The Huron Expositor, 1888-08-03, Page 17 -
-4, 7-11
M.. M 8
min— �XdLZANBROS. PubUshera
$1.50, a Yeams Iii Advance.
iVM8T -f YEAB. SEAFORPrHl FA! UST 8A, 1888;x,
71 NU W 1-sO77.-
a 2' d ths the 14
leeption .-should- take and, for a short -the
times th� trio bad an at riberV, and immediately 'found
Xgirthweit. Th. rest indus 19-61 the,
ther singular fact that -has awyer who investigated
aoiAe of CWcagosis MMoil. dres. et -to, -McOlashon, the came and
says -All the rin of a ban.uet, and"a, large aom,- exbeeding�y lively -a
are. d. her;.
Y' its la,rgej0,, dry. goods dealer' provinbo,'Colonel, Iakir bad .-his - fingers found that by some. mistake or at
not onl ti who. Voitfide
and inii a _poifit-gid, to arrange thgg'de� as
OniaAeoiJuly 19ft, INS. always must be, M1111499 Wag
Kin, luln tail -Acceding unaui 0 -der to 01100t An
Bet �clothing d at wise, he had- done 'Donnelly's Beaten
in the worlds but th� largi to 'the mous do-, -ad t big brother offi
is- Henry W, ibering. - or such grains todots and Ilyhis. He -�claimi that e
Chica&q 4asn!t as many -millit6in Ired as Burns be- The . wagon and Donne
t dealer. - The litter, be raisedi -a ready mar-itsir' of the meeting,'Rev. -]Dr..-,; this Clark took- leg -ball.
"as can
ores live at a at Kingston, and
Yo nd yet she his such* ookt Vaudy.
rk, a grea;t; who has. a great factory -here and so OR pormanbit of- the: com- contained haini, proviiians slid -had businee isonfl,
he - countili Of Uet will bvalwaya available.
mbertbat it is alm6st o ible,to of stores thfoughotit t Clark.had b w'd the wagon of M C. dent of -having -a good. case againgit the
mit a.- 1twa, d;oided that tke com-. orro a provii authorities. Th6 affair is being investi-
vourse he is a millionaire. ling for the ur- a wished to take
ount, them. l met Itwo, b plio Shleri 0 .in to �an adjourned Chativin,--saying that b
ithe Pull mi she transpired where
116 evening last week, abid wl an the - As for pork "packing nd licindred" chase of free rodds t f at sick lady boradi, gated, butithasmatyet
ten, mil-- Wentworth 'has '.been, voted on 1. anyde.- si,t�gilggtii to be- held on. . Augu
9 the mistake -made.
atradeb,1hisra are Only nine or very ad rowning
onversation drifted on rf6h met as it I -The town, 15 It is not expected that Hom Ed- A.peculiar. and W" 'the
in, that lestid by. a ma� laame'
so a. rich". jority-of 376,. 1 - —A dispute hasiarisen between
to. do hen yon tal k- es la Toranto. until,. accident took. . p1wee:-: at ft Guillaume
17-4T THE—, ory likely with- limiair here who b am
Beverly,' 01anfor, wa, .-Blake, will arrivt
ankers, the pair of the c wn and in On'.
'game branch of it- z, $an! .8 tPe P
or he a Binlifook d d'U t i Quebec, an' Tuejdi� of last Grand Trunk Railway and.the Hamil-
in sat d business 'the 'Middle of September. 01apsIlys In order ,to
ortonj oneof these, 'was a and'-AneasW gave big mAjoriti'eo. against L cattle ton'Street Car C
urriedly .;nade a .-list off' icago's All, *uple*, -week. - The miller of the lboalityv M
ile towns i,ps of East
WIlionaires. The list"is too -on-the prairiesof Illin,ait before the by-lawi'wh the he ' On. Saturday last a �'YOA'ug
to buyer W , to Bernard, -had pla6ed near his mill a largo car.rytheir line Slong Barton street to
mbors Barton all itworth the. Is"
AM thodieV ministei ask full -..of water - and on -t edate Wei
Cheap e iktfas it contains the namei of 101 the days of -railr6ade, andmade rather at
Cas _t.o�r d West Fla a�:Dandas. -Cataraqui.froni. XiAgston and, h Uer co*mpany have to
sippoited the by, ya, 0
Vs itic marriage with a. d
1 6. mairiegib 0
T countr Jay rails,. -over �sygl erg
may of" whora'are, cure romar y- belle ention of his chi! ran, a.boy six )"Ing of III,
_te f Or*ards this police were iniothied. in ad one
where y these excur- -�-A-Iittld 6hild'6f Elizabeth esley, -A Grand Tr
whoii he 'met 'oil one* 'of 1. -a ad 41if t James *1 ire Old, climbed on planks,
WA P 15 ears or seven.yep ,
v und' -in unkRailway connecting' the
-OF n ore
in the community a W'Onila,40. a dituiliter
other is Michael Cudahy, of a obl Northern & North Western yard with
de. Poor a should an rage. along. - An of as had,. got ma;irlgidi e which rested,.Ou.the cask,
in -Warth that famous. Cudahy. h
and appearances �pointed to
inent from the fact that's, Bolk. having 'been starved t(
no more cons uf OW in,con.t
-00s'. Mike Cudabys� oroner's jury was i ompany
Nis millions 3nc6 ked; -ii to! of the largest P Us' -and was diown'ed.,. Several -hour P
:'A, nt, .6f her fath who,. it is a
JI a. the 'hak Railway yard. The
overbalanced 'the int -the. Grana Tr
Itally of Mil
s of . - ) dbath to shoot the groom Can,; casky ly terms upon -which the.'riffiwsy
world. C, othpanellA -' and in ded the father getflig -uneasy will 8611o,4' this'.ptivilege are
MAN� & J this world, except, to -his baT ',-his ing lx-.okuseo in the f - an und ad and
id the par V fo
rots 6 - Burnett &I -
after higirin t a evidence and its . els t ommen that -the street. car people Ahould 'Sign An,
Irs t the, who la coup 0 at lodgings1n, a
and'the tax collector wh Th" -060- - drawn to' agreetneutt -the costf keep-
1he, t1l t "of the, eighbi
is Ar 'onrlo: pirtners and a. very. 9 a th I aboptsi thi chi ced to search
aretrough Toronto.
inetest nobody. Still, -there ie Augget a ;a, pay 1alf
a lives in a 0 of V er or ave ind took the' � happy, for hi ntion
blood tub' yerdict --of.calpable f
'r 6h man'. His atte
negligence against oier nd, protrudip-g out ing a watchman staiione'd there, aho,31C
who hasw in lion or houses. in Chicaggi, begsn,as--a� t rad all the plank with -
thing about a man 'd- -now All are.
ELTEL boy%.116i, - - the mother.. A, prosecution will in A.. 06. Old o, is. ho' ie � -city authorities demand uch pre -
dollars that attracts gener 4tten. � k' It ., -t1 �
Having, ec me repairing to. do t6 -our V - Plankington, stuck pigs;.trim " I e ; .. 1, 0 A rival sweetheart Wag the of the caek,-and-to. his hiteuse, grief he . m4ttei is,.at adeadfook
Wi like'to read; and'ta k about Ins an 113ig piobability follow.: 0 caution. The
Mon. mJ4 ha d did almost'6verythi .a si 'of the suddewinarriagae- lound th body f the dhild, at the.
u til he got t t. .".W.. Vnuham, of Ahe shi
`11ionsires an abotitrthe 7establishmelut for the present) the Street. Car' Coin -
d sometimes it aardn- he- Provincial Government has b6itom of he watbr.
w0ating 0- 16 1 k
013a horft, tie store veryshOrtly, After- �Pau
and not -foreman, and then a -partner. �Favoaiupslf of, St. Jbhn, New Bi yisving refused to enter into Zav
in the intention Zf
be' has been awarded a gi6ild' edal by,�be, tal on au'act enstor 4
X venience to know them i ersona IY; and M Britoil, of New. Hamburg,
wardAr Bira u' 6i, against he a Monde "biF
mour picked p. Manito says :such agreement- It is
have de-. bo on good terms with ifient. dry -few C Vo of ,Montreal, for
b(ither moviing the. goodoi- w6 We an Governinent f ey Pr Ming ompau, wiiting from Giiituii
-6 rope.. to. W.. Americ
a bgg%j1;,r-' 66, 1, have traveled ver a good 0ortionf the latter. if the Grand Trunk Railway
a snub,or
men bave the moral courage t or v;a ilishing - BidVerfirgements., of the L uls-
3gthe rope aroml, Off the W`h ou a. million g1er4-toth6-.cfew-of -the Unied -states pu 0 two can auto,- 'but -neve; BOW, such* donot givi them right of WAY,, to appeal
About. th cages, Canada. . the, Government for the pur- P,
"or George Be Young, oii:,the. 9rct' is a, State- Lottery, The son%
hi 1 -- roopect
Df April, IS "d(
ciasia to ru ole stocks. and airs. There i eculiarJ 'he has to, ggi�� a hag been tin'
-Hawa a millionaires Bob on for a bottutifUl harvest as here to the Privy Councils
8 as we will Offer great in . - . bara�� -' ;�Thomas Clarke, � a rough looking
er to, Inguish a them A Consery stration 87.. Sir A Po to r
ta, OrA a e which. surelk'dist' Oteen, asked by the -- Mail]. 8 0 testing We Provincial a tute itself,, a ist ocesh of Wheat fo
Ati*ev demon' I a;.. idiijirtment ailg man, *got into trouble. at the -Sons
..the mi ion - tation to a
11' sire# of Bata,; New. on August 7th, - w i6h: forbids 4he publication of 61!y =bonding to -the bres .; and such (
r a th' captain, I
inaffensives, W to be held in-Jbliggil nake -the pre on -it in of'Zngland picitio -kt the Exhibition
cements- ifladelphlis and the t is -the of count6ifeit- tisomen
York or Ph Domin- to tlof lotteries. -'except they wheat ! Wb, haa. nothing - like
111110 . .1 . who is 'now in Quebec,
A or
-b- purl), Auger Wilmoi in the old days when I took -a grounds, Toronto; Isist, Saturday. He
�6&11 number of them who i iherited. ioxi s2 a are in -circulation in; Hami Milo. Mr.'
wMisa Mi;rle Ridaleau, a -young.: IS. y be for charitable- is not a memberf the, society bit took
elf,abogt t4M now, ing. on. Cali andsee the. their- fortune's or any consider a t, a;!Y, coalle or practi6sl hind at farming ii, my boy -eing'sho . rt of :cashT nd
a 90 Par tom 24 6i it a-siation il, f -the defina4utg big filed a ve in the picnio. `B
3, Bud since th6h your
I three sisteri m ereof. 'Leving out the ric dowo laid J31in; 0 yggat� of. iger worki: ples 'to. -the ot that boo, iximers hs
-gil-de, hid hid -life effe
at, more than It —The- .ggstiblishment in Montieslat a salary. -of: pr liminary 'k I have seen h feeling hungr
were interregX h, for C .. . � I I I ere, he ntered one -of -the
as WR ONLY. %lf s 46zen of hicago.'s P. * F never
insured 'in the Now Yicrk'Life'Iusufa�dQo -S3 � eceived wd _aised crops freshment'bdoths and stole bolop
we rd on 'Saturday t -i6viucial 'statute on:Whiqb the
,rick church, P . Hoes., -v a a -
will be even: heavier. t an it
f undle. in. and the The ciop fAuss
. k dh'is based'was ultra .
millionaires gained. their: weidt i in ani Company for $5 00q. New. York
Of a It was Idat year, It is" a commo ge. The roprietor had a spedst
knd the large num, tler
other.ivay than the regulation, wigiiterri. t merPe a. -heir to $50;oft -The p a - rtioular ausage and
�-T a HO, all tee on Coml bywhi he fall eattelo'n should come from t. a- 3 000'or regara for th t
,he ftineral sh.0mi fashion of . - knocking � it � out 1i r.: them- . 4se am ant to,the Inter-' not theLoe'al Gdvernmoat.� to'.raise I
'hae-re eetdd sa-imelidih b good nowi so affected the young - giil- ii F deral and objected to it'swing stdIenpoon-
i By isthy that It No*hdre . on . better strongly
h ore Save tggn� of th Law th w pacific 'Railway 4;M bushels. a
mp P Oas St OtArt- State 'oramerce at -to - bring'an: an 'Ilaiies,� preanting her'- ;-The- - - I .
Ohea salvage- n out - of ould, ave Nnadiau iently he gave Mr.'Clarfe into aus-
agnift- sequ
ad in ltfe'with6ut any idvanta -what- Hnk, iailivqo 'under from a athe earningi and,'expepoes 6i. laid be found. is -simply in
'.brought Cinadiaw oniintflug � her work I store. C(mpsny'o tody andhen Mr.. Clarke got extremely
Issso Eire as fall' Gross earil.� can,
all comes in, Heave the pblice a I
ever h Miss�Roulo :Str. ugly. otig ch
and a large majority of M, are t
4he operation of t at migaittrof to possession of Ji no,
Nir. -George tan. still" ficial ad -John". —He C. Lauokto� and family, -of On. JWatson, 0 r nj expeasest
men.of but isupdr at& ife of handio . e-f6r in,, are in gi,' Sf-J80i996 wo, ki -when cs o�red fight. Being
9 9'. 1 -June", -to -to
t -W' t- . f - Watson' ra tune in goote b 057 Thomas,. and, allow, his klcks'� ana
a Road 6in,'-aenioili id her lot profits $390, ok a - holidi� and' Went. ptured sh
R�defizle� Marshall Field is undoubt* the Watel pKeel, an . 0 Mokgan-� of Quebec', the' 700 Tort Staih�giy. � They. left � home, about musd
ular y6ing f
-um, of -$15k ng'- 1 87 there. was a us . profi ra.
wealthiestmaii iwChicligo. H( of owamusla 84 ago-& siourely 1o6king the-doo blows lald,� and the polidehad to It'.
Y Juliesothj� -t*O O'Olodlk
the, a sed1a Manufacturing Companys, of Ayr,- died t t of .8388o'70
ork last, allett) wall- 10
4PP14y F jr the ix moiithd .-ending
Guard When they.. MeL
&-'CO9 Y ''be's clerk* in Pottei RaImpr"i d goods member. of Grenadier. B&;id &a ..'follows, Grois -;�tuiued--ho ;�out .11 Pe struggle before he wA bfindled-intoura
d I 86,Aigur
aa-now� -worth not. I = than Thurs By in the.61( coull r- r.. soibewhitiurprised:on an- -Ps rol wagon, still hangin
Atore, and i I try Lo d' Y,. du g on io the
gireau- has been arreited for was A33�1390 ; working7i6xpenses me they were i
rninge, $5
fif spri. a naral Was heg'a $1 -.find' a iiiiii, at 1119A bo as of whiche was not relieved
is one of the be* teen millions, and path odleil 6ffor thoi present Governor-& profits, . 11 he hous' -0 to
-8 BL 0 He isL also the -gores, st dry carrying 0 an tory box - Ot I 9719520. t3 810. For more. cap An raick corps. .1 1 IF
ti gg.six man -another-: individual un Ji pu in a
CARI*Of -Nme, Ad the andini. JN�j jiith, 1:8879 a t7ble' a a t I ag" t rp� th cells
Ife -which, th-b hw-. is saligs.: 9hurch R Notre- Patio, Man-' in,m and
a at In,
a ti are was a not
ad was -made in September, 1871, ii1th. a
gbods meichant in the His treals whiie he of in -
world,... 0 nuld. �'-The:will of the �stgg John Oquvie;
hagI spent'gom profit, of .$941,337., The, lying on 0 a beastlY itktO
no a e d ry. He recognite . r. am wii'callag!l- a .
exceeding thirty millio has a -goo -memo South 1xicstio4i � A polio sin, i L 'Tit'
block d-eivotionsi, - ond- expen in ni: y7hatessle -store, covering. wh -the. OjtAwS h- Morgan im -0 rlblkngi 0 ifway d.
R T H ent' hii id gee on the tc cod"il add6d 1883.
SL i .-Qaebec ;-"a I . - the a. es as 161iii 101 a no
and �Thi water -in river theto 'Atem ra arp not include � aen, whog4ve their'na arrested. the executors the power Of InVeotiak the
uilt of - granite, . cost . . . . . ve camp. for hint'it and this tWo of'. r, - - wore
regret W on- so much - that lumbermen - Seek. � .9 - he lais.of, 1850'of tba, Montreal C oksadJohn I sins4
�milligiln dollaraq and 111L this flinds erean. fall and chatted familiarly f the estate as they please Do-
lin�id togipther, rt nex-f - ma
oill shortly interfere With their :C idow $
Dorrance, 111U. tin raid w G dipgo, including Liettienstit-Govepior At the polibe.-obu, fainj Cook .-Money 0 0
tile building on the contineut no e o is w OisOO-0 a years
R)yAI 'Judge. d thit Kaini invitIPCI Wal into
Greenway and Martin re- he Ing ey are . laAking 'orld His retail 8 ted that ther Government, )n Ing t.bZy Publid t' i. The wi6ter t iOf the P" Globiginiky, '31-esors,'- D. t Is .
port tate opera ions,in a IP -!-It is -repair repres4 tol be hill own, and the house and allappeadages, furniture
that t4 , patisfactor the w all C 9- 1 -he Wharf
I mos B.U000w t ull side It' Died* Gouardt.m..P.P.H. Momillan,
arrangements is probably larger thi6n, ny dry o- F -(Kains) had, gone, to 6., durlugherlifet='D. Na.�
on behalf ..of Kanitc6a, street, a will ultimately* transfiqirrWthi) Northwest the' Reve. J. that he the at POM
Ibot within Wily. in the edu- -
h" glTou goods storeiii New IVYrork. stable. abouttwo -Mounted Police intq' the a corps: Of Wine. is to be spared, pi
with tho Northern Pacific COMPA117- i�lVoff- the 0 Viiiiii is F. X. Lsberjis Aud-LF.' X, and brou'ghtup two bottIdS
�g obtained'& kedis., his hb ad An& �Miss,Coiti Of Otta;�A, the. L)clerc oh of his Loons, to 'nil. them ai. useful,
Huron, _ 'Benoit, Dri; A. Valois,
rwv. Ckristian F. Springi. pastor -of in which he nder thw dirigotion _X�itis Do-! 6' disolisiged but' Kains was cati
traveler for a fim- re ly and had ier bib, bavigaocial 100 k W&A
V4 lit
agoni iaJbVr stories., covers- br falls L' Pont IS'L beliggi o. goolety. 4 -the will-- states
man troh of high -�sn idge �VJ ent.-. -It ted'that thk 3 decided members of
ig. the members. of �.the - Evangelical Luthc swim falli thirtfiyards before reach- Partin g theAng on the 000sst�aaf. the nomina-, Beat dotn44k th d.
Now, Hamburg, died varT, sudderily nearly. half a black. He is OnI 516 and to '.c i reqt6ea -to
so question- is taken up and it * Is leoided —9dwarclEdwardlit-Ag-emd-43- an elit- that spart from -the amduub
highly' Be . ing the �.wha;l- or, clothes - word of Mr. Royil as Lieuteilapt-Govern- the children, -the remainde? is
Vdd the' NorthweWthat & M-OCillach's said
Thgg� I is
'the gtestest a we afid jleavy -that. she -: u ace' ate until the
apoplexy thf 62rd y his, age., doing ad With do,, will congsll� for the 7-0 tobeallowedto amul
0 ass�mstei will meet, at th" -residence arks, Galt, died -'very`
d ha, of St
a 0
ear iatg� :to the.. 'levies: Ma suddenly i
nggsdi�,morning at fouro'clock of �ersovally upervised. to vast u we , is )JokLee in Goldle
e3ch uked av a 'of the Nort1twest.Territories.
Thei-doc ringbeen in a arge: I a Wife is a ---!Th' - Ottiwa. exoursion Part of cavil ioa being %enter 'Claires and residence1ast Fri&ky� nighti . oungest child !a of age (this child is one
It f freadom from worry. His iry the opil
�gg` has al h of'Mr. Lsberge at kollit
the dongrel tainegi d arthe Foresters
in ihe welfS =1 . Anne de'Biaupre have ren that. the for ye&r 61d), then
Otiort for 29 yeax� and b =1,1 society leader,- and & woman bfs niag� oftroop it to be divided equally
'so �'t'u'�.n6d. It -is 'reported 1hat old. an
at the, resid6no 8, of Mr. McKill -War 5 Was BeOretAty
and's goo � audL CUItU She is not ashamit 4 Of the a -v I a writing. Amongst the � children. The totil
gentleman re. to irould be' ,,ery e. By in. up
A 8 P914
ita Prideldeat sk an -was cured' of biindfieses *and.'a; If a0i* society and rains' ad
h , ristisu,. Was hold in great. eateem,',no, al sud. MrA -usual hour amoiitleffio sbotlt$900,000, swiO00
sC tch At the.�-Ohurh. dv
�el in b fact thitit when Mr. Field *as a clerk- wo ppigg left his. cru so Manitoba 1. 9 iaido iotire& at tAe
_Only. by een'L alld four., i ffe *'8111rance, $500,000 in msh or
W n 'in
hl -own flock but, by allde she kepi�boardggrs. Chaffei afid :Frank Dofi6hugg, aging �*oie bei
-ommend rument. Agondy, - T6 -
gr Brp.idley, New York, Ei6igratiori and the remainder ben 'in'
thowof bit. omination�f for hhL� and- _g
a I Frou-, of Judge. Doh6hue, of 70 Ok t Fitidipg her bu
n The sort W at -in Chii of Tweei jam all nox m I equivalent, -
-tonse., is, un e' ist'lor attempted T 'has.received ftom'.-Mr. as
Next to Field th richet in d r arr -stocks �ud real estate., 'There are no
'd sorn-- think recend uAiloigeg tobed'she Went to
do' family rmour, an I - Manlibbs, a'sample of batid ad not! com
ia-�40, fortuvau as cago is Phil A ifficulty witli OUAQ,. slo,of Grand,
ut og caught the largest iii
leaving a numerous shootingi Helad a d ver" caught i in this Sk! LAW16. - 'see mcharitable bequests.
In sa& diotiess, is very geneial. and e.'� ry Is king Wit and w" her -
And 'getting a revolver. rence., Thiy Were trolling in t116 cana... .10 tw moaodribg-
oes and, all mricher. than th S�va went away three fi�f in lengths �Thergg is a pretty.row in thd� 16=1
naturally 'iry Phil rm -that person re hich-was taken- up e Id deatho sitting
hotel, near the n chahn re T- lidusand gh. rialeamp, ii - Quebec; and all
ian i in the chair With h
to be, su heald# A i our is the qitizqn of Chicago and fi d at him July 15the: Th- find him Co Ministe
- X ' asnies% �ug of retur ad to of in. " ir of.the I Id from whicli ii wai upri haii4s fold-
diliga4t Setv" besknown abroad., He is the � ki pulled! -was not
Truoketatign,'Toronto, 1010 'the 'pork and also if . good - H@ was.bommitted1for trial. Islan"d Park, ind;-thoughL. nof eiperiena-.* paiiutly� o'le Over a ti'mispiece. A well-known. �lock
but-101*1 Granid the- prince otthiger, -a wn 'the ieed- being 'o6nily . the a&* ad, ap] aping.; , A dootor'wa,
with hints, is t' ihat. Mr.* .15
,a, Pitt to,- 'th,,L!_ In7tor a tated th
scene of a signs ' sported 4�br6ugbt alone U w6ightd: k las Beat fors' at.death h4d oc.. dealer, of St. -Joseph street, Quebec ational shooting cue on of, in the fish I who a him ta - - - fellows. -Nobody kpow's how i he stao t cd i6 is or twenty general supprintiendent a u 3 t *a ours re an
mongst 'the giteats meas red forty4hree Bgis via was- is also An old-time Lifleral, Ws asked to
Sundaye pile probably fifteen. cceea L M -r. not'. cultivated :th curredL four h
vyers. bk, col ial railwa, will su or, Mr.. -D a firiish a timepiece to'one of the depart-*
renevit ayv for gg.e on 59 , . t*duty-two round.' The of '4 blood vessel
hotel was e man named George Martin Hegives aw very inches long end d by thi bursting
aWeis a., 44 Govern
fbrmerl:� millions. -it eirer caught there*ei6ed fol Id at all this year; but expects to get dausc dell. Monte a feW Schrei r is chief engifteer 'a rtys'. days ago, 'but beforehe W
a meniber of the Montreal, Pa hi d arie o*in the, -brain.- -Mrs. Edwarif 'is k
t' year,. afid works likq t ft�b ' h6le to - �the acre
fflends- Anil W g6es-itit'o a 610 us
all t rtuw&ys whe time to fill the order An ambitious 'St.
net, r the latte
R JohU!:L r . sports -crops,in- tioighb-orhood-, hislthp and'ii
I *
rice for o: returned from a - trip makingLthregg or four small tunes in six- h lett with., five chil-
YOYA slike IV" of ith
this service' the Canaidiah Pacific Ail. Madill' John street rivals who is. classed
Ireland as ral weeks. ago.' Since �hi. thel same time. . Rheumatism.... d- other* '�"X'ne Mont 8 :L 400 t year, "Wheat fif. dren, this oldiest 14 years of agi;
I tht I oking better. thin las a]
a idliant, St Mary'e 0
ZZ- mi & onal C uservatives trought in-
retam- %e as been drinkiii6hewdly 1, an UnDleassut things are bothekinn him of w ney, - a ni�r.Qf. 1, f4ilid through idelyheaded out' game havilaig been cut —Great ex'citement prevs s ong ihe the Watt A lit(mber of You* IT -Michael 'Swee Ar a -f .circumstanoci.-I I . : -, , . acific fluence tOL bear, and in, the Absence f
. & . Algoma branch of the Oduadian P
force ',* from th years, W tfie -Vas auppos��dd- to- be -suffering and he learnin how td
was-killed-lait-Fdasy.- While eilize& 90 cents ofi the -dollar. Abortly -on
_, dislirium, trentens. no, Gle to nistional fi the Libeial Premier his national Conser-
the last f6ur yeng,- first � gym rapt. He quen - c 'pass be eath a tree on a -A very great- calaiiiity has fallen I W
Sunday, M rt' endeavoring to after*arde-he again itartod in t ocou a
Shortly ore noon on � I . 0 . the - parish' -of St. � Borthlemys-
ttibni -he fiW 1wit9h, -Armour' is in Pao In
under the influine load -of e u ht across the" a due course paid -his creditors t a Pon nain 'Robt,. Upp
ount: LG&spe* in
d, overn It to of Berthier, Quebec; in the -shape evening between -two _er Town man.. It is I. fie
an*& whOr red to bi� riilraiid stocks -- and, - overn a bonds limb, an tbrow and i Last Raich Liberal bas starte-for
> the
-of. I- vent tip t,6-.'hb room at, h and banking shared. - a n a, faci. by i. swinging othet fen cents oil the f of ravenous - grassho pers O'Con0ells a lumber an-, of Mattawas
Muts ancl obilifteu U01 a on it Own the: ground, receiving itij'dries that soow- warm _p It appears --and that unless this -real
minutes aftei-ward. Thursday afternoon his creditors met in n high dudgeon
real estati hich hai and -and a. man: named Wilso
of lk hotel. few --wen.t up to the-roo, and probably d Of , Cald a & Co. re qettled dd�wa n
ihe: office doottr� Burtol U had -a .41spute whick Frontier danfirme the first order there
of 'the bell boys in 0 $5%000 worth of ground aside from. his street in, St..' aten lmost everything n Zo fields.- that the tWo men,
two, �veekg-4os=& 4t is ruMoied on. thii and P-resen a . IF 8 upon
on Its �'& great silver mber - camp since the,
Very a 4e 10,
r or T�ronto tod hiiii with's sWid' '&uc mmat isfil a sault will be -a split. " The two cloikinakers-
-; A.& t 6 ' ' -his builn' -'a -1 elonrwho, I oat oropin the'neig. d a of the� business, apd. to hio'horrO ound M inodest, resideric sad, too a wheat hbor- cul '
10 -tea service uitably OoMPL -at daggers drawn
Ni4gora Centl 'the k
inscribed, 1 10 Ing Up rumet went into L
X.Pup d iss rieo6gniflou �'of hiifl O'Connell k*
about 15` t, I " 3rty. Marshall Field thit royed, ggsqh`� Other -thb 'lu.
ilo, " is bed with b ad 6aZ in an 6f the� ix'-- pleiies, o i beeii �t have been
fit cod has lately dist
#owing. Oil L Ot a, bullet wound In the' prop, moneye io.nor-- local Gave
part of his sAvings in real estat owning. aana'
his boardbighou* Still bas fully,� 'determined to' L d the growing in great quantities Massey,
ral railwAy, d both being prominent po-
able'andutiusual-conduct.' literally -'hack6d Mison"o head business, an
tide of his hea. In, his hand he ward--. roperty en7abt dpon and hovel,
�-aud acres: of bbul( r to -the Can- I the aria have be
,!s Of McKillopronA held. an old bull-dogL tu ' .-the line ovei 'After -the liticed wirepullere the outhome of the
mber,6f. little on iw de
revol*er with fo,0 down t Wit lots. . M —A nui Spruce Most MarvellOUS manner.'
An& many valuable ;6 piec�se -Wile
an, resionible offer is. ot Of evioured in a
;h a, besiiRldl one of which.- was- empty.' adian Pacific, y Ing iu --the,� Dan, alt -Ie, & seejd�"to be fight. O'Connell ' took to -the.bueh, The existing 'rupture is looked for with -can-
bT ohmu Phil Aripour's -,pride is. the Armdur-, at. 'kno - wit. uufavoriblk'to the
see M1
16 Cie, burdiy sft�arnoan, - he graishoppers ''do -wrought in siderable interest.
7 Ths'polico were immediately summow.. urderer 14
� - wbl= mission, s. splendid charity st artea by' m& . a
iti wbW street, 'Toronto on' S* atisfied -at the rula they - have
th Ilig in the shape of 0 tlait, One -little, fellow fell iii Vn
a Other night and'. every I a doopeiste bliat"acter 411 Ono day recently Mr, Louis Sicottes
of ad, and a,- tar, called. in who pro- 'br u
ifile brother and completed. and endowed co of -Luckfiow and -p lice
extinct. Martin a r has large. early Wo it actually -eat the. -cedar not'hositilte to kill ttemptin
-nol etables, bt
nouncedli bout. 45 yeirs of in- d McDonald. and -:u
ff was -by, h me Armou widow`iis 'b been for the'ste fforts �Ot one Pf 6 rest.. ' a is is a -bullig:
It ar 1r Ar rom ome shining pieces -of metal on a 8
tive Of 11 and, a4d a sources. It is solid he could.1 an he acthe pofito Along, the' different to affict hi or' saingnear It ut lin saw -
Oke into. the. residen a uld have, boeii'4rowned -had aich farmer, of Bo, cherVille Quebec
expect. while pa
1er and hei. little girl to It -80 i ent
ve filghtened - two ladies w. a oa;W the d
.,*ge. e er d in the Montreal. police hive two They ta the house
left it dome, or three " Iliods cas in hand deAth. ad fro 'L ' � of-,' d. asero- Imi, where the hens had been'soratching.
-is &I a man u 0 e brink 8 river, an 'Woman. nimed'M ne,
a yeatos. but. Imost any time' ield-' d from the ' shed t thF 'her - bran vows 19ugr --Inspector -'Brakenreido Patrol'Ser�. on approachin a
a an follidowd by three shots held It 'perceived -that, they'
amilton, wao arrested, Sttur-
a d to his ,;,out to him; - , 1I *
four yvear 1Xq d t ins sado -on rem
an , re urne of wonderful cesoirces. One game I
aptuied. eant gejolAciing Detective Alf. living in
langthy pro came b ruffian a revolver. 11gliwas not. c , - handled, �ilk 'parasol. The drowning t i � �- V. ;.- - During. the � ationi ovinithe earth.s
inack to. this coun, years ago a partner- iin- biew.ti es be-�. .. r as an - old; insa nalned -L .- ;ud ceman. . I ob, of ay for assay
in' —on Satu*idsl y un,- I in t eL ptessnoe.
ivelind.. has bicti 0 y grappi sna'hild on'secirel" td dt TO. d it celle�., but' littleo ho.found bimsell
, �iary try ut 3M weeks ago, sucl gid. �Field took asides id very noisy 'in the
dame dismatisfi [istilitig in -hay an: armed vifth..'s search 'Warrants she was
ci,�6jjt -About rl a ilyslace. Richard Moan. was -1 il he 'was 1 landed. 2he., lady -down' Of A treasure consisting f ld Frencli,.
safe y
r pretty ps -on,
towbi* d ing I av talk hand 'him 9#, -66ricission 16, 1K rasol - but she aly, and the doustabi L a' Maxie
and after i . short 1' 10, oppel. the wagcp Ile, af Jacob. MeMader's house #it -160' O!Cli)ok she quieted an Bud Am- er-lean They
a of - at Wrificed:- he bight to-. rather check for three: milliblis..-tin, yi robas ag,' t street oset'611- Saturday;l
duty we
in Passitig"O is ups� ey re for the
One.- AheiirtYV ivei a stump t, throwi at out. shortly.-. ifter'to.'examine we moso part dollar p1wes
er of StratforA, Xr.Jis, the partneri-intareit. Solne"m0liter fitrikifig a stone ok.. for. llicit rhiskey. fter th ne Of them dating so far back as
(r. and Mro� a d h head Or to -.�of Ill mad her Its sot
V P. on Field him� out, all —The Froneh"prin rep Montrealp, d 'r u' ta ril -finding. ers; when -he f(., �gg a. epar j, ut �Jag to the
ki Sharman,. 0 led on a- small u- 'andther partner gets 'r4tl his skz ittred. - At latest aq-'- held a pionic-da ibe exhibition. grounds iaged about ithou't and the most mod the 197.
ull -was frao am, eing f
that ass -cheek for million. d t -d t b bars' of. her call door. 'She
ign ?y p�epar
'delta dry up to Tantliry when he starts him off ith.a. still all*e� - but iigi hopes at which y liquor th the
�'hsridsolnd` IM Ives a counts h6Was V . - � 1. - I on and When placed on -a cale
in that, c ty 0 Saturdayi twisted it issue.
all _kftL He Woo a a brother in poof health at air dismay. at
'11 for T recovery. d ANery in finding th hW- taken off her a
ak, ang
-ad,. has go lato,an. ugly �ftl entertai ad of his' was:th ure was found to -be 25 191. in,
s� him are the s an her nee* frattempted't-6 com.- treas
Mktah weigh
and awas 1p arly loc ed. round
jet, sigu check f6r another million a Fisheri-oh-De- toresting, both. 16 oulk door eculi t and the value
i0mi's, Pleased: chargect bi r'Skeriff Hossieg. the 468 —Recent 'reports t6 th ype-agitting out; iloWn imme.
a buying.' �thit fle they -seaTO ing thethieio�iasio thatthe money must
gs, withlakijgfrom his- former promise ItoEurops. AlIthis time he -werer engaged mit suicide. Sh
partblgg�t'ohow. -the Canadiaii filher English and French pfinteri Th' E lial, aid - summoned.
Insignific Boilef -fa toned the door- and, ut the diatelyt �and 'mei
d other articlesi the proper -.real- es&ie- on* a shid 8
castinge a .... men are i4king . immense. battle of beeico'nobaled there during the
.11,4 aa P �-Armour Works like 6 cart ho'.... when he '*tlft,the-.thrqe 'mile mligirprititer who Wail, first place was po ice cajoled She will recover. - It7was' thin woman's have
eatite. The charge w nbig pookete., The 11 ion of I *hen the farm be-lqng-
we appeala 'of the -of the Witnessp &.41rl Of seventeen, who com- ebell
r tra In -w and entirely drops bid s
but His mackerel v who set ip I iner
The Am ied :biit Jake�igi
,orke ericau catch outside has, go far ams one hours without coitectlugi not be daughters
nia, trip, Fi tak it easy Belli the -ed to a, wealthy f e
P said that Bimile, ng by takiug rat
woo a f re the, lawass I he goes oi told been,,� ae*ut- oved, and aftdrsh- houtils c 6-nflniment loj�ej Went er a lait;0 Sir -Li. Ho
mittediouididelast ppri
eing-or bir- ack
actions quent, bit ss th- 0 verk, light. The mackerel evk second than; J.. GleunPA) b. ily 78 d' loni'L b' laines a broth �7%trh
09 -a time. He gives thr rfour Ian one 0 seized- An axe an .� Poll -stood left im no other PIterhStIvgg but all th i f the 6M erg ne, - Another theory is that t
si -eek. ltho-5 - pro-Canad tai
w, d dines' ly. are minifeit ng stronk Ste ated her Won
�-has begge. $0 'd - the - prisono hours, i business eras behind. The French: h was buri car. on her, and, hir mother had tre
ad orlthqevi4en�e to fin: i day to business b it. opinthe d ova money
the who iet 'b- t' the Mon the us was simply placed there after
-of doin Armour -a SmOul) 00 0 0 . . ual-tcours
-F 9. oart 'fficials of
rd that leisurely at the Chicago clubs- ething .87mPa ies, -UP, a Qu., .—Acc6rdiagL to�: G ' rnment advi
101114- jfii*1. sl*ough he belie ive-,thousand two hundred shares, i of mattir as Boll Canada is repaiviiij a ..larger share than —The poll i followed by - iold French
The fall - I I L nten deprive th Armour never thinks..Vf doin f OldLV* -eiftratio, an f Invest -
fair Bain! to U14imste, t f -$100: each of the South -Eastern -Rail- fatmers who instead
0 he inister of stin6 redeiVed,'an U. In t n' a udary,'and Cauadi
is! will be was t a, liberal an. of tile 11P rail' a at pr ant It
-assignee oa, dollar. Sentence was re is: -mile frig Sle Ofd Arily 0 as qui lug their is vi -ised. simply to hide'
w 41ay IV .8 In .Blsok
-old On It the mor viilre-iola*by sh6ri so, .
ted it iilll fe, _way Vamp lication. fro ' M . rs of JUD4
Or& In the go:- 42,220,' persons left, bue which they Would far rather b
month ag Con.
servid fo� half -au hour.. at the - end 0- iiintroal the other day in; -exec Via Farquar,- 6f - Halifax, on be-. them !it. some secret spot on: their fields.
t�:s the a tit M u n an i aiaiust-39,621- in June ke quieti. About month
e decided. to a ("so.. Stephi ortai a4 IV
UA4. release, Mr reis attimpreBojoh that About all in moasis' of x ha themselves: and oth6rot for:'&* Byitish. p -to await this hour of need and ne-
altha whiob:tin�e O� Thei O _�f, laeds,7. of Harbor. Pic
ded- sentence-' ijudgment. theirwisi known Lof laptyear; and -of - these' 6,781 weire. st Pb'I a the li6ei - there
0-. U va mat on thei wharf far being cessity.
Ofields W Sharman tinifer ouspen L the -rich men:'- in* Chicag ade their 'Bradley Barlow and Duacab� leasq:of 'Saible -Island, -6 t * 5,266 Wt. arre4te . a want
. .- - - I' . bound far, Ca d
hi b McIntyie -tiers a 1. These shares, jae' The a Walsh, an
money in I
hacree,-Tbe fsft�rg own for $4.00 pork or lard or bitt(heriug of ai &a the �Oceau 'GrAvoya inadsios agains 4 he --"A Belgian named VonDosch
of* 1-,5211,- hile the in drunk. His e:W",
-hell ldvocat, year, an 14ordase Stan' On- the Way to, Ily 6ptreal
--:-The ' so at true. Thirteen formbily'worth S520,000,"were adju ihdy�- desire- to 4NIMI child I OlAe ze
lgives voic� rt.. That is n cauti state thal ing puip6ges. mijistion- tohe United belginged to. Kiog toboard ith a - fami in M
Mr. Thomas 'Free, -crew 4
t wr 'thusl, res Ihe a r lithe ago, And biiestne enimoked
t;its y Chicago millionai includit Q-Ce,far $5. the island t6r iaiich to. States So 2,876, in a tots,of.$OIXOI� the Police C6u't. with he 401all mo
fitelligent! a
in alIr Saturday nigh ticed a man a
born of 3 [orniagton. g cate"O"Mr. dongL the.
Ail Vil, xci at 1 the t -about-,:. slave St. of a 15 year old daughter of the family
Palmer; one of the r prosecute'the. deal- 11sheries A
ichest'Sf tures were allice Zo
ore definitFeacti -is taken Be i.. Crooks, living a;t No-.'- Bef end forlAustraliol -the- deilar Constable -they were
on., The o1zlock Mrs, Ale'.
y r oney in , I on
ffoc Ank Goorse'shureb. The girl ihe Senat mah gitreet,'wesit,'Hamiltoll, was' ivoill !be. re, I t manner
onthsof the -1 street named Donnelly beliavirig in
L g, reepectaV, a farniers Was late Y tined d Pa secretly fbiapplyinga, cancer,rern6dy o -t "by 240 -In 'the - m
[age -in
x: u I
'a Of our Farwelle, John Be and OX'i 60v HsT on* tbe-:mattir, the. apolicatits -32 a m0filt indedeh and it�terfe Hanover., in t iat trad' kIin the fabe with,7.� stone th - 'ieheme for-, sent y6ir -,90-9--persons haire gimi ' . pe -.
d from Briti 8 250 more with a�l Y estr
The ln�- am town q`uire"d to. forWardia de res I` d d- isus. . He* arrested. vary good health., and proceeded bathe,
[�Lat�gbliny parties. lb ing near assed their fortunes a., stmo itailed,
gredientalwhi Smal I Ihinois by- i6me.perod� unknown I Y, a overnmen took Ithe
i4g�&Ith this ch he use& in making the The Farwells 0 here from w ifid- several f th' 'G t. �ortaj or , two pilsoners immediately after leavin obufth. She
-him. filob and
ra 'The missile Artick1er on.the' the� can, . derstion a a rperiodof 1986
i! -At a mee in men
Be, an e�l -nijoh; orthe whil 'days'
Urge, I as' he. is A in Toronto .9 that ely,
farm forty --years sgoi- d h Ong, thOin i theegirri6spon ing
d Sta�f he subject to one Qf
at Walsh w t
plastgr,wire gro*nvn his own farm bat; ninjured, f -as never mentioned
DOn reciCier 00 - dna d hi t* Jeadirig :Irish art wheaL
of,ca 4 to. the Vnite increase before the ca
at -a &9fiessi time Chsrle� -now the Sei -bildg# of the, no d b as crus. ing it.Frioay Yhti:called f risonmeit her familys. but her mother began to ous-
collegiate bred nat )r.,. as 4 -of a in, 13,300 which is., 1v eutg
J41�usly ca144e4 he the bone' a ni'auner arrapgmg ha0ec -yelat gnoed- W'ggight pect that there Was r, who, iS :r i- liaoffice'at injured bar dyb purpos DonnellY
904 at, him and h 'a old k in a pub -s a eceptibn'td - a thin the g'a] _ud
tAl to ii'lit uch leg' in b -inad to one mblithe Here the
at most 19 116. Be Blake.. on-..'hii return as Again "been 7funny Part 6
gradiiitesLi to &6ce.4d again Lehman owner' of. !'The that may aetrimen F -the 'story At familiarity between Ilic we, The day
is b6en Od'va Wo bhe prove . comes in.,
bid to, submit to therig iii of wh P. fok V —S;- P�- C, Claik h
or ce --a cod - deal. ,1ropi 1% before he was given -motice to
6f hig''bk6th 'aught smuggU4- Clark is- 86 r0ilident the ex]
EXPOSITor- Fair, Whii6h is a PIS —Colonel JAmgg8.Bak6r,M- P. letter was. read rom. Hou. Z' piration of - eight' -days Donnell
railnicaI4 lsw-', like the estab ant L of the n Ko6to British- Columbia,,and brothIBJr He. Blake,-vibich sPoke er!s 'been b- pr d delight, was leave the bouse, sod very much aston-
escalwmuch longert People will cousidet. a ty lish . iversal an heretofore _a fully an buy of t- nay, or '.'has mu
o of ttre:tz of: Witideorg, d has Isur
Mr. ree�orn has ue -Me in Londoipq where y( a c e n- continu Ith 'Aiiii suggested ad his landlady by pulling outs
�a yoll, are - Provider h lateaker Pasha, wh6, begs Wdpo b iniing goods ova the line, -i.r d. He was not inquisitive So to aught r
a, 1000. in,ottaWkf few days2 left, for British, the i biliy of. eringhimfIndor
en nmay, such cuses during the past twenty
anything from, a iarden. hoe or a nadviis the reason of'. I�is Aisliveripal and went certificate of marriages And saying e
Columbia Satur Aye cumsta _ nde L as' a public to �as tug_ any ques.
e an ele ing this--tir' on' jyj-ipou him. On Friday a bint was on his W
pop years, n because h as ided stiffer, from a -at d t teforigijekv cePti 'hence-thd cuit6ras officials have kept an Ay Without'- ki would not go unIm bis7wifewas allowed
dg�-Uot give indtives or d
&I pa'Idl, 'r and gq me� I ver, the voyage- -4 Id atte I nipf whohadbeen-, -to go witli 'him* The parents at -0ce
wily to -the, ingorhum" nityl done what.* many phant—used'to be he Was questio�ned iegaiding his sche to. hoped, hows tioi3ts. Miggautit;iii WAIshi
'D d
dgiotora fifled iii doitt9f. he* io punishid- -on his for acol' ti the lls -the oot -short stay with some friends riven thit Clark wbu anxio y soughtinformatiojangX leane thstas
t allor 3r6i60' about- the coubtry *ith 's, p ok. t1no, lZ in& in - -hom,and a 9 oat, Officers ugly counting' each da as it slow -
ad persoo f 11 b
le byzmpaua 0 a 61111%
-banks-"of the :St. aW
of .jay othel to the extent of Many I'll thig, -Before that he was a ell -boy: in Id1hat so far very residing are than surprised 'thenan was &'Protestant And the irl
a or br40 lieighborhood can testifV to his 'success back. b,� a uni-: ensy valley,; at -on t6i uillard.and MoGl"hou "at down passed, WAB In -Catholieandthe ceremony badbeau
a hotel. He joesn,t claim a matter, aw ran 6e, would. inable- -him to rigaoll'Toron- derst6od
th courg, little had been,done in fh and of what he an
t11 no ger. than he ha'Cbeea for a the river in- a buggy'&nA at ab6ut 10.30. When at the .a -no oigno,of re- . performed in a - roWeVA130
0�0 3r, and wi vider, but he co s pretty be, -ope, . *" his ter church, the
a t the treatment- of caltel nvargal fearea-' d'
pro without the- active co ration. to inti6h Aran in) there Wei -,coal
doubt- deeply a' thize witle.him, ooclock 'Clark hove in ight, porphe on arriske d be declared- ull and
yalps, , k of to t. a' xop* tO,O&-SW - un
atchmays� 00- eantioa. #lose to it, His store co b Of 'the Frovin '&I loagtime, pasti ri ing boo from -lease. - He could not-' derstand its and
thisdirty' plec -of , P a. succe . sse --gratth-in -the communica- agon load of goods. DroallIsid void, Las
are -The .;, 0 name 0
�6u but, as 0010 so go osing ra, t I - - f the gaot 'Officials ' - not - anli t Thursday & warrant was
a , int*iests round, and makes a fartuie ery year. t,. U14. not be made The'. jhd-�I th co d
you Iav� which, vialgepassed -in th raw.. cafled,;on Clark to halt in Doschi Arreit, to he
eye Heb abering usitiess- ip the Pacific PfO4 tion frorn Holi Blaka; the meeting. the law L. an alhe was,downon this books, it is. taken out for Voit
of the profession, needs Sm�gnding, and- There Sri alf a dozen L or, me the* lull b d I . . I.. d, sit the 'a th the girl w-"
"fl. ir :.VP ine. an upon a programme,, d 3proachad Cl&rkS -for on - I I
e very,� very millionaires in Chicago who ader ;icel � he says,is booriting. resolvedia. docide a .'month. Yesterday he declared at - a clutch that
-1g&IatOrA Will a" ra, � he from Wi;- buggy an Ate4
of hope -our ve I w- t, -the Paci'- and wigO4, -A club. 1. Its ape on
in dry goods and 'ef hardwood are-bling shipped 0 laske'. pro iritinary -Out-with a .4t a m- thin; ggobI. aud.Vwtet 217"r5of ap,
th& to 1t&t-0he.-ne)Ct meeting 7xiches in tolothing. It is A. tatea and eastwo am 1811- idrable-discussion it waste
of the -Assem,
rd. to the C di Af
tor cons
,at- 031
adr owl'