The Huron Expositor, 1888-08-24, Page 3L
A� mus. 1, 24, 188 X-POSITOR5
T 'r -d ,
The 161lowin '11 ritteA Ij memoty of- tainly," was her. replk,. as she took the 8
Ilim, I hastily, sw&y. M, Whitne-
'Girl 19M 'yoti really try tham.on?" Car- UP
led his �nelghbor's ie 9 far I missmy Littic� I ORTANT-10TICE&
amount -of money
dlen I'&' yeft, who died at babi *t.; sl Wh
d not W a sin til I.. the -]�;ttle. rnbe=y, e Ile and preparid to -de st�: ONEY-TO I;OAN.�--Nny
loan, on, Mortgales, A lowest rites of
#ud-Wood Fiat, Bury; March llth,. 1887.
iag�: mo ing, for her wound had fio me.fiti my husband'i, afid-Tin a better
t6 WX-. B. Mo,
9 0 lowirig., Inc, eias Easy terms. pply
Ing th lelou ask me If I Miss- her y darilk Jittle.pef,
fmme�sa, 444,4 been opened eah, and' qhe spent the ibuYer than- fid -is," aviisho *alked'dut, LRAN,-Honsall,Ont 1007-tif.. STOVE AND
My precious little jowel,lhat?i now'. In* glory
E or sa a abdut
W11F —F
holids 460* roo, ae was 0# lqee I miss my tiessure, 1. miss. her -all t] E D iT FOR
mment as he W
jolitude of "4er
re ��" inder of Pa dayand eveniug, in. the got Evidently She wears the.-.�paut%," was-
ysl�, rq.� Marti �o 0e Balesman's co' 260 bushels of Wheat of the Demo�ri�t var.. .1887r*"�' ADY 87
B ting Philadelghil
per-4cre of
early mo the closing of the. New' vov finesawleviiii- Is i fng,Wbeat.
Be . ood nfl�n U R N1 SHI
w11KI - . ety, Thlkwheat iielitedn A N'G
troibled %Vth' 4ud;thoukht felt as her retreA
,ban 6ver, F�Ora t e rpfng till'. F
-he dig a
1106 App y TOH
4 1 . day.. N,'Roxboro.:.. . .
g, she joined him. on: the. to DICXS0 .1079
tie miorni�
A full stock 0114 1 Ijinfaboi I h be Rift.
She wAs pale from, her long,ead. a the morning,. when I usedi to call. T ro1i94 t a
�,To I . - �f wgli, and Double . Res .:with
er name, 'tits,
And I'mi" bar,. too, at -rant the store and dwellina on Main Strpet,.
but ewed str -ngth -'and a . � A young. ipAn -ba, Aj T—To"'O"
school�imej. wheii ioving-,�-. d made himself and without.0vens, fitted with genuine Pliplex Grate.
Se,forthi at'prosent occupied
Ftiepvauttien U re exprees ad -in her -'1y she oamdj .'home on a np
e, we a ff farmi situatedaWay,from Possessi i luimpdf4tely. - Applyt.D M.N. ILLIAlloo,
With sparkling eyes and face., the gjactilest a' r 1,
o'neighbore -:'At a b Dublin, or M. JoupAzt,,SeAf6rth. UNIVE AL 8
Aen "he broke out in saw, 1i end in the W09, RSAL CO TOVEI -in, Double HeaW.S) -with and em -or
UMbu -"IV& to'o bad H �AND with,; ont
road ht had out a little oglening, visible GI
To ebrbw ner arms around my nvok and kiss me
unw6utedirritation. "I wouldn't have El C, 4 out Ovens.
good bye Xa." from- the house, that his: Wife ind baby MStRAX SH lip
;n4:- ame nto the premi a
1 er I Lbt Concession 2,
gone If I ha44nowT., Itwais:4 miser. 'before e -E- the and 'or Wiiid' fitted *10i genuine
might See him, on ;p way- t RAPI THOU
Uw*n d v ne tmiss her In the evening.when -the scholars pass he v h- 2tanley about i a first! of- junei two pair, of -GHT RANGEp;.fPr Coal
ible letting dA vnj 4 All ifif6t 'had go M -This Clearing WAB ewes. kid , ror.
n owner can have , the iame* by p
voice -among jb4at The ing �ylng charges. JOHN. GIB.
'bef al - .4i#te reached the" xr For an Al Washing'3fachine, go to
f ' t bear my M44tiel-S Bid open see. prope 5Y 1DO
`ora�that ;;fisibnoe to me I Odo no by them, &'-the -Du
Now site sin led, brightly aid hagy thron N,, Bru I .-iz
w ey're p"i
a d A�O- 1077"
P4k. Of -th she's r Toor, daiing so Wh
I�ttle one often tin to the . I I
&*You are he only one present But Its ning teiit� I k that -was -R The. Ing
wpAppil s...ab nce'to See.'. "If. Pays -DEES FO SAt.-Teh; Colonies of Italian nest ast. bed,fittid, and 4r fuel, savi
Trento,, hii thoufht i o. HAS this been Worry. ';is in nigh) Be sb6v6 Stoves are the' 'heaviest fi For BUT -style of Clothes Writigers 9
1 M
in Jones.
I'think I bear a whisper, I'Ma, yoi pen p Ace, Been onibs built fro 'Other stoves manufactured. Full Iiil� of. Cooking, Whitney -a.
very 1acilities.areunequalled by
u'll Meet roe by- de 6 tog you Oe diy - the huis�snd ndjathtr was Sboets7of foubtlation; strobg 'and, in Any,
0 or er. t mir riceA
HARM, Immediately". north so
6.9 Yeat it hai's. If the apffiaker had d * d - Will be. soldwer
yebeap. fr� P Wight, Gi A Call
Pailoi, Box'and.Heating Stoves to Bel
Aw a spring stricken, down with. Jpver. - Th4 little or -Ito a bhoap. and elegant
"OU -what 1:94w he would hAe known I -miss her In th time, 'benestli- -the
de for, spreading bowers, 1068tf before Making a Ourdbase,
thi�, one was -carried to smitie's housd,'out of ItWo, Se Sweeper, go to Whitneys-
His it! rds Only wounded me.
T1W N, fhore- for me she. watched the comill .01 the , and did:, turn
danger's *a not' To until
old i lirgs dwelling jj- stories Mlli
at He Jna,9104ou-by other men Ho- barnest-31ay-flowers; or the best Clitern-Pumps aid SinkNo.
the after the deiri.-- brav4 popo . was carried also
but, His words would iot4haver wound- And. I miss her in the summer, when 'er -with btick bsiment full size of house MRS01. JOHN K1 D. 1)
-green to the Aext-.;1hat--r*smsineth 'for the rge Ordbard and good stable oh the pr6mlies. -go to: whitne�qx.
Od Ye mnan rin glad. I heard tb meadows I I ... - . I � - . ... - i
i Z -tie �p inbral unte'In the I hrillAge. of -Egniondville, on -
he tripFed so gilij by My side the Apin g 6ult e of Go3. When * the child Ian a
r—t at. ae I&aiied what I n ever, street. Possession giveh first.viek In For a good 31ilk or Creaj�leryCsnj V
owing' he was aREET,
- a to g a=. turne4't6 the"sorr, -mother,, th, Apply to -WAIWST alEAFORT-14,
om yo of my per mon,
t 1061,
m yo Iin. tery prbud mn' I when shl.'played t9ld that 0aps-hailgone'to 'Heaireini� bu. s' G, soafbi*i to
len creatures - women I miss her in the autu FRON
�Oek.�bott�n% Wh silly e fo 3 little b6y's d an
are... any way 'They *ant ak an h iney tome two -don't f 6110 96 to Fjjtna�%. amongthe sheaves, - ould com. r bii P T N FJAFOATH FOR SAIR;9-
theirriends can - ige, often looked and1onged for his )RO ER Yi For Eavetronghin d Spouting
Jewelrl;� -dec For salo.o d- o
sto�* to be- brave y dread the consequences:. ad in go ded leaves - FLOUR,,, EED Blusgds LIM. KIM&.
Thefstal fever attacked thebo bill g houses lots on Maintreet, Sea,
r, boundinf from. the niople, *.code,
nd, Oh I They are now
df their. being so beyond words.." I miss her;�chj long, id n'g win' way statio4,
Just as the setting i�n tinged all le forth near the All kindi of obbing and Uppalro. st
Jy Id Mortin� ter night to 'and n.
well SA a little grimly, A y good Intereston the. I
n her b3pp 'Song and faceianed to I -the sky � the darling who had aye short notice at the Cheap stave and
ey rlbualness stands ders
morrow'-. I house with fght. UACOnaoious, suddenly 'opined his eyes' I ' ot ealre for saidenceo. Applyitii -JAMES
I'm goi - ag. t� W -office to- be used to To
-n Join ford
�oto u -$Uii 9
r NXIS, So 0
feel t&e n 'f a long con Be 6fteadirig d &I )"m aps is. turnin? 'McGI
BIA -i nd eye - p
0 ku 8 Map
eks e 3ut, Oh! I feet the saddest, and heart
wl -ooe BE k0tt 9ALt.-:-The underlgheil.offers W -
You mus help keep� 010'busyalsop the by the in P!hce.'p- He reached" his SEED �.'8910 RE ffhen I ie the school -girls pa"In a p towardi parition-i-
Irm r oppoilte the 'Tempori
Was bar repl Of the Bm6els -M.Ame Kline, prepared to
nder why ;.hifi- a- Ulckene !Bye$ could. not seel: rooms; kitchen me WHI
�Urff, ff(whe houde f6
school upon the, hill ce
k-nd I cannot help butwjo' left Hall. Tlie house cont4ine 7 on TISIEYf.
ok lif ease a
i Ve tho Kht about that.��yetp an 1,; supply any Amouncof -
alone,.t - d, San kIIT& and ntry, � first olm -st6fie � c Ilar good wel
� I . I : n
deal. on need Son e wholesomo, 'iholr darlin -why 11 it'she' soft ater cistirn! with pr,
res iang in kit;hqj r a I -'All Its -Bra'ches.,
9 Ile others have gar OD'- FREW LIME�
lot and,
txf's one quar di acre, M1 -GO
ustUrl interest that is ew bl f be-, ban pne 7 fenced.
Ll Leave hope behind, �RM 0old-on, easy termsof'-PAYmen
b not. sold will b rente For"P tone Work.
a hope o enter here I A 1'atthdbougd- If lasterinff, Bricklayini, or -8
October'jiot, HENRY, SM r the -limb in. Seaforth or vicinity for
coming som what absoi 111P - ois, It-. a
Mg. 3ut I will not droop In socro
--strahgethat T should recommend-- one I 'warning -which. Dante read on purd age ie flour, -feea and
:So ran the dire. b [ Imill delife 12
b I Having d I
W,.-f?r .1678tr Bled.,
a he v
Youknow its per bushel. .0rders:'promptly
ph -of my 4obby, flov inyPh'ther knows, thougr1i dark t ray,bis Os �oftals of the Inferno;- So- runs the cruel 'P. 0 love; In
b age of late W.Mt a. r
said store'business Of f
on our verdict of y you are overtaken by � — - . . I to that every It e, shrube plant loving will is mine, our friends If r Drit the ,addres
n Seafortih, I, purpmboii by fa ealing to- Ml
CHAIN'-LOST.-;mUst. 4bou oraw rationage so I 'g exten e 'to -thlrbouseIgAnd
n -ft- ft littleplace taort that terrible- disiiase� cone AkD iV[ F. RELLY9 eng6passeng ith- me. 'Lud'though witli human reason. I ca ot fully the first symptom$ o( T OCJ(ET
-the first of July, -either between do
-of: a gumption. -- Leav;e;,�,bope. behind I Your days epoan WO
on, quesusto see . - Read to ke SqU stock of- 1066tf �WeWls Lime
_W I A and the Red TwOrn in'Tuckoismitb, or. at a
Tou arer fond of flowers, bu never ein, -are numbered I" And the apa no
raten it will simply trust iu. Jesusj who says, t th Iru
ught to dost there. and B76 -Hippen a-
-gf M
YPOU]ff Wriends,- given -much. 1heir c isleaving come to me." b IS given up in des fr. But w & thore is '611old via
r -11 ellb: Seeds an in,
. I a r
am ftr. % t. . The' End d ra
-6 . that to Y6 gardener.- -Flo, . rs are life there to hope I Dr. eroes Golden Medical Neek Chain and Looks
e -C as. worse; erally-raarded And will _y :much- obli, a th
0 not &-jewel In thy crown, Itord, 1`4 ei or lot her. Discoverybas cured. 'hundreds of 'cle 0
�onty half enj ed by thoie, whoa, -thehl dther'st 4 .-RAT
than -yours;s�d it wjll'cure you if taken In time. �bwnerbylpavjng. rM
shine, .1 -. . J6XPOSI: Family. PoUry
e nureep or r 16 dahgerops.'. No power ban restore TESBERR In Bru
in 9 ve i TOP. flies, fth. :0
Cultivate th r pat the 0, Then r ceffold, or I if, 110, 0
o call her back; but,.Saviour, brot Qr, friend ut delT. 0
i Medrcal,Df000 0 YSZOM
nsUrJmce done as there, Is such an ' finite variety that be- divine,! awaste lun';the'Goldei
ued to let me *feel ih lofte ly hours (it ber' t4ere be however, can and. will irrest the disew."*. Feedi &C.,, -1 C Manitoba. B f0fe you low it yourithOughteare -For -sale obeip, an
to, rift -such things), �-TTOUSES F'OBI SALE.'
pleasantly mpied in- experimenting- -or the breath of jLl� -or All of �bo'cowfortablo bew,d*il Aiwe' delivered -to any'ploce in
a on'babdi and
thepressureof sWest- angel lip eboi creel toini. I will be I I
*ith een 0 e family of plalits, -It is.8,11 angel wings.' bed by'tbe- undersigned I lied to;meet the'die.
uses,, recently
Beattie ( .
Pakote, Ball Rdo3ja CaRs. - ;rove, geiforth. They -are situated I mand for, SEEV A
per iaterest wh c Will. keep you much 'M`
r th 0 -po -t of the toft, conVftfent:
'heap an the open an And- '.bring. -'you: do * Bar- -to Cahushapp the Cineds- houses, and will be vold' a
eve are
A. STROiG -m6ther. -On'eas terms of FITS
Opposite the same payment. Th
e., than four hundred years ago a CD Wore. Swing yoUfhou 1. housesi afid:all of- them have wells, 614terns Aiii I A911h,
k M Street 0
wits that the willsbills Bloc am
raval of -this talk py- Solitary Arab rooming Among; Abys -all necessary c venfenees, and stone celliff
bad -hearted firsi by resolitia., elf6rt All'out, away I Seiforth.
Cott. When I. say CuRs I do mot niean merely t6 stop
eaforth, oi t
ian mountains, ato to re
ir a am PPIP9 -Right hand to parduer,.. and grand C qly to AM SWATSO
B, Brodhageh..
1076 them for &Aime, abil: ther -return 70 --and then byl a growing. 'foudneas- iflir the -of Small 'trees
task, b6gani to take personal inteke grove right and left I i have them.1 Mv.
anphes to make &:fire to cook, it rice a
aain the daily1welfarli of her plants. Mar-, Cheat ?er swing, 1, '-I `r k.Ip toL the'ri YOIYG� tADIES.-Preold '.the a -upon, First n a BISH, AN'SCHOOL.
t k? I g4t 1'.. the made the d
'fatherweia alwaqya on tho 1, d Il t. FITSi 9w tine- Bud her 'THE: Di STRACH I inean'A,RADICAL.CURE-
He -saw son lug 1,
is dry-16oki 6berri o losses of
the twigs, and when they were burning a y 0 e a r000 a
r t The- ochbol�W I 1W 'lookout for Nomet M BISh60 of Tbrontb�' WILEPSYOR bj
on 'Wednesday, � Sep*bei L NtS8 10
TUW0thXthQr,bs*.c0W h , g- now and rare, and he a - melled a delightfut fragrani a which Hoe, . down 1. hb:: �-GCDERICH BOILER RK89
01*rkte�tbff - inodations tire improved'Land thorough w winter 4proached. the formerjisd a Co. FAL ING
they emitted.. ew Bud
any They ., were center -and three h nds
ILLEff FA iall conser�- 1. --,Lady in 'the an PJ 0,
story built on the au studj� -Is pr vided, With,- any. -required- A life -long -study. WARR"T'My'remed Y
_(;TOW strange to -him, and Iii1ad thle.- uriosi y' of , lishment. he arrangem CURB the worst .6ases. Because, others, ba P
- her V - onto for- due a '"ve
side of the house s in I& round- coi
They ali� gaVe, -in' efilelan
-Lea to -the next I' clan and - S Z' Olt
5 to take some of the Scorchads r,
will be �'mslntained Ch st4lt f 0 di no reason fornot nowroceiving
ur her Informatfoh and pros battle Soned . Nnee for a treating
ih them with a tonei may be I
severe -biram, which: Boon handa'and to crut �y,
td'giver good via cagid song Swing Y IM
ItarnO to recognize- and welcome her. frage er duckiek __p I kinds of'Stationery's Marine of My, INFAILIBLz usumr. , Give express and
The story says that Somli�of'i - - In th the Lady PrIncips 'M anufacturars o AI
Cage thi6 queeii I immedfat by ftit ng
MISS C loy U Tubular B0114L sts you hothly or i trial, md
-Proh; on6 of his clients Martin� 6iained. 7 IRI R, stoffice. It 00
en ioke ein fell - N stabam. Half, Cc _go avenul , right and 0
droll-loo4ag dog that seemed. to pos- waterp an t
'Cheat himo if you can I -Toronto, r Pe lot 4 f SA -T PANS SMOKE STACKS 37 Yonge Street' Toronto, Onte d
.in ta of the seeds As he broke will curo you. Addre H. a.' ROOTP
whii m�y, be Seen afte
d m fraidj 077-8
"Wor b (D .(D
'V �i and*01 kinds of Shoot Iron
;ence; 'In thi into his vessel of Break down thifloor I Auguit.
almost. human intioll' e - an he might h*%-. h
aA rt OU Lots
Moved I CD
R mov d I
Sach lady grab sman.1 1nd: 80, Corioession 1, MoKillol
of poison '.411 shake yer feet 1: M FOR 19 - T-10 11
He pob-taint -P
i andte�end- tastedtheLcoiaea water.
living thi d' P�,".�Contall 8740- AND WATER.. JPE FITTING8
c '15106111, % j - .
ent creaturds, thAt OUld tied in leathern bag that its 'Water and In a� go
13 ildl s d.
11, to t e .50 acres,
er fee gap as First team h right I all clesiod, well fenced 0
ous withqut: jarring upon. some days ago over desert a& anuto the' '-state Of CUIii"ti fair.' -Tharels a o stantly on ban
and -plan . . : . I would hum%n mirth and-. galety,'hier Grab',han. d I . Way -god Orch ty.of.Va'ter. Thlifarm e :3m w x (A
d ted so
bee now he was;eurprise that it the-Zoi0fation of SoXfO n baud, -ready -for dqlIvery.:
me wholesomely occupied within .0
that the te on the promises or to Seaforth P. 0.' D I '.-o46 50'horse-power
Six hAnd round I it will be-Wd cheap. and'on easy tome. y
niind A
d Belle At- - fresh and fragrant. Soon Now Steel B61ler u 0
pait Of eac, diyi She coul
a thus. made"by the a atide 'had -doe4doe 1,
U. I J doe—sada, dob The old i3stiblieb;dButdis b4o'lemoved 110.
1. 'YARNS, obilecti Wh did not know, whiob:oonld DORRENCE, Proprietor. 107 4 L 46mpleti- One 25 hori6,powdr. second-hand Poll. 31OW -.PreM L 5 t
t i unAL er. and Fourth .6. -hay down. the lei ImanediateluoppW-a big old
ibronger givenhinsfe-el
not' unders d.
FOR SJkL&-L-Fo Stand, Main. -Street, Sexfofth; wbaro'be will be.
-=d 217 4.0 Was r sale Lot 4:
Still, the no effort on her part of ha�piness!- 'Con
in some and nter I
3ended apeL sg4 memories Ichen he gathered: 8i F Sion 9, Tuckorimith, H; -R. S., -,cofitallaillig. �elrjn good order. eat alibis old patrons and as Many
and Cahay back to. M
ttoT wd or the iLots them- to the 3duftl of-Ardue, in -�ikrabi! wres Is, clearid and: t Aleo- 12 hone -power Engind nd -favor Ifin with their
104 Acres, 6f which 90 1 now ones as may see fit'to M
Whoop 'em up
which revived them. A noble hard wood. The a Bo -hand, ei good- condition.
dutkes balance-- Iapatronage.
This Mohamindswhigh� Uf-L fall timbered With ler, ecoad
willt as fr priost was Gii away girls I git iwsy,fv dersoll' M
Monument ad been erected - to Zaptain hiff use, of ookm. He was Are on. the promises, a bank barn 48*56, s*b mber th botwez-Hen
iLand on gobil-fra'
er, . and f6gi hands barn 40X60, a, good driving house and pmp to 2nd -hand th -Out I H%rn
Ev'W'sli -A 48hinj fit ArReme
riehoI e of her chief pleasures Inty-rds Shbe
Odbd Workini diW persuaded tb try a drink madebf Arabi.- Getits in the cent on Sho store ain joss p, find,
ClsRt, Workmen, ww eflo,wers grown �rqund I Awaiting house.' There are also two splend L
00 the place, a first-class orchard, an &0., sit in gbod work. street,"geitift.
-die- fa to well fenced and lands
U his* t Warr=tf id,
ly to cure ey. e6othei L none o6mer of the opposite G� T
a school boUge-o_
OIL v�h- a did not visit one. 6 eo ;�t . o your sts: I kdrafne& Th -0 RGE
wonderful seeds,`- and it seemed magical- Bollet ngifie; Separator, adiir her wn care. Few -days passed . - Thete you I s. Ing Qorj fili Iii gold has Mal orders wit 898
him. Th vrolopt atbentio the tj ite, as a u �,.m 18 it. pution,
assed nerves'like, an' antid P, 0
from Clinton an4 6.
'the prem see -o TH
he cured, Mpfti, pamed the Unknown on �t CD
T Not the To6tliaehe Ulinton--P. OL Godoilch, May0th, 1*,
ff' A11111& -She h: she had in, L
09, BOX 8610 lowithin1tof smile 'fro
flmilies-whowskeor had,,'been repre in-dicalbookmightllue. - 0 , miles fron!
ted at ihe front, whilii Mrs. Nichol Cahust saw ei. The 7t
felt that if aii lost a sow
daughter;. As the'. . tree 1, which means' im
G113 =e!gained Sr I A *omin'with- tests in. bar eyes and SALE.- r 02
to WAS Well teachings of Mohamet forbade he Use of IAGE ST11LIJON
mouths psi _ni gh h( J�vr tied up- stood in the do rway,of
sed an. win pini'ests, terwardg 4 cart,�ago Stallion,- coming tot4i yo
mbletonlap; own
spent, thei4iae gossips of the VillAge charc6il and other: -aveiiue dentist the ot or condemud coffee.whichin t, became 6' Woodward bid,.- sired by Byedyck's. Ha 0
heads d over, be havin om - the. -country by Jx F. D.UIM%g%. 01 wingam, and Out
dayj c6imiii in fr*
again begin to shake their 'an world -a light bAy) stands
na, -bred -.mare.i
remarkp- "'Helin Kemble, and Bart Mar. the i me. cahqah the to baV6 a tooth pulleds and Yet. dreaded well He to
cause bands I h, weighff 1,200 lbs,, and shows 5
fj'Sl L, . - , : . 4 . - ..i . I A,
is . He ban, proven himself a sure
-friends, -bui Iguess! the h stre� 1 ard -berries must
tine sre,44r, good. ato,take the- ecisive stisp In this: did 9F
Pei they will a model of hio'claos dnd'h" 0
d' t Ian, who Un getter. lie Is nev or
ency a pe so r
-that's all it will amount to—ally At any deisto6d'her IZ r. Pj
cheer.' iiie show ring;
elings, -haltid- and asked been. beates In
rate- for a - lol em a e
2g, time;" B In-ou..
-f at that. war on coffee aad diploma at Walkerton two years in moroached for
fed orses., 0
All, vr All time, Helen had I lonestly aToothache, MS'amL?" . - .9
moie, ensible mufti declared 1 hat it was slon, and, when shown against b Tone and
-reaso 3 H: M K NT 0
not 0 Yes awfUlly"t on very nab a
all time h id an ht' heit handling b ESTA
other lorVer soug how long wnerhasno means of;
ought. It mighteisilybave beenlor days *rIllbe sold
And yet Ow- WART�Vroxetdr P. 0.
te So FRE&
�.UoWjL in oar kn JUI 'bad JAMES, STE LOL..
ilm - himself hall 4f Two. weeks. it Isn't
0Ln1.S of jf MAit 6 .'become a --ledgeL some superstitio�s deaegn :SEAFORTH,.
w�.qust thii. Minute. K Y
her guard. It juit. -h AND IMIC
wooer-, anii NO put her on -TTIBIIE'RT TILE
- . . . .4 iee3
the Poitughese'living on a b k of the '. " . I L . . I . .- . .. ,
Ambeal -Let me feel your. H'ni. Run ��Iror inae; lot ikoonceisl6ii 30
AnCe' of what she 7 A
vA his potlentLac"Pt River, in Zululand, b Blieve that ja�,SA ich. re 0
J.Ue. ]8 Me bert,-.conta elph,
be -hielped, - his Self- if man plant coff out yolir ton him 11 Had a Ifig 200 Acres,, About 85 of qould not be. F : - n Ag aea� he will never cleared, % fenced, underdralned and Ia-
I getf` Bad I stion. The balance istimb red w th
-Y-4 Arts'of cut uldess, which can her to. re
h .00
meiiiber his need—SL pp YOU. L t if! neural-
-.need greatly in- qre, rdwood.. Tfiife Ii a frIme.1ain and two . or-. flice many goodth
reak, 'Routs rX.STM)MI,
Iii the b - fidoil mai is ',Do t yold. -orchard. The Bayfield- t
Crease& b� a sad event.' -the' use.and pleasure,6f gugh'sthe.-fam, no ad: 0
ouses and a g6od to
gis in the or
sted for thr,6 0d thereto pos
mf up, e. 'Way'. also on th
f w nter-his mothertook a heavi - have no teeth pulle'&." ere I the farim a.
0 ple ia this.. wdrlilt c6ffe be intenth and. bll.equ
-ended pneumonia. ShS131"t-I have pem, out?" t
'SUC perately used-, and so be -come.. . harmful 4TRA T1116 ANDRtOK YARD ca a a o
any., pans f rightly in a -a- blei6ini. - In Abun ltber tile r
coi w ich hi hat I f Wv, madam. YOU 'gpt"ovor it out $4,000'worth of material n the seas -
ng or r,
many sum so glad..- Y( boileri
That great BM- r and ia-well fitted up wit 6 t io
made in I'of Brazil merchants say- bricke. The 0 0 .
death. - ini 4y. or two.". - an O ent 61%, for 6 R
The goial In 0 eyaid fo, In firsf a ass rtinni VA
ru 11 m d I",% i1r, I'm- so glid— * I
And 'in is C h engine and
Zilige Coinbin
d d6p but e:jnejely en� �6`attok�ilio* how I readed it T' nachines, kilns,. shedo, W., an 'A
d brick f
to- what; hi� wou.
this Exiottl
wo cherry.- your y,
pirds prosperity depends much. upon iis.. eep sw tied up; situ
thdtserV an -old man a s situ&
red ices -of �e bianin'4so danbedone. is a
aietlk befoie ommercial trade in d 9.hO *e.--! could -.1 tdld clear wit in -two mi'
Alived on q In
me$ 10, pill U LDSTAND
rogn - t, - :ve%larg les f Dublin--statilin 'Thii' I
like fruit, withits haral, Weenish 4plendid. 06 ank person' h'n reductid" ily STILI� MAINTAINS ITS -0
0010 'L i no tooth- 0 )d1pnIty for i
the.stieekthat yo'bad gb� into o'business and agrow a little morbid afte! t? msike;mone n CD,
t ro of IS JUST
Perhaps h� I grea�ter
is t kinll&, of coffee
bereairement, and.clung ihore oldse Ache be sold cheap, owing to AND THAT
-There are, diffieren waw .6% h, of one 0
f the proprietors., Any amoun
wful lie, but those *ho a
r- app uses A" I `Q1 I th a are- thouggpd than usual prices. y !,
of AfjiCa OL E. 0 av 'Dublin P. Ram 0 iinga teed 0 rX 1-1 �m C�M ML th
ly to -his li�nelyhearth. BOU -tile on hand, all -sizes,- And less. a
trees and shrubs nists believe g
&a glfer� I Funbrals furnished on the shortest
skipped diA felt- drainin Th*8 or A
Thk *OUId-- not- be ' strange.L thit'st first the pliant grow as Gdd he h . men an -
who dwel among ishad wa, become ill and Arabia, that the liarbugh1t to. h e medal. notice and isfacti alran,
ate'd it only in parts Mines, or o
!a C
have named it KIN om, them:' Helen WAS, Coffea, A*ab1di-,'- 'Dottoit Free- Press.: ease AWSYL fr so they oidi always
first to diqcover this tendencyp and t L it 0 Caskita, Coffins, and'Sbrc
lipw coffee is 'o diltivated inL many coun- BUL I R 8 -hand., an& due -of th fi
was not rallyingas she hi ted Ho* 'Gef Cinder of on7-, ass B
Harve&Molap on AN -Scythe,'; -&keep (NOT INOOF-PO]"TED.
lions of peo]
note that triei mil' ple, are r sup t4a Aye.. in the Oil
hoped her would, He rarily son in RIO .4e t,j FOR SERVW9.,-HgvI1'0g F 1r6 Forks, �eto,; aws own 16 price.
it an by the trade it produces. JAP,$EY B1 ationt 0 nor ng X6, ill tlie COUNTy.
-b Janieiia 0 sOut of every tenj with w h" Took bu% com n-eral Banking business trans -
two Years old, I A Ge
0i:pg purbhaier their �o;�e except 7 mv hildren may gatheror glbsn!' Xinepeibon ad a t Line, siich as Larding, 'Castafte, SterliDkv
I - - b n as him for so 60 Co g as s -c b 'etown Bli0k, I
to rub the
tic desij -sn�evldeut-dfforte. Henev stoutly begin eye bwo w and
then often lapsea into silence WhI h h quantities of JOfte Needs dropped in the i�fir or Any, foreign - Substance in.the we'A#6 to tbobfid U4 and, br6ke.WM soldiers Of all the world's ar- eyej will in ex area obwo w c ifoality and lowest pripe InUo county;
Streets. a ti a of s
Ile GE Z T -R of e arge
Uttered '*6id f complaint or 'coil- ne hati&,Ai for. their be c ad brpA g Fliid-free,' h FArmerS paper discounted.
the coffee th, ith 0
zeceas%6 to eir
a U � I . ;.
this I th 80iouisly 4pealed for sympathy, bUJ L Wap ef with H,
Dk coiitCinjn haIndkeichi 9 'other..* Th6y $eLafo . - I Draftibought and Jold'
rations. The littlixes, _g I L. ; . � . . -�S. uneril Diriotor'
Some imei: do, removethe
Iding. tii'the steady press e oLMES': k Interest allowed dpOsita.
slo;rIj yi# , Need tre4sure waht',everywhei ' ith the may, and URHArM B LL.-;-1bondorsIgned will k op
sadness Whi more reclue -the #iproyament of Stock th n
Window ch had Almo 81 Residenci Mr. James. Xyle'a,. M ding
at been hi 'her - f bly- D tor folio a
i6r Leromith,L ket Stre6f,
Is L . tha I union soldier -in- the W Of the'i Seces- offeadiag cluder but f ith
as iub till 0 Is e becomes inflamed, - on his Farm, Huron. 06a4, - Tuel Sea 0 OFFICE—B
tag&, SUe would, have been Slone, they boroughbred ur- -Commercial Hotel
d the head.. miles Wbot'of gliafortbi the t
eW poAnd knOW- bi�k, 4 han 'T in And now fof the Binding ut
w6inan. recalling the d are ibf aroun Twine. Blue 'Tag or
Somebody Ias iid, a trath- ham Bulli 'IT MAT,-I're'llitered In the at b
rat_ 0 -in all.wrong. Th ook. Tems.- to _14i cents ir lb and we an
e Red Clot
ing. so, W611 the unsitisfied love in. b a fully, that since the I us coffee in 6udgb t6 be his Dominfolf ShoWorn Hord% '18$9, for 13AUSLAUGHS nwto nihe a sile. we
lie about Its U
PLD heart, sh6 hid not felt fvr him daily a. 'bett�..� way:js -not to rub� the eye' With - Sure 81-56; pay4ble first of. Janu f need feet tol tbe pound, and bet-� apam. Nam9er
E;i - Paris and Londono -in the eat 1670, f the -time o fee ca.. guarantee
-larger and deeper commiseratiot. $14 blirat ter I In -the market.
When k the 4ul tub theother the s"son IA n (#�&I than anyother
0. S - , r r , - Fe HOMESTED, Solicitor.
a CAN in Europe -fig rous y as oh.,rap.- 8-ry
the early, March win e eriQasi float the eye _A enough of the beverage has. a der, in it all, but
U like. 49 EPH.FO L -R"
da rattledth t and L Am 0 fWas rid Ph.
Meats *�,ove -the sleet� r The United States.'for aw yel ing on the- �ULL. FOR $ERVfCE.--:,The underelp.od li
time r has -p to* Brazil -to get your. work' some aid y n Xe'
&in a Briiish navy early t, during' the cession 8, L. - R. S
tile Win& !a, She saw- him B -keep. on Lot" 26 Con pr6sent seaso
lackersinitt, Is the -place
ri An,. Thoiougbbre� w 08 Stole AMA,
�brOOdii`g, &'way more than 91, . i Post Offl
Bikini slonfr -haimpton10 Corni The engineo jqq! MOFTOW9 Bade
0 efig�e of the t-�iixprikoe from
orco fie#- I Durham Bull lington 9 id
Of Rlvfiev .$0,000,000 f V
We make all kinds- and sizes from the small V
da Schoolmate of mine, threw. dpe!i the .1 �,Thls line 'animal was calved Marob 1074
In the island of Sumatra, he natives - -c iiiuWr- ana Inspector'
Hob -a cmd�r 1894 bred byi Mr.. -Wm;. McAllist-dr Of - Hip to' Lffo'Sizii work. All
tronage recalved one cT*y she Asked abruptly, froit Nindow, and I caUght pn a 'a -suneams
prefer o tes, made of coffec leaves in-- Green. H y . pun io, X -in instantaneous proem, No
t b Y- ";ut. so t' 'or
of gem Wq anLy"'Lind, volAq:3879`04 ads: wor u , Itle
whatar you thinking 4 steiiii of the won kbilaratini thxt�:gave a ihe Mogtrexcrucia, ing-pain. mak ob
the.,eye with. both handse; e is' t
(frous rou Is wit he
Short Horii A d Book Lifte
when Ja are looking At Vie fire ?" [9,0201 As will a s e� b
keedse; an to ra loq eld.St.agr American Ufe Assur.
his fs It is- noti f2o certain that the 01 Let your eye a one and -,rab the Other- 0- ad but n,,.,t a Provi,ce,
n... te. :B :epAL-'
Sfol�,"-deep flash cime'into ne of the'bqs�biood.
,5, Hat k wu (this I 2eer). I thoi and shows his breeding. Terrn�To I -:,B T -ance
-in his answer.L -At If 6 !iom the 6g agilf ompany
.fardware,Crock- and he I�isitsted ancient Greeks or Romans. i sed. this f ISI -50 Payible4anuar-rist, :1889. JAME -G.. and R4�t-' to the Lake
Wi catch th, kly, you- can h th
to b& the hia isid, I fear I'm getting. int a b ic 3 production e Wa's "is, axid worked the - iiF 2: am so quia ave am .0verl Money
,o �4Ey�
mous, vegetabI4 :,0 also gem.ount of ca n
grRE e harder; 11.4 know
let Frames tf;w6rible, mood �6d, hink I' must dol somethi ig you do6tors: think as 'you cho6m: We A Ur
t The, fis it-enow-whi blossomsand aughing or Crying
Well, for one thing, the c n- -have-. the Anent 68ortment of . Picture Estate the moo
and Mouldinj w ;n -in town. Also Chrdlno DAVM1
decldeil,�. the crinisonecolored* uit among. the -that you it all ;'but if You Will GRATEFUL—COMFOUTIN(L or
-,of this war weighs upon -i�iy :one,. aumber f 'good forms in Ont*Ao,
tinuane shining foliage of 'the coffee- lolant make that eye Alone and -r�b� the other C typ�s,. etc,j for sale cheap. A
ecdrenewil of
Begs to in
one of the most- O�v� us a eall ti"tel that bi Varna
Me Cap tureSi P P ai�ying the
+ to. the chol
beautiful -living plid-'- ii the cinder. will'be Out in , two
Ibegon to -rub alls betwee
spirt Men are getting.�BOL SC&re� tho I minutesp�", and Manitoba for sale or exchange.
.:.,I Fine Sb.oe& M& a 1p ontract fore d Seaforth, Witt w 11 still
AVG hef will take continud, the Sto
believe perileted.the -engineer, BREAA an4 w ge I arties"wlehing to sell.. tent or
is no t heril and soon Ifelt the cinder By'& thorc I ine,jeaing'
cltk, Wow thatr mothdr t4e other eyop logli ptnowledge of tb6 natural ...BAUSLAUGH Bayfiold-dait7, (6x0ePt Sunday,) it change forms or town 1properilet, are re-
-it me.
think I! ought 0 jo." A Home Rul r. down near theinuer, Anthas; and made; which goverb t a' operatfohe ,of rth About.
In.,,; _ yatuiningt lepve S wmmunieife wi
IOa' -Block# ad to
Oh Hobart,we wbul& jbiss YO t t alone ad.- d *.b� a careful ?plicat on rie Bijileld! Same evennig, taking queof
ccaSuccessor to *iLd
rank made' ready to take it out. nutrition, an, e� in the. 'Whitney,
Itathqr- an odd species of artiesvi well-selecte SeMorth. 1078 lagers ex�prsa and parcels, from, the office—tbe same as the Worth,Am
keep al Willie D shouted the doe, fine prop
66 falt6red. Cfi nut str0t the. So for inUteL
-I ]any,- Bruftliald
'her Appearance_ -in a has piovided our breakfast tables with a doll varlousr?�tj along,�Uegiae. e"n Banking Compa�ye L
In ve- us t, b way At
Hal oked upwitfi "Mile- tr pro.tem. 'I did boverije which may sa oconia Bruce trains iorth
Ot -Maut Tvadk-madebloth6jhOUSO hismoi use ; SZ%VA1;t- Huron, and
'doctorb'Ibills. Ittsby thd Judidioul.- WAiTZD.-L-A Cod
do all kinds'of - hl
diet tbA4 00� y girl who can r wa, I - - " , licAtion to and - sout
uld looking in A, small glass he 6uw work. wift
I 4hink you W longer am lkavy
Ale so -tall and ood-loo Ing mi %r nsfiltution MA '
'thi)ugh,. You hxvebeco -She was a I found the,Pffinderrt on Myr f �U gee go ng -�Ion MA13RIAGE LIOEN
.9a, em d pat� som ready- fi, -be grWuallyl h re calve the best afogp 1078, 6 public* for kin -
-nd strong that yon do. not i3, -chee 1 0- then I AV r deney to disease. I anoulT g., -Goderich Street, ® the,- a pro
and demon -t -see made* )uilt up until, hanking hi6do alid tfi
becl ded 6 t led it many of Up. AuLT,
a ai she Wild ad k. I 86no it"to fAiIL sistever teni Run go durinj Past fo#ry prIeter
more. UtL,
me any A x9pBkRuy - an d Lemo,
trousbro. -Selectin floating around= ro Y. to Fruit Sy still trusts I to
iM on al a rd
6nd -6trong I.
ti so,, and'havd, never known jubtleL Maladies are.
most r4t Conjiniied patronage 6 th, old and favor -
with the ce ; unless it.was as:shtiky. attack wherever there Is a weak point; We may at -,Limi Juice Cordial at LAID1AW11, :1014t, merit.
not so brave x a . . �in one -inst4n so Ito. zxc�gldnfsti, by taking te THE Huin E013fleno offICE
01 one of the.dresBing roorwi. sr 1. gir ailcap afstaleftaft by keeping ou how did I bego e In% ton I shge apiece of steel, or iomethifig that out. -a nyDAWSQ246 RZ8TAUMXT-,, We- 34 DAW d a n the lAkb Shore In S
_tact a - 06.11 Son . Royal Hotlel Block, the purest and 0 ad delicacy pper 'Service it seem. If I Wen �T L 11 I'll try lem on. �; . ition, *011 fortmed with puis blood . and a 'pro )erly Stage, pan
with of a o up into the ball;and required an )Iks hays, not
to mueb gisid of atortb*tar all.
-by an, Is a. Bread wid Buon.. Special rates
orce of the rat to the s, Th T ui`. all kinds, mil
on snd� handed th pantaloons nourished frame.0 fling wsto�i it. Sold
-of 119 reappeared MgVeL it.—Mediial 14mmary, simply with bo, or beof li�i Cream In town ; SUO Summer Drink$ of
at with the strenith, a man, bill gANmgL Salesmal o re Made i
roke 1he crushing f e A I 1p en ope" Plo-nicand-Gar-don Parties iorrdedam:and HAY. W1
TN 1409
they'r d f 140
h I i borelm vanishes with the 6se o Dr.
h doil' the liaid blow, d haVer elpeli ine, ever sit!
r a 'Rem dy
Cr*", Try him and be
(TabiCont Sa6li.9tarrh a
. . 1� r e I [am he veiitur4id to in ire� -
: B tp mad qu Ot
;t 0
,a n
N t 1itb
_010 1!1 w