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The Goderich Star, 1933-06-15, Page 4
s AX TfitlY 3$'Y, MX15tb, IISS l�Lbt CARLOW ! Jllao, iaz xtltwJ "triets, fxirWrtF irate "�r Af tlAose Writing exa>•tivatl",rixs, a e t s Wei bele$ arlm ringmlf• CAPITA .,a Tiff � •,�.� Wit t epMoenew the IM0 t� of hay",ngin S � f �t1+t OWC � Mr. win, Ream is, re=sbw"sling bis early July, turd ofxen rftuire the faire 4=0 the month sof '. �• ,.,y �,�r 0 %/Xf (rL �s�L1 f °f help '�iliah the older pupils can give 4t T7rues are iinprovhlg t>;o you are W. Harold Won was a Dungaz:- NOW i�trAXtl�ttGt.-+Je.' X. �tyr++�R #a °`lfa+t tlawt n 1M�riitnl«°' RJ '�*° / L "' ' V / home Tet�b er$ feel t"t WPU# 'wilt non visitor On Sunday. — ' ° •/t��fy'} its safe 1l0 with that tied- =a gr, T TO a ED. OWnot da their WO work durhzg the beat di fttJrs: t 0s. 7ya of puu3ow was $ k + _ gt July �reatber, than, reflecting discre> ding. It ;au v�wt aha finest Qf visitor at errs. Tyndall°s' last week. T� gree:test Tl�cli�lo3oolwr musical rJ►ox x4ti eve ever seen 1 C time dit on them. work .for the oKaiiikx you can get Mx A Your! and #[ra.•Heuderson> t t PAUL WHITEMAN And HIS $AaND it from lift« lnid !tris, William Joc"n; RiP• or to fire Star pf8se Thaaaking you 4.a Clttzeenc of this diritxiet Were stiarprlc*. %iyal, Were visitors near Nile !stiff i3at- aasisted by the greatest aggreirAtiou of musical anti dancing talent ever fey, were me u, with th t3Yeaxaa..fe wad ad�� e vuuvan. sip rely QuAlu ed to learn of the death of w 3'c(me-•' ° urfty, assembled. In, a single picture $fixer, GEO. STEWAR T mr. %feivin TyuUn U returned, loans i�[Isa !mild Mcryiure, of the . 11 m Robert tidsou, "llakuowu resident of West 1iVarvsutgRb.., 3rrmt t'eterbnru wiaem he was in rotten- :!�%�� Q� �����r WA hrariclx of the CgnAdlan !laza uzigannoai, Ent. 9ti the pezrton of George Wilson, who Wadding Work a Specialty dance at the General A�mbly. j�►s► passed WntfW1Y away? At Clinton tonic . atintiork of IGrEORC#10 mmeree, fsa in etoderlch relieving At Men have been employed during the, time early alVedneFday. 'Hp had dtNai- 1!'lioase itf7 eMlerklti Nrrce. >w1fi, and ]Igrc,lRrrington $amdayed with l�eaturhetr ,IQSl1 Ht1L1 and, the first dttam musical treats >the ttoderleh branch for• turd weeks, pot fortnight its continuing the Clean- plained of feeling not well on Tuesday : the tarmer'e sister, Mrs. J. geld, of CiNRBHW1aT1'S "N.RAs'ttoDX 1<N nr,0i0>♦. bee lair 7tX; and William UCC11" And up of Iiungaaxioai cemeteryt which wart and tris iiervlCea of a doctor, were o�x• Dnnganreon. soaizmenced yeAr ago• and a wonder- A severe windstorm passed over here .� �'",-` iaanily, aepoinpauled .Jay Mise Nettie went is the result, ManS� tatued, but nothing unusual was antler SLIM. SUMMER , TS sproul, . visited Goderich relative$ +wa ful, improvement. on paced, A SOA of the late Mr. and Airs, �����*+%� last Sunday afternoon. Several had �%ccme that .bezv png the aunday. plots owned by people who are no 1�eg Charles Wilson, he, Waait born, a# liiay 20. their Silas levelled and trees wire up-. and !liars. Jackson axe the pis- er residents of this district had 11188. He was as continuous Resident of Miss Xoabella KUk spent the creek*end rooted. display their wares purely the• supe poses see that Vis. been rocking the sides of l a cation, I?or purely laugh PuzP un •turkeys, acts of A flare flock of 65 young otergr . I with rose bushes, a e., which the township in v/bYch Jae eras• born. and at her home near London. Anniversary services of the Pre6bY- utte a charge for one inotber .ixad beers allowed, Brow W11d and these resided upon, the farm upon. Which .he Mr. *Ad Mrs: •Colin Caampbell and two terian congregation Will be held v. the ►JAL / �f`� ur� ___ : -_ rrhirlk is tarn thla, the "'gobbler" tri aaoY other �� L il�ry J�$t ��� �Q V �� turkey !teal g have been removed Along WI of the tavGk or Aieedg' which marred the ap= was until a Lew years •Aga, wizen hp. ehudren spent the vCeek-end with friends hall on Sunday, June 2Sth, .Rev. Mi'. Cami�.-A Slw�ni S`� �� Darien" has taken charge of .part plants went to tris Home in Clinton,. a$ he.lYv� at Port Elgin.;, Mills will have charge. •Morning service � ^dyed and Sal. at 3:N ]PM and bestows rite Paternal attentions as pearan�e of this quiet resting Fevre ad alone. He is :zurvived by one sister, Mrs. Jessie, Tougb rid ad home last at 11 o'clock, evening service at 7. Cosiseientioualy and with as march ten- the dead, %pew cemeteries have 'a an Mrs: George CAthcart, Toronto, who was Week irons a month's visit with friends There Was no service in aha ilei! last sterness as any mother turkey hen 'Could, than that of the local at Hyde park. Sunday. Rev, Mr. Mills was called favorable location t prevent for the funeral, and two bio- ' Mas• J. 'D. lde~vau, 'Mian Clara $04-001 cemetery here, and the soil U of a light triers, William IL Wilson, can. 2, W. Mrs. Gairdner entertained her Sun- away, his Sather having passed away hnston, of Stratford, were ravel 'nature, eminently "table. for awanosh. and James A. Wilson, fort- last Friday marniag. The sympathy of which was her ton so home. Our can-, and Jack Ja , mother, gravelly h i ic' Used Any W ' C sal- day school class ,one evening last week this congregation is extended. gratmations we'll extended m Mrs. . recent guests With the At li t ,file Purpose for which t age la Prairie q U0 was perhaps be to a lawn social. d ieealth,� (ill flW:. STORE o being eiecompanied, us of having their.plot plot Qared, #or in he County of Hugon, being The local softball' team 'played With The: Ju mt4tifig , of the :Ladies' Aid ; 1 . and mtT; wishes ,^ ,. WEEk-*� SMOM�, . Mo. David Sproul, desirous lest man t by Mrs, Sproul and het during the year May 'do so for the cum .$W.. feet, sire inches in 'height, and his Clinton on Monday evening, •resulting to � f ' the *asbyterlan congrMVtion was-p�SS�R when. returning,p, 1C. I.Auundry Seap, X0 bare 2$0. e Miss Robina Sproul, ,wlao axe . of ;1.100 vdhich array 'lie sent to .Mrs. f tnillar figure had been rpissed from a .alai for Clinton, held at the home qi Mrs. Wm. Marsh The marriage of W, J. Mair,' of Gode- CW oatmeal, is lb& for 250. datxght r. t Stratford and a hurt trine a Thomas 15tothers, of the local post office n since he went to Ctiait #e ° Mr. and Mrs, Lord, of London; spent on Tuesday,. 18 members Present. After rich,. and l�r+s. FCs Webster, of Ottawa, Neilson"s ]Rosa Duds, .the bett'r spending as Wilson; Goderleh; be- Iso t lay be 'given any amitri- Dungan on f sial Was held priday last' with.her another, Mrs. Dav- the devotional. part of the program the..�k place on .Saturday afternoon, Junune Choceble, 230 .ib. with. Mrs,. lftabert W , to whom f r general Improvement or: reside, Tire un litimdaY ore returning to tk+.eir'home here. butions 0 B t>iternooa with service at Clinton com- leon, in the village, ladies appoint -C4 !heir ditfere t conven- 18th, at the parsonage of Maui ay Volt- Everything horn ditty to. Chew- qs0 interested in the 'Dungannon :cleapYn& ;up of the cemetery' mencin at 1.30 pm., a�ad i0aterment in Myys dtuth Houston, 4t Landon. spent Ors to arrange .for their Garden party � �uroh, Qttaara. Rev. Dr. Anderson Ing GUAL 121 ictiltural Society baud been working The postponement of examinations [Dungannon cemetery. The funeral cow the. Weekend with her parents,. W. and to be held on the beautiful grounds of otliciated. Mr. and Mrs. Mair arrived Agrd trlQus at Agrieuittiiral Park with into July ,does not seem to be Popular, tege arrived . at Dungannon cemetery .Mrs; Sam Houston. Mr, and .Mrs. MelvI4 Tyndall on Wed in Godericii at noon on Monday sand ► FiRANKLiN Mo)<I.WAfPT, fez . ti% >b' 1 ws afters,, circ., in. ;order to either With 'pupils; parents or teacher% about 3,00 to . Miss lYlci[htyre, of Strathroy,. arrived needay, June 28th; .Supper Served from .,ll reside in Mr. Mair's house on Bri- te -Ams, plows, ¢n dation for the . a result tho track in good condition The movement Came -partly as - last week and: will spend the suintrieat 6. to $ oolock: A 14 -piece orchestra tannia Rd, Rd It is the Intention o hints of ashool boards :that teat RN With M Jane Reid. from St. Andrew's Presbyterian Sunday Tall fair in October,cf c mP forCQLl3U the directors of trip AssP>~1aEian, to criers, owing ?N early examinations full itiin friends Miss Jessie- . Metcalf, of Detroit, Is school, W r. 0. , will supply Go mu- ---. •- pf e g 11s were r0.at completing their full MzS, Wm, Marsh is vis g hold: a, street dance on �tiae evening of ''pup , ora con, le of Weeks, .spending .a holiday �xith lien .parents sic, also Mr. C. Mealiins of [loderich. d : raise funds in aid m •of in which expires June Irk Irandon t p ere . Dr; and Mrs.. •2 etcalf: will sing.; At the close of • themeeting FrYday. June lir , to ter ore .acting tis Miss Dor Webster, spent the week h EIDI of the Amo4afteiatlon. loth, .and in Co. f 8t. Helens: Mrs,. Mary., McKenzie lett on Monday Mrs. 14{arsle and Winnie .serve* a tasty tr residing examiners were receiving end at 'her home a.. concern p iVicBrfde visited afternoah from Clinton by C. X. A. m' lunch.' The July tneetYng will be ht'id got Dash id tor' Old_ Gold in the form. of W%tches; GbainS, Rings, it 3nay n r tion : as, they received Mr. and, Mrs. Jarvis Saskateliewan. at 'the . home o1 Miss Dorothy itobert- P. Pa To who:;i entered my name !n the doubio xetnu .e a cknoW. ori Sunda visit friends Having from the beards with friends in Lu y Ail Dental Gold, Galli Coins, An Weighed and testedizx your Pic-. Z 'dim ay to end of , June fMr. and..Mrs. Porterfield, of Saskat, son. sand YOU wish to: sell in the privacy of lwur h.Omie, ._. 6taza asubsCription courpatgn, p during examin$tiona. Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Hardy' visited with'. his sister Mrs, Magma, ,' Smith's 'Hill United :church *111 hold fence• ..l3ritig; or .e or if y . s ilcitin our support. i, have and :extra fay et the week -end. , chewan, is visiting. . r ,Pot hone 287; J. hereby o g y to the ,heat of July weather, Che friends up north Ov nt'for Dungannon owizig ed home on gie Ferguson, here at pre=ens: its strawberry festival on Walter t p i1101YYINTQN COLA CO: been the corresporde ., ria into July Wal, 'it is felt, be In Mrs: Howard: H3.r return o lmost c eleven extension The "Young People's Society Of St. man's lawn an Wednesday, June 215t. C�tr J. HAVaSON, ' In - since Uec: 1st. lfl23, a children. Sunday $iter, visiting with friends .iii. I e contrittutions of Hers Iurious to. the health of the Andrew's church ••are holding a beachi Supper will be served from 5:50. to s C.or; Vittoria St. and notanuia R3. years, and, it the a eats desirous of . orranging Toronto; e Of intoresE .Ca you, may Also : p. r. , iron . of !n- : party .on Thursday evening. Of this week. p.m. 'The anniversary services will, be R items have been Jul and. •August, find Mr. Carman AnOe Dung on_ r a reelatiou vacations during . Y : grn... Wppen football. tea will meet t1x¢ .held on Sunday; July, 2nd, with -a spa - your " I ask you to. express5'oU p1?cached upm non virlted at the home of -Mr. in oS sial speaker 'at 11 a.m. and 7:80, P.M. by saving the coupons as •they ;appear trio holiday: seaso� enertQrara has ex- from week t„ week, commencing June After the regular _drool MftcheU on Sunday ' gin and gliar� local team dere an -4-31 even . g this week, when : a fast same: is looked' .and special musdc. • Stu,in The Star. These, with or with-. ptrad and some of the children are on out our subscription may be to me. vacation 'there is r!oE the same zest on : y ltirSS. o 0 Alberta, OO 'Visiting'heat Shi l Mr, and MrS..1no. Walter. for. Mr.:'' and Mrs. F. A.. Edwards aqd 1 ZI ti c' ' "" --- en-, . Triers was no service in the Presby-. was daughter :Eloy rand Mr. Fsrg, Carter, spent.,last Sunday with friends in 'Kit- Mr. Isaac Currey has put a ,new roof' on his. big barn: + +� c Summer M131 P�� � terihe . on Sunday owing to the death of: Mr. Mill's. father. ash chener, Mtss•Floyr remaining in the city two. 'visit. Barn To Mr. and Mrs. Robert rich- lin; Monday,: June 12th, •a son. - i AAWithL� �W HaVo and Mrs,,Thas. Wit, and Mrs, of ppm. Barlow, of Goderich, visited with for Weeks" ,, A fast game of Sootbafl vVas played on: On Friday .on Strawberries are ripening fast so. many . areL planning festivals in Which 'straW- V,. .. . their father.. 'Thos, Mitchell, or., on the agrldUltural ..grounds evening last week between St. Columbau berries are supieme,. ' .:... „ tack of :summer complaint. Few pegp�p e8ca l ati .at p lid or it mai be severe' but both the young Sunday and Mrs. john Feagan, of Nile, 1�a «VL and the local teams resulting. 1ti a Win for the form teamhmetr Our ,local $Dere*_ant, Gordon teb II , has been awarded a watch Zt may Slight . ' l to i dttnn the summer months. .: Irnd the old aloe hob. @ . t g You tell when it seises YOU how it in going to spent. Sunday. with their daughter, Mrs, 5tanie Vanstone and Mr. Vanstone:. y ,C.layton. and son,. Mr, Charl , s .bought the hardware stock from Mrs Annie of connection with, the poetry contest of. poetry the R. J. Dunn Company, cigar menu- cannot asst it for day or two and sed how weals and : Mr., and Mrs.. Will s now and has rented. her .store find 1s nowI facturers. en d. roar prgetrateit wily leave you. '. sttacYs of any looeeneM of the Jack, of Putnam, visited the lady's par- ents, lair, and Mrs. Jno. Treble, on Sun- :running the business, Charles being mecisanic and ;dill die Well able to look s Miss .ArahibaId4 Who' .has been '.the teacher of the Nile school for the Past On the JWt sign of sn boovele bye k few does o>' � • powler b Extract � Wild `. .. ' , : • str+wberiry and see how quickly it will geve retro day. y Melvin Tindal was in Paterboro the General Assembly of the .after the trade. Mr, and Mrs,'Sam. Houston, Mr. Rob- year, has handed in #ler resignation and the trustee board is busy trying to .surd ,,r a Manufactured ably byLThe T. Milburn Co., 14mi , attending Presbyterian church which met there art Greer and. daughter T,ottie, left for the West on Monday on the excursion her successor. The birthday of Mrs: James .'I`sibb WAS Toronto, Ont. 1 last week, ` stirs, Ida Oke, of Benmiller, alyd Mrs, leaving GoIderich bcr C: P. R. at four They intend is visit ap�pprlately celebrated on Saturday,. . Jun loth, at her home on the 10th of e MONO=John : Feagan, of Nile, left On vVednes, day for the *ed. where they will visit : f dosis Saskatchewan, friends also' in Dakota. Mr, and lids Wm, Muatard� and sot; Colborne Relatives and 'iriends. to the .Auntoer •of about. fifty Wes$ Present to EI)friends � -�'-FR NT c' DOTTED ,„' T for a4 montb: a and Mrs. Thos. Meaning arid. and daughter :arrit'ed .la$t week from they. apent the wine share the happy occasion, including leer • . son, 11Pilliam, from Saskatchewan. Tom , k y ;AND . i � daughter Lola, of Loddon, spent $tines day. at the home of Mx. and Mrs. Wm. Florida, where , Qn account of' seUitxg out their, props th on to y from c3oderich; ;$ohn. flea the WIftale and, Isaac- Or ay arelast yaar ed hpr me.arTirere lldarsla: ill hold a or. livhe a restaurant business inee f sums ,h wet wo sister-bi-laws : 4 1 , The United church w g e on Wednesday evening, June met resort. den par on of Mrs, Tabb from Bowmanvflle, near Not, .at then home of Mr. Walter Pett win! Asthr� AAttac>cs.--is there a man.:t, I, will be served from B to A member of your family Who is in trig Pa'ste 8 o'clock, followed by a good prbgraait Wer of this distressing trouble? No The dramatic club of Union church, Po noderioh• iw , will ; present their "two service you can render him will equal in the. 'most alltt�iig new �✓ p' .. the !fringing to, 1Ms attention. of Dr. J. D short” plays, "Smoldering Fi and . h I3<e11aBg's . Asthnea .remedy. This* re- •' weaves with boxy 'jackets ;, /3 Neighbors," In thetownship hall, Car- t low, on 'Friday, evening; June 16th, at.:8 niarka rem re - r bie rests, its reputation up or . thz ee-quai.�ter l e n.g t h on what it one for others«. it has : • o'clock: a truly Wonderful record, covering years. Co to that have tricky new 'Visitors at. the. home Of Mr. Aidin. b c �, and. years of success in inmost every i Allin on Sunday. were: Mrs. Cornish• shoulder`s: Flocks. with tie Q ,;�� ,t ` and so. Thomas, of-Xiacardlne, and part of this eantinent.`•and.even beyond • - �� dqubie-b r e a S t� .:. . the seas neCklin6sf Mrs. - Wali, of sa5kat two 'datightera, � /� /�• 1 chawan,.. and Mrs. Morrison Of Mani- 1 a ed' effects, and skirts, pleated t ' ; ' � � %ba7 Mr. and stirs. ram Yonnire and -CANADIAN back and1`ont, daughter Beta of Ebenezer, and W. and j�] %'� Have I;(lrlletlling cool to liars. Glen Raithby�o-f Hallett PAC ,;RFIC { wear-for,the next hot spell DENMILLER ( printed voiles with short `rte � •+«.•, •.: Mrs. W. Gledhill was. a 7['oxonto vial-. i� and longi sleeves, cape col- tar last week. a IMPO 'CA A CAn +C�3xC;A , ,3 lar.'s end Cape sleeves,, and + how an Sunday.ivited in the neighbor- � .RetWA : packets. Your' Choice . Mia. Ruth Thompson called on her . � � - •� aunt.:Mrs: W. vanstone, on sunday. N�[CEM�' ..... a..onto, visite945 + SmAlf snrchan re friends Tri the over week -end. E The Huron Presbytery will meet . it [[ �� f i�rE SIL CREPE ; Sefimillat 'United church an June 20th Phony, GO �►ERICH ALWAYS Mr. ti Mrs, J, Feagan, bt mite, visit - A YO Ulf an SEIRTS ed Mr. and Mrs. Stanley vanstonc on i;unday, '�';r-+"...`" • (�'''�`����""''''��'��``�� ""((/'�* * SIM VICE Mx and nits: Harold Waiter. of 'got- FRIDAY, JUNE .23rd i Q onto, visited U'r and MmR, U. Waiter 4, ;% on tuixdap. 'Retold n from C6ica$a auae 61h' ASA ,E LEATHER �� Mfrs, ltd$ Oko 'left 0n Wednesday % on an extended trip to the West to visit X4'4 ITS HAND 'BAGS, � r her slaughter and acrl•in•law. 'Equally loty fares ffotxl interrrle�. 98 Ct l f Mr. an& Mrs, John t3krahain land ttvo q � . �.! TALBOT �+ 'CORNISH, �f iiiate point., y f , 60dren. of at, Thcinas, were guests of _ Mr'. and Mrs. Wal. Hol, on Sunday last. � s Here is your opportunity to. see East Side Square' 'Hone R Just a new shipment of �„ PORT ALi`it IRAT` the World's Fair— . 1 � , Yr �_,� C;iyi\YTii�Y Cyd l�t�C)GitiySS'i' TADIES' �i�HITE HATS �" .� Wet are Pleased to have W. and Mme ['" �(�D�r C John Green, Arnold and Doris, of Ile» ' � r ci ed and l ri1 irlfOrnratlott' from any t"lenaclian Picturesquely scall p e " « ; trait, with us. They tail! epmd n fete ,. smartly stitched. sspeCxa� � fiefs lige. lrxrii� Agcr�l, t� .��'l�l '� � ~` r We megr. tt to fay that lilt« 1=0 w� PItnY*e lF. e C P ,Now,Authorized Wed l hstitrse erg {�:.�� •�`'�, king was seed With a very a-eak Spell. . l✓�1��dian .0 d,eXfie "Y v+t Monday of this weep, losing #z15. � tpg , h for a tilos. Mr, 1H k%wtins was k 'Wc A"ounce with Pleasure tins appointmenttot-In authorized dealers l -k £v all alone at the time. Westhighottse Dual automatic Refrigerator. Til eeleriiia this tit ll l ye fi, MEN'S STRAW 11ATS dzai`go Ad3aW'Indi family tvl,la to cx- Ganadiaai ptoduccf we are offering out customers ilia highest type of d their thanks at tl altpreslation iaoi icr. c+�t ,,rr electric rcfrigeratic�ii the only Dual -auto hermetically scaled , l makes a straw hat available to every their, kind triencls and lieigltbaas DEp���Bl�1\� _ sre£ri stator on the market. It will give ars pleasure to show gots the latest h' . A purchase tatC� • g .. , thh41°a•kilzd5irs5 ltl •ptt4ting out tli.. 1ii'4s at g .roan: choose from these new modek' tri lY ifarrn, whIZ11 tip �musled by being *� advanced models o£'bPtstin crouse Refrigerators. A visit to our sitmwrobins 1 ecru is by lightning oras ttit'r- wilt not obligate you ire :arid way. obi 111', irEloit, JttYie i1t11. �Wlt:, HAV9 WSt iIEP041 A' .95C "o vgular mteklnit ¢L pelt Allitrt tHMR11eM/eCrr bVsit yS YtAlts we: Have >iilso � ranged £at a special deferred payment plan Ailillkatk 'Watntles '"Hilt!, waa# 3i d At tl Ar, t ty 1 " 'Whit% pices. it 'thes is youexpa $ e advtennst n the present sus the home of Mare. Wfii. Qrt►Y. l�nrt Al- SKM AND,its how �autt 'te><tns can be adjusted to foie btrt, oei'ittednexiay titern©azt, June �tlx, QCµ lite io 1ii4St' +� 18th i ycitrr budget. F iH � ""r" iLL1 i Ia Li[i ii 'tie 12 to rttbtrs rttttnt telt cl thtm� • IT {S Ct s1 b1t1 ° $ hives la tiulltinit during the "rlY kart . w f� 'f YVe hi l.'r a3lt i'L`y tial' `+Cil"" SO . 'S. of the eftertrrntn, after which the bust- k' , it atSW011 AM ,{ aft+_s lagtnda v6a'S prbtttdeal with. mtn� 116' ytVd44".AAIo�lh tiitives pTtiii+! tr'i'o Iaid for thtr #artthcbek* iii$ garden tatty Which will be htld ads V tl J4 eb ftp { �ttitt lay, „ &IV 5th, 'Mo meotins* Yikg fl!r COY. �• �rr �;tf /°�" Closed with tits" tlatgl09 Of l)Mn 458, Dina!!-autoifi� �de REFi>r.Il': ERA101t 'A. CO a_tt tl±e lietistleyt. itligh!#til rs!.r ILLIJ . t'V+{.lx. �IMR , ifl't"��?tYfttitS Were "*ni ilCi`1eC?' �'the€ yotert._, !t_.i"ted, by Mi_s C> 11awkins chit! tt""A re`s lt+ tal#tCx i<1. illi} 11i►e�►r + +�11 ill id >r and Save +laxley MIg mertsg. "1� next f ekbis 10 10F.oRTO Mon* 41 1 be :. " W'si's!t S& Swim lit the ho-Itof l�lss, James llCliw> � $arse xos sreaersr