HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-06-15, Page 3*1' iR81iAX "luk 15th 1933 I THF. GODRU1011 STAR PAOX 2 �. TECTIvi sir DIEDICAL ASSN. »r, J. Burrows of Seafoith was Ic«ted CaunSallor Representative for li�irlet No. '2. of the parade Medteal k,n�c'atlou In convention at Haui4aton. t S CALLED TO EMBRO • S :Rcv. let, R. Conner. who for a Amba of years has been pastor of St. Andrew's jailed ehproll, Kippers, was recently �alied to ;&;i 'United church, binbro. He . will leave KippoA the end of the nontb. 3EEL-N OBRIDE , ' T: - A quiet wedding was solemnized at.the Presbyterian manse, He11$41, on Satur" daY. dune 3rd, when Edith Grace, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McBride of Stanley, was united in marriage to tIarold Clifford, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wta. G. Bell of Hay, Rev, W. A Young .0taclated. , • F,NGINEEIR.IxG. lf7vfOEBLM t3AiZEX. uurtsultintf and A4un%SPsiI Engineering drainage, Land Surveying, itlasonto 'TeMple BIdF. Godedah. , Ont. Phone 2SN �R, F', J., 'R..r0R 3T=_. EYE, EAR, NOSE, . THROAT Late House Surgeon New York Orph- thahnto and Aural hospital,: 845lst alit At Moorefield's Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital; London, Tag• b3.; Waterloo St, S., Stratford, TCle phone 267. At Hotel Bedford, Goderich, from, 7 o'clock on the. evening of the 'third Moil - day of each month until the following day. Tuesday: at I p,m, ��. LEGAL CARDS �A:YS & HAVS. Barristers and Solicitors. R, C, . clays. K.C„ and R. .-C.. Hays, B.A. Hamilton street, .0oderieh. Telephone, B8 OUC.IJ.9S R. NAIRiV. 9 Barrister and Solicitor office; Hamilton St. Phone 512. RANK DONNEILLY, B. A. $arrester', Solicitor, Etc. Phone 282. HAMILTON ST., Goiltotlbh. F, 1iARROW.: • ' ester Solicitor Notary Public, Etc, RIeOF.IV%S INJURED =0 stomach tray. a, 4111119 1114914, ate Muriel ar,tl George at 114tite. One bxoa atl:1R iflsW nage, re du lr, rise, blow rods nausea. thee, John, Of this township, Alld a sis- . beauty Mr. Cleo. McNall, ,Sr„ of 1315th, islet chiori4esacid In the stomach. he ter. Mrs. Davldsan t?P 311fornla, witU si bad a o4dent on Tuesday of last delicate, stomach lining is err*fated, � W xt teems ho waw exercising ]lis dlgestlon to delayed and food sours, survive. " l' was raw down and Meilen. I felt Irritable clawing the disagrecable symptoms at�l trio tenor., . My tact was a seaht. due to horse An the track viten the sulks went which every stomach sufforor ltnowa SAl►tt1S-1lIcLEAN Dimi"Ies and rash. 1 was aaharaeaf to onset tr .pieces, his left leg 'got caught in the so well, =SIC. '1•mit•a-tecta' proved most what i C', and was broken. Artitlela'f dlgestanta are not need- A very pretty June eveddIP9 took: plasm sate cd. In less than two :mouths way akin ed in such casco and may do real cleared Uri. I Qat rid of severe camstivatioa 404 harm. ry laying, aside all digestive on 'Thursday afternoon, June 1St, at 4 feltfun of pep." M URTON SUN. SOLD suds AUX Instead get from, any drug- c`clowk, at the home of Mr. a lld Mrs. i The Milverton Sun, which for the, bast flat. some Biourated lafalrnesia sand, L. MacLean, Wingbam', which was beau• Fruit-a-tfuef , ..ail dreg sforeiai #aloe w teaspoonful in water right 9 yi;ars: etas been owned and edited by after eattn8'. This sweetens the ttfuily decorated with Epr]ng flowers, - Mclloahn MacBeth, bas changed Bands, stomach, revents the formatton of when their eldest daughter, 4Wtet Sara. .recess acig and there is no sourness, S e r V f o r t h e Mr. MaeBeth having Old to Albert W, 1;as .or ain. Iitsurated ata Beata became the bride of F'htlay Mat:Ii.;alio will be four noW solos that'llo liar never �r Reis, foreman of the plant for tetany in pow�or Roma -»never ltctu d or Semis, only son of Mr: sand lwirs. Cp. H. tnilla) is harmless, Incxpensive. and sun$ ln'tloderlch, years. 1s a line remedy for acid s#omach, Beanie. of Brussels. The ceremony Was The balance of the program will be It is used by thousands of people performed by Rev. Kenneth MacLean, roerved for the week before the con- SEAFO)UTII iIOAIF� DESTROYED wha eniay their meals vllth nc fear of St. Andrew's presbyterlan church, C h �: � � � e � � Supper, of fndesestton. cart: During the violent electrical storm > Wingham. *firs and *vers Semis left bypYb kelp the e4il� iiig of 11Ton- Tuesday of last week T. BarneWs. house motor for Northern Ontario, the bride day, 19th of Juno. open and help the �' = c Iwo St., Seatorth was struck by travelling in a suit of navy blue Poiret . Cal pied, ChudreWa Fund b OWN; 80 • - "t n Tial Y later a visitor with her sister lu Toronto, n w grin a silver fox scarf, with Y Yotr eolildn t give thein g'iaytliinl� Makes ' �:..;._ ` lightning,. and almost completely de- twill o �. e 9 cents for .this excellent coneertl' , + , t Second loss that and had just xecentiy returned to her accessories to match,. Upon their return like,: lbcet�.r than Kellogg's *'.sari*. Flakre stroyed, This is he Mr: Barnett has 'experienced, as his sta. .'own home, when the thieving, 1Vhleh had th• y Will beside ire Brussels. VISIT 'Q• A. C. J[, NE 19th with milk or urntttlt and fruit. Se, goad file foil a Prey to flames a year:ago, gone on in her absence, Was discovered - ..». for ellildren too. inch in energy. Reidy �'iQi�N PA�rRICK-pE7CAllCIi ! Farm and Alotne Week Jura 19th to. 23rd til. digest. Tile, kind of road that invites FLAKES ,;, FiER(iiISON-DAVISQN oYU,NRSH• ;a marriage of Bernice Ann, fila The Trig Flub As usual the Ontario Agricultural ful sleep. tum"'o"tr The g The marriage took place on Saturday. �.. IttoOnta cele June 3rd, at the United church manse, ghter of Mrs. Andrew Davidson and the llo wh . Mabel "A es .eldest. D College will be at .home to the farm overt -freak in seakd� in0itle NVAXTITE' late Mr. Mvis4n, to Mr. George J. For- McKi. p, en 'Agnes, Concert Recital folks of. the Province for ,one week in daughter oz Mr, ,and Mrs. Samuel Peth- i bag, b'Iade by Kellogg in Landon, brit. guson of Toronto, son of rho late Mr ,..� June, Thls year it bas been arranged and Mrs. , J. J. Ferguson of Wingham 1,1014 was united. in marriage to 'Roy Wli" i for June 18th' to 23rd inclusive, and al, M$ $olemnUed at St, Andrew's United liatn, only ,on of Mr. and 14frs. A�rdiew In Aid of Citi pled'Children Fund. , church, Orangeville, Friday, June 2nd. Patriek. They will reside on the grooms though *for only on end it possible to fine farm tri McKWop, tit Knox Church,, Coderit h, remain far only ono day, provision' is Rev. Q. �': IVicIntosh ofidefating. made for those who :wish to. stay for X CHASED FARMMonday, June 19 from two to dive days Arid the week's THIEF WA$• ACTIVE, program Is prepared with this in, view, Mrs. -James Cook of Ashfield, upon to. MrVG, Harvey Gcdbolt, of Exeter, "has: her ham .aster an extended purchased from Mr. M, Fietoher the' A resume'of the program for the con- Monday, June 19th, has 'heart wet aside turning to a for visitors from.the Counties of Huron, o d that: a thief or thieves Parra on No. 4. Highway 'south of zxetet cert to be given by the ODderioh Lions ] Lincoln and Weiland. . absence, f, tm formerly awned 1r the ]ate Roy l'letch- Club for the Crippled Qhlldren of Our. Perth, Waterloo, . had been bAy. and linens, towels, blan.. f .. y y However, visitors ase: welcome from any of,•this er: Mr, Godbolt has also purchased tht' 4n Countq on: 1aRonday, June"19tH: 1933, Miller's Worm .1?o�vders not' only ex - leets and numerous shall Articles. i h ,qui b . CottntY on each and all of the five days. ed from, the chattels with the exception of the pig in the 'Knox Fresbyterla11 e1 aro e. da r kin much is a .sign of vaulty; terminate' intostlual' and other worths, altar.. had been rem4v f. • fiery and gets lmmedtate: possession, of great interest to the public and>should A special .low rata of 5I e,0 per Y for Speaking but :Wtey are a remedy for many other house. Mrs. Cook was a patient in roolts and meals has been arranged for for he that is lavish in words is a ni¢- ital for some time and have the' hearty support of all, outside a and the should, atiments of children.. x'xiey ctren8t]terl *Ingham Hose APPOINTED KINGS COUNSEL these Who roma n over a Y the: real merit of the charity: � g'ard Ln. deed... the goun(l; stomach against biliousness �-«- Mr.. E. '.H: Senior; barrister `of Toren,• , : Mr. Leslie. Sommerville will play num- if possible, send notice ' to the College, Lin advance, and _should register for and arc, tunical In their .fleets where ` to, and soh of Mr. Jos. Senior of E>tatar,..bers by Edward McDowell and Ethelbert the child suffers .from loss of appetite.. WOMEN' has 'been a ointed King's Counsel -foe their rooms Immediately on arrival:' ]NERVOUS 1g O iIi ` appointed Nevin—The opening ta, the second act cludas ractieai de« In Borneo a wife will wear, day and in feverish conditions they will be I U d r and Walters tFrize 'Me program, In P r . th4 Province. of Ontario, Mr: Senior 19 of "Lohengrin" " Take, E. P>nikhzian s p night, ane bf her husbands saords:whlle useful and they will serve to allay pale T e, y one :of the 155 ,lavuyers, irl the 'King'* r m4nstrations And tours ci ins .often for �;.... , ung' from 'The Meister Binger" by and griping'!t the. stomach, from .which, Vegetable COmpout Birthcla honor .Itst announced by noting er . also .variations of "Songs : My both men and women each day, as 1ee11 leve 1s an head-hunting: expeditions, ., o us it seems as .•thou�h'I . Y Wagn drop so often suffer. I am d normUS t as, entertainment in 'the evening. rand chit , , �• neves are all un i?. °rA:er ,won. W. H. Price, Mother Tough., Me' by 'DVorak— , pant choose what most shout. il9 �,I !•17 dead" . s los are full of .YtsfEors.are allowed to . o edge' .. • I, wlah I were of his program The a so 2 d these apr",i HEMA -.WAY • interests are in the program. • laally. j` how often have wo hear S ro some women, who hof t,=oe melody and will be 'heard:to great ad s ts• Will b+t made .to the field expert=:. Q�,s r.�r AS alonh f m. rue- own that bar aeries One. of the most.popular weddings of e.r Your e Kidn so.tircd and d the strain.. ... vantage with a .master at the •consul of visits. canna longer enna the season ,took Place fin Thursday. af• c an, ` trent plots, the live stock; barns, gar the oil No womra: should allow. hefiett to dens, greenhouses, etc. Noon-day„lunch chs' drift into thLe condition a she can help terncon, June 1st, tat 2.30 "O41oCk at the .. Miss Peggy Moreland; • violinist, ;gold. Them .pause .`o# -'Elac herself. She should give Lydis. E. Pink- home of Mr. -and Mrs; Alv&. Way of will be free tp all and will be a cold . and trLa1. For medalist, Stratford Musical Festival, hams Vegetible Compo se,! ,, lunch nerved cafeteria style In the Coi is tun .rumen have tsWeik this Tuckeramith,: wheri their youngest dau- 1833: Will Pliny, ' "The SWan (Bleat nowlY s tY y. logo G mnastum.. If . you ore troubled' avittt a. weak, lama+,. 'aching: bae11, wonderful tonic to give them renewed ghter, ,Evelyn Esther,. became the bride .Blebs), Zrfian Rosmarin (Krelsler), • og y vigor. Pr cticali an members. of the Fac- s�volling of the foot and ankles, 'speclts ipating before the strength and 2 wo ' en' who reboot of Mr;' Haroid Ingram Sherd, only' son 98 out of ere,ry i!0 . rR "Adagio Pathetique” (Godard) and a a . Y et by •thla f r: „ :: ulty. will be at the College for the .week eyes; or anything 'wrong with the, urinary .organs your ( _ to us fay thak:Utiey sn bene ed - of Mr. and Mrs, Harry S•hera, o Moo, transcription aY The S,ast'Rpse bf Sum mediciti,ea Bits a bottle: from Your drug- e w reside at. • oorfleld. and *ill do everything possible to assist kidneys are most lilaeiy,atiected, gta't tod!i7.• • • and wetch the sssults. field They ill l M mer (AUer). s for one so visitors to have an enjoyable and profl It is. really riot difficult to get rid of kidneytrouble in Miss Moreland's sucees tattle time. .A tinted outline of the i e , CLUB ELECTS: OFFICERS p • ' oung has been phenomenal. "The Torte its early stages.: All you have to do is give Doan's 1iidney ' The annual r;ieeting of the Maitland ht" n May 8th 1933, daily 'program, for both men and Women i �..�.. onto Saturday Nig 4 Y piles a. trial.'OC1 Will tiraCt them an Clfeet'iKe lalllady ill •�r. - Horse -.Shoe Pitching. Club 'was held at may be obtained by,writing to Ian 1Nc- . has this to say: r 'Clinton o +� Horny kidney Hyrtl urinary troaibles,: their court, ]?lagonal. Pd.,. Win$ham; re- .,, oreland . thirteen -year-old ;Lend' Dept: of Ag *culture,. r Peggy M a Q. A Ct l o e For Sale at all drub lied general stores; put up puly by ceintly, The officers elected -for the en-. to John Buchan n, dauglitef of Mr.. and Mrs. J. C. Morey C ... i 8 , err , s': on pr s. Gtteiph. The T. Millburn Co., Limited; `roron#o, Ont. i' : SNS U.AN C a a suing Year are as follow H @ > Successor:: to J. L. Ki1loFan: :: land; of BurlinEton;: has, been winning Goderioh. -- - Jos,. Millsr;. Pres„ Ed. Small; 'vice' pres,, competitions in Violin prying for years, - -^ €!hone 97..:.0ffice, The Square, Pe Chas. Elliott: sec.and trees,, J. H. SKp- . u , but last month shq: achieved .a •new • . - , Kay; .grounds , com., Adam Johns tofi, triumph at the Stratford Musical Festi« ,y. RNEST. M. LEE. t V al Lif a Jas: Graham. Wm, Robinson, a John al when > she won the .'prize for violin a Th U , Quirk; jitney com•, T. H Gibson, Jack v H .I)GON. IESS . ---.+ soloists: under seventeen years- And also j, Barrister and Solicitor Stewart and J. H. McKay. the scholarship given bY. Mr:. and Mrs, Sun Life Bldg., Adelaide and Victoria. y� f1 tt1 n. Alfred •Hahn for the competitor, show Q IF 4C % . N A, ) IL � A 01r1E Telephone: Elgin 53Q1 f SSua ante COIL{pOley' ATTENDS WORIUD _CONFERENCE a Torunto 2, When Prime .Minister Bennett board- in ° g most prolrilse. of future -musical sat:= ed bhe..imri Duchess of Bedford; bound. cess, The adjudicator Mr. Spivae, of Canatta . the Toronto ConServatdrY: declared' her of for she World Economic Conference In - CHMOPRACTI(C to be .one of the "finest talents he bad • ,: ESTA$L•ISHED 1869 London, among, his small group of:.dele.. ' ~. r heard, and added that he had heard READ OFF1C>r . WATER600,. UNT. gates was Roderick Finlayson, p[ivate ever h DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER. secretary do the Minister. Nor,. some of: the greatest artists play one. of , �Z%�rn► 7 L her numbers but had never heard It, a S CONEY D D J•l./ Elttlayson, as is generosity known, is a C1iIR0]'RO(3TOR . AND DRIIGLESS , , better performed.. Arrangements should x native of. Lochalsh, who saw service; in TFIERAPIST, GO1ZEiLICH. :certainly be mads to ensure. that she AGPNT the Great War, and was engaged in a with electro-niagnetic bat]u, law pract7se 1n Wingham, until .his note• Should. develop into the great artist she . j Equippedand chive PRONE 250 could become. Festival officials Ea that Fn R r M 1 LL Electronic; electric treatment.worthy appointment, which 'he now tactic, Chronic; organic :and nervous North Street z - Goderich, Ootstio holds, no such praise, has been given' to. any competitor sine',- the Stratford Festiva] ' i diseases.. Lady . In • attendance, omce . i Car: Victoria 5tr(3eE and Elgin Ave. hours 2 to 5, and.7 to 8 P.M. and by ap«. BNGAGENiENTS was instituted. In past years Peggy bas, po'.nrment.; Closed Wednesday frt�m 12 _ Wing- twice swept the board for violin solos at to S p.m. ��� Mr: and Mrs. Aavid CurrP, W. B the Canadian National Exhibition. ,She AS D1STR►B�JI'OR FOR A. X. ATKIN$ON, residence and ham, Ont,, announce the. engagement of a pupil of 73roadus Farmer and Mar - office, corner of South street and Br:- their daughter; Ethel May, to Mr.. Earl taenia Road: Phone 341. : PI Russell Gaunt, son, of Mr. And Mrs. T. garet McDonald' Kealey.'. Of . Mr.: Meakins little need be said. s014 Ca and F 1EX1,eAAa_pnGaunt, Kinloss Township, the marriageHe hasbeen a resident of i3cderich sinceto take place this month.n /� retiring from the stage lifer twenty�Rve� � �*'�, '-'•� Mr. and :Mrs.. .George MGTaggart, PLUMIN0, HEATING Walton, formerly of Seaforth, announce Years s. constant endeavors bol both here THOMAS C#UPtURY ds SON, tinents. Many Have Beard 'him *fere 1 the engagement of their daughter. An- 5H�1 T METAL i1VORIC eta snit we hope that more Will near him H appointment .of Mr. Mille* was undertaken with the ,utmost care and Live Stock acrid General Auctioneers. hie Johnston, d Robert R 1! rt R Reid, •- son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert :Reid, of , during this 'series of concerts. for the T .' consideration; , l -tis. apptrintment as distributor in the Goderich tern- Elgln, Ave.,' Giodericle. Phaike 127 P. 0* $011;131: Walton the wedding to take lace .in toause the concerts represents, "The camas as a result of the confidence we have in his integrity ability. Sales made everywhere and all eftor Crippled �Childrfen. Mr. Meaklns. will tory . ng P snade to, give .You satisfaction. June. Miller Farmers' sale Notes discounted � � sing all ne;w numbers in Goderieh-v we We are:certain that in their dealings s with the motoring public. N1r,, Phone 119. .�+ -�---- ANNUAL MEETIN0. won't Program them bare—but, there.. and his staff will add to the nation-wide Hudson Essex reputation for courtesy The school house of S. S. No. s, Tuck and square dearing in all their transactions. K NOTARY ISURLIC, PTC. _ - ersmlth, was filled to capao>ty for the :, We urge you to see the special showing of record-breaking Terraplanes recent annual meeting of. the Trustees at corner of Victoria, Street and El in AVe. OODERICH THE and Ratepayers' 'Association. speakers See and drive these big roomy cars' --enjoy the thrill of a new experience WM. BAS, MONUMENTAL WORKSM • included W. G. Medd, M.L.A,., for South `' NOTARY I*vs a Huron; Dr. J. M. Field, East Huron In- ►�-get behind the wheel of a 'i erraplane--feel its surge of power --its .speedy 8AMIL'T0r4 ST. GODERICH General Cfo$'veYsnohig dyne. Vector; R. R. MacKay and Joseph For- pick-up•--�its:.easy Control as you ..swing along the highway or soar over Elle ' Good Companies Represented. Beat Material and Latest rest. The ofgciale elected for the en- steepest hills with never a change of gear. There's nothing like Terraplaninr; o Goderich, ont. Desratis bona 29$. Pe p suing Year were, President, S. H: Whit- �] L �"`t' y y - - A ri Workmanahi j 1' FOLKS --foul its the Thrill of Thirty -'Three." ll 'Wort[ Guaranteed more; vice-pres., William Wallace; seer 1NSUiANCE . treas., W. S. Broadfoot. These officers, E' r Y t'rtces Reasonable together with Melville Traquair, John ' a f et. i § ono ba tneba r►i11 be t s, Watson and, David McLean, form the .:BIjY IT SAND YOU w l cKILLCSI- UUTUAL .2118 xicirtUR� rppreciated. We, feel that 6uP appoilitnlent els distributors for Hinson, Cars and Essen executive 'corri'mittee. AT THE GET. _ �!1T TO p �- Alvt1E CriMPATdY. R. A• S1PQTT b TAitio RIO ll?' 'Mon Our aiiabies Lis to bring -to the Citizens of Goderlch and surrounding s 0001ERIC11 IiEATH OF JAiIlZES R. BiCellY (i.lti>�1T . OARM AND ISOLATED TOWN. $R0- P. O. dow'ldl districts autm6bite values are utlexediled, fy MT r INSURED. James Richard Ryan, second youngest T1M At all times, whethet' you wish to lnsoeet tire' new cars or require 'service, soli of Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Ryan, MdRil- Value of property Insured.0. do Jan lop township; Passed away early Friday we pledge our entire organization to. careful, courie(lus attetitlr�tt to your re- uary, 1910, $3,64$,978,00, morning, June 2nd. The deceased' was ., quirdmehts, OMCERS«-oeorge mcCartno, Pres1- dent, C; MenouW. e• Acids M, Stmia : 1RF557 fti:� {o1�-VR�#4A�, A44v�1��'. �W1�. �V'�:�i ?I$ EiitiiiC(A}' llitiilAill J1i1RSc! $Cd, �Il: ill (o a 1 .Sec.=Tread., DIRECTORf4.--Jaa. Shouldice, Walton; i i Le1rN a �a r y�t and 14 4t R �1f .s.+ile t z +r e, a Q *incl Year. He W43 bozo ala the sum wYaema .Ile died s�l.d where he lived all his lea�7ett behind to. mtattzia filter an %�"" r o Jas. Watt, Blyth, Ed. Htnehiey, sea - forth; John Murray, Seafort, f SUMMAR policyholders can 100 their asaess- lnentts at Calvhf Cutt's atore, Godertch ; Crear4t ;fie 4. +Gate feta via%. ' ettK to '�t+ati lire tie lct" iris wife, who, was formerly Ulm M. d r foalrpciat hitfez3 lit one Eon: M SKIN ltaid'E, Bayfield• • �. tit rr Medical authorities state ,that nearly nine -tenths of the cases of �u=03. story, of Wiathrap;Georgina. 0u; Mrs. u1suei of Hawlton, and g'r'it -*.0p#* ,. �. TECTIvi sir DIEDICAL ASSN. »r, J. Burrows of Seafoith was Ic«ted CaunSallor Representative for li�irlet No. '2. of the parade Medteal k,n�c'atlou In convention at Haui4aton. t S CALLED TO EMBRO • S :Rcv. let, R. Conner. who for a Amba of years has been pastor of St. Andrew's jailed ehproll, Kippers, was recently �alied to ;&;i 'United church, binbro. He . will leave KippoA the end of the nontb. 3EEL-N OBRIDE , ' T: - A quiet wedding was solemnized at.the Presbyterian manse, He11$41, on Satur" daY. dune 3rd, when Edith Grace, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McBride of Stanley, was united in marriage to tIarold Clifford, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wta. G. Bell of Hay, Rev, W. A Young .0taclated. , • F,NGINEEIR.IxG. lf7vfOEBLM t3AiZEX. uurtsultintf and A4un%SPsiI Engineering drainage, Land Surveying, itlasonto 'TeMple BIdF. Godedah. , Ont. Phone 2SN �R, F', J., 'R..r0R 3T=_. EYE, EAR, NOSE, . THROAT Late House Surgeon New York Orph- thahnto and Aural hospital,: 845lst alit At Moorefield's Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital; London, Tag• b3.; Waterloo St, S., Stratford, TCle phone 267. At Hotel Bedford, Goderich, from, 7 o'clock on the. evening of the 'third Moil - day of each month until the following day. Tuesday: at I p,m, ��. LEGAL CARDS �A:YS & HAVS. Barristers and Solicitors. R, C, . clays. K.C„ and R. .-C.. Hays, B.A. Hamilton street, .0oderieh. Telephone, B8 OUC.IJ.9S R. NAIRiV. 9 Barrister and Solicitor office; Hamilton St. Phone 512. RANK DONNEILLY, B. A. $arrester', Solicitor, Etc. Phone 282. HAMILTON ST., Goiltotlbh. F, 1iARROW.: • ' ester Solicitor Notary Public, Etc, RIeOF.IV%S INJURED =0 stomach tray. a, 4111119 1114914, ate Muriel ar,tl George at 114tite. One bxoa atl:1R iflsW nage, re du lr, rise, blow rods nausea. thee, John, Of this township, Alld a sis- . beauty Mr. Cleo. McNall, ,Sr„ of 1315th, islet chiori4esacid In the stomach. he ter. Mrs. Davldsan t?P 311fornla, witU si bad a o4dent on Tuesday of last delicate, stomach lining is err*fated, � W xt teems ho waw exercising ]lis dlgestlon to delayed and food sours, survive. " l' was raw down and Meilen. I felt Irritable clawing the disagrecable symptoms at�l trio tenor., . My tact was a seaht. due to horse An the track viten the sulks went which every stomach sufforor ltnowa SAl►tt1S-1lIcLEAN Dimi"Ies and rash. 1 was aaharaeaf to onset tr .pieces, his left leg 'got caught in the so well, =SIC. '1•mit•a-tecta' proved most what i C', and was broken. Artitlela'f dlgestanta are not need- A very pretty June eveddIP9 took: plasm sate cd. In less than two :mouths way akin ed in such casco and may do real cleared Uri. I Qat rid of severe camstivatioa 404 harm. ry laying, aside all digestive on 'Thursday afternoon, June 1St, at 4 feltfun of pep." M URTON SUN. SOLD suds AUX Instead get from, any drug- c`clowk, at the home of Mr. a lld Mrs. i The Milverton Sun, which for the, bast flat. some Biourated lafalrnesia sand, L. MacLean, Wingbam', which was beau• Fruit-a-tfuef , ..ail dreg sforeiai #aloe w teaspoonful in water right 9 yi;ars: etas been owned and edited by after eattn8'. This sweetens the ttfuily decorated with Epr]ng flowers, - Mclloahn MacBeth, bas changed Bands, stomach, revents the formatton of when their eldest daughter, 4Wtet Sara. .recess acig and there is no sourness, S e r V f o r t h e Mr. MaeBeth having Old to Albert W, 1;as .or ain. Iitsurated ata Beata became the bride of F'htlay Mat:Ii.;alio will be four noW solos that'llo liar never �r Reis, foreman of the plant for tetany in pow�or Roma -»never ltctu d or Semis, only son of Mr: sand lwirs. Cp. H. tnilla) is harmless, Incxpensive. and sun$ ln'tloderlch, years. 1s a line remedy for acid s#omach, Beanie. of Brussels. The ceremony Was The balance of the program will be It is used by thousands of people performed by Rev. Kenneth MacLean, roerved for the week before the con- SEAFO)UTII iIOAIF� DESTROYED wha eniay their meals vllth nc fear of St. Andrew's presbyterlan church, C h �: � � � e � � Supper, of fndesestton. cart: During the violent electrical storm > Wingham. *firs and *vers Semis left bypYb kelp the e4il� iiig of 11Ton- Tuesday of last week T. BarneWs. house motor for Northern Ontario, the bride day, 19th of Juno. open and help the �' = c Iwo St., Seatorth was struck by travelling in a suit of navy blue Poiret . Cal pied, ChudreWa Fund b OWN; 80 • - "t n Tial Y later a visitor with her sister lu Toronto, n w grin a silver fox scarf, with Y Yotr eolildn t give thein g'iaytliinl� Makes ' �:..;._ ` lightning,. and almost completely de- twill o �. e 9 cents for .this excellent coneertl' , + , t Second loss that and had just xecentiy returned to her accessories to match,. Upon their return like,: lbcet�.r than Kellogg's *'.sari*. Flakre stroyed, This is he Mr: Barnett has 'experienced, as his sta. .'own home, when the thieving, 1Vhleh had th• y Will beside ire Brussels. VISIT 'Q• A. C. J[, NE 19th with milk or urntttlt and fruit. Se, goad file foil a Prey to flames a year:ago, gone on in her absence, Was discovered - ..». for ellildren too. inch in energy. Reidy �'iQi�N PA�rRICK-pE7CAllCIi ! Farm and Alotne Week Jura 19th to. 23rd til. digest. Tile, kind of road that invites FLAKES ,;, FiER(iiISON-DAVISQN oYU,NRSH• ;a marriage of Bernice Ann, fila The Trig Flub As usual the Ontario Agricultural ful sleep. tum"'o"tr The g The marriage took place on Saturday. �.. IttoOnta cele June 3rd, at the United church manse, ghter of Mrs. Andrew Davidson and the llo wh . Mabel "A es .eldest. D College will be at .home to the farm overt -freak in seakd� in0itle NVAXTITE' late Mr. Mvis4n, to Mr. George J. For- McKi. p, en 'Agnes, Concert Recital folks of. the Province for ,one week in daughter oz Mr, ,and Mrs. Samuel Peth- i bag, b'Iade by Kellogg in Landon, brit. guson of Toronto, son of rho late Mr ,..� June, Thls year it bas been arranged and Mrs. , J. J. Ferguson of Wingham 1,1014 was united. in marriage to 'Roy Wli" i for June 18th' to 23rd inclusive, and al, M$ $olemnUed at St, Andrew's United liatn, only ,on of Mr. and 14frs. A�rdiew In Aid of Citi pled'Children Fund. , church, Orangeville, Friday, June 2nd. Patriek. They will reside on the grooms though *for only on end it possible to fine farm tri McKWop, tit Knox Church,, Coderit h, remain far only ono day, provision' is Rev. Q. �': IVicIntosh ofidefating. made for those who :wish to. stay for X CHASED FARMMonday, June 19 from two to dive days Arid the week's THIEF WA$• ACTIVE, program Is prepared with this in, view, Mrs. -James Cook of Ashfield, upon to. MrVG, Harvey Gcdbolt, of Exeter, "has: her ham .aster an extended purchased from Mr. M, Fietoher the' A resume'of the program for the con- Monday, June 19th, has 'heart wet aside turning to a for visitors from.the Counties of Huron, o d that: a thief or thieves Parra on No. 4. Highway 'south of zxetet cert to be given by the ODderioh Lions ] Lincoln and Weiland. . absence, f, tm formerly awned 1r the ]ate Roy l'letch- Club for the Crippled Qhlldren of Our. Perth, Waterloo, . had been bAy. and linens, towels, blan.. f .. y y However, visitors ase: welcome from any of,•this er: Mr, Godbolt has also purchased tht' 4n Countq on: 1aRonday, June"19tH: 1933, Miller's Worm .1?o�vders not' only ex - leets and numerous shall Articles. i h ,qui b . CottntY on each and all of the five days. ed from, the chattels with the exception of the pig in the 'Knox Fresbyterla11 e1 aro e. da r kin much is a .sign of vaulty; terminate' intostlual' and other worths, altar.. had been rem4v f. • fiery and gets lmmedtate: possession, of great interest to the public and>should A special .low rata of 5I e,0 per Y for Speaking but :Wtey are a remedy for many other house. Mrs. Cook was a patient in roolts and meals has been arranged for for he that is lavish in words is a ni¢- ital for some time and have the' hearty support of all, outside a and the should, atiments of children.. x'xiey ctren8t]terl *Ingham Hose APPOINTED KINGS COUNSEL these Who roma n over a Y the: real merit of the charity: � g'ard Ln. deed... the goun(l; stomach against biliousness �-«- Mr.. E. '.H: Senior; barrister `of Toren,• , : Mr. Leslie. Sommerville will play num- if possible, send notice ' to the College, Lin advance, and _should register for and arc, tunical In their .fleets where ` to, and soh of Mr. Jos. Senior of E>tatar,..bers by Edward McDowell and Ethelbert the child suffers .from loss of appetite.. WOMEN' has 'been a ointed King's Counsel -foe their rooms Immediately on arrival:' ]NERVOUS 1g O iIi ` appointed Nevin—The opening ta, the second act cludas ractieai de« In Borneo a wife will wear, day and in feverish conditions they will be I U d r and Walters tFrize 'Me program, In P r . th4 Province. of Ontario, Mr: Senior 19 of "Lohengrin" " Take, E. P>nikhzian s p night, ane bf her husbands saords:whlle useful and they will serve to allay pale T e, y one :of the 155 ,lavuyers, irl the 'King'* r m4nstrations And tours ci ins .often for �;.... , ung' from 'The Meister Binger" by and griping'!t the. stomach, from .which, Vegetable COmpout Birthcla honor .Itst announced by noting er . also .variations of "Songs : My both men and women each day, as 1ee11 leve 1s an head-hunting: expeditions, ., o us it seems as .•thou�h'I . Y Wagn drop so often suffer. I am d normUS t as, entertainment in 'the evening. rand chit , , �• neves are all un i?. °rA:er ,won. W. H. Price, Mother Tough., Me' by 'DVorak— , pant choose what most shout. il9 �,I !•17 dead" . s los are full of .YtsfEors.are allowed to . o edge' .. • I, wlah I were of his program The a so 2 d these apr",i HEMA -.WAY • interests are in the program. • laally. j` how often have wo hear S ro some women, who hof t,=oe melody and will be 'heard:to great ad s ts• Will b+t made .to the field expert=:. Q�,s r.�r AS alonh f m. rue- own that bar aeries One. of the most.popular weddings of e.r Your e Kidn so.tircd and d the strain.. ... vantage with a .master at the •consul of visits. canna longer enna the season ,took Place fin Thursday. af• c an, ` trent plots, the live stock; barns, gar the oil No womra: should allow. hefiett to dens, greenhouses, etc. Noon-day„lunch chs' drift into thLe condition a she can help terncon, June 1st, tat 2.30 "O41oCk at the .. Miss Peggy Moreland; • violinist, ;gold. Them .pause .`o# -'Elac herself. She should give Lydis. E. Pink- home of Mr. -and Mrs; Alv&. Way of will be free tp all and will be a cold . and trLa1. For medalist, Stratford Musical Festival, hams Vegetible Compo se,! ,, lunch nerved cafeteria style In the Coi is tun .rumen have tsWeik this Tuckeramith,: wheri their youngest dau- 1833: Will Pliny, ' "The SWan (Bleat nowlY s tY y. logo G mnastum.. If . you ore troubled' avittt a. weak, lama+,. 'aching: bae11, wonderful tonic to give them renewed ghter, ,Evelyn Esther,. became the bride .Blebs), Zrfian Rosmarin (Krelsler), • og y vigor. Pr cticali an members. of the Fac- s�volling of the foot and ankles, 'speclts ipating before the strength and 2 wo ' en' who reboot of Mr;' Haroid Ingram Sherd, only' son 98 out of ere,ry i!0 . rR "Adagio Pathetique” (Godard) and a a . Y et by •thla f r: „ :: ulty. will be at the College for the .week eyes; or anything 'wrong with the, urinary .organs your ( _ to us fay thak:Utiey sn bene ed - of Mr. and Mrs, Harry S•hera, o Moo, transcription aY The S,ast'Rpse bf Sum mediciti,ea Bits a bottle: from Your drug- e w reside at. • oorfleld. and *ill do everything possible to assist kidneys are most lilaeiy,atiected, gta't tod!i7.• • • and wetch the sssults. field They ill l M mer (AUer). s for one so visitors to have an enjoyable and profl It is. really riot difficult to get rid of kidneytrouble in Miss Moreland's sucees tattle time. .A tinted outline of the i e , CLUB ELECTS: OFFICERS p • ' oung has been phenomenal. "The Torte its early stages.: All you have to do is give Doan's 1iidney ' The annual r;ieeting of the Maitland ht" n May 8th 1933, daily 'program, for both men and Women i �..�.. onto Saturday Nig 4 Y piles a. trial.'OC1 Will tiraCt them an Clfeet'iKe lalllady ill •�r. - Horse -.Shoe Pitching. Club 'was held at may be obtained by,writing to Ian 1Nc- . has this to say: r 'Clinton o +� Horny kidney Hyrtl urinary troaibles,: their court, ]?lagonal. Pd.,. Win$ham; re- .,, oreland . thirteen -year-old ;Lend' Dept: of Ag *culture,. r Peggy M a Q. A Ct l o e For Sale at all drub lied general stores; put up puly by ceintly, The officers elected -for the en-. to John Buchan n, dauglitef of Mr.. and Mrs. J. C. Morey C ... i 8 , err , s': on pr s. Gtteiph. The T. Millburn Co., Limited; `roron#o, Ont. i' : SNS U.AN C a a suing Year are as follow H @ > Successor:: to J. L. Ki1loFan: :: land; of BurlinEton;: has, been winning Goderioh. -- - Jos,. Millsr;. Pres„ Ed. Small; 'vice' pres,, competitions in Violin prying for years, - -^ €!hone 97..:.0ffice, The Square, Pe Chas. Elliott: sec.and trees,, J. H. SKp- . u , but last month shq: achieved .a •new • . - , Kay; .grounds , com., Adam Johns tofi, triumph at the Stratford Musical Festi« ,y. RNEST. M. LEE. t V al Lif a Jas: Graham. Wm, Robinson, a John al when > she won the .'prize for violin a Th U , Quirk; jitney com•, T. H Gibson, Jack v H .I)GON. IESS . ---.+ soloists: under seventeen years- And also j, Barrister and Solicitor Stewart and J. H. McKay. the scholarship given bY. Mr:. and Mrs, Sun Life Bldg., Adelaide and Victoria. y� f1 tt1 n. Alfred •Hahn for the competitor, show Q IF 4C % . N A, ) IL � A 01r1E Telephone: Elgin 53Q1 f SSua ante COIL{pOley' ATTENDS WORIUD _CONFERENCE a Torunto 2, When Prime .Minister Bennett board- in ° g most prolrilse. of future -musical sat:= ed bhe..imri Duchess of Bedford; bound. cess, The adjudicator Mr. Spivae, of Canatta . the Toronto ConServatdrY: declared' her of for she World Economic Conference In - CHMOPRACTI(C to be .one of the "finest talents he bad • ,: ESTA$L•ISHED 1869 London, among, his small group of:.dele.. ' ~. r heard, and added that he had heard READ OFF1C>r . WATER600,. UNT. gates was Roderick Finlayson, p[ivate ever h DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER. secretary do the Minister. Nor,. some of: the greatest artists play one. of , �Z%�rn► 7 L her numbers but had never heard It, a S CONEY D D J•l./ Elttlayson, as is generosity known, is a C1iIR0]'RO(3TOR . AND DRIIGLESS , , better performed.. Arrangements should x native of. Lochalsh, who saw service; in TFIERAPIST, GO1ZEiLICH. :certainly be mads to ensure. that she AGPNT the Great War, and was engaged in a with electro-niagnetic bat]u, law pract7se 1n Wingham, until .his note• Should. develop into the great artist she . j Equippedand chive PRONE 250 could become. Festival officials Ea that Fn R r M 1 LL Electronic; electric treatment.worthy appointment, which 'he now tactic, Chronic; organic :and nervous North Street z - Goderich, Ootstio holds, no such praise, has been given' to. any competitor sine',- the Stratford Festiva] ' i diseases.. Lady . In • attendance, omce . i Car: Victoria 5tr(3eE and Elgin Ave. hours 2 to 5, and.7 to 8 P.M. and by ap«. BNGAGENiENTS was instituted. In past years Peggy bas, po'.nrment.; Closed Wednesday frt�m 12 _ Wing- twice swept the board for violin solos at to S p.m. ��� Mr: and Mrs. Aavid CurrP, W. B the Canadian National Exhibition. ,She AS D1STR►B�JI'OR FOR A. X. ATKIN$ON, residence and ham, Ont,, announce the. engagement of a pupil of 73roadus Farmer and Mar - office, corner of South street and Br:- their daughter; Ethel May, to Mr.. Earl taenia Road: Phone 341. : PI Russell Gaunt, son, of Mr. And Mrs. T. garet McDonald' Kealey.'. Of . Mr.: Meakins little need be said. s014 Ca and F 1EX1,eAAa_pnGaunt, Kinloss Township, the marriageHe hasbeen a resident of i3cderich sinceto take place this month.n /� retiring from the stage lifer twenty�Rve� � �*'�, '-'•� Mr. and :Mrs.. .George MGTaggart, PLUMIN0, HEATING Walton, formerly of Seaforth, announce Years s. constant endeavors bol both here THOMAS C#UPtURY ds SON, tinents. Many Have Beard 'him *fere 1 the engagement of their daughter. An- 5H�1 T METAL i1VORIC eta snit we hope that more Will near him H appointment .of Mr. Mille* was undertaken with the ,utmost care and Live Stock acrid General Auctioneers. hie Johnston, d Robert R 1! rt R Reid, •- son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert :Reid, of , during this 'series of concerts. for the T .' consideration; , l -tis. apptrintment as distributor in the Goderich tern- Elgln, Ave.,' Giodericle. Phaike 127 P. 0* $011;131: Walton the wedding to take lace .in toause the concerts represents, "The camas as a result of the confidence we have in his integrity ability. Sales made everywhere and all eftor Crippled �Childrfen. Mr. Meaklns. will tory . ng P snade to, give .You satisfaction. June. Miller Farmers' sale Notes discounted � � sing all ne;w numbers in Goderieh-v we We are:certain that in their dealings s with the motoring public. N1r,, Phone 119. .�+ -�---- ANNUAL MEETIN0. won't Program them bare—but, there.. and his staff will add to the nation-wide Hudson Essex reputation for courtesy The school house of S. S. No. s, Tuck and square dearing in all their transactions. K NOTARY ISURLIC, PTC. _ - ersmlth, was filled to capao>ty for the :, We urge you to see the special showing of record-breaking Terraplanes recent annual meeting of. the Trustees at corner of Victoria, Street and El in AVe. OODERICH THE and Ratepayers' 'Association. speakers See and drive these big roomy cars' --enjoy the thrill of a new experience WM. BAS, MONUMENTAL WORKSM • included W. G. Medd, M.L.A,., for South `' NOTARY I*vs a Huron; Dr. J. M. Field, East Huron In- ►�-get behind the wheel of a 'i erraplane--feel its surge of power --its .speedy 8AMIL'T0r4 ST. GODERICH General Cfo$'veYsnohig dyne. Vector; R. R. MacKay and Joseph For- pick-up•--�its:.easy Control as you ..swing along the highway or soar over Elle ' Good Companies Represented. Beat Material and Latest rest. The ofgciale elected for the en- steepest hills with never a change of gear. There's nothing like Terraplaninr; o Goderich, ont. Desratis bona 29$. Pe p suing Year were, President, S. H: Whit- �] L �"`t' y y - - A ri Workmanahi j 1' FOLKS --foul its the Thrill of Thirty -'Three." ll 'Wort[ Guaranteed more; vice-pres., William Wallace; seer 1NSUiANCE . treas., W. S. Broadfoot. These officers, E' r Y t'rtces Reasonable together with Melville Traquair, John ' a f et. i § ono ba tneba r►i11 be t s, Watson and, David McLean, form the .:BIjY IT SAND YOU w l cKILLCSI- UUTUAL .2118 xicirtUR� rppreciated. We, feel that 6uP appoilitnlent els distributors for Hinson, Cars and Essen executive 'corri'mittee. AT THE GET. _ �!1T TO p �- Alvt1E CriMPATdY. R. A• S1PQTT b TAitio RIO ll?' 'Mon Our aiiabies Lis to bring -to the Citizens of Goderlch and surrounding s 0001ERIC11 IiEATH OF JAiIlZES R. BiCellY (i.lti>�1T . OARM AND ISOLATED TOWN. $R0- P. O. dow'ldl districts autm6bite values are utlexediled, fy MT r INSURED. James Richard Ryan, second youngest T1M At all times, whethet' you wish to lnsoeet tire' new cars or require 'service, soli of Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Ryan, MdRil- Value of property Insured.0. do Jan lop township; Passed away early Friday we pledge our entire organization to. careful, courie(lus attetitlr�tt to your re- uary, 1910, $3,64$,978,00, morning, June 2nd. The deceased' was ., quirdmehts, Rfly,-7ttl�sptCy. �'l4in '<�,�y, yy +.,y7yC6y.,ylLyy�4�i�aa. 6, `V475+�riR.liY ��y�...'A���,.t,l,L,-yby�••��2'ry�J.r-���ryyl�•h���S,S, PJCC:r Wheeler re, ter l� and 19mbdmey Also Ambulance Service Goderi h Ontario All ww promptly attot aaa to day or night, Preen" :Moro sett 110"d 3sow. Bropholu Bros 60DER*GH —'vino LZADII+ O— ]f'II XR*AL 01911 '01tft tilllfl WKNA169S At"O A MAliar.` SPLA Iez AT AM Deli xt� I�t�kTi'F' bill DAV Rlbeet. sw Ali. 94th 124 In his 20th year and waa a patient suf- ferer for eleven years. Besides his ber- eaved parents, he leaves W mourn, their Pa Re MILLER lots, three brothers, Joyeph, Lawrence ! and Gordon, and four sisters, Marie, At home; Mrs. Press, Olendon, Alta.; Aileen. of Brantford, and Florence, of London. ` The funeral was held on Monday morn- m the ito11i7irl Catholic church, morn- ing from Brussels. `PIW LATE 'x'069, SANDER l `'a�- ..• ,�:-re,..- .. _ );Neter lost a: highly esteemed resident on Thurtday of last week in the person of 'Mr. ThonioS G. BandEYs, V1b6 pasted avlay In his 74th yClar. The dowasee was born on the fourth +.once-sslotl of Stephen,t", and all nils life was d . re• cident in the ofrlflmuiiitZ )For the Phd 33-2 year t he had been a resident of Eye• ter, The deceased %w twice married his :ittot wife being 1<i111i Trlebn�,r fans Wer he Wks united In nlartW40 Witl -VAry Trlebme. 11016es llia 1>&V,1vea widow lie is survlvtd by tiro* daughter pend one son, M'ra. Bleorge - ill"ell, a Hannah, Alta.; Mrs. W. J. 'McIntyre, o Chicago, i�od Illomis, o! Tlteodar( DEAlu or 6190lf(;itg 1trtYOM Oodoich t6*1111th) tM lost dnotller o its promilaent elU20150 060T86 Mudie, a 7`i1i9 is 106fiIA011 brE lil^, e: TP a mem orders his coai In the summer, When most people have forgotten that winter thifte is coming again. if lie takes advantage of the Slack rea- son to get his coal delivered. Ito gets tho maximum. service iaV the Irlirtimutn rate, Now, whillo it's on your allud,• ICiill tiro Heat Folks, number 96, for our Sum- met- prices on coal. CALF TRZ it -. B. 'MUSIARO COMPANY The IISr%w and largtva Essex `I'maplana'"Specital S x VlVaeh wheelbiIse' , Sedan model, $800, F.O.8, Tilbu yj, 011talrio. 4 OMCERS«-oeorge mcCartno, Pres1- dent, C; MenouW. ot0ohConnolly, vedprresiden, Goder Senforth. .Sec.=Tread., DIRECTORf4.--Jaa. Shouldice, Walton; ¢ Wm, Knox, Constance; Robt. Nf4s.:1iar- lock; Jo]ift- Pepper. BruceScld; A. 0road- loot, Seaferth; deo. Leinhardt, Broad« ,i AerL GENTS-•W..I. Yeo, ;I. t. 8, Ctiffton; h Jas. Watt, Blyth, Ed. Htnehiey, sea - forth; John Murray, Seafort, policyholders can 100 their asaess- lnentts at Calvhf Cutt's atore, Godertch ; The Royal Bank, Clinton., of J. H. ltaid'E, Bayfield• • rr FIRE INSURANCE h V ,. �. Have It to bg the WESX 1 AWANOSD MUTUAL *UZ INSUSANCZ Cts. PAtAbtlshed 1616 lit" Meet twagosma, Ont, Rfly,-7ttl�sptCy. �'l4in '<�,�y, yy +.,y7yC6y.,ylLyy�4�i�aa. 6, `V475+�riR.liY ��y�...'A���,.t,l,L,-yby�••��2'ry�J.r-���ryyl�•h���S,S, PJCC:r Wheeler re, ter l� and 19mbdmey Also Ambulance Service Goderi h Ontario All ww promptly attot aaa to day or night, Preen" :Moro sett 110"d 3sow. Bropholu Bros 60DER*GH —'vino LZADII+ O— ]f'II XR*AL 01911 '01tft tilllfl WKNA169S At"O A MAliar.` SPLA Iez AT AM Deli xt� I�t�kTi'F' bill DAV Rlbeet. sw Ali. 94th 124 In his 20th year and waa a patient suf- ferer for eleven years. Besides his ber- eaved parents, he leaves W mourn, their Pa Re MILLER lots, three brothers, Joyeph, Lawrence ! and Gordon, and four sisters, Marie, At home; Mrs. Press, Olendon, Alta.; Aileen. of Brantford, and Florence, of London. ` The funeral was held on Monday morn- m the ito11i7irl Catholic church, morn- ing from Brussels. `PIW LATE 'x'069, SANDER l `'a�- ..• ,�:-re,..- .. _ );Neter lost a: highly esteemed resident on Thurtday of last week in the person of 'Mr. ThonioS G. BandEYs, V1b6 pasted avlay In his 74th yClar. The dowasee was born on the fourth +.once-sslotl of Stephen,t", and all nils life was d . re• cident in the ofrlflmuiiitZ )For the Phd 33-2 year t he had been a resident of Eye• ter, The deceased %w twice married his :ittot wife being 1<i111i Trlebn�,r fans Wer he Wks united In nlartW40 Witl -VAry Trlebme. 11016es llia 1>&V,1vea widow lie is survlvtd by tiro* daughter pend one son, M'ra. Bleorge - ill"ell, a Hannah, Alta.; Mrs. W. J. 'McIntyre, o Chicago, i�od Illomis, o! Tlteodar( DEAlu or 6190lf(;itg 1trtYOM Oodoich t6*1111th) tM lost dnotller o its promilaent elU20150 060T86 Mudie, a 7`i1i9 is 106fiIA011 brE lil^, e: TP a mem orders his coai In the summer, When most people have forgotten that winter thifte is coming again. if lie takes advantage of the Slack rea- son to get his coal delivered. Ito gets tho maximum. service iaV the Irlirtimutn rate, Now, whillo it's on your allud,• ICiill tiro Heat Folks, number 96, for our Sum- met- prices on coal. CALF TRZ it -. B. 'MUSIARO COMPANY The IISr%w and largtva Essex `I'maplana'"Specital S x VlVaeh wheelbiIse' , Sedan model, $800, F.O.8, Tilbu yj, 011talrio. 4