HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1888-05-18, Page 3r • 't
fiend r,noughts OA Irene owning back
',gain, he determine& to etui4in tempt-
ation tP .draisitY tbY 11* imnAediete
inarriage. wet to ,sbet the- and
to lean,' more wearily than bittetty.
"'Affectiongckes for nothilig compared
with the triumph of declining it,'"
• Poor Nan She knew thews* Making
Margaret her bitter enemy, and, involv-
wantedme, thibreoki- lung In eaten,
brews Wert frAel---4ihy,n4t 11 ,
.. " It WAS Our iniefortene„ lir Yhoed,
i tree for shede or sight- neer at ; Without
„bush, yard, •feece, Or .-oiroiunst Ce to
fug herself in inextricable. troebles, all 'take off ita bare, -cold, liatd,hetef 1 look.
for. biro of' Lawrence and Irene. :--, Ahd ' Before the aeor;in whiter,. waa he pile
`. /. the person she cerad - reost for do, -the were all the chips. Of the ivinter's wood:.
, world, as. 0.- heartless. jilt. lied 'Cirrie In winter we Were, squeezed intaithe'rep
. 'tied, the secrifice Would- eot heve. been oess of the farthest power, • iniong little.
ee terrible_.(she 'had felt thet. Carrie :boys, who ;mewed to he sent to i school
,, did pot eare for';thgemertiage,- though Merely to, fill -up ',the -chinks betWeen the.
- ' she had itiwaye 'been Wolf) bet ..,new shot ,,,bigger boys. .0ertainiy• we- • were4iever
. wet -dooming, -herself to remain -. aioee , sent for ;Any each. &band purpose
With. Maegeret ' She hastily decided -she as in eduettion; •••i,there *ere the great
- teach -anything . not to remain' when them, eot for es Piccanineles.4 - We were:
they weregone. -.All th-ese sad theighte ,read .and spelt tWice a day, unleat eome--
and plans bewildered her, and maae :thing_ happena-te prevent, which:dia
het seem to" Lawrence :•.00lcr,- mid! indif- •happen about every Other dey,.-. For the
- c - rest oi the thee We . were busy iiik-keep-
" Wait" said the doctor oat bet, " it line still, . d I( time we.always'hadof
' .shall be as you wish."- Ancl.,:lte ..urned !it I ' Our s oes alwoys would be. se -raping
"Stp, Lawrence," Crina Nati; chole- -urchins: who WitA 'ail° being ' edecisted.'
ing back her' tears. "-.11Fill jou mind - Jell Of. our: little legs together I (poor,-
- ' 4" Ah I I. see,".._svith :e bitter -smile. ing to do ij Would fill-ep. the corn r. Witle
-"It wicto- please her that you- eegaged ' euch.a noise thet, every - ten or fifteen*
----Yourself, ' I Will make it all= right.". . , minutes; the reaetet -Would .brhi -deten.
• ':,-"But," said Nan, deterinined not to ,,his two-foothickory ferule on t e desk
break dewn, " there. is -something else- 1.with a clap. that.:seet.: shiVers 't rough
' lowed Carrie (here eetier . would • fall) our - heatts tO :think how' -that Weuld
' -two hundred dollars,. and -here' it -hi." heve felt If .. it . had.fallen gem where
Ian brought her lase _twe hendeed- . , - 'else ';.• and then, i._ with a look tha swept
_ - rAWrence.- saw a tear. :end- .asoftened. Hes all -into atter: extreinity of st fleets,
mewithout thet sutelY4 Listee te nieP .It- would last for e f ws inigete ; -hut
"Oh, ehild," he eaid;." you can -dieMbel. he would-. cry, ,‘ Silene; in that co er 1." •
- he went On; earnestly,,- as Nan pp tried" ,littleboys' Meinbries are net:. dik *WI, ,.WittEi Amer', C. te 111'7.0- biff7 '
;Carrie lived tO make e will, you: would 1::sed $ome bid Mirthfulteel, an some :At the thri'.
6 -il,' Ilea:We-red? , _ . .. s.:..
te pet the --notes .in hit band. - ." Had !Moreover, someref the- beystad 1-schhof
- -have shared *ith nie nit she ihAd.. .1 , ' had loth. ..:4,,,getiair,,, . The - OQIIS. 114110e of the New World, n'Coearlitiym ebvuserysmtaartent wdotaisneattrucha
- know% because sh'e told -ine se-O,,,,and I :wee that jtistirhen We- were t e most cm
. shall carey out - her wishes. - Sq, you ,, afraid- ee iaege we sawlhe- most Omieal ed
see, my dear Nan,- the money it hoeest- .thitigs, TeMptations . which yir 0oUld . 'good
have !Angel:shed with a smile on in the !el
- Nan listened to -the -receding foot- ',would hOld on'Snd 64- UP.. too ; ill bY Theo
steps,then threw herself upon the floor. i and by the' wetheat Would let go mere mo
.. "And I -celled her Ninon," she eobbed,* ' whiffet,ef a lough, and then dow went !ie.
She heti learned befete that the dead ' :others alike-so:lack ef fire-erackere 1 It
de not come baoh-; ehe learned new that. -Was- in, Vain to'.' deny it...-- Chriptien.
Mrs, O'N.eil Caine upon_ Nane--not in fire; espsrate;s014., slew ; .. ,
they „ (*allot speak'. their- -forgiveness, ,.
buttee.- , • . ., _.' . - - - Netlike the swift anct Ivens ,ones-
. yeest. (lumen ?" she eseeci;. .,..;,- j . _ e . imhsn. we kissed -becsAisewe hived each other, ., iti
, may ear. : , - - - :- s '.0-, : yr- • ! But, at theykistwpiestearrelire wrung . , hit
' • ' - - . -And nothing Whit to giVe except *
' At. tea Nan heard more than °he piece- We have hurt each Otherkften, • -..
of news. ,Air O'Neil hid' hid- some 1 We shall &OK \ - -:- •
,:•weeks before a; cell - -te Haiti,' end he . When we pine beeause we iniss.eadh oth r
. . had pleb decided.L4hat is, Margaret ha
he written Words are so much. cOld
do not understand - -
so decided becaus.e Die -Preston bid tild ' I kiss thee, dear, ,,for all such...pain . „-
woul managetiverythuig. : -Dr. I Preston The "mend kin; MY asrlingt-
We ehall-resoh until we feeLeach other .
-The Schools of Lott Jigo.. .,- .welitala iiiihicl tteviaegegaPra:ceesslh- other:
-- there is between the oohed rd. -attend* ,Thevrarerthelisgell.selirtosseanngeerfro -; •'
and the sthool your Where: and°, Mothers I kiss thee„ darling, for all joy
Yet' how --;Much . greater ,,.-.di erence my iive-t cannot see - - .
. between the ffehoot • yon attend' lend the :.Throueh Mite$1,1 aril reinembPr• ,
school your gteuidfathers '' anu 'grandt 'We may die an -d neVer tee each other, -
- teOthers attended- t. Mr. Alb:At recent;
!;entoli and. :Swiss
bOttiim„. prices -for
ive.lry. Store of -
guseustolir_to- Derry,
114 AS Liverpool.
we eon fur.
(go oert4ffeate to bring
e Germany,
slte always- at Ow ga,
rt. Baggage chocked
per cent.
put -it =the side:next'to the can ega-
:tion,'• was the soft reply.,
-'There :are variiout keys, said one
leen to sauother, ;'snoh es sul-key, bul.
key, snd ris':'k -, but the only key . "to
Your heart iii •ke . 'It may be so,'
rep tied the other, 'but- I • defy =anythin
to . reseh your heart but wide -key.'
-When Soyer wee; chef . at ° the Re-
form Club he was showing a party.
through, the kitchens, when a lady re-
marked on the prettiness of •the kitchen-
maids. :'Ah,amadam,'• said the French,.
man, 'you see we have no plain cooks
here 1'
-A witty jack tar, who was minus a
leg, set up a fruit_ stall,, on which was a
full length portrait of hirnself, with ,the,
following inscription - beneath it : "Be -
leg no lodger a =whole sailor, I have
turned retailer, and solicit :your Sup-
--s'What'e the matter. witiethe, train,
conductor: ?' asked • a passenger. 'Do
'you expect. to stop at every. cross -road ?
' If you don't like the way ;this :train_ is
TIM Sleet •tlatiter.- ItsiSTACartisiiii..- She
apply to TROMASNIXONIBluellikeil •X9110/410.
`AM an demand a fifth of -,trind in liar -Imre'.
hey,: or it will • he Sold cheap.i Apply to wide
eon- S.Ate.-Pree iiniterAgoeit Offal;
ler Sale the -Whey OttlitI)3611tireClieerie
Factory for the 'season of 1288-.'„Irer perticulars
ATTIIEW MORllIsON, Walton, insurance
Agent, Commissioner for taking affidavits, •
Conveya,ncesdre, Money to loan at the lowest .
all aper
• Europeinsieted that -there 'was no New
rld to &Over. When he cable back, crown -
with _sliceeek. a' large. proportion of , these
people adhered to their theory : and if they
it that America had never been discovered at
- A Man wilt give Up anything in the world -
fe readily than a pet- theory. For example,:
k at the, indivichrals Who maintain that
dical Discovery has cured thOusande Upon
usande of oases, and will? cure thouiande
rey, bid these people can't give up their point. •
Verthelest the " Discovery " will cure any
English Verbs aiiciPrepoail:-.
tier,ir- mij French -friend Mr,
bOhei to me, but your .yerbe tiouble:
etilf you. mix them up so Wi_h prei
e intends tit heath down honsekeephig.
" Beeek-.uf housekeeping, she meat
" 130causeher health is broken
*liken down ? Oh, 10,• Ana, in -
ed;. since the Small -pax has brolsen up
"Did she really- -
" She dict teeny propose what hav
said. Now am'eff to see Margaret a
tpre S inow ull Bias
rim': 20 000 -Rolls
- _
it Is rapidly filling with th
„newest : and most fashionable designs
laasICYOLE FOR SALE. -For sale, it less than
.11119. half the original cost, ir silver plated Bi- `
cyele, nearly new, Brantford make. It is a fifty
inch, D. F. Premier & Co., O. Apply toll.
BOWERMAN, Exeter. "' 1065x3
CARDERS WANTED. -L4. number of gentle -
"'Men can be accoinmodatect with -Board- it
private residence-. conVenientlysitinited.to the
husineiss part of the town. Apply it PIE E,Xf00-
interest. Easy- terns. Apply to WM. B. Mo-
X.% the 'undersigned., Lot 25,, Concession 14, -
/can have the seine ' on proVing property. nil '
le, a 12 Month -old Dirrham bull, .red
P. O., on'Lot 22, Concession 18,1,1i9lett.
Has -Foil SALE.,...nen Celonies Of Italian
•Bees, in Jena Hive. :Combs built:from
lull sheets' of .foundation, Very strong and in
good order. Will be sold very:cheep. Apply to
c4c that he eel( care
rate the -
ve good
p RENT. -A large dwelling :1 stories high
Avith brick basement full isie of house; also
a large orchard and good Stable enthe_preMises.
It Is innate •in the village of •Egmondville, on
Centre street. Possession' ,giVen. first weele in
Mai. -j-Rent at -$8 per mouth.' Apply to . A.
twe- years old, intend keeping him for service.
the coining aeason. ' Terme.TI-Two dollars, cash,
at the time of- service, exclept ;limy cows which
Will be -charged three. dollare. GEORGE TROTT,
e invite attention of the public to the follow* lines, viz.!:
yvill Pay all intending pure
to see my line. .Artittic designii an
colorings in low-priced -goods. -
Also' large line of ClOth.- 'Window
Shades and xtures,
OURT OF , REVISION04. Court for the
Township of Manion, will be eld on. Monday,
• Sevielon Of the .Assessmitit Rolk• of the
the Said towfithip. All parties 'intereited will
please take notice and- govern', themselves ac-
cordingly. Jbuil Q'S,ULLIVAIT, Clerk.
ars`fer else
MITH , and at
rood Working Order
ant Workmen
- Wes not present when this ileW8 was told.
tiro -be eontinuie.
METEI 1111.1.8;
44 She thinks she will leave it for a few
'6 VV• . ill she leer home alone ?''•
broker.how do I 'serthat ?" ;
" No, she is a raid it will be broken-
Iy tokt us of Mr. Beecher's- boyhood-, Any sign that ourheartoare faithful -
From the same ionic° se Dr. Abbott we Tokyrie whatithey mai net see '
see onrsidying_breath-;
Beecher attended and the Method of in- Seals the Sole death.
What is the difference bet een a
watchmaker and ife. gaoler ?-0 .sselht
, watches, arid the ether watches ells.' •
to cheat a lawyer V First eh t • the -
lawyer and. answer the mud:
guess so; rye eeen pa-. turn all t e child-
ren over hit knee:
dark, me may know %that ou are
It should bknoted at 'a ouri us fact
in natural history -that, a cat th nine
lives generally falls on itis:feeti 'while a
cat With nine taile falls meetly on mime
priatence asked *. co demied
at new ' replied tee prisoner, 1 r I have
sorry to hear lib were- 'the w rse 'for
liquor laetnight,,Sam `; you e after
-never leaves none to take I'
-Smithe.--44y.. Wife' wants a new
dress every day in the year.' Jones -
'She mult.be awfully extravag t. Does
reason she is cempelled.to want it.' -
asked the teae.her ; on which, a bright
little fellow stood up and said) it de--
pended a great deal whether the
teacher Was speaking of a mon or a
inanletruded into an Irishman's
cabin the Other day. 'What idb you
want ?'--esked Pat. 'Nothing, was the:
visitor's rePlY.- 'Then, you'll find. it) in.
the jug where the whisky-- wes,' -said
represents the schools of that day r °
„° A Woman .kept- the school, sherp,
precise, unsynipathetice. keen and un-
tiring. Of oll ingenious wayszif fretting
little bele, doubtless her ways were the
most expert Not a tree to shelter the
• house; the sun beet down on the
shinglee ands clapboard* till the pine
knots shed Pitchy.tears, and.the air was
• redoleet'of -hot spine -wood smell. The
. benches were slab" with legs in them.
The deskiewere slabi at an angle; cut,
hacked, scratched ; each year's edition
bi jackknife- literature overlaying its
and carvingrtwo ye three incites deep.
:Bei if we out O morsel; or 'tuck in pins,
or pinched off splinters, the little sharp-
:- eyed mistregs-was on hand, end, phe loot;
tbe chief authority:
eeplug:'during. the
',pointed at finding
hat _sibie, to helP
to back upon
n ;feed will find my
Cultivators, Land
Than aor.
fetch your
alefays find Tom
- of her eye was worse than a - salver in •
our oot, and one zup a her fingers was
nal to a jab of a pin ; forevre•had tried
We envied, the flies-merry-fellOws!
:---betincing tastin :g that., apple -
skin, patting away 'at r' that crumb of
bread ; now out ;the window, then he
- again, ; on your nose, on your neighbor's
- cheek, off to the very . schoolina'am's
lip_s ; clod -ging her slap, end then letting
down, this - way, that way, and every.
"• arl?.y,-, Oh : WE envied the files more than,
anything -except the birds. The windoWs
were so eigh that we could not gee the
grassy meadowel but we could see the.
tops of dlitant trees, and the far, deep'
4 liounteoui blue' thy. There flew the,
robins ; there went the bluebirds ; and
there went we. 'We followed that old --
heard him detcribe the 'Way they talkedL
at the winding -up of • the Tower - of.
Babe/. We thanked- every meadow7
lark that sung on, rejoicing as' it flew.
flutter on the verjr'window still,turn its
. little hea.d, sidewise; and peer in on the
• we knew.that was in Scripture we
- sighed, 0 that we had the wings ef a;
. bird, i-verwouid fly away and be out of
tele hatefiI school. As for learning,
the sum of all' that we .iver got at a
district school woulei net ceier the first
- .ten lettere of the alphabet, One good,:
kind, story -telling, Bible-relkeareing aunt'
premiums;is worth the school:ma'am,'
that gver stood by to see poor littie
fellews•roast in those boy-tra.ps
distrietschoole." •-•
In speaking of histchool days he said,:,
-collection in connectien with My school -
its of Dayfield
patron e received
'ods Ifitt Grocer'
• " No, that -engagement le broken:-
ely roke the news td her last wee, -,•
". ' he is very sokry abont it. -:"Her sin
" It hi ha% to understand. That
Oung Man, her ton, is e. -fine 'pen
'if Arbroker, and o very. - fine 'young
hy given that a contract Will. he letfor the -
`erection of a Bridge on .Conceision Line 8 arid
1888, at 2 o'olook in the afternoon, bY,. Public!
Auction,. on the ground Plans and ;specifics -
tions maybe Seem at the rtithrep- Post Office.
JAMES HAYS, Reeve. A- 1069-4
7 BIG CHANCE. -For eale or to rent, 'a
commodious brick store in the -business
part of Main Street, Seitforth, 'kSjilendid stand ,
and, comfortahle dwelling. -overhead. Will be
, geld :on very_ `easy terms, one-fifth dowTh and
balance on tirnet'to suit `purchaser. • Apply tea
scriber offers formes a ,commodious Ern*
Cottage in Egmondville, With a quarter of an
acrecof land attached. flood ,'-well;, Aso goed
:stable -on the- prethises. Apply. to. GEORGE
:MOAT Tuchersinith Seaforth P.'0. 10524'4.
Youths', Boys' anfl Childrens', shaped ifrom the most pers-
N GOODS: -Words to express Our'COp:fiClende.
-C, Whitney
Scaforth (h4rio.
high. Having secured. the services of
MISS .;*0140ITGH IN, iso well and favorably 'Irciiown.,,in
, in '11113 "vicinity; slated lax miss, G4vonlocit, who lately
in the trade, we predict for our Millinery Depariment
e cordially invite the lad es to 61-11 :and inspect before purchasing!
NoTth store is .well assorte with goods.
For an Al Washing - Machine, ge to
For Any style of Clothes' Wrinfer, go-;
Sweeper, _go to 'Whitney%
For the best Cistern PUMPs and Sinks,
plc Whitney's, .
For e, good Milk or Creemery Can', go
to Whitney's. °
4:10ii't fell to go to Whitney's. •
kinds of Jobbing and Repairs at
short notice at 'the Cheap Stove and
Furnishbg gouge.
r:ted to
k arid Flare Shoes.
her Caritoria;
tied for Castor* .
to Castor*
Olt fiFFIg
feetia his boots. e exclai e& old
Mrs. Beeswa4 -'What Will t
ence Of this -World come to; I onder
•Why, they -Mighe just as -re tenably,
tell* me that the .man siX• eade in
. -The queetiOn why printer do- not
sueceed as ;Well- as ,..brewere as thus
the head, Ana brewers for.the maCh ;
add where 6/duty men have s mechs;
but one has brains.',.
-4'I can onlY afford:one ftowe an my
haf,' a.y'ounk lady said to a `Hiner.
'Well, where Will yen have it ? 'Ai I -
sit next te4 the wall in chapel, ot !can •
ROPERTY FOR Private offers will
be -received hy the undersigned far the fol.
lowing propertiii at the Merchants' Salt Works,:
.-ssw Mill either 'together or Separately.: Second„
ocOupled-by-Thonias Smith. S.. WAT;
U'LL FOR SERVIC .-The undersigned *ill
:keep on Lot: JAI -Concession MeKillop,
"the Well-knoWn . thoroughbred. Durham Bull,
," Fashion's Duke," 49,os4vbred by David,Bir-
' rel; Greenwood, Ontario:, Thitis one of the best
J.bred bulls in Huron, and a half brother was sold
-a short time ago toe:gentleman in Ottawa, for
V425. Tnnme;-E-To inSure, ; payable first of
Januaryil$89, Cows not regularly returned -will
hischarged whether In pelf mum.. Teats NASfli
he young men. - of London the: Rev.
obi MeNeill, Of 'Edinburgh,- a native
woinan whi) was totally- blinded' by one.
low ef a fist of •her 'drunken husband.
honestly declare it was -geed for that
men that I did not meet him soon af er
heard 'the . story from her lips. I.
hink I would have given hint so
an. see how he is, moved regarding
atieeal sins so that rivers•of water ing-
down his face: He can bless heartily
and he -can curse ,os heartily: 'It - is be,
auee we bave not get the great heart
hat David had that we stan43.. unmoved
at the evils of -drink. -. Blood 1 -why ene
wdeld think that it was whey- or -ski -
milk that ran in tome people* -veins o.
calm they keep. Utak use; indeed, to
yoeng men's seiodatiens or, Anything
else. Hold off.1 Hold oft! .I tell you
Yve'vedplenty'ofyou already.' Ah, there;
are dreadful incidents -happening . all
round .aboutus of men, women and chil-
dren doneto death through drink ; but
to rook at them.
'come heteall the
from is
s bill of
*bell's- Block,
F° SERVION.-Shortborn, bull, "Prince
-Albert," winner of first prize: four yeare in
succession at London and enuslly euedessful as
a gni* utter. ' Alek ail' imported Berkshire
Boar " Re -al Briton," (480' Winner of :first- prize'
at Toronto, Ontari0 ProVincial and Quebec- Pro-
vincial Exhibitione in .1886. Terins,-Bull $10,
Boar $4,...a limited mimber of .grade at .28 . and
W. D. SMITH, On the Lake. adjoining,.
on hit Patin; Huron Road, T cliersm th„ two
ham Bull, " Tenement" registe ed Ilk- the NeW
Dominion ShortHorn Herd -Brio .-Terms„7-To in-
sure, $1.50,': payable; first of January, 1889, for.
sale, a Cayriage Stallion, eo ' ing four years
-by J; IP; Dunnage, of Wingham, -and out Of a
halide high, Weighs 1,200 lbe., and strews „splen- .
is- did speed. • Ile has, prevail himSelf a strie foal
getter. . He its model of his °lade, apt hat never.
.b0,en. heatenti the shew ring, taking first prize
eion, and when shown against . aged. horses. He .
Will bo Sold on verY negotiable terinsos the'
owner has ne mane 'of handling biro:: - Address:-
bed, Containing 100 apres, about 86 of ivhieh ere •
°leered, well Jena/4,, under drained and in a geed:,
' Atte of oultivatiotiThe balance istnnhered With
hardwood. There is &frame barn and two gOod
rune through" the- farm, .and.';'t ere is no waste
land. • There is alsoon the fern a well equipped
STEAM TILE AND ORION-YARD Ca ble of turning.-
dut $4 voo worth Of . materiai the season, and
an abundance of excelleot clay f Li either tiie or.
bricks, , The yitid is, in first eta e running order,'
and is well fitted up With engine and ',bei er, tile
_and brick: m4011105, kilns, sheds's, ' eW, end a'
very large husiness can be dope4- It is s tinted
Writhin-two miles of Dublin station. is - is a
splendid opportunity. for any person wis ing to .
go into. the bilsiness end . melte money ! The
property will be sold thOap, owi g -to the recent
death Of one ofthe.proprietors. Any amount Of
draining tile On hand, all aliessiand $1 less per
thouliand than usual prices; - Ap 1 on the pre-
Some -of the finest SUMMER St/ITINGS in the county ; prices cheap 'or
, to suit your,packets and yog tastes. A splendid selection „ of- 'the veey
icest Cloths of all kinds to ob se froT• Havaig 'a Practical. k•wwledge
business, and doing all my ow Cutting, I can guarantee- satillaction AS to!
and workmanship. , •
gENTIV PU RN ISH sN los.--We have as thee a stock of, Gently
rushings as can be found in the ounty. s. •
pay partioulac,attention to this department. -
buyer not! It won't cost anythieg, and you
Rats ancr daps show for . themseltes:
tee Give us a call., whither, yo
make money by it, _
Renumber Campbell'e Block ampbell 4 Bright's .01d Stand, Opposite: the
al Hotel; Seafortli.
The North Amerloan
A 'general. Banking business, trans-
Fariters's paper discounted, '
Draftilotight and sold. '
Interest illowed on deposits..
OFFICE -In the Commireial Hoiel
building.; .
Value,* and Inspector -
it does not suit
Why should I have t
way from Edinburgh
pense. top -to say that y
lade Ilympathy, _lack co
have scene, man. going hom
lives lost." "And -I have seen the self
satisfied look and' way in which he re•
turned - the pipesalto.. his mouth as be
learned thatthe scene of the terrible lois
was in. China. " Qh, it's in China," :he;
said. Not a word more, and he thought
ai little. So those who are, .Cuffering
through . drink -men, women and chil-
dren -might be on the. far sidO of the
China %veal -as _tar -EB semis of us eere.
Oh, it is terrible !-Scettith American.
Whether on land or at ca,- on the prairie or in
the crowded ditA Ayeee Elle are the best ea-
thartle„. being convenient, efficacious; arid.safe.
Yoi torpid liver, indigestion, and sick headache,
they never fail.
North American Life Assur-
ance Company.
:44,. Urge &Mount of inonfi to loan fin
Real-Eatato on the most favorable teems..
and Manitoba for sale or exchange.
gsrtjes:Wishing to sell, rent or ex-
change firms or town properties, are re- r:%.
. 0So-46 same as the North Am
for Infints''end Childress
recommeeid it at superior to itiy prescriptiOn,
emir Stomach, LDiarrhati44 Srueration, ".
Xels Worms, gives sere, end promote'
39 *Julians molleatki. -
vas. canton compAsn 71.NurraTIOtral4,116T4'
Thele is -no danger to human life more tO e,
dreaded than that which arises from vitiated
blood. Dyspensia,. rheumatism, headache d
general debility, all result from it, and are cu ed
by the Use of Ayees Sarsaparilla. Take. it his
The Only. LifOn2:0'.. oundky
the Dornini
Our material is endorsed byleading soient
0-6T.G4G OfE. ,Tirr
Of .11eal Estate in 'Worth. Under ezei b3;
MS1-1:)-0 1\77
ttie ot. the power of sale contained in k certain'
Mortgage, which will be produeed it the tinie et
e, there will beeffered for sale by Publie,Auor
tion,'01 the Cornmethial Hotel, in • the Town of
Seaferth, on Saturday, thp 19th day of' May,at
th 6. hour of 11 o'olock in the lorenobn, the fol-
lowing property:, viz: All and siogular that Or --
parcel or *act of •land and premises . situ-
ate lying arid being in the Town:of .Seaforth, in
b big composed of town lot Numher -twenty-
ni e Gouirdock Survey, in the said town of
aforth. _This is a valuable store. property sit.
b en' done on these premises for several years
rit- The' preirises may be ibspected at any
ti e.: Terms -Ten per; cent. down on dity . of
e,halance in thirty days thereafter, The pur-
e ertwill he requiredto sign an agreement for
t coinpletioo .of his purchase , on day of sale..
0 her Conditions lnade known on day Of sale, -or,
ay be obtained on application to F. Howe.
D, E -Barrister Seafoith, or MANNING
SCOTT; Vendere' Solicitors,
Seaferth, April 10, 1888. ; 1065-2
OURT-49F REViSION.-A Court for the Re-
vision of the liesessment Roll of the Town:
8 of Tuckeriniith, will be held at Mra-Knors
as being praOicallrhrpeiishible.- _,It ce, not
absorb moistirre, andconeequently ie not a eat -
Beautiful Sights of the Wonderful City.
Who was a Successful student in the Arte De- ,,
paitment of McGill College, Montreal, but was
obliged, to abandon study on aeeount of loss of
health, and hassincetravelled around the world,
will give an Entertainment on Lif don, in the
at 8 'O'clock p. m., embracingdeseriptions Of the
great sights and leading features of the City and
plates near it, including the great -buildings and
stivtures of various kinds, and places of his-
torical note, Such as Palaces, Churchea, Banks,
Halls, Bridges, Monuments; Railways, Market*,
&a Parks Gardens. Streets, Notable Persons,
LOndon Life, Division Of Business Labourillo„.,
&c., all illustrated by .100 Beautiful Diesolving
*Views -recently obtained from London for this
Admission, 15e. •-• Children under ig, 10c,
` Doors open holf an Hour Early. •
ly recommended by many, of the most distin-
guished Ministers in Canada. , _ , - • 1065
CO;ifinelpt Olit
We want every reader to, remeinber
that we make.a specialty of
Cleaning .t and -Repairing
Skillful Workmanship, Neatness,
Promptnesi and Reasonable Prices, may
...always be relied -upon with sny work'
entreated; to our re. We guerantee
finest work and g satiifactiote
W. Northgraves,
Opposite Commercial Hotel,. Seaforth.