The Huron Expositor, 1888-08-24, Page 7MST
ta. • Montreal
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to Loan good prop
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Eit.°1"TIE, Clerk*
Sym Oille
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of a appetite, sore
be elrest and back,,
a few days you may
flier hand, you may
frunlia or "galloping
n no ri‘ks, but begin
ke gyeets Cherry
. James Birchen!, et'
4, severely ill. The'
zs Consuriiptiont
lo nothing for him,
a last resort, to try
-6ral. After taking
)r• three months,le
lf.fis 'health
present day.
den, Mass., writea:
I took a severecold,
ped into') Bronchi*"
E was see °Weak that
as touch emaciated;
ntly. I consulted
they were power.
that I was -in Core -
friend brought me
e, I found relief;
ae, and iny -health.
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;0; Lowell, Mass.
rtce$1; six bOtqefil $#•••
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Fe. .voinpletely covered,.
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Mere unifomi power
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Also an kinds or
Ear -rings, Lockett,
ONT. •
eerie, tomil•-•
f a physician who
Iong experience in -
ediseases • ,IS used °
perfect success br
zes.- Pleasant,s9f*
• les ask your drug-
yroycl Wafers, and
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eafect partiellisrs-
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Man addreeeed 80
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Aux4risT 24 1
Thoughts ByThe Wily.
-Faith and obedience are bound u
- in the same bundle. He that obeys Go
treats God; and he that trusts Go
obeys God. He that is without faith *
without,works and he that is withou
works is withotit faith.
• - -Yon that live long enough will see
women vote, and when you see women
voting you will see less lying, less
brutality, and more public spirit, hero-
• ism and roinanee, in publio affairs.
-Robert Burns -a true poet, made
not by the schools, brought up with n
external culture or assistance; He cam
as a flower, comes in spring. We sk
that he wit* a man of the people.. No
He was fax' above the people. Ile'w
_ordained to be an interpreter of God
his kind then and forever.
7 -Of all the American novelists wh
• have passed away, the author of "Th
House of the Seven- Gables" seems
me the greatest.
=-L-Grant had the patience of Fate and
• the force of Thor. He has left to mem-
cry only such Weaknesses as connect him
with humanity and such virtues as will
rank him among heroes.
.-:-John 'Brown's name will travel
through the ages as an. illustrious ex-
- ample of what a man may do who is
willing to suffer for a great pringipIe.-
• -Emerson, the calm, the. observe-
itional, not an enthusiast in religion, but
• with patriotism' and . humanity to make
• him - a brave witness. It took seven
generations of ministers to make one
Ira -Waldo Emerson. -
• -It is a noble thing to see a man so in
sympathy with his time ' and work as
Tennyson is, that •even with expiring
strength he still tries to chant the truth
• of God to the age in which he lives.
-Humor usually tends toward good
• nature, and *everything that tends
toward good nature tends to•vard good
-If Iaughing's a sin,.I-,don't see what
the. Lord lets so many funny things:hap-
pen for. -
was very dark, and the enemy invialb
Presently,. well known- colon 1 retur
ing from an evening party, .asSed
sentry, and was not saluted. • 0 -1111
nothing of the rnanceuvres, nd sa
"What do you inean, sir 7"
Ie.-. W. B. Richardson - has. shown .that the
, .
a- appearance of death •produced by; a
a powerful eleetric shock may be entirely
eW delusive, he -having successfully motored
si,1 eel/nation in sheep and dogs which had
:been to all appearance killed by electri.
city.- He asserts that itwillhelmet's-
sary to make a' pest -mortem examine -
tion of criminals so executed in order to
ascertain whether they are really dead.
If that be so, there is to my .mind,,:en
end,of the qiiestien:-.--tseslon:. Truth.
on t you_
lery ?" The man never wered a
kee I am a colonel of the loll Artih
• word, and the irate officer replete& the
enestion, with the addition of ff (Feral ad-
jectives. At last Tommy Atkins; re-
sponded" Dark night -can't !see ,yer.,
Orders was -You're
-An old German song says e worldl
iis like a bottle of beer w th frcith at the.
he Mid-
p. 4thelt
atedf the
ocer of -
as always
put off With fair promises. Tile gracer
did not wish to make it a crim nal case
and sued jock to the J„. P. Co t. Jock
acknowledged the debt, but pl aded in•
ability to make present payine t. The
Justice gave decree, and sev rely ad-.
monished Jock, and finished with-" I.
am astonished that I cannot g t honest
men to transact the busines • of the
Court." Jock drew a step n arer the
bench, and boldly looking the ,Insee-
in the face, seid.,--" De'd yr honor
needna be astonished naething labout it,
for -nae honest man- wid doli"
top, clear, wholesomedrink in
die, and hard, work, trouble, ad
Crime atthe bottom:
to-.- -A grocer gave Jock Boat
. officer, some accounts to draw
O collected them, but appropr
money to his 'own use. The
to .ten sought the money but w
-Having wit -and buoyancy of spirits,
Jet them flash out in service of religion.
Don't consider it necessary to rake than
up and hide them. •
-A mother and a dog are the only
two things in the world that seem to
have absolutely disinterested love.
-I think love grows between hus-
• band and wife by expression of affection.
I know there is a stately dignity in
vogue. Husband and • wife sit over
against each other like those great
statues of Memnon in Egypt; there they
are, vast, stony and hard.
-A lawyer who works ten months in
, the year and then for twomonths amuses
hithself will last twice as long as if he
took no recreation._
-Mourning after an absent Qod is an
evidence of Jove as strong as rejoicing in
a present one. _
-Death is as sweet as flowers are. It
is as blessed as bird -singing in spring. I
never hear of the death of any one who
ready to die that my heart does not
sing like a harp. I am sorry for those
that are left behind, but not for those
who have gone before.
-Irresolution is a worse vice than
rashness. He :hat 'shoots 'best may
sometimes miss the, mark, but he that
shoots not at all ban never hit it. Irre-
solution loosens all the joints, of a state;
Ake an ague it shakes not this liar that
•-limb, but alt body is at once in a fit.
The irresolute man is lifted from one
place to another, he hatchethnothing,
but addles all his actions.
The best medical authorities acknowledge the
value of Ayer s Pills, and prescribe them with. the
utmost confidence, as the most effectual remedy.
for diseases caused by derangements of the
stomach, liver and bowels.
A scientifie_ exchange remarks that
"wrought anchors are the best.' NOV
withstandin, g this all the ships that ever
came into harbor have cast anchors.'
---A little OH who found 'country fare
very appetising, said to her mother,
"'Ile- we'd better go home. I eat so
mrich'here that if I stay a Month, I'm
afraid I shan't live a week."
-Among the announcements of fire-
works at e political celebration the oth-
er evening We read that three ser-
pents were to be exhibited following
each other in a contrary direction.
-Before they are -merried she will
carefully turn down his coat collar when
its gets awry ;but after that event she'll
jerk it down into position as if she was
jerking a door mat out of the window.
saloon-keePer named his resort
"Nowhere," so that when his married
esst9Iners went home. late, and their
wives wanted to know where they had
been they could safely tell them the
,, trutl:;. .
--The force of habit is a fine thing in-
ita way, but when in= replyto a - ques-
tion at a church 414 as to whathe will
have, a young man mechanically replies,
",f Beer,,'or. "the same," it is a trifle
-" You always lose your temper in
my company," said = an indiyidnal of
-doubtful reputation to a gentleman.
._,"Trne; sir,' replied the other., "And
I shouldn't wonder if •I lost everything:
I had about me.'
-The follow -m. g neat sentiment w.ak
idrunk standin at a private fete among" de feat circl " colored elite of New
York, a few evenings since; "liere,s to -
the colored far sec; dar face needs no
paint-dar head no fernery.22
, ••--Two farmer h2adies named Jamie
and Tammas, Who had indulged rather
freely of Mai Barleycorn, were return-
ing homefromthe market one evening
in -a cart. When proceeding along the
- road the lock of the cart gave way, and
•Tammis, who was sitting nearest the
back, was thrown with some force an
the road. Jamie, Who was out of the
cart in the same way:, shouted-" Cheer
.- up, Tammas, "I'll just be ' wr ye the
• 1100." 4' ''' *
• '
,. -During -the summer season large
numbers 'go for a drive up the-
Dena of Yarrow as far as St.- Mary'a'
Loch, and lately a-. large party hired ae_
machine. Of that party was a youth -
who sat next to his mother, who was
the wife of a laborer in the gas Works.
The youth, who never. had been far
.• away from home, took notice • of every-
thing, and one -614 he was - eagerly
watching was a flock of sheep grazing,
and among them was a ‘ blackfaced ewe.
When he 81W it he „pried • out . to his-,
mother: "Thatblackfeeed • sheep has.
surely been in t egashcaule.' .. -
-At Woolwich, lately Orders were
...givenfor a night patrol; and several Men
were Rushed forward on outpost duty.
- :Their instructions were that the night
Children Cry for
• •• • .
• Why the Leaves T
"Probably not one person in 'a th u -
sand - knows why leaves cha. ge th ir
color lathe fall," remarked an eminnt
botanist the other day. "The common
and old-fashioned idea la that all this
red snd golden glory we Se 3 now is
caused by frosts. A true and cientific
explanation of the 'Causes of co °ring of
leaves would necessitate a long arid in;
triage discussion. Stated br elly and
in proper language those ca, sea are
these: The green matter in theitissue of
a leaf is composed of two col' ra-red
and blue. ' When sap. ceases to flow in
the autumn, and the natural 1 growth
of - the tree ceases, oxidation
tissue takes place. -Under cert
ditions the green of the leaf eh
' ed; under different conditions
n yellow or brown tint. This differ-
rende in color is due to the d fference
in combination of the original constit-
'lents of the green . tissue, and1, to the
erying conditions of climate, exposure,
nd soil. A dry, cold climate roduces•
that is
o much
. For
d hav-
e on a
a tree should be highly color d and
of the
in con-
nges to
it takes
ore brilliant foliage than on
amp and warm. This is th
that our American autumns are
ere gorgeous than those in
There are several things abou
t at even science cannot explai
• stance, why one or two trees
s de by side, of the same. age a
i g the same exposure, should ta
bfilliant red in the fall and th
s ould turn yellow ; -or why one
e rest of thetree have onlya yellfiw tint,
ible to
e questions that are as . impos
swer as whyone member of a
ould be perfectly healthy and
ekly.-Exchange.. I
Origin of Pottery.
Every maul no doubt, used his gourd
a a gourd alone. But as time went on,
•e began at last, apparently, :to employ
i as a model for pottery also. In all
robability his earliest lessons in the
dile art were purely accidAntal; It is
common trick with savages to put
• ater to warm on_i
the camp -fire n a
labash or gourd, with wet clay Smear -
e over the bo tom to keep it fro _burn -
i g. .Wher r the clay thus employed
as fine enough to form -a mold and bake
h rd in shape,, it would cling to 3 the
giurd, and be used- time and again in
t e same without renewal, till atiast it.
e me to be regarded almost as a cora-
p hent part of the cerhpound vessel.
aces of this' stage in the. evolution of
p ttery still exist in various outlying
• criers of the world. Savages have
b en uoted who smear their dishe4 with
c ay; and bowls may be. found ii veri-
• s museums 'which still contain more
o less intact, the relics of the n tural_
0 nject on which they were modeled. In
o e case the thing embedded in 8 clay
b wI is a human skull, presumab y an
e emy s. In most cases, however, the
i er gourd, or calabash; in propertion
az it was well coated up to the veer top
w th a good protective -layer of clay,
w uld tend to get burned out by the,
h at of the fire in the course of time,
u til at last the idea would arise that
t e natural form was nothing mor than
a 'ere meld or model, and th t•the
earthenware dish, which grew up a ound
it was the substantive vessel. -Po ular
S ience Monthly. .
f you desire to possess a beautiful com
tae Ayers Sarsaparilla. It cleanses an
fie the blood, and removes blotches and pi
king the skin smooth and clear, and gi
ma nritghh.t a
and „ healthy . ppearance. TAke
ing it
t this
Rather Startling Wed ng.
'1 was in at the death' at P r they
rel wedding last night," said Mr.
k Bradford,the other day. "It was on
ram near Spartanburg. About 11
ock, when just in the Midst of a uiet
oze, 1 was startled by a gruff owe
big, 'Do you take this woman &be
Lr lawful wedded wife?' For a min -
1 thought it was meant for ine and
ade a break for the nearest win ow ;
as soon as I saw my time h dn't
e, .I breathed easier, and di4 the
tator act. There were the victims
thepreachers and the father o the
py bride with an ugly -looking gun
ted in the direction of the b ide-
m. The groom never winced but .
Lt through the ceremony like a ittle
. Then r went back to slee "-
nta Constitution.
A Plea for Hangihg.
I regret to,find from one or two le ters
veh' h I have received that thy remarks
in favor of hanging have not commie ded
themselves to some of my progressive
rea ers. I am sorry for this, but quod
• seri si,. scrips!. I only said that, so
lon as we think it necessary to kill our
murderers as a warning to others, we
• had better stick to a MOCIle • operandi
whi h impresses the vulgar imaginition
-p ovicled it be not actuallycreel,
which- I don't think hanging is; Since
I wrote, however, I have had the sada.-
fact on of finding my objections to elec-
tric I execution supported by an eminent
„scientist who is also a strong opponent
of capital punishment in any form. Dr.-
Laundry Work.
With the warm wether ,:the family
washing is Very much increased.: We
have found it quite as good a plan as any.
.to wear all the thin 'dresses around; and
then take one 'day especially for doing
For thin lawns and linens we find an
addition of a small • quantity of prepared
gum -arabic to the rinsing -water suffici-
ent for stiffening them. Just now it is
considerednicer not to have any thin
Materials Stiff, so as to give a :clinging
effect. But by the addition of gum -
arabic, just enough stiffness is given to
• make them iron nicely. All the under -
waists drawers, and such articles for
little Child's wear, should be lett un -
starched. ' •
Some mothers are using night-dresses
made of cheese;cloth. These need only
to -be washed, well-shaken,end dried,not
being ironed at all.
There are a great many, hours of herd
labor put upon entirely useless things,
and a mother's life too often made
slavish by 'doing all, these things her-
self. ' . •
We have used a preparation in our
starch for some time which makes . a
very nice gloss on linen. Make the
starch in -the ordinary way, then , add
an inch square piece of white wax -and
paraffine melted together. This should
be prepared _ beforehand and kept on
hand. - •
I never liked coal -oil or salt put in
starch, as when there is the least damp-
ness in the air all t e stiffness goes out.
-Chicago News.
. I
_ Hot Milk as a Stimulant. I .
, Of hbt milk as a stimulant the Medi-
cal Record says : Milk heated to much
above 100 degrees Fahrenheit loses fora
time a degree of its sweetness and
density. No one who, fatigued by over-
exertion of body or mind, has ever ex-
perienced the reviving influence of a
tumbler of this beverage, , heated as hot
as it can be sipped, Will willingly forego
a resort to it because of its being render-
ed somewhat less accePtable to the
palate. The promptness with which its
cordial influence is, felt is indeed sur-
prising. Some portion of it seethe; to be
digested and appropriated almost im-
mediately; and many who now fancy
they need alcoholic stimulants when ex-
hausted by fatigue will find in this
simple (fraught an equivalent that will
be abundantly satisfying; and far. More
endurin in its. effects.
- The 'Coming Comet.
, It is farieled by a'grateful patron thatthe next
cornet will appear in the form of a huge bottle,
having "Golden Medical ' Discovery " inscribed
upon it in bold characters. Whethorthis Con-
ceit and high compliment will be verified, re-
mains to be seen; but Dr: Pierce will continue to •
send forth that wonderful vegetable compound,
and potent eradicator of disease. It has no
equal in medicinal and health -giving properties,
for imparting vigor and • tone to the liver and
• kidneys, in purifying the blood, anti through it
eleanseig and renewing the whole system. , For.
scrofulous humors, and consuniption, orleng-
scrofula; its early stages, .it is a positive
sPecific. Druggists. -
• Like Magic:
It always acted like magic. I had scarcely
ever need to give the second doseof Dr. Fowler's
EXtraetof Wild Strawberry for -summer dom.
plaints" -Mrs. Walter Govenloek, Ethel, Oh-
tario. •
A Painful Subject.
"1 was suffering for three- Tonthiwith pleb
.1131rOlti dalttowbac7teavreeftfier ubseecialle.asB;m111
as ever. I advise WI who suffer from palm in the
back to use B. B. B." :Mrs. Paul Brondeate Len-
noxville, P. Q. .
Nothing but the Truth.
Sirs -I have found Dr. Fowler's Extract Wild
* Strawberry to be the best remedy 1 ever used for
dysentery and all summer - complaints among
children, and I think recommended none
tole highly: "Able A. Reagh,.yictoria Vale, An-
, wells, Co.; N. S.
Over 509.* „
take much pleasure in -stating that since'
using Burdock Blood Bittere, I have entirety re-
covered:. I Suffered from 'impure blood and had
over 500 balls. }can confidently teconunend B.
B. B. to,any.sufferer from the same complaint."
David Fe Mott, Spring Valley, Ont. e
Nature Makes no Mistakes.
Wateere'frown relaedy for 'bowel complaints,
cholera morbps,...ecolide crimps, vomiting, sea-
sickness,. cholera infantum, diarrhcea, dysentery,
and all diseases of -a like nature belonging to the
simmer season,. is Dr: Fowler's Extract of Wild
Straivberry,-Which'call be obtained from all deal
erein medicine. Price 35 cents :
A. Confirmed Grumbler.
18 generally st because of .confirmed dyspepsia or
incligestion,aused-by eating' too rapidly, bolting
load withoutichewing it sufficiently, overloading
the stomach, etc. Burdock Blood Bitters cures
dyspepsia and all kindred diseases.
.Castdria is recommended by physicians -for
'Children- teething: It is a purely :vegetable
preparation, its ingredients are published around
each bottle. It is pleasant to the taste and absoe
lutely harmless.- It -.relieves ,constipation, rem'
lates.the briwels; quiets pain, eures diarrhcea and
wind colic, allfavenshnesse destroys worths,
and prevents- convulsions, soothes the _child and
gives it refreshing and natural" sleep. Casteria
is the childrens' panacea -the mother's friend.
35 doses, 35 cents. e 1076-20
-Malarial-Fever and chills are -best broken up.
and prevented by using Milburn's Aroniatice
Freeman's Worth Powders destr y and remove
worms without injury ta adult or infant.
• - • . , •
Regulate the Liver and Bowels by the judici-
o us use of National Pills, they are purely -vege-
table. " • •ee
e •
As a Healing, Soothing application for crits,
woueds, bruises and sores, there is nothing bet-
ter than Victoria Carbolic Salve.
Milburn's Aromatic _Quinine Wine is distinctly
supeeior to any- other as an appetizing tonic and
fortifier, •
When Baby wee sick, we gave her Castoria,
When she was a Child, she cried fob Cluster*
When shebeiame*iss, She clung teCaistoria,
When .ho had Children;she gave them Castor,
Young, ohl, and Middle aged, all - experience
the Wonderfully -beneficial effects of Ayer's Sar-
saparilla,. Youlig children'suffering from sore -
eyes, sore ears, head; or with any serofu- BUTTER.... --Cash is being -paid for
bus taint, become healthy and strong by the use Choiee Deity Butter at Robb's Grocery' Sea;
of this medicine. Six bottles $5. . -forth. - • '
• . -
. • ..
Has a w-iTrld wide reputation as a physician an
author, : His Mandrake Dandelion Liver Cu
is a triumph of medical skill, curing all diseas
of the Kidney and Liver.
.. .
, .ompi. an
' • 7aint i ) ac Distraessin
pains in the back.; a dull pain or weight in th
bladder and baseOf the abdomett; sealdin
urine often obstructed *, fregeent desire t
urinate, especially at night, among. aged pe
sons; hot, skin,pale complexion, red an
white deposits, dizziness, sour stomach, co
stipation, piles; liver, dropsical swellings 840-:
0 itmlain' t
— .-- SYMPTOMS s.fi_,' ?sp:aulinde, inbiod e
Jaundice, sallow gompleXion, a weary, tired feel
ing, no life or energy, headache, dyspepsia, in
digestion, spots, phnples, gra; ' -
Mandrake and - Dandelion are nature's •Live
ehres,,and when combined with kidneyutile
dies, as in Dr. Chase's Liver "Cure, will mos
positively cure all Kidney -Liver troublei. . I
acts liken charm, Stimulatieg the clogged liver
• Strengthening.thekid,neye, and invigorating th
-whole body. soia . by all dealers at $1„- wit
Iteheipt Book; which alone is worth the =gooney
-kidn.ey- Dn.! Cuast's nuts are the onl
. • Kidney -Liver -Pills made. The
r.,iver -
-pep e They cure Kidney -Liver troubles,
act gently yet effectually. May be
taken during '. any : sedipleyment.
"6 "11."43. headache, biliousness, costiveness,
&e, One pill a does Sold by all dealers: Prim
25 cents. ", _ -. 1 . :• ': • - ,
. T * ' EDMANiON--&CO -
tgr For sale bk1. V..FAR, Druggist, Sea's' forth.
1076-52 -
London Huron and Bruce
• • . •
GOING NORTH- . Passenger:
• London, depart.................-7.55A.m: 4.352.n.
Exeter -. . . 8:66 . 5.57 -
Henan. . : ' 9.08 6.09
: Kippen 9:14 6.17
9.22 • 6;26
Clinton-- ; . 9.4Q . 8.45
Londesboro .. 10.00 ' 7.93
Blyth.....:.: -..10.10 -... 7.12 -
• Belgrave ... 10,25 '7.27-
, Wingham arrive ...........10.45 , 7.45
Omni SOUTH- •• ;Passenger.
Wingiuun, depart :.,7.05A.m. 3.40 P.N.
Belgrave...... . 7.24 • 4.00
Blyth.. . , :7.38 . 41.15 •
Londeshoro., 7.47 4115
•" Clinton 8.07 4.45
Brucefield,........ , 8.26 . 5,04
Kippen„. . . .. 8.34 • .5.12
Henan. „ - 8.41'
. . . 8,50 75.33
London, .. . . : '6.35
Wellington Grey and Bruce
- • • .
Brussels 4. .
Genie SOUTH--
Brussels.; ....
Passenger. Mixed.'
2.51P. H. 9.31 tom. 8.40 p.m.
8:00 9.45 9.80 '
8.21 .10.00 10.00
18.80 10.10-- 11.10 I
Passenger. Mixed.
6.89 eels 7.25 P. M6.48' 11.25 4 7.55 • •
7.02 11.45 i 8,55
7.14 12.00 9.81 .
drin.d Trunk Railway.
Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as
Passenger .. 1.03 1' M' 1.20 T. it.
Passenger... , 9.10 p M9.27P. m.
Mixed Train:: 900 a. • 10.201,,11.
Mixed Train.: ... 615 i' M._ 6.40 p.m.
, Passenger. 7.48, A. et. 7.80 .A.
, Passenger ..-e. 2.48 P. IL 2.25 le, n.
Mixed Train... 5.30 p m. 4.55 P. N.
Freight Train.; . 4,30 . 3.30
DIA. A,M '8
-Diphtheria kOroup'Reiredy-
• -Is a Sure and ' Reliable' Cure.-
- No child needs. to lsuffer, far 1988 to die,. from
..thase dreful diseases, if this remedy is used.
Over 8,000 vials have ald with best results. Best
of testimonials on hand. I challenge every ease
with this remedy if rightly used. For testi-
monials and -liberal terms, apply to the under.
- signed,. .REV. rite DIERLAMM, Gowenstown, -
Ont. For sale' at • . -
Fear's. Drug Store, Seaforth; •
Combei; Drug -Store . Clinton.
J. H.. Hamilton's, Blyth.
George Rhyme's, I. Goderich.
Dr. _Lutz's, • - Exeter.
George Baker's, 'Brussels.
D. S.. Faust's, Zurich,
Wuerth St Co.'s, Crediton,
Blackberry Cordia
For -Diarrhoea, SinriMer 'Complaint,
Cholera -Infantum; Dysentery, and generally
_relaxed condition of the Bowels. It allays Min-
•iting, acts as an astringent without praducing
costiveness and is so pleasant to the taste that
children take it readily.; '
PRICE, . 25 . dents-!.
Next Deer to M. B.- Counter' i Jewelry Store.
. -
Roberts' Pteasant .
• •
Is the most 'effectual Remedy on the Market' for -
the expulsion of Worms of ankinds ; and he so
pleasant to take that Children ask for more
- • •
Try a Bottle and be 'convinced.-
'PRICE 25 Cents.
-Chemist & -Druggist,
To the ,Pulaho
Bargains are still being offered in
-.CAC/MOM': .
Our stock is new and our prices
low as good goods can be bought for.
Of every kind, all of our own euringeerinstantly
on hand, and will be sold in large or small
pteces. Our }rams are now.. become noted for
their superior flavor and general excellence..
Try them. .--- • • -
Look for the corner store.
EA -tate HUGH. ROB13,
, - , • .
The above :mills have now been tthoroughly re.
built upon the. complete: , •
, The Mill and Storehriuse-13uildings have been
greatly enlarged, and -Sew Machinery" applied,
Flour Dressing Machines
From thebest Manufacturing Firms have been
inc4aunnici Ovurrinur g necessary added to enable'
In the .Driminion. - The facilites for receiving
grain from farmersand for elevating and shipping
-have also deen extensively improved. -Grain can
now k • taken- from farmers' wagons, weighed,
and loaded into cars at the rate of 700 bushed
per hour, by the work of two men,
Has been put in, and the necessary machinery for
handling chop and coarse graino• .
A good shed has been erecsted, so' that wagone
can be unloaded and reloaded under cover.
Promptly attended to, and
Choppedsatisfadonly. and without delaY.
And all kinds of -
. donitantly on hand. '
. Ft
Highe'st °Market Price F'afd ILL
Cash for any Quantity of -
1 Wheat. -
, FOR' S 14:Zei
it • ,
, • - -
Only firstrWass ancrobliging'f len will be kept
li _
attend customers. The patronge of
armors and general trade reel*, fully solicited.
O. ,!iEMP, Manager.
Liver Complaints
°use ess, Siek
rouble, Rheu.
eases,and all lin.
purIties of the.
Blorel„from what
ever cause ari
Price, 7,5c. (with Pills $1,.)
- TRY' .
(very small and easy to take.) .
Sold everywhere; price 25 cent
T E 'UNION MEDICINE CO., Toronto, Can-
a a. - 1026.52
r. Low's Worm Syrup hai3 removed 'tape
rails from 15t0 30 feet in length. Haifa de -
Os all kinds of worms. - • .
qj:k Vc. A successful medicine tested
:4e -eel over 30 yeare in thousands of
eases. ,Pro tly cures Nerd.
vous Prostration, Weakness bf
Brain, Spinet Cord, and Gen-
eritive •rgans of either sex, Emissions and all
ifls caused by indiseretien or over exertion. Sit
packages is gearanteeci to effect a mire when all
other medicines fail. One package el, six pack-
ages 85; by mail. Sold by druggists. Write -for
phlet. Address EUREKA CHEMICAL CO.;
'etroit, Mich. egirSold in Seaforth by Lumsden
Wilson and druggists generany. 1034,752
THE. FA,FongEls'
Banking House,
• (In conneetion with the Bank oniontreal.)
L. 0 GAN 86: .00.1
• '11rivefiti iownprem1es on -Market Street, "
Seaforth, opposite A. Strong's office.
. General Banking Business donee drafts issued
and cashed. Interest 'Mewed on deposits.
On good notes or'mortgages: ; •
. •
• 1058- • • -
ant of Sleep
Is sending thousands annually to ate
insane asylum ;.and the doctors say this
trouble is alarmingly on the increase.
The usual remedies; while they may
give temporary relief, are, likely to do
more hardi than goad.. What is needed
is an Alterative and . Blood-purifler.
Ayer's Sarseiparilla s ineomparably
th best Corrects those disturbances
in the circulation which -cerise sleepless.-
. .
ness, gives increased vitality; and re-
stores the nervous system to &healthful
71(1-.,,ToTn.,0-; A CO1.6, ;gent of the Mass.
Nome Missionary - Society, writes that
his stomach was Out Qf order, his sleep
often :disturbed,- and some im-
i purity of- the blood manifest, but that
d. perfect. cure was obtained by the use
of Ayer's Barsaparilla.
_Frederick W. Pratt, 424 Washington •
street, Boston, writes: "My daegliter
-wasipiceitrated-with nervous debility
Ayer's . Sarsaparilla: restored her to
William 'F. Bowl*, Erie, Pa, was
cured.of nervousness arid sleeplessness
. by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for about
two months, during .which time Ids
weightinereesed over twenty peunds.
Dr. J. C.l Ayer &:go., Cowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggisti. - Pride $1; six bottles, $5.
• . - •
131JILDING LOTS FOlt SA1,E.--The under
_LP signed. has a number ofline building Lett
on Godeneh and James Streets for sale, at low
prices. Forparticularsapply to D.P. WILSON.-
_L.) scriber offers for sale a commodious Brick
Cottage In Egmonchilke with a quarter of an
acre of land attached. Good well, also good
stable on the premises. Apply to GE01wZ
SPROAT, Tuckersmith, Seiforth le. p 106244.
TIAlell FOR SALE -A good Jana for sale on
easy termseLot 82, Concession 2, Usborne,
containing 100 acres. Good buildings and fences,
well underdrained, convenient to churches and
schools. Apply to ELLIOTT & ELLIOTT, Bar-
risters; or JOffii TRICK, Exeter. 10788
FOR SALE. -The south 50 arca of
Lot 20, Concession 13, township of Mo.
Killop, all cleared butitbbut five Acres, well un-
derdrained and in good condition. There is a
good frame barn, stable and shed, a goed-orchard
and plenty of water. For particulars apply to
ROBERT Afeld1LLAN, Roxboro, or by letter to
ROBERT MeM1LLAN, Sr., box 165, Seaforth
Ps O.* 1072tf
'DARN FOlfrAIE.--The proprietor offers hie
12 valuable farm for sale, 'being Lot 6, conceit.
sion 10, Grey, County of Huron, containing'100
acres more or less, 85 acres cleared. Good frame
And. log barns also good log house. he Larne -
is situated within one mile from the village of
Bruise's, and will he sold very reasonable. Ap- -
ply to ROBERT MeNAUGHTON, Brussels E
_ 1058-28
FARM TO ilENT.-To rent for a term of live
leers, Lot 12, Concession (3,• Stanley, con -
tang 100 acres, about 75 of which are cleared
and in a good state of Cultivation. There ar e
good buildings, good fences, good orchard an d
plenty of water. It is two miles from Vann,
and six Miles from either Brucefield or Kippe n -
stations. Good gravel 'roads in every direction.
The tenant can plough on the farm immediately
• after harvest, and tali possession given not later
than the -first of November. Apply to GEORGE
ANDERSON, Varna P. 0. 1078x4
A SPLENDID CHANCE. -Farm for sale,
Lot 11, Concession 12, in the township of
Stanley, containing 100 acres, 90 acres cleared;
land good, two frame barns, stables, sheep house,
Abrick dwelling house and kitchen, a good or.
' chard. A never -failing stream runs through the
farm. This farm will be for sale only -up to the
first of October, if not sold will be rented. Any
one wanting a good bargain come and it will be
sold cheap and on easy terms, not much money,
wanted down. The buildings are worth half of
what he staked for the farm. -Apply. to P.
DAIGETTY, agent for the owner,- Brownson •
Line or Bayfield P. O.
VARM FOR SALE. -Foe sale, Lot 16, Conces-
sion 0, in the township of McKillop, county
• of Huron, containing 100 acres. About 84 sores
of which are cleared, well fenced, drained and
in a good state of cultivation. The remaining 16
acres is well timbered. There is a good Orchard
and plenty of water. The 13uilding8 are frame
and nearly new, demisting of house with kit -
cher' and woodshed ; Also barn with stabling and
sheds. It is within six miles of Seaforth, with
good gravel roads leading thereto. Will be sold *
cheale and en easy terms. For furtherparticulars"
apply to M. MUIIDIE, Let .24, Concession 7, Mo.
atillop, or A. FERGUSON, Lot 12, Concession ,
McKillop. 1075t1
Combines seem to be the order of the day in things, but 1 -am not included in SOY.
Please note the following: 1 Will sell for CASH
from and -after April 2n4 until further notice
13 lbs. of Beet Granulated Sugar for el, but not
lessthan 81, Or more than :85 worth to one per-
son. I have also a Fine•Stoek of other efroceries,
Dry Goode, &c., usually found in A Generar
Store. It 'would do -sem goocht? view my New.
Stock of „ • e
ail Paper and • Bordering..
• r "
Produee of all kinds take in exchange, and
highest market prices paid. A trial -respectfully
solicited: Our Millinery °Aimee -be surpassed.
. -
MO PIG BREEDERS. -:---The undersigned will
1. keep duritirthis season ott his premises at
to which a ;limited number of sows will betaken.
Terms ell, with the privilege of returning if
_necessary Cef-AHLES TROYER. 1058x13
_ -
• A CHESTER WHITE PIG. -The undersigned
i. will keep dining the present season•on Lot
21, Concession 2, L. R. K., Tuckersmith, a Thor-
ough Bred Chester White Pig to which a limited
number of sows will be taken. This pig was
farrowed on May In ,h-1.887, was bred by S. H.
Todd, of Wakeman, Huron County, Ohio, one of
the most extensive and reliable breeders
in the Unitedlitates. This Pig has also taken
rst prizes whereever shown. :Terms 81, pay-
able at the time of service With, the privilege of
returning if necessary. 40ItGE PLEWES.
' - 10394.f.
FU rnitu re Wareropms.
If youwantsolfd:portifcirt On at
MI Robertson's,
sPRiri-0-.•aamm •
That ismade., His stock gr •
very large And CompletelIntending pumiume
ers'would do -well to give him seen before pur,
chasing elsetvhere. Wareroons one Door South.
.of Telegraph ()Mee, Main Street, Seaford':
. -
And buy one Of those -Celebrated Self Adjustable
Easy Chairs, represented by the above cut. H
can also supply.• •
Invalid Chairs and •.:Carriages..
Be ilso•sellsthe most comfortable andlurabl
Wholesale and Retail
• Teis aSpecialty1Jobbed. at Whole -
.1 3
sale Prices in quantities. .
Charlemorth &- Btowneg
coai door north of Post Office.
be received by either of the undersigned
Executors, addresses' to Chiselhurst P. O., until
Saturday, August 4th, 1888, for the farm owned
and -occupied by the late Alexander McKinnon.
It is composed of the east half of Lot 5, Comes;
sion 10, Tuckersrnith, containing tO acres, of
whieh about 42 acres are cleared, well fenced,
‘`I u6derdrained and free from stumps. There is a
house, new frame bank ham and rither out-
buildings. A- bearing orchard and plenty of
-good eater. Schools and post office convenient,
and it is also situated within four miles of Kip -
pen, and the same from Hensall, and tight front
Seaforth Offers will be received for the farm,
either with or, without the crops. Terms made
'known" on application to either of the under-
signed Executors. HUGH McMII,I,AN, DON-
Executors. 1073-41
600D FARM FOR SALE. -For sale Lot 12, •
on -the 4th Concession„juid= the west half
of Lot 9, on the 5th Concession of "Jibbed, eon-
taining In W1150 acres. On the hundred aer81
farm thereare SO-ames cleared, well fenced, un- e,
• derdrained, freofrom stumps and in a high
state ot =Iteration, . The balance is well thnber-
ed with hardwood. There is a good brick house
in bourse of erectien, large bank barns, stables .
and sheds all in good order. Also a good or. chardand plenty of splendid water. On the, 50
acres there are about 40 acres cleared, also in a -
high state Of cultivation, and with a first-class
frame bare and log house. It is within four
miles of Dublin, six ranee of Mitchell and ten
mites from Seaforth, with geed gravel roads '
leading to each place. These farms will be sold
together or separately, and on very easy tenns,
as the proprietor wishes to retire on Account of
pool. health. WM. FAWCETT, Dublin P. O.
Orin ACKE FARM FOR SALE. -A first -
kuu Wass farm for Bale in the township of
Hulled, county of Huron, being composed of
two corner Lots, 10 and 11, in the 8th Conces-
sion, containing 200 acres, more or less, 98 acres
cleared on Lot 10, two orchards, two wells,
small frame barn and shed; also. log house on
_Lot eleven; 87 acres cleared, on which there is
&brick house, andlarge bank barn with stone
stabling underne.athesize 40 by 72: also two
never failing wells and vistern.- There is a
young bearing orchard. The above property is
in a good state of cultivation, free ftoet stumps
and stones, within 10 miles of Seaforth, 81 miles
of Clinton, 5 miles of Londeeboro, 2/ miles from
the village of Kinburn ; also convepient to
schools. It will be sold to 'suit purchaser, to-
gether �r separate. For particulars apply to the
proprietor. F. W. CRI011, Seaforth. /07It1
Lots 7 and 8, in the Sth Concession of Tuck:
ersmith, containing 200 acres, all cleared and in
a first classstateof eultiiration. OnNo, 7, there
is a pod, new brick house and -a bank barn 96by
48 with stonettabling underneath and *theme°. ,
essarybuildings,also asplendid orchard of ehoice
fruit and plenty of water. On Lot 8 there is a
new frame house and a good bank barn and Mute
class -orchard. Both places are well fenced thor-
oughly underdrained and free from stumps. Al-
so the north' half of Lot 5 on the sa.rae Comes- .
sion containing 50 acres, 12 acres of which are
cleared and the balance well timbered. These
places are within live miles or Seaforth and the
same distance from Kipper', with god gravel. -
roads leading in every direction. These farm*
will be sold together or separately. They are
among the best farms in the' County and will be
sold- cheap, Apply on the prentises ore -to Fig-
mondville P. 0, W. S. MITNDELL. 10524, f.
be received by the undersigned, addressed
_to Roseville P. *O., Ont., until Friday, August
10th, 1888 for the purchase �f Lots 11 and 12,
on the leth -concession" of Grey, County of
Huron.. There are 200 acres of choice land of
which 115 acres are cleared and in a good state
of tultivation, the balance being heavily tim-
bered with the best of timber. It is *within six
miles of Brussels, four from Walton, and there
is a school on the adjoining 'lot. There are
good buildiegs, a Splendid young' orchard just
commencing to bear a never failing. spring
creek and a good well. Good gravel roads in all ;directions. The two hundred acres
can be sold together or separately and offers
will be received for both or for either of the
farms. They Ile alongside eech other. le-
„tendingpurehasers can view the property and
obtain information from the undersigned,
to- whom offers must be addressed. MRS. J.
WALKER, Roseville P. 0. - ' 1072td
'DAM FOR SALE. ---The Executors of the
11 Estate of the late Win. Mooney, Esquire,
deceased, now offer the following valuable bride
for ealeeviz ; The north half of Lot 27 .and the
west helf of the north half of, Lot 28,both in the -
0th 4 --Rion of the township of Morris,
etom * uron, conteining 150 acres About
110 . - cleared and in good- condition, the
grea. being etass.- The balance is well
timb, t- eiefly with''beacht and maple. This
term lis ievoralily situated within .one utile mf
•Plage ori3ressels Nei -deb affordsan excellent
. Tlieree,is upon, the prenriees a -good :
f.. earn- and house, an orthard of choice
fru ; efts, a never bliirje. spring; also a good
wee, and pump, and gooci7fences. This properke
will be sold in one or two pareels to suit intend-. -
ing purbhasers Prirpbaser will be allowed to
enter and have use oehouse on premises at any
time after harvest and to do fall eeolxgbing, and
full possession willhe' given at fast November
next. For tent:sand particulars apply to the
undersigned Erecutors, or .to JOHN MOONEY,
Esauire, Brussels, Ont.” Dated, Brussels, June
18t "e1,838. GEORGE - CARDIFF and W. B..
DICKSON, Executers. • 1072tf