The Huron Expositor, 1888-08-24, Page 17 7 r--7
t ooroo-oo—of
A,... AAN BROS, PubUsheM
T,24 -1888'
-ORTHI; `11�AN :A6U.GU 0.1.50 &Y-mvin Advmo&
$17URE 1080,
id loatthrots children tishort
Arthft:ro Ile
6%smination it was found that man ed that last loorMOU haic
t ago within two weeksm
ime I
IIAY AND CLOVER. -besides be. not had any efloob, And 'that asucing was
ROB- OF: ONTARIO. undant crop th T- he h�d several ribs "broken.,
eougho�t that d riot. ill not reach: ifie 0and kiln Firmer Jos. Smith, -north. of the.
S` -U u
e same.. a true,' with- an .'000 sional 'Thehhy land Clover cifop body, being a
I )f -239,90A. in I somewhat bruised 06it' tfie Ing, is� the owner Qf a
mint shoivs.a. surE as 4 ad: the dances or village of WYOM
t oAhWs.the 7 -ordft=3
viol. Ing
& 6%ception, of the :1 m iddle9- r yield,' �..-Whil.6 Wa e themi. strictly to atte -ich 1$ 80
; r. lx The following bullotiti of th Surean ;eporfi fro -a 4 W ed that on strongly charged
T ab'd $afterwards seer mn
0 old is' of tho "L In�"soite of, the rock wellwb
I ton miked %grasses, did fairly IS even to witness, themo
-Au Brant Perth - 0111 So e animills horfii had penetiated4ho.. npfing to e
induitries Ifot Odario foi' gust, Sex, Oxford, in,ebm coun* M xhaust,
q In a years. tj 8 Wee
a )wing p4rtly Halifax, for the first tim which 10 , ta. on a denunciation kly dances withgaa that, onatte,
m 8 es clover was a poor ar6ps t - .1 er 14 y. -re
ress of hc:l And Waterloo --.In ir�l indhes�-` 'Ing alighted match one �nlght
a irvesditg Ope t�e- ie' inde 0 ti roipinen 06 iti groudd edvi
h6ws- t6 pr clap ap It * - I are- being held- as uiQ',, it by apply
'ord�s, And � the proportion.. of the - crop to'the trying elects of the steady drouth as, i in &I
ticts, conditi jr:vtoo -wdslortutit the games Shot up under tW
it of the ince 0, large f All to 10i Mr- - e
b the previous s :sn'd -Of Prince. Edw. rd Count ilied. lie t' to Issi weeli,
el : -ummer-, and —A max mas Roe wen
n Iftr of
nt as luU6 short It the' ' . a -Mr. Bonis 1 i named Th6
lotimated. yi a Of the cereals at prese I' ht and c probvibiiiiy saved'hi plaitf orni of the well, and -it was -with
rtly to� 4 id , 1 1 .
heaving !"in, wintert. w . on
PAILI� ong''IsteLgown e to 6 congr the -n
t Iti opera WM -mar- in
biDnefited by the ear y I -go, ind, aft�r a-+ shoki e 0
Ill t -proiiridential -Stoney Creek, net Courtship
�eots, ba4ed upon. the reports of 763 iverage. is princi hi h weeks' 'to b stulated on his ir Hiiiiii1tont, so' e time tmost difficulty -that be' coeeded,
VrOsp I p d 'put many plants. h or fix th Stone f hie familyl
;orresponde0a- at datoi,� Thq Acreage Of fields whi4were kFille drouth-of --i4n QUO'
spring' and arly sumi . I Minto as been sehteuc6d 'to k e an, illustra, ed tied a y WIge J with the assi
-el mer ship 01 girl -n mod ennie
eat rains and on moist'lo6ationev the p6esent - jail. --It is;u' n'de.rotooa 'that t cons erin thd
fpjil:wheat is �akeu from ther Assessment hary f 0 'A�five, vionths in: Oth d anoth He. ii id
od 'retui4- completed' th6 difficulties againi6ihich -bee i Canwdigualinause. is'to, be brought -'out Wilb. or er woman :smothering it.
tolls - while, on other areas P*Iad Statistics- hat promise Ili given 0 a go, 0 0 bed% big ui. advisability of attaching pip" and 10OU:
�-A 1 9 otic; ere turn u a a
itis doubt a -ma a I ime de as --her It
�Lre.compi ed Ing through Trduth districti. the'arop -had to contend, and n this -fall , containing specimens of the an 'd
-Of ' *1 from returi out. the c In the Coe Hill- ne'W1 wife Teturiv 048
live stock' co I Woorth AS voying it to his dwelling forthe purpo
if uel, as thi -,supply- �PP(D�rx
injured iii ei b 'ful ii st� P66 a'-Uut has een th
-.b e- experi- is
made by farltners.'under date, of Jdne west the crop was are,. -iiork of leading- Canadian and. other. bond. he, -we of light.anc
1&c. ft the rivilin possession)
T twenty' tings.
rank ence ot-the. prov r ��_Roy. To Trdttero the �O ular set. r at -1i4ed:thAtthie , a;p:, sequenti thd6ght better.of it to be inexhaustible.
lodging, from . the wei& oflhe ince fo i eff6rt ed- home and- le
26th. . I . wrti a. It is to be t; �:qb-
un�t&of the.'yield., '4U' -The most faorable acco, 'W60aSt, to encourage Can di, -TA, youngla
'FALLHEAT.' growthLand from Ithe effeet-of terms, an, art may bq, dy'of Smith Polls, who
ce or poets of,' of the and, with
-t the Ana rust tit -.-in, doing a )dk' Baptist hurcho 10 1 es? assistan
-Whia;t generally' Came o onsiderible. in. -olfohay and clo,6 and. the pros to" her relat ' , a bold gdp
Fall I.- ow preciAod, it her tiethpmade
ex tt. soil polled wife L 0' had lost ana ver. Eis, Ana. Ken t iu'� his il lsinption,- ng
arvest considerably in red by the idih. uty.- -The relJiorti are - tixtremely, un- seed come from
JU —This statement 'is- -madti that the -tto. recover
throu. Ipment to Liver- oii the faith care in order
Apfll, May, -and iovor East Midland and1L hile ihe.�Moat discouraging reports -have� health chool 130a4. -The first Sion of
favorable wqather of able from the 'of br Members of he London ' 8 -her fe
ick bu 9 wels. , After Some�
66Q-000 wor.
t th U
ueam�About dis. posses
par 'g that eon recolved friom.those have'liad their portro tle plication -she as
b - carved in -'stone- poOf oni
t of June. The. spring season WAS.- St. Lawrence distridto,--indJostiq Correapdnd- inks will be. erected id. -Regins, Nor f 'ranche cit Calgar, ke,of steady. a
Wa - in -a new anadian PAC
y � o
1. dry, fo wing a- 'veiy there. the crop. his blien-4er h ` t, and, e cold *esth r
a,cleart ring onLake Ontario. before the and placeil Over theVind-6 tjict parssed. dowi� I overjoyed- to find her gum awelling�aud
of outs,.' howevoks area m or
bol 110inter, and it thin.on the groun - -.'sn W .0.8 ment c no, Ild a severe W -.t e -yiel oat unanimoug in weit Torrit rreling' with' RailWay last eek, 0
d U&' every inaicationthat
crop was out- Abd'
dry autumu :n b�ilding and ore now
tist dilI;q
t straw and -"grain alariiningly'l le 'declaring that the old 11:LF-sr ecause he npt make'them, sisted of 2 ing her earnest endeavor, But one da�
oester- r
Wnot till a�fter fall whes . was out Michigan is iss re Ap ewar u
-it ex laced the mow in splendia donditio'' --SY V t, '6�8 isappeare tr cheo P C� the- tiain"at
; av 69 iatea peat better look go �p an
the Mouth of June, 'that erage yield in. 611 L do she was conversing with her clergyman
u -and contractoi, G 'ndt.,-tbey reached
head in -rainfall 'and RrQwin Estimates of the yield per acre .0 a ZJa;mei,CIarW, a caipenter ektiployod Calgary- outhe 10th d
Tg, th aon leaving a i Isri �e dih' in. about it—Rev. Mr. Blind we are - told—
erienced- any at 33 bushels orrow".
0 i . �magnlfioent
,ORTIT. from -a quarter of !s t to two -1111 the Brantford carriage � *orksk ne�� Montreal on..'the 1 who so thoroughl� 0
sunny -weath r w6rth - Speaking of. battered her con-'
C tons.'- Although it was. rather in. credi0ors. ix, days: and 'a
came late. to --undo all. -the 9 little- rye is 'gr; w In KibgstorvVY ling; stuflItid' ovWs plank oii -the condition, dispito4their a could, no longer
mparatively 'being the a 9 buit( to.the Actions that her mind
-u predict with any -degree of Medical Stu at an a . half of journey by rail.
11smage -that ad been, don6t. and the crop 0 thei. grain,, -its chief . scaffbid d fell'.'�heidforeinost enslohiand all the India& -
seed 'it is-,
in mos . t case -thin bn, th tu" t yield of clover fted tl D. r
1Z grain Was' 9 L ntirio for ind' costs, I r was picked . up 9 un -i —We I arnliom, the Victoria;British keep up its III
-all and early spring pas r e - and idert%isd y ie th e
ground - for f 0 PC, e,s h le Ha 9
.11 �be a- Inde�en 0 a, p r on W -pipers thai t builAing opera -
trees co 'grew UP re f bi ground below. tions sik away.
T to. - plough :under- as rdenn' inure. �4,ujtepparen thatthe crop wi and is now suffiring from cono 'Columbia,
34r. and'hemiled out unevenly. his was kaer ihe" �tWng his b conscious,. 9 br isk in . that olty
-thi even U13 whd�, ions,
Where it hai been alloweN, to r' eh 4omparitiVe failure o -are: ver _-At -pro-
ro h paifloularly the -case. ou, poor aid. dry, --weathero� out aussionf -the bisin. so have nev N
fine- sro H rt horn, of 111on
or** d Sm e ent do
1�kdd - : Architoot pr been O
a crop seems to ha stood he most favorable conditions- of I � Cisig, nam 4 :'a" . ..
*,hile Stand ve. the -dr th t you] yar -A-quoitinjissociotionisbein�gformt
borebu' et er w ;ire of ae, the brick
J -ioils, andm' 1expo- Bed situations. Theo W' Many fields Were so thinned and rut h e a V k I d:. Andre 3j'l&d,.at Ai and lumber
ed in St. Marys.
conditions v; �Dre favorable to rust, whlc� and the yield' aef r asarr W MCEW
ae but small chance of a second rem ut 6. to .- N W or —Rev. m to and m -CASSOOf Mitaho
at O&y' irhile up in butternut tree. plakiii ba All �thOY Can 10- to* -sup�fy the do ra.
li— - ipen .91
my loca tj the to r it. was see ired in jois to le . ;- ve.
galuo -so, severely. man
Iderable eXtento, thresb6d. h, lof mitiBrials, -aiid varlienteis a
d And erian church Muts, fell, injurin imeelf
reab t chtirdh Over -ell, have to
COMPUineo of in. g9oc -first -crop, from which -the seed is oin d, visit -to
thk tiei. HArveiting was gonerally about. _condition, turned- fiora
ook's He brlokls�ers- art
.: P it- is. dc. i if he fully'.employei
org4na';. '-': ton was struck. y that -- - - N -
6n- later than last year. The yield. allid in Some of I the plac i u6i eler t1ari. Worth f uev
lots where, F
t4a day EAS'
foor, was opg that.. co into. he. Second growth of Clover 'Was!,. to Aid, Wbuld' 'have hall a million AZ -Te Mitchell floil -mill is
w the ivira otall the or e dayo-ag'o and a mp1le y fell fo#y oi fifty fee a-veriuble
Me -to misip ;a fa* idge, had- ap- 0
6 ar industr
will be - sbr a Ili ontaflol- e -killed , iatintly-had-he not, struck e in o , tee -of erection.
kttIt. and pou. will, on the. hole, be belo, -an 90) Peas, r yield the tning. a f Wile Of
e-stroyed, q
and the gti unkon, d un general oultivatio b 6n building' normou u5nd
d bee
Upon th 0 peare. aboyin filling ftiw 4sys 0 e
0 e -sea- 1, Lgo, Wm. Vstom�e, �of -daily.
der.eizeimp portion as-rustana-drought Kave endured the adversities o Sund*y. morning. delibOr te es of flax. are being brought in
f last Week a fear- run- 01
Wepipes- -was PASTVr.B$ -AND ;LXVZtST00K. ear 0 by 'a -Were Spat Wherever -it In . - a. - --On Thursday nigh . as'
some- son beats. oIn. W,' oldistock, the Stratford
fled in From. Police 6ourt, PH -
u PrOMIS ]DrOval, e rie grou rain-wree in wss�-m ful storm ra. -tbrough par ji h w&gOI I I containing -two wood. -CuOisly! A. ach Ideality. this crop,. from a leafy In the.- Lak I E * ' god 't of Eist�rn cordif.of.. -
districts, W ere there 6i near Ni I I d -$l.00 and
the kitchen were timely rains, easonable time and On the Air ji' a4sp. 0 an par 0 WU dayl John Ryan was 'flu It on Mr.
+1, a -of Quebec., t on the load when -
t to . Itting
to Ele was rid' -comnii
es og99n ph
y ore b."this li�d-`Aouuties' theebriditi0ime e asT 4.1, -9 1 ii� lost by 1% is passifig:over bis�houlder.� JOSID
t So -'se- --to fileld distriot'25 lives are a 611 to-Ahe.1
burst ogtward and, 'spo, kly shaded the, gro d 'and latly We Mid- p ontari d id
good crop is r rted; both as to yield- quic in' the Coiftntles c lacing obstioctioni wthe t k
were, In Elgin, and in a few of, -the: e Valley
h6.rve t 11 was ther effects of the drouth - fiss e Le accidentally f Found, two
slid Sample. The tj ir Charlei. Tupper -na' Kidd., of Dublin, last December.
lothing earned. dut� u -h hining strokes a
vere i re aye bee
turej is encou Sootlr�udf, to -enq
in p0d Conditio nI baved, I ' " y ex as upon the upstanding ore �cioftei diitrlo,t, in -the b %h the- broken -door, . It uragin far theiribm of Jouies.- Avast a, hen it was Geo. Hiddi of Dublin left a
ception- boin g in a lew ilocs ities where isesp�cially'tbo�ease in 'good. a Ile And how 1gratidpJ to 0 owing down
ou 8-1 sna He was conveyed to thwi
modshed do SY gewas d in th f d' 'of -his few days ago - for.- Sion% Zity$ Iowa
or. iato.� 6 Huron -And Georgian sy one- o 4
t situations, uut,of. dwns, f iliehadislopsted'one
. 7 . oun that
interfered With if cutting, and in naturally mois The�ro- tik nter, -counti t e pro�e. vglusb�o.. lis ends embarking in he un-
eral tI io-G. ic I collar bohe-
utarip the r 'and in the
away. hiiivy rains all 60 896 ports from Western Ontario re: taotern 0. b. around Ot6sw6. Ana fractured. where he inf
storing. There wereja ve o shouldert anc
also rnov�ed sevelil al nd�., un ience' last yeiar has rm-The On oyernmon 11M r n is ribs
dertaking busnals.
aghed-up, most favorable ploisaut experienoe' he ol6si residents of Lennox
of, Isli - pla bat in 'the pen prizes of*� 100, e5o, and $25 � -for lo� w�O e of I one- of.h' of the
whes� reported as peel eastward 04- —M ' Greenwood, priftip�al
foundation. The, unty as r .—Oa r;
wag oats the:crpp'st bbes 'is"m pre� -been repeated. g dingi6n Cc Tuesdi;yo i7t� Inat whilst- 'Mr.
of'which 75i per cent. in the Lake eastern, distri us, iieeds,- fid, and
i#- barn and a browxi pasturess best CAI66tid is �D ..person- Vf ',bit, 'Job If tho - 3rd obi;6ssion West Whitby- High School, is very �111 In
We.. kidland, A Lake. On- or less Short of an average -in ield- -of!' -correspondents i passed away* th ' -0
re . in e
O'n the farn�of Hurofi,* an roots tdr aWbitio"NOZ Astern all Williams, o
of :. 9 P.
d -des hai n -wissouri1w
grain., h of the' Ind 1i ifiany inst idofeedin�. hothi -of Nei , as it workoi his . farm, he Mitchell, at the residence
I fte 7 1 a "A eswor iiburgh, who died.0 of hk Utbe.
astraw-aiid, e resen.
tari o th of Jast t 7th; inst the ago, of 89 01 eavy wagon the in-11%ws Mr. Hughp
0 groups of CO stock. �W he dr u Of -wasrun anapbell.
arnedby t
IT Tact -for the ponotruo I
Woat-. deiplorabje.� SPAING WHEXT,; peabugia-no.t` -eportex,9 IT sowed Corns Jel a,, h ,a over —Mr. Do J. V-00inuor, of the Grand
wag t uew-� wat t6ji at 'nt- years,., front. big abdo' Trutil
iumVer df farmers ountyand his
ar. ing spring wheat some ol the Lake Erie co I Har,,, summer a 1 16 was born in the( wheel of which. pasio
poits reg. di " . I . - - 9 at ere'. '.His first k R i1w ospatchees offloetrto.
e e,, Cite afid JIlatior green If eed auA are a 6YA&Ti At
ed IV over
e,i., butcher of�� av- been- only in pro re mi Wide 0 liv his Whole I' e th giel ay
Ric us* 9 46ot d the hin4 w and resido,
are more Uvorable than they h a veitingwas. the 9
what the!8tock. ciin. ford ha Vow, vor, ar wted gr;
uby lightaii foeseveial years. 'Thi cro�',hao not of reporting,'and it is to be fe ed that. thus suppl9theinting ric '6f vote was -Cast in fa of .'B' nabas Bid!, Imen.: Mr. Williams Sustained severe� ford, has beene 14
Cit it thil, Benivolout
pas. Company, Of!t 49 p
,e rather'-uniuvit th' summer of 1-82Li -which .. At -- the time ent of the Catholic. Mutuil
Iau6holy event oe*-'- Much of ihe crop. has been ce -out in- pick up . ..Ing well iii, e wornal Injuries
-&use u uffored seriously frow any t the lety'but. the ,Old gentle- Association of C
: . 1 9;, ersi orbutoo had an
near -worth Men- the . recent rains.- ihl 84 -'loan -Dr. Wild$ of T esuied.gravesux $
lose 1pirudent, are reported mls,, tiarli ture
Seaonly iujurj� that it received i jo a ly starting to -fc rem. _8,,bb9jh
to Ur 0 &at V —The4ther da at Fullarton, Johd
Rice had ied cattle If Ehere al e in f 0bich 66 injuiense b�ohireiation. .'last vived he eh'ok and at I
SO(te logo
tioning having be in supply of -hiy—a fact building: I'd was- the ummoned
4 gro;!U - this goant he subject hand e, under.the cirourn- Walkom had'George Foster a
barrel, new was lack The culture of corn for the tario'. -The evening. T was doingwall
districts. where there of rain ; - omment. Even-; .4heir headj rteki in On �hli speaker maintain- ports- On a chirge of
teri��hti tw.4#, ihort�- lainly to the W�stei n pehin w a carries its owih-C . . : eniump which- I before U-eeve Loversap
reduced the yield confined rr I . : e -
and this,. though it d adunties. vorrespon., Scribed e sod
oil ofth' I a: Mill
and'Kei it. ---Th the more favor'6 'i-936 -with the lend Of Mr Rob A - trial..'Which ciu
his brother who, 9 or ounties of Essex' S" 5 ed will - begin In'- art Sellers, the;oIdesk-Tes, ssault. -fter
in r in $72187 21
)hIattes dents. insis,
him in to tea. Ile, oe its size and: c6ndition'of he crop." tif�eriopiof t6b6`t6*n- th6world iii 205. ''The U'llinium, is jdenfj of .14ngaiton, now-,. considerable amusement, Poster 'Was
not affect the color of thd lul c
soawhat,,i'did )my it ord6 otinto 16
t on � closi econ( w-Mr.-Jol in hii 98th. year,
-grain. -or materially redu. 4fi.M 1 threshei its 'a lacultila in a I r rkable.. fin
'y�lDy the stock in goo -.costs
.4 form through: before ems
f 6 able pandition of better than it hats been for tj�rh. to carry oconditio vor these C hip,.ne�r .1
The electrL-- dov, has I d. n lo Irog rotains all lil ed Cie dollar and
plumpness.- 'The a Correspondents rep t o ounti 6els of Munch' tot, completidn� ent a& 'His-� test threshing of the -sessmi
field the wintero� es: thera ours We! to birt a Will W6 �r ces and' d�greei
the Boil tit �tlie time of the spring seedin ry, great- Ateiit. He the other day 6n Mr. WM.
d r6 f course, e a our]
.'k him the hes4 �2- will, 1) b plus� of dii fout h
�iud is face and sh the stAke f )ort Bold owing- of- Ise v d
lav -start whic from- the% a eA- eaths nearly -Iriapaired,,bit to.�.;I`b was done
ti -sod& &I
�6 the young plauts,`& & d fre An wheztt ro It
wthe 6f a1put an feet '01 1 we to; produce,,'asth -of k ith friends, 61[iioe, near Dublin, when- Mr. -
A CUViDUt in height,.wi f* FW C e flow� milk has be he 4focti of the May6i i Hamil Delaney 0 1,
I . ell rem y a.
plored gro, 9`1 e o..aeleven ,..py4
appear I to the' lklit- ton was visited thi arly if thq'y to rest David Al
I ��d &,
rora those fungus -ounties--Q, t, en bushi y. a Mau a, nto ilied
nife, which was tak- three ears stalk, Oil �d of the, jklipt up�!bot in the eastern a anuoInded D 6tber d. b I I king With his machine threr
stwhich are More -likely to the two n9ktl L -The. d' athi ere -,job' P. Hunter If
0 we.. g Ili recamig the'senti "0 -the' 525b -of f In the remar"k.-
t, an aern gro.ip of W b n. all heat
onfly ma OIL has been we -'gard;ns.very little corli- -iq. d elsla' t On'. ho name.
-the Be + ree prominen 10
go, str Friday of i
�. _% edbaj seas ylas bee -in the pr 'an d.of milk begsii to fall off about the IS I , Ininaseems
tee r. ovince for. ears, b �ellaud who.
little njur where YIPI iatio-lumb 6aldW Cavd� a Ch ok-of '$4,000 000 on the past, about which hi to be ably short time of 6J hours.
11mokwar& Very emarko, Zink of Montreal, Which. he 'wished. His circumstances of a�
If ot.that the corn acreage � is. on the iniddlebf:July. ark, Aua Mro., more clear than abodt th bat some
609 )ily the midgeha;vin the a of, Lan Not —On the night of the 6
yearS7 by insects, ( 'thik'n4kithstanding -the Mr. John GIlliex, "Me
oil done r by t 2e greater;' ed however, Wbrehij -toilatesshed, for him. more recent perlodo.-.
U?at le beeIti, me�t ne , nd t�at i'irreliv. I increive'is accounted fo from Mon- Wr
ad a I rto-O
aves a Cliff- lo - d a' R. IL�Cozzens, of Sarni% P It 9 in�bumau ' etch entered a past
n res all e nedeseary� amoun
ieto,: peaceable of 0 attention. whichis being give� to �h o poor appearance of' 'the. �p6stu an.made his leap ift) hivfug-th b around his —A I n 6m�d 01inpbe field df Mr. naMe Robinson, Ful
tario, w ore stookippear r -bad tp -refuse the -on the axle
the central and eastem portions ly.. s. . -40fi. He
tice 6f storing areen fidder in,;thlti olsssoo of -to be. in real ride#
ad, had a Jorge oirol& theF bulk of the spring whea, so wu,',on Wedneisas�- at. 610themi the. Mayo, Dal, whi a itesling�a and'out the-jugularein of A-2fine it)
9 r gh- IV is � evident.
h' p ariettesi of In of ra 'runk railws� -train; ion ut, the Western V -good co ditiong althou an- appare - vist or.. T with a sharp instrume
ovince is foundland. where silo, for Which goung, at' ei,
area, of the pr attle bowin thoi� Ovi named. Slateriwho �re-. eatown. -he
umber ."of Eru
'admirably adopted.' that the aSeverest, the or corn ate allin'g also So ore --"A.younglad eep. When passing bleeCto, death. Wo Cause -is' no. for
hinds 4 -of farmers caung West Zurra, or
to', thi drought was t be. �properly. -3A in �sssd ov
e. resehe' 1he sideb with his-paient&
aei spr in 1. OE, anid the whole'tral
is 'genera ROOT the pui6basie o esehe age,turns him. He esespe.4 in a 9 -such maligni.
aly reported as haviiig.'bee' f � mor6 thepars ead.�t f
God having been' ud wn-'toAiD ireates-t. wint* jed-without �yesro of miraculous wayl, Matheson, f Mitchellp
AYED iHE gA99. or itleasti as These crops are gro e -ground in safety, and who is 4not yet 14 con- -Mr. Sandy
M fodder by the er. Already Ifthelsd' te� bime'll, only�- viug a
ro - - the gosle of. 1% poundi.- unknown rjeei
�ian for many, vears. P obabI extent in the weatern,'half of , aye 'that. the the wateli- stolen out Of his
e a 16 ' a Coin tjilues-to grow i
ite -the.Bruo Peninsul. re- during deep a, 'In in
exepti6n. Of* e- evers I eas d
the St. Thofusol, ieporti are 1WV 'r inop, ind kih - tbo� tern Ontario- have -�The lartoi -Acho n th6n,eit 14 years at across the Scalp. Howse. un. h , ad v-sluabld
La been looking �p -eighty pe)r, cent.. of the", counties of. -Huroni , Bruce, 0 rey, and had to disposili of their. cattle at -any crops on sod in size as he haa th6. -ainted, - and finding he, was on --the 'y eat podket while. work! the Pros
and- %ske the
Do-' iq§re
le, aind. M, sales foil be" a veritable for New! 1indq declare
0. patt -fourteen her wil. yvyopg lue Oun . . mp -0-ose
u :'price vwing to lack -Of G . . ' * . - vas lying on a small atti 11, 4 Ganade4s, publio the 're sluder describe th food; and d byteriAn -cemetery -a few wa; igo. The
as Short and -very -lsrgdly�.& f0urel Simcoti; where the. dro th-. Chocked the 'a,: he' minin rament td It emit tbeld tuber"
1jT it. from - P .418 in ard again.
Pro . $6 tb'$15 ad. tealing esstw vest N
interesting, as, - the fly didinjuryL,to turn' ire repoite t I Ans tention of Is re wa, growth and lo�'- t e,� VeQ1 116 Jr.0m, s. no and Sandy was working
oung. Mau
i119 16 Western:, Ontirio, where the' �average yi 9 old per i Pot the'llow of dues to lisy "Joseph Loin ry; a y ames youn, the roaa gsteo
9 some" distance a
of our ablest men are Lore promises to 0 t ti. he falling off in f Bsth, while
on ordinarily atAr,vati6fi. fr the *my fromit.
�it Wh * it -more rAinther gr wipg season was Ion the along Like arlitir �ths a an Aga especial in dle a 'be large.' In 'the counties mi k- a .0 ntoo. plo� imber ora
t Mid of potatoes. it is thqu 'he tode7s -Qd Ok if Fricuy morn.
er,. and, ! met with 0, serious e—During the storm v
he- Mr- A! =bushj Des yed' in -1obbyLa liqt�or and grocery. -engaged' aising t bottom
ion a store, fotzid securely, pliin(
d that d child- COU e wer Erie priftioularly, the- yiel.1. ght that t cheese Port' of the. bay, -to
ati St.. 'where. ther into TO088's' Ing, lidjust., Mr. Urquhart's barn11th
northern iilq� e eningo Wh e
knowii or will close several d 0 soon pull. 'of tb h- and
Unquestion- will likely avie§t share ft An. aedidgnt Fri e logo a pike weig Ing eighteen
east7setting in wher be the the ay. ;:. ef t , ban .:; usu- of a large- -property le
'some: indications r, e,the �o#le liioke 4h -had run 1. Ion of" F411ar the
earne ler' ere e il this season, b ti conceso
d,-' G. earli n w ears� and the.only -fear th iii 87clotltiud Job , a Hsiiv�ah. 1 'here �ing� a cork f half 'pounds. '.Thd A to:�' At
the gr 15TO of wich'N
and the ripenin some y Ck., upele Cornish VAX kill,
STATIST]. n 311 force -against a large pointedialiver
In putorio. is.. is $100,000 In money in the L com letely torn'out by
,ears is reflected in seed is that rot may. restili should t] i :CS OP-LIVE� neck, tearing h ee-iota, he �ba k -i nd a ".at -the'
To area in Th6 number of. horses It fullv and cutting y. e bled gul had An
slow, those And t only a -few 'Cases of' an arter is body and held end
rx 596 -6 1(10N� was stO
.-of their work of to-, n: prove rainy 20,857 tAte- - that'it had penetratec
evextis dompijati,�eiy small, And t 0! -than in; 1887'; ning. The lur6ber WAS sh
or ssatroua�bollision of two I anish
Cori 1,,"928,638, or nearly 20,000'leas ell, to hole'a lebringvilletwas-
been' obierved at the time r6fus6ly, but th I . him pr
ii Speaks Well, for ClIanditioni in which t _ he crop hai be bt hs Bev pfied be soner, 7-hestrangest part of 'the -wrote. - Turni in oral cati e! pening �he
our atateamen have the souther i66ndeuts _ps in -plzbe� ih1he AtIsitioMear ore a f6tal rL Les r- ffair -revealed on o harvesteamid secured 'in the previous year, Although. i;ook amea v. J. Go I.Att, of f
rmer, U
sad eastern per ion P, I - . I
� care which they steamorg 7hile a ifs tour
11 thl.wes -ern countiessuffered from 1 t than in Sable'Islilid -off No�%', Scotia- oi � the ile wfien 11ierb tumbled out a
. . 3 .1 1 er T1 on Wean *day, 15th
a of the province wil he turn! a have in"crened by 3,268 i ng united in marriage
a wher'-f f the Chgroh and -�the sonof siother' farm er -watch' three trolli,
t physical matureol, oter of 11y and In some place 0 p milch -cow insti- One noounce coin FJiIV
an auk �flv ight
practically determine the char& morning of the,114th !Iiag �t Tre t a Miss C.Stoobler, of Tavistock.
a [sheepi, tiS49,044,'as. compared. with 1t a is �,were f and�s- me
tK yield for the year. fielasiad oind Old. meadows.;the grass utes kamed.Loveltir one, a; pair of silver spectacles, rmid
oveless of Craditon,perform6d,
ill be, made of a. spring age, -drouth AffDt- 396 16 -in 188', hogsi 810,070', - -or, 1 unf6rtA -a e othe' father f- L Rev., Mr. Stoblei
edw t4e
-he reports wh a poultry es wer 'as -the
is ble fA take. the T wbile� 1410n. 119 Ii rday, on the favo
olearemor hopper id dam ton, S&tu o6r knob
Of brr wile
Sunday" hurch.- The a In
The are& p to. so great an -A dating to -recipient of- -,Maby Put
eitent in the, hifided a r( the -ceremony. The bride wasade,
the In&— -sown tq ed the'ero 73glosa. thai last year ai d wblyei-� 'aubther son �aud ted
able than usual. n �kr. aieioui handsome
the figuiel beforO, county of Grey that it is claimed thit 611-'65111 as against 6,438,361 in 18911. --wLast id hini t Shoot C si the St. Lou the
order is h9tel' Quebec, on
:lb4.t 'Cooper, -killed -Chuich d an he first -night of -the 16th f iust. Hon. J. - A. Pres6'
spring. viliost, however, again Shows' a a plougheaup and The' tot wool clip is 4,601,927 If Andkiw. Zorp 'a 'J WalrY ith--,,t ats, The- newly *msrriell Couple
-4 tothu k th -d ivin At the, 1 acres -in 1887� to many acres have beei obeye
decreaseifronX484,82 t At out Shot. The r no flea. inber of -friends were j%rospendip eon stNiagors,
st-4 6509249 lba. I eitablishmei fsthiB and -two so have g their lionoym
i caixt proportioa-. f6gain in Chiivleau an
present, year. that most of -the growing flildiwill &at yea i a in
�F --o'counti 16 b t 0 question, and
3rt,850 4eres for the e oat wa , � 1. -1.1 rontena, .. , Fall
jage*-. of in average FAUN L113OR liet'contain oWsased
b Of. t &7pl t ideit on
-Mr. Samuel Hillo who 'reti
1 Men thAA can thi�'- :BARLXY, It grain pereen draftfs, notes an etition aski 'f uotb6en sa bs�ly. machivary bas -so, 0 109; che . I I a urei t ng or
r gn
5 -80'ottA to- 'Th upon re. Sion of Ellice,-, had �k aloW
pi%d: �Stateso, The;- inytgiia or,6p. Maugolds have he �W. a e idew is tiring tho Secritsiry of State the 7th oo - n
Barley, ranks faii to good ;n.g Lsbo der -of harvest work that extra: ,the. latter rem as omd:83 0. 0 ces
eal of the
merican publia and -ot for h( rses is Up
Ite afrected by the drouth' turnips,, be d the �rsaving ep hung up his vest',mostaining a Splendid
d and size Of. berry, 1$ut th-.------p e employed, - -only in, special. d the issue do- the lig Ing on Thu
iel 0 nj�. over a call from
r a tao SIMO4 baidy
-necessity sb�ortm Dred by the ooti3d, and are m6re favorably. re-,., hinds are... —In T0ont theinaik to'h ve the voti L RAlli Chiliur Valued at 8600,aud,
me places The -binder ii kin t uniprodi6nte I dull- gold watol - -
*as, more or. less discol, g ti*- the- bar nt of waing lastweti. A large TAM
d businew- ipon, although In So aide -befoje -': tfilD commencome D128y. Weit MC
cases. sold hve tp,' go� il County a 'Coudderabld.qanilt .6f ml a1po
whichfell shortly after harves I g ported, i man and toy -With ueso. Wha at I tree, standing almost opposite to
)p. Cariot e fi A t are -: - to In Lonno in. gentlem. D ar
eare- 'V at; old nowi onot or- license yea when "'the hc
h ' rub I j red the on
r m, t e iuJu ioinifig�
reveryuni � do -the, n Act offenders 0- was smashed to stbuis.,
gan. The reports A -oots, yet I hav-Veo' ou6 ted for f Scott av-front door'
ii well as other It if 'the imlements o W can swo ed u
'fled- 6. escape th
oldest min who, oviace ttia there 0 not to.da�- a& prices-lo'Wel -h " * ' s, numPer .. 0-- penalty ke he Wag . ist6nished to discover
e -of inen of five, -or ten - 61&1 yearoi:ondlii no- Ot or W -country wit
all part4 f t ents had The, branches were. several feet
o oing 't
Canadian Legisla- - -and.: quiliol some faored counties -the yield,, will b ' work of a numbet.. SeV the 8 cent
a fisti, it
orer Who Coin so- that his vi t d t the entrance We door.. _Mr.
yeqs agot transacti wing their.6onviction. - d off dluiing the 41*
aboli , An. average in yield heavy. - Ii-Eastern'Ontar 0 th hought and the lab. be. offectei 10110, ght. eep, a
ton man- nimed J61ka-Md-' -ends enough call for
situviti6e the crop ifically A: He Oine f -.61 fri: been Carrie Hill says this -was a -,close
late Senator Fer- and where in early swing "the scythe !or cradle
-of eigh. Veight., at- the rain d -anything lika .-a fair pro- -int --- �.S -6 of' 66 So
came the has prevente ition in, !- Marla. d in -h *t*t* _Mr. Wm.;:H4rr`1son, vf Thoudalet.
wag secured before mise do 0 dght -climbe to 6. Barnes 4.hbt WAS r, a a or . ime comfort.
is- becoming 's tra other' i f eu,
he sittings of. th& in roots, although the reports re e, . Parthy, ied �ory sudd �1 r on Tuesday morn' e oihdr day that Mr.
Sample Ila, all been an ampli suppli of -Mai ou ir erto, en- -of-,O e learnea-1hat he, Ing W."Only th
thatean be disired are ver -- Wfigg the bao bitizen 1tta*A, bav e best of
, y -, hli�eful in: Therebas k an:6id but-
te garding..potatoeff e - - I 'week. - Altl!�ugh not in th
airked, regularlt�'-.�. many farmers, however, Were fortune, a rate"Of �a refreshinIZZ S,e trie of,$100,060 b last James Trow, M. P -i was Able to'walk
,early in fa t ekbout the Sam has y
no. Whireitiei.,'�'.too� rm labor CO D1. inherited 6, fortt Abe
ome I
long to forestall the rainy. season. With some sectio JOY. a $8, - d h' ilth for a 1m,6 dectisabli. WAS from -his -residence into the city since his
enough )ar, an - here' is every k t morning to. fina -$8, in England..
lifk wool' t d t &we e nex e ol
r- thi-sesison, t6makes -�cloai tipprolirdste wages as last y I the delhisil rel y In fact n weeks
-their brirle� harvest, and a large pro t 0 4-0. -ive -aturds recent mishap, at Mitchell 15611113
abl care, bo"took Ing completed' co, missidg; in 'Toronto, obe about till,
f fielid.drops,-itis- Tobibli :"prospect of haivesting bei his -pi Mr. Barnes former y shoit.
this class o be iii farm$
tion, of 'the- or6pl'in consequence, harto of h known as a ri unday-he wen ago, His leg I - a i still veiir painfull at.
AS we ch ire well Is 0113,9 To Tile
-while so many -runn
MAUU1. -38 er. He is -lately resi
n the gauntlet of the 11 Cathhing Zer' on -Bros., Southwol s whire 8 was
ked why- 110 it ho4t.difficulty or lose.from, lack of at
ru that,should, the favorable athir w -hi wit' ji mafe-help;, a —F 9 -.St distance ' from rhorndale - to see Via. though it d ulicelY,
e correspondents aid. Fe 8 usual, is' d6d at, at'a was taken even now, has
i -lik 1. him, -hich set in esrly ingthe 13te- had Set. in at. th - time the e&656. b bele Ing - is mAnager-of the On t�o way Mr. Trow
arounc weather w Utfnuei the'large, yield of roots scarce:, the. problem how to'keep I he acre. Osto-j1hres ed foir Paul, Miunos6ta, and
sent mouth. This h tomach mud 'Bescon says
iffill re' liod.* that as been more or -less wrote Co. ''th6farra has notyeibion.bolved. bushels t d 0 bu dow9 ps-in'the grit enough in him to make it �rtiei yield hole to ball there. n with criml , ty reached 'his home. haudf ut of Told who might,
can be, gro, -to M swords -with him ifi a
-0 AqLEA-G. terally I far So- r.:.It is fit a fteJ 01� 0
15OUS, oloried 0 bi not generally known t At figs with great difficitl Ing for any
[yo—where in most of the westerii o6unties wil,� girl CA the tam e
Me Of it but lightl
anarabe age. for -the proy-n6le fully t ESTIMTW OROP6, h
and that �ot� bad d o' - the, , shook nd the� brl�K the aver, the &ori. ThiD-yield� Ji f r nine el dko
it was Ing I c -Tuesday, A ur
I -followi t . I ; I . - I eas
protecte n t six The ible -gives the rn! tions.`, 7 wn,in, tho.opeu air in -Canada. On ars
s -was n# prolonged, hat 1111i I of yond the Is to to be able
d t o- if 11- Ot above that 6 - f the pas t -Alt, hhe had a tree he was: & corpsevi capts� 1gr
to, He expe
to woo 649 exp estimated e And yiild per e of. C t . I - -0
osure clue r. Chiso -Ross, noCamps
'oat is expected years. nird f A1111Y.
5d whiqh W ther ro The 46 aN _Mi Th e S ioal leadeti.
inju fol, 1888. re... - -:--Wr -11 some- years,and to visit: his-politi
Zility." Tvio, 'FRUIT k6raf` ciodpe --his jarde� for
dt out ag moutho I
been;'wi h- re'atidactus -18871 Igin Coutyitilebrated h. It )earing. in, 'been working persoverin - -W I
M- grade. not Worse th Meafo;ds his .9
Senate ArOr in. oat Cases. to, I yields for and he ---:Mr. - ma Gr Aro,
of the otherwise g9O.d The dry 'season. has no, birthday on Mondwl, n o She the fiat f �Om it is pronounced ixoellept, ly for i6me time against advehie circum- .Mar -Torti &lie those iff6reign- other evening
Flinti The for NO.' 2 0n account riod 1882 0 Scotland -the.-
orchard an average for the' 'pe "near St m be it Surprise t He. a entirely 'd rived from
4garden. Al- or C#1 sta;nc6s; alones an
r old, the -latter quality- of the grain.. Good individual 'Its effect 'upon was -b iarin6s, her iiden It -will 'C as a -suburb. i given y wa,
-has though summer applies. are rather, small If ad 'b ng 116nsf�ger ina-1e fo iingle-haided arches, th, ong. ito wiand �Chief "' �4548) a five-year
e threshing o mpirisoii : ther ersl.',whb look uo e streets -with thr-ee -pure brablydesdale horses.
yields are reportedl whet AAres..-- Yield name'b Ow per aer foug
Wark in size-, fall and, winter soris -yvill likely Crops. V 6 battle. th . pole to r. sudi
Now ht o the Royal of the nor thai. t , ea
aching as' high as 50 bush Fall wbeat-7 i a t id e en, air. aUNAiDs -to one, at the
rue'rs sit?gin an 1,
.—The body tries: Martil
87 Efti . prei and
are and4r 0 to - 4 lei.. -of of Ja" a two �d by .41"Castlerosilif"
beeu.,donoo� re as well: d
- be well up to the a, sizei e old by "'Gar -fie
Uls, Flint is 3 40 irerage in fruits flourish hire in the op bbing, Id another
Of laten Mr. Flint;: els. ep6rts of Ll; ot.F of. police -year.Edl
streeivo, ago- Ohlef
n The crop so; quali The orer an 897,7 'A 4ight, or two
Wood Of. H 4 il
a fight- 986 3 idetark,near
not, u common. ,.j92. -Avonde " Th
is; has 'bee: busanels sare 1. —Mri $haw bef daysus e. ey
few and oc- nisk lon, wai found. the Ot
appeared dered, move Ono 'or go Off the other of
and better asived in the have in a Lou . don, vort.ft. If a.tree.- He had Graut'or
les igain ia-d was heavier. -intend on ded from-tbe limb o on are all.first prize animals and down
i complaint is -the a -1 M k etsquare.
Dtip of casionil MAde-'of wormy �pring wheat—. 367,S5
tiono western eninsul&4 tha f&rin .70acres, intd a: d k 'hours when �dews k to:.% A or iaptly
'dead over twenty-four e im.
d- No
en times elec es -borderh -be a 484,821 Poudd feen6n 1 1 thq chiof pron
.in, the gro nri:6etilly- Will, eer pai To 8 arrested anythis I )orted by Mr. G
count Ig on Lake Ontario, applei, but the crop ge -70 to 86 ma 8 Uie d. cause is: kno�yn why' -he -of Blanshard) or,!
olclest Senator. itua- Thepear blight is rep6rted sorne disd6vere him t k'n before May Mr. J. Robinson,
to- - tl so,
23.3. Should -hive 06 'let off"with 6
prince .the prine pal barley are is 8 good one. he rash act, For Wag. Or C113 rived at the same, time With two exQ01-
--d e!g,hty of 'the general- bailei .895 432 itted t eniejW14 him.
of wher Kent, buC P. mm
to there will. be's qha, W , ?0 Of 01
Mr. in �ortl6n& one. $tone 22.S hiving -i 60 d- e time part' he hus been. ou e, I old fillies, and 60shee
ted, bb�.t from all- par 5 ring, vnd, wh
fty� 01 ield will be: all ordinary .. 767NO. etit two -year -
very ter and" uriant. ureso -poi -by warning.
n a from blood Boning, hav ickland*, Mr.. Alex. DOW, f Exeter,
act with pois
Mining comilig in Cent . . � 0
�The Thorhiiii Oil amoUkii6wucofitrabt�r, residing 'near
ket-ii�jood c6naitiou and 4 whil -of M
oonsiderabIb quani . I � 134'540. ' ; �6* ing�jot it r, John Ste
'to are Alf.light' in Yie - ring ig
rsih o, 3 rs ery E barley y Id Only a fOw also, broug!?.,
frui n Ivy e -m�The family he Same 'boat; -f*o, first prize
�,tha brought to mar . grresponden hope,- o Dver, in t
Ian, )frespondents estimate a t� In Liucold Speak oats 9 formed. d
Comps li849,868
,�enator NOY
rid plia. Some c4 t arold colts.
o,h X&Dou- that as muoh as one-half will be bright fully Of the Tdach ; the, majority r6port 1,682,468 29.6, Compaq r- whic W ib'1886 by handling ope..
a a ........... 1,522,622 261T. Is en of Ilinnbiry, - 4.—Consideiable. dxcitenieu�.'has. been:. tikntiOrdf have just suffered. a double two�Y ecader says.'
are ths�tthis -the crop, asaAailvre; P1 "it and cherries no' ent -under peculiarly painful —The Mit6ell R -
ISS2.7...... .... Bev thebusk
barlei oyec
steadily e y -rong- fie*' baused at Lao
ru -s ver 4 -of, natural
-1 as a, d Peis he iqtion. of th6, ereavem
regardec but the indidations rairie by 't on Robirt, who is SkinnerIkad rather an unpleasaut
are being l9o`6' ha 8-tcw:0, And. -1�ourgeWtq eircurnotou6,es., His .0
111 ao:i�sjdeked. that proportion is rather high for the pro and wher e* m has 1888 ................ 696jas parish priest� R-.bvi Father
Lry. eathe black krkoto� 6 gas Aot t four m e 3 from � th en ksion donounce, an -ager & Co., Was experience last week. On Thuisday he
Were vinew over.. � The r -during 72,756 . OCCE tt for A.- -11arris, Son
as een ...eaken.. is ep I east
d Rr6ugbam spod tha� to t dt6,-2o7- 20.7' it d. at everand had's livery horse run wway In
b enemy it h irho has at Psils from typhoid f with bi
rx caused barley gener- ere nis. 6, - so
the gkowing seoso our dauclng� ulpito me. weeks lying ill Staffs an smash tbe.bqggk. On
their of the'Lake fe -from the p okland, the near
r, passing 22700 21 ipb every 241'"1
any t10 be short in the. straw, and the �ed by the culi!0110- n 40, cubi Ie esel on giturdo�y- last Francis- Stri
....... rR Bouls, a ago vacautb d that-�Glads ne in Erie, cointies,'however, the cherry is re� �lsss 'the otypedple rented a the sick h borrowed -a sulky
20,275 days, ate
10 82-7 ........... -farmer Ift Blanigh rd, I& very'Ouit d behind
A. lito, his. bu And tit
lead hary sting'lof it in loose condition I as having yielded D, big prop. of 1887.. Z. .*.. �. t-. :: . . ingsudhad it thoroughly renOvatedsud bto )aid a visit, to Friday morning e
more ted" a ec 22,183 204 t old ad e getting I ggy �d �tbe dilapid,
-er of a ni was u thari t bed7i - home. A lit
-is not sa v6ry re-, CO ;Zuenee ted.into. itable ban iopm. started Ar
thp e fruit. ..In the grape growing co.9- to *&ter) the an.. conver alidy -he fell back And UP
Hjy.�iid Clover ball malnd
Mention- is :made of or' ........ 2"292,638 ven every. -Wed- after �lvisiting einy, was 'the Huron down e and. - when pi
a- r 2,280,613- 1:86, euly�. , kd hithi knocking him, deblYi` 1, ups of the
otherwise. 'Ar 0 no ' tben'dane6e Road the hoise
sixtymeight# ipated'. : - - 8 VA a i
gmiignificent vield oeked
Me ' Y. a black hulless: v ieti. whi0h tiefs Ome days Ago the.jiud
younger th n r d go me '209,852- 1.41 ith." �reat presence ne 1oubd to i uite dead, presumably Mr. ..Skinnor,vut
with gr Dat f6rce.. W
or exprdssf# nes as.' ar cro My;: onis 9 1 ave him- a an ese ounions, whial , eartdis., ISO - - died ulky, -and ,came tearing
is in eding pur. - th a,: 4udde %enotinced. th r e; -Robert a
vor With- so for,fe but in Oxford and 'Brant the rose.. b
ol attacked thi A' *6 were down- the want
buddin' wrong I.Mucl The total es in all a enumerated.. of min &It,-� and vent 'hill V'iththe latter, 'bay! rilvorko , . - 1 8' ex Me
poses - htli 2 injury, said be, were lioldn' Vtothe con IrOxn'h Stricklind's era the, buggy
afiacity fo 9, - jeik, which brought- him,W a
OATS. 0 acres-- as compared with ttible , cause for Monday mor4ing -,atlha . i� n is 7-,61.6,35 were,, regre CA lite. - U
Tal suiprige t I 'garden 'frifits hive bee 6h.,Man: .3hspel,Abd en very sorely Ing -broken lo The runswa
ry re urn i435- *itli that Subtle potoii w were
wh 0 have given satisfacto And. 7 342 't dances, he said, famiiy have has lost w th & ost
a is Other smal li429,084 acres in caudal, as in front Of the post o
d Till exceptl iawbdrrilis, brq ght- him
era lake couktie Ljio, 06.ut au. average, over the. brute. affilatea. W bed, 'the an* Mr. Skintier
in west a of Onte Wieldi ' hid the year lie a large -him In to'ble
upper w rere li�rt b th 4 drouth of.- last acreadoi the,period� -V. In Addition dilged 62. by young ladies and
'a T who W hich m f clearo& ii aer control --aud'Ied heartily -hi --,another Son fr6ii.typhold fever, And his and _y.
portion-oTthe West Mid, re 2,535,6 gentlemenp., h escaped with- A few br and this-
Justice- Gwynnel, and summer and fall. "In. 1hi :io�tlnt [.of -there* -a 04'.'acrea, 'Mr.Bouis w o resembled more two 6 died, suddIenly while Asit-
reports-fr9m. the nine. y evoted to . pasture. id 18881. a On readlift i 'than biimsu wife likew"'
iled'.'togethe 'he wo
re seril: sickbed of a fri lout horse W*s none
ion roup. d g the house
.00 end. His 11011l,
-28,939. bein' 04 5uuday e,
e bucl leberry is re �ugly in. aei&
the�a inifancei which border on Lakew, Erie Grey, -where th op'�u acres, -reslize4i that he *$a* mo uts thetair rand ing thi t
naccompanied by, -almost -without excep- gardea as a- staidard fgd t,,',tho. or slight incre e:o er the 2,5 he- Brit iliouglit Upon�.Dr; 98. and, Ouron are roportid- in 1887. Jured th4n
a to Sho - -
e 'have, b an tion'tathe at that oats
.0nd hildh does nob nece"ar-
au 104111sually,
Ak( 4