The Huron Expositor, 1888-05-25, Page 8aor • Edward Oas • lenosi making arrangements :to resume the purchase of fine new -made Grass Butter in Tubs and, ;tolls, for .which he paY the 'highest 'current prices from this- date, May 18th. Butter in pails not wanted. work had .infit been reconimenced that day ind It is supposed hat the fire oil.- -witted. from the -heating of one ef the joins:We of the machinery. • The total' I se is *ettimated anent_ $5;4100 . and ..ttere is an insurance of $3,900 ; there being $1,000, on the building and ma- 'chili:pry and $2,000 on ale stook: The -property. belonged to..,M.r. L, 'Murphy but now in the hands of Mi. F.„ ' aseignee 'for .the creditors. Ite -destruction will he quite a loss -,.to the town as it Waft onelof our most .ut9- ful industries and employment was sly- ! ea te large numberpet workmen: - We hopei however, that 48 .soon as the af-.1 fairsof the 'estate. are 4ot into shape it will . re -built either. Mr: Murphy, the late.proptietor, ot by tome other,person. The last year has been a I hard one on flax Mill men.. The,1 and if was impossible to make. sales.: Thie Was the main Cense of-, Mr. Mut- phy'le suspension, as. hitherto the busi- -nesebas paid well. . -immediately, enumber of Apprenticed to Ieain the ,Dress Making business: Apply to' Miss if - Won, WooL.-L-AnYquatititYof Wool wanted. Before selling call at No. 8 Warehomie Where you be- sure of the Highest Market Price,for it ; also all Kin& of Grain. ;; I want to retain all -my old customers -and get as many flew °nesse will fivor me With their pattonage. MIDLOTHIAN OATMEAL MILLS, 1•SEA- Foairit-41anitoba Barley, good ior Seed, and a .4uantity of Oatmeal Seecis,, Oat Dint "and Pota toesfer sale this week.. W. °Timms. ; 10874 DISTRICT 34.A.TTERS. ,fleacty-Made Clothing. Eeady2made Clothing. Nobby iittle • Oita to .0,t your childreu,*; Handseme fultiteto fit Your ,Boys ; Splendid Suits to yourselves. . Call and examine our Men's Suitt at $4.50, and don't ferget te inspect our $10 and $12 perfect fitting, nit! for men. To' Connseroilnivrs —We have re- • eeived a most able letterfrom Mr. Thos. W. Gibson, of • Wrixeter, in reply to . that wl3i013 appeared last week from Dr. • Sloan. It 18,1" without doubt, orie of the Vest contributions to the' temperance literatifre of the country Me hate ever. - read. We are sorry that it came • too late for insertioh this week but it will • be in good tithe for our next issue.' . We have also several other letters and contributione which we are feiced to hold over on accountof going to.press - one day earlierthan usual. BOWES FOX THE Rap's& — The fa- - lotting horses are now in town, and. will be -entered for the races on the 24th : Open Trot. Florence G.) Seaforth ; burg.. Two-Fot-ty-Five Trot.—daud A., Zurich ; Beale K., Hamburg Lady Vincent, ;Platteville. Four -Year -Olds. Hamburg. We believe there are 'others, ou their way here, but we could not get. their mites up,to the hour of going to press. The Farmers' Running- race ie Roomoimomamo }LIMONITE IN Luoic.--rWe take the published in San Luis, Obispo, Cali- fornia " An immense quarry. of stone is owned by James Might, one of the -large landholders of the Nipomo -4,nd los one .of the richest deposits , of building rock in the State. It com- prises 607 acres of surface. erea ,and is of unknown.depth, having been 'worked down 100 feet. The quarry haw been opened, a stone law erected and the. work is no* awaiting developrnent. A stock compeny will be ;formed' to con- struct a spur from the Pacific Coast *Railway, only three-quarters of a mile - distant, put in heavy machinery and erpen'up this great mine of wealth. The Ituallty of the. rock is unsurpassed for building purposes; As Undeniably fire proof and will stand a. pressure of 1,500' - pounds to the square inch without any ' appearance of a flaw." Mr. Rusin was * former Huron boy, being a son bf the late John of the Huron Road, Tuckersmith, and is one of the -many Canadian boys who have won wealth public. ' FOOT .—On Fyiday last the foot ball team. of the Colle ate Insatiate Weut tb Aylmer and pla Off,a cup tie wit -1r the club of that town which resulted in winter."‘. - a tie. despatch from -Aylmerto the } —In a private le .Tbrontb Globe Biqa " The. foot ball Dr. -Mackidd,* date . match played here to:day, • -Seafbrth v. 10th, he says : .14 I h ve Piet succeede A.ylmer, waa .one of great interest, passin4 my -examinations and hav Despite' the wet. Weather a large crovia beep tegistered a. Licentiate of th was present and with great excitement :Royal. College of Surgeoni ; Licentiat Watched both thube do some neat play-. ?of the Royal College, of Physicians an The visitors were rather lacking Licentiate of Midwifery, Edinbuygn an in -weight bit proved themselves a match . the, tame.of Glasgow. The dxemination forthe home team by -their swiftness and wetePretty severe tut, they ere .ove • coMbined playing. The Aylmer boys al. And I am not sorry. Op the nth g usual did some excellent work, -but to London and will sail for:home eithl looked as thOugh they hed ° Met their On the 31st May or the 7th.'of ,jun8 an equal, and in.firty minutes time inicceedi- will likely be home -by the. middle of ed in scoring first goal.. - A`lew Minutes June:" - 'We congratulate the doctor o later Seaforth scored- ond goal; being hit succees and hope be will have a safe 'last scored on eitler—side, game ending and pleasant *hyage home. Will play off the tie in Seafotth this, 011,E MECHANICS' INSTIVUTE, We Friday-. evening on; the recreation notice by the report -of the Minister o . grounds and- as they are one of the crack Education for .1887 that there are, 13 teams of Canade, sending four players Mechanics! Instituteis in '.Ontario • to- play -on the representative Canadian that all these Institutes had ' member /team against the' "(halted States, one of shtp in *et: year. of . 16,924. Of ' al the best matches • ever played ;in this these we aie proud to say, end our biti icount3r may be expected. • - - zeta should be proud 'of. the fact, the rFHE BEST YET.—Mr. Samuel Sergeant, jr111 an. old friend 'of THE Ex- rdsiroit and for twenty yearaa resident .of South Huron, but Who now resides at North Ridge, Essex County, in a pri- vateletter --from that place, written on serieuely of returning to-' liuron county again as Iprefer it to Essex.for every. - thing except- one and that is there, is very little snow in Estex in the winter. The- fall wheat here is -looking just splendid and there is every promise for a laige crop. Although the , weather thrill fir this spring has- been very changeable there hav been no Spring- -ftbsts yet to meter' The farmers planting corn at 13re par! excellence, the fOnterio. Peach and also . full 'bloom a ear ier here than with Liopons,—Miss Me ten years ia India as deliVer a lecture in :big.' • -The subject will Customs of . Central , talented lady and her' :intensely interesting papers speak of. her ail follows : "Alarge audience assembled 'n. St. Andrew* church on'Tuesday ev fling to hear Mist! McGregor of Indore City, India,, lecture -on the manneis and onstoms of the pee- ' ple Of that country. tome of. the many idols warehiped by he natives Were shown, and the mann -in . which they dreits their 'children fully -illustrate& The many and di miseilmary in that far vividlY described. taught, schOol here s ago; and has been a .dorif City for about will lecture in Clin evening and in Union on -the following-Frid friend in Mitchell say :, " I shall re main bere during th summer session which lasts until Au st, ahd' then sta a short time before I id for Edinburghl He worked very hard while there,as did all the Canadians, herd Were alto- gether twelve ' in Vi nni : during the go off. 'He was jUst in the act of put- ting fresh caps on the gun when his con- duct was. neticed by Mr. E,i Dews,* Who interfered and _took the weapon- 'ftom him and had him arrested. The. gun on being examined was found to be heavily loaded with powder and ihot 'and had it gone off thereiescarcely any doubt but we would novf. have to recbrd ° a dreadful tragedy insteall of 'Amply the man's committal. Altkough his rash act was the result of .whisky and he was not in a condition to be --responsible for his actions- he is hardly tisafeperson • • oil meeting on MOndey night the newly elected memberk- for the :south ward took their seats and. Mr. Counter Was , added to the fire and water bommittee and Mr. Beam to the street bemmittee. It was decided that the Coutt of. Re- vision meet on the 4th' of June at :4 o'clock. A petitien signed by 47 of the' business men of the town Was presented to the Council asking them to pads a by- law reqUiring all eliops except lee oream saloons to be closed each evening, ex, oept Saturday, at 7 o'clock and, on .Sat- urday eveninf at 9 o'clock. The peti- tion was received and the clerk *as structed to have a by;iew prepared in accordance therewith for presentation at next Council meeting, The .clerk was instructed to advertise for tenders for the lumber and gravel required for street repairs this season. A reso- lution authorising the cbmmittee to ergot six inch tile drain on Crombie street, from the skating rink to the Water works, alio to construct a cover- ed drain through the Kidd salt works property, to be of wood and Of IMMO di- menelons as that noW entering on Jar- vis street, was lost, The fire and water committee were instructed to confer With Mr; Cardno respecting the improvement' of the ire alarm and report it next. meeting. After passing apcounti to the, amount -of $234, the. Council adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor.1 of thia townie a member of the Canadian FoOt Ball team that played ' match at Aylmer- on Tuesday ivith a p clued team. from the United States.— r.- John lly - injure any- on Saturday looking moue. the worse for are-_ very busy his arduous -political duties.—Me. John. ent, this' being, Sprdat,:of Tuokereirdth, !and Miss Mary corn . cotinty of Sproat left en Monday forthe old.eonn, --cherry trees are try. They, sail from 9Uebec on Wednes--. d promise a. fine day and will -have the honor of crossing re ionsiderably the Atlantic' in the same vessel with you in Hiiron." Lord and Lady Lansdowne ; Hon. 0. ' i • Mowat; Sir Charles Tipper, andi other regor, who.spent distinguished individuals. They 'expect_ missionary; will to be gone about a Month.—Mi, jOhn the Presbyterian T. Weatcott,of Exeter, who ii travelling xt Monday even- forth° Gale Company, was in toWn on e " Manners and ' Tuesday. He hag tupplied several' of Indic", . She is a the leading farmerstin 'this vicinity with'. lecture- will be an these implements.. -;-Mr. Richard Robin-% le the. owner of a remarkably prolific eggs this season and seems to hake no idea of 'going out. of the businesi yet as, it still keeps -at it. Last year it layed - 23. When we consider- that from 8 to 12 is a good season's' Waimea 'for - an ordinary gOose the value of Mr,. Robin -- son's will be appreciated. --Mr. Thomas McMillan, son of Mr. -John McMillan, - g. Pit- pf: Hullett, left on Monday. leek for Scotland. .He, will Combine butiniees with pleasure .. and besides , seeing the sights of the 'old'world eXpeets . aiming No* with him a number of *Clydesdale . horses.—Mr._John Carroll ii haying hit hotel building re -painted and iMproied. both outside 'and inside. I Mt . Wth. Hawkshaw also intends maldn -.-exten- sive improvements in his. hotel uilding this seasen. He will erect Oar e btick. addition and will brick veneetthe Present the handsomest fence in toVikerected in front of his.fine residence 'on Goderich stre4, - The work, Is being dbne -by well, of Tuckersmithi is having la; large' addition erected to his brick residence. for the past few days and ap arances latge nu ber ,of day's epcir —The - of Ilanches r, will - assist Ret. 'Mr. MoDonaldat the, Cbin-: yterian each in cult trials of th away land werei, Miele McGregor ' Me twelve yeari missionary in In - y evening. man, for severe tioner in Mitchell ter received _fro -Edinburgh, Ma - •Seaforth stand's at the head; 1-* Tni'FLAX MILL BURNED. —4. Another °Int of membership ranks. first, ° T !destructive fire took place in Seaforth oi:t Thursday night Of last week. The iteeloek.' Ihe scene of the fire was -soon idiicovered to be: the flax mfil. When. "Irst observed the building Wasa mass of "Lanes and nothing could be done to. !save either the building or the valuable. contents. It -had evidently originaterf about the centre of the building and hail !been burning inside for a considerable time; as the flames seemed to burst out simultaneously all over the building, [no building wadof wood- and it wee 'filled with flax in various stages of-manu- ' fat=t_ure, the whore being of the most' inn framable materialonaking a big blaze and an intensely hot nits. Fortunately, iku=vever, it was a very calm might and the flames were confined to the one • ' intiadfirg. Had there beat a high wind blowing the Consequences might have - fnme buildings blithe near vicinity and = fur SOfee reason Or other there was . an mkagual delay -in getting water. Water okee,procured, however, ail danger of dm further spreadof the fire wasaverted, fe* minutes' play oh the burn. • Wig masalowered the fire so- as to make IN &Tread impossible and even the en- gitie house attached to the -mill was reserved intact, and its. content& are at little injured. In so fir as the Mill. itAtlf is concerned, there*. is scarcely_ a ' stick lift and the:flax, which, it contain- . ed has been completely consumed.. '.The . mill had been Idle ,for some time and 401.1.the next -highest 'being:,-Londoni with' Membership:of 364!; Strathroy, 350 ; Cathorinet; 345 1 Oat, 346'; Kingstbn, 349 Ind :Peterborough,. 336. .A11- the others are . under I 300. The with the best in point '• nuMber of boOks in the library; other. In,, Brussels, 54 ; Wroxeter, 66 ; Stratford, 10:5 ; St.. Marys, 161 and .Mitchell; 16611 The membership of the °Seaford' In White is considerably larger this yea, thin it was last and will Flake a still better showing in-th report for 1888. , smith side 9f the' railway track;was sen shboting with intent to 'xIo grievous bodily harm. It seems the man had been up twn and indulgeetoo freely in " Crooks Aet,9 and • on /Os way home,: in this dUlDseason,—A coup e. of when on the bther side olt the railway, men.from the hantnne old to* tralek, seine children who ;Were playing torowere here OIL F iclay. to "exa there annoyed him by making . fun of waterworks syStem, -and Iscert cost, and other particulate, with t -Of having a.simila system- ere .that toWn.. The Pi do hotter than adop :it the most. profits, ever made.—.Consid taken piece in:Abe r indicate simmer.— horses have been en *n the twenty-four Rev. Mr. McMillan, munion . services the 'Pres church next Sabbat and *ill p the forenoon' and' e enink,—Th bell in the Methodist church on Pride , evening last; was no but these who were .with a treat. The here were avored lecture itself was most intereitinf, while the views of ondon *ter alma as, accurate as life, and a greet, deal- of Useful information ville and JaMes Heide of MoKillop left. & Wilson have had manufactured especially to their oyder a ver)t hand - Some and artistic wtre' sign with* they ibtend to suspencl--,iii front of , their, establishment —The price „or wheat has taken an upward bs3und, and during the present week aa high as $1.02 per market.. Many despaired of *heat ever reaching that - -figure I again, .but such is the case. The greater 'pity .is that very few in- this vicinitir have any to sell. It is skid the I Messrs; Ogilvie will clear a couple. of hundred thousand dollars by this rise inl• mheat. ealesman in Messrs. Reid lit. Wilson's ;hardware stere forfabout_. twelve, years, intends removing to ,Orillia oldput 'the 1st of June, whetris he -has secured a more lucrative si ation than file had here; • He is an energetic, pushing and industrious young- an who,ivill do well wherever he goe learn th'at the ext factory of Messrs this town, is just n terrnost to supply daily_ idle, but. t turned out byt th gether with the e has earned, secure trominent ri dints, streets, &o., in ciw pushed to the.ut- !similar eatablish- s are just now par- e superior fnrniture establishment, to. viable 'err tioU it 't. ample wo k even of Mo- ine our, in the e view ted in ton peoPle an hot it, theY wall find le , investment they • table changes have hitt'. He went home -and .kot a, double batreied gun and :rettirning, stood oh the bpposite side. Of .the„ street from .syhere the children were -,,iplaying and deliberately fired at thein-,`4rst the ohe barrel and then the other. 'Fortunately both caps snapped and the kun dig net 'ROUT E POSITOR�; the. several branches of the Grand Trunk. The corrected .time -tables' will and double carriage, the.pole a through the peck -yoke,- allowing vehicle to run on -the - horses, cans them to „becOme unmanageable. dexterous engineering the whole tabliahment, -was ' capsized into ditch and theborses in this Way k °from -running ,away. No damage doneto the horses or rig, but Mr. P mari 'got his arm slightly hurt.— members of the Seaforth Volunt Company are requested te meet at Skating Rink at 7 o'clock on Fri he: be pt as 11, Or ay evening to make preparations for go ng into camp at 1 -London on the 19th June. A full turn out is desired Rev. Mr. Walwin, of Goderioh, preach in the Methodist church on S bath next at the usual, hours.—In St. Paul notes of the Chicago Citnadi American we -find the following re ence to a Seaforth boy, the second of Mr. Alex, Stewart, of this ta Ontario, is cashier for -Smith & Da d - son. His a good position and is a he d- ile as ng he on filled. Mr. Stewart was one of best football pleyets in Western- tario.'"—We-netice that ex -Monk dows, whose.escapacles were noticed these columns a few weeks ago, w on the /at of May sentenced. to 'years penal' servitude by Mr. Just A. L. Smith, of London, England; w his " chum " Alfred Burleigh• Hart sentenced to penal servitude for life Mr. Robert'Scott has sold his driy mare to Mr; E. Christie, of Exeter Dr:Campbell, Who has been away h trip to the Path& Coast, Is expeo -home next week. - When last he from he Wes Winnipeg.—Mr. cow last week. Last season he from her over____$60 worth of milk milk and butter and raising's calf; -- usual meeting of the Women's Christeur day evening at half -past seven.—Mre, R. Lumsden rettirned from Chatham on MondiV.—Mr. and Mrs. James Hill n, of -Mallon, left here on Wednesday to visit friendi in and around Sarnia nd Port Huron. We wieh them a pleas nt visit. I rd ah 14 th he • Kinnon and Donald McDonald, jr., 1 ast Week for,Fort Findlay, Algoma. the country suits them 'they will pro bly pUrchase land ere they return. Duncan McKinnon intends tO leave n 'Week' for the sem! part. :SUDDEN DEATH. —Mr, Lieorge died, very. enddenly of Inflamthatio the towelsori-IFriday, the 18th inst. Detroit. He came out !tom S land. last fall to see the court and visit friends. He ' left h a short time ;Iago intending -to • go Iowa, and then to returh to :his hbni Scotland-. He stopped. at Ditroit ,visiesome acquaintances, and Was th `taken Brand died after two days' si man and ' dnring his visit. here m de and six children in the Old Country ta moutri the lose of a husband and' fat er. a. ft r. xt at ry to k. MAY '25,' 1$8$. The,horse ran as far a¢ Francietown corners, a distance of one mil , where it was caught. , Mr. Tennent w s not bad- ly hurt: •pERSorCAL.--Mr. N. 4., Hu don paidSarnia a visit on Sund> an 'returned on Monday morning.—Mr. Herb Elliott, of Windsor, i'e in ton 'visiting his parents.=Mr.. Parkins n, of-.Wiikes- port, Michigan, arrived here, on -Mon- day night, and as he has rented a house we are led -to believe that he will _per- manentlyreside here.:., We believe he will -start a general stor in John Brod- erick's Old Stand. ies: Jackell, .:of, Sarnia, is visiting Mrs. Samuel` ; Gidley, at present. RELEASED.- The. two ` young men, Vail and Edworthy, who have been in- carcerated in the 'jail ab Goderich . for a few.weeks awaiting •their trial, were re-' leased on ,Thursday las. :They were accused of taking priv to •property to the amount of three be els of . coal oil and one barrel of pitch o build- a bon- fire on Main Street, to celebrate . the de- ' feat of the Scott Act on May 1st. 'They returned to Exeter on `Thursday ' last. Mr. and Mrs. James P ckard were at t Goderich as witnesseao :the ease. NOTES.—The council met on Friday evening last and, -as the had more busi- ness than could be tr nsacted in one night, adjourned till onday evening. Nothing worthy of no was done. The streets are to be. waters - as far es the town hall this year.- he Rv. D. M. Kennedy, . of Credito , preached in James street Method* ; church on Sun- day last 'in the absenc : of the pastor, Rev. Jas. Graham.The carpenters are working on the interior of the Trivett memorial ohureh.--While Mr, George Rook, of Usborne,, was driving: ` down Main street the other day one of . the tikes came off hie wag on `wheel. 'Mr. Rook was delayed considerably 'by the accident. Lower WinglIam. SosaPs.—Mr. John. Hicks, a former resident bf this place, but for pine years pasta reildent of `Thessalon, Algoma, prOperty fof,Mr. Rh :Rankin, where' he intends making his future home.-7Mr. W. Campbell, a reepected resident of ,this piece; who, fot tome Unto past has been lying dangeronsly. with -in- - tainmetion and dyspepsia, getting around again, and we are glad to hear of dersigne4 50,000 pounds or Fleece Wool, Mr .whicp will be paid the very highest market! in cash. Farmers will4flnd it to their advan age to sell their wool ',far eashIci me,aud• trade w ere they please. I am es usual bdying all kin. s of , Grain 'St high* market' "prices.. ROBE&T -by-law came into force this- week nd the shop keepers are all obierying .jt, Parties from the country wfil laid to get in and have their business done be ore _p. ni.! as shop keepers. ere' not all w- . —No celebration in Brussels bn the th, moit of the -worts going 'to -Seafort tO 'see the rices.—R. VVilliami has ent .ed , lisMagician colt -for the four year old -stake. Dick thinks "him" a mover Ut 'he will know after the races.--Busi ess Men complain of business- being dull at present.—The Cricket' club are at w .rk, haying the 'square' fence erected. base ball club go to Palmerston on the '24th to play' the olub -of that town.., • Exeter. FOOT BALL. -L -The Exeter foot club paid Centrallea visit on Friday and plaiired for one hour. The game sultedin fakor of the Exeter boys, t getting one goal. club visited. Exeter on Saturday and Played a friendly game of ball. day was not very prcnnising,the gro being somewhat damp. I The game his recovery. an end,this last week. Mr. Moorehouse is a very able speaker and We trust he did mach good while here and that he will in some future tiMe come again. Mr. George Thomson Ihad the misfor- tune to lose a horse this Week.—Mr. Malcolm Lamont is b By making pre- Parations, to go to Ri ley this week.= Mr. Luke King has a ain left home on another 'canvassing our. He must understand thii bustle Sp as he is never idle and has the full confidence of his All est ey he ds - 35 played byboth sides very well, but the Hensall team showed, by 1:their eat nth that they had More practice. .. - At the close of the game the scont stOod Ex ter, ,_ ON A Toun.-4-Itir. Samuel Cornish nd daughter, of Exeter, stetted on a tri to the Old Country on Monday last. . sailed on the Parisian.. on Wednes ay. Thildwin. Mr. and Miss Cernish -in Stayingln the Old CountrY; for al a -time in lopes of improve* the let ACCIDENTS,--+QUite a nuMbt of Jest week. Mr. - Silas 8 nlake, dents. happened here the la ter pa Sodom; was driving np, street and 14eigot nearly_opposite the new Me ial church, the pole of his wagon' b .and fell.to the ground, when,the ho started.to run. 1 The rig swerved 'f one side to the Other =and the brbken of the pele.pietced the legs of the male. .making theM . furious. : Bat they reach Itoss et.' Taylor's- pia Trl Mill the po e ren ;into -the -ground, 'setting the' ig end throwing Mr. .8 lake te ?the ground, :but not inju hint; - The- horses were seierely and *ere 'immediately taken - to el - of ot- se om nd up- an- ing A. ed ,the wounds afi-best they could be ,d 13e. The next unfortunate was A. Tennent, Veterieary.Surgen. It appears-, that he had been oiling the buggy and had neglected to replace one of the nuts, so that when he had fairly gone half; a block One of the front wheels felt Off, Christian Aseociation day eveniug at 7:30 p dially invited.—The aellent tea was also =:provided -for etli Present. Rev. Mr. McConnell enter .upon his new pastorate under most fa vorable oircumstanees, and 'as he is 'igobc1 zpreaeher, and; what is `even mor important, a good Man, we predict fo him a long and useful 'pastorate in thi field. the BensauPost office Book Store, has been ad . 'Miss SMITH Would beg to announce her many customerii and the public in gene that she has decided to .offer her present lare and cbmplete stock of Millinery and Fan Goods at cost, and some lines of Goods even un der cost, aeshe intends givipg up business her and returning to her home in Exeter, owing ler services being required there through sick mess. jntending purchasers Will -therefore ,d well by calling early and Seeuring.bargains. • Bauss:—Ifiri, and 'Mrs. Wm. Moi of, this place, and Mr. R. McLaren sr. of the township of Tuckerscth„ lef this station-- -on Tuesday r, Iowa where they intend spending . a fest weeks with relatives and friends. '',W -wish them a safe and pleasant journe and - trust that Mrs. Moir, who ha been in poor health Mr some time past will return. greatly benefitted by. -th in connection with the -opening of o netv Driving Park,. which stands seConcl to none in these parts for size and con &don of: trick, will be held here. o 'Dominion Day. -Further particular' -as to, the sports and rims, for whio provision le being made, will be give in &later lane. In. the , meantime w might put 'state that it is expecte that prizes amonnting to.$300..or there the different races, gemes and opera One thing is certain' and that is..tha the liensallitee, when they arrange to held a oelebration, spare neither pain. interesting game of .base ball betwee this village, FiAS pleyed on the ground of the former on Saturday afternoo last, resulting In a glorious victory fo tbe Corn Cobs,,the score at the close o 16, with one ininnge yet , to •play. 'Mr R. Buchanan ivas captain of th,e CO Cobs, while Mr. °Y. .Herold, of tit' place, discharged. the -sonteivhat dif ficult duties of umpire, in. &manner the .gave the , greatest satisfaction, Th Corn Cobs are now looking for fres Goods WIN Is constantly being repleniehed.' SORTMEN As goodras ever in our - MANTLE GOODS, PRESS 000w,- AtEAPYDIADE:- CLOTHING, We bn ow Pak NE Pra0e1S 24: 41151)1 Some Extra Values Will be offered during MAY AND FOR . A, POPULAR. 'SUMMER BESOBT;-10 John Swede, the, popular proprietor o tlie River Hotel,. has made extensiv improvementi in Ins house. The dining room has been handsomely papered and kalsomined and the -bar -room remodel led. ' 'Mr. It:Bailey, of the Commercial le having his house repainted by. .Mr Arnistrong. All the hotel keepers ar peeparing for a large number -of summe , visitors.' Year after year this place - -becciming more popular as a summer re sort. It would be hard to find a znor -pleasant place in, which to_ spend a fe weeks boating and fishing, and the- seen 'toy is greatly admired by those * wishin 'to escape the noise and bustle of th IVIIAT, WE. HAVE' AND WHAT W ed aseneral business ere for the pas -enPle in tile nnun-1 36 years. He- is well known as a sud very inconvenient cessful business man and is ,ever read Barker, of Ethel,. to assist in any enterprise tO further the interest of the town.—Mr. John Whict. don is enlarging his -premises to inee the,, demands Of his steadily' inereasin trade. Great credit is„ due Mr. Whid Young People's-, Meets every, Fri, -fall wheat - hardly be an average crop unless the weather becomes vel favorable.—Mrt. ture of the ankle, is able to be, round again.—A dumber of _try ihink that this e ing stores in towdis system.—Mr. John the -veteran cattle uyer, is doing a large business in his lEne, and business.men of ,Wroxeter have yery wisely adopted the iatly loOng =Vs. Ment and the council1 -hay used a-leit- ilt law requiring_ the clOsing o all store s and shops at half -pest se en iron) April 15th to Octoberl5thj. and a, 7 o'clock from October 15th to1April 15th, except preceding holidays. All in the habit of on Saturday evening! and the' evening doing - business in onr 'nage should - faithfully the-provisbne f his by-law. visrrtrABL--vii Ilnursuay Mr. Jitnes O'Brien .of Ha passed te his eternal frest. ••• was born in Wicklo Ire Irish police force. He soldier in the Lo al let ar with --Colonel a had a miraculous While carrying boards to roof of the old fort,Ia cannon the boards and knocks ground: Again. he barracks ser.)/eant. over he and lifif,a township—the a settlers; Hp .43r living, , and mane said of the- dem ed th t honest, uptight an .cone ie It would be like arnis in last week township, e deceased e 'joined the emigrated to., re and was a yj and fought bb. had many ring the war. He escape at Toronte. ebuild the ball struck him to the Ontarii:q serving as After the war was ily moved into Hay ed hard earn a ed put byl a an be truly he was an tious man. sunbeams to give a yord in is praise. He was a, consistent meMber ,of the Methodist Church and died tiusting in his Saviour and His power toi save. I4e leaves -to mourn his loss seco cl wife, one daughter and two' sons. eased was 94 yeari of age. Stanley. Viet& in conneetioh with of Rev. J. A. Moconnell ate of Bloke ahd terian congregati day afternoon lad Church, Blake,! 'large, congregatien. key.. r. °Coy, of EgmondvillN presided,', The Rev. a' very able seri:nen, at' the conclusiqu- of. which the induct on services1 *ere Jpro- Kipper' address d the minister, and' people. . Both ddresses ere appro.! priate: The induction over -the people et7warmly welcome their no, :pastor. In ing was held in the, 13ayfieId Road church, Excellqnt addreseee were de- livered by theininisters Who took part In the afterncionc.services and by other' Was discoursed the choir of the Seal - neighboring elex4yincen, and -1good musio forth. Presbyterten Church; under the leadership of _Mt. James .8e -eft. - AP ex - the induCtion to the pastor -1 ayfield Woad Presby - ns tbok plies oh Mon7" in the Presbyterian don for the large business secured in th —Mre. li. F. Edwards has 'been a rest - dent of this Place for about a' year? eaviiig understood this tb be a health locality he deeided to remeve here at secure the healthful effects' of the Lak breezes. He carries on a general ins -. ,nees in Mr. Robert Morrison's old etan —Miss M. Martin, formerly of Toront about a year ago took yossession of th business till then conducted by he .aunt, the- late Mrs. Cameron. Specie .• 'attention is given to ladiee' fancy goodrk .—Dir.., J. Gardiner, our respected post ' -master, and a resident, for the past 40 years, is ever ready for all the busbies' ping.' To find.* more obliging aud at- tentive postmaster -would be impossible; . Wel are pleased to state that oat, wort*. townsman, Mr, -A. Routlege, As recovering from his late indispositioit. Mr. Routlege has been eigaged in bus - ness since the early days of Bayfiel and is nOw enjoying OW. fruits of h is now prepared for- a good summer"s trade. — Mr. G. H. Howson, our well- known druggist, keeps en hand A "We I selected stook of &hp, booke,statio.nerY, etc. He g.ives special attention to wit 1 paper, paints, oils, etc.—We see rid well supplied with shoemakers. M .: shop the secoid door from ,Mr. . . 'Whiddon's; Either of these gentleme is ever , ready to execute any orde s. mak . moved' into the store oppoti H. F. Edwards, his now a firet-class t shOp.--Mr. Charles Tippet has openeg out a butcher shop and tour and feed store in , C.' Stalker's old stand. 19 be well troubled, tt looks qui city. like to se Charley's delivery 'wag° Whitton, Day, Folflie and- Erwin ha co' dashing Alen the street. ----Our wago Makers. an blacksmith's, `Messr enjoyed a good . spiting's work and are always to be found , on hand ready fbe business.—Mr. James McDonald has been tailoring here for. the lad BO yeare. " Taller Mac," as he le familiat- ly called, is Well known asp suceessftil 'manager and is always prepared f r work.—Mr. E. O. Jairsesewho has bee amongst. us foil the past ten 'months, s now located inithe.new ptemises next ,Dr. Stanbury'i. He has already bui t up an enviable reputation as a tailor an -cutter and with his effieient staff of - detente is- Bemiring a large share of pa to refer to the enterprise of the ladle . -Mini. L. Parker has coMmenced dr s makieg in the :shop. over • C. Tippets flour and feed; store, and is rapicily,es- Ash her every succesis.:—Mies KingII,11 her assietauts are kept busy making -ft dresses in the most..artistic style,—An one requiring a.: no% snit or atylish dress need not iii to the .outside town" to procute it aos bur merchants have no*. on - hand a choice stock .of tweed°, pantings and dress goods and -the *lees end dress 'makers are alwayr, MoFAUL • SEAFORTH. ready tO satisfadtorily execute ..111. inders entrusted-- to their wino -- Mr. James Thompeop, with hi; mitul energy,.has complited his new taw -mill, 'and IS now ready:for work.--rWe mutt - not neglect to notice the chopping aid shingle Mill of Mears. Parker it John- ston. They have every reason to be efforts thus far and deserve -A generons ture dealer, Is prepared' for a good sum. mer trade. He gives Partionkr 'at,teu- tion to the undertaking department.— Who can now say, as has ofteh been ing the bottom of the hill I Any on.: sible person, after reading . the above.° facts, cannot help but see, that this place is still in a flourishing state. What we. want is the interest and- support of the people in the surroundina country. An- other requirement. of this place is the presence of some live., .energetic man of capital, experienced in the milling busi- ness, The erection, of a steam flour inin. on theold site, where both steam and water power could be need, would-be a great saving to those doncerned, And It is well knOwn that such ,,,au • mite Would be liberally supported an be very profitable and also prove a great boon to this°commuqty,—It fa expeeted that work will soon be -commenced On the pier.- This will afford employment - to a ntunber of men and be of vasfitn- provement the place, It - to be Inoped the work will be properly done, —A large and enthusiastic meet.ing wet= recently held in Zniich to further' the intereit in railroads. Hayfield is se- knowledgedly all' to be the beet lock tion -possible' for the terminus of rail- road, there being such a -grand water connection and no bettor harbor can be found, It is believed. by maul befe that the day is not far distant when the welcome sound of the locomotive whistle and -rumbling of the Cars -Will ba -head in our midst. This is no dream or fancy as there is every reason to believe that we will yet have the liinged railrdad. Encouraging promises hart been made and what ;met now be done - is to boom railroad for all it is worth. Aht ell RIP deltiout ftdiswe antici.1' DOTS.—Mr. John".14Ambkin his 4011 his trottingmare for the handsome Pet of $175.—Mr. JOhn CoOper lost a vas - able mare and colt. He had to kill file =i.e.—Farmers in this township' s,re about done seeding and are startuig to" put in their ,robts.—We may expect some weddings on the second roncestios --THE CLOSINGS MEETING—Thk• Leaf Literary which has been " r in Cooper's, school. house; Section 11, _ dosed for this season on the 24th of - April. The following officers were elect- ed.- for the current year : Geo, Jeep* McDonald, Enrolling Officer, Tlke ciety has been carrying tni its made had -many pleasant and profitable even- ings as was amply Manifested by ths. large attendance both of members, spn outeiders. As there Vas more Money 'the treaSuty than was required tO4rosn'Y on the 'society, it was decided to have =oyster supper on- the occasion -of the,.. olosing meeting.. This was carried 00, - in grand style and after. all Izad' pa' • taken of the delicious bivalves, a length,' mg.ramme of recitations, reading! Anu. singIng was got through. I# wee eided to hold the first meeting -ef *next term on.the sehondluesday tember, when good progranime will pet:Aided, The membership fee is 10 ' -cents per quarter, The lanai bath se Pattri Slay - SAW work that lug the Chirch said the church • and lib the Aral he uld control teachi the Sup t big. an I an to ginPot tO -seta' - . tinders the lei 'and pr the to :41 Ti the- liC Perint Or ill+ Mr. tratia Want roma of the to eta venti be te of of the trab neon sho