HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-06-15, Page 1The Mft�dwfs Friend An advertiser's message in the Gode- ri�h Star reactiestbe reader on Thurs- day, the day ,of publication, in plenty of time for perusal and for week -end shoppiq. h000��"00�040 44 - - . ; . _%. q I- I . \ ,� I �, I : . k\ I I '* . , I., 1 I I 1. t " i � � .. I L - I I *11: ., � , .. ___ 11� - T- ,AN . D llr.11.7.1'", - �, __ I ,W �.- - _­ � - 1r'1rT____ ______ __ _ 14 !#------ 0 __# _-_-_- 0 0 00�ft . 1 r`tA a Wed&ng Stationery I t-'er tile cotreot twq in Itivitation3, . AnnouncemeatS. Qlfds, Etc.. call TN! " Star. vvinting that Ptaa,,�'s for sesal I Events. I __ . ___ ­­14-r;T,�­�-- 4 ­­ I - __ - _, - ..-- . ... � __ ___ — . .4 . _­__�-_ — �­­=_==�­­�­ ____ - - - - , ­.. - . ;Z;;�.:��__;W:.;__�__ _ _ , , - ,�, ii. � , - � . WALTIM NA"A 14 ftUU4W . stibscrip"* P 0 yaw In opoft GODERICH, ONTARIO, Q&NADA. THURSDAY� JUNE Vith, 1933 - UXENTV�FOURUI TEAR �b $2.50 04 yea to U. 0. p0atc . . . ___ _____ ­ __ - __ ­ , ,- �___ _­ ­ . --- -_ - -, ­­_ .1 ____ . . - _' " . . . I I --11 - ­ - � . I 0 0 I I (G. Ce 1. Salaries Reduced 21/2 pa ce l Pow Inspector Lauds Schoors Efficiency ... . . — 11 . I I— I � I . I I . CLERGYMAN'S WIFE FAILS ' —M -010m, M I- 10 -year -Old BOY ISPECIAL AUDIT I ORDERED, Much ]Damage 0 a I , , " I : : I� I mows *0 IAW .1 SuerIff O., kAQW4 I l. M IN SESSI DAMAGE. ACTIOn Meet$ Untimely End. . V. celved the oheques and cashed then, in Sunday's Storm . — . .. . I I �101"` .Middlet= , his law. a* has tangled with , �A, . I I . I . I I)qnW Muit DroWn04 Oti. S0ndAj . .. . . 11 Scarcely sk Street 'in Town I . � .. I ,0 .both the town ,and county 00101- � . , I . I I . . __ I . .. I . - ct� Not Y'Aown I�P,�71F ill Be Engaged'to Instal Proper System of - Chartered Accountant W, F Acaped the Havocm-Hy4rer . r d ;�O,t � ell$ on intric.4te, j�wolijtg an each I I . time emerged with flying Colors, 1, Suffered Injuries on Eve .of ___ . . ..- � IFF TECHNICAL MIMI !: HOWS . I . 119okur.eving InTreamwees 0 raCe—C9911ty Police System Will ' Hard Hit . . � I ,xha, first w4a when the -town diIQV- ., �. I MXtriage--H =e'llor"n - � L . �_ De Investigated, at Request of of Crown, Att6M0Y—CQst S"Ou' member nt tile board. Mr. 0oldthorix I . . I pcd a prosecutim against MIA L,; I., for driving. his Auto through I . U : I . . I I Wbat J3 tho proper way to fill The waters at L,Aka Huron on S=da5 last claimed 040 I life lot Poliald Charlo dary Education Is Urider Review, Council Lining UP With High ArI111; Ad I moSt without warning a violent, storm I � . . . I ,Court House -Park, That Is ft%- �� . � . . SUES TEWHONE -CO. in a post-bote after the post ox . pole bas been removed? This Muir. *Ved lo, son of Mr. auA 'Wra . School Trastees" Association to-Rodme Salorieso . broke over 004crich - on Sunday After- . . . I I I , tory. Now,, no, less a porwAage, I . m a in e ntous question occupied -011stes Muir, under rosu%jouand dis- 1, . . 0 noon about 4 $Cloe% And wought, wach . I I - . than S. Alfred Jones, X-C-,, m4gl $trate of BralitlartV and President - Action Is Dismissed With Costs, -hours of the courva time -at tbo Alth ;k not 3 eircu=tance , =01y known, it is believed this � It,!, said Mr. , After ordering a special Audit Of the have to 'be Alone about I in ,es and branches ,wvro o-traWO . 4 havoc. Tro Its path All ever town aad 'poles. tft I . . of the OutAlto W%gistrates..Asso- . , ., In. ofily Case on , , . June, sessions on. Tuesday. BlYth telephone COXAMISSIODAM . testid6d . I:. I ImIght, smiling,- 111teable .little I'L Met' colulty,6 ,books byl Chartered ace oulatmut, Holme"11. . I . !11 ftcu5sed this matter withUr. Were snapped. 4$carooly a atrvA esvap- i I I . . elation, upholds him 14 his c4sli . . . . D64of" that the job could be property his late about noon, butthe alarm. W44 aa groin January lot, 1033, and the In* . have witli, his Inspoctor, Mr. ed and HyOro And municipal &%nga were . - , I I I I with county Council OVOV a ten I . . dollar taxi fee. The Kl 0. UYS,. . . I . . I I.. and effiaqatly done by a 212 . � not SiVon Until ftvo hours later, his boy obuma, eye witnesses, falling to re�ork � llation of a proper bQQk-kooPffi9 Sys, McCoy and Fto, I tem, county - Its Juno Moore, and I suggest.that you adopt one Council adJourned � busy, all night and next day clearing away the debris and repairing WIrodaM-* � I : I . ! i I � III was much Interested In A "e- The June gessiong. opened on Tuesday -pound man, as Applied In'the ease in the hole. the fatality, When a dorm blew llit .,e,,jou late Friday -afternoon, the dollb- of two alternatives. Either eliminate all Age. It was Serious business for our I . , I I I . . r1oll. desPdtoh In 'today's Free . ,.tde � Piess Most assurecuy your reply ­ afternoon before Judge Costello, Only one case, a noti-im a" actiou, going in, point standing tramping the while, and, 4okitig about 4 o'clock and Donald was still missing from home. Inquiries led 'to erations ongumInV three and a-hilf C a special The decision to have cQuIlty constables and aPP010t tight Or , ; � twelve new inon, who, Would be traloed . PublIo'Ut4litias Commission, for the pr04 . Wednesday storm had *o6t. about � L .1 .1 o � . ' I— . . to i�e-C4W,vil waso,pz, ,imanswer!, to trial, It was finished by 1.30 in the tile dirt Into tho crevice!$ With 1113 toe$, Hydra and Bell. Tolephon, a scarch of the beach,, -below the S11118.0 days, Alialt Made, the disousslanS revolving hipolic work, or bring lil a second pro- Is . I 1 vious $40, The damage dom then was most- . I . r 1, . I . I � , I . � able an�.I' Well, %.K. C, is $UP- ; f .. know. evening And the bugtaes� -at the court � . Two Criminal trialo wjitqb. I experts insisted ther hod strict Hotel, wlaqre the body was found to I . md effo*s to reduce the Cast 01 arou . vInblal constable," I Mr. Holmes mid that be Idid got thin),' IV to transformers $And meters, Supt . ,�: 1. . . posed to . . . z 91 � 1. . . � � I . 1�1. 1==.Z===== complete eduled for trial, will be had been seb . Instrudtions, to use a 20 -Pound I would d0L shallow Water. . � After Sunday 4kbool la the morning I secondary, education And -the ordering a probe into .county pollee affairs th e addition at a second provincial QfTL- Kelly estimate$ that 0011day"S St'DrM Will . cost another $300 and that it will take I . . . I . I � . - . . ­ � � � ­ . � . I I I 1. . . heard by JU490 Costello, Without Jury', . tile Accused having so elected, while. the , , tamp­tlast nothing else After it WAS, all over, Judge Cos, . ms of about the DonaldanA -two boy Chu . , to thg� waterfront and 'of . were this hisix liglits of the sessloll� . . . . 1. ter would mean much in Additional cost � andAn Answer to questions put to him . , Anent repalra, A, month to make perm . in I ; .1 ..:� , . I I . .. NZETS � LIBRARY DWARD jury, wAs either struck out or the Case tello xWea tb%t there -was no eW, same age, Went . put out in a rowboat, some distailco . DiscrepancY of $1400 . I I . . answered that an arrangement could be On Sunday, the town wad paxtial _ � I darkness until )ate, Some t hurehm � . ­ � I 1. . . l . . . . . � I � 'held its library, board postponed - in Civil actions. These decir deuce ,that thelable wag.eVer 004 I lephone post; '01 by te 1 out they lost their only oarand Donald A dl]scropp,ricy in cheqoes outstaildIng . made with the. Attorney Geller alls De- , I I hold services, by lamplight. . � ": . ! . I . . . - L - : - � ,The public � monthly mestiftg-Ion.yriday and trans :1 slons word made in time to notify jpry- Olen not to attend and the � comtyr is oupled a . hod ever bee;x a hole, . for that jumped Into. the wAter to corao'ashore. I but, being fully Clothed EIQ eel ild swim ' of. over 41,400 As revealed by the tMA- .surer's statement as at December St. pAA�Ient whereby the county' WOUld:90t 6 share.'Of the 'fines. . .. 1. .The Whid'on Sunday was of cyaloulo . . . velocity and calls ed much damage In th6 1, . . �,j . .Acted routine bUsIness. No meetingn .: I . 1. . I -be held during will July And August, thus 400d, A considerable . rximi of. I .. Matter, so the questloamust re . �.. . . � malA unanswered. - . I . . 8 -too gre.at for him, parti- the effort wa ila32, and by the, auditors I report for the lengthy dis- .Reeve CarAill-I'Mr. Holmes, may I 19 Mr. Oundry still . . northern part -at the county, rural tele- ., .1 4�, t . . . . . I � I Ironey., . .. I . . . . I . 11 I . , '. tul4riy when he became engulfed In a same Period prompted A I - ask a quostlori: ,I phone . lines suffering heavily. .. 1 � , . . .— =� r � 1 4 ;: ,, r , I ' I LspoEed* of by the court The Action � d! . . - I . . - wave. This was the last WS, COMP61110111 oussion on county financial afttrs, with .. . Carrying on as.o, constable?" .Tho I . storm, lasted only ten or fifteen ininatm P, . � . FOR SALE OR TO:VYINT I I . . on Tuesday was one ,brought,. by .--. I — , 1, :: 11 saw of him, The boat,. With, -the two particular w1forence to the, treasurer's , Mr.. Holmes --PAs far as I am Aware I there was but one clap of thunder and ' . , . .�, . --, .,,,,..-r- � # - TO RUNT,'HoUse On East St. Ali ., . '0 . . . . modern, ;vtonyeillences. Ap�ly to Anna Taylor Ashdown, of Eflyth, asking I ution. of $500 d4makes'from: t.he Corpox . , ,, . I . .. . I , We, 11. 'Conduct- d ewainink I boys dtif I ted north apposito r I % - the.C. P. R. roundhouse, near the batb. ofllcQ, resulting. In the following motion I '21 being passed, bY a *ate of -7, the Yeas 04ndry b,still a ,County Constable. The bylaw you rescinded in January had on-, . .. . '. . . verY littlo raln. - - . .. the waterfront the tall square tlm� �., � i; . . �. � ,:, 11 � FRANK DONNELIoY. ­ . Blyth WuniCipal Telephone lalyth =4 . . . I � . . I . I � I . ... . Ing beach, -�,Jjd was pulled �.shore b , , � Y 1, and nais being called for, . , -� . ent as L.O.A. 1Y AID do with his appollittli I . I :At � I . . " bor which supports tile Stol 11 1. � 0 ,in signtil ap- . . � 11 . . rPO RENT.-Hou$e to rent, ,8 rooms, � . .W. u to which Mrs. Adid 6YAem for I ri foot ' ­- School Js - G. C L * bathers. , Tho.iNvu Witt**4�'Vl T041�14� ,v,,-,McW4bon-Eekert�-Tbat we .engage a t , I -06 $ enforcement- officer -l! I . . thought thil paratue at lighthouse point" uras snap;. � I .. . 11 ` , , ,,��,tlt : I . . �' all Conveniences, furnished or allegedly sustained when her left . . . . 0 the fatality and it was n0t.untll ques- . oharteA.4 ';��.WAULnt, to audit the Ok Reeve Cardl#­r"I toull., � ped alt. It, fell Within. teU feet or th� A, , . I . . . I .upturrilshed, central location. - Apply I I 103ax so, &rAR OFFICE, .*r.phoile $83. . broke through tile 80d,4Df -the boulevard a Blyth street,; the lady sustalnirig 1. � I . — . I. I . . . I � tlo)aed by theiri parents,� hours, 'later, groin januarY 1�t,­1_9,33, and Instal 0 bOOkk eep�rig, undpr the I ell Made it M Clear 114 Ib Could that 'it I did'not Wl�ll to Oct, Havo .Wee . I ;1. sun -porch, of Reeve cralgws cottage, . . 9 . . . .1 I I . RENT,,­klour-roomed .aparbmeWt Xon,on. of , , I. , . two broken bones. in her heel, inflicting dil- . ' I . . or Doing Teachers a ri d Janit at own. 1; friends Cf tile umerous sympathizing P1. ,oper system of I . g Wardeift`4 Cc mit- su vision of th in I . Pet . , I .011nory . . .. .. . I : ta a no power Ispense. w1th his. �avlco�0 . Menibers of the familyi Aud friends were . j sittingr there watchinis .the ,storm Over . I . . 1, , : - ;i I .� .. South Street.* Conveniences permanent Wary. The actioll Was: . Good Work and Pupils grief-strIcken. parents. Attended Ahe fun,� t".4 � . I I . Who. Appointed Alm, rind who has- the the lairs And Were thrilled. AvItIl. their . . I . . : . I I * .� om and board, J. F. HARX4WzLL' I. .: RD , . mWed As against -both defendants and ' . . . . � , Courtiaout v es on Tuesday, held from the eral,ser, W � . � . ' An areendin ssrs., Booth ent. to have Me ' I Do% -or to discharge him? Is th0re net .. , narrow I . .. .. . I � I , ..�. - .. . escape. � . I - . . " . : I - St. I . : � Ktays , I . court costs Assessed to. plaintiff. Judge :. � I . .. I . I . family ,residence. A 'wealth Of beauti- - and Higgins, the,1032 Auditors, 4oAdW1 sufficient evidence before u. that this ,. I Y0 I .. . '. At th e beach, as the dorm swept In I L ... I . � � . '. . . . . . I I �;g� . . . SALE.�-Xrisel, 209 Varieties,,. ras , FOR . 111 co�gt.ejja. first absolved the v ago of ncg-c ligolloo and therl ruled� that, it had not . . I I . I I ,,This is 4 well-conchirted school. The . ful floral tributes ,eurrounded tilt cas- ' � -Y-1 � this special Audit, was, lost on the stiih.o . 1. to A 11 colint3t does not Want him �' ot a Y, . � . I . I . . I fro t m the nor h west whirlpools, of sand ., . :.:. ' I �1' I � I Regal . I . � delplianiums and'Verennials, Mks Visitors W�Acome.' MRS.- JA I L -the � spot whete, the wi- .. . been proven , I . � . - pr ncipal Continues I to give -good service ket Pupils ot',bentral , school, PI "jes of the unfortunate boy, with their ma divist,on, The vote: . . . I I For -chartered., aceountant's auditv- more?" . �.. I .. . Mr... Holmes�­"l khov� nothing About . I were shot Into the Air as bathers and . I . . ,,ux*qd to shNlor. Bert McDorl� I � I I . , . , . , i� , I � , .lilies. I � . I � - . I ,. I I MoGiTz BlAb, 011t, dent hap, pened Was that or. a: former � 1, Evi- I . as an organizer, administrator and.' tea,- teacbers attended in,& body, forming 9. I � e an 'Archibald, Ballarityn', Beavers, Bowm , I . that,', . . . I 1. .. I . ,,o'hers . . � . ,� . , ,, aid put out. and b . roualit, in a party at I . . , . , � ) , . :1, . t ., I . I . .... . I l . I � . pole of the � -telephone conivany, I � � . . I � . . Cher, He is assisted by a capable staff I guard of 'honor from the entlance. of the . .r . ouglas, Eckert, Fran- CA diff, Consitt, P The d1mussion I*iulted In the follow-* . . I . . floho.cmell. from the breakwater just. -In **� � � , �, � .. . . � . I � FOR RENT.L-Apartinent, oom6i King - (Continued CA Page.'5) I . . I � , . I . . .1 �: several of whom have poved theit . house to the waitIng beatsel The set- vice was. I ii I ekarge of Rev. D. J, lions, els, Gamble, Cloldthorpo, Johnston, Ma- Meson, McKibb011'.: MC14311, . Melllck Ing , motion being passed, .. . I McNall-Cardift-That the Warden's time. A Port Huron party art tho glop , , I. . . Ditnull tought' off the tqn-foot *ayes 11 � Ill - . ��.,,' 4 ". ­ ston street arid.The Square., All . . . rrvenieucm� Apply MRS. F, E, � HIB- to! L I I . . . i . . . �. worth over. A. perl'od, of years.. 4 Miss . I . Kliox CbUF4�h minister, � And Interment I Scott, Smith, Stewart, VaAcke., 'Elliott � � . . Conimittee investigate the Case of, Mr. �. I and made . port. safelyl heaving a � sigh of � . . I . � . . . I I .1 � .. I I ... I . . BMT, phone 367. : ' ... I .. . . . WANTED . - - Ackerman aP4 miss PAric, have AIRCIO 'de-ih Maitland Cemetery., The was ma. . -21, . I � � . . . I Oundry and ascertain whether .or not. . I � . . relief, - Small craft experienced. much - I .. . ql . I 11 . . ,,, 4 — _%'_ =901��r WASSENGERS AXW, - IRi to very prorffising beginnings In their -first �. pall -bearers were; - Wilson Wocrtotb, - For Iiaoth And Higgins-,Cralgle, Dern - this council has the PoWee to discharge . � , . . . dlflic�jlty In beathig tho'beavlost Part . ' I . , .- 1.Z I � ; 1: � . � � SALE,"A quantity .of Wcond- I . I FCRbAnd A Saskatchewan june 24th. Room . Of. A.'eaching." Such axe some at Bruce 0 I Harold Ttlrrig� And QOAAld rr erling, Hemingway, Lelper, .M06bb him as county constable a nd that 9 ,of . . ; . . . . � , . the storm. to shelter. I , � , . � .1, - h ? I windows, .doors, brick and for,: two. ,p. 0. 'Sox 331 or. phone. 294, year : I 1. Lane. Among the. manyt floral pieces Sweitzer,- WrIght-7, they have the :power,. why is lie still . , . . 1. I .. . . . lumber. Apply to, ROBERT DOAK, . . . I., Pictoll St. I � I Goderich. . :. I . I I .16-.16 the comments or +i7e 0. 0. 1. made by - . . were. thois sent . ft Knox ,church Sun- � *m � I �Councjjlors Matheson And Moser were carry�n -oO � g oii,� arried. � . . .. , ,. !.. ._ I. � , I . . I . . . � . � I . . , I � I . � � . I - I I I. :.� . .� . ,. .� . olontractor,, 1. .1 . .. . ..-.--- � � � . ]LOST F U Inipectors:A. 0. famper and A. J; Rus- day Sthool,.whldh Donald atteridedl.an. d . I . . absent. . . . .1 Algo� this motion. I . � � . 0 . 1* . 1� . . � . I � � j I . ­ I 4 . I I VARM FOR SALE.�rForty acres, :note 'Property � - � ,AND. ��, . . . � brooch set with Wild. of their inspegtion -of the Institute. 117th.. The report cokl�aues: � Pub train his fellow.PUPUs Of Central lie , � . . � . . . . . * . . Cheques, Blips, -Lost ,� EoXert-Archlb%ld -That this, � counel) . .. . . . CominA Evenis. I ,. � x , �1; I . A., or less, the of the latp Lo ST,--e-A:w#ite gold 'blue Way I . . the � it School . I .. I . � I 1. -indeed . . I � . � appoint, the, *arden's, Comin,ittee to In, . � � - L . I I , , �� I . R, *. 0. Neftel, situated at the end 61 I . one 13apphire and twelve Finder leave a,t . "The pupils are ,courteous to Sad Is the untimely fats Of this . . The disougslon and oonse q uent action vestigo,te ,the best way to p olice our � .. . , � 1. I AND IIUSIrN,1�48 BUIEEFS . , , i f � I South Street on the. southern boundary � I 1. . 0 th.0. town, of good cl%y' loam, large.,STAR white stope& Pease . I OFFIOEI I 1, : I � I & M� IN iF teachers, and to vWtOrs and there ap- Pears W be-! tin ,Attltude, of: intereet,.and liggertunat, ii ttle �.b#P, ..$ot In Years -has *a death so touched the heart$ of ,of Council .was precipitated by th�o ap�& - before Council on Thursday I . county either through rOuntY 0r.Vr9vI11- report back In D lem- 0`1 : . I . . ... . . . �.. . . . I . L . . boupe and baria. drive shed: vorkslidoi . ; *n�house; twteslali well (135 feet), the - ­ . ' ' . . . I L'O ST, -A bill fold Containing a, Michl, I � well -application to w6rX which augurs . . ., issful . :citizens, The. blow, fell Particularly. . . � pearance afternoon og Auditor Booth of Wingham, I clal ofIleor and . . I bere.-Carried. � - . . . . . ,. I . I . �, I P9101ANENT WAVES : . . I . . �. ' ' . . " .1 � I very best of waterl. good. fruit trees. I gandriver's license and a sum of Year. � for another succL . hird his -parents, Mrs. Mu1r:baYI49 He said at the outsetAbAt there Was 11 Tax.Rate Unchanged .. I $3.00, $4,50 and $7.00 Is the price of � . .. : I . ? . . Ideal location, close � to : schools and � - . money. Reward. Return to STAR �OF­ I . , . "Therd has been an Increase 'Of twen-: since last.inspection and the .Au lost a brother -by d0ath anly' & few days I discrepancy -in 'the � a' tmt of outstand- mo . thq 1. I The tax rate remains at six mills. for the newest And most I . . .up-to4xte way.cs .. . 11 . . � Churches: For further partloula�s Apply I on the premises. or ta PERCY or WITZ I . . . . . I VIC8. I . . . .. I . . , - _ - ... I I . — 71= ­ ty Pupils . , I I The ,classes present., enrolment 19 304. 1 I � previous. Mr. muliI, As,As well known, � Is foreman printir. in: The .Star office, Ing obeques for 1932 as between I � I treasurer's statement ,And the Auditors! � 1933, made up as follows: General 3.8- . , W , be given at THE GODERT011 . BEAjTJTY SHOPPV, West St.. on June � . ... r . I 71 .. . . 1: ,. NAFTEX,,, I . �, I I - �_,� e . 1. . . I .1 I 1 ., . � I rVAU.STEEIS .;3AIS, .1 ji, - . . : - � . are, for. the. most ,Part, of A reasonable size* altffi5gh one.of the Middle School I Genuine sympathy. lsl� extended to him . And his wife, and: to their surviving C611- report of. $1424AL He emphasized thp6t . . 'he was prepared to stand behind his re- nifils, Provincial Hlghl�4ys'l mill and County Roadi 1.2 mills. -The county haa I . I 19, 20, 21, And 22. it.. you ar.o -interested . . r- . . In a sWart PUSHUP Wave,' oVo. . I I . F:., I � �#. A ! � k 0- . k � . . REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. � , � . __ I Nash Sedan, 1029 mod el, will be forms numbers 41 Pupils,: .7%6 Com- Aol , dren, Robert; ljor0thY. And On. . port, notwithstanding that ,pr6vlou� all, a �bank overdraft of $35,000 and $12� . I . - . -don't., . look this speciaL Fo r , appollittlienti . . . - j , , � I.. �_ . . MSTRONG REAL ESTATE. :. . . : THE AR . . 'INSURANCE .EQId by ublic auction at the Sheriff'.4 P use, Goderich, on Tues-., Off1pe,-Court.114) merefil,classes Itre, small. "The addition of � 12, pictures---copleg , . � - � ' ' - � . . , G, C. 1. TEACHERS CUT . ditors, had found everythirig,la order,-. . , 8 alit th6 DOO .Patriotic Debenture fallffig. I . y�ar, but a motion to Issue debelitures. to . . . I � . �. . . -Phone Mow.. , � .. .. . . I I I I . I pir "Ir I , . f.1 � . I I . I . " I . AND AGENCY.' " , I 11 . . . . . . I I ;.� J. W. ARMSTRONG 0i , . day, the 2bth day.of -June, 1939, at.11 gLro.. Teri% g, cash, (Car MAY be, eXAm- � . Work of .Canadian artists -to the I of the . _ . , . t , I A', . . . k4l r .teat. bak A further out of 2 1, pe. . "I want to be frank," said Mr.. Booth, . 'the dis- "I am not prepared to say how take care of these obligations was de- . feated oil division; a polick of pay -43. . Mapto Loaf. Chapter, 1. 0. D.� Ell at* I I , . . . . ailing -a Y carniva in asquerade ta. - - � , � . . . '11 . � - ., I 11 .P.O. Box 89 -1 " . Qod6'rich, Ont. . . ", le . , ined at . premises of.W11fred. L.:Frane . eY class -room decoration Is o be-conitaerild- 7ue� influence bf good been .made in the salaries of tho'G. 0, 1. 'pr�pane . y -Arose, but I insist that I. found ' you -go being favored. It was felt -that pick gips . I . , � be held at the PAVIllon on AllauSt 4t.b. I � � I .1 . . ­. I 0 'i :1 I . . I I . Lake Shot& Rowl,j Township of Ash- , I . - .1 � I I . . L . I . I I .. I I I � � . .. I .1 . field). " , .. . . I I . � . . DDLETON, Tfustee, C. 0. Mr ed. unconscious , . . I pictures (w#h .Which this school is well provided) is decidedly beAef1dI&IjpL the teachers, who'have. been re-engag�d far I I . the ri�xt academic Year, This, With ' makes a � $5,23103 an. outstanding theques hnd . �� that, this amount Is over .$X,400, moro 'that W11. the overdraft could be WhIttled do ' from year to year out 'of ,current receipts ' � I I . . I . � . 11 .Crepe -. SkIrfA,, in White, edphell . . L 'Silit ' ' tel tremendously I , . . � ,_ . I . . I I 1. . . I . W00UUCOMBB . . IF . � I . . .. . . � Court House, Goderich. I I . ol.p* . boys.and &Is of any echo I prev lous Cut at 5. per Cent.,. " tal.of'l�j per Cent. This. was decided than reported by the Treasurer. on negi C and that batik Interest Was no in're 'than -pu . I and � shados are I ' . Popular thIs seasoli; Make Your' eel%-! - . I 11 ! I , I . � IFA,Uf LTON STRZ16T . � I � . . I I . I I ., � � . , � . Comment on -the icliaracter. of the pu- I "the on at the meeting of the board last Fri- the. game date. My figures are, as possible to maL correct As it Is humanly ct debentures. The vote In favor -of issuing debentures. was 2� -7. I � tton , while .the 01%06 . Are , 1C0#TPIQW - 0: , . � . I I I I I I � � I . . PH&EI 296 ; - . . Sells Insurance of Ali kinds. aettates 11 ­ . . I I I � I I I . . . L I , �. plW work state that tests giveni - to the -Pupils of ,the Orst year Indio e that day, Ajesolution of. sympathy with the . I relatives of the late Dr. grametson arid I 1. them ,and X pro pose to stand by them.". not . . . A Real 1lare-up : I . . I . I . . . SORAIMER'S, - . : .1 I . . . - I I I I I . � I I I I . " ,I! � . - ",I .� : ,� . 11. � . froin him be6re: renewing or (planning . . - I POULTRYMEN ATTENTION! . I . I �� the 'reading * good,, tile spelling ,about . I _� -writing iiM of appreciation of his -services foil mai* I Mr. Booth said he could not find eith. the d theques .And In many . . FrIday-morning Reevb. Goldthorpe oil. I I The values in Bathing Quit is �goo.dl All ,W ' . .1 � - . new Insurance. . . . . � I - . I . . I . I . . . Grain prices are advineirg! not quit 0 up average and the .. to average. The Vmpleted Work in art Years as a Memb or of the Board, for three. years,of wIlloll he was chalrinanj . er. . cancelle cages the bank slips. covering the led for the production of Pak roll sheets And when Clerk Holman 'produced them son are particularly oul . , Suits- for children froth 15c to $1.00. . . .f .. I 11 :X , . '. . I . — Why keep . a. lot at non -laying I I . (,Continued on page 5) was Wagged, I amounts, They had apparently been . 1. �1, afte C-'th,, ,of the crInAna- Mescal And ladles' sizes from Uto 62I in . � % . . � � boar. to, when you can have yo de I flock ,of hens Culled, free of I charge, by all expert'vith yeaxs of. . . hundreds I . . . � I I . ., I � lost. He had made a Person al InvostigavI tion, .calling on people to whom the clacques. had been lssued.� Some bad re ' � ­ ' audit board, which Aft; Goldthorpe par. ticula rly desired, were ii,Wslng, Me Ho;tn&h replied to Mr. Ooldthorpo'.5 do - - largo I I .. the .famous Hollywood style. A � � .. . . . , . I rang6 to choose .. I . � , from at SOHAEFMIS. I I I I I Plain and fancy plaid organdy, vrouth' . "I "I I - I . . . . I . .. � . - I VdA . * CASH . "DED TO, expertence ard of satis- COMMISSIONS � I . . . celved the oheques and cashed then, for their . ' I W. fleCouatomors to his credit? Ar� . range with your neighbors . to have I I I . .. . I - - . ALR!'EADY VALUABLE PRIZE L1.1001V while others had nev6r received .them, although stubs on the cheque book in- mand production -by stating that there Was "no sich animal" as 0 I bAtjsW,.CbIff6n volles, plain dreas linens, � all, the now summer fabrics. See our .. I . I ; � your flocks culled 9,ie same day. . . . I . I dicated that cheques had been issued. criminal audit -payroll sheet. Mr. Gold, special value In light and dark volles, % . � . "000, pric -paid for. the 11, . . . . .. . . . . I . A long list was read. I thorpe. insisted that there was and stat- yard Wide, at 390 a yard. A good solecom . , � 11 . hens. Par' particulars phon'' Q, . Collections --Pr ze I Commissi o*ns Will Be Paid Weeldy on. AN Cash i . Gordon Young bad.previous- ed he had signed them last year at; a . tion at SCHAE ill ERIS. I I . I 'I I ; �1 . . Tl% DA . 4 Treasurer member nt tile board. Mr. 0oldthorix . . . . . I . I I . . . - 1. . I I . . I W415"..."'I". . .. . .. . Awards Given at Conclusion,of Canipalgn�Enter Todi I ly appeared before council when several charged that the aletk knew what I fig. The regular meeting of Ahrft0ek I . . . . I . I I I � � _ I I ­ . I .. . _ . .. I I councillors Inquirtd.as to -the distrep- obapter, 1, 0. 0. V., will lye hold In the- . . f. �, . . . I . --- — 1. . I . . . .— . �. . I tires he wanted and. was biding them . . 1. , I _.________________, I . p ' I . . 6ney. Mr. Young said he -had got into He said Mr. Holinan had ehboX his head library an Monday afternoon, June 19th, . . �I� e I I . I � . . . I . I I 1. � . . -1 1. . � h.e Star "Good -Will Club" Subscrip* As an added feature of The Good. 4 -bookkeeping tangle by pre -dating over his (Mr. GoIdthorple's) shoulder to at 4,oltlock. A large attendante Is re- . . . . � . . I W. CRAIGIE I I . quest,ed as Important buoinow will ba . � . .� . . . e I I .. I � I . . . I . tion 40ampkign Announcement which ap- Will subscription Campaign which The choqUeg, For. Instance, be would Pay,ab Mr. Young f, I or the litter not to Produce. �. I : . 4 1 , I .1 I � . Co H. ]RUMBER .peared only a few days ago, Already has Star has Inaugurated, we will give with account in January itict'date the theque Ithe desir6d Information. Mr..1161wan considered. . . I I . Insurauceand Real Estate I JtWML1Z9 brought in a number of nominationsand o denied th I . , . 11 I .. . . .very tecelpt for pilymept,g of a. yearly back to December. He said lie bad been is. Tho Woman's As�coclatlon of -North at � 11,q I inquiries. . , subscription. new or renewal, a coupon asked to do this. but he now realized it Both men hod been talking at the top -is holding a Stra berry . I I lot. - DOMINION, PILOVIXCIA14 � THE SMALL $11 ORE, , I was wrong and the practice had been , 11 United church W I . . . I MUNICOAL J3ONDS. � .. . I b I Ail are Invited to Share! in good for one insertion of a ,classifled of their voices w#h Reeve Goldthorpe sacial on tile lawn it wacx6yl Hall on , . I . . . I � � � � WITH THC 010 STOCK . . , '.. . . . the rrhe List n . 033, , I I stopped. Throughout the discussion winning Ioud"0)ZkInff honors when Tuesday, .June 20th, Supper setwo - I I I � ., . .1 I . ­ . . � . .1 ­. . 11111, , , '' , , . I .. � . councillors affirmed and reaffirmed their Reeve Jack MoNab, a member of thW from 5 to 0 p,ml. Musical program. , Ad- . , . . L - , L_ I 9 the competition is open to all reput- I Each CAndi4att Given a Start confidence In Mr. Ybung's, honesty and year's board, 8Wpp8d Into the discuSaloo, mis�lon zo. . . . � � . � . .. .. V , .. .... . . . — __ _.__ . I I . 0 persons Whoj'3 residence is Within I � . hiNgrity. They felt it WA$ A bookkeep- Sai � . � . I � . . - . . ­ � . .- � . abl . .1 . � � Itar, and Every Candidate nominated In this big Ing mess. r I tre d RoeVe Goldtilorpe. Was asking for awb' I I.. . - . - . � the circulation zone of 'The a �ywhere. "dead Will Club" � Competition Will be , .. the payroll sheets In an effort -to show Keep In mind the str� Arty fWtival . I * �ptlong At , . -k - . . you can secnrer whscr . � to be held at Union churelt oil Fri � . 'Vote credits will be given for new, le. given .. Credit tot 50.600. v6tm� Thm I I Warden is lm'_�texkt . .him up, but that there was nothing I I ,,, day. . j . I I . Sun Life 988granoe oumpaq .of 08poda tewal and arrears, and the largest total gives . everyone An ,equal st I art and a It was Wa . r . dell Ballantyrie who Insist- . wrony. Ito s � aid he bid rezolutely' To- June 23rd. Supper served from 6 to 11, I .: . ) .� , , - 0 � of the big 'prIze (used to pAy come of thc' criminal jus- followed by the Play, "Farin Folks," by , � , � — credit at conclusion of Campaign wine chAnCe t win One % ed on a audit. He, said he did not want tice AcOunt$ And.had left of & Satur- Blake-Owhen Young People'a Saciety. I . , . .� I . . . tile cholde ,of the prize, awards. Awards, one thousand 'free votes are' to be warden with this hanging over bt; Admls8lon 3ft �nd 200, I . I I '.. � . � Tft t"ORTANV QUESTION . I N given for each ,coupon vvWchL APPei" it head and he wAntea It cWarod up. He day without any Aercolnent being roaoh- � . . I . .. I . 11 . I I . I . . I. Tit* i�urjme of the Campalcu each Issue. I I . did not want It said, in Years to come. ed, The folloWing. ltuegday he W0 Cal- PER31ANENT WAVES I � Wbeft A man is DWI Ito one Asks, "What kind of A, Car did he drive?" l The purpose of the Good Will Club led back by CroM, AttotdeY Holmes and Mr. W. It. Mathlecon. an export apin. NI I � I rite only que9tion is, I "Has he saved enough, to -keep hiniself?" A systems- Campaign Is to secure paid In advance. Some of those nominated are: that there wag Anything wrong during the, ace6unts wero finally rds8ed tit a ator from the Thoda Mathleson De3lity . I �t' I, � Mica Jean Abell, Ociderich. his regime. Ito advocates on audit dat- saving of $150 to thd 0ounty. Xaturally I I . new ,arid renewal gnbstriptiono And 0 Miss, DorothY Alle, ,eWary -de- . Shoppe, Toronto, will be at The, I$abol . : tic WAY Of saving Is through the payment of life Insuratice, Premiums. A n, ooderlob. Ing back a year .and, It nee I aular rates, Plus , . : . . Collect All arrears. Many of our sub- ,,,MLss,.0orIothy Henderson, Ooderloh. pendin an what was brought out, Six he had been Viid at re Beauty Shoppe, GoderIch, on June l9th, . . , FJnall amount WMd annualls' In early life will ll, assure financial triften- scribers, possibly through neglect. haVd . the start of Mr. Younols oem- (Contin I � dence: fit old age. L not paid their accounts for some time, Wiss; Kitty $also Goderich. I years, L I - I — 90th, Mot And 29nd, gtvina Spiral, I . . ,. . .1 Miz,lrelen Zavitz, 06derloh. pancy of office, Reeve 'Elliott of Clinton Croquignole and. the popular Oombina- I Consult us 11 �,J. �. . I and during this 0.11441911, bY r1o, doing, '. miss Grate Jewett, Dayfield. had advocated a provincial audit, as L did Old Litt's m0rattan Patch won the tion WavoAt $3.60, $g,00 and $7.60. All L � . ,regarding this plan of investment. I I Can, Assist their friends In -winning A, Miss, Phyllis lawt,mco, Clodetlelt, othera, but members balked -at the pro-, second division of the 2:20 pace at LOP- Waves guaranteed, Wake appointments 11� ,'I 0006115 . . . valuable prize. All tubw4ptiOns should Win Jean Robertem, ooderich. bable 03t, likely t�fVoral thousand dol- don on Wednesday of last week, In with MISS UAX II, Phone 553. . I I .. Phan" lo I Residence 540 H. R. LONG, District Agent " in advb6ftco and the date on 'the lab- Miss Am, AndreW, dod6lob. lars. The fInAI result Was con1proMise. MIW��. Dr. WhItNvIa Baron. Lullwator . ­ �. 0. , � i i I L .11 eig obould read 1934. , was in the 2.0 pace and his Maxine I . . . 11 . . ,"; AN. , , __ ­­ _,-___ _ 11. .1.1. ­ I Ural W. X Trelliblaz ,?a Ill tile 2:10'a pace, L `� , II; , !" 1 1 ft There Will be no losers. Every actiVe Bertram McCreath, I rolkie Statters Harvest(Ir Waal tit, N . CARDS OF TUANXS � I �� .�. . I -L-__.___ . I � Candidate thMerhout the entire conte3t Ileg. Fislam County P611CO MAUM a100 WOW dig- - - ._-__..-__-1_-_ ___,.­,____.­'.._. Tile family of the late Alexandov 11 I __ , � . _ I 1- - I Js guaranteed at leatt one prize. 1 Spe- 0. M. Gtraugh4a, Auburn, cupzed at 10drieth In thO C160fliC tdOldll. I . . #09N Dunkeld take this means of acktio-s- : . - (e I � elal prizes will be given each week far Mra. jrarvl� MogAde, H. U. 5, addo-, crown Att&noy, 0. 19. golmo told edufl- EcHUN.-At Nile, on Monday, Juno ledging tho kindness And GyMp3t,117 CX- . . . . '.1 I best results, in addition to tile regular q ell thores lNero 81 County o3n6tallfes on 12th, to Mr. and Urs. Robert Echtift, 0 tended to them lit their bereavomout 4 . 4 a ( rich. I , I .. grand prize awards, And cash commis. the fiat, that ftung of them wdro dedd,'Wft, I through thodeath at their father. Thag , I I . I � TOWN OF GODERI,'CH Stom allowed on all collecting, Miss Clara Valford, it. It. 8, 496ddrieh. litany were old men and that (gif,V fte, ROD M,T3ONd--At AlMndm Ho3pt wish az,.,o to thank 0 -mm who lent e= . I I . Mrs. 11tobt, Davidloft, 011figlufton., were arAlve. Ile Said that whein Pro- tall on Tumday, June 13th, to Aft. AN at tile timo of the funeral. I . . . . 8"ription, $2.0 P,W Ann"% a ta'a . ; . I I I . I It I Mrs, 0. Harwood, 8, It. 2, d6derkh. I Constable Alborb Whiteside ,tas UrO- StoWart '"ertwn, ' I I .... I . ne subscription price of thd Goderich Miss N6ra goWd,by, ]1. #. g 06&fjtjl V 1101at M"ItII&D Mr. and Mrs. Charles Muir Alta f=- 11 11 . . 1 1933 1,AXES atilt to any part of Cinada, If Paid in X*,,M-*�206y��ft,--O,A-X-I;,5i;a , ll(,rs he wed Constable oundry a ItteAt M.Wt.lj4T&e._On Juno lath Ity "knowledge With .deep aj)preetatton . I � dell, but that C.auntSr C4uncil had teen, MA 3 It -he kindness arLd oympathy extended to I I I 0 01 LAdvance, is szoo. In thq trnitdd Stw% 0. A, V4uston#, 9. R, 4, Ooldetloh, fit to dbptnse With the aoirvjM of dun. 1033, at the Parconage, MeKag, ftite Mehl In their wreavomelt tbrough tile I �� � - ,all additional Sod is, required to %Y for ­661k*�Aufcw, it. it. 1, oulassig- drY, , church, ottawa� �)y Rev. Dr. Anderson, death of their eon, Donald. . 1. . I I � ,THURSDAY, JUNE 15tho last day for discount on "08tige. non. I Mrs, Eva w6ater, of Ottawa, td William Mr. Jaftet ItOigUth And ftillilY tAkO j, 'Do _ Fir,st Installment I � 13 Taxes. I V., this Competition V# *ill to- A. & V01, IUVIffeld, . - 'It( tAu will give the nattet a Went- j. Weir, of Godevir-b. Ont. thts ities" of exp;eesslng thelf A,11prI:)I- . J� ". I y three-yeat subseoption, for go, Dania pidiiiii, ft. A. 2. Luck. It's ,thought you will itpproctato that . DIED cLatlain of tha kind "Oat en(b I I : . '00, and a one ,riminja vdrk requires two men, tlAt is by "I I $9. -year std* WWII f. not/. UUM.-ta Go4trLeb. on Qundag, durliss their bete-xvetntnt, Thty eve- . " I H. ROBALERTSON, Tax collector the , . ..44 � 11 year 1634 f(W slm� spftl Why yWhItesides used Gundry, Now juite 11, 1013. Douam Choles Muir, WL 'emly *M to thank Rev. 10. W. maik � I after "Itl"Iy ttas" #A thFaeft6fteltuas I Ufts 1.419 wofte, IT, it. � 7, Luck- I there Is an ibn6rmst U" of ftustaW-, of Mr. snd � Urs, Charles Muir, In hii fdr his kindne-ti alid those ,who gsiro ftl � � i I . I . � of the Icam"fgal . bow. I I Mtooiy by the pubtle And soniethlog wilt I eat-venth yftr. I � "�of thelf am .11 I , I . I . �1 i � q " � , - __" ­_* . . I . � � . i I I .. � I �