HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-06-08, Page 64 1 'AOC Mt Trt GODERICIT STP.►R leiptisDAZ JON* hut, i 5,t ° i 00000 .OlpiO> S "Good X0r0===toon0==00#44) E*GOCtiCJ) ANNOUNCES A BIG 0020 pO1 Ih ? 1 1.... 0=0 OPEl r TO ALL A cordial invitation is extended to the Men,Women Goderich ...: co it es to �share in this Ei, Prize: and .Young folk of Goderich and.surrounding zCtinuic ,: Award. You can win a handsome prize for your spare time in the next few weeks. Secure New,Renewal.and Arrears'Subscriptions tions and re- ceive credits accordingto the tablepublished below. Remembera candidate active to the close of the cam- paign no dost to enter,. and every ea d �v Q there is . is guaranteed a prize. The largest total secures f rst choice of the and awards, ,. next largest number of votes second :choice and so on until the grand prizes are awarded. In. the same manner those candidates who do not share in the grand prize awards Will receive their choice of the consolation prizes, according to their standing of votes secure& EVERYBODY WINS:; NC ...aA;x. 4-0 GET AN EARLY START - - E`1 I ER TO -DAY Call at. Canipaign Headquarters and. Receive Full: Particulars Make u your p y rnxnd to will one of these prizes by working in some ofyour spare: time. The. workis interesting end educating. Get uyuorfriends to save the free vote coupons appearing in the paper each week. No matter where you live, you can secure neworrenewal asy where. Mailing lists of old subscribers will be supplied each candidate, and every assistance will be offered by the Campaign Manager in secur- ing; the e best results. If you cannot cone in, phone or write and full details wilt be forwarded to you. and P.ze .Suggestions Include the Fallowing Other Valuable Piz Electric . EdIgeia't�i �r.::EIa"ctrk. Range, Chesterfield Suite or room $uit€.;. Electric Radio, Electric Washer or Vacuuin Cleaner, Breakfast Set or innerware, het •i Or -""----,01010) 0C201 01=10a 01:11.0g, OROGI=OR=filfORZO Campaign Office Open OLF0 - =10 O) Special Prizes Vacit week a Special size will be given to the candidate who secures, best results for the week.. Meese, prizes aro in addition to the grand prize awards and 'consolation prizes Every Active Candi- date Guaranteed to win due $isst Viva Candidates securitie the largest eredlts at the conclusion of the campaign will r5eceire tiro elmoiee of the into grand awards, aecordhng t4 thsr standing in which they appeal. All otherai:tive candidates will revels() ' n Consolation Prize, anrrounee tett eat of which will be made later. Also Special Prrices will be given wok. iN for best results obtained.. Oficial Entry Blank Cleat -hien: Pleavo enter the following name as a e!kndilste tel r;;;rr big Sbver l)ti rn £a Ji13ds� ,Q Mote No. ............. orrinAted try . Matt this blank to the Pries Ca!tsPaigtr itteitiquerttss and teethe 50,000 extra votee. mo 0M0i 401 0 ozza on Monday, 01020) v ..40 0 .. 0> <0>lOt0 June 12th TBE ABOVE PRIM WILL BE ON DISPLAY. THE PUBLIC ARE SPECIALLY IN- wrEo To INSPECT EACII DISPLAY.. Zig10 0»lb O' 44i 1;—Any rreputabl4 man, Women, bo' at girl is eligible to loin the club, 2—lla employee of thi*sp per or ihembers of din employee% im pecilete. family may y! become a member of the club. This does not apply to carrier boys, rime dealers or correspondents. g,—mita slab is ter indivlduala=not ot* ganizstiona. 4-.Wtniters will be decided by their credits, tisid credits being represented by Willett issued for subscriptions; 5. --Club member& may work where they pease. collecting bark subscriptions and renewals as well a►s new !sued on all, g .Cast. must accompany all orders where eredits are desired, tach club member is an authorized agent of this neKzpapei , and it is distinctly under. stood that MR member X111 be Rt. SPONSIBM FOR MON1 and ~serif: amounts in full b the cenapadgn de> 1tarlineet, 4.—Credits are arot ttansfersble. 'Orae D Al di► ....,.«.0> 01:00> Rules and Regtdations member cannot withdraw .in farvor of Another. 8ubsertptions outwit be trate.. Terrell from one member to another, and any asueh tranatetted business edit be subieet to disqualification at the draw. otetion of the campaign manager. d,—Credits may be held in the or polled, at the discretion or the club member, up to arid Winding the lath div of the eampatgn, except at diserre- tion of the elub manager. g —in the event of * tie for any of the 'awards, prizes identical ,in value will be awarded to each tying club inember. lel.- -Any collusion on the part of club members to the detrimennt oz outer club trietnlreraiwill not be 'tolerated. Any club member entering into or taking part 1Ci such corabinatlt n will forfeit all right to any prize. 11... -There will be several prizes award - el to A IVR non grand prize winners, but it is distinctly understood that A club hienrber failing to V snake a emit Yew port at least once each. week shall be deblared INACTIVE and he or she will 1* disqualified, and will 'forfeit all right to any pine. %lever, ~~rinsed reports may be made up when the metriber de- sites to da se. 12. — Zgtis newspaper reserves the -right to offer epecial credits at any time due. Mg the campaign and to carrot typo- graphical Errors that: may occur in any of its annorrcernents. . 13. --No statement or promise, either written or verbal, made by anyone vary.+ ing from tate tyles as set forth ,Will be recogr 1zed. .Any gnec,tians concerning the club Wail be settled by the campaign manager according to rules, and his de• oLion will be .Mini and conclusive: 14. r-flr becoming a member or partici- ting in this campaign, club members agree to abide by the above conditions. 15:7'hc management reserves the right to alter or oda to above pylae list, ek- c5pt that value `of pines will not be re- g=0101:001:01=01/004...-1.....10240 e- 0��,y■��y fy1,�■r,,yYyy y�y�y�/� y�rr■, y�ryW,i�rlWry�y�yW�WW. /� y y �ry� �y y�� 1■00 01/004 '.....L.Mr ....-I fi�iMl�M i■iunr■ P,�.. LTo �:ar■■Iw"r-■,�■■1[oi Rom Il■ Y etc 0- 1i .Af ■i oz=0=0220 .,�■,w■■.iM�■ t l ►r hull Information, Entry Blanks, Receipt Books, Etc., Gall, Write or Phone No. 71 THE GODERICH STAR R. L. TAYLOR , Campaign Manager Consolation Prizes A number of prizes will be annOunerd' near the end of the campaign, which -will assure. every Active Worker, . not re- ceiving 3 grand prize, 'suitable ~emu$- oration for results produced. How to Get Votes Schedule of Voteo Givers tor Arrears, and Renewal Subeeription* One ,'rear 10,000 votes Two Years 25,000 votes Three Years 50,000. voted Pour Warm 75,004 votes Five heard 100,000 votes Count Double Votes tor leach • 'Par New Snbaerlption, Save These Coupons 1,0e1) ME VOUS. FOR Name of Candidate. In each issue during the Campaign. Stara saving these now if not for your- self, for your favorite candidate. This coupon, when neatly out out and mailed or brought to Campaign !lend. quarters, Will Count for the person " hose name is written above. Z