera gray
color with a smell piece out out of the left earof
each. The owner AIM have he. property_eapsy-
Ineet of expense incurred•.. 31. IdoOLINCHEY.
_•• 1085x4
EACHER WANTED. -Wanted, for Union,
• Sehool Section, No 16, MoWiek and Grey, a
teacher- holding itseond or hircl class certificate
services ' to commence on January 1st, 1889:
'Applications stating salarYdesirecl, accompanied
by testimonials, and giving experience of appli-
cant will be received until the 20thof October.
Address the , undersigned, secretary Soliaol
Board. JOSEPH ARMSTRONG, Molesworth
Post Office. •• 1085-3
CAMPBELL -DOUGLAS. --At the residence of
the bride's mother, Grey, on the 26th insk,
by Rev. Mr; Wilson, Mr. John Campbell, of
Mullett, to Agnes, eldest daughter of the late
Win.„DoUglas, of Grey. -
ELLIOT-LOUTITT.-At the residence of the
bride's father, Culross, on the 26th inst, by
• Rev. A. Y. Bartley, of Bluevale, Mr. James
Elliot, of Turnberry, to Miss Jennie Loutitt,
of Cuirass.
• Deaths.
RICHARDSON.-In Tuckersinith, at the real-
•-. dem of his son-in-law-, Mr, James Lands-
* -borough, on the 24th inst., Wm. Richardson;
' Sr., aged 91 YC an and 6 months. '
WRIGHT.-In Usberne, on the lith init., Edna
. Pearl Wright, aged 5 month and 16 days, .
• EYNON.-In Usborne, on the 14th inst., Ann
' Eynon, aged 79 years. .
MURRAY.-In -114y,. on the 16th init., • Mrs.
•' Margaret Murray, relict of the late James
Murray, aged 91 years. -
PIERCY.-In Fairgrove, Tuscola County; Michi-
• gan, on the 10th inst., Thomas Piercy, aged
• 88 years, formerly of. Stanley, County of
Huron, Ontario. •
Dairy: Markets. .
Toaorrro, Sept. 26.-Btitter-Receipts fair, but
good grades continue scarce and wanted at fell
, . .
Let 9, Concession 2, and Lot 9, Conceselon
8, township. of -Stanley, ch containing -100
acres. There are good buildings, and about $7
acres cleared oweach Lot and in a good- sta of
milt1Vation, These ' are first-oless Farn2s, --.
venient to Churches, Soho% ko. They w .be
sold on easy terms together. or Separately. • M.
*TAGGART, Clinton. . 1085-4
• . ,
Ji For sale, Oen), the'Oomfortable and pleas-
antly situated residence, formerly occupied by
the late bra. R. Fisher. ' The house is In pee
oleos roper, having been neWly •roofed this Slim-
mer and contens a Parlor, Dining Room, - Kit -
chen and lour. Bedrooms,,, besides Closets and
wood -shed. T ' re is hardAnd soft water in the
Kitchen. Also a nice garden --web plantedlwith
various kinds of Fria trees. It is pleafiantly
situated near the busin.ess part of the town. For •
further particulars apply at THE EXPOSITOR.
Office Seaforth. 1 - ' 1085tf ,
, _
ODD: STOCK FOR 8A11. -The .subieriber
• offers the following- animals for . sale on .
reasonable terms : One span -of mules, one 4 and '
the other 3 years 'old past, well -broke,,geod to .
work and -perfectly quiet; one heavy draught
mare, supposed to be in foal, color Week, all
sound, true to . work; Oita heavy draught colt,
2 years old, color bayeall- sound; one yearling
grade bull and'one yearling bull calf, both red,
good anbnals 1 two 2 -year-old heifers in calf.
JOHN KNECHTEL, Brussels. 1485t1
Wu d call special attention to their arrangethenis for the coming cam-
. This old and poprdar establishment determined toi lead the
van- heretofore, and have taken time by the forelock and are pre-
pa'to show- one of the finest assortments of !general dry goods ever
offer; a for inspection to • the people of Seaford' and vicinity. • Our
stab • this season is heavier than ever. • Our s ck this seaion will be
sold cheaper than ever. Our stock this season for quality is better
than ever. All we want is an inspection, our goods will aftyertise
them elves.
.11.114-4.14NWy.........S..- 'AO -04S
Will be open for thestiblic- inspection of pur lady friends on
• •
On Friday, October 5th, at 1 o'clo
p. ne. ticharp, on his farm on the Mill
Road, Tucliersinith,, near Egmondville.
Farm Stock. Robert Fanson, Proprie:
tor; J. P. Brine, Auctioneer. .
. Saturday, (Maher 6; at 2 o'clock,
p. M.; at the residence of Mrs. Grieve,
• North Main Street, Seeforth, . Live
Stock and Chattels.. J. G. Grieve and
Wm. Grieve, eXecutore J. P. Brine,
auctioneer. -
,• • Monday October 8, at 1 'o'clock;
p. m., sharp, Oh Lot 4, Concession 1.3,
• Hullett, Farm Stock. Alex.‘, Robinson,
- Proprietor; - Charles- Hamilton, Auc-
On Saturday October, 6, at 1 o'clook,-
m., sharp,' on east half of tot 5;
Concession 10, Teckersneith, 'Farm;
• Farm Stock and Implements. Hugh
McMillan; Donald McDonald, .Daniel
McKinnon, Executors; , Bishop,
- On Wednesday, October 10, at 12
o'clock, noon, on Lot 29, 8,
McKillop; Patin Stock and Implements,
George Henderson, Proprietor; George
Kirkby, Auctioneer, -
• On Thursd&y, October 11, • 'at -Ig
o'clock, noon, on Lot 12, Concession 2,
Stanley,' Fariti Steck, Implements and
Household Furniture, 'Henry Penfound,
ProPrietor ; Brine, .A.uctioneer.
pricea. To -day's mail brought in a good many ,.. ........ ..
more offers from country merehants of stocks of On W eatnesday; ' October 10th, at 12
butter they,have been carrying for some time. o'clock, nnon, on Lot 13, Concession' 8,
They are meeting with but little encouragement Stanley Valuable Parini. David, Arm-
eeeneissieeine chants will sad no difficulty in strong a' nd John MeAsh, AdMinstra-'
artless the quality is. prime. If it the latter
Makingcsiles at I8 to 200. Bakers are purchasing tors; Wm. Harrison, Auctioneer..
inferior at io no. A lot of poor white WAO On Tuesday, ootobir 2nd, 0 e e)cenk
offered to.day 41.10o, LI ow boxes of pound Th, ,,,c u
rolls And orocg sold etSee, Creamery is mov, r . PAP t 0 Lot 2, Concession l'Ij Grey.
at 21 to 20 . Cheese-rinest is moving at Farm Stock, Wm. Bennett, 'Propriotoe ;
10e,•but the demand is .dull, Eggs, AVIA i0 to (Jorge Kirkby, Aiietioneer. •
w • Saturday, September '20, at 12
tMOW fili° 140
171400 meg, g to gio • 41y, Ord :to /30011013 ' t 23, COM:1604On 10,
fine, 71.0 ne,_ Butter4Tow our cremate Hibbert, Tho oughbred and -High Grade
"11 °Itil3 flo "C: I" Stack, Implemente, lec, Hogarth
their butter thisWart lithe' got last, Mind fi 4- A LI I
see, in the- taco of the feet that first Corks are rePrZerilla games %me, laucteoncer,
now twontptour shillings lower than they were On tinudak, October Sf at .1, o'clock
then. We quote: CreaffetY, 104 to 19io P. M., sharp, on but 7,2001100e81011 12,
Townshipsi-li cents to 19 cents; 4if to n
es -r7- Tuckersmithe Form Stook, Implements
Is cents to V cent§ poor s tnetilUM sorts, leo
to 140. Egg -The Market IS A- little stronger and liousphold Furniture, Pe Cooper,
And fromiY10. to Igo Oen be Wade to -day, Proprietor ;- A. Bishop, Auctioneer, .
On Saturday, September ,20th,_ at 1
- Live Stock Markets;.
o'clock , Sharp, on Lot 14, Con-
cession. II; cKillop, Farm Stock, Im-
plements. Ito 3. 3. Parish, Propriety;
George -Kirk y; Auctioneer. •
131.4,41,0, September 25.-A load of -1,037 lbs.
Michigan steers sold $3.40. A bunch of Michi-
gan beers of 782 lbs.. it $3.10. Fancy Canada
feeders, $3.65. Sheep and lambisl-Two cars of
Canada Iambs and one load of . Michigane; the
bulk sold at 83.40 to 83.75. A load of fine north-
ern Michigan Iambs sold at 85.25 to $5.65 ; two
.ears Canada's at $5.60 per cwt. .
Oen Comerat".-A cable .yesterday fro& Bri-
tain says :-" Market. •ijubtations in Liverpool,
London and Glasgow, for both dattle and Sheep,
Show a downward tendency with prospects of
;continuing so. Average mixed shipments of
Canadian cattle bring .5d to 51d, very choicest ;
• not selling over 6d. Sheep, 6id to 7d."
Mairmas-6;Sept. 25. -None of the. cattle sales
here exceeded 40 per lb. Pretty good, beeves
sold at from 31c to 80 per lb.,. common stock
from no to 3e do., with leamslx animals and
hard -looking small bulls with large horns, from
ic to 2te per lb. A few days ago Ur. Burrows,
a drover from Ottawa, bought a ,. carload of com-
mon cattle on this market from Perth drover
• at $18 each, and shipped- them back to Ottawa
for sale there. He was back again to -day with
another carload of Otta.wa cattle for sale -here:
PeObably some of the Perth cattle were among
them. There was an improveddemand for mut-
ton critters and higher prices were. paid for
them. Sheep sold at from Wto 86 each, ,and -
lambs at front $2.25 to $4.50 each. Jacob Meier
bought ten choice lambs to -day at 84 eack,and
offered $0 for two mote, but- the owner -wanted
• $10 for them. The market is still glutted with:
fat hogs and prices are rather demoralized.
•-Identity was not discovered. -A ream Some sales were made as low as 5ici per lb., but
. named Edward Hackett- has been al
in- ' TORONTO Sept 26 thegeneral -Cattle-lithat litileexpert
price is about 43c d
: 'bitted to steed his We' I on a charge of . sold we's i a .0.01 40 per pound;
oteading a few eggs from a .. box in front, it almostaall went at threr4f134- t°
of Mr. T. Watson's dry goods *tore. I 41e per pound were effectedg;Ustteilli t Ileevirriaalsa;
very weak and the transactions not worth eZoare
' Vho prisonert pleaded not guilty, but 1 ing.. Butchers' cattle was of much better liqual-
the evideuce as - such that the i,eiagis- ity than has been the case of late, and was sell.
Look' Notices,
Fr lioas.-Any number of good
fat hogs wanted at Robb's Packing house. Sen -
forth, fair which the highest marke price in
cash will be paid. - 1073
ISASPBEERY MI Lemon Fruit Syrup,
also Lime Juice Cordial it LAIDLAW'S. -1'074tf
ROOM§ TO .RENT. -Rooms suitable for
a private residence, over Gunn's Store, to rent.
Applyto A. G. AULT, Seaforth. • 1.98141
hand and will continue to keep repair's for the
following Plows: Nos. 4, O. and 10 of my own
make; Neb. 3, 13, 15, 16 and 18, Munroe tic 110
go" make; also Noe. 4 and 13 Massey "hake, and
Nos. 10, 15 and 40 South Bend. I have also all
other Points for Gang Sad other Plows formerly.
made by me. - As I hiaVe an the original patterns
my points will tit better thanthose made from
imperfect Patterns. Thomas HENDRY, Seafortli:
liARDI FOR SALE IN, `GREY. -For sale, Lot
• No. 12, Concession 14, Grey, containing
100 acres, about 85 acne( cleared and mostly ',free
from stumps, and in a gbod-state of cultivation;
The balance is hardwood bush, unchlled. There
is a good log house with frame addition and
frame barn. TIlere is s good bearing, young
Orchard.- There is a'spIendici never -failing spring
near the house capable of supplying allthe water
required on the Farm. It is within five miles, of
Brussels, and two miles Of the village of Oran.
brook, and there is a good-, ifebool convenient.
Apply 'Oh the. premise or, to ,Oranbrook P. O.
NEIL DUNCANt3ON. 14)85tf
To Apple Gro ers.
All parties havingsold their= Winter
Apples to the undersigned are requested to pull
then' as soon as poisib e after the, first -of Oc-
tober, and have the placed "under cover, so
they will be dry when he packers come around;
If in pulling the Fruit greater OM 19 taken in
keeping out wormy and fallen apples the work
of the.,peekers will be greatly faciliteted. ,
1085-1• ' SEAFORTIL
- .
All persons indebta to the eEstate of the late
Mrs. john Kidd, by either note or book account,
• are requested to call at the store and settle the
same at ante, by so doing will ' avoid further
- costs for collection. . 11 atcountimuet be PMD
MI order to Settle the affairs of the - Estate.
-Fall Shows.
STEPIJEN AND USBORNE, At - Exeter, on Monday
and Tuesday, October ). and 2. -
EAST ,}1URON, at Brussels, on Thursday and
Friday, October 4 atuf.; 5.
WEST HURON, at Godeneh, on Tueeday,, Wed-
nesday, Thursday .and Friday, October 2, 3, 4
and 5. •.
,Essy ,Wiwsxosit; at Belgmve, on Monday
and, Tuesday, October 8 and 9. •
STANLAT, at 33ayfleidi on Monday and Tuaday,
Ootober'S and 9.
Moms. at Blyth -on Wednesday and Thum-
- ANDREW KIDD, Seaforth,
Farm -f r Sale. by
There 'will be sold 1y Public A.' etion on the
• premises by Alex Dalgetty„ Auctioneer, •
A first-class far* of 100 Sores, being LoO3, don.
cession 10, Grey, well improved anctain a good
state of cultivation. gs within one !mile of the
Village pf. Brussels rt a leading gravel road.
Ten acres of fall' wheat. Terms made known
on day of sale, or apply to ROBERT McNAUGH-
TON, Proprietor, or ALEX. DELGATTY, Auc
tiorieer. • • • " 1084 -td
Undertalo?Ig PlIcirekooms
you want good value for your Money,
don't forget: to give M. Robertson - a call •
before buying eisewhere. You will fmd.
hie stock very large and varied, and, prices
to suit the times. • •
The UndertakingDepartment Is replete
with every sanitary convenience, as re-
• commended by the Undertalters'AS00014*
MD Of the continent; Me pay_particular
attention to the ficienee of embaiMing, as
denronetrated 14 -eminent profcssors at the
Toronto Boheol 0 Medic ne, 4nd NO Ilet'
. ter propared then Mr 40IWI/14h sod eloh•
diet ittherA14 on irons reasonable terms to
cur patrons than any se,eallect_.""refornt
undertakers,” w h- their advertising clap-
trap, •
- Warsroom no door south of the
.Telegreph 9IIhIo,gain Street, 'Bayed& :
ay and Saturday,
When will be offered for close inspection one of the finest displays in
Millinery art ever , given in Seaforth. Please tell all your friends to
come with the croWd. to Duncan & Duncan's o Friday and Saturday,
September 28 and 29.. .
TIIEI craorri-TTINit+
Is ow fully, equipped. Our limportationa "brace the latest patterns.
in weeds from Scotland)England and Ireland. and alse froth Cana -
di n factories.- Our tailoring department is under able -management
in we can turn out a- suit of clothes on the l shortest notice,. at prices
to suit all classes. eOur „stock of Gent's furnishings was never more
co pieta Give -us a call and be convin d that the spot for good
quality aitd bargains is -
uncatt Se Duncan s, Seitorth.
• U.2still:going on at. Letti,m.er's .o1d st%nd, where
Prof. L. J. Druiff,
e selling toods `at a tremendous- sacrificet almOst every line of shoes
the trade sold at less than wholesale cost. Note our ; prices and see
r yourself e. --
omen's P. O. snct Oil Pel Balmorals for 75 cents,
Buff Buskins for t "
‘.‘ Fine India Kid, buttoned, for 01125
" Fine French Kid, buttoned, for
2 00 -
Fine .Polish Calf Balmorals for 1.26
en's Sp' lit Bahnorals,pegged and tipped for 1,00..
ce. Buff Balmoral; sewed soles, for 100
Calf-Balmorals,hand sewed Jenailed,for 345.
Hand made tip Bootfor : 3,54
• Also a large quantity- of. Boys', Youths',
away down at rock bottom prices.
Wednesday Next;
L 00
• 2.00
To measure and fit ev'ery defective
- ' eyesight -with
ikee and .Childien's goods
Our own make of -Kip Boots- always * on
and ormadeto OrCier.
Comeand give ns a call and examine our stock of Booes, .hoes
Trunks 'and Valisee at LATTIMEE'S OLD STAND, *SkA.F011311.
. _
L 8
• Stil to the Front.
• _ D. B. McLEAlf wishes to inform his cus-
tomers and the public in general that he -is pre-
pared to attend tolall who 'favor him with their
patronage. - . , .
Qristing and Choppi ng, a Specialty.
• The min will he running two days. in the
week, namely Tuesday and Friday, ,until fur-
ther notice.
.ii ----B.' McLean,:
1084 • ,IiIPPEN.
The Municipal Taxes of. the Team Of
Seated!' are .payable at theIreasurer's office. or.
. the 14th of Dece ber. Three per cent. will be
allowed. off on all Tuxes:paid during September; two -per cent. allowed during October'and five
per centovili be: ded to all TAUS remain%
unpaid on the 14 h of December, and collected
therewith. -
•' WAL ELLIOTT, _Treasurer.
OFFICE -North Eastei3rner Of ,Market Build;
d 11,ing. Oille.e hours -9 a.,m..ztif 1 p. ,
dayunisOctsnarb:)artlsotaffank on Wednesday, October 3. Seaferth, 84314011iber 1341, 1248. 1083-3
Free of Oharge.
Come and. be exactly
For the 'past three meths our 'buyers have ben. on the lookont for tho newest
and nobbiest goods to place beforeour customertfor the fall trade in our various
department's, . Results, we are. enabled this season to show • larger, more select
and better values than in any.previous sesame and we confidentially look forward
to a larger trade, - • . ••. - • , •
•• In the following 1104 -of goeds .we take second *piece to none for good goods At
.tight prices,- - -
In Silk and Satin Fabrics, ; Mantlings, Flannels, Blankets, Glove; Hosiery,
• Tweeds, Linens and Cottons.
In Men/s Youths", and , P,41eP Batan4 Caps.
- .
. -..
In our Millinery Department will again be found MISS "McLACHLIN (sup-
ported by MISS OVENLOCK), who gave •sueli entire Satisfaction during our
spring trade. They will be found equally anxious to please thia. fall season and
better able, being supported by a More magni vent stock. We cordially Invite
the inspection of buyers to due large stock.
Os. IiidTs Old S and. Seaforth
Farmers, Attention.
-As the season is liove.. arid OVer for
Seeds, 1 purpose giving My attention
partioularly to the sale of ,
Manitoba Oil Cake,
• Linseed Meal,
Flax Seed,
. Corn Meal,
hose desirous of purchasing first-
class pods at the lowest prices, would
do well to call on
0. IJ, Willson/a Block, Main Street,
- Seaforth.
eitGoods delivered in any part of ,
the town free.
Rruopfieldfar :11g1We88,
I, -the undersigned, have now purolmeed *
new and welleielected harness stock, and -11M
now in a shape for -turning out first-class _
t -
Double or Single Harness.
As 1 buy nothing but first-class material, I war-
rant my work in every way. - -
Rep5tfring Promptly Attended To,
&dere filled on short botiee.Give us a trial, •
and compare -prices with any of the neighboring
towns. Yours truly, •
1083x3 '
Photograph Gallery
Is the place to get yieur work done.
We make all kinds and sires from the small
Minnuette or sunbeams -to Life Size work, All
work make by the inatantaneoue' process. No
trouble with the
We entch them so quickly you 'can have thew
laughing or crying, as you choose, We Aso
have the Aniett assortment of Picture Frame
and Mouldings in town, Also Chriree, Atti-
types, et, for sale cheep.
Oive us* 0,411A
Successor to Wide In the l'fbitne Zook
Wade, 1078
Great Bargains
Having saved the diseotults in the purehasd ol
our Fall Stock, now complete, we are giving our
customers the benefit, by allowing ten per cent,
off for cash, thus reeking our splendid 10e Meg -
ton Dress Goods only -90 per yard. --See our TOG
-Factory Cotton only 8.ic by the web; Men's
Long _F.00ts at las pair, and all others 15 pro..
portion. For cash, we are still giving lt pound*
of granulated sugar, and 15 lb. of choice yellow
sugar for $1. We are still_paying 18 cents for
eggs and from 31 to 18 cents for first class
Butter. "NIT US a -call and tee -outgoods and
get price •-Al:ether you buy or not. It is always
a p1ea4f show our goods. We can 40 SS
well fu i •• a. any other house in the trade.
108.3‘,3 • CROMARTY:
wish to announce to thesurrounding
Public at large that I havestartoimakingCider,
and t intend running my Cider Mill three (Zvi.
in each week -all through the seasonf namely
Monday, Wednesday and !May.' And as I have
gOt A good Cider Prep 1 will try and 81ve gooe
satisfaction. 1084x4
WM. CRAIG, BOtind9,11 IAneVAbOrnath