The Huron Expositor, 1888-08-24, Page 2ij�*
a gen"ers .
shoi could not dpin rvices, wfienour.SeU'%,,
't6bt -isbfiU%t-,th-'
LOST. of the:famillar handwritin that at'first wtefi you Pi.
it.. - Can at -loot co-mmemorativoe,16
she read- the prophetle tor, will1elivir a eulogy. ou thois.of gut -A BIG, CHANCZ.--Aror' sale t, A*
message she al- J!,
-BY 9. P., BOIL, 'j6L' Commodious brickstoia In ellr�.
blotted out,the writing with her to who have R
most gn Wlqn�t but .1 dont'i
in treat, Seaforth. .166 nd
a on g and co 0 9 dwelling 6varh b
CHA'ftER ir. 'condition., a rme,. one -OHE
I �9 He's, d"dthe'i dead,,'s h Id arll
tears, moanin *on r yC.0 feel tliat it
gold am to d d WAT
baser, A
over -wrought will have bad Act on you.?! On' V49% no to out PUTC
a hoo. on
the foreboding that'litd. been 4n. the I ibiall be rexonk Relem I, sup
LOVX AT.HOMXq And Agent, SoatoMrAth. tf
mind of the writer was conv@yedt' her'i,', p6se mind asbeen viesk' like, Ifty, larje *to O�R. 4� - _9 -Xitin South
gi�g concentr# d o,ur twa ur
(Continued from last weekj
?odym -1 -when I VARM
and she practically give �u . t. �ut the ti
p h6pefor an me As come FO
AM 16r sale Lot 35 ioe&-
9( yba have asked nothing, Helen. thing better-than.the disuovefy and re- must -take up life again and idbept"its X lop, 60tuinl ac a& of
I - - I . I Notwithstanding the
'Weliftilt houi with.- ablip. po
others ire doing.. ono e -And ourselves,pla6e in.:the uncom itio �f carry,.-
-offered to go and I am going. It is turn of his remains, H4rfatheri mother, Conditions as You celle tl ad; . - StorO,'- w fort .81., U. 0 Axle a
nionce;t soft and hard wa;
ov� qqqvei te.;- one:,.
-d- vain '.to "itaial are Setting. me's good-exaimple. bt -holidaysinys jI,
little -thio e in Y, g frame hbuse,� With ood srho an outs-,
gfor.. rne� todo. Y --kno* and intimate friends- tri goodsftring the
-a peon, bkUdi .9 �.:nav two J too
M or. -failing
that. my limenew only kept me zf,�rom' rally her,* but the conviction remained ad it that my illness' he& left _ngs two wells, one
-fruit t os
bfchoice off
will, erduring
joining Captain Wichel's com - Xoyi that she haid.,iead her lovejA - farewell linr� -and thiikml- gobdligarIng Orchards -ing too mitch. stodk..,. n order to el )Ur .6411ioi-Ve mqreogmPletp them evet, every line
g Tv
a bilf miles from Seatotth. . Forpd#i I a. be.
to, Control lik' words. -In spite of the niost' or 50 -very ` 1, 'h*
try 0 1 1 i brave�.mencAn,f&ce to t a pr9prIetor on. the premiges, cuR
your natural pathetic about the'w !4t; all �eemed
- I a" i, . . . . .1 i . A full
a brave girl, while I i I , and-streimous effort, she c ut& iiA keep, hQif4b1ei-; But if our IBM . T . i - � -'to& 4 the
elp am. my p1pne. 0' H P09N 1 tf. th -department
Spepial iodu'cements'lin dsreiy.
'itself I.Should be weak *in- lie b ance of month:
far ". I I owe formed them."' Up ai�ylonpr,, and sobbid,till She the thin 9- 1 1 1 -
a ogy-.Of ALE.--�For oalp,
in utter exhaustion. could,not lieten to 01
Wait,&fow momentff�' dozed, 'if follo*ing dak r.Wether 100� acres, so ipies cleared.and in a hWh-,st te.of Ahroughout the -entire store. W, e. cordia y p4blic, inspection. -
I ey, Oh; this pe,14 i6t my heart I think it On the M, their deedi."' FLot is, doncesd6n. 5,. Otani tAwn
old Rockffid 001UMbft
YobaWt' com.%f k
would have broken: R by camaintQ the bank.. The lines aboi xt I am coming to ..thin iesu dultivition, th6balance 4 welflimbeed with
Therq Are ood buildings, flat! enw
I couldn7t, breathe ; 1 juit feltna if silik," his mouth 'Were; rigid with suppressid- Hilen thoughtfutly, 41that the battle. bard -wood. f
call, d il
well under rained,also it or- No. trbubi pol'taken trade.
He handed Mr. Kemble a let-- 14" :chs a6 a at Arot 0 n.
16g, under a weight.!� ib extends from Majn to the ! Gulf"I rd nd plela f -clan water., ft e to oho ods.
W. 90 Butte, Eggs and W in
eTako 'courages Helen. -emimber ter, saying in a husky v6tce. .11 tTim sent suil that quiet people 'like you and 'Me I v6nlent, to sch"6119, &d., and, is within -two
and, -1261f from Varni
this. He says at thi-end. I. am to; sh6v arg ruly'&s the 1141 Albert a soldiens" Sol dftiur from Bru, eld�
Ohl, u statio . tio6neof best farms - in. the to n
thanks for that little it you." Theomwl ve in br Of the the 210T. .1 hay e* thought that' perhaps And a re stock of -the Hamp*
terms. A0 to At
ship and will 4o -sold on eas� Aij
-he is details about i I f 1611 wing Sho Furnitu o s e 0neylor Combination
word. -you do not belieLve: that captain M010, ly the -most merciful wounds' are �,,o'f te Gir FOREST sr., Bruoefield, a reac oRGF
P- 0 Waltham.. EWin.. TZenton
.1 Tfib re r
gone'and. lost to me known to,the .-reader, and a W . also, 140e which kill outright..," p
'"UTOR'SALK—Fo "Bile in TuAe
-eapi Y
can believe that, he said. r rs
'-His quiet tone -A d f ati F owned by- the Watches. The Aurora u the ben Am.
I know wrote die. soldier F �Lhe
I cannotleffev� it Yet. Wewflt, that Sam Wetherby was mks! All,
-not. believe it. Now listen yatiejit� nkhait we' 11 manner -did -Viot lat
a m,*- Safe one Counier Platform Scale -'-'One Till.
McConnell. o'like deceive her, And -she looked at him *!at"
ly,. for -yom will.-.,hava your part to do." i were driven back,'a�hd hulletq lew con no 9?j Acres bioh
about 85 Are cleared and In a high state QW-: erican Watolim.ade for ths,
exj� yes 16. if I could, only do some-� hail. Tho brush was so- thick I couldn't fully.-is's6 resunied "Butlf-'11iey'� b. tivation. Thef'e Is a good frame haUs arge
tbbg,- f. That would help md so much. see five yards either way when I lost kills hi pain, must be born4. patient- -bank barn &I all other necessary ouvT
nuing through the p) -It. a.
4n excellent 1% m, eit or for grain. or pastur i. It,
That -would not
a.mes u �ay
The colonel of. m a thea beforp.
be beat jor wise, Mild,
on-, 'fYea, Helen- -'andyoii are', disabldd noarly.adjoinshe vf1lago'of Evaondville. a ad is
0 Qlumbue will be sold, at
d or bard' and &nty of r, t?' ne-thlra eve are. in ver of
a though we 414
Ob, if I uld only go with-yoft Pt 819ht'of Sam a a 0
C.Ki- might defeat my effbrts� ' 1 free wrote to Captain Nichol't father, - o
must be firming Private Wetherby within two taiiii of Seaforth-, - he firm wll-be:-,
to go could Aot—to, visit I tter. Th� in your power to, givii. me *hat I -can
village had been, thr " iikto toold 6h pan . oh smay terms.. or futthei All
$afe for you. step 0 erm at never help giving you.. I know"that joular the premises orto JORN 1r,; goods at Tbek-bottom, prim ift
a f e' ply
by the tidtngs.-of 'battle an4 its ij. Will not misju -"upon �6ur aSeaforth P, 1075-tt-
must. get letters to -our State'Sen,� the dga or presume CONNEL Jr cish it the Leading Jewelry S
n was I r
FOR sale, the East half or
astor. failier can wifte ones, and astrous conseque ce; Ther Utte' klndriea,� W6 arb -too. good - -friends Th6s.,.midd's Old'.Sta n'd,- Sed th tore of
en -toaffect any conice!klmeif from ea, h
i,of Lot 5 th oun 6, of tl�,
-ra got one or two 'Others. The Senator' lauli tation in many homes.- X con
the name's of Captain Nichol AeQr. other. Con
taining 00 a o t 46., res are free.
wM - cle
jive: me &.letter to: the. Govirnor,.' under no , toed, were oftenegt repeated in the t com- "-Y-oti. have 6spresse. my.�vpry f roin stumige", 11 fj
who in turn, 'Will accredit me to* thar: Is we .13,10� 0aunter
mu 'ty `fact `of the r'mutual thought. When y6u[ Spoke Of 'A gept.
ni -for the and in,a, girood -of out I Ion. . A oom fdrt..
Authorities Washingt6n and the able dwelling eandfair bakne*and otibles..
w4a no longer, a seer Even' -ipi n i� Io'p64
Oommatd.on.,the battle -field. YOU A- go-ood be% orchard afid. plenty of 'od
officer in ho the cO"dition of'W6
one peo n
Yiia kuqv�jhill need Thos in mind what -you' have..
e iaid—the I ring'water., 'is withiii 9; ndle;and-&-h of EAFORTIE1
an, w ore a 411 "village', conveniences. -It- ONT.
a. ossession m
theio. Wei both 1yon. at any
nt remarked Hobart -006dhiozis' of life -as thei Fip ON 'POISONS
'thtarjly some "gaci odded hia
their heads and oNiho go W the eztreme must', be Martine, Y.are, as we
Cha wl I be sold tl'� P'
able to Account for theniselves. I will may. have his 2'06 Lelp . 6r change time. App on t a promisea, or to Kippi a P.,
kedp in telegraphic' co Helen Kemble' Wlieved without ha�e got to:take up li� under new, -con-: OR
mmunreation with 106 itf
-the heart -she' 'ditiopa."
shadow of doubt thai till ALLAN LINE'
on may receive- additional tid.
-DARK FOR Lot Sj Co icose.
i4hed in a wilder. ..-You have not Is. H61en.
Ire which will aid me ALE -ARIS 'Go"O.UJI. N
-you, and -in my rch. ha4 for I ve had per sea Ilion Ilett-, coqtAI
nink: 1W. cness,. .. . 1 - _I- .. , -1. 1 1.. . - . I . - - .11 . ! .1 ROYal Mail Ste=SbiP& -
r,,. Kembl f -" he conci ing Or Tiare rushed to'her ilkiie iiat she. falier-: andinabigh stat �Ul? et: � -- uded oreofree.6, nips a of. father fro& his perturbed p The fkati contained in- Tjm W6ther-. ads- "I woul4'be" transparently false: -tivation . . . . . . are 15 adres of 'hardwood
I Guaranteed bicd� litre and- Dead. 8hdt for otato. Bugs. Cabins- -460, '460 and $70,
acing.up and by's letter were telegrap1wd to Martine; Should I a,fibet; not to , k, never oull -ere is �.W,e,-nevevfailing o n in
down,: the hall. There* to a good or, ri
-and no. 030; return,40. Stee
and he was not long -in disc I ind. rage P"Gongm we be*;
oviring con. wish you;
Ah to feel through the coniffig ad to And from
said the bankers, ente This' fv;rdi.. belongs.. to the Do.
rM ton of them 'in i6 temporary hosm .vionthe and years eanfiot--that Belfast andl
9"this is a. 4u,ndred-fold better than de.., that -I of -two -John HugiU*,. and mu-st be oldo ORZ Ww At same rates as J
-91 firmat` estite or a
pitals near the. battle field'. lie foun the axe to f If You an ben'difig for your friends, we.
spairing, useless grief. Ive heard the da -I Am dhablea by my wouaid.-Il APPI.-Y L.STRONG,.Seaf
g o ap. III.- to 641utl Tubktirsmith, ni0h. you. -with pcopa
-Nichol"s 6o&pany deiftafids Helen. 'VV.
Utof wliat]316bakit hi man f C tal e,., can go- - and Eo E P Le uE;W I L B id passage pertiftestato bft
AbrabAm..Hugl on -the farm 6ppobite.... tf tb, iii from Enrd, France German, -
aSdprove tahces�� on. as wd1ave began� Yoi1ave lst,as: t6sof Ts�e 1174youlaM,
1wermay all taker 66urs sear abor: 1 have not; for I havi. no Fre 'fvie fb jnY Ugr line,
-mothers th;t, For days the loyal friezl& ed I act r. Oa
viliom Jim hadrelatedthe eirc
call - FARM —A
a and' get a d� vof possessed, ACRE FOR SALE. A -firs -,p
f drimil -in the tow 'hip of
9 990 iouly the'hoirible regio -o on will be the greater Sufferers* and it� fa 0 noi
gnT on ho, u of at Be,' WO Y Fire Life and Haduil h=nmceA=e1wmgftL
pe. sickened nearly unto. de�i - by the will -ba -my dear privilege to: Cheer � and Pn Ot hoe County of Huron: being -south f o tickelft Issued to Maultabs,,BrIM
d, south, -half .26
scenes ture. had sustain you in -such ways as are, p - 1bl :t B
k pros ot of. action Heled was car . U - Oa e -lit the. 5tb con $gb to I . c esionj containing mores i.. INSE CT —PO D R
hey'co, sultedtogethef briefLyi. and
he witnessedi for his north, half lots 15 and, 26, i Cclumb* and AUjxdutseast.
0 go -bi"le'friend." 126 Ab i mostly clear, of, stumps a, d in. Per ent. -Im
thro hthe first dan erous not been renderect c0oua by AmMirit to's ir loss,
lior ex 9 iiswith the, results of war. The instead Sh gratefully, - 'and for j of
ter e -peti e regarded him a good state cultivation. There Il & y uag
a:�d Bu rs'of all Idn
of returning home, he -employt the the, trat-time ofnce'ltha bearing orob sit kbr, Flieo -leas
t 'terrible May 1 togood house and bank.. Mm -
55X56 feet, ne stable undernbath. The
fluen assest. morning the semblance, of a smile brie
ce given'by his letters,,: A. iSTRQNq,.
-farlials Situatei *Ithinsmile of � the Vill a of ........ .....
CHAPTER'HI, backed by his owu earnest ing, Brussels, and h a good farm for grain -or a
obtain permission for a visit. - to Nichols raising,, iWit is WaUred with the rivoi and. 'have an ixb
�'Of ithese-4h. e
and- fv.iiever-falling spring Poses low. re SesOnAbje, artiles, we
we grieved overher son a, regiments CHAPTER- I creek 1111dint-Supply, OXETZR
$� , He found it- under fire, andl
Mrs X t' - * :.will bo'evinaCany time. For further, a led
long afterwards JimW..eth
erby was- fond"
la)iOr estimation larsappjyont�epr.gmiseeqit6.A..K.�0 B and of the best. q��lity that ..can be #fodured o y 4e
C the lin e Civilian:- MAILTUTE UE0 AN -ANTIDOTE. BOX, Bruss6la -P. 0. is ar
be: w if felating how quietly, Sep d .-qu Alixander L. Gibt
aging 44t
'dangerous- on
'listenedta the. shells .9 1112 tre'adily W underitod that
4riek'* overand can
and d I expedition. -;-Probablk
Buy the. pure. -at,
exploding arbund him.' ".-Thua aktme� m-ortine. *in his e .-V 7--ALVABL RTY FOR SAI Begs to atmeance to the public jUt he has 00"
mothers U. ni�vdi outgrow� - ' ' 4editiou- Wthe Sent V, � sale, the4esid t- �ent Well ya certain
ere is the undqrsigne qu ,North o
ma that another Nichol'a fate, pad i !at
jealousyw ion they f learned aill that: could be gath -d of hid no't:limited his v'fibrts solely to ence a Can reof., F ere tneRoed
hini ill and exhaust. search for'Captain -Nichol Whe
woman, hai become first in the hear' rover. iffab 4ameresidehoe with an ni a'.
to of
ed, he turned his� - face - -d a good stAbldi als WROXETER 400
trong in this case, foj I Mrs that he' ould" nd 4.1itch is all -Vanted with*. ri-. S their sonsr.j The -sense of robbery northwa rd. He it had beenwithiii hiff Or he had sary conveniences an UP fACTORY,
was felt that it would be:a hooilles task to, - learn6d, all pow 1 acres of, ]a ' ZUM -D - RN & ;-W. T-LBON98
Of other cifficbro tons kinds oi fliaand ornamental Arees. -1 is And that bovill be -T
dw his - aearch a Ale -fields. 'and in n who had'Conie --from
rene oil ti;e' b a _mpared to give good,,W
Martine wais" %W[Aow� his native one of the most desira Ida" residences in -
Ahd Hobart an Much of whi6h had been bilint.wer. He region, and his letters led by Mrs.*
a house at presei i 6 occup rv.,. 7ft- L CLOTH
61y and idolized hild -to4heir relativei Also:-th'
0 1 On I I t samii street., TiWlibuse c SCOTT?S. B�OCKI SEAFORTHN
The -m6ther speadilk'saw, tbat it, algohad the .'coevicti uld be had been IV soifie � Instances* sources, '4 ray on the TWEEDS I. -
rooms with wdod-shedan ce al
on fatal to him -to look uponfts un eakable uiispe*ab1e*cOI)2f6rt. - In' his visit tb,� stable. and two good ldtoj all,pl d it 'seles .0 roji 4trate, and horrors, and breathe again -its - pestilen- the front he'had ale' UN16N.TWEMS
Ia is- pre an on
tearhilly aided him hi pqationk, 0. seen and convej.sed' tiees.. Both propertios will be sold, cbe
to WK. LEE,
Before ha' 4 arded he won -her over as of wlidm.� or
air, with Mil fellow-townemens. some torme. 4ply,
be* STIRK, at1atihier's Shoe store, &Aforth.
6 .1 , . . 10444 f
was a sick man when he arrived' had Since perished or had On' woun&-
outlin '1116, FORSALE.-A
ble -torelate mod6spe vd,t, -he grew stronger Helen w te'
bringing heavy burdens' AS
an Ally-� ese- times 'mother., Are at home,' but was a
very niany,,, G L
0 t his di;t n OODFARM -A splendid firn of AndV&rietiesin
and we -Should help each other, be a the history �.of b1i effortsi ation.all that he -could re-.,
ar' i6fte XX 165 acres �,on-the loth- odne
them. You- know �vai Helbi'l- ning and- concealing much that he member con6eining'' -those- intei assion of mey an on -very easy termi of.
-an about acres 91
precious heiri- piymint 'Theis are
aBlack and Colored. Dress
whiclicanub be changed' -ifiore 10, well fenbed, all free from stdlnj�s, -a pli
d must he always. That I& somethWg which follo;�bd they learned d
isto me �!hadwit5eased. -1hthe d6liriuMoffeier III sea views will be sold cligap d STOCK11M.YARNSID
of -wh derdrained. Thae' is -a good fram, ecia.1 value- lZU Goods and p5uft
t My. love has
-he had: enduitliIj of how' he- hait n themany the
grown with, my growth and -becom lrourth df ulj CoMmem- bank barn with stone - st4bllnvv� ' nd
forced. hi bling, und
teplirable frDm my life -I moelf to Jook u 0 thin Xt* n as Promptly Attmded to
1 4 P or iveoratio mns� deliver6d. by the: tether -with other - good and, fieces"
ave my 0
bi h od ced in. his. rkvm a at, Senators. who proved himself fq b-6 �MOM, uIldink
times of w 3 sea w le
eakn but. think I Can truly si- Theia ii a. splendid- -beArIng- Parties from a didance w4," far -so
froze the blood of his watchers than Senator ! by his deeFf hone# fed- 'and thrio never,failitij wells. -.It 4o.a.withl
Say that I JO�e her so well th it I would have their. ROLLErHOME WITH TH
toile and. -three! 'quarters of th6 Vidsporous
Bkok Grenaines. employttiolie bit' into Good Workliq iftIw�
rather make her happy at any Cost to-.- Helen Xemble Ielt that her. at P. 01. bit'. ing:and good-- taste. �- The- 11pread lage of Brussels long 01 Silksj. Sa 140 bas put the -Kill.
thi best markets in. and
eagle " eleme
ternbss had been fille Yet, the n't - was conspicabusl b.- a of the best -And . mbst-d t Efilotent `WarkmA
myself, If it is d Anew Province. it is Joh*
'which 'Be nified,, yet' hope -
Certainly -bring Nch"cil back, &live 'able forms 1:61he � county
shaU distraction of a nev -grief,-- nb in hisisolemn, 4 And. will b800ld bn
9prie k w shes --to-- re-
oi dead. there was.a cert%i'n re re- w6rdi. 19 very easy. teriho �as the pr to AU Work, is Wananted---
-P�Ove 3�ouir love to me mqthbt,. mores self- ful Ile gave to each iffeir. ped tire. Ap' 3 p*eniises to
yly oir �hi t
hejrot�e bor,
by, cheering4�'comfortmlgs and -a taining proach, h4d the effect of bluni �ing . the. ofp"r'aise'. He..-gpew eloquent,- over the. oj to.BQ
x 30, -Brosele P� JOHN IL
done 1050-t. 1. ,n ace that. PC us ei -bravely .1-6koc ra qo rtain. s ;-aAd Cirt EMEMBER THEVROXETERA11
or girl. I haven't as m h h sharp edge of. her first sorrow, In this' ilist9d men who had so Id C LM
no Me aint
fbr dread she in entive of am.!
new CaUS6
hi 'to 'forgit h 2nd- Concession of StanloYi cohitaGin
f.success '-I tried to give her, but a e wa. plled their daty'without -the ine ARM FOR. SALE.—, wror sale 'Lot 22 on
eedayope n' wsr— ome degree Sbi#O n*. --When he spoke 4 -the honor. re.
a e must have it, or
-assurance against disastrous father fleoted on the herois -state -
there is no saw the inteiase solicitude of fie the �illage- by' in .,zeros, overSocloared,.anditiz good. 0
health and ers who had- been so reigdily- tivation the. ba aftee 16 Well timbered with, Yi
effects on. hor and moth' Captain Nichol, the heirts of the 'peop woo .� The
mind. I couldn't
a re or b ' k 'house, ko6d r'
bear-that.'If accessory to Moirtlnei expedi u she- gl6*OcT with graltituae ;and pride b6t I barns, phedean b es; and Ali nevessary
wd, & me
you -8.0 h
taSeaforthi and. three from Bruceft mrtainly ought to reward to if ho - is, deid she saw that his -16 Other's, hea was sh to all as - theyf ings. ,.There is a g6od'orchard, and s OC awnst
obat I twd, Of -Prints; Givha4n
*,ISO' thoughts of pitj camei.,
wall In -6,membered -the girl, . robed. & failing4ells. ItIswit W -all P
oat breaking under t a strain of awk. r hin six miles of 01
in we a
a 119- witli roads leading: to a
i6ty. His '* coherent words Ill eight fro Sejrwcker,�; mbrqP8
not 4j'whosatithbo d Uid nio 69W hat. at hN effort I godgrav�) &ph. Pi
m4t notthink of i ineeded to reveal th thOm;.,
The eon 01 conVenie it wfflbe sold'dheip and
iture ii 'n0 in our handk� prompted by his 16vew She was Of Can a:
W'd call best. bring my wor a to easy terms.' -.).p on Lot.14,06tic n
adu I%y 'iesdin
only dowh his *atchers,- patiently ring the Sen Plield,P.O.. JOHN GILK
,ator, Stianley,,or to B: uc,e.
1, Olt!
Noble, ge�erous. pu regrdt'which th part'of a; Is
ssions of; . tterwriften y one
it rposes give their pre e mo- er,,,, in. b of Youf
& th d6i her 'could sprees. townsmen., a private in the i n OOD FARM FOR SALK-4 -order to close Decorati
Impress.: of � character, the ny, orn-yej
human face., When Martine a ichol'A- last letter was now� wn. -by exprtihsive'of feelings' inseparable fr '- k -X the affairs of thostate -of - -the late W.
�ame o Hinaton,.the egeoutoreoffer v
ygwd-by4 to Relen',",shie' saw the e ro. iou North half of
the folloidag, v
hetid. She had - indeed , bei D' EAR FATiIEP. : 'Von
heart, *tsl'evqry word felt to r commoa human nature 'Valuable lands. for sale. 'First—
now of Morris, 09�0
Luiets,-patie# cripple in called k I afn! t Lot so, 06ncegsi n `5i * towns V M:D.
a new I lit. bi)
cc n-
xercise coura ain irtitude mu td
soured her stron "Peo- on to e age - and f �chgiv�n-tofiiiefeelinka.oitnewo On thisjot erected a
ITe no 16ngei a j-7 a - - .. OR
�ev "uu. ul` with stone foundationi' good orch Over III= chiefly on the basia of gentlO, wo- attir than he' cou�d manif9st- Poor ohm 6at l,'holl -in ai 00'-.RoBs
enju ach 11 d
we ;n mj.� Noarlyzil- �-cloared, -and to
t] 4voru
manly. comi a Wilderness battle, Altho Ungd, but I want you ''and all'- the folks the ro I
�isirstion.. He - *ab provin'g she I adjoining
Alton . to know th- .the village hicfi en faltered,,she Ad not fail in This fg= ri -a vlua le- on in
ii at You've got a.
the Possession of those qualities . hicri carry-
Appialsironily'to the ng out his instructions. Whonat last regular soldier, fenced and 'in & go- d state of a a I :NOW TO - RAND
fiminine nature stabome.- - Of . courie � we 0
d t'
wiere all gla, For prices. an- rmeapply to THoa,X
he, was shbwirlg. him artine, a pallid convaleacentj Could Bit t .. ine, 'find, sale p. o.
Self cipable of NGS,'Viotoria arety.
P vqw"
d to linve-a gogd-natural. or SMIT4, Maipla Lo ge AT—
es� reveali g the spirit which animat.j. kPense'when the Shells b0i 'County- 8 F TH
tFor�pt,, cou , age.oug action, an& his,. plain the shad -6 on the piazzas ohq -looked we exp a" 4 P SA MIESON)
ic Ider by yeari, having, besides the ex agh. at hke -S jAk-'O
asion seen in UO6 gah'to'fi
ed him, becatne that of a bero- in !her' yes' Of ome women . -Soldiers they ent,
011PICE FOR SALE.—Containifig
eyes. 8 ch, . and can � -atill 'Ove.
her-chvinedthe truth—the,love o. ba V-16'suffired mu ry blianci they gets `cidse:thek re. 00
-,acres, 75 of i h1oh'are cleared, well 4'all W
V W. -
would affer mpoh more. -In the, matter rel�t. imemberIt may be the last eld and in a good stat
'�-sistronganA unselflih -that it. one. W erdraill e,of cultivatio Ing to t
saclifice- itself utterly for her. ..He was heir deepest. coneolousliess, no we,knew Bart didn't. know- any more sell clay loam dThe buildings- are a fa when r tween'them. Slid -dwbllibg house 'in jobd kephiri'barn . 60x6o fe seeking to bring back her lover ds bad passed be about, war than wohickin,.'snd Ws 8x- with stone stali , UndilrbpAth, built lastye MURME ON
success In h1s mission, woujdblot�out all it ud: hoped nervbu -and sheep. stable' a P driving - h6tue -40k2o fee ATTEN
-as if she were a widow, A oted to see him get ver it, N
There to a oun btlaring orohardL
'for him. The effect of his - action t fear on the double uick. --select frui
hope - - limp..Off to of
would unders and, 'His full
most silutarys. rousing - I on of he He-didu?t and a never, fall-ing.well on,jh6!0j%cc. L Th
was her frolh the r position. and acceptance- of soare'worth a Cent. Wbe
n 0" splendid farm Is-iltuated on the ravel road. bi
twon Ifteld And Seaforth,' w thin olfta�hli
teitia of g0of 4nd d6spair. cc if. a 6 fact that she did �and must moarn - shell. screeched ' ier but h
slide -he,
r her loveirs, his comp just wilted ed 0 WAS t I Variti,�where there is a -
Mere frienA,' she murmured; be lete self-abliega.' till the ding out milie of. evillage 61
.-It is four -i
ut poor CapLaud 'Sam jkfid ton miles f legr or me
no excuse, f* giving way utterly. the, landing of the q
U.j..'ck ItWill Pay 411 Intendin
e Clintonan
senve 0 Pe t on-with� rolu Aeaforth, A o"40QM Fron.t" 1OnjL churobtis., etc iles fio
'Ind self -forgetful, I have eft'Id station seven ffilles, f
bro�ght her 6f our ars and then wen his- ll-chools
The old clock on. deiti6ne &be E 's
. Ye.
way,' d :ofE the. hours. and L tp others.from our town - We- were conveniently -Situated farm bahnot irchaser
tair measure M Pf
Sherev'esied. in some degree herni be found.
ing., o I ew. SYS Witif regularlty,� Some a' battery' and most 'O UL j For'.terms. ly �tq the. proprietor on epren -
H b irti" she and
an im. ing-down. -. He oat there -with 'its a
imprssxon�n part" ises. THORIS 13OLE '-1072
f the hours and days had be
of heris�
said, holdinji his hand in* both"
neasurably- longer. than the o& hour tel' the folks Coloring$ low ed goods.
yon hi �46 'a ncient 0 ling abou at PLENDID'Vjill FOR a �plehdio
ne. mu6h to help. me. 5.rou imekeepe bad. indicated onievand h
havenot.OnI7 brought hopes, batL in so. 03F-,you,were following ug Farjh,, for'sale- cheap, beinj
'but you , Lot 29, yonce Also -large line -Of -cloth
orda ce with uau*l human. ex 1§10 1 L TO' -.w D, -
jjeu6' R on 6, In the TOwnihipvt me iiiop,.-coub Thdow
n so vith, your thoughts and �Trayers, and. oub f.
have also sh6wn a spirit - which - wolald
a Me_ O;L 4 wofild -men Hurpn, containing iod aares,of- whiola.125 'ac
h4. gr
sham' y began .6w Shorter 0C ant �,Olvall, rned 'with the Od. re
0 6f a selfish grief. I dan olp low y as who Ue eliar ind the' remainder. ge Sh On and Fixtures. -
qorrow an.not: maintain its �;eeven Y, or osCirionds, and were -look! after the The Farm I
nOtnowforietthe'claims '-of others, of In 0, good state of cultivation,And 1
e cou 81 1resS6119 Moun I ifter for; i stock farm drfo
my (1eAr fAther'and mother, peopl Id not live.' Vine phildi6n of -the kille7d, and led suitabl
e, of and I There it a never-fallin strea-m. runnigg throu
Atd flowers covered.the Vit Faci is before we k aii 0 -Popular4. 0 n h e graves. -In new it We we zn h It ve re and.
Amenitlei oflife began to screen at pd'thelittle. lame -man frame -stable so -by 44, and a.jeinto 17 by e an
romise you that I will try, tol bra iinia ; the - little cares duties, apd on dur feet h'' the Far ' rn if underdiained' nisbin
c derhig for Alton. � and* -the jenced. - ihere good -frame barn 86 by 66,
ou, like Albert; I shall- not b ous ipbellls R' F. come a weak, helpless -burden, I shi times folks -&t home a athe sorrows that we h P wie-just as p emen ouse all complete.* ere IOLA
not Bittill. and re nevertheless ever w C good el'solcrier, as ain�y of. Th
ring idle OUL, te heel ned u ` th aand w6odohedat E
rame house, ith kitaben' BAYFr LD,
resent. I- tell' y
113 he what's left of ua.' 66m - b goo(, Deal to thank Ithe residents f Bafieldn
others Ing on p d At dd. outbuildings. Th ! -
are hetoically do' nd ffer- Hob ere Is a
my att, Helen said One day in t to,
00ye T.7 9
tg� Good-bye,, MY brother, Weil: a anx at the houspi and I -0 'bearing Partof June,41do you think y u. he's so k' uld die
k1C If 40 9 orbbard. The Farm to locatdd pear' Win,
G6d hel
t -miles ft rrOU un for
t e h?16r.wi h a soldie 'al, ry th o in Se4forth. As the undet
will be him� t 11 nding �co patromw recill
Sgenough to atte onors.
Ud Ir vtd
Hefeltithit she.junderstodd himnow etire, on account of illealth durl the put
nex i' week- Ommemorative services sign wislies to"4
filf MOVei bef4rA, and the knowledge in- you J`AKAS TgjABy.11 itill be4old,dbi4p and oneasy orms. A I
a. M; lig. fok pl) Some oi -the flue4t; UMkER
OR know they.1in, V.e.been wait! on the promises or to. Winthrop. P. 0. �- HART
ked lit. resolute m.Parpose, if this 1 iThese SUITINGS� in t
SL" _C plain iimple, unadorned MAN oqx.� Iofi5tf he county; ayou W6 dears to Suit your ricsS`CheaP Or. Aillriing Stook
were poss e podkits and: your - tis seje$ion�, of tL Of Dry
ibl'. Thatafterioon he' was he oncluQ,tbe Senator �1eed, he very- fee, Boote, Shoes and Slippers, Hard
x. FOR kiLE ro Havn ware,
Too, replled� quietly, ..ON EAS. Choicest hooe I m.'
.'on.hiamay. '. There' - commont. Their Clothe of. all -kinds to b gla practical
ledge of
Be for Reen, re, -he business, and-doin h11 ryand Glanware is ackadwiedgod tobe the
4yo o came two -or three ihodld-�ot have delaye-d'thilin. so 0 -force and Bignifil ni east half 'of Lot Number. t 9 My'OWn Cuttinot .949rap
eo,) in the
f terriblesuspon MS 8446C�tio t to finest in town.
2ofth boundhr,
8 (thi y-conceision, ir: FITand woikin4nahip.
Havied only by, telegrams, fr4m �nrtind l'very van say. I do not know at I Could Township of Hay, -on the Town ot be enhanced- b anything I..
d that so manr others have ane"Cann
added since—.9ince, Za
tah A-0
4,. t
ieto ishriekin -d Farm contains, es of
to Point. The
A he passed from On Well, you hive not been told, foi g 'an eX0104'.. which abo j) aer line Th
ppoi girl struggled as 0, swimmer breast GET61''FU Particular Attentl
ut 48 a a ;re Oe I cleared, bginf fro RNISHINGOn
t —We bavP as 6ag
rd ' of reour- on Is directed
ing Shells while I spoke wo a 8 ummps Furnishings� nic :Ok of Gent.' dw
age sod good chiers bUtL 'do, kn '01 Tweeds, PAntings and Fine Shoes.
wavou intervening between him We'have tried. to keep." ever depr from all
y tivation-, the Ul d in -a splondl& state � o but as can b found �.y collection
influen Ihat. 'bit do. of the Ihnd being d
L id disquietinj� ow,
and ther sho She ce from un a
so; YOUR
among the foro'L good, hardwood h, '7here is -4good train Callands
withL. oe.
was very necea-� dwelling ui aeOr Doct,6r Barn IsIr to be
herself an I mQineuts bUt effort onor your m Italian, -woodshed and. rail irS -A N D 0AP113, —0 ats end L S OW
gy r 8
Was feverto saryt because you had odestj unassu
andrin measure e most to h
the iesuit Is Lo much that m1nf house ri Ubarfi;� stabi d d* We rtic o them'elves.
M, There �re two splandt I d wells on -the
you should, try� to*nsman'wh.-6 could do all: t shed.. 0 an Pay 111% Ular attention to this. department..
were, to forgit. - All - %!� � �
of. excitenle t The Papers - I.. In pro. 61Y drainid - 'and d.
friend, I can neve
L L and the L land is , All, w
rforget; what loor n
ed for any �ora�f L of latelliaexio%, a' d y6u-sur- � s v bibly dition to is the -16 a splendid Piruit. beafln Air Give- tis - a call, wheth gr you. b t
wonit,4084nyt4ing, and you
fan in
P*y ma emon b
y 11451 distressed 1 Y eLlateet. and -beit varieties of ey ther dail, waited f6l�' until the fered for me Jun: Oral g
4ermo is unexp otti rchard _15 'L : 4
f white yo party
hou'ro andnilnutAs weee th" e � d4e%ture in- the oration- .fruib* of I kind 't ThIq valuable. pro UN�N�'S
counw- 11 WaapreL it w6re so
followed Ho' - to 6huroheoi.. schools, 'and Reme
.�e. Ore. and the.'pl�fidita which
conveniently situ
n, 2j. ks�
"U trival was not presexit—I.--bduld. n6t be.� 'TIM too sad, 11'1111198 Of Ki mbir Camp & asee hia moth "Old t
Ne been to _-too Wisk body and -1, markets.; Bain' n bell's 131"
one morhfag her I -a� M 4 ; I _ .. ..
Nicholls Or often, . dhe miles of Hen 1 0. miles from eiZie Sw Royal HOW, 8eaforih. StSO4, Oppoite
h and boo fresh - ftom' the ghastly
h 80 -trembled ttle a
understands me. I could -not havil ar'.011 r'fu.11
letter in r
CA a for
,particulars as- to
trolled In 1 Knot to shrink In sensitive -tefrins, whic knd-Will be made to jjfj
in the, I bo j W6 oyerwhe jgrief, and 1�havea lietioc i 6f
r �&Ij! from personal and publ' p ALTER-HANSON
a M
emot! awe t over her, at io commend-' virebaser, 9ply, on Wh* h ewe pu lic =ist a Ott Soared. f6elfiks -SUN
inr prittor, on the promises,.. r to G. J. ER-
R, G s
iand the POO -also 'oil LAND 0ouveyinqe; at Heiisall 1"ott
:R E:R
rum T C,01
Il pe
d ad
j1d tan
It b
ww and
I 'In
) t
c a.
n a
0 as of
ox n an
0 1
but I
el Pe 9A
And Zq� so
State t vat