HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1888-09-07, Page 6A
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6 T
a dormant stat N. TSON
ti� hit ih
'hat it -The WA DOM I N.
A PreserOativia for* lffarnf`88- �'n w I a ey are i trep �'L c1loth, -vnd askeil w wak
rank 'di torted -and e looted
�y or; patent )Movalof .1,L n '.A J farmer told biM lit - was ohedse � of big
Take fiest400t oil-aud iv01
n 'ed the ri irge trsnob it,
pulverized or to &e daughter's make, 'not up
black-thelaiter welt 111CIL -much 0
Silling weekly from 61 and
'G swe t No
ounds made. sho -be- coVired tedW
be ina46 9k Whioli'vas to be part at home*
so bii�for p int.. A go6d rule is #(always- Queb" for.
1k, adding thiblack until the - 6il is� well to en. The factor asked to be allowed to,taste The Tioung In.
Liverpookor0lasgow; 't lei
c urage ample growitib, but j�aj fora
colored, or q1;lte black. In cold weather tk % mic! having repeived a 'somewhat fe-. issge!4 and be
D- PA4 rths can be seeurod,�i Any,01,
med somewhat be- o owiffling", gind to prevent
the lCompanys steamers on zpplicat d mw
should! be7war U 101, W 2y tire
by, tW T
5s. per cwt. more th "Mrains and river stemnors of him.. Ult
the',oll Witha.-spoinge apply tht iTowth hc�nt permissiouji at once. offered to front
0 a ha, - due
'e 'for "'o "hoots xaoui -Iprun- tak it at an he d
re ixiing., i in-ilt.Muttry'r -,I. "AV
lit 'he mixture), only what.the 119 othei� lot, grestly"to the es. worning of sailing date, are met by the 0m. led and*'hiz ATJ
0 to
-De" W in wing
cost. of t Jtk-t1man. given for, the .86 ` Ma0h1h
a, #
ny tisdily4uto, SPA
ther will, *eadfly absorb until. the asthillshment 'of the father and the grat rters, who trans r the baigage free of
Use. the rest opeeif
ess :M
an Adr -1� to d I in t six" n
tibes is dr -which will be from t r§_Dr. S,_ Lo 11 d i6cation of the jirl, whose efforts had but'
WO. and catai
For full,jitiformation regarding rates k touct.
-depond. ow, 400 X"Atafth R,eme 'fliously breated# ypanig
011M to a ha f -or a, Whole day, been so superpi Ak*-! apply to 1. . t*
: ..L I � . - 0 . - - neared tit loirest rates WM. -SOME4VILLE, 9149
-,1 .0 of pro
upon t eather andit previous don A eist"L
at Large .1 Aiii, roUble bo%panlei,and losses si
dition of the eather ; wash thoroughlk He is I- 'Ho*-Thei Milk Man Got m- class Telegraph and Express Agent, Main streetEW,',
Ap.8adS. In. Maki filfaL h 4VtlY` Die seat VAS 91.
With so ng the ends use Vknown citizen andAl i nearest itled pt U
a d de, that nickel. o nt C 11dren
id castile soap and cold , rain water,- vr Awtotfiiends do not suspect his insanitp- - L IWhy-47YOU wear lid B13 30W U. -,0 7ARM PROPERTY in "M giinark
iw rat" - 4.
W -It watef �houianever bi use& on* .4r0,W.e,,h4]Ppen toL. know aboukitV Liston'; your watchZichain V asked a City Hall loo L from. 756 to -01 (cash is iqo gentlenu
the Gore- and- waterl
Wiisplrited., lie don't
ite ig-gone,he is lo ilk man who wassfibr A-.
b, iche of - 4 m *1on. Allis . and factories In-
to � I -for-* three ; � - URON AND BRUCH
idea leath6r.) Apply with the sponge. 611 b i lit at' e I a o ed by atto chadmill ".0"Ieflac"U'res 00116i (�nw . plan). yearst H Then theT.your
i Be - % � sour-Stomso -aramiton; �g at a ng of 20 per
91V 4 tj W16ar it'. as a milk; r, to iiin izlkbn- d it am oitoanry a n these com-poul eiii
Rub off with 1,backskiii This; will 1 , me r th m4w h Diarrh
ling coug iore oard of Health permit to �eddle.." sured glossy surface, of consumptlon. an eath., aid yet'he.4 even womst.
eminder sleeiv, &:A iiiiio oldlidy,,,
AWIL ctsthem. Is itany" n ert at -we call- W A. Ajwmm9* K Di 0. tion� nt. on stock companies.
with one of m' customers, " *aa the an- :coil; an y Loan and In VeStLft,
M -to N. bijurious M6111049M --theleather4tFrotain's If YOULarohis friftAt t 111him 'took t i;d�
-swer. "Over' a- year. ago U $cledeali the WHITZ a4d RAYMONP: T continue fatle-for months.." get a bottle otDr. Pierce's Goldoical Dis... h Tzz'C1MA= COMPANyf
gol 77 Murray Street, N, 'I
A, -delay. - It -will cure b m if he - nickel,, 8 (iainfly'and oVf covery without which was then beautifully' VV lacy goods
es v! ed 0C>J&:F
ith mud or ev ain SW to. -j75. An M.
I' --itin*time. itwinnot.-atimoulouslycreato. plated, 'asa, 85 01� p paimeni 6
ti i.ece in '&m. 'Manas one
plication -bf sbap and W� nr' 4 coo ran ng� roP2
J I,= hes. are monly gon-e, 'dif
e ts above A- new"Itin h the. old o bilL As soon m Idetooted the- frau 9) 'fiv years on a onrooted (withont oilingb WIR'be sufficie but it. W a diseased ones to a healthy con. 6111not.wairranted for. 0. very kind of
ve't dition Tell him 4bout it and: warn.hl thiktin V took t babk to the woman . Who passe
4. who frl
to a Uri work. .1 Needlesi oil and ropkia. for isle- Ma' VMS Company is Loaning Money r,
light apr casie Aelay means death on Make It' Seeuiit� at lo V Ratig
his Me b, fe
ut she refused to withi
hed it.' to
NO 8PPWati0n" of flis ailand black good.�. 1 So I., isttso my- watch rep* . Wd.. Form
eaplemant �eno%
ver the)' %her with. f interest.. ille A%Tjibut
six mon L . v rS. h in, and kdpt on supplying who Be -the'Cibiiv ad
milk se thofigh nothing ibs 1-14 LEGAL
I be sufac ,i�i to keep a harness,, as
-ibraiiiiia#ly I penidi ilan sittimg "Opp
,beneces, Certainly." MATTHEW Walto . n, Inturainice Mo.ft s Puchaised. Joot when.Jho ciii
4ty for lbrerymen and .- others. T WSOW
ed, it 1goaa order. It ifta Granpa, do hens inske - their 09913 - But now every day, I filake. her quart
one-fourth' water, - and 0110k: a. week 'I Agent, Com hiisidner for pretty -awn A
who-VAe. bar less conirt plaly ou The same way b k a ball, "cre di't it to herith one -fourth --the am.
anily, to a Do -loan at the lowest- D�Me in with a I
Jonvoyances, ft. -Money to
i4fings a
of -her milk bill i. which'I AIN:STRE
X. MORRISOX,!7111011- ET., the ba
ft�4,nir, but lin: most cases two whei; his papa dolet b u. y u a book" -
0 No, not exactly y bne fo him 4ATINGS BANK BRANCH,
xtar, stid w"hing with suds when oile&�
par ose.'
�A&nding-to' or credit e H TINGS,8611oitor tai OflAce-Cady's - 3, 4 and 5 per pid into th,
at and. fiAO Cent. Interest Allowed a
Vill keep a- f:iiarness in good trim for Do the bene put the yellow. keep.for th When the sum ity!ishly-dir
is $4.95 all fthgraves-
gig proceso.- will then -put the white. round- it.? t diercial Hotel Sea-, ba -b
ht and se!rvice. This lWill sve�. pure. milk moi6j -and no b74 eposits� according to smouiiat and -The
. . . W Abok, ooppolto Com 4 alarge, 4ividend in extra service I guess they do, bat you a, uldn't - - ' - . I : -: forth.
until then. ' She knows the milk is wat-T
time left. strugg.
and durabili ..to say nothing, of im- be, asking such. questions'- when on did, V�twhenever she shows he � It' A LEWIS, Barristers, -Goderich.7 Failin
Sp once, we Office, oppos .976
pro are assured older you will know all -about It". hL andle th S* Itotbo� Colborne *tei.
ved D inclination to complain I
sm. ;pure OFFICE r of Markt- Squm
that the 94me orsimilar aplic#ioiii is I want to Ask you. just on more nickel and iisiy that my milk is blubberea and f:
T -M EST, Barrister; Soll, lerich. - w" justou the
attor &ii, 6 c
just the think for i%rriage 66pe, *,hich.: 111eition ;. may I�' grandpa 9 gold.' Jew stablighment One Door Iforth of the Commercial and North:Street, Go
That.settles it." elry VJ 0 00011128
are made of fop leather. The oiif- Yes, go ahead." h
otel, ground floor. next-door to Beams buto or HOPLACE HOR�TqNj the f"Jiionablt
shop. Agonts-CANEW HOLT CAMBRON. 870
-ferehoe in Ueatment is that lots- oil "Who sews on 'the cover or die. S. N
bab doubled i
I Bloc co
r cost Cold. or� the MANA01%
ib�ouldbeu"d orirathers lighte - hens To'the Cimpb k mer MaIlt 0
S thq Gqderloh, Alagust5th,180. I.M
tors; ko.,
0,843on. ARROW4 PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Sollial.
Goderi i Streets; 8eifor Goderich, Ontarl . o; J. T.'GAZZOW, lbeas W1
ore ryfp in -well Saido e WIf. PXoUD]rojoT..:
in d " ' In, top leather. being t1l" old �uddiug these
i 4pilied,4nd it ihould be w ashea off 0 anbe �s tind',sw, t di fbg them.
as, A! n Divitsidn"Oourt ootice.-
and much - intre penetrable than hat- 64 H rule, . always more acce le ur! Where he-Iceopea la.,go stock of Gold a d 81 ver Q N
az ig h" been revived at' 'ehigh'
8" Fine Jewbli Clock$, &o. A Mau 01
new. Of c rae, the mixture, would no't Ive, ing the summer time ths hot oneso wate,he AMERONI, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristeng.
few recipes' imilin', sd thii
Un Y.. Spa'nklugjar oughtt therefore I send -this week stock of Heavy Pis n Gold Wedding Rings,, &o. Solicitors In O:h,- Ont.
answer for a ameled leather of w 0 it- - L--�, 0 -.Th Office of he haitd upon it, If YoUngL men will e
whichinay prove use BY 'cheap. ag the'ohe set,,, Watches, Clocks.. ano,� M.� 0.. CAViROXi G bit knees, aud
i 'a Aunt : -., . ... I I I .-I,
the perqu . . ; CA i0a DivislowcObst, county 4
e, in the Countr entleman. Jewelry repaired wl h deVAtch.
rpsi. Qonce of John
sonier card ag tops are 6onstructei drinjet' them enjoy all, 1111"LoN. )f Haton W111 In I=& the-dressf tb;
Amerlogn Harness Jon open ever" lawful day at the
arge, Aeas nable..
-P ir,OFTUS E. DASCRY, late with CaMeron,
Bad luck is -Sponge add' oderich.Wroet West, from 10 o'clookaii,
; f 1 Beattie
simply -&-mall w his Riedue half 4 ?.
Exchange. Chlo mtry his fodt -wax:
kL to 'UM ste4 ISO.
m. until 4 oVook P. M., and evorythilin
0 a ca
-Breaks. -big pockets, d o 'in his po p e er., be j Holt & Cameron, Godericb, Barri
For� Wind an pip nd of stie s 'lioltdr Obnvoyancer, &c. Money to loan. Bon- done thatis possible In thointorost o _Wt*rL It was
nU 'g fami
The nearei the trdes are planted to. mouth,. lookin jon-to see how it � a. com- put hes 6/- pour over as. Onjiff 61d office Cardno's Block, Seafiirtli.
e . in, a in and (0 `0 0
f , , - No�thgraves Telephone communication in tbe-offloo. &formidable A.p
-gether the earlier they' Vill operate as 'ing -out. - Goof luck it a,man- of, pluck,. much boiling qfilk as they will:be likely jnd�,
a DOWN 11-th
Ey, SQ1101tort Conveyancer &a'- o Loan n good ,Ijoar
Any amount of Money t
screen-apinst snow diifts.-- If placed with his sliteves' . rol�ed up 4id qrking to absorb t . n -coverl sad - leave' them e4y, farin or town; at the very fatos bf Je
for soak. -Best half -p nd ITO. 1, -Campb IVa,Bloekj. Sbsfdrth, D Late -of Victorlai B. V. -Offic�:Zvor -to �sthir. H
0 11 be 0 *MakeL it come out A 96 tim� Interest, and terms of pambirt mAde. -vdt
nly six feet . apart. . a. . b4irlir wi on lovdin side wi
Bank of Commer 341tistroot, Somforth. ri won,
0fr1reh r berries, raspberries oi our-' vate funds to loa:qat 6J and 6 per oe' borro 01
formed when the sidib brs�iches have Conscientious Scruples.- Obad [all, of nt. 1086 y voice,
e .,H E W busk
8 an rants tq,a, pulp,' and add them to h JOHN BEATTIE, vld!N�I;Yon his
gr0*u three fe t, ' a when they re ]Fif bh Avenue (to Mrs. Obadiah) Are 't 11 drum) ADIAN 8 A 31ANNING SCOTT, b
yQu going ta church this moMin my 1i when the lWer efont arristers Solicitors -9
are siAci litly CAN 9 OF COMMERCE. C)
aliven or eiih feet high, -and it will be trin
dear.?" Mr
'Conveyanciero,46., Solicitors 1�r the Bank
suooeedin 0 "No - I c Iled t out terp in
',Come more perfect each g year. I L n Add- also -three or
f6ot.. Ow of Johnston, Tisdale .4 Gale. Money o loan. Vith bit left bw
,:Stay AtL hi Office-iiii-Beaver Block, Clintoiii, On o. A Hiii TV
The trees *iI-1 grow more dense- if the el or er e a ?I beaten og di enough sugar- to HEAD TORONTO
96V an [Ung on be
onger or, p, Fanofhow it won look essal
pl itly. Beat. ther' mixture MAXN06, JAM1115: S06ft, 781 lad
rotruding branches which on is siok.� CD. To SAve, Life *Ife and the Ini
fo t briskly for alew Minutes, then put it Paid up: Capiti.iii1o, $6)00010001
proj6ct inwArd are horte ing. livin 0
b 0.0. HOLME nor to thoL late firm -of 37requentlyrequirespromptaction; Alt A fret*9 bObY
thidin, off clo i to a side shoof to avoid e box I" Mri 0 Why. do rinto a - h.uttered pie* dish: and. b k� ii Re ',STEDi suoda to
so ried in cutti g to church without a 00$0. 51:
F. MoCaughey -b Hohneeted, Barrieterf-4 ;oms ii6d the i
dibisto dven fbr -half an boq.r.. Serve hour's delay� walti i for the doctor m
'barestumps;� Asthey become largej ng
ske a stage ?" - Mrs. 0.: 4"Bec n MO Rik Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for fretted tog,
downright wicked th HP al F. . Money 61 r be attended with seflous consequences,
urn r -W.. DA
r4lNG,. Eso
limbe. of grosier size may. be removed by fliink it 18L iid the Canadian Bank of Commeral D lend.
L toild, -� - out i6n�spretfy dish, &no PRESIDMiNT . Varms for sale. Dfiloo in -scott's Wool[# main mpani, 0 Gi9xEP.1L A�TAGEj&, H. E. WALKE it was
outtin ta n on d 'adeQ ed *by some 'nice .frait syrup oN h4lf their Iengtb, and - wheii'l a fres are permittedto 6fL t SY. Street. Sonfortli. C.6 eseciall. In ewes of L roup, Pneunia
_,May -L L N qAGER) & PLUMMER.
to, I a large portion he topaL Swiss fludding.-Boil a teacupful A.f;s4lir ZN L 0. and other 'throat lung troutlm -the f0pily
CD Island to, CC
No. man has a r'l ht t ot to of"th a p
be sawed ony the aid'of ladder, And e -finet Add in - int and hall -of
MONEY TO AN Hence, no family should be �Wilthout a M 4
ii,. then turn it -into a The Seaforth s Sank --'continues a ONEY TO LOAN."TStralight . . loaneat, 6 per eetor4
enough smAllstove wood thus abitained uCceed in life unless g 6 un rats: A his Milk until ullawollen' out a;nd EAPORT -"BRANCH,, istreamed. fro
h n u ra branbh of-thi bottle of Ayer's C4,erry F cleared a row
to gy for &IT the labor. busi ess, and nobody a -- 'ndii taid' t6nde basin which has TM2 sevi pe
ding meallwhil itwo abolve deposits, an hich Interest I wsproved Itself; in thousands of
earns 1 :1, rtwn I cont.i *Ith the privileje. -to b 0 11118
I roL Sarg*nt says' that the Norav, his business thoroughl nless bc li X see e thl
spr nboat thoroughly, ad tvro ounces of ourrot ratesi o- f repaying Fart of the prinolps . mQnsy. sit tiny. cases, the best Emerg'ency Xedii Th
Ners Pi 10 onfuls. of sugar, prafti-on., I M
if by gnal R� ic and axperi-i tiblospo oblithb, holpal-towbi and cities 11 time. App y to V. HQL ESTEP, Barrister their beadstbut
,uoe loses ift beauty and. usefulness 01
i Great. ever
this country, in fifty years, but we fin4, ence. butter, half a teaspoonful of ialt, svd'� Cahads, gr ritafn and on he Units( It gives proielief
-a thorough their mother a
afterinany-i'leare expeirience,' that 'by' teaRpoonfuloL atediemon- rind, Line States, b3ught and: and- preparee the way'l6ri
Office"First door, o R of zithd Coinmerols Ry, ini be effected by 1wes. ind tried
0atting -in thb branches and reducing-thok- Th6 8,6(3ret of Failur�. out a. pudding basill'or mold, which has cure,'which is ebrtal
Hotel. DENTIST 0 "If I had to
A -
'Baron been w lAye H. IRELAND, Managsk:
height occasionally in the course of year6' - A young man once asked ell'buttered, with a r of the.
Its continued use.
L- BAI S. Ho the a Wid
vigor an&- dense, Rothschild the secret of. success and rice, about half -an inch thick."' Do this, 19 L. D or GradUAto, Mont tore,
they are impioved in "P.: HOLMESTE Late t I'V. S. ;f %ro*.- Vitalized Air tone to
4s StillL hot'Sa is then ess of growih.- Some of our nativor Ithe Baron too' himse f
ked him ovor` With his while the rice* a ImproNovefit .0 Ayer's Cho
n %teer. his
with i- Office In Meyer's BlockiSee Pectoral. a perf e cit ure for Croup In
9 o In - Dntlebr ' br 44 �i
Pi id I'd rather More 0;, Ga.i says: "I bave found
avergreen trees, although. owinj ra id Ikeenblivick eyes and e-sa pliable. Fill in the ce lorth, Kou
towed t0A. 9. M. tc es reasonable. B, B.
ly, one Wh P cases, I have -known the worst c
may form eventually C,tter sore 11 you the - secret -of failure. fresh Irait, 4hich has been 9 1 Vp. in. Fe ying hinisel
S., of Philadelphia, Assistant.
Ime by Its use -
way spruce- pine -relieved in A very slibTt, ta h a unfortunixte
U -a little- sugar 080
ow'. ;anl
thaw the Not -the white * they fail seems to be the mystery �wl; p I cover the N
ither day -it!
ru all families to useit in sud;
and black spl ce, for example- and, . if lm�it young meni Here is the feceipt.' wit�Elwa layei of. xice, fitling,the ba.91111
eniergenci an the., Co Oe -e iighs, croup -&e.'*
wi ht 0
- It I *
kept m prop r shape,, the. he m -lock" Dne hour s day with your newspaper. quite fall, Vhe�. �Iace. a weig IN AFORTH u es, foi , 0 A. J. Eidson. I Middletown
Srf. D.,
Are yo
foi a super barrier., "e. libur, a (lay with. yoiir cigakettis top, and leve thiiipudding i oo
d D. 0 of
The undersigno'd-,Oould.aiinoUncb'to the Pub.; an , *9 . Tenn ays I haVe used Ayer's, This was
D'S' Z -TA set improyp.
able screens are particularly one hour a day with #our toilet, and, my. place'until the next day., - Turn it.odt t to-ral with the besieffe�dt in' wife, who labdi
surroun ing
d* n bof6r6eerving on lie that.they have,�thslr Novi Plarilifg-mi
ord for it, the first position yo,ii obtai it6' a dish, an& orns men n-evej
valu the- wintdr: in" -Will to I , ry line. satisfacti6n
full blasti -where they _Wood Planing my practice. 'This wonderful prepers- and said
010=6 for- c ttleL and sheop, or 'for 4111 be the best* you ever will 6bt4in. ment top with almonds, *hich- ha V- 3-1 -1 guaranteed. �, Office - in CAdVe
Matching, Sefloll Sawing all aw qg
al Ho?el,. Senfol ;ya
Blbok to Commerof Oh
on the- si of yards m6t, exposed to bee' blandbedAnd,cut into. thin- slices' tion once saied my life. I bad a zon
&Meg made tio e C- ead hig a a 'day over-afid above, your a -The will koep on hand Dressed Lumber,LFloor Poplarsi 4ohn sqeet�. 941 coug) it sweats, w .
1routin'd duflet .1 ith- less �thah that Iiitick 'these firnitv into. the. padding at- y r A florids 1
e$,- Ali ey-may be made -nearly Saskand,F.
litile' ni y
wind Phree hour an3diuy. reduced In and M
or or
hv- n. nw r *ith equa. pour over a ce-. 've U -board at 59th a
ld'became a casi ols .-Also the PUMP �AN.D.CISTERN Dow* ysician. Oiie-bottle,g I the
-perfect'byp t* !gin double On � an, d I� I
cal sch I hisianc
BUSINES Exeter' ont. -Lone
MR ng es alwa s on hand. G. tiate, of
a 4 - I
thebroader Ids' of - farms, daclduP48 s thaii that GIN detone'. has - 'AeAim�� y!imkde-plain oustard,'and.ser attended -as foimerly. Shi I Pectoral cured me." lut -to we that'
By strictlattention to business and. 4irL -dealin TACM9 In afte
a .9 of the'Aboye visit Blyth theL +n
beiplanted -in, bella, three' or familiar with a, dozen profession -otaito* Pattie: s.-iiiiiiwBoil. one Poih,d `bf I cannot ay"Znouglh In a OfL
.0 we hope to ga�n;Pablio patronage. -The
f rods w' e. or in severat r6wa,which ith lose than that Disraeli. becme . a -go -mealy potboe.4, then. beat them� to last Thursday, and followine Fri.,. Ayer's 'Cherry Pectoriil/l I IL
day of each
T month, at, Milud's 11otel, war visit
mous. auth z Texas, "belier-
aboutbe man.
.,will entirely rea4 the forcer ofthe wind, or with less.tfianthi.t perfectly smooth Mase., sdd a -CD
teaspo . L
aper man-, , ajL Mill
h rich the first Wednesday of every1nonth -at tr ;dion - i P4'
half 1-0&9 QiL TFV B E N. ME 0
and by. sliteplately cutting away one I t forits -use, I should that eachone
old, a hurried uiewsp onf ul. of salt, four tablespo6nfuls Peiiii's Hote I 1,_Lsnd Hensall the -following Thurs. gin ly carea for a'
other,. er n the thought of the world is new dar of every Month at Reynold's Hotel, where he aid iiid theia ther the timb castor'sugar, the finely -grated. ritid NOTILCE 0 BT g ce Iiiiive the
We wi 1. iod. The bv
RS erform all- dental. oporitique. -Teeth ex.
they thigs affprd will make-& handsome.. petus in his studies And wriiingoL of fresh lemon, two ounces.. of butter gthetio, which re, At car, and glancii
pric the land of Asia- with ess -than -four large, All 09ri ebil ed the"E t pives 'nearly all pain., Pardea desiring now
Pon lour ouncesof carrants, and ind' -to a ato of the late'. 'icke
-and At a �v
resh 'eg-g' ,V CD. Ayer's G.berly, 0 ril,
tr, ?ed with a new Japan 'aiies
one usiness. men have f - Mrs. John Kidd, by olthor note or book account,. teethwill Riesse ball arly -in. the mornihs of the
at a th ' and b rell;beateiiiii -Best this #ffic.;
LIZ' ED 13r -
or Pruninir..' ecome scholars, and - a th�bu d.. arevrequested to bal: -at, the store and settlethe fitst day. charges moderate.; Terms cash .984: boyscarried.
r ight]
"An ture very Ik until'all the ingre i were goll
e at . once, by 9)- doing, wil avo f
4 en r
Dr. Ji, 0. Ayer & Coj Lqwell, Mam
The oi fruit -boating growth to cholars have conducted a business. to a e' horoughly-.66oroorsted, theiia costs. for coli�btion. All accounts: muit'be PAiD
which summer pruning is ap-pl* d in or- KINSMAN, Dentist D. 0.- So I W,
-order to settle, the affairs of the Esthte 8 Exe e a
e use it to 6 1 in some mall "patty tins, in
-practice#-Is the gra' Zurich, W146 are,
teri,&t.,will b t CD re
onvenie= U -the ron.Hotei,,o
have 4. en previously line& out ry out -d or pe. esAbouttheHousei, which V. in the X Sold byzill'Druggists. Price $1; siz boftlM W
ANDRI W KIDD Seaforth GraVesend
eyaids ar6 well aware, that!. TAST TH DAY iN zAcz xoNiff.. inOwners oof vi ith some good pastry.. Bake in &brisk.' All
I . . . . . " Teeth exttactid with the. least pain possible.
One of the nicest contrivances for i076tf andanchozoul
hour oil turn
�eeping nives, forks and-'tablis oan 1b
vines if le themselves, will make an
A, oven for. a qusrter
�gular-ani`4 confused mate vf. le oons, work first-class at 11b.dral ra, es. gh
irr( 'the. patties. arefully.-out-of the -tins, 6r..,-
aves is a pocket tacked on the paqtry,. door. r 'them food
--CS r fruit will be sm
and shoots, sirfid the Make'this of enamel cloth*, allft li e with range them neatly on a di* and 'serve, A. MARTIN, L.: D. S.; Honor *graduate of '+m=3
er, more thW, y scattered on thebunches, over E he -Royal College of Dental Surgeons CD 90muse Of =an, .w
All the anasthetles - used for. the the berries will contented.. H
d -pl us -Vatch
n iv- cold with a little ink sugar dusted'i 0
add #e . o4 o 7
will ripen laf nt n flannelp Att6hing smalld. i f' i6intatio
the top
Ther fra it; g annel. w of teeth- Office-, Garfield Columb
4ions: o. fit each article. The' cantou painless extractioji � F . -
acid flav*or. geti rich or no
ave a poor 4 d 10064. L
ill absord all Moisture that may HIT RONZE fisli rod an.1
-by the strong"foliage of well
. e -A nithese 'articles' A Wtit h i th ch,well ripened juice �e left o furnished j Keep'i bit of 'emery -IS THE BEST. seem funny
dly;frozen znan� wi
ined vines' will be more ead 'sandy -haired 'young
rour, ith ;borough . fishi
pro pa r
mustache whch bore- trades of Co X6 matter wh
r ox. for brightening ening sandy onument
M. The -Main Spring barfol is completely covred,
en dyed in the distant,. 11 Diversit JID81
having"be making the Watch perfectly dust -proof. nshrivd sooner and becomeasteless, 7. j sway fish*
when exposed to a low tempe adle Graclusto of.
k b will
Hang up
and ouo our a.
When F antime after .))eing everything that, will' iiang in, set so fort re. There can be no interference between We
I kee ;.-buta, short e kitchen. It - will save wandere'd -into a avenue .-Only &ronze . au dru A I Go Ming 'IMU
arber �shop a -few nights ago and, afte -, h e, side do o 0 1 treet, first -bilok
T balance and the -barrel.
4 UM4 r 0 The Regulator Is nearly double the length a U be hat
gait jou go tQ sw 'house east -of th 961 _Vs to
Not only -therefore does early sriu' th 0... minion e Methodist re tbers, renderi accurate regulatio a very
R ha 1
9 eep ilie haiii. been shaved, remarked to the 4 09 to love
'I %RS. ELL f
simpl -are" e.
ioTr & Gunlf, Brumfield Lloen.' To replai broken Main Spring, the Barrel
fit of the shears Can" b you;iolor o matter.
pr�4ning become necessary, but - a 1 pro- I What this country neede is mc re line- kuii ........... .
mised, crowded growth of yo�ng .�ho&s bands to- keep their VIT0 801188 rs aColor whom up? ollego of Ph- I Gi d and mow,
endorsed by -leol tistilis 'ROYal 0 you 1�11 an ved "ithout disturblicigtheWanoe,
kitchen knives shirp.' y ibis aiii. Ourin4ter1k] is #g oclent4t. can be remo
-by rubbing, off all asked the barber. Wh Surgeons, Edinburgh. Brucefield, Oat. . 980" be preventedfin time,. as - being', Praioticall� r In#Fjoliable., It,canno -or'luterf9ring with the regulationiso fornisia si�
A patent nutmeg. grater and an oun4e
nthe -sandjii, haired 11, poin�inj tobis The -pine of. the Regulator are 1ow colltelit*
rb G. M. D.,. &o,; Phyi(clan Surgeon
pernumerariesi. when they have.mad 4Unutmegs will keep a. reitle'se child bu' -moisture, in I cod6okuently is. not affect T -that two or more cone of the jar
BY upperili It's t
-th.. to wy, whenTfirs 086 located
only, an inch or two of new grim SCOTT,
ind happy -half a day e tiny ed by the frost. and Amoucher,.Seaft4h, Ont. 'Offloo anJ A cannot catch betweiri the pins and can*
turning t1:1 -it or Mo meiviiiiy Let �iiil was at some amateur residence South idde'bf Goderioh street, second t e atch to top or �%ld time. iti* an unuoul
Whatever may Iiie the style difical. 4tank, whili the irated ppicej c refuu took d I '8endfor D6.8ifgh ah rma fa A
Door east of the Presbyterian no - pruning hori- thdaticals -ia *hich I Church. -842 rate.
-under the'round or The priessu
ilie air in a tin b xAs had my, mustache.dyed. Sher thought it TherBalance comes -edge
tio f ,4 whether erect
treserved from
zontal,fan-shaped, orin other foim.� hen onwis hurried wi cook- At Co thetrongist part of 'the am, iiot As with was the re for and has admired it. so F -I -N-' Clinton, V,` BRUCE SMITH M. D,, C.- M., Member.
the bearinj shoots must not -over-crowd -teal help �w W. feet bilow
o -the d6ntre andi*�akeot parL
others, under
in -e Or and OF
-ever since that. whenever I go to W olloge of iihii9olide foonei
each other, but space must: to allowed muiiibi e
eep larg� squares of thick pas�eboard ft., Seaforth, ..Ontario.-.. Offies.-and ies, dance - The Main Spring Power Is the likhtest used Z -mould be fi
same as c erpoe. American Watehes. Its
for the development of the large healthy pallvn her'I have it redyed just to -keep oc upied by Dr V
ngeonvipmently to� slip under ' 't
po 8, up, appearances. We - are- golps. -116valculation of the train is :such that 'fOr this purpose these shoots ne n -to10 hours longer thin otheM
. ii� to be -All, %
leavies-, and 'Come R. MACKIDi Libentiate of Edinburgh and and working
--ishould not be near-er,to efich other than ettles, stew diehesi -And 'spidera.,!, when- married before long and then 1. will let' -0. Watch rans -8
ver you set ihem down,- it assume it e�lor` -jLj Glasgow.j Office, -Block, Main- withone, winding, ving more uniform permg note
and rate.
�--h-7 'for hardy stro w natural -;Don't Street, Seaforth.- Rosideuce� John street; ' all these effects 0
vou1hink itis ihean 'to -deoeive1er Ahi' onto
ra, varying somewhat witK, No, kitchen should *be. without! scale might at tither -the Offiee -of Residence. 894 FA h These -are improvem J thatcannotbetlalm-
the fre
ed by any other manufacturers, and once seen, %uency
e Us ACAA Varietiea. NoWs e 111int. r Tou'l all must agree with us In saying that We is 00 'the acdou=of
test the integrity of things �ui�ichaeed. ;h asked the -maid of- the, str
as is '�"y ? h fo. '0 rde But fruit �ees� ieneislily-the apple,. )y weight, and to Me are the qu'�ntities 61; Oh, np/ said' the dyed y mant
strongest and best Watch made; anO wit1i 10
peach�recei, very the has Wee hair and bleached -bangs - 0 the M
pear, bherry )f various recipes. .111 ind Whater -Bo'
iove improiements, the Columbus Wstch-U what is know
-J EAFORTH cost no More than others.
Electric-silican po is, very nice.. and HORSE INFIRMARY. -L t i ir"RN6 'which is wider *on't acknowledge iV��Albftny, ro
little attent' a.; -and usually* they do Elgin, - Waltham, Springfield (13lino1s) nwo-
Jarvis and.Godetich-Streii to the
Journal. -
or pblished brass.. )ts,..next d6or ii
tot need it. 'The trouble is, -man cut. Mi
'AND PZesbyterian Chur* 'soaforth, Ont. ents of all grades In.stock. Also all kinds of "d In
A creaking hinge can be oure&by the -All die.
prui Im .
AY eases of H or any 0 -the Rings, Chains, Broodhes and Ear -rings
tilvators per&Fm what th aing ise of a black. lead pencil of the 'J�ofteo I V orses, Cattle, Shoe t oq� mple,
t the
The mosticated animals success ally treated a Mid O.pitleal goods. e �ex
by doing mojr�\harm than 0 Catarrh,
zi� t Infirmary, or ale pneumatio ca�
point rubbed- -into -A
-seem to have An indefinite -o ha�t mber,, the A NEW HOME TRVATMVNT Foil. THE CURB OF GAtARRII,. e;here, on the shortest notice Give me -a call.
,,,revices of he hinge. UiARRHAL DE"NESS AND HAY 11i JAMES, Wi ELDER Voter.
cutitina and i lashing is all th is re-. if, Inary Surgeom P. S. .A large 'comideratilon
before'grindingAhe moridng�s cof - The Microscope has proved that these diseases sfock of Vaterin A. A YOUNG. ewe�ert
k)-vVE T 8�'. -o
quired. Some perform the ork in are ofttagious and that they are d�o'to the -Ary Medleives ket conty. n haild I of thd water
ONT. the
'They d SEAFORTHI k-ying
winter an& ot iers in summer. ei, the berries tire heated for four or pre4 'be of living parasites in tl)6: interlinin
0 5en
:.notap' -he rineiples which are adspt- n "A merubian6 of the -upper air passag6s� WALTER,SHILtI14GLiW, V, S.,graduate
Ve mmutes,. or. until - the 9
eth SCOTT still sells -t a lb, asusi tQM4*
ply t arker shade of brown,. a avor of the'- chian � tubes.., 7 The efifl-nont scientists, Tyndal IS 'THE PIACE DO S�% of the 0ntari Veterinay Colle;e, Tor— WO
idance by the iiitelli . I . 1. i' . �% - : . . . - . 0
ed for their Huxley and Beale endre - this, and these - . I..- ... - . . t I . .. . toes, for 25C urzat derrid
ffee will be much improved. onto; R? lotered Member Of the. Ontario Veter.
rape, vD. not aware t
are hat authodtios cannot be dispited. The regular inary Me Ical,AsqocIat!6fi.; also Hi6inoraiy Mem. them -in posit
metl b
idd of.treatipg- these. diseases.has been t t the,. lies,.t'Arti I. iiy Medical ..Society. ea
insummer p nin the. ratiioval of large 0 If YOU wan to. ge ii -I q of the Teteribs T'so 1 Ordmg #I r
Weekly, and even -1 -all Diseases of ]Domesticated Antinal PENNY-VUL
Be Ready to Learn.. ap ly an'.irritafit reffiedy, TrA
quantities of leaves'! Mid -shoots while
-44 ly,,thus ke pr
F, oping the delicate �niembrand I a I that, ni6ur. Mo. nuy' ro'duceiii. -particular attefition.g�iiiento-Veterinary, Dentils. IS TH EST
;danp- �ssnre thro
lustrating1he advantage
in active A. story i).
the-trees.are h aeriousl go 0 constant otite of-irriltation, allowl es ciiiefutly examined 1pr soundness, rip ion o a p
grow ing it no chance try. Hors hysibla Who WIOW.
-told by- ai n1f- to hedl, and *as a nakiral consequbnee of su an'd Cerfificates givin. All calls promptly attend-
injurefs them uiilea& they happeii to 51ducation iii dairying is For Vounz'lnfaois it is! t Psi has had a life long. experience III
reatment not one -pernian ent oure has eXer been or Otherwigid.. -.OFFICE at Reof. treatinglemalediscases - loused
U eXCeFIBIVe ish, paper. Pe Dyspoptid It is -of. the grestutral it Is 19pe with 2
a .. A�d om I like. an3 9w mother's milk, and water il
v* had ed,to b, Mail oft4m savinir life;'for th'a Inva
%Ve a igor, as sometimes A farmer's d6ughi recorded.: - It is aWabsblutc facti,that thew dig- d C taffa, Ont. 1048 monthly-with-
i- who iutend.,,to baye m -a make eithij. erbct success b7.
but rirely happens with young trees. ttended the, orleston Dairy chool, easeicannot.5ecuiedby any:application made over 10.,ow ladles, r1mantAfe 1111kht. the fri
In nearly all iw a short . - time, a THS FINEST BABY IFOODg
ages a free naura, f nd bad received- under.. oftener - than lesask your dnig-
..their W- me r effectual, Laid It to look lik
once4n two weeks; for the. inem. Children's Bo ts, t IiEST' INVAL10F00 tof - PennyroyalWaers 'sad
in. a eesi H7 gis or
or givin r. some lesson�§-" h k- ust get a chance tojieal befor )-THE. SEAFORTH
'ir, oiderle nz.-befure" he' hurr Par below
fjhonrd b� permitted, ekdept f e an'appli. get the, 0-v .
re sirree take no subis
'TH 'M9S-T F0001:
Piage for se&Ud partIM10,11, gre
- ng. 31r.Dixon discoVeiiricd the parasite =rrfiand Fall Go'ds'e6timietio I ;uarante ruggists, $I r box.
'be abcomplish epeated. It is� now sovo titute, 'or Q10if
a good form, hi h On her return home nbp iul 3rmed cation4s r
der the
ea. - vAn g
ed formulated big "iiew treatinek, - and sinpe then: t 08T. NUTRiTIOUS'FOOD goi b� all d 'Supply of om
�y 0�11` for. o ll the RAGE' t Ad RURE A CHRMI04L Ira, weil , L�hu an -fingpe pruning ier parents that she could make c i . pose Q give, -acti f. -PE
while the gr th is young. . - oit believi� in. "new. 'his remady" bus becorhe a housebojd Word" �in you sati if 'COO
)ut her -father did n dress T eFSY that mi
-or), couri CONOMIOAL FOO
- 1-TH MOST El i
lish glanguage a64 t -fall, I -nevbr�-,heiard% -a .1 troit Mich. AW Sold in Seaforth"by, LunisUD
Tke gva,�. w rapid gi Ong -c -ii more
ein ro.wer is, igled noti ind said he cot I'd not, e% rk whidire the En Boo.ts.-Iiii laf WiGn, and by.druegiotogenerilli 2034-0 the
m seveR,years -ago
racaret ampt to-, cumulate Mass of shoot - r - tQ spoil hi cheese. Soon after� sp6k6ni, Curbs 0deted. by -hi' 110 MORW f& an Infant for 2J.06
The-udderisignedi prepare -to receive 'Water from
m hL now d'
are curesstillithorehavIng been norttufn of the C.0 I
and therie, sometimes caf 49 -by. the o the mother became ill 'd the an orders fo'r any nuMber of first-class. A 0 Ina photo, of mpg. DAzirs ftn%rn-thM ente
in spring 3�30or - a So -highly are 'these remedies Val beautiful ihildrenii�isevb to the moths
a,rmful after �eing neglected irImAs allowed to -make -che4 udd, 1bat.': r of&uy'b&b3 PumlX
t=.vi thin Al' i valuable 'an 116year PaulAut OR tw
We havq seen a young vineyard of three ime but what she m i e tin a -19norafit imitators. h,%A,e si up evervs-viihere, Apple Barrels d- :86tite 0 inis'aw aLt trol.
trieteoding to destroy'% Va.ras;te of whirch rV Jaya. 0. 40 P. BRINE, Licensed Auctloneer fox the
nitirely ruined by..'zinch, eparate om ade wa 1011 s ]AA.
r 0 TI i overturn
or four acreei e e er'of the,6bese. '0� .and now nothi
nf, by reine the resulis of -the; Countyof Huron. Sales aWnded In At
d by Druggiste, iiciiil 00029 $1.00A parbs of the County. All orders left at TO
e WELLSIRIC"PRON&TC0,ii, MONTREAL PA,4 XxPOR10A wilf be Pr0mPt1v Attendedo. tof t
treal Old A equallyignorpitt, lso any, other work in his in -AV�ly atth
overed. wit application o.which they
bineixt. re
�ty, a cloth, lest it sh' POI desi
nay neces te the chooe of her m Dl� 'md 1s.-aPPli6d only once in two Works, old Baptist Church, Somforth; ;7 ---- solid
ught to thibe � pplicatiorks effect. Ki -License .9 " DD'S. BLOCK MHOMAS BROWN, d Auctio6eer, fOf cions,
Whatever be sary -for trees other's ke. k 0
w 6,1 Ion
,je a
should be done gradually - and 'Unless One, day a fator came &Ion and 1, Lnd from e
a u el
190 w;tq going a'pamphieC �16seribwg 111 ..and Perth. SX1011
the latter cheese nent " r n the.most aggravated cases." Dealers and ftekers takin large.. numbers
r W dealt'witb. -A PO truct4on
th Ne D1W
.e, owner wribesio, check their v' r, As n senas X theCountlesof Huron
h Id. he chosen. f0i o ill be.vory reasonably SITION
thertimes o per�- away he�noticed the hemp covered With- new treatimint ou the' receipt ofistainp tq pay oonduct-ed4DntheinostreAso4ablefems, rdeft 'Outside the
left atithe Queen's Hotel, or �y Mallddriesood, t
-ain. - liable man IftX all Seaforth P. i .
King stre wqf,'Tokonto. Can-ada.� ber.
postage. The address is. A., 11. Dixon & sor4-303 au803le m
M StrOt 86A. orth. n
r I Ofnani, with good yon toany re
Ohil�ren r. nob satisfactory references. Ap X, will tTeromptblAttend
A.MoOMBER CO.; Rooll Ca torla biioj8�4-.-- 1022. tV
CfY fO PItCher's, V 0 . 9.
America.n.. 1074-rl, ledto HiONASBROW Licensed
k063-52 IU
he W"
1w hk
nere d
im a. thad
E lit Mr
2V 0
........... .....
r w:
6 T
a dormant stat N. TSON
ti� hit ih
'hat it -The WA DOM I N.
A PreserOativia for* lffarnf`88- �'n w I a ey are i trep �'L c1loth, -vnd askeil w wak
rank 'di torted -and e looted
�y or; patent )Movalof .1,L n '.A J farmer told biM lit - was ohedse � of big
Take fiest400t oil-aud iv01
n 'ed the ri irge trsnob it,
pulverized or to &e daughter's make, 'not up
black-thelaiter welt 111CIL -much 0
Silling weekly from 61 and
'G swe t No
ounds made. sho -be- coVired tedW
be ina46 9k Whioli'vas to be part at home*
so bii�for p int.. A go6d rule is #(always- Queb" for.
1k, adding thiblack until the - 6il is� well to en. The factor asked to be allowed to,taste The Tioung In.
Liverpookor0lasgow; 't lei
c urage ample growitib, but j�aj fora
colored, or q1;lte black. In cold weather tk % mic! having repeived a 'somewhat fe-. issge!4 and be
D- PA4 rths can be seeurod,�i Any,01,
med somewhat be- o owiffling", gind to prevent
the lCompanys steamers on zpplicat d mw
should! be7war U 101, W 2y tire
by, tW T
5s. per cwt. more th "Mrains and river stemnors of him.. Ult
the',oll Witha.-spoinge apply tht iTowth hc�nt permissiouji at once. offered to front
0 a ha, - due
'e 'for "'o "hoots xaoui -Iprun- tak it at an he d
re ixiing., i in-ilt.Muttry'r -,I. "AV
lit 'he mixture), only what.the 119 othei� lot, grestly"to the es. worning of sailing date, are met by the 0m. led and*'hiz ATJ
0 to
-De" W in wing
cost. of t Jtk-t1man. given for, the .86 ` Ma0h1h
a, #
ny tisdily4uto, SPA
ther will, *eadfly absorb until. the asthillshment 'of the father and the grat rters, who trans r the baigage free of
Use. the rest opeeif
ess :M
an Adr -1� to d I in t six" n
tibes is dr -which will be from t r§_Dr. S,_ Lo 11 d i6cation of the jirl, whose efforts had but'
WO. and catai
For full,jitiformation regarding rates k touct.
-depond. ow, 400 X"Atafth R,eme 'fliously breated# ypanig
011M to a ha f -or a, Whole day, been so superpi Ak*-! apply to 1. . t*
: ..L I � . - 0 . - - neared tit loirest rates WM. -SOME4VILLE, 9149
-,1 .0 of pro
upon t eather andit previous don A eist"L
at Large .1 Aiii, roUble bo%panlei,and losses si
dition of the eather ; wash thoroughlk He is I- 'Ho*-Thei Milk Man Got m- class Telegraph and Express Agent, Main streetEW,',
Ap.8adS. In. Maki filfaL h 4VtlY` Die seat VAS 91.
With so ng the ends use Vknown citizen andAl i nearest itled pt U
a d de, that nickel. o nt C 11dren
id castile soap and cold , rain water,- vr Awtotfiiends do not suspect his insanitp- - L IWhy-47YOU wear lid B13 30W U. -,0 7ARM PROPERTY in "M giinark
iw rat" - 4.
W -It watef �houianever bi use& on* .4r0,W.e,,h4]Ppen toL. know aboukitV Liston'; your watchZichain V asked a City Hall loo L from. 756 to -01 (cash is iqo gentlenu
the Gore- and- waterl
Wiisplrited., lie don't
ite ig-gone,he is lo ilk man who wassfibr A-.
b, iche of - 4 m *1on. Allis . and factories In-
to � I -for-* three ; � - URON AND BRUCH
idea leath6r.) Apply with the sponge. 611 b i lit at' e I a o ed by atto chadmill ".0"Ieflac"U'res 00116i (�nw . plan). yearst H Then theT.your
i Be - % � sour-Stomso -aramiton; �g at a ng of 20 per
91V 4 tj W16ar it'. as a milk; r, to iiin izlkbn- d it am oitoanry a n these com-poul eiii
Rub off with 1,backskiii This; will 1 , me r th m4w h Diarrh
ling coug iore oard of Health permit to �eddle.." sured glossy surface, of consumptlon. an eath., aid yet'he.4 even womst.
eminder sleeiv, &:A iiiiio oldlidy,,,
AWIL ctsthem. Is itany" n ert at -we call- W A. Ajwmm9* K Di 0. tion� nt. on stock companies.
with one of m' customers, " *aa the an- :coil; an y Loan and In VeStLft,
M -to N. bijurious M6111049M --theleather4tFrotain's If YOULarohis friftAt t 111him 'took t i;d�
-swer. "Over' a- year. ago U $cledeali the WHITZ a4d RAYMONP: T continue fatle-for months.." get a bottle otDr. Pierce's Goldoical Dis... h Tzz'C1MA= COMPANyf
gol 77 Murray Street, N, 'I
A, -delay. - It -will cure b m if he - nickel,, 8 (iainfly'and oVf covery without which was then beautifully' VV lacy goods
es v! ed 0C>J&:F
ith mud or ev ain SW to. -j75. An M.
I' --itin*time. itwinnot.-atimoulouslycreato. plated, 'asa, 85 01� p paimeni 6
ti i.ece in '&m. 'Manas one
plication -bf sbap and W� nr' 4 coo ran ng� roP2
J I,= hes. are monly gon-e, 'dif
e ts above A- new"Itin h the. old o bilL As soon m Idetooted the- frau 9) 'fiv years on a onrooted (withont oilingb WIR'be sufficie but it. W a diseased ones to a healthy con. 6111not.wairranted for. 0. very kind of
ve't dition Tell him 4bout it and: warn.hl thiktin V took t babk to the woman . Who passe
4. who frl
to a Uri work. .1 Needlesi oil and ropkia. for isle- Ma' VMS Company is Loaning Money r,
light apr casie Aelay means death on Make It' Seeuiit� at lo V Ratig
his Me b, fe
ut she refused to withi
hed it.' to
NO 8PPWati0n" of flis ailand black good.�. 1 So I., isttso my- watch rep* . Wd.. Form
eaplemant �eno%
ver the)' %her with. f interest.. ille A%Tjibut
six mon L . v rS. h in, and kdpt on supplying who Be -the'Cibiiv ad
milk se thofigh nothing ibs 1-14 LEGAL
I be sufac ,i�i to keep a harness,, as
-ibraiiiiia#ly I penidi ilan sittimg "Opp
,beneces, Certainly." MATTHEW Walto . n, Inturainice Mo.ft s Puchaised. Joot when.Jho ciii
4ty for lbrerymen and .- others. T WSOW
ed, it 1goaa order. It ifta Granpa, do hens inske - their 09913 - But now every day, I filake. her quart
one-fourth' water, - and 0110k: a. week 'I Agent, Com hiisidner for pretty -awn A
who-VAe. bar less conirt plaly ou The same way b k a ball, "cre di't it to herith one -fourth --the am.
anily, to a Do -loan at the lowest- D�Me in with a I
Jonvoyances, ft. -Money to
i4fings a
of -her milk bill i. which'I AIN:STRE
X. MORRISOX,!7111011- ET., the ba
ft�4,nir, but lin: most cases two whei; his papa dolet b u. y u a book" -
0 No, not exactly y bne fo him 4ATINGS BANK BRANCH,
xtar, stid w"hing with suds when oile&�
par ose.'
�A&nding-to' or credit e H TINGS,8611oitor tai OflAce-Cady's - 3, 4 and 5 per pid into th,
at and. fiAO Cent. Interest Allowed a
Vill keep a- f:iiarness in good trim for Do the bene put the yellow. keep.for th When the sum ity!ishly-dir
is $4.95 all fthgraves-
gig proceso.- will then -put the white. round- it.? t diercial Hotel Sea-, ba -b
ht and se!rvice. This lWill sve�. pure. milk moi6j -and no b74 eposits� according to smouiiat and -The
. . . W Abok, ooppolto Com 4 alarge, 4ividend in extra service I guess they do, bat you a, uldn't - - ' - . I : -: forth.
until then. ' She knows the milk is wat-T
time left. strugg.
and durabili ..to say nothing, of im- be, asking such. questions'- when on did, V�twhenever she shows he � It' A LEWIS, Barristers, -Goderich.7 Failin
Sp once, we Office, oppos .976
pro are assured older you will know all -about It". hL andle th S* Itotbo� Colborne *tei.
ved D inclination to complain I
sm. ;pure OFFICE r of Markt- Squm
that the 94me orsimilar aplic#ioiii is I want to Ask you. just on more nickel and iisiy that my milk is blubberea and f:
T -M EST, Barrister; Soll, lerich. - w" justou the
attor &ii, 6 c
just the think for i%rriage 66pe, *,hich.: 111eition ;. may I�' grandpa 9 gold.' Jew stablighment One Door Iforth of the Commercial and North:Street, Go
That.settles it." elry VJ 0 00011128
are made of fop leather. The oiif- Yes, go ahead." h
otel, ground floor. next-door to Beams buto or HOPLACE HOR�TqNj the f"Jiionablt
shop. Agonts-CANEW HOLT CAMBRON. 870
-ferehoe in Ueatment is that lots- oil "Who sews on 'the cover or die. S. N
bab doubled i
I Bloc co
r cost Cold. or� the MANA01%
ib�ouldbeu"d orirathers lighte - hens To'the Cimpb k mer MaIlt 0
S thq Gqderloh, Alagust5th,180. I.M
tors; ko.,
0,843on. ARROW4 PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Sollial.
Goderi i Streets; 8eifor Goderich, Ontarl . o; J. T.'GAZZOW, lbeas W1
ore ryfp in -well Saido e WIf. PXoUD]rojoT..:
in d " ' In, top leather. being t1l" old �uddiug these
i 4pilied,4nd it ihould be w ashea off 0 anbe �s tind',sw, t di fbg them.
as, A! n Divitsidn"Oourt ootice.-
and much - intre penetrable than hat- 64 H rule, . always more acce le ur! Where he-Iceopea la.,go stock of Gold a d 81 ver Q N
az ig h" been revived at' 'ehigh'
8" Fine Jewbli Clock$, &o. A Mau 01
new. Of c rae, the mixture, would no't Ive, ing the summer time ths hot oneso wate,he AMERONI, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristeng.
few recipes' imilin', sd thii
Un Y.. Spa'nklugjar oughtt therefore I send -this week stock of Heavy Pis n Gold Wedding Rings,, &o. Solicitors In O:h,- Ont.
answer for a ameled leather of w 0 it- - L--�, 0 -.Th Office of he haitd upon it, If YoUngL men will e
whichinay prove use BY 'cheap. ag the'ohe set,,, Watches, Clocks.. ano,� M.� 0.. CAViROXi G bit knees, aud
i 'a Aunt : -., . ... I I I .-I,
the perqu . . ; CA i0a DivislowcObst, county 4
e, in the Countr entleman. Jewelry repaired wl h deVAtch.
rpsi. Qonce of John
sonier card ag tops are 6onstructei drinjet' them enjoy all, 1111"LoN. )f Haton W111 In I=& the-dressf tb;
Amerlogn Harness Jon open ever" lawful day at the
arge, Aeas nable..
-P ir,OFTUS E. DASCRY, late with CaMeron,
Bad luck is -Sponge add' oderich.Wroet West, from 10 o'clookaii,
; f 1 Beattie
simply -&-mall w his Riedue half 4 ?.
Exchange. Chlo mtry his fodt -wax:
kL to 'UM ste4 ISO.
m. until 4 oVook P. M., and evorythilin
0 a ca
-Breaks. -big pockets, d o 'in his po p e er., be j Holt & Cameron, Godericb, Barri
For� Wind an pip nd of stie s 'lioltdr Obnvoyancer, &c. Money to loan. Bon- done thatis possible In thointorost o _Wt*rL It was
nU 'g fami
The nearei the trdes are planted to. mouth,. lookin jon-to see how it � a. com- put hes 6/- pour over as. Onjiff 61d office Cardno's Block, Seafiirtli.
e . in, a in and (0 `0 0
f , , - No�thgraves Telephone communication in tbe-offloo. &formidable A.p
-gether the earlier they' Vill operate as 'ing -out. - Goof luck it a,man- of, pluck,. much boiling qfilk as they will:be likely jnd�,
a DOWN 11-th
Ey, SQ1101tort Conveyancer &a'- o Loan n good ,Ijoar
Any amount of Money t
screen-apinst snow diifts.-- If placed with his sliteves' . rol�ed up 4id qrking to absorb t . n -coverl sad - leave' them e4y, farin or town; at the very fatos bf Je
for soak. -Best half -p nd ITO. 1, -Campb IVa,Bloekj. Sbsfdrth, D Late -of Victorlai B. V. -Offic�:Zvor -to �sthir. H
0 11 be 0 *MakeL it come out A 96 tim� Interest, and terms of pambirt mAde. -vdt
nly six feet . apart. . a. . b4irlir wi on lovdin side wi
Bank of Commer 341tistroot, Somforth. ri won,
0fr1reh r berries, raspberries oi our-' vate funds to loa:qat 6J and 6 per oe' borro 01
formed when the sidib brs�iches have Conscientious Scruples.- Obad [all, of nt. 1086 y voice,
e .,H E W busk
8 an rants tq,a, pulp,' and add them to h JOHN BEATTIE, vld!N�I;Yon his
gr0*u three fe t, ' a when they re ]Fif bh Avenue (to Mrs. Obadiah) Are 't 11 drum) ADIAN 8 A 31ANNING SCOTT, b
yQu going ta church this moMin my 1i when the lWer efont arristers Solicitors -9
are siAci litly CAN 9 OF COMMERCE. C)
aliven or eiih feet high, -and it will be trin
dear.?" Mr
'Conveyanciero,46., Solicitors 1�r the Bank
suooeedin 0 "No - I c Iled t out terp in
',Come more perfect each g year. I L n Add- also -three or
f6ot.. Ow of Johnston, Tisdale .4 Gale. Money o loan. Vith bit left bw
,:Stay AtL hi Office-iiii-Beaver Block, Clintoiii, On o. A Hiii TV
The trees *iI-1 grow more dense- if the el or er e a ?I beaten og di enough sugar- to HEAD TORONTO
96V an [Ung on be
onger or, p, Fanofhow it won look essal
pl itly. Beat. ther' mixture MAXN06, JAM1115: S06ft, 781 lad
rotruding branches which on is siok.� CD. To SAve, Life *Ife and the Ini
fo t briskly for alew Minutes, then put it Paid up: Capiti.iii1o, $6)00010001
proj6ct inwArd are horte ing. livin 0
b 0.0. HOLME nor to thoL late firm -of 37requentlyrequirespromptaction; Alt A fret*9 bObY
thidin, off clo i to a side shoof to avoid e box I" Mri 0 Why. do rinto a - h.uttered pie* dish: and. b k� ii Re ',STEDi suoda to
so ried in cutti g to church without a 00$0. 51:
F. MoCaughey -b Hohneeted, Barrieterf-4 ;oms ii6d the i
dibisto dven fbr -half an boq.r.. Serve hour's delay� walti i for the doctor m
'barestumps;� Asthey become largej ng
ske a stage ?" - Mrs. 0.: 4"Bec n MO Rik Conveyancer and Notary. Solicitor for fretted tog,
downright wicked th HP al F. . Money 61 r be attended with seflous consequences,
urn r -W.. DA
r4lNG,. Eso
limbe. of grosier size may. be removed by fliink it 18L iid the Canadian Bank of Commeral D lend.
L toild, -� - out i6n�spretfy dish, &no PRESIDMiNT . Varms for sale. Dfiloo in -scott's Wool[# main mpani, 0 Gi9xEP.1L A�TAGEj&, H. E. WALKE it was
outtin ta n on d 'adeQ ed *by some 'nice .frait syrup oN h4lf their Iengtb, and - wheii'l a fres are permittedto 6fL t SY. Street. Sonfortli. C.6 eseciall. In ewes of L roup, Pneunia
_,May -L L N qAGER) & PLUMMER.
to, I a large portion he topaL Swiss fludding.-Boil a teacupful A.f;s4lir ZN L 0. and other 'throat lung troutlm -the f0pily
CD Island to, CC
No. man has a r'l ht t ot to of"th a p
be sawed ony the aid'of ladder, And e -finet Add in - int and hall -of
MONEY TO AN Hence, no family should be �Wilthout a M 4
ii,. then turn it -into a The Seaforth s Sank --'continues a ONEY TO LOAN."TStralight . . loaneat, 6 per eetor4
enough smAllstove wood thus abitained uCceed in life unless g 6 un rats: A his Milk until ullawollen' out a;nd EAPORT -"BRANCH,, istreamed. fro
h n u ra branbh of-thi bottle of Ayer's C4,erry F cleared a row
to gy for &IT the labor. busi ess, and nobody a -- 'ndii taid' t6nde basin which has TM2 sevi pe
ding meallwhil itwo abolve deposits, an hich Interest I wsproved Itself; in thousands of
earns 1 :1, rtwn I cont.i *Ith the privileje. -to b 0 11118
I roL Sarg*nt says' that the Norav, his business thoroughl nless bc li X see e thl
spr nboat thoroughly, ad tvro ounces of ourrot ratesi o- f repaying Fart of the prinolps . mQnsy. sit tiny. cases, the best Emerg'ency Xedii Th
Ners Pi 10 onfuls. of sugar, prafti-on., I M
if by gnal R� ic and axperi-i tiblospo oblithb, holpal-towbi and cities 11 time. App y to V. HQL ESTEP, Barrister their beadstbut
,uoe loses ift beauty and. usefulness 01
i Great. ever
this country, in fifty years, but we fin4, ence. butter, half a teaspoonful of ialt, svd'� Cahads, gr ritafn and on he Units( It gives proielief
-a thorough their mother a
afterinany-i'leare expeirience,' that 'by' teaRpoonfuloL atediemon- rind, Line States, b3ught and: and- preparee the way'l6ri
Office"First door, o R of zithd Coinmerols Ry, ini be effected by 1wes. ind tried
0atting -in thb branches and reducing-thok- Th6 8,6(3ret of Failur�. out a. pudding basill'or mold, which has cure,'which is ebrtal
Hotel. DENTIST 0 "If I had to
A -
'Baron been w lAye H. IRELAND, Managsk:
height occasionally in the course of year6' - A young man once asked ell'buttered, with a r of the.
Its continued use.
L- BAI S. Ho the a Wid
vigor an&- dense, Rothschild the secret of. success and rice, about half -an inch thick."' Do this, 19 L. D or GradUAto, Mont tore,
they are impioved in "P.: HOLMESTE Late t I'V. S. ;f %ro*.- Vitalized Air tone to
4s StillL hot'Sa is then ess of growih.- Some of our nativor Ithe Baron too' himse f
ked him ovor` With his while the rice* a ImproNovefit .0 Ayer's Cho
n %teer. his
with i- Office In Meyer's BlockiSee Pectoral. a perf e cit ure for Croup In
9 o In - Dntlebr ' br 44 �i
Pi id I'd rather More 0;, Ga.i says: "I bave found
avergreen trees, although. owinj ra id Ikeenblivick eyes and e-sa pliable. Fill in the ce lorth, Kou
towed t0A. 9. M. tc es reasonable. B, B.
ly, one Wh P cases, I have -known the worst c
may form eventually C,tter sore 11 you the - secret -of failure. fresh Irait, 4hich has been 9 1 Vp. in. Fe ying hinisel
S., of Philadelphia, Assistant.
Ime by Its use -
way spruce- pine -relieved in A very slibTt, ta h a unfortunixte
U -a little- sugar 080
ow'. ;anl
thaw the Not -the white * they fail seems to be the mystery �wl; p I cover the N
ither day -it!
ru all families to useit in sud;
and black spl ce, for example- and, . if lm�it young meni Here is the feceipt.' wit�Elwa layei of. xice, fitling,the ba.91111
eniergenci an the., Co Oe -e iighs, croup -&e.'*
wi ht 0
- It I *
kept m prop r shape,, the. he m -lock" Dne hour s day with your newspaper. quite fall, Vhe�. �Iace. a weig IN AFORTH u es, foi , 0 A. J. Eidson. I Middletown
Srf. D.,
Are yo
foi a super barrier., "e. libur, a (lay with. yoiir cigakettis top, and leve thiiipudding i oo
d D. 0 of
The undersigno'd-,Oould.aiinoUncb'to the Pub.; an , *9 . Tenn ays I haVe used Ayer's, This was
D'S' Z -TA set improyp.
able screens are particularly one hour a day with #our toilet, and, my. place'until the next day., - Turn it.odt t to-ral with the besieffe�dt in' wife, who labdi
surroun ing
d* n bof6r6eerving on lie that.they have,�thslr Novi Plarilifg-mi
ord for it, the first position yo,ii obtai it6' a dish, an& orns men n-evej
valu the- wintdr: in" -Will to I , ry line. satisfacti6n
full blasti -where they _Wood Planing my practice. 'This wonderful prepers- and said
010=6 for- c ttleL and sheop, or 'for 4111 be the best* you ever will 6bt4in. ment top with almonds, *hich- ha V- 3-1 -1 guaranteed. �, Office - in CAdVe
Matching, Sefloll Sawing all aw qg
al Ho?el,. Senfol ;ya
Blbok to Commerof Oh
on the- si of yards m6t, exposed to bee' blandbedAnd,cut into. thin- slices' tion once saied my life. I bad a zon
&Meg made tio e C- ead hig a a 'day over-afid above, your a -The will koep on hand Dressed Lumber,LFloor Poplarsi 4ohn sqeet�. 941 coug) it sweats, w .
1routin'd duflet .1 ith- less �thah that Iiitick 'these firnitv into. the. padding at- y r A florids 1
e$,- Ali ey-may be made -nearly Saskand,F.
litile' ni y
wind Phree hour an3diuy. reduced In and M
or or
hv- n. nw r *ith equa. pour over a ce-. 've U -board at 59th a
ld'became a casi ols .-Also the PUMP �AN.D.CISTERN Dow* ysician. Oiie-bottle,g I the
-perfect'byp t* !gin double On � an, d I� I
cal sch I hisianc
BUSINES Exeter' ont. -Lone
MR ng es alwa s on hand. G. tiate, of
a 4 - I
thebroader Ids' of - farms, daclduP48 s thaii that GIN detone'. has - 'AeAim�� y!imkde-plain oustard,'and.ser attended -as foimerly. Shi I Pectoral cured me." lut -to we that'
By strictlattention to business and. 4irL -dealin TACM9 In afte
a .9 of the'Aboye visit Blyth theL +n
beiplanted -in, bella, three' or familiar with a, dozen profession -otaito* Pattie: s.-iiiiiiwBoil. one Poih,d `bf I cannot ay"Znouglh In a OfL
.0 we hope to ga�n;Pablio patronage. -The
f rods w' e. or in severat r6wa,which ith lose than that Disraeli. becme . a -go -mealy potboe.4, then. beat them� to last Thursday, and followine Fri.,. Ayer's 'Cherry Pectoriil/l I IL
day of each
T month, at, Milud's 11otel, war visit
mous. auth z Texas, "belier-
aboutbe man.
.,will entirely rea4 the forcer ofthe wind, or with less.tfianthi.t perfectly smooth Mase., sdd a -CD
teaspo . L
aper man-, , ajL Mill
h rich the first Wednesday of every1nonth -at tr ;dion - i P4'
half 1-0&9 QiL TFV B E N. ME 0
and by. sliteplately cutting away one I t forits -use, I should that eachone
old, a hurried uiewsp onf ul. of salt, four tablespo6nfuls Peiiii's Hote I 1,_Lsnd Hensall the -following Thurs. gin ly carea for a'
other,. er n the thought of the world is new dar of every Month at Reynold's Hotel, where he aid iiid theia ther the timb castor'sugar, the finely -grated. ritid NOTILCE 0 BT g ce Iiiiive the
We wi 1. iod. The bv
RS erform all- dental. oporitique. -Teeth ex.
they thigs affprd will make-& handsome.. petus in his studies And wriiingoL of fresh lemon, two ounces.. of butter gthetio, which re, At car, and glancii
pric the land of Asia- with ess -than -four large, All 09ri ebil ed the"E t pives 'nearly all pain., Pardea desiring now
Pon lour ouncesof carrants, and ind' -to a ato of the late'. 'icke
-and At a �v
resh 'eg-g' ,V CD. Ayer's G.berly, 0 ril,
tr, ?ed with a new Japan 'aiies
one usiness. men have f - Mrs. John Kidd, by olthor note or book account,. teethwill Riesse ball arly -in. the mornihs of the
at a th ' and b rell;beateiiiii -Best this #ffic.;
LIZ' ED 13r -
or Pruninir..' ecome scholars, and - a th�bu d.. arevrequested to bal: -at, the store and settlethe fitst day. charges moderate.; Terms cash .984: boyscarried.
r ight]
"An ture very Ik until'all the ingre i were goll
e at . once, by 9)- doing, wil avo f
4 en r
Dr. Ji, 0. Ayer & Coj Lqwell, Mam
The oi fruit -boating growth to cholars have conducted a business. to a e' horoughly-.66oroorsted, theiia costs. for coli�btion. All accounts: muit'be PAiD
which summer pruning is ap-pl* d in or- KINSMAN, Dentist D. 0.- So I W,
-order to settle, the affairs of the Esthte 8 Exe e a
e use it to 6 1 in some mall "patty tins, in
-practice#-Is the gra' Zurich, W146 are,
teri,&t.,will b t CD re
onvenie= U -the ron.Hotei,,o
have 4. en previously line& out ry out -d or pe. esAbouttheHousei, which V. in the X Sold byzill'Druggists. Price $1; siz boftlM W
ANDRI W KIDD Seaforth GraVesend
eyaids ar6 well aware, that!. TAST TH DAY iN zAcz xoNiff.. inOwners oof vi ith some good pastry.. Bake in &brisk.' All
I . . . . . " Teeth exttactid with the. least pain possible.
One of the nicest contrivances for i076tf andanchozoul
hour oil turn
�eeping nives, forks and-'tablis oan 1b
vines if le themselves, will make an
A, oven for. a qusrter
�gular-ani`4 confused mate vf. le oons, work first-class at 11b.dral ra, es. gh
irr( 'the. patties. arefully.-out-of the -tins, 6r..,-
aves is a pocket tacked on the paqtry,. door. r 'them food
--CS r fruit will be sm
and shoots, sirfid the Make'this of enamel cloth*, allft li e with range them neatly on a di* and 'serve, A. MARTIN, L.: D. S.; Honor *graduate of '+m=3
er, more thW, y scattered on thebunches, over E he -Royal College of Dental Surgeons CD 90muse Of =an, .w
All the anasthetles - used for. the the berries will contented.. H
d -pl us -Vatch
n iv- cold with a little ink sugar dusted'i 0
add #e . o4 o 7
will ripen laf nt n flannelp Att6hing smalld. i f' i6intatio
the top
Ther fra it; g annel. w of teeth- Office-, Garfield Columb
4ions: o. fit each article. The' cantou painless extractioji � F . -
acid flav*or. geti rich or no
ave a poor 4 d 10064. L
ill absord all Moisture that may HIT RONZE fisli rod an.1
-by the strong"foliage of well
. e -A nithese 'articles' A Wtit h i th ch,well ripened juice �e left o furnished j Keep'i bit of 'emery -IS THE BEST. seem funny
dly;frozen znan� wi
ined vines' will be more ead 'sandy -haired 'young
rour, ith ;borough . fishi
pro pa r
mustache whch bore- trades of Co X6 matter wh
r ox. for brightening ening sandy onument
M. The -Main Spring barfol is completely covred,
en dyed in the distant,. 11 Diversit JID81
having"be making the Watch perfectly dust -proof. nshrivd sooner and becomeasteless, 7. j sway fish*
when exposed to a low tempe adle Graclusto of.
k b will
Hang up
and ouo our a.
When F antime after .))eing everything that, will' iiang in, set so fort re. There can be no interference between We
I kee ;.-buta, short e kitchen. It - will save wandere'd -into a avenue .-Only &ronze . au dru A I Go Ming 'IMU
arber �shop a -few nights ago and, afte -, h e, side do o 0 1 treet, first -bilok
T balance and the -barrel.
4 UM4 r 0 The Regulator Is nearly double the length a U be hat
gait jou go tQ sw 'house east -of th 961 _Vs to
Not only -therefore does early sriu' th 0... minion e Methodist re tbers, renderi accurate regulatio a very
R ha 1
9 eep ilie haiii. been shaved, remarked to the 4 09 to love
'I %RS. ELL f
simpl -are" e.
ioTr & Gunlf, Brumfield Lloen.' To replai broken Main Spring, the Barrel
fit of the shears Can" b you;iolor o matter.
pr�4ning become necessary, but - a 1 pro- I What this country neede is mc re line- kuii ........... .
mised, crowded growth of yo�ng .�ho&s bands to- keep their VIT0 801188 rs aColor whom up? ollego of Ph- I Gi d and mow,
endorsed by -leol tistilis 'ROYal 0 you 1�11 an ved "ithout disturblicigtheWanoe,
kitchen knives shirp.' y ibis aiii. Ourin4ter1k] is #g oclent4t. can be remo
-by rubbing, off all asked the barber. Wh Surgeons, Edinburgh. Brucefield, Oat. . 980" be preventedfin time,. as - being', Praioticall� r In#Fjoliable., It,canno -or'luterf9ring with the regulationiso fornisia si�
A patent nutmeg. grater and an oun4e
nthe -sandjii, haired 11, poin�inj tobis The -pine of. the Regulator are 1ow colltelit*
rb G. M. D.,. &o,; Phyi(clan Surgeon
pernumerariesi. when they have.mad 4Unutmegs will keep a. reitle'se child bu' -moisture, in I cod6okuently is. not affect T -that two or more cone of the jar
BY upperili It's t
-th.. to wy, whenTfirs 086 located
only, an inch or two of new grim SCOTT,
ind happy -half a day e tiny ed by the frost. and Amoucher,.Seaft4h, Ont. 'Offloo anJ A cannot catch betweiri the pins and can*
turning t1:1 -it or Mo meiviiiiy Let �iiil was at some amateur residence South idde'bf Goderioh street, second t e atch to top or �%ld time. iti* an unuoul
Whatever may Iiie the style difical. 4tank, whili the irated ppicej c refuu took d I '8endfor D6.8ifgh ah rma fa A
Door east of the Presbyterian no - pruning hori- thdaticals -ia *hich I Church. -842 rate.
-under the'round or The priessu
ilie air in a tin b xAs had my, mustache.dyed. Sher thought it TherBalance comes -edge
tio f ,4 whether erect
treserved from
zontal,fan-shaped, orin other foim.� hen onwis hurried wi cook- At Co thetrongist part of 'the am, iiot As with was the re for and has admired it. so F -I -N-' Clinton, V,` BRUCE SMITH M. D,, C.- M., Member.
the bearinj shoots must not -over-crowd -teal help �w W. feet bilow
o -the d6ntre andi*�akeot parL
others, under
in -e Or and OF
-ever since that. whenever I go to W olloge of iihii9olide foonei
each other, but space must: to allowed muiiibi e
eep larg� squares of thick pas�eboard ft., Seaforth, ..Ontario.-.. Offies.-and ies, dance - The Main Spring Power Is the likhtest used Z -mould be fi
same as c erpoe. American Watehes. Its
for the development of the large healthy pallvn her'I have it redyed just to -keep oc upied by Dr V
ngeonvipmently to� slip under ' 't
po 8, up, appearances. We - are- golps. -116valculation of the train is :such that 'fOr this purpose these shoots ne n -to10 hours longer thin otheM
. ii� to be -All, %
leavies-, and 'Come R. MACKIDi Libentiate of Edinburgh and and working
--ishould not be near-er,to efich other than ettles, stew diehesi -And 'spidera.,!, when- married before long and then 1. will let' -0. Watch rans -8
ver you set ihem down,- it assume it e�lor` -jLj Glasgow.j Office, -Block, Main- withone, winding, ving more uniform permg note
and rate.
�--h-7 'for hardy stro w natural -;Don't Street, Seaforth.- Rosideuce� John street; ' all these effects 0
vou1hink itis ihean 'to -deoeive1er Ahi' onto
ra, varying somewhat witK, No, kitchen should *be. without! scale might at tither -the Offiee -of Residence. 894 FA h These -are improvem J thatcannotbetlalm-
the fre
ed by any other manufacturers, and once seen, %uency
e Us ACAA Varietiea. NoWs e 111int. r Tou'l all must agree with us In saying that We is 00 'the acdou=of
test the integrity of things �ui�ichaeed. ;h asked the -maid of- the, str
as is '�"y ? h fo. '0 rde But fruit �ees� ieneislily-the apple,. )y weight, and to Me are the qu'�ntities 61; Oh, np/ said' the dyed y mant
strongest and best Watch made; anO wit1i 10
peach�recei, very the has Wee hair and bleached -bangs - 0 the M
pear, bherry )f various recipes. .111 ind Whater -Bo'
iove improiements, the Columbus Wstch-U what is know
-J EAFORTH cost no More than others.
Electric-silican po is, very nice.. and HORSE INFIRMARY. -L t i ir"RN6 'which is wider *on't acknowledge iV��Albftny, ro
little attent' a.; -and usually* they do Elgin, - Waltham, Springfield (13lino1s) nwo-
Jarvis and.Godetich-Streii to the
Journal. -
or pblished brass.. )ts,..next d6or ii
tot need it. 'The trouble is, -man cut. Mi
'AND PZesbyterian Chur* 'soaforth, Ont. ents of all grades In.stock. Also all kinds of "d In
A creaking hinge can be oure&by the -All die.
prui Im .
AY eases of H or any 0 -the Rings, Chains, Broodhes and Ear -rings
tilvators per&Fm what th aing ise of a black. lead pencil of the 'J�ofteo I V orses, Cattle, Shoe t oq� mple,
t the
The mosticated animals success ally treated a Mid O.pitleal goods. e �ex
by doing mojr�\harm than 0 Catarrh,
zi� t Infirmary, or ale pneumatio ca�
point rubbed- -into -A
-seem to have An indefinite -o ha�t mber,, the A NEW HOME TRVATMVNT Foil. THE CURB OF GAtARRII,. e;here, on the shortest notice Give me -a call.
,,,revices of he hinge. UiARRHAL DE"NESS AND HAY 11i JAMES, Wi ELDER Voter.
cutitina and i lashing is all th is re-. if, Inary Surgeom P. S. .A large 'comideratilon
before'grindingAhe moridng�s cof - The Microscope has proved that these diseases sfock of Vaterin A. A YOUNG. ewe�ert
k)-vVE T 8�'. -o
quired. Some perform the ork in are ofttagious and that they are d�o'to the -Ary Medleives ket conty. n haild I of thd water
ONT. the
'They d SEAFORTHI k-ying
winter an& ot iers in summer. ei, the berries tire heated for four or pre4 'be of living parasites in tl)6: interlinin
0 5en
:.notap' -he rineiples which are adspt- n "A merubian6 of the -upper air passag6s� WALTER,SHILtI14GLiW, V, S.,graduate
Ve mmutes,. or. until - the 9
eth SCOTT still sells -t a lb, asusi tQM4*
ply t arker shade of brown,. a avor of the'- chian � tubes.., 7 The efifl-nont scientists, Tyndal IS 'THE PIACE DO S�% of the 0ntari Veterinay Colle;e, Tor— WO
idance by the iiitelli . I . 1. i' . �% - : . . . - . 0
ed for their Huxley and Beale endre - this, and these - . I..- ... - . . t I . .. . toes, for 25C urzat derrid
ffee will be much improved. onto; R? lotered Member Of the. Ontario Veter.
rape, vD. not aware t
are hat authodtios cannot be dispited. The regular inary Me Ical,AsqocIat!6fi.; also Hi6inoraiy Mem. them -in posit
metl b
idd of.treatipg- these. diseases.has been t t the,. lies,.t'Arti I. iiy Medical ..Society. ea
insummer p nin the. ratiioval of large 0 If YOU wan to. ge ii -I q of the Teteribs T'so 1 Ordmg #I r
Weekly, and even -1 -all Diseases of ]Domesticated Antinal PENNY-VUL
Be Ready to Learn.. ap ly an'.irritafit reffiedy, TrA
quantities of leaves'! Mid -shoots while
-44 ly,,thus ke pr
F, oping the delicate �niembrand I a I that, ni6ur. Mo. nuy' ro'duceiii. -particular attefition.g�iiiento-Veterinary, Dentils. IS TH EST
;danp- �ssnre thro
lustrating1he advantage
in active A. story i).
the-trees.are h aeriousl go 0 constant otite of-irriltation, allowl es ciiiefutly examined 1pr soundness, rip ion o a p
grow ing it no chance try. Hors hysibla Who WIOW.
-told by- ai n1f- to hedl, and *as a nakiral consequbnee of su an'd Cerfificates givin. All calls promptly attend-
injurefs them uiilea& they happeii to 51ducation iii dairying is For Vounz'lnfaois it is! t Psi has had a life long. experience III
reatment not one -pernian ent oure has eXer been or Otherwigid.. -.OFFICE at Reof. treatinglemalediscases - loused
U eXCeFIBIVe ish, paper. Pe Dyspoptid It is -of. the grestutral it Is 19pe with 2
a .. A�d om I like. an3 9w mother's milk, and water il
v* had ed,to b, Mail oft4m savinir life;'for th'a Inva
%Ve a igor, as sometimes A farmer's d6ughi recorded.: - It is aWabsblutc facti,that thew dig- d C taffa, Ont. 1048 monthly-with-
i- who iutend.,,to baye m -a make eithij. erbct success b7.
but rirely happens with young trees. ttended the, orleston Dairy chool, easeicannot.5ecuiedby any:application made over 10.,ow ladles, r1mantAfe 1111kht. the fri
In nearly all iw a short . - time, a THS FINEST BABY IFOODg
ages a free naura, f nd bad received- under.. oftener - than lesask your dnig-
..their W- me r effectual, Laid It to look lik
once4n two weeks; for the. inem. Children's Bo ts, t IiEST' INVAL10F00 tof - PennyroyalWaers 'sad
in. a eesi H7 gis or
or givin r. some lesson�§-" h k- ust get a chance tojieal befor )-THE. SEAFORTH
'ir, oiderle nz.-befure" he' hurr Par below
fjhonrd b� permitted, ekdept f e an'appli. get the, 0-v .
re sirree take no subis
'TH 'M9S-T F0001:
Piage for se&Ud partIM10,11, gre
- ng. 31r.Dixon discoVeiiricd the parasite =rrfiand Fall Go'ds'e6timietio I ;uarante ruggists, $I r box.
'be abcomplish epeated. It is� now sovo titute, 'or Q10if
a good form, hi h On her return home nbp iul 3rmed cation4s r
der the
ea. - vAn g
ed formulated big "iiew treatinek, - and sinpe then: t 08T. NUTRiTIOUS'FOOD goi b� all d 'Supply of om
�y 0�11` for. o ll the RAGE' t Ad RURE A CHRMI04L Ira, weil , L�hu an -fingpe pruning ier parents that she could make c i . pose Q give, -acti f. -PE
while the gr th is young. . - oit believi� in. "new. 'his remady" bus becorhe a housebojd Word" �in you sati if 'COO
)ut her -father did n dress T eFSY that mi
-or), couri CONOMIOAL FOO
- 1-TH MOST El i
lish glanguage a64 t -fall, I -nevbr�-,heiard% -a .1 troit Mich. AW Sold in Seaforth"by, LunisUD
Tke gva,�. w rapid gi Ong -c -ii more
ein ro.wer is, igled noti ind said he cot I'd not, e% rk whidire the En Boo.ts.-Iiii laf WiGn, and by.druegiotogenerilli 2034-0 the
m seveR,years -ago
racaret ampt to-, cumulate Mass of shoot - r - tQ spoil hi cheese. Soon after� sp6k6ni, Curbs 0deted. by -hi' 110 MORW f& an Infant for 2J.06
The-udderisignedi prepare -to receive 'Water from
m hL now d'
are curesstillithorehavIng been norttufn of the C.0 I
and therie, sometimes caf 49 -by. the o the mother became ill 'd the an orders fo'r any nuMber of first-class. A 0 Ina photo, of mpg. DAzirs ftn%rn-thM ente
in spring 3�30or - a So -highly are 'these remedies Val beautiful ihildrenii�isevb to the moths
a,rmful after �eing neglected irImAs allowed to -make -che4 udd, 1bat.': r of&uy'b&b3 PumlX
t=.vi thin Al' i valuable 'an 116year PaulAut OR tw
We havq seen a young vineyard of three ime but what she m i e tin a -19norafit imitators. h,%A,e si up evervs-viihere, Apple Barrels d- :86tite 0 inis'aw aLt trol.
trieteoding to destroy'% Va.ras;te of whirch rV Jaya. 0. 40 P. BRINE, Licensed Auctloneer fox the
nitirely ruined by..'zinch, eparate om ade wa 1011 s ]AA.
r 0 TI i overturn
or four acreei e e er'of the,6bese. '0� .and now nothi
nf, by reine the resulis of -the; Countyof Huron. Sales aWnded In At
d by Druggiste, iiciiil 00029 $1.00A parbs of the County. All orders left at TO
e WELLSIRIC"PRON&TC0,ii, MONTREAL PA,4 XxPOR10A wilf be Pr0mPt1v Attendedo. tof t
treal Old A equallyignorpitt, lso any, other work in his in -AV�ly atth
overed. wit application o.which they
bineixt. re
�ty, a cloth, lest it sh' POI desi
nay neces te the chooe of her m Dl� 'md 1s.-aPPli6d only once in two Works, old Baptist Church, Somforth; ;7 ---- solid
ught to thibe � pplicatiorks effect. Ki -License .9 " DD'S. BLOCK MHOMAS BROWN, d Auctio6eer, fOf cions,
Whatever be sary -for trees other's ke. k 0
w 6,1 Ion
,je a
should be done gradually - and 'Unless One, day a fator came &Ion and 1, Lnd from e
a u el
190 w;tq going a'pamphieC �16seribwg 111 ..and Perth. SX1011
the latter cheese nent " r n the.most aggravated cases." Dealers and ftekers takin large.. numbers
r W dealt'witb. -A PO truct4on
th Ne D1W
.e, owner wribesio, check their v' r, As n senas X theCountlesof Huron
h Id. he chosen. f0i o ill be.vory reasonably SITION
thertimes o per�- away he�noticed the hemp covered With- new treatimint ou the' receipt ofistainp tq pay oonduct-ed4DntheinostreAso4ablefems, rdeft 'Outside the
left atithe Queen's Hotel, or �y Mallddriesood, t
-ain. - liable man IftX all Seaforth P. i .
King stre wqf,'Tokonto. Can-ada.� ber.
postage. The address is. A., 11. Dixon & sor4-303 au803le m
M StrOt 86A. orth. n
r I Ofnani, with good yon toany re
Ohil�ren r. nob satisfactory references. Ap X, will tTeromptblAttend
A.MoOMBER CO.; Rooll Ca torla biioj8�4-.-- 1022. tV
CfY fO PItCher's, V 0 . 9.
America.n.. 1074-rl, ledto HiONASBROW Licensed
k063-52 IU
he W"
1w hk
nere d
im a. thad
E lit Mr
2V 0
........... .....