HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-06-29, Page 2• • , .. help believing." palettes on hydro account andthat this X» not say, "It looks like rain," This Pmvitice leas gone into businem on, . a is a coniani rll0 eontrattion for, "it looks large stale. Critics Said frem the pub- like it would ain Ito platform at Bayfield last aat1114" "* 11:aty,64"11"tragdcl Unolt:seetr inne:":e.b3: thatOntario was bankruptbut nothin, los suld about this Province % bondTh.-1;s nMat saydol 1 b l' el .,1itelectatIgliv°oe. Salt, 'T saw , , g ,- being eensidered by the investing public no one 'to 'to be the best securities on the market Words Often Mispronounced today and in, most demand. The state- SubUrb, Pronounce eub-urie, first u merits of Mena and Progressive spell- Jut in rub (notes in, suit), second u as in fur, went that sylleble. . • hinders Omit Ontario being "broke' do(cowboys, event:11s). Pro- . not jibe very well with the facts. As a tonne cha-pa-ra,hos, all three ees as • matter tif fact, one speaker insisted that in eri, o es in no, aeeent third syllable. Ontario was 'bankrupt' and "dead AStat rref erred pronunciation ' is a- sha, first a. as in ate, second a as hi ask broke,"- whilel anotheto speaker insisted that the government Inni too much Witgnek:)sedesq:.0 Par:ninounonce olicootnges-grie: softntot r ee"e ter leor instance, nothing is weld about great well," 0 rlpis ...M w4 feeling nVerlY - represented in the Province's De notvesay ' but be guaranteeing of the bonds of mural-, Reeve he wastheree." See, 'I can not - /Ace Tiro ,L3C 00Dett4h %tat. Itoublja**1 entry Thursday sit Tin $tar Otace, gederiela. Bubeeriptien Price— Cianals and Omit EMMA. 400 Dee Mr lit advence (in arrears MO: United States. $240 per year in ittivience. both 014 ane new addresses Should be Oren when ehange addrem re Quested. VANCELLAT/ONiii--We find aust moat of our substribsra prefer not to*have their subscriptions interruPteti itt ease they Sail to retail, before expire. Pon, While Subscriptions will not be carried in *Mare over an extended per- iod, yet, unless lye are notified to estinel. we assume Vie subscriber wishes the ser- tiored. RSKITTANCEi should be made by registered letter, money seder or clitane,Payable,,atpar in tiode. lithe TRUREPAY, JUNE 2lith,3 IRRESPONSIBLE CRITICISM Pug to get out of it by blaming the re- * * •0 Ifehever Peet faits the nell ea. the head when it eeye editerielly that there . diePasitleri obi the part oe certain newspapere something on" Mr. Gere Spettne, M.P., VersOballY,tn e,Mineetima With the abuse ce franking privilege, with which he and Ws Agnes Stigenliell are eharged. One does net have to ga more than thou - and nilies from: Gederich. for substan- tiation ot this statement. The Pod hesitates to condemn either Mr. SpOtten or Miss Macphall, tuid rightly so, lest • they be made the "goats," becatise in- vestigation might and likely would shoe; that they are less guilty than many oth- ers sitting in the Rouse of Commons, irrespective of party. It is the system Liberal. and Progressive speakers who are on the warpath hereabouts on the sissumption that there Ls to be a. proelo- CODER= STAR which is at fault, and before co:Went-a* ing lane or two members it is Suggested that a *heck be put on the surOunt,,or vial election this year are using some nature of the mill Matter on which very unfair argtunents luring to do members or parliament escape paiinz With the! financial etatus of Ontario. liostaue. People ore being told that the bonded indebtednesS of the PrOvinee has in. .......--..---- greased from 4303,000A0 to over $600.- OurWeeklyLesson 00000, in ten years. Assuming that Ehthe 4lgures Jere correct, no attempt is In nglis I made by theca speakers to show how . le this caro.e abmit. 'The bald figures are (By W , Clordon) • eimply given, with much play made on ' Words' Often *reused the "milliong" T inference is left wers Do not .wrIte, "Your letter is. a liana." that the. money has been squandered Write, "Your .letter has been received." and that there is nothing to anew for it• Do mat sa "H it was maintaining .the high level ef • Defalcate, 'Pronounce de-fal-kat, e Is. m(ney, was SIMPLY WalloWiiiir in it, that kori- ditates iri two, just to moo a esnowing.. itt,e4 accent second syllable, taxatien and clittinft grants and eximn- me, nrat ‘, in at, second a as in' it 0 ar rronounce kon-su-mat, before ahPealing to the electorate. compared notes- on what they were ping Words Often Misapelfett tb say before they begin to "spout," te rt . as in up unstressed, a as might be just as well if these fellows In .ine, accent first syllable. peremptory' per not "Pre. Omelet, On the 'other hand eve have the C.C,Ptie* omiet. Ptomain. e. The p is silent *its M8OP11811 and, her coliOrtre urging In the Pronunciation. Antarctic; two e's, not antartio. Prejudice. Observe thing which would netesearily Monism one ire' de .-'s, hi!t eribr the nationalization of. everything, mine- vim," the bonded indebtedness of this countsi an °Ile •Ps.v0 wins by leaps ancl.bounds. It le only yester- • : ° Particle. atom, elenient, iota, grain, day that the.'Progs., liberals and 0.C.P., were sleeping in the Mine Pelitklia 'bet 114 vie*: criticism Which bas been leeelled at it on the were of what it has. . Aerie and has • not • done, the Ontario GOVeimment seems to have .steered a gaite middle otirse. EDITORIAL NOTES Woe six Ingspieg Isarpoonfels of "SALADA" Bleck Toils • pint sited tes-Pot. Afist oulnabes stale and Poor llow into itelflisllos costae While hoe, 644 cep e Ulf of -smear 464 *oleic* *I two loom then CoaWdeiat • with, cold widen Do Not re, frhietaio es tee v411 tem cloudy. &Cy* es**Ilred, with en les esbe each slew • Ill: A Fresh from the serdene Glancing Backwards (PROlit RILES dle THE GODE- RICH STA,B, OP JUIN 1-903) The residence of Mrs, James West street, Was partially destroYed by lire an Saturday morning, * * * t miss Letitia. Durriin and Vase Annie Swan, G. C. I. students, have been awarded. Adamson Memorial scholar ships. 4, * * Dr. 1 B. Whitely • has had Arehiteat Fowler prepare plans and specifications for an office and. dispensary on King- ston street with a conuriodiou.s opedating room and four bed chambers above. • • . 'Spend DoMinion Day in Ooderlelli -The depression 13 Over at St. Marys. The local issuer automobile licenses ' has AM ont of Markers, mite, molecule. Inferente, iodation, deduction, ton - 'week. ellesion • • "Din not a Red, Pm not a Shade tile president of South, Huron PrOgretelese. Agnes hleephall will pro- ' bablir take care of that fellow. „ * CrititS, it woultt zetrn, are mere inter- etted in Minting Mr. Spottort 15134 Miss bfaepliail than they are in correcting an abuse. * * * * At the London races on Tuesday B. R. Swarts' Prince Vale won second Vacs in the 2.10. pace and W. Blackford's Lo- gan Lauderinan won first money in the Mining race, ;Star Sparkles' The War of tbil-.,ty years ago said the sunsets on lake Huron et Geduld). were worth corning. a hundred Miles to see, but in these elan nebiedy ever came that fay. Today the mingle are still worth coining one hundred imileo end visitors actually do come that rdistanee. when the fire 'ben tang at Wellesley the other day during the progress of a 'beseb411 game three of the local mine quit their posts on the field and ran to the fire lial; the. game being held UP until their return. Here% hoping that _nothing like that happens on DOMMion BeY While ouelorave lads are pulling in points, 265 coming to CiOderich. There was no special reception, as anticipated, but the turnout of the Marine Band in the ,eVening• somewhat allayed, the Un- pleasant feeling eaUserl by the absenee of the town tomicil when the train came Airiang the visitors were: Mrs, and Miss GOMM, Mrs, and Miss Me. Oreight, Bert and tiles sabei Pridham, 1VIrs. EriSeby Eines, Mrs. Ethel Hunter, Miss Wintersg-111, Miss Miene, Miss' He- bei Ressar, Miss Annie Eagle, Pol- lock, Themes McOillieuddy, Oeotge J. Pike, Barry Clucas, Jantes 0. Robinson, T. E. Mallough, A. E. C. Islaftel, Clar- ence R,hynae, Wm, Oivens, Percy Cor- nell, John PaYne, Prank Addison, R. L Prayer, p. Spencer, C. N. Reward, Geo. 3, Sanderson, A. .3.1cTaggart, Et, L Scott, Dr. Clarkson, Wm. McLaren, W Geo, liaacke, Chas. 13rown, Dave Eagle, Hugh' MoMath, Remy rainier, Ralph Shepherd, Chester Farrow, fleshed VY. Moe the Agency for t'le Famous • -MORGAN HAT Special Order Suits $16,50 up Cat, Make and Trim Try Our Homo -brew Tailoring Department; also The Ments Stop* gait Strest CHAS. BLACK "I dreamed last night thate-erah- 1 propoSed.to you. wonder what that 1.5 a OM of?" oltis a sign that You've more sense when you are Weep then When You are awalee." the tug-otewar. et weed be just toe Miller's Worm Powders will eradicate the worm evil that bears So Heavily on * * * fatalities, They arean acceptable medie children rine is, believed to cause %any bad for the feliWw3 on the other end of the rape. There are riot as many Ainerlean ears 4coinugpaelnilYt°teoefIletilhdraerseellti.daeenstaudfeaCetandiveetnnpa:elillsitestf*ealienedrd. en the road this summer, or Canadiem, restore the inflamed and painful sux- either, for that matter. • We ran across faces to healthfulness. 'They are an. ex - a farmer the other day who 110.8 ZOt had eelleut for these. evils • • * • * Ooderlch bowlers defeated two rinks from London 38 to 33. The local rink% were; Wm, Campbell, W. W. MacVicar. Wra. lane, P. Jordan, Yates, Judge Holt, B. W. Ball, John Galt, skip. * * • Personale—Cant Stewart, of Stratford, was home over Sunday „ . E. DanceY is away on a trip to Buffalo, Hamilton and Brampton. . 13. Holmes, barrister, Wingham, was in town this Repress, c1' 15, curb, festrain, subdue, suppress.. Salary, allowanee, compensation, earn- ings. fee, DAY, remuneration, wages, Flekle, ineonstarit, changeable, eaprie elous, unstable, vaeillating. Corelid, friendly, sociable, anticable, hearty, neighborly. • Word Study "Use a word three tines. and it is eours." T. Us increase our vocabulary Seaforth Beavers defeated Brantford at laerosse 4-0. :The Bettforth MulealW,BelI, Jackson, GrAes, Broad - foot, Hasson, McLeod, McDougall, -Jack- son, Johnson, Preeinan, 'McNair. Prank WoodWorth, Toronto was referee. Ilia car cut this year, for the reason that he has not the money to buy mark- ers or badly -needed new tires, man really hasn't the money, nor can be get his hands on it, try as he may. Nor is he one of these Government •bord.poor chaps, ot whore we have too ,An automobile salesman tells of one of these bond. fellows who le driven his ear for two years. •He' bably saving his atony lou hoods. met nro; more Somebody is always pulling' a "boner." W. Bleek, es..m.p., president ot South Uill'On PrOgre4SiVe Association , and. •chairman of the meeting at Saturday's picnic at Bayfield was guilty of a flag- rstnt faux 'pas. Ile became so werked up in. condemning the `'terrible Tories" that he started in. to praise the budget of Hon Peter Smith. Members of Par- • liament, sitting on the •grass nearby, Made faces at hint to desist mentioning Peter's name, but Mr. Black had no eyes Tweedy .and son Herb, Mr, and Mrs. for them. FinallY the Wt.P.'s broke Into son, au.. and lir,. Bodgehs, ivin and moguter, as did every_ else, but Mr.. di haft . . James Ilyslop, Prank and. Mrs, Pliek and ,.„. , las. It 0, Plort,on. Black failed to see the joke. . : • • The old soldier who visits Goderlch annually to repair umbrellas told para- sols ended his 23rd annual visit las: for this leesone . week. The old man, who tan tell wird e ,stories a. travel mid of the liattle field TitliTUB; to cause to beeome iniptessed declaresthat he. has fixed, more broken or 'penetrated.. "'We want to lintole the.ribs than all the .doot,ors in Canada. by mastering one -word each day. Words minds ot youtb. with good p : attentive to small things: paying Attention to (Pronounce the u as in unit and aceent hist syllable). "Mr. Thompson is a minute obserVer," RECUMBENT; leaning: reclining; ly- ing. "The recuntbent PostUre a the Romans at their Meals." r; tO Make pooto re- duce to boveety. "Misfortune and (M- eese impoverish families." A MAiltD101EION; Ill'Oela/111111(1 of Abe evil againts eeme one.. "'No inelediction the B g . Marlton is building a falls from his tongue: —I,ongfellow. • ttig to be shipped te The ot tirae r ovents. ...Nothing intervened are Making regular nails arid thoir pas- IlfrlatTNI; to tonle between points Ring Edward, Ossifrage and PittSbure to prevent the Undertaking." lists are large. This 'week the &in brought 26,000 bushels of Wheat a the Danforth, 4e,000 bushels foe the take limn and Manitebe Milling Co, 4., * * Tion. Mules IttoCrea, it stems, Was cagrteahl* 1.) taking part in a dignified debate on speolfic subject, While Air. Iteplutrir held Mit /or a tatchAs*catch- tan dog tight Every men to his own Anag. * * 0 * D. 4. Taylor, 13Z,I3,1. for North Orey, one .et the eperirere Sattirtleee PM* is a temaritable poliii- dab, in ono resent at lettet, • Were is a publb man Wile elm. lie was never PtelY, mid rarely ever: misquoted by newrgap:r. Tilat?4s a unique odraimiort ter 0 pttLtletafl to matte, but Mr. iZ'aylor 1.3 dill a Teeing meat and as the Yeers GO he may yet beer, the expertereee of gettirl iMmelf tato a 3e111 14 c2 tri° e. * * On the fourth page we reprodude verbatim report of an address on "Christian Citizenship" delivered tWo weeks ago in Toronto by A well-known Mend, W. E, Earley, lawyer, Secrets* of the private bills committee Of the Legislature. * * e ellearber--The steam barge ri brought 460 tons of coal for Don't be without Douglas' Liniment. 'Keep it always bandy, Re - 'Levee toothache, lieureigiC sore throat, dinns'Y. and croup. InvalUable eV . s burris, sorts, Ilarber's Itch and fang.' Inman Old Boys—'Otte tnoviiandp so* trona. pie left Terentei for Huron Oolinte TPA pad 6411 bli 'wry clay for $ R Ilkogis**, Criters, WHY PAY out' Till WHIM MY PAD 04006oliete, Ow, You can avoid dangers yOu can SEE 25 OF ALL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS SOLD IN CANADA IN 1932. WERE MANUFACTURED BY KEILVINATOR There must be a reason* * Note these Pea:sires Iteftisenelon while Defrost- • 4Refrigerstors in (bore Autotuatic—nothios to remembcr.... nothin_1( to forget) * Automatic paht (Lights when door opens) More let Cubes per tootdel •AutoeuttichsterFttezios. KELVINATOR LAgent icor Codetich and Vicinity . . II ZINN • Come in and have a Demonstration .w". Price' 4149.50 up Easy Tering YOUR LIVER'S MAKING YOU FEEL OUT OF 'SORTS Woke up your Liver Dile —No Calomel mimic& wum you fag blue, drad% .our ow.** world. Oat's! your liver * _eh bat pouring Its *Orly° PoUnde orliqeld tele into your towels. Diction and elimination are being up, fr. poeumidiltuis and. decaying laikk,o1 yolleredbro"..frgEo ramrod water, )ft• -*,N -?rondY or chewing gord• orroughS.ge , don't, go far enema). LiveilPlieisedis*teliver*stone. safe. Paera.;‘!".;142 Sable. Sure. Ask for diens by MM. Refuse subetitutee. 21e. at all drumlins, 52 That Burning, Itching, . Stinging Skin Trouble, Eczema Those suffering from eczema know what torture is endured with the= burning, itching and ftinging that aecompanies this disease, especially at night, when the hands are put in water, or when exposed to heat. 14 18 a blessing there is such a• reliable remedy as Burdock Blood Bitters for those tortured; day and •night, with eczema, and who can get no relief from their mieer7. Take Burdock Blood Bitters in. Manufactured tethrnoseallpoY isoalinsd itvahpiucri!fiae:e ththee boleouod se°off . ., tor the post 54 years by this eruption THE TIVIILECHN COLimited . to Apply it ester:HWY and it will help Toronto, amt. to takeout the fire end itcht and aid: in, the healing process. Priceslhat mean a 'saving for you. Make your dollars count by shopping at 9 e FRIDAY, 'and MON SPECIALS FOR June / 29th7 30th July 3rd a -Extract Artificial 9 bot ,Good string Broom, each............ :23c Z.43c ess Ora Extra Large ligeS Catifonda Oxy Fre Bulk Soda Biscuits', 2 lbs.... ndtMustar4.., • 0 Own Thrifty Tea, per lb...... 41,11.4.44 .39c . or reelbs. 4 444 4 44$1.0°,4444 DO YOU ALWAYS FACE TRAFFIC WHEN YOU WALK ON COUNTRY ROADS? REMEMBER 46 killed, 124 injured walking on rural highways in Ontario in 1932 I t* MOTOR ValltLES t RANG! ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OE HIGHWAYS Mazaulat, MistIster echler's Pride Coffee, 1 -lb, tin............350 • V gy c-"rr- oe Polish BEL EoTr Drown Li tins ae ire's Boot Beer, per package. .... ........29c resh Arrowroot Biscuits tr 25c reslily sliced Boiled Ham, per lb...........39e •-. egetable Soup lau`i31,noT op at your nearest store, Goderich or ayfi PHONE 368 •J•