The Huron Expositor, 1888-06-08, Page 2L J r i 11;r. Z 44$ *v M. =ALL, 14' -*;N Ae IT All Al 00 OR11 T3-R0N:-,9XP SI -H 2 ido.- must explain that before - AIRAL E sy-was.alwaymengal ec! In her ACDONALV0 time of,d''. t 02TIM ES STATE' B.' :QOLD #%'WAT0H H LIO SEAFORT DAU033lTma, kitcheil. The front" door, dpe d direW Floeids 1, wrote 36:'Mrs- O'Neil- UILDING. LOTS VoIt.0 1y into the- little par-lor.' -cairefully en. knows I was'prompted neither of fine liullding. signed, has a number -4 at 10#1 1 B WATO,-HES,,, loa�d thi'doors. leadin a back o ubt nor ourj VIT wish- 'a qrichandumee streets. toe a g to f iin 55 Br A"=Azov cAmmr HARP the 'way PrId For. apply to D. IL Fit particular -door. press my opinion Oil OsIt e hous h or ex was" sted Sp eta 3M PITAWHEM4 -N. or'yr, d Dresi th nd-opin t e. h e . 8� �. - - an C Goodo in, !all she heA tre in...l Blar d 01ory Mrsi� saw lief an h r face u1j' r 8 LF ant to in he &A rps housiello-and,­1verydear- a is, doneeision, transfigur6d. Not-thst,sis �FARKFOR SALE.—Lot 4 C1 A ha" a do mons0stNe. in: CHAPT� e, new1v 4W, Y. dead fris fit t d d,, 651 nd... Her roply �utikbrsmith; Iod res;. goo "its 01 -iewly -fan s 'ind fen6el, * god NotWiths (ContAnued from last week.) 'knew e' di&&� be' . forwards farm bull I d ro" 0 On-.� 0 tandin thd immenw4we of Jim love. she th d. �Q agutch awakened Mks. -venient school,', &b. e8a 9 on -And ioNan, with ids, e oftiont 'Irene. mentioned. )rth,- ortE. T Black. Oddin many qxprissloas a shi-'had kept saying:, tb herself. IIOLMFATED, Seaft Black Silk Satio r -19 X� S.'Tuckiremith. a duri�g the hol ys, my il Nan's'lidart sank 1056:K ids of gratitude, Accepted the generous:Pro- She only lie prin 3eas should 61 'but vien good know -w -1. And -Irene, pitying, th6 pale strete'li out'ber licepotre and tone t at 1 wanted that t cession g, H fo" shi itt h ;64 coming XN 5< hailg6d, 'since &at she .. poor, woms AND FOR SALE.- -For 4a n eta thaii evert every line be. i so sadly a 6n1t offering,;, btit'thlio li t 6 on. kno.w thiL - writing, Asked. le' the '20 aodre 0 more compi od,&d to her kindness. -b y-- in: . went out h h d be ard; cobeesi t lion' 91 MaKillc Ito ire , an ibg-heisiheetof chas a- siaw it, jg. W t L gak of .4or eyes w en, a, e saw t --pe covered v f(irm of the - Ut d will be, &old ch 4p 0 64 Good 115. Y. In first diass Ondion tin I a e ted Lace, -ad A full stock Of idersigned.- . It -14- v assort -0 travelim Colo- -princess's irr vith. ill-spellid ilb, the .4a r urtain ingfA t it n, her nonpa 111:� I - . and io4i with Min Brow ponslVe face. : : - and C P411111034 Rister Fea' 2ir Wan coldly. a. K n could tril'tlifull e, mq iniag, said rd arketgarden a dis, it is a iplendid Place for Am not' ftbin a mll -Se C began three Uysta4 thdre was not a die Two �brighfspots to buri in the. di ea6dw'balfaf afort.i-Appl to .10M f. room, 61b *a Hotel'ContinentAl fo an -t thi��oliieiii Mrs. *Stark- waifaint with rietic evideiAly did not believe -her -HUGH GRIEVE S Allibrov, FmockMd 0401ummmbuUs e0o"ll. er -the a ptag. and the Not till Wan was going to, bell did she the walk :and, llipslou will recogiiizel'the'sign 4 -VARX FOR- SALK.—FOf sale, Ut.36,-Cor ces-i With- ams, Lawns, Mus Xan. h and '. am she Wxs.pittfuii Ste w ruthless. have t6e. to think �f 7 MArs. Staik -andf load.- Waii saw- ita but-%ovlen While tu ihsi�idt'c6ldly. m6whop, containing 100 acre; -0' ad promIS. an look6d -mechanically ai, the end, X- SIO Jim, wd to- g6r AIX I U *1 Starli.11 She did, notmalve, -ever -conven once; *soft ind bird' excellenfland, one wdll-bufltbrick house, .4arp stock, -of, printbI; Gilzq� day, it was now settled irk held ditt her­baqliet.w. It an Saw.fulk them on'�,the very gig. sts y water one so c16.-� Thd nio od frame goo She things, she saidlo that a e a roy W tin lu., was some. little V -leaVio -the- North. at self-kdulgent- of bouse, With d.barns and Dut-. ckerw,- Chamb she, w" to, for ed, as. Wan recel�e- the -dextheblow I Cild1bgs.; two -wells, one, never-fidling; -two, not writei she dedid 't. and Jim had.got'for her.- N4u explalit. And wi great sti�ock of Ahe Hampden, I � I choice frult;.: two and good bearing orblisids'Of, hastilythit ahe�had­mot--" old Z rmo promises. RA Elgin, and Swiss gotont ate� fiieid- offlie Free' tet yoti Waltham, -before she left, - ed a half miles from Seaforth, For particular .,ab !en tho',wri ther.1": eked I t the proprietor RA go just 6, the thhe Jfint fun of Wend,- intim 1048 f.-. Tient on .was ding her' Th pride tons, Wit4 whoin she was gooi� Ireh and,. affection rea g1aWay Po l- Shb ea. Watoliet. e Aurora the best Am- im Sm Y to "a A IN, STAfQEY FOR SA E--Fot verses.. Wan was thinkinj of J i and iofland* Ao, her unbli. Le' is..,: o Iter mother, And *bitshe wA"a iinkfng milier loi ibl'be'understood- t 'the lady Wai -it your mother w.h came'10 er2caln P&S, Lot i% cipmession ri,� 0 pl�nle con. Watch made for the moniy. The of -well timbered S&W g house thitlif -ell thank.God thaf is over." had come (it purp the,-, boardinj cultivation, -balance is "Ow .7 osefoeher. 166 acres,,so abres cleired and in a . ThLo-bright.spoti faded, a ihe face- Nan was silent.. Columbus 'o sold ou'-thfid -less baid.w4 d bull ings, n-.. Willb, at e Dod. Thbro ar d* to fine CHAFTEW X=,, B must insist oix An- answer, P goo grew very4hite. ut the sket was Od ra a 001 thein -before, Mrs. -.0 9ke Yes cesi gnd, -all well underdralued, alio age-imi &e I. There wa chard -of Irsi iater. ft is In thei little, house 'by. tite muddi off a A. afid plefity, -ol"S 14' - turned 6 Ieft veniiit to s -and is within two ii A Stark said�.,' em madb every bit by th m7a, chocolsj*&o.j� e; c 0, d rn Id. stream there was su ch: excitement i $bao 4X robably never been be. veil., .-to W hsA p sel, N`a�l declined iti. nervi iuily, say- a sto as -if tu ed stone. A and a-baif from VArns and four. from Bruc In i ist farms Uk the.tc Nn!. All goods at rook -bottom prices- for bi The tb do a came hi byAnd-b with hotwstei'. station. it is'dne of the be a ip d on:ew rm two, good. I fom creatures were ing she wduld j'not . know w ist It fi"' And will Wool to 19, APPIJ to -1 1 1. an sent,her to' E ORE f;arp , i. eI, -at the Le g Jewelry Store of C=df rie Mr4,, fr,6nd.g,,. -was a nong -F XOPR exill adin um& a pleasant it; -noW -that, she her said the lady " had GEORG ST,. -sr., Brucafteld.7 so she, had to ma e &.-pretence tark was gping.i6o BU a- Comers to see hol Ir k Aitt - Is shik declined or aiv 4ilen, ce. a ippose IWO' AR31 FOAAL East f 'A h ighter. Then of, a it) herself,thbuill E,.-�Fco:r 'Sale the MiESON'.. gasaistan,ce., The ladi, had of Lot 5, Not tfi�t either df them deemed that won't ties you Sputh Boundary stinl Id �Wou he ning" 50 1 -acres -&b6fit 46 'acres ooeingMrS.SiArk-would .be the.�pleae� Nan �sai& she -supposed -n(t­; theirie wol d 4hat her �breakfast. tag cleare -in -at: seven 'Wouldb- fib"' stumps; ite.- bic .,.and 'a -well uriderdralued, welt ion U er that, was'not tim& f but she woula wrl hd ' - M-4 R.11 Oo nt ure. They werer far too hOmble for ght ation. A co4i d A. good state of bultiv "her to re the 4train. Win an in b also -to take into -"Well,'good-by,", said Mi a. Sti3rk; rea y to.go with :able 4wbIlingbouse andifair and"asts thou'glx'far too Simi A -Z barns Owa-� -A , good Pliefity 0 a of In consideration that & in! Od quite. the fting- to smile.* ff ed her, packing and' on Bud aid and ght- be bearing ordh Of -a d ;Sal Th 6 sat there -and listdaed r6verse. Alvdini'of work' Goo&­bj d Nat -shook the, liter. 1&10�withfna-nillvoand -h ing early ey. ring where is a] lage corivenfences. it.. SEAFORTH, ONT ippen, im . . . . . OVEDS' -got to. a la, di gre look striking hiour:after- hout give *111 be sold'eheap.- Possession n at late'they had gistther - little' sum to he was tbe�e -when they knocked At - premises, or'to Rippe bq ixpen4ed on NAn!s behalf, and Mrs. Oh- V said. 14rs.. Stark, tur Ang again timq.., Apply 6n'tbe.� A ihe *is 'ther U. -FLACK. 106 f ALLAN LINE -going. he village )-as she wali going, and. 9&Aki ig ith a her: door,'to wake e o. w -106 Stark W9* to t filW When. ycame­. with her St. ',,grsat 0140 effort, voWd, and pres&t Sr basket' They were bu� ar min 1 8 f X, ]Lot - 3 Con so -- hey had ARM FOR SAIX.—Foi Lot. 3, COP 0 poor �oo�s - but -be Is. word to Jim V . . I lbyd Maa Stemsbip. tweed themt She- Wenir-tbrdugh the orm o ei 100 acres, 70 P'T-r rose: an put on her cloak 'and- are er the 14 a -high state of tul- akei so as, to --take I Iome- give -Acres free ol stumps and, Tsion'l Huflett, containing -0 to bi a hat FAII conooc#4 9, a 1-J, J=J. 11 ut- my. lote and,.tell her I will wr e r' miss cried-- the maid4 as -she od bi tih Cabins -6L$60, $60 -and -470. Intimediati thing froxii home." The initiated,' po Good- tivAdon. There-are,16 acres- of hardwo ling opp- rageopmenger, oo the cloak off ihe',bid, youpvo ne%v- never': culled. There s "a hever-fal *6; Peturno $w Steel s.we book. ting. together4ts, -sia and' great' e weary . at -up the - w di in Derry P an nowaite latid. There is. a good. ot ed to and from London, queoenstav 'Belfast and Glas same i4et As ffTe welititt. Would not have aukured, well �Vhen the 400r had. closedt 1 er en and 'a hole. night -to hiSLSt acrest. -This 'faim belongs ill, an les fr &e,B&nk,:Blo6k friends, We ar- Properties - bat Mr Womp wn never anoWere'di d must be 6ckr of lGro, of" tiro.: NA If youre sending for your, Its dijeirtible, aWhiter than . before, et do estate of the late John cer om to h aning. Paid jasWe .14, 'her basket f6r, & monient;. an le' I A ly the exectitolts, A.,STRONG; Seafo afs'l you with pre 1� Stark And J' AP rant. iss Bioo�wn came. for her presently; -ing. invwere, L -pily, igno iEWES,r Tuckeorsmith, sior tbt afromEngland Fran6d gerrulauys of opledift, gravity, and -when they,had-. gaMlS a* -baud to to hir, lunch basket and her tiolie GEORGE -PL- to the -0, wAden, f Old PbA e. Post Nw, irsy, &a. IWQof puu;o lways as 1bw As t th )orch pressed. h Abrahain Hugfi�, opposite. 1 0 ce Gio6bry, one'.door. outh of th �heiiim Th great -her heari� enwith an kind and friendly won b,% ny other line. p Atered, it over with a thick cost i Was M-, be.happy to areet. a- d. tradg' quite . I ­ I diff6rent 'ff icing `�'tliey. were more th she took no her - load again Vo, 11 to . all 'hot directions, and Office', where lie' all his ld custo, A: ire, Life sud Marino.Insurance (lone as UIWLL will to Marltob*, Britlab, d �wh n Miss Brown SAL ACRE-FARK' t the towriship of- Mo ris, FOR:SALE,—A -first!,c a C. P.R. ticketd'Issuod My "'said J m, ain't the four long I le infere by she I ed ll�jl ing ba. 1 11 Good, U ni. ScOoodaby." Bht she'look6d 11 'e a th hAI -of and as man!v new ones, as im patron - farm for sale h th.6 littlb house b k favor hi with th�ir Xag ers thrt�ughtodestlzm C. Sayin, � heiself, She'll be he g �an&� south It of'.28 -0.00 to'lban from fij to 6 The d' -next busine n6rtKbslf Ipts 26, and 26; clik, achlevt .,: theL 9tf h ts and poke -.and - miDvqd as if tin a Market Street. - 2007 always In L Storek wil we age. i-1.115ods Annum. Office, aboit The �est,� class of 0 good. tei. Was to- thAke Mis' I Stark's- appesiance in d that. Miss Bro nt ack n the'uh conceAkon, containing'200 acres,, re 6.nd W' go an ried the or lessi 125 acres mostik- clear of'stumps. poinli degi motherjo 'What is -it V There 10 a . yo ni' W-0 pq orthy of Waji ;L othe;r an-)n1oll? Irene, sbe', waO quite U a good-state.ot cultivation.. A. STRONG. price I s as ow 0�.L'in, Ahe trade. SPECIAL dresi-pattsm Was out from -the as, she Saw,- Mrs. Stark's h 6ce.. hard; ii good hopso and - bank- rn terrible 911 ea out'her.. bearing ore ri s ny,.hou chintz h' sheL ill I underneath. e had been bought i -abe dea;dT 55X56 foet, with stoni stable (t e, whole piece an, reached. the station .*here the T -0 -we -N TEAS. All -goods r.Uara�teed V- �ALtT I �te.pre-' low owrie o- h diveiges- from:. a Brdeseloj and' is- a good farni-Ior grsin'br 8 WRO30TER 4S] froq�;;a, pedlai'at. a nominal cost), And Nipt Jim; no. She well at 11 th­ to situated within a mile 4, the-Vill of Str' hl -bran g, a� . iee hei. again. Shels go �g away Mrs. Sfark Cut And basted nd Jim never mil, e in the liame dazed State -and I& w4ered With the rivor. ItI nd. rani-� th6 machine. So,16 ca -me tor Pass With goMer of her -grand friend and she fUiJr to and a.1nevtr-falling sprin�creek. osse ton . lg*rQo ds'delivere&..' d She ad An hour a half -refunded 0 Q Whei Sh r before tha N sente, or cash xAnder so t Settled for, lCap'_ Gib n- tbAt- the d au�s wouldn?t tjxkb the basket. will be given at -any. timi� r further Pitt the - hter' r all. th her mother.set taiP Macdonvild's daughter; WA a �a ed if 'there'jWaSr'a, lara* &pply on the promiseA. or to A K ROBE 9 in looked-. cdriouily,- At SN,Bryssels P. 0:,.., 102%8 f ram the mi out to see or. i walked -p�rt of the Thatwas the only err�jpok -to the public that he bas Oom. ep to anummail ded it to her, tOpellft,th& her I- e thauj�t, is,hi-h�ii t,Lg!le W it at vneei ALUABLE. Pon SALE. so I 0A ; - - - - ake W&V' - d Iobt-op I � . . . .way' Anon by Mri: —of han, t �uld. and. ent, at o sand mearagei -least. now Pocor-Jim�Un4rstopd.- She pared in it, to aitihg on, reqtftt t-,--wotildr Wan let her.k the W _joomi sale, the rtpidi but.took Hoi V s�de at Viisefit occupied by,* -he w I r pieces 21:', alle - . WMETER WOOLLEN ACTORYto -street. T ere U the 0 ea.; and the undersigned on North . Main, any, Moro, owe ot oven the* repro9f 'would L Jim we back to the' -little -house to -then, the ho�iespan, negl6cted. once, 16 a comfortable frame residence wiw oil ne es Anythingi anythin sary coonventencis and W. good stible, also 11 -And that he wM be prepared to,:gite goodvii two: Sa� ber now rather, ne Or u 0 DO So. th of Vogt Office Seaforth. make up doubly hard. work f6rAho'. the hand-bl- an d'. cried Planted With V ri'. Fox than turning' avmy from, er n­oou­ es of JArld v-bich is all, Is&Y"q an quie mothees 'd d M Stakk wal 9 kirlds'Of friit and cornamintal trees.' totiiVt. 'AM -d howl ilad sh@"wouldbe.to ion FULV CLOTS2 wheLn.Jim, ha n But' d wept elf to one of the � Inost desirable 'residences: ed onal The heat was trying; the to bed I 'Also; th h t edby Mrs. ur- hadr get. Her head And limbs wire. e ouse A pres TW rnwg;' th wound- barren and'bu e. it -flit -'-sleep. that ifight Mili. Siafk, wakiful, -And and g MON TWUDS rin 'She osinto street. Thl' her handa� In, rW OUSe ContSI a g �her wea is rose od- d all' which Jim had -insisted n n6t'virlthita�diu rooms N ope 8 �r wag. not gii LANNELS aness stable,aud tw 11 planted with f -th bi sold cheap An 'on, Ire An4L We u -exh 13� ti 0 Win 1JL eem.-*fro' ble. Then he'r�open* 'diculous,, little a letter trees. -Both proper e E N E M-111 INTION ker o 3ini tj vith. wood4hed'and dollar, also ber�wea.' a bqttei imprek- firiom. beeide-her, andcout t kful o good lots, we of. her emrt' indited let to M ustin the A & t a toegram, and-rea;dt: easy terms. Apply to WK. LEE,, or Si W against 000 801 insu cient for ihade i-oWiil'. Shaspokli`not ek 'The I iobom for you here." 4' t STARX, Lathfiir's shoe'store, $eaf6rth--- A0 Vaieeties in stiong. . wh�toof Nan for -,, lea;ving' her,,but sh blamed the tr not - ver -10 4. if that All I +110h.,I[Th atlentwoman took the weary OWeil-for 4 r '01 s-enilin&` he n she wearier Way of lifert matto her Li ession of 6 rey t Mee] will be; _L eas. Owl sold vhoap'� And F tirme of. Fr and Ph Id no be h nreceived this final blow w f STOO'KING YAJR N 81W hili e gerr an in ith th e., —A splendid farn wl�yfas 04p had -tak XLL the Ion .net have -known she gou bi FORSALE. 0 eon Irene. eser her,, arch custolu Carding-, Spinning. E s u c k' ML.' tuns u �:e air h all$ ha&. d 11 d withr Whia n OOD FAR -a: .,r -of with. them. it. was. era X ,,,Acres on the i0th 00' "'Step -or on' very e ach ve wrot;o h '.land 'or e. -prWel bef wen over ereAro a.ou course,, an4 le 0 dL it step by she t sill that -h-ad allen her' payment. Th b t 145 acres clear ed�i y ftom 11 Attended t�. to Jimand me. After SO; she Was: � Ourprisect when it well fenced, 4T11hgeee !,loin -stumps, and'we y; s, el (*hat, a aerdrained. a -irood.,frame house 'had at' t P Cirrie'o:, death was so soda over.l� For tfte past fevird"s Afid after thit it was as if here- 1,;&L - - , d ed. T171 Pardes from A distance will' as J* As wag Si ad i flutter of exi- while n6e, Shia' Area Ith stoo Alibling. underneath havheir ROLLS HOME 'WHH the had en in a stiange -been 4 death in the little hodse 6-nij We bank liam W now med to'. her 'po'.; ',,ether' With othei'good' And trecessary THE and as, thei, gr it see -B. t, And this morning. she wai %r behasPut the 3M lato n o f twenty- . one yetra here is a splendid bear and opiploys none but EM imeyer sppke, of - Nan. V I)— Marg6re0s hngbr it I mil I ago speak of th�',dead, while' M m.' St k ad d' :T W�- Di ed i 'em%n t tuildihgs. v r t 'd . all WilloU hb =40 mite and tbi8o qtfafters, of -the prosperouL ktory -9 and three never fifling'wille. a& gg 0 .11 her 'exile to F YL e _LA arij3g of 15 -of 'the best -m wreace a si-�. arketi in: -k e befor 'Cf1iAPtEP XXXII e_ of Brussel one With the hun-ility-natural 6 her,L She! i e r d P pblar 01othi Ur -A-H WOV ah -d. :Gents" F hirshing a to ' t.- The. ' '-Maus0- Province. It lobne of W beat -and most de fr- 0. elm 'SL friend Miss in had eaR "a' lttl of herself ias.- possible liene�. was one con Im Able farm the, countv and will be sold on been lie e forl nd er. W060 0 Aadies 1.1-wh travel to impn jVe L their Apply on the promisc -Brown, ' orn. go'-pe� a aw use, i1i the short iketch she had given of C of that-lar�d -elass of Amefl(aar. ois: ns,os he pro�rfbtor.wishes to res Ho 6dmP.b,e1111s'-.B10Ck,'' XETER MILL -S, Zl; losed -against her. She, v easy err mtothopr6 fetor: onaJd's relaiona with hex - Man X. wni-, uywbere of 90 an r. to Box .90, Brussels P. 0. IN HIL tala MACD sak;n d d of 1050 the beti�r!-days of- the Guzmanis -she W mindS. Yoa W111L know th y their 149' Poor, ppor'Nan I Themorld is said. to n lient' to a b-barding-school -St� b I rdoltos -.and- RusisSla- thc. a VAJUSti6nL -,Ot -ka and diaries and you 8,118 ow Augustin4i so that at the time C iotain leather'note-boo tak! 4tt, bur ;; ut some - at a.. . d GREY: FOR.'SALE —For: 3fadDonal'd met her she was by no mean'si will observe that the mbilaegt case is -'reverse au. 'VAaM IN a a "times the individ. ey, So '20, Concession 12, dontalroinjjft aoret of CoUn y nearly , reer Some- of thO flnest'�LSUM=t SUITIN0 in- the t pricescheap or it 1k liarbarlAnL But little-Ae cap in c now eight or. hear, a new fact,- als. lba * to 'takb themselves. At' the ';hIch about.'70 acreil, . are a eare r .1 ey note. ri; w - f e 66 eed. 'from Ott With the lan4 &I t as 00 a,- an your 1, he would, it do*4. world's v. . ua ion. It w with imps, undordrained and eft nce7 . e aear,v touit- youipdakot' &Sta A' aple�#d the ver she Vas. -balince'is well'timboied and- -unculled. ..,T rer he 'Ohoic it knowledge of hive rhaoied,her had he been: a, -.Hof'. Missw Brown was Always W 11 111� let ow. - She thought people r log barn -and fr e othe 6f All kinds' to cho6se frpm.. Haviug . a piactical go they'.dl. Is%, d large frame house, 'dly buttin I can.guir"An't6e, satisfaction to tifitot.*.-*ithout it,'he� would have left ters- or taking', notes, so that a' had stka.ngeiy',-,,' d, because A - good orchard And - nos r- Ailing tho'busineaS#- slid doinj,%11_ wn Mgt ney ie, ims, -hs hek had#e been i0renus and Minerva Ir6ne aimst to herself. The' a' tiful. locik�d-jo-ill-.�, But ill gitied -the Water.: � it is;withifi one. mile of $1 PIT nd workman hip or Cratibrook, witfiin six of -Brussels n two her baby was b t tte on aud berner.-ekeited rhadh a SAW. Something mileg'of-BrusselS combined, Wheg orA7 -S&U criminal ab ut her. She, wilei of Ethel railway stat on with good gisivel' a. e - told. of onceseen a ad -stolen roads leading to. each p Ill be� * Id. -'-parwal- F U R F08 H I N G &--�Ws-4ae as nice A stock of Gents' she had I ed it." Itch was rous 'we WQM%n.r who - h lace It -W F�bal' hUa had! fo r- the -repo goller;,: . 'A I u 'bingo as� can be found .*in t ut ty. fol rema, . rm A )ply on 't a d ak led off to prii6n,afid t ..=And on easy to Furnia u and hef rmer il lilo� co In from h6r e hady M'; Q' f-" 1� ory, � aid d` h r in aL-th&t she a unted her., he he going -D --CAPS 1022-t. in% facli,� had -6. 0 0'MYet when She Oas told it was dead she hadli .-Ally re-ceii7ed. w -hit She Wonderedf to Cranbrook P. R- N 'oodr- mothers 1. 4, title." .... 't' wept for JOV6 abroaa,to 41 -mar an on, heii had he same looki HAT. -S �--Our Hits.and­ Ca 4how for themselves —as gr t dr. W611, thbre'was left e We pay r, 9 entio o this46partme 'i sod MOU an& *eep.: - tat that. seemeodL boar4; leariEng irst year f PS tioulfif L& at.. her Wid- ;.-For i -vir dte�.� That was what she said oter ARM FOR SALE. to hee su Agog ago I fon�e t6n iihe oWhood was --over �:we;re - di;posed tot, bhtlto Mi 00 with 'thei.tinknown titlo..' and ov6r : to heraelf'-with growing con.- F 2nd Conceosion ofMariley, containi iiadji'ved er life 'of obscurity, of pov�� enter.the lists d state.." I.* a3-rou qy or.not. itwon t cost Anything,, you' HSVL'I),g -acres; over go clehredi-and in a good state.of Aff Ghie us 4 11t, whether made -application to 1he Chief -SAttlibl#y erty; and )il--,,tryihg to do her duty --td but Irone's. roseivil'and- ver appme -t Y` i n via Not. that she thought for ney.-bk i balance is. well, timbered with h -,M&Y-make mo 'tivation �, �the, Godofich towA for safe kee g WIC loving$ 14 her�undemo left r no op4 ning: ked s. t �imel, I WAs-grestly dhappointed xt findin li� wish f6r'sedlusion, for melit of iny-thin akilig wood. , There is a large torlok housei good e tim God. and _g a�r�thing bdy-ond finding her air orlown life. In Spite - of all hei faults. barns, sheds and stables,�Aild.all necossirybu Id. CSL_ re. wall no roomlor those that Are -able to J4 ing. Thpie-is* i good, erchardri and' tw6 nbi ',Remember Campbe!Vs- 13lock inipbell &.Brightli ..Old Stand,- Oppifte the themselvas, s6 Im �Oompollod to all biwk xtrative ay, hir seobnd husband and d �ok-ch h oR -and rega I Be ind rug. -of Clint ]a* H tel %fortb._ her see -on obild. Whed she first heard and 'arrangipg.,ber cushions stilileared God irded Mali. my bld triAo alw sys. kjaping a Zhu? yal y.0 neL o' ly felt she col bight froria Somforth, three from Brue& Itihwithin six bf of Wsfi�a xisteace, she could not 6lieve Nan wigs j4,%lo0o if any o bu t herself he n d. not- livi bi -id with Od. gravel roads leading, to e It T. O'Neil'gave -her ifidbit- did even that. 1P. it who She had L her ticket: fdr Strathlo wi 0 Customers A112dll ftymerS lnhoedkll And �Y_ was more pained n d abe , d on _t W( table proof she now sh- had' -aide the --'sho ivould like to.'die-* ther �ald SchoA convehient fiwill be scol 8,:G&ng PI -erms.' Apply. -on Lot 24-C stock of Plow irp, t oncession 8, D �RIGHT OWS cultivat !6 aorifjcv�-for'Lawrenbe'e -oak bel'ikight I they rreaelried Jt; anct u� ewshehad hea' rd of. Wan and fo r ien n- Stajynley, or to Buce bid PiO, .40 X GILUO1 Rolleriand Irgii Earrows KlRer than ever. a 'h- e had* borne�. . e. wp conlingt a bore it as sh Irene' The wo �*ould:tiieet,. fe dericover of the datkness, Wd ast ; and, reeLp in aid the d roild- bOright at I a PLOW Vhat co augh-; all'% it,O�Igu ­ I t6 'ifie pass' thbr everythin� else.- - 'V W REPAIRING r. , - CIA p, _M d impse. o ter of Ca tatti, MacDonald, brought u : ba a. conolAtio to. know of t 'eirr �hjp arhai a get - last gl f n OOD FARML Von SALE.r-In ordqr to Cl DSO aooe, an pi W. kX the affairs'ofthe. estate. of the. -lite, -i G.' -hei 'have in common. piness, even if -':she,,-never, a in er In -Tor3 -Hingston., the execuWrs of(er the following -G01D9 On At -411 times, A 11w among father'o race w the 'h uncle a d stock of Plow f RePairs on hand 10r t Plow�s; -Gang Plows, ft Farmers, tow is the. time -I* fetch your blo"', aid, And oj -an P. .0 or 9-611don ilm- t wishe the vo`y-� Lot SO, Conct shi f, AS, mi- Dj�d` theL time e yet W P again. paper d pencil arid empli vA .0 :& rid b rrows-sio with the r ioth6r- whom he had brutsll luable lands for sale6 Firit Xbrth hal ill-treated'i gid a I -ba -M TOU wll always ;nd-Torn Y, She o0efuelii-her hand g,'- took out tnM , a I L N�'rhy sho EN ago mightL forever. r he. cared' -of w with writing'a.- letter. tainin s. On'thislot IsL-erected-a good' N'S T- "dyiforbusiness, they dist b her quiet by SreekinjL to 'AS' 340t� siting She 'frame. arn with Woe foundation, good orch %OQ acre we 4n 2 sociate he' ' i , 'for her ai 'Carrie iiia r orld to i�o' d with ot. M FrAii-'L waited one person. in tho. w the road closely adjoin ngr e vi age Of' t ten? The ife, -the motbef of' -long ag . and'Mrs. H6tspur­ and oi. ere had hat She had really donek, She felt THOMAS Xg.LLIS, Jusp:W g ave a farmis valuable* one, -is BrOssels. 2h a oieed V&tI I was des& the -a arled fdr- But ould not. live again. an re i in that she ,wasgetting tOQ;,doifused:tb fenced and in a good State, Of L djItJV&tI PPEX, ONT, it W udge b 'For Irene to �melt,, 1 - ewthe fiets But N41i had. the power of m4ing trembling, - ;sawrence 11 earn .4he story of Of 1 .4 tit JZNNIXI I and For prices and terms apply to T friends 0 *ill, or even without, willing ould be fbr� her. to h is, Victoria Square 1"Oor thi"nce,, at leati, she. *ould',.vrite eels P.- 0., HENRY. dgio P. 0., Mid Weep idlagra'ce' ;hem---* E When she left the little b6u wit on and with and o6o, ii od,�erk* d ati r JAX�s Sm ,hout ex4gger nUSt two who remained were'not as the T _r e h, 'MRS y W, �awreace, think it,: i out extenuation, and she, enclosed '.her ram. _n th L 7 9 en IBAYI L FOR -SA* other. 1irst',the -mother, -and-. then- become* ..LE. ­4 ld:: W.. AL 2. Mi i 'been. Er�ch no longer . stifflied or -th-o -would not ev, en Writei 'A44hi t -would; -3ificle's Valk 'L P en, forsa'k' n e �g by them She Wag a Out to. 'b 0101Qlo§6-- also hir�� Farm, for sale Oheapf!- elp both,�, 28,- on horne:i Deal the aaagii0r, Would la down th6 §,Orpt 8, in tlig.'Township of Me illq ount of' reS to thank the Bayllbldgfi mot d -it occurred to lip It was tiatural that I' her'i letter,. when Of W 85 es urongcoun4 fok the patronaZ -received and into the roorn'that had rene sih�uld n fJrom-*hmt are lear afid.Aho remainder good r hardwo d Ot tbr d -She had't'hought, Xuron,'Contafoing 100'jereq, Of W n os �,d -Irene Of cultivation, an A Stock far - ei ng ecorat -0 told of what had geourred- at d 6 Sistdr suitable eithertfor M orforcultivat! n.. , r, a au novkdr mentidned'hiw D Nan pr go to'the door -,and - look- Spiak of Liwrene, bUtL she -thought. i uripg the past ye4r, to r wirds. liff's Corners, dimly. hoping stranie that W Mrs. Stark must'hsft. the Farm is in a good state S, slier Might' id 21 She kiiew nothihi ��fi t lonesome and come the. engagevaiat—. am runningthro gh There Is a never -failing stre Ills -Spring StockQf 'not been' ]3at back.. W4. pity them -f They, will'.Wait when,CatH6 went'to her it had, Peirson%!' and.she had not resented it the Flibu. It is wbil'undgrdmined and-- oil Dry Goods, Hate, batfiially6onc aTher -fiam6 bari So by -5 -a -Boots, Shm nit had- seinied to. on- y I- Ju fenced is a good fee and $lip rea. � -ep000isorawland- -by 40,, ih for ihat. settled 1�dedtht' pers, H frAmet she -bO , 44 and A learftr17 When* 00ml, itible, .11 ery and lwware is =k0owledted to be the g'16te� '- There is -a ]a 0' iehended4hit-b6e m6t. plement house a coZ- TenJj n briginatiad. the idea�of the an" mu.4t,,hAvLw-1h6aJrd.her story, and, . p 6IT r - r " j L . . her. hl�d ne 6n -surprisp-bzket; and-withiuchan�' obl was silent on.heraccolunt., f tame, house, -with ki und, wroodshiad'att' finest -in town. tl a;d n he lat t' :ans.I#.,AmerI a- n� papers., ioight oi bl hor.�,h over told ThereAs SOL, es Jand m6st beau, -desi pces...ed'- also good' "tbuildingse Jeat thby: ound ft.easy to -keep sbiidiiy But';wibn they arrived in'�Englaiid OU ly a a turned her. 'the hotisio,.a tfie stoij--of how she hid wdl at the barn -and one oy mo wink Mtnhad m irecte at work, 4 ved the, se ors- presiiq ufieasi4ess.than. .9 tOntion 1$ h d..�Theftrniislcoeate"ear thin rdach,--O '11 rou the dok)r,'?�b�t hid. epioached Mar- bes;ng ore ar S. 'Selectio-of Tweeds, pant, machine ther other' windowt& Sor that e vei A' th�&- about 'Lawrince. $he. had 5J mile eij' to garbtbaly with the useless -pain libeha p f room eaforth.. As the unLL 1196 and Fine Shoos. the account 'of'. Ill Without g,time, they coulc see an writt ManW before asailing; wgfilea wjsbes to'ketire, on he Id cheap i rm . . . . . . . . . ming,, and sking i6fli6ted on. them all—. the fhe fountains. it �riii be so Dnd on -easy.te y' Caltad.see. one comin telling the o the promises o' * o Winthrop P. O�. verpool. in of 'the grOal -natu ,on, And ilo Mrs, Stsrk -hot and tired, th ! tro._Writo deep of her re were. em. to, the hotel, .7 XANX90R.� 5 br 'bi but ager� is bearing the heavy basket So far. iliere. fts ok 7ap,' And sh.e4ept itterly... 1055 not a word; nd. f ter. w ul� bUtr d%ot part- with the lettbrt .-She,. journey -OARM WLSALE,f-4.hesubseriber offe to.Sister earson�s; It is no longer An, Irene hid' tkice postponed her rs Or OL':PV MW ualdghsiSgoiliktQLgee, sale his valuable farix wnship of adedahn'sto.herowli: 'Tfov. you. -thirTo The to Loudon oiIIt hbt account, Nan. ins in emu think kindly of me again try and' dra�, cornprising Lotu 6 and'7,6rf thell was sick, We galre bar n mo­thore�s elart has rise from the d ion:goink'withoui hearing. -So 4 in A cer-. th Ci on� farm con do ioindthing for my m6tbei and J cession of, said Township. ta ns ding t6 to telbgrapheld agii it'�asking -w" A as it seemlid to- her. She 4s, In day she � ini;�, When she ChIldoo she exied for Ail '-� in of The se 0 Uwren-c- 20.0 - aeries, and is wit n 1 d iles- e, it- and, VoUt h re ne assort ent of Wal Qnd Ceiling Borders miest she to his ' th n-1 - 1gr ylllq thiiin to sei 'She 6ddres 'd the letter meet her 6hild. -to,thi at ti th !."good gra 701., We ave a M nd,6,, reply It Ion V11 ,e of Br� V6 and Whe� the windo �h e. he wo change an W, i sittinf; A -of - 0bxu,,,-w er: 'i uld h%VeL tC at Undon Posted �Ifb 1 160 acres qr@ p) w r6ad leadifig theretw. chatting. a -to a umpw". din a, go6d.state-bf and she was to leave z6xt 6,k, her se: t iw the fbrJ i -ea, fibe fiom A she gavothem Castdri ur way most cheer- tfains? el Lay. tivdtion. e: anco -is Jinely Wooded.' very che, C and s 6,6" variety N16 tr lowrie. ap. a e Ouble to how, whether ily, when sa* a strange-lbliking fig-' L nioining.. farm, is a u A .11 feliced, of� ng straight an hav ure tomi dow�n the street. She* was Dinner was; over at thbi hotel 'sad:NaIti wbole of .0 fence's b ou --Wiili to buy 6r not. at HAPE9 XXXHL On the remises t been or e itil 56. just aou -call her friend -4, atteutioo�: Was iq her iboim putting 'th,� finlshina is comfortable log dwel e, and go Ir ling ho hen Ire dame to ene.LiVent to - hen something. about it. touches to London, and"Mrs� Rot - f tame barn, ihsL_,j g her bo.xes,l U - i with'stone itabling undern th in oat gh uly of. struck h r as familiar, Non loo the door and called iiaBr who, pur.Fitzhu r mA htoi.at lb MARRIAGE-LILOEN e Jjain. "which there is a well With abundant au# , SLE -a - and correspohd, indr,couil :not b looks was helping, hir. They -'were. d -fr" excellen"ater. here likeidse a Ira ne lend eliive her eyes oil ll�ear -a n knew therdas—red cabobiLy long conversation, in !t e me �r te re appe;a- t 'ti- e -and b&w, and neatly sided. audipain d..Th POSITOgL again, h ;Om entai, and had been eagerly IbOoking., for 'Implement libuse, 40x26 f6et, well flo6red abi ve roe" on W Sickly -green rene red, -but 'ti brm.dd, -weird to th meeting, are 2 acres in fall whi LUMSD 0 THE; HURON EX ground. It then 1 2 iat sbwii 'upon sumir 3r er' fAce'-was I 'And -what have you done vithNahloll fallo*-. it win be sold on �eiy e of P 6YI pa a, er eye 'Owing, Asy terms a- -re Nan. fleir dowit-stairs. YSisterlt her mann Hats r, wheii� men ear er IOV'L mked 1.9 pa ey ached t. For particulars applyto -rs ih' SBAIPOF.T.R, -0XmAp10 soet Aid n o. -JAMES DICKSO Registrar 11uron Cq.,061e. t kef1p 40yant, and a;t that I -wish to,jpeAk to..y'ou, a r ioment, (Continu tj K, ed on 3rd page.) SCOTT'S BLOIG SEAFORIX WITNF 1;7 h Is h #A Apply URNER h gh he Ple 3 e W , h lor th-, is