HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1888-07-13, Page 3:mine .
sale .
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laaygas low as
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initoba, British
gage checked:
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and, fruiting
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Spa L3 18
judiciously argued for him in the
whither Godfrey had betaken
.f for his evening smoke -without
coat, as -his royally careless custom
was. He was, althoughnot an unedu-
ated, man:, as careless With the Queen's
English Iish as though he felt his right in.
the language as indisputable as that
itary's` He had much difficulty
this i
evening n getting his pipe toRdraw,
and went through .a - great deal of
Ileryous pressing and poking at the to-
s• lean
bowl with hi
bo ,
the 8
and crossed'the hall two or three times.
• notasking . to get another match,
• to though she sat at his feet gregard
ng1 and s r.
an for
him earnestly,. : sprang
ou perceiving his want. _ Once settled
he .
_ remained immovable, with one bony
kuee crossed above the other, and an
in -
tri :telY puckered brow.
' • " Grandfather," said Milly, faintly.
`He turned toward her with a disturbed
thesame time time severe ex ression.
and atp
x " It's nobody's fault,.grandfather," - she
pleaded ; " that is, nobody here ;; -and
_'m sure Cousin Henryidn't know
how you Would. feel. And I don't
what we can do about it now." Milly
wh .tellusg • _ herself that she would be
- and e
glad if there . ere .any any
ifficult she 0
ofs Y
rl meals—not
r' f,
o- ed' no o m a
but as the only ready solution was a
rade sitting of the Gordian knot, why,
sbeler one could make the beet of .
things for the present. She had the
young elasticity that promptly adapts
itself rather than relinquish a plan. " It
would: seem too bad, .wouldn't it, to do
anything — tO say anything—now that
it's all arranged. ?. It would be a. sort of
a -flying in the face -of Providence," she
v continued, : adopting- an expression of
her aunt's " You know we - do need
boarders "-,---he nodded his head sardoni-
cally a number of times, as though im-
patient of the pressure of this point
"and now there's all the more reason
for. advertising. 1 don't believe you'd
°' mind him at all if a few other people
caine—do you think you would? fle's
• very quiet.."-
any man to ,wear, They're a yar
"Are they ? Oh, well --hem? W
see, the fellow, that lept in t
with me was ati ht rope dan
� g
travellingvariety t upe."
-It was nearly mi night and
gazin dreamilyinto the fire. "
or yourth
au hteMiss (
a aril _. Ia w thiaki
Mr. Sa
"how- much
elle replied, p ,
last mon
_. Wa�tO•c�ay
bill." And then preilently he le
giving her the penny.
a. •
Godfrey smiled—a smile that puzzled
. his granddaughter sorely. At first she
'fancied it suspicious and offended ; again
she thought it grieved. Altogether , it
was a superior and removed expression,
• and reminded her fora minutethat he
had lived longer than she -had, and pos-
sibly possessed recesses she had not
fully explored. '
,—"Why, hew o fort
and a
Shan m th 1
exclaimed_ Mrs. ,
the evening pas er , glancing
- and•
e recewed
to a wedding yesterd
a 99.cent stor opens
has a 99 -cent tore; to
asked- her
�g uue d
" ,.• " replied thea ou htful
Why," t h g
"1 hive nal yet bought a
present for the occasion, and.
I see," intern 'ted Mr. Shamm.
doubt be .did..
--The funniest thing , in- tow
gentleman w
the store bill. He has been in
of having his. igar 'lx.,1 j charge
. her
es and
pencil and
ck n.
finally found that they had eaten_ over
ten. car loads' of potatoes in the est year
elieve that
he grocer
_11, you
e room
er in
he was
e said,
les gas
t, with -
ro os
at her.
ay, and to morrow
in town." "What
do with .t a wed-
And no
is the
ife runs
;he habit
up as
ife took
and she justdidn't�
count was right.
smoker are now between the upper: and
nether millstones,.and it is hard : to tell
at the.
the ac -
and the
stock.running under . other :names, and
in which they are virtually silentpart-
ners. The istory of their• success, too,
is not so very strange. - Beginning a few
years ago w'th a few milchcows, - liv-
ing: within. ear income,: and attending
"strictly to- :, usiness, a decade of time,
with no par iculer ora ,special arawbecka'
to speak of,E;is bound, to make, sooner �r
later, wealthy women of them all. One
of the .most remarkable instances of this
i ce,of Mies Catherine;
- 'in � is the= x duan.
1.d ,..
-ins of .Owyhee count, Idaho,.
opularly, k'; own, as the - 46. -. Horse
ueen." ' .
When she was a baby. _ her father in-.
vested-440Or-herher in afillr
this simple beginning caller subsequent
wealth hasoe.. Now that " Kitty"
is of ego she findi her time pretty well
occupied' iu ooking after her large band
. s.
- m
-o Perch
e Morgans,
and. Norma; s, >700. or 800 all told,a ie -
sides a lar herd of - cattle, which also,
belongs to er in her own right:': Still
her taste r estohorses, as there is. more
life con-
in•i. i and -the w , •
fed wi h,
- neat t
somethingi decidedly fascinating about
it. Again, a fine; fat steer on the range
n the
2 wli
abut 0 .
lain ,
hand,the att
a o
horse -
is worth very
least -$100, rid as an animal, so far as
"rand e andfeed and : care is concerned;
one horse successfully raised represents
five head o f ibeef"stock, and all for one.
fifth the tf bale of handling five steers,
Miss . Wilkins employs about thirty-five
herders- and sow -boys to -round up and
look after her stock. .
Girls of1; ages, from twelve to sixty,
are rustler lin .this latitude.; In Valley
who will be pulverized the fine
c;ose. . '
-Miss Youngbelle, . (at a r
pointing to a girlishly dressed
antique party on -the opposite
the room), " How old- ie~ Miss Neverdy?"
Mr. - JockerSby, "Fifty-four" Miss
Youngbelle, rOh, nonsense !
as old asthat." Mr. Jockerb
I don't know„ but -she's celebi
eighteenth brt
hday three ti p
knowledge, ind and three times ei
Don't Give tip the
side of
" I ain't going to say anything, Mil-
ly,," he announced., . -
• (Concluded next Week.)
Bustin' the- Temperance Man.
Hoarselydemandingg : " Gimme a drink," .
He sidled up th the bar ;
And he handled his glass with the air of one
. Who hada oftenkbefore "been than ;"
M& aterrible glance shot out of his eyes
And over his hearers ran
As -he muttered t. " I'm_ hangin' round this ere
Fer to best that temperance man.;,
"I've heard lie's a coniio'. with singing and
• `eioh;
And prayin,` and heaps of talk,-
alk,And allows he'll make all fellers what drink ..:
- Toe square tothe temperanoeohalk. -
I reckon "-=and =here he pulled lit a knife
That was two feet long or more,
And he handled his pistols familiarly,:
Whilethe crowd made a ;break for the door—
I•reckou as how her allows too much :
Fer ther's one ripsnorter righthere ; ,
That'll carve that fellow in ninety-four bits,
And ehawh-nn from hoof to ear."
" I'm a` howler at home,.I'm a roarer abroad
And I'ni bound for to thaye his -gore ; .
I'll light on his back like a cord of -woacr
And slide him to. Canaan's shore."
The good rnan came andhis voiceswas.:kind,
And Ilia nays were meek And mild •
But I'M gale ter bustkhim !" the .roarer said
'E -Jess wait till he gets ane riled."
Then helllayfully telt of his pistol belt.
And took up his place on the stage, •
And waited in wrathfor:the temperance man
To further exeitehie rage. `' , •_
he's not
ated her
s to my
hteen is
You have been told that. C0/1611curable ;' that.,,when th lungs are
this terrible malady, thesufferer is
and the end is a. mere queation of
tomtit of the disease ; ynu have trie.
have noted with Alarm he 'unmist
ption is in -
awaked by
ast all. help
time. You
cable symp
i all manner
of so•called cures in v in, and you are now de.
sllondent and 'Preparing for the wo t: But don't
ve up the ship while D'r. Piece's Golden
Medical Disco ery re
cure-all, nor will it pe
cured thousands of es
earlier stages ; where 11dother mea
untried It is not a
form miracle, but it has
• of consu ptibn, in. its
s had failed.
•Try it, an a new lease of if
By reason of his skillful m neuvering
and greet adroitni3es, says t e Detroit
Free Press,r.,Mr. filings ha live& -to
the age of forty-nine withou becoming
a Benedict; but in an unguar ed merit
'the discipline of a lifetime .
It was bp. a May morn'
strolled into a garden with
McGinnis, I a spinster of
They sat down on a garden
Bathe °tutor didn't ; bewasn't that sort
For he talked right straight to the heart,`..
And son3Ohow or other the roarer fat
Jibe trembling tear -drop start,
Ashethatight of the wife who had loved him
And he said as the terrible pictures were drawn
Then his thoughts went back to the years gone
When his mother bad kissed his brow,
As she tearfully told of the evils of drink ;
-- And he made her a solemn vow .
That he neirer would touch the poisonous cup
Whichhad ruined se many before ;
And tne tears fell fast- as he slowly said, --
a He'S ketelhe me more and more 1" e
He loosened his hold on the pistoleund knife *
And cevered his streaming eyes, -
And though it was homely) his prayers went_
Then he signed his name to the temperance
a I camel here to bust that tenwerance chap,
' But I reckon he's busted me." ' .
Creek is :t a ranch of W. N. Miller,
who semi- lineally rounds up and cuts
out from ','isherd, cattle suitable for
On all of 'these trips the thrifty ranch-
anch man is accompanied by :hie twelve year
old daughter, who silents . enerally in
rounding up the herd and in keeping her
father company. _ She is a fearless rider,
this twelve year "old child, and can go
scampering across the prairie on the
back of her ` beautiful ceyuse • pony at a
rate•of.speed that would = astonish: some
of our modern paper fox -hunters -in the
On the other hand, a sturdy matron
of some fifty summers, whose .husband
was awayinthe mountains prospecting,
came riding into Livingstone °.a shorty,
• time -ago, bound on a mission of import
ant business. ' From - her saddle bow
hung a Winchester rifle,.while the saddle
ckets were filled "with ammunition.
j� OARDERS WANTR».—A number of gentle -
.IJ men can bo accommodated with Board, at
a private residence conveniently situated :to the.
business part of the town, Apply at`Tn
s EXPOS,.zroa Office;- Seaforth. ' • I068t1
ONEY TO LOAN; _Any amount M of money t
s rates esof
to loan,: on 3f e
ort a s,lowe
g g ,
interest., Easy terms.: `.Apply to WM. i3. Mc-.
LEAN, Honsall, Ont. • : 10074f,
BEES FOR SALE—Ten Colonies of Italian
: Bees in Jones Hine. Combs built irons
end • strong a
'o�n • ars
icon inti v
e s'ot 4
fail shet
.'order. Will besoldverycheap!. .
HARTRY, • immediately • north o
Smith'st• Seaforth. 1003tf
STRAY SHEEP.–Came into the premises of
ne t Lot
Concession 7;
Iiillop; about the: middle of June, an aged ewe.a
The owner can have the same on roving
ppart andpaying-chilies.yANDRE Y BEATTIE,
y ti
Seaforth P. O. � 1078.4
O RENT.-fiA• l• arge dwelling., 14 :stories hih'
with briekbasement full size of house ;a,lso
. a large orchard and ,good stable on the premises.
It is situate in the. village of Egmondville, on
Centre street. Possession given .first week in.
May. Rent at $8 ter month. • Apply -_ to
S it•
� cyto` So
atorth.' .
R`i G
TO make a success in bu:Ines, one , wants oil to adv i
Hot '$ar aine . just
want Red =.. - 3
- g
mean to � da. So, = -should . you
call at
- •lar
Just rsceive
arm Weather far Special Barg
the Igtter p t Duran thew P
premises of the undersigned, g
STRAYED CATTLE. -Strayed -1rem the
ar . J'
e b indle steer . two ears old, and
�.of Maylast, on T ,
two-year old heifer,fier
red,, small lump- p
hind leg. Alio"a - yearling
bull= of a,- redish
' �
color:. Any .person given
intormation will
lead -to their recovery will be suitably _rewarded.
.1073x4 , Drysdale, Post -Office
vogearinli iitcYsehhic:eitge ' nahinhi 1 litdee. .
nest in that old apple tree." ,
seeming to have lapsed lilt° idiocy,
" Really, Mite McGinnis,
W" OhYh, 14Mire.s—Billings l!'
in earnesti; I love to—'
" Oh, you naughty' man
you bring me out here to sa
"-Why; I only said that
make ine Say yes. t—I--7o
month if on really insiet
And w en their host an
peared Miss McGinnis -bins
with d6wpeast eyes :' .
And Wilding it high said he :
Plat*tiliter.`And this you say is
the iee-box ?"-• Landlord.—. " Yes, mad-
am. We call this the tee -box, although
the laat lady that was here used it for a,
—That the old alcaldes of California
eethetimes delivered j.udgments instinct.
with homely wisdom is clearly shown by
_ the following anecdote A wife once
sunnhoned -her husband before an
- man; "Brieg forth the culprit," said
, tit judge, mild let him play to us as he
• played before the woman that -he wished
tocaptivate." When this was done the
judge aeked : "Is that We tune yee
public peace.
•—•" Oh, no; 'really I can't sing," said
Sylvia to thefinests Who were begging
for some .music. 011, pray do favor
us." Indeed I 'am 71,uite- unable to
oblige in this particular." "Why, whet
hasliecome of your beautiful voice ?"
- think I•knOw, said 'her small brother.
bet two centi that Gus Snipkins
swallowed it just before he started for
. home last night."
--"Gooll evening Mrs; Gobrightly ;'
how did you like the candidate last -
Sunday?" " Oh, pretty well, Deacon
. Whitaker Ole gave us a, -splendid. ser-
mon,L and I think he is a real godd man,
but he is too careless in his habits to
snit t me." '`‘'Why, what Makes .you
think so?" - 0-0h, I noticed that when
he came ont of the. pestOr's room' that
the knees.of.his trous.ers were covered
-4" Mr, Shrinkein, where did you- get
that' pair - stockings you put tu the
thei road- ^. The landlord run short of
beds-, The fellow that slept in m3r room-
- got up first and put•on my socks and
leftme,his." "Erasmus, you're- lying,
and you know it.; these are too long for
little birds
! And did
this to me?
en. What
you'll just
Evidently this lady was eminently able
to care for ' herself under ell circum -
The journey in and out was over 100
miles,. which she performed sucdessfuily
alone and unaided, without company of -
any kind. Rai° that of her harse:. .
OTIOE OF DISSOLUTiON.,Notiee is hire;
by given thet the partnership heretofore .
subsisting between ulo, the undersigned, at gen-
eral merchants in the village of Zurich has -been'
this day- dissolve& by 'mutual consent and all
debts owing to the said partnership are tp be -
paid to Hartman Happet at Zliriell, aferesaid
.and all cleims iron). wholesale houses only
againakthe 'said partnership are to be presented
to the Said Hartman Heppel by avhom- the same
will be settled. Dated at Zurlob, this' 20th day
of June, 1888, - Edmund. Zeller, Witness ; E. A;
read in
on i dear
ere, Miss—"
darling, some on is coming."
hostess a,p-
ed and said,
In answer to the -popular book, en' -
need only refer to the case of .Mrs. Ira
McLane,,vho recently bid for and sem-
ed a number of Montana mail contracts.
These contracts were no small potatoes,
but, -in fact, plems of cOnsid'erable size
end numbering just. twenty-three., • For
mail froth Butte to :Walkerville; —aid
another from Butte to' Meaderville„ end
so on, all of them in the mOst,populous
portion of Montane, in the -mining
clietricte 'and over rough country, and.
ell for P period of four years. The lady
is bound to_ enceeed, for she has enter-
prise, grit, pluck and -perseverence to
back her up.. While speaking of mining,
do:, there is a curious character in the
Yogo mining district, who is as black -as
the ace Of spades, and yet she is -making
efortune hand- oVer -fist, notwithstand-
ing her kt race color and previous 'Con-
dition of servItude." Millie Ringgold -
is heename, mid this is what the Rocky
Mountein Illushandmvai haste say about
" Ne . s• comes from Yogo that -the
Garfiel Lode is looking very promising.
This lode is the property of Millie -Ring-
gold, tb,e celebrated African prospector
.by u,befii it wee, discovered. Millie I
now a eitizee of White Snlphur Springs
midis darning a liking by washing ;,bu
she spendithe,suMmer in the mountain
and handles the pick and shoYel with a
much vier and dexterity as a man. Sh
was the pioneer womae of Ypogo, and is,
the firs. hotel in' that place, and has b
nesa.co e into possession 'Of seine yer
value* propertiee, and is in reality to
Thiel itein will ;serve to show 'that
old, sired_ by, Rysdyekie Hambletoman, owned
by J. -F. DulMage, of - Whighain, and out of a
well-bred mare. He Is a - light- bay; s*:ids 10
hands high, weighs 1,200 lbs.,. and shoWa Olen,
did Speed. lie haa preyed himself :Ciente foal -
been beaten in the shoW ring, taking first Prize
and -diploma at Walkerton two years in emcees-
sion and whep shoWn against aged horses. He
.will 'be sold on very reasonable :terms, ai the ,
owner.has no means i3f handling hini: :Address
JAMES StEWART;Wroxeter P. O. :1054tt,
And Billings hadn't the erve to deny
Wothen in -the west ,
The gkls Of% )he North
There mg or may not be
the atmoephere that produ
their arrival from the state
frightened and half•scar
they soon'blossoni out into
big land.fholders and farm
go so fai4as to run for . 'Meal, offices.
One girl pot far from' here ame to Mon-
tana froth e Chicago dry g.o-ode -store
where she was getting a linkable pit!
tance as alesgirl for sixtee hoer!? work
seven.... , he first went to • Batsman as a
school' t licher. Prom e hbol teacher
she:came' boldly out as a
county Sehool superintend
opponent. •Beauty and '
race, hoWeyer, and the ma
snowed Under, and has n
heard of -Since. Anoth
West about -four years ag
A homestead _claim at
Matters.' progressed so
she proved up on time th
:by law, 40 acres, and t
to raise beep. In'this v
fairchud et, until the yo
prisieg damsel was ccnn
-an overqeer for. her flock
Thereupen-she sat -down
her lazy brother in the ;E
f happened Ord
at3 owned -by a'
a great mehy la
es thelehange
at, soon after
d creatures,
ri and Oen
out of a
him ov
. � .. , county, and will be
�� tock in the
Jeree finest. s - ,
t af:Ladies ,
consignment - Y-
_regular ant
per c
x'34 , P.
sold cheap,as', We purchased
money. F
pieces Tosser: Silks : at 22ic, worth double y
Twenty .
Tw Y.�:.111 beOldstock imported direct—all widths—will h
1 erles verylargep
bre d , g- and
imported r.ices.:: Plain' White and Colored Muslim. Laces
gP •
mincing, Collars and Cuffs. °
SHIP.—Notice is' hereby given that • the
pertnership heretofore 'Subsisting between, us,
the ,undersigned merchants; at ',the _ ef
Zurich; has been this day dissolved lay mutual
consent. All debts owing to the said partnership
are to be paid to Ed. A. Axt and Hartman Hap-
pen' at the village of Zurich, loresaid, and. all
claims in cemnection with an&. gainst the said -
partnership are to bepresented to' the said
same will be settled. Dated at Zurich, this 15th
ness ; PETER WAGNER,- E. A. AXTe ,1071x4
SALE.—For sale,, lot 18, cancession 8, Hib-
bert, containing 100 mores, abont 85 of which are
oleared, well fenced, under drained and in a good
_strte of cultivation. Thebalance is timbered with
hatdwood. There is a framebirn and two, good
houses, and a good orchard. The Bitylieldriver
runs through the farm and -there is.no waste
land. There is alao onthe fund a Wen equipped
-SiBA111 TILB AND BRICK YARD capable of turning
out $4,000 worth oC material in.the season,And
an abundance of exoellent clay fel<either tile o
brinks. The yard' is in -first'clase running ordet
and is *ell fitted up With engine and boiler, til ;
and brick machine& kilns, shecla,: etc., and
Yeti. large business can bidone.. 'It is sitnite
within two miles of Dublin station.z' ThiS ' is
go intd the Inisiness end snake moneSP, 'Th
property will be gold cheap,,oWing to the recep
death of one of the trOptieters: Any amOunt o
draining tile on hand,all' sizei, and , less pe
thousand than taus' prices,1' ApplY on the pre
_Largest stock in the trade ; weekly arrivals ; all the latest styles
or sunimer wean
NO '1•1* & DU
Seaforth, Ontario
For an Al Vire,shing— Machinej go to
For any style of ClotheaWringer,
For -a- cheap° and elegant Carpet'
Streeper, go to 'Whitney's. -
For the best Cistern Pumps and Sinks,
go to Whitney's.
For a good Milk or Creamery Can, ge
to Whitney's.
Have a very large stock of Readymade Clothmg, while their stock of
Twee.ds and Worsted Goods defies,corayetition. All orders entrusted
to our care for Suits, Pants, Overcoats, &c., executed with despatch,. an
efficient Staff of mechanics being employed in connection with our Tail-
oring branch to guard agahmt apy disappointment. Our stock of Shirts
and Gents' Vnderwear islarge and- varied, Collars, Cuffs, Ties in all
the latest 'styles. Hats for cold weather, Hats for mild weather, and
Hats for hot weather. All the latest fashions in Siraw, Felt, 4c.. We
min show the large4 stpere in Huron County, clOn't forget.
Ditiaca4, Seaforth.
GroZi.sBt.o—rell.. i.ghest rice in trade fdr Butter and Eggs given at the
XECUTOBS' NOTICE. -411 thematter of th
estate of the late AleXander MeRinno
deceased. : PorsUant to the 'Revised Statutes
Ontario, 1487, chapter section 36, notice
'hereby given that all -creditors and others having
claims against the estate of Alexinder Mai LI
Pen, late- of the township of Tuokersmith,
the County.. of Heron,. Farmer, deceased,
died on or about' the and day of Julie, A. -
are; . on or before 'the- 24th. day of August, ,
D. 1888, to deliver or send by post to either • 1 .
tbe undersigned 'execiitors, addressed to Chloe •
burst P. O., of the lastwill and testamentof t 6
and addiesse&thefnll particulars of their claim
11 a statement of their accounts, and the nature
I the securities. (if- any) held by theni ; ind th
t as soon as possible; after the 24th day of Augu t
the said :executors:will proceed to distribute t
s entitled thereto,. having 'regard only to tho e
e claims of which notice shalll have been rye
y. sdn dr persons. of whose claim or claims e
- shall not have been reaeived by them at- t e
time of seid distribution'. _HUGH MoMILLA •
nt, for Which
. weal het 'only
holt *On the
wee' ewfillly
been !Seen or
r . girl came
and teok up
Yorably. that
limit allowed
en Sterted
ture the gods
ng and enter -
43110 to have
and wrote to.
st,r who was
mit and Made
the adjoining,
also ha be, etc„ inzhia•
For Eavetroughing and spouting,
don't fail to gnto Whitney's.
kinds of Jobbing and Repairs at
short notice at the Cheap Stove -and,
Furnishing }louse, '
ADEI1S. 7.
and without °Yens, fitted,with genuine Duplex Grate.
eld o t enterprise in the Northwest is
pent everybody, 'men and Omen
like, -end that it only requires/ confi-
ewe end application to -succeed in any
ndertaking. The truth of the Matter
s tha -there are -more feminine specula-,
ors, respecters and general' business
ome in the great West land North
est than there is any idea of.
'A Mixed Diet for Fo .
Besides the necessity of pure water,
varietr of food is essential to the heal
'of the fowls and -when -they are kept
situat ons where they cannot get' inse
food some animal' matter' hashed; rou
meat, greens - etc. -.must be Supplied.
Buckwheat'ils fattening. Feed spa
ingly and .nef-better-egg food, can
Wheat", acknowledged to be one
own right. The two • minded their
tines. Instsad
os each these
control 1,280
in the North-
am: ineompeny
`new they bear
as pf yore:
re are between
who ar* inter -
Many of them
names, ',while Many imitators, but no equal, hal Dr; Sage's
brands_ over their 0
many, •Others .egain ,are :interested in Catarrh ReMedy. •
flocks in company. for
finally egreed to Join for
of two : farms of 640 ac
acres fifths richeselan
west, cfnd;their flocks
as they: used to do, onl
one brand -instead of tw
fifteeni hundred and two
in thsallorthweet to -da
ested in one. way or -an
.and stock Property.,
come right Mit' and Pe
the best gg-producing oo s.
indian 'core 'is fattening.. ;ExCellent
for a night food. corn should' be
the food Jot. settinglens. It keeps up a
6ontinuel heatin the body of the hen:
Rye makes e geed oceasidnal food and
gives life 'to 'the stock. Ground bene
and oyster shells., form . egg shells. Al -
Sand 'and gravel help thegizzard tO
Beef ecraps -mixed With corn, meal -
Mush and fed several times a week in4e
e big difference in the egg supplY. .
-Oharcoal fed liberally in small limps
brightens their combi .and gives them a
froin. corn -cobs, as . wood„ charcoal is
tasteless and nbt 4111- rplished by' the.
Milk- put -le their drink vessels,. or
given with core meal scalded ie a stiff
mass, is not Only greatly relished, bet is
very . egg -producing: -
Sunflower ; seeds . may be fed freely.
They promote laying aed good health.
• To most children, the bare suggestion of
dose of castor °ills nauseating._ When physic is
necessary for the little -ones, usti Ayer's Cathartic
Pills. They are safe aod Pleasant td take.- Try
0 co
0 8 - Fr?.
tit g i
• 1
- GRAND UNIVERSAL COAL STOVEin Double }Testers, with and with -
APPY TEIOUGliT RANGE, for Coal or Wood; fitted with genuine
Thi aboveStoves•are theheaviest, finest cast, bolt fitted, and for fuel saving
Parlor, Box and Minting Stoves to select from. Prices Right.. Give me a call
facilities are unequalled by p,ny other stoves ina,nufectured. Full line of Choking,
before makings purchase.
estate_ of the, late OWen Doyle, deceas •
Pursuant fie the- Revised ' Statutes of Onta o;
1887, ehaptet 110, seation notice is here y
given that accredits:in and others heving s
against the estate of - Owen Doyle; late of is e
tewnship Of .-Tuekeramith; :in the County of
Huron, ,Laboreil deceased; who_, died on et -
township or T01[61'811)101- aforesaid, arek on or
ofthe list *ill and testanient, pf the Said 0 en
Doyle, deceased, their .names and addre es,
of theirecdounts and the nature of the ',Eiccou
(if any) had by them ; and.that after the id
4th day of •Auguet the said Executrii will ro-
wed' to distribute the assets of the said e -
'ceased amongst the parties -entitled the to
baying regard only,.to those 'olefins of w oh
notine shall have been given. And - the id.
Execntrixavill not be liable fek the said as ets,
or any part thereof to:any person pr perion of:
whose_clabm or olefins notice shall not haveb en
received bY her at the time of such -distribut On,
J. M. Best, Solicitor for the Execntrix; Seafo th;
Ontario: Dated at :Seafottb.,this; 26th sla of
sale, ,a 12 months cild Durham bull,
*Color, registere& in the new Dominion
Book. -Apply to the undersigned; Londes
chased a thoroughbred Jersey bull, co
two years old; tintend keeping.him for Fig
the corning season. -tTerms.—Two dollars,
at the time of service, except Jersey cows
- for the improvement of Stock/this i ason
on his Farm, Huron'. Road, Tuekersmith, two
bam Bull, :‘f Topsmen," registered in the New
Dornieion ShortHorn Herd Book, Term's.— o in -
.sure, $1.50 ; payable first of January, 188 , for
the season -SI, payable afthe time of &stn. 'cit.
JOSEPH FOWLER. ' 106 -tf
or Infants
and Children:
Ul ea. Ozpird lit, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Caster's mires Celli. CougiPatiae..,
Sour Stomach, Diarehtea, Eructanon,
IT 1
11 Brussels L.Ime
se e 4240
'22r4r. 49 4:24 g WI Fa KELLY
Tuckersmith; during the present- seaso the
-Thoroughbred Durham Bull " Wellington 81d"
.12,817.] This fine anithal was calved Mar h 24;
=:1884, bred .•by•' Mr. •Wril, McAllister, of :Hill's
,ShortIlorn Herd Book., As Will he seen he is
:one of the bestabloodedlbtila in the Pre ince,,
and show& his breeding.. -Terms—To -= nrure
St.60,_ payable January 1St, -1889. JAM G.
4 so
1711 a.t;
The North- American -
To Farmers aid Builders.-
ri2,42 $:81:7115
go.10 211
1-'45 411
nett,"-. a pure Berkshire Boar. TERMS. --$1 per
son witn the privilege of returning if necessary.
TclOS, ii.U.SSELL,-Elteter P. 0.
, lq. B; Alrery 11.11b yearling Bull -1(3r Sale.
Ft -6711) V-ia 17fzen-Tiwe-d 1
The Old Bstablisliedlittcher has removed! to
Of. the -Brussels Lime Itilnrods pow prepared -to
supply any amount cif
'For Plaitering, Backlaying or Stene Work.
I will deliver the lime Seaforth or vicinity for
18 cents per bushel'. Orders promptly filled.
If by Mail, address •
Stand, Mein. Street, Seaforth, wbete be
pleased to meet all Ina old patrons and 'as mai),
new olio!" as may see. fit to favor him *Jai their
patronage, .
larReineniber the plare; between Henderson'
Haroess Shop, and pacluzyred Shoe Store, Main
Mon -Orient 0.
The .Only' Bronze Foundry in
the Dominiop.
: Our materiatisenciorsed by leading scientist
40 being practically ireperishabie. It cannot
*ed by the frost.
8end for' Designs and Torino to
W Minton,
'A General :Banking busineas trans -
Farmers' paper discounted.
Drafts -bought and sold. .
buOilFdiFnIg7:-In- Commeru:ial -Hotel
SMITH, Atrag-ager.
North :American Life Assur-
ante Company.
A large amount of money to loin on
*.Aaiumber of good farms in Ontario
and Meniteba for sale or exchange.
Parties wishing to -sell; rent -or ex,
change farms or town properties, are re;
quested to communicate with me.
Offiee—the tame as the North' Am
erican Blinking Company. -
.ii, --7, ;qr.
.4 vsfi
_ ilimi,!,
I ''.1111:iii
Unapproacted for
Tete and Quality.
LL & CO 6411 tit.