HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-06-29, Page 70
Oatd Of living ever towa on tlxu vw-: XOTT-010MOK REUNION AUroM Md a W.t*r WAMU bit UM,.Agnes
Agnes macphail Cueut. Arcluwdticksw *4 bar *QQw in Sunday Afternoon
"We %U umm1wr w1wa it w" leon- rawak^ can to cooft IN Ao scotilano atur their arrival in this Won-
W49rCd a V:AW 10 Work, hard, Acrd f^Vt, -44-. ukna kft"00#0 try, Wbkh tout"44 *Me MkMU404
,peaks at. "Lope
use as Mite a# pQssW7* of tl Md. Ms. Laud, here W#A then an ac. 0•ARROW Summer Modules
ae Ur. Jaw. X)kk5on, of 004erk-b, Atti Ut $2 r -
thluss Wa need, our sr"Went* even, ed the 8c;001ets3n reunion in se4fo-th Tbey rc<olvsd mail every two wetka *44
jtawgway scorts C*WWRI's 114FOol C;�;Zs'.dezed It lk virtue to get up at Ave 9a PrI411y. A a,Aforth desnatcU sikya., r*id W e0r]466 for 00 last 'R* huu- 'St*'Rdiog by
4 PUWAO true.
11teiding God?k rounnand.
drc;l MI es of thele journky. &W
y*ftM!#�jj1W CUre., ta U_ mwnft and, work htrd A delightW ptberWr I h - uoaa- the
the Faithful fowl LE AVE GODERICH
all day. But thef& 4�oadltWus have p$.ksw 4gu* was held ft4*y In the were gilt -*R bY Wftom Wmtt,i
'44 'um o�; Ali Avail to UWXrg band I
AU lFoir 94 olianged. Wo4ay vo bave a, vupor- grove. OWL johU ac�gt% TaM in Roxboro. 401nei Wtet% IW t. 4 T- 6 PwIlp BIUZ 9.00 a. ra. 12.45 P. ni. 5.00 1).
3buuilanzs� of things, We LiAvo ear when ISO svpr"eutatIve* of the different and AO(Wson Ocatt. TAt WOVAIA c104,'
rRAVICA Faros from Gf,�,derlch to Shigle Return
XV., zkud R., J. the PSY241ou of the day of scarcity btanchts of *bm familieg held a rem td With A 400 by JQbU Ak0% Male QUOr" our wither, we thank TW -e for the
fscott, lVi4dent 11, tine U. 18. 0., addres- into, a day of ple4ty. Why -work bod- uujon picnic tel cLvmmemprote the ceu- us and the National Anthem- Many OXaMpleg UAt LAW COMO down to LONDON
&ed, 1% largely attended meeting at 'Luck - er and add more goods to an SUft4y tenary of their vraing to Canada. %U The veampamiA3 were urg. X F.
- weather was ideal aped the Program Pre- Heo:Wo, Miss Re'M TAUe, Miss Jfau and of -a goad courage, and, who wholis WINI) SOR. 3.80 6.85
now, og,Mcoday, June 10th, in the Town glutted market? we have not yet learn as from the distant past of men, ejmg TORONTO ........ 3.80 6.8S
-EWL when the polities OT The 0.0-7, ed to put ourselves in the position of zcatcd was of an unusually highorder. &,att, Miss Margaret UA1001m. Mr.& Wil- tQll-wcd the Lord. Grant uv Owe to, DETROIT 4105 740
'Were exp;iunded vast a panacea for all being able to buy and cousulne, all vee John, Scott presidedandwelcomed the mora e0ott and MM Jam** MWC11201- RN In their tootsters. Amen
HAMILTON 1.70 6.6S.
the couatrYls ills, Produce. That is what the capitalistic guests. Mayou A. 1), Sutherland gave an & delicious 1=04 airs $erved by. thp" S. For
Mira mavphaa roundly mored the system has done for u% interektiW history of the Vl*$04 f4m- lacitec ST. CATHARINES, 4.70 8.45
system by which chartered banks are The 1#t?4 Patriot Ily. masa Vla 131eksou read: as poem. and jj)hn DICkson, Toronto. on behalf 'Of )Le� Topk--,e4eb. NIAGARA FALLS. ........... 5.10 9-.20
given power to print and circulate ,n J. W^*er Hart, Str#tford. SAUV.,,4�, MIES 'the visitors tendered a VOW 01 thanks tAl roppon 10.55
-money und doteit that the present de. e consumption of OQO�$ Is not! 3 Nellie Molcoun, 14110know, Arthur Scott, I GcIC-n Tat-ftalm 44,..4. BUFFALO 5-85
I vice, say that ever and over to your* IWIndsor, and XM J. A. morm favored those who, entertained them. I)r. Ulalklo In. his -xritluga on rho pression ca -010. have- beexi avoided; had selves. The most pattlotle man In 0^u- from
, hiA right been taken from the banks with vocal numbers, Short addresses 'Guests vers . Ottawa. VIk- Book of $40hua, his the following to -$a$ Tickets and Information at
nd delegated, to the government, ado today Is be who is buying all 740 'ere glve�by Itm W,:II* We of North. jnv,-Alta�*. Climax, ea*.; Windwr, (Ult, Of 1Caleb; Caleb It, one of those Merl
Rev. Irving -B. Toronto,. fstml-ford, whom me meet with eeldQm in Bible BEDFORD HOTEL ]BRITISH EXCHANGE
It belongs,"' Z4e advocated e Ungj 1 -
can, up to a patat, be who Is not lward- 61d buro� 4 a Goderich" Kincar
- with this country establishment of a notlongl bank lng� The trouble a obumb, $ajo- dine,.. Detroit, Sarnia, Brussels, A011Y history, but !A71ie4ever we do McWthiDl Tele one 591
day, Is that there,fias been a reduction uel 0oatt -aug 4nil Mrs, J. Whimster Of. wood. Ripley, Aurom* Walton. we are the better for the Meeting Telephone 323 Pb
and the InIlation of money to 'bring of 50 per cent. In the money 14 eIrcV- modest
commodity:prices to their Tight level and I%ttoa while the volume 4d.,goods bas, re- Bright *nd,brove, strong,
,to provide -people with sumolent motley cheerful, there Zs~ honesty in: 013 mceo_
mained the sme,"
W buy and consome all they Produce. Miss macphaij% policy is. to producet courage an4L decision in the veTV Po3v ,,, M9,cKgy_men for whom the Anakim I th f 'roctons Anikkim, but to 004oct
lklonp .10 1 $ton# age. new money and distribute it among his body, and the calm,confidence of had no terrors, but rather an Attrim- the: 'by love, And to demonstrate the
Miss Xacphail",said the old the masses In or i faith in his very look and attitude. tion; but who serving under another l power of the gospel. of Jesus. Christ to
theory of der that they Way buy 1867-493S j When introduced to us in to-daY's les- 4oslota, differed from calb in this.,that change the vilest reprobates. Into Conn of
-hard work gpd. thrift' belonged to the the things they need.. Why should not passage be As. called Valeb, the 60a what they. derired was not to God. Blrdkie, D. Da
stone age, when there was not sufficient Canadians, through their, Government
of everytI.M9 to go round. "If we are she asked, have the power rind privilege oral opinion is that Caleb% family was
to solve our �probjemg," she said., "we of Issuing new money against the nat- originally outside the covenant, but badl
must get away from the psychology, of oral resources of the country and the
become,proselytes like Robabl, Ttahab and
of, the pdoplL iD O'M I NI ON "DA Y of Jop"fineb the"neete" neen
,adversity Land 6ee,olearly the promised integrity -, Why should i Rut.), It is pleasing to think that there
' \ 1
land just beyond our reach, When. we the banks be given the right to issue' Im%y'have , been m3ny such proselytes,
do this we will have the highest stan- money and hand It out -us they, see At, IN 0 Abraham Mow. hAvel
that the promise
W to re -
or not hand it out At all7 lost attracted, souls from the east. and thel
1%;te, she continued, Canada ..had west, and the north, �Ind the south.
her sovereign right to Make its Own :.,cheered by promise to him, "In
money, 96 per cent. of which was now
Se�refarlat sdlemo f and in, thy seed shall 411 the families 99
Butmoss Adrnitu�frafton controlled by the banks, She would Ithe carth,be blessed,"
•take from the bank� the power of creat- Training Caleb and.Josbul'had believed and
Ing money "out of figures." She would
acted alike In opposition to the other
Phe yUst syttabgs pt Course
measure accurately the. supply of new ten spips., - it was Caleb, however, who a,
!Uh- money whi h was required and Put Zrn. YOU " intercuted. c the chlef'sp6k6sm4n and lie reaped k
Fwa Tj�m *-Pins #'Uta"it to circulation from a National central bank was
the chief hbnor.of that, day. But when I
without interest. This, money Would be SATURD^JULY, 1St 0')Z. 1 Joshua, Iva �.Toses there
nous to succeed
brought Into being for, the first time
was nor Jealous fboliha.of being sup�er-j
and would'anable people'tD buy what seded, God bad 'set We_ goal On Jos_
they need -and to pay off their debts.
LONDON notah. 2*� CANADA 'A. b4nker has nothing 'to, lend,,$ 'she hua, and the poople had ratified the ap-
IDS: potntment. and Caleb was too mp4mni-
id, "he has Simply been • Over' m ,
M the Parade from Victoria, Park at 9. 0 a. .. Priz 'mous to allow any poor ambition of his,
Aght,. and wrongly. so,. to eve PeOPO, he had any, to come it the way of
ornobiles, and Ci .0; 2nd, if
b0lc their own Money,'! e, c o, r a t 4 Automobiles ljthunfpians: i st,, .$4 the Divide *111 and the public,, iso
The doing away with trust compan, 1'. ind $3.00'.
Floats.. : I st $6,0�C,. $3.00; 3rd, $2.60; 4th, $i�00; Forty-Avq years bad, Passed. since Moses
tes, "which are used by, bankers. t
40 get d Ca 4 have
DEPRESSIONS around the law,,# thet stopping of the 3rd, $2.00. 5th, 75c.; 6,th,,$6c. promisel. Iqb tfi�af as. on In -
heritance.."the land whereon thy foot
and Merchants' Floats
stpeks, hidden reo, Industrial ten, bw6use thou hast Wholly
"A END-'-" Practice Of watered 1. � industrial eliv • . Outfits. I st, $6.00; Decorated Bicycles: I st, 2.010; have trod4
ALWAYS serves "and all that Sort of tbing, or D Deliver
followed the Lard my God-"� BQ came
Government regulation of the SPeOUIA .12nd, $1.00- 3rd 50c.; 4th, 25C- to. icishum In"Gilgal and laid. -his, claim
`ft�E )UST 1tEP9it%1TED A 2ndj $3.00,
WE tive, field, was urge& before him, There Were two grounds on
CHARY MADE OVER mi tee may. awardspecial Features in thepara
.75 YEARS Miss Aftephall took Him. James. Mal- The.0 de wbicli' Caleb-, might reasonabl3r job for
to task for,bavin' said that the k
AGO.-CALLINGEVERY DEPRES-, �olftl 91 not included in aboVe tlasges. the ,conceding of V4 request per-.,
anti-Christian, and said the
S",- A10 YEARS' OF GOOD F. Is anti -C . . *I I . I - aonal . services, and the promiio of Never ind.",
4 g1veA him his an The 0 ' Club will i
y1MES FROM 1816 TO 1999 United church. had ctogenarlaw take, part in.. parade, Moses, He displays great, tact in put -1
sorer. She Would. mqke:the rich -min ting •the .latter in the foreground for It
I She 0%====0= I Z==== V I
IT'I$ COOECr TO DATE live on his capital'. would, take Z�0= I . 00 fix .alttt
would lnftuen�e Joshua:.vaubli. more -than ell
:-than..... �v Is n
deral taXes-out of.accumplated wealth, -CONFEDERATION DAY ADDRESSES immediatel'
MW IMERMING READ.' le Y any 'Other considerattoil, . 77106 hel"
stop, the legal' stealing of the country.'s after the: P�iade. 011 the! Squar. makes, mention .of' bis -Part in the under-
ING AVAILMLE - GOOP national' resources, cease OV'ng pr1Vi_ e -brought bim'word agaW, as .�Irs. -Hendry �O in, great des
taking', .111
1*0 AKAD - WRfM fOR leges to banks and; favored people and, r
CHMDREN'S' SPORTS ON THE SQUARE. It was in my heart.". The statement is ttess. 'She had broken h* spec
YOUR fRM tOPY, 'ax �lwithout, meroy`� : corpore6tioli re- it, and. yet what
made, tit, no boasting abli and A6 ptescription'-was
serves.. Boys, tades
sth a rare virtue it denotes I Caleb as we
hanks and 'big corpora Ions re- '2nd 'convic. at the L
I i 1St - 3 id, 4th
The 20C I Cie OC now say, had the courage oi'fifs optician's in the city.
EL RL ter.. 0.their interests-as:'PrIVate proper- s ...... 25c i 5c air honest heart and
Running Race,. tinder, 6. year tions. He had both That tnearlS caet go to the
OAPINA AVL M ty. U'S not private property at ,all,
longue.' We can have but►
RaCe under 8'yearSL 250 20C 15C 106 10C an, honest
,That. kind of Private Running what temptations he lay un- isht," she, s
TORONTO said speaker. 30C 25c f Sc L little Idea social tornorrow, sit aid.
vitfTs FO* d&,jQj property has got to be smashed. These Running Race, under 10 years. ;.:. . der no to speak,,wbidt was in his heart..)
oqrporawnsi acting for a .very' few, are - Runfling.Raco, under 0 years. 40c 30c, 206 . I .t * WhILtever. V4111" :do?..
For $IX weeks. thew ten Men, had been'
stealing the people's living from them.." RULAning, Race, under •15 50c 35C 25C A eaten years.'. his close companions. They had
Ilere Miss Maephan together; Toth Hen ry
tpld'ol visiting ogether,, L Don worry$ d
Sack' Ra�e,.under 9 ears..... 50C 35C 25c slept under the same canvas,, I . 11 1. :
'35.tL '25C walked by the same paths, beguiled the consoled het.. '311-ilist*106ne
the palatial homes of executives of the C
British Mnpir& Steel Corpor4tion-whereL Sack Race under 15 years. 50 d anecdote, and no, For 30 eents
people ' sauntered around IT, JuXuryl (Each ' . UP . r4 sack�a'largeLsack will 'not, be. allowed) long way by story, an the. optidin., tight no* add, be
boy td bring a S doubt by loke, and play of humor, dnd'
you Can telephone. "a e
�N1 -.aw Nov4 Rabbit Race, under 1,0 years . l done kind acts to each other as eirc;�U_ can b Ve a0RAN j Whereas onlys. few miles lay, in 15c joc new pair her, iwto,
15C 10CRabbit Race, under 1.3 years. 2504 vtances required. To break away froml.morrow's meal -."children did 050d�-',-35C 20C yourown set, from the.comradig of youi: suiflcient clothes to wear , to Bicycle,: Pace., under 12 years..,. . . W m"g anto their 'Plan$, and`anyvreato256 Cal n. upiget 41 any vibergoilcy'. g. r"cot'gEofilth.not 21she call d. Bicycle,RRO. under 15 years. 5c-�'1 50C P.Paiganswer 7 coUn�el thosein Power to a course dia-1 One' (S(Ajjon�
The Mutmal Life have - gee', Roller -Skate )Race, under: 44 years 756� '50c 2.5C metrically oppo' to theirs, ig,one of; fio!gtition Ati,s.36 your tel' hone is ready t help�
"These are, not fairy tales, I §ed ep, 0them with my own eyes, alfd Yet some 5C 50c !z5c diffiCUItL OfPoI6 Vault, under 15. years ........ 7 the most social duties.' Slit' P.m.. se�. ot Ot rates LE ong Distance is easy to use,.
in front of directory.people try, to crath It do" your throattan herb is where Caleb, Uk ho-exid, t1whollysso ce CoMpally -that there Is nothing wrong with the GIRLS crar; quick -and -surprisingly ity-
followed the Pord My GOV'capitalistic system."andL 2nd 3,rd 4th 5th- we also see -in Caleb a man of great•ex'pengive,She urged that farmers, working 25c. 20C 45C 16C JO& patience. 'lab that believeth shall no.of Canada business men get together in smax Runiling,Race, under 6-yearg. 25C 20c i5c iloc� 10Cmake baste," Forty-five years was aESTASLISHED1869 groups and, study ihe 0. C. P. Policies, Running Race, under 8 years... long time to live on a prom; long'
HEAD OFFICE: WATERLOO, ONT, gwi-Ach nimid to secure;just due$ for Running Race, under 10 years....... 30C 25C , 15c time to be lookingforWar& Ai bore bigfrom 85 per tent.of tlie.peopleOf80. to Running Race,, under 121 years ...... 40C 30c 25c share of wse-4ke work and: waited tillCanada. 356 25C the proper time for dividing the landO D# 'MOO. EY Running Race, under 15 years4. .... $ocits 25c -15C 10C Nor WAS It 0. portion of the land which,GENT ited L lkaSpherry -TaW Handkerchief Race, under yp: any tribe might be eager to enter upont4 cup$ (2 lbs Y prepare ice under 44 years. 25c 15C 1 oc 3.0S"rPriold Handkerchief R !Now therefore give me,.PHONE 2,50 fruit OC that he asked,trot Goderich, OntariO 6% cups (2%* �bs.) sugar Nose And Toe Rac�, under 13 years. 3 29C 20C -this mountain, whereof the Lord spakeNOA 514 hottle1rult, Peethi Nose and Toe Race, under 9 years. 30C 25C 20C i1i.that day, for thou heardest In that -To prepare fruit, trush -or grind about nakims were there. and
Measure Shoe Race, under 41 years.. 25c 15c 10C day how the A2 qUaJt� folly ripe berriegi that the cities Were great and fented:sugar and prepared fruit into leirge ket- Bicycle Race, under 1+ yearsi 75C 50C -25c If so be the Lord will be with me, theu,
tle, mix well, andbring. to a fully rolling 1161.1et-skate Race, under 14 years. 75c 506 25cI shall be able to drive them out." It
boil overthe. hottest fire. stir constant- (Contestants in handkerchief race to bring an ordinary handkerchief)' Was a,f6rmidable task lie was. not onlyly. before- and While boiling. Roil hard All.childrea.unde r 8 years. Who take Parkm' the rates.will willing but . eager to . embark upon andI minate. ROMO- from fire and stir, In be, an old man. But Caleb,y ro n stir and skirn by get a fieket for ice areaW onnor. asher
fruit pectin, The elghty�flve, W"' yet youngi WS wasrilturns,,fo*Ju# 0 minutes -to cool lightly. Events tnay be cancelled or other events- added C.o.rnr ittee prolonged vigor and youthful energV,
ELECTRICto prevebt floating fruit. Pout quickly. may decide. As One L reids Caleb's words, One recalls
Paraffln. hot JAM. At Once- Makes about .0=0=====O=f:ionO=O=====*=C the saying of a well-,%4iown phyalcian,
10 glasses (6 fluid ounces.babb)� . that, "the human frame Might last for aNOW is the L time to AP- P hundred years if iwere.only treated Now 79-50fdke1#ctrieWater -NeWrly' are ,subject to' AFTERNOO$ all Children N R.'p Y worms, dnd,mAnY ate.bOm with them- right."'e . . wont.10 MISSIONS
heater ojivie. t mother at Agricultural Park� commencing at.1.30 o0clock:par- them suffering by using Servici.and Water ;;7;;esf WOM Worminator, an excel - COMPETITIONS L (open to Huron County) There b nothing one admires more Inlent remedv. ATHLEVC military ann�ls. than a sevoluntecr-
ing for the MoStL hAZ1rdOUs and difficuli.Heaters Installed 100 -,yards Dash for Goderich. Trophy I 1LIFree. -ACH Mile Relay Race -Valuable Medals taMinners of PostIL-shOwing TheWashay, With
Her BACK, ES,Half "T tit stern Jay which Warriors fe6All -,you do is pay for. the Three -Mile Run for Dominion Day Trophy I in "foemen worthy of their tteel."*L7-',, I I t130, WO the Unconditionoelectric current. have Xn the spiritual warfare,PROFESSIONAL not want Instances of the MM& apirit.-got Water all the time We retail captain Allan Gardiner chem- 2. Year Cuarantee,
Ing Tierra del PUMD a'- his misslin
i at the Hydro, Storesphere just because the people w,,re socat Isive, and and the Old 12.ind get particulars as Jrenef with BBAfer6�.ious, the climate So repothe Work so difficult that no on? elsetto sizes and rates re- DOUBLEHEADERwe think ofwas likeiy to take It �p- Year Guarante as
quired for your horrie..'V,00' endid-nd barthe sec. -d who went Out afterGardiner and his tomponioms bad beentofti* to Iny e=ryZetcli Can't be.gin to W11 what I suffend 0 1=0 an Gin �tarvul' to death', and still MOM 4ft(?y wellWR anLIGHTto kidticY dMgetnent. When I Would bead OX V80 rands these weto nia,-=,red by the uativeS, OfhqAR down It CCOMI that I couldn't%tralchten tip the third deWelunflot w115 Vera M')vfd is a 16agab, I wag cnatlnix�IW awakene-d at tflzhtfL., SIMply by tbe, :,onglderatlon th"t the
ra Ws time c3we. 0;w.dck hachin%OVISSION ond a woak tiotbach r.mdo we fed swifettlY. First Gawd at 2.15 P. In. ta�e Was 6�11MITIOV SO de,51)vratM Orrtn &1,111:6.101-slaful Ropqytig (if Livinone bing the dire,`-
UG-OF-WAU FOR HURON COUNTY T tors of the London ?41o.slonAry Slcotety.GOOERCedidtteg atwitg free I wh�-rever they Font 111M. ti 110 Ourt that
dw*ssion.50c; Childrenf 25c. Cars itwas -orward," We think Of hi'A P �-everjftg in hl,9 task from yeo6r to yeo6rersn the MM6 lofty 01fever girdnCall Trl. 586 �or
•W91tCh Y01_11 dneYS IfYOur 13AND CONCERT in the EVening hiM�,,Olf Vith fre5h, energy for the taCltX=2�0= whl�h lie had niLnlon. and of. Whk-h.i and trials bad ZOVOr beenAChea and Pains tile dulloultim d1 �Jetua®oastr_.tteaf3
Municipal Motor Camp and Picnic Grou4ds,, • With 4411 Colt* ttb,-ent from bb thoughts. VIC thiRlt Ofan visitors. MAny a ygunC MLttlo-jiary turtling awaY
Many peoplo fQU tO Uf1d0Mt=d thO rigul Of$ veniences, at Harbor Parko free toWt�at-, JaW.31and'tClking Nwk. 0n. from tile eoinfortoole life WhIch ,Ile 6
kidnt-yuk�8-&O U7 of f1e Idek Come early and spend thewhole daY in ft mtht live at lw;na and tvb1ch wany ofrib comr:tnjon5 will IC -14, that lie may't Znd 416kidntyg f0v LdP- gli where Me need Is Vr0S ZINNThC1AtIly AssHEADID
On the firg d9d of a backtiche Dcaes M&ey M C. LEE, Mayor# S. 1). CROFT o fight ig hotte8t. And '40' ronft to 11b,
should bo taktu imlnediAtchv. They go, richt to the seat Chairman of Committee. SftfttarY, Maaez, t1w areatc-qt ww,�Mblo ronlee- A, West Side Sqw2re G6derich
of tic trouble, 1161A tiro delicAto nexubrexcs 01 thelack(A icm-,;d of neJ10 MWIP51 waren to Our fe- I
smd make their attion re0o acid istual, G01) SAVE THE KING oolleetion-WillialaD 0214 Jud�oa, and
clang and gtntA stores; ptitup o4y lbS' ncrrlcm, acid nurmq. and PAtterm,41,0ZI
For We at All alld jl=ntrW,0n. and
Njithurn Co., vrmttd, Tracloto, ont. 04,04 look 14 Ok