The Huron Expositor, 1888-06-08, Page 144!
Goodit, UN
FRIDAY -8,: 18W'
y being
d si nmg t a
AU One Ughte b reinAlwit1% every turn of
...... -aides tha# every -year's sting assumed. r i6re of An infoilm uch Culverts. were -backed off
the Every -the whoel-until they
TIELF ALGOXA- -METRQP Q- Produce will be during piridd when ths. Izidiamis art imp Gravel
d'- onveroatio'nAl-4 harActer;- The coll'i !have been paid f6t - - wi ver,
-eagerly -boujht- -by local coinsia keii enough gill,', and
Ma a r( ivel- -failing down s'.steep batik. into twwo.fwt
.0 - 0 horse filliz
)Is is day brought e ,
ding of rai t6 tide theim over tho vii tii -they anguo of opiniop, W#.thst "if th forth more -startling di
UJUJLJ STOCK LIS': tots.' should,.'hime- U d1l
X, ny1ar " my, the hui 1114
meris a .11 t
gam6 ihat the, of water
'of; a be built evOy. I t oats, effort Misi ,.on ig on. the 6
ore, very. "sicki, A virulent, typo. ments, the jddgetemarking.
tv M s AAND RR UNDINGS siti 'ia.firy to, thiin!,, W. p J i to, show-,wby Although prompt ifforts were m de 19 -
will.. Us a t a con the
In evoo Departtieut at th' iTs FROM= 0 roads willi,be a po ve-
Oil Am hem' a used by Df the north ;to inves las 1pials eginning,
As mors'to In were id Ong timej soure it thstviay,. ud-that-.-w 8 Cit
SAVIVSte., Mail May 2ft There is no doUbt -v rowned
bl It a bu eafflog bad,broken t otig t 'Veop a Izens be;
s k, 'for. w I hil ' the the a to' iy. b1gh taxes. and ektricata%hem, one bQrse was
Ind villages wi gi -as .1
1, shall nOwAttempt to give, I e I irge, what becomes of -their money
6d 4 the' producei Toronto. n. 6ut. The
would serious y- injure r says Owns a horsewas-4alued at about'$
ever in our th ail any Z ad dyigg;I' Mr. Belang before 'it Could bb
sit r ads in in a _ Ire
benefit- of yoir:-readers, -some. I or iblyi able t6 —Mr. Waltef'Ryckman, i- wealthy y
A- 10.
Che Cash Store. w *t the worst is now' - 01 onitses an they Aid one do
bad A
prices I Ilot-thai thek 'will brin Far, slid that they
d4ble,t6 mabis years agb Mi. Durham's father*
tioti about thd,farnia aid farm' 1 ked 'Vaterdovirujimer, -died.`suddenlyy of
to " 80 many. pw'Onsumdrs, Large quanti--. willb .6ge- to obisin. a ly, limited tatice neba' be Io6
Wn. . 1 44 . . . . . - pal - Friday. He formerly team Ora .4
'by data -hooting from- t or itiss. 6m
OPartments. near this growing and rosperou flib an hi S' a' heart disease ow not
is$ 0 r Ucelcould bs -purehasod in lihbod'-, hing d drowned -in this same
-t coul 1ed!IgtLBurfoic1toivuship 'County of far fro
gamel so ur 6
Along the bank of "ill ver,. r th@ d shipped by atry- is now real( inthis -same spot.
wen an
I Suppli -.01th
AN imu mid it mg . . ;
0"' d boat bjit. a mail that
0 railway Branti'where his Was. wn
14 000 - Soo therb is not ex' riend I shows that widely kno, Aid —$z men In" the employ of 'Pierce &
OFFM goo notwiihsti d" unds Wt t 0 one is liot noose. re, so Co. attenipted to run the
of Ottawa,
being byoken .Jwith. -stpuest 9 $and J '1111tyl, rices have always Veen `R,64*47 MeOtijag. 4t soilitiasL, -tw t _oted.'
Ole td, Talgds- of M141toch Atthe head -of
:j Agreed it, 'is 1o: be. at of the late
hills but the land 'hao'k of it first- at gra. Y g, reli
this Peg * -- - - oun
high, an' 1I tely to remain -nfUCh' A'inbethig of, delegates f
'we b7 me Ver Special Bargain$ al townships 411- 'd - ex- uilt sby`w%'y9 it" oars prlhOip - Traverse on -the Pdttewswa" Rlvar
av-4 to see. Many of the in tithei.. Ontario or Maui- thallotthern route for- t, as :15 a v1pable -in the in- Y- 6ung, lor many y4 0' of the Uke
to in New 'a from poor. land The n'of -the o6iiii against theordersof their foreineCti. The
rely'-fre on of the Guelph Junotiou6 or Can- sts of. that sihoole; died in z
Tly We most enti to is an adv 0 'k, boat swung Aroun
GOODS, show I - 0 try 'to Galt suclBerlin public
Dress: Good W take* aniije in beiving' t si6n,
7. . ta beat --farniiiig land'oommencof It Is aber - is, 'all ral aye -to a whiO4 riii6ently an am were d in Othe 'current And
s. %stward- Ole n.. ...while tim -be x0set. Three of the men wort dr wn4
Trio I . 1. . i brotight to. -Gal ant side
-G Now7k hyrof New s 1i do - radiflo uway4 .-from- Guelph-.. to it j6: by the thii meeV ToronN - d the rem
1.8s Now-SiiIteens, P Siliperior on the west, and. run years 1P Goderich, wa hold at Brussels bn.:Fxi- t for inte.ok
OODS when. the large -calle.4 to'p,
C&1=8 an4. fol ov bu ri , g, was
-Af ter -
New Glovesi-waw erone hundred miles. ne strip. tion those of -her lata hiiabandi - Thei Wies'lists not been recovered.
day list. It miy be w -t sin.that osibg the wing"risolu The Ku wl
allo v is fro -tw *1 ell o eiph oi the i loadild wi
Cast New- X617'Ribbonaj m. ten --td rtY, mx as wi, a and a care th milk from Pe
FA BRAND PULP FAOTdR119S constru6tion- a iiieeting Adjorn ea.. of the- Brantford
the harter surthorisibig thv Urn. to'.th eng. o
8 1 Boma -parts onij. 1Alto- )r6oured by what airman; iond kin Chmaj an -route vii the Canadian Bicyold Club,- -who was ruture by
Cretonnes, wall ottl1of this extension was 1, Moved; by P., R611Y i d
w, New. Curtala8i lit ere, ioo land will' be 0:
so binipbell That a.-Rsilwsy, ftol -Mimaelline du gg .8 Two
gither there Are about one nit n acres., are bu dad&: Koh f i n Victoria, ritu'li A
I. ended by lingfrom
worth ni ke ihl&n-'.'c eareW.. J otusiii known as. ills Guelph June ion. al fal
r Guelph is,
-Sa t York, arrived .:at it OtL
0goodstable1amid around,.' ejipiesented .-at' Columbia, -to New 7-
INGst I - . . - iw k itten by. Americans :w4YdOmPAgY slid the prOppied, road. a ism. not wa on the Queen;Bir thday, died,
FLT I( sl - T ggrog&te
Marie that h6uld have bez' settled the *ar rl s 7r. F or a" road-- 'is .' meati(tig, 'and it Is desirable st Sipith'i Fall onFriday, of hifiammation of. the bowels on Fri4y
our Miftejy Stock was n al a iW att6nsi that ompapys to ch cain was
ever Ili bet long go, if proip6rity is oz e:of the goncernii th r own J situ.4ted a of v&14e of the. contents t in that-eltyl, He was 5 son. -of M4
I -find many -o. from ampbellford to G
a .4 rences, I -
ever 'have such a lak refe aelph. it ia. ex, ce. that tbo'.posit bu. of the- I. las
This'ffilllion acres Ow -J' - -Kn6wles, agent-oUthe Northern
ted It everi'that the!ektionsiori to a and a . 'a ph Juilation I
M E 0"WTHIXG. , tet Shape nor did we. great desideratums.. and L -i -'s5m000.
the bird. I oplar, s ruce.and-insplasof. VoodioA'ch, if -pro6eeded with will' bo. y othpan. tie
of arayle laihd,'i' inuch-1 maie faluable oh bt a- 4he North-Western
plate Mi emtt iWevery line, every different polim sergeants in Rail*ij at 'Brn rd
Ortm ast as Df Johnston, re- defixi d sgto
Algma. -depiatationt Montreal r calved -to
a'than generally; itipposed. Too f5equent-. -that. A strict oiders-7 -not
TAdy should take a 10 Vresqz tiq A b-- -the C i% dz-'. ou Wesr Wal @rton the other day'le,
01i through. the; built Pacific e-questibu of r
ecome, Isepu syndi6te- of capitaliatot -an -.,-run y I;& t! ti Interfere with, bystanders during this
y -,06ods an an in - co0ju con yy delivery wagon weighing I&*
b land .-huo b di raged . me us d "no Ion'. - oist of ves frotu each
Mferent, otJr when they, kbe Sections covered with ca examine 0 - Ur,. dc' awayi - from Co -.8unday, hes
with -their 6 -the. munioipsli as interested, ypus Christik procession on
wate ir, with. the o ject 61 building popu I y Tau over
rpc a yetem.' There av 'derich to,Rim it. a A Accidental a sheep
lira wa
h Patio a, eg Ipressure, And
a large -well pleased se ton as, v-iz..l The dir Al
a me a,. UPC us I,or raise their hate ap
rooks, an t6 . or intersect witk bf A. t It ' thorg Toutet . ii, - Guelph who did not k I lying on the road.- The su,16
hill Ulloyp, and, then the. eturn. Ip milh. He -'was Cou u n Rail. Ih irocession passed,' 06vided they,
to. 0 . u ve - - -EIn!iir&, Listowel' uitY ail attention to the heavy
3?attornsi Books amid t r soon the farmers of
Batter e.. with Ulifavorable- sports. oon `11th of &used no disturbauce.
sed -C reless, As if it -was only -6
lck s reliabli sk comp ouday 0
be had at the ill" exch K;aid on to Godoiloh the southern off ci
Many parties never leave the- b nk of this h it. Howson, Civil walked s
an ol Mf fly thstW lit its ear' wonder
ShostS, V11WX Seaf6rth no,' 'with a view. eve phem Mr, T.
jig tO -A have, by"way of Moncton, rboio, is
Da f me met considering* an offer
the river; forgetting tb ule the 70C
jough'.* the 'Ifially nton t that mutton is -tough this spring.
and'Cli o Godarich anW the 6en' air ositibu. ate
an all to super -
is, 'lee than $100 t being -.thit country foi f here fli "ond
mid along' 'v ith -the Go efit of -JaPan to. 90 to
vu &V.' ;tril route line between ilie; from —The funeral f the late Mr. The&
Sto .,sii Year 0 stiit
an idol
-* I vap years 'Or' East 'Zlgl%
offers durin
OheaP, -Oash. te whole. the And is; ' 'ill timbered with "is In fori the.'
g, to other Wei Th eating wii W.'Xilm, M. P. F.
tnsle,- birch, pruce,yCiplar, ced )ine with, wh, Ater to day - worth $5,900 0 railway'. oustructi
n of the northern rou and The. .St. 'Citharbis 'caunInjg, intend on. He Also
t -J ha4e that nor
eta. Ae31010M 0:0h in fad protiaoi has an offe -from lwiy 1111 Ftsh and took place Sunday afternoon at Aylmer,
a some - locilities the trees Was L Cal ad by the chairman 0 0, aentral :ty is turning out J000 Cians d i Co,, ad Trains were. run from several ofgtfv
Can , a than. Cal to]
reater trnsperi y in ad 0#
small, ovOing to fires# -but m_ most town- -9. at, uiel has
m iso appointed at is -previous ipee :-The Lo co an de of the deoessed. In
Ing communify arou'ria
It - -of
k NVD JUNI: ag the farm Co —A. youn Hundreds of fri6h
are 69 amo, fro A is ow g-niiu who belongs to one
ships the birch; ihaple, -and, Pin L R L", L U St.- Thomas were _present, The MI
0 of 'th'
anada. 'in d,' some time's t t outbreak the HaInil-
:Ing hb al.. aides -t a s dden
this pi a Last -fill the district sent an 9 most. Teisisetible families in
-go6d attain e,peQ- f dfliphth I on, he BattalloA
or by th a 205
a X!bdt little, us
other exhibi . vilie .Toronto fair. No doubt. 7here wass line the comely wifi . o's saloon valid
Up to the pre an A.0 I 'Ple of Brussiolej and several of th6. repre-- -Iprhncis C*yt ad'. 89i. a. ear of ton Aga ban s and imposing.
& Co a MsUv 0 '0' OFFMAN was!
than. for fi o-&-hisbeetimade !Df -th ur raiders will: remeigbor the h' keeper in"the city, dfii
rewo anCIL PUB1, chi towiss ips a fun f the
ative.;firmgrs in he immediste - d tpOsred about tin
endidl bimens of roots amid graini. us p it die Senator.
ifieent 0 days -ago, And :wero 4een together in
BL 10]K 'I There it. 'comisdej wil, traw a 'ej bjo go si
OARIP NO - bid'eye Map a. Williim'k L a -of Rothesay 1. The husband ad a . n Immense
Cyr uce- -Able hil wil s. can 'be ion al ten ofthe is --
P d blAdlibir'll amid ourly and I - ioi alding hel ou,6 weie,
0 2 nd in *I iuity. wore pre- t.,'.. Those ffont out Farrier took.p4ce(In Montreal on &tat -
woods -for.. all, parts while theF. Cultivated. iribeo sniunidpalit eto look th dayt and was attend
1 8 - M igtrat6for the, trials. Abeam' b on, &I - D Potts I
talkaboutths: ueof thei$L rns'. P snow illicuddy, Goder- 1pointe ee hai gon
6 ag one
ring, J i m-iture," atid go -doubt yield 1% The L des -Dr..Holmes-and D.McG1 Wellin 81,1191b MCrae- was q, ourso.' Rev.
—The schooner- M
and a jClUlit g
lly,-. of Isuf6it. lk, few fiel& of -ice. - She
th; whild bet.; - Su a,
'he go ud, Allows -a . in Val M ames'tr at Meth
th '- witit'of froat job ,y Reevb west dff Thunder Bay by pre", "rmon
ptotects ich Jis, .. noton, Depul bed the funeral im 8L
when +,he* -water. power Is,. de"Veloped viiies, a Ith days ago
F0 R TK -10 Wa anosh ;-P.- Kelly Uoh- * arl ier Red BI odist churdbg and do -
there. w" be severs arge, niture! in running -into a eavy
'inj a. We f m' Vii other day, livored 4 elokuent and touching *1
rwise nd. on bUL
factories eitablished -here. -in mean- growth an would otbe, -occur. J. D. Scott D., we his Wall Wheat laden for- K iugs The
-of los stone.. .
iwil. The "chair AS, taken struck a tin 'to the memory -of the venerible de-
tu WILIWA rAspb -gooseberries-, buckle 'i,V cre* of seven men escaped to th no,
9 erriv HAY Istc
se Lietow.619 *he -."During-'Ma igrant a ad tessed.
1; IL by Mi. - 11 of- Holy
d t* erect 4 -,Hme thefe. are many for nes
Is& -in Ottawa 205. u
-man 'Wh hesi berries herries.and- sevibluedaf'$ 0
P0F - - p are ter a,L romarkr Cal d The veesel cargo —Aj Coniboi; Tlmrsdo, A 1"t
iA operahoise in Woodstock
'mitetprising. o, will shi t e w
g ek.eL,_Aud_ there through
e, -,,w three woods to, the. manufacturi fouvdh o4t. the af eW preliminvy 0
he invostiga wd a Ian upon iele, Mr. Fenner wasoeriousTy. stabbed
The - do ninittie at .South "of he -Can di his fellow townSm6U9.-.-Mr#. D, 36 Scotch.
ta whole 414tri '. Th offift Of the Caltl on Owen."IVO 11- Un 61
a rg a prefriect against, Rev. R, B. eentreaciZinjiditand-theLS tei.: Ad I has sgiiied.ttl by. a man named Lewis Dove. The lat-
ths' 'Campbell. the :.-George oPiete j)f Queen Street cording to the nost reliable inW, ffistiQn Pacific am a
street, Winuipego -wag-' compleftly
-the ba ilionbod'$100 to -Play on
was a member of stroyed by.fitio' 'About .'end o!oldok on ad
iti due t `Uks is th quan I y. o- Campbell inerana it vi
'to I F okleberrie is . - '-!Mr,
Lon ley, t t f hU ter 46sult, Mrs. Fen
a de,? egat n rel atree OIL, nights during the
-the Duchess- of *he pay -to ather with -pi
ime; bird -eye. ;asp , in 2 -Inch pl
Bt Cidist del' Fen-
onoi io asusly the to' while, I i
burch...Toronto, a d Montreal notecting his wife that Ur
reoommended -pay. ousand feet *ad Mr.- Van- sum
Cor third runiting-W iesiahed a !I, and
worth $100 th itmo s, -and that beksieLapples are intetvie mar, Suliday morn,1191 9 the nor wig a broken
The . freig4t oUItjV&tiOnL So. far amid Ottaw*;'an& unded, sustainim
n expel him, -The livered - in Minneapolis. - Weinberg, and the ett. 110M asome
givotiall K . . I -a, The deputation- mid evil Mr.-Pordon. of Harring-. t-sud all the, cotentst 0111Y
d A. Madkiiv theiftrict I eating, to - the besi'lkiuds".for ere ery ki T"The .1 -priNate papers being.0ay.64 Thibloss In hatt'dand a number of. cuts from his As -
was ot exc6ed $15 -psi thouss ni d. Of . 9
W. $hatot-!Q verdict of -ths corfitijittee i unanimous, would n eij Iittld attention ; ly sfid"c6rdially received by thaf-gentid- to 'has - declined I the call -to Indian sailaut's'knife. : Dove was. ii -rested and
rd -J. Dingwall- was. Acted upon at the rs ave given, me* burf6upid him:very -Tion-oblumlogil-, with big umaud dollars. - coirse the dut)r. is is consideraliCi i still farme at. about forty the
meeting bf' -,A11115 And will remain lodged in Ssn&*IdhJ:
an ruit ed4use they t,
Clark,L t,, which took. there,is W12y, amount of m6ney - 0 te. to f 61siiig. Probably b- Ming a o Jac -upOuwh(eh,1HirrIngt6n. -The htee-year-old. *chllil of Mr. Goo.
the Toroiito -t X ' haWi. I bad ill -' b ;!TJde general st
Ist R. G. IDIettic L: madeby-4hipping these woodL ast; not- --atiouill frxdttreei agents' cative. conce Elgia, of Jaffs', east of St.'Thom", died ore of Mr Sall a
Tuet.da. - L rmed -Af St, Thomas- hb police It tfie Poitoffios
urging InAruited to prooechte a
d it Ste. the offects of A
ad _stL
Z. -Dingall, Stan 'bil He info eve been Centre0419, in wbich lso
ft , I, tabby. Sheriff Carney has he was - eing interviewed
- :beoije 4fill who. has the appearance 6f the. pins 1116bir" us. in company, hoped tio--hayd il parties t the o.thei morning from
agea,, "2ad G. Glari - -them that h islocated,4as burned Saturday m0n-
0 rr ran a -that Professor SaUnderif. ],tans', tud. - :A 1usighbor was practis-
16 j 'ive& MarieL is. brought from "the 5o info lot wot an discover -
it G. Webb. 2nd F. eta sna:wh - recently.. a S ion completed at far an Elmira Ing 10086 pslp rs onl, the attests, whick - Pj Ing itbout one'olock. Wh'
as w
J. -so IIP16 ad. iththe--appliatreet 1111 ith a rifie a stray
mar tuills'al6ng th4 notth.shore, B a; considerable head -
was 'frig in s6oting mr
4inj caber -.:-G, Wabb-;r It, Brantfcr4 from Xichigdg,, was v as!" uive. fix Order. and'Alsfigirs the trists. ad.thefire hadinade
SOOL bar eedlings that he sent a this falVand to I ,hten. h6rses'l
Jsne . supply f 6r the 3 -been 4nd fr. from iold vein recently- bUL lot inflibtod a wound -upon the head
'the Ray. 1mr. fforts made to check It
i,boll, let G. Webk ried by Strong to. w6i f I -Assays of't way, And tbd a
large bar of shoots- to the Northwest to. proceed with,, the road next' sei who 'Was p4yjng .In -big-
gre. Lumbermen have turns air., 'bUt his a nite in- covers in zie of ib -is ohild were'unavelling. Thellow Is between
Ist at the instance Of the P6miuion Gov'sin oul& not - give- -Any defi die' d MaKen father's ya -.I$
to botif ir Lkt.the time.
I&1,10 merly'a- 40mestic at, the ittention 'elsekheret - but "it 'du ed I ai
Kiask6kat have pro a-- .$2,OW and. $3JOD0. neen J%rb=
IV - 2nd JohiX Uerrft rit. Th6 v' forination'concernEg thi -route, a Ej$tV'- I ,
; 'rious pests -thgt'destroy. xcePt D Cate al d
there. A few hop ofthem will 16' thii.: me i Minson bf.Camden
o- tha occured. 'Jit. !as" Collegii _ed some
W" Y in a fruits iti the Qld6r. farts Are unknown 'thst the company'are esirous f It otory restlltls a shaft in
plii e dmirim"%th, Summer -and b -1. - I while trying to put a belt on
'& sheep left a
crop an nee Forty V de. An --Thi Grand Trunk Sot two-thirds -of
am# ra r ards the bride and bride- as possible an air iinelvamn0il Voo 'at"isdiirie lost milli Wipsuee was
lurr It Oro navigatfun al t *hen Ilia f rui t f orms a
m were'arrestedi charged with the largi stock m yere, so- tha, 6 list 'week. Jan s paper -the dressed beef trade of Chicago lent
Igh ekim-A- ho. &d:wi - sur64. oge, of a lee pointed out on a map lit had- -a Panel. Glasgowfor. Quabs
L q antitles pp caught in the Shaft,, having his arm torn The Ove ica'tm'g the' central route,, but g6pe bsvm ae ; eryflne purchasoi, f
of Sr ral, dresses, wearing an-- that we m' week and- led all` the roads on the east -
art a a grown, And iiark ind! HO
NO X LUMBER AX for.. g other*ise Aii our A,ndg" 'thoio' tom Mrs.A' ORE and stir i s ihould b Me _the Bow Park r and bein injured.. botma shipmenti.
-o, sattle fh-.e dispute was. 61 4iitd t -er Articles f , - 0 ould we' in the 'absence 9 ad, 6ffloiAl surveyt rize, 4hortho
no d' ub. be re Lit -not that past, After.
R-. - present one. - died-ingrOst figqny a few-10111ril, -pork Packers of
-drofteris words
'mers. ar( ne, d ill'be made in duo time, he terd' thegreat
;t. and 2nd priz s wha, dd, hagijterL of theemale- priso like the ood Always whi,-,h that dfy,,
ad guilty to., a#le yiel suchiarge.,and: etch it 611 the ice Union along -the
oats, h and:
been With f6i Z -heir r He -of So rente
coUia 6t r -:The first batch I
T. ffara tD race Ema* AThe'b4.di-,oIect; plead A' nedi returns; speak moio have
arg6 thd -Police Court and her Source of 'revenue... a pre-. -:Imt org& —The 'Crossley. sud1junter services, GrsidTrunk., and haveeiFide tJ
Sunday In
ur raportor arrived at Winnipeg.. lul U y -given
THE V'ATERO -Pron&4 ho, 09d
.$2. y $peol.
the ch failing it is. worth from $2. to -84 Pvdver,- .-that before thi r' Al in St- Tbomas more
ty. Both *Uoners 26ut ti loostod WOUJ .d cause ased in interest a
U after loft N
rhather Emigh hax'sa- husband, n t ii w uld be finill' in and shortly thelf -business for good to the --Grand
ad,' y - 6 Never in -the
to61 whdis th if green, hiald-50 cents: irs Thewatei an of, the'whole district -. 0 g they, neared -the close.
-tida sk survey to be 'Made, Of'.tbe-LN6rthem-'t' n for farms ar6und PaliCaUZ L ake., Trunk.
3ex',ry0rF 'equerdly it is, a Val
a to Sc
it.- Up to' the - present Tho creaks -Mrs tons, but not -very rO of, equ the -p
v era
In sagra arrMa, arer n -*d d goo -seekers. A rei
te, of- Is' ail storm Pages over St, homas about 7-*
'is unsurpses narmon history, of, t -Saturds morning.& oevore -thunder
were. rema Imost. impossible -I urity emige, or, not. ItZ oi'llheir honeythoon Ida., Ind quilitk u d., alSo 'k lanitoba he cjty - was theri revival
The fol- ape
tit th first- to ute and we , 1. in& 8 a nithern IM sat- week.. There bisve'
Li purchas ikt ail tbe. on unlicensed liquor d - I
.0ondolence was forwif& - led-ved. very d' essil b a As the - it4detiOn 11 - 3epiion xer-
-of last week" . high. p "as for 'large' formatia Procure-. St, John X B w I have beat
weik'by the' a Peformer.' -0 in a -the delagat(pp- could- I fined for been Ovr During the cbmititmanoo of the
their produce, xnaink --the O6UUtryLiS t,
nt tmembers oU aro on of the no. hild- !an Sunday inorning 114 storm the.-redidence of Mt. Peter Law, -
'learn that Mrw' m in fferent whole -from Mr'.1- Van Horne. license law hAve. in. vies :waa h
va: Weaeple0edto violati
-Star, Cauadiatt Order of prmgqs d b when 205
Beattie, ion. of '-Mr. Wnf.- Abouthamilhig and selli Prood. , Ipme, flooded: aiaA in the is the First Methodist chute
Ing 1 very stituted action.$ f r damiagai gainst -a Mills, was.struckby
ndrew olmei, of - God6#eh"9 was next rence, near Psynd"
tit haa pleased #a ever farm DjAl - ur
.*he -1 has of the, old- fafiners of, the: ndighborh6od. f9ow- br. gas, are swap i. oined that p
'rL Blair h -Away.. Good' artioulat -ch' ch 6r, .:us& -ad -"the, experience Mayor Thorns. lightning, the fluid entered at 1 he rooti
to take- or 'can be, obfalned on. every - called on. He d4sil
ologic as, Say they-govei took loss than fifty- Conte sprip at -Mr. ppe*9. x A: Tul an
llneiw, yourbe-- 'r t*enty.
t omplotec g delel Gelph e 6iision the Can&- izer in -the dental establish- )d -through
us I his the of th ; gst6 with, gon; P, hi I thi vellmg and out
-the a rule faim-bk sirtkit ag wella . tau 01 pell. ment of X. Temrson, 7
severe i per bushe,111-10i 06U. .-that s" they diaw Pi lay . from Ckl oroiit t exploded
lit orate of i - when: - - The carpet the ro.ofirthiottg];
as bqen called to the pasiF - -Minister of .11ailwapt %olflo Railv doors, in
-can 9,
,Q"we the mem t ' on out f Plates palates and; bi the electric current psx#ed*;,9Fa4
bers odiF ow, york. they wore worth fro 60 o 75 feet' 0:;
ait6d on' hil -to -ask or verni.
in Im, f a Go the Cridfi Vallay ifivikoift- to ich
ar re of Sea and Land in 1 w 6n2hursday.
deeply sympathio -beef IQ cents per lb " whazr, Ad%by t kyoige Any *.boat to )give to millis -,ville, on -of eeth were, -sent wentz id extenei6mi. -Guelph *hich -is 01i 1i; will Y111194"74
This. church wait long.p badlyburned. Mrs. Lawrence as In
; ;Ided over b3f', and mile's 101 b . . .11, $1
1 -Isad bereaveizient. Yon iie hod -,cont, Ray h as been 'h 66 --ought in'.'fr m Collitigviood,' vent. Aonug the 0, irectiou; The windows-wre -am 11134 7'
P'O?' exp* OPM P i I thc first of: July. 'time, but ias unhurt. A
Dr. Hopper, and Mr. Beat quarter; w4t n Flair is u Mr.' lainol that t. '!, be leted the room -at the.
ba*ing - a husband onei- place., ana'W'ill t 'an WL0046n.
pe '-d general
ducWd its. Bible, Class during his,attidiespL: $10 to 1130L or ton... otAthes are. now M hd!othei, p6licy.ol 0 Goivernn- eu - 1@ to &,,ant i6id d a portion of partition was tree at the residence -of -Mr. John
of ostai Matt
a. large *al&, H e had1een' sellinit at $L10 r b shel, an 'he prices —John A Wallaceburg, WASL ripped o U there was no me
,eateizn of 6jo ght in -until t - ff Fortu stoi
,withonuch- acideptanc i only'to, shell. iiiI*4ys is sie desiguea victimised. by. Det it confl. Lean Froluef Was' aso struck and
'whoge - sterling irartk hskod to b0com ly sell at. fr6nf 75C.. .11.25.1 hs i ap&cattle.fall or-thb price of ferri-i 061; all one injurad& -into, iplixiterk
e, D.r."Hopper's ajjsistsnt pea 16 open up.- new .:and unbcoupie& last8st shi7e'red
rid&Y,L two -book-keeper
W . . . .. - 7 -1 V
V -the lias ave - away up. sot
F that God vat kinds. -of prodia'' wheat hav heat, -'goes Mikuy-. of-, -the: 9 forito
A tire - aid left him M
a now,, b very. high ]prices. eat. is' fir. Y -a -0ot '04, a Pi zgerald William Cam
but thk& grentlenian diact suddenly 4bout W Ind to-4oads several bull re
and that-, he is now d*- U rs have:fine barias and stables a'
with existizil itor a worthl Be $11* Mted States bond. P, Ke -marwickp machigistis., Pe
'two, weeks ago,, and Mr. Beattie gx4lways through'te-ri b 110 4 and 15 trloim,
ternsigloiies of Heiirom- mfo table -bonsai 0 "7jsv a S- - We] 8 Sged I yeareL re vient 'to he Qii Saturazi Afternoon
-accepted. the pastor', wort 70 cents.per bushel good' ax do r but m. it of hem reiionably "4am bys 11-knownJouinal- spectively,
S. a very, crops can as have the ch4pap structures usually -found'. V at Fd i hight wn a man named
been renderea and - '01 alreWdy welf supplied. knocked - lind 11
pe, that the coisdIstiom be, rsised, tut Oa a a pe on re. d iii Toren do Roberts, or is emp
ate of the congregati0A.. This 1 50 f Ili 16yers in or
lit.t. died
pea a s.
he last. woul& not t Next
,!A word abound' will be st.fiigh prices pay b Goo' -butter n new- ieftloinints. During t Agree 6 a commeAd t andL-
etter. -the - I uro-ptiou -only ent through his k der topsy off the men, and when one of
0 this young a ergi lbo) and -the Government bogus u9iil ,.road froih. He. was.
h44 compliinent
arere each th
d and. 16 - anotherl barrdl three Cir four years',many viory'fine. -is located a I na the -promoters can urnis 6U had been In. delicate sent to he Reform the "is for 8
by'you in your AW fi,worth 35L cents psi day they
atory for three yb4s.
are 1
istisfactoky e*id6nde ths health fdr-s6m
qn--locatmigin the bettor
vidence of I* success- r Ian . a m
d-'oubehalf ofthamem" abiit'y an oi self educatedt nave f&Usbel6w-25 ts' Th fartleig have be n r6ll andvash he ound the afe loofed
-by acodunt of th a
a on. pea ostsi istricts, suA n tfull
iorsaing StSi No -;era: rely for -their-ino6m settled -Ai o dbttbt'with a fault of th
.-Causdiins on theother side, of the. line, ositiott 6- darri out air scheigio n Gabli ex-m. P., P.- for
and no ke nd Ida m1i
omest -hot vi6od And cattle.. Snow Bou-jaminLongley has. been puli- the fa early 'influences of twO.Lor three railroads# -the, to 9 tged tbat.Idip Bad procured
bleu, gloma, distrd,
J- Mm"j, CON` —One of best' Jokes out -;howiig stock or bonu as iji bseil$d -th Bruce,-. h ititsd Police Is ad. Nor PO
a spring op W
front rm-" an eve Unt inted-i ou " he 6 w d
nevei ing:7&n'd lumber-
Wi"n. The other 4ay aI s,7aud- davelo ment of tfiellill On. being po t- t route of thin Magistrate for ps t I no beyouddoubt1hat) a iL hoTse and uggyfrom the liver
orli wife, entered, one- of the. leading',, -then it disappears Ii e'vapor.. im-' -Ing int6ests,as wellL as the rapid gro.wtb:. was enamored- of Young. unmarried he out-,
at oluly is to be or -road: he- -that it: 111 11 be at. Sault.Ste.: The owner of t
gavvit 69 1 his opini6n. 9 headquarter's' droinit to Saritia,
.,t. Fiji aften mediately vegstatio commence t Marian th
A me.1A orej In tfiikt littlls' to'% Ste a firm- woman of his -congregation,and that the, fit sea- his here(
g was called The! of ihe two SAW would c6ln6 within'' tlia 1006himent -re- Mar! c R171an Pacific Railway. t, of ur d and bugg;yins
on. the On _IU
Part! 'light Purc mmc in =al
lng vp —'MA3'2it6b& UrT -.resunt two -were in L the h
evening. Inaking -some hamwpulled 811, cattle can beVirmied ui to, -Past re twd tuniti will 'improve -00018illyi era are -g abi Mg -bo. mis, but ;Ao was found.
quiriments in so fair asilocatioll IS. C6
arily as much if ingL sion
or-thibe days After ti a btually, And peoui 61pera _ - private.' Hisxpul ' 'fromthi her pocket; which, -snow Is if intelll -6the fi t being now stry is'now
Wallace spent pal Of, snow Is a. Thi
m4i than, in any r part of the - earned beyond ill doubt Exports of
green vegetable thresh cattl 1 from Montreal last
,oad, differen6i tjitw.een late and t a Older dist mini
41yo '-.of I lyt worth.two]%' L. al bits *t 3,875 for
iric .—Mr. X f 16 icked up on -the r not ment Mr. ?I- Ke nky. Cie A he! m6ri- than were %36D.hei 4i agi
parts of 'the province I* due to'tI a Otepth, Do imir'd 'on rol n outbreak of fire k the
slie Said she; bad p a week
to. 611 her Already ei eiy -settle —A spdd n Total ex;wru
Val, wing to,this in, the same -week in I W.
ad: of snow, As 4 rule )atore. sno bl*c.' are ardware nie,'Fidigug,
k ell '4mid' favrANT .-astdasked the st6rek6epe- oni %6hing,the' platfor t fail. -0
,hool,- and very few L store'of Mr. Drai
mar V comes has a, PU I so Wt bakers ba -v
own agab, 3ft. ate ik piece crease the winuip e h air cause
WMPr in the fail, the'fgroun is. -frozen. f6r an wi hih, w d by alu explbdon, was
aod L his 4OUM' *fiat, ail The chant thofit, churches. Some iof held -i! whispered conybroatift i iit td Me were 19,525. 1 Wk against 10,702
om&n the resi w
1. ; L a airman, an 1 -1
The, w d b f .. :th the price of broad'.:. 7, 373 in 18E 6 and9:269 irt 189. .
r was &.leek. coming a ore
And told he it It * I
-ding to, her.,Ae.- inch or two, but as' 6 Snow': deepens'. dents 61afin- that readily extin ds]14 by low bottles. of
eer gt L
,real anc was gurprisedo ass &cool ied, somiwhat emb r - -The Wimbled )nl 1esm undpr' tfie
Mont A . L I T& show %he impoitince of Montreal as
t audience be Been
keeps ofittliaLL he w th- of U.NFArB' REPORT us I . comu. Msed6tilildof hand' grenade fire 4 thia, t
Aved tQ bear- that tbo- -L Count, she had never soon i likek,, And And L iat 001, , Dxtinguisher
were al d aid in& it, disineli tand,. of Liout -
now-wh0litwasl, Shethen the earth roz a, arge pa
roz as to tb
-h- -the Audi ell 'Englind.'on- the means iconibih relghte
em 8 iinfr n Until oft ettlers iaou no to deliver ims an all& 16 me
no sigzed to, his nwn& did not k -fhaws the *ghtL -hit' h A thi fineit blo8E 6f buildinii 4g aibipilnj J'l in orot -ItIsonly
., whether Vitere
e effect t
U a a the -grott t attend -woribip d Fergus Vas givea from destriction., Y tO.$t&totb&t:the.eXP6ftX from
--left the Stoje and a P o21st. to she' r
-our marohsktt were about to- i diffidence Is ii on Wim -
few thtit to ' dtribut6 his oi,fo 1h, lit
in Of
Alt *i tho; It g dietancea -.;Mrs. Nam
be of A froo with a quantity of butter,,. the next: falli -Alt ugh thior wn to travelling I vy Rteliardson mother' Montreal for the weak fidiii Ma- 19
ural modeit , when the chairimif bledon Common Georgia Peeve, 9-
-business an peered again on his nat elast week
th time- for pasturi is 'bad d 6*06to A6 ds afi, that they:S
whichr she 1 d to, dispose of for; are longerj tood m` oliat Edward,, Chathami
Vn ery person s. . rell nd-:ex * are wherein the
$W o. of I-ar -a; missiontiry air's 111neds 'Mrs. Richardson
ism$ wen she came to 'his :PIsified that —The -al the butteri -long ssL in tha lower, part of ntari donstipps.. They after a
he, n arrangenle,& rn and Port uron
"ted mliapprehe'insio een . u lic . . I . it wa boin x'slave MF-ittebor0jNorth Caro -
goods., Tha merchant tasted n, evideiitli' exiotedg fo I!prLt Gratiot, exports irom, N w. York, Boston snd
firiste'isi'cold. -but.- the air is dry, and. apprec;a
tfirst-class.. --Resultt' The al Say help -is elcome-
r, utzAost a
and'Pronottitce tiiod-t ntnmost a sol. y
Cali tasty althouih. the me4ting had aie b6ing ,px hiladelphis, were 4.1.56
that all kifids o -Stock,t _Well. e.roads sire not -and there lins, on'June 4, 1800. -o P
beoswe f but t44t th eb6ing, run 4 in: She was able t
id thei ndi for regular to handle- the gr. -The Port Huron 71mes f SsthrdiY
fr earliorone d4y in, titer 1116 16iega who have. not. sdmb called, itwis OiAy -4, - lor
Grass --'grdwi JuXiljj&jltly eve ywheisil are go se er upon h4Rm by hicago And tk' purchage her,libeity at the -Age of #
r Cos. wh heluneral. of Mrs. Margaret.
ly Appointed deliogates.-- a 4 Shopping an&tfi7st-it ip. Owmter-of a quantity bter highly i With' rm During 'the and Mr. Ratio, bar son, then sent says
of, bui. tti
sn&gmell All'kinaa'of are grc $75
ary - t6 lai6 -half a. daP. regusted with he tastet root croe ki I church near the fully., in" at of. the theL 'from the Hosit4
'13 , -fact there. is i -eOug- all, r6id's 1 are first class,'and in thO wore. st.osmers. is land of free- —Sperling was held
en; in or- her to join him.'In t1i
orom6thinj worse., Moral;wh esi, 1 in a Istatements- migh is experience luthe.
aAical talent -took pl t onions that OM, uring And Home Friday Ujider-
imy i
gr woild-,wbire sub, summer MOB M4 -fair, route. and a wood Lthe d011 afternoon.
he should. try inluh-p t ofthe-roads a t a das tenderly d
a in trade t 'would got k )ther
ar to dosir SAIv
Tae; an is In the buttelz be Made whi6h ation A Ur_V
-taker Thompeon.has.s 7contract to b
never The. Ming da.di ased Mariners, and As Mrs. InGENV CROPS' a4d the fall' they are very L Ae Id by'4hose ifott rd had biases
i In he Sring him h6r deal Voirs.
tasteli-eeks., aria- produced-4ith T h e',r a 'are only WQ- Baptist
too *ith their roilte, an tabim an that a iur .!.Andrew Cowani* who 111% a -he' Ift-Me un -
of 0 little' bad, a d if thei tly,. hid- had fc Mr
- twolqe al the number of. Episcopal sympathy he Vyh -cook i
t abo were, any such :present "ba:: an der this bea
an'111a dt a as ochoes', b
f at t
al, retu - ra of- DMBiOu labor.ind ix gense. I I le 692 Ord ha 60t ry, tibar Sperling was a boat
-6 s a 'a every-hereand -by t vernMen allows
mtrafia . with: t
is Ir' took chiare s ar limits b t d. The go
The, bles
shows 1hat in the Sir' YeAs-aiiielit firstrusho 3 L yzhildfenc last season, and *as employed he
inc- ure a g al
'hodist At`tbie ju a of, Was an
er- theft1 thVoilLghou .-V may $8 10i
I u wouldbeidiisable, for them to--re.tireb tweni -0 budilm,,and in most wow
ames,-OTeilly hO Q:+ IT? 4the whole--distAct to Porth-ebutity t4bmwere enter- up lauds, and,,, unfortunately gent 4or; th . bor this yea
C goo* uiril -disoussio —Mr. Alex. directors. . jUaI cheap coffmand
L3 trip to Chicago.1- whem d 'farm as Ip teriaii and mA tik ill the A he factory open- Placed
ly- ensued n'the t adviKability: o' turb -the body is
sount'of centage of - pe I r ob -o- f in Winnip6g un 'k
ed last yeat 1,553 suits, the'um CityL and bp' rd Sy
,he goo&6f health For ii-ibw years 'the.. It. Up to.: V s presegf.they4t1l.. Until he tA an to the cemetery in -su .0rdim, U7
ry" -,o a priv n trade Colonization committe erns Mrs. Sperling was
the claims being $5.6,3, 3. The total small. ar 'the meeting <iul Ate -on ad and - gradually got worse, Years -ago
Ve p4inful oper&*O -as - he. tin tho- near eg L .-d ;ion ot wagon.
d inLt tion w fairlk large, but. 4 auito a re i ry funds, bid
atIount of suitors. money psi 0, U1 tralla;i where he was ied on Friday 'last of ifif1immat
missiona the -del 9, cently -from A wif a of Win. Sparling, of:
uch-- betteit of _them, Vill Some: a;d4ised that' -thd hap
Is -SUPp6rt- ts -1
repk6ir 'to: -o. couge 'sent by the
ow iwill be' struckoff rp..
Amid Northwbdt faver.cheeked it SI f to;, any a Self L it He was from Aylmer sn& y
cd&t was j2l,784-730, snd.the amount of :t ih trinion.0ove mentAto the lung
'He ig it to .-Of Sarnia.,tut trouble arose between the
going er of settlers.haw- radu ing, Three or fou i iufactures. to -the L at a widow of . 21 i 'and a riloth,
More kt- 'An an Ian M a -out then the numb ng L . P.PU 'On 74 -
paid of court
kr.010G -suitors, money 0 year. d'if there was. anythi th bli ring -Who jr two they weri divorced.
tit .1 this year,. wh as n si ilary list this -80 L' a lift withoi
to the L ention of t ans, w a' L
open- an GIB in ere n, peling- Lin van, by farmers to 0 Al per 'a fo
Of the, suits entered,.. 133 ly increased'u i th,6=ts' ith at appoit.
-sh uld-bot know 1*9i- c6uia -deliberat he A astrali
'C n- I t I diy Mr. S fing Ileard that ht Mar
Impe US 'W&$- give on. it: privat 0 '0 Yande'r 'Gill
diuj8100. T t f Blyand report to -the'geu ow f aging. alee; the wL.el
were for amounts excee tenfi& ofight to be ji a
onmercisl -traveller, of Hamil- -wife was dead in- it, Port Huron hospitalp
vacer and Issuer od not' -:,we -r%i4 fwor.of -Algoma, r. Chas..' Biown the'a4vantiges offered by 'Afgoma,'and. nVificid, that a known. -c
rs a schem 3 far biff ais do
large An pr
e -C v d 6fitaV a -trad,
'to; iurorb. al Algoma oubin Which the.genetalpubli6 tra
os Ible,t): 'with! the people o! that'tgreat iends through'the country in t]
Lobert cir, re nin.6 and. ad miet@g. Qtlke thAt'"th 1. 0 illa- be done too has-ther warmest- dforgetting -the -
own. Lancls Offic6 a ixiiich- higher' ilue, place on wood sympathy -of big of the
miles from- h re. has charge R i th Piet he came to -this - li - H ,r!e,, a --an v6itmttr a co;ainent- many fi Y. Made.-arragge-
are. . that ii,will be impose -with the undertaker for aproper
poiament bf 'Mr. A, - A., 13 io th is a uew
IR rested
as many 0 . i -
't(> -foal that VVhS0L ap, 'n yilg highost w.drawbicks met.. in thb 'Into severe 7eiffii6tioi which he has sustained inents
L taking. officer, th uit- of pains
ratford,. ffib - Poe ton if Our people. an red more hoo rtily
k the proc
U -sir, of St s 'acou- , v ood&, Setl epilings sectIdt,,aid efen if 6thf. barfil,bired hacks, alid with his child-
4,4,hree hundred have t :inak the* oked for dea
respect, of tbel comn unity. 0 1
!of the Peso i Is, it is Aot neceasa or -in'Ples of
1 - - d pu. up wit, many P warded Sa in the sudden And 0
ads. it vs y and Clerk ict is '0 ry pr advios -the -scheme and,
I Grown Atf6ine ran followed the iremaiiii to Lakeside
ab nowlidgeof the whble d 1VVU -And his' tbiid -daugbter 'againiable, and love
:Anil for"'th 'ted Provincial Ju; rate 1; tr *eir'goods- f
4 e; uni .4 At, the '60 ry eemed to be the: feelidg-. of the -Sh
its- dam mm ufd`of h6ne* in and L ..diSCOUtagempl*j a - visa in bar . cemetery.
of -Muskoka an uir- -Driva66 avestijation before- County, ly iiii. 0 the Is enel
lef ell d Ule riatgrns Are.-Cleitain. r. Keillk.still rehusea to `,—The i a: a years. within twat 64eat v
bTed"Clydesdale =31164 —The Algonquin,,
d through . Cornwall
Parry SoU0,-Wus on Satur- er. Farmers. thip ing of Is nj flieir farg ity min
his"wis . in .ntil the meotir 9- th 6nduct of usual heaith Until r gazetted I tle mo oi1dage McDougall into that. eve
x It dealer frobomes'forr-newe lauds *ill -well But Actually. requited O
i a. was purged. A 1 Partme6t: of Toronto T,
day At 1the conclusion of -.th6 prayei old, _ago nAgiber the oivie works, (Is Ltes of her.L.deathl -there Sunday -last, She
to 1wr much, 'h In, a am
Knox start. it as is I tong of cana, entered
i30 for tile colt who its to M.r. Bro.. for. in rMaVion no 'Ulf so- ding- -4 couWe of mifa th
ing Strat quir in a ti lee, disclosed tho'lgoej _p oy
mere a y - advanta -as. t1iis' nitoba, 'Energy. ps . at ddlegstd's h6re left the iiieetu g. -al y. as 1hank,& Be%Glas-
nionth 6i concerning'ib .§ m Day. is. I t- ; weri Aot was built by Napier,
ne owe olTerg.. Cro*n an perseveraube.wi ;qui awere MT . . I - D'W, Sootiand, and left -on April. 21;
033L Wedge day evbning last"we& :Mr., t okl L al c6naitio:' i Ifrid Diarhsi ,uear St. George,
i -his r and disgracefi
nXellk r6 eeded with _tr!ivell4 'oection -a Brant COugty,,-had.r; team-ot'horses
ver, set beam, -and i4
a Agent it:: .a Mines-. wagon. -stan
the' subi6ot, and f, r patently
the sittl arks. He, did not, bows thro 0 A:Idermen P 'ding. . by the- side f Fair- al long, 50 f
Uing.-arouud throuP eta Mrs. 4dailrl4eve Presented with er comforts in sind civic fficials" th 9 253 feet -
ciomplimen xy address accompanied by., Land men o% Alg)ma, -aSL may bribid'tby j?resefits (it good
school- honest or ow. light on bhey fixing a .23 feet (loop, Her eglue'is IM borse
Sibbiih !'Folio h- to favor equatito1hose e: leave 'in a ning soy It,
easych' from.the 7'hsi , pontrictors to a iek while I
st, f "I&. he inight with bafet3 a efe.) from, ertify to so- chldlw -re -
ell - ftiat iWS a. handso I &Ad Som. A silver, therals always a hoi ne marks armers here. -44. Pt8sEFWDY: 9 fievor de-. fon eiiad.fastened ti he horses by power. -She carries 2 100 tons in four -
a elegail - . I f - .... I I eel ; T1
He, hQ1 counts for material that Wa
School te held forth. on.* the' housetopp. feetof water, Zd 2:60insixtoon
4t the -,other.&P, ty and, for hht nj -teen
eg ly. the, I al. do rability' of securip 9 Itiere thi lities the em
"H iaf;- Factor BeJaziger, of. W.Inni-. eVer, - U1 bubk of - the 4lieel. Tl a% f9st... Sh to
for the Is from the 00ngr- ation; bein )It to sia p -ged"thd* 4esi f to ci work if P41ii *bvrze wav aowied by
d :Mr.; and M &Jr leave "d Guel h peop] of Wall nevol 'n Arthir. She
'driving, au ieft-hiff t* and it.1 if.- likel the hii ne nd aromin the
this: week , for iii6gl, y r porfdrined 1n nunibers of to &C0.0 Fort will ply b4-.
ro. A , ascribes thiv- do he 'the c600perstidn of' ths, P Irinea
fo lumbering ai - r;ll is the mania tllrm stitiation 0 is i - .1 "ell bOrS! einsed 4
ka toLo of a. hil, d. Mr.- - Adair- Vag: som 91 f: r. striate adlVeris oostipg about $25 as a IPPID9
Parry ; .
unhitched, a g, Ice, And it I
me or i6whole district in rk 'bad. Il is they. vih& hold -,-,the chdrte found there tighten., thus backing- horses. and wisen Port Arthur Amid Kingston -
tests Qft4 S, thi as ve After -oonclade a now
Y"ra ago a w tudent in the, vff Mi.: Kelljr, had u A, were.
W&S-L owing the. fact - -that. paid for,
v 0
elop, s6 much,within the next
4nd upoet the bugO.' 0; Nnson it, Sesfortli
ging it t
-to t1te exten