The Huron Expositor, 1888-04-13, Page 1r Letter. • PUBLICK. t "AUL, _;est I •, v mai :e.e t ting 11:3 PY • : ` Ie -: sir .:2h i A r ace ,. ,, ins weil NI: - e• at NIay ••.: son • > z in :a3 en - `!r. M , -see-, the + :'r :erica •-:er ins .-N of - Le Arnen in the .er:ind re- itthe :rained to t un that .:i: tion, he ,1•r," That will i1:1_ :••'iter than _euntry" eon- t::- , _ weeld be pp•_•a:•a to be little e or. tale repeal of :,4th parties e, eeergetically. tern pa ranee zeal in the trey did when tne Scott Act. reason is that the re: -.se to discuss pub‘..is platform. who i t:: ,rough master has failed to 14n tCd Canadians .; a h:eseing to our .e Professor would e: :Is on the �right th• ftrt11d eteort8 tr r of a traffic -,.ti try and WO t.sk a strong tatt-Vifltg an Ins - .4, ,} whiltl rad tat laa•at•, written .:t,, to which he lot=ing men to t1 hat clause 1 t do this 1 where this a '1.1,11 •say, The r i::se It shakes 1 ).,es it' We I:,,esenac'. MY ,, 1;,) sweats w ill do so in ts to sails god t::ardoneg t:1, tee arnount of have (lone h :,••tter enforced• a, t. ,t been more tone fault of the - whose duty it 18 uoiated with he' 1, is suffering in ruing atmosphere Inber. He spent s home in Strat- e� 11S TWENT`s -FIRST YEAR. WHOLE NUMBER 1,001. SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1888. McLEAN BROS. Publishers. $1.50 a Year, in Advance. 1 888 THE TWO SIDES. enforcing the li,'( hoar laws, case for erase, young woman la covered she explained in the station building at \tuutreid. It k ever}'where, in all cliu]ca and 1.11., e, . I the path of t:'.( yc u: ; r , •t:n.e SPRING• jvv`-'• as under the Scutt .1,•t. It is not the that she hose. married :\gnew recently', vay a big scheme and should have netted , come hack home satisfied, t.a\ 11.e see!, Dr. I' ,..t, tl :.t:+l rs, . , ..:.Lt. Le l.iltt,c t pi•, sin ; the Scutt .1, t in this Sutt •let but the liquor that has dr- not knowing of Iris fat tiler marriage. the crowd $50,000 or $75,000, but only ! sunny lauds, but the n+rtJ: ]an,l is toot ;,s,11 beer, ashlgnr . t, i ... county :�- ' lys:[etl a circular to tile: Duh- pluralized (lrinkinl; Wren. The open -' She asserted that 'all's. Agnew No. 1 was : 1,200 was secured. One of the crowd land for Inc. hhere is no pea..(• like tau, , ta',1e, at.t1 at :i •, glvele tt:,•ir reasons why- they think treating; :Iutler license law invites temp- still alive, and that this was the reason way a "spotter- and gave the whole home. In ail tropical isms there Is a , pressed or, hilt•, : ut t,, n and �% the .1 t s;;u:,l ht' rt ,thiir 1"he tation and developes unmanliness and why _1 ;new had never introduced her to !1 a/1 cI SumI!7er - l , ut, , l.•Ite t(, his relatives. se 5ler ur l tis w'ilidl n( t e l pr1it 1, tti Ilio; ly .l ytatcnlent of their sass : 1 J y'• It is ;e : 1l.11i't' art I c.'eilllut },r e'I1I.,I'Crd enforce law have proved in 99 per cent. r �/ wit:: hypo•::t tothe coumnu pity ' has here en the' side of the traffic. she Scott Act. M' L L 1 E R i 1', in; ort•:, rt•yl,.•t•tai,lt• hotels arultlr.lws r;t}1. The statement is false -The Eovr,,li 1' xeosITt,tt.--•"1 he time is tile.. to i•,w places 11itb,•i.1t of detection, Scott _let dues 11 t make respectableand drawing Ileac 1L lien the t c'tnra of th-is NV }t,'re .i i:: +ry +re adulterated and the law abiding business men hypocritical county will he called upon to say by )t'11t 'I. and.I>,�'d(\ -r,,�iati,,ns are low' and and double-f:l,•v 1. But the strum; drink their t'uteti Nell&ther they will sustain ��� der]I,,rd,ILttlg. ' trath,: under Il,:ethse law, tries to throw the act e(,intnuuly known as the Scott company Li c It moot..•:les ,ilebeens ant encuura,;es a mantle of respect.t}tility over these Act, or whether they will repeal the FORSASE. bad w Wish` , while it prevents the use of very traits character. r. It smiles Ilp- art as far as they are coned sped and go Leger and .il:ninisires file use of outer ' provingly on it; sures when they show back and try a liucnse system again. lig:lt drives, e -0i•:11 were dri' ing out " an aptitude in dark tricks. Sueli a strong .:,„loss :ostler the license law. statement is a gross libel 00 our business It increases drunkenuess in many Ines and will he properly resented. place-. 7th, —The Parliament, Senate and It tie•reas• -s the ten)ptati ,ns of weal{ people of Canada, as well as the Privy - .v' tl L:y, N-- eew . .:i Lti. eeteeeee keae:5. : ::p, T.en'• '•v :, ,res, Nt",r 1. Nyw 1 ate 1 reed f jus pe - ! st ,1 ewe •- . not: _1 e,: respectfilly- solo_d.tc',1 at 11pe-, N ,w O''11 1- L1.es, New la .':e ..:t;:1 !l, ry dirt' Now there is nothing new to the people in a license system, they ought all to understand that it has been in existence something over :300 years and was first thought of as a means to replenish an young tlieth, and by developing sneak- Council of England, have pronounces} empty treasury. Many of your readers ing, cui til',iuess, quibbling, 1y ing, per- the law just and constitutional. will remember that under the ('rooks t: ;ury an l in feeling causes wore inutior- tit1i, - It is not a tyranny beeause it is Act, when it was in force in the county of ality than it seeks to reneove. ' a law of the land, anti is justified on the Huron, theinenwho were licensed, openly I t makes ul unv public risen and busi- principle of the greatest good to the set the law atdetian1ic, and during pruhib- nese men i1\ pocritieal and double -fared. - greatest number. , ited hours the law was persistently vio- It is grossly tyrannical, and allows a 9th,—It is impossible to exaggerate listed. The experience of the past clear - tae partizan magistrate to convict without ' the C\ its of the traffic and scientific riled ly shows that, if society wishes to pro - good evi lence anti without either jury in vast numbers pronounce against ;the 1 tect itself against what is wrung, it or right of appeal on platters of t•vi- common use of alcoholic beverages. must prohibit the wrong, not license it, deuce, in this respect being without • 10th,—Barrooms defend Christianity ! I and the people have the right, both by OF __-_ parallel in British law for centuries. ' ‘Vhat next ? Burton, a great brewer of divine law and by the wisest enactments It is a tyranny which cannot be justi- England, said that the struggle between ! on the statute hooks of our country, to tied even for tiie good the promoters the church and school 00 the one hand 1 do this. On this principle of self -pro - seek to attain by it. ' and the liquor traffic on the other is one i tection we legislate against lotteries, It lives on gross exaggerations and phase of the war between heaven and 1 agaiust gambling, against counterfeiting moral and acientitic errors.Hell. , the public coin, against drunkenness, It professes to be Christian, but is ini 1 lth,—Quiet your fears, gentlemen, against profanity, against poisonous and moral and anti-Christian and tends to the Bible and your business know but I corrupted drugs, against anyemployment weaken faith in Christianity and its Di- little of each other, and are as much I that in its nature tends to endanger the vine Founder. opposed as light and darkness, life and ! public health, peace or morals. No man It ignores the Bible grounds for both death. The liquor men complain that • on this principle is allowed to set up or temperance and total abstinence and the law cuts off the right hand off prosecute a public business, however lu- practically adds to Christ's command traffic. Thank you gentlemen for this crative it may be, which will have the "If thy right hand offend thee cut it admission. Your traffic cuts off both ! effect of working injury in the column- off,- the further command "and make hands and feet, body and soul. I pity' in which he lives ; for instance, if others cut off their right hands also." 12,—The churches and science declare I the bakers of any municipality in the It robs men, whether law -breakers or this assertion false. It is the liquor ! county of Huron, in the manufacture of Perth Items. not, of property- and living for selling tratfh; that robs home of parents, honor ! their bread, would commence to use Mr. Ed. l,rt,l}in, af Mitchell, left a that which neither science nor Scripture and purity ; the State of industry, I some poisonous drug which wouldendan- v •lay a , f S ,at:Iern I>:1ti ,ta. declares it wrong to use. wealth, and the lives of multitudes of ger the public health, there would be an .e Listowel assessor reports an in It prevents reasonable and more hope- her citilens, and of order, peace and 1 immediate and unanimous demand that resse ,ver :est year ef fr '01 ;$15,00) to fall metilt,tle of diminishing intemperance morality; and the church of her mem- t this shatter must be prohibited by legis- $• th'(i l i t;:•' total assessment.in which many sensible people could hers. E, ery civilized community that lation, and people would never dream of -\ei: Bain, of Motnerweil, who has unite dvith others. does not prohibit places the traffic under giving these men a license to carry on Ween seri ons:', ll': cur It weeks, is now It makes tlhauy barley growers hypo- the ban of a license. their deadly business under certain re - e o:grin r. Crites, ln,i wheat growing is becoming 1 13th,—The only (` reasonable" meth- striations. The object of law is not to —Mrt'. tV . Morey, of Fullerton, has unpruttehle ; it injures the insportant od of diminishing intemperance is by attempt to regulate such things, but to passe I cls pr::nary etanlination in tnedi barley iudustlty, cuts off revenue, and prohibition and the Scott Act is a local prohibit. What would be thought of depletes the treasury without any cons- prohibitoey law. Temperance people any government that should attempt by ;ne at Trinity University. - Mr. t'reorge Brea:Wer, of Fullerton, pensatiug good. ' aro working for prohibition, and, as. a ; legislation to regulate murder, arson, .. se.:: his us trnp,rtr.1 stallion, Lard If the lee; against stealing is constant- means to that end, use the Scott Act. adultery, burglary, theft or any other Tennyson, to Dakota. ly broken, though every one, including - 14th, - The barley grower is not re- ; crime. You cannot regulate, you must tier. ',V 1.. I)30.i:1, of Mitchell, has the thief, thinks the law right, how can sponsible, directly or indirectly, for the I prohibit, and a law passed without a :••:.::. _ I tike appointment of 'alinister's it be possible to enforce a law which a uses to which his grain is put ; the Act I penalty attached for the violation there - We: er len in Trinit y • ciiur-.:ii in that town. large pi op trti:,n of the people, including has nothing to do with wheat growing, I of is a nullity and has no force or effect, any li.lrlug the tn)ntn of `1ar:h a small many of the best cttr•eus, regard as un- � except that if liquor were not nianufac- and the penalty need not scare any pcr- 1: n; ,f tramp:, numbering n+, fewer just, ty -anni,:al and wrong ? tured and sold, more people would he 1 son unless they violate the law. Now, t;:an 119, were entertained at the (:ity It cost the province last year $60.000 able to purchase flour, and the price of as church -going people, and those who ' to enforce it in '_'f) counties this was over wheat would consequently he advanced i profess to be guided by the principles as a1., 1,f.ar i and above the tines collected. You had I by the demand. The liquor traffic is.' laid down in the Bible for their guidance --The good Templars of Stafla have ie._ured a new organ, which will add to pay this. consequently a detriment to our agricul- ' and direction, are largely in the inajor- ucr. to the coli inns} of their tlouriah The loss in license foes was about tural interests. ity, in the county of Huron, let me ap- i::; : ,Ilse. , $200,001) so that you lost in Ontario If the Act diminishes the revenue from ; peal to them in this campaign to endeav- By the collapse of a scaffold at the alone about one quarter of a million. liquors it increases the revenue from oth- ' or to follow out the Golden Rule that ,.:'an 1 Trunk 1.eilway workss Stratford, In Huron the loss was 414,000 and er more useful things, for which the i ought to be foremost in all legislation, t .e ,t'ler day, four men were injured.you hall to pay this in extra taxes. money all Nvasted on liquors is now spent. I namely, to do unto others as they would I g:Ie nrittetl 'ai.:Lellan hall a leg ant. a To this somewhat formidable indict- Although the sales of liquors so material- ! have others do unto them under similar li er broken.merit the central Scott Act association ly decreasedin Canada last year, the 1 circumstances. Let us try to be con - 41r. Arch. Shiells, of Saginaw, have issued a categorical reply iu which revenue was increased, hence the argu- ' sistent according to our professions. Michi an, died there on Thursday, '19th they fully answer and refute every ment is false. While we believe in building churches fie was formerly township clerk statement put forward by their oppon- 15th,—Law breakers (10 not consider a I for the worship of the Almighty and es- f•Dewney and kept store at Avonton, ent. The following are the replies : law that punishes them right, and nearly tablishing Sabbath Schools for the 1{e has been ailing for abut a year. lst,—The General Assembly of the all laws have lacked " moral support " spiritual training of our children, while The average attendance at the Presbyterian Church of Canada, repre- when first enacted, so that this argu- we believe that the Gospel as proclaimed etratford Collegiate Institute during senting a vast community over the whole ment has no force, especially when it is among us is the power of God unto Sal- Eebr.:ary and March has been 192. Dominion, after having carefully collect- remembered that law itself is an educa- vation to every one that believeth, Isis is the highest attendance that has ed information from the session of each tor, and time adds to its strength and while we believe it is right and proper bringsits enforcement. to put forth efforts for the well being --:er been reached at the city seat of congregation says : "The law has result- 37-°'0g ed in an undoubted decrease of drunken- "No rogue e'er telt the halter draw, and salvation of our fellow -Wren and the -(1n Tiiuraday, '29th ult., at the pat- ness, and in making the liquor traffic With _ood opinion of the law." reclaiming of the drunkard, let it never ttiarchal age of 9.2 years and two months more and more disreputable, and in the 16th,—This statement is misleading be said of us that we ever by word or it was suppssed he had reached his lessening of crime, as testified by many and untrue. The whole Provincial ex• vote sanctioned the licensing; of the ia,lredth year—after .many years of Judges and Grand Juries throughout penditure under the License laws does liquor traffic, which only lives and pros :-2ebteness,Mr. Roderick Kennedy of Hib- • the land." not amount to this sum. In every Scott pers by the ruin of its victims, but let hert passed to the homeof the faithfuland • The General Conference of the Metho- Act county except one, the fines were us, one and all, if spared till the 19th his remains were followed by a large , dist Church of Canada, says :—The law more than sufficient to pay all expenses inst., go to the polls and record our . oasourse of friends to Staffa cemetery. ' has largely destroyed the wicked treat- connected with enforcing the Act. In votes against the petition, and that --Mr. Edward Donkin, a resident of ing custom," it has "decreased - the con- Huron there was a surplus of $1,470 up God may direct us all in this matter is my' Downie since 1835, died on Monday of sumption of intoxicants," and conse- to January in this present license year, earnest prayer. JOHN' BEATTIE. last week. He was a thorough epeci- quently the amount of "poverty, drunk• and that sum will be greatly increased. Seatorth, April, 1888. man of the genuine Englishman (born in ' enness and crime." 17th,—See page 6 of License Report - Canada. Roxbury, Northumberland, England, in ' From the Report of the Inspector of by the Hon., the Provincial Secretary, H61), being a man of very large stature, Prisons of Ontario for 1886, it appears to the Lieutenant Governor,for 1888. —The contract for a new Oddfellows' !ovial; large hearted and genial in dis- . that in the Province of Ontario there Revenue in 1885-6, $165,285.62. hall at Amherstburg has- been let for position.are about one million people under Revenue in 1886-7, $216,455.78. $2,500. --At the lecture and entertainment Iicense and about the same under the The Report adds that this increase —Horse distemper is very prevalent in held in the Methodist church, Staffa, Scott Act. The million people under was caused by the Act,49 Victoria, Chap- Prince Edward county. Many farmers the ether evening, the proceeds amount- license in 1886 committed 7,923 crimes. ter 39, which imposes fees for the exclu- have four or five horses sick. eel to over $15. " Was Adam the first The million people under the Scott Act sive benefit of the Province over and -St. Andrews Presbyterian church in ntaa !" was the subject of the lecture by committed in 1886, 1,940 crimes— a above all other fees, statutory or muni- Kingston was destroyed by fire about 3 the pastor, Mr. Baugh, and proved in- difference in number of 5,983 ! These cipal. The statement made as to the a. m. last Sunday morning. facts speak for themselves. loss of revenue is, therefore, positively —Rev. Mr. Dow, rector of Christ teresting and highly instructive. —At the sale of the Adams estate in If the Scott Act does not decrease false. church, Belleville, is giving a series of Mitchell a few days ago the homestead the sale of Iiquor why is it that every 18th,—Not a single municipality in lectures on the creed. farm of 100 acres was bought by Mr. R. hotel -keeper is so anxious for its re- the county has increased its rate of tax- —A branch of the society for the Pre - Babb for $5,500, and the 50 acre rot by peal ? ation on account of the loss of the license vention of Cruelty to Animals is to be Mr, R. Honey for $2,400. Mr. Adams 2nd,—The barroom with its intoxi- fees, and there has been an actual de- established in Belleville. will remain and work the homestead eating liquors isnot a respectable append- crease in the county rate for the past two —The Marine Department of the Do - this season and after that Mr. Babb in- age to any hotel. The bar with its treat- years. _ minion Government has been advised of tends to retire to it to spend the rest ing system tends to destroy all respect- HOW TO VOTE. a capture of 4,000 seals at Bird Rocks. ,,f his days in the ease and comforts of ability, and has ever been a demoraliz- " Against the Petition " means " For --The Mechanics' Institute Board of farm life. ing institution. It is patent to- every the Scott Act." 'Don't make any mis- St. George have added $200 worth of • Mr. D. G. McNeil, formerly and for one that in the county the violators of take, but mark your ballot thus : new books to their library. ,evsral years a Public School teacher in the set are those who had licenses under ' --The Welland Canal is expected to he the ricieityy of Mitchell, but now a Ake License Law, and these low places opened in about ten days. The employes rrt+c,lleal student at the kVestern tJniver• are only imaginary. If tt resppectable, , have been ordered to report for duty on xlty, i,ondon, hair paoseed the first year's I hotrsl•k(atsper4 't kssaw they exist theyIatric Tt1Y" 1 a,�iTroo, the IOth lost, ,•xamin ltlon, taking a Kaon por(ritlon, It should have so informed the authorities, —Miss 1)Im'trlalr), this rtvnngrtllat, left !hay he aided that Mr, McNeil acroni but they have not clone so because themers��ss� Kington on 'I hursday of last. week for plish(1 in three nlontbs the usual six statement is untrue. llarribton. Before leaving a thank off " oilths' work andpassed with credit 3rd, Does lteeibse prevent shebeens ? eringof $1ri0 was tendered her. 1 nnng the sic months' students. On their own testimony there are in Ai; e1`eT TII 1 ETITItt`•. --Fifty-three students received fel The Mitchell Recorder of last week Toronto, under lidense, two •theheens to lowahip degrees at the annual convoca- ,ets off the following : Mr. I:. Babb every license. Itl New York under tion of Trinity Medical College, Tor - writes the Mitchell Advocate that ear licence there are 1,000 unlicensed places, onto, last week. - ! oetl.'t of American eggs are being dump- Statistics prove that where light, in- —Por years past Montreal has been t• 1 into Canada and that is what causes toxicating drinks. are sold, the use of —Quite asensation was caused at the proud of the keen detective of crime it the f Ill in price now. Mr. Babb ought strong drinks is also greater than in ' City Hall, Toronto, the other morning possessed in the person of John/ Fahey. t'a enquire of sonic farmer's wife and those places where there is prohibition by a repossessing young woman -who He was the pet of the people besides, leare that about this season of the year in both. - • entered into the city clerk's office quiet- and made money by thousands, pocket- t'-'• Canadian hen gets down to work 4th, The Inland Revenue Report, ly enough, and in a matter-of-fact tone ing as much as $5,000 by one brilliant std ••rowds the market. - If lie doesn't ISS(i, Appendix A, 1' 29, shows that asked Mr. Littlejohn to see if the marri- coup. But within a few short months know it we may tell hire that no eggs 1,:142,059 gallons :of whisky less were age of a Mr. Agnew was registered in all this changed, and now Fahey is -an in - are being shipped from the States to 1 consumed in 18S6thantheaverageforthe 1872. In a few moments she was in- mate of the same penitentiary where he (. ana•la now, and that prices are so rive preceding years. And for the whole formed that James Agnew was married had been the means of sending scores of fetich higher in New York that Mon- Dominion the same report shows that in 1872 to Eliza Jane Irvine by Rev. A; murderers, house -breakers, forgers, rob- treal is shipping eggs thither. Mr. less was consumed per head than the H. Baldwin. She received this intelli- berg and other classes of criminals. It Kahl) ought to " go easy.-' He will i average for the Iagt 20 years. Is it pro- gence in silence, but gradually turned is not necessary to relate how he got. had a pertinent hint in the touching 1 bable that the Wren who are clamoring white,. and the clerks were astonished to there, further than to remark that he little story about Ananias and Sapphire. I for a license law are anxious to decrease see hler sink fainting into a chair. Mr. and others put up a job to steal the Aad their offense wasn't half so tmpu- 'I drunkenness ? - Blevins and the young menrushed about Grand Trunk Railway agents' returns of dent as his egg story. 1 5th,—There is' as much perjury in in search of restoratives. When the money from -the vault' of the Company Cheap Cash Store HOFFMAN & CO., LARDNO'S BLOCK, SEAF O RT H. N()ZICE.—Apprentices wanted for tri ...,.:.Wiry wjrtt re business away, and Fahey was arrested ; great Ileal of the s,. pe] ill tots, t(,„ I:.,.t t, 1est-:1 It at. 1 w eta st and convicted upon letters 111 his own outdoor and do great an absence t : the by the t,;aster of the „ t• -t . :: a: t (-a- hand-writing. Fahey was tried two 1 home or domestic life, You cant t t son kr havti•g hao hoe i s t -ti at :.ls weeks ago at 1luutrtal, found guilty the puretdotn•stc, happy bolo( :Ile table was to sort :.ger (: • ..t ( air l :e and sentenced to 14 years in the peniten- with all its beauty, pa]lty, gentiel.ebe tee cal tale roles, . r.ga.. r: L'.e tt 0.i,ta- tiary. • and Christtamty outside Of a land. No, here tl('Il of (t11I]k. w i ) 1. l.,a : : .. rt ( stl•ar- -The ice in the bay at Hamilton has the family circle gather ar„ut;d td ate c,.e„?it+ts t aur, .... ,.. ss , Eton l,relien up into large masses which, hearthstone, warrl,€-•i, 1L I7,+ev i,t', 1v Lt.E �' 'tt.tnaIhtl (f )Is h!.:i . S being (.riven about by the wind, have back log or the modern grate. ,---Messrs. A. 1:, -• Lars. �ans- caused great damage to the city whar (s. —Last Friday, C•udstabie Jatrtes Far- burn, T. Ilur,kav)t;• 11: :.:•rr ('f —1)r. Carroll, of St. Catharines, is the rell, u1 'hediau, N. }'>., w Elie atten pt- others in Fu.iar t !: :: tt.is owner of 0 walking -stick which is said ing to seil.e certain belongings of Ts,o•n:as w eek fd r I takcta ot. , e:1., : :. T et -- to rto have belonged to .John Wesley. It is Bastian, of 1'aiusec, to satisfy at tt ritury. of boxwood, beautifully carved. Act conviction, was shoot in the f1(,itt —Jo};n h.Herrt-s.s, t.:, 0 t,. at tee re- -John McGillivray, of Mount Forest, aucl dangerously wounded l y the latter, cent Waterloo d, :.] :.:.,.r t( .`( ur died there about ten days ago at the • w ho then sent a hall into his (Iw n Lead, years in the peltit( r":t.:: , : :t, • e( age of 115. Ile was an old bachelor. killing himself instantly. Bastian w as longed t(, a derf.rtsi•, :a' v in His eyesight was quite undimmed, `he fie years old. 11e had been titled twi.e Wilmot tc-wnsi.:1. H, :.,: ,solo.'; busi- never having had need for glasses. fur violation of the Scott Act. rocas a}+i:ity, 1 :.t t ;. t s; + . • ,atir.g in - N. McCarney, A. M. Gamble, R. , —Principal A. II. DN. mond, of the In- Margins with E. ' l +a a.t . at, i in Hudson and John Aim,, of Gananoque, stitute for the Blind, at Brantf(,rd, in order to cover u1• },iF >-t: : ati forged were tined the other day $50 and costs conjunction with twu other arbitrators, paper to the ext. !.t • f $• .ent. \ the each for violations of the Scott Act. Rev. .\11-. Magahy, of Seaforth, and Mr. time he was detected. H. +a> arrested - A verdict of wilful murder has been Cox, of Loudon, visited Petrolea last at Berlin, admitted to i a:..: k:i pt -d, and rendered by the coroner's jury against week for the purpose of adjudicating up- was at length .inet 1 tree l \ 1':, \ ieciel Janice Fletcher in connection with the on the case of Mrs. Fairbanks, who Detective Murra\ tea :.il.r a t entry death of Gee. Matthewson at Binscarth, claims ~10,:300 from the Anglican church school in Jlinnes, ta. r t:.t- r.atee c.f Manitoba. in Petrolea for money advanced in the John 1Vaiker. After a ear i ;el a; right -Mrs. Ford, of Hamilton, who was building of the church in ]het. 'hhe Detective Murray set ort i extradition knocked over the mountain side about , arbitrators, after a protracted sittiui:;, papers and Herres was br,-o�ht t,a.k to two weeks ago and hurt severely, is al- awarded Mrs. Fairbanks $9,000. Berlin, where hew as pet ( o trta„ .s a.e most better. She will ask the city for ' —The graduating class ut leen of the ably defended e) 'ler. ,1-1.e. hila, but damages. , Women's Medical College, Kingston. was found guilt) t•0 tilt- . Large (1, w hich —During the quarter just closed there says The Whig, exhibits good powers of he had heeu extradite,:. teat r f fcrg.ng were 92 prisoners incarcerated in Brant competition. During the course the sec- the name of P. L. Lite li ger to a note County goal, the heaviest recorded for and year's scholarship was taken by'N1iss for $500 held by the I:1,perial Bank. sonic years. The cost per diem for each Craine, the third year's scholarship by —An Orillia correspoi:uel.t gives the prisoner's keep was but 6.49c, or about Miss nlbury, and the fourth year's particulars of an all.asit:g occurrence E 45 cents per week. scholarship by Miss Craine and Miss which took place in the Freaky terian —Thursday night last week, Mrs. Mitchell. This was the first time in the church in that town Easter ``un(lay. that Hardy, while walking alongWilson history of the College that the conlpeti- was not in the line of the regular ser - street, Woodstock, walked ofthe side- tion among the students was ,-o keen. vices. A William Goat, awned by a walk, which at this point is several feet —At the Assize Court held at Portage worthy citizen of the vi.iage en the from the ground, and broke her leg. la Prairie before Chief Justice Taylor, Couchiching, wandered ir.te said church —A pickpocket was caught at his the case of Waters vs. Bellanly, an ac- to make observations. int evi•iently not nefarious business on the Hamilton : tion for breach of promise of marriage, in a worshipping state of eoat•mind. market, the other day, and was held attracted a great crowd. Both parties One of the deacons proceeded at once to fast by two women until a policeman ! having lived in the town for a number of eject his goatship from the sacred edi- arrived and took him in charge. ! years, and being members of high stand- tice, but he not Lt-ing satisfied with be- -The firm of A. Harris, Sou & Co., ' ing in church circles, gave the case a pe- ing treated in that way, ey eti the des• have commenced to build what will be culiar attraction. Judgment was given con, carefully sized hits u]•, alai nncere• the largest factory in Brantford. The in favor of the plaintiff, and the defend- moniousiy hoisted the wort.'-~ pillar of building will be 400 feet in length and ant finds himself mulcted in the amount the church over one of the pev into the have a wing 160 feet in length besides i of x'500. lap of an elder}}' lady. The sensation large blacksmith shops. —The organized philanthropic ladies t created can better be in.agioe•d than de- -It is expected the Red River Val- of London have been considering the scribed. After this funi.e exercise for ley railway will be in operation by July , best means of taking advantage of the Easter morning, the aeirl,al tluietly est, on which date it is proposed to holdrecent Act of the Local Ltgislature com- walked out of church. a general celebration throughout the I pelling the closing of stores for a given —A Hamilton c( rrebpc,n,ient says :— Province of Manitoba over the settle- period in each week on a vote of three Quite a little color.): of ldarr;ilten pees ment of the monopoly question. quarters of the mei:chants interested, pee, including a nuliler of y( ee me- -Mr. Ii. N. Moran sowedon his farm and to secure early closing on Saturday chanics, axe now ir, Los Ai:gt-ins, Cali - on Big Island, Prince Edward county, - evenings. The sympathy of the ina- fornia, waiting tt+ get r Li; tt, tl.at y;}ori- on Monday, 26th March, 25 bushels of jority of the ministers has been enlisted, ous climate. ‘1'i,en tr:t-) went cut last oats and 4 bushels of wheat. The land ; and they will agitate the question frorrl fall they wrote back glow ing letters worked well on the top although the j their pulpits at an early date, about the plentitude of w t r k, glorious frost was still in the ground beneath. —The other night, about 9.30, the ness of the aforesaid glorious s.iulate and - middle-aged woman left a corn- Thamesville gravel road toll -gate, kept other thins. A gerlt:ereau in the fortably-clad infant in the ladies' wait- ; by N. Cove, was entered by two men city has just got another letter ing room of the Union station, Toronto, with blackened faces, and the inmates from one of then,. The writer on Wednesday forenoon last week. It were compelled, at the point of a re- has been down for five weeks was taken by the police to the Infant's solver, to hand out the cash -box. Mrs. with fever and ague, which (mopped in Home, and the detectives are now Cove, a daughter, and a neighboring lady while the glorious climate war• cif' on its searching for the mother. who was visiting her were the only ones winter vacation. Ile now finds himself, - -Mr. Robert Meek, editor of the ; in the house at the time. Fortunately, in company with a dumber of other Kingston Whig, has been appointed Pro- ; Mrs. Cove had removed the bulk of the Hamilton mechanics, out of work, wages vincial Deputy High Chief Ranger of money in the cash -box shortly before, so away down, land boom busted and the the Independent Order of Foresters, in that the scoundrels only got about 70 city full of smallpox, thirty -two cases recognition of his activity and effective cents. being in the pest house. He says 1,100 services since his election to the position —The Ayr spring show was held on tradesmen left last week, and the of Chief Ranger of C hurt Frontenac. Friday. There was a large turn-out,the exodus appears to be settit,g backward. — The closing exercises of Knox Col- day being very fine. The prizes were ' —It may be remembered that some lege, Toronto, took place Thursday awarded to the following parties : Im• three years ago three women in Quebec, afternoon last week, when the degree of ported Clydesdale, 1st James Chandler, who were known as the Fitt trio, and D. D. was conferred upon R'ev. H. -M. Ayr ; 2.1, Joseph Vance, New Ham- whose real names are Catherine Fitt, Parsons, Knox Church, Toronto, Rev. burg ; •3d, John Bryden, Roseville. aged 60 years, her daughter Alice, aged John Stewart, M. A., Glasgow, Scot- Three-year-old Clydesdale, 1st James 30 years, and the latter's aunt, Annie land, and Rev. C. Forman, M. A., of McComhie, Galt; 2d Robt.Vance, Rose- Jones, aged 50, lived in a dilapidated Lahore, India. vine. Roadster Horses, 1st Mr. Tilt, house on St. Antoine street, and endeav- -A farewell meeting was tendered Blair. Carriage Horses, 1st Mr.Wilson, ' ored to starve themselves to death. Miss G. Preston, who is about to leave Paris ; 2d Mr. Stewart, Kirkwall. Per- They were found by the police when life as a missionary to Japan, in Sherbourne cheron Horses, est Pringle Bros. Mr. was almost extinct, and conveyed to street Methodist church, Toronto, the James Deans, Paris, took first prize with Notre Dame Hospital, where with prop - other evening. Miss Preston is a daugh- his bull. Quite a quantity of seed grain er nursing they were restored to health ter of Rev. James Preston, of Mount changed hands, and strength. Much difficulty was ex Pleasant, and holds a first-class teacher's —The Rev. Sam Jones, while deliver- periencedin saving their lives, as they certificate. ing a lecture in Carlton street Metho- remained obstinate and refused to par- -Eddy McMartin, son of Mr. James dist church, Toronto • side a number of take of any food. The women said they McMartin, of the City Hotel, in London, good hits, as he usual , does, but that had no friends and could go to nobody fell from the loft of the stable the other which delighted the . lienee most was for support, consequently they wished to evening and alighted on the brick floor, the lecturer's illustrr of the differ- die. When they had recovered it was lacerating his head in a terrible manner; ence between a Ter. science man and a deemed advisable to send them to Long his spine was also bent.. Last fall the Prohibitionist. He said : "The Temper Pointe Asylum, as it was generally be• same youth was run over by a horse and ance men are pulling the poor lieved and the ,:octors were of the opin- buggy and got his leg broken at the drowning drunkards out of the river ; ion that they w('r•e insane. Two of them ankle. but the Prohibitionists have gone up the were placed in the asylum, but only re- -John Batton, who lives near Iona, river a few miles fighting the crowd that mained there for a few months, when Elgin county, met with serious loss by are throwing the people In. Aa soon as they were discharged. It was thought fire Tuesday night last week, in the de- we Prohibitionists get onr work in, you that they had left the city, but the oth- struction of his outbuildings and their Temperance people will be out of a job.” er day they were again found in a dilapi- contents, nothing whatever being saved. —Things are lively just now at the dated house on St. Catharines street, The cause of the fire is supposed to have meetings of the public school board in nearly starved to death. They were re - been the upsetting of a lantern. The Woodstock. The most prominent par- moved to the hospital, cohere they are in loss is about $2,000 ; insured for $l,- ties are Mr. Alex. Watson, trustee, and a precarious condition. 500. the principal of the public schools. The —The recent disturbance at Victoria — The past winter has been the most latter threatened to have Mr. Watson College, Cobourg, is likely to involve stormy known for many years in' the arrested for using insolent language, some of the Faculty. For some years Saguenay district. Game was scarce, whereupon Mr. Watson brought a charge past it has been patent to those acquaint• and hunters had to go far from home on against the principal of being disrespect- ed with the college's affairs that Dr. account of the violence and frequency of ful to his superiors and cruel to the Hannel was the leading spirit in any the snow storms. The mails from Que• children. _An investigating committee discussion of student discipline, and was bele were often detained sorne days be- has been appointed, and a number of always able by his Ilersuasiveuc ta; and fore the prevailing high winds would teachers have been examined. Other oratory to have enforced whatever he abatis, special meetings are to follow, and cared to ask for from the board of --Brant County has lost one of lte (iharges and countercharges are being regents. A man of no mean parts, os• able.=at ret.identa by the death of Mrs, made by the combatants, sesssd of urlurual a},ility, u,lart from Allen flood, who eame out to this coun•• --Two Htrangera, whoroved to be his intimate knowledge. with his own try- in ISM, with her husband who President Cross and (;ashler White, of particular subject*, he has in the past, establfahed the first branch of the 13ank the First National Bank of Raleigh, whether for evil or for good, wielded of British North America in Montreal. North Carolina, were arrested in Tor- more influence that, probably any man Mrs. Good, who was 81 years of age, had onto about two weeks ago, on the in the college. But he has always been lived for fifty ye rs on the old home- strength of a telegram-, &n-(1 imprison- too desirous of power and too fond of stead, two miles and a half from Brant- ed until further- developments. They discipline, rigid discipline touch as one ford, were accused of stealing on March 23, , might expect in an army, but not in an —Mr. C. S. Nilson, of Picton, who 183188, 825.0010, the property of the Nor- educational institution su(•h . as at has spent the past three months travel- folk National pank and the National Cobourg. This desire far gle-ry ling in the Bahamas, Cuba and Mexico, Bank of I.aleigh,and further with bring- has caused the doctor to overreach him - says :—After all the beauty, climate, ing the stolen money into Canada. '-elf lately and to ends t.vor to have fruits, and perpetual summer I am glad Sewed up in the lining- of their coats a students suspended who dared to ques- ts) get hack to the land of storms, of ice large portion of the stolen money was tion his authority. The whole row and snow, the land of brave men and found. Having consented to return to seems to have arisen simply because the virtuous women, the land of the Anglo Psaleigh without the formality of ex- students complained through their paper Saxon, of progress, of education, refine- • tradition proceedings, they left Tor- thobtain100as unjust cent u k apa'sman to ment and civilization. I could not live onto on Saturday. permineralogy when in a land of perpetual summer ; it is all —The celebrated Dr. Fulton, who is I some of the work was of a nature impose very well for a change, but not for life. delivsrtng a course of lectures in Toron- ; Bible to remember. This seems on the There is a something back of all this to at present, gave a stirring address to ! face of it a foolish and unreasonable per - sunshine and. tropical verdure that you a very large audience last Sunday even• centsge, and if it be true that it was re - soon tire of, and is disappointing in ing on the dangers of the first drink and ; quired of pass men, then they were only many ways. There is a compensation the placing of temptations to drink in ( doing what was right in rebelling. a1 `t.. v.s t•t (. \ µ;hs ,t.: ..:,t d 0 •f