The Huron Expositor, 1888-08-31, Page 1OF e� I
.'Wanning Assist
1, 1 -mat bai�,
he Dohe�#y- or
gi an in
..�rsday undertahwe-a
)f Eiglando The
i of the . 4u*
Mr- the
ironta, 'who
V oauma
tghter. � The anewlaw.
! Waddleward., a, U&t1r* #
ached a very , itletw-k;
'y Mornin
in the J��
, Also,
edn in SIN
The 16 ey evening _1k at
cturor waa, enthW
casto�Tvof the, J&Wr
lectuxe in the Main'. j6�
rch on. Thursday ev
from_�an tj
,[a- Is tursto
�he a wire WA
everyone seetned W&
Fe- =-"9 k4
m -ah farmer, Ix of Stq*,
th ell
st �fhoriie' on
Purpose of Fon�er*
kf ladies of the housi,
ikod permissioli tobw
0a, dr:tve. which -he
amed With the
The same evenk-gi&
t* t0vin and moei* At
his b4ggy she. an -
Aed hiisbind.m*k
Lo had a Utter r1& ta
tlietafes she rk odIL
�0_ _t the gmy_;--barw J -
stopped it
Wer the head,with1w
site- broke to� 4&m&
rare glad to vacate tk
leave, it in possession of
ife� who drove hdni�
pand ta finish Ik- btw
tion ancl to- walk fiow
11129 -
Che Lrnfoina of Wrolour
Part im the base b#1
Brussels, -6a the H*
ad se'ond momey
L. bit succumbing b-
;orloua pp _ an* tit
� 0# T�iray of 1#A
nine of the'� WroxeW
i, -Gorrie junicim, by sa
�ffarvestihgo, with ths
ing spri 9
and� f4:rniem. a.
closely. -the'-proballk
,�es. operatiEnsi - FA
dleutsawpla mud Ws.
rage of perhaps- twv*
vo oat's -are fair, Is
is short while PW
probably quHe UP -
f.recent . years.- if not
�oiatuieso,'�vhiafi,- reoeot-
�,: have - beea greltly
ate heavy showers,
.require to be. Sauk,
�edlng of aw- k. Too;
In #ome Vises 81811
ce & croP At
tv (in, the other
fair yiadl.
t of the,- wayo, the To
come -. morii prook-
One, -of these,
iy" wen -wending bit
SunAy evej�ing 1my,
the 1�
It,` aceful affi�k took
hotels,, -,b&
a of -our
v! be* Of
5 �bf4he UrT ,
0&t�od. !they
:Et doing much CUMW
be Scott Act MaY
au Act, but as X
I me -49 the, License Aot
10 sawmill it 5
d in6sf 6t the ban&
1jew toned along. .'
on on his fiAnal
of BrusselOr 1;;b�
hurch her& on TOW
ek, the i ablect beW.
'He. Will. beat tb'&',.
ion is, a, moms 00
Ah. insto'
i,—The, Too
has commatioeid
4 1 after thk V!
little boy. bilo
Of th , &h_ lhl�oetj
act of ge
en. -the gate
going betweleOW
causin Its
of the
A horse
-and me,
MOLZ BROS. llubUdherso'
ORTHs .4 AUGUS $1.50 7reart., iu Advs-gm
NUMBER, 11081,
THE "ALI�ATROSS._Jy off tho'coast of South"Ameria-a it actual-. clothea in heaiy ov rcomts.'.'� Profeissor' trai aould not be brought 'to -4. stsn& 11-harivest-b1me an Almmisoed-. the. case. tleman of most charming manners, He
-in tima to pr According' to 0. elaislo -Smith. broke
in describing the F116gland says stil event running over her. is an i6rdent. Hom ler, and :asked
aye egga. Lee
P A 1. R's -to make. a rescue -at' f. an t *ill therefore be eagerly about he morking of Home in -the liborstory of the "Albatross .1inpressions theim are - �Jufte, ai ell; deteriviiied hio'contraoto and.,
(From an 'Occasional Correspon4ent.) uy Rule in Candda,as wellas about. the state
11 a Ibad aards, climbed- out of the cgb-on to' optional with his- ompl Whether a
ere ioWe of 4klass jars filleid' with -curious dilMernt from tho V tained 'all i pyer
the piersi of Sell 1` rei 4,7 Jum: is wageg 2 Alongside ofone. of of the. ; are paid or not.
cowcatcher, ped shisid of the A h
ant Al- vegimen brillitintly-coloied. fro U idiag the war abbe expl.6f of religion here. Of the late Archblsh-'
so n r-reseiii- era. ei bb u t.; op -be js *6uate
rancisoo there has been moored; during 't - Ja and -.snatchod the-7--chil mbek -There are on ey.Wbition atPetgrboro Lynch poke. -most affiectl
me amed from thei They-iWIre* s`,low hey qan rai d fro
a7peR8, I . ..I . . ..t. �� -1 . di *to'
THE- Ams 1p. Ise'in 'r ous posi lom - U g OW pencil lketch7i .61 Wi%gariv-Falls ly.
&nee In fo of three
He pkesented him Can6 tan vai. r
6. mstfOw Weeks a triiil Ste bl rm to a.n. old-fashidned qui 12yt4,in a ruga: or'
ey ay.:o a r
W th taiii he made ln� 18.25 VyIM -works as a.
iregister. jum n do ra. with
out -oner �sand ns,ses-anemones,sea-urchinsp gedo b4rren &country, nd-� I as fhe rZed w
-tho tons wu7sn and the wh a b6lpy of ',on , his dwn
little girt 1 a -Bolt6u, of memento of in
Th An�eri6sli an- sign at her poako -and a, long fishes, fat ishes, ugl� look- half -a( k4d's a n hi D61t0no ife o&oohL ti. G. their " terview.
: squid 46 on uA emt a,nkment with the Ho i
ash Store..
officers on her deck clad 'objwto,'in al- otter arms, but' ately both escape -Rbv. W..Hayhurst, of Wallsceburgo,,
the and sm'flor's -like -urchins, with occ slon 16rtun d with. -Cobohrg.' 'The paper is discolored With
jug spiders . and snkke sea 0 f -the States -'eral inemi. , on the -Ahe'r-hand, we saw- utinjury. -age andthopencilling has become ofne -per-
Or_ -in the 'uniform o -feet, an array -of life- suk'as. one woill s, a4vertisess religious fraud who, is
V�, I ifistinct.' Th smilill t' the iesof Elgib, Hisex,
U ixist only dui:of a brutal soirit in' them.' We A" esex, 110y, denQted that she was inhe G6 tlifik-aou in- fairy. talell and! no evoral barni containing' the season's what i b'lit is a
TMAN' & 000'� ernment-se"rvice. Groups of daily visia cio destroyed by ligh in the k,
the'days_of hobgoblins., 'Some of -the found,. them careless, iappyi. not given 40
HOF 5, yve 8. t ei.�hes Wow that changes ive taken Kent iddl
ibi lity of in and w n -plid person about 35 years of Ag
ori -have sti I the landadap rather
-tore indicated.. that there was wnethibg die I - -
-ses fish have no eyes. - Oth Wing, -and ilways eady to -trade fair- �y gersoll eto 'eln
of all _iniiWmento The- Aur' 4E,raagelists,Huntei and Cros] dj�m height., somewhat
rett. And them I to 'be hei fu' an ng -last. Sundey's storm, ley nder'tho. ine
About.her of special inte eyes so arge as out, ly for, t r, re
p.9por -the 1bick set, leen' shaved long black
Aving to 0 4 were 21 Soott.Act convictions - . P
a me regairing to, do' to our was. aommenced. their yeik!s cimpaigiL in
-tion to the. - -size f Aho aresture 1hey Faegians eujo3r
Aud'. they woldld., -There
hair, calling.ilmoelf Su evangelist, Za.
-This steamer belougs'to the United according 'tos th ted laggh.o, bodyi made by, Police Magistrate Lawes d First Methodist bhufah, in St. hoth".
illuminate, 0; AcCep ver,on
a a or Michigan. *ware of
tore very 0hortly'"and not wanting to States -Fish Commission. Her .0 d d' house. hailifig 4rom,
"Me is! notions' abiout oyiis. , Their'� great size U 'I o3ered: to buy ro ne t a women -last week in Wellingto the 1ast Sunday'. night t w e
the I,` Albstross,2'. and tier labo ratory' was ne i impos sitni, of - - Froni here -they ladion, for thil him I He is -not what he pretender o
ray of it row -look from: h canosi It. '11 ad to
other mov ng the goods, we hae-dii- enable the fish to collect every a
I - , t
light he' -1 49bb, 306b
and cabinets' are- filled- with -the7 most -of w 0 a ielleiffie for. not be.
posbibly can... Still other fish simply a oroo ed,vie jislied
utious and mazing - - * * 16 the-tdd n s. Graf-' ill' as to- Oakville for-- a ibti�s of 1 -xeetv - -Sir Henry T�mylot.stid Air. Jdseph
ided, to Irtxii off the 'Whole stock, qd a specimens of.the havepatcheison the body that emita eo the blit -with, stripsof Uisis Sira Dun, can, Garth lap ow Western
a of'Coutse-cauk t0n�, accompanied by Mis&L-riliati L ieg
dife bf he iiea imaginable. I �ias one of p6sphoresoent, lighfi probably. to asslet whal6boniol a d- I bC.dUTIjj' ngs- during September., afterhiA they Hicks6n, have completed their
is prey. ta -Mon a'
order-toi do so w6 will "offer gr . eat.lip, � the daily procession of visitor's courteous', the a-*immer'in findin ted- very� easiiy�.. � The I Woman is of.'Montreal, 'correspondent of',The go -to Winbpeg for two -th tour -of insection of tbi Grand -Trunk
g. h* np PC Ar Wi '4, - at the Thousand i.e. line. Sir
a, depths in and- tben:.un- We Bk,i leaves. Brantfitord sh tly on a six
ly received on board) � and havi�g mi as of -the ocean searcoly-,� looked at -me I Carleto H* expressed himself as
men a' us ke threk -d' &Its onths'-trip to.Japan. land Park, jest Frh
t 6 it*. I proceeded to Mi atte'tion-.of he�r, eiy muchleased.with'the progress of -
duce ? I r g 't ley, - read -a'. number ':v
in ray of X t penetrates., Indee fastening it, a _d 0 n
at 4 more - unscientific:, man -scarcely -rThe atinual m4tchbi.of �'the Onilo;rio ,of ontertainin- b t -theprimenta-, the Detroit River tunnel, 'whi.
Sale� no* i Call and, see'the Y a y Is gh, [ell how -
going on; b Injeiliotis arrangement theInvesti- opm�snions to the fa, it that I could not, g poems; u
a ' Akeeaciation comnicinced at' -the lak
ever looked. on cephalspods,. echiuo- ld not btiy� R the-.,' tion ofanew one, ri3garding as ever, he skyi, Will take a considerable
aad. rivers a- ating in the
or m t ev a." -less ing I - ob- mar omblons, Toror to complete. Speaking f - the
6 ASH ONLY. gators proved ta their satisfaction that- 'be very bright br .1 Wotf, n. time
Sal for G derms idr6aoqie protozoans.. Thal d' k ils after'. &depth Worth lke , ito,.'Monday opsumm St., Law -
of in enisle ar name pr th At; for 400d t so -
It Pesidents mess ad 'that
al burs6 into 4 -afternoon-. Th rence wai-liereldedanfl. , age, he'remark
;raphy, it seems, can be'- made -reach. : Id iipilauie.
assop f a f w- hundro&fatboms has bee co."' Whereupoii the erbAre bout 260 enbrie.
hearty Ina 10 last year, w4l
tarest-to-laymen as well'so topr 8 on-, 4y sensitive t 4 impafed With 2,
sh Store .6fe si ome extreme. Photo-' ghf' It our aim, a get 65 '6910 9 Very. ryibm1osI,-sud'6q*1 -to
Cheap bf it was simply an electioneering ocu-
that claoi1et prod'hoodby, the eirlinent ment, and h did not think that any
and'. by Julle"collection as p I a of' the -The 15-ye&r-old"son of Mr. Rati of'
laf scientists graphicplaUs were let , downt f +16 C1 ro irions consequences- Would result thete-7
0 labor r,
OF— 1%e 16-Albstross.." left- -'Norfolk, Vii 'electric-, -itpplian as were, -ex- ducts of their indtist f ' the � Nitidnal T istobk, A g with a autfior.
me4ne of an I - -
n. -Of cou : they. belt in-the'flax rMlls,was as b the who arrived 'from.
ginia, Aast November, on. a- - voyage posed. . -When Jbrottolit t6the surfadis tMileetilth. At Washing y on
w Quebec on the Pari
a *'purp'ose of not understan hat.,use had pt�jley and -whirled troun '. re 0 a I _1 . I. -
around.Cape Horn i.for - th h ni; hi Friday was _--7At Hamilt 'market early Satur4sy
theyehowed'oo 'signs -of' the a sages! could e the I arty of younj men returning
studying, Along the AtIalitic and- Pa fie Alexander MacDonal morning a 1)
-HoFFMAN COB -3-- a of thr' h" �ax* Aud.receiving other ihjurie Mi.
which- th Alm, on'the plate always , Mi- for -mom Lane Ek
8 -home fioni their midnight vrgies made -a
coasta of -Northand South Amakla the der.goes'*heh a ray of light'strikes� it. It issearcely poss�ill bit for"an unscien- Miss, Oiborile, dsughtei,of Mr. Wm. representstiye. -of the....
d a"
OARDNO'S BLOC 'lite of the ocean bidden' from ordinary tfflo.' news 6 spoifidento within -081 orne,. 6f Hamilton,. wilLleave early in pf6so, who,'intenda.-to: o art upon -the rai n some waggons coutailljng water-.
dition is da -and"'the melons. 'The'faime'ro resisted 'and A,
mortals.:2 Trofessor Leslie Lee, of B6w. Ingenuity on- suo4 - an expe .. lops! ri el W00:1 if i D give 1§4 tomber. for 3ioGermav_y',tostudy, rest -autuMufairs of. CA a
the limits per letter, ti
ver) d - on the he 'arfliml of'
d6in-College- is dhief,di the sclentifid- -displAYCid in a Take for in th �eipa
9 an an ilik1hig of he `inteieiting -and -mu do in a a rated conservatory
eleb United-Staies, an �un condition al livelytime ensued unti f
ning the oo bridge who airested
earn a stancei the iiiethod of dlital h, 4.1, able Bain
S. -M F 0 R T HE, �staff, and under his guidance I I e valusbilp work. which sti expedition like' the r.. a ;c igree herds, A ks and Adds of Cohet
ture of the ocean- at the ddpth* a ith Norris, Bessey.' When airigMed he pl6sil.
some, of the interesting tempera Ainefican continent.
facts about the that on the -""All istrois -While walking alioni. the tow.'- path 'the
the e di- of two or --Dr. Ormist6r,
workaiidhe discoverles'of elief novi and then to turn' of 1hoan Yothre.6 miles. .-Utiless some� I. of New preao�- -idtbathebadno.-intenfiin of stealing
136i it 19 A'r al between St Caihaiifies and a! Ft themeloAsbutwas under theinflueuce,
Perth. Items. were a St. Jame . square
tion. special memus mpl6yed it w6ii1d -eibyterimn'
from tho chicanery and oui"e,. Albert Eniland, a 10 -ad in
�bbiery of polti_', PoilabDalh It.
Arm= & Skinner, of St. Marys,. 1hermom6to _.. I . . i" - . -yea r -old boy; stubbed :toe and, fell oburch.Tor; of liquor andm.orely intended having a
Dbring the r
The greatest depth of. the Oman, of bojinpossible ti ties, and Ind-in'the., libl%li � And aoom his* into, lait&bbsthnioruing and
b ad a kiln of� 100)000 brick. k -through theuppery Ater
whielf.-soundingi have beeia taken is off bee Il hments;df stich a department Am the int,44 the w'stiii and was drowned, evellingto Is, Attb morn- lark. He was fined $5 or forty,days,
rem ol�mes of w rge audidnces.%� e
-Strat lads' assemble and play egistiy of- teMpir- 6. Muskoka district this season.
the coast oif Jajan. The water that, without ifficting the r Ass* Fish oftliniaiiono-- assvt4. 4 rumor ls:curient in political and- ing service odelivered4Cn, impyessive mar. �Th
utted Sistes* Mal
quolts-on §unda. What are the police attire. Xhe thermometer ib,, theiefore, cire as to. the effect. that Ron. n ng has been exceedingly -popular 4with the
point is five miles deep, mud on auce that. the Gover ant has -an. in- egi .1 in in pithy land Cipigre
o4 abou
-a ftime, fast 'he -bottom -as tom-fodlish' side -V Wi fred Lauriiii . will ..commence the- Matta me
ibou tom 5 tin ened at. t n.. ces and. iraphho -illilatrations lovers -of liporb from across the line.
.*,even at that enoitilons depth, traces.' e tellectual as. Well
"aledonian gathering will V a. -small sorowp pietimacYof "the spiritual- over There passed through H
-A gra. real xMilton, on Fri -
of - animat'life have "been' found.. � The - bY a bingd,ab. the top b., York
-The New -in recstit pro3tise-, of law in. -Mont in, Sop, o4 the an
take PI d a 66 Alb w. -attqobed. aiitle brpso w i.� I �. _� � I day, on -their -way home to - Pittsburg,
ace in St. Marys, on Fri my, nding a;pparatua strois 11 -T9 the acre s . it or*. the -material mature of- e , *n�
ant. on 'the eeprees - soundings,. te b an, found d,
in prima., ihip's propeller. �bomin Pennsylvania, the Rod &&'Gun
der ablout nine wheel like h steAme ,'a' Mary', Lulte xii., Club,
coildsta'ofa brass oklin made not. long ago h the, Atlantic under 'I% -Henik Besrsa d hiA wil
ering twenty, w
as a instrument is sank t6'1h rb. Wor, .8. an numb
Jigger around*. '.Whea-th a Al "dat ar r-4hos. Arnoilt a! worthless, - you
Daia, of ork,* h -been an- .4cheilon -little bi tb ispices of -the Royal cademy,- 410 have be -on.
1 g and p6. both convicts - W wicU, coun-
U deck gin csmp�ng at Bals,_ muskSks, -.and -the
gaged as t4chai of the 5th de ant lie
-ched Is bid, t� of Lam th mein, in it
psrtm Juite-d depth, and the men 0 K* igston, Was,
than fined 50 an
a broomstick. TQ this is�* abbe Vi Dablixti', exclaimed Theba bton,,-Friday, of Moilating a
of Mitchell public school. heavy shot, fo' a cylini, to,1011,11 it� 14p, the little- -prbpeller vA two Iron City Club, to� t4e number of 70,
r the weight of th maikeble pi ass of- 'S (tt-Aci. -Beariss. as fined $Iooaud-'eo,6teby-M�y6rWhomps6na day or
one- of the most. T( e
a 0 whose headquartes were at Trout Like,
-.4yoil6g.mat!'hathed Win.1A okley -it do; to'th-e its motion thfoiigh4th' jet
der alone would. -not carry.. rapi4ily-'from': -furniture on. the. glo 0 second offence-, 'and. his wif a or stoning his jather.� One. Took hit
drowned At.& aids and `m6unded.-
Marys whi e bathing ttirnithe. screw Iooai,.,. the ther. it -in the They spoke veryhigbij of thei camp,
grbat deptlie which are. -test d This ater, After, a da a -the paie - ' .. .. v
SCSSOU-thfs-year,- and the many fa'alliti6i,
on Mondek,, evening last week.. a d OV Y.spent in:�th litdirmtdy -offenderwaliflued $25
. -, is - ban vil
goo 'the. atros# o n -Army at sterboro7
ll-da.its hill 46 Alto 'he 0aliatio Some tithe ago the
shot -is so irrangod by k sort sprinj
at when. it and 6lebrate the t sixth aunt-yrary of andoosts, in the hope. that
egro ee 0
-The Mi cautrido- Sol9mon al y I " it won
rigger medhanism, -th the coluinn;of morcury breaks loome" Id for apart, of which t1tey -took the fullest
nd 't
n -lesson counted
least tubt, from the Who. "answer, t"a %9R, Artfiy's entry. into Canada, on Sep�
Peter .of Ingersoll,. was. holding, 5 . . for idvantage.
trikes the, %ioftom it -is detached and benefit M�ij but tho'
forth tchell-lastiek. while. the briss .3yliuder* And bannot.bebanged by the warm or or by a large demons -The $8. Which arrived
may 7
Wh teac�pf of --.the- co air throu the eminenf at Quebec last Frid night, bat made
-Mr. m. 1hsh lef b behind, BAN F&Axci Califor4a. to b .13 and 14p bra. 'Udt
brook, an old resid- ich has -gAthered a water Or igh. which it Over2 y officers' besides r-R�V. MiRir I , my'
anfL tv (if M. all
om -bottol p. p as. The eng liiird� are expeo
ent of Mit4hell had aged 73. years, died soft ooze ft the no- -is ledlu of the colutrih, of I to be present. Presbiterimu cleigyman onire the fa4test passage yet' -,on record be--
o9�t sadd on Saturday, the 18th shows the tempera-, 'ths,painful accidontJost.Sabbath ween L Iverpool and Quebei, the run be -
The ioundii2g. line. is- of 1 wire. mercury Woken off 'Geo.-�. Smith, -of has a E. S. C'ox,. of'- Central - 1�snk � mat.w!
'.to Which the thermcim- ap tween those two points �hxviug been
inst. tiles lo on the tureat the dipth, to Wii-, -afternoon. At CA60uns � which might have
i , - no oriety, was brought t Toron
impaden 9 They have a line four m tilred'a iingin 60 u a, D
-on ght latily 8*0m� t
One � I' Albatross.". I sawsomd of e'bottom.'etek sank., -Hon."Attornek- eneral as rafternoL3:and- lodged in p6lioehead- .-been' attended *1th serlods - results. effected in seven days, 23 hours,,. Vr
id,�ea ente ick upa four days, 13 hours from -land 4 laudjo,
esk red thekitchen of, Mr aken stsaap;h-of half., `' that'the wfiole rlv-e,d home from' I i;tters. A crowd of'sb' $i6opiug 1� i dirk, closet 'to p
ooz� which. was't 211 lau'd on. Siturday.. qi out Poo
Listowelo. and. stote about European mails bein
per- a -Mr James a pair
a mile'. in'the CArribbean Sea. Wet; it operation Is shortir, slimpIelro-and fe' b led -at ' of rubbeys; he Aruck his face the g landed t
8 as-.. been -ap ph had assemb. ths�rh&Tf, And th' 13 hours, This Is
,the. looks likem W4 e jority hooted An& jeered the prlsondT.' against a il, cutting.
oistetied plaAer-bf liarls of a li-, little more, scientific t 411., puty Grain- Ins" edt6r at in-.. in d
rthof li� the the'.
telif Aol QU- h ad ofi us Itimouski in six ys,
se p -Xr,-v,GyIey,, of, -D6.wnie, fell 4 v the first instance Also thata-mail,
Trunk- engineer accident. 'lo rayalid. The wound is not serious
brownish tinge; dry it is &ai alar likeJ this es'Oo'ription of it'l nilt)e stlea
cim an. . Z
t adian P Afia:-Rsilwayesrnw al dropped locomotive throug a
other"day on the knife of a wheat crmdl�� h th pe ram a has landed all her. passengers in
and received an ugly . gaisih. abo fihe mesashore sand, and still of traiddish t of the 9 ens sie brought UP )ut thi. sees f Io6s -of iYesight.
the in roscope' Albafrois ingi. for the week i -al) it'diaw bridge into. the Black 1livero was very
.1 on a Yriday..
v- -but under tided: -August -.21s't' parrow vne:,
by,a hUge net, whibbi th
iilbow on bris left arm. -Aeries of special missionaty mest-
I demadfor Canadian -1produce
ceau -were er and flremau' "The
I mpug,
-Win. and Arthur o- but the in England is. --enormousIx ings are being held this Week in Asso'
'it becomes the most beautiful collection t Hir�n.. . The ougiue
brown color
!ad her over 'those 0
pe a a tons for, .:an a- plunged into the stream.
gtobuls in mi and desirds'to -ThCi'Polic' 'M *strate vV'Hemil, a #in -apples In Covent ciation hall, Tox onto. i They have - been
of delicate shells, Or drigs ]Sell d the6selve's-by U.1
ep pl team Wind, -ton on Sa tur� ree er
qdhouh. and Amron�Buck,al of Fullerton,, -1 either whito or a - de 6ttoms thet 'the. eixpeAltion 4 The sak 6f CfAinaili
fe color, fii�eatigste.�, -A'wire To 1m; p
w da,ago arrived- home from Scet-,� addressed by Mr. J. H. Taylorjo -founder
10metimli the shells of thisgI bigerina iphther' qirid. he mther day- A'boy naded Piipper Gardeii market is - gio*ing. staad
land bringrjn rei. a tilichlue far te�ting the strain covering a d hams. from the Dom of the-ChinaInland Miss" .- Mr. Tiir�-
ties *Iipoij th . a ro.0i which iq _6fthe 4a . beating tsh-bark at Mount Fofest, Smoked
with them seven enti
Ooze are single spheres; a stir sometimes wYellowk-hao-ap aredl in. some linion now*
one 6 two years. old "rLondo'U.' Cans-_ lor has 4 Ively ifitereat inthe
41 , wakened a li
several'sphers matt The i. hbo 6qd -,.of St., eA by same, means he -slipped 'from find a ready sale All vs.
�tioget I thi .let i�. about each tkdes in thi r4
di che' owing In av
t f or, and work
all good *They repot a goRd' great,0butro a net. The r whereXer he has been and wIll
I - - load and the,wbeel paised over his me ii also'gr
-microscopic &Ulm a at, inh it these twenty.4vafeel feefiv. afhAr4nes. an 4
blotivand ten ide Isbors in the
He lived' excellent makes are.befiig retailed at short] re ru to his
passage Mi long to' Che Queeno-whi edn'Glisgow, al
shells are -form inifera, i6nd i fraicturing this skull.
.-Id;. John, B.' Moyei. of ;�Stratfbrd,,_ atitsmouth. 'The Jower*sideis weight T
the first. animal orderi, called rotozos. + 6. Canad eourt ab ut two bouts.after he accidefit.- seven pence.p-er pound,'and- -the general Flowdr gdom. Dr. Harwood
lost 9, valumble 2p%r old. colt' Thursday edto�k-eep-lt-on. the,,bottom.- To the a special - visit . to t at the' lo,r, so 'lor, and 31f, Stu d
mat life, as it is found in. ei sea, is. . I ophiion of_.'tW-cou6umei' is-
Ahi I i6itiestionj glass of -the Exhibition nd 'expressed �. her- H. Sincoss, iv Winnipeg; contractoi ve 8
night or FAday k6oring. , The colt wis appsi kdo are atttiched a 0
divided byzoologists,int, so groups with'alro act' 'as- iielf %atnuch,, I d'w'th tlRei ekhibit; '.caMe from.' MQntreal several'y -are. Cansdisupheqe is. as.igood aiithe dearer be iddreses, and MT.
turnei oatta,pastare just f lbb,- filled, - a p ease . I - e
outside thel - �obes ... wh � %� e- d.English cheddar. Taylor addressed amass, Meeting on the
Is oats, uth of th hAs_.,sb4doudo4 ..'leaving num rous American iltf
city llmits� on far 'The'thief went' Protozoso Sponges, Coe, ra si which mo Sparling,praiidet-of the ag 9
in.. show the fiFat signs of al digei tive, and thus. keep the T� �� .. --M,'M -Solomon' 'Griffii, of needs of Chinwsu4 the. work being done
hermetically- seel- M ontreal. 0 onforenco, bee, bean appoxiii- �ofk dit-oris. - -1arge: faiiii of men
sys'- their.' Waterdb' lie Hamilton, celebrated in th untr.
-cattle -up, one .4 an -Ciolleg lyin- -em;' wn AT
pik of those g1bbes
'big: sums r in
delitieratetly into the pasture; field, let! tem; Echinoderms, to Wbich such an' , ad a Althoitgh im �i�e bid
sd Principal of Weeloy by- ! k
dbn the Uri and drove the colt Qff.. - - 9 7sary"of their -mar- -TIOV weather. thrbughout the.
w orms- ; fo a'the sixtieth auniv6i
belong-; They'hail Wageso, and he: oVe
a' . Weir Weir, of St. Me mats as the star -fish d e hh If tfull of wate Eastern lownships, Quebec proince,
-.;-Messr fiage on Monday at their home, by a re-.
Mollusks, like the.� clairi ' mud oyst6r- -havj3 b1ieh awarded i lial
year of about '1,5w my ic a t ri old obani :w�A Hamilton fir
have& stook -'this; bee t relt d pth,. an.
of 1heir, qbildronj giaildabildren his been most unflivorable for harvest.
Crustacear the Italian who as union
r'e, *]had iqueez- ihe ocitirriabt. i or the siting �61! the new -;-Josoph L
is, of -which. we as, the -drab n a ag
lo4o of flax, which wa;s Produced --for ith an enor ue� pressu 'o Ing for the past two weeks. - The rain
sild lobster ; and Millie.. Wl en' I ask- -St.' ew's. Presbyterian p4arch.- at. a, eted at Ciyuga, sbout, a year -ago, Ana o dchildren. t . 6 number
6. of meelf - into them through Andr
I - ffi _- srs'
farmers, 'They' am,: e of he bee most incessitit, w
theroby some: 200 ad Professoir Lee what -he -sup sed to be ' d som hi Kingston. Ith very
-bov 'as -of the glass,: Th uspipion of, having murdered Mrs: 'of. about A' Mr.' Gri .8 yea A rod deal .ploy 83rekular hmnds, to whom the invisiblo . par frequent thunderstorms,
in they pa -and, th -age and Mrs.0riflin. 80 and both hail
out week�yj over�%W During this- sea- the function in nature of this tinyfor� -there -was no:'ordivary fie* 'in the gl a "Friday night laaf-Miss. Lilian.'Hols, D V and heir - two children an
ng own th boitoe.'toconceqI i. aren y
Acillind Police b -d his. and hasity and ap t! good for of groin is dut and lying isprouting In *a
by the fact-' -that nonii f the . . . 9 �i d _ a p
aminifera, whichlive miles fin er water, 0 land,, aaughtiir"�f R'H
is Proved I or sea fields, and the stauding crop is badly
sQu they have unloaded - from 60 to 10 in - beautiful bodies' that t ough. the 'Maglebrate of.Tort jlo�,e drown b a1as beconlo'h6pelessly hisane*n& anoth' te of eisri.
a human. water -h6a leaked - out, Alth _WAS ined or me tops of flax daily. It -is � said their flux r ' LL . Ne d TO to Insane -.-About 1�500 people witnessed the lqdged, while in many lac!s f
I . I -cannot see�witlfqut help, b e answer- tory -boating with 1to'bortoono-.0e.; removei to the
eye 0 the Ton emitting's str
n i hanging in labors while'
crop -,w
exa Cale4dUlau strifss at Alvinston 'n.9
eeded in extent by. oni �-&bu are 9 potato V�tcbes are
y one� ad : . . I . flim" in the omialon. amert half of - sea-watir, Amn iiobsul. A lum.. eld, odour of rust. The pros
Aginday.' I In the he'my-weights, athlete therifore'.
vne thing, they may have Viiiifio-Railwsy Land to
Willir for their �ay- Of -The Catiadiaii .,h alittlogirls.inTorontoiwilbia
-On retti'ri�ing home he othbr even- and a great-curlosit in 0' of Parlihill -won 1411 'the flrot are that thero will., be a great failtirii in -
rest Department is- ftr ni -u to beg,, Curriao
assisted in producing somef r an's most 601 -for bl!Le A nkea. -mothers sent the
iqg, Mr, Solin Biouthers, 0 - St. Mary -so.) the work of dredging wit. this;. 9 pri, prizes, while Scott, ToroAto, won all- the, crops, which -a few Weeks ago look, d
-beat b Agents a sailed to the police to be taken wheire',
brilliant essayst Under poem!g- g orious net rofissor Lee says: exhibi f grai 2 sent In.: A
surp find 9, tram)y in posses d jug. sone and ung.
paintings, tl�rilling'masio. 1%le protb- to. - 1' ill be "lioked"' o., the- first prizes inj Limping all runn
r Hiotor Laugevin will. L pres- ill y; would not 6fteni'
slon and coolly ro&ling himself -with I it. is'always a marvel61 a .'a Oerionas .'. ant be" oiernor� T eldest was- 0'113' gdst'sj�-.Moonjof-Lo 4.4hofirst -At1hvT6rontoFoIia's Court, -Fri-.
prize in
zosns are the ragmen., and j: nkmeU of At the 611 given by' G thb: ndon,. t')o
g the bagpipeof an All
edibles ficim. the.'house lsirder� ME 13, Who'� is uuad,0114012a to ii, in A ' [.',Highland day, Samuel Gibson; -a biaty Seotoh
the ocean. They',bolle6b food erinssud eie to one 4Wof geptie� .6 it of age. The %Mothep have ei.
Broathers� two daughter& were still mor'al ' - : Miss. A al re
ome-up from tbedepth GenoralatQubb 6 ith-Ci M - Me braith took %e Msn,-With whisks and hair -of Exxon'
the trawl cc dancing
ng Corp an ani-, to'see su to the police court..
ilate them, Ato'
-examinationa first prize fdr
=sed1when Ahiy returned, to final oucum- Grims- n the recent be star Wilson* hue, wseharged with being an idle'
freighted with -writ Ing gids ��sud -Hi leaded'not
mal'of higher order,like the a of the :ocean eirmootil sib weikst achef I
e ul'ibiddenguest had brokenopen -bar, *ho is, 6ne of the Echinod Moo And in animal life.- 0 a &ft son, too lazy i6i work.
r ass, of Sometimes the l6ad
'by Park Mr J. W. Be�mg�ujh� h61V the. itby passed 2 seconds n4 hirdii.,
theirtrunk mud marched off with -about ostf P t -Perry 31 and 7o 1 in -d 7�. --At
ilty, slid is d e was willing'to work
*ill!ainount to -soveial 1]oirrals of. fishes lum for two. full hours Pi about oil Thursdai; last Week, 1,
eats the. protozoan, A still hi her form 6 one ofi'hii
h sea-anem- r if he c6uld get. anything to - aoi Two*
flobes, as, 'Oakwobc' an
-1 '.* ' � --: . . . :1. and 3 # Pete cou
one: of our food orbs a itable Is I Ol einea 2 4' ir and Wellingt0i.
r ecent- it, shilinpi, --ii1ells, star -11 mun atares; Ii oveless, father
--At teeting-of the Stratford a 69,7oolrals, ikid, in -faoti almost.every 1ill t b A and -son* ted, for trial for benevolent fellow- ntrymen' of his
cumber -a -- im U b
captures the sed-ou to -A new Horticultural. is. a. e P� A: Hope 4 an - 4, Peterboio 7 and 3 0 in
Man steps . in, as . belies �And , eat the fish -Exhibi- 'Ce Iliniliciod 27 Aid- 31, Oxhaws 9 a d killing Ch qj ng Place on � Ate] an
aldermanotwo- of them, Messrs. Goidon, 'form.of marine Animal,. all, tumbled�"td- r pped up to the witness box A iub
f , stick , orebtedja�touce'ut 9 Tof6ntd,.'
and Gibson;,foig6t their good manneri,i n ttedtoGibsoxi, through the Magis-',
which nourishes his brain and imulates. jethari and Rerhaps buiied in the Y reviouse were Mi
tion G rou d $,Vibildge 1 and'o, 'Baturday
imbed with forms n a. s'proposition to payhis fare to
andfrom load tones embell oze o�rhi&ever�.vhere the obean's a a 2. letouthe other- h ng in a ar 0. trete,
k thought,.a So by a direct all every -0. Agnes Dan- )I'm ol tirea'41 this
erotums se.w0rdsotheygrappledlik 0 al6irU4 ind 16dged in land'. M
UUM linleof Which we 'know,.:,ev -if th botti;itisway: frita land. One femil desichobilleachei; Will leive-shortly for' -It hes-1a6h ].earned at' the Depart.- of 6nsta )I
wi, Th-ek, were separat., if 606 - Z civelt so, thiagon, Was country ye%,yQ.ur worship ell I
onl .9
names of the links eking ywiththe animals of:the: n W
-era Bengal to labor is simialonsr_v-, the tit 6f, inland Revenue that piirmiti,
two'PrIze' ugi'is pe ova. ishall have to imprison ygou*," geld -.A.ld.
an and after' d the peculiarities 'mui der;
i names, we can'trace'man penden:6e ha -little con�beptiou'of -ersbf ifis' Salvitio al"hotels in the, cZmmjtt& for wilful
ad by t�e r cooltr bret&� a 1. -.4he offic a Ar bein ued10 I)
-ooked As ifi ife. d 'ad. BAttir. " I iaten4. to io to Hamilion
some mint tea reflection both I - protozoans. A -of deep -s" I.. In -_ babitsi 1or.M. -And my Arl fit _g ieity of . j�Ojlve less, the father) for- 6ouilsolling an
on - the thW -11 in Kingitoh.i with A - capi gone
tt - "had nd y i iii, will -take legal advice as o hwe -iiald the pT1
'h A _ht� to hold-- -a be lro6mb. -. and stabling 4or five -borsesi vising m
they wish, A Ley olok they re often uncanny things. I r. ob, wello g4t out
bottle, you ties, they -look me like- a. whether they ave urder,
g er-
-be qui a nu e oon betweentwdIve get
-Ther' seems to mbi'lrl tit the streets�l �o- imort a &rtaini g, ..four -.Saturday AdUin out qiick I T& are discharged
mast of: mad." This deep-sea lifi_ differs -in differs vibes -on nd sell beer in
of Ailing p ople in Mitchell at preient.t il life -on lend.. ..a .,the war And he got.
Such 'are the 'w'onddrful ret� quIet. atii4dea'as does the animi and one-o'clo& a fiw. kahop
aMr.- W. Col�in,l tov urer -pe r cent. .4 .'alcohol. A duty of -ten .0
Thi Ro600irder says : Mr.'eW. J. Green., e heads t - Gauiu6qde-- were amusing a --Last Sunday sftern�on in flmil-
ways, in which nature does her work.: The fa - an.action' 6r 6ents pei.jsllon will be im d : .4
r una46f th Xalifornis, ocean slope of--Gh.l is has all, pose ni mail -named Thos. MoMan.
i ri 1 ro -actising t hing a ball. tot a you
wood is picigressing satisfacio ly. - and, i sna-the'Chilish libel &gains �red Y mo -From 3 acres end 13 -square-' rddg Of a
M I There is another curious. thing ab6ut diffdrs from that gtChil t Councilor. Henry- MaKa themselves 'prr
knowon�.the way'to, recoveW., r. 'inifeia. from throw. was mad 3 by ohe -of "the us; With thiev others, procured a bosto,
a 0
te�shdlls�of the forl�i tbai'of"Brazilse The fluesi sea, life d4own Little Gem peas oxi his A swift
H. U.-Deit, is also convalescent. �- Mr.� 'th" me Mina i Abou -of Eng-- of the Atlantic Coast is f6uXi4 n the -The p li of. an fai m"'Ist-South Bsy,,Trinoe Edward coun.'tbe` O&Ulseir, and -and Towed out -'into . the bayto have a
inkrri4ge metsurea the Aepth
hu eht� Mr.A va�-Rose, this a "'m
them, i ey. ruo,
Goo�-"able to walk t hN It is found that the chalk' clilke bathe. They.had
-egion of Lo Now Jars -Angliba C ad An nathed. Charles
lan7d ate composid of f in which. i ng Island or English curate f the r___ ason re6iiv 0, Young jump
;a so. 4471 clas v6 'of a - eed- whic -is at on, 1h6blow,.wax.of thewater,aud then prepare wj
in I . nu was - unsbl
r ' the side of
prem ra. Hugh Campbell 'is abidl -suret 'forms are -brought the'head..
is i& inferred, with. comparative -Thero&the Northern to the daughter of A'wall- uown b _x h -Qui -but *me the wind
o h6use a little, an4l thot the cli hithe weauti
t6 sti nts;. ind the millionaire6i -rate of $56,62 pier acre.' The peas 810 BeV
94 at some, ti I a . it the on, by the polar burr . a anuc ere that a to re- 'Do
6,11 the res of the sick ore promising, y . carried up by - the Gulf ig - medical - pdreeptibly Amd- drifted Ethe boat out
e thrown up -out of - t io depths tropical formg neMid Co real Ing,, in- 1old to thd Piefoh - se6daimen, Mr. sums hi . work end men ere
wb en they
4h 'called to--im, o ad.
I t' mini' r. to himp but !nto deep water.. so that.
a a On th 'a suddenly Friday, h. H. iAllau, for �v om - Mr. Rose has ate
ofetlew se a Pselfic, coast the Al- Quebec suburbs, die '5. p. m.- Jumped in4pom- the boat theywent�
11 on township furnishes a fult autiful .6 . aimens stro, made the- near surleit-.'.-of.- choke- n, grolh3g. peas for the toil Years. w
'One of. the' mogt be b as mule Voim theffeat of -.He died About
finest h ithbut effeot,.'
en e
e 6 t of tbe�'niw: Bona;V be Orange -
chapter qf Accidents. .-'Monday, last proportion of the 6har -A bridge outhe.trak of t down. Those that oohld swim *ereall
a�6a of Mr. job - of primitive enimal life to- be -s n on the Saut� Barbari,_ a large tea, atur
weeki'a ton year dId ni i and Elora a 0 idisii Tl$htt but McManus, who was not a,
Albalross is the ses-My. I is a long speelmeni the-rd-obtained" to .--Mr.*-W.. otatvontresl� tip to date�- ii ._$228,- y 110 branch of th an
ardropeii, of Pelee slandols e
Schellenborger, bad some scaffoldin i for the Pa�ifia rai -era al er swimmer, saigilt.,arid was not'got out for
all a ne odfitrActing for large, quantities of grapes.. �000. This if.
what appears . to e a� large ig the -levelling of:thq d
_Qa him Wad brokerhis thighh- bone * brain about 20 minutes. Two doctors were
br - ching stem. At th e of o adiencd. and-cro 6ng, the R1
.6 make -gallons ]hip4tidhig the sito, the� Credit, coflapsed* an er a freigbt.,�
two placei.t--Oa the same dsy-Mr. Joh branch is Not.least smoi �brlenpeis 6f *He- intends alled and everyeffort made to To
aeon.. d two or three Sal -
blossom of thickly -clustered bVt sl Le iixpedifion an atutday. all
; met- witiethis me rd , d other out ido. -work, The 6
Phillips: f4,11 from a load . 6,f hay an dndek interest are those tt ly tateMoManus, but without avail,
On wi, Nicholls,. 6LPeter- a reen --f is broke ro'u, gh and fell into
d delicately -shaped peials, th- iiL the Straits of Magellaii. :where -n-grs.Charlotteff., ietit (if -'the company with'the'cof- ta�
lighting ci!ii the edge' of a board - brok an- b I . . vbr,� a A twenty feet. ree yei
e t a' nth." :bar riches v�omsn in -Catiadap. id ratl9ii is cost of the. station'. -the ri -Nearly th ire ago Mr. Alexau�
another branch is a smaller R6�r r, look- the Albatioss spent aVou Mo b, ;,.the _,t_
a nin. usly il . V At Asbury' Par e4gibeer
two r1ba.' On Thursday� evenipg ..the Fuegisn' lying d A� leaA $300 of I and 11roman weife, of der Simpson
ing like A'bud. -Along the. steiris'arow The atoriesnd accounts OL anger k (W Pvh1ch the Thio who - lives- on Dundas
year old boy. nanVd, French -_ felt fro y- -is 0 pa 'qotirse,-jitched out) but f6itunatelyfell itreet, Toronto, had aorse stolen from
JA eaves. -ilidid over.' Reii York. t 25 per bent.
what I should have called, lel us -and Patagonians rather'
the Grand Trunk Railviay irion to *d of the 6aksintothe.narrowstream, him. 'All efforts to recover the Mi "Tli� - nanie of- be. Douglass, i " uit .6ourt at -.St. 4ohno dlear
The -whole thing - is of a.. milky -white, shadow -the' fish d.isco-veripi at that, 'point Of. the c re losing
color, in a ;'e, 0 unav flin, ' r. �Simp-
Crossing. the'riverand dislocated his hi An ho ire very slightly animal piov#ig-
like a callai lily., 'But it is an.. Brijitton,19 me. tioued: as a likelyman- w.Brunswicili,,Uka. Williams, f -port. d madethOkWsyl A§
Ing 0 d -su son search. 'A few
hurt. relinquished.- the
ad the town- for $2,090 darn4,es
ere inj ades about 't
audrecel�ed sev leat in the ind of a I yman. On
9-1 to - conest t
'head and ineck. -gians liv"bgs, bib.le' sthei gas' ftidli 4
-like �'trib'
animali notwithstanding a �Plani o of the. Fae
Northum ntefest. 10 itijaries hrqqnd
pearance. It gro'w& mong . e o ber4nd in', the Reform i io-berself'by'falling- `on "the -�-Rev. -Father ken of W16 days ago"he Tiecovered the animal by
Tw6 cases of stealing war th' r ck s -and: all -ill! 4anoes. Em,dh.`ca,�oe has' A
'teaching day�sia'the 041 6walk.' .-Th has just returned t Canad' after the merest accident. Encamped not
h IN " olusband claitned $5,000
reported from Straffordilast week; Ono ot the West- Indies, -and- feedi on `j elly-,: fire o6natatitly-burning id -it- on's -Th 'nil.
boi of it to untry. -. Father viry far from his houSe U large band
as, 11 t�. d mages for the los� of hei imiety dur.-, along �U the Old Co
was- my mare, 6 year l public schoold fo -1 Is f6r the interest -who- deal extensively
iomp 6! a.
fisli and shrimps, which-, t" int earth; it im-these canoe, "fir in th
w coovalespe c- Me -naturally took is -in
in T fu Epa
:-and not, as is half -of the me o' a ry
Jo �jnd -poo to' iti,*hat'he saw sni! beard Qf Irish*.af- 'This day otio' of their
ng,. delicate f Professor Lee�
old. from th& barn- of Mr. oplonloA 0 1� .. I e sbealing-of a b its stomach ith the to b nd, foi-th of,gypsies
W. Kane, ol a her horse
SN . .- . use
t� t -Thedtherwas' atheft-of petals that form the "apparent . blossom. geno�allkshppoied -volbanoeii (of -tMeh. - secondh iarded $500 to' the wii
Wate r -5 ree . aHe v�aspresent in ib� 11o' -of horsesbad fallen into xpit, from wiph-
a baggy,haknes Tife petaleAre really. tentacles.. races Are-noni - iii titm� rgi6n . )I that g'i've : .—Henry Lovell, Of Hamiltonilemploy buibatid. a'he ti I the male member'of the caili were un -
ad, at
and a ub�dr r�ug from Neidpath farn' nd in � the .n r Terra del*Fu%
iingl& t a, linen dusterij, ommons' when t Irish Crimes .1
of the stem.- ofth-is sei-Jily, Are. 46u' a 'e of go to - the� ad as firemen on arsud:; Trunk rail-. ---;A peculiar case tFj the C
-fpr n- f'boun-tty. 1 In. that Cape H9rn climate o an '�40 the interier.of this. eduntry----rOhid ay.,, performed if ` daritig seldom, Wbodatoe,k Police Cou day. Wth. :was d renjakked upon the. -able to extricate him,' so tbey, sent out
les�rs. Ballantyne, while the -8-mith hiro-d . with'John, Lo-�eys Ar farm- of 'Ifour.s speec as, or ing onef
0 & Sons.).,T.heb way scientists are:con� 'bittir 6old,- suaw, and ice, the -Fud. i -- .9 ', big ved tip on by one of Be f more help, Mr; Simpson be
t7hl stsu&.'. In this seen, _tj
When there w As mentj4oa ta-him 'the the rescuing party. As soo
do - from! gian ping r.
tA.. Afj' n:AX the ai-
d in -no expir 'r6,nt6 to* Ifam Itan :.or, for four Mon. er he. bad put
he gte t Nfi�, 'Dunn�i on- '.me -ii Anw6nren wear al oat. cloth An bad Mal was pulled out, Mr. Simtson ime.
across; 'the fiel firmiid in their conviction' "that our -c ess train -from
ng hed, to- t ire. FridAy evening.� i,yi be' fact 114cleniedo .1hat S'n' old In
ou- a Qut
on thi to t tifient was.once the bed of a vast oceau. ing, eiid the babies .and childien . . h_ - . .1 .. to the Exhi. in two -months and ei hteen di
wn line, then driven son h O io C. died twd ho�rs. afteir being ai diately recognized it as'th# one be had
V I that taking 0 onsideration.
autiful often entirely nude. 11. bitjon grounds a- li a"-' ca lettlatsic
The glass -sponge a. anotbeF'he -Tfie, a they saf i girl about thrli*
ward. The public -have been no�ifie i Wiist be cal ov said it the mauls owti fault, lost three years ago. He -established
ppecimen. It looks for all. -the, world. 'their. catioesi the. cold raiii. beating on ye4s of.age�_`Was .6b46rved.'stodinj on. led 6r.time'- he had put in four I was
unconcerned, MOV
, 661 or rascals. Horse stealin ei.of-fluffy their, skids, u us
proaq a an ar months wages.
-d althouglij -t fou inter0e*
act a strCini hat he, had received warning to leave his claim beyonddis to and4he�
effort jet being made to as the #ack., The -child did not tt 16 f, Ifterim, aid hd. therefore a d"f t ' 1, 0 !as
r' -likes, trauspar�nt. sp6nge, mad a�parently or - ta e it away, hey
AtuZctohme -frequqnt ren spun. glass Nevertheless it is An auima whil� the Acers of -the A-lbatioss the:-'tra-in traba.-Ae had a with Oord allowed him to
nd to be A', � n- had got it the .4*
rtimo Mannin IOU Y.before in a 41oker.
1 ..of more and ched ohe rockK -in its. ho e"I all' --histi'd ou:'� it Y049 ic 6k the view that there was no ova %r,%hom he ge
in ivered with, cold on,-- &A ..though brakes were4 0