The Huron Expositor, 1888-06-29, Page 5N
__1 ;7
"I � I . . . 7
7' :, .. T .,
at U0 ut thi fil devolopmont( otat where had &I- tracts. have yet to- runt, Tbsfimon
avenge period n ''B
*a 1he 20th` of of five mouths the co
ony suW Wages, �Ak. 1. Jim wris, h f0i 3'N L
about lalt" Marc TOR MARKETSip
�. A 0, K. ia
f this Dak U
industry enspre a I �t of ready bought a farm. Moog=
Fall V
Where ih
fair w it go ey
to ipend a few ustrio Yeats Ho'�r�- V�yi ()an Moneyi ring Wh"j-perbusheL.04 0". 0
od while to, hoped us XaJ
"UtribiK a competent
per bushel .0. 50 -to 51
Ckad Wall Potent r thbir doolin Rumiill gage's advidol! By. t.." Kry
pow �er buibel.. 0 65 to 70
d a1w before,, tlir 4ol X U -S OLO IERS, O=TON. OUt, - W-n4%wP, Febra St IM.
of a go TIES YA 0 TH
y sort. so M65 ing Years. But, his, mouth
tinga:positiou; (2) keeping.
6 50 -to
A*wy 0
comin Ohosp anou&-.out there At mont4 had'pamsed 'a*& her remains 60.
gw� , - _. - - - - be faithful at MR. I. V. FPAR,. Dn;ggimt; SomfortL
Great, 9 hozne'� - Is -
former I loose to:_ 14
DbxoMug,,'(*) is to
-river Great, hut,. (3) 1 el
just beyond wire btought back to.. Ins- i hi' employer - that he Bv
'apntlw - , .1 wis to .18
1k her. (5) k r No DZA'A SIR I wMilygive my tati-
t thin Itter: -1-- .0
soldier ca f
b"u &M nature
ould a dit. ln.k fog. W 4ve
) being polite. ; - 'been -tryingto lwpieosup
t lea .. � 1, - - 'I � " I *IthoA himp and .... , 0 1 - -
he ran : ipage a for burial. 'She was b 6'50 0'� tO
him k a_gpOdWay Fleur,, por 100 ft. -the A. BX. remedyg
W rwho.bappen ..W--oo hio isud'to -,know herwex 0
'thf, -*ft* * :-070-
to Mir, e and rew Foi t eh
T 9 00 to- 25 he. past three months on the monfia in favor of
p ar' considerate. word and act
�1_ and w" pursued add t I spect 4if
ung man 16
q- 10, bogin,,after he, gets
A* the rw yo y per P.. 8 60 to-_� -"40 as by its -use, and �Ifly one adiblet
5 '00. reader
there. 701 8 , too 'he H1400 pe a IT e
rrom repeated exa es the and. ongaging in manner, of the Expos' OR that we ad
- I _r M -00,
if he 11
i no to them h the apest \And, est
ku ru b selection worth at th it restored to
MI- sam� a bhoe F'th un, one )f' Dr. Wrroy's .54 teach..' me my W*
r Sh fidn 7.0
ter home,, a lever 4. 0.40
neaker hoJ Willadt want friend -at voixit-voriany 08081.0., . , ,
.... ......... A
% who bid been -was for, Aot
21 to .
4w demonstrate that as— far Siam; .4#00 -to -kfio* that we have'done
-$er cau always suul .rh"Pleft Strofford d ad U4. away *h I
lep"ithof time ---4n fact 11664* 0,1197 PotAtoJw rbusbe1,,,'.:;'.i.i...*,080",. v5. of, the ou.n y an we -are gl
shingtowTerritory, i here he -will be, Jay. t0odid's policy:. ""K, o b-- 0 15 to 76.
tu jort of 'shooting, b-socidental, and, Wa, f or nine, months,,'- and -.far -whom. there
-nft- d Iii a uk 11004, on it
out salt Oot.%',
the. same oonviction, a 1m f a parish. 2cl- go woric- with 'Wood imr 66 2 600 -to -50 arge., �trade gh announcements, 'We. are n6w blosing the seemed no
ffirou OU
r W*Jng Or iu* Lyn me of in chaije o �ba& company OA to
van cles offidials surroundelthe —A Young couple wer out for. a sail
*ilrl Th CloverSeedpa bushel.:,..... 4:25 to.
IS 2.00 to 'm
o boy who does, thai boun t
S M our
ve�y jailor ani left on Stratford lake, on 8 urday evening to �t 'he
tr rg
,Vreeft th I' rib dangling over beam. This and in tOMptinap bD kis each Other, up'.
A . on in the & 't tiade the history of establishine and for t
Ta4eir 6 qu
Cyr1dsWXieId'sschemi.-' tine 28, 1 0`
to 'Ce three nights, before we I mch- -.-set tho Cat and ut for 'tim Punctual-
hattut 0 ely -ID, 92 95 next two, inonflig' we wfll' -be. busy in makink 0 -600trac
assist- Uy, honesty,-. aid. brevity, Un -Fibld. Fall Wheat per bushel..
;d�tFalls, and, Judgo Bao the ande �r4l&have drawn oring,whes, or bushel. - -tir to for fall
44d . . 1 t
d, their 9 a are the :,witchwiids of life t 0 12, to 96! Aea doctor aftex doctor, k�mveft
J)agj�_ fiLpor builib
locallmagistrate-to whom theesie Would :-Mil I 0� 50 to.. t5l.
Tohn Cha;mndy,1 on. the. third
-,pe 2 to _h Ao sho W_ -the guest selection many . em, out a j;riat."
�!Upport, M&, shington Post. thefirst,.of. SeDteniber we,: ppe tail and layids
a 'for -adjudication,' naturally -line f Wallace, I &-ya arley mbpohol....'. 60
orft havatoonii bot uabIe li
0 1
0;64 to: 70
-money to no
AM COM Adthatthe business had been the Skoim of Thursday, th inst.- Jt
OU i A*ount of good till I trie(
u t t I.M. r.. . ........ 0 19 to'
er auto
V, taoseLgai!y Oro, - of -elothm` I. U_ -the coulity; all Of whi h - will be- manufaAured by, o
nning Lett 0 is .13 ur- "theso,romiffies, -and h was
go .............
-30 upoe enioniously takeii. o was gr4zing in the field nd'wias killed
pe r ten ........... 800 0-
otbir 1166 ople, wilt 'ut PL' Outright bi the Stroke. -A'06te Siieet gentleman wa t 00
Unds, . go - bt.0 0 com
r scalp& in 6 56 to - 7o Selves! daring the 3iext. two W6nths'. 0 the, above' date weln agaln
that #,- VO Per bushel,
with,himt but where &cci Mal-' -'----:A few. dayi ago Mr plaid4g to aip friend this fno�rnin X
6 50 tod'.., .00'
ft Sgr" John- Grettlery 19 Hides -pat 100 17M 0 17 is
e - een prom WC aders. -of er� with"ouk advere,01A
250 0-
futtfier West in - 9 occur,too often a- - samp, 0 of Arst houge in, New York had selit.,him a diin-, io6idwood....,
SO or., of-'Fullartou., had p tit.. of lis' 1. exas about &,ap
t 50
.619. not entire, off , wh �uwg 't tte hav b- iry,t�. re
ly- out and socondfingers takeii iod-Hop, Or 100 1bi..:::::. 0 75
justice 1
dad Ili at e r. He said -
slahing knih i -in hii tradi�j� with that house for Aftee
;endb2i-the mill 0 217: 1 Foi 4he tomb alk cougbjug, -spitting and
rom n years,
goo d -s and we are, confident that'dur priqes for tjhe,_�O season vill
ave run, on so f have recef'Ved, a OW() .
ty-, 1 iw already that I --86me two oe three 1c a wort before and. for the Arst time I 'oo to .0 wastibgsud in Its plice pined hedtfio
leaveformy next letter. itat - I. the'. Siratfort Police �� I lagistrate the. dunninglettor. 1415ow'.much do. you :opring, $0.8s 7 ruddiness and strength, and brouAt
AVU0 rear, tents, .1 -:64Not' a t-o7go;birloy,�50to66,;,hsy,.-pir In, . b t4tlerfor ille this section,
other'lay for
have� to iay a;Wut Helena,, the capi -Of stealing I boor -from C.'. owe?"' inquired.., the frieu&. .0 im S
16 may say now tatoes ppr bag happiness to our ome. Recommend It
psan n Stock`v cellar. are beginning Very large bill, said the $06 t6 $0..90 ejgo;,pet doz.,. 6o to i6c drd Q
N: baker that inerahaut, "but $20.00 ; butter, Ise to: 20a - 'trol in
arqund r oqcou�ntered ei 'fluence'darly In tb ese ea - ses. 11tv 1 SA Mae hop,, pot 100 jbsi,)W.50 to 18-75. to 4verybody, and me-" ipy name
whole 0 tfib
_u S. U01 th r in_� J li mly owed'it 9" last _K
)W -A -Hope auh
Mcc no S12 ii -en, Bruc d �A:Band of been establish- It had escipeA my. 'st6ention dutirely.,
e -of. sode of your readers may er-- ed in Mitchell'With 'it is llwellll� iaid ee. H, tong'
r-he'X4ilroad StAtf old cit' of Bruc oelty.
Lmakorj, June 27.TT-Spr6i in,
, Ouse &rO Z10t.2,U., 30 m0abers., -the friend, 0I don't s No. 10 -80 so BRO1. WX NE&.
-fault that', your m,tt - red, winter es 07d ; California
Va. wer haps,kn, ready than I can tell in connection with -the * C iurch of Eng
ow xnore il on
and loafing California& Re. 2, Vff Mt; oats,'.ds 00d'; baile
He lives somewhere n0g'� fsi- land Tom`p6rahce-Society and Mrs.Tak-' tion'hasbeen call6dJo --your.negli eucel* - 0d;.peasi 65 6 The. A. B. C.�_ Remedy U, the bad
*rad.tb, bi the- ena and' 4s delighted find I id, por�ik 7dood; cbee"j. 4 , 6 Od. medicine for wasting diseases, and b
fromi- Hel or is.* president. You ought to be gro4eful far- th fotter-j��
Mrs. C Mitehelll,. Yoit'iieceived -the goods. The meta
so LiVe Stook, Mwleet�.'
Eng- in
bo Pro Huroji dounty ancl his nitive Argyle ian f �'New"Yoik hit; ved his' money
f hhnt7 Hii L.A .8 T' A
?v y elenu expeoA to sail by the Rial, 0 notrecel O'H- 'N -0 E s 14 at $1 per b0tle at
in, 'this- iotnO one to whom h could ialk 4bouf !--K;. an
r stak sold,
T ey I land-thismeek _h d of -hii'clirl has in p wn an
will bd away. an, one. �pk
afabouC0 per lb with' thriving itebro' and,
M. my &6t. '.Don'b' fattish d*
'e. nc
'of -the
notified ou ry. cows at ;66t sic do.;whiWthe d
abqni S'even W( r. E. Flagg guagi� r"'
i 'bulls, of which there.were BUY Re Caison!s yoii think �,Du dwiB hi
T�auts With a four Auburh.: will.Ake:eh4rge of R� Mr. &pp. ogy as Fear's.'Drug' S -,tore,
-dowu t6he Ott
�uf M� oftrod, sold at from 8 to.T porll�
Cissad%y, of work during the4itter's; *611, as the b110, Thinking the' mat-
iss. wy Thin stock sold,at from 24 to a o D fl
it belt wJ tchh,,hag bee ght
th Wiusticating. &t- the -74�, Mr.. Lewis Way man, of Usto- 7toi�over for-',a;*few minuteii the Stat irou
o oalves were scarce. And b P,
ought better,
toad here during..the'- *elt-m" sitting in his; iiie vn_
Street gentleman'said,
than thoyhevo for some ti _t I Sh
week. proo*... know -but yoti� are Prighi not .Iambs were rathor: scarm t 'a
%ugh ec rf
14 more 'he sudden became Kl ok br"- d brimm04 Well 1, don't -and even, ordinary vests br'
Im i.0 -AN
ol� Ihnc S�nday,
or, —Mrs, McDougall, of Toron1joi is 17th left
a me thti;wiy, -but it is,& fait that hUad Su te& from the effects 0 the he' -06t.. He '.,'struck
, . ths rices all roum
of est of her diuglitir, Mrs.A. Me- tr, 1;'or fr6m $8.50 to $6 each- fo
Wile.- was nd -ha i b tho- Public.4
m- was a mpe - lit to he;4i piid sheet abd from $2.50 to $4.25 eaphl the 11ap
of this place.—Miss Ids In 6 fled to rem in indoors for I-6we the"mmi- and oulz or .. Is.
clay 0 are n
one'ought to W grateful for 4 dunning let- from o .-the care would� bring Before leavin orq.�, e hav6decided- to;sell-the- balAnce, of
r p en ful and Idwer In' rice
6urredtomebeforathat Fat I ' I tl' 0; ),
In the guest her oevot an s no yet ent rely �rq- 10D. It never Oc from -Tto- ale. p;r lb. for fatbogs, bix _A60
4t. anc iss' )g r 0
co ther M ea. Sturdy, on day. c.ovbr me to at Wbeea-use I am*not used. mar 9.
g, isys.aSt.rPaule't tii- -DI
ther evenin altbo
t 4
an may; 'd Daw l, 'toi h ketbas be et of a4 I
4 and no, of 01 p I
day correspodont; -a horse driven by -a hem. I-supp 'dan buyers Are st takipt, whatever suits. em vveri All iilu enty
,,.pu - k§ 4 tw ay
64 y1ug visi to our ase the man R
fur b ense s a OJL)-D S
of 4W l6pmbst,of th Ir rebates have be to eaper' than; s be, s ol.. in
Ed. looks hale 'and It tyr. gentleinan froin Str The ]-LMM
Atf;�d ��me., AoiNi every dityl doesn't k w
-Of li
_!!k er i4teit numbei roes
e.- Dbn�t miss
shl eed'from: he to 'the. United States t
4M firt,14wi. good number' of our young o0ple the St. Maryt road. at -a, bieak-neck weningJ6U64.�i: we A
we?ed'from: he In oid to 4q tW will mfike ii in very
. F -d
6, costing 459;. or a little- RY'
oUg? highes 6
bt 'y' over $100'each OL
Jab are 'Come eat 4lot this- -last Opp secure' 'Boots and: Shoes.'
bc, on boundiL.1eiVing th6 driver &nd
'low, f6r thi Goddrich Cale L. speed,� OIL 6redaculvert6nd ditch a;ta was 62 horse
Pftd* are. ng POPULAR GRO00
don game
*I. - ; - ' - I . I I horseowhich' a 10. nd 1. f a ihere trifle
GOVernment IMd it side'the''fence fo ortunity to" go9d
r repairo. WereLS.hories 5
oot iff omit. anct f the� �th r
iorw the' .�of July, and 91ir aing' DELicious STR4 lb coo _ST
luto aiid -dont for�. :—During the n6o less & Young; (yoceiv,, Seafbrth�haike secu 469 each se argains and you be 'Sure to buy.
a ood: time., it r red from,
we found vegetation eare sorry'to, state h t our day� a inumbee of Mitch I -'school boys - it. Common, his entire crop- of ' Strawberries for Too;;o,� �_U�e' 2'7.-s-ln LkFirpbol the b0st'Can- ln- pr�cei. Call and e. -the'. B
Itlearequbtedati2� and 'at
Off the R
id Wier 9W Parties leaving their orders. at the -adian ci,
weri 4tting on it log at. e eage -of: the :-this imon.
ee Every pal; mus. out
to tell upon V sch-p-ol teache'r has beent 'indis- B Store caii have them- picked "d delivered 'fresh 12jo to. 1.2jo.-. This market is -very tbe cleared i twenty "4�ys and Jo,4, _es-,9ffl1,do,
YL I ' DL quote at 4' pric
iOlIed stall.fdd shipping cAtt c ar to: 50.
in'short At 40 B&TgaIns arefill ng Qffemd 1�*
toBulls are quoted
�,Vwera. All im the ba*- ver -precipitating the boys 'the
so as i� be unable t* teaCh luring the 16i notice. Witsiox*Y,60G,seaforth.
e.. t week ; we hope soon to I ear,�f ion :and p4sers,41c to onvine
eLven cows wft calm 'i at 685 5
to loper lb,, and mirch &w a iti be �c ed by se of you el
named ttridge whose" IRL "WAXTZD.-�--Wauted,,'. About, the he the butchers. demands Are
her .,Thb sacrament I the water. One lad ut, TEASt
The sUp
Luor fither lives nda- r Br6n r stitiori isl liou ble can -be had; the best t SUGARS�
supper was dispensed in Knox A. 004d tirl to do L
11a in the Ra lavet 11 bf i I go few Choice! tat
drow4ed.- He was"& 6 ew, of Miss M,,y Apply to Sit_ MACKEDDs -to 4jo, medium to good at Sic to 0. ku Ar choch,-Sunday, J�ue, thi- 17th nek ' w, 1. . . I �� 107-1.8. , . I y
I Way along till wift sitioritIFIS'A _0 at 210 to If, r lb., - Sbebp Are steady,- e e Vo.
nox a was
4-A 'second-hand.7. CROCKERY
ha we ft. Oeidiy, ing. felilue: at sic to "' pir -1b ; the' best OHN
Thei Bible class in. conneatign, wibl K tyles; tdicher, with" stay -
no 6% _chu�&*h1ch*was.heId every T $iCYdtX FOP. 'SALE., bringtS.t. $6.50 Ahead, apd ium--
31 -the, av
�Appjy at'the Royal
en& cle,alknostnew, cheap..
Spring -la bo in -lair demand s6gdya .5
veiing -.undbr �bo: leaAership, of Rev. pleasant eVent oeburred on the 'B16 t
FS' go el,.Seafortb. - 1066tf ND 6ENERAL
nt ence 60 i"Yead. alves in i : demand and
Alei., McMillan wag brought to. a close eve ng Of the 21stinstJait theresid 00i
W WOOL. L -Any quantity of Wool., tW ;- good to choice bring $7 to $9
prices a. y SHOE .-STOR194
graft own Sit wanted C aEAP: 110
-for 41ow.months, the rev.. gen eman, of Mi.. J.,H. Schmidt, aditor, aiid �pro-
�efoie Selling call at, No. 6 Warehouse head, orabout 6c to 7jo per lb. - dressed- - iWall OT GROCERIES,
the wishes to hold- ottage prayer in etin letoi of the Stiatford - Kolohist. A vilioraygumillbe sure of -the, Highest Market oalves .93 to- OL�0. in: good -L $UpV1
go y and
Fric6 for it; of GrAiD. - I want to. - teid
fall, then, sives ke'se' . u
a short, the oldbr meiiibirs from numbir4of iriends:and 4elat also allXin prices 9 y ; choice fatare 0 At 61 per-�
-as many,. a bie to �"WMEWS OLD r prices
`�tainali.myold oustomers'an4 got lb.;-;.stQroh -and a 8jo to 46. Ourstock is new. and on AS
certain. h. bled tb'�witneseth6marr!4'ge6fMisoClar"
are hew� ones w will favor me wit4 their. patronAge4, - BUPFAL6
tumn unable -to attend Of Mr. hm 91une 27, -Cattl car 61 Ifidl AtDOk Arb an right, as JAM BEATTm 1.0 o as'goodgoods can be bought fore
we glad to state- that Mr. Jmes- eldest! aiug idt$ to Mr Seafortb-- 106 �rouggbt i W An fe er 907
find shelter froTa the . . . . . . ge bi go K. 611aterrs gville. Tk 221be.i -r Lrh* 112k,
.�e-builder, is able Gebr �,.ofS iAPPRENT'ICE WAx A �-`goodd, I I Up,fL cerembfty wits peflor, the next b a
. " �- f TED. NDRsw Ls, _$125,; - cows -dull... eal
ulow that or by Rev. Ai smart boy to earn. the Tigamithing, A for,prinie'L and $5.25'fo
only 'M
STO gain. He ihas boon Is' Canida-stockeis biou eep
on such Peeagious -with a very so To , Quun!*� g6m.. b ive-d Rop, seaforth gunchof tL 2,90.,
the few-diyo -ot. rece* num- mbs. ldaC
0]?, nd Lambs-�-A few choice Can
owed. 1) -�T FAttmxRs: Why OUR= MATIS
v` froa ths& was caused by ztippingL. on eroua an4som6.'piese AG IN,
hatrusty and a dpdk of sheftatpZ460 41oad o oleo' aiom . � utht
ut _'h -ad abroad for your M"hinery, eDSting Much -top* price,.
Me eation wil the p.. u Didians sheep of 1.14
0, 'S n ay a, Eliard1ddy
$4.90. Thd"iheep trade isvity bad; I&M`bikeep
me, expense. And charge for. iepairs.
rre awlal Of every kind, 411':of o ur wavii4g, constant!
85.50- jo'*$5�76. for, llghtL to -or
to' lzdp�pendent'Ofder iof. 600d' To plars occasion t4r akei. her ba' ;e-Aown- -for convenience of the wsrket.glutte4. �Hogs--;Sales ranged.from -in large
that of building..' a mower, which,
the dling, simplicity of construetfon'-and�. case become noted for
�ny mow-
ot e� n
18W -7y. yyrt��R �t of stairs lea, i 0
and Sui2daychools of this. tA *n is a fligh d n into. the street,*
-in repairs ls'zot surpassed by good Yorkers. or eneril excelleam
gi carriage P tft Sak
t6, IV her bay a ridi.,: Tho _N
anches had been onift in wntemplation. kn �'o 1, p
YJ ibb
or -m- the. market... Inspection invited and 9 mmeriand little -or nal. sli out.of her hand and 1�ndid Out Dawy:Xa�rkeits,
ces to. suit bard -times. I -A good second. hand
rf erL June ere as -fol
the.. ro s a.fra6tio
phal� centre of ap so a second hknd wer sakeheap.- *1NQiZA6Uf
Jine F MifffoUltie i.
or mo for oxes w We*
T�l IOXAk, #ur 375 b lc� 1,260 box.'s t
I fit 9c,.635 boxes At 9, a
were horse *as, being ddven by. he hgis'eL on Foundry, Seaforth.,
1070 9ic And'-! fil
IMOSITOP..—I aii3d us tio -hay 0'bokes'at - 9ic. 'Matket a �,tiie� -13 UT
filling the sk ,�ar sea e a ra ce, in. trying, to
lait- % k. TW6nty-, even Estat 'HUGH ROBB
got the best informaii6n'l can as t 3 ho At Jo -higher than ee
7 e.
ckily, I
ear periiiab ilat6r. tu factories kepresented',r nine buyers Pr tin. 661d. ana of -the 26.-T*d factories., War -
be. P
and; -where the 'true line. bhoufld
t6 1Qe cherub was na rin the-Parriage 13irths. m inder @6nd Central Smithi g4p
-between two lots of land'! m thi& t 91 cents. fro J.
sh, on he 1.7th D. Flavelle six factories wint t H on
AvaMblei,- -her& Ship So'as, to got forthilh true at the'. time. WILLIAMS. In Eastk Wawano t''
-an taka g
b, t6 ..... 10 price. The bala .9 . V. -IMPORTANT NOTICE,
W. - it John WUH f th
co —bir. Win. IE[ary soil Of ...'Mr. mcd . of the -Lo e- ..P4_rgau ,ted' lary Of the farm 16t* as laid down ey; . � .11th the wife of Mr. AMS -0 for 9je, ind seven to Mr.'Waxx on e aw
-should Such. an em. llarve�,, Elm4. townshiO treasurer,'16ft a : e L Ills..
original. sm 'i -I m' ar M
-but theprofi" by the rveyr.. ake bid- to time ago.f6r aii � ext�ns -OR�—IE
UYL East Wawanosh on e
'short� ive- ur, ot4 Warrington At 9 1-16c. aplAyZ> r info�j�ition h inst., the4lfe r. tor of I. a Rwosioit,'June 26.�krXd -cheege,b i_ver,
to, be e - continent 19urope.. He" --,ddqn
9'y down at YoRfo *brough th )f i aQhter. 6W
wilt able to, thr soi�w I to;d�ay'drom ' NapArtee and Rings ARX FOR -BALE BY TE"ER.---Offem will
so'�W " t on �Iai lat6l]� passed his 3ri year exaimin&�% WIASIYINGTON.�-In We the%
L ta� 0* _s 1Vawa'noshJ on boxes,of for -which, he paid 8J cent;i by the
y *hit seems to many ia� this hip a ;t. the wife - : F be received undersigned ddreised
tion *ith high honor IL allLMod -'10th4inr 6f Mr., C. Washington, of., Pound.
To to Roseville.P. 0.; Ont., iintil 1
�ason I refer t#j the the. 10th, -IM for the purchase and 1.2,-
y ses VncA, une 26.. -,Yesterdzy I' w6re hf bin;in t Kugtwi
iau lit
ra0er difficult thing li%44�e branches it To -outoUnive g er. sa es tS -of - late
We ., Gbn�pany rA SSETT th 8, 8%, 2,160 "boxes at Sic, 4,080 )6xes ma e success-- ess� ise
e ty- BI .-In Exeter,, on: the 19th'ifist., t, e. j.,,one wah q,�v6rti
find the Tractice hitherto' for iends t his'-- on the 16th 'concession of re Coifuty -of
6ttle uea� Dtiluth, but and in while awa,3 - o.. pursue Giorge Bissett, hardware mer-.., at Sic - 3,059 boxes at'8u3c, 236 boxes at 8� 0, 05 B. f
Oh wner-of a half lot,41th or �v out ;'chant,,of a son. 'd t *Huron, There are 20 9 a(;91;laid4,
studiii and to obtain: 13�Or'e thorough- t Ickajes �t 6reamery- but -ter at .18je to 2( e to SO. u want. R.ed Rot argams, Juq which 1-1r, wre.8 4%re,
P, )c, -.they -w an,. o. sh6uld
nlore� favorablo yp .,.,0&.t.,
1ed ran in
ondnrrencef� hi neighb -know edge of eL al IR.�In Usb6rne, on the 10thin,st.,the.wife: .. 1, -E FAts, June 26. - Th6 transaction .yes- i-
or 0 ffning the conti e lAuguage,c. I - , of, cultivation., the b ce being havily tim-
L_ iTR;
the� hialf'lot neXt to his, to get a surveyor of Mr. T6hn Moit of a sem terdaywtr� As follows:: -56 lots at 66, 38'l S�-at
The Wd Y. a Irposes Visiting'. an-ce, Oermany '114EAN,-In Lumley, on 14th in - st!,� Sic. -Sales of -farm. dtairyL eheese w,re 1,033 at- bered with the best'of timber. '0 is within six
to fun the line betweeii them 0 11 0,
the wltb Miles 9f -Brussels, four from Walton ond'tbere
nd ialkafter spen M$ a Vm. McLeanLof 'boblibn the adjoining
d shott time 1;i ason
utritims,- gra�s"�'. bdxes at5f.6 to 8c, thb bulk being st t e- atter
.19, a he wife of figure. ' Butt, e� of farm.
goo buildings, a .41endia young orchard Jtua
to bear-; - a- never failing 8 * 9
ofiunn of creek 4nd-agood well. Good gravel reads, Piz.
e ion Bowerman, teaclie in . MONTREAL, -We quote Ic in all 'directions. L The -two Ainudred Acres
wife of Mr. tw, June'27.,.,01ieese
Falsehood A]
Mr. Thomas Coi d
re(I thLeii two half lots. lay", ste�ad 181tt- of a soni daity butter sold At 17c to lac the. bulk ai 18c� commencing
farfa tha_.t surveyor by his chAfti - con the o�d countiy. . ' t- .., -b lot. 7hm
XONSITT * In Hay�, on the 5th idst., er Thirty IV
BOW1kRMAN1n qr� h inst. he` -12 packages of cream6ry at 18je.
th-erea 4,(bUt3t ng the line right throug; h �y,_on thi 18i to �T
osed. U NCA.- N.- d together
eon W red toi- ing so( ely ian,d offers
461e, lot to the stake odthe
i boyff,.onerliving. 81c foi- white, W to Qc.16r colo
Ile- find a� quarter from where . _.iuntgath 0c :ftn( new
Of, the SL - Ve'qu6i.6-: Creamery, -to 216; can be -or separair
SEAFORTE� hi is,',19c to �20c 6,to 1 c; new be received for both or for �ilthor of the
at 1,075 mila n. If both Owners of said -half towns ;,*edlum, 17
A -pontemptibIe s,. cro 'has -been": Mariia farms,. They lie alongside scli. other. L3t.
ges, 6
;"the' Montana; Cen- rp -18c to. 00,c
�Ieas�d -with'the, Iffie the itake West rn, iturolls, in tube; 17c b 18c- During the warm w6itih6r for. S�ecial BargainEf. Just":receive'd' a large, tending purchasers can -view the propirty and
-certain e CUP r I - k 'i" , - . 7� �-f - : . . - .
09- the line along to ekculate& by p rtie who hav 'RIE1 ROBF.-At the t: r60 flae 'obtain information from the- undersigned.
I& cophty,_ 6,nd wM be
down ivasa;boundai�- so far is they d who- arei vi biide'sjalhir on the fOfh ladies'.J6rs "s fm6bt -stock in
by. ReV.
ben�"d who are-tryi -day._to.inw C Market. conlTi,�;�nent.of -to ivhom offers,minst be Addressed. MRS. X.
we, e cor 4-ohn R a, A 'Mr John. Miss Tor Ato Horse
�ther., -Great Vills. icerned "but. it only one of. them�sine6s ici ulating, 6. re�6r.t Urrie to eS. WALKER, RoseviHe. 0.
but unless an" 4fth it'W m eof r. Jobb Ro T. h soia,&eap, s we purchased this lot 30..pei �emt-�'to iregular pric
ha do t in any cases t' �Ellza, younget3t daughtee bb, ere, is a -great improvement in businesi theL
to'th6z effect that e r", son a i both ofMorrio.
great and- the- 0 cofiten not active, -,--and- the � moes, at 221c, worth doilble, the, :money. Em- XECUTORSIXOTICK-In the matter of the
arferal demand is more, i ces.Tassor' Silk'
It has a be a ause of to gelfgroc �j because ..dAARAM-4OHNSTON._ been' i�.Mftg Twenty pie
V - it. Evem. there, d4ilyende 1'a'a'ourseo time, eries cheap 1 Sive- 06 the 20th at realized are higher, than.-- we� have 1�rge stock ini�ortod, 'width be, sold Eostate f the late Owen Do eoeaae&-
d ht weighLt. This I'iay, is ?not . ftue L the. residence of-thebride's' -father, by.Reri lat Y. � �Ho'rie dealeisinoitip; speak `-of thei out-. broideries,' ver Y � i I __ . . 1,
ig X 1 1. . � L Pursuant to the -Revised StatU L of Ontarlo,
6at river. ana- *in. a th6owners of the lialf lots at th( other Simes Ckrrie,'�Dunonndn,John IEL Gpabain, loo aspretnising., I There #mve been o es and. 1887,.ohatOr 110, section W, -notice do hereby
p-bain 0 fo �e* es. am
ion employs AiothQr
llsl*lkftai�n feel grie4tlyi'obliged -to any, Eiq ' son of J4me� Graliapi., Esq., Sheppard- uying dii our markets- this at finp.brted pric F1 'Vhite and C.610red lac
A rapi& % eii4 of the coucess week bo given"1hatalf creditors andthers hxving�daftns.
persohL& persons' whoill either them- i on," to I Miss Emily' hird- dau-hter - of y horse's were submltted.lfok:sal� at. F1 buh8ngs, Collos and Cliffs.
bout 150 feet with a surveyor and he' stakes out. ti againptthe -estate of.10wen Doyle,late of the
Is ncessim,,
-katt I
hew Xofin-f
�. to tring any .--Othe r ston,- 113S t, co es'rs. Orand's iepositor Fol -
8 y on, Tuesday.
f Tuckers
beirlwoEgreater frOM his end of -lot, but over y Godorich -town lowing are the*principal 941'e mith,-in the povnty�of
*hom t ship i r
party, hey eas to'ih400t m Huron. Labrer deemed vbcL,*& on v
Aulhony at Min- congiderably the other m�aiuie-
of TudkeiBmilh, afore
j3 g., 4yrs.,A5 1140, -,27tb , _JW
e- Pr. ba goldipgs,.5. yro., 10 �ds ............ . $210 d y
iniles is ex- S-aAdw4ightsanda SOL IN, ERY. NIILLINERY;�. about the
scide' -any Vartits r a f i6;4 A, D '1888 at tbe'
)%nd deviates from the otheiistake, MIL
ceiviiij light. weight or. m6aguke will DLeathil yzs.,,,15 lids ....... .........
5 before thL-'Ath,dav of August, A. D.
18K to
-deliver or end by post to J. X. Best6 Sea -
50 miles at - to ht or left'of 'ft' t(y &Aistauce, tit'
�eailj oblio me by. xe mr-ining the-goodS
Br. 9 prs.j
9 G
-nea of rich orero�,, In be, from ---one, foot,to thirty.- How ha:Vin� Sehforth,.on the ;219t inst.,1 Mr. e
.... . 106 rortl�,,Solidi or Afin McLeo, the executrix
the oney: refunded-.- - ,64: :B. g., 5 yrs.
d everything. m &-to bt corrected and the -I- Case -aged 64-yeati. .1 7. yrs.L,, 15.1 lids ...... ...... Lirgest.- stock in the, trade w"e6kly arrivids'.- all Ahe latest Style
18 is differene 'say -that an 4 �h, an the Mr B. m of thi last Will AndteStAnient,� of "the faid-OWeft
u 'er party or jaakti6g' Seafori d- inst. Mr.
spo Grieve, age 9 in ' ths., G- 'for - suMmer *e&. - Doyle, deceased, their names 41 addresses,
in= -;4yrs., 16 lids ........ ............... J27.-
tr d.41 �eais and - on
91 . IV___ . after this - d* te
kinm a gr f6und fof the itAkea tudi ide g.
a 1 Such repbrt Qht g 5 -yrs 151 lids. -..K. ........... 193 thi fun
h so i r i r a SWITZER.--�-At-.Cranbrooki on. the l9th inst., particulArsof theirclaims.4 statement
-twd whole lots of -�W 9
B. g.j 9 yrs., 15.3 hds...
ion of avail- th 1ta e the - meani which the 1 S'w. Mr. Christopher Switz aged 85 years,. 3 ..... of their accounts.and the naure of the.aocotmts
give to ever - m
was. -readili 'th4t all four'. Owners f half lots mAyhave y an' to �rbte6t himself months and 27 daya. 9; go, 4 yrs., 16.hds'.',
(if any) held by them ; and that After the skQ
-true's BOWERMAN.-In Greyi pn the,,24tlillnst.,� t' tBlk. g 9 will
t t -15.3 lids
of� land e actice � Blk. g., 9 4th dakf A:uotlie said Fxe
hare h'contemtih e repor. s. he -putrix
aga 9t Sua G. y9 "Ad lids fo distilbi
erto en for a su=r infant twin Son of'Mr., 0. Bowe n aged DU -NCANL & D U N CAN teeil te tfie the SAM
Ithy syndicate, T. h t L26
parati6na for smelt, fias be .. in r to 1261
G. 4 hds-. ...... ceased Amongst the partJes entitled
Yours 3rulki in,
no further than he tho t his. i days, 49
andling 1.0m In asure B., g� 6 yks.'j16J having regard only to thow cla4us of w1ildh
IadxwEv�.-Oh the 18th inst;, at. the resi- ......
A e plcryeia--half lot lay,. and Wh i- beeii 10V J. SCOTT% ...... ....... 50. notice shall have- been- giv
mRy -in-law, Mr. W gn, And the aid
Eliza Biggs, - relitt of the ....... e
ocks Straight 4-mig -Cause of much contenti strif& -R.ead their stock of
race will be out defice of her' son m. Reith, 16 hds... stock' -of m6A� Clothing,' hil
on anc of Hay�, Have,, a very Executrix will not be liable the 10" A8604
township P 1- _y IL person L or p 5 of
fo in no- aware of ro fb�. Hiih ool building -at latiJohn Blackwell.. aged 83 years,, whe I. g;, 5,yts'., I&J hdo.. ............... Tweeds aii t6miietition. ll 'orders entrusted. = pa rtL thereof to my
river so as: case.that I am :101: d L Worsied: Go6ds
by -an Ogdeusb'u'rg 10.1 �itsj Pants ex4o" claim or claims nofidesball not havoueen
ter power. -of the - re, than one, measurement h is- beeft Brockville drawn - car or q404 w despatch, an received by her atlie-filrue ofauch distributim
our #h
--'POtTl4D'-JiEEPERSSALE.--.�Th6'u*ndeziiined- aff of- in! empl ed -in -eon ctioit with our Taii� Book Solicitor for the R
e, zei & -for n ;-P!�ty_ W"h6t Scott- SaVe. e6hanic bem"g oy ne
made, have they agreed and !a id and' arehitect,-.ha've,�been a xecutrix
Ore. site f on st
Ontario. Dated at Beaforth this 2alj'"y of
it1v tile water's nt of -dutyi.
tn6rous are th4 complaints abptit� me -Publiq Auction at disa]�P'OintMent. 4jAr tock, of Shirts une, 28881 10M
4. willsell by' -the& iforth
f the 'D' Won inSALE
le one,' ancl the Sugar for $1. 1079. 'Ime, on the-14th'dayL of July at one o'cl, ck In
11 selling 11-1 lbs. Gran befo gilrdagai�St any
�rd . -0
ogs !'at the ends of- half lob 'If -1); -.4t is stated that- 0 e only tender at . 1* ound, if not claimed b�-Ahe mvner e the
all cases in'.Morri 1' ii*ilQt 00 V i d.
-the Mght line in -and 0 VfioerWear-is larde and,- arie
st t Ties all
�t the fi�ad of ceiv�d for the OOTT 14- still - selling- thai� -Beautiful tho afterudonj thq following proprty, Viz One' --The Executors -of th*
ly Wig f 10 Brown 1 -151 for'$L' 207Z bay d rivitiz --mare --Tp 1 1: white -on fth-
ig 00 ri - Estateofthelate in. Homey, FAquim
a* a Tailroad 'and Calt,14 _061npan in: Mr,, W. �X Ll' ir, lb wn from conceision ine to com cession L f , - . hind. the laiest styl6k. Elats for 1 eatheri Hits for' mila- �veathe and F
g, ar ced
'Tit. of Montreal). and COTT bai oil, y a W 0 6.6tj che white. I rt on the- 10ft shoulder wd a Nats -for hot w6athen. , All the -latest S
is not a- the stakes, or I f ose�- bli-on in Stta*; Felt, �c. --lot We viz. 'Teorth half of d
Ift thd Spot they 6c-. others' who of' th' -beauti- f We, deceased, nowalfor the followliag voiluable Us&
is . P* La 27 an the
your fe* ava bs,'for $1-''. 1072: whiti spot: on - t a forehead v e 'the north half of Lot.28;both in -As
WL'or Some- $250,606. This- would le tho' f� rUiles. left' 10 1 of,
X110*0d to-, d I hope y6 a 44 noso.', Dat d
t the, .8heiroholders indebted to the. extent, of, CoTT'is Still selliD lr this 98th diy. of 'Alne, 1888, U,. -$..,ROB DRTS, sto6k- in 1�uroi� Oounty -don!t -forget
an. show he� Iiiiest
purposet)and- feaders. will 'point 9�u 9 Coneofflof)
ff the, .8. pounty of Ru
at 0 4 He .1(72
tive e a bil SU rL for 01 1072 �oun
may rewmn&`b1jr r hgon, wh� and the best way the I ron, containing UO Acres A
T 6 U0 sono are tlearedl And In d iwndJt*, ths
'001.p f t
an, chief ce 4fb, f
It b lefty with sub
d mining Indav- 1072 -o -.S.e and iisple, This
'*' - p lb.: , , I .
-1 a __ , .. . . 18, conti in th d 11 � i 00 T i�§odi 0
Youm FAt tal it $800,090 being I . � ; 7
f1tre- LAY the entire capi or n-- an
This 6ffer wa with'
*Mordl, une 15th, 18M lost. a fterw4r 'ad 25 Ibi. $1, 1072 favor
SdOTT'S Ri unca y
Its W
ably. situated w3bla -one m
�Wing on -i number drawia, the assets �bein leftintheliandl SCOTT'S for., Broome 0 contm.�
the village of BfUSUIS JVb
'F*r11ef a. fort- jM p 1.2 h r 25 ich Affords an ex"Hout
rn market. There- is, upon the fpmlsox A md
6lith" r
—Be,tweea I . . - . I I - - I .- fruit tros
113 ff spot , -haling sonfl, also A EW wayt is - Com�any 856OTT'g- tiVO 3-lb-� cans" To' —1i' estr n it the, frame ban and hoUffe_ An L 0
ear- Dnd $20,000 be REAL ESTATE, :lgb trade fo' Butter and -';Pggo
-: 'o liquiditors.' T t 'of the 966T�11% 2 79t
J?48rth'. It so. I of t4
ropey 7 cans Plilins fop 25o.' l6 B
inq5,001 to In the fair merican 8, matoes for. Of holoo,
Ited R1 it foriul�pliis for the vdlunteer' West'and- the'shorehc Idero Afii 1072 r cei� Store.
wellan;l vulnp, xod eng r1W
asaa rel, ano 25, The ii�drlune4 offers for sale th6"fol owin,
goodl Thisprops
to, compa w4h, �,,,QCOTVA -fresh' 1 ke -.0,
re - ce mp at Stratf6ra, will be mold in ansr two pAibqlo to suit -law,
Govern-. 000to. valuable Roa Astat forth::::
hero. VAX YOX SAL44TY.JoUth 60 acres' of a ter An
b 4 bive use of hftse on
rcrently' purchased $4,OW wo -fresh lboxe OT109. OF, DISSOLUTI prom set At any
7' - _: P.
uat - Mr. Thomas Ballizatyne, M, � P.. understood ;h&t the -1072 0, situate in Boa 4 the' Ink purchasers. Purchasir will bs'Alowed to
o-Hopo, 1-072: 'Imbiodlato vicinity, VIZ
irth of, �ient have dool4ed-to lease the' parlfi- -1. 1
fL M 0 '-partnership hereto X.. Lot 20 001300$Won 8 township of Ma- d to J1Qu�r1r1a4f4
d- the !$COTT Is I Tars Lauuidry Soap -fore time x1torharvostan . doWl
vpj thatfbi 0
a4Qeso In'tho Sb. Marrs district, cod femes And; buildings- R010- -ONAVO r1i,
P, All .4 but AbOU be glvsn rlkt ov*mbw
rA, In e blo WGI
m 4a A 'to one yeirf ogood stite .01 01431vagn ' ith 111% -Wjejl i1n. _n VOMWO"Jon Will
t& Utin Offi -0 otil sel Let' 8� 1bt y T t Us, tbo- undorsl POP As an
--pri N
rg Mc t A" all th .0-srofto Qf Is III th F4 torwo And
1-4he ave _go V& the V1114 4ardminled and J11'1f(Q94_ QQIJdl� - k i-
.0 TArt4 -Porlbf P311 RAO 04.4 Mfifg. 47) Itiom �hora IN, A next, - T �JL to tbo
;;d 0 Q or �A .1 L
or# 44 ay DeuAl QQJ)Oon MOON"
id gar,&
of Parth. Cquaty A�X; ar1be. Ist -Of J41, TWA d-,06 ONA -hm NO jwr. -44 by *%u
'Pop 40Qtotb, .410
_Jr 1 oj4
09 tR
e# fm* 969 46 OL ki _ b � R , 0. 54# V h -A
-11 �
Aft, j 4.
Rigm 9,91 Hig f6p, @#F* Fisk 6@§v F YR., 0 MY Fy 119 RUN-*
81 40011 Fm
hRRIP "VOTT"o 1 811 W Pr A 1W
Pow Kesper#1 9,41m:
'The '90=48V T -6."4H 14-4idif 09-Y M4 w# f#qq*4
f N
L V - . .
a n h&WWb41 dim OR Nuad# N 08M fill 1%, 00"o, 0 6 * - got 14P 801 to oil b1i
-Wft,�hi6h Mcf tof the 4 offw N01 - U A W 884FA40 faf UXT --A Iffififf tilt of
culd%V18 0 id#: 61, J�ffilfilifif, Age $lit fti: e SWF if
L; raf 146 &ff'1'kFf tit w hg§ 6exth Own
AL. HJ 1'J%F1JJ 4 'XF
T JVrijo, pi
alit ifty tAtid, ifdiqkt�-ssi Uk 6bitf6h 16" "a
ife bt thttft6 d"ay" iftehi fdr ty the -ad tit
foad oker
t, MURPHyi
'Dakota whbf died. 'Ad Oth M86 ftioh i ifind- It . is ftlllg� --- 4
cifft n_E#qtJly6 all,�l S61 6m Hotil 1kv61-' As *111 0 #gift -uOdbild gAtift b"thling" 110A Offiftu Abd #06. ob
r bb N J Ifor6h" Obef datk bW fbAft *ft
wob-slosto the uhd6rolgotd. the pr6titioe i&;;o=d Ulf sbdvdrft* t6n f"ah"d.
bfid 4 4 It
the early age of k yedro, Shi Was 1% 6urdaul will - he- roady-'f6r Va, mtfa for Orango'so ;2 bteg R Urn Abi-forth., I A ibboloat or mom black
ket -of -1is bf6edink?' Terms -46- gM" X BIANCINA4D,
ed three nfan Mr. Thom 'Le 'Ro',dr* &C& are Paid mi't and sh6we insure obnvenlently thust6d tam cant" bb'ftnd .0
Ham, .1�011, Saaon�tBo rot I rmo app 7 0aughter of F1 Nuts ". ' ' F., H4DLUE TED#' $1,609 0 b lot, ;AXVS G. 1.
'Se leigge, 6f their plant apned- ons.for y be 11 to the 610inietor W the
Ity tradmwn as, Ufbbertoaud accompanied byl. ot hus- r CHESNEY. -THOM 7'
nobody b�ifd she lift the, township of HibbIrt $q _the sagi, Chicken, Duck, Turkey &c.. .:,a 12�1 Alssignse.$stato of D. ly 1008112 -1m, AS BOM DO" Ots go &Y, of ;tdt 1" Iffst
premisOil and, 0.0 n10972. "01 f 3futo
rnI d
not for
a -