HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1888-04-27, Page 11'
nor) .
- A' E�LG.,
RNISHING ,, +? '
.4 IN ,-
* TS, &c &c.
quare De
kis " His Lordship"
reach's Young Lord
natural, 2 years and: ;:
,•-lst, L. R. Goodwj 's
2nd, John Eanson'g
rider.' Road oCar-
lgt,,:.Bissett Brothers'`
• MicQuatie'at ` Xoung
ls,-aged, "I3urham .
. IL Hamilteres a De-
revw McLellan's "Doug.:
d since Ist d'snk-ary,
1st, Thos. Russell's
2nd, Tabiae. Nash'
I! ` Calved ,since let
st;Artdl,ald Graham's
rlandx" f Holsteinbuil,
r. and Mrs. King':
ii1eg, Manitoba. M --
:a visit to her brotker,
in the Turtle Mount.
settling in her new
' friends and acqutain...
it hearty wishes to the
rid trust that their
.rife. may fe one of un- .
Cite : Damage - Smith -
an is about played out
s applied for the Blue- -
which, was rendered
eparture of Dulmagge..
de sire of • the' office'
tole-- appeared of the
le of James Tirnrnine:
r. We hope theism*
ud `ate hope that no.
it it. wilt' be, beta
in thet..-Joieeph
2 menus been en.
running Togs dawn.
a large steak of them. -
.rtley arrived home -
is I.
ome-iso Souther;; tririp,,
in- health and -looking'
-and wife left' for
!tare home, on `im--.
nnan, -of • Morris, got -x
lull. Test week from
flews of East Wa-
Fit is the best he hss
hada lot and good
Miott'a Holstein calf
3onnds per -day sine
ago -On, un€ er
fien, who live not far
red Mr. John' Bob -a
where there were
k barrel full of sap .
down on Monday`
ttieful and emptied
els& hid or "carried
• We must lay.
{lemon y trig.
xn ` excitement woo
illy quiet lurg t one=
It appears hat
Bxeter, atte t
:on ebur hotelk aper
e Scott t et ani .ort
r..1ocked he attempt-
,,ar-room door with:
.,open the doors, say
but on doing
immediately. ;len,
:ikee.per.laid =for.-
foie ,Squire Cook,
as. set down for
e reason was. post'
Ly .neat...:: Whether;
Kxeepded his powers
L -have to be decid< "
th t he," ---We are
friend, Mr. Fred.
sit the bench after
sick list for Boma
rer '.leave again Benin,
mow* them being
• n rte. N-ich 1bnr
Lark _ Schroeder.-':`
surich, is here et-•
e a music class.--
int -the , Rev., Mr.
rn_ with us another
ff they district fry
ire to-celebrat the
Listowel this year
e .. Thelocailod„ge
10ve. making
sr is in .the ba •
: z E,Ef-NUMBER 1,063.
c#LEAN B1108. Ptibifeliers.
*1.50 a Tear, In Advance.
(Continued from a former issue)
I.. ' - ,.Gaarro r, Austr lie, March lamas. -Iiievery .Department`at- the • We are still -rustic ti'ng,in and around
the peaceful city. of , rafton, .on a -low`
1yin emerald elbow, of • the Clarence;
fifty miles `from the, heads. The . con-
gregative souls of they;place will. not ex-
ceed 6,000 ; but two. bishops -one Ro-
mani -Catholic and. One. Anglieau`--are,
suported ; and a plaice good enough to
maintain ` divines of such eminence, in
any part of Australia i entitled to the
dignified distinction i4 city. We have
got) another. new" boarder, ad : event
usually of interest to hese. in -a boarding
house;: especially when the new comer is
a lady -bran new. -Just out. Hays
.says he has been hoping for this : change
-for some' time,, because the tucker has
been fallingoff lately,, when every
:other hope for inip.° ovement : has mis-
carried', a fresharrivalhas been known:
to .: produce for -a': jyme,1 the >' desired
effecM- 3 t �' - Who - is
� • t w � %V•. is
Cheap Cash Store
• No.:FF[0'4k &..•
• We ha.ve ;mile yery Special -Bargains
. to Show in • New Dress Goods, New
_Prints,. New Sateens;New Zephyrs, New
* New G.Wires, New dollar's and
ter shape nor. did we ever-. have such Li,
complete assortment in eperk line, every
Lady should take a let& through the
different styles. ;
Butterick's reliable . Patterns, Beaks
1- • and Sheets, alw4,s.to bte had at the
heap Oath ato
ett-- CO
cA4D.Tols BtocK,
, ,.=-Illn Tuesdaylast Week the :works of
the -Canada Granite Co -warty -at Ottacia
' nne of the chiefAwneri of Which. is. Mr.
eh:orient Printers was \burned to. the
'ground. Owiniti, delay in getting the
tire apparatta on the, ground,,lut little
- cOuId be. done- towarfl saving the- pro=
perty. The principal pertion of the
machinery•and stock were destroyed: or
damaged, involving- a lost; of -; aboet
0.5,000, which' is partially, povered -by
insurance. The company Intends re.•
- sinning operations- at throe, haviog: large
thed.pro,prietbr of the Belfast lilthise.St.
Thomas,:wat fined $100 and coite for *
- : second vtolation 'of the Scott- Act: He
. certain' day, and not keep.ing llit gra-
ndee, an -eitecution . was issued, •lnit
;Diners had sold Cut his effects and skip-
sped•to-Auffalo; A warrant mei jostled:
, for his arrest, -and, being hi St., ,Thomas °
''. on ThursdaY settling up -. his affairs, he
was arrested at the. Internation, al hotel .
by.P. C. Mitchell; He demanded tObe
shewn the warrant, and while the Officer
- Was getting it_ out, of. his pocket, s: made
route froni Chioago toiler home xn New
last MondaY niorning, She called biro.
Holden, or Elmira, who, was ocoupying
-4n. adjoining berth in the, sleepiercar,
. ina asked that a medical Man and nurse
be summoned.. The conductor•telegraph-
. .ed te. St. Thomas, where Mrs. Panning
eoeveytiO to the Queen's hotel, Where a'
..boyswashorn. -"Her , husband . was de-
'. tained at Chkago; And :Mrs., Vanning
.thought she could - reach home slime.
.-She wilI mil her son -noises, front the
:kindness received from the St. Thomaet
-. --,Iticindity's Landon 'Advertiseiskys :,
• Whether it was the egg Combine., Or the
large stipply,:egga took e tellehle on the
market Saturday Morning, btiyeis ' and
, •etorekeepere takieg them at L0 cents per
46zen,..and the innocent pehlic- et 11.
aria 12. Bitter also -to -0k i. coriespond-
fag drep and eold et froth. 20 to 22. In`i
-epite . of . the Cold snap„ fresh :maple
• 8 up is still, plentiful on. the Market
--,- a as chea:p as ever. In fact, with.- the-
' uty : off.-- broifir nugar, there ' is little
dentit but that we could have it all- the'
- - while plentiful; are not as good ais they
‘Mightbe, but manage -to' keep in :the
..._neighborhbod- Of V.20. per bag •ell the
Teri:into_ list week by in absurd. report
which circulate& like wildfire; to the
- effect that.ReV. Mr. Longley; pastor of
• (been Street .Methodist church, -iias
• ' intimacy with a young lady of the eon-
gregation, at the. seine time Mt Longley,
.- reputation, mid 'was greatly esteereed S"ert of semi -civilize
not only id Toronto Initial OttaWa -mad 3 111-fec1,-,and saturate
...Montreal where he -had forMerly mini*: .1uniori and bad tOba
, tered to congregations. Last • Sabbath: 'Usti rcimpent of two t
'his - absent. •brother Lengley; , -He had.it. tnefority• lazily 'wan
- - been intimately associated with him- for ' hodee. begging, in a
• •-twenty yearti,and. never saw anything way. -, -Vrank- has
''... in him which did.no win 'for him the tio•ii Of lioomerange,
‘ a .stren't confidence' of Warm -friendship •oth 'r ;savage curio
people.asked Mtn to•give her up, which
he refused to *do. So the shattered
fories 'of both tribes were mobilized hr a
remote tlen • to contest the matter in.
battle. If those of the Smith blink were
viatorioue then she -should reMain with
Hor soety lover; bet otherwise ehe Would
beitaken back by.force, The police got
on their trick and prevented the battle,
low; gieing up his half naked ,pew :made
lubre rather than .he • "rod in" -kir six
a Scarcely:fifty years have rolled- Imlay -
'since the hooted foot Of the whiteman
first -trod 'this naturally rich district..
Since .then eonsiderible pregress has
been Made - and changes have taken
plape. . Sugarcane -is-principally -culti-
vated, hitt corn and cereale of' all kinds
grow 4 -well: PotatoeScome to inatur7
ity twice a year; and from' fOur to -six
be out seven times between two Janu-
ney. Tobacco is grown in. mall quail"
titles and could be turned into a profit
able indestry. The mulberry flourishes,
'bananas ". and pineapPles -hang by thp
wayside, paasion -fruit 'dangles on vines-
-around the yeraodah, and -melons are:in
-every garden. White and purple grapes...
as large as -the marbles We used to . play
with at *eel -Weigh heiVily on slender-
. vinee. Lemons. and citrons grow -in the.
bush, fig trees -alpng the streets, and
oranges like gelden apples in 14 denbe
setting Of dark green leaves; glisten in'
is another - side- to, the- .pictiire."
Yon must- remember the demand-, is
Small, !freights! high, 'and' prices low..
Then ikis such -an Out of the _way plaoo
that peeple hitim • very -little chance to
keep .abreast of the times. Seine of
those whe have heen :grafted to the spot
fOr the lasithirty years. have. to shave
pretty cloSe to make ends -ineet. If
they are a onarter Of .centory -.behind,
addb(1- to the -large ici cle of
acqnaintancei and . 4'1 feel relieved that we know it and afterall those who
especially When Haya pleads himself to pride themselves. on :their -. snperioi ad-
entirtein her. "Islip ose,MiSa Bishop, [ vancethent ere often toe aMbitions, and
this it . your 'first .varsi to the Grafton "1104" dimitented."- .- "" Tikle," soYe:
distriot, ' he.began., 1 •Oh ::37.913..! 1 Jost Hays, " Where ithioranco . is • blissAis
arrieed On the Citr of -Grafton from follY to be W
SyOney T' she irePlied .. " You will finds , we reachin this world then hapPiness ?
Grafton Mach quie than Sydnet,”• What condUces to that condition should
said Vrauk. , '" Yes, xPect. it will e t ' never , be.- idestroyed; The .stimmurn -
bit/. was se sicir on e•boat thatl dici bgillun of life lOoke forward- to such a.
noe take Much, noti of anytahfog; 1 state as its nitimate, destiny. And if in
felt Worse by Tenilysio 's i long :wash of Olingipg to the. old secular and. religious
the-. voyage eat froth England: -These tthatAtate is best maintained, I say leave
therea citadel; of a century behind -those
Oct that ip the Cause. 'of. it." , " Of higher civilizationsi, where the old-fash,,
course,. said Hays, °I*. hey are More in-. .; ionqd hell:is tolet; w.here the bible:4.
;tended for cargo than passengeri. - YOU' but a traditional histery embelliihed by_
' are nc4' :long . id there° ony then:, -like Pirablee-- and legends; " passed down
.me, a neW ehttih." ' 'le tlet landed -from through the ages, and where the theoriei
:ago. ahd :of evolution, .have seniehed• the ;golden
nSver heardeuclvhorrilile nicknames as' 'link of faith. . ' -YOU haV=0;.141d -,08 into -
they give,... people ont here. Bilen the filrettY deep water," '.'.replied . rtinki
better elasses. seem inolined td be .1yery.
alafigY.” •!! When siciu !are:. here lon.g• 'ignorant :of ultiniate -destinies as ::. the
.e110 gh," says Frank l' 6! yen -Will find. bli? Savage -9k the Interior, who.: ex. •
4 buili, but call a ' '.1.2or, .what a big- river ;. ean't see hini'
ci. many; of then , build yeur impes of a happy futiire oo
dgferenoe . boweeu the old. boblr.' " do," says. Hays,
inism.", BY this -`''' but even if, I didn't I :don't thiOk I
'and youpg- banker .fsePow men ae to try to insettle their
tau, pile gneetion• intnds or liurt their feehngs: .A free;
owever7 Our ' new thinker tried hard to cOn‘Ince mefi. the
:in ot going round t
her ly know! the
courtesy and larri
telegraph' operator.
No . 17, -who are colo
has been . settled,
boarder -it a Coekney,`, And evidently last dine . was in Sydney, that, the
En lish ta the core..1- Among the 'after,- Whole bottom Bad fallen ontbf Christian-
,elegraph qeratot. What freckles these who:wanted to duiturb my peace
as friends;-: and. that he would better -
an red hair Georgeson She
is 18 carat," -Ho essi olIt would throw his dirty water someWhere else'
olio to 'have iThis conversation ',recalled to my Mind -
berry blonde," -story Mr. Leach, Gim • Bower
Oranir. " Yee, two .years ag0 "An infidel was travel;
she__ will ;have to .tralia, tiud One dark night. lOst- his way.
'here 'r -Ha ig A Afterwanderin many Miles round,hills
hat e been: morecou
light golden or: titr
hut ihe is -
we k after, the 'folloWing advertisement' 'and:through v4es,., among the. ghostlY.
in the ExaMiner, e awed the` rest,- ,sepulchral 'trees; " he felt tired. and
Wanted, -by a yowl lady a Situation theught he would have- to lie down,
as .gOverneis-iii a red Otable family; un- ,• bn) . an unexpected • light glimmering in
exceptienal testimOn Well' up in the distance met his eye. On reaching
=Ow,' singing,- Fr drawing,' elo- it be- found himself at the lialf open ,
cutibn and literatu termi Moderate, door. of a bark butt • He'.. Vag admitted ;
Maud. Box -23, . , - ; by; an artless s'sirl about nineteen, .in al
This country is q • • plain calico frock. She was the :niece!
of the old :minium; Who was -reading ei
- well Worn bible by. -the light frem thei
large open fire plabe, There:1'wai but
One bed in -the house, and no' :partitioe
except an old shepheid's plaid' hung
broad Socitch, they could give hitn SOMe-
fire. After he.hed got soniething to eat;
the old woman and he entered into cow
.versation; she taking the initiative., for
he was pretty well Worn out. After a •
while she asked•him what kirk he he -
:longed to,.. "I don't belong to any,"`he
'sorry to hurt your feelings while 'coin -
may honestly eonfets that • r don't.),
" Can ye tell.me of opt better religion*
than that of the bible?" No:" "Then.
where cloy!) think yet gang when ye
worse than the blackfellow. Ye-hae nae
belief ava. • Ye couldna prove, or -swear
honor at a man that the bible is
Off Veer ,
na true ?" No, I would not like te try
to prove or ' swear -it, but I think • the ,
whelething la only a delusive fabrica-
tion." •0 Wel1,7 said she, if yoti canna
prove that delusivehook; ye maim
admit, there is just a =possibility it may
be true.. I could see. 'some . sense oast -
lug awe a:poisibility for a certainty,. hitt
--the bedy Maim be daft wha. exeludiges
-chanee 'for Me to be saved, while ye hie
nane. We. can be happier in this life;
_sound the faith and hope eta lotiOns
ernessei) that it is in; essible for half of :
orr ren Ivith goy-,
them to get situations.: Every Vacancy
will pall forth manylapplicants, and it is:
often hard- to See well.'educated 'girls,
.whic „hive • never been :.tsecustoined to
woik, -compelled tot:. take -some inferior
:ch4noes in the matrithenial market ere '
in ti, country 'Wherethe:quilities of the .
bo y are more noticed than those rd. the
thi d, where muscled 'a hetter than ;men-
tal excellence, where *an. athlete: toile
of he equitociacy have been known to
nrarry barinaids, where. moral 'scruples
lief:VIA all. : .. ' • - - :- '
arouhd here, than. in n_y other part we
ate, halt elothed,:.
with -adUlterated
. They are the
Diet that advan-=-'
displaeed. Only
te work and the
ddys, spears and
We have - seen
rang so as to re.;
throWer and Wei, -
dimity of seeing
nal -dance, by six
Mos -Maui all in
aiik• persuaded. ii.
; But they are
guard, what theY
• and raternal love., Mre. Longley left th throw the•booth
Toronto on Saturday withlier daughter tu tO the feet of th
to join her husband, Rev, B. Longley, alio-had air op
at Niagara Falls. Before leaving she
stated she had the utmost confidente in
her husband, and although he .hact
inade a mistake in meeting •the young
lady al he did, he was -blameless Of any-
. thing more seriotisk Her %husband in%
a cOrrobokee or Short
fellow .of the South!
youpg gin of . the 60
ove end Hinz with h.'
as c reful -event
con ider their reap
ay of salvation:is taught in that won-
erful book, hp went as a missionary to ,
Mita, That* artless girl in • the plain-
-hand in hand-7-01er are; peinting font
-the read to eternal happiness, aniOng-th
millioni,of benighted Celestials in t
• (From Our Own -correspondent.) .
Though the terms 'of the. contract b
_tureen ithe Federal Government „•and t.
Canadian•Pacifie Railway, for the au
,./sTorthweit are already before the phbli
burGev.einment hereare not yeV-, in la
position to thaye publie the detai s.
affecting ;_this province; ands Prennicfr
Greenway had therefore .to adjourn t e .
House for aAlay or Iwo -,till that a
other Matters of public bushier Cott
to be dealt -with., before the inevitab
dissolution of the House, are ideal rai
.road Acts .and redistribution... -Und r
the first item there is sure danger.ef r
going toil freely into buShiess, eapecial
into works. for whose 'construction t
future credit of the . prevince
.pledged.' 'We have tad enough 9f foo
ereclitis to be pledged to the- emistru •-
tiotrof lines to compete with' the 'C.'.
R., these roads must bee burden On t
whole to benefit the Sections mainly :t
'Wrested, no matter hotv plausible t
presentreasons ',for their construbti
Free trade inrailroach; is • one thing,.
load with debt for their conStructi
is another,' We badly "tided ;the e#e
Sion of already existing roads, especial
build.thein'n.peint might be- stretch
on their behalf.
will be a much easier- thing now .th
Wafiat any .forther tithe possible:
With thefitting- Oppertueity there is
'-douht that *Swill °alio .have a ..fair
equitable represeetation of the yourig
The. old River. Oonstiteeticies are in tie
particular man to Parliament, -add it
no injustice to 88,y that whisky he
a too. potent faotor in old sohoel
'and in butinesstoo. By the way,w
Gospel Temperance meeting last
night.' in' . the Opera lieuse,:sat
gave no`iincertain solind.as to .hi
on the stihject. He is k good Me
as well and his appointment here
:sore.e.ffliction'to those, whose id
state etiquette involved a Well fill
hoard ass, vital partof the sho
ginger beer Government' for Manito
was positive heresy, but death has Sin
then made frightful gaps in , the ranks
the old orthodox helieVers in good Hit
Is we oncedid at the sight of 1 coffe
where once sparkledichampagne,..1----
and y
whi h
d si
One clerical representative We lad i
leading lawyers who . dealt with the r
Subject in very, trenchant .terms. - I
would not be sintrised-to see in. so e
in a nominal Way has been already a
cepted in one county. In Grand Fork
Dakota, the other day I found, ontreye
the man vibe used.. tit rah -the bartarOu
business opehing of soy- .sort that'
could try. . He had left farming, to go
about- z;iincl,',- pat, ' his :heart, into t
:old business: •-; :Inthat,same OW the
were a year 4go some 40 -71iocalsed
for about six Or seVen thousand
and the. farthest out one bad a sign
. stretching out acrosethe side*
-mind thirsty souls coMing into toWn
otheeiide of. the board kindly uggee
themselves sufficiently -of the other t
score -of opportunitietti. that this watt
the goOd old faith • inforihed me: that.
age, hut in the smaller inland tow,neit s -
to geb Wider of anysert: Of 63 counti
in Dakota sotne 55 'have gone ;in, for pr
line.. :The year 1886 wet a verYdry.-o
in the NorthWeist and 'must havedny
dent. -of ipterest .on land mortgage,40
50 per pent. on chattel, intirtgages A
jection to ,the two -first named. ,..0
of the -oldest and 'host influential edito
I :kiwi there esspres -me that sine() t
Set hal been *fed, the publie Sp
than when. lit: wae *dually- .carrie
knit -in. this. \climate and. the harm
does before- killing will, ot be, astonii
fermereioath .Of US ha 0 squelched 4
bars; ands' Shall not belsurpris' ed if
follow their example in, some , counti
It is difficult to:tay .wbetter just ne
the rUsh is greaterinto the Canadian. r
-hereafter. And, . if at thelast should - i the AmeriCan Northivest..i Fer -moil h
be deeeived,.I'll be na waureff than 'yob, everyroad. has' hip- d a full han of th's
.while I'll have 'been the gainer here.!' inunigriint `., traffic,- and scatce la train
'Four years afterwards that infidel • wail passes thiii •place•IWithout a good •feW
ordained by the Presbytery- of Victeria. froth the .Statei on their way via the
to preach, , and after proclaiming for Canadian Pacifie ItailwaY to. %Vashing-
to r
call is still great . for , good faroihands,
but that demand, Will subside in day -or
two. _Farmers will then be too busy to
get into town and engage -.men land new
.cept a sewing inachine and tal4e, WEIS disappeared. froth tile city- and Mrs.
burnedto the ground the Other night Ruisell says thather lituthand left her
The.fire originated from a lighte& candle. without saying- where he was going.
in the hands of one of the girls who was He is indebted to Mr. Meilroy,-.br the .
employers though' there is' thieseason a ' started in a bedroom, where a child a or about $250-4114 to various other friends
Polnere may. have to go 014 m seen* of tearching for a copy -book. The fire Rubber Company, to the exteot of
• 4 years of age lay _sleeping, and- it was from whoin &lid borrowed Seine of
with great difficulty that its -life was money *ranging , from . $2 to -$20. the
sayed by.its mother, Uri. iCrowell. Ai° whole aggregating $500. He was' well
it was the child wee badly' birned, and known to Montreal journalists„among
:imt rais.ecveronw.yel dv7ausblfiusirseirtiowilislilkrebcoutvileetd wh_omsohmeelitaimd eiisogrkoeadr. esi 'd,ent L,3ndon
in reselling the child. called on -Mr. W. de H. Washington, U.
S.consul,to get Mrs. Grover Cleveland's
full name to call his babygirl;after her.
While in Washington this other day Mr..
Washington mentioned. this to -.Mrs.
Cleveland and she sent --the childt her,
-Mr.. Iiugh Poison, of, Kildonaii East,
Manitoba, recently opened a pit -Con •-•
enteringlie was nearly suffocated with -
the heat; 'the potatoes having all been
destroyed. The cause it believed to .
have been lieeping the ventilator closed- .
-John Philips,. 0-i Merriekville, eut
his foot with an axe and - lopped a toe
off,. though he did not know it at the
time. The severed Member dropped .
through:the hole in his boot as he was
place, and it is no* said to be tieing
we.11Acdres; Cron': the olc.le4sti•reside-
of Toronto, died last'Saturday: Ile was -
born on the SOth of November, 1800, in a
small log_house erected by his father In
Toronto,- nr- what aftetwards :-became
Toronto. ; His father, Samuel Heron,
Was a natiVe Of Kirkcudbright, Sept.
w. W. Pope,solicitor foi -the
Grind Trani Rnilway, is defending a
ease at the Woodstock Assizes this
week,* brought by Mr. S. Fraine against
the °rand Trunk Railway for $15,000
darnages for thSloss of wife and child
by being burned up in the wreck atthe
London At Port Stanley croisings on July
cheese • bnyer at Ingersoll during- the
past ten years, died.at•hishorne Monday
morning. Mr. Geier spent the winter •
in Denver, Colorado, where he had gone
in the hope,of recdvering hie health, be-
ing afflicted withlung disease, and pair
returned home!, week Trefious to his
lentil; He was -a son-in-law of the late
, with An big settlert for ths.air location.
One gentleMan, the ether day; told me
he - was the twenty-firat and 'latest
deputy frond the rural. distribtl; to draw .
( Some di theae, gentlemen
have •spedial . gifts Of utteranee 'audit.
who,' when he first Sets 'foot on:this new
fiods 'baby ardent' 'friends
'awaiting him,: and:propounding schemes
-for his future, weltare. Thosewho can
go. right: ofit to old..-neighhore.. 'will be
_Much. hetterguided las a: rule.f And, if
they. have not had before leaving home,
they should -by .all means take a yearat
'land. One of 'odr worst difficulties is the
this • city, if -she applied to daptain-
Grabitini the Government agent, or the.
get the choice.of a dozen Mistresies and
?be is safe eVery way ai; if :she went to
ihip; Your pipers comPlain of the enor-
'mous proportion of far:tales that _are
left to'ingh .lit single blessedness, while
the.. Men Who, ought° to- have. married
there arerambling all over the world.
If • your redundant female popolation
See no: Objeet in life besides getting
Mated,.1!am afraid- their mimbere will
increase, rather than - dindnish. • We -
hive 141 actual aorphis of genteel, girls
here already, some of thein earning little
• more than a. ?very mOdest
vyhileledierwho.would'sladly give $15
a. menthkfor good hdusehold Servants
.enquire fain for the needed itelp.
;-St..Thomas church, Hamilton, has
a new bell weighing 2,134•pounds.
4.-A training school for nurses for isn'-
-Ilene patients has .een, established at
MeTittie, the famous _Scoteh
rifileinan; embarked fel. Canada Friday..
- - -The ,Welland Canal was opened fer
seation on Monday, several'' vessels
-Passing through.
t. thousand emigranti left Liver
pool last week, half of whom were hound
" -The Manitoba, Government intends
to ahOlish . the Superannuation allow-
ance to members of the civil service.
-WT: V. Crowe has -been fined $15 for,
geode in;,kHomilton `by auction
without having license fox that eounty.
. -The Young Men's Christian 'Associ-
ation in Hamilton have raised sufficient
funds- for building a new hall and the
-Work will be begun at once. . •
:-The Brantford Council -has passed a
by-law prohibiting the keeping of liege
within the municipality at lest than 200
feet froMany dwelling. .
--:"-Jerseyville villagefof 300 inhabit-
ants, fifteen miles- from. Hamilton; has
nO tavern; nor is there. one .
-Lord Lonsdats's valet has returned
to Winnipeg. He sayithey couldn't get
flave yoh.. no plain,. useful,,' .pommon- , dogs bin:Might° take thentrte the _Arctic
:sense girls; who': can tee in, Welt paid circle, 'ataLonsdale will start eat alone.
domepticiervice the very-place:4nd. the for it
best :preparatieri for lamiliarity-;With, -Kennel, Of -.Niagiir- e,-* carrier's
the every day dutiee which -go. to Mike a Watch set with. diamonds, tkie, gift Of
uP so large a prOportion of thework and. ,Presidetif.Diaz of Mexico, Whose daugh.
duty ;.of 'the, lgreat proportion ". of the ter 'Mr.Kentiel enee rescued front Orownk
human !race., have • seen Canadian log.%
girls, the thrift -and inclitstry whotte • : -Joseph Hanlon, offt3t: JOhn; ts 19
...parents e verY htimble position; had'. years Old; and- has apeni seien- years Of,
.taised-them above the necesSitY of. Mere his life in. jaili and prisons. - He has just
here- and proved not a help but a hind- tiery:
,ranee. to.the eomfort and_ prosperity of,. • Friday last Wm; IeNvis
their hard-pdshieg husbanc113. §uchi' Snyder, anal Jeanette Bryan ihotel.
women with soMetinies too- little .ivork, lieepers of -Chatham, werefinecf $54.50,
on -their ban& %and no' thorough.' ac-. $52.75 and $50 respeetivelyforNiolation
te:fit them for- the society tbay aspire -•:-The.Brantford •Libense COminission-
te are a trial -even to See, ,,much more to ers'have deCided that,any license holder -
live with. I put them below the.. leVel. ethaVictid Ude& in the lieense year of
of the frau. Of the Germin• peasant . 188$-9 shell ferfeit hit iieenSe for the..
settfeiwhn drives the. reaper- While; he- -followleg.year.-
etooki cid-wind- has no !ambition. . -The_t•Leainington eve Rev.
beyond helPing all ike can: .;Mr. Logie, the new Preshyterian
Women' arethe.gre,at•Wantin this new . ter; preached here on Sundiy last, He
Northwest, not ladles- :or wotild.-be is a very young man, but is enthusiastic
ladies, but women Who. cair„, underataed, in, his Work, and a very clever speaker.
*eat help,to the happinestof herself se Aug_ bowie, London, -blew out the gas in
veil as Othei his reom On ' Thureday night and when
SEED the night elerk noticed the odor at S
begin te .get vett much the ::upPerhand ,-Plani.aria being prepared for a sam-
of old 'king Winter: It -id, ,mere sun. tailuin to be built at the foot of Dinidns
beet.that has &theft, and :,svay the street, London, three storeys and ..bate -
Skint raye ofth_e Want Ment,-, with-- large swimming .pond. at;
:and undermine the' inowbank. that' the taehed.• the- probable cost of which- Will
;curious to SOO. 'Very little of our light hiredman•Working :OR the farm
inikirever'lies on our ,plowed .;land 'and of Mr. AOaid Taylor, Albion' township,
a day or :We after ..the. turn of the :County- 'Of 7•.Peel,, stole employer's
tide , the •seeder ..may Venture On- the 'horse and bnigyapd drove to Hamilton'.
:field:: If -gee- tdrn ef...the 'harrow. IS Mr. Taylor f und the ontfit near Lytr-
taken over it, it may be sawn: before -den, butthe thief escaped. - • s
three inches •of frost is 'out of -the toil -W • A' Frank of Wallaciburg for
and theRgh WO haVe cloudless sunshine 'cruelly. beating a young, girl, a member
'for two months the roots of 'the- wheat of his faMily has been fined $10 and •
lnoist-soil- and keep It green and grow. -
leg: '-Deep plowIng will • actually mike -
nsi almost independent :mi.:. most . sells; of
there is: Eilerays, risk, in a- naturally dry
-• then packed d.own by the harrOW
ler; a -good 'crop' -has been and
en froM land that has never --
sin, as I have myself re-
,peatealy men gra' threshed.and housed
-on Which -no drop of taln,knd sOthetiimes
not: even':- dew had fallen. -TWitlk our -
wet year Would lie disedrous;but we
sometimes see :not 'droP of . rain till
June, semetimeti not then.. . This: season
bas been' ten days later' than the:-
•ning and next Week will Vein eniverial
ese,and with the ample enoWfall and
ever bright thin tre May, . reckon op :the
Are mixt te household: help; perhapt. the
parties .moit enquired after here. Piet
have :beep: geing- on for: filling the
phurehes recently: vacated. here. .1cint
the -abort and simple Metheds‘ of the.
casionally,quito- as suOCesifully As the
Iniodes administered' reverend: fathets
and brethren- OfthO- Presbyterian faith.,'
-Mr.. PeOley, the plucky -little pastor- 'ofi
,after., his .predecesior gavenotiee of leaV. much_right to civil prOtection at any of
vts wiii know, persopally e few hundreds. Of -Near the village pf Tilbury Centre.
I his h‘rge congregation: leng: hefore•Knex Kent county, -May :be seen. a child $
' Church has got fairly on the rOad .se. years Old; the 'daughter '-kof Mr „Thos.
,Ainslieovhdwelehs 175 pounds. ' Dur.
ing thefirst. three years of her life she
was only an ordinarysiied but
since then She hee been glowing very
came tO Toronto about four -months ago
from Qttattia where hp had been. em-
ployed on the press. He. obtained a
four weelttisgo and remained with I him
- -,-A man imMed. Patrick Fanning, WAS
at the DivisionCourt at Penetatiguishene
onThursdayiest. He appeared at a
witness in a -ease, but was too intoxicet- -
ed te give his evidenee. -He started
fronitown to walk home, hut at he dicl
not turn up hie wife had a search Made
for him, the result of, which wise ' the
finding of his dead body not far fromhis
OxfOr4 havidecided- to grant no whole-
sale licenees for -the -year ..1888-2. This
thade bythem last year that any -of the
holders of wholeade licensee" who -got
leidlinder the AS* Act would tot
have theirlibenas renewed.- , The cora-
....Henry Rack received . a painfnl lit- ,.
Mr. Trott, an Oxford county_ farmer#
with whom he was working.,' Harry -Wm
jumped out, resting ' one Owl' of the .
broom on the ground. 'le alighting he
struelc against the end of the brooni
handle with such force thatit -penetiat, -
' -An Old wan named Wm. Idontgom-
day inthe flume leadin from the anal
;oats and!his„autherity.over the child le Watt's mill. The ody had beenln -
' -Mr.- ' Voter .Little, path -tester at - The -deceased resided -with bre .aleter
-Corwhin; cciuntY Of 'WellingtOn,and who . near the canal and on :Wednesday went
has carried 'mail for the. !past seveeteen_ out for li -walk. ': It is surmised that
years fronf ..Nat3sagaweya to- Corwhin, while fishihgfroM the embankment, he:
suddenly eipired the other evening after tgmbled-in and was -drowned. ____," ' '
eating a•hearty -supper: ' •-• - " , - • '-.Mr. W. W. -Buchanan 'of Hamilton,
• -7-About twenty thousand Inca of the ' DoMinion eouncillor of the° Royal Tein
bominiori militia -.Will perform the an: lairs of Temperance, visited' Ansa 0
mist drill this year, 11,00Q going ' into en Tuesday- evening,- the 174 inst.,
.eamp under eanias and. - 9,060 in variOus :.delivered an ••-addiess • on ftemperence
cities. The .firsP .cani-pe will • be held work to a large a.ndience. At theelose
•about the middle -of june. . : - of the public Meeting Mr4 Iluehinan or-
- -The . National Prohibition 'Convert-. ganised ar Council of the Royal :Templar* .,
tion will _be held, in Montreal In July - of Temperance. - Fifty-three members' s-
and a large and :influential conimittle, -were enrolled. , . I - - ' '
Of which Right Rey:B.B. Uglier, -M. D., -=;This is the ,wOrst spring -On- mild% ..
le,Chairnian, has beenappointiato Mike eoWs ever known in- the vicinity Of Gau-
en. neceisary arrangements. . aneqne, and the loss tefarmers by coin
- L-gon.. ThOs. White, Minister of . the ' -dying wilLfoot up a largiamount. Some .
Interior,- died at his home iii"„Ottawii farmers a're .011able to explain the reasen
..lait Satorday might after ooe weeit's ill. of their cattle diing, bet - the general -
ness froin _. inflammation and pletirisy. Opinion seems tO be that he unusual:
Mr. :White was 58 year* of age :and mortalitY is a resUlt of Short 'god iest
'leaves a widow, three sons- and seven fall, -the -very severe cold ofthe winter,
daughterS. --..- . ,- : ._ ' - ' and want ef strong food to- bring them
-day inorniegc2 .Some. of the .officers of prothipent member_ of i the Methodist -
the fire .;hrigade were in a .disgracefttl -Church lias giviii frequent liberal Ilona-
- state of intoxication at, the fire and Will tions to thurchisand ministers of' that ,
_he re4iiired -to answer for their :conduct denomination, • hati expressed his intew-. '
befere the: Mayor. •." ' - tion of making a donation of froth $10,-
. .-TheSelVation ArMy in Ayr, hat been 000 to.$20,000 to found a Chair in one of i
greatly troabled. by roughs smashing the educational institittions of -the prov. I
-not theproper authoritleart is stop • to The same 'gentleman .niv pessihly see
hie Way clear to make 'a tlonation to -
Alma ColPle, in addition to•his iiberal ,,
:fled as the wife of Rev. Charles' Whit...,
cOnibe, of St. Matthew's church, flamil...
ton, andlormerly assistant minister at
lilt. like's :church, Toronto. • . The sul-
her waist and then lexped into the. -
water. Mrs. Whitoombe . wit" of.: * '
t.fright, cheerful .diipoiition° end it is -
thought she. took her life while laber---
caused by .ii- fall received 'whilst decor.' .
sting the church ' of St. Matthe* kr
of Middlesex, with atlas contents ex, at the :Revere Heitse, Mr. Rustell has Esstertide.
There the
may be
seen a drop
ciire 'a minister., "The -.1refibyterians
-here have not now single settle4
ter in tho fair churches of . that ..per;
:suasion inside the city:of -Winnipeg..
Inieh Oftelent: It may take 'a dePuts,--'
tionte- the ,text General Assembly ef .
Scottand before we can fill up. -the gaps
.and relieve the _spirituel. deatitiition of
the Presbyterian body in the rnetropolie
-A dwellingho se at county