The Huron Expositor, 1888-06-15, Page 17. ul6w Nair Ni -i V. N -F Good' ?TM E N -IT, VArtments GOOD -8-i �r'GGOD _R CLOTH PTS, t, ft Values..' Oared -diiking 4D JUNE -Produce ,4,,,AU`r A- J- joit, MTH. 6valea - arentaiii Urbodstock- juton, of TeftwateK. tley a, visit on i nZ- 5with has a �-brothor 1.31ear Port 11ope.—` Er $614. a car loid- of. ats. , Thelactotyl-ha& i 42 clieeses�& day.-- wisbike IaA week in Vigs- III -the faot;Ory 3W, there I are, 3w, and win be lorty meirir. -han.-double the llr� r'b"u there 1466. 6ester . im running the d �ap - t* under.-. pears -fall wheat tbe7more than half, 'for-, fruit never was ig !a the shape. of & B1csao=,.-­-Tho frost rped aJl thetender avuXam—The Court � t6WItship of Hulls* ihoro, an the 26th 6f abers. of council pro& i. Be Churchill *sw in. There were -,no, ks passed . and court council meeting wvAt- Pords of gmyel to- be �5 -and 26, under the� �eqtt, LT. - Lasham, anct �' fifty cord, on 8140 � ditection of � & BrIt- i6m. - membeis Of conceselon . road 4.0� 4, 5.6 aind Side TO& r3ist of May 'at 4WO, teral. expenses. $I0 for 'paid a th- be I ewera. VA poundV rwaeappow-U& ivisions to, be samor sr. Council- adjoum-: hen balled by reeve, Jaiusit. Ro' , . gers,# 11 a with his pa;rent# in Fennel,, our spher and new, premiob& Try - 10 Le* of ofel. Bw convenlentl Y xitd&-' 64 returned on Moil- bndanc# at his broth - Fen. Sqund. Dr. Ffit� very auce.essful as il-, for Since, he come t-6 Las -into Dr., moved le ft6v. Xr- W.,Vr.. Moorehouves: r 04 Yrmv ust.— Our The 4t 7.30 pr. m. �Vj offered no, serious - Seamen notion'of -#mbL%ikiV9 ,[mesa and WIM return ku in a fewweeks.- 0ils, 'house ve.neera �X"oung i.3 oin t V d I g h - 03 h%ve injured th& probably ,Our voluntsqFs calap._011� popular Is tuirtilig� �out an. ,.,he ' flour lite. He 11�' roxg �N�Jauitoba whsat�, r� teachea ift School �wlok, has. moved in- - th of the, gou _NEER.�.Donald �e oldest settlers Of W ]light at 11'red Tuead dons. Deciased 1!!!� a in the emlifoy of Sir and was familiarly � - t the [aw" 'He was o ,8, Y ra 0 f Agee, q L i6 K. V .2� 0i I Jh- r !A ;z", 7 71 ........ A FRI. V. XCLIDAN,BROS." JU NU 15 T XTY-VMS!r YEAR. U07O.- OXWFORT �-AY. 1888*; WE NUMBER: $1t50 a To", In AdVanceo W the Jasther ouncil is am -00i HURON COUNTY. COUNCkIL; eises.� There were, thre'e, commitments repairs made, t6. thept and olldy ad;pted b y! - the- a aptions -for chuiah, -.school and corne- oil to -p a an order iii I incil, empo 'tvappoosolies.., Lwo end'. l tery purposda, and' Tecomm the ering this oo, noil FULT.4' m0:0 madq.' There ae a number of fines no uld. re'commileud tbat'l that.eo.,oh niubielpality -shall -provide fair' I -to apply any Suf up The June meetl' f the 'Hurbn yet paid ifi2 - though - in- e'very case not, the follo*ing repairs. �be triads: as soon;. it� own,indigent. The majority� how-' -"values Set forth- in.theinnexed schedule money that iemains in the -hauds.of tUe. g - 9 - I., - as paid evericonte -th en -on iqsued d` *ble 'viz..--� A new fouidation un, naod at thiiAs -an' ecia ized valu6s for -the cuir- t Tre urer from. the Anes.jImposed Atil Irt every DepWrtinent at the County Council opened.vit: Goderich jatr6si *artantsiand p o thiv�ual' d voted tocor ingly. peranoe ollectednder the Canada Tein Tuesday, o6ftdrugort df The seyer4 voininitments. Many that as the old -one it very- -tiopoilecasean d Act during thetime -t redo� disr'Hall's bridge, se'veril much deayed!;* a -poition- REPQR OF -i THE SCHOOL COMMITTEE. br* addreise&.the members- warr�ntw- hav6' a- O -a It * - he paid Act was i� the iWitee, t6ported _at. W FA aist, i Cash- Sto in force *in this county, to a in g to t of*, copitablii 'Tarde' -pioach, to Holmebville bridge is washed *The chor. -Corn t ferrn he, business likely to.'coind' wqok4 hado hea, re, - -1n h ef -not In hquldi b6 kepaired -at O'l accordance w erection of a House of Rvfuge P ore t�e Council . this who liY6 yet returned', them -'away.ahl ne followc.: Th4t in ith the. 0 at session; and -00 & county. - The names were ta-ku on ibis Lake Shore,� 'd has. been Welland2 this council petition the Legik- 'roach to the IS in 0 8 O-unty- Council of ilsostating.hat all the fin s collepted u e the ocInstables are -a portion of khe4pp - I! re'oluti6l� of e n those cases. prbsuin motion, and it was declared defeated by der the Scott Act had - been -of the. flne being paid. In some river bridge, Rba 3q: . 2 aid to the. assured p as k County: Treasurer, but- at the iiec'unU a - -too thd -constable' .90: me MAN &_0 0 -have, returned- the washed away and-* it- sh ket -the Publi Schoo, Act qoripy of 13. HOFF s. ould, be* r6 latu dmend 10 .1 Moved by F. W. betwiBen the police InA al"tress wairants, maki n, so W41 �rotecteAso� a's td� make per an a its to provide for a.. system of utiiforin Johnston, Ifistrattoi- nd the is ng - no retur -and are that it has son ..impossible for me to -2 '-.county 'ronlotion * examinations in .-the county had- not Yet -been q 'It-' -squ ' 'c- J;Db. On the Sth of recqyed by John Beacom, that the Warden ui e But of 3 Clerk ugh -negotiations is nbwAn �prosekte Clerk o abopne, D up, altho' of, the,6oun- a. letter', fr6rriJ-.the*Cletk 6 1 Joho6le and-fo the ddia�iukvf Oemoiialiie'_ the ominion Gov - We havesoine very Special -expens, or' Coiiidj try the unwilling-fiesq'on. he piorb -of :66n- stating ihat an-�'ac. ident had. it -to pass an or.d progress which will is'sue in settlement. oachtpea at the asary es attendant in the ernmei -th�e County C6uucil',.,-stable� t other scho expenses. to Slfo in New, Dresa Goods- 17- thorizing the Couiity'Veature , r to pay Ne A circular from to ants. a -servo' the Kirktoa bridge on the boundary.1 be- ssme.mannev� as 0 Warr Prints %ew Sateens, New Zephyrs, We, v a Welland asking the �. co-opbration of 'a -has b is in siapaate mun -a great tween the'.,townships of ._Usborn� -It I ecom" piled that,M. 'McLean over to the Aummou-se een. the cause of e- oit! her, be appoint d C�llogiate $tee, 9-. the co�iity, from which- Laill Scott this cohmall in petitioning the L�gislpr , deal of d inoyince in Bldfishard,,'by Which a lady had g e i Institute -*u slay and an, press- 6 �Ojtj-6 hwh' 00 were. collected, any 5 U-rplusw and Seafort �61 �5 Shirtin g'o$,, New'.Gloveo, New Collars and al the act 4uth6rhin inthe'place- of: So -G. Me- - - -ture to repe ttibi inf6imations. Th6re..hao be6q. le Taken.,, I -met the. Cd -for ;h'l .9, muui_� at 9 mmISSI 01111- may beinhis hands In ihe same proper- sw Cc eta, New Ribbons, No, a u rd and the X)�iidbn; Caughey, dedeased'. ItIs.also'rea IPSJ.t* -1 les to grant bonuses to nian faaf aid, to' me ih fines sin6t I.Vas directed for the county of. Portli on the lot iii ud d that- sucli changes be. made in 1! tion 4 fhe same was collected, fio the r ins, Now ret6nneh'. y over Loose,, New 04 tal C ras. Toad. -to pa nee, to the d6iinty treasurer to e e turers,.v ad" also a. circular of Hu n.at ih biid& examined the vi- Mutual] e y urging a. a county.ap, a -majority Govern ent provision amounts,' tionland found theUidge to. be in.firit! the Jerson actually. pa It 04 &ca . . , " "' ? 19 f !our. ate, - 4 1 * palitles. ;Lost- ou'a divislonly a-' froin the -$a a 00, end In. fees iii. se' $173 day of'Ju We situ the ilaws Of assess t Permit of. in to 'make V to the'. an in town cases ­$121, which' OD 52 lks 0 0 holding couiiiy promotidn ekamins- -will bese-ou acovered by the Am6unts class' an4 ih6'&�prooicheo ih yory direqtin , 'at any time re the same. CO'UNTY VALUATORS. r- Millin Stoci Was. never Ifia bet- for Ou ory 'by tions, wo4i r6ferred- to the 'h- I paidjo the cotinty treasurer.. Flii6is are good ion. From 'what I opul. bh applidition"of the same. so 9 -Noveaby D. D. Wilson, see 11M -a- ter Shape nor dU e. ever have egah A mittee. A 'letter from the Education' Still- being and will be�'piiil over as learn I am of the�opinio far it they ate to - school , piirposes, W. Milne that three-441ustors be ap- hawputrance exO receiv public ch6olt -act ba botmplet# assortment, in i3very ling, every that Departn1briti. agreeing to 6d.- �With resp6afto the feml. dent occurred through the intracta,liflity the ungannon, was read and a t is opinion j e 0 us - to any, a ua io rope taxes, ind h unty.,suc _1f the hare andwas n t :d 1' & I ;ad valuing the assessable v Loidya�culd take: &'�Iook thio ah -e;t D 'a submit i ' h - ' a ai t "ske all rate _p*ted for the purpose f xamining. th ami' t a. Shall �ave t gi�en a ed a am . payeroprimarily y e -solicitor. :Thqre hr sti aipprap ubl-lo school ffifferetit tylesi, filed. 11 a 'dif0et in.ihe- bridge: or the liable' for -p that in each municipality in'the -00 b th �,the-asosrjorl shall so ploe- them� n tho� EDUCATION IN NORT H' ItURON. point: mith-` respect to' the fde:s-in:-the' toit.'17algo'recoraniond that. !he'-..God6-' -valuation to Wthe basisfor equalizatioli, eta 0 bridge be t CM CA -it of Mr. Mall ch, PUblic, towil where I aqt -under sepitate.66iii- 'r ran, �;.re-paiuted- -assesiriient roll, unless."the r�tepsyer The repo ldh I for can 'rate for the ensuing five a87. 1 4 express. School North.-Ourou, missions. and without soilaiy. The opin- the brabes b4y-,Iaid so.as a prevent he 'shall hims e 'assessor n y Inspector for to -th years. Itt on a division. Buttairick's reliable Patterns, Boo]. ef6ch other.' I' recom- 't e, read and'referred- to he Sbhool, Com; by abine that in, thosie"cases I stiikifigagilnit hath "wishes to-beyated'ap aespoirate, T46 Council adjournea. NOT to meet ion is held, ts. always to be had at the mitts6. The� f louse school ',aupporter. . That* -._goardd of ieport statedihattlie pro titled to ret4in fees... I �ave.'subw. mend that the Too . "of the Courv'l ingr ii�cl am ei grearin &-large -number of the schools is m�iitt+ the the county slicl- be repaired �fiy leak- tr %bled to apporti question to ad ae'to.-.-prevent 0 es shAll be en,. IOU oh Op- iages;. -1 exsmiue4 Diin s, bridge,'O the Ahe Christina; S- t o r pretty-satisfactoryj andpeaks -well' for. -tor -and he hai giVen opinion I and intil.sumatner holidays., C anaft. in subhis Way &9'4ol them ay"I'seeiti F. the Z_ alof- the teachers, Al� large num- con ention.. I. do- not ake Shore, Road,' AshAeld,- ind' to - a - in position1o, that - N N og —The Manitoba Govern ont has -as- est in the Interests of their schools, *re - a -the V I cant -4 hoiveveri aggre it aided to complioe dooll's ber of those'employea during 1886 - re- Wish in -any wa� to stand -in opposition. lieve-itrequires-the full- capacit S the Au Bay, f tained their po ione. for . -1887,'thu� to tb6, co&ail; and have coaseiqhentii bri he water4hrough in times taluingi e n Cia � BohooL railro of all, am6tinta collected� *of high -water or. freiliets. ' -The esti- of holidays, T"t 't I aid. id to' gtving� an 0 po uni - t �for ' befte 1pro- 'miadq'I"e, return Aje to let t -the umber co fact Walk. 'o' did �sb via to iowfio is-entitl ere sachet& are, changed 11 ayself' entirely in th6' rqated.'aost'of'a fiV6 n. the Act- be amen make: six —The qUeation a to throw a Of eige the for the. iidmis�. el ee tt Act fities I still agitating yearly. For entrance examinaions to him f the Council and ask'that' �-:Ma tl e I an ri ge a e i., municipalities. 8103rof �w !IS' .t lid sohooli C$;- �A. tbirty pound inuakpionge WAS to ritain'�-_ the, -of - fo 00 al D co t:.o n ex� .,CARDNEYS BLOCK Hijh SaVoolo 320: candidateli-wrote, Of allo, 4, fees collected � -a' u er s -u -At non 'Wher Iar brid, so a To a and To ai s to c 11 er art .94 epkrtitionts. That. ni. e ecessf4l. t I a few am ou n who ,polae'n gistrNte without, t forwarded from KIngs �-profeas one.: the Aildifigs will likel thq Hig 0 0 1- at e amendiscl so as' examinati there *ere oil V, -S It A. F 0- R'T F1 ex so 40 4dpmai of. one imaster passing the neces' ago, to President Cleveland. er cent LwAgs'P. M. a d fo, is year.the ouni of 12, - -203 candidates, witha. gdod ? . I I . R. W 9, . —After an illness exiondw'a over,four a;2e,. sucaessfhl�, and, of the 3 TiEEE--INM - OY� THE SAIL. A dErkSTZR, BRIDG ssrl,. ifi,.atlons In both -rt model' pa mentS' ATES' am.* 11theipboit,on of. to cher -' in "tuial months Mrs. James T. Darton (Sall1i we're- *successful. kmio'tion instructing the Road C 4 51 Aool studoxiis, 68 repOrt;of tho.coiinty ]*sailer' was re - a has won -in 'a near to jail'atidloo issibner4o:examine Mane 'sciencei as L —MISS Ainsley Borro 601 'The ins VALAnks th6 ei Is r, uit.7house committee;, in' hoster bridge 11 teacher of any other 2, H61pasin) died hd other. day, In - a ,gold triedal' A tive Toronto �School a U . 1, . . g ai -07 —Ret. M. L.' Pexrion� of - Lind�syj r4l 8 19.9 tided -depar "t reguladoni of _daughUr of Mr. B when. e 1 will lie 8 We eleven prisoners" 60nflned-� 7 and'have any- necessary repairs. atte tmen That -.the Art. Vie7 is appoW *46, VP - * ted Pred the 4hW education department be amended charged -for, entrance eismi ations. ;At male an& 4 -fetnaleg.1 Of -the former, to, was rea 4nd refer red to the'. Road has been ran,,. ex�M. P., of -the District of a as" of Quiut��nfereuce. -surplus - of wo are ly : W.�,Ke ''Ily;aged aud.._Bridge Cf$inifilttee; when the coun- so is a in �ke the use of the temperan goina, 4, a, riative of Sault Ste Maile. the present itimeithere in nsane, name t tysocietyof -in the county -1a er. 1 �68 frorn Brussels w 04ed -until 10 o'o" -text 'book -"The Aidi-Pover . i aid he has been -cohfined dil,�dJ6 look Thuridak, dothpulsery in the, public taent at va-rioud ti"S. bil re entering on a cruiado �Vgslwt the fax - and ha !been a real teachers. no'" chools. On�� isly for. three.'yearo and' ..schools aindtheit 411.- model se.hool'asn-. rtificates, ha;ve the'rh continuot. Thursday, Tune 7th, 2$88.1 itot. - ally of that rising town, but fof mg as ationf fanh improvernetito'. this soo from pa to no �eiisloxio, or stoott, an didates be reqired to so an examinar tion. on the subject of —The T4ronto Anglican. Symod, -in Of busines"a'a dernaildl' from. the Licem uni: perm, -�o ct sight monthi; and. W. The coujadil resume& ' d'after rduti � � . . 1B .4 Pdrt rhur and -of. - th7b - Mani u1i"in n iemperance, -g teluporory cqrti#6at6a arbil sued Hui r, committdd on March 20th.' Le ; " I r '01W -of Tidand 144 �ygard to the application.. or A -spite.of the - proteata-4 Old-fashioned emaining- two_� are val, Theiethi-'A'rinual and annual reports the vs. males, Cbminissioners'of Bvi' uronlor. omme ded' in e .��G'Wednesday night last week, Sent. R Fletcher, '86 Years'' �nt of 'thi Canada Toth School at- 'Exetei it is Too It ernbers, endorsed th White Cross from the different section not- abort forlie enfor-cemac Army movement. aneirl 200 riners I .. -1, - I � . ' I re -that no action be taken t Tresont, but Western -Ontarlo fa a' am -that, is r com- ion e 'Without Is wick was mitted ..for pera�ice Apt To& an re... :, a in as promp li.lis the - s Ould be, but' 0 d- "d iferied-. t lift Onto b� the train -for Manitoba, y thi ''a menam-t- 0 —Lord Lanadown hw.- sent a dons e Is, -'a "Abt- aeable imp ovement in t 3 in of si'x months, and is �io' t -Of -the Mayor Of and e Northwest. Thursdpy 1-ght thdr he, Spidial Corinfitee'v no cat n R.: di66 to a future appli n 0 to to this 010 sterling to and . e 'Hull fo "Of th ri ; I Ws,mattbr.*..� TholstWsti& giveii telow., des e I eble, Nimig' in r the bonefit e suge 100 le for the7 same, place,. and Fri f6y_ HIGH SOHOOI� FOR, EXETER. by M pounal rer4 Moyie"d b D L alreports.:. Seconded r e same are "prepared from the.a Is 1dotaget'he will haeto be at once Rollins and pip y r.... more folloived -fo th SCHOOL SiViS Ahelstefire.' The 6�W,exp6ndituredor�e tionat ur-" re -c itim'itted -the ..other, W. John 'by Mr. McV,,wen- tha - the*' 00118 dosn. In some case*s the fami so 316vedbyMr..Hays- and so diided.b y -4harlis Baechlees Saw mill near Uri a 0 8 oil be gra or Ise "d Cl Ut in most the heac poses t d ast Ha field, n :0 theil'. 111. 0110, wax 1 alone iu"Mr.Malfoch.adis 65 years* old A6. the bou d ork, - - - : : : : X : . , accompanyq b lage of K burned the year amouut�d to $61,51 dwa ade� a: under the doctor Al:, aoitou, that the War en an Vea an ee he 1 *n1ent of a ig So 001. at Exete e petition' ' the - Lleiu'Unaut Governor in. t, together wi 500 worth' e otherigh goes. All who hav- gone &To dekeis ith, is he 0amo4uto."town that. Us ord-In ., statute' co up as follows Ttickqs care...'. sa e - kpplisd with lhoney,,- counoil on behalf 'of" this c6un of lumber. Loss about, $3,000, no In- Hulle%' --kilb $5,249.,- he 111.g e- sent. Up a -to t 911 drilmittee 5*713 .-me I nd thu'recopive' e Soho P a. --ferred 91 :ZUat Thursday even6g. while. RoV Ainend-the Schi hat h* surance Dol Act t no I R N 51010 — r, ge, owner $5i6-40 - Turnherry-i 291 East inedii-al treat ient. Of thelernales, two s,t - it 1 2 OUXTING THEM DOWN. -a M Z61in 4ud Of 'thi k oneharitiless . a cou -the 646osin of ert Elglish, one of the viealthie' far noils'will - hive 0140 -indsay, q Wa�raja6h, - $2 474 H $7,70Q d q�til'et,�PA-t -Moved. bi Mr. Sandeip and see6nd -the -b 8 0 Lucan stagesi was throw# froim� the row more �f Burnt Alipt, near L nd school - sites and uniting 1 0 41 Se' %e Pt times very violent and .*re-- by -Ur. Stron g, t at -up 26,; C.1intovy7 ev h ia h the look.. k s ngh i son, 'aged* 15 yearej were pt 'in 4uiri g 61 ato -salaries -be $10per annum ins a .4f. seat of he -mail coach by, a -sudden jetak Wi ectiolis.,-iispiarate . d id, his -forth-' .$3 327-- ose w -hfug-to nt lis all 0 aP 2, prove rm of th6 liorses the other da -and sorio tra] Bly t�ooersgef' - those around .1er The -Fe- Id to . ?s for wooa-chuoks, the son move Brusselso -,$2,249 or aiheretoforl�, so redue -jCarrlbd!- hurt. e edt a n af jTT ACT alangi,the rlver-b�nk &Mnown to his -.$904. in t na 4' ter the.' lot. f u Milton Wroxetdr; The fall,, I amounts wo feniales art vagrants tipithe ff, fsithei. the' father: seeing his brown The f6li6wink-report of ihe, Sv�clal ",�-Bishop blearyj -of. 0 has bat �,Oomriiitiei�-to'whdw was'dolegated th, 'Welds, a bush and mis . taki It f 6 veteran.. neit.' Referred 16..'the or -the sev Salaries were paid in Aral unibipalities a qormart. McDonald 0 sailed from Queenston 'for home. His we afor to -cher'S salaries.- a ersifill h, dectipan , f the eQuty pool mittee; rishioners Vill present Jilm witli.. a it i 0 Nuts, Who. P6121 od-6tick fiVe&, instantly killin -1his dubk. of investigati 9 1 1 . - 1 11 . . . �o be clothed. each'..titne � the Accoul to,'&o $4 406 Hullett -8,4701 MoKillpp,, requges she. is lug 11011; d rd;ex and carriage ialged if 42,000 on 84 Gray, $4,975'; Turnberry, 41sc iged , or -reconimittek '- Mary' -.NO DECEMBER SESSIO is arriv man aat er v a itig of the b to igan.. ei 5;g . TO C iitral 14il- Morris,, Ri and is 6 -age -Jaqquei; . tb6t'the­ see. our ommi e C9 ap V " _,362. t, N of the Polioe� Magistrate was Too; and. 0 _Mt, macph irson*, viatch n at 9- It' hi 4,!16 E, a an $2J06 'Brad the oth rant, hillifrom No-. Xqvocl'b� Mr.- K olly, - and. 8600nd ado )tedi road ii2i Grand Trunk Radwaktabout and so by 6 itte i having -.;,-Th we 133 borses -valued at -cross are 6ki years of Mr, December burned along with H 067 -'Clin.- ill the 'Stables 802 Win n Live no -a od of the Cc a nee4 wi - -1 . 1, . .1 ton $3,125. Seaforth " $ - Wea Ind ed she da, un il be. dispe is t A9 ad 4 ut of sion, aoinpated he books �6f the Police Magi $1 600, 00 0 treet threet' mileq -east of' St., Thomas was - I I f ing ca e e 'Of he H h is 8 AT company Upon th6 natfiek bei' 11 d traits, w. han`jl� 82, 111 russels $ 875 B y. heriq, :or who are h;r ..friends - or - rels- ibis y ' . th -- the '-,�rethrfis mi ad " to , ihe cd at Monti -The houses zaurd' oneis.have. VG n'eal a feeiw days ago. erousIy attacked about 9 o'clock he fall I asuier by him and also with.' i,Wrd�(eter,. 8750.. forthefe ' tedf6f'ths. 6tibn County. Tr -9 -one morn 9 ast ree tr10 tive, a. All, the insane pris :-the retufts a were insured e., rovincial Mar. fbonvictione to the Clerk t $100 each. s 66 rate per P�pil Par a aries.f-Tue eeii duly' iepotted 4 to. th Kyda"i SoAt.;-_ Anderion Britton" -:.--A sen * a, and a ter -WI le-tt -e� tox; Browtiley, tharged t- who­�eat im until Hul a'authoritiis)' and- are awaitinA renio�il toii, T*�Ior, Oliver, Miln IoRirsonA of the P6&oei, find that of the*cofivictions orsmith.,. 86;04- kobbifig-- him i ot "his wato and, other 5.16.; Idon with - passing' counteffoit Grey, Turfiberryi to the asylu 'when room can- be found' -Sinders, Strong, XoEwen, Tor. mode byhim, since his appowittitent the -a pool of in has .'been dmittea to' ball hlinsW articiii, thre his body into Ox, $5.0� East-Wawatiosh, .43; H6wfak;� for-' so - Erratt, Eilber, Mooneyi C followlqg ou'pas have bevii. piid to 'the- RXrORT"r, COMMITTEES. S rend Sim lauaoiie other To W. UU5 Cominittie Jacques, S, Jo James -Johnston wateA Macpherson lib fir ii pre adous psitlei nimaid J.`Pideley, In.-. --ThsJail.andCdurtH e $2,000, his wife Morr1s,-.'$4.22-; ut.ofi, $4.70 _HE, FARMERS' rNS11T1dTE. husto.n,, . )tV of 1$Ii000, be -tried 0 T to the; Farm. 6okhart, - Beck, . Mulloy, I or, - Po I.. speo. or so prague. haAnk visited the. jail and '611V as owe; -B 'Kelly -60 3 -ie�orted m so . yve ep am coud' Seaforth, 3.98r,; '.Win am, ;raoflon to. -grant $25.; Eilbi 't- W 141 lon. $3.94 hree Thedforil boys, named Fred 11 k t A every. the next ARBIS08, 25 _; Blyth;* -Wr histiWtes 61 -the county w ref�rw. lack, Ai�pls� A eacorn ruspeotor. South Hurons $43 'found the'�ro is Syko Wmr, Moore mud Lewis Meredith i Biujs�ie,.$5. It 6 9 0:96- er's Inspector East Huron ;hIng in -first'class orde —MaJor T..H. Mbard, of the Toront follo 'the 'red to the financ; a ttee and finally Manning,, _-,Mdhfurchls-�-32. '- Ag4inst $690 ir: The�- also To. ng. a onuni The -hre ter $4.64. Williams, $%$00" he'piionerb iticrairated' in f6un a hors6 andvig belonking to Mr I er of- Vupils' a 1 Spr ',t Me Field B%ttery,. was thrown" from -a tten Ing �ehool'n Mesirs, 1k. G. Ross, Hiysj' p6lice . Magistrate cited on any Intoaht-Girvini B 'Wile, )a W ng a4ptal'of$7925O." Tfie Ibsped_: he jail, -.the partictiliri of which ill e 6 h -u Dallas tiobo a Post. on th6 streets b buggy, the othet�'mlght While Z7, . 111141� , out in the a,ys 1, w -each - miinicip-slity. Tug ersinith, 744 -Atter' passitig -a thotion to refer ryans, oh'.�-F I ., - I . -_ a fem d %go,,, and 4iove off itli ittb, mentto' Johnston, - Strothers,.�.­MbCrack6n, -Bis- a report.'" country pocuring horses forthe annual tors have paid over'the signis chargeiblb f 11 -it, 911; McKillop 881; Gray, Pappeals frod the equalizqd assess ound in,the jailor cam I F. was -btoken In two kark I, where-they'put the h up HUM and aSs. ree - HIS log 't Wawanosh, tfie-Couityudge,the c6unciladibuined seti Rbllins -and'Klane_13. -to them inlull; Ae'Polidq, M 'I -The Special Committee ommended doinf, tably in a stable, until they lelt 814-.;., Turnberry 808; E - . _ - 4 Pisa", on account of 474;:,.9ow, Orris The ;nation a surn � -vii-arkes Is that no action be taken on - a diroul ick, 1595 -963-,- 'until Widn'e4day. waa.carrieW by maj trate -the pal 0 g backagain. MeautiineVr6. ng un hi t as' 8 -the- County�-Coimoil of Welland —]Dr. Daniel Wilson, Pi1nal aforth, 7 WADNEsDAY, Jutfe.fth, 1888. to paid over the iuq of $31100, from ke of -oibnto,� has do-' vers Dell went In*soarch, and on discover- Clinton',SU; Be 19" VIA ity of T k 1 -the Th' 40ST D 100.to b' . accaituted'for. The eingrialize the the.vi arreit. 564 ; Brussels; .357 Blyt 272-- Wfoite.-, e-Coundil met pursuant todjourn- e iiking-thh� conuM to in lug the yourig ftl�rita_� hid ADS.. AND.ZRIDGZS. nor of knig tbood offered - V is to blitied the he men-, and thir i 4es wos T Bridge C6 M-miftes To am lilature to So iinend b e -- lal he Road and sea- h- stealing, They were sent ter, 160i Number of tea here employ first order of ush C mit e further. find that'so J?oli' f',ple W state, Magi D -Wil latne iiairslities in&- bonuses- him by the Imperial �Gov4mmont- Dn stih 6 for -the coi;nty r. I to awaiit trist'atid uokersinith, 12-; Hullett,. 12.;.' this reading menS ported re6oininenainp the -aaop 60 -of preventmu. grant onsidois his present title more to, _ti ilson a n & J�IJudge Mackenzie in Turnber fio the County Treasurert' The first the Re� of -Mr@Ainsleyq Road Cam has riceived, infees, the: of: $173,. o Manufacturers. co 10 at nt in re 'ted honorable thauthat of k fitbood nel b fore McKilldp, 12 Grey,. 42 agistrate in 1&ys; Ea Wawanosh, 7 - Howiek, 19 "Shp id -the- amo,u' a colleoted fro the miseloiier,. and - that the tepairal reco, wid as Police'M hout salary The Salaries Coinifilittee r C ton 8 Ssaf6rth 'S se, . 0 11, meid0,by,hIqi'be proceeded with;.Tiui - towns of Go nton Sia theit the 9 —The'' old. and dirtl portrait of Morris 11'; Clinton, 8 rtititticipalities* 6n aicount of no foi,th deri li recomme4d motion To 110111 _ i -w-Uiss Sebastian, 4 ed 2% an employe arnspbough inTaranto recently- - d'tax betwei H411's'bridg, tOW41__, forth an. in the mm. of '0121 look -up keepers, Brussah, Blyth, the pay o Of ',of -thi Featherbone work nt -d 'makinj ;e2j Md takento London.Engtdnd b his sum, 411'. opted - - * - -' - , - Professar H1, 0,217 children and, -A inh Ir a 9 est8t..Thomas, - resident lan m Jauuiry let e, �God6rl6h' &W* h f Me be ad. 'Robert S Winghaing 76;' ITS a' for eXpe Is , ed,6 narrow'43scape from death Wroxeter, 2.aLlhere aiTre' -pill Othe The amotij a collects h eaville. brid'ge; t� -8 &1 a ch g -in 0 _r no ]Rol -has Nou'paid I the balance FI - &11018 am )Aed To. Irsobfielderfe bift f n C mittee relx were� ellows Ashfield',,�',$1.8sM; but 88 She It is� recom. comm It turns but to be a genuina� ol. painting I -in It. h 6 d OR P) 'ghteen had I , Af&y attending. soh6c) county,. 04 to the ei I mile gr d oil , Siiturday; enterbi A thi Bains' bridge,: +sh I a -lusted.. -tion. to the r payment pheTs. - There 'God wlqlt Township, $6. 13 ;`HibytS72-1. ivill be at once ad endi gin addi 'ted 1789,, The -owner. Broat. flour mill with, a ..cauple of - com. these are taught by 128 tea phfiel.d %t #it '55. Hdwickp 62.24:- Stanley, $48,72, me4de or to by Itseburn, ds; ch :age th 11angth, be Aisulixed:au J_tbat the'.Treasl pay* - Ov f &-large number of, accounts, that the paniOns to4ecure some wheat, 'and in werel� ildren of a SYS. bqing�ibe proper ecoun ure `-the county ues it at Z%1000� atte I nd sot a' 100. d Tue th it of. th de s .1 t of W�iidsu ins Mait a or - . 0. i a a I d : �!,?Ini g r6initb, 628.07 Turnberry, .$14. - k ip by, the County'; that !he, oil and let];' 'j- 0 - , J. B. Cox. of Undon not inaiu- lshaXt she was, wound did not" i the' follow P I 1 - , V .. West"Wavratioeilt,.: in ,thi tock sfhg the syl *-hO in he There, were 774 tfoea 34 Usborn , I s ric 119. e $2.77'-- sind bridge 6-Godeilch be'rep4ired and. -.thq three lic6nse-4, buildings, And - ontents -agoill6itheabift Mr.. 'S. M n -One- I U us with a abrious, acident ieden in -the rods- be. faoten-ed-.Jo. proven b n 31 u -is Bayfield-;.-. 615.'33;.'Bruseek�,- rth the estimates 00431iies .6 '' ther,' most advantageo y anelghboracellir grateh#A planted, *in school grounds,. 6 log 4hat' the a' 8 -um arj� viz., -T the - -credit of i about tw6-thlrds* of their FOR, -TH IiIii f r the., icense gotupf young woman)l 0 inpanions, and 4he us and Exeter, $101. 11,: itn' unt 111. their itrikinj e�oh' other,, t6t - Tin 0 left open �iw �lode by, heard We screams. - of . th filid�f e t -the - fundrsecd t f I nadvertently 0 ionfrom 0 man, for laii $86P. 14. the Z chests; brid val reference to the been I shut downi Miss. - - An &�plicati 61. Cole eer, exainino an the li mill. was - doy*ta the non-,- e Second document *as- a State- gmi g6t4he nee To done o motion to: lady fellj injuring the kned �oap -*such promptl�_ and essary ropai district of,$o�i� Huron, 02i.44 'West give the p-'dlicq pagistrat!Lthq considerably- con na to her, of 25 cents per H#ron,. $361.25, isted Itt-ble Iletteri the- oom- an ex _Sebsitiau�a- clothing - was a0 tent that i#e is fees me'reque ed officers.-- a d in of. the: -ment of -the recelpte4nd -diiburse in'ents M; is'rip6rted that atil Huron, 837 . 1 -16 ; -East but'sherese A- injury other ihan commission an r., Aftisley.b bed. ion, who ill attend brigede in. connection �itlithe Licenaw fund so. foot lk din be attsohed to t4e Mai and Wit no'further squi be paid out on mit-tearecomineudedAhit no action be - .33rd Battal' Wa account of I'said.' eitima, b a de. —Lady Macdonald- arrived at. hor fright. �; -count -up td'June, . , Idderich-foi '8600, and - laken, but that the treasurer -mak re�shock &Z nee th' -4rill-this'. i ' 16th'1888. - The is-: 'lairid bri.do tee, without the t season, was ref6ired to th6lv ;e_it G k - I th' - this conbil.: our mmer residence at River Da Loup on A ra Cdnfere a 4 hich nonce onimittee; and wai edommend6d :csiptsWere as follows-: Fines'froin PoV Ik -for 8600 -but t4a Cc furtherorder of Y to f0i all U four foot We, mand on the police! magiq I& Chure .,w mek this year It t 'ag as to the couu�y. . It Friday in her priv0e car, ' She tot ff Mr. Ung.' ma Methodist- 'by them, and ulti tily granted Nov ttie 1 veo6miRended, 06 no. 0otI60 bi C so d e, station and drove to her suninter by this lee Magistrate" from ember. Md.; mi . ommitt" are unable to ree.','Upon a fines.:.and fe. at. Norwich, the case of - Rev.. can ken.at present..: recommendation. -in regard to the - dispo- further reco ded that a 'Tate of at tb WAS men Toronto .9;71888, $3,986; fibm' ta, I - ­ 11 _ and an on hand one- nfill aul residence, to a fin th`� fun I one al(milLosi. the dollar Idy until recently poster- qf a AFFAIRS 6N -OR �=Rx. y OFFICE. ition of t e bal ce:6f i W.4. Pileley, $100'i;. from. West 'Hitron. , d t& are' now- bel at - . 0 . considered and occupied pe ppq - aa4esstuent of the inissioner gn see other., imprqvemen ng ahutch, was '-session.'Mr.- M Id by nde by st$2,, 5to train Hoist Huron. �-'A letter&froiii Mr.' Smith, In to the or dit of th6 lice f 'a' oubt. OIL the eualized- Mr. Kelly, iedo he same full unty be levied a dearly the wholo of Fridifs Ove oes- reques I he-Cou, babli to - the D i2d dolle6ted Deois Ogistry Offi Mr. Manning,l r- "I I committed, Coni'missiotieri, $650; from South Huron in& re'fer'.t n4—The village Of Mosley, In'Broaq Longley. was present' and miAe a 4ong - of t" the ll t -these- r6ports 8 opted wit ki ' ,ou'noil. All, wer h- Commissioneri, $2 000 -ina ing- 01111 n 0 In -th C and- affecting Statement, confessing his: cOns15 ing,of-Mesers. Johnston, wilue, akel� 6 . # AfI o6unty, was' -almost oompl4t6ly wZld t u To' dmen R ty Offlob, wh rea moveaby Mr btainnfiak and seconded ou�t a n his' error, and plead- ning. be-ap'Pl e7ri undei. the Sott a a' d 'orde men t out by. 4 estrous fire �011 -S&I die' itence Morton,.Kellk and Man Dimt-i total recoi�ts for in �u Y, Ing oty $9286. The disbursements were 'filedi as, iliat lri`.�Opsidirition of D RXPZkiit� N IlVefi -wer4 look bit two' a'! 7A 0 bi Mr. Mfi moray. The -Toronto di riot. ad, t yhom'shall be. ;referred aill de I t lug unts�rop. Police Ma 3rovii6i having been! made, by this The following itatement of -the eti. morning, niands'ndw mao for fun4s in ieoid -to as folloWs : disco. FIRMING A STANLEY B14-LAw no.1 ution fat his;, expulsion was re- COX )i three roomm., were badly hurf. res n thw Canada Teniperincel, A-,h.t, the ac� gistrotels', che ice rent,1igUtfand fuel fib)r queaf, 615.80 :pa 0111__ Mr. T6ir66e and r otf mated "expenditure f We-ocounty -for C owe, nly twelve votes for. �Xoved by secon cou oil fo d- there being a: b I uuIcI_ Ever Pi of busloss, with two x- nyea -missioners bMr.' Eftatt thiit a 1he -3 Dunts. of We lCornmissioners; �h West Huron the Police'Mifistriaba forthese 4ho 6rrent. ;r *as oub;nitted it, �na by a -irote, of 56 to 40 a resol. tion. urc e4 an who sed- by 'tacteVwithout ceptioni'. dams? hotel,,, is totally &Ws'staienient; South H ' )n, Sf 2275-33 Fast Huron,, palities -in 1, whigh - he has. Cbuuty Treasurer *as;- carried *uspendinig hi 'from th Magistr I&o -and this Colinci 1, 1 046 destroys aw of the townsh t- I _salaryanidl itither becau�e - of the dou Istraiidu oi i .'Police' M ist, i.D:of S f, bt -9hall rep pa�p; s e, art to, Wis council . the- dispost, $1,381.43 A an ey, PASse, _4t i t a Saturday TOM. -1 to .50. xis ing a, ninis#y for one year.,' and they to $900—maiking- the 'tot2f. disburse rni�e-ufs November. 12thil8k, to blood up An t' 4 to the righ, ofJ this ca#nci tiou of the funds now S2,100 and HarrY_ aldinj am�d Miss J-om'e e wind�-s r `d" b 'm whilst .1. a to the coi1trol the -44-*ery- deatructiv balance -Imposer y -hi ell. that portion of. road illo'w1itice b - he Ottawa section -0 60 session au e power, to., $4)737.60i a- Jury.....i� .............. 2,=. Xiefor, a e 25 "grandhildr,en.' and &q lug 2 our&& in t -0 e twe .1 Dr, Willlamr�so the Police K ,nd leaviug� fees solicitor, and 0 amine. the Pd. credit of. th''oounty�nacaount'bf operat �ots 30 and h th' Cc so Sdiool Managttnent..�.� 31, Q12 t e it week., A. en th 1400� daughter eefer, presidem�t of 'fartrier who e% consuitkat- dy,.- be allo ed'tdxetaii�- e fees Liinatii* and Charities..... No - Mailstrate, the Clerk the Peace ing'the.Boott Actof $4 a * Sol of the�_township :of Satil Magietka, w ....... ,58-430. e on 4,oO the Aiiiericart Society - of Engineers ntg iYttawa� the following. day from this othok persons, ifnecessary.— THE ROADS AND BRIDGES.? Carried.' solinpos �Aderred. 4. the' Finance Salatties.94d wi Contingendes,,.....:­...... ...... were dr6wn6d w1iile bathing., TheladB Committe ish4p of Tht rl of' Mr. Ainsley; inijd tb'meet. agai: I a through the. to 0agode, stated. that, he countedi -one The-Couneil.adjou: Stationery v ud their depth, ud-th.�'Jsdy" Car foll6ving repo HB- �qUAZIZATION COMMITTEE. Crowd� tne"eq_ .... .. ... -got b the IRoad -Comnmlssioner� was read and re -t: T t 400 ich West Riding'L - -W tried4to save them,. �11 ings& ve DOnandirfrom, at &A of'the quAlizat* 'CO111- r nd 'ferr0d to'ihi�. nd r FFwAy -June 86 18881 The.rep, -ion doww ttee, was, a -in hGilred and seventy"b -*Id* B iAge.' Corh E aeuse t)ntinissioners foi -$-1,484.671 a werb blown by NV-ednoqday!s 4md, was disduised High o—Ali noident, ociourred 4697.78i mittee.* I at the ip� storm. Fe' es* were laicl flat every- ftonithe�Sou.th-RidingBo rdfora TheXouncil fes dints 'nil ubbaitted -31000 -connection with -the Gilm4dre -0aud con. me y Rol- -tract for' r�pairs to the ull , nioved by'Di. . s o6qa - Stever al. aininc Bound 3W of are f the enforce- e ho4r,-whertit-was forseveral hour e number wh re -erection. qf farm! out. for thd county's sh Theon Model Schools. ....... 100 re, andthe' -e bridge his been�nearly c6rnpkt and' pa�'Tled., when. * a. Division court Jury Fee the actt we. e' !I' a tho t mieinto prop b ings and fences' 'will cost the menk6f r eferred :to th ed. 'The n and sb6ondea. brM K osid. sod new -chairs were pjaeedl bridge has' the surn of �$50 be granted. Motiouwa;s finally adopted, rescinding n. the Grand matirial-tor the Belgravo the 6al a Repairs County Buigings ............... minittee, al '0 dint had at &bQve' bpecial,co as w Itoads and Bridges 12,879 pera House on Which. the agr ultur ation a L�gre 'The contractor f or the of Gar 1. Dris -the r. ists 6f ihat oe ikell a�_Aeaf and dum 11 fnsndininti'to� ireoi andiefe or been provided. rett 16200.0 t ful mason-workof-the-Witigham. and E.xe-. invalid., sold. aurn to e @x'"Pend' d b e fing it bac a following lett' from Dr. Willijrri,'po Debenture Infirest�.. ly fiet. During the *ftq=oomi,, de of money. . I b- k, t . 1he Equaliiation Coiii- Sinidng - Fund,..., no rnor. lie, migistrate.: before the concert hour arrived, the man -Lord Stanlev,. the new GoVa. D Willh re- ter.bridges isbusily employed-&ttibig- the - Coituty P-lerk, to the best idvatitag4 mittee for � fur4ir, consia4itiou. - The 'N; G. X, Debentur tervit— 700 Sun- 0 - , I �'-I,OW Rho e in upon them, and the &2*!�t%jsnof -Gii Lirali arrivid at Ottawa. &rly ins� police inagistrate,. . 1 a wis as ;fo a I ha�ve -no 'doubt the. -stones. ready.. I.- recei,�ed -letter for the benefit of the said Drl�kell' repoirt2 wheu:retuinei lr0jVS G, R. Sinking F nd. t6d as'-foR a - d 8 acco nied b� 1?0�.. tened, The result may be 'Morning. He wa Mp# .; indor Mel a K, Moved. n ami jf�mated $579629 outen- many, will' bb'- desirous to know �rhai from Hutiter Broths di ondmonibyMr.' Wilto i- and was;adopted *ithiit I S-tartley, thei Now"Mr.'Reche,.the e4terpr stating that tb an ban city er) � � lu econded b, M The Comrriitfee� kepoit�dl thit- Viey ier done byU-e Pclice.Magiotiatej ire pr�- da ' ' Edward Stanley, of the Grptad' has bebn. d -@so zstimated Incoiiie... L reldeAs6n, LI 0ho brought the C11to Boigoij Mili- though he'has made hie ' turns to he inaterials forw 1& Exeter etitl6n of Garrett i., -Drikeil be filed.. had'made -a cafeful Axai�iinatio4 . of the in Te #III's GTa de Gaptsin scelyu I �Atnountto be vaised.. fy giv�ng A i&y large guarsint4iej the wn, t v�g 11 hope to bd.able to:,report. Re Amendment was lo t d the motidit. -.rolls,-foutid a very m9rke ari ta Secretary Lientenant Metishon, Cro 'Atf6rney -and'.theL..G.oviramento rid g an( an DISPOIN OF BOODIX. -the unpleoisant p4oltion of befrik the tt e? ext irtgf th&V the- contracts oaxri6d on.4 diision by. h Ala hem -over past G' SC6 ACT. he n meeti ment: in V _sare, 't e -an Mr.- Vi6tor. Stanley, his*Lordshi& There tio few persons wbo-iee these'and 0 e e v � Uo"ved- by F, Kelly ind. geconaed- Joy "T's'pipient of claims frordseverW I lie 21. man - tl e a Sam nts showing that, the bluation I .Be d son, who is -midshipman 'in her a, em. a. ip. of Colbo ne, and i dee 11 ' , . V rere based on the icittil dbah value.- T. W 'this Council 0 Y. elq a t haveeen completed ofitisfactoril d The -Driskell -b a re & ih During my hicumbeicy �n in- wh bad their clothespazitody 4unso -9 rqoiltiiue.� I havec examined ilown .i6huston, 'that estyl$ itav kii ifie'; of 'th y a Listeri. a cousin 219 so ca -me before ead 23- in P in from the ownor of the obifn f6r Th ase of lgirde4ed and I'tions of the bridges and ftd that thei hig, Is t t e do i0ittee adopt�d; in -all a 1. a the strddt tho.Warden and Cleik tov, memor motion irt'intaine eutenant,5�;i�or in Coun! I had-higchairtsolled. lie provided lor by ths ..tq#isbi: �i offloial-raturno d. the f!l 10,98 ex - the three childre were di I ady Stanley, and no convLa of slidul' reage, ueea mad -usual #mount of slidul th elindei the Scott Act, and.717',other . to bd About -the eldeat 14,, remaine in Quebec, i r LP