HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-06-08, Page 4PtUHt Iff?1f &'ewsgf 'Dunanfl0 Mr. and Mss. Robert J. with l t 1 nsi01 tid Taite IL ;1 teesion S 7. West Wa�tertllost►; Brantford, were visitors Rev. 1D A. MacMillan, NU*. Thomas WieglnS. Mr. and #frs. Richard Breee. West' WaWanosh, were Visitor* witti Mr, and alxrs. Dodd Olsen. Mr. 11. O. Pentland, of Toronto, see to visitor on %WOWW 'wins lies mother. Mrs. H. Pentlend. of Nile. 'Ur. and Mrs 0. M, efelf enzie, )ial- sena and Audrey Janne, were visitors at their summer he*ue near Hintan. Mrs. N. F. Whyard has left for WY - field, Sask., where she will *pend a tirlonitb vicitMg Iter .another, .Mrs. Defy, %gr. and )ire. Jotai W. Petrie left this weer for'(Chicago, where tbey Will visit reletiVe r. Bend dteke in Mri. W. Huron WorldManister and eon, Robert, were sinners with Mr. and Mrs. Rlcbard Perk. William Nivins, a n, 5, West Wes - bas nosh, bas disposed ot. his 50.*cre farm to Cecil Omer, wbo obtains possession immediately. George Irwin hae improved his two - Storey erame house by the application of a coat ed "stucco," and is now baying to d oP sin the remaining tWgodw k p Lorne McKenzie, local garagerate sold new cars this week to Messrs. W. alt . i Itchen M e- Rohe and John Menary were in Loire on attending at the General Conference of the +United Omer. Reier%e Pride.., July 7th, for the sup- 'Per upper and' play . in the Parish hall, Dun- gannon, sponsored by the Women's Guild off sic. Paul's Anglican thumb, Dunton-• lion. Mr*. O.. C. Brown and Son, Arthus Brown, were franday visitors at the home of the% fanners dangbter, lifts. Robert Bean and Mr. Bean. Carlow. Mr. and Mrs, ]Gale, Of Kippers, were Dangataton visitors on Sunday.. Did were ticcomperded by Mrs. Veale'* sister, Miss Ethel Finnigan, wino returned with thein, Mr, Chas. W. Altonhas bad a new chimney. erected from the basement of his store and trarehouse, the work being done by Messrs. Frank Glenn end Gordon .Anderson.: The that of a series of gimes of soft- ball was Played between teams from Dungannon and Belfast at the lattei place ori Wednesday evening. Dungan- non team was the winning team. Fred Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Me. Wbinney arid. Mr, and Mrs, Robert Davidson were it Witless= ori aliurs- day is attendance at the annual meet* to of the North etoon Liberal Associa> tion. The cemetery committee is Makin* it known Witt plot*QwH5ris in the elle•' tery may have their plats cared for daring the year for the Mall *um of #1,40. A very suceecs; 4 coacbble class Was coral -Wed in Dungannon with Imo, Flea. WOW as omen About to dowels Ibis elmatiori for the Hurokn County the Work inpetitio which is to be held at suntan on June isrd. The Women's Guild of St. Paul's Ane; Olean ehereh, Dungannon, accepted the invitation of their , rector, Rev. O. Ii. cieogliegali, to hold their regular month- ly Meeting at the rectory, LucknoW, on. Friday afternoon, when a very pleasant. time was enjoyed. Guests on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ross were the former'* brother Nis nerves : to Bad. Condition Headaches and Dizzy Spells Mr, Neil Crawford, Beaton, .Ont., Writes: -- "My nerves were in such bed condition I found it almost impossible to get a good night's sleep. I was also bothered with headache and dizsy. opens. I tried many different remedies, but tbey did not seem to rive me much relict; ; but after I had taken. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills I could hardly believe the change they had made in my condition." For sale at sl4'sirug and general stores; put up only by The T. Milburn Go , Taunted, Toronto, Ont. GODERICH STAR Swim -ming bays ,. will soon be hire 1 --Be ready fpr the het: weather ATMINC SUMS for everyone in the ,family. All wool, in black, blue, tangerine, rust, scarlet and nile. Mens , $ L49 Boys', $1.29 Ladies', $1.49 and $1,95. Girls.`, $.129 in printed end Ladies' Pure Sill Dresses Plalaittel $3.95 Boit Chiffon and Organdy Dresses for Bridesmaids and Garden Parties "Say It With' Flowers?' Jug the liiontbi of Refers. Times ora 44Pr0einit AO you ware quite 'seise to go on with tbat wed: ding. If you, Avant the finest of wok for the, invader; you can get it trona GEO. STEWART wedding Work a ldpeciatty Pane Ili . Gilled* Brace in 1 tort for the pest two years. On 'A'SlesdaY he eompiained«of not feeling well and a doctor was called, and medicine left for hhn. It is expeeted that the funeral will be field Friday afternoon to Dougannon cemetery.'Further particulars next Charles Ross and Mrs. Ross, Goderleb.^ week, their sons, Freddie of Ooderieb, and A serious accident befell tittle Penne' Opporpi'av Reed, precedent of the organllation, oc- e�,� �v�iye�d,.pthe bar and naanductedk the neetjpg, Citisens of Durniennon are getting pretty well ted up on the dust nuisance. Yoe some ''Years Main street has been treated with torula. winch wee very sat- l4faetory, and the results of *eels cern, hulled to be effective until some three weeks ago, when a IieavY Goat of crusbi sd, atone and graver was placed 7nP the street, preparatory, it wee expected. for the tinpaication: of another treatment' of tarvia. But so far none hale been; given it, Clouds of dust 'continue to pour into stores and residence*, the duct beigg ralgavthrough of the toWo cgra el etrucckk s, sing thrg each of which makes a return trip every fifteen minutes in addition to all the other motor traffic, both of cars and, trucks, which bas .ground the crushed' stone into powder, ready to be stirred up when any vehicle doss$ o 11ei ver t. The reason for the delay tion of explained, and an early app thetarvia would be much appree ated. George and David Ross, Detroit, and their grandson, -Ronald Pennington,.: Goderleh. The village well which la situated on the streetin front of the Allen block and is a tort of .community affair, has been treated to a new top and a new cement top Curb Which will improve it greatly. The Well was placed there in the early nays by the. Mallougbs, when the Malleugh House was a leading hotel, Mrs. `Arther Roach received word of the sudden death from heart trouble of ,her sister -in -slaw, Mrs. Alfred Hefrord, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Roach left on Sunday for ,Toronto to attend the fun- eral which was held Monday, being ac- companied by Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Dm - rare Besides the bereft Husband, two little sons are left .to mourn the loss of a beloved mother. The board of Dungannon• public school (tI. S. S. No. 8, Ashfield), have re„eiVed with regret the resignation of Mr. Palmer A. Kilpatrick, who has been prtneipal of`the school for the past four years. We /understand Mr. l 1lpatrick has been accepted on the Staff of coca sional teachers of Toronto public school. He will continue his university work in 'Toronto. impressive service, conducted :by the pastor,. Rev. C. H. ¥0Donald. was held in .Erskine Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon, when the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was dispensed, A large representation of the. membership° .Was present and nineteen new members united 'With . the church, flee by certifi- cate and fourteen. on profession of faith. The minister preached an appropriate sermon frons the words, '"`Hope Thou in God; for I shall Yet Praise frim for the help of - His countenance," Psalm 42:5. Dungannon Women's Titstitute and Junior Institute ,were represented at the district annual meeting at Wingham on Tuesday by the following members Mrs. Charles W. Alton, Mrs. R. Merlon aid, Mrs.Charles Elliott, Mrs. W, R Starters, Mrs. Burton Roach, Mrs. Lope fivers, 4t...q J. J. Ryan, Mrs. F. n s sizes 38 to 44. Every L WWLU WHITE DRESSES one is a smart summer fashion. Summer crepes in swagger suite, cape sleeves and jacket. dresses. Specialnrac�..«..d Ladies' White Crepe, Felt and Panama Hats $2..49. Ball, only child of Mr. and Mr's. Caordon Ball, eori. ?. Ashfield, when she was sev- erely bitten by their dogwith which elle was leaping, As no one saw the ,acci- dent, it Is not known just what happen- ed, but its is be'tieved,tl}at the little girl, Who is between the ages of 4 and 5 Years, must have hurt the animal In some way. • Tire dog is an old one end was aCoustolned to playing and beilg with the . child from infancy. The Wounds were inflicted upon the face and required several stitches to close. The regular meeting of the W. M. S. of Erskine Presbyterian church, Dun,• gannon, was held Wednesday, Mrs, R MoWbtnney presiding, . An interesting paper on "The `Chinese in Canada" was read by Mrs, 'F. Ross; with a reading on the same _subject by . 'Mrs, Davidson,, af.rs. McWhinney spoke at some length upon the work among the Chinese and, its importance. • Arrangements were made for preparing the bale and for the next meeting. At the close of the meet- ing adjournment •-suets made to the: church iawn where beds of • dowers were prepared and planted. ' The regular monthly meetingof, a officers .and directors .of the West Wa wanosh Mutual Fire Insurance Co. was held on Tuesday with all members pres- ent 'except Mer. Win. McQuillan, . who was absent through illness. The usual routine busiless . of the ' Company was transacted, and some lost claims adjust- ed. A delegation from ' the McKillop Fire' Insurance Co., comprised of the president, James Connolly, .and secre» tart' -treasurer; Menton •Reid, was° pres- ent to rene'W au agreementwith regard. to re -insurance between thetwocoin- paries. Representatives of the Automa- tic rireoiit Extinguisher Co. were pres- ent, and demonstrated their fire exon-. guisher to tiee.di'ecto'rs. The Junior+ Farmers' Club held its regular meeting Thursday when an in- teresting and profitable time was spent, About fifty Were present, to hear a worthwhile address by .Prof. W. J. Squirrel, head of the Department 05 Our balance of Ladies' Suits and Spring Coats are now reduced to less than cost price. Here i3 a chsnce to get yours. BENIHILLER Miss Leola. Snider visited her relatives and irienda.overathc holiday. aft Leo Oke, of Detroit, was visiting' his mother for s few days last week. Miss B, Cunningham 'visited herpar- ents near BelgraVe over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Kers and son • Courtiand, visited in London on Sun- day, Mr: and Mrs. L. Jervis and family,, of Itolnaesville, visited Mrs. Walter' on Sun- day. • There was no church or Sunday A. CORNFIELD Wear Corn1i kis Wear and Save Money West Side Square Pito le 41 Rots, Mrs, R. Davidson, and the Misses , Field Husbandry of the 04.0., Guelph,, Margaret Durnin, Doris Smyth, Irene who was the guest speaker and spoke Cerr, Belle Swan, Cora Finnigan, Mar -1 upon the subject,. "Crop Importance and. genet Remy,' Era*, Crawford, . Margaret Crop Bnprovernent;" 1F'ollewing the asi Pentland. 'Claire Pentland, Anna Reed, Evelyn Culbert and Beth .Alton. Death came suddenly to Mr. Cteorge Wilson, a. nativeand life-long resident of the township of West Wawanosh, who was found dead in beth on Wednes- day, morning. The deceased bad been a resident at the County home at Olin - dress he conducted n question drawer, When nntch• valuable information was given in anewer to numerous questions. Tan McLeod, District Representative of. the County of Huron, was present, also H. L. Atkinson., former assistant :agr - cultural representative, the former . ad- dressing the meeting briefly. Allan ARROW Sommer Schduies EFFECTIVE JUNE 9th, 4933: LEAVE GODERXCH 9,00 a. m. 12.45 p. m. 5.00 p. m. Fares from Godericli to Single Return LONDON $2.60 $4.70 3.80 ` 6:85 . WINDSOR: , . ,.. , .. 3.80 6.85 neTttoIT... . 4.05 7.30 HAMILTON x. , .... ....., 3.70 6.65 ST. CATHARI NES . ; ..:'f . » , 4.70 8.45 NIAGARA . FALLS. .. • 5.10 9.20 BUFFALO .... ..... ... . 5.85 10.55 Tickets, and information at BEDFORD HOTEL BRITISH EXCHANGE Telephone 323 Telephone 591 • Special hot ice--' Since You Have Heard So Much About WESTINGHOUSE DUAL AUTOMATIC REFRIORATORS we are going to show you in a special cut-aWay view of an acarol, operating \ `ESTINOHOVSE refrigerating unit the fine engineering achieve. nrents incorporated in this machine. This mechanism will be on display at the Me- trical Shop of TALBOT & 'CORNISH Until Saturday, June 10th We invite yon to inspect this machine whether you contemplate the purchase of a Fefriger«ator• this season or not. TALBOT &CORNISII PHONE 81 TeNIRSDe.Y, Jung *th, lilt CAPI:TAL TH NOW )LAYING -Danis$ Faatare BAl °Rackety staa" and "Siding tar �Taa�u stoN.,5, TUES. and WED. - RONALD not RONALD COLMAN ma HELEN HATES eI. precept , auspenee �Myssterioution s eomplicattiions an man unusual reman'�' '13ril1natl4i aliSpelt$e, theme in ARRi f�'W THURS., FR.I. mid SAT. - JOE, E. BROWN Brings another cavalcade of riotous laughter to the Capital screen and when you say it's funny believe us °YOU SAID .AID A MOUTHFUL" Condon--Fevi WWtemen in a real bit "The Kips of ;are Matinees Wed. and Sat. at 3.111 i*m. AT R,4, .: school on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Patton is attending Conference.. The Woman's Atsoclation will meet at the home of Mrs. Jonathan Fisher `nn Wednesday at 2,00 pan. WESTFIELD The many friends are sorry . to hear, of the illness of Mrs Russel Carter, who is quite ill with pneumonia. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs..B, Brown, of visited recently at the hone of the lat- ter's etarents, Mr. and Mrs, J. E, Ellis. Messrs. W.. F, Campbell, M. J. Brown, Douglas Campbell and Howard Camp- bell were Palmerston visitors Monday, Mr. and tilers. Wm. Crozier and family' of Crewe, visited on Sunday at the home - of liars. crozier's parents, Mr. and Mrs,. W. H. Campbell. and Mrs: Mr. 1'L J. Brown and Mr• J. E. Ford, of Comber, are guests this. week, at the home of the former's sister,. 1rs, W, F. Campbell and Mr. Campbell. A LITTLE money always goes .a long way at A &P Food Stores ... MORE 'food and BETTER food because of the rigid quality standards of A & P Food Stores. FIRST CATCH OF THE SEASON_ FRESH RESTI O ERE SALMO Delicious either baked or boiled. lr preferred cold, it is withobt an. equal made up' Into a valad. FRESH -CAUGHT LAKE' NIPIGON • HITEPISII NEW SEASON'S GENUINE SPRING THE YIECE.' �ob� FANCY MILK -FED LEGS`. Cut Short f '* S.. YOUR CHOICE Or KIDNEY '^ HALE LEGS WHOLE.T a 11). 00'_VEhESS ROLLIdIi^AND Poi xo*ST EINES. BOLOGNA Beef, Weed 21b5. BONELESS 'b. ROLLER FRESH SMOKED SWIFT'S JEWEL BRAND For . Bake or Fry: i.lb .Pries FOR itee. FINE LAUNDERING LUX3 Sats.k.11Pisgo. 23 2 .1141::ge 1)1,41:. A, FAVORITE crow GGooD► C1lM'1'LEXIONS LUX o�et Soap LOBSTER i o � > tin Oellt OWN_SILVEl ltOOlteelPASTLW ifte2ED c!EAM!mit 3 Cokes oenan inirasr firit Wild 'NOT REPLG o 'A LIP* r?..'SVO RIPE, MOO num Waternleions ONIONS No. 1 Ge B C. A: Po COFFEE 8:O'CLOCK eta° m. 334 MEDIUM Red ircietitlltilA 1iE t « %fir Eft 598 2 Ilii. 91: RZO BOKAR ?ino* 0lia An11 %VIN81V ib. 39.. Make serfs aluir beaineen its for 'hiatly SW Mask d Scratch t ends, r. 0gster Shell. Ari pees are tight.