HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-06-29, Page 5tee "2, ?lvaRaO►T. JUfllt 1_C4uburntZ Kr. 0. E. E'ratt rias in Toronto this week wale Battle. Air. and bars. N. lidurray ,spent the week -end et their cottage at ;Sunset. Mrs. 13. Keyes spent a few days last walk set lies old home nom fiuelpie , liege Ruth Straughwt wily a prise Lots nee at the Clinton girl' coitettlnii' elas,s hist Vritley. •.Miss dive Sprung is spending her holld'ays at the • home of her parents, Mr and lora. H. Sprunin ea attack at pa aUnlearta and is Tari be to tavern Alice usrigar ll ixtiaaare is bents Sal the holldeye, lobe has. been easaged to teach after Holiday& izi the high school at Acton, Ur- and. Aire, M. Mita motored to Flint. Mr. Allan returned early this week but Mrs. Allan rezualned with her enter, Mrs, Coates, Who ie 113. 3/er. and Mrs. Stanley leutch •end lite tle daughter, who have been v1Miting bite a parents; Alr. and Tits. ,las. MUteh, left'' OR Saturday for their home in the Welt.; The Y. P. ° . io Knox United churr:h held art open air meeting and weiner° roast at the west side 4.f the dam cal`. Monday evening last. Mr. H. Long. of i The Keen ox Presbyterian garden party Gloderieh, Spoke to the gathering. This . O, was well patronized Friday last. The is t Meeting of the. eaolety until 0 PHONE 90 A Toiletries for the Boudoir AU civ trne it of !seeing `3'eile.ri:e eini Calera with And tvelr ata lase cent.e>. Du: Hewn R..tr-see r;. Z irbsre ' Geer& > e fu* ' Cary, Itetteigan *$d$Ut's • ane inauy • a , liteder* Chats* Haagen tip Stiick.... Eye Brow Pen i. ;lye Ska e/. Lash Sooty. Cele - Liberals and Pro. , jk Are Joining Forces (Continued tram 3*4e 1) 4 Y Sx..M . lee le a eery geed. speaker. Be II tonic a fl3 i et DenUUion politics, agree. es' dee at the "outset that Culmen. dila WV e =entre. is euftering ta4IY ftxoaa world# l wide cexlditiony. He attacked tariffs sine Vurged a revielon sof the menet ler SYS* teen, but would nit ss low far hel tra3 • prepared to ler in this regard. i �eouehing on 1?rou_IriCt• . grreaitions %r.s N Campbell's Drug. Store rt . w er xx i l ,t� � #r gree Junear Band of Blyth provided the mti- sic Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cox and two &cine ;spent several days in this neighborhood ' the past week visiting old friends and relatives. t r. T o eta . We are atT • Thom, who has been Seriously ill with bar. Walter Washington and 1135 fath- er, Mr. J. J. Washington, motored to Handltan on Monday to attend the fun- eral of the latter'$ brother, Mr. Fred Washington, who died on Sunday after Fred • illness of two mloriths; Mr Wa 1n, Who evatf`for Winer° earow barrister in Hamilton, will be remote. Announcement THE PAVILION GODERICH D l Friday, June 30th, Saturday, July 1st and every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday during July and Aug'st. Music—Tony Farr: and His` Band Meet At The Pav They Wily All Be °There SED CA • �►,T. `ATTRACTIVE PRICES .' Special f Qr a�or�inlOn ,.,. i. • ay 1931 pe 'Use Ford Coupe, just 1iiiieiiniewi A;s sli pe -,-t uar- ` anteed. Four new tires. Ford Coach tires good, low mileage. 1929 � � 130 Ford `Coach excellent paint job, original tires, :uphol- stery like new. tires new upholstery, original 1928 Chrysler Sedan, four: new . tl' paint job, . . 1928Chry sler Coach, 'leather. upholstery, mechanically over- hauled.` 1928 Essex Roadster, Model T Ford. Coupe, ready • to ` drive away. " We have a Car to suit your purse, See •these twiny. F..WOOD;.:&: SO FORD and ST MAKER Open Evenings 'Ph,n3 83 Fashion Has Decreed a White Hat Season We have new arrivals for the week -end in crepe, straw, linen and pique. Clearance of all ' Spring Millinery in. shades of sand, grey, black and navy. We cordially invite reit to inspect our stock. Miss M. R. Mac Vicar Goderich Kingston St. GODERiCH o ° the public debt He and otter *peeks 441111:4011==.100 beret by the older ores in the commun- ity. At high noon hast Wednesday Miss Gurdys .►ayfor was united 9inmarriage to ▪ Lloyd-3taithbya son and; yrs.. Jas. Raithby, Millett. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. P000ek, of Blyth, et the hone of the bride's Par- ents, Mr, etnd Mrs. Jeremiah Taylor. After the ceremony about thirty Meta sat down to a sumptuous luncheon. The bride and groom left by motor forepolnts in the southern part of the province, followed by 'the good wishes of many. lj1 ers, however, made no reference to show �1" how this was incurred or what. assets I were held against it. It was stated the cast included the following Delia. S:lo- Province was banl:r►tpt, but no mention cum, the hired- girl et the term, Mar- was nude of the fact that its bonds are garet "Amara; 'Bi3ah FLnn Jack -of -all today the Most sought eezuritles on the trades, Prank MCC1iUChey; Mre. Peale?, market. and sin ed d e'tr- train, iFerguson.iR s Had .erg'. use to xe , • r d a mlrr pa ere ha ley,never_ _ _ . •, .. Zfarlbel Carrie; Sarah GoudW7n, wife a3 • cotirsited�he•'ProvirkGial�iaanka-s:t up bee Amos, Margaret Robinson; Dave Wes- � Drury and kept the rate of interest et 4 ton, 'a young farmer, Walter McBride; . Per cent. this province would today have Aux* Goodwifr•, owner of Silverbrook j sufflc%nt money to meets its borrowing Farm, Will Clarke; Flora, Goodwin. on- requirements," . said Mr. Oliver, "flu ly a country girl, Roma McBride; Philip; did not. Under pressure lie reduced Burleigh, from Toronto, George Pout.' the rate to 3 per cent. and today we ter; Mrs. BUrleigh, Philip's mother, i tamers are dominated .by the big banks Margaret Douglas; Grace Burleigh, his and by industry," sister, Olive Erratt. and Thaiinpson, ser -j Speaker said the Government had vont at the Burleigh residence, Elmore. "gone mad': on its hydro policy, °hint Stephenson: Before tate curtain and be-! the contracts made with private conte tween •the acts, a ten -piece orchestra parties. He characterized the Abitibi. under the direction of Rev. E. S. Poul- Canyon as a "white elephant" and held et;t should have been tak 1: ro the e ter, played several selections, also a solo that p l "My Task;"' by George Poulter. The over only as a bankrupt concern. Proceeds of the evening' amounted to. Mr. Taylor also dis;.ussed pro recta` about $65, The evening was brought to finances,. He does not leek for an elec- by singing the National Anthem.' tion this year."Tates have not been a close gyear,but expenditures .had reduced this p WESTFIELD i been eut in two. The Government was ll out to make a showing this year, lie: GODERICR TOWNSHIP The pupils of Union school are busy writing their final examinations this week. Wia with them all success. Miss Helen. Davidson, of . London, spent the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robs. Davidson. The Metallic people of •' Torontoare busily engaged this week erecting it Steel shed as an addition to the barn. on,:the.'' farm, of Mr. Thos. Sowerby. .et is not'a� steel barn erected on the fail farnterly ` Miss May Meanry visited in Lucknow Said, and would go to the country next c occupied by Mr. Wm. Elliott' as was with friends. year. He said the banks, insurance and mentioned last week. • (From another correspondent) Miss Marjory Pr*use 1s visiting at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. 'Harvey Puller.. Miss Helen Davidson, of London, was a week -end guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robs. Davidson. Mr. and Mrs, John Siding and family attended the Riehl reunion in Rostock on Saturday.. • Mr. s obt. .McApister and, Hari are employed cutting the weeds along the Side of the Bayfield Road. Mil Wm. Longmire and Kathleen, of Goderich, visited at the ' home of Mr. and. Mrs.. G. W. Harwood ou Friday of last Week. ; ' Mr. and Mrs. McKee Falconer and family, of the 9thconcession;' spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Falconer.'. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Puller and fam- ily spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Fred McCullough, in Gode- rich. Examinations started . a day earlier than was expected, owing to school being closed Wednesday : afternoon on account of Mr. McDonald's funeral. - - :. Considerable road -work • was put on Union side roar last Friday, Reg. John.- ston,and. flue teams working the entire day. Fifty loads of gravel was drawn. .from Gordon Orr's pit. This strip, of country was spared the ravages 'of the .Cyclone two ,weeks: ago, and now we have come to the conclusion that the weatherman has forgotten all• TRAVEL BY RAIL. �,; .. COMFORT, SAFETY, LOW COST at,.WAYE arae CANADIAN WAredtli.L. 'rr:i.EG6:AP11* CANADIAN HATiONM, JASPER ALASKA Pacific Coast SUMMER VACATION FARES This is rile year fot that long dreamed -of trip to the Pacific Coast, Alaska, or a modntaia: vacation at Jasper in the Cana- dian Rockies. New love fares offer surprising economics. RETURN PARE free GODERICr To Jasper 'Park $88.55 • vaneeuver, Victoria, Port- land, neattlo .Sipv.e0 From. Vancouver or Print° Rupert to r kagway, Alaska acid return, 575.04 tinBluding recap and berth on &temper). Full Acte+?a freta easy Caaadfan 1Va io& 4gce! • . Mr. and . Mrs. Wm. McVittie and faro- trust companies were the only business were Listowel visitors on Sunday. institutions paying• dividends today, Miss' Ella Mae Wilson, of Blyth, spent thanks to the faVarable treatment they. Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Car- j received, Reverting to the Abitibi deal, ter. he contended that the shareholders 01 Mr, W111 McConnell, of Crewe, Called that eornpany were no different Tram en friends here, also his wife and daugh-', those of the peeping plant at .Barra's. ter. Beth. j '1 suggest that when itwas seen there Mrs. Ellen Burrows spent the week i Would be no sale for the power, the with her sister-in-laW, ' Miss, M, Bur company became conveniently flnan rows, here. I daily embarrassed and by pre -arrange - Mrs. Margaret Pennabaker and son, anent with the bankshad the Govern - Frank,. Visited Sunday at Miss Burrows, mens take over the sohene," said Mr. Mrs. Pennabaker'i.'sister. .1 Oliver. ~'They should have been treat - Mr. Roy Eby and; his friend, Mr. Rob,,.. ed the same assoy otherbankrupt com- inson, of Kitchener, visited Ted lroo- party" ,man, Sunday. 1 Premier Henry's dealing in O. T. S. Miss Johnston, teacher of Tipperary, , bonds was reviewed,. as were hydro sal - and her friend, 11(r:'Lindsay, caned . on } arses, of . which he urged a substantial Miss sB. Green. and others. 'redaction, the manner in which Goe- Mr. 17. W'. Green ,and sister were Jai ernment 'loans are floated and the rate,. Goderich Sunday, he "being -in the of interest allowed, • . Masonic parade to Knox church. "I. urged a united front :against the Mrs, Gordon Snell visited on Friday. Government. not :because they, are with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Geo. Young- • Portes, but because they are in the grips blot, of Goderich, , of a financial octopus and on their ;re- Mr. Jaen . Bateman, rd ' Toronto, has eord should be replaced," concludedMr. engaged to work for Mrr Bert Taylor. for' Taylor. the mama..I The meetingconcluded with the sing - Mr Harry Davis, of Toronto, is spend- Ing of the National Anthem, after which • was served. BLOUSES and SKIRTS so popular everywhere These dainty organdie and batiste blouses are so cool and attractive and so inexpensive every lady can well afford several of them. We have just received another . shipment to sell at Ing a fere weeks at the home' of Mr. Earl I1 Wightman. / Mrs. Mary Gordon, Mr. Will Mage Mrs. James Hayden and her son, !;Cana I man, ?Visited Mrs:`- G* ;oil's •slsters.1 Mrs. Baird, in Hrucefield, last' week -enol, .\1 Star o Dr. W. and 'Mrs. Carr, Mrs. LeWisl M Cook and sort. Bobby, of Los Angeles, 1,'spel to have their ciste Cal., are visiting Mrs. Carr's brother,; Miss Olive Shaw, of h friends. Mr. VI, H. Campbell, and other f NIL ari}e Johnston 'has entered the mpetition. y are taking adva tae of .the dry xis cleaned out. innipeg, was a about. us, for rain has fallen all around isitor h, e .f her uncle, Rev. us, but never a drop fell here. The 1 . We are sorry to hear :of the death .of W. !Shaw, last week. ground is terribly • parched, and every- I Mr. Nlvins i of Dungannon, he being Mrs. I Wilmer Rutledge celebrated his six John "Fos goes ou thing is suffering from the drought. The annual Sunday School • .picnicf Union will be held on , Thurs Y, July 6tit. If arrangements can be made; the pinna will be held at Camp Knelt/gaud, otherwise it will be held at Harbor Park, Goderleh. Everyone, young and old, are invited to conte and bring your bas Services were conducted at Union on Sunday. The pastor. Rev. F. W. Craik, delivered , a very, fine address on the subject, "The Grand Adventure' of Liv- ing" from the text, "I have glorified thee on the earth: 1 have flnfshed the work which thou gayest me to do." (St. John 17:4). On Sunday, July 2nd, Riverston Lodge, 1. O. L. 145, will attend divine worship at Union church. The pastor, Rev. (Bre.) P. W. Craik, will deliver an address in keeping with the principles of the order. There will be special music by the choir, assisted by the mate quartette, composed of Messrs. John Snell, John Sproul, Carl. Clarke , and Chas. Breckow, Sunday school at 2 prn., preaching service at S p.m. Ail Orangemen and their friends are cor- dially invited to attend this service. Once again the angel of death has removed one of our respected citizens in the person of Murdock . McDonald, who passed away Monday morning. Mr. Mc- Donald had been present at church Ser- vice -the day before and seemingly wail quite well, During Si tday night he took a bad attack of acute indigestion, of which he had had previous attacks. The doctor was Bailed, and it was thought that he had recovered from the attack. When Mrs. McDonald received no re- sponse to her call to breakfast, she went to investigate and found the spark of life had gone out. Mr. McDonald was born in .Southampton in 1888, the on of the late Mr. and Mrs. Murdock McDon- ald. Ivor several years Mr. McDonald was employed on a tug around Georgian • Bay. In 1915 he was married to Mar- garet Griffin, who survives him. There was no family. He is Also survived by one sister, Mrs. William Rake, of Lon- don, Mr. Matt:maid did not belong to any . fraternal toclety, but was an active me her of the United Church, being a nieber of the beard of managers of tent n church. He ryas a devoted hue - band, good neighbor and a friend of everyone. The funeral teas held Wed- nesday afternoon. Rev. F. W. Craik of - notated. 'Interment Was made in Mait- land cemetery. The annual garden party and straw- berry festival of t1nion church was held en Friday evening, June 23rd. The weather Was Ideal, and a large crowd trick Advantage of tate bountiful sui,fcr. Tables t<zere tet und*r the treea 021 the vitriol ginned.% and the whore present- ed a very pretty cone. After supper, everyone adjourned to the church where the play, " Arni I'1elksi" VMS pre3,*1tted by the you g people o1 Geelien. The tizurelz Was filla to ea °city and the play very went mil eyed. 'rlie ellaract*rs trek their roles c eeculingly well. The Os father. Our. sympathy i tenth birthday, on Sunday last by bay- , the widow and tamely .itr, ing a number of friends in to tea. • their loss • I. Mr. William Tahb, .of Saskatchewan,. Mr. Melbourne'' McDowell called on 'won't think much of Ontario. Fie is Westfield friends last . week, being in 1 suffering ata attack of. the flu. these parts owing to the death of his • The biblloal- drama, "He Lives;', is to mother-in-law, the late. Mrs. Charles be presented by the Nile Y. P. S. at the Campbell.Ooderich Summer School about the, =.--- I middle of July, • BENMILLER � $1,5Q to $Z,49 each Also white pique Slats and ruff' silk crepe Skirts in white and pastel shades, sixes 14, 10, 18 and 20. Ourprice $249 to 295 SUGGESTIONS FOR TOUR WEEK -END VACATION Beach Pyjamas...:. White Slacks (long). 1 . • *'.' , p *' 1 . . •. . ...rat -..l ♦ .$1.19 $1.49 and Blue.'..�� a and.$1,25 Short. Slacks,, white x Beach Capes tactive at � 1g d $2 25 colors, each.a. "Santzen" Bathing Suits.... $3.95 ;and $4,95 , tire" swim 2,95 and 3195 I�lxng Life Buoy Suits for Ladies 5 i and . �95 and Misses .. ...:. , .. tIp Bathing Belts, each. , . • : • • .. ' Idets for. sport wear, pr 25c White and:colored,A.n , P P oR 86 F,l E."HIBBERT THE .:CASH STORE model 8 cylinder Nash Sedan, FOR SALE—MyX02 Y nilteage 2,900,in goad condition. O the Square Ing the summer liedidays assisting his. uncle, Mr. John Mullin, Mr. and Mrs, Dynes Campbell and son spent; Sunday wt.h their cousins, Mr. Will Campbell, and eistert Mien Ilya; Campbell, West W awanosh. Mn and Mrs, Alan Nelson and Miss Evet Sellery motored over from Cleve land and 'are visiting meth their' grand- Mother, ter*. .Jan; Nelson, . and roan': Mrs, John Mullin. Miss Cunningham spent Sunday in BELFAST Crediton. Miss Carr was a Southampton visitor, Mrs. T. A. Cameron is visiting with on Sunday. her sisters and brothers in Perth: School closes on Thursday for the Mr. and Mrs. Faster Moffat, Langside, summer holidays. 'called on Mr. and Mrs. John Mullin Fri - Mr. Eric Gardner was in London for day afternoon. a few days last week. ler. James . Alton, Toronto. 1s spend - Mr. and Mrs. Kerr and family visited in Crediton on Sunday. Miss Lorna, Moore Moore .left on Saturday to visit her mother at Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. R. ~McMillan, df Gode- rich, visited at S. Vanstone's on Sunday. The Benmiller young people are pre- senting their play,, "Wild Ginger," at Dungannon on Wednesday, June 28th. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Patton made a trip up to their summer, cottage at Shallow Lake for a few days last week. The Huron Presbytery met in Benmil- ler church last Tuesday, with 48 min- isters and laymen present. The W. A. provided the dinner. . ASHFIELD Mrs. Tena hunter, of Luektiow, spent Sunday with Mrs. M. C. Mackenzie, Mrs. Lorne McLennan, of Windsor, is visiting: her parents, Mr. and . Mrs. Jas. Macdonald. Mrs. e,M. C. Mackenzie spent a few days with her daughter, . Mrs. J. B. Rhodes, of Exeter: Mrs. Ross, of Wingham, and .Mrs. Pletcher and ler. Duncan leacltay, of Goderich, are visiting their brother, Mr. John McKay. The ministers, elders and managers and their families of this Presbytery held a c nununfon service at Kintail Cainp last Thursday. Miss Arnie let'acLennan, of British Columbia, and her deter, Mrs. iVtacCon- ne11, of London, visited frientls and re- latives in this vicinity last week. Anniversary cerykes at Aehfieid Pres- byterian church on Sunday, June 25th. were well attended. Dr. McGiltieray delivered two inspiring sermons and on Monday evening gave a lecture on David Livingstone. Peteteat Balm—the .ideal toilet Volute- ite for *yore dL^terning wornare Perfect in results. CYeates conlple*30ns of rare beauty and therm. Delightfully tool and refreshing. Mover 1etiree a vestige Of stiekinete. A velvety ralusoth lotion tc;nine anet stiintilating the akin. Mak- ing it truly rose -leaf in teutarr Al! dainty women invariably. eltocee Peraleri Ba)f'.1. 3t insearts that sulstle di,titi*t- tail to eberatteristl*s of the ele sant We can take care of. your requirements in Furniture 'Stoves, and in fact anything for the home. WE POSITIVELY SAVE YOU MONEY Blackstone's On the Broadway of Goderich TUCKERSMITH Mr. and Mss. Geo: Connell and Har- old spent Sunday with Mrs. Will Pear- son, of Goderieli Twp., 9th con. The farmers have finished the new barn. for Mr. George Connell of Varna, and it is all ready for the hay 'and har- vest. Mr. and, Mrs.. Gordon Marks and Mes- ter Ross, of Toronto, are spending a few Weeirs .with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Connell; of. Varna. Mr. Marks was operated on for appendicitis a few weeks ago, and is getting Along nicely, we are. glad to hear. "Say It 'With, Flowers" June the Month of Roses. Times are Improving. se You are quite sale to go on• with that wed- ding. If yea want; the • finest of work for the occasion. you eat get it from GEOE STEWART Wedding Work a Specialty Intone 105 Goderieb Bruce- St. 11 MOSES—SIGHLIBS--PERENN IAne "itOCle PLANTS—EVEIt0REENt. Fresh from the Ground Canadian Grown "l verything for the Garden." Write for Speefal PAM Dist.. "We sell the best for less." ARCADIAN NURSEI6IE11. fellegton; Ont. IN FULL SWING! TheYear's Greatest Buying Event 10 Fine )o�ds.at T.heuperior Stores FREE Inspection of your Hot Air or Hot Water Furnace n11 makes. Reconditioning and Resetting Plumbing and Tinsmithing at lowest prices carr. W. Worsell nett 475 Now 51. Few of Our Many Specials. BEST QUALITY WITH YOUR ORDER as• 68cGGranulated ar Yellow Sugar Sun1ightSoap10 BAIgS 47c INFANTS DELIGHT Soap 5 CAKES 23c • Replace the GOOD 5 STRING Brooms old J reom 19c CHASE and SANDRORNE'S DatedCoffee 1Z b22c TinbY 1C L L &EWEN J. CALVINz s PHONE 46' PHONES 116 aal BRING US YOUR EGGS—HIGHEST PRICES PAID SEE SPECIAL HASID BILL