HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-06-29, Page 4"UNOAY. ;MX Asst, im
and QWW Wa, 308- Awuew MO& land Irv"
------ monthly XWUUF the Xiapeg Uwa and UON L14004
W. K %of Xr4ktno PIC-Sbiklun, church HIm & rPRE
I WAS .tela TbursdAy Ot uw home of Mrs. and xww arab&m. %te, Interleir at the CAPITAL "I
rt. Urs. WWW '9446RNING!bower of Woutv. bewg
'John Uel;Aelt, Port Albe Prettoy &Vorjited 'With MStl% from WSW X" it VON SPAW'
V&2nney, the ywt"nt, 0ocupied the Now cv*oc
clVews d ngannon Wata fqr Lswit Sorylo garden of Mr. R. R. Reid. owericb.
chair, Owning 4100t"a I exWIK3 e uzea QNLT from 7 to S %iie street &we fipon.sored by the IT.pa.,-oad Web. -
were c-ouducted by MS. W. R. StOther$.: orciock In the raorning 9�ud from 5 , P%#anum Agricultural 60cietY. rd -
and Mrs. Davlawn. Nits. mewbimW, o 9, vel!)0k in the evening. 44y. Was * popWa event, there belag a WILD GIRL
seas, st, VVKenide. They intend T4elaRtUlUg for SAVe AU excellent t** on the early his- umfe crowd, Wesent. 3(ur,$c Was turn- AT MEW o"M
the 10411" of thlolo. %VS (Mer-
stra. 0. C. Brown iind, Mr. sad Wry of 10IS40116 among d XefMh. Before water is uwa for lawn, or- ished by *Ue Qu wlw*xa of .,r,*my jste.i with the wonderful oadeop4 and all the
tended Um 1220117 VIC00 of 30s' some time Anil will Amolup"y at Canada, Thb bmtef* serve V4-e,#ppllejktI= muxt be made in land the night -being ideal, dAW-Ing w" QHAUX4�S, FARR11LU RAWR BWA-0XIT and WMA OQUIBUIL
'It Stratt9rd G4 U". wKeuxle 10 t1wir Summer bomecut 1
of MAIO. menta, Vatting to tre water And ught enjoyed until the wee QAW bWr*- Ut
day. the %Ake front South for U.". J. a. Geoghegan. T4KWr of X.Wk- are splendid. in a A= cast headed by
)reaW left Monday 0t. �'VoWs oommiawn. platform, which is the Property ot.nar- JOAN BENNETT,
we bebW beld 4% DIM* .Niles Utltl* 1 very Xrskiue, Myth. wAS erected mldwa�
this week. Next week % two-1pouths, 1110tor trip to SwAst- VOW And at the
Ruanon School Will Visit With rels. Dagamor6 wescb*4 a Aermoa Use of 11060 during it Are alarm 10 to the main buslaeb* block of the V11-
".ut"1W c=41d%tes will wdtv W t-hewan, where sho
the 6 een Sgeompgnied by 14tter church 4wifty AttemOO11 VhWh lage. The Agricultural Society A=4040
t,te *cbwl licre. fives, she 1AVIM b, 110b, vas addressed Partlaulaly to ft all=- itrictly Pmb�?Itod- jees the . dste� 4 the, 00"g4pnOn, 2%U FRI.* wr.--
r.4. of VNMiM, A Mr snd 'Mo. F- ft. Puralu, 004ex Any 1pfract" of the above Will CL&X)K GAM %;A COWLIK XOMBARD
wallara Bowe t tIlk Orange order, '09. to the Ywr ss the -first ThwsUY and rriUy
istrict" is v isit- Alad. iter niece, Ulu Letitia 1)oraln, Fort beta 0 0 to the breezy but delects;Ula of a g6nuenian cr4�-Ic refc.,m-
former TeSident of this 4 number of about Afty Veft Pc"ent lift A dealt with according of October, the 4th and 4M The tx*cic at their UA In IN--
1191TV", and rNwis. .$71,
sw his *Iwr. Mo. Id. j ou the tr#ij. or some body. Visiting brOt-b" from LUCIMOW, Bylaw. has been xe*urlseed suil Put in 9004 ed by Love.
loftr U144"S. P�Heo are hot 6 sp%re. tire and Wheel Nile 444 GOOrkh Were Wesent and condition: for the rue meet.
pir*.*,-� Congrgin. and orae who 41,0116 0. helped, mu0c, was fujulshed by the choir VOM OWN
Ur. A: Water and U h NO, MAN OF HER
Clifford, of 1161 di% were i0CAR from W1. xellyl� truck. and LIKknow, A duet by. two of the ladles 9 -
wlm qMLD wGrAcrid mudel-a-show"
Abram Col. himself to About 7 p1lons of gasoline eyed. The minister Commission - WEST"L
Oaf the formees sister, . , Ms whict-, was dmb*d 11r9m, the tank. Oth- was much enJ (intended for last week) ma"aw W04. A" 0" At vim
berl� on Sunday, ers in Mugaun�a'hwve bad their gas preached an luspiring sermon. Mr. G. Harrison, 0011444P
j Davis, 9K atrgt.ford, has PUr- )poks as tog the members to 13e true, to the vows b. spent Sun -
chased oft the tanks drained recently, and It of Mr. W. A. Campbell
A 14 At 0041e$ Beach if some one Ismilla with the -place 'has taken up them when vulting a low inches in day at the bome. - -----
hot weather' U,
lake front, South of Shepp&r4tQA, 404 been Busy At nights religious body, otherwise the finger of head out while only Mrs, Attkens,"of Windsor, Is visiting Wells. �Vhpl
height. The rinsing famous Wear
will erect a Cottage. scorn might be pointed At thepl� is at the home of her sister�irilaw. Mraj family in their trouble as their Second ed to. the here was: Pitcher, Austin
David 5. Erringtort, 004. 7o West Wa- Be Soccessful IsuniversAry services were the COM 410119 well, bat the rOOt Crop Buchanan. son, bad only returned home after sev, line-up from er, 99,TVIADA', Ut.
Mrs. "ger. um 0. XX wancSh, figured in art automobile asci, Hill Presbyterian church much IA need at rain. Wheat 101 looking and MS. wm. Porterfield. of Cal- Fuller, back -40P; - WPM
Saturday When bis; hold at SmIth% ersa, ope
MR= and MW Muriel Wo4ep, 'ill of dent In Lucknow on' mUous, Vase, $oi-vM Pocock* 2hd base, 00
with large congregations in well will Wa begin to ripen, Bary, visited recently w4b, their friend, our'teicher, Miss, Evans, leaves us 01Z . c1cliait; r, Aeldt
Pt, Thomas, were week -end guests with w I' coUlgiOn with that of Rev. Sunday •
e at each service. Rev. W. T. AsLfielil Man UJUN4 Mrs. R. lRefiry. week to Start on a new lappQiAt- Orr;. Sid base, c.
� --o was the, minister at Rev, 0, Taylor, of Ethel, visited On tbi4 Bill Jervis; 1.
C, next field, =Ott
Ift. And Mo. X 7100M24- a, resident It that place- attendsur
damaged but M1115, the POStOr, What, mlg�t have been a fAtal SCA" field., Alvin Cox.
Davidsonattended Both. g 6 %y e somewhat meat In life. Tho'best wisher
J1 Mr, and Mrs. A. an amicable settlement was arrived At SWIths.nin for both Services, Special dent 4appengd, to Mr. J0bxX Brodie, Saturday at the home of his brother, community go. with her. Miss Abel, of
winlveVsgry service at 8101tVs Hill Pre$- Musto was given by the choir, Mrs. Mel, sign,
2, Ashfield; when, be, fell W. vert Taylor`: derich, has be�n engaged,% take ber
church Sunday and were before leaving the scene or the accident, the piano The
concession Its vicinity attended
of his fine two-story A number from t)
d Mrs, A. V. Erring- The vegular vtoritbly, ,meeting Of the •viu TPdall 4x-estding at from the Sothic �t the U�_ place awl we -welcome her to Our School
guests with 'Mr. an junior 10armers' Club 'will be 'held On pulpit and Platform, presented a pleas- home which be was shingling, the the de-oorpition services -held e and hope that we may Bbar4 in her
byter`4 July' Ing Appearance Ica cemetery. On Sunday. . CAXOW -,STORE NEWS
t0A. g of next week, being. arcade distance - being estimated at about 24 , talent And companionship, which
Thursday evenill fiewz Howard Cam bell and time, ow
kX4 Mrs, Fred Ross, Mr, and Mrs. g of the by ferns, Plants and cut Mr.. And. Mrs. Fill ��&t Carl with goo'
a nit, feet Mr. Brodie, who: Is A veteran, Of her we feel every teacher owes. to the See- Ravi,
William H. 'and Allan 6th.. while the regular meeting At A6liffeld the 6WI%J.'speaker for the, y visited w1th .parents, Mr, A*
R. Davidson and hold on, the Great War, had the mIgtortune to fanig, tion where she teaches.
Anniversary Servtee$ Women,$ Institute Is, being the day rotas Rev„ Dr. A. J. M&COIllivr3Y, Of -lose one of his arm a th shoulder in Mrs. A. E. Johnston, On Sunday. The Gas Without a knock,
Roed attended the church Sunday Thmdayaltemoon Of this week at �r outhe P�tor, e A number of the young. people of the I Cn, 'Wednesday evening. 144 the - Soft- It's just a quarter for m gallon,
at Ashfield Presbyterian The annual Guelph, who is a brother bail team from
and were guests with friell the Battle of y1my Ridge, but despite Y. P. walety attended theauron Pres- !16 Hill played a And bear that engine talk
As in that home Of. MTS, X)AV14sou' J- X. MOGillivr'sy' Dr- Macoli�ltbs b end" •ull well Clintoneam from St. paurS AtAbe neigh r4. L dav, evening of livray, who IS an eX-MOderatOr of tbP- at almost any job. on the farm.. est bytery, plenle at Me.nesetung on S t and On with
&WI41 of the Dungannon United Rev handicap Succeeds wonderfully
lath con, with I rive up an our tacit tin hood was on Wedues den arty n t he
e ate gar -
church � 0 're
ado Presbyterian Church in Canada, was, day. p �r er EN -AR -CO.
Mr. and MM W. J.'W00' . his week on tiro,. church lawn. 011. summer ho shingled the roof of his barn FR�AWALIW XCILWAIN
guests with their daughter, Mrs, 0'. U. t heard with much Interest by large c Mrs, Reld'and family. of Ashfield, were suiting more 17-18 in favor Of
;regatlorto *hlclv filled I d the commodious.. this year was engaged In sbingftg me, of her Hill- Our boys felt they had played
his house when the accident happened guests On -Sunday at the, he well as most of the Clinton team belong -
church to capacity both' morning and t
ebaken up and d cousin, Mrs. W. A. Campbell and Mr.
d Wet%! He was btidly
evening. The choir rendered Campbell.'
I head and, to the shogl-
music for -the occaslon. ]Dr.L Macoll-� injuries to his the, atm -absent and I visitors, at .the home of Mrs. R. Buch-
livray gave a lecture in the church Mon. der fr6ra 'Whirl, last, week were Mr. mark Buchan -
day evening, the subject bel g, "PaTid als 0 received Borne bodily an, Miss 1*11 Lir
zels, 30. Wra. Tabb of I
Florence 'Buchanan of arus
dmple 'briek
Livingstone." but, Owing to there being a N.
amount of swelilog. it cannot 6 aster- Plaines, :Ortilij.L
F..U-R SaSk., Mr. aad Mr). S,
Mitt Nuivande Continues, tal�e& whether there are any, broken The meeting of the W. M. S. 0 ning, bp under new' management,' Good meats,* cleiin
still breath- bones: or At latest reports he 'was pe..
roungarmon .citizens are juries was � held on Wednesday Afterneon. at CaterinW
dUst-ladim air, as the, tArvis treat- -showing improvements -and big in. rooms. All -kinds of Soft 1)rinks'and Tobaccos.
t116. home f Mrs. -Maitland Henry, With
Dt PLAY a given. Ticefact are not belleved serious. It was 4, Mir
menf has, not yet been s4. xnembers and vIlsitors present. The to town and surrounding country
Ues sso dry, to- aeulous escape.
that the -weather continues opening exercises were led by Mrs. R. EVERYBODY WELCOME HERE- -GIVE US A.TRIAL,
A DISPLAY. OF HIGH CLASS gather with the fresh� gravel; of w -Junior Farmers Neet Henry. The Acripture, lesson. was. read-
an, abundant supply . has been placed and the b3r Mrs.. Harry Cook fronz 1, $a 16 fol,REASONABLE RATES:
upon .:the streets,. and the, almost con The Junior Farmers of pr�a er 1, by B., p
pon, were wen repre- lowed by, a, season, Also a froot,rodin.'tq rent for barber shop:
and it was road -P
kt1qous tra P of loaded strucks, makes institute Of Duagan R Buchanan. The devotionalleaflet,
sonted 0, the, Huron qonuitY Jud, %tug h
ni 2 elt, that thi - constant breathing of
the on, almost unbem%e.
many,Henry:Mr. GODERICH
R. 'nd 7 h,� I of the prizes. 3�Ss Margiret, by Mrs. M..Henry. Mr.
tb us tra Comps, tition at' Clinton. and CRP`tured-;�.t% Wlie," ihe Social w6 PERCY�GRANTs rop.
_Jelt that
Fr rm-laden du��,-Is a menace to the h was i HAMILTON ST.
.a 91, J)Urnin� was "high" girl. for the county. of Calgary rendered a�
health of the citizens, Residents Of the handsome Silver tea.; 'li appreciatedi Stanley k
street leading West from th4 main cor- I an 'Non, A reading on APM I�Toubles6,
etta. McClure, gave a
'S yo arranged top vice, Miss Uur a
July a d,..Ih I d received a ., seV,
neroof the village have cash, prize, having won Mite Box,,, 'UASter'Billy Henry "g 'W
first. prize in
chase calcium Chloride at their own by Dr, Wilford Of
Its an by Miss FlarenveoScoott, no
his is opportunit y ot the .1affies 'Misses. Bernice Roach c A letter written
c of Gode. Nutrition. The
T expense and have it placed upon that:. Chble, was reaA
street, which does not Wong to the and came s nd Mrs. R.: Henry,rs. W
I W. Walden, Mrs.
rich end vicinity -to pu chase fur at SUVIMer �flces,- county, and would therefore Moot TedOlve.1 Taole-Settingo tab e maxiners J
M. Stonqhouse ren
vice, and Miss will be A. McDowell, Ms. HER flu
coo In
and Ser.
14uretta McClure WEAT
'a coat of tarviao. one of the team: o! three 00M, HurOn dered'a quartet, 111hb Lost Mile of the
styles. and All are 1934 s dent presided over the
every coat. is guaranteed tyl In Toronto, Way." The. president wyInt W M 8whW County to go, to the Q N. 0,; oat . lwas *k -
business. sesdon. The roll
will remodel C r Ha in is in fun. swing throughout to compete, Clifford crozier came see
We your old oat At factory. prices o responses being heard from 23 morn- LARGE SIZE ELECTRIC. REFRIGERATOR.
distri6t and' the tot, dry weather, oud highest among the boys of the en,
0 this spring grain County, thus witming a. MOCIAL Albert bers- it war' decided to -have W. M. 8, 90-00
1.make you a generous allowance inb4yin new ne., while ixot so good or: the president ELECTRIC IRONER. ........
buying avlagg the Taylor 'Won first Prize in sheep judging, SUnday, on'Aug., 20th. T*
crops, Is idealfor curing and Saving -son To was winner of dismissed the meeting. A t*& was, 85.00"
10V TO CALL bay prop, much, anxiety is felt by the! while. HarrL lor
WE INVITH. 1&rmerS owing to the long -continued first !prize inL hog -judging, There wore served.
having 'a also some otliers,who ices are who esale for the rea
L The above pr
no rain for About three Weeks in this 10- To all, we extend, hearty congratulations PORTERS HW� Are, . I up ci ingthis line of pods.
giving. Try
'Cality. it Is felt that it rain, does:.,notl The membq*Qt,t* Voting, P00010! son, that we
spell. qt dry weather, there ha bee won various prizesC A, S McKI�NONMiss Helen Cox, Loudon, its visiting Paints and. Oils rushes, ptc.��*e., carry a
wieners Varnishes, B
come In-lbie come of a few days, the Society had a"viri 6nJoyable:
spring.crops will be Almost a complete roast at the beach at Part Albert on her parents, Mr; and Mrs, herb Cox 'large stock andcan . give,prpin t service.
Miss R;obortson, end
The SqUare Taeaday evening. spent the weej. P.
failure, the spring props in man3r cases St time to put in. your Win -
with Mi. and Mrs. 0. 0. Newton. COAL -Now is the .cheaPe
were sown late*. lend are commencing to
'Detth of John NMM In The bderich Star contest lot, We handle the celebrated Haz0brook Coil,
Relati*s, friends slid neighbors were more subscribers', Mrg, J, S,LTJMkhar.t IS ter's supply.
hei� the activo coiAestgnt, � for this dfttrle� free from state and clinkers.
present.irt large numbers to pay . t
I -L- 0"Aiism t e her by or Plumbilig, � H&ati r, 'Electric wiringo" tinsmith!
final , ribut cof respect to John F. N V- and asks that You help ng, n92
A ,111neral WaBL held on
Satur Ing the .con that appears each week, try us.. All work and material
ear ao
and General Hardware Roofing a. X.
0=9911- also your renewal W your new subscrlp-�
rs many, outings -.,w epro
ring day from his late
inionffoliday b pared ins, whose e residence In fully guaranteed.
�IQ Dom liton, The. service vu conduoW by tion,
I Rev.. D. A. MacNID11ali, Pastor Of Duh- � -Mr. atd Mrs, Will Powell; of Harall-
. ,.
chutoli., and laterMent, ton,� who were visiting relatives bete, are
I ggarion. Iftited
NEW -S F in Dunganij&i cemeterY... The Pall- called home Owing to serious Illness of Store 22- The ,.tore at
HAVE 'A ummrn OUT IT bearers were, Thomas Stothers, A. Me- their sob, Arnold, who was operated on Miones
�r sy morn- CHAS.C. LEL Harbor
p6pafd, bay.1d, Glenn, James Davidson, in Hamilton hospital oxi,X ld
g. Sy ten to s
Charles Elliott. and Thomas.
McPhee, it mpathy is extended
a Maw floral tributes bespoke the $Ym-
JUSTAIRRIVED--FloWered e voile dress e�s, dainty p t Pithy of friends,. The deceased man is.
.survived by'a family or eight:..Erne
Co Harvey And
Wilfred, Wingham;
Oster Sheppardton; Ifis.
te Sizes. 14 to 46* Special ...... i 0,.k 0 $3A9 and Melville, Leamington,
rns and so,. COOT, Jotin, voit Eiraer, of CaIg of
i Advc
MI% t Atilt
AT LAK, SMART WOMEN'S DRESSES in printed'silks-a Peter. McCall, Luckpo%,.. and Mrs, Cult -
Blyth. He. was the Second
;have.,. - -smart youthful styles$ ningham
dress every woman should 695 oldest ;;; of John and Elizabeth Nivilis,
4 nabl Sizes 38 to 44. Special early. pioneers -of -this district.,.Two
brothers survive: Charles and Davis, of
d W10stem Canada. Five. brothers Prede-
neat fit and reaso e.exsle.n.t 'r Ces
white printe P.,
SMART MISSES' DRESSES --Candy, stripes, 5 ceased
' also -his only als-
him, JAmeS William, Thomas,
silks and pilstel cre�es, all.made.up in the coolest fashion, Robert and Alexander,
4139 ter, ins. Chu* Elliott., Mr. Nivins, had
Siz�s 14 to -20.
999 lived formerly At'Lucknow, Teeswtiter,
Was, I)RESSES-Siininier dresses�. made of celanese in and wingbam,1 and. -.61, the pask two
months had lived at D=ga= the
shades pink, blu6i luaize, green and white; dressy'stylesi $ logs Wtd&m Afthlit�
puff sleeves and dainty trimillingS. Sizes 8 to 11 Special,' The home of Mr. And.WS. Andrew•le
130gle,- ke. Road, Colborne Township,
Finest.E., ctric
iWO tho'scene of a happy gatuer*
Thursday when the thirtpafifth wedding
apnive"ry of Mr_� Bogles parents, Mr.
OzL4 Mrs, X010h (3rah4m, 01 Sheppard- Re'trigeyato.r
f 1) UNH KEYS AI HIMEAR-Silk Shirts ton, VMS telobrated.• ft was a complete
Cotton ShirtS. Surprise �0 the bride and b
midegroom Of
4 06 bail'
35 $Tusagoj, Who know nothing what- ever
ever about. It Until they arrived at their
daughter'S home to find lmme(UM4 re-
.. ........ you can vWn.thO WOStiug=
Arrow- 6, **#ai -tiont, The guetts, Included, t)ie house MAL»AUTOMATIO Re -
I lativeA of both awaiting them to extend • N ow U
Grad. Sets. 0 . 4 0 6'
se�-en brothers. Wis. Graham. Wil -
ti y-gind Thomas rello0t, Xin- srigerator ... with
anism -machined like a fine watch
lism. John ly-sealed-butlt, to Ove,
and 'hormet'1041
sardine, and Robert, ,lanes b., Alfred JWEWNG performance without trouble A
Atid, Wesley rollotk, Pine 'In
ver. Her or attention.
sitter, Mrs, It. 9. Veld, Godefloh, was Take advantage *X prcgent: low PrIM&
SHIRTS- nine broadelotht neat patterns, attached Col- 01 abo present,L but frog other filttem, Mrg AorL, than you expadtd. to pay for
-no I
25 U
peci. 1. 6 e. 1. 41 4 0 P W. X. Smitil, lftlibrook� "d Mim Mar. the. Ordinary "Op2a.unit" tbpo rtfrlgora.
4 4 .1 s
garet Pollock, Torolit,0, were 101014 tOl ttr, anti, 18t the Westingholise'st-Art NOW
to, earn Ito, Bp
urchate by SAVINGS ill
attend, oil -June ft, 1898. themattlasal
took platc 4t phio RW
.tile home of your home- SM21al terM to suit 1�oUr
I ;OtUet-boot: or budget.
the britidg ptirt%ts, Mr. W4 Mrs. 40im
A COMPLETE LINE Or' SMART BATHING SUITS ]Nijo-�k. of AIIM P01163,t ead trelton.
4arghl1rat the oZelatitig clergyman being
btlile ens attOU(IOd by Mrs, U. Gtott.,
FOP. MEN, WOMEN and 01116DIREN nev. J. VZ*mmy, now de,
holy xt~sidtsig in Mlro% V.Ud Alexander Talbot, & Cornish
xeT6 .... ...... .... . 1649 Royal 4119 V29c'A. V1.10 before his do-gh W�td&4 IM Goderich
Udiegl and Misses' acsftrleh, w&3 bmet tfttiu, MCSM90 OV ivare Phone 81
tongrttulltlo" were rKelved from C& East Side Sq
$1.49 $1.95 Gme. . .. ....... $1.29 eral wbo� c�ould not be prostut. AL PICA -1- i I
---------- 7`
Ing put of tho
ftenfAtion, to &0. honore;l eavvo of a
th� 1 910 of file rew.lvv% 'Wil.
This jtore will t* open Friday Night Oft ACCOUM of the holiday on Saturday.' li&m PolteLk making tt6 Vit-�Mft!xtial
'&afte$s, Co wlll:h Me bildEgroom of 35, i
S�t2krs ago nm&% reply. At 7 0,d(r* Ai I
aner whieh was 8cmA by
em, dawa to & tUed by a ne,
tend r mau'lur
ir 4i:�r iom:
fzw��,,a. ML.s m 'U'A"Ingum. lab
'do wear" C, ve-Admg cavm X&S "!wd by tlm two
'W*st S, am save little 'grationmdrm, Velsn aid 01shon
square A*
NFI L L tile cim Aud tind P�ato ljmn`
Phone 418 P, v" ve"ed b0 , 6 gift ftem
thtm, m was 410m St bon Mn dis% The
-2 M 8604" iwm 1400mokopol "Ay 'mi fists Cr fou