HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-06-29, Page 1The Merchant's Friend Au advertiser's message in the Glade. rich Star reaches the reader on Thurs.. day, the day of publication, irt plenty of time for .perusal and for week -end shopping. itonuner Sch g, 1.7 to 2 6 tar SEVENTreFOURTII WAR _nen_ Subeeriptiont $2 * Men In COW* year tee In in. Points. Crops $uffer GODERICII, ONTARIO, CANADA. TIM JUNE 29th, 1933 Wedding Stationery Announcements, Cards, Etc., call The Star. Printing that Elleas, for Social Events. For lite cthing in In1 orrect vitation% wAvart NAV1*Z, Pain/shoe As Drought Enters Upon its 22nd Ninety Students Wkting at G. C. L Middle and Upper School, FAarn Started Monday—Lower School Today 1Va4dle and Upper Sehool exams, etarten at the G. C. L ozuonday -and no fewer than font presiding examiners are on duty, Inspeotor Beacom of (node - rich, Mrs. Moonen,,nennt. C. L teacher, and the principal and asentant from 'Exeter, There are about forty candi- dates 'writing on the middle echeol ex- am. and about fifty on the upper ahool, The lower school exams. start on Thenstbe. The entrance examine.* tons will be /mid at the G. C. Z. on niondsee Tuesday and Wednesday net wean and there will be -about eighty pupils writing, five or six from the Sep: arate schoen eight et, more from 'Central and sevent,an from Victoria school. Twenty-two from, Vietoria selaool are given their entrance on the term work and similarly a good number !tom the other schools. Printirall Hume will be • the presiding examiner. Stripped to the waist, male bathers with hairy eheets are quite numerous at •the bathing beach tine year. •It Is quite °the fad," men and boys rolling their shirts< into their trunks. Tins, of *ours% is a obritravention of the ancient town bylaw, whioh says bodies must len 'cov- ered from knees to shoulders, but that bylaw belongs to the stone age. In- quiries of natleem of both sexes ,brought the reply: "Perfectly nk. with me." At opine beaches •the practiee has been :stopped by the authorities, ATTENDED C. I. HERE Late S. F. Weshington, KA ot liamtte tan, Was rupil<of tate Dr. Straw Residents of inonerieh nud • the Allbn urn, section Were bereaved at the week- end by the death, in Ileranten of S. In SIVaellinaton. 1C.C., prerainot readmit et that eity and a ratin wall an inns - Wenn career. eine Charles Washington and, Isliss Eleanor Washington, tif **de - re* are brother and sister reepectivelY. Mrs. W. J. Bue/aanan is a niece and there am other nieces and nephews in the neighborhood, of Auburn, where de- ceased attended school as a boy. He later come to 0, O 1. in the days of the late Dr, Strang, In 10$4 he was caned, te the Bar, and five years later was ape Penned a Queen's Counsel. For tune years, beginning 1884, he was le member of ,the firm of Haslett and Washington, and then liact hia own office for two Yearn Later lee became a member of the firm of Parner, Marshall and Wash- ington, and in 1$90 was with the Ann of Wasbington alert Beasley. He vas appointed Crown Attorney in 1904, which Position he held until his retire- ment ill 1931, when he became a mem- ber of the firm of Washington, 33owlby and Clentin Martin, with which be was =fleeted at the time of his death. Until Ins health failed him, Mr. Wash- ington wasactive in his practise. •Ills wife, Kate Victenbeqlowells, pre - deemed him many years ago. Survive ing are his soze V P. L. Washington, with 'whom he resided, and one gran* on, Hubert Laurence, A • son, Hilbert Howells Washington, was killed in ac. time during the war. FLOWER SUNDAY .Six Children Were Baptized Sunday 1Viorninga at le7. S. *United Never was there a more beautiful tits - lay of flowere seeri in North street nited thurch it on Sunday Morning at, the occasi n Of the annual nower FOR SALE OR TO RENT' FOR RENT.—By day, week, or month, • furnislaed lower at, brick house, eeol, large verandah, lawn and thade. ,Lene to niver and lake la mile Benutiful location, for cummer. tourists. $t. • Vin- eent St. 14, W. HOWELL. FPOE SALE.—Refrigerator for sale, penoneaely neW, inglay finish- ed in allite enamel, height 42 in, width 28 in., depth 20 be. Cost $75; $15 will take it. Apply COL, LAING, Cherry nate, lake end of Elgin Ave. Phone 044, - - 'TO RENT.—House on East St Ali , n' neoclern •conveniencee. •Apply to 'PRANK DONNELLY. 'FOR 841,E —A quantity of second- hand windown doors, brick and lumber. Apply • to ROBERT DOAK, contractor, Picton St..• • , I'ARM FOR ALE —Forty acres tnore ''' • ar IesS, the property' of the late H. W. one ineftel, situated at the end Of South Street on the southern botindary ot the town ; of good clay loamlarge house and barn. drive slied; work.shon; nen-home; artesian well (135 feet), the very best of water; •good fruit trees. /deal location, close to schools- and churches. Par further particulars apply en thn premises <or to PERCY or WILL trAPTEe.. POULTRYMEN ATTENTION! . Grain. • prices • are adVancingl Why •keep a lot of non -laying beardere, when you ean have your •flock of hens culled, free • of • eharge, by an expert with years of • experience and hundreds of satis- fied tustonters to his credit? AT* •• range with your neighbors to have • neur ilocks culled the same day. Good prinennenatend •for the cull '•hens. Fore particulars .phone ' Dungannon 84 , _-_-_,.......__ ... —....-........n. i 4, C. IL}LUMBER JEWELLER TELE SMALL Si ORE wive Tete attenelneinit, 1 - =day. The dren of tne Sunday °hoot occuplen the trent central pews. The pester, Cin T. Watts. spoke to the children b the subject of wat- lies-Watches tb, would not go on ae- count of dirt o some other disorder, arid 'wntches the, kept Perfect time and gain a spirituel plieation'of lils story Sig ,children w baptized at this,ser- vice, the two eiti en of eir. and Mrs. S. E. Totten, son f Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Greetani, soneof • r. and Mrs. Reiland,, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Norman Wark, and son < of and Min. Chester Johnston, At th conclusion of the baptism, Mrs. P1 r sang In splendid voice,"When Mt rs of Salem," And during the service r. Moreland, father of IVeiss Peggy Mor nd who so delight- fulin • charmed th audiences at the Lions Club cencert last' 'week, sang a solo In good voice: The Prodigal Sone ' REAL• ESTATE 13 INSURANCE 11HE ARNISTRON REAL ESTATE n• AND INSURA 8 AGENCY. J. W. AR TroNct, • p.c.. Box 89 • Goderich, °tit P. WOOL COMBE •UAMILrO T it met, nennen 6 • Sells Insurance of a nds. Get rates from blm before roe g or planning new insurance, THE (). F. C FIRE, ACCIDENT and iNfhillft A EY CO. OTOR CAR • OFFICC-111.80NIC TIMPLE, t T., col:niece • Phone 230 NELSO R 1,, Manager • W:CR IE Insirance and Re state • Immo/Hot, PROP./MAL, 1111114/011PAL BONO. Bon Life Jissuranoe Bompollg of Benda LtIrit LIFE INSURANCE? , 1. )3atitme no Mari and ne business can be solvent withOue Olen- gency fund. 1 2. Becalm your wife naturally depends on you to protect her ankho Children ogainst the contingency of your death. 3. Bonne you wont your children to start Where non leave oihot where you, started. 4. Bemis° you don't want to have to work all your life—donne= want to rett sometime? !Office 115 11taidence 540 H. R. LONG, District Attu TOWN OF GODERICE 1933 TAXES PAY AT ONCE. get the discount and save titi penalty on 1st instaihrtertt. j. H. ROBERTSON, Tax Wiecto Explosion—S'halies REWARDED IDOUBLE VOTES THIS WEEK North End of Town ON ALL PAID SUBSCRIPTIONS Day "Never Again" Says Welder as • He Views Wreckage of Road Tar Tank John 'Whittingiaam was irijured about the head and arms and Thomaa Sandy was given a severe shaking up when Nines ignited in a read tar tank, which was being welded by Mr. Sandy at Ws machine shop on Wolfe street on Satur- day, causing an explosion whiell vaunt be beard for blocks around and winch brcke many panes et glass, That IVIeesrs. Whittingliare and Sandy were not, more serlooly injured or even killed, is considered miraculous. Both men are 'Wanking their lucky stars they are liv- ing today. At• the time of the explosion. Mr. Saridy was applying the welding torch to a stay -nem in nee revs end of the tank, which was empty. Mr. Whitting - hare was standing immediately behind, holding an umbrella over Mr. Sandy's head, be order that he might better see. Without warning there was a tetning explosion. The two men were shot back againee the wall of the machine shop, alongsidce Mr. Winningham receiving the eull forte of the impaet. He was cut about tile arras and head and was given medical attention. Mr. Sandy escaped evitti bruises, Practically every pane of glas.e in the machine shop, and some in Mr. Sandy's residencenearby, wee shattered. The report Ives heard for nieces around. • The county has been using a neve road material, which is end to contain< some gasoline. Mr. Andy has welded the same tank o • seve 1 occasions. He blames the stering t sun of the day and the presence of asoline fumes in the empty tank fieint explosion. Only the week previous the same tank caugett nre while being welded, but the names were easily extinguished. Both ends of the tank were brown, out and the body distorted by the force of tb,e explosion, it has been repaired. "Never again," said Mr. Sandy to The Star as he viewed the wreck a few min- utes• after the explosion. Harold Blackstone, eaten/419aq West street mereharit, believes 10.` handing oat rewerde when and Where they ere due. He lws Ant treated ins ten-yeerete14 entnimobile to n coin, of pellet. The color ecneene Is blue en,d 'blaek and the • wheels yellow, aml on * misty day It mignt easily be taken for one of the MUMMY new medele. The ear ha an nanorable reeord. for it leas started more young couples on their matrimonial areer pan hen any • other vehicle In this men's town. Tile grant bumper, for instance, hes earned beds, dressers, chiffoniers, Quebec heaters and. even IrJtellen ranges from Mr. Blackstone's fur- niture emporium Orient te the Uwe nest, and ;line it with quiet dignity and thoroughness, for not one couple was dnappointeci by tardy delivery. • BOWLING • At Monday% twilight rinks Emma - man the first prize. went to A. M. Crawford's link, of Wingham; seanci Prize te Robt. Johnston's Ooderieli rink (J. Baker, K. towe, 0. R. Alan and R, Johnston), third prize to Wm. Powell's rink (nevert Hill, J. Newcombe, T. Mc Dermot W, Powell); •feurtli prim to Taylor's rink (Geo. Mtunby, W. Same, J. Johnston and T. Taylor) and fifth prize went to a. 1Veitchell rink. The next big event on the local greeens will be the Satoh doubles on July 12th. Lase Thiunday C. Griffith and Robt Johrtston won third at Kincardine. And last lericlay W. Litt, H. R. pau,.. R. Johirton and P, Hunt won third at This Will Be Given 'Whether They Are New, Renewal or Arrears.. • Another Special Prize fqLir and Subscribers Are Becoming Given Below. Cash Returns...Candidates e Active—First Standing The Star enoOdeWill Club Contest is now fully nrganized and both vontest- ants and subseribers are beginning to show von.siderable entleusistsm, Inn grand prize Amiens which are now on display in the various Stores where they were precured are well worth evorking for and the efforts put forth by all tan- didates veill be well repeld at the con - elusion of the campaign. A remarkably even start has been Made by the majority of ,the contestants as can be seen by the standing belew. 'While a few were a little late in getting started, they on take advantage of the double vote schedule offered this week, and shotiki be right up near the top when the standing is announced next week, fiubscribers enio can, should pay, their subscriptions this week either at the ofe fice or to the contestants themselves, RITti take advantage of the double cre- dits In. helping your favorite candi- dates, Remember, most vot,es win the grand prize awards, and doulele credits will not be given on all subseniptions again during the vontest. Special< Prize --Lady's Toilet Set This special prize will be given to the candidate who secures the largest re- turns for the week between, Tuesday, June 27th, an Monelay, July 3rd, Them weekly pries are in eddition to the grand and Onsolation prize awards. Standing of Candidate Up to Tuesday, June 27th • The standing of antestartta below re- present the Votes for publication up to Tuesday, June 27th; • To ANnOSTnIZS•eribers The subscription price of the Goole - rich Star t� any part of Canada, if paid In advance, is $2.00. In the United States An additional 50o is required to pey for postage. However, during the Cood-Will Club eonmetition, subscriptions will be 'receiv- ed at the rate of $1.50 per annum; either new, arrears or renewals. This is given as an inducement to all subecribers to make a saving by paying their subscrip. Hens before July 31et, • This offer poettively closes the last day a the Present erimpaign, and the regular subscription. price will be in ef- fect after that date. • As an added feature, we will give wIth every receipt for payments of a yearly subscription, new or renewal, a coupon good for one insertion of a 'classified "ad" good any thne in 1933. Stra ford. Yesterday was Mitchell rinks tourna- ' FIRST STANDING OF CONTESTANTS • Merit. Today Lucknow doubies and Bat.' NanneS Of Candidates tirday, July 1st, Weight= rinks MRS. ALEX, COLBORNE, Goderich A Iteninly or Earanhe.—To nave the earache is to endure torture. The ear is a delicate organ and few care to deal with it, tonsidering it work for a doctor. tee Thomas' telectric 011 offers a simple remedy. A few drops, upon a piece of lint or medicated cotton And placed in the ear will da much he relieving pain. LIBERAL PROGRESSIVE PACT REARS HEA D IN Medd in South, Robertson in . North, Is Projected Line -Up PROGS. PICNIC AT BA.YFIELD HURON COUNTY Haying, Ho wever, Gets Call . Over Politics on Very Hot Day W. G. Medd, Progressive member of the Legislature for South Huron, in which the town of Goderich was planed under redistribution, will seek nominee tion in the new riding and he does not expect that a Liberal will be placed in the field, "according to an undertnand- ing," he told an audience at the South Huron Progressive Association picnic at Bayfield last Saturday. Likewise C. A. Robertson, who was also a speaker at the picnic, will be A candidate in Hur- on-Bruee, to the north and, returning the eompliment, he does not anticipate any Progressive intervention. If it c,an be arranged by these gentlemen, it was made plain, tnere will be "straight fights" in both constituencia. D. J. Taylor and P. rt. Oliver, Pnovincial • members for North and South Grey re- spectively, were the other speakers and all urged the presentation of a united front against a "coninion foe," the pres- ent administration, W. Black, • was thairrann. The day was sizzling hot And there won a Very email attendance, less than $one hundred, and these were mostly NOTICE - AMA APPLICATIONS 1100Tii VILEGES o the Square and at the Agricultural Par on Dominnon Day win be received by th undersigned up to Thursday, June 29tb. EL D. CROFT, L. KNOX, Sec. Cele, Com. Tem Clerk WANTED WANTES).—Alt exPerienced Maid for " general housework. , MRS. WM. CHRISTIAN, Cobourg St. MAN WANTE'D to nandle high grade nu. line of Teas, +Cofteee, Opices, Ex- tract% Toilet. Preparatieris direct •to established nate. Opening in elocierich and one"hf Iluron County. Write T. H. WARD C1OMPANY, John South, Ranee Mem • WANTED Two Salesladies To call on hoinea Gocierieh One montles 'work. Salary sna commission. Apply Box X Star Office • IS AWARDED $1620.05 Haiku Tevenship Lady Is Itewarded row. Care of Deceased Uncle • For the board and care of her late uncle, James Maim, Ellett township, Miss Sarah Jane Mann was on Monday awarded $1820.05 in Surrogate Court by Judge Costello. Of this $1200 was for board at 46 a week from Augnst, 1927, to October, 1931. This 'evae covered by a written 'agreement, The stem Of $200 Was atoned for extra care and nursing during deceased% Illness, but personal expenses inclined by Miss Mann for the funeral were disallowed, as was a claim for feeding horses. ladies. Last year there %were over one thousand present, Ilayini was in full swing on the sidelines And concessions andnnot the call over politics, • Mr. Medd said he clid not .at any time voice any objection to the placing of Gederich in South Huron. ."1t might have been worse," he said, "for towns- people in the rural sections know that their Interests are rdependent <with uf those of the fa a, I expett to get geed Minx* in e to ii ot pederich. 1 know Matte a number . --Dn'• , ,• le there," "In South Huron," continued • Ur, Medd, "the Progressives will neininate a tandidate and accorcUng to an under- standing the Liberals win not nominate one in opposition." Discussing the lesues of the day the speaker attacked the goveriunent, einiege ing wasteful expenditure' of nublic fend.% He urged a revision of the tax System, a lowering of eateries and travelling ex- penses of. school inspectens. He thought that Canada eciuld be restored 0 nros- penity IrreePeCtive of World conditions And scored the atteMpt to redute wheat aereage When there are thirtn millions of Anglo-Saxons on half rations. The .alleged centralization of authority in Torotite came in for eome hard raps, The Attempt to do away with training schoola in email hospitals was eited as one evidence of thin inditation Wee given that thia is to be made a ideal Ie. sue in the fortlitornine canipaigin Aek *'or Cheapen Ilynro Another local tette *011ie nrydr0 intes ns they affect Ruron County pointe. The old !mete of a t tele, or come bah thing, it to be r teed. ChairMan illtiek rated the ques on and C. A. Robertson toOk it tip. e rate in Winglia he eald, Ives $70 per hp. Zia Goderi e48 and in Niagara diatriet points t2 . Infr. Robertson. urged a fairer initial ation, but din not offer any linen. 1 e tend other speakers said the preen rates were delving. industry to large centres while graee Was growing me e streete of the entail towne. Mr. rtson re. • viewed the incream in bonded Indent. ednese, then charnel:1 of the Ott of peve ed bighways to cannel account, the grant synent tend ether iteuel Mr. Olivet Speaks Er:trotter Olken one.thne protege of miss Agnes maephaii, still maintains his 00Fillt Appettence and despite Ida ( Continued On edge 5) , Votes 60,000 MRS. ROBT. DAVIDSON, Dungannon • . • . .110,000 MISS GERTRUDE EVANS, Goderich .......... 78,000 MISS IRENIE JOHNSTON, Godericlt. . . . ,...... 60,000 MRS. LORNE JOHNSON, R. R. Pt. Albert. ... 50,060 MISS GRACE JOWEIT, Bayfield ....... 50,000 MRS. J. S. LOCKHAR'r, R. R. 1, Goderich...... ..... 50,000 MRS. J RVIS McBRIDE, Carlow ... .... 70,000 MR RED McMULLEN, Goderich„ .... 50,000 MIS MYRTLE PFRIMMER, Bennutier. .. .... .110,000 M1S LAURA PHILLIPS, Auburn...„,—, — ....... 60,000 BUILDING FOR ETERNITY ReV, Dr. Barnett Preaches to Brother Masons on Character-Buildhig Saturday last was ehe festival of nt. John the Bennet and Maitland Lodge, No. 33, A, P. and A. M., <celebrated the occasion, by attending divine service ih knee ehurch on Sunday evening in goodly numbers. The service was eon- • ducted by Very Worshipful Bro. Rev. .1, 11. Barnett, Ph. D., past assistant Orand Chaplain, who spoke on "Tim Plumb Line," faking for his text Anios 7:7 and 8, 'Thus he showed me, and -behold the Lord stood upon a well nutde by a plumbline with a plumbline in hin hantl, And the Lord said unto me, Amos, whet see.st thou? and I said, A plumbline. Then said the Lord, Behold I will set a plumbline in the midst of my people israef." • Character building was the, objeotive of the 'ma.sonle Art, he Said. There mind be only one foundation .in charac- • ter building. If n man lived for plea- sure his tharacter was dominatesi by sensuality, or whatever he made his mairi objective dominated his character, and the handing of character was not achieved by the act a a moment, it was a long process, Either Sainthood or Satan -hood was not the result of one act, but the act was the result of the cleminating character the individual' was •building up. If we built up a bad character we could expect only destruc- tion . when measured by the ,divine plumbline. The sermon was followed very appro- priately by a tolo, "Building for Etern- ity," by Mics Hatt. The ecripture reading wat front Joe. hua 1 and Ealealaates 12. The anthem was "0 Light Eternal," and prise ill- ations were the wattle colettlorn "Unto the hills around do I lift up my longing eeesn and the. (inning hytnn, ninbide with Mee' followed by the National An- them. Organ numbera were the pte- Jude, "1,arghetto," S. S. Wesley; offer. toire, "o Thou Sublime Swat Evening Star," Wagner; and the postiude, "Trumpet Turie." Purcell. The inueleal • part of the service was extellently ren- dered, , On the return to the lodge item votes of thanks were peened to the Wend of martagera of the church, to Dr. Barnett and the choir, goloist. end Orgainat. IIIGIII,VAY SAn'Erf CAMPAIGN Again the lefinister of Highways, The Hon. Leopold Macaulay, through the Motor Vehielee Braneh, b Inanglaratine an agereeeive, Widesprend publitity tampaign in an effort to anal the tide of ander on the /AMOS Mad bignways, a the Provinee. Deenito an edueatfonal program *Melt tlui Highways Departinent hale earned out over a period of yen% deaths And blitirice eaura& by motor vehicle traMe are alanningle, nnetteenrily high. •The Highway:. Npaitmont WS year is utilizing daily and witty raeleepapera, the trade preen Minna aehera, the in - 410 -every level/nine nies to improve conditions, The War beeptsks the thoughtful coniperatien of every motor- ist and every peileetrlan In tite latereet of safety. Twenty -Seven • Were Confirmed Btshop Seeger Officastes •at Largest Attended Week -Night Service in Many Years The most largely attended weekenight service held in St, George's church in Many years was the record for the con- firmation service last night at which His Lordship Bisimp Seeger •administered the rite of confirmation, the confirmees numbering 14 boys and 13 girls as fol - lo . Boys • Arthur John Beverley mills, Williant Wallace Reid, Ralph Edward Blackstone, Robert Evans Barnes. James Benson Garrick, Ebon Rinaldo Wiele„ James Ivan Irwin, Robert Tweedle MeDonald, Arthur Bertram iluckins, Alfred Ken- neth Hoy, Fred Balfour Whittinglaam, • John Bruce Craig, Marten Letvie Gibson, Harold Stanley MohrIng, Otto Leola Margaret Nelson, Lorraine Dor- othy Nelson, Dods Hilda Catharine Baker, 'Madge Gertrude Turner, Finalist May Hoy, Helen May Lowry, J Io- beli Kneeehaw, • Helen Bowes rievea Thomas', Phyllis nmile Martin, lady; Mildred 'arrant, Clara Witinifred Grace Volland, Violet Elide Henry, Mrs. Rubella Victoria Newcombe. After the organ relude and procea- atonal heltut the candidata were pre- sented by the rater, Rev, 0. N. 11. Mills, to the blehop for the laying on of hands. The Whop preacned in the candidates a sermon full of advice and cowmen id. ter which he adminetered the Anatolie rite. After the Offertory the certifleatee of confirmation were delivered to the confirmeea, and the reneasional hymn and organ postlude concluded the impreneive service. The neWly-confirmed will make their thee communion on Sunday morning next at the 8 o'clock celebration. 5 . DOUBLE PRESENTATION Lineups F�r Dominion Day Extra Prize Money For VVinners Will Make Sure of Two •Real Contests Tim etaim ea eel set for Deartlinori Day and given good weather there wilt he n Weeper crowd be GedeTtell An Saterden. The. various coninitters bold, a final enacting en Tuestley oVenine to perfect organiotion, The big baseball doUble-header /Mould provide real entertainment. !or them are tome fornier ble-time"players on the line-ups. Terry Deily, brie of the tun- pires, who comes from Erie, PA., and lute a state-wide reputation, will be ebarge and will be assisted by Homer of Buffett). Score cards will elle given free to au fens. Dorn forget the big parade in the morning, the childrenn sports, the ath- letic prograln, etc. The Mat bell gaMe starts at 2:I6. Outer Brands—Eberle, es; Wake, an; Abel, rf; 2b; Valk, lb; Lipp, an Roth, If; I,aPp or Kennedy, c; Led - nor, Jones and noth, p Where. • • Bleck Soen-Chattna ss; Byrd, an Harden, lb; Walk 2b; Robinson, rf; Kelly, e; Hall, el Whitt or Haynes, 3b; Watson, Ral4nao4 and Johnson pitch- ers. Umpires—Ho ie and Dane. • Crop Conditions Are Not Bright Th :s District Completes Third Week Without Rain—Mercury Over NinetY Unless rain falls very goon, and in copious quentities, Munn County bees a serious *rep situation. As matters now stand, even if rain does come, the situation Is a serious one. There has been no precipitation since June 7th, ex- -apt on June lith, when only a few drops fell. The total for the month is less than an inch, whereas the averene Is trier three inches. • Iten McLeod, agricultural representa- tive, yesterday described -crop one - nom, title to drought, as "fairly serious."' Barley, he said, is heading out very short and unless rant nettles in a den or so it will be •a complete tenure. Pall • wheat still loans good, but there 15 re tolling' how It will head mit. The root crops are suffering greatly and in the meth end, of the county sugar beets are • at a standstill. As for fruits, apples are not suffering exeep', on light land. The drouglit finished the strawberriee en short Donee, except • in gardens where water was available. The price was once as low as sex ants a box, by the crate. • Today they are selling for 2 boxes tor 26 cents. Mr. McLeod would make no forecast as to raspberries. • Blistering Het Days Thls week has been featured by bilet. ering • not weather. On • Tuesday the thertimmeter soared to 91 degrees, One of :he two hottest days of the year. On June Oth the same high nusrk was reached. Last year the thermometer did not touch the ninety mark until • September 12th, When elt registered 94 degrees, Comparative figures kept by J. 8. Mutch for the Dominion Govern- ment are: st 1033 1032 Xidex. Min. Max. Min. June e 2221 80 • 50 74 (11 • • 60 48 71 • 01 " 23 •II 51 6$ •56 • " 24 05 57 • 66 43 ' 25 02 67 70 86 " 26.114 67 71 51 " 27 91 • 68 76 63 Miss Ella Watts and Mro. D. 0, Gray Ilonoredi At the eloente meeting till the fall of the evening auxiliary of North etreet United ciltirch, held on Tuaday even - hie at the /lone of Mrs. D. D. Mooney, tilvee comfaort was preeented to InfieS E5n Wette lil reogultlanof her ape ,Pfenehing linterbge, mut 3 elif0 nzkot NI Mrs. D. D. Gray, lat. yearn prendent of Me Amine*, before her departure for GV. Therms. Addrenna wew read 10 Mi_15 %nate by Melee E. Hume and to tetra, Gray by Detre. Olannitee Roberton and tbe aftickn Were W.:vetted by tla5. ters Paul and Donald Mooney, littlegone of Mrs. Mooney, klt president o1 the Auxillery. Both Indio replied gracionee ly. Met Grey gave a Vern einendid re- view of the -chapter on the Wen litinle dealing With the W. M. a, weele of the Preebyterian, Methodist and Congregae • tiorfal ehurehes up to Mann aatil Or the tinned church since 1923. 11; Cornin Events AND nrystsEss rour.,Es Be oure`k to reserve Thilinday, July 201h, for the Ahmeek Chapter, bridge on Judge Cannier's beautiful gr°urndde; Oyour favorite kind of naure Secord Candles and we will procure them, alco fresh Laura feecord standard and family boxea in stook. CAMPBELLTI DRUG oxortz, Maple Leaf Chapter, I. 0. O. E., are planning a gipey carnival masquerade to be held at the pavilion on August 4th. 1101114 FOX.—At Leanne, Que., on Godly, June intin 1933. to Mr. and Mrs. Herrn Fax (nee Emily Orifilni a dauehter, Mary Joon. DIED HALL—lit °Wench, on Sunday, JIMe 23th, John 13. Hall, of Tara, in his Vain year. CO LEMAN.—At Sault Gte. Marie. Mich, on Friday, June 23rd, Jamee Coleman. formerly ot Mandela Town- ship, aged 72 years. MeDONALD.—In Goderich Town'atinn, on Menden, June 20t1I, 1033. Murdeen McDonald. IN MEMORIAM niCKEItn.e--1 /Winn neemorn 0! 1 nnintiel Viciter . Witei ttisf:ed aWay on June 26t11, 192$. Henn/gone,' bn, net, forgotten. Never shall hie nielnory tado: Inteeete,st thoughtokill ever liege:, Round the weave lenero be /s lald. • Sadly intsed by 1113 WIP15 end Ininelint.