The Huron Expositor, 1888-09-14, Page 24- A 'VAIL 0 7 t7 cis SIT" SOTm-as 14t 188 VROX, -XPP.Q THE 2. FOUND to the over 6 seen., distonm It was 4 train not nulled one . A mxqv.��lrbr sale, or ran i w to t F T LO wa i imowhere ssw the lights of Attoi glestning, lh,*6 REAL EST iLTE FOR' SALE M T HPW-1 =air ST. night!s rest. Yankee Blank 1. . . I � . � . , *' - orto ALL & WIN -i. -PER-. C-.S-�MPAI,G no Sad rldk - 0 the business Hobarts' exclaim his cc ism Commodious tore In 4!yon by� the i0lagiors, and- fdrtu ad tl� U 'did hid entered the, oar who llatle!y 1pillidid Astandv- know him t seaforth, A i�ook'ill—ten years older', than yo PAR 'm Uldnbtroa p and I last night," a :the., conductor omfortUbld. d lling. overhead. Will be WATOHES. eve .6 and to barlance',on tfmo�, -Oat down I CHAPTER V r, see me. now by—L' sylight," Alighting at the depots. h k JdId on-ve—ry:eaNy ;Orms, One", dowli &lid B88, on the hew 41 Y60, , am not --very a, carriaii, and With It - i suit urc�&Ner- -k I Sad *asthe quiet repily� "I'am. c "98 Was A..,STRONG,-Land 1.0-t. oif " 4 the k"W W driven to thi -private nee :6f the., YA.IKZZ BLANK.: Well." -1 tel.. . f&vIng given the. hsok-man an FOR S For "to Lot 10; conces. that S 46 IVSL perfect shame thiat Va been ho (bontinued front lat woeX) - - [ wrill IM acres of how 9 1 1,-XON111 con n If6twithstandin Wially oictra dollar not to mention -,his arrival ithe immense swiisoi *,ud be At anit; Onthe cause: of somuch troubles- 'built b 9 botW Urs MA 9C XiziI waz brolt Yom. They saia, wheii it wasn1 neces . Z . till- morning, he to6k Nichol into the 9ZI II. Z houie, with evegr conventende; it, and . hard- witter; one during tio holidays, !liy stock- vd so- M' it frame house, Ith gpod bam 0 nlailing -two Ings *, two w6l one sevet'l wu even no ne his fstAl sent for the wellknown dlord. Up j;fng dest- b there ad of' Mlro ulld N than ab6 UNCAN inorecoMPI Was 'clisngedl' 'Ohs my 'God P" thonght. Martine,. dimly. lighted desertid, parlor, - and: dut.:1 A goods Re4on it was. Anyhou or6ba 1:, of choice fri twi) and bug ront W ltlingL little M&DI'*ho o- be- good. be M sh L journey# But -his- face ha beadibe Jackson, half It F At I O'r 6 a milesiromSe fort orva cuarsap- -with a -lot k fel grave. -to th -fally assorted. A fall stock -of tk -blej and plea, � of tweet! t �0 gossip ropriato ofi: the promises. RALPH 'Ith bro7tyiiil:4 Ifers i and inscruts 0 -0 1?1 nd his, Ing bhwo 0 'In UZntsl0k., Foralong timethe� dof -to theL few gues.ts.. no"r "Wee to have a -mo-. , : ill -health reconciled ad I met terW me P159 tora kea# pea lone 21, ARM IN,�STANLEY. FOR sAL&I--por Oslo, 'Once mor'e­:0me. to,.the fro kww him. -so 'M Mr ine,', 3 exclaimed, "we wasu i F -Corlce%olf 5l Stanley 'containing lint ey lemme ow, Was no good reasoirfor his re Ming for L Mart hi an PoodkWd 001UMbU With question0i necessity it There red__ "Why nt, Of Of nt with -the Antounceme eir of ' nmedlate. retur montlicquiet). soon th Auror% Lot 2A On WUZ A now &LfeW 1143ile tod-i doctor e4 at kint for you yet.. News got around arad and lits *h-lxh state of Te - by additignal a' ants his alool ge rations -for -would SOO. dyin" in a �Zhe DsiAnce -1 ad with 4he coming Fall --And Wint6r mpalffi. 411d ie W d- buildings, find fen" I d ow. -that your cousm was Don,�,t you remember the village Of relative would. do very soon be Pbmeh huld atio.g. ecire;'of -himself..' Martine Vashington, stid th$ add wo Thi our w 'CON, an&SIL Well Und r rained, also ff -able ta uk dlZe his put 09, too, ood -the atteritio 'of -tb eir old porofis and the publie' W lly call a dw Altou -child afidplenty,of first-olast Water, It is qectfu feli that hai coild not MY V ok like a loan nThe man shook his head. he turned f on hs�d-won Actory by del hich wu, gho in. tyli light," - and veniouttoiohc*loi&).,afidii*itbin two mfles* ided tr e-- this eason. And gr�.t it Don% yu—.". and Wsrtlne`&,'�vo tim ay up -th from Brucefield that -we'havl piovi for an -extra. large. Am o ad It** :41 the 1kampileas as torturing as the 0 in'te ning be At ihij &raw Us OU statlow... It is one of the best f4rals In the -town- expers opera . b. ar t;6;. stand� by 'It sold on a� to ile --the qualitv of and Swhs long, membef told: Nioh01 - Hale 4 --d 'a and * 1, %sy terms. .-A I asep. e &p ever�rwh V Walthams lgln, Trenton I d the knowle E : r pu, hav en, more extensive th t*dn in do wi Jr. B tween te 'a th his back -to the doon 96MORG 7Qq rch dge thi- ill inevi-: a Win w the house thal van amof --a v er Y hill -Cons in -'the ourtaiis, then 'draw his chargil fors ARM OR SA r SaIii In Tackbri wiYall. hes. The Aurora Is the bastAm. -He, now: turned the key, %palled down table. .. . * - - h pric jmlt�- -the ous lines g stagon-rd, and fhd es..'will be aito I .After eeing. ade 'a. .- . -4 . L 11 - . . i . fast lit Ward h, the farm rece y owned by the "Neve�'Yeard on her. I only recker-- FAR" late Win, off bro, good. bieak sought a, rivite In- Oro the fell clear u orti of. Watch made for the in= poti w x6connell.-, It 100 &inl '971 ibres ly b the t bvdInd11!4d n lixt.-people, Ive, oreen' hospitals. 7 - 5-, of whiclif found.to compare, est r, - and 'asked,. 11 Jacks wh very in � favoi�b with the Srv.ari ared of vul A&V714- hai fA nien, comefoolin!-roun" sfonie. days, b terview with the ward-maite He face 'a about ale and in a bigh state -to- extract but. littlq informs. that Columbui Will be sold -one-third Ift in tivation., Tborwis a frame �house; a I ild IDg#, hOU 'in: the� -largo assortment Lor I I gin beat" any . Oar `om, teak and all o -ci An n tio I Solicited f, 'Our 46 1 know In took tion about Yankee Blank in The landlord stands his* jawlell bank barn ifalto necessaiyout-bu ser Patient$ an d y man had gi at -she i�td keepi 061 ini f' ...than the falt 0 also a gdod-. o ilenty of 04ter 'thel; din ty Zed7 tbanb'eforo. when they di van h Sol t1I lootors. say sheer astonishmeati as It WP #01 -live , nifln rough thaplace1 al; an a les -will in be sin it. memory at Bayfield a, may reg for -grain or "tu're. it - . - , . . I I kk "em -out. You., ask the wara-* of go6de. -In Dress Gbods we are complete Ill any titnes, Captain Nichol Ill -an exoollent of asI'kY&UtL Jay S, stiff 1 d- nearly adjoin Ville and Is at _out. a -peue f Egmonx, L., _*enl.�, . ' L . he' doun y articles to All -goods. rock-bottoth rifti im t -Th will be depsrtment on -of ihe heaviest: 0 in best -e.'fann 4 iorr it may bar longL Yes said Nichol with a A a 0' whiles, in possibly 4.a- -th I I real go within two miles of, All. e t ne-ier,�` was thi Conclusion. ag 1thats MY neW'DSMS. )Id cheap and*on' 'a sime. or-futther;para P" 'That will do.-- Yon -can to sledp gr it 61* clo'La bell'. I ever a -p cash. at the Leading eweilry Wof ga $'I think I know him,1.1531i artine, itllike this ne**su 1 0 Th-ey "now,11 ticular y-:ontho1 remises r'to JOH-14 froi a the. city old 1075�tf a omplete dry goods establishment at lor. pricep 'at as bi 'fI Willr bring a phygician of they Sint. - qXr Seafor P; 0. bad, dogganed .001 Lt r All do*. call every a iisett ot, 'Or C to consult this iiiorning with t I an con -nanie..,Woe Yanke Blank" who adch ol- questions A Natal the East _Mo been 10, doo �rg in charge."-- Great'Soott I" eiaoustedr'JaCkson, "Lot 5, Soitth I I He shu to. his: a of 3onfidary.of Stanley, con Wall SUCI socia I'm gib'd to hear it," was, bhe reply. file ho.or4zy roe F RA' POE Rm taining $OL aftef� abbut 46 acreo'cleared f spfl A N. NgS, He is just staying on here and call -.me crazy or.Illlflgb� on yerl so yet and in a good state 0% cultivation.'L - A comfortw D *brtmk fr*u "Somethin# w6aldr have to " be done Look cried Niohol,- 'Adon yer 'from stumps, ell 'Onderdiiined, well.fenced, 17, "id him by $con. AN CHAP able dwblling house d4sir banis and stables.. extent.11 f iftou TF SEAFOWH,"ONT. 4e� R V11L making himself useful. to SOM .:won'fers k, g000, bearing Oribard.and.',p'lenty,o go be- tU T0W h 'I 'ill r Village conveniences.. When Martine. re-entered a ward There there) said Mirtine sooth Is Is 1 Fithin a, mile -and -&-half of Haw, cAy r rf hter.- -1 Yankee Blank appeared, gr* tied,: 1 and' in`gly,!�Mr.' JAeksondoesn't now ere s 1pe y Al Possession AiVen an' 'emi- =A sold cheap. bts a for-, harm. He's only on r1sed see Marth a sank into 419 chair agalow gialdaffably, "How rp 04 wF a Ladies A UNE atime. . Appl -the prons! ing Pepartbient, is - as complete ever. Although the conversatlow had beeTa _,,ton ises, oi'to Hippen P; Out House Fitrxiish bow of t 16m mise rable hope that he. ght have home again. .-0. - W 11. F ACK Ho- Is this home, W 'Va home1"' Carried o, OW 0.8i it -was the voicie be- mistaken wasbanished r M. wil kind A future announcement of our Grand lhiery� o I- ly 16L te thit he I heard. Cl -It's - the where - you* HANCE.—The undersigned Of Nich hat 08 bart's min4* now that, he, sair- ichol in town ee".GO=0 Than cam f th all htly-d thr inspecti , isfigured is& 0 clear light of day; T�e We'll in& '-'..to dispose 41 his- 0 1 Y, col 0 0 1 a Ogg Cabina-00, ISO- xnd 470. Intermodiatf brouilit bp.. ke. you Under- Xt noist, ng, of I is wAving every arge pening. ry Irom the sear L on the 'his forehead and ar Che 44n - boat it. all,bef6 acre L Of land, fram; troltpa,,and fratow,stablio 0 Tlip i�i�e Stock; Our. I at.. Part pression, to long. NOW rat=, are boW. tint' This is 4 graftil sita-for'an,energetO nearly nbw. enande lor was e cc . some r, !d to and from denoting the 6011PS6L of fine, ultivat9d -you shall have M blacksmith,'being 8 Queenstown DoiTy fm he oouU I 'miles from. Kippen, and 4', milliners are r -t er for th ladies in thiS l4test: fashions and Belfast and GIN, aUM rat" �fv�� Nichol, A possible solution, of the myA- �p qpa Ing o cat e a Kippen manhood, c9uld not d"16gle U-Inse. Unmis. is f a good friend of miles from Seaforth, and sititatid-bli th susluilig.,ew r3r W" Hd d will'See tit : YOU If you are sending. for your friends, we ad ta., toe 'Th ra )eginnng to force itself in -road. The st' takable.f6stures., 4rewao Otbing to you U at viis,,jobd ble aould'var� easily be chahgod tistk be vish you with py4sidpasesige oertlamte tObft blaxWe rei natant mind. When NicW Into a commodiouit . blacksmith ship. This de- ar uty� -anoe, G open tim of on 'terms. be doneL but carry out as,quia, Poe. One'P tbern from, Zl*lafid, Fi tore sirable property ould bb dispose Nonvoy, ft. Rate# of ranwe tit, 116CWU -had falle I iq the Wilderness- tha shoot sibli the purpose --which had st himSO, I reckon we'll get on of he gives ine- a - o suitthe puich"ot For further patticulari b3- .ny other line. 18L M], ry had readered him San -!a Mr. Jid lenty. a' VK. SMITH, 61` h seless dear. dd6r. Bring A tbieckly gp y J ;re Life sad Maflne Insurance -done as ==L and I on thi-promisegor by mail to him to appear dead t 10SOX8, in hungry. Quit yir 'etarW, kyan' Isginortilville.]? well sto V t to your fal He first tel-eRraphed hisun a to dis.- -far I t The' -Clothing and G6nVs Fumishiftg Pepartm�4 is'', dkea U. R. flokets Issued to Manitoba, BMW vand hasty a iny -of Sam -and Jim Wether, miss further anxiety, and. th t 1is i Cobimbia, =Intaast Baggage 0hecked ARM UK SAL ;,�Fcr sale, X4tr 16i 'Conces.- sowe%w'81 excited MU �V 0 S- t6l :English, by� Th war& 'terribly . F 4 In fact we -never had' notilo of- McKillop. count , Ii co slowe,inthe't aore complete me �f would'soonbe abletovisit. h The,u 7tLon,t yoft ino*IE me,Captain Nichol 1: 'F wl 'y r With. 4,;5'm to I:t ti 1 .100 o uron, c9n In treat. it" no ' a far close, - examination the beivy-hearted man son a Why I— fH 'in acres. Abou(9 acres. 02 to Ok per eent , i &r chol lit have ievived, 14ve beei annum. clan whom he knew lirrr Utition.: YT;W. Ne*v'er seed- her yeared JDn' of which are eiriZ well--fincid, drained and or I a -Stag CPM etent_,tailoirss me -mad wee e of r1t,& Va I� a god state dUcilltivdtion. remaining 16. %iish'and h e T ds 'We k� p -STP Cali go unles or. r nulls �Ehere i's a good Orchard, - A. ONG; aorear is well timbered. aall am; Get W,46s# V :I kya# redkerleot on -WO 'andp.lenty of water. i- The Buildiings are. rame -dlisswork on the- short n Th4 Jashe may. W. more prope gr#&L#tbbreA-- -up with tlie 0012fede The consultatioh w I -Nichol' Did I a yer in a4hospital 7 wounded; and sent to Richmon and can est o %%ire the that peri, a ne r a supper and nearly now, co# 'ad tbie' onfusion ' ut firit W" dike land tremendous a hereafter) was clearly quest d' nd uns some sisting of house with kit to do' rat, Jack- - _riallies 0 hen w then and woodshed &196 barn with stabling and space !thin tho, Thates It morel _XZTER'r X carefully examined Thats the thin two Okr Of 114 r I I tor sheds.. It Is Within Oaforth, with three days teas thousand confirmed-, previous impression It. wag added Martine; . how us upstairs hw fatb w-. good gravel roads )a ng er66.1 'Will- be were either killed or.disabled. explained, as far as 'a I a n a be a jhivati room 'and -wait on us'. yoursilf., cheap ind on-esey -ms. Foi.furtherpa lculqrs Butter and Eggstakeii iwtrade at highes� market -D-- . 1. . . I - . . r .. - . Lr Ale:Xa s0i Southern, hospital Nichol might - ha' In a Please 84i nothing of thii� 'It RDI tLitooticesil a- nder. L... .,G!bO]2 v 0 'given of. the ill'istaii6ti n cl 6 o th till I gi�a you y to M; KU 0 Shoii hand N,%* L L '_ Of St is e fi _01jISS line 4PIC rq6eries :B re ph�sicsl health, while boni brAin, that either the. cQuouss of the perm ion. lop, OrA. -FERG 0. 9011 ion Dwicb's ocery, �wher a tst public tbst he b" we or 5tf ep to annotmo4to w 4. but o, the bra' MCK1110 in, po injur sufferingr 6ompletj ey Woro established menced to operate the face, -=d so OX]ploding shell'or. the woup fr6 Th org&a. Part lil*ays �ept, a-WROXETER "WOOLLEN FACTORY, ech cf memory. In -thia Calla -hei fl ing ra gment had paralyzed, th able ment,- in re A ad blin h 3,ve' to begin lif like P00j.ACRE 34 FOR,O.A�Z. wo I - - kiiidliid iihair farin for sal In the township of Hord _lr d or memory. When such . par Nichol took a� rocking- Wbys.13 tell. n 3mi I So would pick up the rver Would cease, if ever;,. no one 'c oald and 'acqiesced in Martinals - go n the unty of uron, being � 'south half -of th the -'enlis hWWf lotUs 25 sin And that lie will be prepared to Sire 26 and south, half- of 26 he. powe a bi ag might Or on ther- pretext of hasteniq up- nacular md bearing of iT r th r wall'eveiYt nor -good vsJ 911 thbk' men'with whom -bhlefly� asso Ut -Ili the 5th concesslo" 'taining 200 acris, moie t he.,Would eon return- at any moment or it- - might be �Ol - stumps and In Ian less, 125 deres mo itly clear i5f FULL a IV ate. h landlord race ad explanations !a, good, state b There I delaed indefinitely... A Shook a fa. T -a nd 5 tin Duncan unciaidr--' Beafolth.,,- TWEI f culti ration. D -he remembered nothing an miliar face, migh.tsupply the potency villich enabled.'- him. t' b g iod. house a nk:bArn. ZDS o, co-oper6tel*lth earing orchardi b as yl Itnoment ej 55xbo feet, with stono btable The UMON'TWEEDS knew- noting he may at first h% -Va bb a, or. restor'li6ion. - 00 a' through Martine. "I could not/!'said the. Lord I it If to big fa is situated. within 4 mile of the Village of FLANNELS the slow, unseen proc . asses nature.: ter;. 11tak 'bim� own home fro farm, for gralh or sto ck- tolerst4as &�Ilour ous bhsp/� then eml With* Rrrumsels, and Is ao -that He en!9 falce -4fig his family. Neither raising, all It is waf4r -dyer, Maitland ployed ai he h6d explained Coal Mar -tine believed' out 6ratpreipst. d with the PLAWINGS tabi irng, orpe ossession tak6 the place of &better -man wheri. and voice would accom -lie e, 0* Id I take him to mine for several' and-.& never tin $I i k P but very- a u rem-. Pf will bi given a any 0. For further particu. Mon. w6rq greatly needed. I thing. sons, - t- A-K R nd Varieties In iara. %ly on a- re OBERT;. RTHLN Pro ,N LION Ary 1028tf, This theor -am -Mr SON, tussel GOLDLE. could solve the probleth He was well known to thi i medical. au'undirtand som6 of and "nd h Y Scott STKri. and Wartine's, hospital experience -prei authoritiesand had no diffictlt I Martine . IN43 YARNSO 'Were mmer y in se- Why, great W -ITAL :Pared hi' to -understand Caring belief that he had about �our marilage,mpw that—') ABLE PROPERTY FOR SALM—For 4 -mind identified. T ad by to th a issidenve at present 'oecupf austoZ Vatdftt Xpl=ft Md ftft and ess -weU and: w ould be is hopeless -mystery tOL M& Nichol. Heralsopromised. th -ibund- due. --Black Good8 ny We wonit discus hat subject. the'undersighed on rth I ire I 0 faJo esideXe n-streeb, ­ Thi -ra ftmptl AttendM to. Thei one,thing f 'is a comfortable nee w C61 red De moref about e - wat 4o, learfully excitdd that' hi &at additional proof w uld sent On or �.ou td keep in mini ith all noces, is.ih 31ances ajid a - good. *stable, alto 11 his owti, bee cc remain in the ward.� Th from Alton, such certainty be g neces sary convoi uld n at Nichol lost his memory a -the acres 'of land whi.� is to be all -Plante Patleff from a distance whL lar ss d with vad Va r ity to .-this strange. being, - re ba( paynd ti'mje,of hIediund. . He.'doji!t like fouiLkinde 1 -0 their, that Mo m saryLto�S�CU the officer's ul no airiental trap t �u,t 'Put one of the' w rtually riseii fronithe-,dead proper discharge from he oar, ce,, The Y0UMUSt most ds rs a reoidehoes.in town.' tio in or", Hobart ? I stared At or thought strau I 'surgeon muc as You entoccupied�by Mrs.xur! B1407C. Silh) Satin MePeilleux"- B.46 �-n 80 'employs 1(4 OL D then addressed thi ma on�Lt is " and Und app a to him of all 6thers,.wai n 80 hainor him h would 9, ohildi,' Also the house at ahie moniymatl ,ray on theame a ie t. L 'This house contains 9. are in 'Itself. strangelydisabled� "YoWknow I &Mi' sort ­Peihaps- theAght of amiliar face's -and roome, with wood-iVed and' cllar, also, Od a 00 f thi i hospital 0' An Work Is WArmuted. charge o im :seen w' cc two'good lots, well pla Morrow. Whit �effoct wolgld this discovert- ell - will restore- -him.� No ntod with Iruit- pLy " bthble'sud 'note th -have on 4is relations to Helen ? 1P I reck6n," replied Nichol anious., this Your handwrititig andiend trees. Bo rope, ell Willbe.sold cheap and. on be back r ob - Appl 'r to 10 easy br to EMBER THEROXETER- -MIUS, -notihink-,- yib he i h he it to- Mr. Xelnble.'�. your messenger -dared must, think- Y. for the rief experience. wb to LEE -STARK, at tim& 9hoe store, Seatort that the � . . ; . r - -, could recall had taught - him --Good a,�ge ot. urtai the temptation of his life 'to be sure to Plktr it 014.t.f 8 and Curtaii Already� the blinker's .1 1 . I . , L ,:, .. .. . L ALEXe L. 0MOW., authority of - the sargeon-ln�chief as hadds nd 'no other's," and t' fromt — forming I hits Min& Hia, cousin WA ore 0 JIL FORSALE.-��oplendld farm of 91) FXRl im' t' et sleiplltg�, nd, with- Mr Wild ps lenow t autocratic -his -note-book a, -leaf ob which was pan '-105 Aor6s L On t a i0th 'concession of Grey Well; fikatt Yon, mus�* a- up: the, cilted- the follo,win words ell be, sold' ap nd on very easy terms of get a ray frpin all hiskind,h l Thche iur nam ad TO a. Mp XEMBLE. paym rei clear 18-11 lee.sly out *into the midaigh he name of Yankee Blank. ent. ore ar -'abotit 145. hereafter, is Captain Nichill ell fenced, all free f ni'stumps,. and well. une an dese, d streets. On, on ho p Man W of prin,46 t wen�j at thd derdralned a a good frame It aw ZnS a - statilhig underneath to- Large to shistosee-FYOU*01) OUSet S Ck "'All r!g]Lh-tr doctor. I'll beL I of - ; - �.WQl limpin knew not,, eared not wirerei' ra 'hotolw,"A"S"' A, sick Ber L n8, MU�l bank barn With eqto -4 U Mdnt&l you sez so. iMIDOrLt&nt 't�ther with other good jno necessary out� 'r name is business. Don"t think b a cf nbWa ays for his sion and agouy,drove "Very ild -well rememb 0 Ingo. There Is splendid bearing orchard for their W ;h Vi' 1im ith and thither like: a, leaf btforl'. Ir Milt obey bo * f Mr.-. M artitre, becausls':. it igm% —AND wallo'L It: Is a. within a Captain Nichol. Next, Yol a 4 ,andthreii never faill it L a fitfut gale. th -:�ilua r a -the prosperous VIP this man and go With him, on muit $.come at once, and oblige, mile. and three 'best markets in the of BkVssils one the.. No ol 6e'kno*s of this," he gpdaned do just w P I ce ' It loone, the bost'and � inbst.desir- hat he says in ;all,r, respects@'- HzNRY JAcmio.N." t a n the nt' 'and will a sold ort ab I can Still return- na: marry Helonj i n able lar6 I b Decorations., wl a HIS, arhe Hobart Us sy. to 141 proprictor,*19hes to. -foo. i - very aa 'Bub what a, secret to carry, r! is sfYis blooul% n her tole Me Isal li h APPI n-tho a r tire. This iri Mstina. He t APTER IX. on ramises the pro ri to P*ro Th6uh*,heart, pleaded.. took 6 our one 9 or.. to Box 80, R JOHN HILE. me, SHADOWar OF- C63flifG 1050.t4 f. in the not the loter she lost & horriblel 'after.seein' 1WV4]T:E3]D 0 -bered -king oamblance. :He has lost h, a - - Mae Do you understand that on are to r j, This f! at day of -wintir, her fste4 -DARK FORt%SALE —For eLot on. the go own Mali ty h does not even kUo milrd, to obey --hi n In all roe ' ts * t ver. 20 00 R pe( J as -as 4dding-rday, -wall a sad and'strange 61118 X' 2nd Co-'dessidn of Stanley, cont0nipir- 1(*, hausin himsel ould- not know her. A�h yon have obeyed me to Relen.Kembliir The iiiatt wa acres, o.ver so cleared '&lid in a good St&t8�01cill-­.- the tivation; itimbered-with. hard 11mr no sore of at. I would be -dark clouds, yet no snow fell o 6alancarls. wel t th dead "I reckon. Will, he tek me t) suather by indeed if I her dear features wood. There Is a larke bribk houseigoodfia M6L; NOW T-0 hospital 1" r fro,zenground. She had wakened in HAND (lid tiot barbalsheds and'stabjeo,.And all-necessarybuild- k- dle my "V7 . eyes -in recognition.* It m&7 Hd will take you w ere u, will be the -morning with a start, oppressed - by i-Ingsi -There is. a good, Orchard, end. two- never-.. In be- tb&t-th,%L Sight of heFfice Ili the one well cared -for and tr kindly. 9, -disagreeable. Yet r forgotten dreafiii - failing well firt six miles'6f Clinton,. 8.% Ibis thingssential to restore him. ' I -f�6, Having written Nicholls disc. r; a from Hastily -diesiingi -the consoled bersil of lit f r6ni gs* �Mfo d. throo-Irdni.Brucefield,' havesi leaAing t 61 o each place. -a. ..Bui 'th 9 or It sollodlemrivehle will esold ell, this Would. be true were it my ass hospital, the surgeon turn tootkir- with the -hope of a Ion I lett wftth�good g eSEAFORTH OM cap and -on a4 hoU how Can I give her up now 1 �o* van I, -duties ine, ex everything and &a. asy tertnj� A 24, e, ,,,on 1, rnayr Oh, this terrible ion Martine informed his, 66491n. 'as far all suriug her of hi' -butthe early �O OnJL ?U Win -PA. Ps 1. hOW Can 1 tanlay, �r Br ce IN _G OW 5 welfare 1001 tf� No wonder Halen-had forebodmiks. Sho it was essential, of the discove,-v he bad mail brought nothing.L As the mornini" 10811, Zhe t lovesnae, I mine. 1fa on. �alei made and of the duties: - whi i it im. a ML to Vance ,.a a ra rom ...aahing on, OOD-FARK, FO 0 leave. Nlofiol IMMI ORE h", rs of cot&.. of the .'ate W. G. -BOOKST -ao got We wem to. b6 posed, then took�-bjs ur osel delayed,, tner'ely informed� 4.16 � 8 r moe, Then' a lanced WAS- W6119 Hingston;, the exec ril 0 6. followi * f of mariied o 21y ew hours he readily seet)inpanied'him, pud,1*1th the her that her'' - XTION And- valuable I ri th CA. A. 0. or GENTLEMI she, whoir rve, loved from childhoo exodption of a tendency to irritation at that fall -information. was on its-' t8.0',Cbnc6ssion­5,1townshJ '- f -X' A the most W or 0, con - would ma kb my home ar heaven -onearth littler things, exhibited the L !this lot � 9 Oar Intiefi -9f ainin'Ir 90 acres. 'Or, acted a good winter lie has evidently. found h' And 'yet -1 -and yetra-71 Evin, -in t good-natured docility of a cht d. Mar 18 COUSIII-'.!frotiip,-bp,�n,*Ith�tobdfou-nd!�ti' 4 rchard, -on, goo very low, 'and meeding constant - Care, . wall'afid putrip. Ifeiffly: all clear d ill on sw that he jbi I VI age of darkness -he buried his -face in his ban tine took him to a; hotel, s' -the gravel road closely tal she had sighlinily. remarked at, dinner n` well Y _eS,.: buihim- -1 he nt te will payll Wending 1)urchaser his in the tormeub the con, batber, and t n se for a. clothier. rided and in &,gooa-r--State of ' Oill autumn C ar ch I .0 -Brussels. This farmjs-Lp�vl 0, -k- M- shuddere inoaneil, writhed and grat, had -a bath.. put- him* in the I al�ids` f a. 61 _ alumfic. one, of Yes Nellidj!l ' said ., the bauke E .6!but it is a comfort he ikwell. Fo F When dresied in clean linen d a ark ;bde to see My line, rft the e]EJOUr r bour Hy VictorfsSquare P.O., rtisti designs Au4 7 donit 'Civilian suit, ther appearance a the ma on are right about hi sol -.10 ay J JAMICS SMITH a' 16. Lodge P. 0., 3114illese As soon i 0 Cringe in low wavered, now 0 in, and 'it has turned su* offil =4 or a -t bad set out as Hobart. 01 pb.int of yieldig, then stung by con readyeimproved. Hob prlo6d, goods, set an spera Th 7a eth and would, entertain 1 thought Jlj� this.,osee it lorell he�wentl Co. i4to, to uncertain bisg�tge feared. nightrWs4-Co ,thehoNilingwin oul otegmprinise W fie ad 13 rill Also largo -line of Cloth Window A. - L -j PLENDID FARM Pon SALE.: -A s�londid the T ith bib asinsob nee osch Th 9 Farni fok ale at ap, -bel �gt himself,if he had... 'tot" a ni Farni, fok sale at pl 23, Concev time� bu. IL B Ud for:he�would. always hive.' repr have obill4d M at aiiotherL would do by, Nichol as he, Wo w ish -t� anFIXtUraX. T�-- - ringhi struggle gpiat drops of owes rr ii on 8, In the Townsb p. of X -01, Ma'lr will probabl, Aakell clear. 00 a 11 p,QOu dull be doneby ff, their relations were 're- nty, md Hi cotaining U of ich 80 - acres '10 often from hit; face. 'Only th versed.' Helen - should. iii no Ib- has b Lu n eive .4en So- unforta &to I" are 0161ar and thee i mainder g . U ineywa I inevi ablei nor o O.G saw that. battle, the hard greater shook than 8 -inevi plained Mrs*. Kemble. '11Ifithad­on1yJTheY4rm I ag tate of caltivation and is t, 1 g �shing k ilthelr2 f or O;pj�sotk f arm or f or cult?�Atlon. '. 0 Lirl Cheap Wallway, ftte estthit a fought and- Won during th shwild Nichol lose the advin -ofsp. hippened4 little earlierior-alittllater. liuit&bl( P p 'a; r' 0 loth i n a d. 'Gehtv ar, There is a nevei-fallinir s ream runn Ing -through 0 -up n 0 Ini-the #It tleMah�_ . . Plane n- b ing'before herf —TO THE— peal, in the' ufw aspect T6,have all one's preparation met aid the Farm. It -is well u derdirainod , aild welf I'S BI dk - House, P el '16r At last, when Well out of th city, h �qf s gen :one' frust fanced. - There It a good frame barn 86 by 5 rated is exas�eratlug. sou HURONFA=1HOW Carneys I 'He lifted his,sgonized eves,. -and saw th . Mirtine, themplanned his -de 3arture so Were it not 'for j Ian' Iraiiie stable go bk 44� and a leanto-17 by 40 im.'.' plomdnt house all com ate. There Is a beautiful hues of moining tingaing. th that he, would arr e at Alt I the marriea by IV sh C ox n would have been ti this time. and frame bousei wIth1IWV wodd a Grand 'Trunk Ullway will ruit excursion east. Uncons6ionsly, he. repeatel thiii eveniog­41l6 e0ning­ of th( -day on People 'COM6 "Ostensi6l exprest -ed-alsogood biltbadings* The y tti� There is a good trains to Sonfafth on the barn an a At this Ve Let there which hi was -to h a -a Wen'&t the, sm a d sublimel fteati words, aVe - bibeitl married. pathy;, but in r ality tot sk ques housei an 18th of 'S 4ight." Itr-osme- to-- him, With. th� -felt thit Mr. Kembles'houla soe tions." bearingorchardi rTheFarm is located near Wiar. 17th and optember, -under 4hrop 5imiles frobinxi exiorth. As the The twoyrinalpal s of the South Enron a strang-6 sitiory'; I 4on lt -.-care about people,", said I'sigii6AwMesWrettrei-iDnraedoUlif of illhealth,: Fi, Show. huts for- it *111 lie soldr Che thought of -any - shadows a - alsoir-that the fpther:' Tnust break - the Helen . "butAhe day has been So dif iil�'a�d on easy terips. PWIY jot StTMME'R Ift. .-the -county .4- prices cheap or hi ' Mir-kness he revolted nall� Nicliol first and hear �th Sgaih -tt P�L. A ome of the 'fin isting belw4een him and, -Helen. a ne*s to the dau hter,L f0j' he it)a 6ritheprientisesortowi throp 0. HA T. 9 Could not. out. frotmwhait we -expected 'that' n A splendid seleotl*ca: -6f I I ur stes,* the very Tickets wl MAN CO 1055tf clear, to tuit yofir pookets, and yo. -ti .11 be sold from any tation on the shi a oOlithel9th. Singlefarefor therondW. at the poor h%rd-`not.to,-yiel&tO a presentimetit o 2th and 18tht a far"nii-sitlilrd good to I*. DUld hive all thd light that 4hel h - " ,' _ It. was a terrible journey" to f . I Choicest CIO&S 'o, I all kinds to. choose, from. Having- pricti. inowle and de6i4e her own course - He ba I fellow, for during the long -h are : of :_in_ trouble. '- If "a so 'dark and gloomy turn ALUABI kj�f; io SALE ONr EASY.. -,the business, and:4oing.-all my own -cutting-,. I Can satisfaction as -to: on the 18tb good for that day only, littl# hope that she would wed him,eve i, action he Was compelled to face !,the: that we almost ne of The train due to ad a. amp .at mid.. M'Stis ip, . hi TERMS.—Beft z east hof t Xuwber I PIT and *6ik leavestaorth at 6.30 pro Va .- 'The 14. e J. 'Ord 4bW -bler * ults of.-his'disco ry 8, (tbreej in'the nodh bouridary cO c ssion,, in until m.., In they I if she-diict not.mrry Nichol in his pre 1�a as V Will -be held - (fifty,)_ aejeo 01 -GEN. to no ovet md, of ITS FUR —JWbhave as U10 ent condition a,, condition probabl eight of Nichol and bill Manner was in- Well, well)'-eried-hoarty Mri Kem the, Township :of H iy, on the Town 11ne. The' to return home the same dw. Farm contail -SH - of Gents' il 6 a stock when th only -tem rary and amenable to skil I tolerable,'and in addit' It a -al. ble - "I'm not going n1 ion, .0 wa any bridge which.about-48 acres are well.clearedi bein f FurAi 3 asloan be fou bithe County, J HIOKSON, W.N. EDGARt ree shingi brin t 0 e-tii them, That - telegram from all stumps,in& a a op ondid state 0 eul. Manager. Gonersiass. Agent moit as much care as a child.,, Every- till -1 a in I strange, fiom 'Rob t is',all weeed, to Ast 'Capor �h6W Weari het'dragged his, lame fo thilriv struck him as ne%v ani, ar Uvation, the balance of the li�nO - behig under. -HATS! AM VAPLS. Our llati�axd for 'the back to oiel in the populous partLL k. � There is a gooct framp,- for- themselves. and 1e, was: disposed to ask Uum ass look at things as I'do, at a bank;bill, if berl dwelling. wltft 1dwken',-r;Ar 0 We P'W partioulaY attention- to this dbpartment.,' Nps sfaceim allr right and the b 1. itself all house - also �& good!"barn; stable and driving fly the y&lid obtained' ome'-stron i®ns.,' Hit irernacular'r hill alterus. o d9heil and �'mllk nest' t ofeei f4rhe was terribly, exbauste long of amusement�. and irritation, and 'right, that's'enough. 'YouW'Om6n folks shed-. "Thdre.are tsvo-splebdid wells on the place ity theL Give us -.a awheth -.r you b It won'! cost an "A the oddityof his. ignorahc ceruing have a a lot o A'mB tenses ained;.- and in,'a or not-, : ' 9 ything,,sud You Next he 1telpgraphed. Mr. K6Mb et, 14 r - , *b" d land is ll well'dir f moodis D,UN A.. ih things.which sho dil ehring P*Y Make money by W a simpe-.or' Ili- Lo is y, Hobatt 'orchard wties of rived Iasi evening. The wedding wll� uld b I , Uon this there is a. #plend fruit b t matter sonsibl allthelatest apd beetvarip A t 'Will explafil miliat to a grown mant attra6ted the Was right'in going. He's-' doing his, O1141-kindo'r This Lvalu property IN amber Campbeill's tBiock, Csmpbell & -8 suds Opposit Rem pald by later." 5 'It's the best X can do now, attentionof 'his Jollo 1h r Blilght's. Old t te the w -passengers. ..- It duty, andadon will be back with -tiaind _sIfusted ttd� church ; schools and have to be postponed. Rd lH to Sasfo K--1 N he mutQte& "elen will. think it I was with iffloulttthat -Martine, by his and a markets. Being.wit bin 1 miles of XJppen Y& It isn't a if, hi Then onsoie - no# at rest, due to Mi. COUSin's illuessi" h stern, glad face and -miles of.ffensall andf.0 -as I in eitbtr a -cold repelling' were '11L himself*"- r 'full as to Way I -etafue a forth or Clinton. particulars Yes an dnlfbe made; to suit -to the hospital. and foutid h' Uriosity from -Tel - 4' manner, kept. 0 ng papathat's just the differ ce tBRLI stlial In a State of wondirmeat gait h* L we W reason. bet (Coutinueo on th.-A yAgO low Pro. we 9004 --At Iss . with -h SUTH19W W-, ;D at eery point. onion feel sad you men illfrob err ER.'HANSON, Pro - on: or Absence,' but refreshed- froni & ti part 11 Ing �hiklythis or WOWS MOT FRIEND A N to A entra we w ,h a . wo- nn tf!er F 2 Ike d �sn tb Ur I or sealo ANY I A0 L- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -