HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1888-07-06, Page 1• ri • ut isso roduce ississossmossomitss public school,' a few days ats a brother Who ?pleasant eper- flymg "-into his neioe of tor some time, on Account Of sccompanied her will col -- Tie, on Monday. rattle they «will_ L. tilcCiarmont has ipearance- of his people will fol - bridge Nvill be Wi hear *e are prefer Summer. 0'; daughtirs of one, of Clinton, Vining .4!eopIe of re, having such winter - to- make tat ming the afters prograinme which Went Come- all, as the follow- eid at Dr. Hut - under the sus - Society of the Forest, WAS fir [and- otherwisii. auid be desired; fs,r beauty, her the light from - dresses of -the' ost fascinating idenee one of esterii Ontario, most eteelient [and coffee were d was present d to surpass ail cell9ney: of/the dispersing; the r, referring which he had of the social - n is a sister of and wen known lit illness of In- inieson,a, young ivening, 16th a married and nday afternoon . cent. Maxwell of St. Maryiff The money iota ly though the to dray intfreet considered an, t. Cheap Cash Store Having somr repairibg to do to our ly„ and not wanting to store very sho bother movin oided to. run in order to do so we will offer great in: • the goode,swe have- de - off the whele stock, and - Sale noW giling on; Call and see the prices. Salesifor CASH ONLY. Cheap Cash Store ./.10PFO. prAoK, —The galvation Army barracks atid 1, tion of J1. L, Duntes Mitts -me at. indsor werO destroyed by. fire on Sun. --1--The newl teMple at Grimsby -Park Was opened o „July 2nd. Considerable disaPponitme t was felt at the absence of Sir John acdonald, who- Was an- nounced, to -134 _present. Sir john's ex- planation is that urgent public business prevented him from being present. - —Two men, named David Tyson and Saturday morning in a fishing boat, are Inipposed to have been drowned. s" —Henry Filmotts. M. Pt PS for Fronteimo died suddenly at his horne in Kingston 'ler - Sunday night. He' at- tended church Ithat day, and seemed well. In the evening he enjoyed him- self with the family; and retired after ten ceclock. lIn a few minutes there- after he wait attacked with coughing, and suddenly expired. • Heart 'disease --The Canadian Chautauqua which has its headquarters on Niagara -on -the - Lake was opened on the 2nd. The at-. tractions -were addresses by Hon. G. W. Rdss, Minister of Educationi and Dr: —Rosa Isabella, McDonald is too much married, hatng two husbands. She was up for btgamy at Belleville, and was_ sentenced to lone week's imprisonment. Both " husbands" were present in the -courts one- prosecuting and the other aiding in- the defence. _ When released Rosa Isabella will claim, husband nuin. bor twons her lawful partner. Husband number one is supposed to have another —Henry Lye, one of the Central -Bank -liquidators, while at the Union Station, Torodto, on Satarday night, waiting for :the train to Cobourg,was held up by two men, who robbed him of $300. There was a_ crowden the platform, at the times but the robbery was so quickly &mom- plished that the one whe had posseslion of the mOney escaped. Tho other - was . promptly arrested by Detective Davis. He gives °his name as James Mason. , --From CaistOrvilles in the county. of, record respeoting the ages of the JOhn. son family e—Mrs.„ Sharp, 88 ; George Johnse,n, 80 ; Merritt Johnson, 82 ;John Johnson, 80 Wm.'Johnson, 76 ; Horace Johnson, 7* ; Smith Johnson, ' 67— .averiging ryears for the living mem. bers. The members of the familY dead These reduce the average tO 72 1-12 years. . The living members are all - strong and heathy. ilEr IAS I propose g ing in my next ,a_Sketoll'of 'what 'may see on -the adian Pacific RailWay main -line 'w shall now kival% eketch of what out in Montana, litst* week. ()Ur *A in this provance , is mit* so int o spe-cial .detail. l The crops" are gr as fast as any ilerops -ought to, and some correspondents allege qUite as -well already as ever th 1 t years' The last three week en wonderfully fine all over thp rthwest, which has never locate r since 1882 that it does tows ' Northern Montana shares in thi 6 al freshness- -And .1#3auty. Th 'yo• u'd Great Falls the road bed ong the river edge or pretty n L ning out along, the Sun and. ;vi ers, with keresancl. there a few der eultivaticin- in favored noo ell -advance/1 for the season. ottom we could see very littl here stock has to rustle.all win must do here, it will take from - 0 acres to maintain one beast, p . good 'deal more, but when g 4ents are twb cents- an acre, br eve he.tehicep_exisethrinso'ittehatofdiretchtin;s3 lei aeoviyii sti:temut t.t .h.t-elti ii obe yuwr eh-rstve ioanr sgt hie le here are 140s000, horses, tookti 50,000 cattle, .To -day there Os 175,Q00 cattle, tout 4t is claimed reeding ;purposes and' over a strong winterisuithat of 1886.7, - But the gritia reliance ofs Mont or Minerals, They have iso sue od mutt do woll, unless in sue cep, Which ot ' flat. ,sbort nut onty of it, --ani incaloulablo adv &country which, as a -rules is b ood in manyyarts and Whish ha & limitless store( of .mitiontll,Wealt i g to be angled and . smelted e total mineral produet wad $. value, and 25 -per cent. great t at of any 'other State or Ter wn -p.tacer mining; for; gold ulch, _over anti Around which it o Helena now stanch-, it is els*? r‘,000,000 worth of gold has bee eap washing in Places Where the lye deposits have,not been.' coin orked over, and after paying e ✓ two of .p -ii dirt Myself and ow Ieft to Chinamen and poor ' ers.. The Capitalist. has:come in Tide powerful Crushing machiner most perfect patterns, and seienc Mit the gold, Silver, lead and oth *able minerals Which • are quarri then cruShed frOM the -solid quart t Anaconda they will -soon be rish 1,000 tonii per day of rich. Ore and the same will be done at ails as sobt AS eastern capital ided the , appliances. It is sa, here are :twee a dozen million Solid _as any wit -I have yet seen in America and qnite .as likely.. t stay.; The publio Windings` and private res - detces are elegant and substant there are :two rival railroad Meeting in it. sl Though 4,200 fee Sea level_ the chino* winds fr ;vest modify the. temperature,. ii. is very- light and bracing.. aresome pretty! trying -days in t of winter . when' the thermomet Teri low, butit don't stay as w jail flowers were blooming lux there more than a fortnight earl in the Red RiverValleYs' _ Not one -tenth -of the land is,1 be cultivated for 801118 time to c farmers can- assays reckon upon residept miniTi population, to good prides" al that they can ra suspect that much of the coun never be profitably cultivated - (grazing resourdes,will keep. up. [ degree of material proliperity, the prize list 114 the Agriculture i oration. Thevade prize list run from $1,500 for! trotting to $200; , is the lowest sum offered. - For ' .prazes run froni $100 to $250. T est prize they Offer for a thoro 1 1 s. E FORTH; FRIDAY, - R. wind out and in ainonethe 1 fty rags, along -the brink of the - stre m, some- times boring through a big -st eV f rock _ hat stands out almost half cro s the There are some very, vigorousl con ducted newspapers inidelena, wised up a daily when there,' the Helen Inde- pendent, which criticides a Thiel i this " Editorgiller, who, by' the ay, is disgraoing himself by his vile exh talon of blackguardism, and making =self aniobject of kidicule by his in ane apor- hiss, cavorts around like a ayus with a cockle -burr under his tail, nd. Miles like a whipped cur, because f . a ' little _post mortem -which the 'I dep ndent held over tho Fisk-gillsnast 1 di graces ed the people of the territor in t e dim and riiiiity past. Mills dev lope •• the groveling instincts of the s tms then, sliMe, and hi now shows the effe ts of his early training. And, knowin that- -this black -spot was stamped ,in elibly on his recor he had the audacit with- in the past t ree weeks, to -, Prin - this tter an - saw ome rest- rthy wing row, look have bet- s Mis- also. runs ✓ it, other acres hay , and er as rhaps azing less not a itory y be that for itious na is coal tidian I and Map ro of also, year than that as the hence e city d that taken n still prim- pesnses shovel rought g. iron nig- is o pro- of the sorts val- d and le to. Copper . Great • S pro - that. ires ois as --Mamtoba.-oheese, says the Emigrant, has now driVen the imported article out; and the factories of that province -have to look to other parts for consumers of the rapidly Increasing output. The pr- -duct from fantOries and private dairies ',mill total about half, a million_ poimds, and the returns haye been so good that there are -reports of several new factories or else enlargeitents.--- Within thepast two years, ip is added; the retail -"price has fallen 25 per dent. in the province, . while ,the oonsumption has - increased - over 50.pen Fent. and at some points has ----,Sam Jones preached at* the Methos dist Church • in Windsor last Sunday *rriorningvAdidternoon to' crowded mon- gregationl.„t'At the _conclusion of Ms sermon in thce Morning Mr., Jones . said that the new organ hadcost the church 11,900. . There Was a debt tpot it, hut • he was going to make the congregation '$5,00 toward frayin'ent of that debt. " I ain ready t5 plani dewn $5 it -gold," „ter__ an , su twenty men„, to give as lunch ash,,aral 200 to give $2 each. If yet don't want-te give anything sneak out the dopr." 1 The procession started to- _ Wards the table and notei and silver . ' llvere deposited beside Mr, JOnes' golden * The meek, and pious, and holy the inrface4is guilty' of wilful . a liberate presfarication. Mills has blackguard All his. life. gecoul itythinsselse. It's bred ins -the The Independent has proved, it; Re's a dead 'bird,- Long • ago stuffed by a -.•,axidermist, and he. simply playing an engagement_ w territory, confined in a cage a hibited aS the only surviving op ,.of the Strutting Peacock 'of the, . don't pretend to undordtand dead bird oan• be a live liatt and' orito, but I do foot inclined. to writer -who has - mush a %tom • flowory language and curio mo Perhaps it is the "ozone " tha torts} flow of ideas, I the whole Province with cheap hid. . About the crops,Iniay say thatlduriog" the past seven years the old fanners in_ this section of countrY have :raised as high- as 40 buShels of wheat tO the acre, croPs in abundance.' This Should be a .fairtrial of the farming.' capabilities of Mr; Smith tb Pelican Lake and 'ex-. ammed that Part of - the country. He • also Visitedtne Lake of Killarney, and *as highly delighted with the ektraor- dinary beautis and fertility of the ceun- :try. He considered- Mutt Mr. Scarth took a steP in the rights-diredien When *he.kcated the Crofters hese, .and hoPed at the Grand Central, -accoinpatied I, by' his family, mid he: has spitched: a lane tent on the hatks of Lake Killardpy, where they can -enjoy. 'them -Selves" in fishing, boating, and „bathing, Hes is, highly, delighted with the beatty Of the lake, and considers itfar more enjoyable :to behere, than sitting it the Rouse of Comnicais -at Ottawa takilig, part • in parliamentary proceedings till -early in -the morning.. good neatli een a n't be bone. him. was s now th the d ex- ocky. bow a hypo - and of aphor. lofty otua II 1 The seems contingent of Crofters at; flied here, onsistipg of 12 ,fasnilies and' coin riding 7 souls. . They came from the land o Harris.and will be looated intownships5 iin.1 6, range 16, from 9 to 12 miles.Oom here. Mrs Scarth, M. -13., °met theih .at the statiOn and pro- vided -co.mfortable qinuters. for thein until' snitable . buildings 'are erected UpOt their hoinesteads.„ Mr. Sea' th provided quite a nint'ser of teams , . take them -to the: lake,• where they . all. enjoYed 'themselves bathing on, a s tidy beach. They arka fine, hardy lot :*nien, and They are quite intelligent and ostly, all, able-bodied men. 'They. 'are. elighted ,,witkiheir new homes; and h pe to see. provided with ones yoixe Ot cxets* one wagon sine net • of 2 harneds; sufficient harrOw;and a. sufficient suplir of farm- . big implenients, stoves, ftritur and provisions ,,o last some time. Mr r. S. Young is superintefident of th lo tion, obliging -and do all id th ir *owe.. to al sus make the. Colonists Comf rt. .113.1- The ysterns. land that the CrefterS are! lo . ated on is ni the dark, rich ,vegetable Soil , ro 8 to d' the inches deet. . This Section Of O ,nt is There well adapt 4 for :mixed;:fitr mg, here e dead: being plentY digress, hay g,o,. water, th • 'us, attotnt of fish in:Pelican .1a e; which riantly' 'is 12-miieslopg, ,In fact, Swami of er than country it1 which they;' 6 ocated. is second to none:* bea yr., an _fertility._ kely to This- is.. only the .c tie ce nett •of 'a is, but large emigration .f irr. Scbtle 4. to this uy at: thousands bf settlers in his SeetiOn of se. - I .Manitoba - ;las eloccOoTef4o.Eiritrael3 cle; haoumueins... ten! i the Ntt west who ell; dome of • he • havitig now from 00 to 50:acres u 4er mild - Tittle's, a ., Of supply of took, 'fine. towards itlling up this: Sos t. prairie country with a * hardy .and. ntelligent class of 8 tiers and deserves hethanks el of the old pioneers of the. Pr vince,and Northwes Territories.. Tog are stilt tens of thotisandi of acres ''o the finest farming lands in : this provin e. betWeen. are, : located, . and: the In emotional. houndary;! held by the Canad an Pacific, eta . of Railway, .varying from S.. to .10 -dollars us diS- perjure.- These...prices plac the land os ifenrieend beyond the reach of sittendi g settleras eached and -it is to be hoped that th, . Canadian: Pacific RailWasswill take ite i to lower" d that the Price Of thes :. lands „te -t oSe-ofpre- boys have arrived at. One dol arSfabili; as. : 'emPti 61* and '-'1' ebate of 's th improve - horse, is a queer proportion. for - a race men0, as along hq main lit . : If- this the country by: ell -to-do , fa mers-froni valuable bull, bue hundred- was.: 'carried out t wonld :ten 1 to fill up The site di'Relena is a very eautiftl .Ontario and. eth r provinoess ". it would: one.. A wide undtlating plait etches. increase the tra a- onitlie real Oad4nes, out to the. north and east, sit- ounded Oircidatea larg aMonnt• of oniey and by ranges of htlls, .clotted all q ..0enir we irteh. prevett manyof our ' peop e rota_ going pines, svhich c uster thiokly in to'DakOta. -It ay-, be add se that free base of theyssige far to the riight and' this prOvinse ca not fail to: 13:ring- the miles aWay,sruns tile sisoitY 01 s.af the. and wealthy f rmeri of:. t e. different distant Rockies. - The atmosp ere is so 'cOuntries _of- E rope, _where they can clearthatyou can see 150 mi•les off, and vest their mo ey to good dvantage. a thill -fift5i initles atway looks jus a little . : hire Li olread a railway .1 oin Wrinni.! or ten -miles a • ay. The St. P I, Min- • 200 miles; runnpig Orought the Turtle Great Falls.. ;The Central Mo tata, 97 'arc tow boilttcl the souther bocindsg. miles long, ru slor forty. miles through - to kip the 'Canadian- Pacific Railway, at rocky • canyons of . great ; hea ty 'ind 'Brandon, Which will then be construlet.. grandeur, sometimes it Semisoi les that ed to the coal fieliii of the ouris aid y Cr 1888. necessary signals. Coombe and Gates Will both be arrested.; Mr.. Doyle was about 78. years Of "age. t George Milne and James Carruthers, who were work - i g in afield near the railway.,,say that t whistle did not sound at all until —J. E. Murray; of Granton, has re- ived an offer' of one himdred dollars r his ten days old blood colt. , —Whitfield. Carey, of Hamilton, -he* ld his farm of fifty acres ih East _The. trial of Thomas Buckley, the , urderer, of Bertha' Usher, has . been . ostponed to -the Fall Assizes. . is reported that Ars. Hart, wife herits 0,000 by :the / death of her, randfather, Senator Ferrier: —Abaut 6,000.candidates are writing, or second and third class teachers' cer- ificates at the- departmental examin- tions Which coninfenoed on 'Tuesday. aster of the Chatham Collegiate In- itute, -Tesigned his position, aving been. appointed' inspector of . the. ore Mutual Insurance CompanY. 4--A young man (named Beers, was rowned at•Brantford while bathing on onday„ On the same -day, in that ity, Mr. A. IL Mellish accidentally hot himself in -the leg with a revolver., . —English letters posted in London on' he 27th of May: reached Vancouver, ritish Columbia, 6,500' miles distatt; welve days later. The -route was rvia he Canadian Pacificiltailway. - .—The construction of the South On- tario and Pacific branch of -the Canadian Oakville has been begun bysi, large force . Excitement over the. gold discover. lea at the .Lake of tho Woods is in. greasing, and is couple .of Ainisrican • millionairos aro visiting Vic' mines with a view to investments, to the local Board of 'Math, was &W- and costiby tho Ottawa Police Maga tho Hamilton milk itipply 10614 worse than the old - test did, Out of thirteen simples examined •so far only ono hair mime nri to the Canadian *standard. " . --J. H. Hanley, a Stratimy furniture dealer, was surprised to receive a letter 'froms, Manitoba man stating that he had taken some isood off Mrs Hanley's Ian& and enclosed $1 as payment there- Missionary Work. Ili D4kota. hyterian'minister •Muevale, in this county, but who is now laboring it -Da- kota, in. a private letter to his brother, , writing front Tyner, Dakota, . on Jute Tyner is about 25 mike west . of Pem- bina. I left home th.e. beginning of. the . Week to attend very -interesting memori- al servioes at. W0,111414; 1,5 milcs westof this.' theepring of 063 two mfg.. made, their way from Red Lake Palls,. Minnesota, to SiTalhallas forth@ pyretic 'Barnard, one of the Missionaries! wives,' died the SAMO fall from .quick etmeninp- Lion brought on partly by ID years' ex-,. Ilosuro Among 'the Indians at &Oahe Tells, but, espeoially by the; jonrney to Walhalla. . She died at Winnipeg whore. sho was tiiken for medical aid, . tut: at her own request her body Was breught to "Walhalla and buried in -a spot select. ed by her near theis little cabin.' Abott the 1st of December,1853, Mr. Barnard 'started back to, 10hio , with .his fotir *motherless children, ;leciving his coin-, Potion Mis Spencer. in , charge of 'the smisiiion. In the spring of, 1854, Mrs.; Spencer waSkilled by the ..Ifidians, Shot in the -neck through the window of • their . own houseswhile attending te her sick. child. . She was' buried lay the :side of Mrs. Barnard. Now Mr. Speneer, with his infant Son and two little daughters, Was compelled to go east. , started for 'St. Paul, a distanoe-of 40:4iilled, in ox -cart, and reached. within 125 miles of St. Paul when he met mr. Barnard on Ms way returning to the mission. Here 'Mk. Barnard baptized his infant son and then -the 'two miasionarieS., parted -•s -the one taking -Ilia family bask to friends, the other to labor among the Indians whO had dealt sos -treacherously with them. The - Indians continuing. hostile; however, the mission.was abans doted in the fall of 1854., Well, our Services yesterday were for the purpose -Of removing the reitains of these two 'devoted women froM what' *LS now come to be the Opet, unculti, vited prairie to a beautiful' site :2'm the -were present Mr, -Barnard,-, the old mis- sionary, .no*.71 years, . and his daighter; -also the halfbreed tvhoscing the gra-ve of ago, and his Indian svsi.fe I who Trashed the blood from the Child' that was in his mother's arms at the- tiMe she was Shot ; together with Many other it- teresting characters, who gave us' many interesting storiei of these bygone days. The babe who Was thus baptized in his mother's blocsilis now. &Minister :of the Gospel near Chicago, ' Illinois, and • one of his sisters is a missiotary in Turkey, it Was one of the most pathetic things I ever -listened to,. to hear that; old Mis- sionary give in accminti of his early struggles and privatiotis,• and. of • th death of his wife; He laboredfor twent yearsamong the Indian!! without-, an ,The tombstone, Which Mr. •Barnar broUght froth Selkirk, Manitoba, an placed.over his wife's graSe, wad broke and carried aivay,.but after- some Beare lit has been -found in :piedes id two dif :ferent placess• used* as door steps, abou ten miles away from the grave, Th. stone -has been - cemented, a . new- in "scriptionpit 'mit and has been place Mrs. SpenCer. Yithcoaulit beMr orf. 080" al and are doing, steady py of dow whi s the ghbred bull is $15,'for asheep $10, . for wheat $10 and for thel hest collection of Tege- - -They .devote - the munifielent sum total of $40 tri the encourage proportion betWeen the rewards to the meat wiefuI industries a caterers of sports: the Monte don't stand alone, but I am gl we Canadians have hardly yet the degree of fastness that Unci —Rev..Sam Jones held forth at Wind sor last Sunday. . Ottawa residence. Theffpice is ;1113011 --HaniittOn has given its band $640 t play sixteen nights, once, a th —E !quests' g •Counoil, -Hilton county paid $42 for sheep killed by dogs; las —Crosiley -and Hunter"; the revival the Wilds of, Muskoka: - —Two young men ot %Thursday rifle "Ithe poor -box. of the Roman Catholi —The coronet's jury emi3atelled t inquire into the: cirCumstances ofth 'death Of.Patri3k Doyle, a Sober and r spectable farmer of Hamilton townshi who was killed by a, westbonnd freig train at the railway crossing West of th Hon.' Sidney Smith's 'residence; o Mondaysfountl, 'that he - came to: h death through the culpable ne,gligen Grand; Trunk Railway engineer, an FireMan "A... Gates, for not giving "t mortem on the meads, havitg suspicion that death was caused 'by arsenical poi- ,soning. „The -inquiry, however, failed to'furniali the cause tof death, although several of the vital organs . were badly diseased, and the matter remains a rayst . -sAll the Protestant Sunday schools -pic-nic at Giiyette's. grove; --near Hall's Corners; the other 'day. About 1,000 '.big and little people representing fifteen schools, were present., -s-Mr. H. Kennedy, an • Ailsa Craig dentist, was badly..hurt the other day in consequence of a runaway.. His horse stepped in a hole in a defective bridge on the 7th concession of ,McGillivraY, and the'animat took fright, throwing Mr. Kennedysout of the rig.' —A large delegation fromlhe Scotch Clans passed through Woodstock on Sunday of last week, en route for Boston, svhere the annual meeting of the., Royal _Clans in to be held. Mr. A. G. Murray, of Clad.- Gordon, Chicaga, formerly of Ingersoll, aid on old Embto boy, was one ofthe number. • • —Mr. Samuel sHunters the -model farmer of Rockton, county of Went- worth, runs a cheese factory, of his own. He keeps twenty-three milch SOws. He did not sow any turnips: this season but platted about 20 acres of corn.,,He is go- ing to try the' silo method. of feeding this winter. —An annex to the London Insane Asylum is contemplate& and it is un- derstood the Provitcial architects are preparing -plans and specifications.. The estimated cost of the new. addition. will be between $12,00b and $20,000. -stars. Shaw, an lady of 80 years, wife of:Mr. W. H. Shaw,- of Speefiside, putty of Waterloo, had an •eye which has troubled herIor years removed the other day 'to save the other. She is now about all -right again, . -=Henrsf. Listeisof Warwick township; who has been residing at Forest River, Dakota ;for nine years past, has return- ed, anciWill again settle down ins War- , wick. He sold his ferny in Dakota, a kalf section, for $5,000, and will prob- ably buy a farM in Warwick. ., s -Fields and Bonwell, two bank thieves, were on 8sturde4r morning Ben.' tenced at the Toronto Criminal Assizes,' 'the fOrmer tO seven. yeard and the latter to' four -leers in the Kingston Peniten- IYChief Justice Sir' Thomas Galt was sworn in by Mr, McGee, Clerk - of the Privy Council; as Deputy Lieutenant - Governer of Ontario, and, Adininistrator during Sir Alexander Catipbell's absenCe. --Post Office inspector Dewey has re- - timed from 13oSton, and reports having' madepostal arrangements by which the delivery of letters between I som.e parts -of Canada and New York. viill be Accel- erated by five hours or more. of a widow at Oakville, was drowned bathing on -Tuesday" night of last week: Mr., Cassels, Jr., the twolter, recovered the body. ',The boy'it father, saikr, ,Wat drowned two years ago. 1111.50 as -Year, ist Advanee. themby the bridle, Nit unfortunately .he had removed the bit from the colt's mouth. - The horses did not run far before the .wason upset, throwing' the two helpless occupants_ towards the fence. The child was comparatively un- injured, butlfra. McKean had her spine serimisly -injured, the principal injury being at the base of the _neck, Below that her body and limbs are paralyzed. Her husband isicked her up more dead than alive. Mr. P. Stewart assisted in conveying the injured woman to his own home, where she lies at the point of death, her phYsicians having but little hopes Of her recovery. —A few slays ago the customs officers Joggins, Nova Scotia, seized the wire rigging -imported from the United States to be"used on the log timber ship known aelhe Joggins raft. Mr, R. Robertson, the contractor, has just eluded -negotiations for the release ofithe rigging. This; immense craft, will be launched in July, contains logs, uveragin eleven inches in diam —One day last week a traveler from Brockville telegrathed to Trenton to a. livery -keeper Vs ba at the 'station on the arrival of a certain train with a horse. The operator made it' read " harse." The livery man thought the e " had been left out and met him with a hearse, which he ales, runt, --Dr. Laidlaw, of liamilton,seuggeits aft A'remedy for the difficulties arising from delay in oboosing ministers In the Presbyterian church, that 'congregations _not Making a chola in six months have tory ofth the optiois of having hlin re- moved at the end of two nal% —A ilre occurred st Thomas pays sawmill at Germania, about six miles from Gravonhurst, on Thursday morn. ing of last week, burning tho mill and contents and 1,500,000 foot of lumber anti 100,000 shingles. LOSS; over $12,. .000; insurance, $2,000. This is the third fire inside of three years. for Mr. s -Captain Thos. Wastie, emigration agent for Manitoba, has made appli- cation to the Western Fair Association for a liberil reservation of space at the coming Fair for Manitoba exhibits. Should this be granted the Manitoba Government romise a large exhibit of pereals, _minerals and other productions of the Northwest. - • —Some time ago a tunsber of bolts were -taken out of the Canadian Pacific Railway bridge spanning_ 'the Thames, near the 16th line of East Zona, an& throivnintir the river. Had their loss not been discovered a terrible disaster might have been the result. Strong cir- cumstantial evidenceptints to the guilV parties. , —A .very painful accident occurred at Collingwood, Monday morning, at the Dominion Knitting Factory. A young girl named Woolnet, while workbag around the fbachinery was caught and drawn Under a wheel. - Her foot was seriously fractured and the leg skinned to the bone. The accident serious 'one and may yet prove fatal • —A company has been formed near Milton Halton county, with a capital of $20;006, to smanafactiire terra s cotta goods front a kind of oxidized r6d clay which has been found there in unlimited quantities; Different kinds of fancy bricks will also be manufactured. „Ex- periments are now -being made as- to whether the -clay has the proper consis- tency for terra cotta ware. , —Mr. Straithis of Windsor, started a carrier pigeon for Tormito Friday morn- ing at 9.10, The bird Was let go off the roof of the postoffice. It circled around for about two minutes. . Then it appear- ed to get its bearings and flew with lightning speed in the direction of its destination. A large number of specta- tors Witnessed the flight of the bird until it wail out of sights —The cases' of cattle slisease discover. ed in Sullivan township,county.of Grey, have 'been definitely , determined as pi -atm -pneumonia' , but not of ',the con - *slots form. Full investigation has been made by competent authorities re- preaenting both the Provincial and Do- minion Governments, Much alarm had been occasioned by :reports promulgated by a local veterinary, but sinee _the investigatio'n matters have quiebAddown. —Since the opening of navigation up- wards of 500;000 bushels of wheat has been received atiPorb Arthur for- ship- ment. The quantitysistill in the hands of farmers is estimated at about 1,000,-; 000 bUshels. When the two new ele- vators; to -be built at Fort William this .year by the, Canadian 'Pacific Railway, are finished the storage capacity at that point will be increased to 4,500,000 r. George Tomlinson, ing into the river. Re was noticed in time and his son went in and brought him out. The physicians have him in =charge now. It is believed his mind has been affected by thinking of ids *re- sponsibility for the amoontof the late Bailiff A.' Watt's shortage, &lad also the loss of money' leaned him prior to his departure. . —The other day while Mi. Peter Mc- Kean, of East Williams, his wife their child, 4 or 5 -*years old, were re- turning from Parkhill in a democrat wagon, drawn by a span of horses, one of Which was a colt, 'a very 'serious mis- hap occurred. When about two miles from Parkhill Mr. McKean got out to - water tbe horses, leaving Mrs. MelKean holding the lines: Two vehicles passing at the time frightened the colt, and the team dashed away in spite of the efforts —Rev. Mr.- Taylor, Methodist minis -- ter at Foxboro, accidentally poisoned himself by taking a dose of iodine lini- ment in -mistake for , blood msdicine.s Rethodies were 13romptly used, and the' condition of the reverend gentleman is still —At a pic-nic party -on the Gatineau .river, near -Ottawa, a young lady named. Miss Stewart was:drowned: A young: min named Kutch had . undertaken to row. Miss Stewart over the rapids in a canoe. The young, Map was rescued with difficulty. 2-* _visit. to Brantford purchased eight ani. trials, the lowest price reaching- $130, and the highest . $160-. More horses basis been bought here than anywhere and a return visit will be ,paid next —The annual Teports of the Scott.Act. Inspectors •411" -South and North Brant show that' in South Brant the receipts si,g94.61, ;while the North. Riding res: °mots totalled:$1,039.64, with_ expenses t —ST6t7e. 15a: give John -O'Reilly the option of a $20 fine or 'thirty daYs in jail for disturbing a wedding ceremony, ;Thomas Reddon and John Marin, -Who- were each fined • $20. fOr the same. offence, were unable to raise the amount and svent to jail. —Mr. John- Fergusons. Dundas Street, London, had, the misfortune last. week to lose, in a most mysteriots man- rier, a valuable and effibicnt team of horses. Oneofths alliMaiS; after suffer- ing , severe agony, died on We.dnesday night and the other was Walked im- mediately, after with the same symptoms and died, Friday tight. Veterinary Surgeon Wilson was 'called it to attend the animals, and after death. held a post 000 ter arid 22 feet in ength, and is in the s pe of a huge cigar, bound - together affili 33 lengths of chain and steel rope. The value of the raft iS $33,000. It wilt .be towed to NeW York. • —After the races w.,ere pies Wedles- day evening last week ,in Guelph, " a fight occurred. between Jiin Birmingham and Jim Linegar, said to Ise the out- come of at•old grlidge. After the par- ties hid poundell one another for some time, Birmingham got -his opponent's finger in his ,,mouth and chewed it in a horrible . mannee. A. doctor dressed - Linegar's wounds, and it is understood an information kaa been laid -against /Aght of last week there arrived at Brampton by the .0,30 • train from tsha west, ao young lady rather prepossessing in sppearance, viol! drew ed and refined, Shottook 6Ab and was driven to the QUO011'11 hotel and wag shoWn to *room, She at once OW the. proprietor to send for a doctor, And within ten minutes of her arrival gavo birth to a mato child, Simi is with. out money', refuses ,to give her name, Owe of residence or destination, or the name of hor soducer,1 ---Aecerding to the frecent census the Christian Brothel -es inatitutions Millibar 1,240, inhabited by 15,000 brothers having the instrtction -of about 400,000 pupils. Canada has 33 institutions, 450 ' brothers or mivices and about 15,000 children. There are also brothers in the United States and in Ecuador and Chili, In 1837.the Sulpiciat Fathers brought four brothers from France, „sand from that colony sprang the founders of other institutions -in Canada and the United States. j —A novel case was tried at the Brant- ford Police Court the other day when Mrs. Grimstes,d(oharged a good-look- ing little girl named Louise Butler with assault, the offencoonsisting in the cut- ting of Bella Grimstead's hair in such a *ay as to makeit look ridiculous. Bella appeared in court with her head looking as if rats had been resting in it, and when put on the stand declared she had given Iouise permission to cut her hair. That settled the matter and the case was dismissed. - . , —About 2 o'clock Saturday morning burglars entered the house of James Leary, postmaster. at King's Wharf, 8 cash.- The family were in a sound s*ep -until a terrible explosion in the neighborhood of the barn awoke them. 'Mr: Leary, looking out, saw his barn on fire. He ran out in hope of saving some ,; farm utensils, but was met by two roughs, who fired two shots at him, one taking effect in his leg, the other pass- ing through his shirt, parallel with his _heart. The perpetrators escaped. —On Monday -evening two young couples started for Stony Creek, a few - miles below Hamilton, in a double 'carriage." When -they had proceeded a short distance the horses took fright and bolted into the ditch, Upsetting the carriage and spilling the occupants. ' Miss Grace McLeod had her foot eaught in the wheel, and Was draggbralong the ground for 'some distance,- and was severely cut about the head and face. 'Robert Kirkpatrick, die of the young men „had his arm broken; The other - two escaped unhurt. —Galt has had a -fashionable -wedding,: the event taking place oh Wednesday of last week, and the contracting parties being Miss Hester K. Strong, third daughter of R, S. Strong, Eisq.,Manager of the Gore Mutual Fire Insurance Com- pany, to 'Mr. Wilson A. McWhinney., Travelling Pasienger Agent of the -Ch- son of A, G. McWhinney, Post Off:Win- spector, London District, The ceremony took place in Trinity Church, which was, moat beautifully decorated with flowers for the occasion. —While driving home from Orange- ville, a farmer tamed Robert Whitegot into a squabble with a ,00mpanion, both - being., drunk; They Stood Up and a sudden jerk precipitated White on his , head on the road. He was assisted into the waggon by his eompanion and taken heme. Atn reaching home Mrs, White allowed her husband to remain in the Wagon all night, thinking that he was paralyzed with drink. IsTextsnorning it was discovered that he -had received fatal _injuries, and he died two days after- wards. —At the Annual conferenc% of the- - Peterboro and Belleville Association of \ Baptist Churches the following, resolu- -whereas the growing evils of the liquor traffic are constantly contesting every inch of ground with the ea,use,of Christ; - and,whereas the various resirictive and local option measures have but Marked the various atages of progress in public opinion and effort -without ascomplish- ing what is so much need and desired, tamely, the removal of tbe sgigantio horror, be it resolved that, as Christian churches, we will relax no effort and. never rest contented, trusting GOdf un- bf Mr. McKean, who WEIS trymg to hold til entire prohibition be carried:' • 4,3