HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-06-08, Page 8=,I 0 PAG* 110M TOP[CS a) T40, BMW iftighttr J13bQ 0- W)W41&r Uo frC14hter U'2&tel *%t" 0"$"m"M rias to r,7,4,t euly Ila the wcsk W4'h a W43 In PC.3 fjUnda7 CIR4 'tootle tort at cariwa Cargo for tim tlevat;,r. of 0,= bwllclp,.Cr Amenlcau rarm ,card w1loat, $a titorsae here, clearing VIXK114 Au altom=es Oro b,^UWW3 107 3)uWj. V-jt1,Q tre fad in 4(iodo11, cares belva mol - better than In Wows 4-4vo the towe. to tqI4P* fr= the beautiful pluts at the PU4:�) Z15-ravy. cand for Sty Mr. J. W. an A Uc Oalcr t0113 Thai StV that 11anzin-r. A low cufarced vii -Its to uxg- are tL,.-oming; very rzarco and tjlaio Reid W041 et* MIS Waitt2p. that they will dqub!e In T'rim wttwa six E. ylcm1nV. N.C., of Wind= and a &hanu3 Derry, 70, former rcatanrecently -195t lift appeal ;t. of -court jud ;jlbbert toWWbI . P. 4" X0a3ajn�,#, 4 in 0 County ginout scoured by. I the Royal Bank ft $106,817. a guaan- lz=u. Stratford, last Friday. Elio has * no relativea. Co. given by Mr. Fleming for Advances .a the Caldwell nand & Gravel Co,, U-3, 'dere were over four hunIlrod appli. vat.loas for SIX vacancies ou Iftara 111gh nhing Is about done At the harbor. C.,bcDl W.1ching Etaff, Twelve AppCarcd Catvhe3 aro very meagro, some Visitors lu'r=on to pre-Ahet claw% from cui.ofOwn frilling oven to got a bite. one man was co, Iucewe4 be 40- 1131,.toln°Cottlo Air6"roported As scarce PuEed OodorLh of Orunning a racket" In Perth county* % buyer having Much to got tOuristo, refusing to believe that dim.-alty in reaurula a load Of twenty" it was only a, few days bofore that ang- six for shipment to the.-Vult04 10tate$, , lers were hauling them In by the dozen. ,Quite a number went In bathing at , The log last $3turday night was ex the brach on Sunday afternoon, taking ov c tionally dente and, motorists ,caught -advantage of the warm sp3l. The In it 'had. much dUlloulty In findlaq.their ovenlng, Is a little. earlier than usual, wsy. particularly on the lakeshore road. Quite 4 number of veople, forgot that `oliq man says 'UO never Put 14 % more Ontario Government liquor stores :were anxious or uncomfortable two hours In to be closed on the king's Birthday, and his life driving from Kintardine to for them the week -end Was a rathd dry Godorich about aildulght, It Vas IM- potsiblo to see Ave feet ahead and lights ,One. were useless. James mauls. Huron road.. In an aic" cident at the 046derith manufacturing � *uaoth. Ford, . second, sort; of Mr. plant recently, lost a finger and thumb Arthur Ford of the UAW= Free Pms from his jtft bmuitl while working at a and'grandson of lee J. Z Ford, 'Geode - saw. I " n, has followed rIeWs veteran c OrgYa m In 'big father's footsteps by taking up Urs. UoMilla% 111nou street, some jou•rnalism as a profession. So has just -An joined the reportorial staff of the+ Win - ten days ago lost a muofi-PrIzed Perst eaL She , tqld htyr�. milk man scout It nipeg Tribunty'after graduating In Arts a*,d Ila kept W, ears and eyes wide frsm, IYAlversity of 'Poricat "Before optz on his. rounds and a week later he going West he visited, Godorlob to say found the oat In a bome.five rotlesdis- sold -bye to relative$., rant 'and returned lt to its owner, who was mush !pleastyd. Acvxogr4ir AIr BA' nmm . When cars driven by Mr. Doak; of T=don and Morton -Morner -of. BaYfleld collided near the Baylield garage last TRY . APriday, Mr. Xerner. was .cat about the "'Imilloq and face and Mr. "d Mrs, 'Dook were bad - Victoria stratt ly sholken up. The accident was an Wertest top Courteous sevvicti shoved by.another, whieli turned out to unusual one.. The Merner 44rWas being CHASSIS. GREASING pass,,tho stalled -cur- once Its engine vtarted, only to.pilty_h6d-on Into- the Vree Crank Como Service " Muerautomobile. .1, ORONTO SATURDAY, JUNE 17 GOING RETUItNINai (Stindard Time)$260 TicHonoredbdnor�leaving 0 tv. -GwAerich— OAS 06U'L Toronto up to 4ntl- hr 3.30 # eluding r6bfty, June RET`UKN Chlldren-;-usual halt fare. uckots, good it coachga only, No baggage checked. TIckets 4nd Information from, 0008RICH, ONV. To" and Depot TIckipt. Agents CANADIAN NATIONAL V -7Z t av rm-an n..., W es, o W I R. MATHESON torn The Theda Mathiesors ]Beauty 0 An Eve" t Op �jjtor- f ShOpoe, 'Tar ontOp Will be at THE ISABEL � BEAUTY SHOPPE, GODERIC . H, 0 14 01 0111 Jun21st e 19th. 20tho ., as 22nd*. GIVING , 0 jpilral, Crooignole and the ,ipop, combination Wavo, at .0 $34150* $00 and $70.50 Enjoy the freed6m, cornfari.sind convenience of one of these W41Iem Which, are as ea lily taken care of as :nAturallY 0 Cady hair. wr A' WAVES GUARANTEM MAKE APPOINTMENTS WITH 0 B AER Photo 595. MOWIM I= The genultie No. 57 Car-, borandum, each 0 4 *. , ..w FLY SPRAYS. oz. each ......... 36c . gills Flies,- Ants, Moths. Larger sizes Also carried.' 'TIN SPRAYM QzI.,jrt size gaell ....... 46c 4 oz. sizes leach ....... 150 MAY vom �i 3 -prong StrappeJA at $1.15 See " foe INSECTICIM senate of Lead, 'Climax BU9 including Paris Green, At- Killerl, WINDOW SCRMIWil Black, galvanized gray and bronze, all sizes. if your Screen Door needs new wire give us a call. We will repair it. Fjjhlong TaCkle S" us for your FiWint Taiekh cordon T `utt Pr at 4" Oat 3" 1 is PMW is I WaH a ris ROOM LOTS Papers suitable for kitchen, bedroom,, or any -small room# is 4, b, 8 and 10 -roll lots, toclear at less than manufacturer's cost while they last. Coles Bookstele . o1171`AW U, A. OEORMS The following 00deOCh students have boon euccostul. In fourth year vxualua- tions at 1thty UniversitY Of Toronto,, 4e - curing B. A. degrees: V. X. aboardown, III Class honors:nClas;sj.-s; Miss.C. G. $ale, III clogs honors in modern lan- Swags; Miss ir. M, z4vitz, Ir.class hon. ors In Philosophy; Miss Madeline !Lane, MSC9LLANEOUS 800WER A very -happy time was spout at the home, of Mr. and Mrg. M. Ohlor, Cam. bria RQAd, on Tuesday evening, when * number 91 friends gathered to present Miss Joan MoXenzier, whose marriage ta]WS plago this week, with p. ralsoellan- e0us shower. While UW Ordpll% Fisher played the wedding march, the gifts were brought Into the living xoom on =all wagon prettilr decor4ted, and drawn, by little V_Iss Joyce Johnston, .Wbuty, miss. Itelen Slaol; read the. ad- dress. The remainder of the evening %'P3 pleasantly Spent in various fortes of amusement, AUSSION RAND. TO PION1111 The Moodillivra)t Mission Wind of Knox Presbyterian church held, its June M1.0ing Saturday afternoon with 49 present. After, the devotional exerclass, which were taken by miss Myrtle Oant- well, Mrs. Murdock MacD.ongld spoke to the children of t.12 experityup0s o.f'Misg Hazel MacDonald among the children In Peace- alvor District A .recitation ,by James Abell and a dud, :by Zandyj gl.146 and_. 'Bill Duckworth was very much enjo*d. This was thaAast meet Ing Of the a econd quarter and the. chit dren -were treated to .,& birthday cake. ThL ,5 Saturday, June 10th, a picnic on the church be :held for 'the nlembera of the '24rd.. Cpbople We .Know Mr. S. R« Wlgie was •a T,,oroato visitor last week. W. G. bfuzwan is in Throutc, attend- ing a, coal 04104? eoftv%tion, zo., and go, P. X I-ribbert Woe Tor- 40WA VUltiorg - touring the Beek. Mr.. and Mrs, W. D. Sa;tmdzrs= and chll&= spant.the week -end. in Kitch- enea 1&, Roy Petrie, storekceper at Port AlbOM," Is a vialtin to the WOWS Fair,, Chicago, ,.Istm. Dalep or 1% Marys, idsited her daughter. Miss no:leat the O. C, L staff during the week. Mr. 04d Mrs. Gllbtirb Plaute, left'ou Monday by motor for Chla*o to #ke in the worlirs. Palm OtOffre3P Holt, M.A., has gone abroad for the summer and Is aptynding a time at Vlenim. Mrs, A. 0. 04.116way, of . S.altlmore, Md.,,to VUlAng hg�r moft=. Sts. Ohm. Well, - 9" Bayfield mjut. Miss Wort* BlitkieL, of Toronto, js spending a vacation With her V.a;6nt% Mr. and F. Slack. . *. 000. McCurdy, 6, memberof Twy+ Pateg orchesh-A, has - left. for X.Ortbt Rattlefoid,'033k, tar a visit, , Mrs, X. IP, Whyard, of Oungannort. loft. 04 Socturday last for, a visit with relatives at, Aterrifterd,. Sask. Mr. and, Mrs. Tlroznas oroves, of Tor. onto, . are visiting with, Mrs. Grovosi, parents, w ;and Mrs. Thos, Fry.:.� Mrs. Wvich,, of rstion, Bask„ is visiting Vat Der sister. Mrs. Thomas Fry, and Will remain for * low -weeks. . Mr. and! Mrs. It. J. UoMehen anda%ilss MU900 XbUkyheft bare sot settled in Mr. Frank Mrtin's house on Sritganiq, road" 4M. A. straughan, West street, left for- Totonto,the first of the week to attend. tb# flMerat of her sister, Mrs. oto. Algulre,.of o4kvino. Ut. 1000. X Duck, general WMAge. Of the. Balt (11VIslon. * ot Canadian 1nduStrIeS Limite..$pent. Tuesday beiijtl*fttiag the Lloderich i9alt Co. plant. Mr. and Uft Albtrt Adams and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, UeNell and Mr. end X". Agnew, of London, spent $un day with Mr. and Mrs. Clark. MLTs 1%etth, X ClArk, allperintendikot of the 01strict Nunez` Association of vol. odor Ohio, I$ V18140s her father, Or. W V. Clark, at 116t0l Zedtord, &W ve;k. Ur. and W& Itobt. IL Young and Aluolitir Lillian hkv6 returned boWc, front a two-"ks- Visit in Guelph, Rotkwood, Mount Dents and Tbrouto. Mr. And Utt. Abftmt Wtte'UP IVOM. Z)voator for the .WnWa.birthday and week -end, Ms. J. W. Maser ace6m. rinled theux back to Toronto on f3un. day. - Or. WR41%W Taylor Is this "k At. ttndlng the annual gathering of tut General Al-teMbly of the Presbyterian Church In vainaft. In etsSIM, at ircter- be"'). , Mr. 010011 `Watts left Thutsday VWnIng fpr ftleAgO, *htrb he has oc- etoted at position wffrn the SNI of the Chktgo Juvenile Pzotet*6 ASWJAtIOU in oftuft"Oft With tht. 18411 HOW* for the summer wreaths. y1o" 11!*0N 311ortwolft ROM L" fttended Ali Invitation U Ckptaln Ar4ut Vftheft tit the ""to, ftetoft to vWb 06&vkh ft nett V the ftkAvo world's pmr. ft *WWV rk*"d % toki"ft ft" ft va Uft drain fttnt& At4tug that %owing Ar. ftAfPftftt4 WeMt#4 tor* licit 06ft. rkh V"d loll kept th *And M 0* "A turn tile. THE 00DERIC-If ff"ilio -DC1.X1x7- 5 ""17-y. AY, ,trorlr tiff, 19= A. AMONG THE CHURCHNS and nUmlyrOUS otlJ= 'ArtieleS, JgVer,;-, THE 00DERIC-If ff"ilio -DC1.X1x7- 5 ""17-y. AY, ,trorlr tiff, 19= Oar Savice to AMONG THE CHURCHNS and nUmlyrOUS otlJ= 'ArtieleS, JgVer,;-, Our Patrons Rev. V. W. crikilc Preached In Clinton oa SUNUY, evvhangi4 pwplw with turdy's Cash Urocvaj �1 Witte we have caral4erably 19were Rev. V 10, ftiter. Wha OwUp%ed the VUI- pit of li�wrlx street UAW church. i DoWt Mios these Wonderful kivi Cola M te iour prices t:� meat present day cou Rev. Q. 4. TarkBA., og the Ontario INVITES YOUR PATRONAGE, AND -OFFERS THE Upr.,, we hme Rept up a, standard of prohibition Union, ozoupwa - the pulvit 1�maulng FOLLOWING SPECIALS FOR 4450-y that Will 1%t1sbF the VrIt"I• of North. 6t. United cluarvit 44 SuAdAy Auctioneers. "'er. . Xn out rango cf footwear for men, last. - The choir Contributed wo X"tr Weelk-of JUNE 8th to Al h 1 4th 1 4 vicutEr., boys, growlaw girls and ICW dreni an autitem, the E;AoIxt being Biline. flitsZ11A Watts also Sang a UNZM AN6.'IAY lrlaw= Or. the! for Avg* car tine wmr w$ cart 101rer 'YOU twir in fluo voice. A gervIce In 4.4allty and price t W Will i stand second to non,,. pr sevvle2x at tua Baptist cuurcu sag - per 1b. 15 C As * slit,341 we bavo 75 Pairs of real day next, paster, Rev. W. T. Munt: JBIble school at 10 3,1n.; 04spel cervicedammerI 9cog *WR* 613403 with strOV91,at 11 the pastor commencing A_. . i leather toles and rqbqr Upels; while they last, *t $1.15 PDX -pair. series on the liven of the Apostles. 94* - "James.the Martyr;" 7 's A CA, ItONI WAD11 CUT 7c, "'S- I 3c in our R"Ir Sholp: Whose hard jMatr P.M., 89sV4 "Ali PER 0. FGR Wit times 0OWt throw *uy footwear Away- service, subject, %Anga Fosslbrky:w Serylims at Worth street VaIN4. V4&Lmva& 1111125 it Stora S ktaWGi Vast I Taste the Mffereni vast, 09. rhade lot Ivo may be able to repair there t* your rurprk-, -Atg modozit price. -Wring them.Watts, Sunday next, the pastor, Rev. O SALT 17c In and we will give you an estimate. at both rArvws-. 10 a.m.. Mew's I'llow rownp, OR KAM 2 f0i Let us Allow you how we c9n trans- oub. subject, May We get the most: OutIR Life:," 11 a.m., churvii Ser - ,&udloneera, the followl* Ptopert F. form your old footwpar.-tor be ttir wear"Godless and lo.*5. paspr00od- 'Ift Old Ser- Clark's 4, Pork am 0 14C The East Street Footwear#IhS� ne ss;11,T pm,, subJect,, utein.? Revak %ow st. o1p;N Knox Chwqb There will be a young people's Aervloe at the deanery meeting, In Seakorth, on DICED CARROTS 12C Thursday, June Sth, At 7:30 pm., at 2 -LW. TIN which Re'r. W. U. Sproule, past, Domin- ion PrOsIdent of the A, T. P. A., will preach. A. SOC141 hour will follow the,;Chlor-Rike JL - Clean IER er ]BOTTLE &C 2 for 15C '0131TUARY and 11UMODUt (,their articles. There, will service. Urs, 331ce, d1ocesan president "wrolito it, JrQUN$TOX of the W, A., and, Dr. Gilbert, of AftCr an extended illness the death Xlveltoh, China, will-address.the dean- q PIR (;O—W ONE DELIVERED, 299 .0,1.-urred at J)droit on .$AturdW. June .erg... . I 3rd, of Clifford: R. J01mdola, in .iris 29th is the ti me EVERYTHING GOOD FOR THE TABLE. year, Wepasod was, 4, native of "e- 'Pop -Taws MLL rich, eon of the Igto gobert aud,,Mrs. Uar;arot Jobuslon. 00 learned the Mrs. Jos. Harrison Is Improving. Dr .trade of ele0triolan with. Mr, Robert Tat, on WePt street, and after remov-Mends . 'Graham is in -attendance, of Mr. 7bas. Wettles were was born nearly 80 years *,90. Har*on :the Prayer. Tice service to Ing to 13drolt, established a business Pleased to see him at church Sunday , Congrostulatiom to Mr, and Mrs. Joe worthy. of ;special mention and each 'one for himself, carrying on sUc0eWUIIY'.Uz1- for intless overcame U01, The boo was after his trying Iguess, Mrs. Perdue is still 111'at the home Of Wilson, who were married at Unox felt Ony4ad been benefited by. this ser- church manse an Wednesday, Miy.*30t; vice sor splendidly brought to Qllntilu, where- I*, mother asides, R4V.. Mr. lichees of the lialted her daughter, Mrs, Gardiner, We V10t for. tier a speedy recovery, by Rev. D. J. L%no, The bride U-thtly' sonotd, daughter of'Xr.. and Mrs 1HAb7 chutch, conducted the service at the Miss Way, Newton and Miss, Lamb, Of Toronto, were callers at the home of Mr powell. we wlsj�f: f& #0m, -a long and - happy life. ,%ome, of a brother-in-law, Melvin J. schoenals. Tatermant was made I in and Mrs. 0. 0. Newton one day last week. -In the abnnoa of out:pastor, Rev� M. �t"Oale, three of'our young' men von - WOOL. WANTED Maitland cenk6tery.. Ooderi6h. Sesidies his mother there survive two ter Mrs Air, Thq& Hillock, Stratford, is spend- Ing his two W11 dude* the servtce . MmdAY afternoon, oung of '(30derich and, Mrs, weeks'. VA044OA At Sum- mer home. . Mr. Art Tichborne and Utty Cole taking tUb, opening esdrcis0g. Morris Frame thee tb& and' Wilmer, AT, -Chester Farquhar of 01 Um. Schoertals, Another sister, two helptirs, %xie shingling Mr, Uillock's barn this Week. _.Z BL YM WOOLLWMILLS .years ago. The; p4llbaororg were Mes- sr$. obeSter,Rarquhar, L., 6. 'Young., If, quite a number. from 'here attended Hudie Mr J. Schotmals, ArthO. *tirrey* William the funerals of Mr, G. and MaGuire an Ubuday last. . Sympathy L Highest prices p4(t---cas1!.vr trade Have Yoor -Roof.,. Mo and Otimle' 3r. ext�ndiyd to.both familles,lu this t1*1r, . ,The. Ontario loan of $25-000"000ii.. of feted to th�* last Was ab- our of sorrow.." M" Thos. Cox, Goderich, visited old d 3P., T. BAMTONP ftop. Repaire Now public week, 1,61endti -019ft hours, sorbed in liya than forty. . and although not - .so young as ha used to T )a Is quite'smart, and. walk« over mot of the old farm where he No Job, too . Big AXCX1oX SALE None too Small IF: ARTNIM A Ty""^TJ J* A T.W. OF11 G M11% Ol1ARLrS ORAVVUR Will sell by public auction at her laori44, Huron.pwad; $ATUTRI)AY11 JUNE loth, commencing At .1,3D P.M. - All the contents of - the - ficuse—iLbAnw room, dining. room;, bsdivoiora and. kitchen furftIsh-Ingsi, Upright Organ,' -%dotrd1A., kitchen range, Qltehm heater, ejadtrlr., niqf-6, T—n iron' and toaster dishes glassware, bedding.,11neA, garclen. tools, ar tract an a.4A -DC1.X1x7- 5 ""17-y. IrOUSeTS Cleaneul_ a.Ml opr== NEW SPRING 'FOOTWEAR and nUmlyrOUS otlJ= 'ArtieleS, JgVer,;-, Money on- rogir. at.Vrooman --aixd they vn'lt Plun6ing adHealin thing must 00'41st6eM of, as Mrs. 0=- velle is giving up, h6mo*eping. i DoWt Mios these Wonderful kivi Cola M te 11NAPPY look just as, they- c=e :froth For further particulkrrlappiy� to ,Taos, oux-M-1 :an SOTr, Wootioneers, 00derldh ontul&, to 24wood EnjUA W16 ho" 475 xelqt U the. tailor in, the:: first case.. Auctioneers. DINNER sp, i T S INNS um ww: for only Marie from ip fresh nu Headquarters for tadfal.and. gettlenien Is. expert cleariing.' HOES SALROF REStI)ENTIAL UNZM AN6.'IAY lrlaw= Or. the! the bhh"t gmde of Parc,��Ofto_ $1.8 00 ember; I Durban% cow 31,ye srs 61tt ndlk- powers contained iu'6_16.rtzm,.;gortjage which *I11 be at the tivaie' of late,. Eavestroughingland JAIN YROOMAN ro pgoditeeX thesale, there I1 be offerea, 16r salty ID oly i IDatoly abiigns. &,tautiFul v.olo" You'll ba dellchted Ift 1%11. 11 11 P �Z." 'P., . ay public auction; on. AY JUIy. 3rd; vd� tft& U= o 44 Casae in and Se e vi e th xn� rich chocolaU ftVor, ift HE. N"is W R hoe Stoipe GODERICH FREN 1�111011 15 0� noon, i& tiny, 6mca of; . ljoys and Uals, dkb& , Gntv ors Kok 1111125 it Stora S ktaWGi Vast I Taste the Mffereni vast, 09. rhade lot 0"ANING W(MXs Gordon Parties by Messrs, Th& -0iU1"ndzr xn(t Son, . harItWS'. t UtW ftekahnft or any OCCOS'On Where 1 now Tudholwy single plow; I net IMIn ,&udloneera, the followl* Ptopert F. elelglis" I Int. wagon tftd box: I hty rack, I Zord touring vor; I tar"at All .rind glagular that; tertaIA-parcel' — i A 1t – Pbo"L 24C 5-tectton h6traws" I stmmer, 1 mot pal- 0. 11, Davie#, f1, 414&01"o MM4­j a U3.0j. lying. And being In the- Tbwn of 060 IX rijIn, the County of'-11Urorr and Pro- vince of .Ontario' and being composed or, portions of lots 13, IV,nvd It, and tee'Save NEW SPRING 'FOOTWEAR Money on- rogir. whole of lot Ith 091ce Utysem, in the said Town of Wderiblt, Plun6ing adHealin 11NAPPY • For further particulkrrlappiy� to ,Taos, oux-M-1 :an SOTr, Wootioneers, 00derldh ontul&, to mI Holstein g00% due In October,, ho" 475 xelqt U PRING r 'N Now 0001isplay, at or UMS51tS. DAYS aud'0AY3. A"Irs,'Nasim, Closetsp HOES oodorl* Ontarlitn Solicitors for Toilets Rein, ge Boi.le4o ember; I Durban% cow 31,ye srs 61tt ndlk- ft_2 part Jbrser bet&" ristufr2 Yft" w the UtIrtgagety hereln' Eavestroughingland old, due to'c&W6 In Jan.", 2 pad JlOftY heifers, rising, t Year;2 steer ftwen. 2 brood tows, boM bred; 16. about 11 11 A 11YOnON 8 AM Or,YARV, PTO= AIM 1WZ;EXQtE21&8. Central RopairLing . L . 6- PIECE 01tCHESTIRA HE. N"is W R hoe Stoipe I jLOar Wo k 1M'04orn ant* Old 7*16ne UPWRY-W112ft ro"&; I vocormlok cul- tiVator; I D"rg*L J*y take: I "t discbaticint, Gordon Parties will sell, by auction fitZe. .ot Con ttWswarroShj�jMlTVegg MpublIL ofDungannon)` On, TWmicftcbAz rloc Carlo W.Worareomar�tIo'ck�1 I heavy gemuz. 4 staft aid; X aged mI Holstein g00% due In October,, ho" 475 xelqt U I Holstein 00%,NL doer X)urham, cow 3 ,years Old, due In Xbv- ember; I Durban% cow 31,ye srs 61tt ndlk- ft_2 part Jbrser bet&" ristufr2 Yft" w old, due to'c&W6 In Jan.", 2 pad JlOftY heifers, rising, t Year;2 steer ftwen. 2 brood tows, boM bred; 16. about '9UCKL STONE ftL DAMES ObUnks., 40 lbs" 60 yma hens; I Masser Harris hinder, 6 ft..euty In, god order; I Mots- . L . 6- PIECE 01tCHESTIRA ter-Harls teMnser &W. 11-dW, as I good as new; X Mans".'10arris =Otter; A 1M'04orn ant* Old 7*16ne UPWRY-W112ft ro"&; I vocormlok cul- tiVator; I D"rg*L J*y take: I "t discbaticint, Gordon Parties harItWS'. t UtW ftekahnft or any OCCOS'On Where 1 now Tudholwy single plow; I net IMIn Mgt$io it -Wanted, elelglis" I Int. wagon tftd box: I hty rack, I Zord touring vor; I tar"at min, I W fork. rope, ear polim etc.; Pbo"L 24C 5-tectton h6traws" I stmmer, 1 mot pal- 0. 11, Davie#, f1, 414&01"o Tw4r; I ed ilatiblo barhess;* a quantity or L"& Itabr Vjit. bay, forks, Sbo"1% thaftv% grain bagsNo ja4 Too #IS or Ary T" Small and 11UMODUt (,their articles. There, will bb nothing "rued as the farm has been $0d. UMMS.—Aliaums of 410.00 stud un. der, ewsh., over that amount six months' Credit will be vlvth on turnishing,op- is the ti me proved Joint, bomItablt notes. N01 W71C,LltA'Ml i%.Dungannon. T. OWNI)AY & WN, AWUiM,�. for 0., a ]NXft""It-4 SAM 010 i"I" VEIAMAHs and FURNISHIN". W6 have nftived Instructions to "ll by publIe awtft at U* met on DECK and commutes' at I,.* 61twig, sharp, LAWN CHAIIIN'S" %he rtUdeam belonsla to the vtdo of the uu,mm J". 'Cott, Alt"M M tftiftts fth% Ave., Ood"Ioeh. room WO ha'116 thtUll. 1111ft toom dialft rooa� *dt and kttebm ftrnttuve, dMes, bftWJf*. *trden taou and nu%ftomw Miterar- tieus,inImme *W no AV- skA void,b6 ayth* v 2MWM.�� tumMthft emb; m L Q* "orty WM *19 be tubm"em WON" 0 tisr is tho keynote of the Beonoudo Conference. Goderi'dilDruggists present Sp ea*tsfor the week of JUNE,. 10th 'to 17th. Summer time. is Kodak time; Useyour druggist for supplbft I your. Xodaks,., C14weras Md. supplies, Dev&ping- and PAnting, TOILET' SPECIALS PATENTS com"Trs TOOTU rAs" It", SALTS S tabs! 39c, aim ITAMAN VALM SAUS too ENO f*Vrr SALTS Mel $90 CASTO*tA t . 00 lits ;%&UW Sam DODD'S KMNZT k'=s irobit, xle Ills 111111 s will I .......... I' Try the Drug Store first for your n"ds in Weis line. Wider Wilop Wigle .0 , empba GOMICH DRUGGISTS