HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-06-08, Page 7(`\�
` R'!!'O�1MlA:I1•Y. ;I17" 4a low
P400 iAtlfyII111t
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CO.- cath grid tlsts xll tsartatiowt Vaoaal9l late , �'+ , `�`.�`Ili
ti► 1��t� o«r+� 00"Wort ratvootilmi an ow � punting,, if* ** l �-
hearlr toll awin +lea#it had cxs.^rZed ill
+Citatierlcla dtutng sial!. `she rMtiMtrtaY Zrarr it rase klesar t4 t#aixtlt eil+valC "`_ =
swxtwa'a report for tlad rolmth "VNalaid yow � pinntW4 *Wk for rise o re w pexuans in this tovirl res>IN t
e ten InteraloaatC rlowe+r ?alma, rirs have yvrrythint what exwnw cargo ergattle*11ons will to. .
(a +sxztialastd #rota psfta l<) court til.;r Hutaber lnqufred *1 11"Yoc to devtiop a device ria tlltst the asef#1e
,. hauWcaja otr'a g to the Otuation of tN 1*0 it be laird %4"d anlrthiatg Rosea Ot- for rite ower iXarasaa, a%aa veraxt fantti. will eujap ?letter living coli t,
mljih't be, t4 some extent at kart, char. dash boxeii, ban;hm bVAVt4, ate, y
gf9 talon the rostttauaity. Pleat+ taws with rssiseet to a x04;4 to the south UQW, Mows. Talbot & Cornlsla• stale ..�`;
'°(ell U -.y ala*e beta, enabled to m�d >r'or txaaaittle 8 P011ut of atai'1t "A QA- aside of the lasrbor. � repay roar► in ICvart<rettn "t'xwaiii far the sitars toffy, in euin.axaenting. uptxs psri�tl.t
their public sod private obligattont, tbtw ly bil made, by Tall, .whereas our (-pada the uOtA ivo round9,.agtt 4 Asudaaxrds Of living in the i P118`dlasa I
pt:titora iia. WIV400r, f3anrnta #aril Gong« Wialitaat M000re asked permis4on •tq �n�y� bgtue,
lcsteniutF the tails upon the eltiriesis for : rich llaave the great adVAA%%ge of votea° tracts bube�t'o tt*U QUU4)de Itis }U44 of V�71 O. T ears "v+ar ial" �ce, the �`ampatlp we veprN
210110 coati lJo ar ° facilities. buslxt+tta lies IKxst street. TYae 1?u
a empiayed at 120 cent. las eompaxtd force to coal, twhlch in, a larger iteraar.' wLat xs ,ctgaarauitt+'e area ffireu pa lrtr to !loaf thrreie,^t Cal appYanes. wed An the Meir
<e) There is au Increase In uumbex 1'slt�rtwe l,!'J rta�e *b Xr war &. tltnt has Went saver a amlltcus dollars for.
Thlc also appll- 'with Cvian 'greater +" >
v�lth 1924. t OUX out SUPR les of thin `COM ttQ0T 134 ° The. Calleglate Jglltftute Soanl AWeQ retlrigerotors Katie become ItuoWn as the ,
"(al1 They -have •receivtd st fair re- f finance reotnsnito �• i
bxaugltt firs' lay wares. a► trlAtRxlal ,taviat,I for sit ativasnca sof 12,540 to carry est. 'dual»Agtatnr►tia sfr4Cerstoxs, 1>au
turns for tiee#r labor. whlals they ae. fins a:oat ,would be made erre our east qE ae erred t to a letter which ^was referred to the thiel 'million dalla•. faveutiow IS en bo-
knaxkdge by their falthfus •services And production to xeftea to * ?point Atner � „ "
the iienexal spirit at, content, and Itaacl� Iltanai J►irMrK l�tt1±11c works a (aataaltter, died in their ebtructfon, ,, the Istel
to thane of our owpotOoM whose tel:.
feeling Prevailing stnonai Cheap, t'IrtecRlgla tl} Hain~ firm exploited,
"Altho'ugh At yawl urea pexcent4 of tong flow a# l ti es mutt fisc p;eparsal Ilse Godex$20 lylttslcal iE;ociety be "This device is kaowty as the Built«in , � the txuM Wo aro dlfferclnt. Viae light
r to follow at all tiaraes" nuetted that 1944 at its $Eti4o ytrank be ixuder the heading Af' Treaty business lst;as. There H no state su eicatkdtng�
d;triai anti,atber conreeras (includ- The concessions smade to the Salt paid over, 40 the $47 annual interest Counellior ?Brower asked that the Harbor Watchman Tlies7xigstat, caste is one af. W great that He C*unat ton it aNway. U42 �eetne tea ua. Jeptsn hsls eomra atxii
U8 -
it'll. governitig bodies) have reduced rGoaapanieA dere erne elsewlatxe and that ilia the Rabext A[aoitaLy legacy mill atidewalk be trctit*d with another the »rota important 44"11004* ever none that file 'will shifter to hinder or de- we no lonifer want tat. fight at(1 kill our
cal during the~ • under review, at ar, *o as to make it w made to Inure dependable xefrigeratfon, .1 the fteCUU00 oz His aaw,ta 'putPOses, bitatiiers."
:- , iK- , ... g ptziod favorable local V01101 ions uAder_ wi*b. 3u #4 re rt onr Hand affah* the !Cie« �eep,lfanot t t . It is a moria titan harness deXlCb that �
we axe 'p�c+ulixl �'�` Hurt-+attr .tit0c Inas - �' "
C they`oPerata apalt At+ � iVftU4 014 _ commPttet" SUPWstO -. thtia!ir ptrmataent ,lob. alto of th 14H be not Qtly stapta the Warttltaghaulle Ttzrlt- �o � xisenitho !s milt hart» 2xe is alive "1°fsy cid txtata itcul Oo t std sold,
salt ?itch asked to a sept, even aiiar#lt fox lit, and platy Ll*tta Yn at' poaitiaar to -shall Ile +il M011 baxnd eaoncertai tltLs r,ts, path An the s,?uth tide sf a hi- rte . S raver satyr , 'Au you ih@tis 2[a teals? sla tort r,amQ fst;
:eductlan Ail pa1f, setiousty jeopardise •tltfa Cttmpsny: It son, silso thnat the bind plaay ors s�omin- gSmflarly treastsd aicn palutedlF _ Axi5stl orator .'hon abssarinal CrAndttiouii Hever a iaFi4T oktianti lSkq sats?"
"(e) .The present monthly payrou .b ,the ,e rtton 4M iia free' of• Cbkrf%" W retorts. 14tR •who bard 91VA l• +pa atkan fs► put ,ftp ii. ilk r r :Iis]e�.-?luta^.ailtQ xtaxt iC " 1 B M1iSSfiltNB a Aral erwTnritittg wars ?said fired; at its
11,100utxts to 47; ;04. . • Is alaly. Y lie Qf axaeat caudata y a Bain when, the unusual CondltkgA halve
., ou the part of the management that we the ,1.444 grant, ltppearxnta On the . pole stluare lst the..cgntre-a{ Ilse path. 0.q ley Gxssttwt lirlll"tris a elt>se, the old moxa who nod come iota
if) ,A grroup nsurance scheme, cov« axe able tq maintain aur poaitian as sn .anl�ht sof Duaainias► � it tq taunt as. N body a estted Ccs knaW It, was just 1 w- Rev, W. l;t, GIbsaa, IBollw #ell%, B.C. the house aa•= poor, dArk-tnitadcd Indimsa,
eer death {crops any cause? and din- ,According to Metars. Twilxat * eor wept out rejooicing In the 8avtour wlta :
Independent . oxgxnnleation, . " orae of the Axteen, concerts. They are :•Vut. there. nish, a tlse family leave tax � wtek«ettd, xn this age of rush, when every eye #s come to stet aid to save tiaaG rftticis '
Ili y, , in force, atost aS the cost of allould diva lose this position the osect to commence salt .)une. 26th and finish . :Councillor Rumber wanted to kngw en the speedometer, who will paaso long
which !s met by the Company, Any . a ts}ey need root traxry about what Tright Was lost. upoaa the eeonotnla (welfare of Csaderfah fBepteratbet .9lat. At least twelve con• .bout the calllstg Af 'a meeting to ax- enough to ga �aek foTtY Yesrs.wlth alae?
employee is freo to take advantage of • would, we believe be (ll;iastrous, WB ,oerts are tQ be, givens on, week day 9410 a for the l kstninian Day celebra* happen iA perlshitble food fn their well- The •writer fs torr .pststor .of the llklla
And city dwellers, um4 to tho raur of
this At any time. ' tion, Fie raid :action was already two stocked refrigerator should trouble 0C. traflio anti the OWO of electric lights, Bella. church, and has In his tangs"%«
think tbg .danger of th>s eventuality nights. The siVlt.sical t3oclety is tat take our Ili the }tower line, xf unusual coo- tion some of thole who ttttetded tW,
. "Operatlon--ThO Plant has been 7n should be. removed,, wu far as the Cor» over a:ntt be. x'esposasible ibr all equilr weeks overdue. Mayor "Ue aaaqunged ?taw can F hope to txanSpprL ypu to tYta
continuous operation since December, ra io f the to !s bl o sa ent, to hold the some In trust for tine he 'would call a public mating for the diG#osis do arisen quick sat a flash the ralitude and the silence of the Northern mC tiag, And what a thrill It gives 4Aq ,
L 1918 ar a Sado 14 5 ears and this t sa A oat a o to d • m lI the t xe d r a state- YAII twtstg �'tttsday. Built-in Watellman turns oS the power. Britlsit Goluanbta roast torty years ago? as I Iaak over my large eveninlY cougra-
per f ? y ]lpon:the Councils deoiition rkcaat t%ounc , F3pcie y o n e thereby protecting the mechanism. glut, attar?, well-dreseed, taking part 'A c ro??
!n spite of the most severe depression mend; or re oct' our' a licatio ,for the went of rer:elpts .avid expenditures, with �ylarws wire pard fixing the It3x I ants asked 'ta ~¢rite of my greatest g
t lap n and here the uncanny accuracy of the thrill. Whyi everything was. a thrill to the exercises, and remember that attest« . '
earning for an appreciable part oS that detailed inveuiory of "equTlfinent when rata for 1913 and one ggvernfnix idoBd,
renews? af, the bynIaw much ir►deed de- device is .tanifest, attar the .condition SnII . in rho old Etuakq`'houa rgrty 5:ears I
tiro$. The effect$ of this depression .are requested to .da so. All arrangements Cortsalidatlntl' several. tsthex bylaws. now sa yqurag anon, $list out from a big .- ,�`
panda, has passed, the Built-in Watchmals P,
still lacing severely felt, fa?tposing upon regarding concerts are to bo subject to , obsolete . � ILsh city, lt°rora tato- time I ?leaked out '
It .is Act the Intention pf the , Cam- turn's the motor back. on and the refrig•
the management great responsibilities the approval of {:succi?: Cctnn,ietre Rtpgsis of my tvindonv in tine early angxnin to -« -.,
pony to try to unduly Influence the oration alone Iss. rt .other words, this
and coxes, Especially fs this so when ex- The ilnance cammlttee's report, :which see snxt Indian; tatted "Hurd' x;'. gin : r .
teneions: and !m .T ve en S std e e , Cout0il,•,hut it should be 'plainly stated No w' Public Utiaties CotmmiWan, ftzaturo alone is worth at anY tuna. tQ dawai'tq rho TIVer for mater,. in the pourGm
p o, m t th g n that, In these tMeu]t times; Ind o : _ with Lathers, received 'eudor�ation. In- the
oral emoleney"of `the' plant sire under .:After years of jtes#tali n t e triode a the;:ain the.farefr the exact. cast of the It
strutted the Treasurer to take recess. rY zaAad. Sn their refri orator. In rain, dresEed only in u pair Af aiuttx A .3
conslderatian.. i exp*ets and °#s entified to the, wiaolo rich Water and %fight Comm#sslon Is: tq _ �� , d bats. a short skirt. tivhieh, dict trot con,. "' ]
steps to, hold a tax sale of non resident The Built-ln Watchman control •is + . S 'a& .
. . „ hearted• suppot t of 'governing b dies .cud change its name to the " Oodertoli pub.- neat with. the . boots, .and : carrying an .. .
Tito Company s 'polky in this regard trio proprietors. in general.. ' li i ission:' A' letter to properties. Taxes re. guttered against 10t only one»half ; of the Vuai-automatia
c Ljtilft es comm open umbrella: until % wout 'to sleep at. @y" .
has ever been s bold Data And the, sup« d sed t 432, prigr to 1932, ware canCelied stud it Control.""' Messrs, ?I`albat do Cornish ,;ofd. ac�i .
It is well known. that were !t not tore Council from the local bo y a k th c night to the weird souind of the •chant
>1�rt which the Council is able to give was retosumended that Ftabext MDT cod Tine other half L+ theelettive 7ctna• wily Mase of 8!♦nrttad Ma nMsia .
industry today, all gcverning bodjes a. bylaw. be ,prepared and passed lncor� Arid beating of sticks aMcalnpanying the g .
would be, and fs, grsally mNprtciated. Ii who be 6iyec a rex dead... perature, oontroi which ,enables the Ovalrgatnes ` roubles Caused .
. would find it extremely difficult, if trot Forat#ng •dais change. Supt. Ka Y, s a' � C 3aole of lahal�-everything. was -lit thrill. 11
By means of this co-operation a strong, d e c s a 'Tie report of the pUblic-<work c m. houseawife to select, tiny freezing speed by', ;cid Judigestion
en u c Smpo„ Bible; to, rai* staffioient revenue was• 'present, sai that th hange wa itt t t L rmen of Picture An old Ind ian comrrtnnity
and eSi-� t find stay an Ire Assured to .. n as m ee directed ha the hal she wisrhes. and ba certain that :this ' ..-•-�•'*.•,•. • .
` wherewith to carrycot. and the Mists: AY matter. at law !secretary• iiaaox h 4 house, about forty,by eighty .feet, trade (3At -in, t'ha atotnaeh Accora ante' �°
. rhe town for many years to. Colne public warts and parks ayers.e the :iix- speed Ss anaiatained, all gmati;ally by Ir d l .
taxes,in arrears would be longer by far fired a rabbet, statttp bearing tYte words.: „ of. split.,.edar; .boards:. A hugq fire In by a full, bloated foolina� after eating .
"IG to nqw_ ?sneer .ccsa.slderatlon Ga• en- „ bi Vii ties miss n od ich" up of the soft ball diaatand at Vic the refrigtrator.. xi 1s almost cortala. evi4ehce of top . , � .
than they are. Tu . is ii Qom t4 , .O er rk d that Else roof of yvest , . the Centre was the only light, the amok- muoh hYdrUrhlarlc rietd in thU r+lou>+
tirelY reiiuiid the. span, pan• buiiiiing and: + for these many months• The,'statup can a 1..- of u throw h a h le in the roof Ach, enuatus ao•calle4 "AcidIndi os• .A.
stars a sheds dt an a ra to C t of The, questign a. issue; :we submtt, street rink be rapalred, scraped, and "^" R p g q tion.'
g pp rima. os , sh u d . b treated b •th tout .il and naw be put to work and thus anatlier enough• banging About la the atmosphere ,n 1
some a20,QO1).OD. Tlars will entAil a ve q l e Y e c palnGed. Tice laarkS ;."ammlttee recon- i Raid atoma�ha nary danskorous, Top:
ry+ r I r ti roadest hi " t: good old traditional name has been cast to snake everything buy And unreal. much acid Irritates the deltente lin-
p opr. etq s In e b sp t . x'tt mended that the Park house exterior Sanda A to
•mitt1% increased 'q,pploymeric This ,., ,. Sato the waste Apar'basket. L � It was a fove] Sun a after Intl of rho &tamach, Afton loader tp
'welfare of Cioderich, 4bould be the Slq- � be re aimed, 'pTae rest rooa4s at :the Y d Y 9"tritia, 0400TA anlad by more sera.
_ The <31obe and 1Viaii,and >,ttnpSre $all- ' SY 1SADEL HAMILTON, Ped , h, Ons. Outsld the was s I the ous rou : e, - h r i n n
wide, and.,M feet gat .of our citizens and no Minor con harborage also to be repainted, the wn - o sun hinicg, n L l l s!'aasl fsz n o is a d
1.building wilt be 90 feel I otted advert demeats :far tbeir annual N �' ;atokelt4use was di teas d m star , Bout,$, creatin the distressing .bas.
B' . siderations.be allowed to deprive -bee ip- to supply the paint and ,waterworks em "--a z --r-- ala an Y y which distends • the atomneh nn>x .
„Expenditures ->•A ettrikine: example ot, tourist nt ntbors, ' '+Guune$klloi+," t�eabraRk _ About: tour hundred Tndiatis sngstl hsssn c fo .
. . , dustries of: fair ;and reasonable encour ployees to do the' work. The da of Resurrection! , y pore the norm xl funct, ne of the t
the oompany's activities. which -redound jocularly: su ested using .apace ilio the y anon bad tititered er an o d.fashione vital internal arcane:, often aftoetinir. .
agement avail stnpporL. 66 Earth, tell .IG out ubrs Ad, # 1 d .the. a�wart,: ,
to: the great advantage of this c„mmuia- Mail :di Fn► I", which brought a .prompt Dr: " Methodist 100owshi meeting, A few e ti
]For Scalds or Batas.*- Thoma p It 1s ih vow»t. of folly to noiTl+ertt
Ian witty of the kind references made• 'The Fas over Qf gladness, ruch•a serious nandttion a to r t . ..
ity, Ss tis fire ou4d in the various "items retort irnan: Councillor . sitt5nbek .:anent ;voleatric 011 Is a •standard rem for were well dressed ,and happy looking.. r t y a
ray 131s Worship,, wiuch were wall receiv» .' The Passover of c]odi
of oxpettdltures made : since the Council .. the .virtues of. The ?Gtkabe, B h letters Croat with o noutr di saliva ales '
b members tine bound] as rt- the protttpt treatment of scalds . and, From des to life' eternal ins: T' were seated on the•floor, wrapped which ?lava na nautrailanb attest,ts
pfassed 8y-Iaw No, 26 in '1818 and which ed y of Wert referred to committee. burns, Sts hes war u1ckl soothes in blankets, xtteir faoes were di y •and ...tate. stomach acids, instead twat .a
. :parted in the local .papers of the 29th pq •, q . $' From earth unto tine sky, . little 131suated Afagneasa from !arty
was renewed•in-19%; (No, 19);; . T.: T: liRutP1L1►, Colborne street, ,seeks• the pairY acid aids .& speedy recovery seine of the old men'had streaks sof red . 0.
dru8bist and !alto st toes i
} af• December lost, owe catafidentty submit Our Christ hath brought us over paondui Ain .
(a} Wages: and _ salaries .1 to cut a limb from, a tree which oyer• from the injury. #t Is also an.excellent r and black paint on their Iso . , water right after oatin •. T%ie'vatil ;�,
this Important matter to your favorable With hymns of Victo.y, drive lout the teas. lnAd sand tttlaac, •.
paid : ........ ; 628,Sa7.00s hangs his, residence. Referred to. .parks 'remedy for all manner of. cuts, brolses These were -Indult fishermen, gather•., 't!
. consideratign. John of Aams:tcriis. sweeten the stomach; neutrivIlaawthe ,:. i
(b) P,actensions and up- - connnrtittee, If. Ii; Mixter asked a re! and sprains, as well as for relieving tire. . •ed at the tread of Rivers Inlet,for the excess .acid and prevent its:•forma- j .
. PRATEfi Non and atop sournesd,:arais or+ stip.
keep 1?7:292.00 3tauts: faiiitfully,. newAl of the' pool room license fomorly pains aris froth inf intuition of oar- Sehing. season--,Hyda�hs from, . Clueen
p ,
• lllsuatod afagnodfa On �tawder iorirn
(0) Fief ht' on salt. acct t+odeFicla Salt CoanFany Limited, .:held,by F. H. Wood. Referred. to mwlal 'lous ?rinds: A battle' in the house and' bear Load, we thank thea that thou Charlotte Island, Tslmpalieittts, KttA- ' -never In liquid or rntlk) io barm
eider riot. punish the world which cruel= inerts. Fort stu arts )fella as Bal fiesta,. #rexpandivo, and st flnU rtmodY I
coal .and other goods,.... 2,364,296.00: C,. WM�111+''+, •President. committee, Thr public works will deal stable saves many a doctors ead ,veter p , Cool la for acid stomach. it is used+b : thou-
. ` with a request' from MoCoA-P'rontenac lnary'g fee. fled•thee, but that thou didat return to;Bellas, Gluatisellas and O'traykaynas, uanps .of pea le •c h anjoY thUfr
The Company bas pair? the Vnrporfi- AnotLerr Shark ietslan, bless it and to cava int For fire reveIa- tnoaia with na fear of Sndti o:ytion.
tion for water and Pfghtfng the stun of oil Co. tLi (install gasLsline. Pumps.: in tine after .anrathar,:speaaking in Glint• .
The counoi] was late: getting;, down to front of Wes. i4 eUaln'a store. on. King Unless worms ate. expelled frown tate tion, of the continuance of Thy lave we Oak, told of the wonderful Chane that
;4,6$4.0 Titre 1924, and, of course; Paid B _ . ;
ts: , business,. members .having paidd a visit $ton street. . syiiiem, no, ,child can, be healthy. gave thee' praise. Amen. had come aver them. But :sii haH the r.
i share . of school and lmpxovement a body .to Maitland cemetery daring Mather. Graves' .'t1t•orm Exterminator is Selected. „ ,'
.taxes. , , There were seven' applications far �� o I same story to tell-- hew they ?tad come �, ; ;;
.. the evening, Proceedings lasted a little an excellent medicine to d y w rms, "
r t r siT r- ,bUlld#nir grrinits referred' tQ the fire 8« &: 3$Ca1Q FQi2 71)1HE 18, 1$$3 Eo desus,..in their ieathsn darkness, and 73TA11 Ai` ,
. Mate ials are bough f om loo me mare than heli an hour and then cauls-
os b tmmittee..>rEcost of the wart. Is already • •D a#1^ '�7ncla th ' silt `there part y+eecu ''Roptciesns, 8fsi *From n kite ..Jesus 1nAd ohunged thtlr Iiyps, +. !�+E ,
.lxmants ag zar .asp si le. cii went into cpmmittee Qf the 'whole to tri esr Y ri{1ji,'X'�`Oitit'" H .
„ - tinder way or completed. , . • i)exd. Ao old man, wrapped in 'a blanket, his
- il
These c>tpenditures are considerable consider the salt C'o. letter and come
mare marriages il. bIandas aril llrtus« mon Paiessaga-lt[ttrk 16:1-f 1. face strealted with red anti. black paint, Duadsi St..$. sal Cesryie 3f„ 7'oroaia'
anti yve submit that the revenue accruing tory affairs. C#aarles Siad, a civil' elsglneer, . noW arras. Why is it,. I wander?"
resident ai [andericit And a wax veteran, Bachelor iJncle' "Htni ,Naturally. the select text --Marla Y6t6; rose up :and cried with ti Ioud 'orae, ifoome will brrtl, 1 penton Si:30 res d+ty:
to the Always, vix: ;2;364,298:00' since Collector Robartsoa repsirted :that „ " 'ik kl �. ftoome with bssih'' om 52:4(? M day.
18I9 has ,been ani important factor in. 3334.48 Isad barn din since Map offered his services to the. municipality light»Treaded ones go first! In the first part of this Iesson Mark Ti. um. osh- mealks mamook kla i M. +,'
. tells of the experience of the wottten. howyum nika." Wriet„•ids, 'please help
r .
mailrtaining the satisfactory rallway ser- - a .
yiees which the town enjoys:. .. who were' early at the sepulchre on the me, for I don't understand.th#s), "On- .
. ,
- - firtt day of the week, As they went out ly a little while ago the Tsimpshearls . ;
The Compamy has paid n6 dividends, tract the city they were troubled and -and the Hydahs were always fighting. ,
earnings, having been re -invested in the c dts-oussed • iogether their difficulty. 'They_ came in their war canoes, Itilling.. I �i CCK ' ,,
business, and making slaves of many of our co- ! "birder Canitdlan p proved Chicks ,
. Apparently the tvark Slane by Joseph p p ,
. Insuranc�A large amount is barried bf Aritnnthea and Nicodemus. was not FIC, NOW I sat YOU :all sitting ,herr Ilk* now. White Legl oras •10c, Barret? . i y -
° , bn'the T alldings owned by the trampany,K E !* Reztough and so alae cvamen cattle to cam- brothers, and you Term to lave ..aauh And White Rocks 12c,. Black Min- 1,
t lmactircaiiy the -whole of whialt Ss .placed late it. Evident the knew of the ather. Teil me what it mueana, for. I 'am
areas 130,' Surplus Cshicks eo oath:
1 p fY Y Custom ?latching a specialty. 23t�4 .
through Goderleli insurance :agents, in- L V T 0 stone in franc of F"he sepulchre, but they a PUor blind Indian:' He sht doigrt. and attr tgg.set ar txt par Chick hatched..
oluding the •Croup Insurance. did not know haat Pilate and the rulers the leader sa#d, "'V�ill someone tell oiir each Wednesday. 1•
'General Remarks->-A.s in past years,• `1. 1. of the s zaagogue had saaiCd tht tomb. 6rotlaCr what has mad! the .change?" pLETsICH 1lItAhlCii )l1ATC}I[I15RY
th'e. Company is operating u4der serious : "' I."'""". Their tears would have been exaggerut- up anti said; . p. O, Box 195, Olintorl;` Vitt, s
. _ , ' . ed had they known al! the difficulties in a �, Mika delatedwahtvah Kana- 13usstll L. Jervis, IKttnttaer. .
trier, a div- wa fins " "]res, Yata speak ,I,
„ : .. v the way, :But Cheri toss snot Ywneslka holo .
. _ fine side df things, and their astonish- •
9 �*. r. �+ . ( ' . . ,.. ment was very great when first they saw
EP"SSIONS: .Chs scone lists na longer fan obstruction R,
����/// . I '. . r *4 when, second? they saw the
,. s��wA . I . I
S ENCS-- $ eeputchre .Was occupied by one having s� CLINICAL TEST I I ....,
. WE HAVE ")UST REPRINTED• A ) 0 U C :A N N O t the appeardnce of :man but actually of ,
a higher order than the. human, No p j� n .(, s ,
. wonder "they were affrighted." They Proves That Dr. �f illiam Pink Pills
: , AGO CALLHG EV9RY % RM . A C R � Came to the grave to embalm the dead,
SlON eldQ YE/iR$ OF �rOOD /'1 I R V Q a
>1pt to welcome LYie "ltving� the risen,a�j�r� P /���,Qp�Cal� a�'
T16AE5 fRQM iflib T4. d9St~ C� t 1v xhey needed to be a Tared Sn order Ra w+ • .
iT l GORRREC± 70 DAiE.: B U 7 , A . CHEAPER 'that the current of their mournful -
. \ thoughts. should be arrested and re- A girl stgoent, Palo and rundown In strength end felt better: • Two mantln .
vorsoc4 Hence the words addressed to health, Was . given' a blood telst on N:.r , later both' haenlogiobirr ani! corpus..,,le. t
» THE MC)Si RVIERESTNdG RE/cD� R E F R I' G E R A T d R them, ."Ile Is risen: he Is not here." c,W.cr, 15, 1032, z i;e haemogloblts 'con- count vera normal and she was tve11:'
TIMIS.-AHEAD-+]1 ME FOR Even this, message of assgrunce could tr :t of her. blood rias only 74 per cent..
. 7 ! /� p not com)letely conquer ,their fear. Witen tine haentagiobin content at
YOUR FREE COPY, 1 HAN KELVINATOR Death had never . appeared more real her red corpusdo count was but 4,000,- e „
. tb in when they saw him lifted from rho 000. She loss anaemic. Yc=r blond gots dnwrr your energy, v got'
and strength go. diwn: To restore these ,, r
cress. Now they are told he Is toot ,
" ' %�(� ` � W E'R� I^ p Tb3 pby2lclan wl. a axiartiined her, who you must build n P Your blood. 'ilmt.
-, -- 0 t7t%er .ErewClrf� B E C .A U S E A N dead, but living and to rove the" state-
SPApiNI► 6VL A COLLEGE ST, went the messenger called their Atten- Wililams` Pink mills do•ibis has been
tion to the tmpty tomb; behold the mills and their usefulness In such ,caws, . p '
'fID1tCUNTO I��frige�YatOr (J��YS; .. �'° �* �' �ssvtd by rn"any efini;al tests .like the
•r 4. knew the formula of 13r. Williams!VcrfAfams 1+In% G
' wasrst row was (Tarr w E L. E C .! R .. place where they laid him.
R 311Ch rL CatplCt!° told Iter fa talcs two of the pilSs a(ter 'one abuve. (SCC a ?lox at year drug-
�'± . These
he eas faithful
ul women
gine Tate were
each meal. This she cold and one tnnnilt 'gist'as today and start an the read to.
-"-"' �3 1 Ir+.7 RA (� R ,. y +, later had incTaase3 alar haamaalobin tca health. Tito prise is 60 cent's. and eazlt
l!5>* p$ex7tt6i Called the apostles of the apostles.
Refrigeration while
aDefrasting I .A i.c N SRM
porcelaid Cooling • 3,nit . .
(clean as china dish)! V T `,t N .
. Waist High ]Food 1't 1v;
They .went out quickly and cantlnuod
tar a time In a state of fear. Sut'iater
a greater experience Came to thein for
';as they !vent to tell .his .dUciples; ,be.
?sale, Jesus met them raying, filll hall,'
When they repartee what they hssdE
teen and hoard the disciples believed
II8 par cent: and Y,er blood Count to box curtains full directions for tltc
4,288,400. She eatd .shs .Md. marc treatment.
�. _
�. -
CCltttparttn nit1 66tOQjllfa � .'
. �o,,hve
not. What could be the reawn for this
� s�, ,� �„�, 4X%0
Lamest astable shelf area •�
W e
ttnbslltf? The news wets .brnugkit to
teem credible pt 'these women
It is False Economy not to paint. We
4 Refitggorator$ in R, E L V I N A T O R S
(fusty` Automatic-•«
we the
were well known to the 1esr w friends
sand IStelplea he disciples wawa stSSl
�p�F`f' �.11/�g A
nothlop,,to remember 4 X N
'—nothing to forget) 1H J.,�
nattering from • the bitter anguish of
disoppulated hop^a. 'I`h%r had I0Akad
r�«r�� x��y'
�r� Ready-Mixed
�►. ti G471 "' �.t1la
for a ldngdom and lot their Mac wM
Automatic Light (iaghts
when door open, N V �' N A
✓'lain. "PJC tru,-ttd this had been lac
who should have redeemed I;,rael,"
Its ooverdr�e and fDt~rYritfg quality swat taftAtzf`paistleai.
'Gine writer in interprAbig into prat
For our House Furniture and
a ;
Rfrrro ICC Cubes per tnodei ��i 11
` P C7af LEVER WORN it
deal fixe the wnanetz'o dSa4culty over the
limponce of the otone at the mouth at
t� we
!r T" �r T ` s'
i i
Automatic T+rsicr pteexitig .
e .,
tlsai fa uicltrt, has flats to fray' iioty
that ort being
�+i � X * x w
Use SCAR E` s Y RN -0'"L
pleatn Itnbber tt:a: 7('ray� ,
OUT • ►�
oball weour bo?lal gl
+�f'' AUL4 o
It has no a qual and there are many color* to
f Bach and Kelvin ° J
vet train our family. zvow0iduet ttur 1-
nem, discharge our respons#btittfex? �i'a
�hoerare• Prnamtr
Ctssper r
cannot tell. gut, lookStg unto tort?. 210
We aho carry White Lelia, Baden Of#
$hall firing our way to pasu. We p::rw
afkt� �[iSr(#etrtilltliie.
Z' N
Ex H* N -
plea aureolvn, It may *4 with ilifficultlea
a3 to ilia thuroll id kingdom of Chrlst.
Row shall the lcord% people be awaken-
For Shelf and ticivy ffardwarc, Plumbing, Beating (Sitaan, Wt
iKratet' and IW Aft), Ti:nsailth(ng and Pavetrooshlaaf, sivtff u4 u_ 011. All
iQ crit for �nttltiCTet 1 #ftidllriitS�, tstaic lY asl+ �tttVst & a Cl±t(iataSlrfitlbtl
ed to real, ro toncilcil in unity, at
qualifies for the mark walancd thaw Sri
'work 1prgmptly attpndtd to and tally Woaratitttit,
Anthracite, Pocahontas Coat+alnal Coke [�lWays in t#aCIt
PRICES0 $149. 0 up . "oS
a dark and sinful world? Our mind b
baMcd by the prtbleul, 'which vie ?lave
iia fneans of > alviwl6• Let ux Co:xttnit tlla
Store) �� Zhel Store at
ibiiUfttaldtrilrei LEE uarbor
alb • the
, � �__ ._ __. =•
LII?'tatlt in 3Si �e aacl in tit;;!(# to HIM
�tvltt m Wftng alike alae tar -off and Hitt
G I ; a f 1,