The Huron Expositor, 1888-08-31, Page 5­ -7-7- J 17 4 HIC H IM T UR -01 EXPOS M BUY, ,6 -Ij E -YOUR, + W-h-st 0 'covering from her recent seVare 111nemi, ild- be rd- `AT Ot cou* not I Then it --shot -B.-ANKIRUP": S 6 Mo ri& COTT 8 —Mis..'Etipletthao ri d. from mem -for Cr&kery.bi low cost -,iii -This ftt 1r;ia visit-, berid.-that the substantial new jal. P 011TWAay,-_R6b4rt Hills. of the 7th me been b6astingly is i ft* Vu in h 'her 4ughter 'Mrs.' Bauburg,,- of of whi&sorhutob, h -44 concession, who had to eve up fam 9 ng 4dunity -cound1116 * an& oi- t and dh, t 44 B6wm 11 —Master Eddie Camoell said by sco&s for the Fresho %nv1 e. f cancer, Obont 2 -Corifectibnery In Seaf6 yem ap ou, account o it ii' a ---Mr. T.- is expecUaiitoilo* double duty tis Dy S Ur r I tioi its affeets on Satur4ayt the Is $]pending his holidays- here. A —Mr; Alex,McHwenti. 1?ica of: OP. an SCOTVS Jor. 0 .1dabb 'T cemetery- on But .9, sent Eos 1 for the: S 2200, Itth ingt. wer 1c, OT AND Amy cinity at present. O -E S M 1. died from troit,ie.rustlep in ibis A- sort bf double.;barreled insvitu SCOTT% for.Sugitrs 1086! - His remains 0 interred Steelebf -ting nfinen crit for crinli0als . id, It trii, it the Brussels teach sick and Inctirsble. er at School Section No a it*- t . . I .. I . —AT *TRgrol siternoom I to correct "ewer to the deer 1 fliciale: have L He w" on b 6f the earliest : . I 'a fo 1:11nds in -sea., 3r6blem give Andlite, o jlotonl y bi x0wers in Morkisg was never married r Fruit.of ..a.. perti1l 8 44. .1n . e ., management criminal son.'OTT 1080 4 in-the:Wifigham Times.—The Metho& leavet his prop rtyj about 9 h 0 8 nui OTT OTT 8 nits for. oia 00 AtId. drg4__1 era bf the all -so 'Oted Irien dying! . How long Is. this state 98 SP Alox. Walker, a of me for Pluds, 9 'for 26% 10 dica iod Ac(UDI jnd. Miss e ok an,& must be skilled a so A -Enkilaiid. - I - . go - op, 1 b 601 cent - ar it and $4002 to.,- ists of this, Place are: iiiaking mmuge;, but *e -y _wet the d 11 gx a.,so * I A d titaw1s. iex , md. ciretak of thin ' a 7th ;) ncasio- Mri, Robert P ins, ued:p k, 108 ito Walketl, of the r tft Vary iFray formed 'A' life partiiership to: 'continue ? scon's for can inighthams be In eIr e "J- e1w _.. 1 .1 . I &OTT's for a'Noo 1 P the barn, a dog ran o o,ClOare -7 SEAVORTIEL V 1.0 loso traoting patties. much th- next d' %7'1 Utely Met. with. what , . e day last week, We wieb the con-. for,. Good Fre, 'Sods fatal ac Adent. hilW r` 4 _ . . h9piness th s of thii Wbek-, (Phristle's). from 4e ling a, horciA Ok -in d out n _0 pasturia t6 1V H new lenture. BpAzit —It is pro - at the horse, causing it to become -UTURS, . 0 - : 1080, o dies- ai"ef-. ei Gallom art 108 0 I&, -ftightened, and rum to. the barn, -enter- dicted t9ht. when Dom -Redre Pi leflpq the oT* for qq the Brai Bc Ublid. ibed - 'tho y h4d A%LA - t oung man's ljeidbum fort WAI bei made to ov ow ing vle I n1s. for Jam Jars !cry cheap. the shed, itlia:u tbrbud aua.ef tablish ai repi 1080 A Siqafbrth., F n a ad. .A. ha; u antity L I,* re AFT;L -crew T *Co -struck the beam in front 6f LOQArA-­Hmr sting'is ne scog . , . , , pleted in this v inity. ome n1sh d Is for 8 ull an e - - FSA Forest fires 'in _ llj Jirs at d I by flicting a terrible I fi' jab P sta Ay M, i R-st -gash across. the top of OyLng 16 vas - -SCOTT 1080 LA tt i m e r'$ '0 the, fie doctor was sum ancra great Many wil Miohigo e dbeir q 850, per dozen-, moned. fast week % Abd t it i statea-that many. Pe. _10 the, eirly -`.1 SCOTT's for Glassware 9, ect the wound, putting there- ar . iai this- Of proper y,.and awmg M who dress So A p JAM] in- live& hO'e been lost. 10 0!'PP IT MV- Goops. 1a sevda stitches. ine is getting along weeki, -and while. the yield might bedc belowcost. STQFvFj. H1, Z WAu uirA._Lihung. chang 0 'ASSORTMENT i'$ ea favorably. siaered a very fair crop m some parts of verythit g ch SCOTT S for r e the C4ipeO. viceroys- has ordered several Is noW almost over tj Ince, it br no more than two- m_--Harveit. de. iroil of 0 IN 1. . - have Men- war.to be bililtin GermanV- opf 1. N (), *ud,'the bi engaged,in al ; thirds of what our usual .'er i Y* farmers are 008 To a go 10 841 cuts To years. d .41k L'4 bet OfJW6. D'' HUND DaoWx --Eight L S J OF THE - 0 the been rowne Foi choice New Thowand Pft ring the soil for fall *heat.- ­Wbrd bden; taking an. even hujidrI'd vqfkmon, have orth" ge fok ten PIG.HT,. —A yoi lad, -son Of Mr. Alex. Ross, -r MeWnl! reeeiyed.' f irrtval at Fmiti4ryls, one % . . by- an. nundation at Tong Toon j China& door.86uth of',theL' FOU -S h. one J. L 5 rA of James. MoArter, happened with a - painful'accii Fie-fiounds Ted for ids- Green Portage 1% aeOX4$ HZALTE. IJT.TUUED BY IM ' V"frbn " at' 5-0 to er-Po d Vhb left on the 7th inst.—The lecture '-day last *eek, It appears he was P14-, Tea -for $1., Blapok Te 1072 MoSt wh 0 E 06 - . I y hag on ban ice stQok Select illon is'.? -Dundalk FAIRLF -theL face, John Subjie6ied fn L_ if %Stock to.% Reliable: Goods uls from, and MU en the avi- il iient to - I Id —The i tr6str Which cc Ccurtehip,anO Marriage: in Asisw't Ing around a youtig colt, T upwqrdi. it be.9.0. ave been delivere in jnal suddehl him in He tol* shoul h -kickecl jail -is serious impe is health ' e off Oro at ri , Ohj y Aiing h of Family Groceries wbW chool be se on Monday even- cutting him. si surgeon- was te by 33attOA!A a werely. . A n any bduse In L tWO lost pounds in weight. that cannot be - be p I om nth a pone sentfor several stitchep iu the has. - 3ady Next Obr So of P ki, ing last week 3t Was , t cl fo r who pat s - ROIBED m—A package con. Go6do delivered pr 4,456 MA1 --1072 wiieki owing to uti. irewfell not 'having' wo-und.- -The little fellow bore the, op-. Post office. f d small a. Maa]!S M pBOO`t to d ohiWs. THE MARKET AT e are pl msed to [.taining."J.10,000L has been lost or rea y for 'the atolan FAT HoGs - -An Y-OuCan, buv'- line,'. -from eration manfully, and - w y . ' k - o-hiy- been :OM, t t M at L hbus scOm ew Stqd- 5 Eastem .71, h ails at -the N6w'York. post- Robb' Jadkin . plete n L. is fast recov ing, h a ftt; V L price.. say, f lat hogs w ted "Thi MArter tih -he 10 er 'forth,: r wbieib --thi bigles, mar, e -price in; Learly i ppor )Pofaiwt - - ing Liz a 1073 golden, o tunity fof buy 'your . g On, 8h' L , ' ­ ` , W t T11 i *; Smith, of Harr OLB.—The., -wife a vear. Do not,taiss thij rq 10toi is thL -8th of caskwill b Truks an P -LosT. 'Auto&'."Croalmk, &, ' Polish: ilaborer -in toi of QeS S Amy thlaweekatkis home, on e _ uesiday_ii Aug f Boots in4 Fea Druz The, 4, in Seafortb, a Wirt U, t& n Pen. Rath hit a D ninth Mifinesotai -kave... birth the. ust I n' --ii the LoAmTns-. _r. fluder will bb suitably rew two-year-old colt which tippea the beam children; tW - be a at the othei idai 'foui -0 same eltber''at TnF, ExPOO ar asreturnea 08esfoofr'109 "*r -ii- atl,375 lbs..­:Mr;Wm- Roo h and twdgirlit. allhemi a4d well. office of BRO&bFOOT F P RI. SFAFORTH, ONT. Miss Hunt-. to Xt -College, Torontid lafter spbnding Z qGFL ORAI te.from all: quarter the Seaford, Be toa - r. a fe W'eka &tL h me.—Mr. 3 Point to' f6rL ed. Stbi will be to Is - - , LAAd N —In . 8 0(MGuwT Hale, ox. C ors, avk -gBjj 1WHz&T.­x7he Seed O'NiftI, Olin W his 50 "oWeli7s" and 61F anci Mis§ _e 0 Jai Mag nah ma amlin epor Some of t i Mar V inj ahouse foi Mr.. T k own,. hand t1fis week. Farmers. desirl Waughowife antd--child,' Hensall Mr. is finlih B Imorals at 75 "r Recipes 'Prescriptions a speciv y Rullett.-i-iiiThe new tele ch -is the rgest Orange crop- ever n into Whea th $1 Boots ing- and wife, fStral the t should apIly at on, e, Ilinfs ot the Lan.. Vdmen!i fifie'pebble. pho q, whi ge 1&n!s -LOng worth 6rd 'Mr. E ffib- 'of b6xes.rehohing up ty of $1.60. er', will mii cc 6n exceflentdh n 0, are 0 "dieth variety, an froi ch iii4ings, Toriont b m by Mr. J` -Ili ', Some h placed it 969 Also quanti bit egged Baim t6 on -of Seed for this di6trioti p ged toe, u f0 $1) TO' THE WORM' Smith Ind Igiss H I C ulli built,, passes cl se ultis Xen!s. stri t therRiv and en d, motby eeo.' .1079 your --O' Roge nij seaforth. wn price. Ong Balmoisils, peg I OP EN er Hote .—Mriq 111 -saw mill. M CO. int a 4,000,006 high, a .50,. worth Pt o 1.f wheftm are at the Qaees.—Mr- Wheelr, having an office ai mill 60 astO c6,r-. C EXPLOSION.—An qx-- 42i Men!,s full Balmorals, at $3 ilA TFRniri. rsnted e. w Ck -d; but it Do rt, is, at the co a' of WAI; enuine -H boti0i. is G CiN11 elirly. and'+ wa mmercia. for a few viith'the surrounding plosipa of 20,000' 'pound black pow Hiqeq wo vet Hine at 0 ensall Raees* iges. Ap- .; r I . I - - 1 u of :'Iy' d rvan y on, Sa rday morning, a, goo general se Vig91114M dayx-. ­Mxs. Gamble and- familyl -'East 70psltio(Tthe Urniers. are done hmrve ting der 4 iccu drying. he se J0111; Orth Mi ances. tu ly to Mus. D. street, Aek This; Oeat $a a,.Comm 4re guests rand Win. Potter, 1079 'seei "nawii, hre th this, viciniti.—Mi. J. PoWder CoinpaUry 'near at, of Mri.- Whit th6 old Shoe stind Fall Races at the Hensall Driving Par bi reinove& the Giant- forth.!' in L d stand, NA, 1% He sudRace Course, On ,-hi I Wild of Chic Miss, UcGowan on Friday. September 18 B -rC I —A Girt o Of a em—miss, Rac agOt "k Hunter, Miss Doig and last.. alifornial ..Wes ev kiley, or &Men WANTib. their a hools . on Mdnday 0 rig -opened. Tw white -.med and 'AppiK to 'Mus.- oulz ofthe to,*n. spendingL her vae4tion with her pari thrie Chin Henry Vo Ift. iGeo. McGowan,. who fell from as blown, 1080'. ept Ilock, who. 3rd* werc kille&, e. buildixi" Jofin streete-89afoit Mond .9 Uum agid a lont time died. a building in Blyth, is slowly 1ZG -;T -B the ttatute he res —Mr. F. Y f'T' h" been ill for on the. roof o to atoms., MR oi F. Scott 'will soon he' ­ 1+ .; I ' .' - of J" h M+ M_ T4 $i of Sunday last at idence recotering. mokutr y-,r Cut f Chir"ge W ears.—A have. his new" house completed.. Peter, ates ro believe ePURSES, $425 IN MATL sub ot Wk aged 92 U U'd St venu( office# r it VDWALD 6ds the ent.- 1081 will sobri have to hunt the bi o6cceededin br mkihg the: V pectea death .'Occurred at e &UL, , Gr&tDry Goods uner a, the have unoundox -Themana ers-have pleasure in a Park -and Ri meeting. o, an AVh0A6 4 e that the fa I meeting of the, HeWil Drivb* s le and-Aeta two e- 9 3coCourse,will be beldouXotift7i 5ea Tuesde- laSt'L Mrs. an Dildm. iiijUgg, S rth L family, of Dakota, W 0 Was .Of 0-1 era. . . .1 Qu s Hotel, Olt _r Sho Dealer, diyatj jj of am, of and her 190iotineg at Mrs. returned hom N0F,"I.N-.COAL.'-- At a Birt 8 when V 0 yt -sgents the- other day, - A'N;L In Seaf -8 l6th inst., _.Sttatf rd. September srd) IM, w eli thbir 'vacation last Mr. Howr daughters were oniq weeki. coal rth,',oa 'th and Ne York BOWERM q ered for opeover fm 'TWO FORT Levi here when on it.* a agn, d that an increase of from +7 th6iwife o B mwatf.w-daugh- -libetalptir wUlbeal sheL W4 -e _FIVE TRO7 ff !.-Open to trotten asr enli tai il ntS Pe te atid pacerill-PUrSe 8.120. . t 25 t 0 c Mond nd, on Tuesday'she pas -2 the eintei Ae' 0111. tgna) Sig - of the. y, night onto the P 76-, ftd, 'the. W en qt 'L MoLEOD.-14n Seifoi the Reiu tha plonm _'O _TROT. --open to trotters sea.. awa: to h ler eternal r6st. Thqy ev.- exi d5is, from thd. mining. points a son., 8rd, ITtv's.—On Monday lkst .11 wif6 of Mi. Wm _XcLeod f -t -St., the wife 10d into+ orc& 430; ,p,'dfid I&# ba4 ih ae may friends during their shor acco A. hii;.p&entsj on iinesels, 6n tbd 1 tih in 7 -Ud McMillan mpanh should: go.'intd )i B ------- t. 6, -tam d, their sincere sympaithY &:-- L 'W. H. K C t The Toot; of a daijgbe ind pacers GAEAT- EASTERN of -Mg, stay who exten amily. their. way home to Scotland, as: far a ttW6 and. f qr.. I : if mile beats , best two 12 was. being t the G IIACE-i -Toronto, w DNRY.-14 Morris, Irse; $15.' \lot $10, 2nd 45. Y. He flut ta. the- beireaved husband . - d g6atlema + While the Gr af Easter Tho's. , rp in tbree-Pu Wife Of ReV- '.the Clyde toi Live ool on MO' cc y'oi daughter. ihe" wil FREE FOR A11L he follow - a- s is vacai­,.NL1rs-. Isaac 9f 0M. _15"esied. wa towed fr wife of Reeve Moo, rotters and .1 spend h :-Open to t Pri rian_- M . w On rs and- theft dTfiul the hmm ser'pmrfedj ife, of Dr. McKelve of. &.daughter, on- th fam ,wawen it inister at MOKELVEyi-In Biusic is, on the 220. -jbis- ,' place, hasireturned from Arthur, rsdiyl of Ust 6ek, - -D NC-- A trathroy. see, QOUII ered -in 4the '0 IrEGULATION$ -vesse vanished.in the. DUNFORD.-.Ju BrusS6 s, on the lath RULES AND Entrance IThl ung, e id ightero +V.V ns eof Mr. jameg I iunford of a au entry. f in th 10 er cent. of purse th e,. above should have appeared last week, here she had! a most enjoyable time thesminet epm teinber Isk but, came to hand. toa iate.1 visiting frieq r il in 3he dil open n Moi. o lothin.st., the wife iip , - ra Falls South, will da W. motibn of th COULTES.-I onibii ti6n! -of 1heir Gfeat.S*e 9 2. intrieotovlqse on Ssturday,-A- - 9 J j of a daughter. tfully sunounce a 0 ds.—Rev. John Yd OU,- of Mr, John C a unt t - ; _ its destiusti V6uld resp ex "htely : In"ot church nex sea at he t. Sabbath m6r4ing U arriv(d at 7 O'clock p iD epee nmere, on now.. offered will hi MoAe Dobie and childt TrE the Metisey Saturd vise ified, mfie heats, best three ln Ave t6 the 9,dyjlilt 'geS argam M an I Mrs.,Davfil mB 1 . nieS govern. L4. Any Ms. Dobigon, 'Will e, ta; i66 to plices. Marrialid 6.1e, and W& trust harness. e 'bors *ng the lield tocA.LiTir-&--r r paid fl ing visit to Our an", entitled to first moneY eessiou 4i sr. i an Of onsh ( : e of! the.. srsk ...;-Mri G a SMITE the guestw ol Pr -:ea shilp of Grey, Lhis Udsitono" -has -.,,kt,-the rekdene -by Rev. purehq Serk While Sucee to stattarno crowds lace. e2i e Alect of bringing 9i few -cis, pioneer og the town,, week, being [-OOULTER. wer and- h only, K Four to enter qna tbri eq, ­aPpy e tp Ull July he sidence. of. her daughter in town last i bride's mother, an thd: i5th inst., died at the re fai Mt. Joseph Dobie' of this 'p pre!s', tqd to' fith of. Hills to be addressed to. the SOOVO- urch in.Flintshir. the race. All horses to be: cligibil he ripe; Ag e -, for' his I oply to' IN ter, 6f -M ol e Entries day"' f this ieply to' .-Torrance,'Mr.,Henry Sir ic.tallks louder d- e of eighty the farmers,() e' re iv a ilverton. W" this *illage) I , Quite Green, to , d. fhe'v" '-of th6 Ptibl itt a number of MISS t. J, C01 Horses to be called at I oVock -Moft b oIn Toronto - on. July prices ire'offefie tary. T." Col,.-'Robqrt STEWART-CROOKS- excess ely, OW toostpone !on he mmittee res whilther thc -Her'rOnsins were interred Live flnishled huvesting.--iEd. erve tile right cemeter -.—Allan, son -of sect h -visit ing T .. NYkLLO_-. —Repor1s.r­. - 26th by- r Sutherland, gir. Pgai The 'Cc ,es In the event of unfavolf. I Rev. X -will no doubt. al or dby of the rax rs taken and e9orestville -y Dov as been H .Scour.GE..' le, ha th fills" of Clinton, of Torionto;Ab xiis-ma agesitz ser will `t cc Stewart, week.- -Mrs. Whitt ital tr o Jack- daghteii Of the. e er talki -and any of the numerous pure donthe ground. wu ill confined to: ived at the Marine hosp in Oof TO thiin newspap able weather. 9. No int6xicating kuorg 1. Mr. Robert Miteliell, is It d g the, death jai Ttobeit Cro I ok u J b a wqc her 'sister, ill Flori4!a , show, that ther&.'are a -secured for E Po pleiof weeg eAloBr7ass andCo. .th a SeVem He has ha of Clinton, is the guest o W -townsbil S which, pian, n1j b iii, be -in attendall e Wei a ofYelliii erb willt6 beldat di a long and painful :0 th -.4oine "on in mit'chell o a B, in .During Mkkr. suffering and speedy reeovery is ..Mrs. John. -Sturdy, of -this pli noTu"neher tre4tinent. 64 case DODDS­ R tesiif y argalp Rev.- C. E. Staffo id, afth;S rbsidenc%. ht . atbh:at 10 a' into park 250, i's - laic! -up evening, *in ei -will, Dodds, of Admiss! us 'he iu& With of al.—Chas. Bonnet sa that'on' Sand4 ilie feivipt. 4--th e rideos iber, Rev. J + IN AXOT of of _Rit,-, -esp w + . - . ., , -1 , W. B. 31CLE caused ..by getting his he FR'OsT DA Win b 'to 9:MRg_ . I . , .;.. t Of 11I *th, a. sore leg, + Main street Met dist Church, A gii. Robertsi vn i 1081 ecretw7- Vint oil, deader, just rom" A. 9 sprain laughter of Jae. 'a irery ldrge con i Korth- utis "a oundi thousands of WHIT t runiwickZhapel, Livbr-, will he * rail che ed.—Ed#ht R Isaac preached,'to M,*cNeish, wast sick for e g egiii,6n 'the -best sernion. that says+, he pbol,--on-it e 9- St., -by I Rev. _18;rge pro- N -A imp iver nton, rovil -'rahmin for- -D U NO, ionic time,: b Dyson liglagain.—Pet6ri G p, ` ed in our town f0i a long acres of wheat uncut a M. as 6f Cli + *Ontario; to who,"reWides b en del- h merly Of le Lter of..Mr-Jh0s. - ray, He took- for his ortiori iie;vb w th hood, 'who . has, t. e text the fourth r ill bie out :on accibunt'of iMr th r 91 G Wingbam 30 thii. neighbor im Elizabe -Will I pers biten Iiiing in a itoba f6r -eleven yeais4. Ommandment. doi y frost. The, yield of York, n daT114ga Ian onage c ethodisilpars were with his neice, req-uced accoiding to eati- e M be leti e _Mr. -O obson, Prithe 94th hoi how arrived herelu comPAIFY -not ' 3, ilers and. rriston hildren on nate,i of farmors- and de t; r. ert, 3r@en, afor ess 'than a, ied over the Mra. Begg;,aua two c r6t d Zu:rich. n: - ever day last. Mrs is er.cefii, of thd- crop. m Pt Turnbetr3. Brown' a o' , urne r.e. thaii 0 wadir DRE, cheitper tha iLad: to madir Eiiiiest Gies, wh 'chal- MO' 'ith. them- haviing bee'n + 'visiting, theire BEAT NI h6rd. Just zes slong enhefm farmers of Ra _,- a few weeks grade, Or.T OF t WWII, 'CORSETS attention -to our. Hq iery. titering. Mr. forsome-time,- The. whole pirty look lenged, -the ats 5 feet' 5 + D4 atla + special, Kippen Shop tthink and sp . eak yer ago.; with 0, sample -of -6 k-et,'-oa44dnesdayq -J64- Plow tas o he t - " - -1 1 -, raus a [I ancl seem 'Seafbrtl at the, residened f Ladie t b men if that el as beaten by Mr. cc or 0 n' o64- Ilose -inciiies in! fength, w e 31 KAY ckay - on the 26th inst., t owed van held s. tvienty-fiv nt pi ce, f t lity of that untry.—H. R. Spenee, [r4 jd laroie con igrimep:. Of theCanadian vig, , o ab Oats an- I - I - fi i - i arri o has been -eu- Godfrey Nicholson, wh. rel t ot&. Istalsaac McKay be p. reserved r pr price. OU. esent 6ach Dan -A. urp y, a hoteli-heepart to shoo or, jvb an'ei M k of -th6 se - 1 0 the fatum gaged in, thia school. for 'a number of inch and a, half longer.' Murphy missed'ithe C0133t. of -Tuck r d 72 yearsi mon at less than half at, ten paced.- 4.9 end 9' 'i-ERMS - a, thumb .-Iii-NDERS resignation.' We' MAM 07931: EQG. ­Mr-. nii n -forth, on the 27tb Ins clear6d out. before the KIP -it lima U*dered his Pp dfoitbe Aehoff Sullivan 66a of John arrin ;Sullivan will be...- 'D.oi ir wn -the' other- day,,an - ail' T :wne; and S ea e ed -lo, Months.- ' OLffrj; - for th brought into to; _,un %S* What his itenflon% and dersonj 7a had. arpuih inst., Tillie, e t mef 0 cc -In 11 FU. h d Alway$ marhing for f-uture arc n6r do, , ill eZJZ -,%vPch astogisKed the.'nativip,by- and . -fore I t Margaret; on the 2 th _H W SHAW. f, know w -E- I N.0 ableto gh Oof Mr.. John F3,haw, aged i - . c ,. only trust- 'I ortions. . Ib girthed 7J inches. Is D.EAI i._John D. Gillett, -youngest doing HO.0 h will likely, -. I him, but We T busy supplYiug succeed' 8 rilont ahil 6 days. Ow W rep is years ward in the plow tra4c: is n kpipears, that IYALL 81row. —Remember the World'a A, as --Township MOW cia-ted, and 6:404titte kink, died at Maci. on the lath their servicei will be %ppre the Illindi R11 y rand two In r -our sincerity the f armers with thosie 9 aliased some pression Fair whicli will be held -here on the, 13th Ce conivinco any i of ows, which may leave a good im ad Islaind. Saturday. riiorii J C aged -62 year$' urchaser sell so rapidly,! A large ic thmvthey 14th Of Sept;emb glesbyi, -611 the - 20th !noi Jphtf ,At prices., hieh will'at 'On ging plow Of sh* ow Spence and, en Da. not forget tOLLINS-I in we ku Mr.. the fathiii-in-lAw of . Gov&n; , 0 T*I S.1 _. . I . Ii. ows of all kinds, plow e ti lin ears sod 16 di on the young3, as to yo. -on our- merchants on fair day. ar im6 of his death' cc oiged 7 icastings; mould boiids to fit to,.call h on:tbe'l8th I iins to- sell, chdap, handles, Plow b044, sortmeritq Of aPd 'it 1 e"t - -WALKI I&C. heife they, have be.0ght splendid as acres -,Of and -iii Logan ifis "w'-velict- Orthe late rithe Bd 20,000 ods, own, Janet CalderN k -ears and, 2 G -alkin sw ag R -fall and winter -dret 'His, fortune is iames:Nv I.L - I - - . . PLOW s and Other L70 ad 74 y E PAI R1 i thm of swhich, - e - daily s rrfvfng ind- will' be.: was n6ted- as th nd,disratelt m_ Ar )00)000. H Mon s. of ail Itinds dcne with reatricss .4 IT.—A- commullica- mated 0 $2,( Tb residence; lb,th coil- DII). 1gqOT asonaible prices on sh of fine beef dattle 'MoO11E..; At his f et uble to supply all In need. id the buyer offered at re s LiL breeder" the i8th inst.; Mm. No tro appear in. the Mringb,am Times e sf cession of oon .Mr.. George Moore, f the firs to.export bee f- IELLIS Kippen, ONA W-w-IDDING TouR,_L'Mr. David' an on - Mr. newspaper e0t_ da#10 0 age 31, -n nd 6,s one o and "d Enilind. t esi o T. as they my. f eld' Om6time in the- winter or -Jose 0 d 16 days. Fu f 18 7 critioi§ing and- -00mm tA orin S a spring o , resident, With bit Xarcher formerly rMus"s 8, On -the a Literary S6ciety. and its si 0 agea*64 .0 rs in* on- loth inst., Felix OTICES. cc of ,biiit *ho hai "Veen on -thiqk - Ameri )set"th Canadian 4tateg't ,_ L03ON,_`--Ih B 9, - - in existene is.' _Sit; John Ri officers the! e, the Pa on son of Mr. Fi ia LeBoni. aged 3 -year con* ie ilmeg- is here. -now C. itth ;-dropped dead M T C tvin l?'resbyterian nfp king, nasn'and - financier,. .'DEPAR, -hs- death of meetina Uing bridet visiting old lend t t Mi obith anct 2 d YBD.-­StrisYed from the premisef# nces8ion of the 8 a C. ewou ii, flibbert, a 1vut the first h reii Friday lasii 'Aile firing ;els on, the.`16th one cc aUSE Iliaml, church, on the. 11t ortly newones. Mr.Kircher is 9 M in Aber eeu- k of WzRichard VVi -all the- tiest gri in Elewis`bo lex.F.,Ufan sori b weed- tz uits, am, r ng of i y, anage osh. Sh S ul A Ewe hith -twO L=bsj mgrke& lownship- _oX East Wman 6f,the Colligiate Inatitnie at , Navier. redeive'd his a-fred 7 months nd'29 days. T the -off side. sculand ih 1820t Amy person givm' ticle., appeared -in TaE Ex- shire_,' h Tar . -on reeovel for iieievrat -in Or , on 0 23rd inst, Nei rnteed.- ObwLp Ili lead to their ry win Fay oSOD of -31 Ohn Mont, co and home -ma q.. THOM P sixth 5ame looking more'like com- immediately after xame With montbs and 12 as. T 1 e 0, Kilmariagh, Alidbigart - A U_ cromarty P. 0., Ontario, V , cc "21 Nec'kties lfandkbrchi4s, - Gloves, $uS nedr O t to. this collhtiii iULTR%,­:-In M ris on' the 19th inji A (e by te editor tha I er. a 'Shirts TJnderwqarj_ U if written le. 71mins 1811tr Jobn Con q0t, iged 32 yq%1 S OkTblt, b v nc glish, Irish 8 suitablk rewarded Eni. 9 after an ei at. king's College, Ab6rde rua information thatw peighborhoOd the v'lte Illinois, and has been. saien eduefatiom eu,:. LAMBNT; aged I year, d -S LE 'reply to that. in yeArs engaged in the teaching PrOfe a be A ments - I hpol' iu, A ife Of M $ZRVICE, a The underi has g by the e6ka ago took - 0 P6 trip to- sid family' Hat Caps, ears. he taught a -DULL P" 9 juplis.-mit that-' nih.- JL) for service, for the bala4ce- Of .01i'SKSM 1. r oju A-Md -BRANDON _4n Aith, on- on his premises Lot corres, )oUdent..- understand that F' y ay Jqi ra,,. for his bride and wh6a the you4 on; one of hi Mo ing -for thie 23rd. insti frolit te - min paitles .9. blaj ed'by -cert f 0110. P6111. era, &c., and forext season lso. be Thoi librod, the effects. 0 R I a6biaent Mathew 14 OcKillop to referre4 to cou& leave here they will 90 to -Beii J. d r, Karcher, 6ing 10, i0oncessiOn 'keii at 'h vslue In own tiihde at d 'having''wrttell moto,,.Marylandr where M Beigrave, ii ed 59 years. the podi- )SITOR, but beg commenbed the iractice of AW in' register inaar*d il. THR. atio as ttaoher t i the highest C" Durham Bull, "Fr. McDons hajs iecured a gooc -thah I situ n ;enil Montreal, in:1842. sin gs bi, with tho in, ce. then he Iiiak Butter &0 Eg ri. Now Herd Book. TARA ove gree I to state for We infor ati privilitgeof1e.turning it neces s0 distance, if nomary be. 81 opattmen C not behargedfor the Celeb --D =Odatibu. AXES res 'd n- one ANT 17 LES.— Order at :.leave, how ve 1. i Academy, MmY "sui M an rniost eminent men.' EDWAM m night, WE te that th bee f the ade to isin bw ose inte was. th-eiii House. 10 t- I sent your paPer. anadian, PolitiM, ed Goods !on communle thess sm July, 1882t over my own _Te'M6ntreal:Wi In less CAXPBELL. OR SALZ. Ue -.Unde stature, -on mitters B117th, S- e. if 4ecoiA birth- -a short ou4 in ri ferring-U thOg aa year after. W failure h, Central ival WiA n h Qrt —A Harvest -Rome ;feet thought !.__&-,Dunca IMBER_ F Ash t eledtiot df'that year. I D6TS. k'6i Z irt )od uncan... bout thi 7 acres of g( es TeMperance Hall, in con five per. Dronto, ;ivich It wak Swa web iicipal;-Of the, t two adver-. be field in the' '.Would pay 4 dividen4,of tw lntt Aiigitist'30, 1888 Mi), on Lo ave of d' urge sincesen of cliuich,, !.six and two- or more to Suit, nectiou with - the'. English on. 11 hs e paid sixty . :,., . I . be will sell in Lots Of one sere -doun tennis ce atii i wl - per bb e 80+93 Is In tWo rarcels and on A n whit .-Fail Wheat to -to D7 -and -behalf U the law tisements I mbef the 4th. is under o go a varents township monieq. Septe thitds per cent This to. 0 93 purchasers. The I Dtwo Wheat per us, tho wi6blng, to havi lab 30 -years to East W&Wanoshj being -Wi unbusi-.f 8 rin played bere on, ednesi 9 to 0 32 per berway can do s to loan, "bushe by buyp _,ly, vdie f often tending match wi etent and gsome on eac was called the incom,P 15 avetro" Timber to be removed 011 Par to speak o aitent of two Chiistiin .... 065 u eel No. I be - in, th"Ash ril ers for your between Brussels ­and Bj$th, resulting -like inanage Peas per bushel.; to 0 6.7. you men Our. boys will 0 43 to eel. ratf May, im and on No, 2 before from. subse in favor of 'Brussels, WM. Gpoderham and ex, Barley per bushol.; 16 fore thot Im the MT> - mwdied. 1. or No. 1, l000 a.... the first of Xa)t e -to Tenno -Cash, or ether b*v fifi g(ith me f that purpo in`6, 0 14 lef spruce up if they a:re going to What. might 'have u16 1890.- EZd to be underbrusbed .0 15 to_ 'the r 'ills- y6ur.n issuekindly say wh _4,ayor, Butter, 01 14 to' 614- before now ing a been expected if. it had been contr orreft in the statement keep up their. record, C. .11ainiltOn -7 50, d Hogs .... or not r 6orrespox%denqe disp Dressei ........ 7 oo+tO 0- 0 -OHN I"Go loi c osed of the househiiU furniture Of cl. Ir ',n.:R o 91 otte i&ith interest- J' b m" methods: the bursting 'bf tZk out "basine - - . - -6 . -Goivanize. J0.0 2 20- -of W-3 Flouti per 100 VA now Ineti regarding an:3 B. Keel6f on7SAturday. Mk. K&elef anies' Bank been Uken t4e uifo tunate Mech 00' to. -9 Do. 6 00. 6 .00 *4 xy W 1 ev, erbA4 with the Hu FA.P.OSITOR- juds'leaiiig town ndxt Week. . E. fortunate; fbi Hay perton. ...... to Fall Shovvl& d the leg-- inte tV0 -dicate. r - .0 Yours T r4ly and city' we Rides oer.100, ?or liodgiriq-wil oditors o most- of ...... 040tO.O.' kii this season n Tef6r- [leontinue theb siness man f.the Bank fell Sheyol Mseach". ill be held brother, w & it" e Man WO 21 Ao :0, 22 bag them 50 -076 follows r Porterfielcl saYS 'i rect. s1e.is a sthustler,_' willi no doubtf Sue-; t. e man n sMall; Capital) that 0 40. to 0 Fall shows ot Ek -more- c i4to-th6-han a- . - ..... .. . --vnThursd%vAn4 FeAdiS0p,' d itdid---.-- Hx1r,.at7;qK , . e is n- eed-.- b ' I "Met -01-110 9 --- matter is abiolitiYcOr -w will - be submitted- to gelrAnewi —Aby4a, a re 0 76 hin. les We only- regret t at .8, df Blyth some. time soon, has. Poh, silt (retAil) Per 2 60 to- 850 thd ratepai —Las b Thursday eiiiienitig C 13 and 14. .30 40 1i IcZrofitor, as'he; a ready C . . to tember si Sesiforg , on Monday snd frequez egard to the purchase of a, fire. Wdod per: cov; .-.. o" 0 - 0: goulif ApPI44 write ff sensibly and in r. itify, OLT' rontol wmi found 'lying er,bagt writer %na alwas, Miss- Driummond i3 RIC U 8 Mrs.. and cle on thi-high- Tuesday, SepwalUrN Aud 18. engir ut the e po" t —EDO Let. 7-7 conscious beside+ his bic, CTZTOXI C present ro)(k 'August 80 CIL Fr' i 20 and 21; CLI. - to th froth. Kincardbfeg wher6 rts _;f the oltyp JVfdnesdayt ThursdrYWA Zdd&Y, have returned 'he outski' 3f Qi AT STyirw ANI rs 4eq t to -Ori On it al 6ouple of' ivibg struck,: while -going at. per it Bxct they 1 roih Wheat i have been spending 0-90 W an Ctcbor I and 2.' and iftton 'On. it pe, 0 ng Whet 0,80 to n ThursUy W _ite, , i I'Vile)N, the? Glenfarrow eeks.—Our band goes 'to GI ed. it stone which in. the -twi- Spri 2 dTu Brussels, 0 MDav g66a so A. s, of attend the. races, Next Dro Brittou bats per 0 48, to.. 65 notii gb en r, Friday -t ta rd be DOW.4-1 as ba. and 6, iends eve an la erestlng 'light w spent. anday with. fr examination Barloy.par bushe -.)0.55 t6l Goderinb, oil Tuefday V*d., at Wingh n Wednesday will P, -Pew pe are being, at once called, and on i bushol, 0-ts t4 16. a nopeople. - Never w4s - and Ffday, O tober tj 4' hadjouitill rin W 'day. to one of our tow t f6und th t the young nian ned otter... 9 Promptly ban 01SO g. an arit'Forbst, have "be 9ther boys- ough rm, d Rvj.r.ai - f Mou I Sam,- some of the 11 and right . in at Belgave, Dii Tuesday. -to rroperly WAlid minc 0 '0 F f' the. skii Jobb JaMes Ben Hay pqr 60 the Mr' been A 0,4 a home of to d6the Sam&. cat ifforts have per b ew i4ests at' th, PotAtqes Althou& gr .6 -bo. -00. - day andTucsdxT# 50 -A J_ 2 60. 0. 0ordwood.. Miss unid Frasier, fr to' conscibUS1268% th. B on th vatin in -k - & hi Hides per 1001% t ia Wee .— - e to.resto in is beat even, iriends her have ssful, -and it. -Is. .7-00 m at is visiting n indid I sdiar been unsuccei and Stritforl. .1 . __4T -he daily Beacon,. of the 22 d inst MO F, fy ti I on 1vt 4 Eva Mort aIt- Be. 4 .rti jresent.- ,Xissea Laurs an Last evening witnesiea. the un- feared the"in1dries'will prove Dre d Hogs, IN I 100'lbs ........ 22 ier 10 ang 11 k or Ing a wee t have Up bn ool taft on wednepAsy, are spen two able bodied -St. is. thouibit t t I* of of Toron 0 says ta hat -he mug from September 'Mrs. D an, hour befor d W STWAT,, tit- TOrOi ba Caisle.—N al speo cle of r - e being b Tiiz IN St .141. SO. per h. the r sistief 9 named, Northgraves- 6*6- roail for dearlY LIVIRPOOL, Aiigust.80 -s ring w e!ii 10 to% P"VINCIA4, At 30196tion, and Mitchell Noi % 01 d." I _ I -son e so tO16. 44i ip WIVEXX, at 14ndon, frow Septi So to M po" -RgGISTER ware has a provindee- avir. jai or ving orkt-739 9d'; ob t6ba. Green ig with cancer -t( a Moys constables, 3d; Wme to red wlnur U105 -d, oht the Stratfordhos- oba , d Call Ornis better. i Green ii awm: 04 trip M itdhell-, biinging a, -poor wbm& 91 discovered. ti, ()s ood barlti­ 08 to Lai 12, U daug4teis residing -in tl 1tal *1 f six months, - she , ba' Kidd d, Wilson,, -teach em,10,96 to I o;o§' M r. T. S!. it. com by.a, M116TYS t2q.-Iall wh er of Zctlai inittqd -St. Aug to$ c ;, pow , 750 clerk. in, Tima been ()a Thursdii 86ptember - 20ths at ' T903VO, d Le f Str e arnell x1g, $0.88 to cats, 32.6 vm atford and, Mr.1 G te. for' tha term.. - Th: P. Cession spri AJSgZ= Men Fruit Z i:rgluevale, spent Sun dj ky magistr& on lot 23, ton Iev bays er ton, 910.10 to CordW at LAVIVIL applef; and oldlodk ..,,to 7ild;,barley, to 600.1 P OL 167 of mins" 8]r1r fromithe cancer is very offinsive K' lop', Farin Stock- )tAtoeso per bajr-'. H SIM -And - i4le I 891,'oo ; butter, o 24o;, V witti frWnds' here# good natured M; s Sai Wl sickening, but then the lot., 15 6EAFO... rie!- _n 14 AIN ST tman C6Ok1k% PfOP hb 50 eggs -per 4 ET I wate from Tei A'& c. Ha qo. 17bi.,:88.50 to 194, -and return d'his assistant d op oulle. keeper of- the gaol an tOr.;, j Britie., Auctioneet, --foe al c hey, an men Will. - ds t y feelitigs. isiting frien -not- mind it., nor. have had be ais e, inber Of we Alex. Thompson, e S p h U In -o al stc ,IT BOX, U t C Fiee o chased lEstab -----------