HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1888-05-18, Page 7sw
_4 T M_
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X -1 KV 7
. M.
Ism, M iT
Id 6!peotl A -G,
gar vine. *to 0, ONEY
of _*tk GA Z t Folt SALE.
�del�he fl 'a ftill utioi an' ev w XG loftelin4htt_ LOAN
W . 'It - - no
The. cities of.1he .11d er:
gooso o,#- bottle, R
E-qQ J! Olt rORT ARTHVIL gar.' Iii-pt"t Or �-the IflithoW elllugj:mpch)lejp A.group�� ACRE F4RM PI SA14 IN VTUCX-
old mmom foisdd 6.9me 0 -or
rt -of
reAdon ]6Ubt ensall. The estAtib
olatie: ce.. Ith three
Us, isl Stoll
I . 0 , , -de
ftp efdralu4 I ad; Also brick
Ail ey a thol. Ski and hii -family ST.:�0
ary,el te*. Of y who- we M L- - . _ L. .1 .� .1 100 MI uildingsandle
re. - " astem of P _:- � LI_
000 HE L
ice �he.blg f1 at Port, A:rthur-toinoI well und clear
blI have -been erected, B9EAkF'A
nd -to *V i3i�w bri6k I &*ed FrAm, Mi r,
to tlI6 little fell. f �-Oat des ouff X PW I ce
on butter aul- sugar -whipligovem the- opdra*bf of- digestion And
U d*- Crean �16 Oman, S ot Jaiiies Stonemon
moke �Iesaing L I him madio aI 86: out o fttth6i h 11 ledjea'thensiurallaws -of the att win. Pply to J. 0. j6r
RM Vomit, which give. to. that oypr -evil ih,.,
twura; appearance. - A. aud.- His obildrIon:were at b C xecutor�
Ane prqpertie�bf -well-selec ri
-the "hlegul 'aten'tower, grew up w 0 a NE.
to loosen k -roar and howlin$ and by a a refu licattoki f th E, 1: L V
and 1 4 th till I the.. mom be O�- -nutrition 11 a
ht ih_,"^ , p - I it� th' Ep Comber, I
ek,'to 0044475,Mf is; to, be erected- a - the break. X
W. tbw blo tho illed him- �YoT.could nstaut of
now called the co -has provided-ourbreak'ket tables With a dellics OF TORONT9,' -VOR 8XLR--The -morth half �ection NO 16
-r, on w is
-,hat' hear him wheeze;L clear ior the road.. ersinthe i"i earsi were mmirred,therib,sibId. IoVioft may sayiI many Hg6vib
OU L .1y'-ft-y6I __ffewhich Uthe be-st Ong timber mill
mom `Doiyb1,00k�almnd-._M1k J.L.Xiiklej g just eomple"i the ;South- Eist-quarter Seption IS
. . e 01, -a chunk bills. It is by- the judidipup use -voun , is � pre -A On. t 0-, lap'rep'stied t4 I endob e3ortiSge _U
Then they to.A r o;ean' homefoi In the �j;red t furnish h on the sII
h affi, street,. f.brown sI not -until then loft thei heavy, docI ty South bait of legal subdivm*one 9 Aid 10 SLtlou
loft Notable, Bazaar on of such articles of diet' thal-'et 66hotitugon. luoy shotte t n9ticatholollbWhig R Ids of Lumber.* bfimproved f arm p rty, at tuIs lowest current
6, but- lesi is, oil in � '%own hi
and Soaked- sp -fort SL belo�ed h' rI ft a _ '61 ;.4, eist, bo
ofthe it in: co�ooitri and Lon the
Ild kled mbre coih abi , ft�
M-tiAtiou -an 'raI of interest, Iroviench4r,blanithba, Prioe reason bli.,
PIAI t:OI ol.pail. Apply to
dency to Aisme, '*n terms as to re ay*d-n, n On
.?p r849 Of 40 feet to, or Address A.', STRONG, Se�fortb,
ditign.to, his. promise Posts; Irts, Bdams in'l n
_(E.& itatIes his '" ' ll itLL we* b BI abiding p aces. -Bills. Hemlock dai
-toi.mako Urgead- be rong.enou
vraiI built up until A to d- Ce4ai - I le�, Bhrdwood most favorable
FYA At. over with It *aa.- Piloil that jlieL' si every" ton to,
-0 capt IWJeI floating &i6I ready to., furn - ad ij�. the mi 1, 114
q on thatstreet. . A
heii slappe vie. up the. � life on'the oubtle m4 rim, les ortfi of
ion, to the kid's �fbreelst 6elf
and to an ng mys� on: WK. CA
system of water worlas is also ''bed 6 theiniglit.1 big &iI61ini 'Iberever thift Is a-weakpo We 18aY Blyth SidibI on ag st'diding. v53.
iind put him t6 -.1or _0
lle's isi .d' UPBELL
Isp, g J vias, I L -, . . . " ..
P11I asmell as ther rovements.. ishy I% fatal shah'by keep1h reigh $19 per a 1. .12
imp a gool a iortlixf
nd IJ think shore." ARM iblt SALE. -The pr 9 loners bia
d deal bI f4-dh,�,- a
well, fortified with pure blood and ii cast tor
Apply for pri
1?oI Arthur Lumber . i- ng lei of bill.
The -.10611WAI TaILZ�blecftft for sale b g Lot:$ loonces-,
it a all'alonk, of, that. coon -oil. - UVer F =2
43 IV All ray OW Wer usI bourlobed . fram,012--fl Oivil sirvt�s ir _ L' , L I . '. ' . I . I - - ..
td tuff. Goes sion 10, IG 'County Of Tdliiou, COZAGg 10
Old UA -11 yer" oots!? woxf Vnlk Ifi iIiIicketo by. Nrocol yJ ell, 85 Acres clearid. Good irame
rd "k. - an, log hoI The larm
he N -F4 on, IV W,
aid plani#g mills her%. and Woodside. labblie 9 LIVING TO t W I acres morr'lor fei
C�Mpany aniel Brother's he-ve D at
saw it on V Ito groat a Schwl Reports Made simply witli boiling water* Or imil - P 1. - *
b tight in -04, keeps' the damp. _8 following is t� a
re, doing m i . L 1JAMESEPPff & CO., omosciathid Chomistel' da 11' 'b ]me Also.good
they Wilt W: it L s 0
Brothers a ood !Paying- usi- That's h6 the 'School 1 '26 Mill t PlyPh P.. 0. -6coihesdrY-# thin; and- is' Bit= mile from'tbe *Magwof
W: it rps croup must' reot'standing of the pupils. M. London, POngland, 42 0 .9 at within
Until yo
nesa in their n6atly Vat( loundry. ;I A74 ur'baI
P t be goin' ndW 61 Blister 'll..oha ge.mei f8eciti elcillop, for th rassel nd .961d very reisionable. Ap-
031261i 91 M e month B ussels, . will �e
Mll gray ivinj!',the'itt�htion, needed
3ution that or beforeg
forget to - N , _ T� MdWG11TON, BrMusamselis
rnfist not SmY, -Ghat.gir I -IS- In
a month'[ wag".. f 11z i of April -rbo l8t-liarkS obtAinAblOf
or to- own� tb NXIL. preso�yo
Arthur hals'the lion �e largest ..375.. Fifth o1a;ss,;-T6ssio'G1misq '051. DiPAT9E LENGED411 !W boauW d vitality. 0
cracker,, aifii$ slid- ?11 C2 -eop . ou So a a bottle
vessel uelod on the CanadfaU lakesas the�
6"Yes' she' Un't a bad gal A'all LizA613airow; 210 - Win. - R c '272', >! o7i. ur toilet4tibl P'LLE D- VA
11 1 � . y . BUS F09 SALB.-For-iale
-oopled m e Uts and 8, In the Sth Coneadon oka! -
b4ok; ith. Well, -by' Ohmilotte'Dund"; 257. '� F u IS
sm o M Ayol� 'HA1i Vigor-. th G]31y 4
following paragraph fro the , i - I
HAGEN . Said the rth cliss,- - - I S
--tiI testi- 0. D. I Z_ R, It A I .
taininir-200 Acres, allicleared
eremith, Lud In
Glass;ow (dootliad) blail -what f Cith 6i'dook; 230 James Crawfoid, -And use, a little,
ThOL he aI .1"11 -do I N qu e I . . _f__
r youTe ir forthellair ion
CultI%+ '[06 p em
I't-iowners are-Messrst r D i0,hthLe�ij.&I'Or -R 'ed a first cl state of vp1tiviLti - OuNo. 7, there
inon. and- he* went 46 the .221) Jd�n 'Nineron: 261 ",Robert.' Y dail -natural, coloroud, a first cl -And a bank barn 06by -
y, topre iI the a good, w brick hoUse
toling Un
ic sliv'er out from under Brothersq` preve
FAOTO & Ca � "the, piofieers of the priide
iry t
window -to p, 2.17 Win. - Staftrd, ..231.%- nt bAldness.- S.I%Vl derneath and otherileo-
0 s, Also a splendid ordbardof choice
na Sure' 4nd-Irtwelil a Cure
ofthfstaWn' :hiS. thUMbL nai Senior Mid. olass-,� To -SlowbraI essarly g
Nai ay 0
215 ; ".
C1 '-'No obi r leis to 66,. rom
ftauk rap d , Sbar n Grove, N.V., fruitand
p , 8� & i.,lBe;rr6i 218 J6huJ1,obert-- suffet
Bill oulas Mun nc -
Ud neade to L' enty of water. On Lot 8 theta to a
0 Several halT new fram house and a 400d bank,bafn "d first -
ow to Find a Job.' qOn 210 Wused. wrAeSr Montils ago �My
launcheafroin their -yard at Voker the H olIass orch rd,; -Both places xrlew�il fe6c&d
Al�k. R6814L ISO remedy
steel so w Steamer 1Al96nquin,-' a, veasel. .1 1 theseidreadful diseIavbi, it: t Vior.
re have sold wit 'b t* pqulti- b ed falling -out, - and in, a few
Is oughly u erdralned and freeliom stump
AtL'One."OUtlie n1ills'in the city )f Bost' second- i0i following are the namee'Of OviI �Ialsbave sold wit a _o. Ali
'monials an ban lei Alen we
out 1,800 tons, specially designed ofI
Of at ton %'boy *q I o e. pupi _is 6very.c . weeks my. head N nimosIi. I --so the no half of ' Lot Sion the same Conceo-.
h J this -re' a -if t tly used.
is 4anted-, and a geo f th a who obtoiniod.. the. 'highest pof test, tsione, ing.50 Acres; 12 acres of Which
io Canadian lake' g6rvide to -class wit 9
t they did mo
t4 MWW cleared thebalarIce well timbered.
.4 i - r-. tried .,reide es, :bg,
RE . wan I.-
il, 100 A . havinglargoi carrying IP&I miI and. or p1j.to, the undo
arrows. .0 1 finally bought- a bottleof! Aye�' 'places are withingve'miles of 'Seafoft and
Ralik that all thi 860 as. t pass. das-, GIoorge Wiltse and"Win. signed' RE Stowli, ON
for t) was tmoked,-ou: one of the' te, so marks J anior third class, -046. bu fi-
alt L16YII a b0s could
0 ortsald at
6tedon Lau -su� in nt, g
capacity, and with erior'&.cco "ifooda- w
d: *8 . I same distance from Hippe'n with ood ammw
per rem SoconlI ;Samuel Hiiokwo%. Tboma CD V. ng - II a part
-of D�Lll ed byt. The,
north _1gor,'Imild, after us!
tion foi passengers. is..als.o i�eciml- toads leading in eviI diriiI 650 is
o 'Campbelli Mary Crawh t pa Drug, -Stdrev- SWorth. Hair My I
UA BOY Want SICall at the o ce. *t )rd,' sind 5, ilead was will be sold. iogeI �ii se
rni go WInue t g Drug Store., M,, among the best farms in -the Coun
to buUd lIel . 4 - - L 11 -be
6 art. second,! --mw 8 Of thp, qontent 'covered ty
a by bujing from 1� fitte# for.0-piet loading a d dischaii SW NI parately.
t* e
�morrow.md Rae, ior p
ic cap. - pp
Rob -Blyth. with -a h avy gyowth'of liair. Teco
'et Mary Rbbinson, Amos told h A ly, on the premises or�-to Z
ine d i spee At this tam I there wai aw
t cargo, and a. poo ia
t Meu4 your, preparation as the best bairin
(;e P. 0. -W. s. MUNDELL
t host. Cr " P c
&ttainod from o triple W 0 orl
guaranteed. oys 'it t a ed insiI M..--Gilgant: -Junior p4rt U2 go Rhyinds, Godorich. mon
of b �mift 0.
It Siding &I i engines of the®r improved" (D 'm UtzS
restorer in tbeVII
essrs.. �e Baker's, - els. ":XyLl1air,Wa'.J faded and--dry,",writes PEINN-Y WAF
ie hlowl -Tilly Wiltsti Dr.. L Exeter
pw expauslor but the ovorster was a little pe -plexed siubuII a )r&YL, Pi - I
D. Or Biuss �R OYA Ell
Ala avi,I
&n.a'-ecoup.mical, type su bUied by
A - v
out t. th. laiiiielfthe t6 the,best a of choosing o ale from. and Ala Part. .0rat Go
'Prescription ID,f a phymclanwho
3)unsmuir & Jacks e sa-M&I .-said Noi r,* -1 Faust's Nabel. C. Hixd�, of DiI !Il "but
Om Rach 0. re an
.re soer. & Co. e )eye, 4el Rioliaid
owner& wh -only-vi -WuFcth & -Co. a iton' after has bad a life long exrMenl
Me (Messrs. Th met XArksL di
-ant one of you, lk w cmi� I 'S
treating female dis6ases loused;
0 black ap-d glossy. by
is sk r'sport
HUILZ�Te-`The followifig V4 - a
ted- -en I - � - duk h bottIfi-of AyiI .9or
road roft Arti;uri. Ontario) were represen Mauy?"_� L . I
choose from sd %In fucCoiso
expene for IhIe. month effectual. Wigs ask your Arug.
vited them* alt into- the atd,& dA nj Se6tion N6. I,- Rullett, "$Z4 -
0 moment of 'Soh6ol ;000 ladies. Pleasint,sale
by, G aptain John S. U ore,imider whose Af ter tPIhiking -for 6 staiI of- the pluoils It bee e monthly vith perff.
_10M of th 'Pt �r # I - -
he in e over 10,
W CD L= a OrPlannyroyalw4fers 'and
will F, rove a, r gist
via e t 7m� istq� take no subs
vslus�-le, -1 1 .11 pall into bi4e of the tar a vi iril 74uith 2s. H t ncion
need fhanagerneritthe hew vessel f �T��iE- - Pj I I(? ILUS
Adition �o the
e , an d erg,
iirvica naU."'.. d Daisy M,I by. Druggists an Ferfuin Itute, or i7
Ut WIN lake of C& taiking. al. shor Stick hat the rw regiI 'Sidli postage, lot. seaUd particulars.
'told thI6 T
in for
Sold biall dru to Ber box
Inimigr t ive been pouring
-la Me ichmel.,; 46�,Wilfied Fowler;
an s, ha boy who Cou d hit, the nal ith ths' Bel
the wij��t El year- already almost d enior,4-stj Address TgPoEUR
stick a little -d tAncefrom the tr e* uld'- -TbirL cla!p,si tus'Proo
Mack -
Olt In h ar-Sold, in Sealorth by Lum an
-was crow go' I" � . . b�� aiid� B10t6h bt
every train, 'which I - boarded on my, wpo. i %& ..� .'i� L . ' Ilia
4.+ha nl 2.nd M iveildaVowler -;Srd Maggie Miami mple
jet the placet Pi WAso4;nd. v-druggie
ave nb* an
route to this town ded . Mr. The boys &I tried ..hard 'aid -eacI Michael ;Akh, Ii�bella Aitches6h:,,ThI1id Z - nab* 'and
M. xiGoverfi;goveftiaent immigr -0 W The above mills thoroughly. x ad
ng to fade - forebe
-go disfigurl the
-hittbe�,nail._ TheI a were, built up6
n6nthe 6 mploto
t.wo. that. failed to :01 w the 6
-there, infor- a PoSt'
...4th CD
'r III R0
,lass, Junip lot -Harr" 0 �tora
iiou ageu told' to 'igain the ne Lizzie D4le Srd, Sarkh Bennet. eck; may be 6ntirely fbmoved'bythe Th
Come. xt; olrnmgf,
opetw; -Tena -McGregor.' AeOwniL clis4:1":113k. u
n rwilp.
to, AR RO Ayer's Sars -Furifier ever
%,600 imIni9fants, including child NLO soof aparllla� the best and
4 was boy w, o after Vc in
a_ CD II Mll and. Storl ngs havebeen - 0INST.A.
lap I, Otte. .0
thoir' way but, one
'VT441b cl through here on aud this t1me.when.theL gafe' 8 M PROCES Pfflo
K -S' -er irotby - 2fia safest Alterative and Blood
ed th
�rtiiilwest, -ind Btitish in
ranitobaij the X . Sic Ch%4 Freent 4w; aI
be d th ohouie u dispiovered..
ripe th& monith of blarCh. 110 rii. J r Low#% MiSL
CdlumblaI Miller. irs enlarge Ayer
t class, 'senior; -1st, Eme- .11110 'd, &;d newfinadbinary -applied
1XIOU Work. and, rowini it at the-nail-,.-hil it. near-.
gvid Aitcheson Sfd' CD',
0-0 d D
Ah e. --A ng.up V
OIL SO'lid,by Druggists; -$I; six bottles
I --ev r ud the. boy, I IrwiA
UPE, AWTAyin -RafForbage is finely situated the, Wffl. It
Horace net - 4th Win. CD
T OV Dl�
pe "Ri f ion. a �,Z CD_
north shore, 6f th "'You soiI ve-are poor, and thoI . gh 'T N b ing -is the
-a Lake of the W -Tb� follow
g iver it is also! ES
the! outlet of Winni 1 would like- get.the placeii, an a it in the senior pioilS'
Ing 0 1 re0eneralStore,visbet-to, thank
rov 10 a- use icir UbdrAl ymt
the chief. of -the trig- of villages, which i - h Festerdak I'L 0 4 r IN ualte TIM -
In go'- 1- Turn -berry L
4or Sclidol 8 ids - oi
Q.. .44 Ur -age dri
'Dress _3r0R__, _ . . Libe pa4 thrie cars, SLd bopes t*
b ng fitrietlk
-he M ised throw- b
a - Keewatin bi t pract, ritteiq examinition- held[ On' M ottomers lor ft
aet Soiler-' eludes Noinian, Id - The nail mud ased:on qb his nilu
r6:. are iiiisurpkesed in' W S Ing,
waterpriviIeges he ;ht -in the 0 cure 0 cc
ing' at i cow ent 'subjecti -tails
tj d --have 6, 4 w �thi - -the dfffo. nfiniiation a. the same by
Attebdhgt6 busiteas,by bonest amid atra
Me se
this western - �%rt of the Domilion.. and
fourth,- __��matka obtelm-'
morning to `7 �'Rgsln. - school I gnio,
FficiM,the"beist Manufacturlog rmo ave -We OR
'17`1 h n, E Jorward dealing, by giving A liberal 4iscount for
!he: sbonery: and surroundings, 354 Q tin, AP E XCRAN
A the gr�bite rook with 'iI tialiderson,; GEO
although built oy ed tiy th pl ce, - 38 ISAL easb, b� keeping. nothifig but -fresh and new
The boy as admitt Awen `319� - Senior d everything deaddia added to enable
rr"hing RUffit. spi%ree Sol J. 1. third,---� . .;
-any iyeari have -pa, 64, sin the er ible for good
as. in
goods, I ysellingas cheap' V'OBS
oy a now ML prospero -$7 goodji,'�A-ying;apened up 4be most of our- new
'this 1 1. - _$3 TO PER ACRE
are everywhere on a scalii which o(y vul.. and� -b �Millei: t6 t4irlIkOut tour PRI�CE ROM
W-goold v ne, to expect. Man-, Marks -oUtaIinablej 305.!-Ist, So
,4rk* No
XaU orders wit a nsm6i dOI 1110 auda�the iMe Of z "an- sI at thZ' '28Ll A MoEwep,, 27EI �- Srid' G fitook 4-bieb cannot f4ii,to please the most
�rl� oppII D.,
e is; .8LEGQNP :.T UNENCUMBW fatidighs ComeAnd seeourbi,:10,12
rk6'- C N FW and 16
The prfucipal trade of -Rat.Portig- mills ha Nvis i1he'first'to- step foiwarI4 Gilleipie, Jilnibr tbird,-ma, ur new WWI
cent Pitutir, come and-soe o
thd cutting, and exo L lu be ft 0 8,500 to r6l -414t; -Jt B, _280 amd�-T a%A
m I"' with a 9_1 ieve the suf, IL W. JqOffatti'L have 81480 1 eale h the best settle- leegi,tomo aiat see. our W ti
'The -f iHte 9' m6nt of S;�Uthern L Manit P, and our Law
u -7-9 In' thi -Dominion. s for race An obk, close to Railways Drees. ns, plain ar
rting of -five, of" inabl#', 326 iay4 114' 1 - Li� Ire 8
nity" - - - CD
-8iy sawmilla are in the vici firers. It, is', ii;sy:to sie'how his g a-. 2nd, 260 Bid, A rt-� - id
e in from farmers and -for' nd 0. famay goods.
evatingand shil ping I And SchOOI w
Ill sell on easy terms, ona-sixtb And 0 Bbotsand Shoo are
proy as 'i
them now w6rking aid the prodtilotion X 0 7
ce 3. came., 229.
44 -can cash,balance Qb time at oper cent. interest; pay- h inspectIon, ire 'buy only from
1-thel rave also then e*tebdva1y..I rially '.ort
of theseMills for the last joasiol _f L jb6i weigheI -Be- -on
now, k taken rom farme wdl will fakeproductiye Real the t ' mAnufacturtim the public Can rely
0. SWP V� ;P. M Cul-
lowVst for 'several years -.was, over 30. - co m t t. Able at Seaforth, or ango,# cash ttin g Ul giVAP W
and loWed into cara at t a rate of 700 Mi ihel. tate in,the countyof Hur.du in exch, gettin
HbW Ap _61k,6. ing -podo that W
4d Bria . .. T
-of tm o men.. 'These lamas can be tra, large and wol
00,0W fe4t red and white pipe. - Ther,I btod right t6 1stop a M ,-isluation for A -sI in anex I astorted
ou have: An Ou -J- !Ivi3 pet hour, bythe.work 4 portion.
e tj� -
jived bappy findlyL
'thlIne-and coarsom
Y und SoMe -tweniy-live -vears agb,' there of,.16D, 820, 480 11 -scres, I stor W bo
PAIMenge are a dozen stores in the plave, besides newspaper feel- dis bought in parcels t* stock h'
iten . you
Of th posed, ub_' th State of suitpurebasers. --ftrinS can be rentedforthe Boots 91 ocs a�� vi
&20A.3t. 4 85r.]j. wlirge stone building;. the depot e in' ar :to any of these Lands.. 105U12. lot-ol-fancy sets' In it close I pn 17
h chln4, w
c." � 1. . - -
t"s 'Bay Goinpany- e of the old-. -irrearages Va not Waine. The wer 4 - ohi,
Mtpayment f II the,. firstye close Achal
re e five sistdks in
on hands ornamented in- *1;�Id And also In
e 0 0 S A L W`M. M. �GRA Y 4 -ebapies ano pattiern
on. �cqbfint'6f thl, 3 tender . M . L I Out.
farWly;. After a rbile thay, all married AFEEWS
9.51 .07' est, in ihd. West. r t SemI colors the latest deslins
b Dell from bed
6,16 qn 7 'f good-wbito
feelings"for the edito Yoq suP;' .,,'all happy- sisters should -and Sep'&' Also rge stookol
9.59 slid Afver haiI a
Specimen� of gold
6. FOR, Fr alwAys on
pbse. he ivouN 061y buying sug of.. 'out'. CD. .
dii� 'Y 0 eah
an rateid each other-ai ill ha
been- found iii ther neighborhood, an orh pp_ --
speciality. AIEo Coal Ofl,Linsoed 014
CD -Teas -
10.46 or, -meat, qjo�hing-,p dry. goods'. .6
10 howD certainly appearect sisters hmve to d6, Marry., 'Doth r 9nd-bolledland the beafLardine 011
some of tReM a'
W, mi hine2ri IT.0
P'Osaess richness. Ap -CUSTOM' for it,
.416' 'itall only 1 , Ahought; he -V Fas 49t griI hit one' is yia a Of iepir.4tion, it w4a remark- OPPINIG rpentlne ond Castor OiF -in
11.16 to. Oth- een theiii bulk. 11olle, Oatsi Uat,111,
worth, in d6 iked to 1pa,fronize i am u ealt and Cornmea4
"id that c nication, betw
needed for further deVelopment.- 86m
also a rocd stock of patent Metlicines, NAi%_
er concerx I �hyjl should -was Jmpos� ot for &rev�situtts, Spades, $hovalo� Forks
I And 4 you uo.%� Z rriegular� and it �-4 Hu bieii iessar�,ihiI
regaid fi d- ra eXt
very.fineviews- axe obt4ined from- banks. . Was. very
exercise thelsam�; privilege.w _iitfa, amdth 6;" Ins
slid ot G I Bardware. Also -that M
N II Twinaiivtll
be,I oted 06 gone n wn
Ift disc OneOf g kno is D.Art-_
7.w&�J(t an r you lie inue mily were' qualit 'of Bind'
Iroiting the villagei, and Mi. Alex de ' sible to tell how the different - inembeira t*
7.17 ito hi *h�n -of the fa piospering*. A
0, nte nd 1 0�# can be6uidsonado& d relo ad under cover, -
Z-31 9-47 Mattliewson, in -Mpla. paper o go -in'ahfully. wtion't b so. s' ife. and relo
chief Uetbr. of the H d C&PUre Manills. J will sell as
mouth wxrratit
Gompany; has, 0 p them' at s6other. a, letter, and t country. -Atk for
X ah by merchant In tho
A (.194) 1
m4a - am ful as back .-to the POStMAS-
i�quostea;hef`tosendlit witlf'-'onei fr6m PIG BREED IjL
son a -a compk#y., to to. thr6w U .-The Ursigned Will -clam general
of authl: 1 enerally kept in a first
adoo -do 1, 1 'want Is seasom on I
ex To
&19 t.34 herielf tQ a third'aisI - with 6 request WHEAT ANGES keep during th Store. VigbegkTrice paid forproI Butter
00 tion, the f6rinatiou ter with a c4 9 . I premises at
'eflised reeA, -a THOROI Tal oI Dried Apples,
I�Uild 9, suitable hotel for. the
in* 'it any. b ClIkSTEP. W111TR and'Hanty.
long6kT". and hay e `ao`liki3wi�e with - Another sistiI till. -Promp X att -so PW E gs, Udt2LS
&27 to 9Z .-. i �.. . to -which a limited, number of wswillbetaken. Qme and -ex.
Ymadhtion otgue9ts during the suihmer wr 1 1 - 013 taken ii - exchange )far
a 0 i tiIe n-Argln,L and'havi i. -the 'pa-,, e, L 'COMPIdt6ii ..L ,"! L' . L - goods.
q 1, with tl
4.4a the t',fircle,, w'as -ima Terms-,$ 6e privile�e of returning if
d The' . f . .
mouths, on one of these admirable sites rmine )ur stock b-af re -purchasing eleewbi&ro.
per retu Oi. -up ever- sineb. CD -RL 1058918
r4ddi tII edit custum h s been. � kept necessaryk CTIA ;S TROYE
Whin th pao age arr
ta-00 6.56 1 walke(I two and s �mlf miles, to man eve A: it iwAhat wa�ymno
F NOWIAN.. i head -is covered with'gra, �DERKSHljRH".BO,&R._T12J -undersigned *ill
matter if, h* Y tte: fi all thi sist The last. one? . CD CONSZiNCE..
rapid, -on r o erg 01: ' ':4 � L ,
t.i - 1. JJ_ keep du bt- se"on, on lu
VA A..
ind :Arlabe.. - - Tho; p you G iiu
retty littlor falls and g. tile pt_qsi
e Concesslon
W. Apeg: not %vish o longer receive a ZOWSRI� e writ- oildville, &,TbTof�jou"�"b '#Pberkehire
River). together with the do !am, Second
hair that sh )uld be hoilorablei �' It mh6 reoclAres. the �IiIIdkmge'conbalning, the. k itb oni'mile
V .-seeneiry inust iii o' such. B;L firit gist;er"i.. 3D wast of E& ts, 'Messrs.
k Bear," from the'Lj�ell.known ree E
writb a no'te to the eail or ke a
.41 rI a.40A.X. .'bold )c ak I _per' i6tter k�eps,, it, so L _t4 e ..I
letterg ba, THE S A
n Summer, erg ndi�sr ileceive their dw none Quirl
walk �xkohantlug, e Tmn,, saying, so ---and bii� sure t arrear- Simi [a, of Debware.
-reU, of the. -sistdrs have h theg
a.. f-11 -time rivilige
pQ1 dwithoutdiday. ie. of �ft_Tlcb, wit
t all trita-lovero of�nmturet' Two -of the. The Child )ds&tIvf4iorU
ages are p ..�-Thi' is th t ayatble th
rge saw
COU�1& Of 8
11.26 __ , - - . . . . - . . one of 'then e package . it odntal. '7- neceisAry. Of E
1lixed., mills, 6f the district s Co O.stOp-- aug'arated th -same onstom,' and. when ' ' " 0 re urning f on )-0 P AGE*
r Theie,are'ailsa a a newsPaille ;,-Ext: 1, gets a. IDS % I
U. 7-M 4 villagii, torII OLLER (0), R11,
of .1tat
'Carmichi sen, oitwentk III all tbi4ous -W]UTE PIG,-.4he'undersign
U a', CHESTER ad
nch of k. It is a, very I RAM* ICBM OR T S I' .a,- w-Ul keep duri th t season OULOt i Thi indarsigned Is
6 f i
one a bra UW a Ughtho i i S'tL
-0 n alk afonce; )Jea, ing now prepared to receive
of CL I , , St.,ge"
Portage. It- I . L. _1. ok
g.st. aptai Oliver Bilool:sjw 0 *eops d shodd be adopted'bk O'9erL 21, Coficeselon 2; eriimith, A.7hqr1 number of first -claw
cue.) -orders Or any
rp In. f6lKinmr. tfie light oul'Falkner Islanid, Lo g Islaiid f - o Am Isi" nds of ough Bre4 chester.White- Pig -to which S liynited
d 'Onb of the
0 . I n -d' Buffel'
ivyaand rMays, TWO Milos froin.-Wormaii stan(ls.`thei amilles who are separate
is number of- sows -will be taken, 'This pig w
_fmnifly, and'thei life. on rrek a
Boundi ah4- stors-'rAlentio a- -this 'CIE Y', - farrowed on. X# 15th, 1887,was bred - -4pp. fe Ha
6ther.viilage of Xiewatin, where'la. ift, oed resides i by -0,
F -.D%
0- -0-H 0 P F) -E.:),,� F E Todd, of Wakeman# Hurop County,'Ohlo, -due p
New her we recAved the Ugfis.' OA
the rQckst.t York Suli. iE y.& and from' f
.11%ted, one of the largest ofthe. kaw� ---milN - :,L fainfly-
a la
is e, Cone an0y the
-which has very fine - water powiart. 4' captair Brooks ra this article.-�-N& ity Herald m band. extensive aind reliable . breeders at the
h Also _tAken Aisb r woitk In, his Une. Apply
6fboyea rls in -his Snug q rters 'in in the nited States.., This Pig as
lately been, nd' I
sw flouring,mill, of itolik,h Mt shown.' ',Terms $4- Pay --
Baptist Church
I service, with
&t ealth, gh ret� I urn g if z essary. GRORGE
Hi est- Mirkel Price Paid m ,able ac be time joi worIcs, 61d
_7 th that lig �4 their role d of life. trot p as *horeever I -the privilege of
vreloted oii �.Iine of these, sitesi wi
perilous, c -ee
wealth of -gilvqr., AI gold .0 d b h w.
'tb se PLEWES. Deal, "Zo and, -ackers tAking large. number#
sirved in
saving in
fof l2i000 harrels d an( Ill he Very. re Y
%20 r. it. 0apac pre an wi �ttaline cirefully Wending- to Qos or ift utity -0 10004tf asI dosiat.with.
ity U4.
esge'd in a wants of
k tiilu�hing. order. - some thad this Jh
9.ti vill be ir iba laws Of hiture as
p1mte, rai' to. in� 6.thor the B P. XLINKHAMMERS
summer. _�kseconli- Mill:bq in pontem- ystem.. To do thisps,171cidebsfully fequires'the
4alumbli, to Mo BurlI BLdod oaaionsll�'L to
)PII side of the: race from shipfte6ked vie of Bitters do,
mariners captain V.P4 his minghters; pecure,the,togulating and strong
plaition outhe p th thefii:bg:� eilict IPPL�� ARkELS
7.- eqUaInc'] atwasple'fidWinddidine
rom, man
five 11tores, sever -6 vedf reckb AN T li B
It�acity this .,mil -TI
4-.W.*� ut at also at of 'them and sons h 8 sa? W,
W164 W a e ridock: BIL -CAN 1)%!
or evi ro goat light has "no preven.; W. it Works. ENCL.
i-boing braI of the - Rat ortagg- HO SANK F COMM
The i -f IKE: 0c DI LAND 'SALT
iters in th lic a* of boorating, ot Bu 1AR f AN
Burr in L . t-, �,-- ;. ;.
ound' he
To `l', ous water rqundiiI Tot, on at it w- rits. at on II d t 18 thile T R OA -L
'Bitters is i -to 9AD 0 IFICE0 TORONTO.
ntheS id Blood,
S%Pors'L but. drowning men, wo: ften on Itom LIv,I Bowels At
eept Port Arthqr, Ap
son time. and ti ie' 'again- W- stro;ig-then, lropee its Only first-Ows If IoVy,lng men
children hw b -'.will -ba
ron o in n
I valuc In �cb 1 00. pl&l to. #000
farmers and gon
vator this u Vb fu
t BlisterwRired Man. to'attebd austI ra, ie libqial paI 9f 50000W.
rescued Captain Brooks and 1iis or Itrade reogect llysolict
r vers. oulti 0 SU' priS
courageoug ren lami _]Dbaf 110C.'
hild The' uy!s. home
thjq� liVoke Al
s a g ad a to
wa say bt usp we 6ribg from -ea, n
to i,' in ther Jig D I
After -eight ybiis su'
-Mo oaf a man to the it" it. Ong.. anliter- bk6dthatl wa4:unablo to 61 XT, HZNRY W.
d W6 hire asso so A 4L"
thestraugel viol Ing . . . - k V. )CIL U & C04 -
CZ �yb. . I 1�
�he &W. - - tttjia to i . tH.E
Mackl1m ith as.�he drove up vil. aI stonel, lla&prds Yellow. OIL pat E. WALKER,
Wes. An 1&C /..,.0. U UrIa
t t 'With gr6tttude I Mak -PROPRIETORS ("W N%.'MA'XAGZR1 J, ]1t 1,L-U3kXEF,.
ht reo mpliaheil ornitholo t 'an& ured by-thez-use of
overed -wit hrtistit
0! iho Join' of Others afflicted.
,,-Me on" the neft
bo - , a this known for the bA
'a in front of, the shop the wallsL 'V' 'R(oLJfdQ'L To t$,
ere o 140
tO 4do� I ron A& h
a man was liftili, it out,
Mon' speicimens of th Wide of OntiiliI
T. loo XEMPf I lanus qr.
ber wagon in the barn. to' tmk� do%olj'�' cally Moun P
I -from the -enor if
hal- %I P. 0, 1 U, �),?AFOrv= BRAXOg.
thalt loci
to the turnip gela' 01&�Si �hsd hold a. 'Each '�B t w .
-Tiurifter.. , 1, .. . --.&7 11 �: �ald A Your GUard.
eagIOL to th dimittitiV6 wre ofithis Bank oattnues ti
URE -8- M=x OR WUW Rowed a
the li eff,L an' I Was" ttyift' to kit the
t Colds, Jrritating, Cou s And -
specimen -been shot by, th s daugh Against Adde Co kN E -THE -
'I el"r of the box, w -hen �0116 �Or UP J D S19 L
-FARMERso' _-1 . , 1., .1 j,
turbances Throa, Dn
.*hee tor-ou� tho-'slan. i�fid vras��stt ffhd mudJ S6tiI Of the. b. EAF _%1l the *Inch)&I to"s -and aftlesin
iso provalint. ttionbles Live' r-00,Mplaints
OP those hogs gn that youngi Jack wai t1I Baliar it handk for the IN �00MISI Bvitimin -and -02 'the IJBfkd
401 an" g' h U' 'B DER,
ale 'to� drive down the lane, rati a 4L byi herself' Another of�V,,Inter'and ftlidg-. It Is the' best sileirdard,. OR 0 1j.T 0' ofi Great
t7. in! fuff mounte
4uthority In Marine. b shy, and Dyspepsia, Bill htsad joid.
was an . . . -i
ty and F'.rn.-, t U re Ware
ouqpesff,,,SU1k_ -door som of
A. Good_Clfte THE M9
lidkety Belt Aween the' 014 man"s logs'�, 9 AlI Or TIIE FIELD.
lon-wasar�cOmpnletd.. hibitof
a. healthful ind- -clown he went into the -'mud an'. the 'I -to s of.. Hakyard's Yellow HeidwheKidney
her d6lledt
-t Sit Island ,is made. W,4h Riding and 1 sbild comfort �cal SJUELAND, Managar
on a prolle r
�&sgibil [ties Of Zil, who have long ff ity cent Also Nowerp, Mhou'. .1.1 you W96 I AA -
i641 C,
cultivator on top o' him. The east Ir the;botan eied to re.fundeve �aperal
`u the'vici is - t ' ' 11, �
aiid others i I ve satle." Disk CUlt1v'
"tism'skib TED,
h an - agono, e rtgo so
-brokeall to thunder Was W expbnd,ed for that i inedy if it falls' to gi uqers,� (;rgn,-Cruq Pig, R 07-b
Ukthe lacticiii on, fair tip
thlI Xws. whQel is .9
r spent a,jong time afYali inc trial for -Afteumationi, Neura% �j
'wAtes t t, - A, ey -in �zs(
to the-fouji4ary fur. ait- -forwhich
have to go privaf6e till n- of- Professor M itt )re ThrlI and all painful coI ts straw. BUSINESS -
q Wind Mills, CHANG F
other. Batthefun ofit was the' Oid. arm Trudlis, Parm, Bells,' !01 i - 0
She It is recoinmiend lad.- the �A
r purities ct nd buy Ono of thosepaiebIrated Silf,
r, hl� sleepi. believe, -that I thopursuit II hei favor fit' 'sented
IAnd, Rq1 by the
le 'and lidiqg..T- ne. Motto -beef- above M.
some- saront wanted was also-mullacoomplishe e -ir- Blood,from, what FAsy Chair*, Vepr(
to t4ake to Spit Ou.LM 6)Or re . I . 1. - . I IL' _" a r�tur ng,my most _Y
hil- . " - United Power. Ila 8upAy whi bearty thanks tom
brokeit. '. He said I let is,c�eapest. I pajina arl can �&Is6 Ing
r:g some _.ml support in the
olti a t it at diq., the.lio se Of, ;
st# an 7res e, Bitteri unites iwonecombina manyptror
-ti d the' r n, u is- for their I
d- moot oulie irdod B cold, 11611 would Just
but that- hinds. NVhen he FO"U Bf able7powiI kay thati, hx�e assodhUd
nva with n a in 1p
wwanted, to -takeL of New Yor eal thleit an s ai'Wnio, blood-putify,. W IUC airv. aknd'Carn 4 Bennett, Of
ut&' use -- 0 ;h1p 31r, Swnul
ner the old woma th-"o
Eanioal syste ;ie -cleameing �meaiclime., ure.
in latifig., and 6i SALESMAN. wineri.
'tivated III yeon and eneralDebI -661 .8 this qn, - re nom 'Josed from
cost of a uewl� wfieel. -out 701 my wages. of her b6i. quaffirlta power otcuring All diseas odd, rtsbI and durabl As my 4OOks a r �t
I hly, neentrated, I He ag& sells tho mo a
obllectidu% 6 -A -were arran e ctol' oider It no Bo ly -`.vt le b nts not set -
of t 6 's . i4oh, Liveri.-Kidn wels this ask that all uxoO
would N - - �C I. ITUr.
dffect 16r- r. libidder's o un 0
ington dhect a tied will b At 0111120 -
The ied color of' the b by . _ � L I I - .- . 1, :, Seal
a �i 0 1
)btshishut up. pretty quick when T ;, - . I t� �a.� 13MM eatteudedto
irobi I 4he . most' un- Bloo Verywhere VIt 1001
told he Y TKE now -
r that if sh6fd gimi;e my- - flaull I y3,r her,,'-andlar Talke -0 other. old', P
_wOfkgL TR_ I
,V11 -Ir iqu e and *quable cents per bott a.:. J. -
of �rt 9 of their I is! cauged
IS 'bo )ks -1*XAJ4V
Shirt that Was hmng& on, the - clothe when laukin Tbiiis inside'
on alit E
tit -and Wine�.. 0. 1
loviry la a urchtAt-
Cop Im
vrjwbd1d owiI I hi
gi t- it Set- cv�s ry vilmable. Val 'Pouth
&bihet as REMEDY U'_A' 0- LUNG AN Intending p
kind ever 0 e- ed.� 'lie .1ronit,col ains. Supply the iron-. 9
Ana Qnother paIllar forthe W ea h -in New York it - W. sin 116NEY' 4BINET FURNiTULR
%4 Uuj� U%R;, -1 � , 1 Int& cosi ' h6le, byu gtilburn's RS 7 i. - .
old, B ' lister ruined gettin sale. Each! pagd a eard, (if nd'CoInplate.:
PaAta button on the back of -hit shirt-rld, Assfi did to int6rnal reiiiedies foegkiA dise'as LIVIO
I -o hs 411 before PaV
-t bag mn& Low. HE Arberd.' ITIverooms one Door
photog m.phisize., these Miss 3r D ,s. Sulphur Soup, pr ve
take my catpe Tha e r. As made by-tbe cola
inounted.-.spboirftens� of a a erg and
8 m n and or 'P
--I y U i�la every
-min't fool xaziy-Men�xamy Mindsi"_but all a 01,10612.
d- her in -a, jiffy. They-- 'We rated I)r.,Cbase;, f AfTelegraph, Office, Main. Stroot. Be
proL to eentd"
plants. TWese necessa *I diied allniind4.a-reessitotheuieritgolB. rdockPilli. 'sing wher i ice cents and
-per tiI
p showli in a
'.his removed: ar eswar.
wU -lack. quisito -wa er, It t
116w Is� the kid, th%t,- a -o -iginal b at
'm -und. t eir r
o I 6ard he -sick aj(keFd:- tho'bi y -"au ex ity and -Syrtip. It plemes ousness,�Jaundico, T,_) W D
'th eir: colors from a torpi - and in-- UN 1Z C CIII Ux - R
'enough to part with no: good man, ku I diseas6a �� in Pro rieto -9 amdL manufactufars,
for about in their and:. aiia�d 0 coated. I - - .. - ff "N
pipparation, gar ONL
bet ,THE 10,i; Toronto;
T idsI6 were n rea4iiy talEb Do. Lbw's Worih Ilver'-svch as - : -
his co Id n6f - bo preserved.'. Stubborddhildre . * destipysthe ve L 1026
One, T U h I the chij.d - and epsy, i�djgeqtion,
t oldi ..Lo
nesq t
I.. natural U erg. Paln'_WL the Back�, w1s Wdr m, Sy ru g
'flowbr QDL the o ircl below wornia froni.10 t4_90 fe 4
the:specim�n,--pidnted, b as. is- guaraA e,
y '3f, , S .
ct H throe bottl t ed -10 -cure',the very- IT'S RFST Flo,
ketch of tl L to Moth ' 7
kidlo a, 4016 to aler,�' re- Advice stroy's
Soy, that Headache, -Sour Stomach, kc.. ;From `_�ooe to allkindsoIs..
Y a - T�rooks. kro YII stulbed and br'oken of your rest b rowne
r A '
plied - the, hired man 'sofemuly. hdd L -sufferipg. an ry- Iilithpmin-of bompir -cures'
e, II aoli,LLSpeol en its scienbifio� name. sick chi d VerAcase ofLivir ont. one dose
gick-ileadiche. an td'
&nil a rdese Ilt
Nt 'and: m
to Jist let him' rdese
lattle mf ter L Wrl
Uten. on, th fficaloulable.,- It P AP
ehai mote for W lesale
agh li te� se6dsi pitiop of its it 'CREAT -61 1 -H , .- _ '... .. - -, .1 - -
ain't- buitt to 'knock-mloiiiid lik E, outtinitcIpIth? if go -send at onewaind-geta e .
QIhI4I,doses.st1mul4t slanil, joftl o
he ain�t, rist'cs botI "IMM. Wi"81OWS Soothing syrup iwigorates the , whole system H�_p 6 PT h.
elf, mass ti& L ff6ier ill
git his feet w4, itayivut m, e back'.Of jts� pat -ular bildrim ie6thing. is I Book is giiii- &�gy 'with efUl L
su medistelyo
i Mievoa the poor little A- FREE' A au ves medicine 'testdd C) C '04-pus".1"
Ot bottliI do those novel II bition� 0 every bottle of"
f thaed' Liver
6rk cari in-, *oo& 'and' sures guns, Par4t FOr�
=.-upion it, -mother;.thero Is no mistake CR
old WoMaI ohs Promptly - clities :$a JL 3L
lie' rep. years In thousondsor -A.
a got the 6roup. The laales! departimebt is devoted td. the segrot of --OUT. "'E' JEWE_
--scient know-. it dures dysentery and digribtea, Cure'. ' It con�alns over 300 choice rl LE I ft
her- artist' ikill. and
pakd rdin $1-0' lates the-stoniaph. and bowiI 011res wind colic- SBAY; OR. A
led N�Iss Brooks 3 . 5. yofis rogtiAtion, weakness of
Ue complexioa, eving rdI
I -pifrty fiard. on, Iii too calls 'the gulus, voduces�'Inllfttomation And embeJUshing
to ;
croupy brat and says he'll ft6ver amount 'ithergy to trand.- al
r .,of Capt-, ' I
Golden Ed r-Magnolls Balmi bf ke. No lady or rg tie e Sion
lie wholeWstem' f6rr maki"D5, -Ds-e Eye Brighl Greitin of Beauty, erative a -Ot JI.Spinal Cord, and Gen 0' Ifsvips; reniovtd to
"'EVe tria;ksl" gives tone and -svx, Einis acip
Ll4en bbed &IO�
to uothin�. If it wariit III Liz.- the ry. 'Mrs. Winslow% Soothing Syrup%'. Jor ch Ills eaUsed by bid! s6re' In or over exertion, SV- ctuantitiesi
le4samt to- the taste and is- the Pke- entleman sbo@d b6L without. the B 0 OX all We, Prices.in, Cioeko or'Jewelry. at Mi
faiiiily -was mAnisfied -musioiap, and 'no teething'. is p!
irl, IDY �wo ki 'nt 'M one'dolla paIckages it g
I -paroiteed to effect a cure when ties 'ej left Watches,
that b -uldnt. b rent a . 1 instru� scriptiiiivot one%of the Older -a:ndbe.
97 it -st fei�Talq gold by
-Monte V. F 85
So %
around to -day. ty, Liz phys ses in the. Uniti 0.8eaforth,-fti, propur- then
VV ought ir n - 1. ; by msil. & _J
ve diffe othor ihedlefies.fAlli i Ine packsoe $L -six
is crack! less than Gim ana our ed
Any 4 ghout the *arW 7
F Addr6ss E
onaII m:ts 18 t1' Be sure and !orth 6.y Liv� an
eite tre
oeda-slo, a. their c lie a AGJ3NT Argo' in'-'Scal -0. W.- Papok &1401
rater fine gfrl, h But as I" war. goin! 014aelest&adh
wer Lto 'inilele'r-?1hiI gold by III ruggists, Wri bo by HA
Ain t t . e? for sale by all druggists. throu
'ecullar ad- .611 cents a boE e. fid
oil t6 -kid got the, II night a twenty . . f - trw, i6b. it -Office, 4t the! Store -of
gLows SOOI SyRirp (md ru v 7. . 04e� door north of Pa
ete; inclad- 'tOL heart I - 5
ut6s,'# cor* as I .
'Apianoj. guitars, - .11 o�;a Y'..' 103*
k:10 ismits.wiN 102.1421 d gem 2
AI last and they all -'thought. he7 ar w n, and ggi
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