HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1888-05-25, Page 1tautly * good aa ever 'Opus - I Departnie MILLThfljRy ANTLE 'OcioDs, Rags .Goos, S, raltNigigN OLOTIO:N IARPETSI, 0 ered d alu or Produce Produ8e IOW sici his hate' muohjrn ion, of a new coat•of piste tatithe contract and di ditsble retanner.7-Rer, 3Ianchester, gave a feta& to the hoOful esbyterian- church on Our band 'discooral tetodies on Friday eve*. go busily engagecl. fit pa - e 24th of May, under * ip.of S. Gidley.-Our kn avelieen 'doing some in all Accounts, this mama, well for the sumfaer galk • I.E•Lamozis or 'Tnii STriri - Our Street Commit* war patii-on Friday kgr building some. sidewise out -net Ito .many as sew like. Mr. Jas. MO*, xious to have a sidewalk lifence but it is feared ha * as , -the CouncirgannOt sidewalks for -one or is* specially so far as is re- erareodate Mr. McGhee, ig imagines it is too farhr around a block to get * of and wants &street mai iond to. Dinsley be absurd in the mares* .dirtg will likely have it ist a year or two befox show of obtaining his Anderson Would lib, fr. k on, his streetinstead wc;uid, na doubtt besJ Snderson kit. the Cowl liot to build,Another but* avel- to the already fine on that street. And, _so There are many emir but some must be dirs- ; 7eibbrne. . tzre-Atthe last =egg 4 Connell twa petitims ,,one fronithe promoters . Ontario Pacific- Railcar peration ofthe council is _Government for Sid it d the i other 'from iht i School- Section No. 101 wil ta pass a b5i-law en- - its Of • the said seam, kv the first petition -the acted; to write the 'pro- oad to the effect thatthe oppeed read is not off- Ily stated Ili the. petitiee - Omen in taking action. ,the second petition gat , a to take aetion,as the ids the passing of a ht - hat- required; after the Et *as decided to civil& ittd,of the, township for aveling this season. The ;stem for the year Vios onflrinedttyhy-law, trWted -to., notify • and :ling -alongside the en lots and 6 on the ec4cessions to remove strueting said road. A passed • instruelidg aveAll the thistles ealt• 111 their respective ell the firat incl pioyed to be a(I labor, It • foliewing sunie / OA eborna # en - sborna Awatn Usbornt 'ding the ullC fleXpentl o that tbo reeve. reasona-ble eX the bouqJari r.111iHtit, vi, P :kereinith and Hsi - old the Court of RORY re, on Saturday, /40 ick a. until W ng a few, accounts .0 , 4•4 ; 'VW • er, - • , • TWENTZFIRST YEAR. WHOLE NUMBER 1,066. A7OR:r1=1., 1:8.1318!‘ elLBAN BROS.,. Publishers: *1.50 a Year, in Advance. • _ STOCK In every Departmint at the heap Cash'. Store OF FM AN & CO._ - We have eome very Special Bargains to Show in New Dress, Goods, New ;mute, New Sateen' s, NewZephyrsi New Shirtingoi, New Gloves, New Collars and Cuff's,. New eerie* New Ribbons, New Laces, New Curtains, New Cretonnes; - , 2 • • 2 Our Millinery Stook was neverir het-, ter shApe nor did we ever have such a- ' complete assortment in every line, every tedirshoild take, a- look through the different' styles. Butterick's reliable, Patterns, gooks and Sheets, always to be had at the tOheAta- Oash StOi‘e -OF .-HOFFIVIAN & CO. p:400X1-71 EA.:F.-oHRT.HH: • t , Perth Items. . --Bleck-pavement is Spoken . of for •• the streets in Stratford. • • •. =The agricultural grounds in Mit- chell will be sold 'under a mortgage on - the 26th inst.. . -A collie dog -tried to commit- suicide in Stratford the other day ° by •juinping •- out of an upper storyivindeyr. --Miss-AnnicilicNell, of London, the prima donna Scotch' singer of Canada, is visiting friends -in Mitchell: . .-' -The minagereof First Presbyterian church, St. Marys. are- now expending • $500 in frescoing the church. • , .-Rev. &P., Gerrie was ordained,. and • installed 'pastor: Of - the StratfordlCon- gregational church; on Tuesday Wit. 11.Clark, North Easthope; - and A. Sanderson,- of Amulree, ileave • shortly for ;the 'fiend of brown heath and shaggy weed."• • t =Mr. 0 _Bailey, Blanshard, had a • . valuable milch cow killed by the loco., .motive at the • 'crossing west of St. Marys, on the 9th inst. - • • --The twolrear-old sow' of Mr. -John C. Rock, of Logan, Lwas so severely scalded a.few days agoUthat he died a :few hours after the accident. " -One or two of the Stratford banks • .have had. $5. bogus -United States di- • ver ,certificate # presented to them re- cently-. • In every case the bogus/ article has been detected. . -Ref. Andrew Henderson, M: A., • has been Appointed delegate from the Stratford Presbytery to the General AS- sembly to be heldatHalifax. this sum- mer. ' 4 --Mr. J. D. Stewart, of Rumeldale, has recently purchased a'.two year old " Jersey heifer from John Fennel, of Ber- lin, for which he Paid the handsome • - sum, of $135. _- • ] 1 . G. Bruxer, of Dublin, isOm- ' tisk out the buggies -And wagons this_ spring in fine style. ; He has seven. splendid top buggies completed, nearly all sold, and several more in- the., course • �f construction. . Rev. Mr. Caswell is invited to • return to - the Fallarton circuit for a third.year. He and his excellent col- -• eagne were tendered a Vote, of thanks by their querterly board for their labors through the year, ". ----About two weeks, ago a fine three- year4o1d trotting stallion, owned by Dr. • Day; of Fullerton -Who had the animal in- training by lir.' .Fitzsimon, of -St. • • Maui, broke one ofhis legs while he was being 'exercised, the result of -which •. was that the animal had to be killed. Bey& Rutherford; formerly �f Millbank, and for many years Reeve . o Mornington,- has been selected by the\ • Conservatives of Rockwood, Manitoba, as their candidate atthecoming election • of a new Parliament for that Province. - 4 7 -Mr. J. W Weathercott, of the 3rd - concession, Blanshard; liold a few days ago toia Listowel buyera span of ;horses - for which hereceived.$325. Mr. Gerald Speedo; of the 4th copeeSsion; sold on the same dayto the tame buyera horse „ ; • -for $150. • -The other -day St. Marys • while '']•dr. James Malcolrii and daughter, of EastNissouri, were:- drivingintotown the horse became unrulf and theoccu- -,pants a the -buggy were thrown out and considerably injured.. 30 or 40 dozen of - eggs and a quantity cautter was scatter - o